- _ _ _ _ _ _ T- ; TiTL DAILY (3LC ( OMAt1A FItIUAY , DLl,1\i13EIi. 7 , 1883. The Proachor's Ilulot . Sctlentary and studious mcn some. times become prostrated before they know it. Those who spend much tints in close mental work and neg. icct to take enough exercise often find thcirstomachs unable to do the work of digcsti n. The liver ba comes torpid. The bowels nct ir regularly. The brain refuses to serve nsttonce tlid , Their preiching becomes n failure , nncl there is a state of general misery. So many minis. ters have been restored to health by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters that the clergy encnlly arc speaking to their fricn s of this medicine as the vcry best tonic and restorer they know of It restores thin and watery blood to its proper condition by ton. ing it up with the purest and most invigorating prcparatlom of iron that science has ever made. It is ) leas. ant to take , and acts immmct lately whit the happiest results , not only on the parsons , but on other folks as well. 0 Heahh is Wealth 1 , , .w anAla , Sc,6' ' wf S 0 , rniAr > ttNT llu 1 : , C.Vr , T'e Nruvr. Ant' ' i1it i' Tnr.A T vr.crnlnrnt1Ta'cal : f enna far Jlyelerin , mizrl t'nrt ' ( onmtsione , l Hfte , Nervous Ncurnlgi n ; ll'ndnehn , Norvone Prutilratinn enu + .cd by Ile uy ' i otnlcohnl or toharcu wnkn1ta1n'xe , II Itnl 1) pr1. ion , Hottonng ( ar the Irrdu ( rexulling In l n , anlty and Inading to misty , drr'Y trod droll n , Premnntrn Old ARI + . Ilarrtam + 'xe , ln'x ' ntown in Wither sox , IsvolunD'ry Ir + ara nil' NIH'rinnt irrbrrn caused by uvnr oxortton of t hohndn. i cif . nbu4or nvcr indulnnnco , 1nch ? box contain ono montli a In nlinret. SI ) n hnxU xtx lore forSU ) , Mint by end prepal i ret'aipt l , [ lriC o , tib'i : rUAltATEI NIX fl ) I f4 To cure any CL i0. with each order , coived byt ii fur 4x Iaxna nccotutuuliwl with f5.x ( ) , w „ e , tend the pnrclnenrour vrillnn lianrmttaul to It f1I111I the monry if the ItealmnlllIIl00 iiot L'ae rt ncurn. ( Iuarantoo iawut'11nn1YbY DR , fEL ! X LE D1WN'S .Et1.1V7 PREVENTIVE AND CURE. OR FATHER SE ' Th remedy being injected directly to the neat en ' " 0 , requlree no changa of dlot or naascou " ' u t Vpoteenouemodlolnoatobolakoolnton ) y hti' ' ual as a preventive bp ollhcr box , It I. tmpoartnie to contract any rivato decao , ; but In t hf caxoof thosoaireadyuntortunatolya011clodwogiio antes three boxes to rare , or wo will refund t nr mane ) . Price by mall , postage pa1d , 87 per box , of Race boxes for h. ; Wnr1TENOUA11ANTEF9 ; Hoed byall aulhorlxcdpgonts Dr.Felix Le Brim &C Q soLlt PROPRI Incas , 0. F. Oocoimw , Druggist , Solo Agcwt , for Oma ha fieh , rnko wl + r .P. WEBER & CO t MANUFACTURERS OII' J OII'p _ , - p Font THE COILItEOTION OF , r , . a r- Hip and Spinal Diseases , Club Feet , ' lift Knees , Bow Legs , Knock Knees , &c TRUSSES of tbaboet motto Rcpt ml hand. Trusses ropalrc a , Cruthce mate to order. Small lob , of ail kind I done to Steel , Iron and Wood , 6Tllepakrig nt all kind" d no neat , cheep nn d i rutupL First Ctemium glvcn our work at the N e raeko Statu uelr of 1883. 803 Soul , Tenth St „ Omaha. Imported Bee ] IN BOTTLES. Erlanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bavari a Culnihacher , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Buvarit t. 1)l1sner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boheniial h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me p , DOMESTIC. Budweiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Lon ; s tl ] IRuscr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Lout F. ' . . . . . . . . . . .lllilwaulce u , Schnitz-Pilsner . . . . . . . .Il1ilwauke o , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Ale ; Port Dolnostio rnui lthil 10 Wino. ED. MAUItEIZ , 1214 Farman. 