Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1883, Image 1

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„ - -
The President Reviews the State
of the Country and Our Relations -
lations With Foreign
A 8i hly Satisfactory Bxhthil of Our
National Finances ,
Polygamy Must go Even if the
Territorial Government of
Utah has to be Abolished ,
Railroad Monopolies Must Stop
Their Extortions and Dis-
Congress is Asked to Euaot
Stringent I11ter-State
Commorolal Laws ,
The President Differs With ( ten ,
Gresham About the Postal -
tal Telegraph.
i'cnsk ii hratnly al it Bugtt Pit.
i'ilIptlIH 1111Ht ( 'CnsC.
( ) ( 'lL RORi ICN 1LIIATIO\H ,
To floc ( 'omyrcs of lime ( bticd S1nt'CS. .
At tilt threshold of yourdcliborations 1
congratulate you upon the favorable as
apct of the domestic nud foreign ntlairs o f
this govcrnrnmtt Our relation with other
nations continuo to be of n friendly foot
ing. \Vitlt the Argentine Republic ,
Au3trm , Canada , Belgium , Brazil , Dom
mark , llayti , Italy , San Domingo out i
1 Swcdmt tend Norway , no incident lie 8
occurred which culls for special corn S
The recent opening of now line
of telegraphic couuiunicatioi with i
Central America ant Brazil , per
mitted the interchange of messages o
friendship With tire governments of thus 0
countries , During the year there hav e
boon perfected and proclaimed consula
and commercial treaties with Servia and
a consular treaty with ltuuusaaia , the s
extending intercourse with the Danlbia
countries , while our castera ( elation s
have beeii upon a wide basis by treaties sI
with Corca and Madagascar. q'lio ' ties w
huumidary survey treaties with Mexico
and tradesnsark conventionaud as a sup
ploneutary treaty of extradition wit h
Spain , and time convention extending tin
duration of the Franco-Anerical claun s
conmtission have also bceu proclained.
Tllr. FI$1iI liiI a.
Notice cf the termination of the fish
i ories articles of the treaty \Vashingtoi m
was drily given to the British govern
s moat , limo privileges aid exemptions u
; , the British bovormnout , and thi ( pray
logos and exenpttgas of the treaty wil
r - ' accordingly chose on J my 1 , 188.5 , Th
fisheries industry pursued by a numerou
class of our citizens oil the norther
coastg , both of the Atlantic and Pacific
l oceans , arc worthy of the fostering o
GnrgrCSa , whemiover brought into coupe
m ! titton with like industries of other coun
tries. Our fishermen , as vvcll as ou
manufacturers of fi8hiug appliances au
, proparcrs of fish products , have unatm
tafucd a foremost place 1 suggest the
congress create a conmtission to conside
time question of our rights iii the fishier
ies and the Heats of opening to our citi
runs , tinder justasd enduring conditions
iI time richly atockocl lisping waters an .
scaling grounds of British North Amoi
A question has arisen touch
' 1 ing the deportation t ) the United Slate
from time British islands by government T1
: or ulmlici pal aid of person unable thor
10 gain a l is ingg „ mid equally a burden o
the community here. Suchn of these pct
sons as will , under the pauper class , n
defined by the law , have been sent bad
l ° .ace ° rmIanco with the { provisions of ou
f statutes. 11cr majesty s government ha
insisted that precautions have beat taker
before Shi1)um11t , iris , however , in s
npaily cases pr0y011 inotl'octual , mold espa
, ' dally so in certain reedit instances o
needy nuaigr'auts , reaching our seeretar
through Canada , that a revision of on
i' ' lei islation upon this subject may b
boomed advisable. Correspondence rein
Live to the Clayton Ilnlwcr treaty h fC5
been contiuucd and. will be laid bofor
at lutittees
F TIII : AAEIIit'AN ' 1100 ADIQA1) : .
Time legislation of France against tit
importation of prepared swine produc
has boot repealed. That result 11115 bee
sir less due to the friendly ropresenta
* " ' ' tiohs of this government than to tim
growinc ; conviction in Franco that th
restrcten 15 not demanded by an ren
Manger to health. GermanY , stilt Pro
j hibits time introduction of swine prod
; ucts from America. I extended to the im
Aerial "overnmomt a friendly invitation
t to sand' oxPurts to limo United States t
enquire whether time use of these prod
ucts was dangerous to health. This in
Vitation was declined , 1 have believed i
of such importance , however , that tlm
exact facts should be ascertained an a
promulgated that I have appointed
l competent counntsSion to make a thn r
ougfi investigation of the subject. It
members have shown their public spini
by aceeptingUleir trust without pledg
of compensation , but I trust that cot t
grass will sue in time national and iutorn a
6tionml bearings of time matter a suficien
s motive of providing at least for time coin I
bursement for such expense as they inn ;
L mcvoisarily incur.
TILE ItttSIA. ( nY.AL.
'L'ie acramatioi of the czar at s\losco ,
afl'ordud to this government an occasio
for testifying its continued friendship b
Sending a special envoy-a the
live time navy-to attend car 0
, I nlive o.f \Vhde there have arisen nu gray
questions afcctiug the status in the Rum
r scam umpire of Amiuricnn citizens of othe
faith than that held by time Nation
church , this governmment remains firm i
its convictions that time rights of citizen
abroad should 1)0 in no way ufructed b
their ruligious belief ,
CUBA Alin I'ORTo 1110 ,
It is t uderstood that measures for th
' ' Z Pm
remilov'al of the restrictions which mow.
bunion our trade with Cuba and Porto
Rico are uudor consideration by the
Spanish government. The proxiunty of
Cuba amid time peculiar umethod of mdmin
istration which there prevails necessitate
constant discussion and appeal on our
part from time proceedings 01 the imisular
autimoritics. 1 regret to say that time just
protests of this govtrnnmeat have not as
yet Prodncel satisfactory results , Thu
commmissioi a1 ointcd to dacido certain
claims of our citizens against Limo Spanish
govcrnumest , after their recognition of a
satisfactory cola as to time validity of the
0513 ° , and force of miatiuralizatieu fit the
l'attetl States , lets tiuallq adjourned.
