Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1883, Page 4, Image 5
3 4 THE DAiLT' BkE..U11iAIIA , TUESD + 11' , IECLM i3L + Zt t , id83. _ . , . - ' - - - % - - - - - - - - - a- THE OMAHA Oniahn 0nlcr , Nn , UlIt I'nr110iU St. . Cnuncll Blufil Ofire , No , : Pearl Street. Near UTrmtn'ny. Nt' York Oflce , BOorn 11. Tribune Building , l - - - uhllTei eterr trernin3 , except Sunday , The .I13Itoadaymorntti daffy. Aaws U ) iAtt. ne Tear. , . , . . , , t1o.00I Throe MonthL , UTAMonth , ea110ne Month , . . , . . . . , 1.00 rf1 A UALT AAA , rVALISTlAD xVUY RAbTMDAT , TAAADteeitAlD. One Ycsr , , . . . . , .t2.00 Three Stonthe.t sli ! . , , . One Month , 20 Amerlcan Howe Company , Solo , AFent , , NeNdead. Sri in the United Stake. coaaASroxbAxcK A dommuntcMioni reLAtlnL to NCwen ! F.Rtorlat tnetteta ehouW be addreted to the EDITOR or Tlu DAA , ' /L'etxxw LATTAAA Ml Ra + inc. + r.cltcre and Romlttancee should be addret c4 to Tuz list t't WenLSO OowPASr. OwAIIA Dntte , Chceke and I'ostoface orlere to bo made pay able to the order of the company. TBE BEE BUBLISBING CO. , PROPS , R ROSE WATER , Editor. A Bo3tn.ty telegram informs ua that Admiral hIewitt will start for Egypt to take command of the English aquadrun This oxplaine AboIIawitt'arocentdnission in tlto land of the I'haraoe. RANf.ILL came up as smiling and blandliko as a Chinaman , and congratulated - latod Carlialo. Randall wan only too happy that Carlialo got away with the chair. Tltn only Eoniblo man among the re publican oficare of the house of repro' sontatives was the postmaster. IIo poai lively declined a ro notninntion ; In the face of a democratic majority of eoventy five a nomination was a very empty honor. CAttthvtn has already boon interviewed ainco hfa nomination and ho promisua that henceforth the democracy will ha' o a definite - finite and aggrcasivo policy. It is possible blo that Mr. Carlieloovorratea tto ability of his party to became definite enough to be aggressive. A crab might ba traiuea to mono forward , but its natural tcnden cy will bu to mono forward by going back. ward , SAMUEL .1. TILUv.N propoaca to donate hut Grammercy Park residence and eplen0 e11d librnry collections to the city of Now 'V. . i , for n publiclibriry , lIe has already made provisions in his will to that effect , the trustees being Henry Wattersaq Manton Marble and John Bigolow. 'Ibis ie n splendid bid Cor the presidency , but it strikes utf that Tilden has gone back on the beat friend ho over hind , our own Dr. Miller. Thu doctor seems Mwaya to go t loft when millionaires make their villa , i avhethor they die in Omaha or New York. ONn of the subjects { of legislation t o ' which Secretary Folger calls the special 1 attention of congress is the amendmen t of the Thurman act to compel the Pactf c railroads to pay the interest on thou r debt. Within eight years these corpora ; , ' ' tions will bo required to pay the rrinci pal as well as the interest , amounting to over $500,000,000 in round numbers. Ii may be necessary about that limo for tit o government to cancel its mortgages an a take the roade. PARTINRNT QURSTIONY. County Commissioner Corliss Las pro pounded some pertinent tiuoetions through Tlln Bu' , to the citizonof Omaha IIo asks how7aig the poapla "will con tinuo to bury in a camotory , and enlarg o the canto , which will within the next to n yalrs be in the cantor of the city. ' 1V u presume this rotors to Prospect 11111 That cemetery now , for the moat part , Ie a cunzecratod to thoeo who are burin d there. Their remains should itot be di 5 ' turbod , nor should any who have acquire d rights to Lucy there dead their be tic prived of tho'privilege for which the y paid. There are cemeteries in the von y heart of older cities than Omaha Nu v York has a cemetery hear Trinity church on Broadway , within three blocks ai . the Wall street stock ezclmangu. Dot ton , Philadelphia and Cleveland hay u -cemeteries within the city. But thos 0 cemeteries have ceased to bo burin l grounds , every lot has an occupant t , Tim city council of Omaha ough t however , forbid any further extension tension of Prospect lull , or the lnyiu g out of any