Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1883, Image 5

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    ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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A .ru aZIi.1J1. LJJi4J 'JLUIIi-I-4 i1I 'Ji' LFt. l. ! 'LAL&.m.-Lwto I.r u' . .
'N .
We will offer December 12 ,
e es bargains ever offered
in City Lots. Only 16 blocks
from. os o ce.
I -
' \ ,
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, .
tn. n- ,
t- s 3
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Monday Morning , Doe. 10 ,
Spcohil Jtretlug oi'thoState JIllnnco.
A special meeting of the Fnrmors'State
flllianco will be held at 1 earicy , Nub. ,
\\'ednesdny and Thursday , , Inn. 10
anti IT , 18S I , All nllinuees which have
at any time beuu organized in this state
are uarnastly requested to send delegates
to this meeting , and nil anti-ntanopolista
of the state are cordially invited to at-
loid. No pains will be sparad to make
the meeting uuterlaiuiiig cold instl'ttetive.
A pro grauunu of proceedings will soon be
sent to all alliances , giving names of
speakers , subjects nun all particulars ,
All alliances requested
otlicets of are to
sec that meotiti gs are called md i arrange.
titonts umdu to send delegates.
State papers , please cosy ,
P , B. Itrvxotnv
Pres't State Alliance ,
.1,1lt'luarss s , Sue. ad interim ,
l h o iuche + of 'now are rewm tad ht Uun
ver ;
-Time 7'hotnns cnncutt will hull a cliorns
tneoting'1'hursdny ovouluq ,
-Tho Ominlmn glee club sv1Il sing at Shonami
doah , lawn , on the 20th inst , Onr friends
over the riser tviII halo a musical treat ,
There svlll be a mcetiug of Limo board of
trade tu night , to hear the report of thu marS
ket Imuw' comnmittee. .1 full attendance is do.
sired ,
--'rho ] ears City' I' uilioti has
favored us with ms invitatlon to their second
nominal um + gncrado ball , to take placo'at
Blnohr R Nixnn's hail , Thursday evening ,
1)ec ) , 2a The 1)aratah ) band swill f'u'nIli ' time
" " 'sic ,
-Messrs , t'hinn , C , New , t'lru have lately
mere hero front LIIICAlu , nro uow fully estnb
lhlied in their wholesale cigar bnsinoss hr
Campbell block , ' 1'Inoso geutlemmt hate al.
ready a good trade t i oughuut time state ,
vhiclt they hope to tncrea + e by rouna fug to
- The receipts of the Laar held at 1'ncun
er's hall , fur tire Child's hospital , for four days
and os enf migs , auoumit t" nearly $ ! ; 100. 'rho
bazar closed Saturday evening. 'rho conclud
fug feature inns a dreua , ' Fn idon inow
York , " in which the various characters wcro
veil takou by soeral little 1)001)10.
- Saturday night , a woman with a revolver ,
risited the residouco of 11r. Snell , eu 1Toward
street near'J'hirteonth , after ho and and hits
wife Irad retired , 11 r , Snell wav drive , into
the alloy , \\'her the p0rico came the wnr liku
woumu had disappeared. The can + eel her
threntonfng visit fs unlulowu ,
--Abort 1 o'clock Sunday nocning a burg.
] miry was attempted at a residence near
] iiglnteeitln and Cass streets. Seine of the
family svero awakened by the ImIso , and get.
ting up , ch'ued the intruders away. Ttvo
mar were seen lurking around the noiehbor-
huud diming the day , and it fv thought they
are the one whin attempted the burglary ,
-A meotiug of property holders and others
interested in the iuiprovoment ofVovt Loav
enworth street , ( varinusly known as She'mun :
street , Faragut street and Cuburu ytrcet ) Is to
bo hold at the elico { nLSluivcr& hell , Frenzer
Block , Tuesday evening next , 't his street
leads out to the Catholic cemetery , is in a per
tier of the city that is growing rapidly aml i'
becmufug au importarttimoraughfaro ,
. -A meeting will be hold on Saturday , 2d
La 4y , 't2 . l"lr n. in. . at f rmniauinin' ) , hall
on Thirteenth street , by time old soldiers of the
Mexican war living in Nebraska totake action
rolatiag to their claims against the general
gover meet for services reulored during salt
wnr dadgOSavago is respectfully invited to
address time veternts. By order of time communit.
