II II I I I flUREETING TO THE TB4PJE : l EXTEND THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP TO YOU AND ASK FOR A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE IN ftthiIayG cdsJ1 [ Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs , Music and Music Books , I have laid in a I $21LilOUSTUCKOFTOY $ _ I Fancy GoodsandSfflall Musical Instruments , Offering you the Choice Selections of i 1 8 DIFFERENT LRGEIMPORTING HOUSESJ [ I Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my I : : i ASSORTMENTS OF TOYS 1 - Made up and selected by myself ; the assortments , have heretofore been all made u p in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; th © result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments ar 0 : made up as follows ; t 100:00 assortmentover 200 different article - - : - : } s : 1 50.00 t 1 tit 15 0 ff ; 35 ,00 of 125 fi ti 25.00 ii K 100 till \ 15.00 ct ct 7 5 cc - showing at once the large assortment of well selected aril salable goods you will get I have also made up a number of $5.00 Cases of 5 and lOc. goods , and als 0 $10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for th e Holiday Trade. ofClirtrnasNeYearalldBirt11day , CardsJ I CAURY ALSO A Ii IN1l LINE OF Ti PHOTOORAPH ANDAUTOORAPH ALBUIi. . . : ii Toilet Sets , Purses and Pocketbooks w - } L I ! ) Shell and Wag Flowers Under Glaoea And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with sam- pies on the road ; one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my sam- pies and layout will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make your own selection , I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with the right man always will do , E 1 e ctfiifl ( I f ' r ; I No e 3 out ain Streets Council u 1 Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL N1C\VS , ItnUwny Changes , Colregxudeucu tit rho 1lsK. DltxHOUnt 1'.uJia , 1)t'cmnbor I.- ( ' . 11 , imwlcr , general aupcrint + nldunt , is sues n circular mulouncing thu npoiut meat of 1C. . ] lresrnson its supcriutoud eat of trnnsportnliou of Ulu Sioux City 8.1'ncilic rnilrvny , with hetublunrGlre at Norfolk , Nubrnskn , llr , liroavnaott w ns formerly nasietnnt anperiulundmd of ile lnw It division of ihu Northtvustern , l I ; . Putter is nppnitihnl chief train diaptttGlur uf Ihu lutes division of the Sioux City . 1'aciltu railroad , Thu city cuuneil llaviag graded iho Sioux City 1'dciliu railway ale right of way through Fullrlh and Sixth streets , t rack will aoou hit laid and n Rtunm ahuwul set to work cutting streets ttrm ) ; h thu hills , u rrri'1 : Re rti M 1LiV - ftN. Curre.tendonro of Tnx ] ixx , 1LA1.t'nus , Iowa , Dec + nnbrrA now flour mill is alto next gaud acheulu to 1)t ulnierinlizaL \V , F. Stems and s u spent Suuday with \V , 1) . Ivnlls , O , P , Donnur 11as purchased th , prop arty known its French's livuq' Alnblo , iu eluding the outiro contents , \V. P Aduus , of Fulton , 111 , , visited n fury