Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1883, Image 1

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I toeksich \ lldDi' iwM aii
I Resells For 'It ,
Features nf the Grain Market
aiven In Detail ,
* Why Wheat Is Dowii and Oem
and Oats Up.
Spcculatm s I.eLtvIIIg Stoeic to inkc
lltitiilretls ofTIIotuanIs In Gralii.
S1)OClitl lMspatch to ' 1'itiI3i : : .
NEYniuc , Dcccnitcr 10.-Following
is Riggilo'8 financial review in Tito Sun
. . . this ' 'The
_ - - morning : Uneasy fooling iii
.p Wall atreot continues to increase , and
: " ? : P busincas grows litoro and inoro dull.
Tim average daily transactions wore
again on the decrease last week and al.
tliouzh the general tone of the market.
I looked steady sovemi specialties vcro
Very roughly handled. Time Villard
Mocks , the Union Pacifi. and the North.
western wore conspicuous among them.
That the 1at named stocks had special
reasons for showing a decline and in time
ease of time Northwestern at least , the
fall is probably temporary ; but tim Vii-
lard stocks merely resunmed their natural
downwunl course which was 8lackenel
for a moment by the iRSUG of time now
I mortgage. Now that the bonds are takoii
up by tue crcditor of that ilI.fatod concern -
cern , time stock held by thom till now
I must be sold and last. week's drop in time
price will probably go on with immrcasing
velocity. There is no mnoro
cJINL.n OF si'oi'rxu Tim FALL
in time Northern Pacific , Tramis-Continen-
tal and Oregon Navigation stocks titan
' there was of stoppitig Detiver & lUo
Grande iii its retrograde front $1 14 a
share to its present price of $24. Mr.
Viilard , time Icadmng spirit of
the Northern Pacific securities , has ito
more inducement now to sustain them
then Mr. WoerisholThr , the leading spirit
of time Dnrer & Rio Orande securities ,
had then. They have both made all time
. money they could wish to make amid are
tiow anxious only about washing their
hands and living like gentlemen and
they are right. too. As long as a coin-
mnutilty allows this kind of busiiic they
would be fools if they had imot taken to
it wimemi they had a chance. They have
nct perpetrated any new iniquity. They
\ . . I 8iifl)1y improved upon a modus operandi
4. * . . established by reputed Amoricami citizens
4 If long before these two "Clierinan Chon-
teimon"tvero known anywhere outside
w. H. Vanderbilt , T. Scott , Commodore
Garrison and Daniel Drew were the
Amoricami ciissics which time two gifted
Gernian students have tried to assimilate
and imimitato. They have succeecded better -
ter titan ammybody could have antici1)ated ,
but there is
. ' ho anyone vlio knows time Irofulidity of
j time ( Jerimman mind. Take the word of
I : aimy Ourman student of Plato , Confu.
cius , Mahomet , or any other iigimt of aim-
: m tiquity , and you will liimd that time Ocr-
siman comnimmemmtator knows immuch immoro
. I about what these men could and migimt
. . I I , have done titan they ever knew thonm.
- Eciwes. Messrs. Thomas & l3rice are
I 7 trying to repeat imow in time Ohio Central
what has beomm done in the Denver and
Nortimermi Pacific , bitt their work viil be
( clunmsy cimiil's play 'rhmomi conmparcd with
) Oernman workmanship Last week's fail
( iii Union 1'ei1ic was due to causes which
_ have beau at work for a considerabie
time past.
TilE V.Io4
with time 1)enver & Rio Orande , time Bur-
J iiimgton & Quincy , and tie Northern tiimd
Soutlierim Pacitic arerimimming thocomnpany.
Time expected actioim of congress imas any-
timing limit mmmi eximiliaratimig cfrcct upon its
itock , timid time poo' imealtim ot sonic of time
mAiicials 1rovcImt timema front giving the
aflitirs oftime road due ntlemmtiomm. Time sad
death ot frs. Sidney lillomm was a ( car-
ful blow to her Imushami , vimo was very
much atbcimcd to her , and time street
fears that it nmny cause Mr. Diilomm's re-
tireimmont from active busiimcss. I t is said
timat thmo estate of time into Mr. 1) . , J.
l'riimco jirovcd to be much smaller titan
wa.s expected. it seems that lie has imot
loft. more timmi $300,000 , whmiie Va1l
street always thought. Jut was worth a
' miiiiomm. it is curious how eie are
apt to over-estimate.
Probably many of timeum vhmo are now
believed to be next door to immillionairos
are mnoroly jim comfortable circuinstammces.
On the other imanti , time fortunes of mmmcii
who are not daily seomi inVahl street. are
often underestimated. Thus it appears
110w timat time 1Toses Taylor estate , wimich
was ostinmated at oimiy 813,000,000 , 'viii
. probably turn out to ho worth $50,000 , .
. 000. Time fovorisim activity jim time
markets still commtinuos unabated. Time
Sun vresidted seine weeks vgo
that corim would go ill ) and wheat would
o down , amid so they have deime. Corn
Is nOW seiliimg oim an average 18c
c : , higher timan it did three weeks ago , while
- - wimoa sells about Sc lower amid would
- - probably sell lower still had it imot been
for time syiimpatiietic inttueimce existing
between time difruromit articles of time grain
and provisioim markets. Time maSt poimmt ,
however , remains the ssmne , there is
TWO nucim wliIAT :
orem'ywhero and not emmough cent for time
primary requirements of home and for-
cigim consuiiiptioim ; besides , imiost of what
there is of it , is of poor quality 'J'imo
t continued warm amid maiimy weather out
vest affects corn iii time crib , and ron-
dora it unfit for grading , some say even
r for bog feed. At all events hogs are
'L poorer this year and will cer.
thinly not improve as long
i : - a.5 timey are fed on soft ferumenting corn ,
time fanner being anxious to get his 50
or flO coimts a bushel for such good hard
corn as Ito is likely enough to have on
and time ateidy alvanco in ita price must
thus necessarily effect the produce market -
ket and also time market for oats. Horses
L - .
canmmot be fed on soft corn , amid will be
fed eu oats all time mitoro readily
88 the diliertnmco imm the price of
the two cereals is greatly iii favor of the
latter. Usually oats sell fromit 12 1. . 111
cents a lmlshmel lower titan cent. To-day
that ( lifleronco ainotiimts to over 25 cents ,
although oats have already a rise of
about S cents. it is timereforo aurimmised
that there otmgimt to lo a htrotit of S or 10
cents in buying oats. E.V. . Bangs , .bohmmm
' [ I. Lester's right hamul nmaim nimd aim
eoehioiit judge of the market , tole.
