- , . - - . - . - - - - _ _ - r' A ii' IL ; i ; . . . lu L - : - - - ' - - - , H I ? 14 IMM:4 THE DAILYBEE---OMAIIArIllU1S1.t DECEMJ3JIt , 13 188i _ _ - - iIE 1)AILY BEE. 0iLAHA. Thursday Morning , Dcc , 13. Special Mccl lug of ho State Mllntico. A 8iOC1Il ( meeting of the FArInorfi'Stato Aillituco will bo held at lConrnoy , Nob. , on Wednesday nud ThurRday , Jiti. 16 and 17 , 1881. All ftlliaucos which have at any thuc boon orgnizoi hi this tthtc arc oariioUy roquetod to aond (1o1ogaos to this mocUng , iuul all nnti.rnonopoltht.8 oE the atato are cordially invited to at- tend. . No paitis will bo apail to thb mooting citterthinnig and inatructtvo. A programmo of proccodillg3 vill soon bo flout to all alliances , givilig 11niflC of speakers , subjocta and all particulara. All offlcor3 of alliances are roquo5tod to oo that Inooting8 are called antI nrrango inonis niado to Rend dologato3. State paper , ploao copy. 1. IL Pxos't State Alliance. . 3. . BUa1LoSec. . ad interim. Tue Weather. For the upper Miasissippi and Missouri - souri valleys , colder and fair weather ; wind3 veering northerly ; rising barom- etMr following. For the Mi8oIr [ ralloy , fallinfi barometer , raiti in in tate south. orn portion. LOOAL BREVITIE. -Ilimobaugh & Taylor , Omaha , roll BufFalo U. 3. Sta'tlrd aalo. WrIte for pric. tf -Tlio 1)anfith aocfa'Aoti , general meeting t.o.morrow ( Friday ) nglit. -Tim ca'so of Keoler % ' . LanaNtor occupied aotltor dayli tim U. S. court yc8teriay. It vill go to the jury thin morning. -The Auxillinry aoclty , in aid of the home $ for the frioimdIos , will moot on Satiir.lay , December 11 , at. 3 p. in. , at the ro8idonco of MN. 1)r. Ilnsnmoro , 1721 Capitol avenue. -Some follow went through the Omaha house , on ] farnoy troot , TInmday. Ito vIe. itod , i'c ' rooms zuul ObtnlflOl lx dollars , one dollar to each room. Not a very profitable imighit' . . work. -Time W. 0. T. U. will hold a meotirg thh ; afternoon , at 3 o'clock lii the Y. M. C. A. rooms. A full attendance I oarno.tly desired M bulnc.s of Importance is to ho at- tondol to. Do not forgot the time , 3 o'clock : prompt. -The Thur.ton hoe comnpany will give a moc1al and dance at Firomnon8 Itall thiM . : evening. 'rho halt haM been recently refitted and is now a. hmatithomo and comfortable aM could ho wiahod. An.onj"yablo time l nut ! . dpatod. -Time Ialios of the Dodge street l'reaby. torian church will give a twenty.flve cant Mopper. at their church parlors , comnimiencln at 5 o'clock , Thursday oyoniiig , and a Boclablo : through the ovoning. A cordial invitatIon 1 oxteimdod to all r -Mr. Alex. Swan , of time Union Htock r yard. , amid hIM Mocretary , ilobert Urqtmart , loft " : . for Cheyenne last ovoninv. They will return % 43 next week to organiza the Ogahhimla Land mad Cattle company. Thai. conapatiy will have lt headquarter In Omaha. -MoiRe Johimsoma , a colored womnan , , charged with toahLng $21 from Gustav Bluni , WM bOfOZO the police court yoaterday morning. ' She wa aontoned to twontyfive tiay' Ian- ) ) rlSoflfllOflt In tbo county jail. Of the money , 822,60 wal ; recovered. _ . # -A pleasant wedding took place Tuos8ay t evening at tim residence of Mr S. J , 1areoa , on Leaonworth troot , time high couta acting w ttIos iJeing Mr. Erlo S. l'otereon , a of Mr. Larren , amid MI Matilda CariMon , both of this city. Rev. Mr. JorgonMon Io- V foriamoti the ceremony. M -Time directorM of the Union stock yar(1 : field a moatin yoterlay afternoon and tie. cided to push Immediately with thto work which they have In hand. They will at once , bring luinbor and construct the yartiM. They vilL alMo nialco the surveys prollmnlnary to the building of the track. In every way , the work vIhI be Immnnediately IuMhlad ahead. V -Mo8rJ. MattiaewH and Onyimoro , two 1 well-known young men of Oanalmagavo a pa-I. vats mamasquerado patrty at CrounHo's luau Ia8t I I ovoning. The ball waaa vohl attended , nfli a , large number ofyoung pcoplo enjoyed them f molve until time early morning bonn. . The , a , costumne worn were attmactlvo mmd of varlouN : kinds , The music w.u furnished by Irvine's orchestra. -It 18 SaltI that two or three Omabmi boxeni are anxious to tamid Ut ) before Sullivan anti take a chance at earning that 1OOO , vhIch the champion tlIOra to any mnnaa vimo vihi urI - I viva four aoaIld8 iii front of Iafn. : Notably among time anxious ones Ia a colored gentle- t ' 2naz , who officiate. . . as laoad.waitor at ono of * . ( beheading hmot3lu. According to all accounts there will be mno pughlistlo fun at the opera Imoure to-night , and It 1. . probable that Suhli. ' van's defiant bId will no be pa.sol by entire. I ly unnoticed. I . you think of anything 1mm the jewelry hue vliich would exactly 5triku your fancy , go to Max Meyer t Bro. , and you can be auro to find it or have it made by them exactly to suit you. The C. , H. & Q. AblO to 'l'nko Cftre of I As5itanL General Manager Hoidrodgo , of the B. & N. , returned yo8terdny morning from Iowa. In regard to the tripartite agreement of the U. P. , Mu. wauieoo and Itook Island toad a aga1nt tim 0 , , II. & Q , , ho ha no official iii. formation and can theforo say nothing. No atatemont of juit what tim tripartite pool inthnd to do has yet boon rub. j Hzhcd. Time recent meeting in Ohlcaro adjourned until next Tuesday , when trio I prticuIara of what the now Iool lntomul8 I to do will probably be better known , In , reply to the ' roportor' question as to . - what the 0. , B. Q. intended to do Mr. Hoidredgo eald that ho thought , ir any oyemmt , the 0 , Th & Q. would be able I to take care of itself. . The finest assortment of Diamonds ever shown in this city , all their own izn. portation , at Ma Mayor tV. Dee. A large assortmnomit of Diamond and Gold Bracoletajustin. 