Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1883, Page 7, Image 4

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n rFIR DAILI' BEEOMAH4t , TUESDA v 1)EEMB1JR 1 , 1883 ' ' _ I
p- . - - - - - - - - V _ _ _ _
The Nebraska Natiorjal Bank
ZM Up Vfttta1 . . . $23flOO
V' tnrp1u8 1'U.flt Nov. t , 1B83 : 7G.500
l'mlrroRs. ' :
I , V. T.t'fl $ , Pe't , tor mny year , C&ehler 01
th Firt IIIQUI1 Baiik ol Oniith.
A , IL TOUZALl rirldcnt , o floon.
w. V. MOItS ) , of W y MOIUil Co.
$011N 8.COLLINSof U. 11. COTtINS.
f. WOOLWOItTff , CouncIlor & Attorney &t t& .
L 8. flED : , of flyron Reo & Co.
Thle ftanic optl0l toT tius1nc.Ary1I 27 , ISS2
T1I } 1)IIEC1O1tS ) MI ) STOCKIIOL1MUtS & ? e
Itflofl the loftdlng bulnei tncn of OmMi& , int ft
busfnc I condtictef sIth eocIa reference to the
' bit md 1nert.4n lutereeteof It mcrcntIlo pMtone
COLt1UTlONS receho oornpt ttctIo 1011
ChIrgC Iowo5t obtalnibIo hero or elecs here ,
INTEREsT allowed on tttno llcpo1t upon fa.ot.
Ible terms lnt Upon ccoUntfl of bnke , tii1 brrnkere.
FOItEIGN 1XC1LtNOF , Uoeniuient Boudd Int3
County flt City Socuntles bouit ) P.nt1 sold ,
Council 1uff Loan and.
Tiu2t , Company.
I F1rt flrtgao ) Lnni Negiititet1 , Commerclsl
PApr tiil all ( oed eciirltk' dealt In. 3 I'cftrl
ptrt'et , Mill fj ( ) I'lrst a % euue , CouiilL 1IIuf1'l.
NEW YOlfit , locoinbor .
MoIIoy-L13y : ilt 2@3 ver ccitt ; C1)4Cd nt2
pr cent.
] .rhno Pnpor-fl per coat.
I Exchanges WUs-4.82 ; demand , 4.8.
( ] ovcrnrncnti--Strong ,
' 1 The week opened with a firm inarkot for
. .tocki ; P.flI 1ldco in early trictotis : ul'
% 'AHCOII ' A@ : POC CCflt , Iloforo the llrMt cull ,
however , a weaker tOllo sot in niul lower
figures provuiled thiring tim roiiudndor of tim
iiay. 'flto tiocline in prlcou ruligeti from . to
1 per coat , There were rnliie at intervals ,
UxteflIlitIg at 0110 tiIo % , tO Per coot. , but the
market left dr irregular , with omo shares at
th lOWOSt Point of the day. As compared
with Satur1ay'4 close , priCn4 Were down
1 © 1 ler cent. Northwestern preferred was
exceptiona'ly ' strong , rising to I * 81 11) ) .
S's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOOj
4j'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Fc1fic 6's of ' 93. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127k
American Exprs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Burl , Cedar flapids & Northern R4
entral l'aclfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C hicago & ; Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l33
do ilo ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Ca , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do 1)d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fort \Vytio & Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Haunibal & ; St. J0101)1I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8S.
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . + 88.
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:13 :
md. , Bloom. & ( esterii. . . . . . . . . . . . 1'2
Kansau t Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.l
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . lO1
Mlchig&u Contral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1)0 )
Minneathalls & St. LouiH. . . . . . . . . . . . 11)1. )
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . 39
L1fsouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
? 'rthem Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do do ifd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J U Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do jfl1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148Z
I Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117.
