r _ 'CTp [ DAILY 13LE.1'UGSUIIY , DLCIli13E1t 11 , 1883. 7 Immense Sale ! \ DRY GOODS ! . -d.T- Harkness Bros . , BLUFFS , IOWA. vsT : RECE = vED A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF RUSSIAN CIRCULARS New Markets , c1Dakw a i.rciii.iai.i.w Latest Style for $75.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00. " 50.00 , ' 75.00. " . " . . 6.00 , J9.00. DLO Doz a2 . ] [ 3r we will offer at X2.50 each , sold elsewhere for 4.OQ. CARPE. Carpets at 18e , worth 30c per yard. Ingrain carpets at 45c , worth Oe. Tapestry brussels at 60e , worth 90c. Best quality moody brussels at $1.15 , worth $1.40. 1,000 yardsllGanton Matting , at 20c , worth 30c , leis than cann be ianporte to day.d Ingrain Carpets at 22c , worth 35e. . OUR NEBRASKA CUSTOMERS { WILL PINS IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO EARLY Eg9MINE THESE GOODS Our Skilled Workmen will Make and Lay Carpets in Omaha 'at ' the sane Pricy as f in Council Jituffe. OUR STOOD I COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPgRTMENP OF ' Silks , rn'ess GoQ s , C1oaRilla , Pluslies , Velvets , &c. y' aNDOPFERED ; AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION. I Omaha and Nebraska customers purchasing bills of $10 : md upwards , 'yill receive bride transportation both ways. Town customers will save their transportation by calling at , HARKNESS BROTHERS , n 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , i POSTAL TELEGRAPHY/ The right A aiost it Arcady BcQml by Jay Ooald's ' Monopoly , Senator lllll'H fill in Aiit. till' Tel. egraplr Ssten 111 the 1'stal SDI'v'IC ( ' . pl'daltotheChl nro Trlbnnc. 1V.tsu1NfTON , 1) , C „ 1)oceubor 7. Speeinhi-Otllcials of thu 1Veslern pion will s road thu winter horu to mach the bills for ) octal telegraph' ] . It is said that the A9e00iatCl I'rets or ani nation is of t liuiou that the adoption of a postal tole grnut r s etenl would bo in'u rious to its iutorusis , Srnotor hill of Colorado , who has iulroduccd a bill Oil this subject hero acceptnblo to many senators than that of Senator lahnu11l18 , will doubtless be chnirniaa of the post office couunittee , to which the subject will bo roforred. Tix.r of BENATOIt Itlhl.'S 0111 , . 1VASu11u1TUN , 1) . 0. , 1)c. 7 , Senator lull , of Colorado , who yesterday intro dueed a bill to establish a system of poe tat telegraphs in tlto l nitud Stales , asked that it might lie o1 the table until ho could address the senate on taw iui porhneo of its passage , lie said this uvoIing that lee had prepared an elaborate ate nrgumout in its favor , and hoped to have tam privilege of 1)rcBehti6 ) it to tine senate before the holiday recess. Thu bill , it is understood , has beet prepared with the assistance of experts nut ( those intfaate with telegraphy anal the IICeos cities of the public and business general. 1 } ' , Should Seatur 11111 be uuulu dour. llnn Df the ao ate coan1littee on posh offices old post roads it is certain that the subject will not be kept baek , 1kv- ing Senator ldmuuds as at ally in the movement , though his bill dill'ers seine- what front tlto plan proposed by Senator hill , it is already assured that postal egraluhy or govermntont telegraphy nndur the supervision of the ] mstmastor-gon- oral will be discussed at this suasion of egress. TEXT ( ) I Till Iii IL. 