i :4 THE DAILY BLS ° UlI11I3A , 7'L'Sl ) & ' , DECC1113L + It fl ldb3. t U THE OMAHA BEE OntahA Omac , Nn , 010 Fnlmnnt St. Connell 1Uu0'M Olllee , No. Y 1'cnrl Street , Nt'nr ] ttvrndn ray , New Vertu 011cc , itoomt Trlbture 1titLh Ing , L'uAllehed erory irerning , exocpt Sunday. The yell ) fonday morning dstlp. xRnB aT Moral me TaxrflaOOIThree Months , . , . , . , tau0 ifxJonms , . , . , , &ollonoMonth . , , . . , , 1.OO Tux RaxxLT UIVAMMteD SPRAT WIIDaxbDAT. tmlMn reaTPAID. 'Oae''oar , , , , , , , . . , P1.flO ThreoMonths , , , , . . $ t0 Eli Ifontht. . . , . 1 OO Ono Month . . . . . 20 American Nei Company , Sole ] Agentr Nea.donl It' In the United SWtcB , oonnxar0 DesCL ; A Communlost'ona relating to Neat andEdltorinl msttere should be addressed to the EDrtea or Toe 0u , T.t7Maaas LIITTZM , All nuslnes tettete pnd fomntanota should be addreaecd to TTi free PraLtAitixe oam IXT , OMAHA. Drat le , Chock. and I'OBtOIACO orilere . to be rondo pay able to the onlcr of the company. . , THE BE PUBLISHING CO , PROPSI E ROSEWATER. Editor. TIIE other day the city council ordered several city lots and parts of late to be sold. The bide for this property are in. vited through tut obscure paperwhicbhas Ho cstabliehcd circulation. Tel Bolt line took a reet on Sunday , and General IJnnlon was given au oppor tmrity to attend divine aervices and listen to a sermon which had for its text ; "Six days ahalt thou take a rout , and on the seventh shalt thou plant froga on the railroad crossings. " iR)3unvATlnl ( abuses Roberts because the Republican praises hint-llo prniscs the president's message because the Re' . , JutoGCI l criticises it , etc , , etc.-1tab flcvr. The president's message was published in both papers on the same morning. Tube lir1)tsblicxln has never favored us with advance copy of its editorials and Itosuwater has never been gifted with second sight. We disclnim that Roborh has been abused. We have simply expressed pressed sympathy for time people of Idaho in their afiliction and warned them to be. ware of a notorious ucad boat and disreputable putablo jobber. PESxsYLvANIA has had all the legisla turn she wants for several years to conic. The salary grab of her law makers , at the rate of $10 a day for each member , amounts to $157,119 for the six months special session which has recently closed. Tama follow who sent out circulars stating that forftf tycontsho would informanybody how to make money without work , know what he was talking about , whet ho In. conically replied to his numerous vic t tires , "Gat elected to the Pennsylvania legislature. " Any attempt to prosecute ] butt for obtaining money under ( also pretensoa world nbdoubtly prove a fail. t arc. TIIE winter so far has boon a phonomo- rally mild one , and the weather prophets are entirely at a loss to account for it. Various theories have boon advaucedbut 1 none of them are at all satisfactory. In i N connection' + with this mild weather , the lurid ovoningIIglow in the western sky , which continues with ulidit fined bill. Nancy , and which is at inexplicable ) ' ' Inhonomonon , This weather may be a1n preciatod by the poor ratan on account of the reduction in coal bills , but as it is un . , seasonable it is the cause of more than nsual sickness among all classes , and r ' 4 has a bad effect upon trade all over the r country. S1'ANUAUt time is not proving as popu t mar as waa expected , People fail to see the improvement over the local standard of solar time. Railways may run on tire q now time , bat thorn will always be more r , or less inconvenience to the people ails. ing from it , mColumbus and Cleveland s propose'to return to the old system of i local timg , and Lotisvilto will probably q do the saute thing. Cinciuunti and . sago have not adopted the new standard b timoandiliave , no intention of doing so , 1 Omaha sticks todocal time , and has mme idea of + clutnging. 