too , tither papers please copy ,
-Les : Father O'Connor , svhno lately arrived
from Fromnout , has taker charge of St. ] 'hflo
mcna's Iarislt , and cmulnctcd services at time
cathedral yeserday. Father O'Connor wav
very snceosfnl in his charge at Fimnoot and
there is every reason t0 believe that lie will
have equal success in Ohnfaha , 1ov. ( Fatlror
.Tnannotte , who has been tetnpnrarily the pas.
tor of cathedral parishinac taken cltargo of the
Sratlr , Oemha church and time chapel hear
Cassidy cemetery ,
-.ferry Bahlard , for thu past year suporin
tcndo nt of cunstrnction for time Nebraska telephone -
phone company , havihv decided to go to
AuYtranu far hris hridth , u'ns hmada thee
cipicnt of a haudsanto testimonial from the
employes Saturday evening , ] t is afield
ring , suitably engraved , .l film latcit was
servrd by the yiamg lathes of time central
uftico. lh , ] hllard lenses ht a tiny 0r two fur
San I riuncisco ,
AnimstrerYrumtoil. .
Cnn any one bring nv a case of kblecy or
liver coinplaiut that Electric JIlt-
ters will mint spetilily cure ? 1'o airy they can
ant , av th0usumds of cans mircudy permurueit
ly cmod and whim mire tinily retsauum0udin
] : lectrie llitten will prove , llright' disease ,
diabetes , weak hack , or nay urfuaryuauphaiht
quickly cured. They purify the hlanl , regn
Into the 1n veIs sad act directly on time ills.
eased pu'ts : , lssery bnttlu guarmmteed. For
sale at Gte ) u Imttlu by O. F. ( heudouu ,
] f you want to Huy a Christmas press
out , useful as well as orrianuntal , whatis
tiicor tlmat a French clock imported and
sold by Max Meyer & Bro. , the leading
jewelers , at Now York yricos.
R AL 11tVJ1
tYrit '
I' ' i
Absolutely . Pure.
Thiepowdor noper sartoe. A marvel of purlly ,
strengh and wholcsomtmiuse. More cunoudmel than
the odlnary kiode , amid ronnat be wld us competttt a
wlththumultltudu of lee test , short welglib ahim or
pbu.lh5tepowdu..Scld only In can. 1tDl'al hak
I " 1 owder Co , , ) eel IV'nll 8trest Ntw Yurk ,
Or'ganizatiUl of Ilic Unioll Stock Yards
Uolllpall oI Ulllaba ,
Ono Million Dollars in Stank
Tnkou--Work to Bogie at
Onoe on the Lrnrds and
Paakiug Houses.
A 'itroiig ' Combination Between
the Stook Yards ( lompany
and tbo South Omaha
Land Sy'ndicrto.
Mililono of l'ercl , n Cnpltal Crmtcr
lntr in OumaGa-TGi'Itcptnnlur
of a t.Igantte Aonni ,
A meeting o1 the eteckioldi'tn , nail
directory of time nee stool ; yards roe piny
which is to build. yardu old lacking
houses on time lands p ecently purehmnsed
by the South Omaha synclicntc , held an
otliar meeting inst evening at timeIillarl ]
lintel , amid transacted considerable im
portent bueiuees.
Amomig them prest'nt were Alot Svtut ,
\V. A. l'axtan , P , 1 : , ] Lot , C , 1V , llaunil-
ton , B , 11.Vood , Frank Dlufphy , Thos.
Strobe , J. L , MerLel , Guy C , IfarterL.
l1. Audcrpon , and J , ] h lomiehiy , of
Chicago , and others.
It was decided to name the' orrtmuin :
Lion the Umiioi Stock Yardo coutpary , of
Oniaha. Tllo capital ptock in , 1,000.0)0 ( ) ,
all of which has been taken , and ( here
was considerable of it beifntblc cmi the
pa L of certain entluicinotic nlcmbcrn to
eecurc taorosimareathanthey hind o igbmfy
subscribed for. It fa also n fact thrt
several svcaltbyrnonwhoatfimat declined
to enter into the erhuhe , , arc now very
anxious Lo got hold of ntoclc in the now
cotiipaty , but they arc nut' unable to got
( tole. cf it
Tliroughot t the whole mcctiug a. very
strong interest t'au manifeptcc in time
proccedinp y , and every mmii preset ( was
very enthusiastic over the project.
