r v H j AJIJLrt THE . OMAHA AILY BEE. , . , . \ TIIIItTELNTII YEAR. OMAHA , NAB. ' 1'l 1SUAYiOR.NiNG , DECEJfBElt 11 , ] 883. NO. i4,1 , , CONCRESS AT WORK , A Rafi of Bills Corcriu all Iafl > li Variety of Sithjs1 ! A Discussion In the Senate Oall Out Ingalls and Hill , Who Have a Little Tilt and Thf Become Quiot. NrVoonccos Gets in n Little W'u ' on the Publk Debt , _ , 1'111'1 ' FOILTY-I.IGIITII CONGitES i NEN.1T1 : , WAslnsorots , December 10-A rat morial ) vas presented from Moxicnmi vt trans asking pensions. The stantlmg and other cmtntittc were then appouttod. 13iila weru intr duced ns follows ; . By Mr. 11111-Providing for a coins branch mint at Denver , By Mr. Canorou , of Wisconsin- regulnte the oloctiot of ropresuutativ to congress and punish vioh do thereof , By Mr. Ingalls-To provaut unlat f enclosure of public laude , 1 A resolution by Mr. ' r oorhoos w agreed to to authorize the cwtunittoo military aftirs to inquire into the exp dictcy of purchasing the encampmu , grounds occupied by tlio ro olutionn aruty at Valluy Forgo for a Nntiel park. park.Mr. . Voorleea also oll'ered the folio ng which ho asked to have printed : lksurrd ! , That in tire judgeront of the sum a public debt is not a public blosstug , and n umaiuro of financial policy Iooaing to the p ILetuation of the present interest bearing t t ttonal debt , for the pttrposos of national ban fug ur any other account meets the diaapp Nation of this body and should be view with alarm by the tax payers of tire Unit t States. Mr. 11111 called up the resolution as iug the secretary of the interior to ft nit copies of altpnpers relating to t transfer of the laud grant of the N Orleans , Baton Rouge &Vicksburg Ra road company to the Now Orlea Pacific Railway company , He said abe 2,000,000 acres were at stake in ti batter. ' 1'11o land had boot granted 1871 and by the terms of the act t claim lapsed in live year. after that tim the road not being built , and there tv I , ' now an attempt to transfer the land the Now Orleans Pacific railway. „ , 1Ir. lugalls said the matter had be baforo the attorney general , who h gave an opinion that a grant of land I act of congress was a grant in the pt cent and vested the company in int' ' cat 111 the lards , but the grant did i acquire precision and attach to any spe ) ftc lands uutil the route of the road w ti definitely located. The proviso requ + iug the road to be built in five years w merely a condition subsouent to whi it did mt work a forfeiture , but onabl the Union Pacific to declare a forfoitt the proper judicial proceedings. Un . Couch declaration of forfeiture to the grs f it remained the grantee , and the Bat . Rouge company had the right to 'trans ; the tntereat to the Now Orleans Paci company. Such was the meaning of 1 attorney genoral'a opinion. Mr. Inge 'v stated that ho had heard that this sessi would be characterized by an onslauf on the department of the interior and did not know whether the senator fr Colorado ( Hill ) shared this opinion , 1 he ( Ingalls ) thought this the first of aeries of assaults intended tq be inn on the administration of that departnte Tie was informed and believed it to followed by assaults upon the adutiniat tint of the pension bureau , general in ollico and Indian service. The secrete l of the interior lie said invites the i most scrutiny of his acts. Mr , hull said he was merely perfor ( jug his duty in the matter. The fa are that during the five years allowed t 1 , one foot of railroad was built. lie lieved the sources of his information p good as those of the gentlemen fr Kansas and believed the statement ti the quantity of the land in question . 25,000,000 acre } substantially corrc With regard to the public impress ) referred to by the senator ft Kansas lie ( Hill ) had heard that c slaugltts would rather be nsdoby n road companies not only to prevent 1 I. islatien against their imterests , but to { cure legislation against the interests q , the pcoplo mud in favor of curio tions , f ' Mr. Ingalls said he did not kit and did not care whether the assigumc in question was valid or not. Ile situ wished to say that until ammo com1lob authority overturned the deeisiet 1 the attorney general there is prima fit : ( evidence of authority for the trans He ( Ingalls ) had riot the slightest obj tiout to call for the papers , but thmut the resolution as framed would not a comphah the purpose of the mover that purpose was to prevent the trans of the land , as by the Limo the n 1 issu were ready the patnts may be and inquired if the gentlemn did not site mainly to prevent thn transfer of laud , Mr. lull stated that ho certainly d I t and desired no action taken on the iii tor until the information called for t n p' to the senate. t Thu resolution was agreed to. journed. ) rouse : . The following bills were introduced the house to day : By Mr. Oakea-Ro calinti the t eatton laws and amending the ] nu t f stead saws so Iatoms ni ) be iss after three years actual occupancy , By Mr. Dmm-Declaring fortor lands granted the following