3ffJi DR , , arras. aTrau , FLCOTltO VOLTAttI nyLT ' and oth"r ELeor x ie A ArLiANCa , . Yd will nd on Thirty Day , ' yta1TO MI , Yousn on OLD , who nn punortn from Naavow taeiLttr , t o"T tITALITT. and Cho dlanau' of a raaas14 NATVaN rr.utling fro , ( , apIrdynllefantico m plate rNWrauon to , ' IIOALTI1,1'Iaoa and IIANnoo ( IUA&ANT aDeendatono.forlllutratc4Vamptd e1 , roe , Addna. , VOLTAIC BELT Cc. , MARSIIALL TIC B OREATENOLISH REMEDY. g , Culcs aavoesb DcbIll 1 Gkxi&t LOWS OFUANLYVIO01tSpermato R , nrxa , eta , whoa as other r r dla fail. 4 sure pitarant ' . , 'LCOabottlelargo bottle , tot , times the quanltty , 16. Uy o , pres to any addroa fJ 1d ti aUdrugght.e. ENUUS11 UED CAL INSTIUTE , Prupd.tAn , 718 011,0 Strool , 8 t Loub , Uo. - " 1 have told Sir AaUey Ooopora Vital itoatonb T a orycan. LTery oustouos apeaka h lily of It. Uahulbtln g IIendorto a ii aremody o true marl t , . e , r. UooDalt. PrUgglat. omaba Feb. 1 1881 , v11 mae eodly c a&ao SOS aTO OIAtl ) xYCll.a. { rU.3TUy/W. 1'ru" boo , luau , htua Includ D4 T/e / 24 l.iltln 1y FAWMCn' ik.ltctlt. . ; ' yj 8CALt ut. tusI lr , b. IOworutuaieta u.a..iYauauatrlu , FORGES , TOOLS , &c. araT leads atta rig . LIWIT MUaa. II II " . . . l"Itt..uvdnudaltaorroob.l I.rurli i.w It. . i.4 wa.ra . .I. , W ° 1 ' , . , , qwe aril4 Vti'aa Oder Artirl ° ' CAILERY GLIMPSES , The Rash aRd lime CrOSh and Display 01 Ih0 0 p Cilirg Day fu IVc Dousc' o ld sail Familiar Faces Oon- trasted With Oorn and Turnip Statesmen , An Umiconnuon Anunuit. ( If hreshnoss Crow'dcd ' Oil Iho Heno ( rnllu slaw A t'nrSU .tt.MOST VNrltEnznesrtII. 1VtslufTON , December 1--At 12 noon the ] urtyeighteongrcan , Resembled , 'l'ima crush to wdneea Zhu ceremouien of the opening day Lana trentendmta , There was a greater crowd tinn } hnb been in nt tmndanco , mt ouch occnBion for several yunrs , 'thin is , probably , owing to the fact that 1VruhingGpn fa fuller of whiter visitors than usual. It was the iuaugu ' rnlion of a now apcnkar that draw eau Y of the aouthorn reIidentn out. Thu marble ' blo devoted to congt e"B looka like n very largo pines ordinarily , but irrdny It wn " fairly chocked from baaetnent to gallery. Souie of the knowing mien ) vero on tli ° tiled floor before 10 o'clock , and at. I L ' An hour before the opening of proceed ' ingit the galleries , public anti private were lacked. They began the uaua scene of hurryingnnd pualung and scram ' bltng for admission , in wlucll men + w01nun tutu children of all grades bore part , "The doork ° upor" below and nbnv earned a month's salary torday. Tit ° jam became no great in the pricc pal cu r ' riders that the polies were several bm0 " called upon to clear a pnaanplo for mum here mid Chair favored ( Wends. Dhw P001)10 trera turned away than were nbl to wllnoaa Lima scene from the gallery. good mitnmiy who felt aecuro of Iditces , b Y reason of holding tickets aim ! Halos oil titling thorn t ° ncbniasion Gp the privet u and reserved galleries , found lee Iii uo that they were barred out. Thu miloa t they could got waB an occasional gliutpa u over the bends of the u , U that cluck0 , J the gallery dears opPOMLO , 1Vttiin } tin u TuE SOENI ; WAS tssl l INl. ' ! , 'ho doer was thronged with member a and thoao who lint ! bcuu shut out of th ° galleries. Thu former appeared nit Lh u ! ; round veryy early , nod were ongn e d ut hnttd Idutkin apparently and' u , , inured banter nud bUl ° knot of carluat 01)08 ) gathered lwre an d there , mostly of old ntenbora , nod auo , . ed to be concocting an for the cumin g housa campaign. Mr. Calkins of Ind i. mm tv a arroundod by loading % rupubli . calls ; limo elm rich llieock ila caurU I , KABHen the ro uld ehauldured nail bad 1 . 