Dlr.V. . A. Paxton , the president , vas
also elected trensurer. 'J'ito i ecrMary of
the company is Ml' . J. U , lleurclly , who
was elected a weekago. . lie in aChicago
man , amid hoc wide oaperience in cattle
buying. He fa also interested at present
largely in western cattle. Mr. ioniielly
will hereafter make Omaha hip hicadquar- -
The matter of starting the steel :
years was thomoughly discuseeti at
the Saturday night mectmg , and it was
doternimiod to begin building the yards
in a few wcoks , and to innuodiately com-
III011C0 preparations for the same by haying -
ing plans drawn , lunbor purchased , etc.
Au extensive packing house in also to ho
erected , work impel which is also to be
begun at an early day , the Jntemitiomi ho.
pug to have it ceiupietod at time eammie time
with time yards-early iie t spring-ao
that the company can handle time cattle
business of 1884 The plaufpto slaughter
beef here and ship it cast in refrigerator
cars. It is also proposed to enter ox-
teusivcly into time canning of nmeat. The
stock yarcjs on Lilo cast of time river , near
Limo Unlo paeltic tnalsrcr , Iiao been
purchased by this company. They will
not be abandoned. however , but will be
maiutainod for time businosc of Council
Bluh andorra.
Time 1'pion ' Stock ) nrds company swill
grants a big boom for Omaha. The o n-
terpriso is bound to make a big cattle
niakot micro , as well as a grain market ,
and i0 time Omaha will no doubt rival
Kansas City in this respect. The
scheme is attracting a great deal of atteti-
Lion abroad , and particularly along
Chicago cattle lien. When time yards
are opened all leading commission ] louses
will have agents and branch offices hero.
Already many letters of inquiry are
being received hurt'
'l'ime ' union Stockyards company Lb at
organization independent of the South
Omaha land tmyndicatc , althoughi ninny of
time stockholders in each organization arc
interested in bothleterprise' ' . 'J'ho laud
syndicate , however , ie lalg&y composed
of Scotch capitalists , echo svero largely
induced to inveat their mecay mu the project -
ject by Alox. Swat , limo well-kowti cattle
Icing. Ac alrondy stated by Tina I1r1 :
they have purchased and paid for , of or
one thousand agree of valuable land in
one tract , and they propose to build n
surburban ( own to he called South
Omaha , on the l'uirn ' Pacific railroad.
Thin total fa intended lm' the employee
of time tstockyade comnpauv' a' well as for
time worlantmon of One ha and othere
who desire to s cure a home at a small
cost m'.L ou favorrbc ) term. South
Omaha fc to ho a heautifrl euburba ,
town , etc , wLl be connected with the
city by numerous dray uaiis each way ,
fie Omaha ratorworls arc to be ox-
tmmded to Southi Omaha m' ; w&l mm to time
Thu Omaha ] Jolt railwny , upon ) vhiclt
work has already begun , is claimed to ho
a euo timing , will incirclt. time city , mind
commect with time Union ] ncific near time
Summit , ono of ho principal inducements -
ments for conssrucUmig this road being
the buil(1irg of South Oniaha and time
erection of stock ymuda and slaughtering
and pacltim1f ; houses. ] t is etdodthat
time Bait railway will ho coapletcd early
next spring. Tim ] 3 , . DJ , also mmti nde
to a track front a point t1ear Jt t gllo-
vua over to the ctocl ; crumi ,
'J'Imo rami time South Omaha
hand syndicate arc amuu time heaviest
cattle owmicrml in Nobrasllac mid 11 umimi
They have invested milhlona of dollars iii
cattle within thou pas two 0r three years ,
and have bou bit up and consolidated
molly of Limo largest herds. Alex , Ma
Kenzie , a wealthy citizen of Edenborough ,
Scotland , is one of the heaviest foreign
capitalists interested in this land amid
cattle scheme. 'rho
Frowens , who are
15iglishmnen , and who have large herds
of cattle , which they potentially ntanago
aid euperinteud , are also wombore of time
ay0dieato , 'Phase arc only a few of thu
foruigu : capitalht ) . Anmoig our home
peoplu ) vhmo are Hiuvily iutorosted arc
Alex Swaim and \V , A. Paxtlm , both very
rich mot.