Some of its awards , though made moro
them two years ago , ( taro
not as yet been paid. Time
specie payment in expected claims tea
a large nnmottnt , which were hold'by time
late conunfssiei without its jtmrisdictiot ,
has bent diplomatically presented to time
Spanish ov'eramemt. As the action of
those colonial muthorities which has
given rise to those elaiums wits ndmtttedto
be illegal , full roparntion for time injuries
sustained by our citizens should be
no longer delayed , Time case of
time Masonic inns not yet reached a set.
tleneit. Time lfaniia cant has found
that the proceedings , of which this gov
ornnseit lis Coln ) laiucd w ere
izod and it is ho mid that the govorumett
of S paint will not witiml10ud tine speedy
ro ) aration which its souse of
inn el it to ollbr for lima unusual
severity turd mt1mst ' action of its sub.
ordinae colonial's ollicors in the case of
this vessel.
SWmTrlatbANn ,
The Ilelvetian eomfederattou has pro.
1)08 ° (1 time iumtuguratiot of a class of inter.
natiomial treaties for time dufurmout of
arbitration of gravequestiots ) between na
tioms. This governucnt has nssmstcd to
the proposed negotiations of such a
treatrwltlm Switzerland , t'aderthetreaty
of Berlin the liberty of cotscionco mmd 1
civil rijhts ; are nssured to all strangers it 1
nu10.t iii .t.
As time Umiiled Status hate no distinc t
' consroutiomal relations with that country ,
and are not a party to time treaty , the y
should , iii may opinion , mimniutain diplo
matic representation at Sofia for time ins
provemm nt of intercourse , and time proper
protection of the ( Haim ) Amnericau eitizzen s
wino resort to that country as missionari ° s
I and strangers. I suggest that 1 be giwet i
authority to establishm am agency and cum
f sulato gcmieral at time Bulgarian capital.
Tcarnv .t mm 1.V1r.
Time United States 5ro now partici
g ating in a roviiion of tli I
gtarills of time Ottomma11 urapire. They hav u
assented to time application of a license
I tax of foruignora doing business in 'l'nr .
key , but have oppOsed time oppressive
I Storage tax 111)011 petl'olelllll ommtering time
port of that country. The governuei t
of the khedive has proposed that the au
. thority of time mixed judicial tribunals in
Egypt be extended s ° as to cover citizens
of the Ouited States accused of criuso '
vvh0 are uosv tried before consular courts
This government is not indisposed to ac .
: opt time change but belfoves that it
terms should be submitted for criticise n
to the eonunission appointed to revise tit ne
- whole subject. _ . - -
t. 1Ti0'oNs u ITil ) Imcxnco.
At no time in tmur'nationaV'imistory ha
S there been more manifest need of dos
s and lasting negotiations with a neighbor
I ing state thann uov exists with respect t n
Mexico. Tlnu rapid inllux of our capita I
f and enterprise into that country shows
whathas already been accomphsledby tli e
vast reciprocal advantages which mast at
r tend the progress of its internal develop
1 ( ants , The treaty of countorco and nay
tgatios of 1848 has been terminated b y
t time Mexican goverumiont , and the ab
1 soee of conventional oigagoniauts , th
- rights of our citizens in Mexico , now do
- pond upon the domestic status of that no
public. There have beet instances o
d harsh infringonent of laws against ou
vessels to citizens in Mexico , and of denial
nial of diplonatic resort for their protcc
tion. The initial 8101) toward a bettor mi
derstandimig has beet taken in time imago
g tiatious by the ceumission authorized b )
congress , of a treaty which is still befor
c the senate awaiting Its approval ; time pro
1 visions for time reciprocal crossing of lii
frontier by time troops in pursuit of hog
8 the Indians have been pruloigud for an
k other year. The operations of time force m
1' of bath govcrnmomits against time sav'agu
have teem successful amd several of tfiel r
1 most dangerous bands have been captor
o ed or dispersed by limo skill and valor o
time Umitud States and Mexican soldia rs
f tighting fn a Common cause.
Y The couvoitios for time resurvey of tit u
r boundary front time Rio Graido to tim e
0 Pacific , having been ratified and ex
. changed , the preliminary recounoisanc o
therein stipulated has beet effected , an d
C it uosv rests with congress to ilutke pro
vtsioi for completing time survey and re
seating time boundary ntonuulents ,
convoilion was signed with ilexi. o al I
0u July 13,188 ° , praviiluig for the rehear
m fug of time case of Bomjatnin Weiles vs , tim
. Abra Silver Tliniug company , in whos o
o favor awards were mitado by time let e
u American nud Ilfexicim clmmns commis
1 sion.'I'Isatconvodioistill awaits time cat
. sent of lute sonata. Meanwhile , bucaum a
. of time charges of frauduloatnwards which
. have made a now commission necessary
n the executive ltasdiroct ° d time 8uspensioi t
0 of 1)aYmomts of time distrillutivc quota ro
. ceived from Mexico ,
Our geographical proxinsty { to Coimtra
America mind our political and common
vial rotation s with time states of thin
rg country justify , in my judgnmont , such a
t immaterial increase of our consular carp s
1) ( ts will place at each capital a consul
general. Time comtcst between Bolivia ,
Chili and I'oru has passed from time stag u
of strategic hostilities to that of nugotia
, lion , in winch time commsols of this gov
ermnont have bceu exercised. The demands
mands of Chili forma absolute cession e
territory have beun maintained and ac
ce'ptod ' I1)tutu ) arty of ( lenoriml Iglosin s
v extent of
to time cnclttding a treaty 0
n peace % Yith time govurunmomt of ( Ihili it
general cemforutity with time terms of th
protocol signed in flay last between tim
Chlian { co mmtnndor and ( fenornl Iglusias
0 , As a result of time conclusion o
this treaty Cenoral Iglesias ha
al r boon formally recognized by Chin
as president of I'eru , nud iii
n govcrim ) ° mtillstanud at Lima , which ha
5 been evacuated by time Chtliaus. A cal
y has bouml issued by ( lcu. Iglesias for
representative asstunbly to be elected n
time ltim ; ! of January and to meet at Limn
mmontie , lit of March miuet , Meanwhil
time Provisional government of ( hen.