1f necked Kuifur , and the curly Itcid , c f Dinino faking n 'promiount ' pert in lh ° conversation. It woe easy to guess wits it the subject of the convorantion Will , TTimmy were figuring on a concerted pia „ of action with regard to the uouteatu d Rent of the Mlwning.Chnlmera di B , ( riot , 'l'imo white hotrod Luke 1'ulan d of Vermout ntoud idly npsrt , his btu e coat , of awallow tail cut nud ita akin y , hra6H UutlouH and ! him ald fnahioued fo ( , of gold , which dangled low in front , a t . tractlng gouural attl ntil/u ! ruin thu gR ) . ! or y. lbo Blood outboldl from the mod urn stator uul ( ruin the core and turmn p school , a relic of an nliiio t forgotten par toil. Time old war governor of Puunayl vain , tall and comntmndiugg , c01lversc with Rainy of Massacltusoti' . The Y ware joined by others , and then Rough t Ca d sk i a body. In a momun t half of Pcuney yarn 'e dolegadan bun t , - , , . . . . rtNfvrJosdur.tT o , drepersod nggnin to form a part of anrallu ' knots eisow1Jwro. ' ' . , . 'l'imo flerco.mouatachec 1 Blackburn , in his old seat , in the very r center of time dmnocratio lido , holds hi s little bright.eyod daughter on his hip , air d she looks from the tlowors upon his des k ' into her father's Pace admiringly , Brl ford , "the red-handed roarer of th a ltockios , " is putting his area nlt ° Wnntuly about tbne friend end that , fu his jell roulh way. Now hnelnps "Old Rosy"u f Lahforntn on tire back , distributing hi s bearish but wnrm haartod grasp intiis crimiuatuly nuumg his pnliticnl iriemd s mrd teas , 1Vhun 1t0111NHON OF dAaHAlllUNF.TTK appoarud on the fluor lmo was surroumido d by his republican colleagues and mail ° Cho subject of n shows , nf'mngrntulutn ' ry shakos , Judge Kolky sat pouring oval Chu house , alas , ] tul''uckur' eonapicu oils in hie guld Uuwud npuctnclua , hob- robbed with time alleged funny man llurr of Michigan , Morse , with hi s clothing at"ro look and i uvihiblu min lighted cigar between his lips , parade d Limo apnea mil ( vomit. of time clurk'a dusk ii n his habitually pougwus nutmmer , ' 1'h u nervous and ucttvu Spriugur , with cue tomnnry bouttunnioro in iapel , whiakul 1 about the elmmber aH if future logiala Lieu depended on hint alone , ' 1'Ilu hand soma blartiu Dinginuia , of biumitnnu loaned far UnTk in hie chair and auumu d to run his 0yus over the Indies' gallery . ltod hcaduti 1'001 Uohiltrcu , of 'Vuxae nelutuly gorgeous in o11'ulgumit nature , in n a brand uuw suit of oxquieilo cut-a u happy. Indeed , he was ti0v ° r still n ntin uto. Fiuurty , of Chicago , like Ochiltree nn indupuudunt party Emi hinmsulf , cools his Irish blond in Limo slludu of the bush V lochs of ' ' " 'Richelieu" llubiusan , o toworimg form of Cnblo of Imlimtn burn t over the congressional record. But. mil ll tlmoao acomios wore shifting constantly , funning 110W end suggestive combin n tiomis. Fifty othurhero or less know nt1 to miationul fame , lurinctl part and pits . col of Cho pauornnnn of the fluor. Tim o door kouper warned those who had n a right there to luuvo time chuntbor , amid th Li first sight of the new nlonlboraldp w nn had. It wits at once appnront that th U Ilenoerntfo side wait very nruclt eruwde d , 'm'ho now tacos wcro mostly on , that aid u and they anode it appear like a now hod y ftltugutlwr , eu , marry worm the change a , At this nwmont an exciting scut m ocourrod. A poor balf witte d follow , fandlllarly known a s "Cal. Dluurico Piuohovor " , rr tl l u 'Ciaitunrit , " had occupied a chair on ti w m fluor ands refused to go , + bun onlorul 1 , flu woe throntenud with forcible roue I. van , but still ruuuniucti , claiming to ha , 'o n cartilicato of election hum Baltiuupr o , .1 pillcunlnn suiwd biro roughly , (171 ° crank pulled off hie coat and grabbed th o desk amid anent , , and a rough mind tuaibl o light was inunwont , Thu mini bud r o cently had rut arm broku , and it w ne still rim a sling , and this bruised linmb w as knocked agnwtt a d ek , eliciting a pin ye. Emil ; I ell of pain. 