'sesterduy Itflernoon' . Fire. : .L hltortJy afLo 4 o clock yesterday after. ' zioomethoro was an alarimi of fire. 'The flro was discovered to be In a small franmo eaIdoncs onMoutna bLroot , about , - a block and a half northe' of Owning. It caught from an oil stove whbh was - beino used in the leouao. Thu fire was ; jut out before the firemen arrived J0 } , damage 1s about 25. 'I'liu house ii owned by a man ziamned Peterson. ( a - - - - - A HORRIBlE DEATH. A WOr11lll at thoa11orks \ Vonii ! ArOllll a haftThis Mornthg. lila Urmalna SPattered 1gaInal time Vaili nml Ills Horace Far1uIly Itrokomi. It really seorais as If thee season of horrors rors had dawned upon tlets city to stay. Ono tragedy or sad accident has miot had time to tile away before another follows fast upon its train , and thmo sensational nimid is being fI in a mninnor seldom seen in this city. The latest horror occurrcd yesterday , at the Nail \VorIca , on Sixteenth street near time Union Pacific track , and it resulted in tim death of a workmnan by the name of Joseph liuckstalo. It appears that it was the business of Limo deceased to attend to the adjusting of the belts 'ni the imlaco , and n1ao to keep the shafting vohi olloct. This Imbruing , about 8:80 : , Buckatale wont to adjust a belt upon a pulley upon the lineshaft , which is beneath the floor , and the emma- chinery is bolted uta from it. He had beau below hut a few momenta wimomi ho was heard to utter a loud and hiorriblo yell , amid then all was silent except the clang Of the mmtchumaoe-y wnioh was also 50011 IitiIlCl , When tim big engine was braughat to a halt tlao body of Buckst.alo was found wrapped around the hue shaft in an almost - most nude condition. The clothime was tone from his body , even his shoes and shirt leaving boomi ripped into pieces. lies lifeless foreci was taken out and laid upon a lamakot , and soon after was convoyed to Jacob's undortalcing rooms. Upon unwrapping tim remains at LImo undertaking roomus a miioat horrible macgut vas presented. The skull lead boon Pounded to a pulp and the brains vcro oo7.ing out on every side , the limbs voro broken , Limo face and body were aremoared viLh blood and grease , and it was delhi- cult to recomicilo the object with the face of a human being. The unfortunate maci was about 88 yonra of ago , was a Bohoenian by birth acid was without a single relative in thin world. The boys at time Nail works have made arrangements for his burial. lie was a steady , industrious workman , and was a carpenter by trade , aimed did considerable work in that line around Limo works. .lust how ho iaine to ho caught in such a fatal manlier will probably - bably imovor be known , but it is thought to leave boon Limo result of carelosseicas. A corouor'rs jury was lenpaneled acid an inquest hold yastorday afternoon. A verdict was remulerod in accordance with the facts above eivon-that the man's death was the result of au nccidoiit. 'limo funeral will be hold this morning at 8 o'clock froimi the ( lorenan Catholic church. = Exoltoth ITIII)115ft11t15. All over Limo laud are going Into ecstasy over Dr. ICing's Now Iiscovery for Consumption. Their umilookod for recovery by the teimiely umso of thal great life Saving remedy , cahlMeat them to go nearly viitl in its LraisO. It Is guaranteed to ositivo1y cure Severn Coughs , Colds , 1tHthmnami , IfayFovor , Bronchiitlslioarso. ziess , Loss of Voice , or aniy miffoetloca of tim ma ha-oat and Lucas-s. PBItSONAIj. Jno. itunidoy , ot ilobrnra , h a Millard ar- riini. Samuel flothwoll , of Bazilo Mills , Is at the Millard. 14. C. Weber , of Arhlaagton , is at the Ml ! . lard. lard.B. B. A. Itichmardson , of Clerks , stays at Limo Millard. J _ H. McConni ! , of North Platte , Is stay. log at the l'axtoii. it. ] : . French , of Kearney , is at LImo l'axton , .T. it. Luinloy , of Kohrmioy , is registered at the l'axtoma. N. .1. PattI anti .1. N. 1'iial , of St. I'nuii , are at time Paxton. Church howe and Ilorbert B , Howe , of Auburn - burn , are at the ] 'axton. A. D. .lackson , taf Nohigic , Is a l'axton nr rival. T. 1' . ICocamiard auth vifo , of J.iimcolmi , are at the Paxtomi. : i , ' . B. Tiffany , of Albiomi , is mit the l'axton , .J ico. 0. lionnell , of r4ihecOlmi , Is at the l'ax. to em , Chei. B. Casey , of Pawaico , Is at time l'ax- tOll , .1. 1) , Boyden , of North Loump , i at the Millard. , Toleia .1 , KIUIIBhI , of Flobrara , is staying at the Millard. Charles Mattltowsoci , the Norfolk banker , was in the city yesterday , B. fl. Seward , of Jackson , Michigan , Is In time city visiting htsunclo , Ii , L. Seward , lie will locate peraimnenthy In thets wostermi coiccu- try. try.Mr. Mr. i'oater , thee agent of the Boston Itioabc , loft for Denver last ovcnlmic to niako or- ranreinemits for a two weeks' ongavemaient of his company In that city , Col. "Jimmy" Flood , time bonanza king , and his funnily , lased through this city yesterday noon , upon tito west bound train , 'l'hoy vure ocnmpyiicg time director's oar of time Central l'mt- clfi c railroad , Col , F , Donahue and family , Including his claw son.in.law , Barou von Schiroder , passed through this city in a special car yesterday , on their return [ ruin Germany , Maionahuo Is the PrItlOnt of Limo CalIfornia , railroad , and resides iii San Francisco , - A. Blessing It ) au Maiskimid , Iii those tunes whewi our Newspapers nra flooded vith huatocat medicine odvortliteaceomats It ii , gratifylmig to know what to i'rclre , will cermitmnly cure you , If you cure Bilious , blsl , outof order Liver inactive , os-generally dobilltatd , tiecru Is ciothing icc Limo world thaa will CUrci you so quickly as Electalo lJlttoas , They are mm blessing to mill imiacakicid tuici cace be had for only fifty coats mm bottle of b. i. Good- luau's. LCtivtmnvurthe , StrctaI'stajaurty Owners. 