railroad ct patties and to state in aid of such corn nieS , Gulf & Ship ] , land , Alabani Florida , Coosa & 'l'enesseu , 1 bile , Alabama GirardGoosa &Chattan ' ga , Alabama & Chattanooga , Ponsacol + t ( leorgia , North Virginia & loxas : Orleans , Baton Rough & Vickaba St , Louis tC Irma 1lountain , ilougtor Ontoregon , North Wisconsin , 1Viscoi Central , St. Paul & Pacife , St , Vfuc Ixtensioil liralinrd , hIastutgs & i f kota , Ore oui Central and 'I'oxas 1'ac ! { By Mr , Rosecrane ' 1'o indemnify C forma forexponaes incurred in the lnd war. ; also to prevent undue discrinmi tion in railroad transportation ; also incorporate the Afaritimo Canal comp of Nicaraugua , By Mr. Srnnnor-.To fix and catab mnxintunt rules of fares on the l'uic Pacific and Central Pacific railroads , By Mr. Payson , of Illinois-tcclarju forfeited the land grants of a large nun ben of roads involving umnn ) t acres of laud. The nanea of ammo of tl' railroads and the amounts of laid it roved are as follows : Texas Paeit lii,000,000 acres in California , Arizmi and Now Mexico ; Gulf & Ship Islam Tuscaloosa & Mobile , Mobile & No Orleans , aggrooatiug 100,000 acres at Savannah Albany , utvolvmg $1,290 , OCO ; lrou Motuttaiu , Arkatsas,1,130OC acres ; Memphis & Cltnrlestou , 800,0 ( acres' Mobile .1 Girard , 482,000 acre Oregon Centrl,1,180,00 acres ; Elytu & hearts illutl's , 800,000 acres ; Orego ,1 California and California & Oregot unpateuted lands , 4,108,000 acres ; pa ; of Northern Pacific , front Wallula I Portland , liit00,000 acres ; Now Orient & Jnekson , J,000,000 acres ; part of A lactic & Pacific , east of Albuquerque nn west of N inpara,15,000,000 acres , By Mr. Springer , of Illinois-Pro o tug a constitutional ameudntett itin g special lc gislation also to fncilita prooottuns amnd retireunotta from ncti ) service oil their own application of of cars of the army ivlto sved during ti vole rebellion as g neral officers of ; Leers , , By Mr. Bedford-To roBulato railrorr tralli also to authorize appointments a special'commnission for proniotitg con mercial intercourse between the Unite States and South Central America ; nl providing for deposit of silver bullion i the treasury and issue of certificat tlterof ) r , By Mr. Clements-To repeal the i ; tertrnl rovettttos laws. fly Mr. Ienderson-To establish board of couminissioues on inter sta commerce. By Mr. Towusheud-To abolish potage ago on secmnd class niailabla matter a reduce postage on trausient newspaper also authorizing the president during tl recess of congress to prohibit the inmpe tation of articles injurious to the publ health free countries which on the san ground prohibit the importation of Attic ican goods. By Mr. Thomas-To equalize boumtic also to divide Illinois into throe judici districts. By Mr. Fiuerty-For the conslructic of f.jur gunboats and three addition cruisers for the navy. By Mr. Cobb-1'o equalize pension also to prevent the secretary of the i tenor from issuing patents for ] at granted to aid the construction of ra roads when said railroads ate not co plated fn the time fixed by law. By Mr. Holman-1'o limit the dispos of public lands adapted to agriculture actual settlers under the homestead la ) By Mr. Calkins-Proposing a constit tional amendment providing , that i state , public m private corporation pesou , shall deprive any citizen of f equal protection of the law , nor abrid ; the rights , privileges , and inununitios account of race , color , or previous corn tint of servitude. By Mr. Lowrey-Repealing the tin tatiou of time for filing claims , for pe signs , also a resolution requesting t president to communicate to the ou correspondence with the overnme ' ofGreat Britain in reference to Patni O'Donnel's trial for alleged niurdor. BY Mr. Lamb-A resoluthon calling the attorney general for an itemized c count of the expenditures in the proses i Lion of the star route ease. I L By Mr. Matson -For the nppointme of a conunssion to investigate the rev , ing of the pensiet laws. By Mr. hIolmes-To esttblist ] natiot experimental stations in connection wi ' agricultural colleges. By Mr. Iieuderson-Calling of t secretary of thin treasury for copiol i correspemleuco with foreign goner ments touching the interdiction of t L importation of swine. By Mr. Weller-Removing duties certain kinds of lumber nun force wii By Mr. McCord-Providing for a en of the repoval , death , resignation or i s ability of the president and vice pre L dent , secretary of state or acting pre dent until a apocial elootiom is held. i By Mr. Anderson -To presuut mid I discrimination by railroad compani subjecting them to the control of t states-under certain circumstances ; al to create an agricultural couuuissian ; al i to create a postal telegraph ; also to u t duce the postage on drop letters to u cent ; also a resolution calling on t secretary of the interior far infmwati whether the Union Pacific has contpli with the provisions of the Thuruuun a f ISy Mr. Poters-Granting pensions soldiers of the rebellion when they ha reached fifty years of ago. By