'I'ho bill of Senator 11111 provides- That on and after July .1 , 1887 , messages - ages for tratsmissi01r by telegraph ] , telo- phouo or other' el uivnlout device , um be deposited at all p1ticos in the United States where letters for transmission b mail may be deposited Hader the la lmhl rcglntions b overniufi the Iostollico departnrort , and at such other places as the postmaster general may designnto. 1'herl prapayiuett of any such message is nmde , by menus of postage stamps affixed fixed thereto , it shall be forwarded to its address as hereinafter provided. MEANS OP T/LANw1SS10N. The postmaster general h to ascerhliu the amount au ] character of the wires , npparlrlus and other facilities required for tlio prompt transmission by telegraph , telephone or other equivalent device be. tweet postal-telegraph offices to boestah- lislwd , of such number of messages as he may estimate may be so offered at places of postal deposit for traisrnissiou ; during the fiscal year ending Juno 30,1SSS , lie shall thereupon advertise for proposals in detail for furuishiug such facilities , at such times , of such quality , aiid in such quantities as lie may deem expedient. Proposals may be received fromn all ' person or corporation - poration owning telegraph or telephone ] fries for the sale of all or nart of ilia or its facilities , and if itshall appear that similar facilities nro necessary to carry out the purposes of this act and cannot ht otherwise procured for less than per cent of the prices named it such proposals - posals , then tire Postelastcr n is authorized to accept the hid of such per- aon or corporation , subject to the conditions - tions hereinafter specified. If , however , such necessary facilities can ho otherwise procured for less than - - per cent of said prices , e' if 110 811011 proposals arc received - coived from such persei or corporation , the postmaster gehcral shall contract with the lowest responsible bidder to furnish the said facilities. A joint resolution to disapprove of or to lnodifyor5uspend the execution of such contracts which are to be laid before congress shall have jirece- deuce of conoidoation in either house house Over all hliSillCEO but 1111- nual appropriation hills. If a joint resolution disapproving such contracts shall Pass both ) iiousc8 withinsixty days from the tine wlioi Said contract shall have beer printed and laid 0n the table , then said contract shall be void null shall 11111)050 t)0 obligation upon the t uitcd Stirlen. I f a joint resolution niodifyieg or anpeiiding ) such contract shall paSS both honEos within sixty days , thou said contract shall be veil , unless within sixty days thereafter the nwditi- cation propo50d shall be accepted by the contractor or the suspension shall he ro- umn'ed by the joint action of both houses. But if uo such joint reaelntio i shall he passed by both houses within sixty days from the time whet said contract shalt have beet printed and laud on the table , thou the said contract stroll stand approved - proved and 8111111 be put in force by the poatnaater general , and the wires , apparatus - ratus , and other property acquired there. under shah l be the prnpoity of the Uhi ted States mud shall rennet under the direction told control of thu IOstnluslr general. OFWCIs ; TO 111 : Ill'I:1Eli. : WhunOvor a au0ieieiit extent of hilu graph lingo has bent ncgnirod the post- master-general shall establish postal tol- cgrnph otlices in the 1)OstohhiCOS and shall 01)011 taw sane to the public ; and he shah ( establish and continue t0 