Thu land syndicate , being time oanmers
of vast horde of cattle , will natiirully
turn all their cattle into Limo h'niot stock.
yards as fast as time denmaud calls for
then , 'Thin makes u very strong cowbi-
nation , amid there calf be no p085fb10 fail.
hro in the gigantic enterprise.
Jim time 5tuckya'ds cnterpriroo SovClal
- - _ _
onstorn nmoim have become largely inlor
estod , anuntg the number being Suitt.
, Morton , MrVemxol , mid Nelso Norse ,
of t'hicago , and Mm. Steanms , of Nosvl ork ,
nil of when arc cattle dealers. Mr.
horse , of Chicago , is the most extensive
cable buyer in the world.
Thus it will bu scot that millions
of capital nro invested iii lhoso enterprises -
prisos , 'honcho are Omalin institutions ,
and which make (1110 of time biggest
boonmi we lmvo ever hind , ltesides draw
imig capital , cnttlo rand gratis to Omaha , it
Will immediately attract thnusamul of
how 1too1ilo to this city. Quite n tnm-
1 rr of wenlthy mitcn ) sill coma hero to
tutor fate' bllsitless of nil kinds. Beal
estntc , which has boon so active during
time past three years , nod in which
nnuerous Asrtumies have been nude , trill
ceittiuuo i11 its upward teuloncy , and
the city will grow amore rapidly that
over.All this is largely , duo to Alex. Swaim ,
through whose uttorts time South Omaha
laud syndicate cold the Union stock
yards company have beet organized , i to
is one of time most active amid successful
busiueso one , iii the hest , and Onmalia is
to be congratulated upon time fact that he
imap nurcluoed to mnko thimaima his busi-
nus ! 1C : ( luunrtors.
! k Idli' Suvingl'rt'HonL
n1 r. A ; . I : A11 km , , II mtchlnson , line , ;
Sneed hip ith' by n sihi de G isl : battle of Ir ,
Bier a law 1)i tn + srry fortvnisuii itinn , a'Idch
tamed hint i ' procure n largo buttlo that eno-
plclely r'iird biro uheu doctors clm50gu of
elimat. sad e cm y'tting el + o had fn led , elsth
unn , boaichiti + , hrmeteas , sores coughs , nod
nil throat nod hag diseasov , it l + guaranteed
to twig. 'Friel hnttles frru at ti. 1' , liisidmai s
drug : stun" , large rlre 81.Od.
tine of time prisane e in the police
coup t , nrrestcd oti suspicion for ofloring a
old watch beloss its value , plvvid dint
bought time iimu iiecu of 111 mix 1ley ur
tc , _ Ilro , nod Would mnko a profit at time
price ho o11'ered to sell for. I lu was hon.
0iably dischnrgod ,
Tllc Pi Vt MllOI1 tlic Iowa Pool
Lilies ,
Genial 111nmiage ] 'otter's Opinion or
'rue 'th IParllto dgmromrnt ,
C1m cqo Trfb' no , 1)cc. 8th.
Geumeral-Dlaungor'1'.1. l'otter , of time
Burlitigtet , returned from lmis extended
western trip yesterday , tumid was called
uputr by a ropresunbdivo of Time ' [ 'ribinmo
to get , his opinion regarding thou alleged
tripartite ngreeimieuit between time Unior
Pacific , Iock ( Island , amid Dlihvaukce R
St. Paul roads , Nr , ] 'otter said he
could addbut little to what hind already
been reported in Time Tribummu. lie was
quite confident dolt an agreomout bin
tweet limo 1'miion Pacific , Dtilwaimkeo tC
St. Paul , amid hock island for time intcr
change of trifle at Omalma , had beet
( Earn up maid was to have been signed
last Saturday , Oemeral Mahnger Merrill
of limn Dlilwaukeul St , Pad , imparted
this iuforntatiomt to hint last Friday night
Time reason it was not signed , lie
thomglit , was that ( leteral mimimnger S
1I. II , Clarke , of time tTnio11 Pacific ,
after talking time mnatter over Witim Ceu
oral Dfanager Dtarvimi llughitt , of time
Northwestern , got scared lud refused to
sign it until lie hind cotisultcd his
president and directors about it , and
subsequently all departed for Now York ,
where they now nro. As Mr. Potter understands -
derstands it , Limo Bock Island amid Milwaukee -
waukee tC St. Paul arc willing mid ready
to nlgn ( Ito ugromnont , but lie was of time
opinion that the Union Pacific would
ultimately back out , because it is loot at
presemmt in a couditiem liummeiiilly or
othernviso to miter into a war with time
ilurliiigton. 'l'imo Burlington , lee said ,
did not desire war and would do its best
to keojm time peace , bat if a warwas forced
111)011 it it wotmld curtnimuly be able to
take care of itself , lie did uotthfmik time
Northwestern had any intontiomi of joium-
ing time einibimiation , Dfr Ihughitt'n
ullorfe being for peace ,
Time Union I'acifie , according to Dfr ,
totter , was jealous bf time success th u
nurlingtes load ncluiuved in Nebraska
timid Colorado siucu time comnpletiou of lip
1)emiver line , The reason for tlmis was
that time Union I'acifie was unpopular m
Nebraska amid Colorado nu account of its
arbitrary conduct whoa it imnd no opposi-
tion. It was uow trying to gain lost
ground by emdeavornig to foreu time Itur-
hngtot to pool all its Nebraska busiuoss.