irr. Ifaubeck To repeal the tit her culture and pro-ern ) tint laws , r BY Mr. White-To lessen crime a 1 human stiffening front alcoholism by i f striding the use of distilled spirits I sciontitie and medical purposes ; also r prevent soldiers or sailors from obtaini. money values for homesteads to wlui t they are entitled ; also proposing a co stitutioal ametdatont granting the rus f of sulf'rago to women ; also appropriati r $26,000 a year for five years to aid cot eon schools. t By Mr. Willis-To authorize wi - drawal from diatillory warehouses wj ) out tax spirits to be used for industi purposes ; also to establish a bureau , statistics of labor and industry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The call for bills was hero interrupt a to allowMr. Ilewitt to offer the followi resolution ; That this house bring { to t notice of the president , the case of l trio O'Donnell , claiming to be a citi2 ) of the Cnitcd States , now under sente of death in Great Britain , in the he that the president will secure such - reasonable delay of the execution I sentence as will enable the president nscnrtain whether said O'Donnell is 1 citizen of the l'nitod States and if whether the trial by which he was a vietod was in accordance with the mu e cinal law of ( ircnt Britain and the quire ietta of international la Adopted. B Mr. Icing-To equalize the pity I' male and feutalo cutlloYcs of the grove , uncut. By Mr , Dingley-To micourage A ii erican altip buildiu ; , t By D1r , hloblltzell-For constr ten of the Iilarylaid and 1)ulawaro al ' . canal. By Mr. Blanchard-Providing ti n when tlo terra of cougroasmenbegino and the congreasshall moat. The obj 0 of tim bill is to linvo congress m y immediately after the election members of a new congress instead h thirteen mouths after and it provides two long sessioua of each congress f steel of one long and ottu shirt as no By 1ir. Mt'mo. To repeal the act f coinage o ° the standanl silver dollar. By lr. Whiting-To remove all tax On utional bnnkii associations ; also fix the atuouttt of circulating notes to 1 issued to national banking associntioi u you the deposit of boud. 'I'te ! b' ' provides that the amount of circulatit notes whiclm any national bankiu asset anion makin alu ustt of 1)011(15 shall l entitled to receive from the controller the currency shall be tinetytivo p cent of the lowest uarket value of an bonds during the fiscal ye next previous to the deposit , pr viding ; , such amount shall n exceed ! )6 ) per cent of the current ninth value of such bonds nud at no tints slur the total nmotuttt of such notes iout to any association exceed flit per cunt the amount at such time actually paid its capital atock. By Mr. Rico-Declaring the policy the United States in regard to ti oceaufe canal. It declares that the co atructiou of Clio inter ocynnic cat uncaps foreign capital hostile to ( ho t tabliahed unit of the Uufteel States ni n violation of the spirit of the deelat tiaras of the lfonroe doctrine that t United States will assort and ntaiuta such control or supervision over au canal as is necessary to protect uatiot interests. Adjourned until tomorrow wlmeu tl call will ho contplototh. TILE S11Nd.'L'1 ; COMMITTEES , The I'O4ltIOlls Aasigued to Weste Senanr , . Spodd Dispatch to Tun Bu } : , W.lsuuINOTON , December 10.- The unto committees were announced ti afternoon. Senator Van\Vyck retains the sane committee as last sessit Senator Blauderson goes on the terri rics , private land claims , and transpor tion routes to seaboad. None of now senators have a chnimmnship , oxce Wilson of Iowa and Cullen of Ihlinn on account of service in house Seta Wilson has beet placed at the bend the committee opines amid mining a Cullom of census of postoiices. Scum Allison retains chnirmami of the app priations , : It the caucus of the republican set tore today , a letter was rend from Senn Edmunds resigning the presidency of t senate. It was informally determined time caucus to elect Senator Anthony Rhode Island. if his health will port hint to accept the positlet. Severely and fatally intnrcrl. B.ILTItoIrn , Deconiber 10.--Duriui fire early this morning at the reside of Ella Martin , 142 Boundary avon' Carrie Martin , agad 32 , jumped from I second story amid dislocated herr epi ; She us probably fatally iujur Susie Martin dropped from a balcony a mattress , but received a severe she bruises andsprains. . Ella Martin , nrt and owiar of time buildf ut nlla lien scat Mary Martin , aged f0 , wore rescued ladders. The Misses Marlin arc nati' ' of 11Iotuit Verner , daughters of an ntentber of congress of Ohio , now ceased. The Trade Fooling , BOSTON , December 10.-Report Fr 29 loading clearing houses of time Uni States for the week ending December 1 gate total clearances of $1,128,926,3 Being a decrease of 112 per cent as cc pared with the corresponding week last year. The oxhobit this week is t expectedly favorable or both when cc pared last mud tlm corresponding week last year. The gain is mostly at lead trade centres amid while there hits been great imnproveniont in speculative do hugs it must be ascribed to a better fm ing in legitimate trade. Fruims of the Di uc Novt'I , Miaw tuunl ; , December 10.