nowconotory within the iht y limits. Thu burial of paupers on th e county farm should of course be almr r ' doiod , The comniesioera have coitr of et that , and they ought to purchase tw a ' or three acres , four or live miles out o f town , for a pauper's cemetery. Mr. Corliaa is eminently correct who n 110 proteate against the ahort sighted pot' ' cy , in tho'tnattor of our principal tire r ' oughfare. Thorn ought to be at lens t four great roadwaya out of 'tlio city-on o 1 r aouth through thirteenth street , one north try the way of Sixteenth etrcot and She r' man avenue , one northweet by way o f Cuming street and the Military bridge r and the fourth droetly } west on Farna m etreoL There salroadyfully$2,000,000i , , u ; solid business houses invoatod on Varna ti n street , between Eighth and Sixteentl h , 'Abovo Slxtoonth and up to Ninutoont h rho property le too high.prieod for rea 1' deneo , and not available for bueina ° 8 x 1 By cutting down the first lull 03 Farnal " t atroot and Ijlling the street botwee 'm : Nineteenth and Twouty.eecond , the bus r' naM boueca on Iamain would extend t0 L Twentieth at least , and every foot o X + arnam would ho enhanced in vale ° r As yet the dannagos to private propert 1' r by the proposed cut would bo tritllu' d. 3can.eaa City has paid hundreds of thou e ands of dollars to indemnify propert y j ; owners on streets which have been e ut i' ' down. Omaha will finally have to du tl ne , game , if she pursues aahortsightedpohlc y , Now is ( ho ilrnu to make thu cltatg , and give us at least one direct thorough 1 I ) fare to the heart of the county , n , rrrArir ; AND POIREh. During the recent campaign the repub 1fG1ns of I'enne1/7nnia , acting upon ( ho auggastimms of Wharton hacker , passed n r esolution in their state convention do. manding the distribution of the surplus now in the United Stator treasury among the states and the repent of all internal taxation , Ex-Senator Blame huts writ- L ou l a totter to the Philadelphia I'rcJtd , siring hie objections to the I'ennsylranin "ides"nud proposing instead that hero. after the revenue derives from the tax on whisky nml tobacco should be redis tributes among the stiles ovary year nc corning to their teapactite populations. DIr.111niuo's objections to the 1'mnlsyl ra a proposition are tersely stated , and they furnish , in our opinion , the strong. cat argument against lea own pot scheme. Mr. Ihiaino says to divide the present surplus among the elates , would result in waste , Ae girl the last distribution of fed. oral surplus in 1836. The division of this surplus would impose upon congress. men a divided duty and a constant temp. laliot to withhold appropriations for ob. jacta of n real national character , Lastly , the assumption of a continuing r edundancy of national revenue is op. posed to all sound views of adlniriatra lion boGlueo it is auto to yield to oxirnv agance , corrulion , and all manner of s chemes for getting rid of money. " Mr. Blame's proposition is very tempting - ing , and from a abstract point o [ view , would at first sight count with popS ulnr favor. In rho table nnltozoa to his lotto Mr. Blniuo allows that the shore of each elite and territory , on the basis of population , would be as follows : Alabama , $204,000 , Arkansas , $1,40bD110 , Culifurnla , 8l,1'57.000. Culurndn , S3f0,0u0 , C onnecticut , SIOtW,000 , llelnwaro , $ b55 , . 000 , Ij'lorlda , 8170,000 , tleorgta , $1,699f01 , Illinois , $ ri85QD11 , Indiana , $3ICIOOD , I owa , $2,812u00 , alvnnxne , $1,7.13,000 , lion. Grcky , 9Y,88t,000 , . lnna81,1111,000 , Maine , $1,131,000 , , ltfaryland , $1,1131,000 , Mawachueotts , $3,120,000 , Micl dgnn , $2,8C3 , . WOBilnmionata$1,3i,000 ( Bliaslx ( ppiS1,080 , ODU , Misnnurl 3,7U1W11 I\obra.ka , $701,000 , Nevada , $100,000 , Now itnrn ; r.hir' , $110U00. Now.Jersoy $1,080,000 , New York 88,803.00J , N/Irthl C.irlina 52,450,00) , Ohto 55. 911,000 , Oregon 52111,0(1) ( ) , I'onnsylvnnla $7,403,000 , , Itloda Island 51&4,0011 , South Carolina $1 , 7.1ODO1'ennesson , , $ ! ,19.000 , ; Toxrw $2,7Hi , 000 , Vurnnut 5,191,000 , Virginia $ . , fIf,000 , R'oxt Virginia SI,08lOWlVlxcnnslu $ 1101 ; , 000 , Arizona 37UfS10 , llnkutn$2300110 , Idaho $57,0110 , Mnntnnn $110,000. NOSY Mexico $ ! 