'rims mimeetteag of owners of property au West Leavenworth street , which was cahlod for yesterday at the oti1caof5hrvor 4c Deli , proved very enthusiastic and in. Los-eating. Time following untamed gentle. men vero 1)r080nt : 0. B. Sheldon , Jo1111 I. iodickC1earIcs It , itodeck , August Doll , \Vllilsmn Ran- dali , John T. Boll , E. Foaron , B. Mc. Ginnis , A. H , Dommnekun , It , F. Koclimmo. man , J. II. Taylor , L. 0. Gus-Lou , J. B , Davis , B. Tulley , P. J , Dwyer , George C , Ames , I , N. Pierce , W , 0. SheLver' , - - - ' - Graham I' . Brown S. 1 , , Shivers , Oliarici Childs and M. It. Itisdon. The meeting was organized by time dcc' Lion of John 1. Itedick as clmairmnan anti John T , hell as secretary. A number of the gentlemen thou vol. unteorod to explain Limo reason for cahlin the meeting , which wea to take some slops In regard to the improvoenoimt ol that street. Numerous calls Imavo 1)00mm made impomi Limo council , but they have taken no ste1ms iii regard to time matter , Time following jcnmmeittecs were then nimimoimiteti to wait upon the city council and county comcmmimasiommers , City committee-August Doll , chair. hilatm 0. it , Shohdoim , ( boa-ge C. Aimmea aimd Charles It. Itetlick , County comnnmittce-Wmhlmam Itandail , chmairmiman ; I. N. Pierce , .1 , 11 , Taylor , B. IaI'Ginimis and A. 11 , Dommuekin , After numerous short speeches by the eimt1emnemi laresont the meeting ad. journed. - THE PRETTY THINGS. The ho V1illO'S , ' 11 Ocr ftc City arc Fill ! of Thcrn. Sights Whiule May ho Eiloycd , by liothi Iticli and l'oor Alike. 'I'hmo morclmants of Omaha in' general are not behind those of any city in the country in time point of dressing their show windows in a rich , tasty and beautiful - tiful manner. 0mm mnay valk up and down our busi- 11083 streets , in every part of the city , amid upon every ido may be maceu nicely decorated windows , all filled with tim most beautiful and expensive goods which our best houses contain. It hum boon commonly mentioned by traveling nioci vis'mtimig this place , that there is no city anywhere in tim western country where the merchants take a ! much pride 'cmi dressing their show wimmdows in an attractive inanmier as do the niercliamits of Ounahiem , and surely this is one roa8on why Omaha is a good place for the poor man to reside , for while lie niay not be able to purchase time luxuries which are 01)071 to his gaze , lie may thoroughly enjoy - joy tliocn through thin plato glass window , and how many a lioneL is macado light and glad by just such visbsci. While these goods are displayed sicmmpiy as a menus of advertising , yet how our inorcimmits , unknowingly - knowingly , help to higiitomi thin burdens of many a follow traveller thiromegh this vale of tears by just such advertising. Last ovenimag the streets wore thronged with people , from early twiligImt until a late hour , all bent eu omm mission , and that was sening the sights-and a good macmy of them these were to see. In frommt of anuenber of our leading houses it was nimmiost impossible to press one's way through time crowd which lund congregated - gregated in front of the windows to see what there was new. Icisido the crowd was ho smaller , and ommco entering the doors one was pushed along clear through the mammoth catablislimecits and back again to the door and out into the streets , In all branches of tradethme most beau. tiful goods have been opeimed for the boll. day macnaomi over shown in Omalm , and it is well worth mu pea-sole's time to go the rounds of thin city amid look at them even though he iiiiy not hove the cash with wliih to purchase. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. An E1callt Variety at axo' ' Brll toro. No More Elegant Display Can be l.iitmtI In Oumcalmn. Christmas shopping is now all time rage , aced the show-windows everywhere pm. cirnmt the imiomit attractive appearance. Time storca are mill crowded , amid ltlmchaaerma are at ftjlOSS what to purchase , so great is tIme variety of beautiful articles , To as- must timoro vleo uiay find it difl'acult to decide - cido upomi their Ohristcnas purchases , we viil call their attemitiomi , as well as that of all others , to the fact that at Saxo'ms drug store , in lloyd's opera house buildimmg , there is out exhibition ono of time finest collections of holiday goods over sonic in Omaha. Thu display of Christmas cards is par. tictilarly attractive , It omnbraccs all thee very latest eumid most beautiful dosignm. To describe time bowilderiimg array of Ohiriatmimas cards emi oxhibitioum is out of thin question , They are of all shapes , of nil colors , and attached to cusinomes of every conceivable hue. Ore mimny of the tokens imiado out of plush or satin , tee ] words ( t4 Mercy Oleristeeiaa" are carved out of silver or goldcovorodmiiotal. There are cioat novelties 1mm thu shape of little temo-screomms , to vhmichi may bu attached from two to six Olmristimias cards. Artil'm- cial flowers are used with good olThct in ummamiy tokens , amid the favorite llowors iais year seemii to be golden-rod , forgot- miue.nots , aced clover , Many of tIme cards are elegantly hmnd-pninted designs on satin. 