-Abu seventeen incendiary lines of the mm vast have beau traced by the police 'Yost Joe Molhtt Finell a Miller , four boys , about thirteen years age , antis of respectable residents of I Fourth ward , where the fires occurs and time boys have boon arrested. TI ; had formed a "Bulralo Bill" organ tion , and had a pirate's don , where tl : kept dune novels , guns , lassoes , a front which they rondo raids on the ) n1' try and wall to-do neighbors , Suspiei foil upon then because of the frequr loss of jollies and pies and the gone bragadocio air the boys assumed. You Finch confessed everything , Time I'nvson Gave Jilin One. Nntvnunn , N Y , Docmnbor 10 Rev. William W.1)oHart , rector of Andrew's ' Ep sccfpal church , publishc card correcting certain statements garding his dill'erenco with his parish era which hod to the roctor's rosignati the says the dispute ho interfered iv was botwcet husband and wife , 'I I ( orator striking the latter DoIfart at i "You must not strilco a wonman in presence , " whereupon the ratan turn I and struck rho full in the face , and 1 getting for the moment that I wit clergynta n , and in the heat of pass acting nnly as a ratan , I roturmed blow with the force and skill I 1 learned at college , , lying Tbttmn hope. D1 Ll'11oSH , 0 , , Decemnbor 10.-L i night a largo number of masked n a appeared at tlio jail , took tlmo keys ft the watchman , took out Mast and Iii ) nechter , arrested for burglary and mantled they should giva the namom their confederates in rmmorous bu lanes recent ) comuitkd or be hang They refused and wore strung Whmi pearl dead the wore let du f timid asked IA gii'o the nines but a . the could not when the wore luny6 again mid the mob wont away. . . watchman cut the mach down but tI are still in a critical condition , Net . all the companions of the prisenera h I loft town , . - - - - - - - L The Wrong Alan It IiU uI. l GafI NrnmNT , I. , I , , Dccombur l ( ; 11'luile roturting from the comater t ilrnmkou driver drove his coach i f Nowtown creek , 'J'hmo driver escaped t hurt but John Nulty received fatal r juries and the horses were drowned , l _ . - . CAPITAL TALK , Mr , Hosccraus Has a Fill Dock ai a Joker , Mr. Edmuld's ' Letter to the Itf pablioan Oauous , The Supreme Oourt ( Iivos Jo Davis the Dorsoy Money. The Flood or 111th lntreduced In ti Ilomisc , mud MorO l'aming , CAPITAL NOTES , Tutu aNATa : OoI111TTuus , WAsfuNnroN , December 10.-Mahe attended the caucus of republican sou tors today , Senator Anthony was in present but sent the following letter ; ' 1'ol . ltopublicnn Iirothreit of the Soatol tiontloutmi-At the close of the last se siou wlwn n largo m iinbor of republican amp torn elect bath uu volco im the cheico of ti sounto prosldott pro tout amd when mono thasu wla ) had boon in the office ivera r elected std could Ito chosen for the place , ' t did moo time great honor to place moo h ) tl ) ollico. I fait that had your range of shut boon as great as it now is a otlter sonat wvold have boon your chntca as he won iruhmo. ' 'he diflieultios than o' istiuq are n1' ronwved and I gladly hasten to return to yo hands tutontbnrrawod the disositiot ; of LI trust the sonntors hnposod upon me and 1 1 'lto you to proceed to elect atothor preside pm tout of the sounto With grateful thanks for yoer uusoug proof of the confidence shown mine aid wl time wish Le ho relieved , I nut faithfully yeti [ Slguod ) Gsu. V. I i , m'Nm + . The caucus postponed anlion et LI hotter , for time reason that Senator A thomiy has mint been sworn in the ) ruse term but informally detertimieu wit Limo time of action is enchod that Sem tor Anthony shah ) receive the nouiui tion of the caucus for time presidency the senate. A } notion pas carried consider the question of electing ollico of the sonata caucus Thursday. Time report of the caucus comuuiUee the arraugememit of conuuittees w adopted. Following are the changes in f ehairt aship of a majority of the cot mittees : Foreign relations , Millar , of Calife nia , vice 1Vimidhamn , Dlanufacturos , Riddloberger , vice Cc 6gut Agriculture , Miller , of New York , vi Mahote. Postolliccs and roads , Ilfll , vivo Fort f Pensions , Mitchell , vice Platt. Mutes and mining , 'Wilson , vice Hi Revision of laws , Cougar , vivo Mill of California. Improvement. of Mississippi river , V Dycke , vice Mitchell. Transportation routes to sea boar t Aldrich , vice Harrison. Exanino branches of civil servic I Culluin , vice Sawyer. Nicarigua claims , Maxey , vice Dav of West \rirginia. I Public buildings aud'grounds ' , Mahm , vice Rollins. , ,1tOVUiuLionnrp clahUtl f9 J $ , tt,1t'1 , , ' 1Oa ; vine Johnlton , 1 Shormtamiatd Wileou were placed on I I conmitteo on foreign relations , Dlill ' of New York , tills avaeamey m , linatc ' Frye holds fourth place on time cotumm conunitteo , renautug with no chat that is important. At the cauets of democratic seuat ( I the minority of chairmanships were fix as follows. 