establish and 01)011 suck otlices and as rapidly a9 possible , and shall by Juno 110 , 1887 , such ofilcus ready far operation at all oist dlico whore telegraph otlicos now exist or whore the posal receipts durin . fiscal ending ex tilt year dune 10 , teed ydollar' . After , luau 80 , 188" tine postaastor gonernl shall esablish new ollieos wiierevor the sane shall be needed ; provided that ho shall secure from responsible ParsOls a guarantee tor the payment to tune United Staten of nay deficit to the receipts of any oflieo os- tlblfshed if it ghnil appear that such ro- c0iptH will lot , ( luring the first year , cover the operating oxpeuies of siwh ufilee and the uxpeusu of opueiug the saint . It is further pruvfdcd that the poshnastor general fumy contract with ally railway eonipaly for the use by the public of talc gra ph oflicos established b } Ruch ant railway Ian for the ( Hole1. Lt1lll of its own lilisi1108s ii 1017 such ternns as he way dccn ) moat advantu geous m ewe ( tiwreor to ho 110010 whonuveer ) raetieabic , in hOrvfcCl to ho perforulod by the postal telegraph , and such otlices to ho known as 1postal telegraph otlices. UIIAe01S 1'Olt .iiI SAlIF.9. Thu ehiargo for the t ansnlfsaioe of i loSEingC's between alt plaoesinth a Irtlitod Statca shlgll , except as provided , ho at the rate 01 0110 cent for ea611 h ord cot- tamed therein , eountfhg date , addl'css mill signature. 1Vien a message is deplsitedat a pulse 1. . V where there is no postal telegraph ohliee it shall be forwarded without extra charge and as speedily as possible to tbw nearest or Trost convonioht postal tole. graph othice tot' transnllssioll t0 its lies- tlnatiou , 11'liel n ntossa e is addressed to n place at 1.hie'tthere is no postal lel- eqrapli atlico it ehnll ho forwarded to such address from the nearest or must coven- lent postal telegraph etllce. 1Vheu so forwarded by Mail no extra chnrgo shIall he undo for delivery of nay ntessagu within one nubu of iii' ' rain postal tuba. lco ) ltotlico or of any branch delivery of- but for s lecinllnlivor' , of airy sage bu'ond such limit or for special do. from where liierv any postollfco there is no tole gru Ih otlico tine charge shall ho pro laid or guaranteed b' the sunder of such 11lessn e. 1Vhou by reason of uufs calculation of the uunbe' of words in lacy message the sago hits hot been fully prepaid such Message shall bo forwarded and the deficit collected from thio addressee - dressee thereof , utiloss such detfcit ex. coed ° 0 par cent of tlocost of such nos' sage , in which case said message thall be withhold and the seeder notitiud , lTPOli the prepayment of ono rate adult. tonal to insure accuracy of trausnuission land delivery al ' nessngo may be repeat. ed back from tilt plncu of address to the place of its origin nod a copy thereof delivered to the sender , to gulthler with n notice of ( lie time of delivror the causes for non dulivor } ' , as the case may be , l'repaymont of answAr may also be 11iado by the sender of any ntessago by depositing with the salute additional stamps to the anlount of . 