Ohio & Mi.ssiesipui. . . . . . . . . . . . 2T'
do do ) fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P0
Peoria Decatur & .Eviuisville. . . . . . . . 17
hock island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
do do do iiId. . . . . . . . . . . 11Th
l Paul Minn. Manitoba. . . . . . . . PP
j _ St. Paul Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : f ;
e' do do lfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Texaa Paoiliu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Wabash , St. L. & PMCIfiC. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 34.
WeatorwUnIonTelgraph. . . . . . . . . 78 !
) I lAe3ked
? 4'V dHIcAGo.
CHICAGO. IDecember 3.-Flour - Market
" 9t 'dull &nd unchanged ; common to choice spring
wheat , , 3@c ; MInneSota , 3@iuc ; bakern ,
@c , patente , 67c ; winter wheat flour
Southern end Missouri , 4@&c , 1ichigan ,
Wheat.-.Regular PeI1ed weak , and jricc
declinedie'bo1ow Saturtlay's close ; k ml.
.liOll later and aulranced @jc , but clisetl
abmit u , lower for .Iunuary and jo for May
haxi hSuurday's e1080. Foreign advicoM are
unfavorablo. December closed at 'J6e ; Jaiiti.
.ury cloetl at t)7.Ic ) ; February , , Pc ( ; 1\Iy \ ,
Lft4 hid.Wiiiter wheat dull and 'no ( leliland.
No. 2 , red.noinitual atPtz1 00 ; j\I ) 3 Hold at
tA. Spring wheat lower ; N. .l cltctl at
' ) ; No , 3 ,
Corn Active and strong , and iiittlor free
.efToringt 1)riceH declined iuolow Saturtlay.
. & lieciilatlvo ioiiiaud afterwurI mivanceti
tito market i14'c ; , cloed c ' 1iiher for 1)e.
oentber and c for January aUI ( i\Lu No. 2
.and higl1 IIIiXeII in good dejauuid , closed at
rojcLeil1f1@4flc ; ; December closed
at 55c ; .raiiuur.v , 551c Laid ; February , tc ;
May dosetl.nt SMc bid.
Oats -Tue iirnrkot followed corn ; opened
at j dc. lower , u4t1hoffnontly advanced and
dose Iirjn at a higher. Cash salei at :1).I : ) (
34'dC for No , 2 ; Decomberclosel at. 31c ; .Tanui.
( try : u } ; May 35L@f1c. :
lye-Jplland declined c : No. 2cash , 57c :
.ranuu.ys8 ; February 5'Jf59Ac ; May
Barley-.egIetutetI 8(1(1 IOIUinaI ( io. 9
euMill ( ' , : ; . .Nti. 3 ueld at 44 Ic ; January at
lre. ; .
V Pork-MesuautLvo , tradiug chiefly f1pocuIa.
th'.c , Uioui ourlyshowed a reduction of 20@ )
: loc , but rallied later , ah1l 230c. ! ; ruled
at the .o1oo. ,1It.4 ( , 12 00(12 ( 75 for tild ;
V f3 2113 z0 for rtow ; 1)ee nkbor , closeil
steady , at 2 7fJd12 7t ; .Tnnuary. 13 35@
ii : 3 ; iobviiary 1l.2 : c1f : 5 ; March i : ; 67
t @ 1:1 : 7A1 ; May , 14 02'j14 ( 05.
t , Led-AatLvo early ) urice 1Itc ( ) $ lower ,
. rallied to l2j15c , ( and closed teady ; cash
- % V. lotuS , 5 ; lbd8 25flocomber deceit at 8 22
_ _ _ u2.l .tauuary , f ® 37. February 8 SO ®
) S2 Marr1uf 45 ; 3y,8 378 90.
fltlk Meats-in fair tleIIafl(1 ( ehotilders ,
iS 50 ; shout rIb , 6.713 ; short cleaz ? ,
oi Ct.-l.Sheat .regular for LIecember
closed tg9dj ! ; , January 9Z4C97 ;
Mat' 1'O.toj. aIo , ' .40,0O0 buslacis.
( .orn-JUgher ; December , 4@55c ; Jan.
uaiy ; .3lay r ra' . ' . . Salonti ,100 , .
