Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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ThoNobraska National Bank
\ r&a u CaDtt1 . alcn
' \ nrphie Fua , Nov. 1 , 1883
1)I ) )11fOItS. ) (
U , W. Y.tTj : , FtI(1CIt , SM mftny 3'OATI ' MhttT ci
he rirt NtknI , fl&nI of Omhft.
A , F. . TOtJZAt.11 % 'I Vhl nt , of 13iton.
w. ' . MOItsI , of W y & Co.
Jolts S. COLL1NSo ? tJ. II COLtINS ,
M. wOotWoitru , CoundIor & Attonoy it Law.
1. . S. flIl:1 : : , , t & Co.
This Hfll { opne1 for biIne April 27i 18S2
Iminz the 1ding bl8Ifle men ci OInfthn and It
buslin , , I. c'oIIlicttl with cjccI ftfcroflco to the
bct rind In'reMng Iiitcrc.t of 1t8 inercanttlo lattons.
COLLECTIONS recelvo Mtontlon md
charg loct obtftlnmljte hero or iha1icre.
NTKIlFST tloveiI on time lcpostte upon ilvo , .
abl2 tcrn nnI , upon 'cottiti ci bauke ftnd batikere.
k OIthiqN XC1IANOE , OoertiuieTht bode and
COuutv anti City Securittee bought mud molt.
CounoilBiuffs Loan and.
Trust Comany.
Yrt Mortgio tosn Negotiated , CotnincreIfti
Paper atiti till ( nnI Sctttr1tk ilcMt In 3 I'oatl
etreet , au ! tU6 } 'lrat actitio , CouncU 1tItifTt.
NEw YOfltC , Dccoxnbor 10.
itnticy-1.y a per cont. , dcII of.
d fore(1 a 2 CCItL
: Prm Papcr-56 per ecut ,
Exchan6 BL1e-Dul1 at 4.81 ; doinand ,
4,3 , .
Sttick-'j'1i stock nmrket was lower nil
totutti tlit murenoon , thoug1it1io vcaktio
coiifhieil tu Northern Pacific , Vnion l'ncific
anti ortliwcstcrn. The decilito wn tim zo
totlt Of thu "bear" mid between 12:30 : nod 2:30 :
p. iii , Tb niarket. was very dull at first and
there was a declhio , continuing till about 2
O'ClOCk , of from tO per centtiio latter on
Nortltsestcrii to 1IS.j , . per cent on
Inion l'aclfic to S2 , jior cent on Catiada
lacific to 0j. After 2 o'clm.k the market
sva firmer and the decline wa rocovared , At
the last hour the titarkot continued doll bitt
pticcf ; vere : traction better and a few stocke
were up to the ) IigIicMt priCC3 The
market cioetl ttIIOt bitt generally lirni.
S'a. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.
4'e Coupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Pacilic 6' of 'U5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
American Expro.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Burl. , Cetlar Rapids & Northern 82
Central l'neilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I32
do (10 pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Oh ! . , Burl. & Qitincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 22
Erlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + TOZ
Fort Wayne & C1tiiago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Hantilbal & St. .loseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . + SS
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
md. , Bloom. & iostcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Kansas & Tex'is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124i1
Lake Shore & iflcliigan So. . . . . . . . . . 101
tlIIcldgan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9U1' '
Minnoanolis & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 1U.
do do do [ ) Ed. . . . . . . . 39
Iflesouri Padilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1ottheru Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G
do do . lfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I' Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
.4' . do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
, - Now York Contral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110k
Ohio & MiSSi8sipi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
do do iiftl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
Peoria Donitur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 16
Rock tsland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11t )
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 117
& . Paul Mum. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 1O0
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35g
do tin pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
t1. . Taxa3 Thicilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4 * Union 1aciflc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
P4 Wabash , St. L. t Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
' - do do do pfd. . . . . . . . .
' . ' ; Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 7S
\ . _ . fAskail. * IxJjv
" - - _ _ _ _
Cuic.uio , December 10.-Flour - Market
ditil and nominally iwchiitgecl : ; common to
choice sJriflg wheat , 3@r ; Minnesota , 3
(11c ( ; bakcri , 1@5c , patents , 6@7c ; win.
tar wheat flour $ outliorn and Mfssouri , 4
@ 5c , MicIigan , 451c.
W'1tctt-1egu1nr , active and uimettletl but
higher ; tOti0i ) 1@c : higher then advanced
.1 C attil closed strong at an advance of about
: . ' 2Ac Saturday'ii i ricos ; 1)ccoinber , 08c ;
.January , 99c bid ; February , 1 00 ; May ,
I OTA bid ; winter wheat , firmer ; No. 2 red ,
'iI@j98c ; Xo. 3 red anti rejected red noini
ital ; spring wheat higher ; No. 2 closed at t)8 )
& 9c ; No. 3cio.ed at 81@S2c.
Corn--Maikob greatly unsettled anti titoro
accitei titan that of any ( lay 8111CC the up
tilt U lii prices ; great confusioti attended
t trading , iricc vnryitig about Ic in different
' iaits of the crowd ; ut tito . santo thute the
market opetitl 1@1c higher than Saturday ;
thou advanced : ; ( . : I.Ic above Saturday'ii high.
et figires atitl finally c1oed 3c higher for ] ) o.
cornIer ; 31c higher fur .Jauuary ; 3c for 1ay
tlJOVO Saturilay's cioe ; No , 2 high mixed
ciood at ( ; O@C0c ; rujected , .18@4Ic ; now
V makoil SOc ; 1)econiber , lilc : January , 6lc ;
February , 6110 ; May 63'ti3c. '
Oati-Iiighor but uioettietI ; No. 2 , in store
ratiged at : : ; , ClOseil at 3jc : Ijocomimber ,
35i. ; .fnnunry , 3lc30Jc ; ; February , 361 ©
I6c ; May , 4ltc.
] yo-Market higher at6ilc over Satur.
L- day ; cash No. 2 , soul at tS5Sc.
Itarley-Imi good sieciiiativu demand ; No , 2
alvancad ( @ 1c anit sold at liliti7c ; No. 3
Huh ! at 14c ; No. 4 at about : fSc.
Tininthu-Steady ; imirna goods , I 23GJ1 21 ;
- oot1 , I 2l ; comnmaon , I 15l. 20.
a i"lnc Scad--uhi ) at 1 38@110 ; 1tusiau ,
1 10.
4'iiC I'ork.-Activo vitj } unusually heavy
business mnalnly sattled In .Tanuary anti Fount.
any delivery ; opened 20 25e higher and quick.
b' advanced 1t@20cahove opening , but later
dechitteil l5J25c and mettled back to medium
fignro , thou rallied again 2(30c ! ( and cineed
steady ; cash , 13 7113 8Th for old ; 11 ! 0 ©
1 1 6 for 110w ; January , 11 73@11 77 ; Felt.
litany , 11 05@14 97 ; March , ifS 10iLWi15 ;
4'tpril UI 30@15 35 ; May , 15 1015 i5.
hard i\civo with ilentanti urgent ; Prices
advanced 20:30 : and the riptrec1atitoi was
well nmalittained to the close ; cash , S J0@t ) 00 ;
.Ianttary , 9 l0@912. February , 9 22@02 ! ;
Murcii , ft : l5JU 37 ; April , 9 .l7@t ) 50 ; May ,
it ! 9 60.
] tiitter-'tfaykct diii ! and the deinanil light ;
lute grades held vchI bitt the bulk of oflomimigs
diii hOt Itring over 04llc ; faticy creameries ,
3@3c ; homey ilidries , 26dj2c ? : good to choice1
21@21e ; common rolls , 13@18c.
Chtoase-.tea4ly : choice full croani cliodilars ,
12cl2 ; choice ( till cream h1at , 12'@l3 ' ;
good litrt eldmn clietidars and hats 7.CaSc ,
Egne-F'resIt 2tic ; ptclded , 18@22c.
iiiilas-reoji bait , damaged , lie ; green salt
( tired , lirht tutu heavy , 8c ; greemi salt calf anti
dried salted , lie ; dry calf , itii.