6 cents , the ditloreiieo between such amount and the eOst of such ailstv'er to be collected or re- fundud , as the case map be , on delivery thereof , l'ILtit01:8 : To fill : 1'1EHs ( , Messages addressed to any newspaper ar press association shall bochngcd ; regular - lar single rates for the tint 100 words or fraction ( hereof so addressed from any 0110 point , it any one day ; for the next ' 100 words or fraction thereof the charges shall he thrcudlfths of one cunt pcr word , and for uach additional 600 words or fraction thereof the charge shall be olw- half pcr cent per word. Special rates play be nuitle by tine postmaster-general for copies of press Messages requiring only one transmtauioh t0 be ( louvered at dill'urot points along the line of any regular or Bpecial circuit , amid prupoy11wnt of press messages shall not ho required , but bills for the same may be rendered and collected nhmthly. l ustal telegraph hues nmy buleased by the postmuaster geiieral to nowspapur pros priotors or to other persons or corporations - tions , a11d payulout of messages tnihsutit- ted over lines so lensed shall not ho ru quire ( ] , but no lessages 5111111 be trans. Tutted for hire by such lessees. i'IUolrlrv of TILtSSxtSHION. Messages necessary to thooperntiohs , of the postal telcgraph service shall bo first trousnritted without charge , and messages on the business of the United Status shall when required by an ollicer or agent thereof olhliring the sane for trannrnission , be given priority our all othmr tllail sur- vice messages , 'I7te Humidor of any ilea- Hal u may also. scenic priority of trn11s- 1111851011 for the same over all nfnglo rtto or insured niussages by the pre-paynleut of double rates thereon. Moiuy orlon , in amounts allowed by law , may be sent by telegraph between all plitecs where there are postal nlouoy order olfiecs , on prepayment , at single rates , for the necessary number of words in such orders and in the Postmaster's telegraun of advice , in addition to the foe Csta11lfshu(1 by law or regulation for such orders. INTEItcl1A100 OF' l'OltiZILSi'ONUENCE 'ito post iaster general may negotiate Tvitlt foreign goverhmeuls or with persons - sons or corporations owning ocean cnhles or telegraph lines in foreign countries far time interchange of lulepraphic corrus pondenco and money orders between the United States eel Buell countries at arch rates and 111)011 such toxins as ha my dco11 expedient , a11d lie shall ascertain amid report to congress the nmouut for which is cable botwuemi thu l'nited States and sonic European coumtay can be laid or pnrcliascd. if rat ratty tinmo sly purser or corpora. tiolr shall trahsllllt minessagos or rent hales between points connected by 1)08(81 tub- . graph at less thou the rates lixud by law or regulation , its heroin before provided , the pnstuutstar guuural play thereupon reduce the Macs s0 fixed to level with the rates charged by such person or corporation - tion , provided that such reduction shall continue it force only so long as s11id rates are niaintiinud by 811011 pcrsotl or corporatioi , 'l'imo sum to be appropriated is not spur citfeul , but it is to be uxpcndcd mmdor the direction of 11w postulator general for the pruliminary expuuscs of ascertaining the facilities reotuireil to put in operation time service provided for , of advertising for proposals , fund of completing the eoc- easily negotiations. Itoports of busi- Iloan transucteti are t0 be art 50011 ItS p0s- sihlu transmitted to cougressalso ; reports for time in fornati01n of congress of n plum for the organization of the postal tuba. , graph service and for its auinlguunatinu no far as is feasible with the postal ser v'ico , toguillor with a schedule of salaries iuld au cslimitte of other necessary up- orating uxpeirol , which organization and schedule the postmaster gunural is auth orizetl to adopt by npproprntu regular timms unless the siting shall he modified by congress. _ - - - I1S'I'lh'OItl11N.11tY ( ' .1$1 : . AI HT1N'J'EAH , . 