4)00 biisliei.
Oab-ILeavy ; ] ) juceirubor 31(31. tales ,
. Ii3e-JMeeuibor S7Ja,581t ; January .W41@
58'c ' ; Mar 443f ; 3ale , 9.,000 hushelu ,
l'ork-teasJy lkcenbr i2 57A12 .641 ;
' .Iaitnary 1:1 : : i7k@L3 .10 ; May 14 07@l ( 10.
Sales , isroo Iarrelai. .
Lurcj-1Je&ssiuheer 8 22'uIfl ( 25Jauuary ; 8
( )8 ) 40 ; May ; 8i(8 99 , SalesF3tu1IO tlerceu
C1NC1NN4T1 ,
C1NoINAi'i , Heoemhec J.-Whet-Mnrkitt
rm ; No , 2 ; 1 05I ( ir cash ,
Corn-Easier ; old iiife4 59i.5.
Oab-Strong at 33e.
Itye-Eauder at 6O4Qtflc.
orlc-Quiet at 14 00.
Lartl-I.ower at t4 10 ,
Hulk Meatu-In fair ihutwiiil ,
WWsky-Steady at 1 38.
M1LWAU1C ; .1 ) eceinber Vheat-Stouuiy ;
fi ! ( cue caiili ; tPju for .JantuLry ; I O1 for
ora-Jiglier ; No. 2 st 5k' .
* l. Oats-ouunal1y uneltaugtuul ; No. 2 3Wc.
Rye.Lower' No. 2 , 5T4c.
0 Barley-Acttve , but lower ; No. 2 , 62 , .
I'EOUR I'Iiflht'CE.
1 $ I'EOIUA , Poeeniluer 3 , Cern stAuafy ; hIgh
701x043 , 514452c ; No. 2 mIxed , 5l@S1cu.
Oats Stea4lyh O. 2 wldto , 31c ,
Rye . : ; new Nt. 2 rsi ; ,
\ hiskey. Firm at 'i JfS , .
V ir. Wtf4 f'EJtItcE.
Sr. i.QIil:4 IlocomberW1seatJ4tter :
au.d slow ; rod , l O0l 00' for ( aLsh ;
1 ooe1. ( 0O for 1)ecemtur ; l ( ) I ( or
Jauuary ; No. 3 red , Pl(1itL.
CvrnOpeaod 1euer ieiaj ilvaocetl at lT
for ch4cfor ; IJecomber ; 4Qi46c for
Oats..liwer at 27Z21c for cMh ; 28 for
liarley40 , .
1liittor-lsher : dairy , 2lf1f2c ; creuncry ,
1ggs1llIter at 25c.
Flour-Firm ,
Flaxseed-81 3T.
1 hay -Stoutly' prairie , $ 10@10 ' 0 : tfmtstliy ,
$10 00 1t' 00.
Corn Moal-2 t5i2 : o.
Ct.osii Iiouui.-Whoat-1 I klier , but thhl
lower than Sttitrtiay's cIolng : I 004 for 1)e.
cemitbor : I 03 January , 1 03 } for F ebruary ;
1 1O for May ,
Corii-Actlv , finim anti higher : . $8 $ for
1)eceitttmer : lSlc for , hztiimiar ; 4S'c ' for I' euro.
itry ; Mu0 ! for lnv.
Oat.-1hIgiior : 2o } 1)1(1 for Ilecomber ; 2tle )
for , latfliai3 ; 3li:11.e : for May ,
NEW TO1tt ,
Nitw Yonic December \ )
, 8.-\Thoat-CaMI ,
steady ; 0Ptl01I ) @gc tower , but
recoertul from the decline , closlug firiti ; mut
sratlet1 roil , S0cl)1 ( ) 11 , ; No. 3 ccii , I 03@I 051 ;
Xl ) . 2 retl , 1 12S3'1 l3. .
COiIl--CfllI , . @ 1e lower ; options 01100011 .