VItiskyi 15.
ON OAu.WhteatRegular © j'o ' lower ;
1 loccmbcr ) , ft0Ac .Eunuary. 08c Felirtmary ,
' , it1c ; Mmiv , I 0fl ; caics , f00,000 bu.
L Corn . ( 'u1o lower ; liocomber , 60c ; .lanti.
ars , li0c ; lelrimry , (0c ; tlay , ti2 ( li2gc ;
tiles , 1 , ' 10,000 ho. .
( ) ati-Unmtgetl finn amid umicitanged to .o
itightr ; I ) ccoinlier , 3Ii ; January , 3UAc ; Fob.
ritary 37c ; May , I0e ; s.tint , 860,000 iiu.
l'uik - I : uty'l a.o lmijher ; licemnher , 11 00 ;
.lattti iry , 1 I 77.ivi I t0 ; February , 1 1 U ;
Mardi , 1 l2. : sales , 20,000 , barrels.
JarI - ' loivtr ; December , 8 00 ; .Fan.
nary , t 07. ; March , U 8 ; May , 0 57 ; ssle ,
see , tIerced.
a hulk Meats-Shoulders , 625 ; long clear ,
7 fi : ; short ruts , 7 60 ; rltort clear , 7 00.
WI. , LOW.
BT. LOUIS , Iecoinber i0.-Wlteat-liigber
arid timitottlud ; No , 2 red , 1 00.i@1 OU tom
v.h ; I Ola 1 01 for 1.uecemuber ; 1 0031 0J
- .
for , Tttnuary : I 0@1 O for } 'ebrua.'y ; Ni. 3
roil f12J0 iRe.
Corn -higher anti unsettled ; ltI@lSc for
cash ; .l91@ ( ) for loc'ttilicr ; for
January ; t'ltl1c for February.
( Lits-Iligher ; : ; ; for cash ; 82a@822c
for December ; 83I834c for January ; 83.c for
i'eltriiirv. :
hlyoUc ) ,
Ii'g -2c.
Fla' Seed -1 87.
1ay-lachtangcd ; prairie , $9 0@l0 0 thu.
iitliy , l ( ) 00JlI't ( 00.
Conmi Mcal-2 2.i.
CusINo Bo11tIVlueat - I uglier , hut
closed below tolt rices : I 01c bid for fl.
comber ; 1 031 liii for .IntutuaryIOi ; bid for
F'ehtruary : 1 1 l hut Moy.
Corulflgher and closed below bert rates
and venktilJo ; for lecctnbor anti bid for .1 tutu.
umary ; for February ; 01 for Nay.
Otut.Irregular amid slow ; 33c for Decotit.
her ; 33cfor , Jminttu'y : ; 3Te ! for May.
CIN' IN'TI. 1)icemnber 1t-'uVhuent- ) fair
( lenuuttl at. I 0I@l 0.
Corn--'iVoak ; rx audetl.
Oat.s-Stroiig auuil higlier at3l43c ,
1yo-Quiet and firimu uutjhlc ,
Pork-higher at 1t 00.
I nrd-Neglectcd.
hulk uieats-Nomnina1.
Butter-Quiet aitti uutue1uuigoi.
TOtEtO. )
Tor.Eno , December 10.-V.'hioat- ; No.
Orod cash 1 05@l ( ) O.
Corn-luli and higher ; inked tc ithl ; No.
2 cash , tiSc Ithl.
Oats-Easier ; No. 2 cash and December ,
Ngw OlItiCANS.
NgwOnLtANaDeeeuttbor 10.-Corn-Ihigher ;
1)ry white and yellow at dOc.
Oats-Firni and quiet mit 40@11c.
Corn loal-1"hrm auth in unodorato domutautul
at 2 3@J2 ! .10.
I'ork-lihgheramtd ecarto at 13 741l 711.
Lurd-liigher : ; tierce , refitted , 8 58 ; keg ,
0 00.
Itulk Meat.i- I Uglier and carco.
W'hisky-Stoady ; western rectified. I 01@
1 20.
m'motut. i'noiitcr. .
ProItA ! , 1)ecember Citrn-llrmn ami
nominal ; high miuied , 11tj60 ; No. 9 uttlxed , 118
Oats -Firma and higher ; No. 2 white , 3l@
Whisky Firimi at $1. IL
Nw Yonic 1)ecomnber -'uVhoat--Casli ) ,
, @ I e and ti1tti it I j 11 1c' . echted amid libgltor ,
c1oitig weak with a reaction of . @c : tin.
graded rod , t)2eWI ) 12) ) ; No. 4 rwl , 89 ; No. 8
rod I 04@1 00 ; No. 2 reI , I 13@1 14.
: j rn-1xcitet1 nod fovenish ; cash lots Icj
anti options 2@3jc higher , closing with a
reaction of @gc ; ungraded , b067e ; No. 2 ,
t0 cli8c.
Oat-3j1c higher and firm ; mixed west.
cm , 3fl@iJc ; white , 3'J@4lc.
Eggs-\Vcstern fresh dull.
Barley-Stonily at 28@tlc. :
Pork-Market stronger. now mess , 111 00@
111 110.
Lard-Excited and higher ; hrilro steam ,
I ) 25@t ) 27.
Thitter-1)uli auth weak at 10@38c.
BALTIMOBE , 1)ocember 10.-Whoat-West
em htiglterauid active ; No. 2 winter red cash
$1 07@1 08.
Corn-Western higher and strong ; untied ,
cash , 62jiG3c. (
Oats-Higher and firm ; western white , il ®
13c ; inixeil , 3S40c.
ltyo-Qttiot at 6(6j68c. (
Lard-Refitted , 0c.
Butter-Western packed , dull 10@23c ;
croainoryt easy at 25@35c.
Eggs-Froslt firm at 30c.
Whisky-Steauly at I 18l 18.
LivEnroot , 1)ecemnber 10.Broadetuils -
Steady and unit.
Wheat-Winter , 8s GJ lii ; spring , Sji
Ss Gd.
Corn-5s 7I1.
KANSAS Cirr , 1)ecenioer 10.-Wheat--Firm.
Cr ; 83c bil for cash ; for .Tauiuary ;
tJ2.c bid for May.
Corn-No. 2 higher ; 41@41c for cash ;
41c December ; 17o May.
Oats-higher at 25c.
ClucAao , 1)ecomber 10.-The Drove&Jouz
nal reports this afternoon as follows :
hogs-Market oxeitod and prices Ilie Iuh'ltot' ;
uacking , 4 63@5 80 ; light , 4 605 30 ; 51d1)S ) ,
3 50iJ l 50.
Cattle-Strung ; export s. 6 50f7 20 ; goutd
to choice shuitping , 5 7fl20 ( ; comnnion
to medium , .1 5U@11 50 ; inferior to fair cows ,
2 50@3 00 ; stockers , 3 25(1 ( 00 ; feeders , 3 711
@ 1 O ; Texans , 1 25 ( ) 00.
Sheep-Good strong ; coltuflOti dull : inferior
to fair , 2 50@3 00 ; utiedittutu IA ) OOl , 3 25J
3 711 ; choicoto extra , 4 50.
Special cable to The , Journal front Liver.
jtool t1utoths best American cattle ic ltti1uer on
light bupplies at 15 uor iiound tlrecd.
KANSAS CITY , December 10.-TIme 1)aiiy tn.
dicator reports :
Cattie-Offerngs light ; uitarket stonily ;
utatirs , 11 55 ; stockers and feeders , 3 71@ I 0 ;
cows , 3 2@4 00.
1o3-Markct oxcitedand l5t320c huiglicnat
5 00crj5 ISO.
Sheep-Market steady ; natives 8 25.
Sr. touts , December 10.-Cattle-Stonily ;
tleuttnnd oxcceding supply. especially for
sli1pting grades ; oponte , 6 ( ) (1(6 ( ( 40 ; good tt (
choice shuittping , 11 4011J5 00 ; mnetliunti Ii ) fair ,
4 75@5 25 ; cornhtton , l 25@1 110 ; iuItchtoms'
etoenti , 3IS0J.I 50 : cowP iimnilicilers , 3 ooji 25 ;
stuchers and feeders , 8 0@ I 25 ; 'I'exatis , 8 211
@ .l 25.
