Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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I . -
TJiurday Morning , Dee , 6.
SiccIaL Mcetltig oft ha 81ao , tlllntico ,
A. poclil meeting of the Fnnucr'SLto
AliliLnoc vi1L be held at Keatnoy , Nub , ,
\Vcdnesday and. Thurathty , Jan , 16
nfl(1 17 , 1881. Mi nlIiincoa wlilch have
AL any titno been orgauzed in this ELate
ztre earnestly roquetotl to cnd delegates
to ths meeting , and nil ituti.iuonotoliati
of the atxto are cordalIy ; invited to at
J tend , No 1aitia will ho para(1 to make
the titeeting untertailmimig and intrmmctmvo.
A programino of procoeditigs will soon
mont to all niliamices , giing lmalnes of
131)OakOtl , BtltjCCt3 ) fllmL all particulars.
1ll ollicurs ot alliances are roqiicstotl to
aoo that mneotiuigs are called amid arrange.
mnemita outdo to scud delegates.
L State papers , ie copy.
P. U. 1LEoII ,
I'ios't State Alliauice ,
.J. IJuluusvs , SOC. 11(1 iuiteriulu.
Tlio Ycat1icr.
For the upper Ltiieuissipid valley auid
ftsouri valley : Slightly warmer
partly cloudy weather. Ii ) c81 railia ;
northern lua'tiuuls , show ; southeasterly
winds ; falling barometer following. In
the Missouri vllt'y , rising brromnoter ,
cooler , no'Lhwesteriy winds.
-rcatcst variety at the Jc Sthie.
-The gr.udlng of CoinIng stract iu to ho fin.
f.hod by the end of the weak.
-1 vili to sy tlin I tvlll ho ton ( layK latcr
In getting around. \ . F. Erilman ,
-The boys of engine lionuo No. 3 will give
a dance this evening aL Fir.rnicnk hail ,
-Block ti , 6 , 7 , aiud 8 have been aililod to
Plainvlow addltfiii , on Sannicis street.
-Thu Ioeoinbor ternu of the 1)oiigla.
county district court convenes noiit MonIta3.
-Thu Spanish $ tiidants open a foiir.nlghts
engagement tut the Acatlorny of T.Eiuslo this
-Tiuesda being ien1oii day tIm county
clerk was kept busy making out ponsiomu
-Arrangetnont.4 will irobabIy bo concluded for the sarrluig entertainment uooii to
be given here by the .luri ) , I , . Sullivan . 'ouu
' -A little gir' ' , five ycar.u of : ige , narrowly
ocapod bo'n : inn over by a heavj ua1
at the corner if Fifteenth anti Capitol avenue
youteidiy inoriiing.
-The Union Pacific huiis nilded twelve ne'
engillos toiti rolling stock. Si of these vhhl
ho sent to Iararnlo City , for tlio muiouiitahui
dliion , , anI tIm other i4 are for the Oregon
Short Line.
. -Shorly before inhiliuight , last uuight , a
rain shower caine up and contiuded for seine
time. It is not ofto , , , In t1114 jiart of the I
country , that there is a rain in the uiionthi of
] ) ecetuber. tIn t
-In the United Stats court yesterday the
ease of the State National bank of Lincoln v.
Young , a suit Itivti1vin adrift for7OOD , was I
_ _ _ _ on ttI1. In tlis case of 11 ° pi' ° vs. Goofl , a
civil suit , a verdict for ? U55 for IIaintifT was
1' -\Viri. 1ttben. whn 'luol bean a bartender
at Wechback's saloon , eu Farnaun street , bo.
came ( lolirlouS on Thanksgiving thy and sot
fire to the bedding and clothing In his roan , .
1ewa ao hi.lly burned that ho died Satur. IMax I
-Max Meyer & lire. have Juat Put i "
elegant clock in the front part 01 theIr jewelry
store. It ill about seven foot In height and
the easing Is made to match the wooduvork In
the tcr , . It i. of their own enanufaotureainl
eot $3O.
-About forty couples attended the nrns
4lfro ! ball gvon by iho "iIivhuejble , flue" in
' 4roUIfaO'l hUt 'fus : lay veiuIn. Eomn ) cuE , .
tuines Wern were very sttrattV3. ! Irvine's
orchestra furiiishod the niuiile anti a vr.
gramfltflo of thirteen daliC1I4 WUI gone through
-3. M. 'Vynatt clalnus that tl,1eves4 , , .
o1 his store onTonthstrct Tuesday ug1it ear.
sled a'ay a ialr of pants auth a vest contahit-
Lug 25 Iii money. Ills wife hoard the thIef
tid nwakond Mr.Viiiart , v1uo was just In
thus to SCO the falkw msldiug hih exit thia-otgh
.tbo front door.
-If you weuit to secure a hargain In a lot
or lots , mobltIeiuce property , Improved or uuuu-
iinri'vcd iaiitl , as a hoiie , , as an invetiuient ,
or for 51)ocuIatioi , lb will luy yi to Call niul
examine thu oxtonalvo lists of 11 , Ii. Iriy &
' Co. , reaL ObtatO agotttE southwest corner Itithi
j aiul Fernatn. Improved and uImiuiruved
lands In dlffacnt 1srt of the state. Curios.
vndonco tolicIteil
-A gentleman of rare business esperIoice ,
huiviuig lxaii unsuccosuftul In his own
j in Denver , Ccl , , wishouonuploymont h,3 Jaui.
nary 1. S4rno I. an able nccoutauit , a flue ( icr.
uiuan and Jiighih correspondent arid thorough.
ly competent to take charge of an chico.
t Can give 8Lrictly firt.clasu reference or so
eurity 1 uiocossary , tildruw. L. C. F. , thus
-A lady residIng at the ourrier of Nine.
teonth and Burt streeth , narrowly e.caped cra.
eanUon , She was pouring coal oil
Into the steve from a cur , when the hI'uid stud.
ilonly took lire , which wrs ooniuuunicatxl t4)
her clothing. Luckily , help wa at hand * nd
the flAmes were extinguished , not , however ,
until the lady's hands and fee wore bkElly
1 huriued ,
-Mr. 1rank Yodlcka has entor4 Into .
i'artnershlp wIth Mr. Fapez anti they have
opened a merchant tailoring estibhIhtnent on
South Eleventh street , , between Famaun and
] ta.rneyetreot. , Mr. Vodicka has hdeyeraj
years of experience in the meichant tailoring
line In ti ! city , both with Mr. Iiamgo anti
Mr. Liudquest sad we besjeak for the new
firm atucudant i'rosiueii y.
-Tue I ody of , Jay Gijhuli ; who was killed
In Wyoming , arrived 'esterJay by the
Denver train. It wss taken iu Jacobs' nh.
dertaklng rooms , where the coffin wa opoirnd
and the rernaina pioperly str.dglutonoul out ,
after which the body was conveyed to his I
father's raiidenco. Mr. trifhin ( thu father ) 1.
O1'OCtMd to artivo ( ruin thuo west
The funeral will not take lulacehefuro Y.ids.
-A. party of uulnotoen soldiers paaet1
through hero on the vest train yesterday
noon. They were Irma Datld'ti Taisiud and
Columbus bairacks and will he taken to h'au
JI'ranchscu , at whlcii lulscu they % tIII uurjlve 8st.
urday nIght They wemu in charge ut Captain
-O'Connell , Eihuthi Infantry , who is returuiiuuc
S his company In California after a four
month's leave of absence in the east Ily the
way , Cei.Wn O'Connell was statIoned at Fort
omaha duriuig 1872 and 11q3.