'Vito whole lr use roe u on tlptoo , and t'iuro ' was great craning of necks fn thu , gullerios to le o ( lie rosy , To pwnt every ono her o the "colalmel" is a familiar character . actor , and time trouble was understood Santo wag had. issued ] lion a certificate u f election and put uI Chu jab on the dean ' crntio housa. A tow mouteta ) uftu r this Incident there was A SIIAItf RAl' OF TIIU OAl'PL ! ii Clerk DhI'horaoR e nll ho slob wn U iumrdintoly eettlal into seats. The corps of pages flAnkcd tire dins , the ro 'rortora ' leaned over their desks , nail the imuau tuns , opened. Time roll was coiled b y et'tica and 816 members answered Dn Carlisle ant iii his own sent imear time cantor Isla , the observed of all nbtervera. ' [ 'hero were bovortl elaborate baskets of 1luwurB on time speaker's dcak , at which limo empty chair awaited hint , t1 good b almy flowers appeared in all parts of Limo huuHU , Ono inummmao flower ship enilud inG , limo chamber , nod the pogo bonri g it could not lied time one for wham It wan intended After Ilanting Wheat the house nntll uverybody was in a flutter , it finally landed nt Lima , leak of Limo of the ile na pin avmnl , Judge Diurphy of Iowa , 'l'ima t itter immcdiutoly bucnmu n lrtuglm , and tc ries of [ Iuuncpin greeted limo rccipf oat. A largo llna cr chair was placed min the dcak ut ox Sponkur Keifm , 1Vhutt the roll was conchlded Cux of low lurk got inn ward far the ladies , but his prat position was sot upmt trust orophnticnlly. 1'ho miominatioas of speaker were thou mode , Geddes naiuing Carlisle , Cannon Mr , Keifer , and 1 yuran , Mr. Rubinson. The unto pncucded in the tamest nuuwor itnntinnUlu ; , and Carlisle was amnouuced epalkeroE lima house , receiving 101 voles , being four loss thou the full dnmocrntiu strengrlh , bit. ] totter received 112 voice , five less than the republican strength ; 111 , , Itubi sou received two ; Dlr. Lyman of Massachusetts , who was elected as nn iudopuudunt , nod Mr. James of Nuw fork each ammo. Mr. RUb111BU11 Ot b1ABea clwautta , nail Mr. Knaaml , did nut vote. White of Imntunky , n rapuUlic , Imi voted for Edward S , Lacy of Dlitlnpan , Toni Ocfultrco voted for 1Vadawarth , of Now Turk , and York , of North Carolina , tads pendant , tor Jule S , Wise , reprcemmta ttu at. largo from Virginia , ltaudnlla Kuifur wore appointed to escort bit , Car lisle to the speaker's chair , which time Y did amid grunt applnuau uu the democrati o side. After Carhelds speech , whichvn s listened to with rapt attmltiemitho swear ing in bogau , 71ue proceeded until mil I Limo mmnbuta lad tnkctm the onto , lent in g rite delegates yet to be sworn , IN TI1IS Nl"rtTE : , Fulhy half nn hour before Vice 1'resi dent Palum du called thli smato ) to Ordu every sort in the galleries was tnlw , and tlw steps nod da01trnys packed with pea plc eager to , vihtesB tltu procoudiuge , F'or Cho time being , Limo animate ptcnoatu d the appearance of no uxlmibitioll room fo r Ilornl ° UII do for ucnry ] everybody him d becmi looked after ucnryiu coast mtitl , The first sent r the loft of the vie a president , iii which bit. Windom hu d boon aconapicuous figure , tell to time lot of Senator Sabin , of Dlinueneti. It w A e observed ihnn considerable young blue ed ! aid Uacn infused into Cho eoato Riucu i t last mat , nod of n dozen now recruits