1 Private land stains , Bayard. Engrossed bills , Snulsbury. Epidemic , Iarris , f ltev'olutiotary claims , doncs , of Fb ida. E Nicaragua claiuna , Maxoy. Library , Voorhees. Jones takes the place t.f Barrow. ) ohectiuns , lrcumce lord Brown succe ' Juhnatmt and Cmll o , foroigu alliti ' Call taken the plaao of Davis , of 1Vm Virginia , on fiumumee. Thu other chin ; are tutintportaut , 17's , iCi'r'e. Thu aupremo court has utlirmed t judgment of the court below in favor a Jolferson Davis in the contested will u of Mrs. Doraoy who loft ] tor property i Davis. I NO mlmJu : iION ma.tollla ) . . A hearing was given the comntitl front lmitliana wlis , conmposcd of flay ' Grubbs Collector McKay , Preside ' LY mich of thu board of traand Unit I Shales District Attorney hlalatuimi , to d : who oxplaimied the advamdages posses : I by IndknttlOliS for holding time Natim republican convotitlom. Time matter w talked over informally but no cmelusi was reached , % VAI.sif w.1S N(1T TIIIIrn. : The ease of ex-Somtator Kellogg , - dictod for hnvimg received while Urmii States senator , tumonuy for procuring , creased pay for certain star routes , ca . u to da before Judge Wylie. John . Walsh was called as a witness , but r , not respond , whereupon the govermm I eoutsol moved to postpouu Limo trial uii m he could ho produced. 'I'lis motiomi v vigorously u ) posed by connaol for K I. to g g , amid Jud go Who took the pitlpo rm6arkimm that Ito would decide t question tto ruorrow. Ingersoll ) for K I logg , claimed Qlat the alleged olfunso n barred by rho statute of li titatiO Li Bliss was absent , and Attorney Gana 1 Brewster appeared iu his place and sured the court that time govurinment sired a epoedy trial std acquittal of defendant on eharges not proved. I. 1'AOIFIm' IlAt.iP , % . ) Air. Sutuner's bill in regard to time I m cilia railroads provides that alLer fu days front time pnsange of time act it sl ho unlawful for those companies f charge more than three cents per i for first class passougors ; two coats , second class , and eto itnd ammo halt cc . for third class , 1 TIII3 1'Idtm ) of 1111dR. In time call of states t'1 ' day ( Ions h ROSIiCrnlta of Californta introduced bills iii time house , or , as ho said , a y dock and joke' , lllassncluusotti y roactuod and it is uxpoclod then the o imuning states ivlll ho celled loan nr Bight huhdrtidand , twentyfomr bills joint rosolutioua were ut'oducod , nearly au average of seven each mumtl - - - - - - a o Itlddled 15'tb ! ltullotm. 1 VWKSPIultu , December 10-A Clit t speeialsays ; : Albert Tllamina , a m.t brute , was attested yemturdsy by a pt of eilizona for cmuunittmng n rape on ti little daughter of 11. F , liugon , a ptou ittout citizuu of this county. IVhilo cut voy'ittg hint bitch to time uoigklorhootl tl rriutinal escaped tutu tuns riddled wit 61111013 , - - - ( iiNEltAT F01t1:1G' NE5VS , - rONmlTI0N,1L Olum l.4. PAnis , lh'cn tber 10.t is reports Adttirwl Cottbus was htstl'uatnll to cot tiuio prepar .ttions for n eautpaign again Sontag and ltncniutlt , butt awn' ' fresh orders from Frnnee before makin nu assault , Voltair ( newspaper ) urges LI chambers le pass n vote of canhdanco t the f overnniout to ahemigthet it ngaini the intrigues of Chinn. O'IIONNB1.L'S t'lat : , LoNniNiecolluber 10Guy , ( Y1)oi null's solicitor , bogs time jury to eauiidem tially connnuuicate with Iim , its ho d. . sires to address theta -upon a matter t extreme urgency. lie say's nil otht teats of conmutntcntiuu with tltont hu failed. As quo ) vas rofttsud a copy of tli pamel before flue trial , lw has beet numbi to ascertain their idottity since. A umnbnr of seditious placards wet found posted about Stockurntt , Austria Pamplilotn bearing the sigtaturus t anarchists were seised , 'I'womtty Servian rebels condoumed I death , have beet reprieved. letiysou will ho created n baron. Time nmuuster of public instruction amt ecclesiastical affairs of ( lermuuly wi'I ' moot at Genoa time crown prince on I1' return from Ituue. .t L.tNI ) 1.u tnl'L' 1lmSni'mSn , Dr mmtN , Doconmbor l0.-Nutwithst mt fug the goverunmott forbade the holding time uatotal league nteetimm at Loughro Gnhwn' , yesterday a utoutm was ime tear the town , ' 1'lto amdhontins lcaru of the assonblago amid diapatehel a fora of ) ) Mice t0 disperse it , but time mmeetit atljourted before time p0l1cc arrived. niotiomt was pnsaed detuunciug anforct ummigratiet. A letter front time bishop Cloifent was road clain ug roonm lrelamid for double time present pupal Lion. MA\1:0 : tut ii it ILICON. C.itho , December 10.-'h'roops we dispatched to Suakiot but hind not n rived whet the latest defeat of the Egy tints occurred , Sergeult Black's fare iu time omagunment ( with hill mom stal time Egyptmns would intro defeated Ll rebels but for time bad conduct of ti Bashi iiazoulus. )1. 