Sheepiotitl ( giades wanted : others dull ;
faIr to gottd mnuttons , 3 25@8 711 ; Ittimno tO
fancy , 3 S0@4 211 ; 'J'exans 2 25@3 ISO.
I1ogs-1xcited and higher ; light uouttinai ;
jiackitig , ISlIS@5 ISO ; Itutcimers' to extra , 5 ISO
ti 00.
- -
- -
CuroAao,1)ecomnber 10-Receipts and ship.
mneuta of Ibiur and grain tor the Past 21 hour
have boon as followet
Receipts. Ship'ta.
Flour , bids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,000 l3,0OO
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . noooo 18,000
Ccra , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . lhO,000 105,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 112,000 03,006
Ryohushois. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 7,000
Barley , buslt9ls. . . . . . . . . . 69,000 31,000
Nsw Yon , December 10.-llecolptue and
fthlplnentsof fluiur and grain for the pt2I hours
have been as foiiowd :
Receipts Shiip'te.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 111,000 .10,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 76.000 2)000 )
Oats , busitels. . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 . . .
OlucAno , 1)eeotnbor 10-Iiecelpth auth ship.
enent4 of live BtOCk for the past 21 hours have
boon as follows ;
jteCeitJt. ) Ship't.s ,
1ogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
Shoep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.000 . . . .
IN'AN CITY , Iecemniber 10.-Receipts and
eluipinenbi of live stock for the 2) ) hours
have been as follows ;
Eoeolpth , Bltl1t'tis.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.CC . ( ) . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Br , Louis,1)ecotnlutur ltJ.-Bocoipt.sjamtd Itiji
mnentd of live stock her tlto last 21 hours have
itoozi as follows :
Receipts. Shil.'tti.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00) ) ) 71)j (
Hitoep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I la' ) 700
flogs. . . . . . . . . . . . e1oa : ; joe
OMAhA. MtlflCfl'I'1 ,
Witoleesnie I'rices ,
O'rwn op' 'L'HE OIiAIIA BEF.
Monday Evening , Iecembor 10.
The following prices ore charged retailers
by Jobbers , wholesalers anti comnInisdion utter.
. chants , with the exception of crain , which ii
. quoted at the PriCc furnished by the elevators
I and other local buyers ;
Goiucrxtl l'rodttce.
UurrFn - Fancy crotuncry 83@8t'c ; cold
storage cro.'utuuery , 21127c ; ciiicn uIair , 20
@ 24c ; best cotutitry , solid packed , l2Sl11e ;
best country , roll , 1GJlr ; Inferior gnustlo ,
lOcThl Ic. lteceiit arc slitAll , and the uloituituul
Eoauu-Miirkot firm ; a1e to.tbiy at , 27@
@ 28c. ulin liberal corusigmittietut" .
( h'ithiu.
Vttrt'r-Cah No. 2 , 78c : No. 8 , CSc ,
IIAIIIET-C.tsh No. 2 tu2.
] { tt.Cash : No. 3
CORN-NC' ' . 2. .tl
Otm-No. 2. 30c.
hive Stocic.
FAT Srmnts-Qtu1et itt I 00@ I ZS0.
PAT ( 'ows-8 O0j3 ( 85 ,
IloosI O0jI1 ( 110 ,
S1IKKP-Finuui at S 00l3 ( 150.
OALVKS- Fair quality .1 W61s1100 ; guxxlbutch'
ore' stock , 6 00.
Flour anti IIlilstatfTs. )
\VINTEIt 'IVIIIAT-1)es1. ) quality , patontat
8'211@3 to.
SICONI : ) QITALITT--2 755'@S 25.
SI'IINOViisi'rIiost ) qumlity , Patent ,
3 21@3 GO.
SaCONI ) QUALITY- ttO@3 85.
IIIIAN-tISc per cwt.
Cnoi'rgtu FICKI--I'cr 100 lbs. S5e.
CoaN MEAL-I OO1 10 icr cwl
S0nERNING-6O@70c lien ow
A1'I'iiCt-l'ammcy , frnuathans , $1 1iOSJ11 00 ;
fancy bit 1)avie , $3 G0IiI 00 ; fancy Jonot ,
$3 00@3 ISO ; fancy Whihutwtwig , $3 211@3 75.
Demand good.
Ciigi-Now York State full cream , late
Septomhter unako , 14c ; New York Stat'u ( tilt
cream , 10 hoop lots , 13e ; do ( till crotun , 50
itooti lots , 13.cVjsutnstn ; ( till croamu , In box ,
I Ic ; Voting Amnonicas , strictly full cream , 14c ;
( till creanu , 12c ; ( till crerun 10 hoop lots , 1lc.
( till cream fiats , I2c ; ( till creaun llat , 1I1c ;
fancy brick cliceso , 100 lb csos , 15c ; Lint.
burger 18e ; genuine old Swiss , ltlc.
1'OTATOIt-ICCCittts { small and prices
good. Ctuiisigttiitotut..q of strictly choice ,
tango sized , straight potatoes are selling
from 88 to 88c ; utiluceul cars : to tO 82o and
light demand ; lteaclibioWs. 3ISto 41k.
: SwIT P0T.tTogS-Ciiolco yellow , 4 @ 5c.
O.4IoNH-No ulomutamid ; utiarkot ovorstockod.
OAUnACE-.i'ularkot for choice stoclc $5 0011J
6 00 her hutitireti. 1)emniiud good.
BXkNS-1ahtd Picketi navius , $2 252 ISO
hand picked mnodiuluts , $1 7ZiJ2 00. Ro
eeiuts large ; domuamul good.
( , AslK-Pnatnio chickens , per tloz. , $3 00 to
8 211 ; quaIl $1 25 to 1 110 ; snipe , $1 50 to 1 711 ;
ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 0O@J2 50 ; mIxed ,
$1 ISO to 2 ( )0 ) ; deer satidlos , 1I ti ) I2c ; car
cass , 8 to0c ; antelope sadullos , ii to 12c ; car
case , 0 to lOc. 1)einauul good.Vouhl advise
liberal comisignotents. Ho careful that your
game collies to market in nice condItion.
FIIRSII Ov8Tmutt-Selects , 45c ; standards ,
40c' mediums , 30c.
I'OUI.TitY-IAVO chickens , per do ; 1 75@
2 00 ; full dressed chickemni , pr lb. , 8@lOc ; tur.
keys , per lb. , 11@lGc ; ducks , 10@12 ; goose ,
LRMONS-Extra fancy bar Iemowt , $8 00 ;
fancy Messhuia lomnotuit , tier box , $7 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemons , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. ,
$6 711 ; ? ulalaga lemitons , fancy , $5 00 ; do 5 box
lots , $4 ISO.
OIIANGEM-Loulsianas P ° bbl , 9 00 : do , ,
box. $5 00 ; stein cut . ) an.nica.i , porbbl , $1000 ;
tier hex , $6 00 ; Florida , jter box , $5 25. lien bunch , $3 00@4 00.
CIIANBEIII1IKS-tell and bugles ; $10 00@
12 00 ; bell and cherry , $9 ISOISzJlO 50. Above
quotations for choice.
1)Atgs-ltlack Arabian , per lb. , 8Oc ;
quarter crates , lOc.
Fmos-25 lb. kegs , uuer lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box ,
flyer , pen lb. , Ilic ; utuullttvals per lb. , iSe.
CocoANum-Extra flute , per 100 , 8 00.
Ciuixit-Ptute sweet cider , 22 gal keg , $6 00 ;
M. & P. clarified , 16 gal keg , 84 75 ; M. & 1' .
clarified , 39 gal keg , $8 00.
l'ic.s FES'T , .Fitii'x , ETC.-Pigs feet , 111 lb
kits , $1 111 ; idge 40 lb tin bbl , $2 211 ; ig feat ,
80 lb half bbl , $4 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , $1 15 ;
tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , $2 25 ; tripe , SO lb half bbl ,
$4 00 ; pigs totiguos , 15 lb kits , $2 ISO ; pigs
tongues , 40 lb qr Ill $6 00. Lambs' tongues ,
is lb kits , $2 65 ; 40 lb qr 1)1)1 , st ; 25.