only nun , 0x Cav. Colquitt , of Georgia nppuured to have passed middlaagu In . iurest ccmitrad on Riddle boirar , of Vir , giuin , amid , vhon Ito made a circuit of time ehnmimbar arm in nr t with Gem. Diuhan u throe was n gmmurul uprising , especially mnaug the 1'IdILB. ' A new feature was iutroduccd into the ceremony of ndmip ieturiug the oath to caudidutua , for after time cnudidutoa had taken time modified flail iruu clnd oath as Limo occasion .ie gaited , they worn directed by the vice prceidwd , t ° subscribe their uumaB to th e repectivo oaths , at time clerk's desk , I t did rat take lung to tiuiah this portion o f Chu proceeding , amid utter two roceesc s Cho emudu ndjuurneti until tomorrow I whet the president's nnessugo will prabA , iii ) ' be presented , IloreGlrll Arid 1'huaphnte. A Oaod Thing , Dr. Adam Miller , Chictigo , Ill. , says I have reeomimmended Horsford a Acn d Phosphate to my 1)uttouta , and have received coived very favorable reports. It is on ° of the vey tow really vmtluublo prepares - a'- ' Uw UIWTUd to the anltet0d. IR n practiof thirty-tvo ) years t nsvu ! Dori d' n few gout ( things , and tlita is ono 0 f diem. JUST LANDED , Singular Ih cloauros Made by a Sciu'cl ( by CuatauS Ofiloerex , , Ntv Yolut , Dec. 9.-Among the pas songura who arrived in the steaouahil IVuealnnd from Antwerp to day were th 0 Very Itev If. Mueltlsiepen , viumr gomiora ( of time Catlmnlic urulmdiucetu of St. Louis Sisters A , Volek tumid Suraphino and nigh t nuviws , ' 'Imo novices were fn charge u f SisturSchwoinings and wore an than , way , Lu ii CIIIIS'L'Ilt Ili St. Lelia. ' 1 uoy declared to time custol a ellicera a nunibur of duti , ublu nrtielee which they had brought with , Lhunl. Snbscquuutly olliuurs connected with time epucull treasury agent's attic u directed ! hut the novices should be aenruhed , and they wuro usln0rud into time cuawwa otlicu on Lima wharf at the foot b , flnuld street for the ' ' purnoau , 1'Iw eeirel , was nutdu by luapouturs .leumiu } ' 'err Y and Alice lianrnuy , ' 1'huy found coo coaled oIn Ile : pvrsunsot SiaWrSchwuinigi t 1111(1 ( Dha9e8 1'utremulln Seitiku , Cluu t Lauber , Maria Buuamnnn , CueulNu IIubar Bridget Keifer amid Sulinn Bookie , qunn lilies ut nuwimig silk , bullion amid silk fo r making priests' vcatmunta. Sontu of the articles wore sewed in the shirts. Thos a taken front Sister SchtvOiuiga tvoigh' ad fuurtoun pounds. The goods were soot to the reznru roan. They are valued n t several hundred dellnrn , To combat ignorance , to uproot of d fanry ism amid canter hunltln and happiness is line object of "Time ' Selouco of Life ; or , S01t Preservation. " Time beak is ndvar . tiled in another column , ( Info , ; u , " 1NuP' Jrltlupta , Gdcago llrnld , ' 'Tae , we're going to DAkotu"avid one of the early of night lively young men ur 1 basal uhaku Shure intiu , nuur'1'uludu , ; : \\o me going out to Dakota to rw n IL 'Tu run ill' ' ' I queried , "Yee , wu nean to run tine state , when I it bueuulun n state , , lint over there's t e be guvt mnar , Iluury'll ' bu eGttu t uneurur Jnlm well b ° cuugrcesmnu , amid 1 gauss ii U ntud Shttce sennturshi' ' , y'ill Uu goo d unu6ln fur nor , lhuu itw whale hart ) laughed mid nuothur spoke up ; dt "It isn't us bath as 11tut , stranger. lie t w0 have a scheme. We're going out G I satins mil two or throw adjacent couutiue . After we gut started wu'ru going to bthl R a nut lunru et our ( , toads out , Sumac o f Suulu of us nru lawyers , sonno doctors sue a nuwapupor man , two nwrchantannl i you inn but we are all politiciamia tYo'1 I go 1uGI sumo of those new counties , half ' wloh olhur ilttO time olgcel , and when th u efafu is ornuizud ; , purhupa we'll buetrou g 