1t is an indisputable " . J fact that the only true time at troy par. t ticularpoint , is solar time , Railroads 'l ' , nay finditt advantageous to ; rtni by the now standard time , but cities and commS munitios will not be governed in their local all irs by 'railroad time tttloss it happens to agree with the local time. In Onahathextaudard'tinioistweitY ' , three minutes faetorthal'loeni , tinio. Only two ' the Nobradka railroads , the Missouri Pncifiaand + the Chicago , Minneapolis , St. j Paul & 'Omahadiave ' adopted the stand. t and time. + Unless all the railroads adop t - , . the new system of reokoninb time th u " ao called'reform swill prove a failure , ova i on the railroads. + 1VE.underatand that there is a seliemn e I on foot t build a now high school an d 1 lib try building in the near future a t 1 sumo central point west of Twenty.liftl tI street , on Capitol 'hillf with a view ofde voting all taw ronn in tam present high school to the lower grades , If such scheme is over turougit before our , oiti tons in the altapo of a Qmmpoaition t i vote bonds , it will be os.orwhohningl defeated. The of city Omaha has ox lpended a small fortune in oonstntctin 0110 of the finest high school building in America. As a ] natter of necessit the high school building has boon used a common school for a number .of your s to accommodate the children of ( ho col i i traldistrict of the city , Tlio high sclio propyr Iras occupied but a very smrdlpo r lion of et a building. If any relief fret t r Al gwererawwUng is designed by the board n , oducatioq , it should be through the con stlwctiou , nf additional common echo buildings , jt is bad enough for a thou sai tdldreu to be crowded info fiwhig I ; ; school buil4inI , anil that a largo ameba of those children , under top years 0f ago should clu1b the h111 and then climb soy M cral flights .of stairs to the rooms h1 tit 1 higher stories , is a cordjtion of at1'alr that Aught to' b9 C11Un O1 ; fty some wa " for the bettor. rlt1 : 1'OsrAL rtMSWZA1'JI , The bill introduced it the senatu by Mr , hill , of Colorado , to establish a postal telegraph is in every respect the most practical proposition since the first postal telegraph bill was introduced by Congressman Washburn , in 1870. Mr. 11111 very propdrly takes it for granted that a complete system of postal tole. graphy will rcquiro the purchase of all or nearly all the existing telegraph lines. The contemplated change cannot be rondo within a few weeks , or oven months , but will necessarily take several years , Mr. Hill proposes that on and after July 1st , 1887 , messages shall be transmitted by telegraph telephone , or other device , from all postaficos in the United States that now forward letters by ( nail , The ] xlstniaster general is also authorized to establish telegraph offices where they may be required to facilitate intercourse in the largo cities , indepemd out of the postofiico. I'ropusnls are to be published by the postnastor general to existing telegraph companies to dis pose of their lines and apparatus to the government. The contracts for the pur chase are to be submitted to congress for approval , and their consideration to have precedetco over all other business except regular appropriation bills. The charge for transmission of uessages between all places in the United Status is to be ono cent per word , counting date , address and sigunturo. Reduced but uniform rates are to be made for the press , and the postrunstor geutewl is to have author. ity to ] ease wires to newspapers exchu- sively for press dispatches , 'I'1uo full text of the bill , which we print else. where , contains elaborate details , wluicli show that Mr. lull line devoted a great deal of time to his proposed measure , and doubtless had some experienced telegrapher as his advisor , 9'he detail of this bill is perhaps its most objection. able feature. Mr. 11111 attempts to fix inflexible rules and rates throat should be left to the discretion of the postmaster. general and the ollicors who will be in charge of the postal tolagraph bureau. Instead of lining a tuiifornl single rate between all points in the United States , it would have boon better to lix n max inuun rate for distances varying free 100 