1'lostas has applied for recognition to
time ) riaci pal wavers of America amid
Europe. 1\'ltoi time will of time Poruvfan
lco ) le shall be tuanifest ° d 1 shall not
tmesitalo to recd guizu time govunnncat imr
rovedb'thou6 ionsatie naval
) ' Dil amid
ra presoutatives of this go oramimcnt nt-
tended at Caracas the comtannial celobra
tiomi of time birtir of the illustrious Boli-
war. At the same time time im51tguratioli
of the stntuu \Vaslmiogtom iii tie Vert
ztlemna capital testified time duvotiou in
wlmielm his menmory is hold there ,
v mN : mat' m : m. 1 ,
Congress at its last session amtlmorized
time executive to prolwso to the Venuzmm
clan gowernuiett , a re0pemiug of time
awards of time mixed couuuissiou of t' ' + 1
roar 'l'imo departure from this country
of \'oaezuolan minister , has delayed
time oponiug of negotiations for ruviowing
time cotlmmuisswn . 'his , ov'oruuiout holds
that until time ru establislnnuut of a treat'
on this subject time Venezuelan govern.
moot must eontiuue to stake the pay-
nseuts provided for imi time cuastitttiom of
18(1(1. ( (
'I'lmere is ground for believing that time
dispute growing out of time tunpats obliga
tiomis tutu from Venezula to France will
be satisfactorily adjusted. 'I'le hremiclm
cabinet has proposed a basis of settlmnmit
whichi meets iii ) approval , but as it in
velvos a roenstiul : of time annual gtmnhw of
the foreign debt it imas been dcuumed advisable
visablo to subunit time prOposnl to the
judgmemt of time cabinets of horliu ,
Copenhagen , Thu Rague , Loudon mmd
SANIpw'ICII mML.\Nm)4. )
At time recent coronation of leis mnnjesty ,
King Knlukua , this govorunomtwas rep.
resented both diplomiatically and by time
forumnl visit of n vessel of .var. .
' 1'le question of tormn natiug or nedi
fyiug time exislimmg"reciprocity treaty with
Ilawaii is now before congress. I an
couvimced tlmat the charges of abuse and
frauds under that treaty have beemi oxag-
'gcrnted , mmd 1 runcw time suggestiuu of
l tst year's message that the treaty be
nmodited wlmenover its provisions have
proved onerous to legitua'o trade be.
tiveen time two eouatries. I anm not dis
posed to favor time entire cessatiom o f
treaty relations whichm htvu fostered good 1
will between time countries mid comtribut
ed toward time cgtmality of Ilaw aii in tii °
family of nations.
1 u1I8iA , SIAM ANI eoltl.t.
] u pureuauce of time policy declared b y
tlmis govermment of extending our inter .
course with the eastern nations , negu
tintions have , during time past year , been
established with l'orsia , Sinus and Core t
It is probable that permanumt mission s
of tlmose coutmtrics will ore long , be niamn .
ttimICd iii thin t'uitcd States. A apecia
onhtssy from Siamn is on its ay Imither ,
Treaty relations with Corea'ss are per
foctoa by time exchange at % eoul nu th
line ( of flay , last , of time ratifieationa o
time lately comclnded couventmou and envoys
voys From time kimigof Tahelmosun have vis
iced this country and received a cordial
welcome. Corca , yet umacquaintel with
time nmothods of western civilization now
im ites time attoutiomm of these intereste d
I iu the foreign trades. As it needs time ion
ploments and products which time Unitc d
States are ready to supply , we seek n
monopoly of fin connwrconnd no , adv'an
tagos over oti er nations. 'Bat as th
. ' Chinosc , injrei mimtg a far lsigg" ' " ; viii „
tionhave rFG ut nil ibJ n ic , vv o
D cannot regard vvitli umi iferouce , any on
- croachments on their rights.
( 'Ii1NA .tNi ) .IAI .tN.
China , by the 1)aymemit of a money indemnity
domnity , has settled certliu of the lee
pending claims of our citizens , and 1 hay
strong hopes dint time romaitider willsoot
S be adjusted. Qmestions having arise
toueimiit g the rights of American alit
other foreiglnm manufacturers in Chin
- under time provisions of treaties which
° pemnmit mtltens to exercise their industrio
in that cuuttry , and on tltissp ° cilic pota
f our own treaty is silent , but uuder th
oporatiou of time "most favored nation
r clause , " we have like priyilegoa with
those of outer people , and it is the dut )
of time govo Innent to see that our citizei
have time full enjoyment of ever
betutit secured by treaty , I doub
time expediency of leadntg in
nlovoaont to constrain China to adnmi
au iutcrpretation which we have only b Y
an indirect treaty the right to exact
Time transference to China of Anerical
capital for time entployniett there of Chi
nesa labor , would in uflect inaugurate
contputitiOm for time control of time mar
Lets now supplied by our home iambus
f tries. ' 17meru is ( oed roopm to bcliev
that time law restricting time iuiniigratiou
of Chinese has been violated imitontiom
ally or otherwise by the ollicials of Chinn
upon whom devolved time duty o
cartifyirmg tiet time iulnmigrants bee
long to the excepted classes. Micas
urea have been taker to ascerlaim
time facts incident to timis supposed infrac
lion and it is believed that the govern
moat of China will cooperate with tin
UnitedStttes in ouforcing time faithful oh
sorvasco of time law. the sane conaide
rations which prounptod congress at ito
last 805)0(111 to return to Jnpam limn Sine
noskt indonumity semis to mo to rcquir
at its hmmds like action in respect to th
Cantom indemnnity fumd nnvr atnnumtimm
IO three htmtmdred tlmoasimlld dollars. Tim
question of time general revision of tim
I foreign treaties of Japam has bean cent
sidered in au interuattonal couforunc
held at 'lekio but without definite resul
as yet. 'Timis govertnnemt is disposed t
concede the requests of Japan to dote r
I mimic its owe taritl'dnties , provide sue ]
proper judical tribunala as may comnmon
l themselves to time western powers forth
trial of causes to whicim foreigmmurs an
parties amid to assimilatu time terms an
duration of its tribes to those of climes
I civilized slates ,
Idumimt1A A iz IIAvrm.