I : rapimed to L. (1. ( Quiimhimm & Co. Saturday
night fromit Chicago : "Time best posted
111dm ammticilato
LOWIIt i'mUCIS loltVlI.tT. .
We imaro now ! 0,000O00 bushels in warehouses -
houses iii mmortimwestorim cities , 10,500,000
bushels hero , and the receipts increasing
steadily. The outlook is cortaimmly imot
suggestive of liiglmor prices , and 1 aiim
waiting for some ommu to show ate how
we are going to got. rid of this
iuimmiemmse stock. 1 ama a great bull on
corn , but consider time ndvammco sufficient
for time prcsemmt , aimd imavo advised my
frioimds to take their prolith and wait for
a break to get in again. " Oats were very
active , aulvammetmig in two days abommt 21
cents for May option. Traders begimm to
appreciate time fact timat corn cammuot
keep alvalmcimig without nmtting life into
time oats mimarket.
It has been one of Wall street's coma-
piaiiits for semite time past that Chicago
had diverted a great deal of speculative
fuimds front time New York stock mmmarket.
Thus may be trite bitt it will also prove
timat Cimicago has so far put a great detl
of inoimey into time pockets of New York
sccmmlatorsVitimimm time last tiv ( )
ycar $ , several mmiillions of dollars have
beemm made in time Cimicsgo immarket by
Now Yorkoam who fornmeriy did mmot
kimow time diIS.mremmce betweemi corn and
wimeat or pork and bacon. Within time
last timrce weeks imuimdrcds of thousands
of dollars imarti becit made iii corn alone
iii the dilflrcimt Chicago offices imm this
city. L. t. Quimmiami is said. to have got
sick aimd wont out.
amid signing cimecks for his customers.
Some of time uldest Wall street stagers
scent to imave left stocks and turned alto.
getimor to grain ammdprovisiomma. Prommmineimt
amnolig timeimi are Billy Mitraton
and Larry Jerome , both of vhiont arc
said to Imave made a pile of mnoimoy in
corn. Time ever youtimftml Billy is eveim
said to be a member of time syndicate
which is credited witim quietly preparing
a corner iii .January corn.
A Graitti Illimnilmiation.
Special dispatclm to TIIKBEK.
Sr. .iosuvii , Mo. , December t-Time )
illunmimmation of time great qucemmawaro
house of Regnier Si Shoup yesterday
was omme of tim graimdest sights over seen
in this city. Their jmnonso building
fort -six by ono hundred andforty feet
anti illuminatcuoy
to say nothing of gas jets innumerlo ,
and time scene proscimtod time most gor
geotis appearaimco immmagiimabio. Timeir
store was crowded frommm dawn until late
hm time eveimimig by an eager amid appreciative -
tive tlmrommg to witness time grandest dis.
play of their lives. Among time visitors
were a great mmmaimy immercimaimts amid bail-
imess muon frommi central aimd southern Ne-
The l'residcnt Asked to Rc(1u05t a
SillyCougressimma , , J'fiicry's
View of time Case.
W.si1INoros , December 9.-Time fol-
lowimig nmeiimbers of time itemise of repro-
seimtativos mmd jirommmiimcimt ciiizemms called 0mm
time president yesterday and were granted -
ed aim audience ut time cabinet roommm : Cox
and ilobimison , of Now York ; Morrisomm ,
Springer ama ! Fmnerty , of Jiliimois ; Ccii-
orals Lefevre and Fmraii , of Ohmic ; Mur-
llmY , of Iowa ; ilmmybury , of Michigan ;
Lamb , of Imidiamma ; McAdoo , of Now .Jer-
soy ; Collins , of Macsaclmusetta ; O'Nioil
and Burns , of Missouri ; Also , L , B. Ir-
will , of the Pckizm ( lii. ) Daily Tinmes ,
Fritz and Voiiiig , of Ohmic , and others.
After a few maimmutes devoted to hum-
dmmctioims , time president imeartily slinking
hands witim eacim geimtleinamm , amid souumo in-
terclmaimge of jocuiar renmarks on time
political status , time callers nil being dorn-
ocrats , Cox delivered a long speech amid
presoimted a petition of time Claim mia ( lao !
society , praying time president to use his
itifluenco to secure a respite for O'Doim.
iieil Time prcsidemmt said iii reply tiiatthe
dopartimment of state would at once tel-
ograpim Minister Lowell to make all pea-
sihlo inquiring regarding O'Doimimoll'a
citizommahmip , ammd imo vould take whatever
action imo could with propriety.
After reading the editorial him iiis Clii-
ca"o laior , iii which these words occur :
" ( 'Doimmmohl will imo doubt be immmmmed oim
December 17. Time Irish race failed to
save imiiii , mit it will not fail to avenge
him , " Congressnmarm Fhmorty said : " 1 cim-
dorm every word of this article , " and
speakiimg as "aim Anmericaim journalist amid
imot as a comigressniami , " imo declared timat
O'Donnell would die iim glory. lIe conS
tinuod : ' ' 1mm amy opinion time Irlaim will
act iim their own imoimalf , amid destroy
iiot emily time Etighisim imarhiaiimontary
building but ruin other iiiterests
so far as posihlo. I camm't say imow nor
iuimeui , if I know it wouldn't be for me to
toll. But J do know sucim procedure
will happen. J'iii opposed to raising
more money to aid iii time trial of Irish
hirisoimers. O'Donnell's trial lisa been a
famco. 'J'o ask mnoro nioimcy to continue
similar trials would be dishonest. No
hope of fairness front aim Fnghishm court
calm b emitertained. "
"fly postpononioimt of time timmie of cxc.
cutloim what will ho gaimiod ? " was asked ,
' 'If time vrcsidemmt asks that seiiteimcu
lie JStjOIied for it thou England will no
doubt gr.miit time request for site is'ihl not
desire to oll'tmumd Amimerica. Evidence of
( ) 'Donmmell being aim Aiimurican c'itizoim
will thmomm have tO 1)0 Feclmrtml ( mmd an op.
porturmity sought for giving hint a fair
tzial , * * * * J don't want war
to l.a tIm outcome , for our navy is not in
condition for a conflict but. I do want
justice for O'Donnell. "
Nsw Yoimm , December 0-Time Central
Labor union has passed a resolution ur-
geiitly reconmniending te pre'mdcimtof time
United States to interfere in time ease of
O'Donnell , time zimurderer Janmes Carey ,
and oimdeavor to irocuro a stay of oxecim-
tion ,
o111 01' 1Ii Bills Iiidh Oougiis
\Vi1I \ Ilavc to Wrcstlc With ,
The Provisions of Andorsou's
Postal TolograDh Measure.