to 2,000 miles , 'There is no doubt that a ceit pcr word rata botwcon all points in the t'aited States nuty La pro. lilably 'maintained at no distant day , but the postal telograpli could not be umdesalf-i ustainiug with such a low rate far tam lust three or four years. Tlieru are other do. tails in Air,1Ii11's scheme that may have to be modified , but on the whale his bill is the first practical ulrort to bring about the general use of the telegraph aid tel. ephono in connection withm our postal systoni. That the Western Unuion eonupany should oppose hill's bill and every other postal telegraph scheme is quite natural. But why the Associated Press should be hostile we cannot couuprobomid , 1Vlatocor contractn thtu Wostaru Union has made with the Associated Press the govorunont world be compelled to carry out in good faith. Thu facilities which the ] western Union now supplies to the Associated Press would be at its disposal all the sane and if it was thought adyisa blo or economic , wires for its exclusive use , could be ] eased and operated upon raasonablo terms. It is true tie govern. unapt would exact equal tolls for mike ser vice from all its patrons but that would not daprivo the Associated l'ressfroni the advantage it enjoys by reason of co oporutivo service in taw collection and transmissiei of news , Thu english press epposcu vho postal telegraph when it was first broached , but it has long since conti coded , that the change has beam as bone. facial to howapapers as it has been to the people. British postal telegraphy under goveruinieit control is a great success. Since the purchase by the govornnnout the number of ollices and lenglut of lines in operation have more than doubled. Tot million dollars of interest eu the pural1aso have beau paid out of the proceeds , and now the rate for mosangas , is to be reduced from cute shilling to six. ponce , and all has booth donowithiout any increase of taxation , The people of England hare much lees use for the tole. graph than the people of this country. ' 'ho distance between the remotest points of ( treat Britain can be reached by mail within a few hours , anti only rout tore of the utmost importance need to be telegraphed , It takes seven days for a letter to go front New York to San Fran- deco , and tlm'ee days ( rum Boston to ( alv'eston. Our people are more iuiigra. tory than those of any other country , bu t up this titno , they use the telegraph loss titan any European nation , exceptin g I perhaps Russia and Turkey. TThe sonti meet iii favdr of postal telegraphy ha s 1 been of slow growth , because the public a were notwoll informed upon the subject , and the buaincss hind not aumned the o magnitude to which it has grown within Y the last ton years , ' 1'ho deu ind for cheap telegraphy and efficient service is no w g widespread , and it is onlya matter of very I little thee when congrasa will be force d Y toucceda to the Popular will , , TUE other day the Union Pacilto nnan , . agers doaidod to force their right of way of through premises which had boon lease d . by a mechmuie. Tltoy o'darod a gang t a n Pull down his little house and clear th o lot. It used to be of that a negro bad ui y rights which ) a white loan was bonuid t al respect Now it is the poor utai wit o . Svhzo ] btu 110 rights which a un01loaly ] i I n bound to rospoot' ' Ir ' 1'ui education of tlto Indian it pro . gresslulg slowly , but satisfactorily. 'I'm 0 Indlat school at Carlisle , I'onnsylyania a is rluito al old institution , and it is prey y posed to onupkiy 501119 of its more ad vanced pupils as teaehertl in subortlinnt 0 poattioms in the now Indian schools at Genoa , a' ° brnskn , Chilocca , Indian Tar- ritory , and Lawrence , Kansas , The secretary of the interior favors the pro position , 11L'Aa i .s' Lv7'E1t s7'A7'J rOMJfeRCI : HILL , Congressman Ucagan , of Taxes , . poses to push his muter-state commerce bill , which he will introduce in the annie shape as it was before the ltousu commerce cuimuittee last winter , Mr. ] teagnn is cmrfident that the measure will have a