1'Cltlty oN COI.ONI,1L t'OLII1' . P.m ins , Duconmber 10. = 1'ho deputi today reaumeti the dobble out the To quilt credits bill. Po.latin reproach the bovornntcut for its colonial 1)011 aid cunmparod events iu Touquin wi what had beet date in 'Z'unis , l'rut Mitistor Ferry declared that far fry leading time country into the four qunrtt of the world it quest of colonial ndve Litres the colonial policy of the gove matt was entirely conservative. goimi $ to Tunis ho said time govortmc had ram view solely the security of germ , and it wont to Touquin for t sake of the security of French Cool. China. Forr' said time republican gt ermmmont of Prance was nut reapomisil for the present expeditlon to ' 1'onqu Ito , ptated that Admiral Montaoz 1mi n stojjt ; tuarlue + ut.i 8711 poiittoai the , ocessity of epttb islmimig n Frei I protectorate over Atant. Ferry declar that he wished to remain in power o en condition that he retained Limo cot llelleo of the chamber. Time real c stacie to a settlemitett of the queation w time frailty of cubimiets , which were all need of tunic , without which nothi could be otrecled , especially 1n foroi alitirs. The govurmtuut , far from e terttiuing amty illusiuma regarding time i tittdo of Chinn um the 'l'ottluiu ( matt believed Chime world go so far as to u sort to iruted intorvuntion , A ruptc 1)OtWCem1 Franco amid China hail not y occurred , bat time cahimiot had nuv ceased to act as if a rupture was possib ' Thec was a treaty with Citiua at great poivor , which of course le did n ' ' lunch alwa regret. 1'lmu govormnutt itch ! the opinion that nieatis of coucil a tiou oxialod , and acting under thia but had exhausted every anubuuation a system of couciliaton. 1I. Furry coucludcd a lengthy explai tie ) of time 'louquin dilliculuus by aski time hotiso to give a vote of eomlidumice. 1i. Clenemcoau declared that n vote conldece would meat a declaration war fret China. 'flan credits bill was adopted , 381 140. 140.Ferry accepted nu order of the d proposed by Bert that the chamber eonviuced that time govormnmtt shot display tucessary ottargy in def01nli time ittllueeo aid hnuer of France a Tomgimin whoa it passes to time order , the day. Carried , 31fi to 200 , A Political Ulflluolty. O1temyut.ri : , 11ias , , Decemnber 10 , I A dilliculty occurred Saturday bight a political meeting hutwonn n colored bit m named llontor and Foord f11outgomo As usual emi such occasions pistols wt I drawn amid shooting conmmonced. Sn Finbty ( white ) tvns seriously injur I 'J'lmrce negroes were shot dead and u I other is oxpeeted to die , still ammothor s . alightly wounded. 'rho coronur's jt Found that Renner was killed by Mo goniory and Finlay. Both local pol . ciaus. I ciaus.Probably - -Probably lslw'doretl. I Pv.olt.t , Loconber 10. = I'Ime body . the girl foutmd Iloatiug nit time river hoc has 1)0011 fully idomtil'ed ' as that of I ) iiutclminsomm , wtmo also wont b the tin of Belle Johnson and Carrie 1Vils Four ivoeks ago abe gave birth to a alai which is still living. T'wo days bef f her baby was found alto loft Limo city , a lug that aim was goinu of Limo Gray 1 6glo to her hone near Lace1. Null Qofbmite is known as to the cause of Li death limit mho is supposed to bavo b murdered and thrown um tbu river. a - _ - _ - Art fniOrecl Fast. LACmaisse , Wis. , Iecuntbor 10.-B 1 playing about a haystack in thia city 1 i aftornoomi djscovored the emaciated II living fora of Louis Andursou , It It pears tie haystack fell at and but ' ! mien Novenbor 17 , amid that Ito hunts b d there over siuco , through solo vary see weather , without food or wator. 'r ' us a lucre skuloton , but able tospcak , it la believed will survive. Seurotmtry h'otger lillllaus , nVASl11Nn'ron , D. 0. , Dccumbor 1 o let the absuneo of Secretary Fulgor , is sistant Secretary Now is acting score . : - - of Limo treasury. Secretary Folgor sull'eriug front au attack of billinusnos Iis ( physician advises luiut to rest mid rt toniu away from tbo ollico a few days , "Ourrent" Notes , Cutrau0 , 1)ecenber 10.-George C Cochran , for mujiray years chief assocmnt editor of Thu Louiavullo Cotirier , iourur anti ( f C , Matthots , city editor of Tb lndiatopolis Nun's , havu art ived here t assulba editorial pmstlfuns ( out T'Imo Cut rout , which will appear hate Decenbc ,1 , ) 1'1111' lhtmflh Abino. Lirni.n Roca , Daceumbor 10-Tub grams front Pine hltit1 report the tow 0u fire its several phaeos. The nt ; thorities have teIegrapltnd Little Itoo for at cngitto. \o I nrtimti rs. THE PETTED OHILD , lotrotbtethum to n Series of Sahbnt lveming Lrutlu'on "n Joseph by Itev. Ir. St cluing. i AL the opera house Sunday , 1) Stolliug , Pastor of Limo English Inttlmorn church , began a series of Sunday ovem fug lectures on Josupb , n distil guisimed eharactur in Biblical histor ; These discouraes aecordimig to time am uuuueaumott of time speaker , are to 1 given in n practical and popular ntrinuo mud will be of special vale to your semi. Below we give time iumtroductic to time first of time series as delivered in night : A child , 1Vltat is IL ? A few pour of In matity. An emnamtatiei foam tl pment's owmi life. A little individuals -a cmuplute , dialiuct amid indepemtdo pem'somia gge