MINcK MEAT-Atmnoro'ut , ISI1 , buckets
( buckets 25c ) Pa ; 37lb buckets ( lmclcet 40c ) ,
Pc. ; lOOlb kegs , Do ; half barrels , 8c.
AesoltrEn stone jars ; 12 in case ,
per doz , $2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , $1 95 ;
schooner , jor dozen , $3 10 ; 1.11 tin calls , 4
doz. in'caso , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case ,
81 ISO.
JIULIC , TELI.xtu-Cnrrant , 30.lhm wood pails ,
per Ib , 8c ; strawberry , wood pails lOr
lb , 8c ; naspberry. 304b wood pails per lb
8e ; blackberry wood mills lor lb , Sic ;
crab apple , 30.11 wood pails er Ib , 8c.
At'rr.x IIu' wootion pails , pr II ,
8c1 ; wooden iails , 6 in case , uer case ,
$3 50
I'Rtdll wooden pails per Ib ,
$11 00 ; IS-lb wooden paid , 6 in case , jier case ,
$4 25.
PIIKSERvES-In ( wooden pais-ll..sp. ! )
berry , iSo ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; poach ,
14c ; cherry , i'lc ; tomatoo , 14c iulum , 1'lc ;
assortad , 5.11 , wooden buckets , 6 b case per
case , $1 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin Cans , 2 d0z in
casoLpercasnS I 110.
NiIILIASKA fraiii"4.b
cases , per II , 18c.
IEAY-ilaled , 8 00@1O 00 per ton ; in bulk ,
6 006 50 Per ton.
Grocers List.
ONEn 0001)5-Oysters ( Standard ) , per
ca.Mo , 3 70cS3 90 ; strawberries , 2 II , itar case ,
2 10 ; rasplernies , 2 II , uar case , 2 00 ; Bartlett
pears , tier case , 2 40 ; whortldbennies , jr case ,
9 80 ; egg plums , 2 11 , per case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 11 , tier cast ) , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 Ihi , tier
i'ase , 4 50 ; vine apples , 2 Ib , per case , 4 80 ®
5 150 ,
R0PK-Sisal , A inch and larger , 10.c , inch ,
10c ; 4 inch , lL3c ,
OANiLtS-1tOXO5 , 40 Ibs , lOs , uSc ; 8s , llSc ;
boxes 40 lls , 16 1)7. . , Gs , uSc.
MATCILIO3-1'Cr caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
2 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SL'OAIIN-Powdencd , bc ; cut loaf , lOc ;
granulatoil , On ; confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand-
ari extra C , IRe ; extra C , 7gc ; medium yol.
low , 7c : ( lanic yellow , 7c.
CouEKs-Ordinanygrados , 12@12c ; ( air 13
@ 13c ; good , 1'lc ; Pnimito , 1IS@J15e ; choice
16iTc ; faitcy green anti yellowiti16c ; old
government , Iavn , 20&J26c ; Lavcning's roasted ,
1lctrbuckla's ! ; roasted , JS.1c ; McLaughlin's
xxxx roasted , 18c ; imitation Java , 1f3
] ticR--Loulsiauia prune to choice , 7c ; fair
6c ; l'atina , 6c.
Fisn-No. 1 mackerel , half uris , , 8 00 Io.
I mackerel , .cits 1 15 ; family mackerel , half
bris. , I ) 00 ; fami'y ' uttackerol kits , USc ; No. 1
white fish , half brIe , , 7 00 ; i'o. 1 kits 1 05.
Syitui'-Standard Coin. , 35e , hots ; ! tandard
do , l gallon kegs 1 85 ; Staudard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60.
1301)A-Jn lb apors , 8 30 lr case ; kegper Ib ,
1'iCKL1t3-MediUTfl , In barrels , 7 00 ; do
in half itarrels , ' 1 00 ; smali , in barrels , 8 00 ; do
in half barrels , 4 75 ; ghierkins lii barrels , 9 00 ;
do in half barrels , 5 00.
'l'iAS-O uupowtier , gotuti , 4(55c ( ; choice GO
(711e ; gootl Imperial , 40@13e ; CiitICO , 6O(6ISc ;
Youtitg I Iyson , good , 3tStij5& ; choice ,
OScl. 00 ; .Jtuhtavm muttural loaf , 85c ; Japan ,
choice , GO@75c ; oloug , giouI , 3540o ; Oolong ,
choice , 4oc5r ; Soucliong , good , 85@40e ;
ehoico , a5Q4r.
WooiENwMIR-Two hoop pails , I 85 ;
three hoop ijails 2 10. Tubs , No. I , I ) 00 ; l'io.
neon wauihboantls , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Weilbuckets 3 85 ,
SOAI'tiKfrk'14 Savon Imperial , a 45 ; Kirk's
eatinot , 3 ( ; O ; Iink's ittauttlard , 3 711 ; ICinic's
white liussian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Vruirlo Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 41k ; KInk's
mnagtuolia , iloz.
FOTASII-Ponneylvania cane , 4 case , in case ,
3 35 ; Itabbitts ball 2 ilox. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor
bali , 2 doz. In caso.1 50.
OANIY French inixetl , in 80 lb. italic , 18e ;
Amenicati iitixd. in 30 lb jaihi , lie ; .lkiltiaitt
mnied , iii 30 lb pails , l3c ; N9buy inixotl , in 80
li itahls , I 3c ; ( otnetit.ion n ii xetl , I it 30 1 ii
iaiis. I2c ; Excelsior htick , 80 lb 11.1115 12e ;
ttublo rolinoil , 30 lb tniis , 18e ; Crystal mtixoii ,
30 lii jitulls , ISo ; Old limo mnixoil , 8(1 ( lb 1)11115 ) ,
I Ic ; Fij , ' ' ( ) , iitieil , 80 Ii talls , l3e ; JiInt ,
intod , .O lb Ii.uil4 , I1.e ; Fitrt , stick , 80 lb
pails , 11e ; 'J'ii' 'form , it.tik , $0 lb Pails , ] 2e ,
VuumAII-Now 'orkapp1o 1Cc ; OhIo zip.
iilo , iSe.
S.U.T-1)ray IwolI , pet Itiji , I 80 ; Ashtemi , lit
sacks , 3 50 ; iittl dairy CO. Gs , 8 3O.
liTAiicIi-l'vurl : , 4e ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Cent
Stanch , tIc ; 1xceIsttr ( iltts , flo ; Corn , Sc.
Ui'ICN-l'CppOr , lie ; allspIce , ISa ; cloves
Sc ; eniia lrc.
11yE-Axnerlcan 3 40 ; ( ireomiwiclm , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; Iurthz Star , 2 00 ; Lowis'lye
4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
Dry Oootti.