fair consideration at this session of con. gross , inasmuch f.s Carlisle , the now spanker , will appoint a fair committee , Mr , } lcngau says that hia bill is not against the railroads , butaimply intended to prevent wrong doing on their part , lie recognizes the value of the railroads in the development of the south nud west , but that is no reason for permit. ting tlreni to exorcise a tyrannical and ar bitrary power of discrimination , Ills interstate counnierco measure does not seek to regulate the rate paid for the froiglut amid passenger traffic of the coat- try , but to prevent extortion and make the roads charge a uniforn rate to every. one for likosorvice. The constitution , hue thinks , clearly giros the power to comm. gross to regulate interstate commerce , and that is all the bill proposes to savor. Discriminating rates and treatment when entirely within the states must ho left to the utatea to remedy. 'I'lio trouble with all state legisiatleum upon the subject in the past has beou the insufficient meana furnished for the punt ishnwnt for violating the laws passed , arr. Regan's bill provides punislumemt of a severe character , and in sonic cases ] m prisonnient , Lt ; further guards against the intimidation of poor people , or those loath to fight corporations , by giving time United States district attorneys power to proceed against roads upon inforna- tion. tion.llr. llr. Koiftir , the speaker of the last house , packed the comniercu couunittee in about time same manner as Speaker Humphrey packed thin railroad committee of the lower Itemise of the Nebraskalegisla turo last winter. Randall was bad enough. lie packed time congressional committee with vine monopoliata against six members who favored time bill. Keifer wont still further , lie mnmdwiched Reagan between fourteen - teen railroad tappers , and then time four- teou tried to have Reagan taken oil , to mnko tire timing unanimous , llr , ] teagnn nay be comlidemt now that Carlisle will appointa favorable committee , but unless ho makes time courmittco as unanimous for time measure as Keifor made it against it , the chances are ten to one that time railroads will resort to their old tactics and buy up a majority of time members , 1GEADIN(1 OUT OF PAIlT1' . There trot a time when to be road out of party by any public main or political journal ] mad as miumh terror as the Pope's bull of oxconnmumication hind during the middle ages. To be road out of party was to be a political outcast with wlmoni no true party man would associate and whami every rank partizan would shun as a leper. 1u those days ovary voter was a bigoted partir'w , who believed - lieved his party never could do wrong , and who looked upon everybody of opposite - posite political faith as an enemy. That was during time civil war and the tout years following it , when the republican was the union party , and democrats were copporheads. Times have changed since them. Mon no longer believe party to be infallitle. A largo and uioat intelligent portion of the people of the Unitcd States refuse to obey Icing Caucus , and reject as heresy time claim that right or wrong time party must be sustained , Great newspapers - papers have umameipatod themselves from party tyranny mid boldly discuss amen and measures , according to their true merit. Time days of time great "organ" ' which was fornorly a political oracle to cnumciato throe dognms of party , a clampion to sustain party loaders through thick and thin , and villify and scourge their opponents - ents , have pasaod away forever. An intelligent public refuses to patronize and support journals that have uo higher aint than to be more party hacks and whips to lash those who dare to klclf inn the party traces , 1Vhon thin ropublicat majority was 80,000 , In this state throats of reading out of time party were freely made , against those who refused to support candidates who secured nominations by packed cei- vontions mid tire corrupt use of railroad patronage and money. Sittco time mmajo rity has cones down below 6,000 time throats of