Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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I . BEE.
. SaturIay Morning , Deo. 8.
SjiccIit Mociing oCtie 8tato tIIIanco
A IOCIft1 mooting of the Farrnor'SLato
Althmca will 1)0 held at Kearney , Nob. ,
\Vedncstlay and Thuratlay , .Jan. 16
atid fl , 1881. All allancci which have
nt any titno been organized in thia state
arc carnat1y requested to scud delegates
: to this meeting , and all natbinonopoliatfi
of the state are cordal1y itnitod to at.
; tend. No will be aparad to make
the moottng oitortainilig , and itistrtlcti0.
A prograinmo of lrocoed.ns will aoon be
sent to all nlIaiicca , , giving names of
speakers , aubjocta and all particulars.
All officers of alliances are requested to
f,00 , that meetings are called anti arrange-
tnonts made to sotid delegates.
State papers , plctuo copy.
P. II. ,
. Pios't State Alliance.
J. Bultnow8 , Sec. ad interim.
TIio Woathcr.
For the upper Mississippi and Mis
aouri valleys , colder weather , north.
wostly winds , rising followed in northern
prLions by falling barometer , warmer
, eatlicr , southerly winds.
-reatoat variety st. the tc Store.
-Since the rain stopped , there IIM boon
an InCrOaiel coolncsn In the atinopliero hero
tlOUt * .
-A.hoavyinow storm rhuratay , .iIgl.t Is
L'OlOrtOl ( along the Ilso of the U. 1' . at Don.
vor , Clioyonno anI Sidnoy.
-Tho Ihr was intitakon in stating that
Idward P. Spurgoon tiled at Loadvillo. IU
( lOath occurred at Gunnlao.i . City , Colorado.
-.11. D. l'rlco , late traveling agent of theof
U. P. at 1Eoiitrcal , Canada , lia roKignod and
will go Into business vith his brother at
-It is to ho hoped that tlio coming of uIII.
an and his muscular nasocintes to Omaha
will not cnuo an epidemic of pugilism in the
-In jolico court yesterday tIoro , wore
two cos for ilisturbonco of the peace. Ozin
% . : s linoci and committed , and the other wzui
-The State Stenographers' nssociation vill
S meet In this city In the evening a
bvnquot ; vilI ho glvon at the MIllard lintel.
An enjoyable time is expected.
-A youncr man by the tialno of Charley
Schneider fell In a 140Y0t0 fit at the Union Pa.
cific depot Tlnirsday , 0.1(1 vaJ. convoyed to be
his home , corner of Seventh and l.oavonwortli
itreots , in an exiroas wogon.
-A freight trali , of the U. 1. was badly vi
wrecked Thursday night at .Sodgwlck , Cole.
ratio. This wreck caused an obstruction of
the track o that the Deiivor section of the U.
p. panongor didn't arrive with the regular
traiii yesterday afternoon , tiv
-One of the most iiloaant little social
ovontn of the season wait the iitooting of the to
" 0. M. A. " club , at Ma.onic hail Thursday an
' About twontyfivo couples tripel the light
fantistio to the strains of Irvine's orchestra
until midnight. A programme of sixteen num
hors wa danced.
-The council lint evening attended to an
Important piece of unlinisliod blisinosM hiy th
reading the ininutu of all previous ineotitigs bo
for a month or two just Lm.t. Thio reading of
those mlniito. occupied over an hour. It
, oonvi thiatowlng to the rush of business of Gr
late the reading of the journal had boon ileg. It
loctoil , and the adjourned iiieoting of last th
evenIng w.o. . thought to lie a gooti tIme to at.
tend to IL
-While General lIiuIcock'H car wai stand. w
lug at the depot Thursday forenoon , one of
the walters at the eating house mounted the
platform and In speaking ta a follow waiter ,
in regard to the general , said , "is that the fol. m
low that would be If hocould bo" Mr. han. te
cock hoard the question and before the pors.n
to whom It was adtlroiised hind an opportunity Pl
to answer , the old warrior turned in his chair ,
smiled , nodded his head , aint the ' 'coon" dii. m
Appeared. ca
-'rho case of the Stat , National bank of
Ijincolli vs. Young , a stilt which has been
pondiiig In thu United I3tntou court for soy.
oral ( lays , went to the jury yesterday. A vor-
diet was return'nl last evening. 'rho Iliuthig
covers twenty pages aiitl hi a conilltioiial one. J
It provides that if on thisfintling the court
shall decide In favor of the plaintiff , the ve.i. h
diet shall be for a certain amount. There are
special findings to be submitted forroview hy
the court , As it now 1" , the Is vractical.
ly undecided.
-Thursday night , at 11 o'clock , as Ofilcer
[ ) e.inond was coming up Tenth street , ho no.
ticod three inca ougagod In a quarrel opposite
Turner hail. lEo wont over and falling to f
pacify thorn arrested one of the parUoa and
started for the jail , ho 1usd proceeded but a
few .tepswhon some follow canlo up behind
him and ave him a slug In the neck , noirly
knocking him down. Ito Immediately roleas.
od thia prboner In hand and captured the as.
saulUog pttrty. The fellow who had bean ro
- leased msuo off and ] ) osmond fired two or
three ahota after him without any effect except
copt to Increase his gait.
A. Idfl SavtngPreont. fi
Mr. M. I. Allison , liutchinson , Kan. ; th
Saved his life by a simple trial bottle of Dr. at
lUng's Now Discovery for consumption , which h
caused IiI'n to 1rcure a large bottle that corn.
vlotelv ( ? ; rod him when doctors change of tr
c1hwtn quid everything eiii had falod. Asth. to
1113 , liiOflChitiS , hoarseness , sever coughs , and d
nil throat and lung diseases , it is guaranteed h
to cure. Trial bottles Ices at 0. Y. Goodman's
drug stow , Large alae 81.06 ,
Work Boxes , Toilet Sets , Vlueh an g
AUlator Albums , Collar and CufF Boxes f
Ladies anti ( louts' TravolIn Cases , Very
Cf (3i at M i foyer & Co. a. dec7in&c m
Jul GriIILii'o L"uaornl. t
t The funeral of Jay Griflin took iilce al .
the Baptist church yesterday at 11
o'clock , and. waa largely attended , Thc I \
sermon by itoy. Harris was very imprea. . c
zlvc , and the aroakor paid a very beau.a
tiful tribute to the decenerd and railroad e
ellen hi general. A double cuarLot froiii S
the Glee club fuinlshcd ( lie inuoiowliich
was a'prcpiIa1e , and dceply moved the
large audience.