- -
Tha Griiost TLiii of th Kind Ecr
Sboii Ill 1e St1o ,
I'alcomei'a , hail ConverI. ii ItitE ) ft
\'rltitle , I.uIry Iutnul-A t4ook
TillOuighl thin nrIouis
iepnrt tiieImn.
'riiidowalk at the corner ef Fifteenth
atud Iouglas street last night was
thronged with people all ti : tvuhiiig in 011(1
direction , cud that time stairway loading
UI ) into Fulconer's Jun11.
Tluo wiiitlowit of the Jun11 ivuiu all aglow
with light , niuti strains of sweet music
floated out upon tito night. air. Frommi
LImo outside the forms of hiumidreds of per.
soils couhi ho aceit within , crowding
hither anti thither , apparently amazed
all the beauty and grandeur of time scene
heforo thorn.
hiecorniumg interested and envious , a
llrr. reporter presrol forward huto time
crowd , 'LII ) thmo stairway , and , slipping
jfllht tito senthtiel at , tea door , stood witiiiim
the gates of what , to all apearauices , Was
a fairy bower , and hut for thmo sea of
inunan faces which met his womuler.
hog gaze on every side , lie
% voulll have Proliotuliced it a dreanu , too
gnuid to ho a reality. While standumig
titus , 11isiiop Cinrkaon and his estimable
lady ndvmiceul , amid , extending their
hands , bid us welcome. W'o now caine
to oursoif and. Procecdcl to ' 'tithe in"
what was before us.
A bazaar is genemally supposed to be a
place whore trinkets and worthless nick
nnckzm are gathered together and ofrered
for sub at fabulous prices. In this in
stance this is not the case ; far from it.
There is ouc exhibition and. for sale in
Falconer's ' hail i 200 worth of thys ,
fancy goods , glassware , dolls , stationery ,
oil paimitinge , candy , and in fact. almost
everything under those heads that one
could imagine.
43 000 enters the hail the first thing
that greets the eye ii the
CMIY ) STAN ! ) ,
which is iocntud in tim center of the
rowit. IL is three.cormiercd iii shape ,
amuti overhead are flags and evergreen
trimamniurs , while two laughable sign
cards imuformn time visitor of the nature of
tim goods for sale. As the reporter
ipproaclued the stand ho you-
uretL to inquire , " \Vliose make of
andiea have you for sale ? " A most lady.
iko attendant turned her head tind au.
iwcrcd ' 'Whitman's of '
, , l'hmiladel1mhuia ,
mud they are very uuicc , and only fifty
oiits vor pound. " .IusL thou the reportum
reduced his zuotu book and flue lady ru-
narkc'd , ' 'Oh ! excuse mo , 1 took you for
I mr" 'I'imoau same candies are ro-
ailed in l'liUadulph in for seventy. five
emuts pr pound , amud they are really deli.
dutia , its the reporter accepted the privil.
mge of samphiuig thenu and hnows whereof
10 affirms.
4t the left of the stairway is ouje of the
vhich imu tilled with every couicuivabho
liim1g in thy niapo of n toy , nn.i i would
almost nuako old. Santa Claus himself
oalous to gase upon it.
Passing toward the front of the hail is
whore all kinds of ilaimm , tumid fancy eta-
Liory 11 ' offered for sale , also oil paint.
ings , luutiid-ba tuid muotiomis. '
Next comes the lir'Istifla5 card stand ,
and a more benutifu .asortumueuut of
Christmas ca.ds in uuovor seoll. Photo.
graphs of the interior of the now 'Yeiiuity
cathiedral are also fur sub jere ,
In the front of the tii , directly 111 thifl
couitre , is a
MiNxruuti LANIJsUAI'E ,
iii . the honter of which is a two story
L1UhI'flg , represcuutiuig the child's Imospi.
' .a1. In the immterior of the hmousq
Seoul beds in whichi are hitt0 oiis. 'i'Iiu
grounds are beairuUy laid out witim
gravoleLl walks , 11011d5 , etc. , whufu lawn
tommie , croquet uutl hmanumnocks are to bu
scemi. It Ii nie"Iy dusigimemi muid elegutuitly
gott ii up iuuid is the woik of mIrs. J. C
.Jordon , who deserves great credit for
Li e I (1110.
1'.Lasiuig on to the uiorLhieiutt curlier of
time ruoumi we coutie to the goimi of time oc-
casioli iii the shiu1o , of the
1)OLI.3' IIOUIO1 ft.
Hero niay ho fimuuuit little dolls , big
dolls , pretty dolls , homely dolls , black
doll. , white dolls , plainly dressed dolls ,
amid dolls attired imu thu richest guirinenta
of time latuat styles , amid , in fact , every.
thing in time ehmmupe of a dull , ranging in
price all till ) way from live cents to two
dollars , . The luortioul of the rooumi sot
apart for tire dolls is u'egantly trimuummued
with ainila , evergruuuia and lace cur-
taimis , while in the center of the back.
groumiti iS fl iarfo French IIato mirror.
ittid just to time right of it is a aigmi "uVue
flabies. ' In connection with the doll
department is a nursery which is cunning
to say the least.
Next is a SUUI(1 whore fancy knit anti
crochet worK is for sale , then conies a
department where baskota amid doll car-
riagee are ohl'urod for sale.
'l'hio fanccy goods department is thou
reached amid Ia a marvel in the way of
embroidery anti fancy noodle , and other
ether work of all descriptions.
Another toy department and a table
whore ice cream is dispiiiud of loads one
again t' . the stairway.
One thing we unuetnot neglect to mnemm-
thou is the fanoy glass tltiiuartmnent. This
glass was all bought in l'arls anti was
lreaemltud by Mrs. General McOiurg , of
Chicago , and is of very hue quality.
Thu entire room is beautifully fee.
toonod with flags amid uvorgreeuia.
Un the third floor of the buildimig is
tIme spacious dinimig hall iii which ami ulu.
gamut lunch is served at uloon for twenty.
lie comits , amid a aumuptoums supper at Ii
O'clock for fifty cents , 'I'huo mnuhittry or-
ehiestra are atE ) stationed lucre anti fur.
tush most excehhuit music ,
THE cmtILD'H utosI'lTAm , .
That. the Chuihit's hospital is one of thmo
reuutust benuvolcuit olEjects ever started
mu Oniahci vihi hot ho denied by am y ullU.
It ; jim lOCitetl emi lothgo street , between
Suvouiteonth and Iighiteemutlt streets , amid
will soon be comnpioted and furmiishmt'd ,
It does not behinii to aumy lrLiciular
sect or creed , but is a puhulmc imistitutin ,
uiuid thu doors will be wide open to all ,
'I'lio bazanrwimichm is now h ing livId is fur
time benotit of this htispital , and as every
dollar's wirthis of goods umow cii sale was
donated by friends of thu institution iii
the east , oven to the of the hall
, _ r
t'Oflt amid all hmicidontal expenses , it is
uxiiocted that a large rovomino wilh be do.
riveti. trs , l3ishiop Ciarkson has been
instrumental in bringing noouut this state
of tImings and hia labored with unceasing
eflrts atid untirulig emiergy to give to
Omaha what will prove a great help and
blesshmmg. Throughi lmor clhjrtru the goods
now cii sato vero received , nnl shin hiss
itlati received a birge atnount ( f clothing ,
bed clnthming and cribs and other furmui.
turo for time hospital , Several of oimr
leading 1hmysiciatus hiavo voluntarily
tenthomeil their services to thioinstitutiomi ,
amid now all that remna'mns to ho done us
for time citizens of ( ) rnnhia to visit the
bazaar aimd Puirehmaso ( lie goods nirered
for sale , Time bazaar wihi be comithtitied
until Saturday uuight atiti we trust that
umearly , if not quito all limo goo1a , Will be
( hi5posel of by that timmie. 'Flue lathes
expect to realize ,9iOOO from the bazaar
and dining Jun11 , which is none too niuchi ,
mill tImings comisidered.