'l'hio pricca range from one to six I dollars. To.mnorrow Mr. Saxo vill me ceivo a large ponsignemmont of l'rang's hit. oat designs. nip stock of fans is very beautiful , then price beiemg from 81 to $36 , lIe has a flume line of Imrefuimmery of alh radoa , acid he mnalos a specialty of Lubimi as extracts. Those perfuemmos ice connection witim toilet cases will iaiako appropriate gifts from a gontleimian to a lady , Thu toilet cases are really superb , and are the Ilizest amid moat CoIillotO ever soeci in Ommmuuhea , 04w of Limo most beautiful in thmq collection was rallied ofl'last evenimmg , amid was woem by Mr Frye , of thee ( Jumbo emotional bniek. lie no doubt vill mimmeko soene lady oxceedicmgly Imappy on Clmristcnas day , by prosecuting Jeer lets valuable case , time cost of wleiole was $60 , although lie got it for $1 , Other alpropriato jrosommts forludios are glove and imamidkerchiiof boxes , all of wimicle Saxo hiac on lemiimti , and are of the handsomest desiua , Ho also hiss a assortmnomit of cegmur cases , cigar stands , Pocket books , card cases , &O , , all or any of which will be a very proper jroeomit from a lady to a gumitlomnan , uucid will be appreciated. It should not be forgotten by the ladles that at , Saxu's thicy cami find a splendid auortmnocmt of gemitlonieci's dresslmmg cases. It ; is a fact that for really elegant Christ- mints Imeesemita Saxu's stock is among thmo most attractive , and time prices are very reasonable , lie has made specimil efforts to ault the tastes of Ins custoniors for' the holiday trade , and with that cud 1cm view lie hma5 selected ommiy the best and iciest artist mc goods , I J SUlLIVAN'SSTORY _ s ToN to a Boo lloorLor To ay at _ _ _ Tue l'arty Oil Their Way to Lineol , , , Vieere They Give ace FxiclIltlote This Fvciciuig. John 14 , Sullivan , time champion hugE. limit of thee world , and who laos attained worid.whle notoriety as a hard-hitter ammil a "slugger , " passed through this city yesterday on his way to Lincoln , whore he mumil lila party give a sarring oxhilbitiomi this evening. Tlio party took dinimor at tue depot oatiimg house , acid after they retired front thio table a Ben reporter accosted Mr. Sullivan , and , upon introducing himself , time noted "ninu-parahyzor" extended hits gigantic hand which closed over Lice more dimninut'mvo "fin" of thin scribe , amid shut down , and we shook hands. Yes , wo shook 110)4(15 ) , amid we do not care to shako hands with Sullivan again this week , for we are now shoving tiio pen- cii heft.huumided , We are prepared to swear that Sullivan has a good strong grip in hits right hiamid at least. After passing the time of day and sneaking of inimior topics thin reporter broached the subject which was upper. most imi lila mind , viz. , Joe Pondergast , of New York , and aakod "Mr. Sullivan what about this man Poumdergast , of New York , who has posted $23O to fight any niami in time world , your. self cent excepted ? " "Old" says Sullivan , t1 know him , ho is noticing imiore or less than a blow.hard , and dare imot fight ammy man. It is easy emiough for a eamami to shoot off his mOuth wimen the party' lie ma talking to is 2,000 mniles away , but vhiemi I get back to New York I svihh make hilmu take dowui his sign or I will 'kmiock Lice stuflmig ] outof 1dm" " "How soon do you exlmct to got back to Now York ? " "Not much before Juumu. " "Well , " returned time reporter , "lie may be gomio by that timno or else witii draw his clmahleemgo. " "It won't niako any difFerence , " said Sullivan. ' ' 1 will hunt hiimn up acid ciialco him take it back publicly , " "How are you feeling physically 1" asked the reporter. ' 'I cciii imi excellent condition and have never felt better ice nmy life than at prds. ant , " amid the reporter thought so as lao watched himn stow away the "grub" at the dinner table. Imi speaking of the manly art , of which irr. Sullivan is such an ohio exponent , he said that ho hoped to see the day , and not far distant , when it would be looked upon in a better light by the masses of our people. Hothiinks it imioro honorable tunic duelimmg. Thin coimmpamiy have been playing to a large busimmess. The party , eight in number , including irs-s. Smlhivan and Shade , the Moon , left by the Union Pacific for Lincolnatl2,80. They return hiere this forenoon and will give an exhibition ice Boyd's opera house to-night. ICnockcd Oimt * n Four Iounda. Niew YoUK , December 10.-Joe Pen- dergast , the Brooklyn chanqion pugilist , had a benefit last night at Clarendon hail , ann the largo ball-room of that edifice 'ymca packed to its utmost capacity by ad- mimer's of the "manly art" to see the beneficiary knock out Walter Watsomi , a late English importation , in four rounds , according to the rules of pugilism laid down by the Marquis of Qucenmabury. When the time came for' tico men to cup. pear Mr. Watson sva not willing to fulfill - fill the contract , and a substitute for him was found in the person of Joe Deiming , an Englishman weighing two hundred pounds or more. The hatter was knocked out by Pondergast in four rounds. The aimany stcrics that had boon circulated about Pecidergast being thin coming champion , tint only of Amnorica but of the world , and the oilers of Chiarley .Toimnson amid Richard IC. Fox to match him against John L. Sullivan , l'iiddy Ryan , , Johmn Flood , arid all the great fighters of time coucmtry muado 1)001)10 believe he was muvimiciblo , Tiao crowd , however , were disapointod , amid they all agreta timat the Brookiynitcs will have to look further before - fore theoy will timid mc ummaim to take thin pimico of John Dwyt'r a their ciummnpion pugilist. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ have you got eeeoimgle maclyons-am to fix Ill ) your table for tue Olmristumas dimimur wlmeii you invite your friemidma ? 