'flint the deceaed was very popular Iii l
this city wasshown by the large cortege ! im
which followed his remains to their last ,
resting place. s
. The iiallbeareri wern all old aasociate t
of the . . deceased. tm
- a
. George P. Dailey , of Lincoln , Is staying al h
UioPaxton. . . ' b
. -
, _ _ _ ii-
- - , ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -
T he djourlloI Rcu1r Mectin LsI
t Cnnatdcrallo , 1tiioitnt of Miscel.
lSt1OIS Iltisi Transae cii.
411 adjourned regular iiieoting of the
c ouncil vns held last evening. Present
- fcasrs. Anderson , I iclim , 1)tinlintii ,
Il ascall , ICnuftnann , Leodor , McCluck in ,
M urphy , ltcdfield , Thrano and Wood.
w orth.
Thio journal of previous regular and
sp ecial meetings ailico , and including
th at. of November 22 , was read and nii
pr oed ,
From W , W. Iarsh : Asking that any
sp ecial taxes upon the property of theAt
st reet railway for paving purposes bccoino
de linquent. the same as on abuttiiig prop'
or ty. Referred.
From city : Notifying
th e council that cortalis fire hydranta or
d ercd are ready for usc. Roforrod.
A number of bills wore referred with.
o ut reading.
From the mayor : Approving certain
or dinances. Filed.
From the county commissioners : Noti.
fy ing the council that they will ay half
th e expense of grading Farnain street
fr om Twoiity.ninth street west to the
ci ty limits. Referred.
From lropertyowliora ) On Farnain in
pa ving district No. 2 : Notifying count
el I that. they had dotoriniiied upon Trini.
da d asphalt as inatorial to be used in pay.
in g. Itoforred.
The fiuial estimates of ) ftviug done on
va rious streets by tlio Barber Asphalt
co mpany and city engineer's accoptatice
of the same wore presented.
Mr. Wilson , of the board of public
w orks , stated that the coiitractoro had
no t carried out the work according to
pl ans and specifications , the omission bo.
in g that of certain atunc.curbing ,
Mr. Creigliton explained that this , iat.
tc r was provided for in thio report.
The matter was thou referred.
By McOuckin : 1 f'O detail two police.
Inc h as special detectives and patrol the
cit y without restraint , the city being
iiif cstcd with a dangerous lot of bad char.
act ors.
Mr. Dunlmin did not bohioyo that po'
lic ciiien should be iiiado detectives. The
po licemen are too well known. He
the ught that a previous resolution iiiado
ttor provision.
Mr. Bohiiii was not in favor of employ.
ing a detective , lie thought the police
WO Uld do better service. ITo thought a
Iance committee would bo the proper
thim mig.
Mr. Kaufman waa in favor of employ.
lug a detective.
Mr. Mcauckin bohiovod. in the detec.
o system.
That part of the resolution referring
the bad state of affairawasatrickon out
d the resolution was carried.
By Kaufman : To allow Chits. S. Big.
gin s to erect two i'as lamps in front of
his p'.nced. one on Twelfth and ono on
Do uglas street. Adopted.
By Bohmn : Authorizing the streetcom.
lili ssionor to clean thmosostreets and alleys
at are paved , under the directionof thio
ard of public works , and to employ not si
immu re than three teams amid seven men
for this purpose.
Time contract submitted by Mount &
iflin , for the proposed work. was road.
provided for sprinkling and sweeping
e streets and remnovimig snow from gut.
tor n niia crosa.walks.
After the reading of , the contract , there s
as sonic lively discussion. The rosolu.
tie n was fiuially roforrcd.
iui.o1tTh 01' COMMITTF.Ks.
On police : Confirming the appoint.
omit of Daniel S. lloroly as voundmnas.
r. Adapted.
Police : Authorizing the mayor to eta.
OY a detective. Filed.
Water works amid sewerage : Rocom.
ending the passage of aim orditimuico lo.
ting cortaimi additional fire hmydramits.
An ordinance levying a tax upon cer
nds , lots aimd real estate to cover thmo
co st of construction of a sewer in sewer e
di strict No. 1 , was road three times amid
) assod.
An ordinance levying a tax to pay one-
alf LImo cost incurred in grmuling Nine. O
to onthi street , fromim DodgotoF.mrnamn , was t
ro ad three tinion and passed. ,
A ordinance locat'mig certain additional t
w ater hydrants , was rend second and
th ird tinmos and liaesed.
Adjourned. a
Ask br ' . o
your druggist 1toiidiiig' Ittiwsia
alyo. Keo it in the house iii case of ned. t
de nts. Price 9Sc.
Jrow Chmlltlvei IJmmtI "Fimim , "
Oil s summer .I&y , they wont to play ,
lOwflti3u oat1 to 0050)1 % JUlIO5' lsstitro ;
lilcic cllnibu.1 the tree , Vie lookoti so gsy ; t
Thu hours wtrs ipont In iun and Isughtur. r
'IIISI night thiso young ov ci yelled WIth j9in ,
Yes , thu Sunny nick awl Victoria ; c
'Flie gripe. were of thogrean ap.lo kind , a
1j.t ' 1uicklycurcd by CAbTOItIA. t
- A Ilorso in 510 hole.
The board of publio works have just
nished some work on Eleventh street In
e way of putting in water mains , and
thin intersection of Arbor street a large
ole was loft and nothing put up to warmi
avolers of the dangerous pitfall.
rday morning , as Robert Cramer was
riving by with a load of bricks , one of c
is horses slipped and fell intotho trench S
in such a manner that lie could . not ox- le
tr icato himself. . trta wore made to
trg ot him out , but all failed until a derrick c
w as brought amid lie was liftel bodily h
rom the hmolo. Ho in this prodica-
acmit for several hours , and in his atrug.
len was severely injured , and it is feared g
hat ha is entirely ruined , and time city
s now threatened with a damage suit.
Thueklcim's Arnica Salvo ,
The greatest medical vender of the ,
Yarrammted to speedily cure liuriia , Cuts U ! . I
ers Ihlt Itheurn , Fever forea Cancers i'hlos , H
C hiblaIaa , Corns Totter , dhapped lianda , h
nd all skin OrUlitOflJ , guarautotMi to cure lu
very Instance , or money refunded. 25 cents
r box \
Time 11111111I'd Pootcettoim. \
Time Millard lintel La now in macat excel.
ent shape for liroteetloim frommi fire. Be. '
ides tIme staud.pipo and ladder on
outh fromit , there is an iron ladder upon
Ime south side also. Ladders are alac I c
laced Upon the outside walls of the m m
1)rtmnoiits occupied by tholmelp. the I
allways throughout the house sigims are 1 m
uing put up with the words "fire us ,
c ape" upon them and mm large hand point.
lt l og iii the direction of thorn. Red laim'
li t orns will ho liming at each window lead'I
i ng to time fire escapes so that there can
hi o no mistako. There are six fire walls
i ll the house , from the Iascment to the
r oof , amid the elevator shaft is built of
rw rb rick 111)011 three 51(105 amid aim Iron lattice
w ork tmioli tIme fourth , so that taken all
i n all time Millard is quite thoroughly pro.
t ected from fire.