( lIE ) and see the ilnest exhibition over
given imi ( ) mnalma or ui the state.
flttcklcmt's irutcn Snivo.
The groitost medical wonder of the womid.
Warrauitod to EEIOOdIly ) Lure Burns , Cut UI.
cors , Salt ithoumn , Fever l3ores Cancers i'llea ,
Chilblains , Curtis ' Totter , dhappcl , hand. ,
amid all skin oruptf'ons , gtiarnuitood to ctuo he
every Instance , or money refunded. 25 cenUm
or box _ _ _ _
tt .VnriImr tO I'nroiuts IVilhi Artillery
In lime I1imsl.
Early last wecic a special dis1)atch to
'I'urm : lien from ieariiey gave an account
of the fatal result of playimig with the
family shot.gmumi. Tile ( cilowing add- !
tiomial luarticulars vuro brought out at the
inquest. hodVcduiesday : "It appears
that Mr. I I. .1. Ilodgo amid wife , living
in Beaver precinct , near Scteetwatur
postofilco , left their residence shortly before -
fore ( lark to attend a school meeting
abont. a mile distant , leavimig their three
children , a lad mmmcd Walter , aged six
teomi , and reitie and Mary , aged ton
and thirteen years , at home during their
absemice. It had been the hiahit , of thnu
boy to take down his father's gun and
play with it ; . flu had beau censured for
this , but aim soon as the parents wont
away ho again took dowui the eliot-
gmili , and calling to his sisters
they went out doors and. commenced
playimmg "doer , " the little girls playimig
the Part of ( leer. The little girls rolled
nronid , on the ground in imitation of
crippled deer , whoa Walter raised tim
gun and fired , killing Mertie almuost in-
mitauitly , a large hart of tile charge enter-
ilig her head , and probably fatally wound-
imig Mary , elovemi eliot being buried imi
liar neck and shoulders.
As soon as Walter saw the horrible
ullect of the shiotlie picked Mortie up amid
riot with her into the house , pincimig hiur
on tim beil , amid then took his ivouuided
sister iii. WaltLr i a lad who scouts devoid -
void of aensihility omiotmgh to realize tim
onormmuity of the accident , and is none too
lirighit , [ lie inrents hind wartied liimum hot
to shill ! ) caps or 1)oiiit the gun at any per.
somm , amid time accident was due solely to
his disobedieuico. The verdict broughit
imi by tue jury was that. the girl's death
resulted from a gun eliot wound , and the
shooting was accidental
- -
A. Life SmwfmigIa'esomit.
rr. M. E. Allison , IlutchulnHon , Kim. :
Sjivetl his life by a Hlmnple trial bottle of Dr.
kimig a i'.ow Discovery forcomisuimuiutiomi , which
causcil hd'n to lurcuro a 1argi bottle that coin.
tlotuly cured Imlimi whieui tioctors , chisumgo of
chImllstFl 'ututi everything else had failed. Aith.
ma , lunielmitis , hioarscmesi , soverj coughs , and
ll throat , amid lung dIet asi , , it is gunrantood
( , t"v. . , TTR.1 Ire ) MA C. E' . Uooiaur.n' ,
drug store. Large shzo ctO ,
I mivestigating Itmo Cauie of l re , Ever-
ett'i lcalhi.
Thu coroner , thinking it best to hold
an investigation as to the cause of Mrs.
Everett's ( lentil , itil account of whiicli was
given iii yesterday's Bnm. , summoned a
jury yesterday afternoon and called soy-
or)1 WtIlQO ( Jt now transpires that
there himttl been trtqucnt tQ'3V ' ! b tivcei
the deceased and Mrs. Coonoy , the wo.
mail at ' : ; ioso house she was at the tuunu
of her death , 'l'ho witnuases uxuiuuied
are lCPlc ) liTtlIg to the uieb'norhiood. ,
I'Iut't (3 EII them testified tfmiit they saw
Mmut , Cooney hick or strike Mrs. Everett ,
itliuut toil days ago. It seems thmat both
of the vummicit would become imitrxicated ,
itmiti that itarrolimig 1(11(1 highitimig would
follow , when M re Everett , benig time
a mmnllcr and veakcr , usually got time
worst of it. I I nvuver , thieve wan nothing
ii , tIme + cbtimuioity I Imat guvu anything deli-
iijh , , as to the cause of lucy death ,
Ujomm the umiamilumious request of the
jury , Dr hyde was sunimimomied to make
a 1iOst miiortuma t'xiummimmtion. : Awaitimig
this , time jury adjoiirmied to imleet again
at ft o'clock thus mn riiimg.
AmitiiHsvei' : vLLmiteEl.
Can auiy one Irimug us a Cain of kkhuioy or
hirer comiiphtiut that hleetmic lilt.
furs will mit 515301hI1y cure ? Ve say they can
It , , WI tIIIL'imiIls of case. alreatly leiiiuiummuit.
ly cured anti who are tinily recumminionthhmi
Iheetmiu hItters vIhl provo. hlrIghit' tllsoutse ,
dIabetes , weak buick , or amy umImiarycommiphahmit
quickly cui-ed. 1'liiy rI ly thin blood , n'gu.
hate thai Iowels mmd act directly on the ills.
easoil hiart. Every bottle guitramiteod , Fur
sale at 50o a lmtt.lo lv C. F , ( htithtnan ,
Time Sans Cerenionlo hop.
A very pleauit social occasion was the
twouity.fourtli hop of thit , Satia Coromnonie
chub , at the Mihiard hotel last evening.
Tue members of the club and several imi
viteti friends wore present. The damicing
was done in tue hargo tuning-room of the
Millard , 'Fho umiusic was furnished by
IfOf1'IflItul'M orchestra , The following
gentlemen wore present : ? iesara , Wilbor ,
Carrier , Jeuel , Sharp , Muir , Crary ,
ltumingtoii , Darlimug , IleacliVchls , Ito.
gent , lisfi ; l'eck , Moi'gsmi , .iohmuiaon ,
Wakoly , MeIihlnii , ] luirkltuy ; Jowutt , of
Tomubetommo , Arizona ; N. F. Itafi' , of
stlbuquoique , N. M. 'I'hiu fuiliaing
15(1104 Wuru lim'eeeuit Misses idcCmiu wick ,
Iomma , Lake , Chiauumhurs , , 'I'umnpkmns ,
I jahti. , ltkiutrdaoii , ICuight , Halcoimibe ,
ittied , ( lie ? ( lisaiH Sharp. Ilutim ,
O'ltiloy , Morgan , 1)avis ; Miss Bishop , ut
Dini ver.
. ' progrummune of fourteen muinmbcrs was
damiceil , An elugammt supper was tu'lvomm
thtii'iimg the tivumuttig. it. Itiigohier this hi.'ii
wits olie of I lie imimist llu tinmit antI success-
( ul social occasitumIs of thtt seutsomi ,
Oum Fm iduiy , Novemmiber JOthi , ill ) ' hothmes
grip yuia take , , , ; ircilnihly thirnmgit tids-
tIik ( ' , fromui thio ofhiet' , f thu C mmiii Pncitio
hotel at Columnijus , Nebrutakui. A mmy liir.
eon hiavmuig it , or knuwimig amuytimhmi of it ,
will confer a favor eu mu by writing mime
at omicu or sendumig saumie iii e.ue ( Ymnuirr.