Iiigalls Has a Trio Relating to
Publio Lauds ,
iktmtl CoimversoVmmimts the Tam'ifl emu
VtiI ltestnrctl ,
.t N I maIms's m'os'r. 1 , TII.Iti It A I'l I Iti I , ! , ,
\VAMIIiNT ; , 'N , December 0. Repro-
seumtativo Aimdorsomi , of Icammans , has revised -
vised time postal telegraph bill introduced
by hminm last sesmioii , mmd wilt sooim intro-
chico it ; in time house , By its provisiomms
time postmaster general is ntmtimorizcd to
coimstrmict , immaiimtaiim amid operate three
maui hues of telegraph , time nortlmermm cud
to exteimd fromum Bangor , l'ufe. , to St. Paul ;
time ceimtrnl hue frommm Now York to Topeka -
peka , and time southern hue front HaIti-
more to San Aumtonio. Time liostmuuaster
general is al'uo ammtimorized to coummmect time
wires of time postal telegraph witim those
of aimy t.uiegrahm , conipaumy wimicli accepted
or uimay accept time provisiomis of
time act of dimly 2.1 , 18fl0 , emmtitlcd
' 'Amm act to aid time construmctioim
of tolegraulm hues amid secure to govern-
mmmeimt use time attune for imosLl , imiilitary or
otlmerpurmoses. " The bill provides time
issunumce by time secrothry of time treasury
of 6,000,000 of 3 per ccitt , bonds of
$100 eacim , rcdeemmmabie at optiomi , but imot
to ruum mumore thmami timirty years , to be
ohlered for sale imm time open nmarkots of
New York amid time proceeds of time sale to
be apulted to the coumatructioum and equip-
uncut of time postal telegrapim by time P5t-
master gcmmeral , rlmo shall imt'ld nufl'mciemmt
reserve of said boimds as surplus over time
coimstructiomm as ummay be necessary to nmeet
time interest for live years. Ample
Irovisioum is uuuatlo for time redemmmii-
tioum of time bonds , time capital
timereof to be reimimbursod by the profits ,
aimd nfl fiscal details are properly
arraimgcd im consomuaimce with time rules
of time treasury departummemmt. Time local
officers are to be ummder time control of time
postmmmastera , amid stations established ommly
in time goverimmimemit postoflices. Provi-
siomm is mimade for comumiommsntimmg post.mmmas-
ters in proportion to time miuummber of telegraph -
graph stamimps used , time stamps to be procured -
cured and sold time same as postage
stamps. Time imostmuastor general shall
have full power to regulate sales , and ma
authorized to establish telegraph or telephone -
phone lines betwecmm time mmmain and eu-
post offices of the saute or adjacent cities ,
or between any station aimd. these of patrons -
trons who will pay thocostpLammaKlmnnsm
orfurnisK thoiu owi ( STarious lines audi
free delivery system is established.
ruin srncamm CASE ,
In time crimimmal court yesterday time
case of ox-Senator Spemmcer , cimargcd with
coumtcmnpt of court. imm failimmg to appear as
a witimess in tue star route case , came U
for hiearimug , Time govcrmmmneuit imiterro-
gatorics amid Spencer's ammswers were read.
Merrick said time goveriminemit was preparing -
ing to prescimt time umilidavits of Poatimmas.
ter Gemmeral , Tnmnes , Vanwormner , chief
clerk of time postolilco departummeimt , aimd
otlmers , to the effect that Spemmccr told
thommm he saw Dorsey pay mommy to Brady ,
Judge Wylie said as thmis was umot aim cx-
amimimmatioum before a jum'y , commuter athida-
vits would be imiadmuissabic , He regarded
oime point settled , that was tlmat Spemmcer
was endeavoring to avoid attcimdaumce on
time star route triaL With i'ofcroimce t , ,
time alleged uimdorstammding Spencer had
vitim Garfield , time judge said Ime could
umot recogumize time rigimt of time presimlent
to interfcm'e with time administratiomm of
justice. Decision was reserved until to-
w.irj uiarLi : , r CAIILTSLI's : vmEivs.
Commgrcssumaim Lowrey , of Indiana , one
of Carlisle's eimtiumsiamtjc supporters , cx-
lmresscs the opinioum that time Wii3's amid
ummeana commmummittco will certaimmly reflect
Carlisle's views UOii time tariff , timid time
house will witimout doubt take steps this
sesmioum to lesseim time tarill'on Limo mmeces-
saries of life ammd
rcthmce time surplus rev-
TutF : SIN.T1 (1OMMiTT1I5.
Time mutate comumumittoes of both parties
lmave fuimisimeci time work of recasting time
mmiemberslmip of time seimate commmmmmittooa.
They will lay their work before time rep-
rcseumtative caucuses Momiday mnorumiuig ,
If time work is apjrovcll by the caucuses
time soumate coimunittees will be umamned
Mommday ,
'ritz svoor TAiIIFV ,
lteprescumtative Converse , of Ohio , has
preiuumrcd a bill wimicim lie will introduce
to-um'morrow possibly , providing for time
restom-atioim of time duty on clotimiumg ,
wools , combing wools , carpet aumd other
similar wools to wimat timoy were prior to
time eumactineimt of the prcsoumt. tariff law.
Converse had a commferenco yesterday
with Delano , hmresidcmmt of time National
Wool Growers association , at wlmicim time
latter gave time proposed ummeasuro his out-
dorsemezut , To.umiglmt Coumverso said imo
Imad umo doubt his bill would pass time
imouse by a two-timirds imuajority , A umunu.
her of roprcsoumtativcs ( remit Ohmic , timid
other states am'e pledged for time reatora-
tion of time old rates out vool and woolemm
SENATOR INOALLS' L.tNl ) ltIti. . " ,
Scumator Timgalla will soon introduce a
bill providing that. any lrnmaoum who eum-
closes aim area of public lummds to which
Imo hmas imo title slmall be liable to a flume of
$100 per day for time timmmo suchm eumclosuro
is mnaimmtaimed , , amid any pursuit wimu oh-
atructs time passage of aumotimer over or
through limo vuiulio domain , shall for
every ohfeimsu pay time tqgrioved imorson
$500. Also , a bill autimormziimg a reauirvey
o ( towmmaimips erroumeously surveyed or jim
which time immonumnoimtmm unarkiimg time
bouumdamies have buuum obliterated om' ye-
nmoved. Also a umuoaaumro providing for
ammumexatiorm to oumo of the ICammaus lamni
districts ammd ( or judicial purposes to tlmo
district of Kansas aim umm-miammmed area ly-
jug botweoum icansas timid time himdinn 'l'um'-
ritomy , numl authorizimmg time coimmjmlotioum of
its survey.