Time ills which hash ha heir to are more
o ftoti duo to impurities in time blood thmami
io i n generally tIIIpose(1. Time ptmrilicatiomi
o f title vital fluid enables the systemim to
w ard oW its worst onoimmies , There is no
d oubt that hood's Sarsaparilla is otto of
t he best. blood purifiers in time world , and
w e feel confidemmt that those viio give ita
wt rial will not be disappointed.
Good now I'inimos for $200.00 , omm
m ug titmin or monthly payrncmmts at Max
M oyer & Bro. dec7m&o
At rartyorVcstcrmm Unloim Telegraph
Emispectors in Oimmalin.
A party of noted telegraphers arrived
fr onm the west via. the U. P. yesterday.
T hey are promninemit offIcials of the
W estern Union. Tim party immcludoa j
C ol , It. P. Olowry , of Chicago , general
n uperititondent of the central division ;
M . C. Bristol , of Chicago , general nupor.
ii mtondont. of construction for the cams-
tr al division ; .1 J. Dickey , of Omaha ,
d istrict suporintetidont.
These gommtlomon have beets ott a tour
o f inspection over the \'estorn Ummion
li nes. They went from Kansas City to
D emivor via time U. I' . ; to Pueblo and roth
t urn on tij0 D. & It. 0. ; thence to Salt
L ako via the I' . P. amid Utah Central.
'l' hey returned to Omaha frommi Salt Lake
v ia the mmmiii line of time U. P. They io
p , ort time various lines of the Western
( _ imion iii good comdition. No extensions
w ill be mmmlo at present , though it is
wp robable that some imow hues will be
1 icmmed in time spring.
Time central division referred to above
c omimprisas all hues of the Western Union
, v cat of Pittsburg to tiio l'ncifio coast.
i' hmo Imarty are travelling iii Col. Clowry's
sp ecial Western Uniomm car , "Puck. "
'l' hey will visit Council B1uti' to-day.
G el. Oiowry maceta his vifo hero , who is
vi siting with her father , Con. Estabrook.
Ti me party , with the exception of Col.
Dvi ickoy , will leave for time east Monday ,
vi a tIme Rock Island.
Can any aria bring its a case of kidney or
liv er complaint that ] lectrmc Bit-
te rs will mint MPOClilY cure ? \Vo say they calm
mio t , as thloimsnmldH of caaos already poriiiaiiomit.
ly cured nut ! win ) are iiiiiiy rocomunmotidjim J.
F.l cctric hitters will 1rve. hirighit's di8ease ,
di abotes , svak back , or any unitary complaint
qu ickly curoil. They lmmrify ) thin blood , regu.
lat e the bowels and act directly emi the ( us.
eas ed vnrts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
sal e at 50c a liottlo by 0. F. ( bu.idnmami.
Ai m Ovarian Tmemiior\'eIgIiinTwciity-
Fommi' I.'OUmmds hloismovod Fromia
time Hotly ( , t'irH. OIwn.
On Wodmiosday ono of the most deliPil '
ca to amid ( liflicult surgical operations
kn own to time profossiomm was porforimien
up on Mrs. Olson , a lady residing near
Sh eely's packing house.
The ofilciating surgeon was Professor
A . S. Mansfoldo , M. D. , of Ashland , as-
sted by Dra. Carter , Graddy , Norris ,
A rbuckle and l'agolsoms. The operation
w as the roimmoval of an ovarian tumor ,
w eighing twenty-four poumids , from the
ab dominal cavity of time lady above mcii.
G onad. it was one of time five opera'
t'm omis of the kind ever performed iii this
The patient stood time operation nobly ,
am id although greatly imrostrated from its
et ructa is alive , and strong hopes arc cii' th
to rtaimmed for her recovery.
French Clocks , in Marble , Brommze and M
B rass , frommi $15.00 up at Max Mayor &
lI re. dec7msm&e. M
- -
Correetlomms l hilttlclIit1.
1mm mmsy article Thursday ovoimiimg [ notice
mi umnoroims LipigrlsdmiczIl errom'a imecatiomi. at
rimed ly its itot. buimmg vrtmf read iii jun.
ti ce to mmmc pleas roprimit the following :
'l'iso article to which excoptmnn is takots arr
w as writteim as au opilminim , amid to that
LilliOmi your corrcsliotmclumit still holds of at
he judges. I have time homier to ho ac.
emaiiitoel with but otlu amid that omsu atmeted
o the society while deliberating over said
lt OsOlUtiOiIml that I had an good a wright
te ams opiniomm as atmy one. 'Vimomm time Ptt
rticle was written your correspond.
mit did miot know ovcmm tlmo smatises i'n
f said Judges but assured time socie.
y Sattmrdmty evening that ito insult
w as int.iidud , the m.emmtltmiun who are th
wp rotoimdimigly atamidimig for time honor of
ti me society , by their mietloim in rrecivitnt' at
im mg a lastimmg disgrace ott Saratoga. At
he closing immeetitig of last season , the
eport of which was suppressed by your
errcsiotidelmtahinva plainly that they
rc imot iii earnest if timoy mere wimaro was Is
heir hiommor on that occasomi I will leave
he I'nblio to Judge. Br
I sin sir yours most ltospectfully ,
Loum Ln-rLEFIEE.D ,
Nqvemnbcr Grain I'riecs.
Orriex U. S. STArzsTmcAiltym'onTEmi ,
1'LArisMourm1 , Nob. . D c. 3 , ' 83.
To correapondotito amid friends of agri.
ulture iii Nebraska , an well as all per.
ons imitoreated jim agricultural work : 'We
ave time pleasure of presutstiimg in this
ircular time result of time iimformnation we
ave received froimi our correspommdenta
or Novommiber , 1883. We will try and
ive a full seminary of time year with the
D ecommibor report :
C ifl'fl , average rice per insehol , . , . . , , . . , $
nO yu , average P1 ice i'er ' bushel. . . . . . . . . .
O at. ' , avonio iirico per bu.leel , , , , , . , .
B arley. acrogu iricu tier . . . . . . . . :
B uckwheat , zeveragn iricu Per hitisbol. . . , .t13
rish Itetios , I4 cr11o : Price er bu.iisl . . J I
vet potatoes , nvcroge mice ier buolmol , I .20
ay. average price 11cr ton. . . . . . . . . . . . 3,85
S orghum , average vricopergallon. , , . . . Si
Vtimter wlmeat , Iit , . of acr.'s sown. . . . . . . 1,333
'tnter rye , I.o , of 1iCr03 towmi. . . . . . . . . . I,17I3
\ tinter wheat , averego conilitloms. . . , , . in !