1lnow Corme-Atlantto A 8c ; Alulilo
tout XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; ) oot Fl" 8c ,
Buckeye lb .j..i , 7c Obot W , 7c ; hitto.
umaligo .i ftc : Great 1' aIls J 8c ; ilootuitIr , Gc ;
I1oiict'uu'iult1m , Sc ; Imuihlan hictul A , Sc ; Itttlirun
Standard 4 Sc ; lmuliati Orcltard , ti. w. , 7c ;
1.avroticn ljta , 6c ; Mystic lUver , 7c ; l'oquiuit
A , 8c ; lTticn ( . , 5\c \ ; Wachueott B , flc ; tie
4 8e tie 1 48 , l2c.
tliN : : l3itowN orroNs-Allonu1n1o 1.1 7a ,
AllIgator 8.1 , $ c' Args1n 4-4 , 7c : Atiauitle
I .1 , (1t' ( : Bitigot htto 41 1 , flc ; ltoiuutttttoii
C .1. 1 , G'c flttckeyo S .1.4 , tSc ittillan ( ) rclinrul
.Aj. ¶ LS , Su ; Laeonia ( ) : ; o , 8c ) I.ehigIi l 4.1 ,
flc ; I'cltporoii N 80 , 7c ( it ) (1 ( 32 , 7.c ; iii , R
3ti , Tc : tb $9 , 8c ; l'ocas U 4.4 , 7cc ;
\'ninsuitta I. ) , 18.
flLr.AcIIEI , CorroNs-Androogg1n Ii 4.4
9c ; ] llacksthtio AA hmnpenitil 8c ; * tit tie htal
bictieltod .1. I 1k' ; Cabot 4-I , 8'o ; 1 iuldity 4.4
9o ; Fruit ui t.he loom , tile ; ito cainitnia 4.1
12J ; tie \'atur Twist , 1Oc tiretut iaul Q , iJo
Iiuiititt 1 loath shrunk 4.1. 12c : 1.otusihiilo , lOc
I' ciuibnio 37 , l2c ; Now York MIul , l'2 c
Pc1uiot , tOo ; l'otporol , N ( I Twills , 12 c I-I , tJe : ' 'oca.iiot 5.4 , $ ; Utica
lie ; \\'zunsiutta 0 X . , 12o
Ducms ( ColortiI-Albatiy ) I itniuwim , Sc : do
0 , drab lie ; do XX stniitos nut1 lulaitis , 12 l.2c ;
thu XXk lintnrn anti drziut , et.uiiies atni plaids ,
12 1.2c ; Anlhiugt.oiu ( ancyt it'd ' linutiettick
brown , S l-2c ; Cluinint fancy , 12 I.2c ; do n.
tnt heavy , 21k ; Fail 1tIverbrovii , cxtt'iulieavy ,
11 1.2c ; luthitum A browim , 13c ; Noponset A
brown , lSc ,
TIcKINOS-Amoelcoag AC A32 , 11k ; do XX
blue 32 18 l-2c ; Arrownntia , 9 l-2c ; Clare
iuiomit 1It i I 2e ; Comiastogmu , extra , 17 l-2o
Jlammtiltsti 1) , 11 1-2c ; 1ewltt.on A30 , ISo ; ? i'n ) ;
noltalut 4. ) , 21k' Omnegit , euier extra 4.4 , 2.
l'oarl Iliver 8 , 16 ; I utnamn XX bitin
etnipo , 12e Siuctuckot 5 , 10 1.2o ; do 55 , 12c ;
Yoomauu'e liltue 29 , Oc.
DKNIMS-Ainoekeag , blno nmlbrownI6I.2c ;
Antlover 1)1) blue , 15 1.2c ; Anlittgtoti X blue
Scotch , 18 1.2c ; Concord 000 , itlun auth
itrtutv n , 12 l.2c ; do IL/LA , do tin 13 1-2 ; do
XX to tb tie , 14 1.2c ; Ilayzitakor's blue aunt
itrown I ) Iliver DD 16 1-2c
1-2e ; Mystic stripe , - ;
Pearl liver , blue atiul brown , ll3c ; Uncasvlllo ,
blue anti bnewut , 14 1-2c.
O.tiuuttcs-1ianutard like ; Ethiystouio lIning ,
24 Itich tiOutllO face , 8canuicr ; A glazed , 11.c ;
Manhattan glove finish , Sc Newport tie. ISc :
do glazed , 5o ; l'oquot do , bc ; Lockwood c.iul
finish , ( Sc.
COnSNT JEAMS-Ainory Andnuiseoggin
satteeui , 8.c ; Clarotudon dxc ; Couiostoggit eat.
touie , 7jc ; Ilaliowoll , Sc ; Indian Orchard , 7c ;
Narrnguisott , improved , 8o ; l'oppcntll eat.
teen , 9c ; llockport , ( Sc.
I'IIINrs-Alleuie , Sr Au erican , fle ; Aruldo ,
6e ; ilorwtck , 4e ; Cocfiooo , G ; Ctinestoga , 6e ;
1)autktrk , ( Sc ; liunimll , ( ) © 7c ; I'uldystotio , 6c ;
(1 loucester , 6c' I lanmnony , 5c ; lCnickonlmckcr ,
6c ; Mennimime 1) , Tc ; Mystic , fic ; Siragiies ,
Ge ; Soutlulinitlgo , ( Sc ; do Ginghams , ic ; Iulmul.
bone , 5&c ; Oreiital , 8c.
GINOIIuts-Amoskoag , Oc ; Argyle , Ic ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cuutibcrlnuul 7mc ? ; highland , 7c ;
Xeiillwortlt , 9c ; 1'lnnkt , 9c ; Sussex , Sc.
CorroNAnuts-Abborvhlle , 18c ; Agate , 21k ;
Amenicaui , lie ; .Arttstan , 20c ; Otuiro 1) auth T
13c ; Clarion D and ' 2 , 17c ; Pecan Co.
stripes 1) atiul P , i6c Keystone Il3jc ; Nan'
tuckot , lOc' Nonpareif , ltc ; Ocean 1) and 'r ,
13c ; floytif , 1lic ; Sussex , 12c ; 'l'iogaVaeiun. .
sett ehirting checks , 12o ; ( to Nankin 12cs
York , iulaiti Nankin , I2o ; do chocks , etnipes
vntl ( title ) ' , i2c ; titi 8 oz , 20c.
SItucicTmNcrn-AudrocoggiIi 10.4 27c ; do
9-4 , 23c' tb 3-4 , 32c : Continental 0 42. lIe ;
li'rubt o ( the Lotuiti 10-4 ; 27c ; New York in lii
08. 3ISc ; do 78 , $ Oc ; do 58 , 22c ; I'enibroke
10-1 , 25c ; l'oqitot 10-4 , 28c ; do 71 , lOc ; uht ) 49 ,
11k ; ropponelt 96 , 29c ; do 67 , 2lc ; do 2 ? , iSc ;
Utica fiG , 30c ; do 58 , 22c ; do 48 , iTc.
1451111 ncr.
We quote lumbar lath and shinglea on oars
at Oniaha at the following lunices :
.101ST MI ) SCANTLING-16 It. and under
22 00 ; 18 It , 2350.
TIMItL'Iuu-lr , feet and minder , 22 00.
TistutElt ANt ) Joisr-18 It , 23 50 ; 20 It , 23 50 ;
22 It , 26 50 ; 21 ft , 26 50.
} 'KNCING-No. 1 , 4 amid 6 in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
22 00.
SIIEFTING-NO. I (2d ( commoa boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
LtMr.-l'er barrel 25 bulk bushel'
- , 1 ; per 35c ;
coiuieuit , 1,1,1 , 2 25 ; Iowa lilaster libi , 2 110 ; hair
Per mi. SOc ; Tarred felt , L100 lbs , 3 150 ; strziw
board , 350.
Pnlnts.OIlet and Vnrnlsimce.
Orr.a-u10 ° carbon , per gallon , 14c ; 150 °
headlight , ior gallon , ISle ; 1711 ° headlight ,
jior gallout , 2Oc ; 1110 ° water white , ' 19.jc ; lin
seed , raw , ; jir gallomt,5Sc ! ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , LiSeLard , winter str'tl , per gallon , SOc :
No. I , VOcNo. ; 2 , flOe ; castor , XXX , Pr gal'
Ion , 1 150 ; No. 8 , 1 30 ; sweat , ucr gallon ' 85c ;
spermV.JI , jter gallon , 1 (50 ( ; fishV' . B. ,
jtorgahlon , 65c ; neattifootextra , per gailon , OOc ;
No. 1 , The ; lubricating , zero , uor gallon , 31k ;
fiunhinor , ISe ; golden moachuimue , No. 1 , per gal.
lou , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; slierm , signal , irnr gallon ,
80c ; turpentine , von gallon , ISOc ; iiapthua 740 ,
lor gallon , ICc.
1'AINTS IN Oir-4Vlitte Icad , Omaha P. P.