reading men out of Party are rarely made. Self atylod loaders , who have wall nigh night wrecked the party , have beau brought to their senses. Timoy are actually willing to forgive , if they can't forgot , amid general mnuoaty line boon proelaiunod to all those who are willing to renew their allogianca , 'flits miust af- ford great relief to time 17,000 anti niono- poly republicans who ha'o boom readout , because time party maelmbnery hind fallen Into the lmands of time railroad monopolies. It is amusing to note , that ovum Time Omaha IlcpnblICui , which hiss road nearly every republican out of the party wlto did not subscribe to its cede of political inaruls , has of late proclaimed its indopotdemmee of party al- , logianeo , It has lanpooned the ropubli- cat ln'oaidommt of time Umitod States , and rondo scurrilous conunommts on his nies sago , and it how justifies its course by pleading Its political indopouidomtce , Jim fact , It goes further , and intinmates that it does nut fear ' 1'n ; lint's threat of be. o lug road out of Limo party , Now Tae Bhe , iuuhover indulled ; in any such foolish threat against the Rcllrlbllcaii or any other paper or politician , Tim shoo is on the other foot. Time reading out of party has boon time monopoly of time organ of monopolies Like tire ilf t-lock inus hot and time Indian war-club , it is a won' pen of the past , lien amid papers will henceforth always be justified in exorcia hug their inalienable right to independ. out tlwtught and nctioi. Evora the National ' that. ropublicancom'emtion non- innted Garfield rohuaed to expel dole. gates who would not pledge themselves to support any maim nominated by drat convention , before tire ) know who the eanthdate would be , But there is a wide difference between nn honest and sincere criticism and captious faultfinding amid malignant abuse. Thu. SIOUX REsh'RI'ATION Congress will be called upon to take ammo action towarmis opening time Sioux reservation for sottlemnont. Time 1)00110 ] of Dakota urgemtly demand it , and are putting forth every effort to secure this desired result at once , so that time reservation - vation can be utilized early next spring. There are ntunorous good reasons why this reservation should no longer remain a forbidden land to white settlers , amid the nrgutuents in favor of its being thrown open for settlenoit arc tnmmi- swerablo. The reservation embraces over forty. eight thousand square miles , it extends northward fromr the southern boundary of time territory a distance of two hundred. and forty miles , and runs westward from time Missouri river two hundred miles , 'I'bis vast tract of valuable land is bold by twenty-four thousand Indians , who occupy and utilize but a vary small per. . tion of it. It is the lnst body of public hod , of any extcut , that lmomcstoaders can reap Amy benefit from , and were it opened for rsettloment to niorrow it would be all taken up by actual settlers within thirty days , and within two or tlmree years it would be converted into a rich agricultural region , dotted hero and there with flourishing towns and villages. At present it is a great ; barrier to time advancenment of time Black Hills district , and is an obstruction to time commerce of that rich section. So long as the router- vatiomi remains closed to civilization no railroads can cross it , and thins time Black hills and time vast extent of territory beyond - yond are cut oil' front time rest of the country - try , except by wagoums trains and stage coaches. The people of the Black hills arc now pnyimg two amid a half cents per pound for frcigimt transportation to amid front time nearest railroad terminus , mid their a muual freight bills amount to $2,500,000. The Black hills country , coitaimimig 7,000 square miles , is one of the richest and most wonderful rogionsin time Unitcd States , amid its resources have only begun to be developed. When the Sioux resorvatiou is opened railroads will rostrum building towards thuo ] mills , and 1)001)10 in great numbers will flock thither. Time Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will