Viutsr rye , average cemiditlo , , , , , , - . , , . , . PS I
\rODy Respectfully ,
DAiIiL \Viixan. .
P. 5-Sonso reports have becim ro I
eived inco muakimig our tabular state-
ont , but tco into for use. I hope cor
r ospommdemmta will commmu to appreciate time
wcessity of protuptimess lit their maiiimmg
r eports as requested. 0. 11V. .
I ) eathi ol' a Lady I'osnierly Well-
lCmwivn 1mm ( ) immnimn ,
Mrs. It. S. Vami Tassel , a lady well
k miown in this city , whore alma hind many
f riends , died in Boston on Tuesday last.
"or rernafims tiassed titromighm here on Limo
mm eon traimm for Cheyenne , whore
s he resided. 11cr hmusband , who was
w ith imer at time t'nno of liar deetim , and
h er three children accompanied Limo
b ody. Ers. I'olk , a sister of time do.
c eased , ( coin California , was also vitii
t ime 1a1Ly1 aiim ! Mrs. F. C. .Jociymm ,
a miothmer sister who resides iii lcammsan
Cp ity , joined the bereaved family at this
p lace amid accompanied them to Obey.
' [ 'lie many friends of Limo deceased hi
G us city will be deeply paused to hear of
h er demise , whicim , however , him beets
lo ng expected.
'rime following tribute to this catimablo
la dy is from the columns of Time Choy.
o nno Sun :
41 'Died 1mm Boston last tmigimt. ' Such
w is time torso and simple amimiotmncotnont
o f time death of Mrs. Mary 0. Van Tas.
se ll , formerly Mrs. C. Moore , that
w as told on our streets yesterday. By a
fe w years alma has vrecccded mis to time
sp irit world. Site caine hero when the
ci ty amid territory wore hew , wild ammd
u nknown ; she hind lived through its
ea rly amid exciting day , and witim plenty
at imor comnnmand amid chsildromm of excel-
le nt irmtehhigemmce and demeanor to com-
fo rt her , shmo only lacked time blessing of
he alth to cheer life amid lightomm liar paths.
w ay. That was detiicd liar , and for years
imo rs has been a fierce struggle for
ex istence , time strong Power of the will
al ways risizmg svperior to tim ailments of
th e flesh. Whether with imer faiths is lost
ilk aighmt them writer presumes not to lift
Lim o vail that hides the seems from the umi.
50 0mm , time known from time unktmowmm. But
th is much can bo truthfully a'uid , sue was
a Woflmamm of fine intelligence , great practm-
ca l Cotimmomm sense , warm and gemmerous
sy mpathies and attacimments amid an ox-
co hleimt mother , whmoso children will long
ris e up and call her blessed , and whose
he at emulations should ho an imitation of
he r many good qualities of head amid
he art. Over her bier thoilowors of friend
sh ip and time tears of orphanage vil1 ho
itmi miglod with time imusbamid's grief and the '
eo nummmunity's sorrow. "
_ -
Ladies Gold Watciies , from $10.00 up.
wa rds , Diamond Rings , Studs and Collar
Bc sttoims , from $ ,00 upwards , at thso
hma dimmg jewelers , Max Meyer & Bro.
1'EItSON iUj.
Mrs. .r. N. Cornish nimd liar daughter , Mc , . m
. 1r. Metcalf , who have boon staying at time
Pa xtomi for sorno timno , have gone to lint
Sp rings , Ark. , and to Califorimia , to remain
abe ut six months.
C ol. , Toiiu . Arkiims , businens mailager and
Oslo of time proprietors of TIm Rocky tountaiti
Ne ws , was iii the city for a four hours yestor-
y. ho reports Colorido journalism as hi.
ter esting and lively as over. lb loft in the
eve ning for St. Louts.
C. C. Valentine , of Yanktou , is t tim city
attend the mnoot'mng of tim State Stenogra.
Pil ots' meeting this evening.
Colonel .1. D. Fitminy , of Pennsylvania , is
Bta ying at the Paxton.
' l' . B. ' \ oodward , cif The ICansas tjity
Ti mes , is at the l'axton.
G. W. B. Doraoy , of Freumont , was at the
l'a x ton yesterday.
r4. i Moore , of Kearney , is staying at the
Pa aton.
a. ii. .Towott and wife , of Quiney , are at O
tii o 1'.extoo
J. W. Snail , of hastings , is a l'axton arrl-
va l.
( eorgo T. Bailey , of Lincoln , is at tue Pax.
to n ,
. 1. D. Stewart , of hasting. , it amnong time di tim
e arrivals at tue Paxton.
rtn. II. Fitzgornltl and other mnem
heM rs of Rico's Surprise Party , are at tIme
C. W. Thomas , of Grand Islanti , Is at the a
11ev , Goo. W , Waimiwrlght , of 131 air , is at
o liiiarti.
Wiii , Lamuler , of Papiilion , is staying at the
tilard. de
III.V. . Newman , of Schiuylor , Is registered rel
the i'ilillnri ' , , ami
C. Laugwort.hiy , of York , is a Millard de
14. 5. 1tsile , of Blair , is ammioimg the arrivals m
the Millard.
\v. I ) . Gross , of Blair , is at the Millard.
T. Fwitig , of Lincolim , is at time IStillard.
( loorge 'V. B. Dorsoy , of Fromnont , Is at the
xton. P'
MI 0. } olth , of North Platte , Is at the ami
xton , int
Tim "Itico Surprise l'arty" Is .itopphmg . at 8 ,
e Millard. fa
11. ID. Ireland , of l'lattsmontim , Is staying
tim Millard.
I ) avld Anderson , the Columbus live stock
alor , is In the city.
F. It. Wooilward , of the Kansas City TinsTc. .
In tue city asmcl Is quartered at th PLIZOn ,
Mr , F. B. Woodrow , specimil a4f the
tedstreet company , loft for tlio ItOt this
J. ! iurriiy Fairchild , the expert of the
IFrom Umoso iniureco maciso thseie.1oUrtllS of
thu discuses of time humnamm nice. These
rvmpmomna indicate tiielrexmstencn : Lss , o
lkiiictItO , Uuyeis ostto , Sicmc IIcst-
&ttlv , CuliiiCsI & * ttOV c..tiiig , .n'icrI'Zt * 0
ciortluit , C iui ) Si' intuit , Eructatloim
of food , irritability of tcnniCr , Lov
hunt. , A frelitig uf Ii.tvtmi jtrgircteii
somno dimly , Jirzksrs'J , Fiuttcrliig at tlio
) hart.Iits bcor the c'eiltigliIYC'i
oreil Urine , CONR'rlL'ATION , timid do.
suand time cisc of cc i'ommmdy that neta diretly str
Oh limO Liver. . & , , aLIvurmodlciimOTUTT'S th
Vt LE.S have no eiuiil. Their actlotm Ott tho'h i
] iiiIla ) ' $ iiiitt Birums lie also prompt ; romnoving 'h
all iuipim.'Ittea through tiicso ttsrs'o ' ' scnv
( 'l 'l oC time srIem , " proluctng upe.
ttt. , . Ouit.t dimccatton , it.guitr tool8 , a oiear
sh1 48th avijorocmbs lv. TUTT'H J'ILI.i S
cause no smiussna or i'lptog mint tmmteruru
uttii daily woric and sure a purfect ti
boktvryw1.rt. uric. . . , . , ! .
ctmaumQ'.t In' '
UILAT ILeta 'In yimIsmUmLs ;
stnimtm' toa(1.ossT IILACK bvsts''dlu UI ) .