1ff cant you can buy it thin cheapest at Max Meyer & liro. , Lice lcadimmg jswolers of time vest , who carry the bestlinu of Rogers' ' Goods , iruci , ' , ' ( Sm-dec's. At his owmi request , Acting b'urgeomi Johmii B , Summers , Jr. , U. S. A. , ivill report - port in person at those headquarters Do. comber 21 , 1883 , for amicinlmnemit of eon- tract , Private Jacimea Carroll , re.ommlisted , and Recruit Harry F. Moody , emihisted at Fort D , A. Russell , \Vyo. , are assigned respectively to compamnes A and D , Niucthc infantry. Pursuant t ) time repmironment coritaimmeci in paragraph 7 , special orders No , 280 , from time headquarters of time amniy , Do- ceneber 7 , 1883 , the conmmmiamcding officer Fort Niobrara , Neb , , vil1 grant a fur. ioughi for six cnomathms to hospital Steward Richard O'Mailoy , U. S. A. - flucklon's Arnion Salvo. The greatest medical wocidor of the womid , Warraciteti to speedily cure Bus-mis , Outs UI. cars Salt llhoucn , Favor Sores Cancers iilos , Chi'blains ' , Corns , 'ratter , dimappeti hands , mind all ukin eruptions , guaranteed to cure In every Instance , or money refunded , 25 cents or box - Tien ChIlils' hospital , This institutiomi of charity beimmg now finished ( although not yet furmiisimod ) will ho dedicated to-night by a religious service , conducted by Bishmop Clarkaon. Time services will commimnonco at 7:30. : All 'rco are friendly to thin hospital are cci- vited. Short addresses will be imiado by some of thioproniirient citizens of Omaha. A fine Cigar Case hi as rotty a presoict as a lady can iciako to a geiitlenian. Max Meyer 4 ; ; Co. heave ota ry assortimient of thudsiniportutmomm , which they of. fur at price8 to suit everybody. AUCTION SALE OF GROCERIES. In Limo late fire atS'mn , Oeiitleniami's grocery store will coemtinuo tomorrow , at time N , B. coruior of Sixteemithi and Cars , Many of jhmesugoods are as good as 310w , and will be sold the sauce as yesterday iii baskets , so that all mimay have a chamico to buy cheap groceries in atiditiomi to time stock of groceries , Mm , Gontlomnan will hmlaco at the auction his large amid fine collection of birds , which includes Mock. ingflirdsCnnaries , , Finches , Ring Doves , White lkts , with cages. The sale will ho strictly for cash , amid time goods alcays given to the highest biddcr. \v. B. OIlING , Auctiommeer. Time birds will be placed on sale about ha , i'm. BILACELETS , BIIACELETS. nhcAe1LcTc. : Jiracckts. we positively have tee largest stock of gold bracelets in the city. The variety is tiiisitrpassed acid time icr'mccs are much lower thou olsnwhiei'o. lire incai mv/mat we Ray. Call and be conviimced , dll.tf EDIIOLM & ERiCKSON. THE "DIZZY" GIRLS. They are Ca11c lloui for Their Ieiith1 Fillc , Time I'olmce Omely AlblO to Ferret Out Sovent3'.IlvoVlccm ai'o l'lncnblo , Tico first day of every imiomithi is time time whieci thin assessor neakes lila roimmids among thin denii.momido of this city acid ascertains the namnes of all who are not employing logitiniate canons for obtaimi- ing a livelihood , or at least that is what he is supposed to do. Tiuno is thou given to the girls thius assessed until the tenth of thin mnouctlm to walk up to Lime captaimi's oflico atid put up tleo "dust. " All who are listed mmd do not put up by time temith are agaimi notified , and again a few day of grace arc given , viieci all deliimqueiite are brought before Judge Beneko and made to either "imut up" or else are "shiut imp. " Momiday was Lice day upon which Lice girls should all have paid up , but only a few of timecci hind comeeplied with the ro- ( luireciieccts of the law , acid whim in police court on that day a Bm'n reporter asked to Sen the list as camado out for the monthi of December and upon its being handed. to us wo were able to conict emily soventy. live names therein. Seventy-live 1)rosti. Lutes iii thiscity ? Surely what a virtuous city Omaha must be. Wa inquired of tire marshal if thiatwas all the prostitutes in the city ? and lie said that there were 1)robably neater three hundred , but that these wore all the homes lie land obtaimied. Tim landladys are hued $10 each amid the girls , or iuimates of houses of ill-fanio , are each fined , $6 muontlcly , but why thiese sovemity-tivo girls should be simiglo out to pay this Ohm and than reniaimiing 22i be allowed Logo right alocmg and prosecute their uzmlawful business imi the face and eyes of an outraged - raged public , we totally fail to umidor- stand. It is needleso for the police to say that they cannot find those woman , for at least the larger part of them may be found without difficulty. They are doing business on mine of our primicipal streets without any attempt at privacy or even decency , and yet such Lilacea are passed by thin police amid othcoc' city of- ticials daily , who simply wink and do not avon hand in the umaicans of macic as they know to bra prostitutes that thiey macay be fined as thin minority are. Certain it is that aocnobody gets some- thiiimg for time withihioldimig namimes of sirens - rens in this city , but whether it is thac higher or lower officials we are unable testate state at present. N. B. FALCONE It'S Store will not close until 0 in the ovenimig until after the holidays. This will enable - ble such of their patrons who cannot leave their duties during the day to make timEr purchases of Christmas presents after working hours. Wade , tim confectioner , at thin old place , Opera House Block , Fifteenth street. tf OY4I i5P AK1 $ POWDER Absolutely Pure ml. powder never vines , A marm'el of purity , tremagh and wholesa-naummess , More economical than hue odinary kimads , s ml cannot be sold I , , comoputition withtho multitude at low test , short wright , alum or r'Iaosphato pradere , Sot. ! only in can. . liuyai us mae 1 owdor Co. , iO Wall Stroct Now York , I $ ac.oa fcr $ . nonthi imwI , , III take i.laes 4 thuh15l1 Siasonloits I , Miaonltm Temapiu null. dimug , in Louis I Is , 1y. Thursday December 27th , 1883. A Lawful Lottory& Fair DraInge. chsrcred ; by inc megislature of Ky , nod mitacu dt.dar. tiC Jogal by the hlgtaet a-our $ Ic , I' , * , tto blond Iasia to liomary Cuuts- tic the sum of 4100,000for the rrowrt iayuaent of sit e rises sold. t ItF.VOLUTI0N INSINGLE NUMUR DnAwnos zjrEverv ticket holder hlsown supervisor , can call nut the maunmhr on Cats iCcket atad cu the correspond' log nUuabor on the tasi.Iacod lmc the wheel In hii Iru.enco. Theea drasbage wimi occur on the last fluurislay of every naouath. 