be extended to Deadwood immediately upon the opening of time reserve , time Chicago .fs North- wcatorm wiU.follow , amt time Sioux pity tl Pacific will build , , extension of ninety miles west from Valentine next year aid continuo into time hills , It will be seen that time extension of these railroads will develop time northivest very rapidly , aid bring into direct communication with the comuuorcinl centers of time country , including - cluding Omaha of course , a region rich in mineral resources , in cattle and in agricultural - cultural possibilities. It is important to the entire narthwust that the Sioux rout- ervation be opentcL A treaty with time Sioux Indians , providing - viding for the reduction of tlmeir reservation - tion for a certain compeesatiom aid upon certain conditions , hnsbeen prepared aid presented to congress for ratification. The Iudiams , under time terms of time treaty , are to receive a fair componsa- tint , nlthouglm it is clniumad by sonmo that it is not enough. This , however , is a matter that can easily be adjusted by congress. So far , time amallness of the compensation is time oily argument of any weight whatever that has been presented against time ratification of the treaty , $ TATI + 1 .i0'1'T'I NGS. Iiplikheriu is provalaut lu'i'ccnmsoh , Tale nhomio service between Cedar Ilapida and Allbinn is talked of , Oliver ( ; lent , n pruahrent faruner of Corning - ing county , sulcided last week with n bullet. Tlio rushm fur frog government humid at thus Valontito laud office is smdd to bu wnparalollod , ] httoru film is time uowcoumtyseat of Gospor county and the business of time county is , .ow being transacted at that point. Stops are being taken to organize a i mim- puny , aml deterurhmo whether or mot coal In audor any of Jolmsun cuaufty , John llaw.er , of hrounont , celebrates his hienoyrumun by aabseribing 9200Itowards an Snstltutiom of leandug for the rising gouora thin , The farumora around Wahoo are granblln g londlyaidapparelly justly against the let prlce of hogs there wnmpargd wltlu terns at n di.tanto , ' 1'Imorailroad from Netuaha City to Salem will be completed this , month , and then Ilrawnilb will be min a through north nut ! south limo. Time enterprising citizens of Nell h , finding that the county is unable to hull a court house at the prosmtt tlme , have formmed a stuck company to provide bulldbrgsforcounty pugwsos. Stoller furmishies tlueso aceldontsi .T , D , Fisher , while fixing au ale atorwhlolm started uneapoctodly , Iual his band badly cult , J , ! l , OvaTnan Imati a boao broken in huts face by a Iwat fallltg out It. A Ore broke out on time bottatut west of ] : lk lusrn , Tuesday , and was not oxtimgulshmd utm tll : "I stacks of bay iwore burned , The fire was sufgasod to have origlunted fruum the cn- glno of mm O , & 1' , trmin , This is the way time , till at Cedar Rapids is nim roclatod , accordhmg to 'rime ] tram 'Tuesday u flamer arrived within a load of wheat to be grtnrad , ii hlch ho had brought oi'er a luundred miles with an ox teauu , belrng on time road uear- ly u iveok , A mean umamimod Samuel A , Cyr , a resident of hardy , migagad in time sewltg maclmbmo tumid organ bnsbuoss , shut mu mmuum unit ! Idllod him umlt sum a farm mm few tulles stutltli of Superior , it ; Is a damgorous prnctlce to foul wI a au or. gait when ! t ie batted , 1)'A nunmboruf old soldiers from vatotms pamrts of time state ore uuiv odgiug ivestwurrl to set. tie hn the soldiers' eulony about which so notch has bouu said. tlauy of thou , u's tak. lug uloug gout ! buncluos of cattle , heavy teams , mud roue generally Oxed , Time records of time desk's office of Dodge county.hruws that .Tnmrgen F. Vase , who was killed on the rallruad ivest of Vremnunt a few TEN CENTS. Thl + IsthorumMr.A.llurns , thrcomniles cast of CobourgOntsayshewonldn'ttao glue , for his chance of liming before Ito ured ilurdock Illood lilt. Let. . lie haddyspepsla for fifteen scar + , au1 was Muhl by titres Iotllosof , this very. excellent prelmr advs. BY THE DOZEN. 