Mr. Iingley will introduce a bill for
the esthblinlnnexmt of a bureau of coin-
mmuoreo amid navigatiomi iii limo trensmmry tic.
partimiemmt. iiummilar , to time hiritisim i.omrd of
trade , wlmich wmll hnn tim gemieral simper.
intendiimg of time omiummmorcma1 uimumm'immo amid
umiorchmaumt soaniomi of time immmted States ,
trrAul Lflhu14X..tTiOt ,
Representative Cassidy trill shortly 1mm-
tmixltmco a 1)111 ) Ii ) prvme for time niol- ,
isimmnont of the terrmtormal legislature of
l'rtaii , amid itistetul of a hegishitummu the aim-
PoifltimmOmmt of a comammilasmomi of 13 or 15
mmicmnbers , to be conflrmmmod by the semmate.
AitM' iymuMotioNc )
Congressman ( leorgo it , 1)a-is , of Cimi-
cago. will to-morrow mimtrodtwe a hill
prcmvitliimg for time lurommmotioit ( if ( leimoral
Simoritlati to time m'ank of gemmeral of time
mmrnmy , aimd ( loumomal llnmmcock to time rank
of licumlemmant geuicral.
' -i' 1mt.'AIiti MIlIiS 1)ESTIIOY I1) .
' Two llmmndm'od Timnmntand ioliar
Blaze at Ii'It : , , J'cimns ) ivaumimi- .
Otimor LORMCiI by Fire ,
Emtm , December 9-At. 2 o'clock this
umtormmiimg time I'itoummtll mckory rolilmig immills ,
tlmis city , were btmrmmed , Time mmmilis were
erected in 1812. One of time iriimc'mpal
otwumers was Iiomm. W'illmnumm L. Scott , Time
ummills have bonr ehut dowmm for mimic
t.immmo , but started imp agaimi early this fall.
'I'lmo nmaclmimmery iii timim mm'ilis was worth
$ tO0,000 ! , and the stock omm hiamid mbotmt
$80,000.Vhmon the alarm soimimdcd , time
city lire deparmncnt failed t , , respommd ,
owimmg to tlmo works being located just
otmtsklc of time corporate limumits. 'i'Imc cimief
was appealed to' , but dochimmed to order
omit. time ongiumea' claimmmimmg timuit time city
ordimmammces lbrbado his goilmg beyommd time
city linmita. After comisideraimlo delay
liernmioii was obtained from time mayor ,
but it was so hate that time dopartmmucmmt
was of little use wiien it reached time lire ,
fljliyo hmuimdrod muon mmrO tlmrowmm tuit of ommu-
lmioyiiiemmt , just att1mo begiimmmiimg of wimm-
ter , with umo nppareiit immeamma to stmmport
their fanuilies , Scott's bmmsimumams mimammager
imlutcos time loss at $200,000 , timid time iii-
smirammco at $90,000. It is not kimomvmm
whether the ummills will be rebuilt' or tiot.
Ot.umvmmr.txn , bocommtber 9.Thmo Ohio
Umm'momm rohliumg mail ! was utmost ! ) ' destroyed
by fire to-day. Time fire origimmated iii the
pumping roomsupposedly front mm stove ,
14085 Oit time umldmimg 20,000 , cit time
immacimincry probably $110,000 , immsurumce :
imot ascertainable to-day , 1luuchm of time
mnacimimmery it is thought. will be left iii
fair condition , '
( ii.oucumnsrEit , Mass. , Deccutiber 9 -
Aummuisqumhia mill , at llrockport , burimed
tiiia imlorumiug. Loss $40000 ; , iimauraumce
Timq estimmiatod loss will mmot exceed
$200,000. Time ltoekport lire depart-
mmmemmt was ummablo to. COO with such aim
extouisivoconhlagratioim , but witim time as-
istaiice rendered fronm Gloucester amid
Salemmi time Picker roou'ttud store Imouse
containing l0O , hjos \ coitomm were
saved. Time a' , , .smars has bocim
manufactUring r.ct tauts ama ) em-
played .23ke . hQ mill. was
oWndThy . tlis Joumn
, :
t L . : tiECryn
CummvENNE , W.Decembor 10.-
Articles of immcorporation of time Wyommm-
ing , Ycllowstomme Park & Pacific railway ,
have beemm filed. Aummoumg time iuicorporators
are L. Dupommt , time famous powder maim -
ufacturer , A , it. Converse , imresidemmt of
the } 'irst Natioumal baimk of Ciioyeuiime ,
\V. T. , A. hale , governor of Wyoummiimg.
Time road vih1 rumm thmrough the coal , iromi ,
soda aimd petroiouiim regions of western
\Vyommiin' , hum time National park jim lt.Iomm
tamma , Coimatructioim will begin in time
vita omr.tir imusiist : pool , ,
Ciiic.u to , December 100 emmerumi
Mammager Nerrili , of time Cimicago , Mu-
waukue 1c : St. Paul road , hmas addressed a
letter to a railway official of this city ra-
spectiimg time trilartite agreeimmoimt coum-
cerimimig Ummioum Pacific bimsimmess , whelm it
is alleged has been eumtored immto by time
Itoek islamid , Milwaukee & St. Paul amid
Uumiomm Pacific roads , Mr. Merm-iil ums
sorts thmat lie imover couttemnidated amid
would not , under any circimimustances ,
enter iuit ( ) aim ngrccumiemmt commcorlmilug
( ) mmmumhma busimmeas which did not iimchmmd u
all roads iii time Iowa Trunk Line nesocia-
B. T. , Tcli'cry , goumomal manager of time
liiinois Ceimtrai , has withilrumwum lila rca-
igimation , ammd will roumiajim him time service of
time comimpany.
Time Erorglmmdct ) ( ( iimm. ,
NEwJ OumLIAn , Decomimber tl-'l'lme
Tiummes-Dommmicrat's , Puimta itasso siucciumi
Says time Timmmos'Dcmmmocrat.'s Evorgiamica
expeditioum reacimed time Cult oum tue nigimt
of time SLIm of ioceimmber ) , timrouglm Sharks
river , ummiti l.ave just laumded imere fronm a
scimooumur wiuicim timey chartered atVimito
\7ater bay to coimvey timeumi to thmis poiimt.