115511 the magraiflcont December Scheme. 1 ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , i 1'rIz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooc _ 1 i'rizu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sooo 2 1'rIzs , 2,5OOeactc , . , . , . , . . . , , , , , . , , tm,00 5 i'rizej , 3 ,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 ro Prize. , 500 use ) , , , , , . , , . , , , , . 10,000 its ) i'rlres , iflOcacic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 200 PrIzes , 50 via-ti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 ceo l'rlres , 2' ) each. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . iO,000 lace i'rins , 10 eaclm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 0 Pure. , 300 tact .l'Vrozlwatfon L'rlze , 2,700 0 i'rize , , 200 " 'I 1.600 0 i'.lres , 200 earl , " " 000 ; ; j- ; ltio,400 Whole Tickets , $2. Ualf Tickets , Si , OTTtclceta$50. b5T1cets , $100. lte'ault cnon.y or clank Draft a Letter , or send by iim.resa. DON1 BEND 1W REOISIEIIED L1I7ER lLi'oToFicEoecviic ; , until lurthuruottoe. Or. tur of S and upward by tuxpreas , can iMI tent it our maponila. Ad roes all trOtrs to J. J. DOIJULAS , LoutivUle , Ky. d sst'tu th&w1st itw rca ra [ PAi1EIQ ] Infants and Children Without Morphine or Narontino. V1cat gives our CliIl&iren msv chaeoks , p Vhatcuresthclr foversmakes , tlaeni sleep' , rI ( , , torIa. When ThttiC5 trOt , and cs-v by tmrns , . % % laat cures their colic , kills their wormq c , Iitt Czttoria. Wlaat quickly cures Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Iudlgt'stion : . - mlt , CnInrtmc. Farewell then to Morphine Symups , Castor Oil and Paregoric , and hall Cntori. - Centaur LInlmont.-Ab. . elute cure for lthoninatism , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , and an instantaneous Pain-rollover. SPECIAL NOTICES. trSpectals will Poetttvely not be inserted unless icald In advance , TO LOAN-Money. jONEY TO LOAN-J. T , Bratty osna on chattel .1TI property , 213 South P4th St. sept10 it/rONEY / TO WAN-The lowest rates of Interest jyl Bombs' Loama Agency , 15th & Douglas. 234.tf UELP WAKTBIJ. IXTANTIU-A youigiady , tossult lum housesuork 1' 1' in PrIu'ate family , two clilidram , husband away part of tiaatimc. A good home or deirable early , Inquire nba-ha cast corner 21st and CasM St. : uei.iS 1TANTm1)rcond liarail staining oicico dest. V AdtJrCSS 'D.mk" Bee ofitce. . ' TATE11-.goo.I boy to uork in drug store , V naust ha 0 gocil rccoimimauenti&tI.un , Imii'litc ' at SiltIOEDIlL & nmen r. ass-is , TANTEi-A girl tor house work in fanuily of two ' 1003 Farmam , , 313.tf IyANTEU-Woman cou1 abti kitchen girl New. S Eiiglaini Itestaurani ills lougiM St. Oil.b4I ! . \TANT1)-1mmed1 ° te1 a genii girl tor general houto work. 1'i1Y at 11i3 ,1Oii ( St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : tsi.ii a good socohad hand tread luorop.wer at the Omaha liroomu Works both ar.d i'aclflo Streets. 312.14 , - fIrst c1ao cook for a fatally of two ' \TANTED-A higrest wages paul of thorousluly Coin- pctent ud well aecon.nneiulcii , App'y to 108 5. 25th St. : us.iri \yANTED-A girl for general lousework 2103 ChIcago St. aol-icr - ) gin for general laouework at \7ANTEU-lataith V 2022 i'lorco street. 303.121 . - god 1)151mm woitama cook smart andS \TANT.ED-A S cleama , also a first class diiimng room girl at Sta.l. leman's Imouso inattsnoiatIu Nebrakia , Iiiiincdiatoly. 833.iT , ' 7'ANTE1)Agod girm to cook and do general S Iouo , work. AIpIy at 1(04 lil.luo St. SIrs. II. Lu. Buruhamuu. Two Ima family flood wages given. 337-13 'X7AN'1'ED-Oood Cook at S. ii' . cormaer homey S S 16th' 313.110 , ; T1NTED-4t 1atcndrt , and clianubernuald at the ' \ Occideratat ifotci- 335.tf 7ANTID-A few agents immediately , Omaha S S Store ItepairWorks , iOO S. 14th St Oli-imi 1ATt"s-ED-13lY luoujo kecpIn. cook , 'nli , food I S ha ha-at class style ftr Invalids 1101 N. 11th St. 327-icr 1TANTmD-A girl to do gr macmb housework. A - y y ply at 2110 CalifornIa itrcc1. 391-15 'IATANTED-imrl for cook and general luouo work. T V Apply hiS Itarcoy St. 322-15 . ' % TANTED-A llr3t class chambermaid and dining coona girl at the City Hotel , 1.th auad mrsrncv. 320-121 T ADIES 011 YOUNG MEN ie cIty or coma try to _ Ld take dice , lJght aadpicassiut work at their owl , homes ; Sf to a day easily aad , quic.13' made ; work sent by mail ; no conraseltag ; no atanup for leply. l'Iease address mIellablo .Man'f'g Co.l'hiiadeluliia i'a drawer TT. 318-tim thur-mat lan % TANTED-Smavt boy about 15 years old , Slust V V be wililuig to work. Inqilre at SlmUEL nags' priiitlng omlico , 2i8 H. l4thtrcot. 003-If . ' \TANTED-L ely agents to sell tl , best , cllIng Ilaicof Ladles' amid ChIIdren'sgoodM ever offered , Saleaanado made ii ecry laotuso as fast a-t agents can show tlogoods. Agemats are nuakisag l0O a mouth. Addrcs , with staId' , "n. U. SI. Co. , " 0 Sutli Mty StChlcaguIll. 8152i rplIii SCIIOFlLU 1IANUPAOI'UIIINO COOf _ I _ Chicago , CCL , uvatat agents to cahavaqi Omaha ala icinity for their new aqellaltlea. 