Ilitniutmoim i. ttiti 1H'C. $ olt t ( .1)
or bent i'f 1)15 receIpt 'g lI
lflie , 4 $ ) Iimr.1my ) , . & ' . .t
N orthiuvestern Electric light company , is In
t hi city.
N. VVehls , of'eihs & Noitnan , Schuy.
Ic r , who has boon in this city for , iovcral days ,
lo ft for his homime
A. W , McLaughlin anI uelfo , and Mrs.
G oorgo S. Smith , of Piattimnoimthi , arc at the
l' nxton.
Governor 1)awes ) heft yostertlay for \V'ash-
Iu igton to take tim the
hart mneotlmig of the tin'
ti onal reinmbhican cotmmmiiittco , of whicim he Is a
mn ctiiiesr fromum this state.
A genumimmo Meorechmmummn Pipe , for otmiy'
$ 1.00 at Max Meyer & Co.'s. dee7in&e.
A udit lommimi iSlail F'aclhit lea Its and
Ommt of Omimahia amid Litmeolmi ,
Commmienciimg witim Monday , December
1 0th , Onushims amid Liimcolim will dispatch a
m ail by the B , & M. imiglit express trains ,
in closed poimchies , for each of time follow.
lo g IOstOtiices iii Nebraska , amid host-
ofl icca supplied by hmack.lincs from thmetmi ,
na mely , Ashland , Crete , Exeter , Fair.
m ont , Friend , Harvard , Hastings , Ited
Cl oud , South Bond , Sutton , and time
Cr ete and ited Cloud railway postoffico
ca st of Amboy.
Plattsmotmth is imow being supplied in
thm is mnammimer , wiikim will be continued , as
wi ll also tue exchanged between Oxmmaiia
ami d Lincoln.
A third mail is being sent to Council
Bl tmfl's closing at 11.80 am.
Credit is due to Mr. .1 , D. Stacey , chief
he ad clerk of the railway mail service , , .
fo r those improvomnenta iii our mail fa. -
cii itics Ho is proving iminmself a very
wa tchful and ellicioimt ollicer , jumat such a II
mm mi an Omaha arid Ncbraslca has long
lie emm iii need of. I
Iti co's Smii'prlso I'imrty In "I'op" at time
Opera house , 1
Tue ro-nIpcaranco of Rice's Surprise d
pa rty in Limo commiedy "Pop" was mnei by a
go od-sized audience at thmo opera hmouse
'as t evonimig. ' 'Pop" is by thus time I
qu ito vell.kmiowms to Ornaima theatre- V
go ers. It ; is a musical and dramatic I
mi xture , with no plot in particular , but V
ser ves as an excuse for time appearance %
oil time stage of a number of singers amid -
sp ecialty artiest. It is full of action and S
va riety amid in bright with music , mnim-
icr y and light features. Whatever it ;
ay lack in dramatic interest is fully S t.
ma de up imi music and in spirited prop1
sem itation.V. . H. Fitzgerald , tue cornicin
mu ediami , is clover and funny. Mine
De mpay and ather members of the coini77
pa ny gave some excellent simiging. Alto- ,
ge thuer , "Pop" makes a very pleasing
lig ht entertainumiemit. It will ho repeated ,
th is ovenummg atid for a matinon perform-
ali ce this afternoon.
Sol Smith Russell appears Monday S
ev ening in "Edgewood Folks. "
Time Coonibs Coumpan3"e TroulloH.
It will be remnomnbered that when the
Ja ne Coomnbs compaisy appeared hero a
we ek ago it was on the verge of diseolu- '
Lie n. There had been trouble all along
tim e hue frotmi Denver , and when the
co mpany arrived Imero it was short of '
ta lent. Last night two members who -'ren I
ha d left time company , Joseph II. Hazlo-
to n and J. E. Nagle , Jr. , arrived in S
maha. They state that mmon-paymnent lee
of salaries was the cause of time trouble.
Th ey also claim that the mimamiager has
cir culated a report that he discharged Vs
th orn for being intoxicated. They deny c ure
th is amid say timat they quit because they
co uldn't got their salaries. Whether (
eygot their salaries or not Limo reporter
dn't itmqUire
hands Up.
Time cheek of some people is amazing. r 4
ne of the cheeky customers approached
young man upon tIme platform of the L
. & M. depot Thursday , about 7 o'clock , ] 17'O 1'
d producing a Deriimger , demmianded the
ung follow to throw up his hands , ] r'ic
wh ich he did without aisy ceremony or L atc
lay , and time robber timon pr9ceqded to
ieve imimmi of $15 , all time inoimoy-hiohad ,
d disappeared iii time darkness. Thu F
vic titis then sot up a cry of police ! niurimifu
rt and several other timings , but it was
good , the follow had skipped miover -
ore to return.
1)hiiI ) .
cCOV-1)ecernbor 6 , at 11 o'cloclc a. us. Fo
h intti Norwood , .iaughitor of John 11. and
, remmnio V. McCoy , aged 7 years and 4
months. 25
Funeral from tIm family residence , Eighth
d llworthm streets. The remains will be I
erred at Plnttsmoutim Saturday , 1)ecenmbor Jou
leaving Omnahims 8.25 a. in. Friends of the iu
mily respectfully Invited to attend. 5 ,
" F
° '
N YAc,9
_ I _
. neil
. .o neilF
AKIM0 F ep
; '
Absolutely Pure. r
This tiotor never s-aries. A niarv.l of tiurily , iup
eogh and , , lolesouit nosi , . More .coiionlcai than tea
u odi.i.ry kinds , an4 cannot be so4 lu cumupcIUoe
ththo raultilude oh low test , short aeiht , alum on IP
o.phate po.tlSiL Sotti only Ii , cOs. ' hto'pei liak' I.
: to'oi.r ( Jo. , 106 Will Stmc. t sw'olc. .
. trc
riiti'jChiU nrtll FoattIvely not be inserted
icro iaid in advance ,
L .
TO LOAN-MoneY. it ,
roNaY to loan on heal ntato Security , UAL.