31r1. J , C , Anderson of reshllgo , Wis. , asks us the prlce of twelue lmotties of liarlock liloal Bitters , They cured htr of egelpclas and snit therm , and she oxpro..es herself as highly picastd about It , She is no more gratified titan we arc , howercr , N'UMIIEit ONE , , l ) ' mlfoconekctsliuirdockBlpodlitterea number ono molicine. They cared her of dyspepin and liior eounplalot when no other remedy she emer tried would dolt Thlsis what Mr , Marten Rlrcr of lJun Orou c , lad „ Bay a. , unlock Iiloo 1 nittcrs are sold by cery dnuugist. You want to try them ; lotry them Is to like them. POSTER , MILBURN & CO „ Prop's Buffalo. N.Y. days ego , was the owner of a r nrtor section of nu giw i laud as there Is in IuotiRa county , Tire laud was purcbaod Iii 1878 for 51,280 , and the value of land in that ruelghborhood has more than doubled since that throe , Tlmo records show that time tract is row free fromm till Iumcumnbrammcc. I'E1tSONAlmrrIES , It is mtderstood tlmat Sum Itandall's gout is still i nhrfnl-Sn ids head , Oakoy Hall hint quilt the noivspa or bust- ness and gone back to time practice of tire bus' . Joolelforson and his Voice were among the prominent arrivals at Cincinnati ou Sum tiny. Bismarck thinlas trnut is bettor them Ammer. Isms pndr , limit timom it ougimt to be. Troutis a dollar a pound t , monument is to , be ereetod at Lyuu to Wnllaeo Cobb , who died from the effects of eating baked banns , Moses , the fat girl's widower , is making love to an armless woman in iialtimor ° . Ito semns to be attracted by attractions , Poor Oscar ! ills glaryy has departed. Ifs hue discarded knee breeclmos and has cut his hair , and now lectures to empty bmuchos , Sigrmnud Vogel , of MobtlaAla. , died of a broken lmeart imniedintoly after making an as- slgnument for time benefit of his credito'e , 1Vnndoll Phtllips gives six cents ovary day to am organ grinder. With Mr , Phillips meotmoy us 110 obct where nu six is concerned , liung 1alnkata iveors n straw hunt nil the year ronnd. FivIdoimtiy either the Sandwich slanders don't dare to tell hint to "shoot it , " or else ho hi of a smtsitivo nature-ILowall Citizen. Congmessumam 1Velleq of Iowa , is called "Calamity" ] Yeller , boauso , ht nmking his speeches , lme would warn Lis hearers of time calamitous consognouces awaiting therm tnuless time cause ho ndwocnted triumphod. An lluglislt lady , ivlm has mat the czar o Itussia , says "ha is am incredibly ignorant , obstinate , nud mig.headed fool. " 'huts sounds like ono of ( loll llaumilton's forty-horse i iwor thumps , but Gail is not nu English lady , Mary Churcldll ran away from St. Louis because - cause bor parents required liar to aetiso at tam pinuofurte two hours a day , and now thin slmo has retuned and began to play eiglttoan heirs a tiny , rumor says her parents a e miss- ing. ing.The The Unman of lfecca denounces hl hmhdi , but time Kibob of lha'tuuuu up Sul says to time otfect that time Ulana of Mecca is a cralc , ' [ 'Imis is time sttuatiom as it now stamds tnigypt. lVhnt the morrow unay develop even time visa - a t of its knowoth mgt , 1 t is believed that Col , Mike Sheridan's removal - moval to Washington has proved a dismal failure. Thera is nothing in the rosidonmt's message abut time Yelloivstono or time scenery or time mule that fall over the beetling prod- Pico. 1lfottlmeiv Artald is described as a "terror" in cotvoreatiun , cottinnully bringing his in- tormentor up with a jerk to inquire , "Aw , well , now , exactly what do uu moan by that teen ? ] 'reciselylmow is that word under. stood ur America' : " ntal other mterrsgntions equally niaddeumitg. Tulmn ll. Tlmounpson is said to be lurking abomt time gloomy recesses of a 1Vashingtom boarding ] mouse , meditating an awful revetga. At Inst accounts limo ] end not made up his mind whether to blow time democratic party up with giant powder or hurl its lithms and struggling body off a botlhng precipice. Jabcz Lewis , of Williamstown , Mass , , is minetyfour years old ; Iras buried five wives , and says that ho would ltketo marry again if he