'They ci that their laet agetts , clear $7 imer tiny. Circtula , free. - \ / TANTtD-Firatclas , diiiing roonu g1r7 , at Mct- ropolltaa , hotel. Apply at omc.i , 170-cf Si 1 uA riuLl is vrmvuit. I houss as agent by a mama svlto sleek , English , ( lornuama , and Scamidimias ian , ciret c1as city referentes and security. AdiIros'N. D."Bce oflico. 302-hf t'iTA1TED-h'osItion as hook kceper or corrcspora. V S ilent with firm neciling null only 1)5(1 of the Os ) ' . Address "A. " lice ohlic. 121 ism 3IIBOBLLANEOUS WANTII. - \ 7ANTEi-A furnikcil room smut boa'.i lam a pri- V vatefamily by a young Jima , , Addrcs "X. Y. " lies office. 3:11-121 : - ' XTANTLU-To borrow' ono-iuimndrcd dollars fur 0 V wonth. flood chattel property security. Ad- dies , "i'hll. B. " thi , omlico , 3&-12I 1TArED-A good girl for gommeral housework at yr lTZOCasst , 301.111 A Germanic PslcIabl ) , wanting Ii driar , toreanil Slhet&tid iccatiota for practicocan learn soiaetlalmg , , of interebt bya9drcsslmag "Irugs" care of Onualialfco 119-151 1TANTED-TO buy for chHl a good second lnd , y y plao , Address 'sv , " 010 Montama , St. Omm.tlma , Neb 13i-12 I1ENT--liouses and Lots. - _ RENT-A maico baeiiuemt of three rooms un. Foil furni.hod for houau keeping to a respectable family 1015 1)odgo St. 3c0.18l Foci blENT-A pleasant Scout corn iucitablo for two gcntlemnca , , con , etalemat loestion. Address "I , . " lice olflc. 153-il I 'o muEN-e'-4t large furilehcd , bed rooni , also a iarmor uufnraihml. Inquire at No. 1210 8. J. Corner ISaim niad l'acitlo St. 310-15 * -i-'on hUtNl'-Nica 5 rooni cottage , aoar bnleous , _ j _ $22.10 , C. SIAYNE A CO. , 1100 Farnam. 363'tf -i"oli uulNv-'rso newtors , one a geed iacef. * .1. . s "roccry or clothIng store and the oiLer a very , , , for a reetsurant , also roonal to rout. Cuuuiimgham's blwk 311th and Jackson. 110-lila Felt iIFNT-Eogiumtiy ! furnl.Cced rooms 17r tuo - g'taticuun avitluotmi board , 322 5. 161h itrevt , cor , 1i.uney , . 1169 18 * ii' : mu 1IIINT-.Vitla boari , lag. fant r000a stitli bay _ .v wluadowgasaci bati , room , at 17111 DOtI1O St. 810 17 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .1-'olt IIENT-Unfuroishod 2 large em. itaIrs , rcomnS II wit ) , ciotets , aud , cs Parlor OhI tirot floor 1122 bmeruan ) Aye. SiT-hi -T--'oIt 11F.N1-Furmtslacd , a-coca said day boartlat ii atreasonable rates , at 1511 Uaonporl street. 921.171 T'olt IIENF-'urutshed reach 1019 Farmamn , MteC. i. 002.111 RENT-Oamc furmlahe.i , room , ten dolirs , , .lothrooumfurm-ihud at m2. .Sppiy at 815 14. lutla. Sl0.l3 -i'toti lis1r-Thro' ueuuli Ilttttl laoue , all lii tirt .1. class condItion , corncr 1(11Cm ( suid Iiossriatrreto , One v. itta , , lau rooms , one sa ilk cllL roomuas acad one ith o'o.en a-volume. All saitlacoilars , coal Iaouos and closets CohlIplete , aIs gis , sewerage antI water , l'er. mauacit temaantsh.referr.al , aaad where are not ) .flOWlm refcreiac.s required. lnlulre at lt.i1iI & hli2 liariacy strrot Sli 14 t'oa unity - lhUslnems sIlko - 000d location. 1. Large fgOmat rocum eu fecomad hoer. Apply hii2 Faraam .treet , 313-li , mOht ItKNT-A nicely fulabd room , uailh or without bcad. ( las , Lot and cold wits , bith , stc. Finest I , catIia Ii tee cIty , maorthwest corn.r lOIhmamad h'arnsm stucet. . sit-ti - - - - - - . - " -l'artly ftcnilucl , iamenL , has S II 'Oli ' 8EI. blc for light houckoc.ing PartIal reamtin''i 2 regular boarders 1017 _ , ) lOulfO , fruIt , acre TOflhtEy5 rouc _ lj groucud , 4 roomm house. 2 sea-es. II a-coma lioumo how , AStm. , , F . - . _ 2tf 1107 Farnan , , liaoit rxelf.tNml : City a-u - sldewc-es , farms nn1 buy' _ z. liatu.-ei chant-c , , j , w , L0UNSHURS' , , 2,5-mm , 15th said Fsrna'n - , Omt ltlNT-hci.rmcnt : rocuim 2l5lSNWeont , Tenth and Jone. St. . Emiqimire at Mrs 1. Iema. macdy S r : corner hOila ammti Jackson. 224 Cf Foil ltINT-lfoico aoec , rooms. - _ _ ± PlmlpPSltoE , 5th and Spruce .trret , . .cOlt ltiNT-A nIce lien- lull 1110 Dodge St. In- uulro on i'rcmiSos. ill-cf F ° 1t I1ENT-Furulelmed roomS on th northwest cor. 131h and ( apltolarecaue , formnerl3' Creightous lloumw , O NE ftmrimistacsl room for rent at sin. Isa-go enonmeb for two occupants , \S'cbsterstreet , SOS-tI Tioui ltEN1'-floonu In Nobrak& Nations flank -A. Building. Stont desirable otilco , In the cIty Slllp3lCl with hydraulic eCarator acid heated by steafli , olply at lisack. 020-ti 1OIt _ LEASF.-Four choice lots .on 20th St. , long 1. ttme,21T N , 10th St. J , L , Msrblo , 525-it ijiomi 1IENT-lteeidcnees and storobuildlngs. 1150. _ i FOflD & SOUIII1 , htcal Estate Agency , Oflice eattaldo 1415 street , bctsaata Fsrnam and flouglsi strcot , 792-t roll SALE. jOi15ALF1-Forco pump macany clew , Address S _ .t _ "a , a" mica oftico , 357.131 _ I'olt SALS-A lIrut built black iiace , it name , 1 1 high , 4 eari old of good PcdiCreo .tii , a gouatlo pispoiCon. will travel In claglo or double harneSs. Tlm home ( avery , mall , macncR pony size , amid too light built for the oncier , inmiosc. Can be 8cc , , at stabiocornerllth atuid Cotcago Street , Except bet , the hours of iOn. in and 4 l ha , , 15011 SALE-DesIrable roudilenee tooler lot h.3UO ; three lots om , 10th strectat a baa-gins ; half lot on Cans street cheap ; 2000 acres lacad , Nanco County. 341.17 .scmitiviict & llEbb. , 1j'olt ' SAtE-Lots , lUrter comic south of U. I' . , l _ J _ jOt , grand slew somamo of the nicest lots iii the city , $175 to 1300. oua monthly PaYnuchlt. C. B , SIAYNE&CO. , 1501 Farnauac , 214-It I SALII-Lioatdirg house. A tac-galma. Appc3 to II. Mannweller , hith near } 'aicianu 320121 FOR SAIfi-02--Fuli lot 5 roonc cottage , cisterml ; well , fruit &c , cornerlot , on chitS St. hear the depotL000. SiamIl ia3u1101115 ulown and balance on , easy teatims. C. li , MAYNS & CO. , 1509 Farnamma. 