8 , 110 ; Utah 3 ! 61,00(1 ( , WaelllngGin $121,1100 ; Wyoming 830,000 , ] ) istrlct of Columbia $310hu 0 00. Mr.Itlaino argues ( lint the rcceipta from infernal raronuo would if anything b e greater in rho future than they ltavo beet during Chu poet scar. With the nssurnuco nE such an income from the national treasur many status would be relieved entirely from state taxes , and I others , like , Pcntmsylvania and Illinois , which already have incomes from other sources sufficient to run their stole gov ormmnonts , cold place the surplus money at the disposal of clues and towns and thus cut down city and county taxes. Eight hundred thousand dollars thrown suddenly into the Nobraskastato treasury and placed at the disposal of the logieln total What Avieion of wholesale jobbery and reckless extravagance this sac s present ! What n jam and crowding tilers would' be to gat to the legislature ! How tlracapitolringwoularavolinluxuryl And what is true of Nebraska would'b u true of ahnost every state in ( ho union. Eighty-six million dollars to be , handled every year by state and territorial legie latures , with no responsibility to the taz posers , on the plea that they worn ua L. foxed. What m , urn of dishonesty , in triguu nna corruption this would luau . gurato. SrmnnrtnY 1rornlna fn his annual ro port to congrdse goals with thins import ( tut problem from a diQorent standpoint . Ho admits tSAt )1101OlU91tie,1 ) ; ; to pares 1 out the surplus among tire states hn s boon ingeniously argued , but dimniaso a ribs achoua with n brief , notice because it n his oitiniou it hnv not approved itself tr , the eouuumt sense of the pauplu , ' 171 e public eoneu is shrewd enough to sou , ' ' says the secretary , "that n debtor owinl , a torso aunt upon interest. which ho ulna t pay iii short intervals , eta eoune of ti e . principal of which ho may pay of I. whenever ho p10Aeea , anti thus tla5ro inter oat , wools not be anened n good mnungo r of ufl'aira , } f ho should give away or lea n mows tin ) onus yielding no inooula , at d not likely to insure puuatunl repayment , tie money which goon luck or prudun t conduct had put in his bolas ; amid ( lint 1 t would be wiser for him with the cash h u had to extinguish an nuwh as ho caul } OE line doh ) Ilgdlllat Inittt , A eurplue is ii I bona. No way to use it ae well , so direct , ly and unorriugly as with it to pay of stud take up that debt , " ' I 'othor words , 5licrolury lrolgor pro ' 1)0505 to apply the surplus it r the treasury to the payutait uE tlh o miatinual dolt , evoll though it bens owl Y throe per cent interest. As bohvoanllr ' , Blame's plan and Air. Folgor'a plat , . o should incline to favor the. latter , wit h thoprovisu that hereafter thorn shouts b o no surplus created by excessive taxation But ft enema to us that congress cool a servo the poaplu much bettor by expend . Ills thOaUtlhle 111 hallo in ( Ito purchne 0 of the telegraph lima and upon neotlot i internal fmprovemonla , thou by curryiu g out bIr.111Aino'a suggestion or roducin g the national dolt , 'l'ho American two . ' plo are taxed from twenty to fifty per ceu t on the moony invested by rho .tolcgrapl 1 monopoly , Public safety aananda tba L to telegraph b0 taken from the contra 1 of prit utu corporations , eta the poop' ' e can well afford to * y three per cant to the bondholders , ineleua of paying tort y , per cent or uwro to moles and stock dfv } dense to Jay Could and hie associates Every year makes time postal telugrap h more of n necessity ; and every your vn ll make it immure difficult for the govonmta 1t to purchase the wires , ' ! 'burn Ia eurjlh eueugh now to buy the entire Jlntermum telegraph ayeleu. Such an , opportunit } rosy uv0r occur again , Tor relent decision bj the railroad s Mot to issue any mote free pasaus we ; of the Missouri is undoubtedly a movement by the Colorado pool to suppress rho Ne- b raska legislature. Din. C.tILL3 + le , the now speaker of the house , is n nntit o of Kentucky. , and a resident uE Covington , opposite Cmcin anti. The successor of ICeitar cornea within halt n mile of being an Ohio man , Ilia career has not been very brilliant. 