Cc ; white lead , St. Louis , jitino , 64cMnnseiihos ;
green 1 to 11 lb cans , 21k ; French zinc green
seal , 12e ; French zinc , rod eah , lie ; il'nench
zinc , in vanmuishi zsst , 21k : Fionchi zinc. In oil
asat , 15c ; raw anti burnt umber , 1 lii cans , be ;
raw and hiurnt Sienna , boo ; vandyke browui
13c ; refined ltunpblaclc , 12c ; coach black , and
ivony lhrtclc , 1Cc ; drop black , bSc ( ; ] 'rtissiau
blue , 30e ; umlti'amaninu bluto , 18c ; chrome green
Ti. M. & D. ICc ; blind mid shutter green , Ii
M. & P. , ICc ; Paris retun , lSc ; Indimumi roil ,
15c ; Venetian neil Oc ; ruiscun roil , 22c ; Anion ! .
call liTermnilliini i. 1. , iSc ; cltrouuio yellow
lj. M. , 0. & 1) . 0. , iSe ; yellow ocliro , tic ;
gohtion ocitro , Bc ; , httitsnt dryer , 8c ; gruittimig
colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , clui i'.itut
and wtli , We.
liry I'zilnrR.
\VhIt.o lead , 8c ; Freticli zinc , bOc ; Paris
whitiuig , 2c ; whiting gliders , Ic : whiting
comn'l I c ; lamithiack , ( onmnamitowmt , lie ;
hiumijihlack , ordinary , JOe ; Prussiauu blue , ISISu ;
ultramnanitto , 18c ; vizudyko , browit , 8c ; umitber ,
burnt , ic ; tuitIon , naw , lc datum , btirnt , 4c ;
sienna , raw , 4c ; l'ari green , genuine , 21k' ;
Paris growl1 comuumnon 20cdhrotoognoon ; , N.Y. ,
20c ; chrome green 1. , 12c ; vorniiilloti , Etig. ,
71k ; vorinhilitumu , American , 18c ; Itidiau roil ,
be ; rose liiuik , 14e ; Venetian roth , Cokuisosn1
2c ; Venetian red , Ainorican , ie ; nod loflti ,
7c ; chrome yellow , gemituiuio , 20c ; chnmno yol.
low , IC. , 12c-ociiro , roclielio,8cochro ; , Frwtch ,
2c ; ochre , Americium , 2cViiitor's ; ,
2c ; lehigh bruwit , 2c ; Spamuishu browui , 2c ;
lninco'ts tuitional , 8e ,
VAuIsmBIuou-Buumrols lion gallon : Funni.
tuna , extra , $1. 10 ; Itmrntturo , No. 1 , $1 coach ,
extra , $1 ' 10 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damnar ,
extra , $1 715 ; Japan , 70c ; ioiphaltum , extra , SSc ;
shellac , $3 50 ; hard oilfmtiisli , $1 50.
l'aua TOImACCOClinlair , ISOc ; Bullion SOc ;
Ilorsosluco , SOc' Star Soc ; Ruddy , 45c ; liar.
soy's , 48c ; Blacc , 3810 _ !
lrmnit Cur-Common , 20@30c ; good , 45@
GOc ; itose Loaf , 70c ; ] 'romniutn , 6r ; Diamond
Crown , ISSe ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
BtIOKINQ-O. 13. , 21c ; Moerhchiaumm , 28c ; Dun.
ham , 8 os. , 155c ; ] ) urluun , ' 1 ox. Sic ; iJurban'
2 oz. , 55c f3onl of North Carofina , 8 oz. , sr
Seal of Worth Carolina , 4 its. . Sic ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 oz. , ISOc ; 0. Kl 1)tunhamn , 4
oZ. , 28c ; 0 , IC Duui IOc ; Uncle
Neil , 's 25c ; To
Lent her.
solo 38o to 42c ; hemlock . .ho to $ Pic ;
10111 (1 kt ; , SOc to 1 00 ; runner to SOc ;
noun i' calf , sr tO 1 20 ; hemlock tipper , 23c
to 2Cc ; onk uJper 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to IS 50 ;
calf kiti , $2@J.t , ; ( irolseit kid , 2 50 t 2 75 ; oak
hip , SOc ti , 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Fromucli
kiti , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 th 2 00 ; nut.
ticts , IS 50 IA ) 7 so ; ihuitugs , 6 00 to 10 ISO ; top.
tiitgsi 9 to II ) (0 ; B. Li. Mtinoeco , 31k to $ ISc ;
POill0 0. 1) , Morocco , 3ISc ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00 ,
1IAIIIEss-No. I star oak , 42c ; No 2 do ,
39c ; No. l Ohio ozlc ' aso ; Nut. 2 do , 3Se ; No.
1 Milwaukee 37c ; N'ui 2 do 3li'
Itull anil weak ; green btttcltoms , Sc ; green
suited , 7@7&c ; ilny flint , 12@l3c ; dry salt ,
h0allc ; ilaimuagmiti bides , two.thirds itmice ,
l3iiiist' PKLTi-25e(1 00.
. 'tVtl.
i1onin'i unwashual , light 14@lCc ; heavy ,
13ail5e ; inemlinin , liltt , 1820c ;
washed , choice , :32c : ; fair , 30c ; tub aii.I washed ,
28c ; hurry , black and cottoti wool , 2Ga ( 1uis.
heavy iluirdwmro Iiut.
Iron , riutwe , 2 riO ; iilow steel special cast , 7c
crucible , Sc ; special or ( Icnmnan , l'ee cast too ;
( hi , I11fj20 ; waumi sp'zkes , ect , 2 250&'J 00 ; hubs
set , I 95 ; felInes sasvod dry , I 40 ; tongues ,
each , 7085c ; aztes each , 75e ; square suits liar
Ii , , 7cllc ; washers or lb 8@l8c ; rivets , tier
Hi , lie ; cult chali' , &ien fl , ? h12c ; malleable , Sc
iron woilge , ISc : crowlirs , , Cc : iiarnw tooth
4c ; spnitug tool , 7@Sc ; : ittirmion's huoreniunes , 5 25
liunmieuu's unuulositous 0 25.
BARtlEtt \\'Iut : -n car hots , 1c lierllOO.
N.uu.a - 1ato , 10 to 60 , 3 I 0.
Sitor Shot , 1 811 ; hock shot , 2 10 ; inioiital
iwmior , kegs , C .1) ) ) : thu. , luilt kegs , 3 4S tIe. ,
( Planter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 85 ; fuse ,
liar 10) ) ) foot , tiO.
IP.A1)-llar , I GIl.
Co.u.'tuuuubtnhuuuiii , blcksuiiith , 10 00 : etor.
ne nuti llOS5butl' ) ) , 10 \ ; luuni ,
1i \Vhuits'broast ; ituut , 11 (10 ( ; lowe Ituuuip , 11 (10 ;
Iowa hut. I , lit ) ; limichc Sin1tig , 7 (10 ; 4ntltma.
cite , 11 25ull iSO ; Cuntuutu City , 7 00 , l'er ton
ALCOHOL -lS $ lirotil , 2 25 var wturn gahlout
Otrii CiIGirmuiii sliiiits , 18 $ proof , 1 25 vr
Iinitf gallon ; triple rmit'tttoit jiirIt.s , I 87 jiutsif ,
I 23 ) 'cr linHif giulloui : rc-mihstiiimuh wluhekinii ,
1 O0l ISO ; flue liicniiod , 1 t'0d2 110 : ICon.
tucky tiounlsnis , 2 O0t)7 (10 ( ; ICentucky auuul
l'eiuuieylt'uuuia r3os , 2 (10b)7 ( ) 00 ,
IIIIANIiioi-l ututiorted , ( 'I 0O51jlU 00 ; ulomiurotlo
1 .iocsji 00 ,
( I mNus--huuluI tail , .1 11Offl 00 ; uhtiuiostic , 1 11)
@ 8 00.
lluna-luuipertoui rtKrti (10 ( ; New Englautti ,
2 0Ot 00 ; mlitiit"uLk' , I ti&1Q8 150.
I'r.AcII AN ) ) .it't'IiC liIuANnv-l 755j4 00.