Time marty became separated , timid two of
timoimi are still up time river iii a boat , 'l'ime
mmmcii all show imiarka of time rougim iifo on.
dured , limit are still Sm good lmealtim timid
spirits. 'l'imey heave for Cedar Jcyea Limo
l3tim inst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'hmialieml hUH OuihhmiotVorlc.
Sr. Louis , December 9.-Quite mm start-
hug evemmt occurred mit imiorcammtilo library
hall to-iuiglmt. , Jninea 1 ( bum timid wife
of INow York syoro giviumg a spiritualistic
iierforumiumco , toward time cioso of wimicim
Cciii stejmjed , into mum aimtc roommi iii time
rear of time stage to rest mmfter cximnuiatiumg
time cabimiut exiuibitioum nnl ( ivimeim followed -
ed two or three uim'umutes later by imia
wife ho was foimimd ilemul on time floor , Aim
exaumiimatjoum by idmyaicinns showed that
dtiatim was caused by heart disease , ( bum
was a mimaisoim in good staumtlimmg , 'I'imo
body 'viiI ho takeim to Chuicmg : for
burial ,
- - - - -
, JI , re ( , 11111(94 'J'uIeti , CITY , 1)ccemnier 0. Aftem' a
timird trial lut. \ , , Joimea hiss becim acquit.
ted by the criimmiummil court miii a cimargo ( if
mmmrdor , 'i'Ime imistory of time cusu imriolly
told is as follows : I mm time apriimg of 1882
( ioorgc ( lrammt ( colored ) , rommistimig arrest
for lrceiiy , killed I'atrick Jones , a im.
iicenmamm , nummi a immob time musimme nmgimt
imamiged Levi I larrimigtoim ( colored ) , mimia.
taking Imimmi for ( brammt. M. V. Joumea , a
cousimm of time deceased olticerwamselmarged
with ieadiumg time crowd wimirim imammgod
I I arrimmgtoum , for which he hiss j ust becim no.
quitted. ( iramit , time uriurderer , is mmow in
jail ummider acmmtence of death , which hiss
beomm deferred and a stay of executiamm
grsntod by the supromimo court ,
'Fits buruming , iimhtIs atlfIl -
bery , Mass , , caused a loss of S150,000 ,
! )
Terrible BatI1 hoar iikiiii V1ih (
Dists1oiis llosiilIs ,
Blaok Troops Fighting Back to
BaokVtit1i Oltiblieci Guiis.
Dervisohs Proolaililulig a UolyWar
and tile Country Ablaze1
'l'lio F'ieutt'ii I a "I on HummIng
To-i ) ny ,
G1NilttI1 , XIWS.
ANoriIIn : m:0VI-Tl : IN iIt'lt t'r TO rutis. : :
( .timmo , icccmmmhmer -News iota
reached Amloum tlmnt a rcat force of time
hill tribes attacked five colmmpanies of
Egyptiami troops which were recoimnoiter-
hug outside of Suakimmi on the 5th immaL
Severe tighmtiimg ensued , time Egyptians
were commuplotely nummuiimilatctl nmmd timeir
artillery capttmrctl ,
Ammother nccommmmt of time Egyptian do-
( out at. Simakimmi emi time 5th immat , says :
S1uics cimtercd Simakimmi timid reported Imill
mmmcmi hmoverimig near time ton-mm. On hear-
hug this l'laimommmad Tmmptw. l'asima ,
mimmxioims to cli'acu time tl1cuit
at 'I'nkknr , on accimimmit of which
a court immartial is POumtIIo , , eimt forward
500 black troops utimd 200 1aslii ! h.zinmka
agaiimst time liii ! tribes , lmoiuimmmself rcmmmaiim-
big at. Stiakinu. At a distaimce of timree
hours mmuarchm frommi towmt time Egyptians
were attacked by several tlmousummid mmmcii ,
Time Egyptinims fouglmt fiercely , hut vore
ctmt to imieces , omml % ' lift ) ' , ( if vrlmommm hmumlf
i.oio officers , escapilmg , 'Fimis defeat of
ollicors lmithmcrto regarded its time flower
( if time armmuy hiatt caimseu.l commsterimatiomm , as
it teimds to simon' tlmuit time task of opening
thin route front Stmaktiim to Berber witim
time immaterial at Ilaker l'asima's disposal is
mienriy hopeless.
'l'wenty cavalrymnemm accommmianicl time
Igyptiaum force defeated mmcar Simakima out
time 5th lust , 't'hmo Ltal loss vuta
immemm. 'l'iioro were two Eimropeamm officers
t-itim time force , ammd time whole tmmmmler eommm-
mmmammd of aim Egymtiaum mmmajor _ 'l'imo sur-
vivilmg nihicers nay they wore
surrounded by 5,000 mmmcmi. Time
Egyptiamma formed a squarmu , black
troops beimig mitatiommed omm thmrco faces amid
Ilasimi Bazooka elm Lime foumtim fimee of time
siiare. ( 'l'iio littLer fell back tlmrowiimg
time black troops limb diaoi'der. Time
black troolis foughmt s'iflm "rent bravery.
Otto gimmi amid all arimma amma ammunummitioum
vero lost. lit comiseqimemice of tim ( hans-
ter time garrimmumm itt Suakimmi is reduced to
1,000 mmmcmi , 1)erviselmea are appearing iii
tipper Egymt vhmo imroimose to preach a
holy war. Time wlmolo coimimtry beyoimd
EgyiL 1mrlei ma ablaze.
Time black troops fouglmt back to back
iii groups or pairs , semite witim clubimod
suak'F , . .t..i rebels were kUlod.
Time figlmt occum0j omm the 32d Immstant ,
rLyinton4mad returned to , uakiin
16' ' &itlymmm mi two
ohmcora jjmq am .iz
time distor , and 10 wounded soldiers ,
The defeat proves that. thmo robela arc
uirummiy established south of Suakim , on
time Barber frontier. Time umews of there-
volt at Seminar leads to daily expectation
of aim attack out Dongola or Khmartoum.