11o is n self-educated , amid self-made loan. Ile begun life as n school teacher , although he has no cduculion worth mentioning , tie studied law in a law. sec's oltlce , and was admitted to the bar in 1858 , when lie was twenty-three pears old. IIo has continued in the practice of law over since , ] n 1831 ! ho was rlact can member of the Kentucky house of repraseninhrca. Noninnted in 1961 as presidential elector on the democratic ticket , ! lo sections the honor , i n 1861' ho was elected to the nenato of his native stole , and again in 1800. Ito was present as n dc1 cgnto at large front Kentucky at the National democratic convention held in Now York city ill 18e8. ilia nominp lion for lieutenant-governor of Kentucky imi 1871 caused him to resign his IG1t in the state senate. IIo was clectca to line hi outcnaut.-govornorsiiip in August , 1871 , a nd sacred until Soptcmnbcr , 1875. In 1 876 ho was one of the presidential tore at larga who voted for Tilden. Sub. acquonlly he was steeled to congress , and is now solving his fourth loon. Mr. C arlisle's record in congress is that of an a ble and diligart man , without any di5 play of bombastic oratory. IIo } e dlgui lied mind quiet in his mimnnere , but poai tire in hie conclusions , amid has many qualities which fit biro for the position of p residing officer. 1'ERSONALfTIE8 ' , E1 Mouth , the False Prophet , Is evidently a man of tuwenng mnbltion , Ilerr Laeker proposes to sLay some time in lYashhgtun is order to "study congressional practlcas , " Mr. S..r.'futlon thinks df visiting Florida , but not for life honlth. Of cmlTae ant , lie ( s gulag down there to fish for alligators. Fran Bismarek's uumbor of relapses and recoveries one might think ho was getting toady to spring an old ticket on rho Germans. Mr. Boecher says that if ha were not lteeclror hu e would fw in teR , Ifoechnr is evidently s tage struck. Anna Dickinson should reason with hm ( a 1itNo. Miss Lillian Norton , who went to Europe sumo dwo ago , tetnrns as "Itllu.'Citlin Nur dies. " She will ho oaeilyrocnguicedhuwaver , by rho undo on her chin , 1'rnf , 'l'lco , the weather prophet , is dead. But as two healthy progunxticntbrs , Vouminr and "Old 1'r.b , " tanNuuo to lie about the weather , Bfr.1'co ( will not be greatly missed. Mr. ] tusktn has fuddled around among iho Cathalrulx nud art Ialleries ; of the w old Duly G , anon back to 1snvlnnd rind admit that s beautiful yeng , woman is rho most beautiful thing sot , 'Chu Prince of Wales xemua to hm'u'btroopc(1" Blr. Ruskin wn this lummn dnuWhen When Crrus W. Field heart of the doatlu o Sojourner froth he is euppossll to Itsvu xltr nouns a bltt r , scalding tear. At tonal fibs Now York evening paper gave everyhrdieatlon the b t he lalnlrliko oronnpolista bnd brooded mourn fully ever the venerable darkey's bier , am j demo enough lachrytnoslng to pickle a barrel 1 pork , Commodore 5V , J , Kounta of Alloghen City , I'a , , the officer Who , during the xlvgu u E Vlckxbur , wrote to l'rosldent Lincoln char - lug Iluu , rant with drinking whisky loordi mltol3 , was yoster(1nysonteucedtu thlrtydny hnprisonmeut In jail and to pay n fmno of $ fur libeling a councbnan } In The Allegheny Mail , Tim jealous rivals of Miss Chamberlyn , tlt o Cleveland beauty nud favorite lnnuty of tin 1'riueo of Wnlew , have gut Dean with the lady by starting the story that alto le engaged t o axon of the data Juhn Brown , the llueen' " Rllllu. The cruel stub isgUhr ; through all tin , , 101(1 is evidently Leliovod. Mie 9 cumburlyn blot better xbalta AlbortEdsvlr d , amid conmo home. MrVilliam Ii , Vanderbilt would Ill to be a United States SeaGr , If Vthllaum lime s mint any mono bnlhts limn his hdher gave 64 n credit fur ho would cut n sorry figure in th high hulls of atato. We hayo over a soft spa t In our hhort for n man worth two or three bun drug ndlllun dollars , and we hope that Bh' Vu derhllt will think twice before sookiog nn N1n.ion { in which lie will in all Ilkolihuwl gin n thnsulf dead away. Matthew Amnld want. to sue , fuunlo , tlm e ele , haul , at IdrldgeporE. Cnnn , , rho other day unit the two 'rot ' their bonds together um I impreel thlt tlu , Atnorlenue were a very gulll bin sort of u 310(11110. At parthlg , Blr. Anudl I gave his brute lrluad n oleo bag of pnuwW and , fouling that lie might to any vunmthhngo f a annpllntetary , uaturo , time ulopruut ( ruu teously renurkud : "J1lthough I ram a bigge eluplumt thou you , l\1 r , Arnold , tau world wil 1 cheerhnIly cuncedu you urn n bigger ( ran , i than 1 , II'ourldvlug 11upUunds , l'hlladclph4a lteconl. I underatamid Miss It llu Tarry is rathe r diAappuintua fluor alto bus not seen anor C of tie society of Nosy fork ladies sine o her arrival hero. At a diuuur sumo feu v nights ago , where tlm wife of the hos t was the only holy present , aim did no L llasitntu to express her aiaappoimittuultt a t having tout so tow Now lurk ladies. I lun e heal furthermore tuna that M r 1urreit ! , who was invited to tit any at n enuntry pines hear Now Yerl M wrntu to inquire if time ladiesnuanin g Mrs. ltunvtt and Miss 'Perry Iltiglit no company thou , aunt ( list the auewar wa e that they might coon , but that time larliu of time house would nut be rat lwuw , hi a i5 rather hard ell Dlra , 1arrett , who i of the beat rat bar ono eu-n wonharr r virtuous nos shim is delightful. i'ur min Y , ) art 1 must ens that , if 1 received Dl e , I would receive Diiae Terry , Id dan'tboliet o iii lakin' lielt of one an d hush if another , if Miss Ter is nut n weson to receive late ono'a household Ikon nuitlwr is Dr , Irvin' , ' 1'u bo sun Or Dliea'lbrry has had u goMl manY hue bands , all n [ whau era ! ! ring , T believe 1 believe thorn are four of ) hunt. Bu t eUnW wOUIOn have a 'stills fu C buebauds and 1 suppose she is eu C of tlem , llur firstusbvld was ( h e fatuous Euglfeh portrait puiutorYutts . who f bolievu hae 10x1 k ightud for hi a artistic ntiniuuwut5 , but torero was a di 5eree , and DIie51'urry mnrriedaguin , 1 llwmior iii time 141uumach. utuch of the tlistrras and sickness a t tributcd to dyspu sill , chromife diarrlloc ta rand other cniaea is occuhsiontrl b } hen 0t fu the slonacll. Several cases , with a ll the chnraclorisUcs of these coutplaini s , hltvo beoa cured i ) 1ood'tl Sarealnt jll n , Other corns effected by this miluaicmne n ru ao wonderful that Uw etutpluat etatuutul d ut Clem nll'onle thubeet pnwf that ft rwu n bbtv5 are cunltiru nholts and w'Iwn omit u used sueurus time couhduncu of the peopl u , The North 1'latto Intgating canal will ha tie the capacity to Gory 25U.80'acrr water nigh p , , ur dullielvnt to Irrlgate about 70,000 aaug If loud , ' 'Imo ( all lxliu Woolly seven lost to II mile , It will take but a short ltuemo to gl ° eu0ichnt lead It' : rnlUhK hhr'rt's , 0N I0 WASHIh'STON. S kcl cis o f WaYsl d o Scenes oa fLZ Road from Omaha to the Capitol Cily , A Trip to Wisconsin and n Week Amid the Sights of Chicago. TLo LullnnA Cullegeu-Ncscapnpcr Palaces of 1'htlndelphlut-Irving on time Stage , Curccsrondenco ; to The Ilse. WAalunaToN , D , C , , November 80.- H ow much work one's eyes con do for ono in two weeks of travel ? The dying fields seen from the train ; time eights in doom and out , of great cities all the way from the winding Missouri to time calmu Potomac ; beautiful buildings , ugly build- i ngs , beautiful woven , ugly woroon , all thrown inaiacriminntiy , ; into one's mind through two smelt windovns , to be there assorted and remain as impressions morn or leas lasting. A rush through IYiscon sin , Impression : it seams n very old s tate , Oml CACh alga of the railroad track , trees , trees , stump trees , not that broad clean sweep at prams which makes one in Nobraskn feel the greatness of the globs , and that ho is atvlaing on top of it. Beloit , with its payer mills and rho quiet old collage with its quiet old presi dent , na venerable as the unoccupied I ndian mounds surrounding. Itlcino , with its thundering manufactories , the b iggest nE them owned by . ) . 