Thrauglm our ministora at Louder amm
Morvtvia , $ the I government lmas oideav
ored to aid Liberia in its difl'uraneu wit
. ( treat liritinn , touching time nortwester
bonularios of that republic. There is
f ) respect of time ndjustinunt of time disput
. ii g thuado ptioa of time ] lfonrah river as tlm
lino. This nrraumgenent is a coma ) roumis
f of the conflktimi6 terriorial claims , mum
i takes trout hiberia no country over which
a it has mnafntained elrective Jurisdiction
'l'imo ' rich and populous valley of Um
f Congo is being opened to counnercu b
s a society called the lulcrmiatiomial Africa
li assoeialiomi , of wimich the king of Bulgiuri
s is president , and a citizom of the Unitw
S States time chief executive ohlicor , Lang
1 trouts of territory have noun coded to tli
a association l naive chiefs , roads imav
n been opened , steanboats placed of tim
0 ( \ntfflncd \ 071 J apc3.
A Vast Nnlnhel' of Illlpoilaiii Bills
latroiluccil in Both Branches
of Cougress ,
CovorillgEduoatioii , Civil Rights ,
the Land Lath , and the
Postal Telegraph ,
Senator Van Wyok Starts in With
a Bill to Tax Railroad
Land Grants ,
And Another to Indemnify Settlers
on the St. Joe & Denver -
vor Lauds ,
A ( mehornl Attack Begun on Unearned -
earned Lang Grants-lien.
cral Proecadings.
'full u'OttTV EIil1TH ( ' 0\Ott1 SS ,
$ EN.\TE ,
W.ssluINlTUN , Doconmbor 4.--\Vlmon
the senate met this ntormmhm , after tie
opomiitmg prelintiuories , time uttruduetiou
of bills upetud as follows :
By Mr. Ilsgnlls-l'o anmomd tim arrears
of pomisions law by removing cert + miu
liumitati ° ns of that act ,
fly Mr. Bock-l'rovhUng for time ro
( oval of all disabilities imposed by time
fourteenth aumemnlulemmt to time eonslitu
tiou , also nuthorizimig .lmoricamm citizens
to purchnsu foreign built ships to umgngo
in time foreign carrying trade.
By llr , Illair-A bill to establish a
bureau of statistics of labor under the
duparhnoit of time interior , also mm bill to
regulate the hours of labor of workmen
anti utochaiics employed by limo 's'uited
States , limiting time number of hours to
constitute a day's work to 8.
By l1r. Ldnuutls to auond sections
1751 ; and 17177 , revised statutes. It
abolisimes the iromclad ontim aid lives am
oath for all oflicers alike , eaviug , how-
, nil provisiumis ngaimist rebul clninms
audall penalties , etc. Also a redraft o f
. the bill ltnstd by tlm com unittoo of time
judiciary some years ago , dealing in
oral with time midst n of colored citizens , cs-
p ° ciulll' with a view to securing tlmum m
free vto and fair count of all votes ,
I By lilt. Logan-To appropriate aid
expold $11)0,000,000 , derived trout immtur-
. nal revenue taxes and the sale of public
I lauds for time education of all children
r living in time l imitetl States ,
By Mr. hoar-To provielu for time pc'
. fornianco of time duties of the otlico of
president iii case of death , resigmiatiou or
I inability of both president and vice presi
dolt ; also to lix mm day for time nmeetng of
electors of prosidemit and vice presides t
. amid provrdmg for and regulating tli °
counting of votes for presidemit amid vice °
o president ; also a bill pr ; sidtng'a uuifora i
- Pyatom of banicruptcy ; fLik + tl bill. )
m ) By 1\Ir.hraQo ; , "y uIrlj't : no ( ,
= . , ? Jeg prmaL .Jas vi .vrr' cmruftc ' itt cut I
ssit'doruto prisons during tfu into war. ;
By Mr , rows-To:4aurl the am
to whtclm actions can em bro , , mt um till
court of claims under time provisions o
time captured amid abandoned proper. y
act , for 2 yours.
g By Mr. Van Wyck-Doclearing rail
° road corporations , shall pay wtlhmi 0 0
days time costs of survuytiig aid locmmLiu g
i ] ands to which they are enlitlod , other
wise to be subject to state mind local taxa
n lion ; also proemptiou and Imonmestea ( l
m omtry ; also to restore to the public do
t main IaudH donated but not earmio dI
b ) railroad corpormmtiuaa viie
° roads are not liuisled within
a time time specitiud iii time grant ; also t
protect mill pre cngdiom and lmoaesteac I
emitrics nmodo after forfeiture or failure tm
g huild time roul ; w ithiu time tine speeilied
t also for time relief of 5ottlurs oh publi o
lands in Nebraska mid ln i nsus , on hit
line of the Dunvur , St. Joe & \Vesterl
railroad It provides for Limo paynmeml o
G.1 i)0 pcr ; micro to sollle'e whose lands ,
by a recent dccisiou of tlaeauprenoaurt
i reverted to time railroad company under
a a grant which was suppoacd to have lco
By 11ir. Siater-To rapwtl time NorlI
o Pacific laud1 grant. It comlirnms to hit
COnipfty all lands earned by time cos
n atrnctiomi of amiy porliom of time road , bu
restores to settlomunt nud sale sover.m
1' million acres immWaslington territory ant
Ureguo , being npplicabiu to that portiom
of time flume avast ofValhlla .lunctior
i 'l'imo right of settlers on odd soeticus i
preserved by allowing timento onterunda
the imomestead or promptfon laws , em
1 by purchase , not immure that 100 nuroms a t
$1.2'5 per acre.