4c hover , and nd : uicetl ® c closiii tuIct
and linn ; ungraded , SS@6e ; 2 , 63c ®
( ; l.c.
Oats-Market stotiIy ; miiIod western , 5@
Eggt-\'otern froli , quiet omiti itteady.
1.5ork-1)uil ) ioid eaior ; new mess , 13 87
14 00.
rard-trtiiig ; prinie stonin , 8 rjs 60.
Butter- Quiet and tirmit for clndc.
KtsAS ( lITv.
ICANSAM Oitr. flecoinoer 3.-\Vhont-\'et1 : , ;
: ; . 2 red , S2@82c for c.tsli ; 8lt' for .lnnu.
ary ; 'J2c bid for May.
Corn.teakor and lower ; 9 mulvotl , : c
for cash ; 37c for ltcomitbcr ; 42c for ttity.
Outs-Strotiger at 23c.
Livanroot , liccemnbor 3.-l3roadsttfts-5l nr
kot ilull.
tVhtoat-\Viittor , Ss ihi ; Rpring , $ @ 8s Itl.
Cora-Ss Td.
BALTIMORE , I ) ecoinber 3.-\Vheat-\\'est.
era about stonily ; No , 2 whiter rotl , cIi ,
1 08.1@1 0s ,
Corn-\Visteru dull mixed .1 61 1
- * , ; , aniiIry : ,
Oats-Fin , , aitti active.
ltyo-Steady at 'i68c.
Battor-Firm : western packed , 10@23c ;
creamery , 25@c. :
Eggs-Finn t 2930c.
Whisky-Steady minti juiot at 1 181 1S.
Nw Onuts , 1)ecomber 3.-Corn-In fair
domiuanti ; vhito higher at 57c' yolltns' firma at
Oats-Higher nitti scarce at $ lI.l0c. (
Corn Meal-Easier at 2 3@2 40.
Pork-Steady and in fair demand at 1 50.
Lard-Steady ; tierce , refined , 8 37 ; keg ,
8 87. ' .
hulk Ieats-l a gooil , lctiand.
\Vhisky-Stoady and umichanged ; western
rectified , 1 05@1 20.
ToLEDo , December : ; . -\Vhomt-l ) ull anti
nominal ; No. 2 rod cash , I 03.@l Ott.
Corn-Quiet anti firiim : No. 2 cash , 5lc bid.
Oats-i ) uill and noiiiiiual ; No. 2 cash and
Deceiniuoi' , 80c bid.
ClitcAno , loctnnber 3.-The Drovers' Jour.
mial reportathils afternoon as follows :
Hogs-Market t'eak , and prices lOc lower ;
packing , 4 35c4 75 ; jiacking atiti tdiippin' ,
4 7ti@5 40 ; light , 4 3@4 70 ; ttklps , 2 5
4 35. Market clood with 25,000 left.
Cattle-Market tteady and firm ; ex
ptrt , 6 15@6 50 ; good to elndco ship.
S 4O(6 ( 00 ; common to medium ,
4 O0@5 80 ; inferior to fair eow 2 25@t 20 ;
muiedium to good , 3 3061J4 00 ; ntocen , 3 O0@
3 90 ; feeders , 3 SO@1 30 ; Texans , 4 0O@4 75.
Sheep-Market tuteady ; inferior to fair ,
2 503 50 per cwt. ; medium to good , 3 7 ©
4 00 ; choice to extra , .1 0OI 50.
SD. Louts , December 8.-Cattle-Market
active and firm ; exports , 0 O0@640 ; heavy
shiiping ; , 5 5Oli ( 00 ; lIght shipping , 4 7 ®
5 50 ; botchers' steers , 4 OO4 75 ; good edwe
and feeders , 3 754 25 ; cows , 3 003 O ;
stoekers and feeders , 3 504 25.
Sheep-Market steady ; coiiinijn to medium ,
2 25Q3 00 ; fair to good. : ; 2s(3 os lIirno
to fancy , 3 75(4 ( 25.