20th , 1H&o 'I'n Alr , .l , V. iridtuin , Jrnggist ; Uric SL'Iy ciwo wrw nu acute farm of bronchitls , and was of one ( mil a hull year's duration , 1 enIdoyad the best medical old IN Msildu , limit ! stied rapidly , until thu doctors said I world die-that my case was Incnrnblu. 'Phruwmiq > uu uty ulna resources , I got u blttlu , of 1)i1 W7m. IIALL'H JlA1.HAil roll 'rnE 1.1 Nos , and hum six hours felt a decided relief , Ju thireu days the umgh niwustdhsurrpoared ) , Now that my chumcos of life are good ( ur many years , I oarnoMti e receounnul ( the above to every suf. furor of huig or throat dieoue. 0. (1.I.A'l'JI1tOP. ( BAlihitS S I'AiN i'ANAUIiA uuros udn ht plan mud lloast. For muse o5tornally ant in tcrually. Couorul ( : runt Is Not a Splrituatlsl. Now York World , A report havieg btol ) uxtuesivuly circulated - culated that ( louornl ( lrumt 1111(1 hfa info had recently boon converted to spiritual. 19111 inn its iunst pronounced forum , the geeer ml yesterday branded the statwnout as a mast contonlptiblu falsehood. Thu rmaOI' was credited to a nuwspupur correspoudont , who said lw lutd it front two ludius , one of wholll Is publicly ikuhtiliod with s nri- tualfsnlI end who is said to Ins a ' 'potted guest in the finest of ( lothan's palaces , " It eau stated that the general and hla wife hobgan by aecu diuuievitatiois to seoncesill Fifh mvoruo and A1murra Ilill mansions amid limul found thoaaolvcs in fall accord with followers of the BPiri tuahustie school , ( immoral Grunt said Ina hover u'8s at a seance in Itfs life , mud hooked upon spirt. tunlisni 115 a sytton of judglery. FURNITUREV -TIIE- CHEAPEST PLAOE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture -IB AT- DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock , NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. ' QO 'e l 1ti t5 rs tUrt 'a 1 iTh ) ' GZC U t eS6ju5 per , , .Ail err ar a oNE or TILE BEs1IP1IYSioIANs , 1 lace becu a dog Switt's Sperlf a lu my pracllro for (111110 n lotig tine , m.l 1 regnnl It the breteunrbiuatlon as a l load purifier and tolile. Il iM enl lr cly m c g elsllo hrhrig coo nsad of the ottrnrts of root. a hkii gn sr In tads xecliou of ( lt rgla , I nun fmnlnar nOh iii. hk I'ry' frmn the Ihue thu faruu0n wav uktnlnni fn'ut Iho Iudianq , It IMn rertn1n mad ealo reuuMl' for nil ItmlMof Llao.I pnlwil and ekln honor , nut In the llulllrvl ( of l'aui all lr liOll l hnvo used lt maul r eeu It ion ( , there has peter i'eLIi a fnUuro to cure. i hauo coralldolnl taint In TIIE Thin I ) (155511 ( (1 ii'i , with It , nflcr 1 had rust slgnnlly fallol by the nrnrt rap Irouvl ua'thade uI Irentuwnt Ii lthmeri'nry mid I,1.I 10 of pntaxvlun , . Tboe Oistg haw brcu cured niertiftrmi ems , and horu never lead nuv Iitem of taw dl.t'ano iii theurseliuM , or In their rluildreu. FItUI.t.'OlnIEil ) , M , 1) ) . , ferry lloustuc l'o. , ( ii. "It Is the best eolliuq rcow"ly in my , turoand nil clnwMesof ' + nupluihuy It. It Iles lecoin n lloti t holti remedy s Ith luau ) of our Lost c1t1r00M. " 1vLTmnt A.TAI'Tou , Atlanta , ( In. "l reltSnIlya S Lochs-often n gross In ten.Inys at rchdl , and t" nil ela ees. Solo , , of Alluntn's hest pco' plc ueu it regulary a. n tonic and M1Oeratlr. J OH