The resolution ollored by Mr. Vest wa
s agreed to calling upon time secretary u
time interior for copies of ail leases , cone
o tracts , orders , regulaticuls or corros
p ° mdouce , hind by time dopartmes
u , withs any parties aiuce the last session ru
6 hating to 1'ellowstoe park , iucludiog
0 statenon. of all special privileges grartu d
0 nud all aP1)hcatiums for privilege of build
ing hotels , etc.
t Messrs. Shorniau turd Bnyard , Ih
conunittee appointed with the ronmimittu
a of Lim houru to wait upon time president
and inforrmt tiimim dint both houses wore or
d m ganize(1 led ready to reecho any conunm
nicatior 1m9 might wishm to make to the
0 soumte , reported. lir , Shernmmmn sum
d ncuacod that the conuuittcu had per
fornmed its duty , and time prcsidolt , um if
r reply , requested time couumsttoo to coveo
to time two houses in imis buhalf time corn
plitnests of time seimsom soul cemigratula
d tioa on time urganizatton , mud 551(1 Im
- would inssnedintoly connsunfcato ill writ
Is ing.Vttimiu
u \Vttimiu \ a few minutes limo message wmi
a received mind read , and time senate ad
u journud ,
1Vlmon time house assenblud Lhis nicrl I
i ing to e 1nuniug case , which provontu (
, am organwitiou yosturday , wits rosunmu
511(1 finally resulted in time adoption of
a rusoluiien , rottl7m „ tlrc mutter t0 Us
y eomanitlee nu cloclioms , when appointed
ii to reliant im unediately whotimerllahnium !
m or Cimaluilurs is entitled to ho msworn umu
1 not uirect time fimtl right to time seat ,
' ' nontinoos to
o 'I'le donoeratiu caucus
u minor olllce5 were elected and sworn iii
u A comimnittue cs11nstiag of I1lussr a
U Ourtin , liluckburn amid Jltacock was 111
pointed to wait minim tie president an is I
font laird tlmat time house wars orgnhize
nud ready to receive any mluilunicnlieu
ho might be ready to hamsnit.
'I'le business of drawing scats uaa pru
oaedcd wills ,
l'poncnniplelion of time drmmwingilr.
Dunn offered n resolution for time imp.
of n CO ummnittcc of fifteen
meuiborv to lie kuowtt as the cominiltes
alt rivers amid harbors , to tehiclt should
be referred prapusitiuus for time ingpiove.
nuamt of rivers and harbors , Referred to
time cuntsntttce ou rules when mtppointod.
1 ho sllealtor Appointed as n eonmtitleo
on uiiloago Jlessrs , JGnmltonVolll corn ,
( hlmrsroclc , llauuoy , mid 11Iler { , of feet.
Mr. 'l'nckcr ofl'orcd a resolution refer
ring to time coitmniltee cn elections , wliemm
appointed , time eortificatus and all pnpurs
rolntmmi to the election of roresmitn ,
lives n limo Firet district of 1'ignon {
with instrtnLions to report nt as erarl' ii
day as nraettcabie which of time real
I1la o and Onrrison to time
seat has a Prima facie right , rosorvimig
lie other pmrty's , privilege of eontosthig
the ease ( n its merits ,
At this Point the Connnittce which
tvaitud upon lhu prusidunt anaounccd limit.
Lila prasideltl would connnuuicnto to the
houro his nmihual message to writing ,
'limo presfdout"s secretary at 3Op : imp-
Penrod nud presented the uwssagu.
Cousiduratiomi of Mr. Tucker's resolu
tiumi swims entered upon , lit mitten some
debate it was Init ( war till to niorrow ,
Amid time clerk rend the ) residuut's mimes-
sage , which was ordered Irimited ) amid rev
furred to Limo eomiunitteo of the whole ,
Adjourned ,
Ci7t'7ItAL I'OitIItN N1.1VS ,
lmNmON , Doeuutbur I-.on , Pryor to-
dn ) requested l'nitud States Minister
howull for a respite for ( Donnell , with
a ylov of obtaineg time to set of foot
procuodiugs for a communutation of time
daatlm semilunco. Lowell will apply to
the Aniurieai m mtlerities at Wasldngton
for instrnetiollg iu the matter. ltussoll ,
O'ioutoll's ' counsel , will wait upon
Lowell to miunruw to submit to hint the
legal gromunls upuu which will be based
time 5pplicatiol for a couunmtatiomi of Soil-
hence ,
No xloNms cur. TuESr ,
LOxonN , Decenbor 4-'I'Il ° fmuoucinl
article of Tlo Daily News says it is un-
demstood timid. it Slutuglmi lirm , lmoldimm g
side to the value of ' 1,000,000 sterling ,
hiss retired. IL nhites timid. the licit has
boeu gradually liquidating , 1\orc \ stop
pages of business houses is Veughi are
expected , mstlm ; Clmiuese banks resolutely
refuse to lead mmoteyuulll limo war cloud 5
hm'o bean dispelled ,
( ) Imo.\Nlztxu A HTit1En ,
Losu'ox , Documbur t--'I'Ie weavera o f
Laucaslmiru , aru org mmizing a strike
against a live per cent rtxluetiuu of
1I1 ItltyNU r + elttl'.tltn 1'uotn's
11ONO Koxmi , 1)ocemibor 4-Eleven
luutdrod Cfminusu troops passed today ,
ilium Chinese murchaut stenmimerom the wan
fron Shmnglti to Canton. More are fnl
lowing ,
o' rmt5Niv.
Iummm.IN'Decuniber 1.A correspond
alt of Time kreomian'n .Jourunl say e
O'Doanull's ' frenzy at time couclusiam u f
time trial . .ttprday evening was due t °
t , jyst tl it ho'svns not allowed Lti'apeak 1
as i rolnis m.7. Ito falctl to hoar tite eonr
rogrstrarriaf hint before snntouce wlmatiwt (
t he hnd anything to say a11d tlrorofor °
f made ao answer.Vlmuu .Tudge 1)omt
tutu , litter oi , fnrimado leis spualcin g
0 Dunmiull thought he was wronged.
SOT So u.tu .trisn Ar.r „
Duurix , Novonbur 1. itelortn of time
riotumg \\'exford \ Sunday are said t ( 1
- be greatly exaggerated , Thu danumge t ( '
. property is comihined to brukea windows ,
Nobody was seriously injured. Nzijoi
\Vlmippfe , the Ghieng ) evaugelimt , held
two services in time theatre yesterday amid
I uaS mintdigturbe(1 , Amiotlme' report says
t time m'iotems distill ballceg were rouowud at
umidnight when time butledist [ church ,
ronmiis of the Christian mmasuciaticn , Comm-
, t ) court house amid suue houses of time
I protestant pnpidaticn , vvcre agnimi nt-
tacked , All is quiet Lu day. 'l'ima pnlicu
patrol time strcuts hauling to time tieatru
mist'lllll : Till ; ImA9TLi : .