could find a girl to suit lriun. W e must sand Jabcz the address of Miss Sabra I'hmllip , n nuaideu of Norwood , Ilhudo Island , who has just furnished her one lmndredtlm year , lives aloao , dons her own housework , saws wood for imor own fire , and carries it haute min her back front time woods. Mr. 1V , ii , 1lcCannbridgo , managing editor of Tie liloomingtou 1'wtagra mha m tears to be a very versatile gonutlemnan. In additloti to iris ardnmus prafcssrnnaldutles , ho is a member of the llloomhrgtom school board , first basmuan it a local base ball club , mnnnagor of tluo opera house , : rod president of time Press club , And now wo learn he is organizing a stningschool in time Second Prosbyteriam clmnah , for tlmo l'urposo of giving a series of secular conicerts this winter. Ife Is said to possess a renmark ably flue tenor voice. - - - - - - - 1Vheu thoItotol Yell \Vont up , lVashington Post. ( Tlmo lirat "rebel yell" of the session was hoard at time democratic causes Saturday night , wion General Slocum moved , aid thmo caucus unanimously resolved - solved , tint the crippled and disabled Union soldiers on time roll of time doorkeeper - keeper bo retained , The "Solid South" is getting its work in pronptly , r'aa ' a a , aUr THE GREATGERMAH s0 D REMEDY D JumummuHIE l dOif i 00ID1mlSOro ileli"vrtmuidcures 1PauI 111IECmlIA'1S.l Neuralgia , j ' P. Sciat'oar I Lumbago , IIAI'IrICISE , - ' i IIEADAC11ET00TIIACDE ommsmle SORE THROAT. NI ltA1NN , Soreness , Cuts , Cruises , iilIIr ' 1)e ' Wlr F'ItoYi711TIs , W 10umai imvlii s , NAEIS And alloilier lsvlllyadios lumi unit pains , , FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. l VI Ih tiIerK uUiectmmusli 11 II luugmwgrs , 'f ' I Tha Charles A , Yogeler ( 'l. Iauuaua."A , 1'W CLCR a el I - n.m..r. mc.a. . / Coal. C. E. MAY T & Co. , 1509 f arnam Street , - - 0 m aha1 N eb I wltol.mALE SUupI'ERS AN ! ) DEAI.EIts IN Hard & Soft Coal -AND- . OONNELSVILLEEO KO ! j'Writu for Prices. S TEFLE JOHNSON& Coe Wholesale Grocers e , AND JOIUIERS IN FLOUR SALT , SUULRi S CANNED UOOISS , ND flLL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TIIE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLiN & ] RAND POWDER CO : E , „ . .J1G.tn. b LJMs:91a EBooth's 'Oval' Brand AND FRESH FISH AT WHOLESALE D. B BEEMEI1. Ag01mtOmaha. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y , FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF VAULTS , LOCKS , &c. : i.a a Farnnm f9troot. Omni RICHARDS C CLARhE , 1V. A , CLARKS , Proprietors. Superintendent , Works' . U. P. RAI J WAY , - - - 17TH. & 18ThI STREETS _ . . Y my , G 33tA = , G II I , I j II y , 1 I r . 1 I , I , „ g t.l i f MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN I \TATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , a i MILL FURNISIIINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated tAnchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth ? i STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WA'T'ER AND GAS PIPE , BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ATICI-IITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. h \ r' I , y F I , i ' , : i j } t ° tA sm O --r ' - - - - . : _ . : r . -W'L We are prepared to furnish plans ftntl estimates , and will contract for the erection of Flouring Mills 1111(1 Grain Elevators , or for cliallglllg Flourmui Mills , front Stone to time Ilollersyst(11i , "L'spee.inl attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any purpose - . ' pose , mod estinlates ninde for same. General machinery repair , attended to promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKS , Omaha , Neb. MAX MEYER & CO. , 1MRORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIO A f I 1 v I PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAN DS : Reina Victorian , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from 6 to $120 per 1000 , AND TAE FOLLOWJNG LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and . . ; Brigands , WE DUPLICATE EASTERN i PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES , I . . : I 1 1 h1 1 o