days Witlt his cousin , b'rod Sohwidt the first of the week , Ou Friday last fir , ] rvhig Skadan wit s rhrotvu ( rent his baggy , and in nlightin g h is ahiu bune was broken ht two places Thu patient is doing teeth "l'is not without cause that Juha Bar tan new tl arbles , " ( iii , husD them , ut } baba. " 1ltuthcr nod daughter era loin tvuhl. Roy , Father Ityauof Shenandoah , wa g in town Tuesday , snaking nrrnngmuaut i for the fair to be held hero on ihu oven . hags of ll'edncedny anl'1'uesday uozt , it I behalf of ale Catholic church of illi 9 plaeu. A goodly nuulbor availed themselves o l the opportunity of calm } , ' ptutankus 071 d wearing noek hea at the pancake nn d necktie fuatitalFridny urutliug. Mr , nod Mrs , 11 , O. Ferguson apes I , thin first of the week with Rev. iyfeAfe u tutd wife. I tit . , atertniunent given by the achor )1 ) : hildren ou'I'huraday night was a aucces S bath financially and socially. At n utsctiug of thu Maharn Iramati c ssuctatiett the following ollicers w er 1 , lected for the ensuing year : Manager + { V. 11 , iearieg ; treasurer , Burt Darling + " ' + tnlttnr , .J. IL lirn + lt ; ( lirnetnrs , 11Tis ' Emma Brown , Iliss Flora Brothers , 1)r Dearing ; stage uiaaal cr , floury Baird. For the first thou Ill a another of yen tx cilorts were tondo to give a select suci ill ; , , arty/ at this place Friday evening . Thought the dilliculties to be ovorco0l e tvet.e not a few , yet the uulsL sangaiu I ) expectations were more than realize ( L ] lfusic tease f numbed uy Olaul's olchu " tra , and an . 'njoyablu time was ruporte by all tvho t titled , uustberiiig thirt ) couples or more. 1'or lltubeaeftt'o the few tvhu cake it a rule to frown mm the itinoconlt pleasur oe of this life , and tvho have been bush 1y ( engaged in spreading the report that t1 e harmony of the occasion was marred by . , let they were pleased to turn a 'row , ' let it ho stated that the sane is witht 111 fuutdatiou , as are all other malicious r ° ports which are manufactured for t1 ( ' ( purpose of ntl'uctiag public opininn. t'PEll.n - - - - Mrs. M. Carroll , fashionable ire Is. staking. Cutting and lifting a specinlt y. Apprentices wanted. No , 820 First av u title. ILcnlaEstiue Trnii tors. Thu following dee L1 wore filed for r e cord in tee recorder's office. Decomb Dr 4 , reported for the BEE by I' . J , N C Mahon , real estate agent : C. , IL .1. ti's P. IL R Co. to T. S Cnmp " 11 , sw } , of sw.r { 29 , 77 , : I 8 ; fo0''r ' pal3 : I 2 ; y xFa.a , v8'usd 5.1 , llopkina tti T ] ) . Ilarrcll , pa rt ltt } , of ten' } , 20 , Ot , t9 ; d. B. Ilnrrehl to Win. IL roglesoll 0 r part aw3 , of nw } , 27 , 74 , :18 : ; $ Iioo. Ill. EPm'shnll to J. II. lhtrrell , Pa rt tits' . } , of art j , 31) ) , 74 , 311 ; $10 , lloyt Shwmau ltco r to.1. N. Mould I , lot ° , black 21 , Avoca ; $ ; IOD , POLtaWattrutliO Co. , to O. II. Iutruw , sW. } , of nwt , 23 , Ui ( , 44 ; $260. 11. 