' CinrAoo , December 4.-Scalpers were
te dmty uttering reguiar unlimited tickets ,
I staumped this ditto , ct or time Burhimighom
maul Chicago mC Alton roads , Chicago teL
L Kaisas ( 'iLy fur $11 , wlmerona time rogmiitmn
rate is $14.80. UOicinls of bout roads
deny they arc emitting mimics. No nuw
t developmamts micro brought to light to.
t day to time alleged trnpcsed cunmbinatioa
1 butwoen time lloion 1'actf'c ' , 11eck
I Island mmd 111Iwauked { m1 St.
Paul , oxccpt that it is is stated time t
s a uteuliug of time mamia ' ors in regard t (
r time matter , will be holl'iii New York to
' morrow , IL iii stated posttivoly , but do
niod by othur ollicntis , tint Illarvil
Jluglmutt , of the Nortlsweaturm , loft fo r
g Now York today amid time supposition i s
r that imu has gone for time purpnne of gain
lug ndumisntou to the proposed eonbina
tiwi , as if loft lilt hta road wool
t be hnnmllur(1 in handling hmaiimCH (
for poumts west of Omaha
n - - - - - - -
'f 1150 'I'BIAIS.
1'1m.iNK it % iV.9' ' i'O4TI'IpNB ( .
Li K INSAS C1ry , 1)eceubur l-hrnul
e , lanus'trial mvus , to duy , sot for .htinmar
, 14 , mid bail fixed at $1,000 , itin state
the .151nes will titl'e' a bond in a fu
days , amid be released frnmii custody , 'J'im
u old iudiutaolt , for time 11hm7 Cut robbery
was quashed , nnd a row roturnexl of ilk
toner , settilmg forth , adtiitionall , a du
s scri1)tine Of curtain jewelry stotun , 'Vim
y trial of Charles foul , for complicity i
the 8anmo robbery , is also set for time ii t
of Jtunmary.
° .1.1)155 NOTT'H Om'SN510.1 % V ,
eNmO I0WN , l'it. , Duceulhor .1 -Tim
trial of .homes Nutt , for killing Nicimubm
s Lyman Dulcus hest .1 mimic , will eonunoe
te mnurfaw , and is expected to take u
time bmiitltce : of time weuk , Seuatnr Yoe r
hues , of haliuiut , is principal counsel fu r
. time dufunsu , ' 1'hutown is full of visitor
1 but nu great uxcitonemt exists , ( lit mil
a sides symyathy far time prlsoiser is ox
ml ptCsgod , but time feuiing is gwmeraf that h
o will ho convicted
g , \Uenm uoil Trttbt ltobhm t ; ) .
1 D1i iiiii is , Tout , Docombom 1-fats
sutigur train , No , 1 , em time Alonplmis m
r Little Ruck railway , which loft lure mm
. I:10 : yusturday mcfturuoon , nmadu 5 mmm r
, row osoapu from wreck and fobbury. A
I , time usvilch track , twuntydivo adios 'swum
of Muumplmi5 , several ipmkus wuro draw
a and time switch displaced , and wlmon tlm
lrmitmi cane along ono car was dilchuti
and time trniratotpci , hear hloi armed
'sritim slit ( gulr ( nttuntcd time carts and ( he'
utnndetl that t1mv doors be ( iiOiled , which
ms ns refused by the train ollicials. The
express messenger , realizing time shins.
lieu , 0poed lira upon time rnbbors , who
in return limed n nlnt ( at. tlm anginetr ,
s\'tlliau Cuck , amid then disa toared ism
the demise furost The train proceeded
after twenty umhmutos delay ,
A Ponusylfauia Frizc Fight of Ouc
1lpn rcd and Fourtccu
Rounds ,
Oui of the Conteslmmtm. HIIIIPM time
( irn.t I(0 Tiuoa , Inn hln
ally \Vhu. ,
I'nmsut'Imn , Decenber 4-Itoes ( irovo ,
min the line of time \Vest Ponnayvmiin rail.
road , nine mnilus from All ° gltmmoy City ,
was time scene this nfternoou of one of
the mimost brutal null hotly contested
prize tiglmts ( hint uvur took place in west-
emu Pouusylvnuin , 'l'ine principals 'swore
1'nlrmck Moran and Jamnes McCoy , One
htutdred mend , fourteen rmmmll5 ivere
fought iii 1 hour and 130 minutes , Time
light has becim un him lapis several
umouths , and sins for a jnmrsa of 4300.
Moth nee are pughsts of 1301110
repute , MCCoy Laving fought several
battles is this yicinity , w hilt ? \lurui has
) ( in m number of li fits in tlmis
eoumitry and 1 miglamd. ,1cCnyiii2 } 'ears
old nutl Morui GI. Osvimm g to the rent
ulroreumce tm mme it 'swims llmomi fit the
forumee would lily ° mum easy victor' and
buttitmg wins 2 to l im favor of IlleCoy ,
'Vito mte0auter seas to have tnkem ) lace
Thanks6ivimmg ! da } , htmL w as 1postltoned
for enure rolsun , and 'swims generally be-
hewed to be oil' . 'l'lmis nfturnuomf a hen.
dred sporting umemi loft the city nud arrived
rived at floss drove at 8 o'clock. A ring
was marked out but no ropes put li,1111(1 )
at. 3:12 : timite wag called. hm time be giu
nimig necey Imrolcu his ri lmt wrist , 1111(1
for the rest of the battle f(8m fit with imis
loft imnud. Both moo appeared do- to 'scum , , amid soon were co'sercl
'svitlt blood. After 11leCoy broke his
wrist ho foe g ht , desperately , amid sea
tended its known his autagcu
ist 110 times , him time 111th
rotund Aarum got imm a turriliu blow on
11cCoy's smock fulling liinm like at ox ,
lie was picked up mmd canried to leis
earlier but ens euepletely dazed and
wauled to stop tighting but his friends
1 pro nilud mm hum to contiuuc and hue
fought three uuro ) roulufa , llloraa kuouic-
ing him out in the ono lunmdrod and four.
teonilm round. Itotim minim wore terribly
pumiishcd amid 11cCoy bad to he ca'riud
to time train. Thu light ss'ns 'svithm hard
'L'1'llmlaGR,1I'll NOTI ) S.