I Lot ! iii5OS. CIT S. 55th 51. 1 ; '
.L _
IONEYTOLOANInums of OO , or more on
% I tong time st 6 per coot u' ° ' annum by K. C.
attcrsen Cu. , 204 uiruaui itt , 7o&.iuig 1
Vnfants and Children
Without Morphine or Nrinoothin.
What glveq our Children mcy cheeks ,
What cures their fevers , monica , theni sloop ;
'Tiq ( n.toris.
Vhen Thibica trot , and cry by turns ,
What cures their coile , kilts their worms
hilt su.torha.
What quickly cures Comtctlpatlon
S our Stomach , Colds , InWgastiom :
llt ! ( n'tnrIa. ,
FC arewell then to Morphine 1yrmips
C astor 011 and Paregoric , and
! ! nhl Cnstori.
Centaur LIflIrnoflt.-'Anab. .
soi nto onro for Rhonmatjam ,
Sp rains , Burns , Oath , &o , anti ni
in stantaneous Paln..rohlovor.
1f ONEr LOANKD-On chattel security. C. E.
LVI SIA't'NE & CO. 1&oa } 'arnanl SL 64.imo
H ONEY TO LOANT. ) . heatty oans on chatto1
LU. property , 215 South 14th St. septtfl
j ONEY TO LOAN-The lowest rate , of Interest
LVI. Hernia' Loan Agency , lith & Douglas.
lIEU' WA4T513.
TA NTD-A situation to take care ohorso , ani
V V do work about the house. Ad.ires " 1' . II. " mmcc
18c c. IDtm.mOI
y ANTLD-A cape ienced scrat girl forgenoral
housework , musteomne , cl1 recomnuiend .1 . ntC
M ontgomery 2302 llnrmmi'y St. 213ts
I\ TANT1D-At tue Metrapolitami Ifotel ono
ditilug roolim girl. Nomootiierneot , nppl3.
rATED-A good ( lcrin'in ' cook. Appir at the
S } 'arlIlcrs hlnuec 14th amid Ilarnoy St. 2SS.1O
tAT ANTEI-A girl to do general housu uork. Apply -
V ply 8 , 11. hjuffett east ol t'nxton Ifotel.
I1 TANTlD-A good girl for cookimig at the Amer
icami Ilotie D0 Douglas St. 207.7
V' ' T AN1'FD-A good anti respectabme family to
adopt a line , healthylioy. tsoyear. of ago. Ai-
co S "C. S. " ilco 0111cc. 274111
1 ANTEIA girl for general housework. Apply
1414 Chicago St Mrs. E. I' . DaIs. 205 S
rANTEt-A good cook ant second gid. Apply
at200T DodgoSt. Slrs.John .1. Monell.
IANTIW-Uoat muakarS 1207 fr'amflain Sfl.
V Sfl.250'tf
TANTEO-A ciitoretlboyas portermet Orunchaumu
' Bros. 1309 j"arnaiu St. 2
I7 'ANTED-Cood dimiimg room girl at Carey house
11th null lavemiport. 202.tffl
S T tNIFD-.t titan of ciperiemico to cii , , a circular
saw ui wood yard. Address "II. & If. " 10400.
. L incoln Nd , , 23m8
_ c miicago , lit. , want agents tocanras , Omaha and
icin ity for thetr new slioliatttei. They claim their
cst acejits cicar V per tiny. Circulars free.
i77 XhTEI-.A guILe do general house work.A
ply S. It. liuffett east of 1'aton ilotem.
T ANTl0-A few agents immediately , Omaha
Store ItepalrWorks , 109 8. 11th St. 0i1mi
ty AT ° - ° mri for general housework , at 1620
) ) ouglas street. 745-tf
TAEfl-A good competent girl to do general
touu , , work , steady employment and good
Vag es. Appty to Mrs , A. Y. Ciarko , l'apihimohi , Nob.
young iiou , , with experience can furnish recom-
nen dattoiw. Address at once "C. Ii. .1 , " lice office.
y ANTnn-ny ayoung manot i.Oine experience III
dispetisiii a situation in a drug store , good ref.
ren ecs can be ghcn. Address " 11. 1. 51. " room 17
ter's Block opposite 1' . 0. 230-lOl
1 TANTED-lmiloumnent es-enins , idli keep a set
of book. or do any other ork. Address '
office. 121 tf
TANTEI-I'nrtner to ins eat mm few liriired , , dol.
lam in young stock silent or atl'.o , ilioncy so-
d. Address "W. W , " lice office. 291.101
\ TANTlI-1'arlor. bed room rimi kltlun , furiit- ,
ure little Used. Inquire at 700 Webiite * St
roll RENT--Rouses and Lots ,
on ItENT-A house of 0 rooms , 1513 BUrt St.
293-5 !
lt nmN'r-vimrnnmiam : front coo bay iilndow.
amid board 603 nurtlitlth. 2dd-S
' It ltlN'F-Nlcely ftirnhle1 , roommi , 1721 Douias.
n ISENT-Four clianihors coii'.ciifcit for houo.
heeilng , front anti r'ar entratice , hard oii.1 . , 'oft
rparticatenmiiig tt'e Cit ) . MO north 17th $ ir et.
omt IIENT-Tiiree nice ruu. suitable for light
h ousekeeping. Mill 0110 large room , fnrxmishcd or
rtihcd , , iiorthe-it eec. 10th aiii tuenport sts.
Is i-ti SlmItivEIi& BELL , Opr. 1'otomt1ce.
UiiNlStIED liotte for rcntantlfurnituo for pale ,
'I ill exchange for board. Address "A. I ! . " iSiS
1 0th St. 210.75
mt mtnNr5 room house , barnfruit , acre
g round.
4 room house , 2 acre , .
14 room house new , AMES ,
0-If 1107 Fmriani.
onnln'-lmotm..4 number lOll } 'arnnm St. 050.
month. Apply to ired % Y. Cray , 8th and
glas St. 28010
omt 1SENT-1'urnitlied roolim and day board at
ecaonabie rate , , at 1814 1)nYcoport street , bet.
antI 10th , D2i.iOj
oil htaNT-Furnished mom 1010 Farnam Street.
' Omt iu-sT-Furnmmied : rooms , 1810 floJgo Street. S
olt EXeIIANOE-Cityresldenres , farms and hun.
limesS CIiaJice. J , W. I.OUNSIIUICY ,
21 510 * 35th and Farna'n.
0It ItENT-Bisoment room 2h60 N. "S' corner
Tenth amid Jo.,05 , Ste. Enqulco oh Mrs. 'F. Ken.
) ' S ti Corner 18th and Jackson. 224 tf
oil IIENT-itouse Seven rooms.
150th J , i'illi1'8 1105 , 5th and Spmuco streets.