CUll hotel , Lincoln , Nebraska , Charles
0. Ianloh.
The Work L8M Oni for Next Yr
ai1 AporIIohffltut of the
Moiiiiy ,
Tit'ci' ; hfIumuilr.i ( Timomisiititl hlidlam s
% fore I o 1ui , .
Tinu city council oh I'nesday ovenhig
canio to an iigoemnent , its to time anmoumit
of street iaving , to be d'nio nt'xt. year.
'l'Ime eumii of $100,000 , voted by the city
at tim last. election will be entirely c -
pendod in paving. This will I : e t quah to
$300,000 , as the $100,000 pays f.r the
imitoreoctiona of streets amid time pace be.
twoon the alloys , which is equal to one
third , amid the otlmer two.thirds of the
work is Paid for by tax on the propert3
benehitod , The following is tim work to
be done :
Fnrnamn street. from the cast line of
imitli to the west line of Fifteemitim ,
howard street , froumi .Nimithi to Seveu
St. Mary's avenue , from Seveuitcentim
to Twentiuthi.
Dodge street , from the east line ( If
r'iuithi to Sixteenth.
All cross etreuts 13 ing between Tenth
amid Sixteemitli , frommu .iacksoui street t ,
Cniii al aveuutip , except Eleventh amid
'l'welfthm , which will be paved emily from
Ilowaril street ,
. Cunummmg street ( rein Sixteeuithi to Twon.
Thirteenth street south to the Union
Pacific railroad crossing.
All alleys between thmese streets are to
be Paved , mostly with gramiite.
if there were $ : i,000 nmnro at their die.
jiosal , the council could have included
Ninth street , from Capital avemnie to thut
Uunon Pacific depot. It is huriibablo that
the mayor will recommend iOOoO more
iii bonds to bo voted in the snrirmg so as
to inchuuhe the hillsides , and nao the cx-
tension of Cuming street.
: E. litirhijut , Yr. , of Columbus , Is at tue
, r. C. TifTaiiyof Columbus , Is a l'axton
arrl val.
Janies Scott , of (3oluuubus , stops at the
\v. IL. DorgunofFremniiuut , is among tue
arrivals at the I'axton.
J. \ \Vebter , of Lincolmi , is at the l'axton ,
\v. Schmoomahcor , of Lincoln , is staying at
the L'axtoi' .
j. J , , ICaley , of ii Clo mutl , hi at tIm Fax.
Rev. Father O'Connor bare. , 1'romnont to-
( lay for Oinulta. Ito takes a position in time
cathedral. 1ll vauishiloiiors treseiitcd hdui ii
well filled pur.o luist Saturday.
roui Vauglmu , of Blair , is at thio MIllard.
Frank Aken , of Blair , Is at the Millard.
B. Wheher , Of Otceolo , is staying at the
V. l'rliit , of Oakland , is iogieteretl at the
Millard ,
1" . Olmatuad aitti wife , of Ilasit'ings , are at
the Millard.
Mr. II. Benuor , of Cnicago , who is lucre to
attomud the test of tIm MIllarl hotel stazalpipt-
awl fire.ecape , called at this othico last evaim.
log , in company WIth Chief Butler. Mr.
lienner Is tflo , aenteu cC LIrn ltMid.lijMl iO'
ferrod to.
Mtii't , .ttubbei'y.
On Monday night just after bed time a
thief entered the residence of Mr. Mor.
riam , corner of Burt and Twenty-first
streets , and stole Mr. Merriam's hew coat
and gold watehi. Mrs. Merriam saw the
burglar but did not tell Mr. 1. for fear
he would encounter him and get killed.
Monday morning a woman cahied at the
residumico under lretonso of buyin- rags ,
ui4 following Mrs. M. , ' . ' several
L'GOius goi. the of tim house and
kuini whore the valuabics were kept.
It is tliougltt the womnami was an accom-
As was intimated by Tim liEn a few
few days msiucutlu , " , roohs" are 'roumid-
lug in" to winter quarters amid Oiimahia is
guttimig mnoro thiami her sliuire of time vml-
lajuis. The city is full of thmumnnmid mniuuy
keepers of ihtulIhOSC(1 ) reinitztbhti houses aiu
to be aururoly comistmrctt fem ahlotsimig thieso
feline's to otff. ' ' artiumid thiumr lh1te , a
Of busimiess. It. is not becuuiie of uguiti-
r.tnce fur lime lrohirietore kmiosv every one
( if thieumi perfectly wollbiit. then 370(1 know
they spumid their iiiouuey freely and that
suttfca it ,
- -
I"OUlt 1tEUfh1"hiIi ( YAR1)S
New designs , miuver bofora publiBhuod
\VihI please mtuiy lers1i. Sciut fri e timi
receipt iii th taiiij ) to , every reader if ,
the OMAmIA uSE. Addmois Samnuul C it-
ter , 15 Pitik 1ItIlCO. Now York. uuiL&wcf.
JiEl ) ,
IEAZI4II'-4n this city , 1)ecembr .1 , at 11:30 :
h. UI. , Mimunie , daughter of .tohmi and Mary
E. Jiazhlp , ngcd 17 yonre.
Funeral crv1ees will ho held to.tlny at 3 ' .
in. , at the residence of her parents , No , 113
North h'ovcmitoonthi street , The remains will
be takoit to.niprrow morning to Blair for In.
Itocheeter , N. Y. , iapera lileaso copy.
IIAZ1ht'-1n December lthi at
- thIs city , ,
11:30 : 1' ii : . , 'llliuiIIu , daim4fhtor of John auuih
Mis y E. IhitZiil ) , ogeti 17 ) 'eius.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
IXNCIIIn thuis city , Dec. 4 , 18S , Norah
daughter of 1' . .1. and Ellen Lynch , ageJ
firti years ,
The fumioruel lll take v1u to'day , ] ) oc.
6 , at 2 o'clock p. in. , from the residence ,
Parilic amuil Tweatvapcon.l , , treoU.
MA ItlU El ) .
Mli4l4ELtMILLEILOn lecemnber 4 , at
Imnatts. , by Rev , .1. II , Mxtisld , I ) . I ) , ! EV ,
\ . \hilhnr , Esq , IitutOriiItOmiduiflt of publIc
hmistructiumm of tVaahhiigtani cuuut' , Nub , ,
antI 'utia Matiule A. MIller , ii ! Ulafr , Nub.
HIIUIIIgI& ( tlt'll ,
A large niuti appreciative audienc&
gittliered in Lyceum hull Sunday after.
110011 to hear ( hen. 0. 0. howard , wimc
gave one of his 11104t. pleasing addresacu
1)11 ) tIme subject tif Tluuiksgivimig. , It wuui
hiots.nud to with the closest uttteutttomi.
'l'hiu ladies' sewing circle meet at Mrs.
.1 auties I I . Iyuier's Saturday utlterunxu , ,
S. hi Brewster , of ( iraiid Island , whii
huts becum slomuduuug 501mb tiuutu in Sai'atogu
nuid vmcimmity , leaves for home
Thu attenlauco at the regular iiieutuug
of the lvcuuimi Saturday evening win
largo , auth tim prngrarntmiu the hmst of tJi
sensomm , 'l'hie buejuiess of time zmwet. .
immg wits lccidedty imitereating. Tia
literary 1rogrItmmno included a soui
by Mrs. May If. Moanoy , recitations by
Zifaitor Itustium , IShiss , Jenrmie Santoui ,
I.Izziu McKemizio amid Leva Ilamid , the
latter being especially worthy of praise.