in itself , mud yet ao iutiumtto nun with the father and motlmer as to 1 bone of ttuir ) bemo mud Ileslt of time ilosht. ilosht.A A child , Wlmt is it ? A little , oroat iug , struggling , physical creature , wi hands and feet , amid eyes amid oars , at mica , and moutlm , and npputito and want A Itttle iutolligoueo , not a inure tumiui or tlmimig. A being of umitd and Imart , uude atatdimm mid reason , of choice au will , of couscteice amid spirit. A child , SVhot is it ? A little plot graplt of our owm selves , altowiug tvim babes wu all otco were. and reuuudit uB froum how grunt it hohplessuess we ha coma up to our presort strouglh and i dupendeneu. A little porlraituro of comtiiig ntau or w umau-though apouc less amid doloas nov , yet possessing all t oleumds of human perfection , mid wam ins oily iu dei elupttment to attain unto immature umauhoodorwoumuhoud. A child , What is it ? A littlodonesi troubler , briniug with it , wlm01nitconu a train of amxety , solicitude , fear , wale iug , walcefuimmesa , iutpatietce , trial , i tetmi or , weariness , uxhaustiot amid pro ocatmon A little potentate-a king queou , n prince or princess , an ontpor e1' empress , awayimmg as eotmtplete a ace tro over two adult hearts as ever an : ' axandor or nn h liznbeth swayed over nation. A tittle despot and tyrant , I a during parents o servitude , avlno na come vhot it sit a con o ; wlto taumt when Jt saya g who ' must do this that ; 'about it ° says Ao'IL ° -i A child. Wlmat is it ? A little feu bold god-a darling idol , rat wimoao cnn as a shrimio delighted ) aotlmora worahi and strong fntlmers bend time knee , a loving brothers mid sisters gather a adore , and whore , at nmoruing , noon a night , they offer as many oblations were ever otl'ered to a Baal or Diana the olferiugs of love mud dovotimm , caresses anti kisses , of aitnplo prattlesai Bw'C0L lullabys , of laughter mad joy. A child. Wilat is it ? A little ium cent , which , though over so rigorous its rule , is as guiltless as time tutspott stars , and its fuultlesaas the uucnrrupli angels. Notwithstanding time lift troubler wro finve se'eut , it is act ally n type mf the celestial kingdom and Limo Great 1lnstur , vine catmie do front its realms of purity , stud auto d vulopcd mcu , " \'urjly , 1 sap unto yn exce ) t u b0 cnuverttd and become little cimiltireum Ya nhnll not otter t ii tngdommi of heavot. " A child , SVbmt is it ? A little respa aihulity , tuodiug attemtiem , l umudinuslti training , exanpo ) , ndnmhuton , seem tion , kumdness and severity ; turned these in time good direction , and bringi honor amid huppiueas to uuute , Or 1 watt of tlmeac Laced fu time evil dirt Lion and bringing to homes mortilicati mid disgrace. A child , W'ImaL is it ? A liNJuimunt tdiLy , act atlaatupem the sea of time , m ' launched at length upon the llutith ocean of eternity , a being that once h a bogittning , but a being that is u ( without am std ; a being hmgtpy forev numomg angular iii bcnvut , or wretched I ' youth doae'iptot with devils in time goes of unemdimg woe. A child , them , what is it ? Need womther tint it is nn idol-n crentmru t ] ) draws to itself so mnuelt of time heart's t votion 11Yhat a priceless treasure is r a child 1 1Vu soumetimes say of famuil ' Lucy luas'u tom ) uuaimy like it , and m where are time parents tvlu ) , if they eat score , would take a nmilli01t in geld ' Otto , Time speaker thou introdueoth a few tnarksul regard to the jealousy of Josop brothers and the nmitako made by tit fatlmer Jacob it beatowing all his alleti f otonoson , liethunaddroasedafewc eon aemeo remarks to the modem Jao t amid Josephs , and also those who are Joaepus. On next Sunday evening Rev. Stoll will deliver the aocond lecture in series , time subject being , "Joaeplm , . Brothers' Victitm , " . - - r heal Emtate Tramisl'brs , t 'l'ima following deeds were filed record in the county clerk's otlice , l 8 , reported for 'l'ttt : Bum by Attica' Ii estate agency , a Autltommp J , Hubom and wife to Gal t P. Wuorabroath w ci , west lmlf of tea a- block 12 , in Oniahu$2,100. d Lucinda Memoll , executor , amid J It j. Moell , Sr , , Charles K , Coutuut m Gilbert M , hlitchcock , executor of ea 0 of Gilbert C , Meu'11 , to Churlos Mar d w d , lots 26 amid 20 in Ouumiua , $1,600 August Kuumdzu and wife to Clark 13auur , w a , north half of west lislf u 11 in Koumitzu's sucoud addition , 5221 William ii. Street and wifu to Ja a treat , r1 o , part of north half of so : 7 4 15) 13 east , ' J THE CHICAGO BOARD , , l A SCCpc of Iii cscrlbablo Excitcllleili In Ccriit The Fever Strikes Wheat and Provisions - visions , Which Fly Up. A Divergence of the Spooulatlvo Mania to Wheat Predicted , ,1 I'rodlglous Amount of' Trndiog- Fortmtmmes Made by Now Yorkers , p Special Dispatch Li' Time hoc. Cnt.tno , 1)ecenber 10.