295-tO Oil SALE-A miew Vonu uajmight Plahmo for sale' I : 1 cheap , ' will o.clmamugo for other Proimcrt5 Ap.t Plyal 1015 Dodo St . 2S5-i3 _ ; uoicsLc-icy to. ) story brick residence , IOth and St. Slary'snrenue. 1.ac-go barn , out-houi c water works , vdl arranged. hot 5Ox2OtL l'cieoj 7.5o0 , Best Bars-alma iii Omnaha Call at B. Toft' People's flimik. 277- SALE--12 lots , one biock w-est of I'ark ave. FOR flue cars , L.ts 30x150. Will sell the whole tract for 7iO0 , if 801(1 before January 1st , 1881. Real ca. tate owhers bId tlal hjargaitu , it you caU at People's ilerik. 278-If - - - - - - . - - - - - - - A. jmoa SALE-Cliolco liutluess property , three lots car , ilaummiders and Charles 4trot. It will pay you to Investigate this oiler , Call at l'cople's flaak. 279-tf I 3OIi SALE-improved vroierti , which n-Ill pay tIm buyer 20 cer cent on the inveatmuent. liemuts for $1OSo mer year. All occupied by fIrst c1as tenants - ants , 1'ili .ell for $ iO,500 , If sold SoOn , All or one. half caoh , balance , one to five ycars The above iii- restmnrait Is worth investigation. Calm at tIme c'eoplo's Clank , 280-tf F OIL SALE-A book , news , amid , statIonery store stock- , sell ! InvoIce about FSoo , a good openIng for anman witla small caiit.ul for Information , apply at the Bee olilce , 270-12 Foit SALE-Tlae anot conveniently antI elegantly arranged cottage iii Oiuialia. Just finished , seehl rooms , closets , pantry , , cellar , bath roona , grates , cIstern , city w-atcr , etc Time bestlocatloma in thocit' . Streetcars pass the door. If you want a complete home , you willnot get .uch a chance again. $3,200 , Very easy terms , C. } 1. MAiNE & CO. , 240-If 1509 Farnam , 1)OLLFD CAI's-LE AND CLYDESDALS IIOI1SES. _ I Ti c 8UbChlbcr is taking orders for spring lmtc. vortthon of the abose , h'rlcca mnuchbelow those at auction slea References to thee supplied. Julama McCulloch , Ill. Trustand Say. Bank , Calcago , , 203 mimt - , - FOIL SAt E-45-Two full lots , 7 r onu lourobarn , cItern , vell , shrubbery , etc. $3,000 ; 0mb thIrd coal , , or will traCe for farm within tsvelae aiuiles of Omnaha. C. B. 3IAYNE&CO. , , ' . \ 1S7.tf 1100 Farmaimma f ai -UoR SALI1-A nearly new house of 5 rooms antL' _ J . half lot , on Charles street , hear hug , $1,010 ; $100J down , balance miaonthly payments. Aidrcs , ff5 138-tm CEO. 11 , IIATmmBUN , City. , F Oil SALE-fl good stoves , some furnlturo and a large quantity of excellent shao very cheap 1808 California St. 931.lnao 7-room house two fuli lots SALE-IS-Large - , , Foci lar , , , veCl , cistern , etc. A splemiamd home ; 2,650 ; good timne On pacaaemats. 18o-tf C. 11. MAYNII & CO. , 1500 Fanmans Oil SALE-Houses and 1.1. and farms , me. B. F IIIEY & CO. , S. IT. corner iSles and Fnrnani. 950 tt 'olt SAIU-51-Tvo uulco lii ' ; - - lots lcouutz & Ruth's addition , cheap. Easterms. . . 181-If C , 51 M.tYNE Ic CO. , 1510 Faranm , , SaLE-A few fls-o acme lots clear the Fairground F ground , very cheap. oui long time. 305-ti C' ti. ICAYNII .5 : CO. , 1509 } 'arnam SAT.F-1O0 to 15) cord , of liaril wood , now Foil cliopwd on ' 'Lowe I'ann' ' , , ha Cumulus- _ . halt colic uvest of lillitary bridge. 'bYili only ho sold to one purchaser. BESlIS , Agent , 11th mad Douglas , treet , . 833-tf FOCI SALE-Faran I tulle. 9 , W , , f city , Icqucro of Mrs. Meyer 1323 N , bOthSt. 8h1'lmmal SALE-A few choice lets Iii Lowe's aihlhtion Felt h'rospect mmlac-u , $ m75 to $210 , lnonthl3 Ira. stallnuenta Ii. E. 3lstYNfi & CO. , 182-If 1519 Faa-nan , . rJ'iOlt SALE-A first class recond bond top buggy 1. Call at 1311 Ilarmaey itreet. 9711 pOli SALE-Residence and buslucre jroperty Cu all parts of Omaha , and Farm Lauth in all posh of the State. BEDFOIIJ ) & SOURII , 793-tf 2m3 S. 14th St. bet , Farnam and Douglas. TiOlt SLR-Two portaoo nol.ors , 10 morse power ,1 ? Aim > ly at D. Frrzt'ATlcmclc , 038-ti 218 South 15th Street. 011 BAtS-At abargalna small MoslcrBaIunmamm F &nti Co's tire proof safe. Iriqutro at thIs oUce , 'lJ"OIt SALE-Cia newspapers mu large aed small , L euantltlea at this ofce. to 1.gISCELLANBOUII. L OST-liotweema Farnamaa emit ! 2ltla street , one gold bracelet. Ibeward ghera if returned to Max ' Moyer& Icro , , 587.121 . ( ii REWMID-'l'lu suloomc keeper stho , ' loaned a svatcb iat Saturday as beeurlry for drinks , cat , ottahic the uslovo reward by semdlng lis camam , to this omilce. 10.14I IImILDIIEN'S cloths unade and 1,151 , , .ewlag , done , satisfaction guaranteed at 3914 S'ctster , St. t3).12 B OAISD and lodgimag $1.00 icr week .t tl , Ifarnoy St. Restaurant 842-mo' OSF-A red Irieci setter , mimi , wIth a littiu white _ J on breast , 8 inoitli ole , had om mecl suhemi lost ft leather , trac' ; 1vo dollars reward for laId return to C , Ocklauul. 2215 Webster St. 323.1Sf . I. AlN Ul-lied cous' nUb a Insnbite spots , Owner can laau sanlu l- aIling at B. H. 115) ' . den's daIry manila end Scthi St. , amid paihlg charges , hV-ttesk OST-Agold horse watch ctarcau , Finder will be L auitalilyrGwardtt.i it returned to 1 183-If C , 5 , MAYNE & CO. , 1509 Farucam EDWARD KUHL , SXttaISTlfR OF' PALSZYSTERY AND CONDITION. . A.IST 303 Tenth street , bcLse.u Faa-usia end liar. fey , will , with time aid of guardIan uplrlts , obtaLipg aims one aglaaeeoftb Ilast and pea-scot , anti tle eert.almc conditioma , In the future , Boots ama'S ahoes male on-Jet , l'crfct , tatl.faotion guacasmtsod , DUFRENE & MEfrPELSO/M' , ARCHITECT . r'Rn.10vEr ) ' 10 OhiAlit. NATIONAl , flig liUIi.fiiNIi2y -S. H. ATWOOD , Plattslnoutll , . Nab usuoraur icconouocumux , ao mcmom , oae , HEREFORD AND JERSEY CATTLE I Aria DUROC ox Jeasry acre swima , LrYouu ; stock for sale , Corrospoudenca sol1olld , me-kw.hy