Tile society voted to iutiy an organ , the
cost not to exceed one hundred dollars.
The conimmitteo , who have the mnattur 1mm
"hmargo are F. M. Bailey , Mis. May
Ii. feui' , Misses hays , Ituustin aumd
l'strick. 'l'hio quiestiomi debated was ,
' 'Iteshl'Cl , 'l'lumtt it is better to strive fir
honor tiusim itichies , " The question for
the next nmi.'utimig is , "Ilesolved , 'flint
L'rohiibi tirni is the only method of stm
, iressmimg Iuitempernuico imi ( ho use of Imi-
toxicatumig Lh1itr.s , , "
Boats Ju1o Beoke Oat of a P1110
Ai111a1 ,
tue Ileni.t Stnlci at 8 O'Chick In ( lie
E'euiIng l'm'ommi t lie Itoni' of
HelIrer & 1tcciit' Store.
Judge Bemmeke is imidignaiit amid well ho
may bo , for he Imas been beaten out of a
litie animal by a mn'iscrabhd horse thief.
Tuesday , about 8o'clock , Dr. Frisoni
tiCul a horse in the rear of Schiroter &
licchit.'s drug store on Fifteenthi street ,
iiitl at 3 o'clock wlieii he went after the
, nimnl to shelter it for time night , sonic
iiie hiiitl beemi there before him and led
lie horse away. The police were multi.
fled but lit ) trace of the animal has neyct
beeti found.
it. vuis a flue aniimlal , color buckskin ,
with a white nuane and tail. I t was
ovuicd by a church society , and vuts
brought in fromaPaxton's Iasturo 'fmosday
uveuuimig , amid was to be presented
to .ludge lk'mieko. Dr. Frisoni was to
imiake the lresemitatioti speech , vhuichi lie
had prepared and committed to memory ,
and was not a little clmngrimied whiemi he
discovered thiat seine unthought-of party
lund walked away with the prize.
\VIto could blame Judge I3eneke for
boimug filled with righteous indigmiatiomi on
such an occasion I Just think of it. A
tine horse almost imi his l)088055iofl , amid
then to lose it ; ill such a manner. If that
fellow is caught amid brought boforoJudgo
liommoko , woe uiito iminm. It wore better
for him that a millstone were hanged
bout his neck and ho hind jumped into
the Missouri river.
JUithly Sluggci.
A atramigur iii tile city Is now lying at
time St. Joseph hospital , having been tue
victim of a footpad. Monday night , near
the gas works , he was attacked by a man ,
who struck him on time head with a club ,
cutting a gash two ammd a half inches in
ongth and penetrating to thio bone. Iii
lie squabble lie was also stnbocd in the
tuft lmnuid quite severely. He was robbed
, , f $1 1. lIe was carried to the hospital
t'uesday morning , whiomi a phiysiciami
dressed his wommuuds and he is now coni-
Ti'Ial iii ii Fl 1e , lscnpe.
This aftsrnoon , at 2 o'clock , the standpipe -
pipe and fii'e.escape , recently erected
( muon the south fr.nt of the Millard hotel -
tel , will be tested by the lice department
umlder the direction of Chief Butler. As
this is the first stand pipe erected in this
city its workings will be watched with
considerable interest , amid all citizens are
'nvited to ho lresent and witness time ox-
iiibition , Mr. ir. J3runcr , tim Pateultee
auid manufacturer , is iii the city to wit-
'lops lle ( minI ,
Absolutely Pure.
ThIs p , sdor never varies , A marvel of purity.
tronrh ud who1ee macfleas. More erotit mical Ut ui
ho odfnwy kinds , aitd catinot boSDili lii oiuj.etiti .n
lththo iculUtud" I S low test , short s eIt ) , alum ui
, -ioph ) e inwd T5. 50111 only In cane. loyal 141 i
hIlC pnwIc , , ( 4' , , 108 wsmm Strest Nu ( or ( .
srspeotalii wilt f'oeit.tvely not be Inserted
unless ilald in advance.
' 10 LOAN-MoneT.
ONEYTOlOAN1nsume of 5OO , or more Dli
lvi Ionz ( hue .t ( ii Itr cent per annum by 5. 0.
Patterson &Co. , 1404 Farnani St. 714'iuuo
tIONEY LOANED-On chattel secuilty. C. F. .
1I MAYNE a ; CU , itOO } 'aruaiu lit. 64.imoi
tONF.Y TO WAN-The lowest tat. . of Intercet
vI Ilemis' Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas.
I4ONEY TO LOAN-Call at Law ottice Of I ) , L.
.1u. Thomas , room 8 , Crolghton 1Uoc.
fONKY TO LOAN-J. T- batty oane on chatte1
.INI property. 515 Bouthmtth St. .eptl6
TANTEl-A c9sbe ! girl for geutral house work
fl 2tlUSt. .MaTSlise ,
W Al1E1)A itt the Ilarney 'it. lieStauralIt.
2(0 5 $
I7ANTED-0oat makir. iso Farnatu Ci.
11 esot :
T.sNTEI-A good maltlitrst ! 5. lItrschbrir 821
is s iuras.s 5,56'
TAN'Jr.I-t oortsl ! 1M1)5f porterat ( Irutiolmutu
S Pros mCJJ 'erieuiu SI , 214-if
I 7 I'tNl Eli-Ti , 0 ) ' ( or mother anti , IaiigItt r
1 1 to go Fort Nljiraits as couk imti miumse rh N.
. hOlhS ( 25561
I 17AN1 P1)-Co t dl tn room girl at Carey tiotte
I thu IiaCtlj.Ort. o.t ( I
I % 'A'uEI-1Irl to do geioeral hniitaoik. t
S 1 qtulru it ; hiuifiat's grucLry store tuot i'aVou
IteI. !
' 'AN Eli-a msn ut C mwr'es to r 'a a cIrcuhir
55 sEw ifl 5iO43tIt. . . Addrsa "LI. &U."IO 00 ,
131. Uiiculo Nih. 231.5
' - . small i'I at 1003 Faniam It.
I7ANTUl-Iclitue hands At Om.h& Stuirt factory
) 1 iz Eaniauu fl.
' 7 ANTE- ' . d. Lltdwn work , ( hood us.
gisst.1tovo4cuok. apjlyS. tltr.'rr2'th
: in ( .thhunl $1 , 25.5-if
- '
Infants and Children
'Withont Morphine or Nareotino ,
lVhat givo's our Children rosy cheeks ,
What cures Uichr fevers , limb's thorn sleep ;
'TIe i'uitnrla ,
Then Ilabtea fret , anti cry by timrns ,
Whatcuros tlieircollc , kills their woniis
hut Cntnri ,
% 1iat quIckly cures Constipation ,
Sour I3touiacli , Cold.s , Indlgr"t ion :
utt Cast aria.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and l'aregoric , nailHail
Hail Cestorla.
Contour Linlmant.-Ab-
sointo cure for Rhonmatism ,
Sprains , Burns , GalLs , &o. , anti an
instaiitauootia Pain-rollover.
- - - -
- - - -
ITANTEn-A eJwrienctMt 'tratit girl t.r goucral
S 1 ho to-work , a ust come well recouiniauidomat (2.
(3 ( 5tont.omncry I'.O Ilarney Hi , 2 3 0
17XNTED-t coo.l gill at 412 10th stres , 1st.