KwsAs CIT ; leeember 3.-The Daily In.
dicator reports :
CattIe-Stocken and feeders Bteady ; othoru
quiet and price't umichmatiged ; ziatevou , .5 7 ;
cows , 2 7@3 fiS ; Colorado half breeds , . flU ®
4 50 ; Texas steers , 8 25(3 ( (40. (
hogs-Market weak and lower itt 4 4 ®
4 85.
Slteep-\1arket steady ; Colorale immuirtn'od
wethers , 2 00 per head.
- - - - - V
rtouiz ; n OaAfl.
CHICAGO , I Jecomnberlloeetpts anti ihip.
monte of flour and grain h the 1)at 21 hoursi
have been as follows :
ltscetpts. Shlp'ts.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,500 .l0OO0 ;
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 9AlO0O , 16,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 224OO0 125,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . 153,006
Rye , IUs1iOll4. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1,000 : liOO0
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 110,000 5,400
NEW YORK , JumbcrRoceipts and
bblpmontsof flour and gr&1ufor the pwtt 94 hood
have beomu as follows : .
Receipts ShIp'ts.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 127,000 ' 8O00
Con , , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 101,100 9.IO00
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . a9l,000 50
KANSAS CITY , Itce'mxsbor .8.-ltocohpts and
shIpimiont.u of grain fo the itast 24 buttes have
been as fohlowi
fleceiptn. . Shlp'tsi.
, Vhoat. ) . . . . . . . . . . , ) .oue
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 'I
LIVa ftrOe&r.
CIIcAao , I ) ec'onlerReeolpts , and shIp.
ment. of live stock for the Vast 24 hours have
been as follows ;
Itecelpts. Shlp's ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooo ; . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . .
Xst3AS Cirr , iecemher L-ReceIpts ad
shIuuteimts of live stock Cos thme past 21 humus
have been as follows :
Receipts. Shlj'til.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ooo
Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ooo . . . .
Sr. ffous.l lecomnber : t.-Rlts anti ship.
mento.uf live stuck for the 21 hours Imave
been amfoUows ;
ItCOt'A)1t4 ) , Shlp'ts.
Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11100 100
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Ix : oo
JfOjH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , .
V _ _
WJzolesalo Priceg.
Orvc o' 'l'iis OMAHA BE ! ,
V Moiday : Evening , 1)ecetmer : t.
The 1olatiug pr1cei are charged rotallars
by Jobbers , whitictalers and commnfatom mner.
chants , wit ! , the.erception of uraIn , rbich m
uoted at the prlee.i furnished by the elevators
acid other local Luems ;
Gra I ci.
WI1xT-Ciuth No , 2 , 81c ; No. 3 Gk
13AuEy-Cah ; No , 2 , JIb.
ItTE-Casli No. :4 : 39e.
fnN-No , 2 , 37c.
Os.'n-No , 2 , 28c.
hive Stock ,
FAT Rrxnut-.Qjfet , at 4 ( Ia4 ( 75 ,
FAr ( ? owii-1 ( JO ® : ) 35.
Iloas-l ( ) O@4 JID.
SlucEp-Fleum , at 3 OO@3 110.
OALVia-1'alr ' qimality4 W.flOi ; gttodbutch.
cr5 tockG00.
Pkiur mmii MIhltnfftt.
3UT& ? WILKeS-ICIt quality , p.Lentat (
HE0OU ) Qci4uy-9 753 95.
a WLUA7-Best tjuiJity , Juh.Lzmt ,
SFCOiLi CVALTT-2 ? ) ( .03 3 ; .
- V
- -
1ISAN-tsSc ir cwt.
CuorrEn l'aEI-i'er 100 lbs. 8.'o.