1 , Case , who ow na a bigger thing soli perhaps , "JAY nvx six ; " a common enough horse to look at , but o ne that with such speed and such name will always be remembered. Tha'lnioat n ovelties in the horse line are tlkine ( , his name ; thorn is the " , Tay Eye Soo" blanket kot old the " , Jay Eye Sea" curry comb , and while I was thorn Mr. Case re. cowed n sample "Jay ] : ye See" bridle w a souvenir. , It was n othing extra as n bridle , however. Mr. Case's family complain ( lint the newspapers - papers have mixed ) ham up too fronts with horse matters thislast summer. One would think so whoa a reporter , after in- q uiry no doubt , diacovdre and nnnouttcca w the world , that haters ovary taco in which the little trotter takes part , pray. ors are offered u by the Gunily for his succuas. Itacina hs got a boom and an opera houso'nnd n street car turning rho c orner seemed like an npparntimn to one who had not vieitod ( lie place in five years , . what it was in village ways. 'rim woN Yit C1TY. Then to Chicago , the wonder city. Thera is no use in attempting to say a ' word about it. Its too big to handle with anything save polyayllubies. Take one business block them , climb through-it front collar to sorrel , from the recesses utilises under tie sidewalk , amnotimes under the street , to the additions by time chimney pate , and you haven minature world , so varying the occupations carries on and rho people engaged in them. Whabnnestona0f thairhotola-ie , ewnrmr ing- with people like hoes in n hive ; Alta ettlltho town grows , in richness nnain groatuoss. They have tim SINESr CLU31.JroUSt outsiau oE Now York there , rite "CAIu uteri" A friend took me downlto dine. It teas dark when we roach0d it , Michigan - gan avouue was a long row of' dots. of light as far as one could see , amid the-monster club house marked' the corner of Twentieth street gaip.wlth ] the light streaming from its nuns colored windows Tlho door its oponoalnolsolosal y by a servant of rho club in 'ivory ' , you are ushered past the great fire place-t o rho reception room , your dinner order i s taken , mid meanwhile the billiard. room ia vieitod and n lemonade had , aua th e eupurb library , all velvet carpals nn a eaten hangings audlcuatly paintings , . and than the , olovaton 1)ulls you to the to p story whore is the largo dining room an d morn aorvunts in livery and more ulo gnnco and your dinner served in si x ooursos. Sono of the members roam it n the building at fortydollurs a mnnthl each : oust naaitiouol. J1 comfortable way f n which to opens the interest al one's boils. ' 'The "Cahlmot" is in fashiombl a quarter and has n torso nentberehip Almost aingmtally ucroes is rho rusidenc of Ibort ] Coop , the presidmtt of th o Northwestern railroad. Living. thorn ' m beautiful aparquouts , islilt. . 1Villian 1 1ce0p , lately appointed uttoraa Y for that great system and of whom I speak because , lw read , his first ltiw it r Oltmaha , amid will be recollected there by many of rho younger munnbara of the bur On him devolves t1a duty of npuuarin g for the road in rho courts , , uua hi5salm is something lwuaeono A young man wall chosen , sT. NnnlnLASI dto n. When anything out of : rho otplina ry , rosolts itself , take , aids to examine i t . 1Yha1 in Chicago 11 want through th 3nint Nicholas toy factor the ] ar 0et i n this country , anaL only ' { viehea ndoze : l of may litchi friends tai t lsavobemtnlon r to see rho etran'o eighth. Itlocks wood name nut hubby horses , stub's time wore turuad into tables and bureaus an gooks , just ( lw right size for buys nu girls , slid they ss ould huYlsnemn real r valuing chairs nuoau for their eau , nn d doll carriages , eta bicycles and vel a ra poles of all sizes , awl sync so many rad' ty thins , 'ftwse goods , the velocqud especially , are sent all over time wort d' Plus ntiblot nluunst lw styled the hems IL old Sainb Nicholas himself , so much Uf bin work is dune hero , ] t tattoo n scent runny ( non to make rocking horse , to cut him nut and pu t loge on dim and drive tlw tail Aohruml thut.luhuay can't pull it out and paint 1 t n byres color , Time gaudy 1mAlncea fe 11 e feat thingauait is tacked ou by girls re 5uL c61t5fully , There aroeuvcral huudrr ; employed at this work , INTO A week put in time eollei es of India nu , after havimig visited