1 Iittrney amil htosaril. 222-5h
' " s.imm ; , IA , ' I I'A'Ji Uii,0 (2t ) . , Of
'I" Cmirag , Ill , want agents to camiva. , I mha atut
vieltilti for their new spotlall Irs. TI cy ' haluu theIr
1,0,1 scents cleir hi per day. CircuLtri fro. .
) _ ' good cvivas-'eri ftr Colorado ,
' \7ANTEI'rwI
lltuoole1gc of the 'lOll d 1' ui traIo teco..ar5 ,
fOflIll C am , ! 7 Lvaltt' llo'k , Council hilults louta.
) - few ngent hmnn'ethttoly , Onuaha
\7ANTE1)-A \
V ' . 310ro ltepalrWork. , jJ'J . 4th CL 915.lii I
% yANl ElGirl for general houeaLrK , at 1th1'
V hotidas street. 715-tf
\ \TANTEI-8aIcsman for oath county In the U ,
S. Vt' and oxptmie. ( loo.Is soul hr samniilo.
Send itanup , LA BELLE StF'U 00 , , Chicago , Iii.
000.Iat ecu ,
' \T'tNTE1)- -A cuumeteiit ; gIrl to do ventral
V hou ii work , ettstiy iramlanient and
Wa1'es. .tlully to Mrs , A. v. Clarke , lapililon , Nub.
young moan , ultb exIuHelico Clii fuirnhih m return.
nicadatloits. Address at once " 13. II. J , " Use oilier.
24 1.1
IATAN I EL--Iiya gui , a PlactoeworhIglut hnijsu.
V V stork. Adiresa "St. I , , ' IILC otflc. 251 ! 5 !
' \ ) - ' to sew Iii fatnflks , will gI'.c
muatishtetlon. Adulrur " 1' . 11. " Uoe 0121cc.
W 7ANLFL-AMituuntioii by a you , g muan to care
for horses or cos lii a irluata famIly or It , u.
dairy. AtIlress"W If. mi " flea cilia , . 23161
) ii aynuuv rnaiiuf tuonuc camutrielice iii
S dispeiu.liug a situation lii a drug htu.rc , good tf-
erelicee call be gI.eri. Alulrtuui "It. I. SI. " room 5 ?
l"itiizer'ui lilock oiiosito 1' . 0. 230-1 I
ANiEu-n.mumoyiiue evetuluirs , aim lutep a sut
S of hooks or do uuii other stork. Addr,3'u ' 1. .
Uro olllce. 121 tf
\yANT-l-mnlum by iuuu : and w fo in it Irisato
I i.uuhly , state teni. Aduiros "I ) , u. " lieu , once :
1TANTEt-uiomo fora 1uos 7 , a' .1 glrm 8 toatten ,
S ? setunri for the slitter or 1ouer Add , .
v. C XV. " imea tililee. 114 6
ron RENT--Rouses and Lots.
UttNiSllED hoot , for rriitaiul fiiriltiro for pale ,
wIll e\ctuango for board. Addres "A. II. " 1515
N.1DlhSt. 40.7f
Foil ISENT-Teomarge rooms at No. 1121 north
' 17(11 t. 219-61
Foil IIENT-Large front m arlor room and board ,
1010 Capitol avenue. 247 5 !
iUiNI.51IELroonu for rent so tall. . for sIngle goli.
tlenuuu 2 Iu1ock from Opera 1oue. 1612 Sr.
natnht. 245.51
riomc 8ENrU.CfltiUtUTlU iiuuuvf 4 room.
L withl , 4 hhocke of St. % Iary's te. Str et car line
l'rice 3 500. Thle ill be In the market 4 days onmy.
1f. ii. 111EV a
257.8 8. IV. coruor 15th and Farnani.
F Oil 1tENrorno howse , barn , fruit , aere
4 room house , 2 acree.
14 room hiuuuu now.
250-if 120 ! Firnanu ,
oRiwNr-mouo nurelue' 1011 } 'arnam it. .5O
I or mutoalli. AitiulI to Fred V. 0ra , 8th anti
Douglas St. U6-1l )
F OR RENT-'ith ore ithout furniture , cun trilent
rooms for house keejuing for snuil fondly IGiS
Dodge Street
OR RENT-Furnished root , and day board at
rrnsonab1o rates , at 181 I Lavov hort street , b t.
16th and 10th. 921.11' ]
IIENC-Furnllheui recin lullS l"aruiruui Street.
902 Sf
? OR FIENT-New liouqu sIx rooti , ' , coiistnkuce.
C uinplete. To a good tout nt or i5. a iuu utfi
22.8 A. F. iilruui&C0 , Sauindertu t.
JOft IIENTFuritlluui ruoino , 1810 1)oigo ttree
'olt 1-XCIIANEIE-CIty , etdcuces , far , boa.
4 Iuuesa t1talicc. .j. w. I.OL'NSlUIY ,
2 5-1ui 15th niud Fsru.a'n.
° R IUNF-IIsemcnt ] rc'nnl 2id ) , N. W corner
F Teutti and Juitve 8' 1 Futuiulru of 51 , uu 'I . Ktn
II , d' S 1 curlier lOut slid .ltthutt. 22 trI
? OI1 hIm : .T IjoluCo sOl I'll rtOins.
I 1811-if J. I'lliI'l'd 1(01 ] , 5th and Spueo strect.
I I ( uINT-stx : retail hnuoe , arti Icaveuu.
son Ii streets. hiuqulie itt 1 120 Liougias btrut t.
I j'Oit I1ENT-Threc furs ielu.xi rooms for liaise.
luciulug , clitap. Cutil t 1501) ) } 'arlumuin , reom 1 $
150 II
'VII IIE'i'T-Wilti board , lnrgo front roohum ulIIs
1 bay liidow , gas and bath roui , At 1714 Pu' go
: 'olt tmiNV-A : nIce new bill 1419 Dodge hI. In.
tjulro on lrvmlt' .
"CR IIENT-1'ou , clusniberu , cont-nlent for houo
4 keeping , trout aim ! , tar entrance , lumurd and bolt
nterl.urtloe luA lag the city. WlUbeluucated tic 5th
319 morth 17th i3ruet , 143 51
IIENI'-3 now houues , 10 rooms ea.'h , bitii ,
1 i.a. ; , hot meidoold water &c , I neap to iIst , c1ss
toeniut IIOGOS & HILL.
IClLYtnruIlChetl roomolet ( sith or without
L board 1(15 D.lgo SI. 123S'
_ _
1oR 1tEh'T.-.FumlslutdroomforgrntIumcn Ad.
.1 dross "J , C , " osru &u alike.
t'omt IIENT .Iioua at 510 8. Elrd CL , with six
I ruouit kitchen and teller , 120 , ler month.
-i-uolt IIENT-Furalalied room. on the northwosu
I our. 1Sh : saud ClitlftemiUO , formerly Crntghton
lions. .
O NE furnished room for rent at lIP , large enongb
for two ucculuatuts , 1014 SYobater.treet. 545-U
° IIENT-l'oorns In Nebrasla Niutiona flank
F Iluilding , Mo.t desiriblu oiflcoa Ii , ( ho city.
buiUo.I , with hyilraulic elulator 51111 heated cy
stoma. Api'l ) ' at flank. 526-U
_ _ _ _
LEASE-Four choice Iota on2QthCt. , Iou
1:1 : Iitn,4I7 N' , 16th St. J. I. . Marble. 6-26.t
1'011 RENT-New store 1mm 'Felt's block on
j4 ders street. 0o.uut location for grocery store ,
tutciuetahup etc. Inquire Si i'cople. bank , Doulgr
SI , _ _ _ 201,0
I ' ) OR RltNT-lte.1denco mind atorobutldingui. SF. !