OR itiN'F-Tiroe ) fureWied coo , , , , fur house.
kcoldtig , cheap. Call at 1509 1"arnam , room 14.
19 9-ti
OR ltENT-Witl board , large front comm with o
bay aludow , gas arid bath rom , at iTi8 Dodge
et' 107-71
Olt IIENT-A nice new hail 1159 Dodge St. In.
tjuiru on premises.
OR ltFNT-3 new houses. 10 rooms each , lath ,
gas , hot audcolI sater &c. facam , to first class _
ant , 1100(18 & 1Ill.L.
oit IIENT-l'urnished rooms on the nosthweit
eec. 13th and Capttolavenuc , formerly Creightoo
se. leo-ti
furuile4 room for rent at $10. large enongb d
for two maulianti , 1994 Yvtstcrstrret. 843.ti
oiu IIKNT-flooms in Nebraska Natloun hank
llultdiiig , Most dosirallo otitces Iu the city.
Ued with liydraulio cieiator saC heated by st
ms. Apply at i.biik. 626-ti
-wr - -
OISLEASE-Four thotco iota on2Oth St. , loni
t imo.217 N. 56th lIt. .1. I. . Macbin. 525.t lI
Oii flE4T-Iim1denm. and storobuihilugs. 11151)-
SOlID SUPER. ibil Etito Amvticy. 0:31cc :
smac 14th .treet , betseen Firnani an4 Pouglni
Ctl. 792.t
oit SALS-1.ots , fluarter imiil sootheS ti. I' , I
pot , rau.i slew some of the uicest lots hi the
, 1176 Se 13.100. no n'onihIpan'etata.
0. E. MAM&CO. , i5d'j Ear.anm ,
) ltf S
oiL 8All5-d-Fuii lot 5 room eosi cisterm , ; A
feult &c. , cornerhqt , on t1ls at. eear the h
Small ps meetS do'u id balance eu
( In4. (2 , i ; , 1AYNi1 co. , msoc Esenam. c o
- - - -
' 4 "ott S.ts-Two ( siinngtag coss. Apply sib cot.
and talifornla , 2 85-101
F01t SALE-Newstre , and fixtures at mm barcain.
Addrops 'A. Y. " lion olOce. 261.8
I 'a 4 smi.i-rn : quick In buggy or saddle. good
for fatuilly misc , J. P. Conlo at N. Ii. Fakoncrs.
I I 'ALh - flew buss tmjirtgto piollu Iee si/
cheap , or is Ill exchange fec other 1)roPe ,
il yat Ills 1h ) go St 285.13
ilI lhulel , of gor'.l iotntos ' " ,
I ) good chamico fr Peddlers. Caliat Wril , Uon.
milan's grocery Store , ItCh and Cs , . 2S1.7
pR'ATC 31 ttl-0t houehotil goods , nearly ass' ,
inquire lShI Wet5ter ptret. ifs-mci
flht S tLE-M3 two steer brickrc.idenco , ID
Jw no.1 St. Mary'snscnue. f.nrgu her , , , out-house
w ater woe. , , vtli arranged , I.ot iua200 , I'd
oi sco. flesi imargaln In Omaha. Caii at M , 'i'of C
l' eoplo'e think. 27741
I OtiSAL1--12 ht.Oflo btockwetot l'ark.ue'
'lime cars hots SOxiSO. YiIl sell the whole tract
fo r 57,180 , if sold betoi'i , , Ianuary 1t , 1884. heal cs.
fa te owners bid thu bargain , If joe call at l'eopio's
hl amik. 278-ti
Eolt SAIl-Cholco lmminos property , three lots
C. r. rhaimmidera and Charles Stre-it. ttsi1l yoU
to lmii eetigflto this offer. t.ahi at 1 Lollu s liaak.
I 4 8tLg-1mproe.t . property , hich sill 'aY
tlio buyer 20 cent on the inetniont. Rents
fo r $1,020 uer 3 ear. Mt occupied by first class ten'
a nts. vimi .ii for $10,580 , If sold soon. All or one'
h alf ea.h , balance , one to five year. . 'the above in.
% cstnieit , is worth investigation. Call at the l'eo jile'e
Sh ank. 280-U
I F-soIl SALE-A book , fleas , anti stationery store
stock , uiil invoice about $300 , a good opening
fo r uslilu , % Ru siuinil ciiltal for InformatIon , sIllily
a t the lice omilet' . 270-12
I 'iOit sAL1-.tieaut : ; ( root rom Comic orto
- gentio'n' a 1710 1)ougla , .
F eli HALF-A one acre lot amid liouseof 4 rooms
; itli , 4 block , of Sb Mars' . Ave. Street car hue
P rice 03700. Tlil , sihiio in the market 4 dais only
ii. 11. IItE CO. ,
257.9 5. V. corner 15th amid i-'arnam.
I 0ht SAt.E-A stock of boots and shoes at a barT' _ .
gain. Address "A. ' 5' . " boo chico. 201.8
F ( ill S5L1 - Thrco ton foot show cases. lnijulre
Edholmu amid Erickson , 261.11
IOIt SALE-Sleet farm iii Eaterm , Nebraska , 01
tahoe from Omaha. 11. 11. 111EV & CO. . S. V.
co rner 11th and } 'armiam. 258-8
Foil SAIE-t'tie acre lots , hear fair grounds ,
875Oocli , $ lOOdoiui , baianco in monthly hay.
m cuit-4. C E MAYNE& ( O ,
154-ti 1509 Farnamo.
FOR SALE42house of ii rooms , lot 1O'132 ,
well , cistern , etc. . I'arker's additton. $1S00 ,
te rms. C 11 SIAYNU & CO , 1509 Farnarn
FOR SALE-The finest residence lots in the city ,
very cheap , on 101mg time.
150-ti C S MAYNE .2 CO , 1500 Farnam.
FOR ' 4ALE-No. 1-7-room house , large bin ,
cister , , , iell , etc. Lot SOxISO ' near centorof cit5 ;
t2 , S00 , 0500 down , balance montl'mly vayment.
141-ti C , E. MAYNE & CO. , 1509 F.rnm. ' I
Foit SALE-Two second-hand top buggieem.nd one
I liaotomu. inquire 1409 and i411 Doiigu street.
Foil SALE-4S-Vory nice 5-room cottage lot
iOOxltSphmade and fruittrees and nil kInd of
sm iiali fruit two and ouio-haif blacks frotu street car
1m b. 02Ouo. . Tern , , easy. I Ii MAYNC & CO ,
150-ti . 5509 i'arnan , .
F SALE-The mo3t conienientiy nail elegantly
arranged cottage imi Omnaha. .lut flniicd ) , se cmi
ro oms. closets , liamitrys , cellar , both roomim , grates ,
ci stern , city water , etc The bestlocation in the city.