'l'imo ilurlingtou would do nnthiug of Limo
kind , 1 hero was already a pool o11 business -
ness front thio eight competing Nebraska
poiuta kmimwu the " , . "
, as "night-point 1)04,1.
If this was uusntiafictory : Limo limrlingtou
was willing to nmku group 1)0015 nit coin-
putitivo bimsitmee5 , but miler 110 conditions -
tions would it agree to pool its local busi-
ness. The claium of thin Dlihwaukuu t1' St.
Paul mid ROCklsland that time Iturlingt01t
was getting moro than ifs simnru of tie
bnsincss at Ommaha was all bosh. 'l'ime
Burlington had certainly its good a linuto
tmnha ) cold Council Illuffs as my of time
other mails , ammd was justly eutitlcd to as
much of time busiuose.
Bucklo11'e Arnica Halve ,
The greatest modlcul wundor of Limo Wood ,
\Varrnittod to rpoodlly cure ] hams , Cuts UI ,
corn , Salt Itheum , Fever Sores Cancers llos ,
Chilblains , Corns , Potter , Ghnppod ( heads.
and ill sidu orrptiems , guarmmtood to cure In
every haGueo , or iauney roftmdcd , 25 cents
or bu
A eerhmiu young nun in Lowe is said to
make his liwiug in a nuw and original
tnmmer , lie ip buying diamonds every
day at Dlax Moyt r & Bro.'s , wlmero he
gets the cauro so eimoap thirst lie always eau
pawn iben for 410,00 inure than he pays
for then , .
WANT TO WED , : Isiecriises ( ; riuned 1)uu'DIg
thin L'ast 11'e(1k ,
Following are time mmmrriage licensee
granted durimig the past week by County
.Judge Chadwick :
A..1 , tfauice110(1 Isabella ] ) aviua ,
Charlie Johoe and Dlintiiu Forgnsoii ,
Jolmu Ilaueo0 umrid lilimrgnraL harmer.
Jnlum l'feitIur itud hIesa Wirtlm ,
Robert In. ] birrytuld Nullie I . Loomis ,
I'ater I'utersomi imd llunrietta ( Jrovu ,
1'otor Nels um nod llnnnlm Nohon ,
\1' , Y , Miller coati Mintiiu A , Dluyo's ,
Frederick Iteinhardt Alhrcchit mid Meta
Rebecca Seldiehting.
O. Itaditmaky mid May h rmwkul ,
\IrnL llurbet all \Yihko Ehlero.
Frank Mikuulasek amid Anna Noulcu.
Frederick Otto 1utiy tumid Marie \'i0
Lorin Camunzin.
.1 hums I'aulsou maid and 1'fckuhini .101
henry Jess and Alma Cusimi ,
- -1
- - -
for Infants and Children.