.hj FORm ) 5 : SOUEII , lUsl Estate Armucy. CIlia.
Cad aide 14(1 , street , betWwefl Earned and Dougisa
street , , . 711'j.t
Felt hALE.
I ' ( Ill SAi.-.t ; stock ci Icots arul aSous at a tar.
i gain , Addrc , . "A. V. " lttsm elSie. 251.5
'oiL S 'LI ] Thou tmi foot ahow ctcs Inquulte
Jilueiiui ed I-'ait-kso , 6e 11
I C.tLt-Iieut farm in Easti-ru N-bra.ts , Oh
II il'ud irOuum Ousha , ii , H. 1itE5 .1 00. , 14. 59' ,
) tmtcr 11Cm aad Fsrnam.
1-loll ( i&l E-2S-Ilve room hoe-u , lfarh.'tch' . &tI
y dillon , suit , clilern , i-Ic , fIle. lee. 51,500 ,
1st-ti UE iiA's'NE , 1509 t'ar(1aut ,
- -
, Oil SME-5O-tlcn'eot 7 rooms , lt SOxlt ,
I 1 Shin's'.2nuh auhihltmon. $ i , & 0 , tifl ion time. OEMAYNE&C0,1509 Farusin.
T'OtI SAI.E Pu-c acm-c lots , near faIr croiinuts ,
8f ) o cli , icu dos-n , Irit.iio. , in monthly
mntnts. U l5I'Ng& C ) ,
154tf 1502) I arnam.
11011 8.51.140 ] -Two ICI a hell aere' , S ru'omn uet'
_ hl laws. iiauudt-r' SIT et , a lusruealn , (2,100. U 1 ] MA YNE & CII , 1901) Fttrmiatn.
I 4OI1 S lii ] 42-Itoiwe of ti ; ; ; ; , . , lot. fflalal ,
us il , cu-uterum , vtc. , l'nrker'A ad Ut on. St Sue ) , I s.7
lermu , (5 ESI.t9 : .t : & . ,
1S7-tf Ito. ) l'.srmmam
I sAI.I-Tno : flu-st rsidtice lot , , in ( Ito city ,
% Cr % liltali , dull 1 102 llama. C I'2 5tA'Nm' & (1 , ht03 h'nnismn.
F ° SALF'-43-F.i gamut little lISCO , 2113 IIuuiuty
stroll , 2,25u , raMfl , lily cicu ,
its tf I. : . 1 ] . S1A9'.E& (2) ) , 1209 Farnaic.
1 utmt 21.51,15-52- fiut . egant lti on llarnry , hue.
tleijii uoth amtd 24t , , , ttueuta.
1'l tf (2. I ] . SltVNS m ' 0. , 1503 rarnana
I lttt 'Alfl-No. I-T.ruon huemr , lugo burn ,
I ! termi , uelI , ste. l.ot SOxiS" , near centerof elt
2noo , 5ou .lu n , lualanco muuoimhly cuts.
Ill-if C. I3m ] .9'NL a CO. , th 9 I'arnamn.
FoIl It'Nf-Tlurcu iutccronns piiItbtu f 'r 11:1.1
huut1ekeelg , , , and out macgo room. f.ui , , , t , ,
unfmiriu'd , , , mi r'hcist eec. id Ii am U utunturt slliuvItt : & tiLI.i , ( III ,21C-4.
4)011 i3A1,1-11 : , nero , in IPo 1' . 55. suci' : . , ,
iuileq ! from 1' . 0. 5..o'i
tine tract etunt , i ( lr' . , J ninvS. 1 : . t' outer
1I&tuucomu , l'rk $ d.O. 0
595 acres , su hi liu1ro , I lniu ' 0 tI fr"mm hut , Vt. ' 1
stuk rtrulu , at .113.03 Icr Itt-ru. i'.i hir.\ CU ,
_ _ _
I' ° pcegiii.hrpl top buegi. samuti omit'
luliactOn. fuuqtuiru 14.0 i.umd l4tt liodgu streeL
I su.t45S'ery mulco 5 rOOlui CutttigC , lot
I 00x I IC , Rhoic iuui fruit trao4 atutl al ttlumdi if
uimuall trtm t tn'uu atui unu.lualf lulocks fr'iuu , teet car
titte , 2 0 ci Tcriii eay , I F. MA S'Sl A ( ' 0 ,
150.0 1509 I'ainammi.
4 OIl 14 51.E-Tlio mao. ' cunuunlently atil ! elt'gantiy
turraugeI , Cottavo in Onunlua. .iui'ut finl.heui , pcen
rnomue. eluPCt , ia , tr s , ct-bar , noah , gratu ,
( Isli en , city latcr , C c Tmiu I , s ocatuon In the city.
Streetcars ua-e ( lie ilor. If uu snot ft COIflluhtfi
(01110 , 5 Ill sull hut got such a cli imuco aguIi. s,200.
S'trc cau.y ( crams. C. E. MA5'NI & CO. ,
24)-ti 1509 Farmuam
I'olt 24 STE-itS feet front on ahcrman aucmuue , tale
I tier lot , hitto brain , , ucry cheap $ ig 0. Coo.
third e.iuuh , god , iiue ( Jul luilaucu.
239-ti 0 1 'uIAVNI & CC , 1500 I'arnam ,
'Ol1 .SALI.-A geuu , cal stocic , conel-t iu of Iry
Coeds auuioroeerI-s , , for Ca Ii Do ii locutIon ,
an ' a goul trade. 55,111 sell or rmit bum Ilimig. m1n.
pen fo aelliui , lor Iaalttu. AddrR , Toos. 1tshtonj
Boa 213 , Nula , Iowa. 2Otl-8 $
S AUlImlis AND lhlMEiiU0lI'R NEW ADDI.
TION. The tht iru , Ju.t been tiled for record ,
and the Putt In thuo iuett' anti v.lua Ic uol Itiu.n are
hOW liii g sold. 'I liii additIon lb-u. cm fi a few role
troin the CIty ReservoIr. a ortlu i f It occtmp lug ue
V C5' high amid eunmun itullu g h0itlutI. A lublic picker
or alasiro mcsorthauubecn donated to the luublic Sty
the turopmlet.cra. shlc' , Inko . lit ueon'jIeratioiu with
its lroxhulty to the micuc line of eU ret cars , nomi to
io Ut on Slower avenue , auuti the rpoetI Cell Line
hot I , tIhich neat .iio th ough or hear t this 5(1(11
I Ion. taukes it one of the mujoat do-Irabl ! lre fur In
et edIt to be fouuiul lii or lut.ur OIl alIt. 1'rtc.u are
.ry le' atl tern , nuale to tdt purchat cc. We
amine d tiula seLl mb . to the ublic at , ouo of the
best invcstnc mute Iii rash cu sb , A , Saunder. , .5 ta ,
Iuao I Ite li its to sh e , ai the lots are now en sale
at 14 4 Farnmn stree , Just opkuos to the Paxton
ifoV"l. Ala , It. C. l'at coon a Cu's ileal Et.atiu
atato Aitctucy ) mv. , those lot for talc. 212 St
l _ T ii ub cllluer I. , lalIng orders for sills-v hit.
irtatloii I I ( Ito I'rlees munch telS' those at
atuctl a a ls. helen lie ' , . to thuusu m-uplled. John
SicCulloch , Ill Irustamud Say. 1Lnk , Cicguu.