004tH MEAt-1 OO@1 10 lCr cwt3 i
citzr.ixo-007to ior cv
General 1'i'tlticC ,
11tTTF.R - 1"nncy ercamory 33@35c cold
5toraO { creamery , 256j27c ; choice dairy , 20
® 21c ; best eummntry , solid imacketh , 12ltic'
host country , roll , 1 I16c1 Inferior grotks
10@llc. 1lc'ceIpt eoittiimtio large auiti quality
Poor. No ticmnauti fur anything oclut , , strfctly
fancy butter ,
1ouii-Market aiivnmmcint at
274i2(4c. Advin hlboral eotutigtummmont ,
AI'i'miFf110) ' , " . , .f 5 00 ;
fancy lloim lais ) , $3 4W' ' .1 ' ; Iguacy , Fomot ,
: t ( XW3 50 ; fuuie3' Wih1owti , , $3 25J8 75.
'I ) omiuammtl got
CntFMr.-Now : York Ststo full cream , late
Soutemmmlwr make , 1 Ic ; New York State fuill
cream , it ) hitHuft ltut , I3c ; tb full cecammi , 50
imoump Lut.s , 13c ; do .umgumt make , ic ; do 10
imneim lot.t , .um'ust itmako , 12ctiu ; SO hoop lots ,
l2c'lst'onsfmm ; , fail emoutiti , 9 In 1hx , 1 Ic ;
\'tflhimg Ammmerica.s , strictly full creammi , 18c ;
( till creuumum , 12c ; full crealmi 10 hoop lots , I I c.
full creatti flat. , 19c : full cream fiats , hle ;
fancy limick cheese , lift ) lb etsos , l5e ; 1.Imim'
1)mirger 18c ; genulmm old Swiss , l'c. ' )
1'oTvromM-blet'e1luts mimnall and ; urlcos
good. Comusigmmmmient.s of strictly cholco ,
large sized , mttralgimt putato are ci1imig
from 33 to $ $ c ; ummIoti cant 80 to 82o atmiti
light dcmuammd ; poachimlovs , 5 to 'toe.
SsvEv l'OTAi os-Clmoh'o , yellow , 2@'c.
ONIUNS-No tlemmiatmil ; mimarket overstoekiul.
C.uiiu.oc-Market for choice mutock 5
I. , O ( ) huimulreul , iemnuimni good ,
3IaA-lIamud P1keul navies , 2 ! tO@2 7 ;
liauiti picked imuodimumis , $1 72 00. lie'
eeiuts , large ; tlomimammd genii.
( AIm-1'ra1rio : chk'keimq , ; uer doz. , 3 00 to
3 25 ; ijumail , $ t 25 to I SO ; snipe , St 50 to 1 75 ;
tiucks , Muhlard : , ver do ; 9 ( )0@2 ) 1,0 ; tithed ,
$ l 11) ) ) to 2 00 ; deer miatidlos , i1 to l2c ; cur
cash , 8 to Pc ; antelope siuldlezu , it to 12c ; car'
cuss , ' . ) , to lOc. lemumamtul good , \Vouhml atul ise
liberal comisigituutomuts. lIe carofnt that your
gaulle comes to market iii mlce ( ) miiltm&u11 ,
FitE1t Ovsiii-Sclccts : , 45c ; atnndartlq ,
'toe ; muodluimus , 30c.
Pouimtv-t.ive chickens , iuor doz , I 75@
2 00 ; full drosseul vhlck'eims , per lb. , 6@c : tur.
koyti , , or lb. , 14f1l6e ; thumeks , lOtctJi2 ; geese ,
Lmmos-lxtra fancy bar lemons , 8 00 ;
fammeyEessiima loummns , luer box , $7 25 ; 5 box
lots , ItlosIiiui heinous , $7 00 ; 10 lmx lots dim , ,
$5 75 ; ? ilIaltga : lemons , ( nimoy , $5 00 ; do S box
lot" , $1 50 ,
OitNOx-L.mtisIam1as l" 1)1)1. $9 00 : do. ,
box. 5 00 ; iitoiui cut .Iutmm.mtcam.'i , perbbl , 1OOO ;
Pea. box , I ; 00.