lllitiuun great gchoo 1 , the Northwostoru university at Evanelol ludiaua fa thick with colleges , thorn n ro so many it's haul to lied oe a wa among them , and ) hair annual crop ofY graduates is eouethilmg enormous , 'Phu Y mire all line schools , Asbury at. Cron n castle. Portico at Lafayette , 1Yabaell nA ! to'rnw fordavillo , butler , at ( ndialupnli 8 , where Professor huller is , time ti rot chnucchur of the Nvbrnska unit'ereit Y Asbury san ) to be kunw'n as Dopaw uu t vcrsitye probably nov Iho richest in gifts , a d ma to iutmnrdimduly erect stir 11UY blllldllla { ; frolll ( lw flat EUlln CUCL'lYp mid iron btr , Dupou , TI16 LItJI'fE ESI'RYSC surgin its through to I'lliladeiphia ; , , ifb'tns g thu e I. . n's } road dues cwt ii ut i" Y J ( Cubs Rheumatism , Lum . bago , Lame flack , Sprains and Bruises , Asthma , Catc.rrh , Coughs , Co1d. , Som Throat , Diphtheria , Burns , Frost Bites , Tooth , lar , and Headache - ache , and ailpaThs and aches. The tut lalernll sal eueraal remedy I. , the .a L EeesyiolUerursameeJ iclae imtknsmarrhti&n { era , Slice g' lean , aJ $ l.O , FOSTER , MILOURN & CO , , Prop'rs , avrm'ALO , N. Y t'.a.A. . settled down for n day or so afterward. Philadelphia peepto ought to be full of b rotherly intro : they G111 utmost shake hands with each other across their little s treets , end their narrow walls are cone ducro } to sociability. But Philndolphire } fns two line things , adepot that is like mu. cathedral anti n tiers a , r otlico that is l ike a ) since. I do not refer to the Lea ec ollico alone , superb as that is , butte the to granite building of The Reoil , w here everybody has all time room ho wants and vc contort that he could ask. Time o0curis ! in beautiful order amid lit with the incauluscont lamp. Time ro parlor comes up in time elevator , placeso h is hot rod coat rat his own cmnpnrhnalt of the ton ; ; wardrobe , seats himself in an easy chair , turns a knob and rho pear. shaped globe over his desk is filled writ a sett , nub light , ' Over at The Ledger ellicro the editorial apartments mire av0u richer , but very much cruwdea. T he rarpota are from Brussels , the windows stained sines , the walls hung in imitation of stamped leather and haud printed overlleaa. No private parlors are more elegant. The desks are of the costliest woods and the rooms filled with art treasures. The library is complete in books bound iii morrocco and Russia. Amid they say Mr. Childs is very band to young men. IISNmiY 21.1'INR pisses Louis XI , Tuesday evening , at the Chestnut street theatre , an antiquated dirty place , ; where the swats wore not tilled as well as I should have expected. Ilaro 1 saw my first dude ; two of hint , in fact , They go in pairs ; probably for mutual protection. Irving is a wonder. fulactor , and all his mannerisms , which h e iseaid to have exhibited in Now fork wore not apparent iu Louis \1 , Ito makes a fine old miau. But now , Washington , amid the Amen- can capitol up at rho and of the street , a mid. congress a coming ! Anon. CLL Mnc C ASn. - - - - - - liorsnr tl'a Jlcld Pimoaplmate For Wakefulness. Dr. 1Ve , P CLoTlnnmy Bu/TloN. / Y. , says : " 1 prescribed it far a Catholic priest who was a hard student , for wake. fulness , extreme nervousness , etc. He reports great benefit. " vlilte HLlu , + e'Wcm r and Tear , Waehlnnmen , I.ttn D1any i > eople wonder why it costs so much to keep the executive mansion in good order. Colonel Itockwull says the 'Wear ana'tunr"'oEtho , furniture exceeds that of any lintel in line country , The "dear publie , " to the average of five hun drew a days inaitlt upon seeing the white house. They must examine , with their eyes and 6ugorsall the upholstery and drapery. When it is remembered that this is repeated' ovary say in rho year it will cease to be a matter of wonder that the wear is ao rapid. Of course time pao- pie of this country woaldliveand die just as happy if they were excluded fr3m the white house , but what a tempest of indig nation such a high luudedniensurewould provoke ! Those things were pain for b Y the people and the people are to ee them. )111 that can be soon } s to tut time people wear 'em cut , rota then they can p/y for mono , . ----.a ° ' - - - - - hOUIG BLi1L1T1R1'J ' C:11iDS Now designs , hover before iiubrshed Will plCase any person. Sent free of n receipt of . , c stamp to every condor o f the OnAIIA ] Addreaa Samuel Car Carf tar , Ili Pork place , New York. me&wt f Lhcoln Lee , of Freuant mot with a serlou. mlxhn dal + t Satunhay. Ito ew apt up a soul 1 of lowlier , spilled ml the xtoro floor and carried it to Chu street. 