At church , tour Citrolllo , Mc. , Saturda
night , \Vlihhnnm Ttrown , run of the clergyman
stabbed and killed \Vllllamn C. Block ,
The ( lornum budget shows a deficit u
fi,000,00O buries.
. ' 1'IIO lllluxia low pruvldhg for timer coyer
olyniuriuy lriet' b ° gmubliali "i. lu natlti
Chicogr p frimals of .IhtJorVhhttle say tip
riots hmVoxfurml are lint caused by his preimeh
lug nbnmst Catielkism.
The rolling mills at Jnllet , Tllincls , are to b
shut dnsn ) for nu hmlefiulto pmled.
Oao m mini ivs4 kit iod nud six momion4ly in
Jnmvsl by nu nxplusluu of lira dnuq ( lu n udm
at 3Lainbangh , I'a. , yesterday.
'rte grand Itmry of IlanvIiill , 1'a. , brought II
II , ) uulfctueuts tlwru for time mintfug during the
The prusldunt's eessago ) caumsum mOjuicn ! ;
numug tlau Snit Lalro emmtllus.
- - - - - - - - - -
'I'IIi ' ; 'PUIt1'I'li I l\
.Het i5 II(4 Nw' IIallll(1hda ) Night a 11(1
llertH m iiII 4 OI'llS of Oflluo a.
'Vim auuumil umeutiug ( If time'1'a rim Vureit
tuck placu i\loUday in tlmeir uuw hid
on Ilarey and Nimiotoomth streets , wlme
time following milicers wore elected ; Pres.
idea , Philip , Indres ; vice-prusidunt ,
Ilomry ilnubuims ; Itrst turn wart , Gunrgm
Amities ; rocordimig nocretu'y , Paul \Vim
hagemi ; himi51eial secretary , ( loorgo Pzir
15tem ; treasurer , .I. i ) , Fruehauf ; proport )
mot , II.Viussu ; standard bearer , Adam
Snydur ; trustees , Robert Stein , Ii. .
Kumdu amid h , le' , EIsimnsut .
'I'bis ' society is eau of the Must sec
censful if hot time neat ammccw still neeiot )
of any in O11umha at time preseit tine , ii
hits steadily and surely gro'svh tap with
time growth of thecity , mud now number :
in its racks nearly n immiudrud amuburs
amioug wh' m are to 1)0 foundsono of cu
m ogi ,1)r pill nt amid epul.r G ounim 1Cihi
z5 s , I hu ) { secret couuuetei
with time great success of this society i
time fact that all Limo muumhera work its
suchm pe'fect llarnony that all those pelt'
s jc.donnon and rivalros 'svhich loin
' t ° disturb tit' a nuum bar n
cases societies 9f thus chnim'imct °
mire ettiruly absuut and time rusult is lima
ad ] tie miuuimbors pull together to rondo
their society time grand amid tuuloubtoe
t success wimiclm has rusultod in the brilltnu
d neimievouents it hums already attained ,
'flmo next turafost of time J1lissourt Viii
lay 'J'urr lluzirk will bu held to U11udm
m July.1881 , wimich is a vary good tlmiu' '
t nut oral far Limo tuners but also for tit
° city of Unahn and it is to be ho mud time
oucitizuus swill exert thuumsulvo to tit
uluust ) t1) give Limo 'l'emurs a hearty rt
° upfion.
11 - - _
Orders No , 131 , dated Fort Bridge
e \Vyo „ Novwnbor 11 , 1883 , dlrectiug 11
0 Lioutouutt'l' . IL Cnpran , thin Jnfmmtrl
p A , t , Q.1 [ . , to proced f rnui that ( tort t
E'sitmistonVyo. . , ilud rottrrs , 0n publl
business conuuctod wmtlm coristruclioui t
1 post , aruappm'ot'ol.
Captain C A , II. 11cOauley , assistaa
u quarturnnister , l' , S. A , , will procuod I
h'ort Sidney , Nob. , oil publio busimiem
connected with limo qumrtor mastor's d
partinunt , mud on completion of this dui
will roturh to his station { n timid city.
'Phu trmul directed is uueessary for lli
Private Janes h ayes , Cwnpany F,1)1 )
t Infuntry , is detailed on extra duty at tiI
t Clmuycnnu orduaueo depot , 1Vyo. , an
m will report t0 time cenmimuillug o8moor {
e that depot without delay ,
- -
Sonalor Edlllluids Conl ; 1'ro--llphY ' to
the Front with a 8111 for fioY ,
crnulcut Telcorapli
And Another for the rotoction
of the Rights of Ooh red
Tlto Degenerno ) of the Comtnts G'
Trims-'Ito llnhonltmw Db8ettt
Imoni Ihr l'auouv.
1'\1'l'I'li NOTES.
's-mum i'OSTAt.TEI.AlLtl'il luau.