I A I I Il l L11 I F I ELi ) , ttlanta , On. Our tn'atl.e on Vinod nod skin Dieennc , urOlcd free to nppQcaute. Till SWlITSI'ICIrie Co „ mater n , Atlmdn , ( ill , The two of the teen"Shat S H 0 R Et The" in compccnoo with thr curpornto smno of a great road , conveys nn Idea of list what El re iulred by the traloling Ipub' I E lie. n Short l.luo , Quick Time and tlio best o1 acenmmoda. EI thous-all of which are lino' Ishod by the greateet ralluny lu America , C HICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. n owne and operntrn oortoo uiilee of road e Northern Illinois , Ii'Ieoonahn , Mlunoaotn , Iowa nnd Iakota ; old net to main limit , hraucimM and cannon alone reach all tire great Lu.liiepe ccntte. of thl Northweet and F'ar West , It naturally mmwera tH deecrlptlol of Short blue , nod ( lest Route bctwoce Chicago , bill + otkee , lit. I'nul mud ,111nnuapolir , (1hhrngubIIlunukco , T.aCnlxeualit iSlnonn , Chicago , Ailvaulcee , Ahenlucu nud Elle/ldalo Chicago , 111leaulcee , F.m1 Cluiro mrd Stlllnater Chicago , blllwaukeo , wausal and 3lenlli. Chlwgn , blllnnnLce , Ilca'er hani and Oebkoeh , Chicago , Mlhuuii eu , Wnukeaha mid Ocu11ouulwec. Chicago , 111lraulwe , Madison amid I'ralrlodu Chlen , Chicago , Milwaukee , Owntenua anti mnirilanli. Chicago , llelolt , Jaoecililu nod Mm crul l'ohut , Chlcagc , , Illgill , Ito kfnrd mil eubnmne. Chlengo , Clinton , Rock inlaid nuti Cedar Itaplde. Chicago , Council Iilulfs mrd Onmlm. Chlcak'o , Sioux City , Sioux Falls mud Yankton Clucago , Mhiwaulreo , tlltchell nod Chamberlain. hock lsland , ihphu.iuu , lit. I'aul nut ! bl lilicM1 roils. IaYeiiport , Calnmar , St. I'anl and Mluuapnlle. rnllman Sleepers and this F beet 1)inlug Car , In Norldare nuion limo nmlullmsoflhoCE IC pCO MILWAUKEE & 3 . . PAUL RAILWAY and emery ntlentlou Is pai.ito paseeuger , by coumie oua mnploy'ee. of taw couglarly. S , el , b11 Itht1T.L , A. V. IL CAltl'FNTEII ' , Oc11'I blaiiager. Oon'i face. Agent. J. T. CLAIU ( , lEO 11 , NEAFFOIIU , Ocu't Sup't. Axs't Ocu'I face. Ag't T A QR. , r 11 Negras AVTxll , T.III'fm : v'oLTu ( + aria' , end olhrr Iar'Tnrn ArrllAMrrg. 1Yn Wlll crud an Thirty Onyi. TrlalTO 11I1tiviIuEIl lit111,1oI , L0010Muifrrlnlr freiti Nrns'ni'M ' Ilrml.irr , 1.4)0 m iTAi.lt T , unit ii , , . . . , dbrneni 0f n I'ca4.NAI. NAruux n. lulu g boor AIIIn.B and ITllll ) ( 'Al'.rM. 8predy I , li.'fhunl corn l10A1uarrxn. la IICAIan,1'aum and ii NUwn . 8. nd rat uucui , I iliuetralcd l'umyhiet fnv , Address VOLTAIC BELT Co „ IItAHSiiAL1 ? ICs 1 Cornice-orks1 IRON AND HLATE 110OFINU , C , SPECET PROP 1111 l/ouglaa St. Omaha , Nub , MANUPA(1rUllElt OP Galvanirea Iron Cornices t3 Dormer Windows , linlala Tin Iron and Slate Roofing HpechCe patent bfotnfllo Hlcyltght , l'atont adjusted Itatchot liar mrd Iirackot Hhelvbr ; , 1 am ho general agent for the abovu Ihio of good , . Iron elmingCroetings , tIAluetradse , Verandas , iron plank ahmgr , Window Illlnde , Cellar Auarde' also general eat fur 1'uorsan& IIIII atmlt Inldo Blind , BR HENBBRSON A regular graduate la l medicine. Over Blxteea 000atidOOSWpandotteatl 'car'practice-tsalve la KANSAS CITY , MO. f'hir ago. Anthurlxed by the state to 1105 0 Chro Ic , Norvoud and Private dteouee , Aathina Epilo isy , Ithcumatlnl I'Lloe , Tape ore , Uriuary and Hktu Dlr. ( mace , Seminal lycaknoeenlght ( loeeee ) Hexuallubilltylewsnfaexual pawed , eau. ( m1zee guarauteoti or mousy refunded. Charger Low , 1Luuaaud , of