11. Oberllollzor to Conrad Ltlnaa r dorfcr , lots 0 to 17 iucluvivo , block 61 I , railroad add ; $30D. .T , 11. 1I. 111illult to Joseph A1cCoi d , uw } , of ac } , l f , tll ; , 44 ; $1,400. Frank Stownrt to L. M. Arnold , pa rt nw' } , of nw j , alt , 7ti10 ; $3i. .I. B. I1cCn11uR to 1t11h1U1'L J. Edmond H , part se , } , of su } , 20 , 7 I , 89 ; $40. : Maria Mynster to Coral l'Ilnning , of iii lots 1 , 21171(13 , block 11 , Mynsler's add ' $060. Augustus Cox to Ilenry Craven , no.l , 9 , 76 , 30 ; $1,876. , J , 11. Arnold to S. E. ( frothy lot a block 21 , Avuka ; $300. F. IL Ilalcock to C. A , ilarlnan , ho t 12 , black 1 , llancock , $100 : S. A , Pitrturfiuld to James 'P. Lyon s nw } , of nw. } , I7 , 76 , 44 ; $60. 't'otal Sales 59,210 Transf + rs for Ike. 6 , Lewis 1Lalnnlar to 0. T bfexluy. par 1 1 f 1 , block 17 , Bayliss' 1st aIdittml ; $800 , . W. S.11'illiaats toV. . A. hoary , let ' block 2 , llancock ; $160. llerledict Ilagg to N \ \Villiarns , it It 1 , block I , EIihank'n ' 1st addition ; $ )5 ) ( 0 , Miller to 0. Alaabush , ii su } , 17 , 7U , 41 ; $2,140 , Margaret Stoker tol'ul , I1oilHUlal + hart 16 , 76 , 4I : ; $2,10. : ; 'I'ota ] sales , $8,1168 80 , COMMERCIAL , coUmlL HLUYYH MAIIKET , \V oat-No. 2 upring , ilk ; No , 3 , CAc ; te Iectod , GOe ; good denumd. Cant-IoalerH lire paying 320 for old co rp and 26c far new Oats-In good demand at 20o' Ilnv-.l 1x0(110Ire pit , uHl ; 5Un per lido. Bye-40c ; light RUPIay. t..u 111wd l 21I puI 1(10 ( tloun(1a , Wtx t-Cued supplyi prlcea at ytutiH , 6 00 G 00 , foal-1)Rllverd ( , loud , II 66 ( er tun ; sot t , 000 per tune ButWr-Teary 110(1 in lair dsuumd at 25 u ; eroaslury : { Sa liggR- heady Ralo at 20e per Boren , IeudFulrbuuk'x , wholasding at I I ( ; I'uultryFlrra ; dealers wo paylug ft 'r chlcka „ 1r ; live , 2 fA per dwen , VegetllhluI'etutouH,50coelelIR ; , IOcCII ; ) bagrn , : ( Jg Ilk ( ter ( I oI , ; upplt + s , : i 00113 f per barrel , lrleur-City flour , l ( dd3 ) 40 , BnaOUs 2 004f3 00 per Jai. Llvg Hrocx , L'nttlo- OOR3 GI1 ; calves , 6 00@i7 G0. ( fogs-l.ocel pIcker $ hnvu Celfh110fCUd but beg new nod there ix a gvxl duluuud fu 11 Ii Sv.tvI itt I Cn' 1' ° . . ri IOW4t It'ILI8 , Diphthorht is increasing in ] ) aveupotd , 1tittsF9ti110 Rtrcet cat's 1te vnrutcd b } ' stoves. Albin lout in'estcd $4,000 in n lire cugiua 'I'lto ' tnsabin valuation \Vortltenmity isLU8a,7U.i , An Ida county taw nship reports black. leg nmoug the cattle , llndisutt cnlutty fnrni ra will hold monthly sales of stock , l contract fur nu upent hnuso has been signal in Storm Lnku , .lclivo prospecting for coal will soon bucnunnuuecd near lun nFnIIR , A daily hack line has buoy estabhshlxl bela eeu Ida ( larva and Holstein. lies MOtnes , it'is reported , hits twenty. tutu doily and weekly nutvspapcra. It is expected tlutt r ( + ttl Will be reached i n the 1'eturauu abaft in three Icouka , Tito Patriot prcdictn a populntiou tun Peterson of not It'ss than 6,000 in live years , 'lieu dealers have