T111 IBJJ.TAN' $
Cowr.NmINom'I.E , December 0.-Timo
sumltamm Imamu tc
dispatcimed aim aide-do-camp
Jiedjaz and two court dervishes to time
Soudium oim crramldM rolatimug to El Mahiadi's
I uuUni.1m TO iii i'iuusiVUTIn : ,
1 ltotu , Deceimmber -Sigmmor Lovita ,
wimo fought Bat'omm Nicotert , Friday , imni
resigmmed time secretmirysim ip of time immimmiatry
of time immierior. liotlm duelists will be
Sm'1N1Decoumibor , 9.Tlmu inter-cole.
mimi coimfemoutce pamuaecl resolutiouma against ,
time ltiidiuig in Now C imiumca of coimvicta
froum itimer mslaumda , aimil against
recogumizilmg pmircimmscs : of mmmii iii N en
C , . mimimea before British ( lormmilmioim over Ire-
minI imumd heomm estalhisimetl ,
. % 10 I ism : ' It.t Nl ns if 1H ( li1 ii I ) .
1loo , , iecoimmbur lJ.-iUgr , Smmvareao ,
doctor of civil mtumd ciumoum lasv , amid until
rocoimtly time iioimc'a ' doummestic proiato , iota
loft Limo Hoimmamm Catholic church , amid to.
clay was receivel iimto time commuumimummion of
time Episcopal clmmmrcim by Ir. Nevin , jim
St. l'auml'a Amumorican church emi commes-
:41011 : of time Niccume creed timid abjuration
of time dogimmas of time iimmmmmacumlato couicem-
Lion aumil papal immfahliimihity. lie asked for
tIme guklammce of aimgclican Episcopatc
am.aiuist the mmamirlmatiouma of time bicthmop ,
0'mON.lO.i' $ wi'ATnmuiN'r. :
LoNliox , Iccemibor : 10-O'Donnell's
wife hits coimme to Lommdon to visit her
husband , O'louimiell's brother writes
( remit Ireland atatiuug that wimat O'Iomm.
mmcli hind determined to say jim court if
jiermmmittcd to sleahc ) was tlmat Carey drew
a revolver after a heated liacussloim , he-
gun by Carey cursing tIme Anmericaummu.
( ) 'ionumehl struck time revolver frouim
Carey's lmaumd amid us time littLer was stoop-
hug to regniim it O'Ioummmoll fired timmce
shots iuiumtnimtnumcomisly.
A Nimiir ( ATT.OK ,
iloNim IcoNo , Doceuumber 0.A Chm'mrmeso
uuiglmt attack on limmijihmong imas beemm
frustrated by time Frummeim , 'I'ime ( Jlmimmeso
advammceul close to Ilitipiioumg timid burumed
ii village , Freimcim gimimboats amid troops
were mlispatehmcd to time scoume amid time
oumemumy routed.
A I'Nl ( .
LONIION , Ieceummbur Suakimmi dia.
hutch sumys : 'l'hmere is a imaumie aummomig the
Egyptinim ofliciahi , Time ( mmli of Lime garrm.
semis itt 'I'okam' amid Sinkat iii expected
daily , owing to starvation. It is stated
tlmmt : Otlmmnium : , chief of Lime slave dealers ,
was killed in limo fight. ¶ J'iie Britisim aimip
Itaumgor hmoldim this town , amid imo fear is
felt for time amitcty ot Euroimeamma.
PAII1S , 1)occimmhum' 0-IL is reported
that I toati Ilommimeur is agimium ( lummmgerotmsly
ill itt J"oimtaiimbleaim.
AN , % I'A ) Ni 1 ix : m'EYfElu ( ,
IIiixm , icoMi , Jcceniber 9.-It is cx-
1ioctetl that the Fronclm mviii mulvammce cmi
Soimtay to.nmorrow ,
i'oniumylvmiumlmm ( Hics it Avuiy ,
Eumis I'a. 1)ecemmmbor 9Twelve
, . , , - - years
ago time state of l'eiummsylvnnia erected , at
aim expeuise of $150,000 , a large brick
structure in time easteai'um hart. ci Lhu ; city ,
to be kimown mum ' ' 'l'lmu fiflirimmo hospital , "
'Fimo luumildimig was about half conmphetcd
whemm , froumi vaYloima causes , work was
mutispemnled , amid it. imas roumiumimmed mmimfimm-
islmed to liii , immc.ant titmie. Lately I lou ,
J.'eia1i , in biihmnif of time Omntmd A rimmy
of time Republic , aim.I I Inmm , S. bI. liraimi.
erti , commgrossimmummt for this district. iimtcr-
eated timeimmsehvcs jim time mmmattor of gottiumg
time imuihding traimsierreul to time ( mmitcl
States gm em'mmmimcmmt , vitlm it proviso timat
it i.e comimiuleted for a soldiers amud sailors
imnimme , At time last aessiomm time legislim-
ttmre of Pomummsylvnumumt imasactl nut net deed'
immg the bumihhiimg nmmd ground to time gcmm-
erul goverimmmmemmt , also giving an audi.
tioiial $ i,000. (1ommgrcnsuuum ( lirainerd
ivill shortly introduce a lu'mll iii time imoumse
to accept t lie 1niihdimm and nqmropriate a
atzimm uiIiiciemit t , : ) jitit it iii shape for it
lmommme for soldiers aimd sailors of time late
war , for tvlmommi t'ery few imommics lmave
becim provided.
iIfltV I lie N.'tv ' % om'i Ta'easiir3' I' . .
Nitv'oaK : , ltmcemmiber 11-Tue Tritm-
title says : Carefiml hmveatigatiomt of tie-
liartiuteimt rceui'da , by 'I'r'mhumimo rolortors
reveals the cxistoimce jim time city of a riimg
( if commtraetom-s tvimoso imietimoula are s'iumtiiar
to those of time eammal rimmg which was
Imrokomm imp egimt years ago , haiL mmii efhbrt.
has becmm umtitlo : to break umim time corrupt
coummbiimumtiomm which is ( iefruumding time tax-
jiayers of Now Vork. 'J'ime systommi of mmmi-
bnimumced bbhi by wimich time public treas-
tmry stmtlera iteat'ily imas grown to ahtrthimt
proportiomma 1mm time departmmmeumt of lnmblic
ic' (5 tmnder time eye ( if Commmmmussiommor
Timoummas. .J'ulisleadimig ' estiiimumtea of work
to be ( bite nrtJ time rub ratimer timaim time
e.xceptioim iii tImatlimartmmment , amml cor-
taimm favored conti-acLoz stuccoed imi oh.
taimmimig secret infom'mimatiou ? real
miaturo tit the work wlminim timuaohtmtlead-
big estiimmatos cover. 'J'hmoy are timus'i'pn-
ablemi to put iii umibahuimmoed iid , at ih
tires , whuiclm result in large gaimia to thmummm
numl serious loss to time city ,
'limo oxtraortliumary imatmiro mf timem imitis
mmmay be immmagimmed tt'lmwm it is kumown timimt.
time departmmment of public works is miow
payiimg on commtrncts still iii force all time
way frommi ( lite cciii to $3 Item' cubic yard
for exactly time saimme kimmd of uxcavntimm.
i honest commtractora are driven out of time
hold by time ring mmiemi tvumo put i mm ummbal-
ammeed bids. 'I'imeae outrageous street
couitracta , , if wlmichm time inmblio works do-
partmiicimt is [ mill , result iii time vacation
of asaesaummemmta oim nit extemisivo scale
timrowimmg time whole btmrdomm of oxpemmdi-
ture ott time city , By time vacatiomi of
asses.-immemits , resimltimig frommi these abuses
ummmiimicipal treasury him atillored to time
extomul > f ummilliomma of dollars in time last
few years.