mee , ourod. No Injurious mcdl. does furnlehed oven to mtIena at a diatance. Con. eutatton Iron and eonsdlutlal-call or write' age and eipcrienes are Important. A ROOK for both euxoe- Ilustratd-and elceulara of other thing , vent pealed uitii tsoUsent etampe. P1tEBAUSEUM , ly med o.l.w DISI ASES OP ' 1'III'l ' EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D.fl Ooulir 't .and .4LLLri. IWI bream Htrtet , opposite I'aatou ltutel , O1ua ha , Neb , I -1V ' ' - 1'1'II- SIoux FALLS 'll ' ' I. . GRANITEI' Ain ( your work is Bono for all time to tune to come. I WE O t ieLLNG The World 1i 1 i 4 to produce a more durable material ion street pavonlent than the e Sioux halls Granite. 4 I I FOB ANY A1'l0UNT OP Pain B1o i -OIt- MACADAM ! { lilled promptly , Samples stmt and estimates given upon lpplICatlOll. WM.McBAIN eC CO. , Shmx Falls , Dakotn. Nebraska Cornice - AN1)i i AN1)Y Y i ¶ DltS v ' ! MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES' normor Windo wsl , FINIALS , WINDOW OAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , 1'ATINT SIETALiC SlYTdOiIT , tiron Fencing ! Creating , , Ilaiuetradcs , Verandas , Office nail Bsok Itallilmigs , Window and CcllarOuarda , Eta N. W' . COIL , NIN"'it AND JONES STS. wM.OAISEIIbfanngcr , RED STAR LINE. height n Ituyalrunl t' , S.11uilSteauIerH SAI1dNl1 EVERY SATURDAY eln'IviEN : NEW YORK AND ANTWREP 1 fl/ii.JtIinr ) , Rf1'noifI1iit / , , JfoN.hnl alldl5'unce. LtOntrunLSteerage lfel'ropxidlronuAntserp840 ; ; Ibmlrslou , d13.t0.d ; Cabin , > 1t5 ; Eceulcelon , 1o0 ; Haloon tram PW to * TS ; Eicutalon 8110 to Pis. defl'eter WrlghtdiSon.Otn. Agte. 551iroadwny N , Y. Cadwcll ! , limullton & Co , , Onule I' , I : . Fludman & Co. , 405 N , 10th Htreeq Omaha ; h. K 1ImbaU ( , unrolls , Agents , fan&oeotl4y DR. WHY TTIER 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A IiEOULAII OItADUATE01 two medical college. 11. Ian. IWeti onqnged longer hr the treatment of CIIIIONItI , NEItYOUH , SKIN AND BLOOD Dlecaeee thin other pIy'slclan ) In Ft. Lout , , a. clty'papers .lew and all old reddsnt. know , Con.ultatlml freesu Inilted. w'hou It I.Inconvenlent to visit the city treatment , mudlclncs can bu .eat by mall or exnee everywhere. Curable caeeaguaranteed ; Ntiers uou oxide it he frankly atated , Call or writo. Nervouel'routration. huhllityllental and 1'11 roy la WeakneeaAlure'urial and other atTcctlue Throat , loon Ieparltiee an.l flood lug , Skis' Alfectluue , Old Sore , and Ulcer , . mould to marrlagn , llhuuucatlsm , like. Special at. ( cation to cae , . from oierworked h u. HULLO UAL CANON reccho epee I attention. Dlaeasae arlslug frunI _ ' Exaesemi , Induii onoa ' iWlmge.'thewhoe , CA.RRIJ.GE BiOr'NeiliAldldan y Nho ma GIII F7. marryNhomany noi a hcnu5e.coluoqucucerLind curs. Mailed In , Sdc ; pnMlnvoor.tamna echt48 dawly A OINT.M ! An mu . . . , , . . . , . .to h p aii.gtllon e.ru. or oiL Rw.ur . . .1.1 usuen.d.I.1101W , , eyue.lir dnlned , and ul..W. la perfwue iii. . dulls. emirll , caa t + e e.Llsi , ail f.roe. elaiI , . . . . . , , , . carol. wld.nl C&iu.ca uadiioce. E04.,4 ed.caw' . .U . . . . . . , ii.uwde.h , w * ' , . " . ba eilre.dr Xrr.uu t.e.lh I hr I.ul lyre .1'a. , , ' ( ' ' . . . . . + " em. . . . . . , . . . teari.uru.e.ur.l of rule rel rui.u 1. full eel per. faei . uuukuad. ) .argD , Jinn u'ISU' , , plulue teas I , ii. nag 4'enln".u ,1l ia.iiae ii , . 1t.L.r'io , lit tmiUT : 70. . 15 Y. I II Err kl. im * , - , r µ , 1 '