15'hen Imo Grocl'e d u matchlu , ft a ruuldon hash and pxplusien w time rrrult , , lie was lcnoekod over , his ha t thruus'nhigh.intc.tho air , and his face an right hand huiAg baldly charred amid black med. , 1 sa pe k R : T TAE GigEAT CURES Rheumatism , Iteul'algla , Sciatica , Lumbago , Uaclxchs , Headache , Toothache , Nuru'rhro111a11 { , III , . .yDraln.Itrul.e4 horn. , Yran1 + . Yoe ! Illle. , AMl ALL 1,111511 aoalu rsliN AAa 11104. .eI/M Ulur4ld.e lNd r.brre..lnr . C.ahtolt + INroanw Ia t mu 1 .uluue. . TIIN. haIt1,1a.t.rl Fi'N Ma'CK1. i C. E. MA'YISTE & Co. 109 f amain S { RtI - -OmahaI Kehl w'IlOLE9AI E nlllrl'EItS ' AND I11AIdata : 1N --AND- 'CONNELSVILLE COKE 1 , ' 'll'rite fur Prices , RICIIAItDS & L'LALiiE ; , ' 1V , J1 , ULAIIItE ; , Proprickers1 Stlpcrnltendent , Omaha Ir do Works' ' . U , P. Itb.IL'WAYV - l7TII & 1STII STIt1ETS . d. . 4. 1 MANUPAOZ1UItER OF ANI , ' flL TE1tS''IW Id Ellgi oes , , i , WATER WHEELS' , R.OLL1 ; MILLS , ' Mill and. Grain Elevator Machinery - MILL FURNISHINGS OF AIIL KINDS , ' CLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Moth t' STEAM PUMPST.STEAMI .iTER AND -PPPE , BRASS C'QODS AND PIPE FITTINGS 7 s ARCHITECTURAL A'ND BRIDGE IIt4'N , 1 . 0 . ru ! J f4J . v ll 0 r _ - rr. , w'e are prepared to fnrnisl'pl } nH andiesti ; > lilts , and 5vi11 contract for t he erection of Flouring Mills and ' 1 'rain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mflls , from Stone to thb holler systt m. Q r Espeeial attention given to fnrnishjng Power Plants for any purpose - pose , and estimates made for sitnle. General' urnehinery repairs attended to promltlAddress- 4 RICHARDS & .CLARKB. Omaha , Neb. ' ; 4STEELE STEELE JOHNSON& Coe Wholesale. Grocers AND JODRE 'ta 111 PLOURI UGAR1 CANNEDt'GOOF ° S 'ND A tROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINEI OF' T'EE' BII T OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS'FOR REF/WOOD HA1LS'APID LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER CO . 1C .S7aJ ; .rruaw. . Booth's OvaI' Brand AND A FISH ; AT WHOLESALE ; . 1) , it , i1EF.MER. A ontOmaha. ' 1 'r I , 0 lS S l Tire OIhDEST 1Y30LESALE.&ItEIIMII ( EW LRY HOUSE IN OMAUA. Visitor. Ma. here find all time ucvaltiee in SILV RWARr 'OLoags ' , 111011 AND STYIdSU Jim WL1tY , The.Latost , 3or + Artistic , and Choices t Szluetious is and atD.ud t tos oer AND ALL DESC 1HIONa of FtiNE WATCHES + AT AS L w YRICi $ As is compatible with honorable dialers Call arA moo our u.ogan'c now 1 ore , Tower Building , CORNER IITU AND FA1tNAM ST S MAX MEYER & BRO.e , uANUFACTL'R Rs OF. SHOW CASES A large stork alsara on pals , 0 NINE LEADERS ! IllPOItTANT TO BUYERS'OFr. . . , , . . , , - A , 1i i 1 Out of time many huudred manufno turons of tide line of goods , we-hay claim , to re , resenting the loading , makers , and ( can show n more coat Bete audrlar'or lure. , of Pianos and 0 'mums tmau } , c n be ioundi in aim ONE House iii the west. Oure NINE LEADERS are ( ha following well. . known and celebrated imatrumuuts , STEINWAY PIANOS , CHICKERING PIANOS , KNABE I'1ANOS , VOSE P1NOS , PEAS1 PIANOS , MUON PIANOStt SCHONINGEpRCYMIBELLJAORGA , 515. CLOUGII W 1VAI1ttEN OltcIANS , STERLING 1111 } EItiAkOROAN. 11 o want evoryooay deainng a lhar + CC or Organ to call em write to u. for infer. . oration and GET POSTED , We er.eU. . . yof the beat iratruutent rnasle fos . 1o 1at mommy , you will ivo min a tti - naal want tb All we ask ma to show } 0u , as we kneuw we G111 satisfy OverYbod Y , ironour Nine LoJdurs , which are roco ' nized b' tlmene posted , s then beat mnade. Send of catalr'ue anti price 1itm ( Tlrlt , OLDEST \VHOLESALE aC itl"TAILa r MAX MEYER & BRO. , wAltF.aW 8 Co. " . 11th & Fartlam ; hs , 'l Y