-Today of Limo boanl of trade was the most exciting ; ' during the presuut era of speculntioh , ! At the tap of time bull at unuauajly largo nuutber of buy iug orders froth time eouhtry upenal time ball. Under their itiflueneo time mtarkut which opened for corn lc above Saturday bulged up jo , about bit 11 o'clock it sagged back ahightly , when a ruslt was nadu by everybody , std autid Beetles of iudescnibable oxcitemomt prices I ' rushed up to oi : c for May , amid 1AQ2sc for Line mmcaror options. On call prices ' weakoued somewhat , and time close of time d 'a ' clay was unsettled. Tutu auou t of ) i TttAt1Nll w .lS T1tLWINi : ) Us , f excoodiug all expectations. It was int. possible to distinguish that nay couceut ; { tuition of corn was concluded , so gemiernl ! mud Imaavy was the buying. Time fever struck wheat mid provisiems , both of which their up , wheat 1ti'2lc ' , mid sepia visions ucarl iOc February pork g for $16,00 before time close. Indications ; ' point to a divorgmmco of a part of the prodigious speculative mmnnia froum coat into svvheat. Should it take sup time latter with half time vigor that it has handled core tle'nbaeeo of foreign dommnd and Limo largo stocks in store will be of no consideration as obstacles to its ndvauce. r Tore is iu appearatce . NO Ltii To } evenIml : l'htIU 'ES fixed by saigumo bulls ; SOr , 'JOe amid $1.00 are freely talked for coup , $1.21) tor whunt , $16 for pork. 'Tho oxteut of Limo speculative movement , which is mainly to be credited with time boon is certainly great enough to make tluese figures a reality. The entire country is in the market , and umaty fortunes have bout Lunde during its four weeks unex- amuplud activity. Ono couniasion house in particular , ( Sltwarlr&Dupec ) to the writer's knowledge , was time first to point corn to their customers as a purchase wheam it was 48 cents , and Limo result has boon to munke sonic of thour Now York friends rich. SNOW-BOUND. Time Denver Party Delayed by Em- eowttering n Snow Bank , t Thos a'rt'of : dnvcr ldor i iimnd ! oriwu ; .rvhn.r.vilad-Omnh qwliel' ' tigtl _ , _ . : were so unfortunate as to be overtaken by a snow storut whom they were nearly hmno ' 'imey wont from lmoro to Kansas City , amid land started back to Delver. Time delay occurred in Colorado , seventy miles this aide of Dmtver. 'l'imo follow- , iug is taken from the Denver Time' account - count of time occurrence : "All had retired for lie niglmt , expect. 11mg to wttke up it Doivur time next mitorm- ing. T'hc Fates willed it otherwise. About 6 a. ut. nil wore rudely jolted by time eugino bucking ngaimst a snow drift. Aluwst time veiny first cut along time limit of time road encountered after several Louts' fall of scow , lucid auflieiontly huge banlca of snow to stop furtlier progress for time titto , "After tunsoling , wrenching and buIup ing , going mtbcad a few foot and they backing itnd thou forward again with speed little or tie impression was made on time basic of whiteness almond. ' 1'lia struggle was continued for three long imnurs ' 1'te ! engine then tried it alone for uwhilo , and after about at hour alto humidly got thn'otgb. A ado track was at time western std of time cut , probably a haU a ntilo front it. The cars were then taken through by the engine one at a tines , whit nmuelt ditlieulty and side- tracked. " 'Time train pulled away for probably lure mulea furtle'triton time next bad loco was encoun tered and there the oi- - were shuck to stay , for soon after countering thus second drift tim water in the engine gave out. 'Ttoro ) weu'no means of conmmm mtieiting with Denvu , and when time fiuot snow drift w ua un- couttorod It was Imard to city just where time train really tvaa on the toad. Theme were hopes that time train would get through to Detvor by noon. Noonpassed t amid Limo passungora began Lr hot hungry , as they only lad for breakfast remnantof lunchoa loft over before tlto Denver party ' reachmsd Kansas City , A raid on the ox- 1p tosB car was suppoted rind carried out. Dena } oysters and eggs were secured. S "Time prospect was dreary onou . I' Time aura ehona for about Malt an hour a during time entire day. The wind con- - timed to blow , but not so violently , and a uo show was flliu 6 wlmem the dwas t clan od to mii ht. Time men went out with their shovels amid filled up the water 6 tan k with ariov mid after sp er thee drifts the o continued to tussle with time in a cut in front. At about 8 o'clock time Imead ligltt of a loconiotiva was soot about three quarters of a mile away , working towmd time snowed in train. It was nut until about 4 o'clock in time umortmiug that limo ohginoa mot , anll it ) i was ileum learned that time relief party ) ' witit two ongbes and a amww- plow with a al 6 gram6 of ten from Deer L'rahi , were time. 6reactions. . 'Ike train was delayed in tl'a 'e drifts for twouty four lours , time pari reaehimib Deer Trail at about 7 o'cltmek l' , , ' in time rmoruimig. ae Ajrpealtng to the r , St , louts Globe'ionocnmt. , Look out about this tinmo , as the al- maunes say , for another born fn Con- it bonds , 'i'horo is u surplus in the treasury , and the south has carried es Limo outer approaohuos to it out a well- tit planned eitalgo amid ) tills "time old robot yell , " - 1 - ' , r'1' .