CIA.uI'AmtNr.s-huuuportotl I' ° case , 28 OOISj
31 00 ; 4tuioictuttper case , 12 fl1@ ) 00.
- - - - - -
I)1'NVlh MAltlU'T.
r' Conan MKArs ANtutAufl-ilauiis , 17c ;
Itrtukutst ( bareti , htSzSltic ; tttttknii itItt , 1) )
( j1tSc ; salt. eitio , 8@tSc ; hiurti , ItiGiSile.
( iIIRNN F'uutJIT . % Nu ) i'itont'ct-I'ot.atoos , 1501) )
715c per 100 iHuuutude ; tot4itiut3ue , muvoot , piul 100
1.touuuils , 2 110c5j3 00 ; muulotis , liar 100 isutuiuis ,
.I 5i2 00 ; turnips , itor lot ) lit , t"OIS8c " ) ; Ciii
oraulo cabbage , how , lion I0O , SISeSjl ( ) 00
live cIuickoui , oh , icr doz , 8 1 OOISJI
1 21S ; prairie chuickouie item mioz , $3 7W5j14 00
EggE , nash , liar tloz , :12@85c : ; tutitter , fair miutal.
it.y creamery , litiest Per II , 3IlIj8ii ; creamery ,
gotiti , jr lii , 2815J53 Ic ; ICiutusas amid Noliraska
dairy , tier II , , 37aSIr'c ; cittiking , 12@lric ; citmisiw ,
( till cmouum : , Ior lie , ) ( ill7c ; tipples per hitil ,
eastuinui , $1 0OijSS 150 ; gruipes. per II ,
7iilOo ) ; Cahifortuis pears , Isir II , , 7SjlOc ( ) ;
loshtta loitiimuie , estra , item bo $7 0) ) )
@ 8 00 ; oratugos , $12 00zu13 (50 ( ;
wheat , tier SIX ) II , $1 30)l ) 38 ; flour , Col.
miraiio , iiar 100 Ii , , $2 0O13J2 211 ; flour , lattut ,
$2 t10G)3 ) 00 ; Ihoir , Kansas , item 1(10 ( lit $2 70@h
3 00 ; hour , ( inahamn , icr 100 lIt , $2 ( S0@2 t4) ) ;
flour , rye , itor lOt ) Ut , 2 15OTh2 ( 70 ; hour , buick-
vlteuut , lull , $11 ( 'OSiJi2 150 ; corn mutual , uar
101) his , $1 fl5zJI ( 85 ; corn , liar lOt ) ILis , $1 27@
I $0 ; euro chop , iier 100 his , 31 ( ) @ 33 ; now
oats , liar 10) ) ) liii $1 815l 'ill ; oats , Noiiraskui ,
uttixod , Per 100 ifs , $1 30@1 40 ; oats , Noliraska ,
u'hito , imor 100 IlLs , $1 8115j11 'lISumatte ; , Colorado ,
Per 100 lbs , $1 2541)1 ) 85 ; bun-lay , er 1X ) hue ,
$1 150il 711 ; uutixod chuili , Pm 100 Ibs , $1 33@
I 40 ; lintuu , her tuiti , $17 0051111) ) 00 ; hay , loose ,
tier toil , $12 ( )0@lO ) 00 ; hialeil socouuil titttoui ,
Sb O0ISaJ12 (10 ; litulod ilhillutul , $1' ) dlO@17 ( JO ;
clover , von tuui , $20 00 ; straw , per ton , $8 00
@ 000.
Railway Time Table.
U. I' . 11 It , , MAIN lINK.
Pacific F.xpross.12:05 : p mu Atlinutto ICxiresi7:25 : a in
tVcetcrn Rx'ros 8:00 : pin % 'cternIziress. sa'OIi in
a. Ielauid I'aits . . . . . .30 p iti ( I. lelaunt l'ase. 11:40 : a mu
Lincoln : . . . . . . . .so I' in Lltictilti I. . . . . .12:61 : pm
Lcav&Oinalia : 7:10 , 8:00,0:00 : , mOOO : , Iloo : a : nm.,12 mui
1:00 : , 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , ttOO ; , 0:00 : , tOle : p. itt. Ott $1111'
days : 7:10 : , 0:0 : 11:00 : a. in ; 2:01) : ) , 4:00 : , 6:00 : , 10:10 : p.
mu. Arrli ii at transler depot 20 tnltttutis later ; Uroal'
nay de1otC'inttti'll liltitys , ito utilnutes lator.
teat ii Coittirtl IlliulTs , tiroicle ny ih'piit , 8:00 : , flOO ; ,
10:00 : , 11:00 : mmii. ; 12 utt.tO4t ; : , 2a0 , 8OO,4OO,6OOO:4o : : : : ,
le:40 : p. iii Oti NuitilaysSOO : : , 10:00 : ii. iii , ; 12 iti ; :1:1st : : ,
5:00 : , 6:40 : , tOO : Ii. iii. Arrlie 't'rauster duet ; , 10 utiltu'
lutes later.
Leaiu Coutucil ItlufYs Triutwler .lepot 8:25 : , 025 ; ,
le:25,11:2a : a.uiu.12 ; uiilbill ; , 25,8:95 : ! : , 4:26 : , r:25 : , 0:25 : ,
7:05 : , 10:55 : Ii. iii. Arihim Ooiai ) 20 uiiltttmtut later.
LeArn oiUtiA. I.liA'R ceuNcut. BLOYS ! .
ras No. 2. . .7:55 : a mu Pass. No. 0. . , 7:95 : a in
. , Zo. 10..5:45 : l mu " No. 15. . . .fl:45 : a in
, , No. 4..8:50pm : " No . . . .11:3am :
"I 1uj. . . . . . . . : ) " No. .51 . . .7:16 p itt
, . N. . ti..6:15 : a iii , _ " No , I. . . . 35 p mu
, , No. 1O . . 0Onmn : I
C. . it. & St. I' . It. R.-U. I' flRt'OT ,
'dalI & Ex..7:50 ii mu l'tnlflo ' . . . . . . . : a mu
% tlauitio Rx..8:50 : p m Mall & Ex..7:10pm :
) VALIASII , ST. LOUIS Si 1AC.IF1C-iT. 1. flEt'OT.
) mahm..7:50 : a in i Ottiahut..11:20 ii to
'S . . ) I " . . . . . . . . . :2O p mu
C. , 8 & Q ft. iL-U I" . DEPOT.
! . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu ExpresS..0:45 : am
Express. . . . . . . . 8:50 I' 02 Mail . . . . . . . . . . .7:10 : t in
C. , II. I & P. It. 11.-ti. I' . DICt'OT.
. . . . . . . . . : a m . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a m
. . . . . . . . . . . : i iii J . . . . . . . . . : v m
C. & N. V. II. 8.-U. P. 1)Et'OT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Exiics ; . . . . . . . .P:45 : a mu
Kxirci ; . . . . . . . . .8:10 : ii in Mel. . . . . . . . . . . .7:1O : pm
S. 0. & I' . It. . R.-U. 1' . DEI'Ot ,
tlail' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , l > rs . . . . . . . . .945 ant
. . . . . . . . . : p mu ' . . . . . . . . . . . :
Express . . . .7:00 : a in I Exprees..6:45pm :
C. . ST. 1'AUL , 11. 0. IL. 1L-DEtOT N. ItT ) ! BT
No.2' . . . . . . . . . ; 7sOam : No . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:8Opm :
No. 4. . . . . . . . 1:00 : p uuu No . . . . . . . . . . . :
SIoUx CITY & l'ACIF'IC-IEl'OT N. Ittlu Street.
Leave Omaha for ValentIne via St. l'mW Line
to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Arrive train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : v ni
13. & 3 ! . IN NEIIUASKA.
) envcr ICxproeti. . .8:15 : a mum Atiziutlo. . . . . . &tiOp mu
l'acluic Express',6:35 : I' in. DomusorExiress'0:4O : am
IC. a.r. JOE & 0. II. it. 11.-Il. & M. DKl'OT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a to I EzIiroa . . . . . . . .6:00am :
Express..7:20 : e to I 3aIi. ! . . . . . . . , . .6t0 : p in
8uniuays exeepted.