2(3 .uuut
I 11 E-45-Tao full lots , 7 r cm huouseharru.
ci.tttn , Will ptmnitd ort , , etc. Zl,6P ; one tluinI
cat-lu , or ili traUo br fariu. sbhn tav..Iuc mnileti of
Omnahutu. C. 11 HAl N & ' 'I )
is ? tf 11,00 , Faruotti
F Oil SAl Iiar ] ; room lioti't'on luturenport STe't ,
in lit udlm ordu r , vemy lure Ihce , i2G 0 , &I0O
donn. btulaete on ilium tile imtstsllt , emits
1-1-tf (2. fl. SIAYNE a U ) . , 150 Farnani.
t4it .Sll-17--Neu S bayn 'is-
I - - - cot sea , roomulo , , -
tern ete , lot 50x150 , on Coat-tnt street , 13,000.
10mg tIn a on marL C. E. 3lA'iui , CO.
175-tm 1511) ) 1'.urnam.
jOIl attn-n egamut reidencu Iris within few
blueku of street cxix C150 to S 10 , 5 er cent.
down auul S 1(0 celttiulotutIu % ' . No m nlr street rail.
lvaI-s or ha boa iItme 0 oirljt-i , but geol s1ut'sn1k
aliCe suu. (2 E 51,1 ) NE & 0(3 ,
189 If 1ruoi Fani in ,
Put S.LE-2i-Fiuoroom ttoust , full lot , horn.
shrubbety , etc. , 15th str , ot , sunlit Ornate.
: r.lbo. CE&IAVNE&CO ,
17051 15.2) Corns-rn.
I Oft SALE-A iicarly new houe of 5 rooms aiu4
1 haU lot , on Charles street , nea r Kln. 31,000 ; 5ee
down , balance monthly msment. Auldro.s ,
15Ott ( IE's. it. 1IATIIIION , City.
OIl SAI.E-Finui realdotuco 1cm , in Oranui Vie ad.
F , JltIwn , $175 to t32' on monthly aymente.
170 Sf C. H. MAYNE S t.'O , 1501 Farnarn ,
Ton CAIE-.LotlE Iii IIlmt.b ugh pli'o one blool ,
frsm $1. car line ; very dusirahlo residence jcou-
city. SI1IUVEII& HELl. .
oilS.tTEOgood stove.some furnht.'ro and a
isugo 1muntity of cx eflemit sine , er cheap 1SO
Calif. cumin St. 951.Jnuo
I SALE-Choip , gao I couuter. Irtuinirutat 'I' .
F. I.yo-i's Char Store , 207 d. 15th St. 95 tf
o ! : SA1.E-49 - Large house , two full Itut ,
barn , .Il , , Isterru , etc. A siluuiid home ; 2,65q.
good toute Ut , uu3 mmuuott ,
ISO tf (2. } ] MAY2E& CO IrCO Fanuanu.
; 'oit $ .5i,1-IItiii 1 amid I a ad farnux II. ii
111EV & CO. , S.V. . cirner 151 , . . ai.d l'arnanu.
050 tf
volt s.f.u51Tao one lots in Koum'titItli'a
I. tht Ii mcmi , clasp. ltuuy I ccl , s
E M.Th1&CO. , ] &O Fornam.
_ _
Foil S 51,1A fea five acre lots jour the Fob
gr ( hid , I cry Cliralu. , tuu I'g Illume.
5I3 ti (2' ( E. SIAYNE & ( .0. , 1609 Farnamn
I 'tOi1 591S-1O1 ] to 15 ' eord 2 ) tarui send , now
it hug I tutuhuoIl At , ' ' l.uuwu i'.uruz" on ( 'umulig Sr. ,
huli uutil ' , Ct Cf Military lirl gu' , 'uS'Iil 01u15' ) ai sold
to cmii. lurchour. illlliS , % g lit , 1 Ui and Iougla
Street' . 833-tf
'Oll CALE Facto a intics ' 3. W. of city. I , quire
ci .Smmui , 5153cr O'J N. 10mm , 2Q. til.Imni
I tAIIE CIjANOi-Ye ciTer for solo at a hargalu ,
, two tltouaan.1 acres of boid in a body. Will
itrnbo a flue stiuck ranch. SLc nulle. , frum County
Scat of Buono county , Terums owuy.
0 1' . lM'IIl2t'O , 15 5 F'arnamn street ,
Foil HALE-Twolot N. V , corner of 2.5th and
Chicago St. luutluiro of Edhoim and Erickson. _ _ _ _
tilt SALI-A few chlte 1054 In Lowe's addition
4 and I'ruupout , Itlaro , 1175 to 4eso , month'y in.
etalimneiuts. 1' . E. NA'I NE , t (20. ( ,
182(1 la-ti F'au-oamn.
F Oil HALE-A first class sooonti band top buggy.
Call at 1319 homey street , 97(1
IsoR SALE-Reeldenoe and buxinese property In
IL all srta of Omaha , s-nd Fanu Lands in .21 parts
of the State. UEOFOIII ) & SOUEIS , 213 8. 14th St. b.t. Yarnam and Dcolaa ,
171011 HAL1I-Twopoetsous , , 10 aors.pooe
.L' Apply at 1) . FITZI'ATitiCiC ,
038.5 ! 218 South lIthitt.roet.
TJIOlt SALE-At abargaiua anton tlosierflabouamua
I iti Co's fire proof tuaJe. lnqtike at thia 011100.
.IJ'oR SALE-Ul400wbpsper. in lug. sad maI )
1 rantltIe. at EhI. .r- , ' , , if
mAKEN UP-Ileoland white , hefershotit tstoyear
1. old , ( ) siter Cull ha c same luy tahtu charees.
I. ( ] Iiisdurjtii 15. 19th SL bttv'ia ii Ceruturariul Ilor-
ca1 ts. 255.Sik ! _
OST ( Ill STO EN-At the recent i1mat corner
-4 111th a' ii Ilalcupolt , S oil IalntltIg , 2 txbIe ,
PsIleral chairsauuI oilier artclcs , iiesari uc II bi
gluemu It iturued to T , 0. Shluio , 2d N. 15th atrwt ,
. *
grtiolJiit'g hetra 99'iIlin1t.7j
_ 4 htuth emil J ties o ( a ltleruul rucard for lt ri'
turn to Joe uitlutor 11th amit done , (3 ( s , RI' 5
OIT-Ysteuday betseemi couity clerk snlticontI
4 tiosrut tuf Irsils 0710 5 00 I III i-ft. OQ toward v LI
bu the houto.i II der at ( tile tutliet' , tSd 5
A ItAIIE CIIAN'E One rood 'ua'i wIth umiti
dm1110 I t I I mlii J an on unlt5- a each ; . , his
c.iIIoI mutuiuth5 , St5 addrti , lug "J. U. 11. " aI.u utllcau
2V48I -
I 04TA gd I I&Oteuwaloc'arm.'ladr sIThI
4Ctibattl5 r.soirdi'd ii , eturi.d 1 * ,
1a91 ! 0 , E. SlVtNla ] CO. , hiOOYai-muiam
lOAIIIE amid luIgin$1.i.O ir week s thuflarnoy
I ) st. it stauraet , 8,2 ma'
M&GluiTEht OF l'AI.MYS'i'iIliY AN ! ) CONDITION.
1151 303 Teuth siroot , betsuon Yarns-rn and Far.
fey , will , with the aId of guudls-n siulrit&u , obtaI log
Sal DEIC S gIsace ol tb past and crc-at , and tIer
ct-rt&In contlitionu. Iii the future , Hoots said 1aus'
ma o odcr. i'e'rfect , uatW&ctan guaranteed.