Cnslnrin irnlunt ( ' vllrt'v1Ionflntgirrs'air C1udrento , , cheeke ,
\\'lint curia thclr a'sers , '
' ' . lea'PS them steer
nlil el't'1Tellies plattl eitl s , tblialtpa. " 1'Is Ca.tnrln ; ,
tire , Snln Sto1111lfil , litll'rhu'n , itiiil
Feverishness , it fusure lmiadth timid lyluururesttirlreolie)111sthclrworms tl lira liablrs fat amid cr ) < by tmm , 1
nttltu'ttl slaplvitlwut morphine , _ nut a r trrn ,
. .rr H1mtgidckLp reresConstipation ,
Sour Stotnnc mm , Colds , hnllgvsulon ,
Caetnrla la in arr11nt1nptnl10Chlldrt'n that lhit ndorl _
Ireeamunt'mlutassu''truer ' '
limwntonu' , ' it , . . tonuypn'scriptloii \acucal , , , 1'nret-elltlieu to ' ) tnrphlnnSynips ,
. , . . to l'ortlnml - Castor Oil amid l'a mike t' mid
, lyn , N. Y , hail Cnstnrln )
CENTAUR LINIMENT-na nbsolutt cure for ltllountn-
tIsum , Sprtlnv , lturnrl , ( lulls , Se. 7'ho must 1'on'erful anti ) i cnc-
tratlug 1'nln-rellcyIng null llcnling ltctnedy kno\vn to nnu. .
Louis Beiii orf Takcs Ills Owe Ltte
WUiie In a Flt of DCspoiii eiiev ,
A 11'ate' Closet Igo Scone of Ilie'd9 ng-
-'I'hi'l11gin's1 anti the I'ro-
hnt ly Cuiso 1oi the
( Gish Act.
'J'liu city was thrown into a fever of ox-
citentottheforo 0o'cloek Snturdnymorning ,
by the sad amid startling nunouneuhlomt
that Louis ltuitidorf , the well lniowu
Douglas street ennfoetiuner hail
siIoT itllisllr : rum umnuilll Pita iii : ui.
Tlw report proved only tan true , as n
ltll : : reporter discovered upon hnsteimiugg
14) the store of Dlr , lieittdnrf , No. 182 °
Douglas street. A crowd of men were
shmdiug in frnmtof time plaeo , amid uhmami ) '
aim anxious face tvns pressed ngaiust time
w'iudow paws , while time nnu question
was asked by mill , " 1Vhnt could have beau
time cause of this fearful tragedy ! "
Di. lluindorf visited his store Saturday
hun uiog as usual , bohvoei the hours of
soveum ilittl eight o'clock , amid iuifom-jmoml
several of Ilia employes that ho was not
feeling well amid had plu sod a bad night ,
but did tint appear p.'ticuhim'ly nurwous
or despondent ,
lie was twice saou to visit time water
closet , tvimiclt is in time rear of his candy
factory , turd directly on time allot' . The
seco10l timimo lie sto l ilLed as him Ipassel time
back door of time factory , which was
opou , and loeked in , nod thou on-
bim'od tutu water cluseL maid closed time
door. Alt interval of about tweet y
minutes ula Ise(1 , whet lames Bolhimul ,
alii1p1ping clerk for time deceased , clesirimi 6
to see DIr , lleiumdorf , went into time fne-
tory cord umquirecl coicernilmg himn , caul
was iufornied by Dim , hillier , thin fume-
uuum , ( hint lie was in time vnteu' closet ,
Dlr. Uollaud then avemt omit amid rapped
upon time door of the outhouse , :0ul :
wlmilo waiting for am answer turned lots
eyes upon time ground , when , to lift
horror ,
A s'I'1n.1M : 01' 10.001)
was semi flowing from nude- time door
upon the earth at his feet. K11otvimm g
that eouotimiim g horrible hind trnns , ircl
within lie wioncimed time deer frog0 its
hinges aid beheld the
IIiASTLY COIII'sl : 01' 3111. lI01NIOi ) V
crouched upon time flour. lie rushed to
time rear door of time factory and called to
1iIr. Miller , tvlto was almost inunediately
upomi thin spot. ' By nmi11 forgo time door
was tout frond its place aid the two em-
ployes stood alotiu in time presence of
their dead employer , whose lips wurn
sealed forever ,
1)r.Y. . U. Bridges was hastily suer
nioned , aid npo0 hilt arrival 11e uxaiilitied
time body , which was still warn , but time
deatim damiip erns upon the brow , and a
largo , gaping avolind in his right touimplo
nod the pool of life-blond upon time Moor ,
all mupoko boiler thaim s'ords flint Louis
] ] utitdorf load go11o to umeet his ( lod.