\VAnltLNorON , Dvocmber 4.- The posthl
tulcgraph bill Introduced b Mr. I : U
mnuuls , provides that n board comsistisg
of time sucrulary of state , secretary ofm
war amid postmaster e10r1 cause be. '
located nud arrasgell tour trunk Itmos oC
postnb tole grit 1h eomeetimm tlio northwest -
west , uortliorn weslorlm southwestern
mid unthurn parts of time Uattel Santos
with time city \Vashington ; . nloug stick
lines olllces to be established at such (
plnoos as hill be for time public interest
for the time being , mod from time to
time time limn n to be oatondod ,
additioiinl oatcos estatlished as congress
gross lima ) provide , time rates
ter use of time be astablisimeti by
n board consisting (1t the secre y of
sta + at seerottrY of the trunsurY and post-
11mstcr gunernl , the lutes to be constructed -
structed mind kept mm repair wider direc
lion of time necretary al war and' through
the corps of omigtneura. Time secrutaryof
sear is authorized mid , directed to acquire
by purchase , subject to time approval of
time president , time nigumt of way for the
canstructiou , oxteimsunn of time lines and
purpo505 of locatiorm , lie is authorized
to hike nud disc such Innda , tenants and
other property as umay be necessary ,
nud pay iv compensation deemed
ruasuuable. Clerks , operator's , electric-
line ; mad other muployos will be selected
wider the 1 r vlsiortg of time cti'il aervicu
Inw zither oxiunimation by a board imp.
pointed for time purpose. 't'wo million
dollnra is to be nppraprtatod for time
liseal year ending June 30 , 18811 , for
working amid oparmitimig the lines corder
time direction nud ehimrgo of limo post-
imiastur geeral. Nothing in this act is
to be construed as proimibitiu imidividu-
ills or corporations front carrying on the
business of epurating telugraplt lints.
nmtOTEPTION O } ' C01O1thi ) OATik5NS.
Tin. Edmtludn' bill , to provide for the
ftu thar ) ratectiom of colored citizats
be gins with mm lpreamble stntimm g timid.
( Quilt has arisen as to whothur time lava
of time Unittal States note iu force are in
all respects adequate for time proteciom of
citizens of any race , color or previons
eemdttk a of servitude. 'limo bill provides -
vides that wlmOnovcr in mmy cause new
pending , or hereafter mummy be puuding , in
r lily court of nay state , tut issue shall amino
Its tO time civil rights of a person , juror
Or other party to the suit , sucli case may
f be removed to a circuit court of time
United States , for the district within
ml whtolt aueh case to pending , if decision
rR lsymutlor ; erlia _ lo njiarty byrensar ; ofy ' -
rncocolor r"pre\h1)U6'cbicdtttuf tifauYv.jT : .
m itude , time party almall ho entitled to a no-
view by time supreme court , etc.
A umonurimil was presented in time scum-
- ate by Senator Coke today , relating to
alleged abuses in time United States dig-
t'ict courts of TeeaS. It sots forth tint
, time l'llitadStates distl'lctjmmdgesiii Texas
( nO failing ( u hold time turums of courts as
fixed by hav , they nppoiatimig sane , sors-
! u huv 1111(1 umothoss-imi-Inw to places iii
their didtr'iCts as deputy ollicors of their
Courts , mid keeping thcmim in olliuo to the
great wrong of the pnldie. Among outer
ihiustrttions of time charges , the nso11torial
neutious time fact tint time United States
district judge of the \Vesturn district of
time state lens f ) r time past tlii'eoyears held
only two terms of court , when hu slmauld
hitvu held six , mad for Lhis ucgltgencu
there is no good cause.
i'ons' aisle .11,0(11.
'l emm eupublican sonukns met in caucus
thus inorniug , Shormam providing , wlmo
nppoimillul time following eomulitteo to ru-
nrrange Ilium umeubeslup of couuuittuos :
CiunuronVis. ( . ) , hoar. , Ingalls , llfillor
( Gala. ) , llmmrrinuu , Ilnlo , Miller ( N , V. )
A resolution for the imiunadinte eioctiom
of cihicers was debattcd and withdrawn.
11Iah0ne and ltiddiuborgerdid mint ntteiid ,
Inn. II.HICI:1.I'H : 11J.NEHH.
Representmtive llnakeil of lcausas , hors
buen seriously ill ever since his return i
I \Vnshimm gtol , uuat of time time beimm g
I coimtiaud to his bud. his friends fun
much anxiety over his conduotton.
Thr C. L' , Hunk.
SHIT LARI , Ducoumbor 4-'l'imo Dcn
S vor .L Rio ( 'hrande road has made apublic
e rate of eestn from time Mis-
r x)1111 river. 'l'ime l' , P. sticks at time
I fifty coil cut.
L Tluu 1'cemllar ( ; lots.
t h'or sutu time past a pocultar glow
1 has boom Purcoptiblo in time western sky
t nt uvoniug turd in time asstarn sky is time
mnarairtg whiolm hits every npponraneo of
buiag time rulloctiol of a cotllagratton
I souluwhuro near , It hna occasiotud coils -
o afdorablo connnout , mmd time Virginia ' 1
t City ( Nov.Entcrprisufnspeaking ) of it
e says ; "Timia light is not furumed ny tilt
rays of time sun upmmi time chords , lent
numotlming tom time atinosplmoro above time
clouds , 't'his ] Las beta wall observed here
every night. A few days ago Limo earth
passu(1 through that region of apace in
( which it.'sins liable G1) oneommtur amore o
t less numurously those comiatary frag
niemts which farts the Novouber mime-
1) tuors.'e 1)11550(1 the pufut where w'u
should have mot with time umoteors , and a
° vary few wore seen , yet minty wo not hmava
t roacimud time point in time Intcrpimmttetary
npaeu avaruung smith nmctooriu inattor in
t time she to of nu impalpable power , that
which ( call cusuiical dust ?
e 'Phis dust , eateliimg time slanting lays of
time sou , would ) rodueo exactly time oll'eet
1 new ni gimtl observed lucre fur over a
y week. Uur Coumitock watcluuea report f
that the sane ludaoss is soon mnornmgs. i
We are pmtssiugthruugh the smoke of the
buruod out tail of ' 1'omuple's cortiot , or
im sonw oIlier old and ahattoeodwauemer
1 tlmrouglt iatursteilur since. "
'r'ime Fnneh ute hnnmbardluy dfami as atl
to im' .