shipped $ U0,000 w urth uE torsos uut of .luhnaett county during thu year , ern Brnsheres , pnatatastur at Sanborn , prunehud the lira , aornuu ut'ur heard ht Sheldon , Sit the Ziinil says , I t is rumored that 1110 big feuriug mill at Sheldon is suoti to boatartud up agatll. tt'itll the roller pttCCSs added , 'l'ime llinrslutll 'l'imes Ropublicau says , "the past month there has been n eoului- ucd round of beastly and unheard eE eriue. " Otto huller , of Truer , gota divorce the other day , anti i11 feu minutes he had a liccti a to urarry "his so-called ndoplod deuglltor.n ' 1'ho lmtkuk Canning eunf'nny LnA aIiChlAled its AeaRllll'9 work , tunouuliug to 180,000 , earls of tomatoes , pumpkin 111111 RI111aa11 , Thu'eslont Iowa ihrtieuliurnl so , cicl } ' twill hold its nnuunl steeling tit illal t ur11 un the lath , 14th turd 14th Jaya u f this 111UIlth. 'Phuru hnvu heist thirl } ' atx emn'ictiun R i11 time United States diettiet caeca at llubuquu this facto , including violnliuu s of the internal ruruuuu. it is reported that a henry vein of coal was diseorurud in the lifnsquitu valley at Purisneulh , in Shelby ccuuty , a ( uw days ago , at the depth uE ninety foot. 'I'hn tlntth annual meeting of the ] awn State Stock Breeders' assuantimi trill be held in the opera 11011811 ill 511108 , begiu uiug'1'uusdny ovalitlg , Uoccmbur 11 , 'l'aveVuadbinu girls , skating , broke through the ice where the tester was resist scup. It teal the street fortune u1 ( n young also to 1)u near at luuld and their rescuer. Taylor county ts ill ware , Decaulur 17. 1)11 n prupesitiou to issue hoods h , Ibt nutrnutt of Gfi,000 for the purpose c I erecting n court house at ] kdfurd , tin county scat. Thu search for the drawled mull n t Dubuque still continues. llirs , Jeukul who lust hotr hnjbnud nod two suits , utter " a reward n [ $ lUU for the recovery of stet I of their bodice. N. G' . ltidcuour , editor of lima 1'ng e County Democrat , hn3 sued the town o Clarinda for $ t,000 daniageB caused Ii ' his f 1l Ltet winter , in which 1tiH nuke I. was broken. bit. , T , B , Crinu011 in talking to u r i tarter said of his town : 111 ( inc there has not 1)0011 one ) Uraelt ae11t t jail , to time poorhouse , or tothe 1 ) OnIl01 1 . nary iu twenty-five years , . A family sealed Sherry , living tic ar 1Vobetor City , have l , > 3t three childr O ny tliphthoria mtd have four more ill wit the disease. The local paper says Lb IIOU a is in a ball cunditlon , which teak Op heath tlhlleal CUCiAIn. Public sentiment was so strong in De a Ifoince that Ihu gnu company wheal wltharew their npplication for a lifteu It year renuwal of Lhielr charter. The Wi I wait till the storm subsides an aneothor acne prevail , .Testes Stocking , of Cromwell , Cunn ' ut his suit in thu ltaitcd Saida coup n t Uuhuquu to recover jndgmunt ml hnu(1 Issues by the city of llubuque in aid o Chu Iht1)uquu t1 Seullnvrsturn rnilroati , was awarded a verdict of $30,000 Siaux