'I'imo ummetlmod is absolutely simple. A
street ot souver for exitniplo , will mcmm'mro
time oxcavtiomt of so ummimch imi rock , so
mmmtmeh iii earth mmd time eumgimmeor states
approximmmately time aummount of each and
bids are immyitod , Aim outsidecoimtractor
mimakes a straight forward bid allowimmg
imimmi it fmmir profit emi eacim , Time inside
utmaetormutmkcMbidacnsm4t1 lml i1or
, ,
ifl k , .
ousy tumpu4tumat tue pstoi hmjwbr
on iyhiclm ho niade an utircrsonab1' Itih
bid , kfar morothan time engLncoaj r.Ie *
coptivo ostiimiato and time , coimtractor'a
secret. kmtowledgo of time real fabt.s work
together amid time unbalanced bid becomes
as tiiorommgh a piece of bumgiary as it the
I city treasury had boon lriod opOn with
a Juummimmy
'l'hmo 'Trj'jme gives time details of tim
sewer contracts iii wimicim time city was
sviiolied , 'Time following i a fair ihiustra-
tioum : Bids were invited Lou' rogumlatitug
timid grmulluig Nimity-fiftim street. , froimm
'I'ontim avoummue to tIme ititeraide ( Iris'c , timid
I flagc'iiig time sithinvalka timurcomm , 'J'imo
- deiuam'tmmmetmt called for bids emi 1OiOcubie
yam'ds of cmrtlm excavation , 21,5 l0 cubic
yards of i'ock excavation. J. Jim'.uly liii ]
$8 Per cubic yard for Limo etirtim , ( amid
Ic Per yard for time rock oxcimvntiuim , , hits
aggregate , $ lt,471 ; ; , iiciumg time lowest re
ceived. I I is commtract fom' rock excavatiomi
is so small , atmd for earth oxcavatioum so
great timid ; it is estimated lie sviil receive
$112,000 ,
They lkOiC i ( ) tretim' 111mm , .
1irocMIrco'roN , iii. , 1)ceotimber 0.-Ex-
Rev. IIolhmmaim , , who tymta expelled fi'oiui
time l'mt. B. cimureim by time coumforcumce , lie
imavimmg beau chmam'god iii tim immmmmmornl comm.
ihitci , iumciuding selimctiolm nimml bastardy ,
to-iuigimt begaum a series of sorimmoims itt
time opera lmommse , iumtetmdimig to foummd a
imew church. lie lmuml mmii imumimmoimse audi-
'rime I'ntiem'nl at , , , hioliit1om1-
OtliemIoatlms ) ,
J.uiJItt ( IIEINIOIim' .
'l'ime fuimeral of Louis Ileiimdorf was
Imuld yesterday nftermmooim mit 2 o'clock ,
fromum imia late mcsidoumee oum Ilarimoy street ,
between Temmtim timid lleveiitim. lie was
iuried w'mtlm time lmommora of time Odd Fellows -
lows lodge , ( if wimicim orgaimizatioim lie was
a , mieummber. Time processiIm was emma of
time largest ever seen iii Omumimima. Jt was
hmcadel by tIme IT. 1' . baimd , Besides time
Odd Follows mm iam'ge concourse of citizeuma
attommdol , Time reimmaimma were buried iii
l'rospect lull ceimmetory.
5i 11(3. ( ) l .tIiUAitI'F 'LAIIS.
'l'imo funeral of Mrs. Margaret Clara
Who died at Forest City , Nub. , was h01d
3'cstorday ttftermiooim. 'J'hmo romnaimms arrived -
rived oim time ti'aitm at 1 o'clock , nun ! were
convoyed to time iioiy Sepulchre conic.
tory. 'i'ime deceased snot time wife of
, Jamimes ( flare , of Forest City , amid time
nmotimer of .1 oimui Clare , of Oummahia.
u1'EIIIEN Foul' .
Time funeral of Stoplmeim Ford. was held
at I o'clock yesterday nfterimooim front
lila lute roaidommco out \Vimcatoum street ,
Itov. Loedoim , of time Eighmteeumthi street
Id : , K chmmtrchm , commductcd time services ,
'I'ime reiumaiums vcre buried iii l'roalect
liii ! comimtory.
'limo funeral ( if II. Ij , Carpeumtor , late
editor of 'J'imu i'aliihioum 'l'imimes , wait held
at Pumpihlioim yesterday mmfterimootm at 2
o'clock ,
flue , w , iCuiNi'ALL ,
Time death of Coo , W , icomidall , forum-
erly of thus city , is animotmuiced mis occurring -
ring ut Chicago , \Vedmmesduy , time 5th
iumst. , after a protracted illness. At time
titumo of iiis death ho was wmrkimmg mum the
advertialmig iuitereat of Time Republican
of this city ,
- :
llisbci ; Arizolla , Ried , Throc Cll V
KiIIc 8ll a WoillallValllldcth \
The Bobbers Secure $1,200 , and ' V
Make Their Escape.
A. Spiritualistic Crank Arrested
For the Zora Burns Murder ,
'l'io ! l'm'opnseml Iel'etiso itt ( he Hiimiuma V
Iioii.I ( imse.
ttTTIIts ,
Thu ZOiLA iiumus MU1IDEIt. V
PEomnA , ill , Decemmmber lO.-.Joimn W.