'oneugh to c'ipturasomsthing pretty good luu know it dnrsn t tnku u very Istx o crowd of fellows that pull well togothe r bI makes quite a stir in n little ehitu lik u that. And wureall frvnu Ohio , tea , Inn ut keep it quiet , etrnugur , buuaneo tin durude lmuwbpawra ( nliuht get hold of it , "slew , Naua ( u curpurocane , ' " .1 xlnm r'd ' od in sound lady" Iahe trada mmu'k f A ! vu's hrldu 1''ad , and w o , uwnro our reader f that , If diesatlalatl with ni tlmer wonkita „ ' r Jiralu or badil ) tarYait , thla remedy uIii pu r. m umntly ttremi then loth t.-At dn ( 1' , , , "BIG SIX. " An lntarcathmlt italic at the 1)nys of Hove Tweed-A hamrirq Old hire 1'nglne. N o ; York JoutnaL "Thero aho is , .Timrnyl 'Cliero a the old girl right in lhorol 1'd knowed har it I wns bluuL" 'It's a tryin' ' tnuntent , , tolumio-n w er m y tryin' moment. " And Limo two old fire bays brushed back t ime few remaining hairs uE that , ouco luxuriant soap ] a'6s ' , buried their h eads in each other's bosoms , nail wept , " 'fho neighborhood of East Broadway nod btontg0mimury street was crowded hut night with enthusiastic citizuus , who had congregntcti to welcome old "lug Six" etlgiuo , her eigbtcemi yenta the auo famous ( beau of lire axtinguiahorn had been n wanderer through time cold and heartless world Fur n lmlg time she had Ucon time property at ilia gurcrrunont , and did service ut lVillofe point , on the Iludeon , 'through the efforts of [ "ire Commissioner Blair , Mr , Sigorson , mad other old momUcra of the company , the guvurnnnenL rcliuquiaheti its clninl open t he engines , nod alto was brought to the city on n chattered bent 1ledueaday orening. All day yesterday the surviving members of Slx liming around time undertaker's shp at the corer of Mont. gonlor street rind East Broadtn and 6nikod of time dear old times when alio used to jump the pnvomenta. Now amid then they would cuter time building noun inks another look at her , pat her on time back , mind lean tip ngntmiat her wheels. "Seems to me , " said an old timur , h ° brushed l away n tear , "that silo ain' t as hilt nv eho used to he , When I was a yuttl.b follow I thought aho w the loftiest , thing on wheals I had eve ' scan. "She's just as Lig as over she was , " said Johnnie Sigursai ) , "It's you who hnv got bigger. " "Why , gentlemen , " said Mr. Sigeraumi addressimi litho crowd , "this was the and wife I use l to know when I was n 'cwt g fellow , We washed bur amid wo ydress ed her ; and , vo took her to parties an parades , and she always bohn , ed like a lady , and nobody over dared to imiaul her ! " A nasty cheer rewarded the speech n bi t. Sigmeon , nail time old-timers isen ground the corner and teak a drink. ' 'Can't think w ru druukaide , " sail Johnnie Blair , "fur we're not. Many o fd the umn you ace bntnging around the of d engine to nttiht havou't aces each oche in eighteen years , sail we all feel jue bike little children "And don't you forgot this , " interposed Mr , Sigoraon ; "we all of u" carry tim ° picture of William M. Tweed in garlands of lruon in our mammy. " " ] tieht you are , Jolumie , " exclaimed Commiesiunur Blair. "We've found ou t ) hero nru worse eon alive than time poor old b09A , " Thou time "boys" rOLurued to the utt dertnkor's shop mud gathered around the old ouginu mice more , they took elf their hats and peered through her wooden sides into the hyoro ; days when they scaled fences , climbed water spouts tied diveddownthoclminnteysofburningbuild- iiigs. There were "Hill" Dmm , "Jnku" Vaunter , "Jim" Vaughan , " 1t01i' Closes , " 'f0I11 ly" Burt , "DUIIIIy ° Twig , George Dlumtll , " , Tank" Dlc1'aroy.litllmy" GII roy , "Nick" ] Horton , "Eddie" Fitzpatrick - patrick , "Billy" Davis , "Bill" Anepak0 , "Hill" Burris , Sr. , "Eddie" Jacobs mud "Johnnie" Buckbee-all gray hended , ' bald-headed , amid a little Haar sighted no , but who were boys when the fnm e of "Big Six" had reached its zenith , an d reveled fu the Prpud recollection of having 'hnauncd ! tor ref , ' the road to eau n ataL t , , a.l : . I , "Big Six" un ino' ° ° built in 1849 b y JmncsStnith , of this city' , and was pat terned after the style of eugino then use in Philadelphia , Time organization o which aim became , thu joy and pride known as Americus No. f , succeeded th old "Black Joe" company fn 1833 , Tin Black Joe' conlpa y was disbanded be cause of time lighting proclivities of th u members who participated in time grea procession givou in honor of Jruncs K ' Yolk , rind distinguished thctnselsus b kicking over tire-plugs nail tearing dos , awnings , Next door to the Amoricu e amiginu housa lay the "Little Six" hose amid when the Americus boys house their now emgimie they ca'icd ' her "Bt Six , " by which name alma bocaiuo fiunili am to limo lirmnon of tlmaricu. Thu firs furcnan was David smith , she is still living. Hu is G7 years of ago , but epos little signs of wear , George llmnult , th secomid foreman , is a prnsporuus ntor chant , Thu Into 1Villinmit ' 1. Tweed u the next to assume time eotnmnnud , and i was during his ndnninietratiomi that ' 'lug t Six" oujoyud ] our greatest prosperity n n d fame. In 1850 occurred time terrible ex plosion iii llAguo street , and Tweed , wh o was that n chair mm nufuchnr0r En ) I'onr I street , dietiuguish0d himself by his char ity t ° thueullurera. Atthu lira m fleck ors building iii 1853 ; Bu , Six was s 0 badly scorched that Bho had to be rebuilt. In a now dross maid a fresh coat of paint , 8110 was taken to Dlantranl , whore th 0 eompaity , with Twced at its head , received coived a great ovation. A similar oxp0 ditinn was tondo to AlUnny gad Sarntogc A m 1657 , of which Mr. Efanry Closes ho c t command. The principal oyponunts o f " 11h Six" SYOCU OngII1CB C'al' Inlll " { I , " hutun all the dospurnt0 struggles "Ili g six" cnuro nut victorious , Under th e comiunaitd of Anthony Burk , forunian , nail John Sigoraon , assiaUutt furammi , she took a prontinemiL part in the parade of the old volunteer fire dupnrtmwr t of l'liilndulpliia iii 1865 , the occasion be ing limo diBUandmemt of tlio rohmtcor aer t'ICO , "Big Six's" most nteniornblo light no. cattail on Sunday nmOrniug , Aug , 1 , 1857. iugiuu company " 1" put a bed on tit u roof of Jukeling's house , on ] tidg ° street , and than set tire to the bud. "Ili 6 Six" burred to lima fire , 101(1 leas roeoivu d with a vullry of uwakutry. Time boys Htnrd filet , ( , rrotuul , howuv'ur , and brou3lm t Lima etgino back pt eniuty , AN IXTItAOIUINAIIY CtSf , ACHTIN , TYEAN , Fah , : OLb , 16$0 , 'ri air , a , V , clraham , urugtlat ; : Ikar Sir-My cave was an actoo form of bruuchltls , and was of nno and n half year' H duratlon I min'cloyed ' the best medical std , NU + elhlojnt ( adoll rapidly , uutll tie d1'cta ' rx 1 01111 I world ilia-Chet sly cTSa was incurables , Thmwu upon toy own resource' , I got a bottl " of iIt Iti'll , IIALI'H HALHAit Y011 Tllr LrN1/H / Hud iii sir hours toll n doddod relief , In three days the cotglm , almlwtdlasp , eared , Now that toy chances of ills are good fur Many years , 1 eanmeatp ) reconnueed the above to ovary auf. furor of lung or throat disease , C. C , I.AT1IIIO1' . Innnhlt ll's pnlN rnNAarn , tires pDli In M'at aUII Btu.st. E'orwuwtornally' and lu ternmdly , r The paper mil I lot lornh illo , urar Iow n C'tv ' , will probably bu removed to Trrrr II au to' , Ind , In that event the Coral- - tillu wntur Inwur will be utilirud to sup ' Ply Iuwu City with ulcotri ° liultt , T CHARLES SHIVEFIICK , Furniture ! 