Corone' hoit ! vas notified and svgs
soon upon time scoiie , nceouqaticd ) by'J'ii
1111 : reporter , timid together they walked
back tlmrougm ! the atoro , now as eilout as
the totirb , to time outlwusu where time in-
aimiuiato forum of l4onis Boindorf was , It
was a seouu never to ho forgotteL
Crouched down in time miurtliwest corner ,
) with lilt feet partially under hint , lilt
head thrown forward upon hie cheat amid
Irks hauls routing igmou lus lap was
'rent siar-uulnnauu MAN.
' 'ime wti11s u11d hloor of time building
antcnred with gore , and time blood vimich
luau fl4 veil from the (1011th wound had
glutted iii his beard and upon imieclothing ,
prosuntiug a must pitiful ammd sickoninb
J'hu coroner at mice proceeded to empanel -
panel a jury , wimielm was composed of time
fallowing gu11tletneui : F , hi , DTaclmaglm ,
foreriuut ; 1 , . ' 1' ' . 'Taylor , M , E. Case , U
, facobson , J Curry amid ' 1' . Faulkner ,
who refmired to the bloody scene , and
than atljourmed to Jacobs nndurtakiu 6
ronnie , wlmom the imm nest was hold.
'J'hu body wise taneit to Limo under.
taker's , where it was washicdnud dressed ,
Tin : INtinssv ,
James ] lullnnd , time alai ) ping clerk , was 1
time first wihmess oxnniimioil , and testified
that ho had semi Mr. Beimmdorf iii time
mimoriiin , g , but noticed uotiming unusual in
lift conduct. Ito desired to see time deceased -
ceased , mumd went to time outhouse with
the result above described lie sai d
lilt. Boindorf hind often told himmm ( wit.
noae ) that ho was not long for thta
world , mud also that be w.ts
not foaling ) vull at time tiino.Vitues e
said that deceased was naturally despo0
dent , and way always eomplaini06 about
hfs business , nltimotgh he was unmiblo to
fill hia orders , timid lmewitness ( ) coteidered l
time businesa in a very prosperous Bondi
tioL Dfr. Rolland had 1)0011 In time vim
ploy of Mr , lluindorf for thrco years.
Several other witnesses were uxalnino d
mud gave , 1n submutatieo the aanme lesti
many as that of Dfr. Boflamid ,
E. L. Ifuttttimu last witness aanntined ,
line boon in the employ of Dfr , lleindor f
as a baker , forsuvenyoare. ! n time miiol'n
fog the deceased cane into the bakery
and asked witness if hie inns going tobnk u
eakoa to day ! Ito walked the floor in aim
excited ntannur , which was sonuthiui 6
vary uliueual , lie loft the shop amid it t
was not inoru that twenty minutes before
ha inns hlfor mod of tlm sad tragedy.
'J'hmo revolver with which time fonrful
ducd was cennmitted was shown , and was
a Smithl \\'esso0 \ , double-acting wta
pun , of 02 cnlibro , 'l'liuro t'oro live
elia11lbora , only ono of n'hich was onpty ,
and that hind boot enptied into tlmo brain
of thin dead loan , 'l'imo muzzle of time ru-
volver had been placed against time right
tmnple , and the ball lend passed directly a
through the brain , eomimi g out throu 11
tim loft temple.romu ul Limo wound
wcro tltu 11mrks of bur'd powder , Tine
rerolvet'tins found under his left log ,
lying 1111011 the floor.
After henrnrg the testimony the jury
rotnt'nod the following verdict1'e , I
time fury , find from the testimony that
Louis lJeiudorf , whose remains moo have ,
viuved , caume to his death on Saturday ,
1)ecenber 8 , 1883 , hehvicen the hours of
S and 1) ) o'clock in time forenoon , at the
roar of his place of business , No , 111 °
1)ouglns at reet , Omaha , i0 time state of j' '
Nebraska , by a pistol shot woumid from a '
Smith \Vesson revolver , in time right
ten de amid throu h his brain , inflicted u
liJ his assn Baud tg'ritii suicidal itent "
Tan Pmeuun , ) : 'AUSIC.