I hinter , the heged mmmumxlerer of Zora m
ilumrums , trim was brought inure amid lodged
iii jail last mmigimt , was taken to Lincoln
thus eveumimm. Time oflicer wimo Imad
chmmirgo iif him rcfumsmxl to divulge aim-
thiitmg in commtumctjon wRit the arrest or V V
allow time lurisommer to lie imiterviewed ,
F'rommm what caum be learned , however ,
time arrest was mmmmlo on time strength of a
letter written a day or tWo ago by Hunter -
ter to Carpommter'a attorney statimmg that
wimilo iii l'coria in August last ,
Carpenter tried to imiduce Imimim to
mmmarry Zora Burns. Ho imiso stated that.
lie immi time mmmisaimmg apparel of time imnir-
tiered girl iii his possessioum aunt woimld
rettmrmi LImo smite on payment of 300.
' .Plmis letter accidemitly foil into time hmaumd.
of time state's tittorimey if Lognmm county
mmd a search for limiter was instituted , .
Ha boarded a Peoria , Decatur Evans.-
yule tralim at Delavaum yesterday , and waa
arrested a imhiort , titus cifty
1jh _ : - ' V" , t ditl'urcsmt
_ : ; '
ttimmea auu mm ,
lies imoro. Fromim what they Iumthw
nim&l circummmstammces coimmiectod , witlt his
arrest they regard lilimi as n ct'aitk and do
mit. mitlmieli itiuicim iniportailco to lila cap- ' \
tumre. V
lulammumi : , A. 1' . , ii\.LuLi ,
TomimisToxi : , Doe. t-Fivo immoummtedl
mmmcmi raided time towut of Bisbee last.
itight , killed .1 . C. 'l'appimmcr , .1. A. Nc' .
Icy tutu ID. 't Simuitim , woutmided ulra.
Roberts , ittid thou robbed Castenada's
store of il,200. ' [ 'lie whole business
was accoumiplished so rapidly that ito at-
tommipt. was umado iii delouse. Advices V
sluice time above state that the nion are
imolioved to be the sante tvlm robbed time
Soutimermi Pacific traimm at. Caumgo station , V
Novemmiber 16. Time robbers fled in time
Vlirectioui of Sommorn ,
ONIX A Cit,1N1.
ChilcAco , Deceumiber 0.-Time Daily
News' Limmcolim special says time man whmo V
was armstod at Peoria yesterday , charged V
. witim concealiuig evidetico hum time Zora
I Burns case , ummdor Lime mmmc of J. IV ,
I Iluitter , appears be that person ,
I but a titan
_ V
m. ; , L
CAbU.U _ _ _ _ rtd' :
bg : L4thtol1 : . _ _ _ ' '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ V
I place 'Iite
I rat.V1t is believed byV immanti )
I roa1flnnter
t wearing apparQl of tilO Thtwdorcd.gI1
Cumi.too . , December I- ) Time Daily /
News' , Taylorvillo ( Ill , ) special says : Time
trial of time mmmcii uumtlor ; rrvt fur time ctit.
rage ( if Thmmnia tiomid will begimm at. hills-
bore to-mmiorrow , It is rimumored that time
defeumse will umiako two particular points ,
first mmmi alibi , aecoumd that tlmo snirering of
Miss Boimd wummu not. stick as wotmid be
cammimod by outrage but of a cimaractor
iimieht abortoum or nm'mscarriago
would Iroduce , amid that in fact siam was
imot outraged. Timuit time defense mviii cmi-
( leaver to show this by time fact. that no
blood was fouumd jim. time loft whore time
outrage ms'as said to have beemi coimmmmmittcd
amid time commditioim of time loft ms-as mmcli
timumt the net comuld not have becum commi-
milLed tiici'e , 0mm Limo otimer imammd , time
1)ulhic prosecutor says , ito does umot be-
iies'e time dufeumse will uimdoi'takc nay such
hue of tcstimmmoimy ; that time oxanmimma-
tion of Miss Boimd by pimysicinums proved
couiciusively that there had beemi no
abortioum but hind been an outrage.
_ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
JlStiIliltlOIi Of 4rsets , V
NAMIIvIILl : , 'I'omm. , December 0.-A
fiumal dccreo has beeui eumturcd in time
eimaiicery court. by wimicim $300,000 of time
assets of time baumk of time state of Ten-
umcssco are to be distributed to time umotc.
imolders. half a imiihiiomm dollars of out-
stnumdiumg imotes of timia bammk wore issued
during time war to be funded and mimade
receivable for taxes ,
A J.boflniit. itm'uny.
Nitsh1.vEs : , Conn. , Iecemmmbox- , -
'Vlme Suilvatioum Ammmmy dulled timim nmuiuicipal
authorities to-umighit , amid paraded us
usmmah it. is exjmected that all ivili be am-
rested to-immorrow ,
Street parades of time Salvatloim At-ummy have
imocim forbhidomm tim New York ,
Satiford' Radical Oure.
ilLad Cokld , W'atcry JIchargaa from tlio Noc anil
Eye. , utingiiq Noimes In th.i IjaiJ , Nurvous head.
twiiu aiiti I'o' , I r Ilibtalitli' rriiui ed ,
CiokInr mnucu , iidiOtii.Ld , I1ekmbraio , , cleansed antI
healed , breath .neeteneI , .iieIl , , Iamb alit ! licarimig
rtOirvii , uiid naneiicIieckctI.
( : 'umau , lIroirinti , , Dropm > Iig. , Iiito the Throat ,
i'iui , , . Iii thu Ciic.t , i.l'I ILm , tt'atlmi 01 8trengti
arii Flu.h , iii SIee' ' , etc. , cmmreii.
( imio liuttlu lta.ikai oiu , bo Catarelial oi , $
velit and uio , Ir ) , thfurt' , , itilimier , In ( mu ickazu ,
of all drmgiSt , $ , for i.Ibk for lISNiOKO' itauiemm.
Cumt , , a iru dItillatiiiii of tVltch Ilsiul. Am. Pita , ,
( ia.1V'k , .taiigoiI , Ciomer iilosouu , etc. 1'oiT&
Imwu AND CtmesiC.mtCo. . liosto , , ,
roe the relief anI , prevention ,
OTAio , O tUmuumnaUsnm , Neuralgia , Sclt.
' Coughs , Colds. Weak hack ,
\ ttf.// ' Stoumacim meid Bowel. , Shooting
, i'aln , , Nutubne , . JlystorIs , Fu.
_ . : ; : mnalu P1ni , 1'ahmiiation ) ) pp p
t ) . : Iii. Lher Coinpfslmmt , l3il1tou } u.
: var , Malaria and oVIdQmnI , mm . .
CTIkl\\ 1 I C UA'rrEumy tt0iuiNED
L'ASTE' with i Vorou , mlsstur ) sad iaugb a
' pain. ga uerywtiurs I
V. V