OpenIng anti Closing of Mall ! .
kourut. oi'sN. UinsI.
e.n .ifl. Bill , jitti.
a'&N.W.C.lLI.&l' I
it. : Q. , St. l'iiutl & SIoii Clty.11:00 : 0:00 : 5:40 : 3:15 :
C. , 1hI.8.l'.ii , C. & l. in losa 11:00 : tiso :
Wabash Ezprees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 : 3:15 :
Walasli , local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:0) : 5:40 :
K. C. , St. Joe t : C. . . . . . . . . . 0:00 0:01) : 5:40 : 6:10 :
Slissoturl l'tucilIc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:311 : 5:40 :
1i. , Itt. 1' . SI. & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:20 :
Ilmilomi I'aclitc , overiattil. . . . . . 8:00 : 11:35 :
Jjtiliitu l'acltle , ietitr ) Ex 4:00 : 7:30 :
0. 1)1 ) ltelittbilctui 'alio3 . . . 1:3011:35 : :
II. & 51. Expruu. . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 7:40 :
it. & 3 ! . for l'iattsntotutli , S.
llouitl , Aslilettil aiiil flicolrt. : I I :00 : 0
OSloc open Hutudays Irma 12:00 : m. to 1:00 : p. mu.
C. ic. COUTANT I'oetntmefr 1
- - - -
-5 , j lili nit.i : rn Jti'ui'iirn.
: :
It 1.4 ' , , r t ii tzi'n'ilit lvi , , , rgiiii , .
V/CI1EEy ' 'fli"u- thIHIflIdIuIIIli'litthflVlOi. iiii iulitah alotit
II itte tti'in to ti.uIt
I ! I . I ii. muN : i.t'vIIio pit ,
vu , In'iIld , ) gli I liii lute , , ,
11i tiiauloii iiitctrei Ciievviir
EI'i Cmii , ' ' , il" "I i'ii. . . . . . '
'l'arts of the
) utiiiiati boil ) ' etilark't'i , ilevelopod atuil etroiigthietueil ,
etc. , isati ititorestIiit wluertutteiuiciit loig , rut , lii our
lim1r. In reily ) I. ' ) Jitituiricil we will say that there is
no ovitietuco of humbug about this. Omi ( hit contrary ,
the ailuontleers are very lilltly wtiloreol. Interested
tiorelitus Ittay gut eoaltnl mircitlars ghiuug all jiarticu
lane by a.iiireeidtuc lriu MeiiIcal Ci , , , , 0 Ito a 51
imiTate N Y.-tToioilo Ei't'iiitiK iliaC 1 juul.tC
Graham Paper Co. ,
217 enI 210 North Slain St. . , lit , Louis.
WhiOl.EflALE iflA1EItH IN
nOOK , ) IA 1" 1 % I WhITING
NKVfS , I Ib I' I. 1 WhAI'I'INO
ffCash vail Or hIa. auth I'IpOSttAiCSCIIIOI&IfluIB
A victim of cirly irniiriuduioo caui.lng aeryoni dclii.
iii' , ininatUro iIocy. etc. , Iisivliig tried in vain ever ;
triown Ttn'1y like tlle"o.i'ret r. , intilii moar. of ezi ,
lire. whitti lii. wilt aenil lItiI' . to iii. htAlitw-iiuSeii'ri.
Addroes. .3 , 11. JIILVE. tiChiatliaua It. . Neur Yert !
rn1 R. RSDO
Oli'1 ' IllSllfllllCO Aoul
Phuuni Assurance Co. , at Loludoum , Cash
& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , .
Wc.stciietcrN. Y. . CaIIW. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000,000.00
Thu 5iercbaut , of Newsok , N. .1. , Capital I I'11b,000.00
Utrerd lire * alhdeIihta , Capital . . . . . 1,500,000.06
Firuinen's lkuud , c1iu.i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,239,916.00
OYYLfIEI-lWom 1. Oiuuibm ltIoae1 Iliuk luUd $
Ing. TipbOuiU No. 5Th
vr M - S 3SfTD- ' ,
BuesRoaVROlls ! , \
ls1 mn ) 13t0 1Iftmo' Street mad 403 3 , 15th Stree ) , ' - . , - . 'Pt . ! . . A
0 Irate ) ( ntmioqiie ttirtiIheiI tr'c tution tutitaleatien .ITJ. .t& ,
Ah. . II.
Buos ! Cirrios aii Srll !
LMY Repository lit ounetantly Cilod iLh meeiectntoo. Ocet lVorkmansbip guaranteed ,
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmab
- 11111. INrEIcxIb : ,
aIvaDiLed JronCoroices Niodo CapsFioiaIsi ;
Bkvlig1its&o Tbtzteonth StreeS Neb
. - II c : L1 ID X' -
Manufaatured by the Omaha Dry 11op Yeast ac
2718 hURT STREET , 051/Ill/I. NEIl
lvi. HELLMAN & CO , .
Wholesale Clothiers !
rt3Q , AND 1303 FARt/AM STREE7 COB. 13Th ,
OMAHA , . : " . . NE'HIRAS1
Wholesale Druggists
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class.
OMAhA , - I. - - - - - NEBRASKA.
) IN ,
1r Ueating and Baking
4 tilt fitly attained by tueing
_ " _
' . . , : ; . .
) ILI' O1AF1A-
Wholesale Druggist I
Puts Oils Yarilislies arid 1TilldO Glass
Lowest Prices Now Offered on Artist's Materials !
\ViItdsor & Newton's 'L'uibu Coliure , vc dozuti , toe ; Fiiio Siblo Bruithics froiui
iOn tilt ; Flue Bristol Buislios , fromut 7e up ; found tutU Oval l'laquee , fi'ouui 20c up ;
I'alottmutu , 3ile ; Oujus , lOc ; .Jnptueetl 'I mum Artist's Boxes , $1.50 ; Iliass I'ltmeiucs , 'ISa ups
I'anols , lOc ; \Voodon I'lttquo , I So ; Ieeigna to Iecoralu , front I e each UI ) ; ( ol'I nnii
Silver l'uint , Oils , Vatuuishucs , front 20e uhss'ard ) ; Canvas 71ic pa" yard ; Stretchers ,
25c up. A. JIOSPJ. .Jr. . iouthi Side 1)odgo Street.
.1' . 0. PRESCOTT N. P. CfJItTICE.
3. 0. PRESCOTT & CO. ,
I cB1OiiL1a LLX.Cl ILotlzil !
Music1 Musical Instruments of all Descriptions.
XJ3. t13.a tito.
HO , Farnam Street - - - OMAHA.
c , irir
Till ? , ONLY
Chinese and Japanese Curiosity Shop
Ciilneiuauil .Iapatit'e' Tu)5 , Ciiliiu.ui auuil .Iaj.muesu , 1'ua Clips , lie tientuitiui Iuiiorted Ciliiui ) 'Ymter Lily. A
largit tuiriut ) of Fiuticy ( octI , 8)11. ) Ihuuidierm4iiufs , Fete. . l'uuru 'rvs Im'Iit CUi cttitl.t 4)1 . * Itauui , ( 'holee .
' . i.eftIIIftttth.
Vrtuits atlil Caulk , . LmtIIAItLE13 % 'ENIt. Corner tttlunutO %
Merchant Tailor !
1504 Tarnaiu Et , , Uext Door to Wabash TlcIcet OtUco.
I jtuijUBtd iii ) CkBtitltuihtiOit (4 lute lute stock \V0OLE2S. . A bpectatty wide
of FINE SUITS A . .I ) OVEILCOATS.iIeo m full line of lit'Iw Suitirge saud Tiosecriecs. . All
gumareutue4 to be iiiido iii the latest bt ) lr and it itit Big ta et titniuli s's , C.kt L l Ii 1. ) SEi
. - , . ; . : .U" . i ' ' - . - .
- IT _ . ' S
- - : '