S treet cars pass the itoor. it you want a complete
h ome , you willnot get such a chance again. $3,200.
V ery ens termus. C. h. 1.IAYNE & Cth ,
240-ti 1 50o-Farnani.
F SALE-SI feet front on Sherman avenue ' L-or
her lot , flue location , isry cimeal , , $3,150. 'One'
th ird cad , , good Ilune on balance.
230-ti C E MAYNE & CO , 1509 Farnam.
F SM.E.-A general stock , consisting of Dry
OooilsandOroccrios , for nob. Gonil location ,
a nd a good traiie. lYiil sell or remit bumitmmnc. Itea'
soB n to , eIiing , poor health. Address Thos. ltmshtom , ,
B ox 213 , Neoi , Iowa , 296-8 ! 4
T' ii eubicilber Is takimmg orders for spring ho.
p ortation of the above. I'rlccs inuchbelow those at "
pa ucticn sales , Referemmcoi , to those supplied. Joiui
Cf cCuiloch , Ill. Trustand Say. Bank , Chicago. _
J iOit 8A114-45---Two fuiltots , 7 r oun honeebarn ,
cistern , icll. shrubbery eto , $3,000 ; one third V
ca sim , or suit tr-nilo for latin iitIiim , twelve uiile , of
caO maha. C. K. A1ANE&CO. ,
187-ti 1500 Farnni
OitSAl.E-55----7-room house On Davenport street ,
in splendid order , % ery nice place , 02,050 , 0500
d owi , ) , alanco on monthly tuita1lmnets.
183-ti C. ii. MAYNE & CO. , 1509 Farnamo. '
I SALE-17-Nice cottage , 5 rooms , barncts-
torn , eta , lot 50x150 , eu Convent street , $3,000 ,
lo ng time on tart. C. F. . MAYNE& CO ,
178-tm ISLO Farnam.
' 4 , on SALR21Five room house , full lot , batu-
. shrubbery , etc. , 15th street , south Or.uha ,
0.2 ,558. Cl5&rAYNE&Co ,
170-Cf 1500 Farnamn ,
} ' SALE-A nearly new house of 5 rooms nail
half lit , on Charles street , near Elmig. $3,000 ; $ O0
d emi , balance monthly panients. Athire' , ,
1S6-tf UEO. It. 1IATIIflUN , City.
FlSALl-t-mno ; residence lots in ( irand Slew ad.
0175 to 8'J1i on
' monthly payments.
170 U'C. . E. MAYNIS & Co. , 1109 Farnain.
J iOmt SALE-Lots in Ilmmelumgh mirc 0110 block
Jem Irene St. car line ; verydesirablo reslilence prop-
em ty. SIIRI'Elt.t hELl. ,
FolSALE6 good tovcq , some furniture antI a
rge qtmamtity , of aceUent sdno very cheap SSOS
C aliftruila ht. 031-line
I lOll SAI.E-I9-Largo 7-room house , two full Iota ,
Ig larr , , welt , cIstern etc. A splemitid home ; 02,080 ;
g oo.i timuic tn , iiamCmils.
180-ti C. E. IIAVNE & CO. , 1100 Farnam.
' .uomi SAIE-itouses amid kts , aiitt faenis. U. Ii.
imt-y : & Co. , S. IV. corner lStn and Famam.
9 : ) tf
1 4 it.ii,11-bi-Tw-t , iiic. . lots in lCouotz C 1tuth'
diiltiomi , cheap. Iae' terua Ii. I-i. 5IYNE & CO. , 1500 Fai-uain.
FoIl SALK-A tow tue acre lots near thu Fair
groumid , icrycheal ) , lo'g , time.
825-ti C' i-i. ILtYNI1 & CO. , 1100 Farnamn
I -4 ' ° " SALE-10i ) to 150 cords of lined wood , now
bclngchopped on "Lois-a 1-'arm" or , emimimig St. ,
h alt mite weot f Military bri2ge. Will only ho solil
to one purchaser. 11155115 , Agent , 11th amutl Douglas
st reets , 582-ti
Fomt SALE-Farm 3 ittiee ' 3. tV , of city. Inquire
of Mrs. Meyer 623 N. 16th St. 811.1mb
R ARmS CRANCE-We otTer forsali , at a bargain.
two thousand acre , of land imi a body. ivu
m ake a fine stock reach. Iii.c miles from County
eat of Boone county. Terms easy. " *
0 F D.tVIS&Co , , 1805 Farnam Street.
F SALE-Two lots N. W. corner of 25th amid
ChicAgo St. Inquire of Edhiolm and Erickson.
Foil SALE-A few choice tots In Lowe's additmomi
and Prospect place , 1175 to $250 , monthly imi.
at aIlmente. C. 12. MAYNE & CO. ,
152-Cf 1500 Farnam.
EiOlt HALE-A first class second band top buggy ,
U Call at 1319 hal-fey street.
F SALE-Residence sod business 'ropertyp5
alt parts of Omaha , and Faa-ni Land. n sU iarta
f the State. 11EDSORU & 800101
703-ti 215 8. 141-h St. bet , garosni acid Dougln.
F SALE-Two portno 00mm , 10 ) orsopo ,
ply at I 11. FITZI'ATItICK ,
068-ti 215 South 15th Stma.t.
F ° R SALE-At abargatna small 5loelerflaa,0
anti Coi firim proof Mite. Inquire at thia eiSce ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It
OR NALS-Dia newspiperemnlarg4
F small
micamititics at thm. oSce tf
T AKEM U1'-ltd cow iltht a % } , sputi
' Caner em , k-as , , , ianme by cahhii at B. 8 , 11a-
cii's , ialr miotb cmiii 28th Ut. , SSlLiytmmg rhamgia ,
- - _ _ - _ 11.2-Steahi (
L OilyA bmiich , of key-s ; ; ; ;
rutimrm , to % Vestcrn Uorni Verku
, 1t1U Ui glas
reetamiul ricehmo reward.
S 't'iYEU-A buckski0 cuflom.j s
L anomu , retirnlmic th same to Wm. iii-ribtillng
mb smut , , -
tti6 , isili tv suitably zesarii-i.
- - 271-73
L (1ST-A told hre s atcti ct armum , tinder sill be
suuta-.dy r wardei if cvturr-t to
mo tt II : . 1IfA hL a. CO. , 1500 } 'arnam
3OAiSt ) an.i tomgn : 4,0o j cr week at the lfarmy
it. lt.-stiiinii. ( ,
LiST,5O3Tssthtme.4bti.n uarnani mit Mir.
ay , wifi , with tSiea1d ot guarda.n ! iplrlts , obti1ing
0) 005 Iglaa.nfth past aLd 5m5tD5 , and the
.rtthi condltloas In the future. ilooti and iliot ,
n to od.r , l'erfect sMloU.cthoma guarsntod ,
- -
- -