9 Have .1'uet received a large quantity of new AND AM OFFEILING THEM .AT IfERd. L ® l' .L ' P4.S8ENGER ELE Y I6J.TO.GY CHASI SH1VER1CKI 's 11200,1208 nd 1210 Fnninm St 0 ' 11 , OrS. - ObrA13A , NEB , RICIIt1ItDS & C1r11tliE , VT. A , CLIIIIiE , Proprietors , Superintendent , Omaha Iron Works' . U. P , RAIL WAY , - - - 17TH & 19Th STREETS r i 4fr JxZi \t4hc4 _ r ; 17 . t 4-F.- . - 1yFn , , g = ; 'r , . + -i r , I TC I [ r . 9L ' ' r f , , { ; ( o , fsy . . 'jl ; , , r ' 7 + ai' ' ' i tt''r Ih's * k : - MANUFACTURERS OF ANJ ) DEALERS LEN Engines , lers WATER WTIIEELS , ROLLER MILLS , Mill and Drain Ievator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated ( Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. ,4Na ; a 1d d . .a4 , i K } r y 'b k + k , . S Sro + r \Vk 1 4f . 1. . , i rim SVo are prepared to furnish plans and estimllte. , and will contract for the erection of Flouting Mills ; old Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring btills , from Slane to the huller systl in. p "E pecial attention giveil to furnishing ( 'elver Plants for any pnr pose , mid estimutOS made for slum General maclriuery repairs attended to promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKS , Omaha , Neb , Double and SiiJ j/e Acting Power and Nand PTJMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Engine Tritrtmulos , Mining Machinery , " Boltimig , Hose , Braes anti Iron F tti , gel Stone Packing at wholesale and ro1aft. HALLADAY WINDMILLS CHURlH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Web , f. ' 13POILTNa MAKING , 11'0ID , tt19 , IIOILINq , 1'IiE8ERVINI , + ATarr .L S W80L iSO DU1tAIILE. . ' G . , Y , W . The Best Yale Made for the Ritchtlul 4yP P MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE STI l0 UIS STAMPING COMPANY , ST 1 LOUIS , + oi' t ' P v all 1 fihQ . . arilga t r , an Q P Sri 1iSh I ,1D Thal , s , . ASK YOUR OttOCI IlS FOR THIS . u : OMAHA DRY HOP YEAST ro w WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL , T , Manufactured b the Omaha Dr Bop Yeast Ce' 2119 tinier STItOET. OUAIfA , NEU 9 UANUFAIrrUIIF $ OF FINE 1 ttly Itelrrllorq b atceuatly allnl with a I'ela ' > tktak , Stet WorkounJdp gnsranteel , ? /lice and factory S , iY , Corner 16th and Capitol n'renue , Qmat1 1 I 'I'1lis ' -ON--- west t 13 located with special reference to beautiful surrOundiugs , and the very beat proposed couuuunicaitou with the city. Lots in addition have been placed ut ON EASY TERMS , - SAUNDERS & HIMEBAUGH'S ' ADDITION ! Near lime Reservoir , 1113 Park , beautiful - tiful pprimgc , and other special nt- trnctious for homes. IN TlllS ADDITION , S1. ® ® To S V7 L S 1 PAYMENTS. HOUfSEL & TE 31N 3' ' SUn'OvIH1ON OP Ba1'tlett's Addition ! X iD'X' mix , $ QOO. Near street cars. Unpquule . terns. No pa"dents on principal for five years. Best chance to 1 4 1 I' ' Addition , Seven lots left in this addition. All desirable , These ara large lots , very central , have street cgrs.rl'be bestbioclc of iulide loss hi a body Holy oller2d. Five Acre Lot in. ' IcLutet , s Addition , 1u0U. 4 NINE ACRES Near the city. , ; , Would mltke beltu- tiful acre homes , $2,000 , . . . . g ; 66 b'EJET On 10th street , between Fnrnam caul the irnvk. Bdst business in- vestlucnt in the city. EIGHT HOUSES On leltsetl ground. Long leases. Easy puyulents. DESllABLE Residence - ' ' I-1'oPern Y In ull puts ; of the city. For dc6crip- tirNl call at ofiee. 10,000 Acres of desirable lund ii Boone 'ounty , in gnuutitius to suit iii- c hasers , invel + lmont price. Euly ternls , Can furnish 2,000 acres in a body , Bros , , 'i7 Seuh 13th St. , below 1'areRLu.