Rapids Press ; Sioux Rapid pCnple are lint greatly to be blamed for abinlinnlg from worse drinking , 1t' e nasty , discolored ao(1 altogether repul Hive The vast bl11H of caul trill which ' chin section is underlaid cnusrR LIII. Water in Same wolfs to IIldt Dore Jilin ink thm anything oleo , r ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREIlOUS } , , , Graham Paper Co I 211 and : ID North Sfnln HL , HL T.OUIe. W110LEHM.E DEALL.tU IN NKYS , } PAPERS1WItAPIINa ENYELoI'FH , ( JARU'IIDAIU/ ! ) tPRINTERS' STOCK , i rcaMh ptdd or Jlag. and lap HtorkHclilutainda L utu wlthnut mrd A POSITIVEIaIn , , Pak , aednt' pller la , Ta. On oxNo.lsill cnroany caulnf urdayxerlu.n Nu will nun Chu mlwt ulultlnatc tows uo entree of hnv bug xtandlog. Allan's Soluble Modicatorl Boogies 5o nausoouw do.ca of nlwbe , tapaLla , ( Jr oil of xan 181 wood , thut urw . .alu to prlxhu'a dyxpupels L ) 'Icxtrn ) lutthusdhxufthontoueth ; ; , I'rl0gl GI ; ofd by ell dntkglxt , or uudlod ml tteulpt o ) paw Far /urthcr / par culura xnul ton vlrcular , 1'O , lint 1f41 ; ' " J. C , ALLAN CO. , CUR' t , /I ! Jnh.l , t n"a 4ew vnfk DR. R. I , MATTICE , ( Ireduato of plc/Ill ( / Inver.ltr : , , Mont cal , and al li"'al College 111 P ) , ) .ICI allx , Londwl , lr rttu I I lnnonaudlkllulurghvrncrnlbnpxt11lRo/l.undou / I broat I IovPIInI1111.1 hubllu II.1 IIaI i' r w uulee , Ulliruupadtol'O 61h xtrutL aurldcn , t',121 HtMary'aateuuo Ilmlra9toIIi If. , 1ta2and ) u. dn. OIIIoTtltphunu 113. - WESTERN IItON ANI ) BRASS FOUNDRY , Uts S. i flit S rel'L , Is pn ntud to male all klnda of 1410)1 ! L'axllnr ; ; , An ) pcon msdufuraHhne , DR. EMILY PAGELSEN 1 ItlCSIDENCI9 ANI ) OFF1Ch 1613 Dodge Stcc } ( Defl 16th aid llfhl OUloo bourn f torn to to 12 e. ill. and from , ( to p ti Iii. FURNITUREV I -TUIra- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMA.HiA TO BUY Furniture s IS AT ATSTONE'S They always have the largest andd best stock , NO' ' STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS , I , 4 t 1 T ) t1 l ( Cltlcago , Durlington & Qulnoy Rallroad. ) . . 0 l. I' ) I t.wlrrw Q % . k t , .l it p sEa . . -.e .r .n . , h . , , . - . 1wZ . , . an , . A „ . Q rf ! fw r 1 v . ' I COINC EAST AND WEST. COINC NORTH AD SmUTH. ; 1 I rnot ltn ) L'unch , s , Parlor Cam , will 1trcllu Folld Trahataf 1'sltKatit ia ? Loa lm anti Pull , IngClmlrs ( u'atc fn o ) , Rntoklnt rswltl , Ito martl'nlaclShep ( ' l'nrs atwrun.aly ) to and vnlvlug Chnl + s. L' iUtilan dtl.wn i I' , , 'dngCars red rtoo1 St. Iouh , tut tinnnihat , 9itncv , Keotuk. thofnuttolsl'.IL.CQllluhg'nntr ( uadatlptonnti Ia + rtlnhtnnllodarltapldsnndALIurtleatoSI. free , Chieng0.1 Ennsnc Clty , CIaturo.C , Council Pat11 a0d 1Alnnoeyolls. l'nrlorca erwlth Umntr Ilu1Tx , ( 'Me'agan .C Utw Motnrs , l'tdcngo , tat. Jo Lhatrs ( C , nut ) irons St Lotdv sad l'eorlaand& 01111 , AtclILua.C Tt1Iu'ka Only lhn t gh Ilno Oe and rrvs. ! St Louts and Otttynwa. Only o ntren l hlrng.a , Llucoln ! ; neurrrt 1'hroaI , h cars clang , of cots 1 > 0tlrecn Bt l.auls qol D. Ix'tn1en lndlartapoIs .t Loosen lilufc via l' orla 31ulnw , loan , LIReola. Nebeiaka , sett llutv , ; : , 111 cneutvCtruus tondo In 1'1'.w , IM was. It. Is Coloruj'a , knotrnnsthagreat'r111tODU11CAItLNE } , It ls.tutlversaUyndmltsdtube te Flnntrl Equipped Rallrood In 4hn WrJr'id for all Clr > s 09 of Travel , T J 1'UTL'Elt 3d Vlrat rrs't au tgon'I ' M , tngu , 'IttP'dV.T. : JJIPltr,6r. ' ir f acs , Ac't , ( hicnf. ? , ) . 5 .S. D e fJ i e 1 ' S Ur1'1 ' , 'or T 3tc C . , P ec a o e A lana , a ONE OF TItE1ia : t1i e.umd8. I1ar0beenn.llSultt'si4 etYItolu in irncttee for 'tuft ( a1 I g t ii' , nod l le II ti It Itlu hrnteutnLlnatlon witho ) Ipnrllkrnudtonla It Itnnlltelyu i.arable belt g enngnlred at ll1 uatructe of rut , w Mrh grow httldavectlnu a/llco + g'n Intulvndlnrwlthltnld + tury' Item Ihu llmo Ihu 1 nnulu un. uhtnlnnl frutu Um bnlln''x. It 1.ar.lath , nil.nf0 TCllll'It' , for alt kludx of tdno l ; . , lr.n nod nkln buutor , and In the hundred of rnu In w Mch I hn.o aced It nnd seer I1 t ned , hero has loom r Ices a fallnto to cure. 1 hat u n rcdbluud talnt In 1115 S11IRn a5'En AtIUV . . whit It , alter 1 hue mart wlgually' Ld11.1 Ig the watt aP wntHi nu texh of lreatnm at wtt + nnercury nod I.wlidl la of p , ta + 4tum , 'fh , c ui ( . lee beru cured evuUllacuv , + uxn'nllmwonercrhtalanvluGtmol ll Chu dl 1A71 III Ihl'alel'1VCa , or hl U + etr chlldreu , 'itiU : t. TOOMt It , 3L D. , o 1'crry UoutooCo.On. 'altlsihol.e.t.ell'ngronlOJylnu + y etoraand of 1d 1 caxsen of tnplo , lily It. It ha' l realm a huuuhul d remedy with ma11y of our Lett etttxuux. " WALTIItA. : TAYLOR. Atlanta , 1M , U " 1 well Hnltt'x Hurltl0-often n grant 1u ( tan tints n t 11 ttnll,11nd to ell cIa . 801110 of All udn's best pco plunxoltreguLlq annulnaulab ern + h r. I JOy61II lULluFlr'Ln , )1Uanln , On. buy tr.otbo on ills od auJ SIJn blaat ( a htnilt r1 ( frcu t oppllemte , TIII : SWAT 9I'IiCIFiO CO. , IlrnwrrI : , Allalh , Ua. ' 1 , The u.o of tllu tcrru ' Hho r Lino" 1u ( rounoctlun withth , rnryerato nano oio Irrcatroad 1 i cnn'UYH an 1(100 of ut what , 'qulrudh'thutraveling porb Ilc- Hhort Lieu , Quick Tim , L I tJ E - „ snI thn brit of occomrnods 0 tlone-U a wldch aru turn t.hed by rho gruat rot railway to Amorw' " CEIOAG0 , MILwAuR And St. Paul" Itnwna and operate. over 4,61x ) miitof rand r NorthrTl Illlnob. Wtxcon.ln , 31mnoota , loweand Ihkota ; cool a.I In nmlu Iiucx , hrnnches and connoc duns reach all till great lreinca' centre , of tin Nurthwo.t nod I'nr went , It naturally nn.wate th' tcxcripti"n of Hhort I.luo , aul trot 110111 , between Chleagu , 3111wnokeu , Hl , Paul and Mlrrlcallolle. ! hh nguM11umtkcu , I.t Cro..e and Winona. Chlcagn , Mllwaukuu , Aberdeen anvl EIlrndalo Chicago , 3111anukeu , Knm ( lalra and Htlllweter Clhng" , , )1II11aIkou , , tvnll.atl aid 3lerrill. Cldeagu,3111waukcuIlcavcr nnrn nail O.lkosh. , Chicago , ililwauka" , N'mtkuha anti ( ) , , ; , , , tnowoo , , Chlragu , 31IInauke , Madloo nod Prairie daChier Chlrago , Mitwaukcu , Oaalonlaand yalrllnnlt. ( lldtugn , llcfoltanct'Illu and MHleml Folnt. Chicago , IIg : l11 , ltuctford aid Duhugna. ( : hlragu , Clinton , neck Inland and Cedar Itaplda CMcagu , Council ! fluff , and llmalla. L M agutiluux City , Hiuux I'allaaud Yankton Chi ngn , Mllwnukcu , 31lnhell and Chanhrrlaln. flock flaud , Iulnquo , SL foul suit Mnnea ( polls Ilotmtpurt , Calmar , Nt , Paul and MIIlecapnle } I'ullnlan Sleepers and the Illec.t nlulnxCar. In world aru nut nn t hu ulnhl lint n of Ihu C H I C A CO MILWAUKEE tit PAUL RAILWAi ST hill OVOI } ' 4tCIItIIII , I. 1411 , to ) wa saeegura by court , ousenqloycaof , tmennglany ) , H. d. MEaIIILL , A. V. ll. CAIII I STKR , lieulmfa11agcr , ( kn'ITana.Agout J. T. CLAlilt , 01:0 11. 111AFIO)11D : ) , ( tuu'I Hn1IC AnM't Ocn'I Peat , Ag'I LIi o A1lctlmofearlylrnpndeneo esu Illancrvon.dnbli ty , prmustu u kcsy ( to. , having Irl.d in vain evvr , hewn , , Ilre dl.coverrda xnnplu omae.of neir' ' ere , whit h lie. wlllend I'IiIL ! : Ie III. tut Inw sulfrrtn , Address J , IL 1IL'GVIH. : 41Chalhum it. Now Vat' ' , OfRENE & M : V ) EL SS 01/N , a RCHITE OTS Cornice-Morks ; IRON AND BLATKIt00FINU. Ca SPEC 8T PROP. 1111 DOUglaa fit. Omaha , Nsb. LIANUFA(1rUI1E1101 Cah'anllen Iran Cornices ttlormr Wtuuuwe , I1uu1 , , Tin , ! nm and Rtatt Itadlug Hpu1 ht'x ' lhtlu4 Mutalllo Hkylirht , Patent i'IJustutl Ipalchot liar aul llrsekut Shelrhlg. I um Ill gunor I scent fur the abuts him 11t gouta. , Iron , uOeg , 'ru.tlur. + IIslu4tm tes , veranda. , Ito , hank shutgx , Nludnw I un I , , salter Owrdt ; oleo gcucral cut fur L'ucreeus 11W etcut'umtic Dllu'3. I 11' ITII- - - - SIOuX , 1 FILLS I GRkNITL Ante your work is drab for all time to tiuti ) to colue. - WE CHALLENGE i , to produce a.lore tlnruhte material for street p tvenwnt titan the Sioux Falls Granite , I "JI " oRDIEi.PS ; 4 , J'OIt ANY AMOCNT OF Paving ' -OR-- I filled protuptly. Samples sent and ostinuttes glvoll upouapplieation. 1'9)S ) .M BAIN & CO , , I Sioux Fulls , Fakota. , Nebraska Cornice -AND- . I oi's a MANUF.IC'YIIERs OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES aormor ViTindowsr , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MITALIC SKYLIOllr , Iron Fencing ! Creetin a , Va1n tea lc , , Yersnda , , Ofxroand Dank . Wlndow and Ccliarousrda , Etc. N. W , Con. NIN"rlt AND JONES STS. WM. UAISEII , Manager , RED STAR LINE. Belgian Itoyalund U , E. IlalIHlranlO' f5MI4INO EVERY SATURDAY DETWI EN NEW YORK AND ANTWREP 1 1'hcJ.'IJHr , aermdny , Ifnly , llulfan I cordFr utce. Outward Stceran , $301'rrpaM ; from Antwerp $ t : Exourxloll , ti'trn ; : d Calla , $55 ; Ecurslan , diVO ; Se one fret' . $ eu to kG ; Excaraluu jibs to dt25. 6u'ptter { vrgbt ( k Sou.Ocn , Agra. G511roadaay , C'dw'cll , ilmuliton Omaha ; I' , E. FIrtn eta 8 Cu. , .Oi N. 10th Strcot , Omalu ; D. E Ettnlt IL , Oaui a , 1 , ut. , tuo ecd ) Y l R t