At present it is almost impossible to
over forum milt idea as to why a loan a p-
mruntlY as 1leasnntl' situted iii lifoas
Louis 1leudorf , shot d t'ako his life iii
hieOivmilmamdsancl , that to destroy itAswas "
shown by all witnesses oxoniaud ho way
(101b a ros1peroos amid lucrative busi
nut ( lime of his enplnyes stated that
deceased 1md inforned him that ho hind '
considerable ready ntouoy which ho
thought of investing m real estate , whichi
tends to ahi0)v that lie was lnancial 1y In
good condition ,
lie was naturally of a very nervous
and (1o8pondont disposition , and as helens
lens been jut ill health for sonic time , ho
hind probably grown tired of life and do-
luruuined to seek the rest Imo craved imi
time grave , {
Dh . t 1hei11dorf has Sean a citizen of
Ontaha for mote thai twenty yearn and
has , daring that eimtiro time , beet closely
idumitified with time business interests of
the place , lie was formerly in partnership -
ship with lilt brother turd line tat the
business iii which lie was engaged at the
titan of his dentim , during lime long rest-
deeo hare. lie was regarded as a
straightforwan d business maim , attending
very closely to lime business nod a worthy
nnu iii every respect.
Imo leaves to mourn lilt umitimely tik-
iug oil'a trifo amid four cliildrcui , aged 10 ,
l ° , 8 and 4 years respectively , aid this
family upon wliont thin fmammd of misfor- t
Gmc has fmtlluu so heavily , imago time synt
patimy of Oils entire community
Louis Buimidorf was boat nt 1Tarc1 ,
( kraut Duchy Oldumiberg , Germany , July
4. 183'9 ,
Time funortl ( of Mr. Boindorf took
place to-morrow ( Sunday ) after oou , at °
o'clock , free hfsinto residence , on Ilnr-
noy street , between Temith and EluvoitiL
Pub1181181oalcrs and Stngcrs nod ] t i1.1)ouglaii '
Sous' Capslcunm Cuuglm Drops a sure remedy for .
hoarseness. _
If you want easy terms in paying for a
Piano or Organ , go to Max 11Ioy'ornC
B ror whore o0 c bu Y then cheaper
thnn uuyawhe'o o18u , and on mont1i1YI ) ' -
lYUlt BI'.Al1T11''ULi CAUDS ;
Now designs , never before published. t
\Vill please amiy parson , Soot free eu
receipt of c atamp to every reader of i
thin O mmut Bm u. Address Samel Carter -
tor , 85 Park place , Now York , mierCwtf.
- - a-
Fine Gold 1Vatcimee in at assortment
from 415,00 to $ (60.00 ( , is somotimin ,
which only Max Meyer tC Bro. can offer
to you.
- _ -
11. LYON , tom-ninny of Steamier " } ' lung Ito-
pnbite I ; " and later Cumitylei k lu 1)'yomhmg
Territoryl muqueslcdtocmnmtnakato with advtr-
tiser. Any mina Inow'Ing his address will of ligu both
artlew by adrnnhig " 'l' , t : , lh , ' care Ilov 351 , N.
1' , i' . 0 , lluoedtmiro
® r ell
Madam ,
11'hoso Goal ) loxiolL botlnys !
501110 ha11lll atlitg Jill ) orCC
tloll , wlloso mirror t0 s you
that you tIre Ti111110tl , Sit11Ow
and disligurod In n cou11te-
11anco , or IIIIVO EI'uptiOhIS ,
110(111055 ( , ltoughncsy or Im-
lvholesonlo thins of 0111 ) lox-
1011 WO say iti o liugan's ugI I
It Is a , tloliento , liarmlos i
and dollghtt'ul article , pro- '
duciIlg tllo most natural and
onirilucing tints , mho artlilct
ality of 1vhlch no observer
caul detect , 1111(1 which 5001) )
becomes iormnnont it' the
Muguolhl ulnl IS judICIotlSly
A. an inslgorant ,
Ilostetter's sterol
ach ( litters Lae ret -
t IIII11AT1a ctlscd the mostaa ;
I it iru cudoneniou0
frcm cmnhment thy.
8k-lam , , , , amid tma 1on
occupied a fomemost
rank amolig stand.
. enlproprfotary
i ; , _ i. - - remedles Its trop.
- ' , , ernes as en sings.
; the of dlsord.rul
' x ( Onddlous of t h o {
stomach , liver arum
bunels , amid s pro. t
soutlto of uwlarral
ill.easussre no leev
STOMACH For sale by all
Druggists emit Deal.
ItTEBSmanic wtiont 51)P1y
tor Ifodeltcr'v AI
manic for 1Fei ,
tt t
I-- r