BANAAS-CittiCO ier lunch , $3 OO@4 00.
CItANmnmuuma4-lleil nui bugles ; $10 ( )0@ )
12 00 ; boll and cherry. u ( ) 5O1O 50 , Above
t1uotntloiis for choice.
1)A'rI-Blaclc Arabiami , vor lb. , 8@Oc ;
quarter crittes , lOc.
F10u4-25 lb. kegs , per lb. , 12e ; 10 lb. box ,
nyor , P ° " lb. , iCue ; simutllovals ler lb. , iSo.
CocoAsmm-Extra ; fine , hier 100 , 8 00.
Cmmncit-l'uro sweet cider , 22 gal keg , 6 00 ;
M. k P. clarifIed , 16 pl keg , $4 75 ; M. & 1' .
clarified , 32 gal keg , 8 00.
P1014 FEFr , rimm' , Ere.-Pigs feet , 15 lim
kits , i 15' pIgs 40 lb qr bbl , $2 25' pigs feet ,
80 lb half bbl , .i 00 ; tripe , iS lb kits , l. 15 ;
tripe , 41) lb tie bhil , u2 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half bid ,
$4 00 ; pigum tomigumes , 15 lb kits , 82 50 ; pigs
tinmguei . , .10 lii tir bid , U 00. Lambs' tongues ,
.1S lb kits , 99 ( ; 40 11 , luhul , ( ; 25.
Mixc MEAT-Atuutoro'ut , lSlb buckets
( lmckets 25c ) Pc ; 37lb luitekots ( bucket 40c ) ,
'Jo. ; lOOlb kegs , tIc ; letif barrels , 8c.
AssOitTal ) ,1 stone jars : 12 in case ,
P ° doz , :2 : 25 ; tumbler. jor doe , 1 95 ;
uteltooner , ier tlozon , $3 10 ; 3.llu titi Cant , 4
doz , in case , Si 40 ; tiit ennui , 2 dot. in emote ,
$2 10.
BuLK Jii.LiEs--Cutrraltt , l0.lh wood pails ,
per lb , 8e ; strawberry , wood pails per
ib , 8.\e \ ; raspberry , wood hails PO ib ,
8c ; blackberry wood P11 Pi' 11) , 8c ;
crab 01)1)10 ) , 80.lh wood lails per ib , 8.c.
1tii'i.i : Bui' : WOiRloit iuiils : , per lh ,
$8 ; wooden linus , U lit case , per emute ,
3 rio.
PICACH 11uTTElm-2n.1i ) wootloit pails tuer lb ,
$11 00 ; fj4b WJOdOil luai , 6 In ease , per case ,
$4 25. ?
l'nEsEnvmnu-In wooden .
- ( valls-R.i' )
herry , $15 00 ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ;
peach , 814 00 ; cherry , 11 00 ; tomatoes , 14 00 ;
plum , $14 00 ; assorted , wooden buckets ,
6 in caste , per case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin
cans , 2 dum in caee , per case , 3 25.
NattAsKA Comn HONEY-i-lb frames ,
cases , iur II , , iSe ,
HAY-Baled , 8 00@iO 00 per ton ; In bulk ,
G0O@GJIOper ton ,
Grocers 1448f.
CANNED 000nS-0341t8r8 ( Standard ) , per
cauc , 3 7O@3 90 ; strawbenes , 2 lii , per case ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per ease , 2 90 ; Bartlett
pears , 11cr C5O , 9 40 ; whrticberries , ler case ,
280 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 lb , ver case , 2 90 do choice , 3 Ib , per
; , 4 50 ; : ue apples , 2 tb , per case , 4 806J
Rp-Slsal , inch anti larger , lOjc , Inch ,
10c ; inch , 1U ° .
CnLEs-Boxos , 40 ltsm , iGs , iric ; Se , iric ;
boxes 40 lbs , 16 oz. , Ii , 1c.
MATCIIES-l'er cnddc 8.Sc round
- , ; , cases ,
2 55 ; square cases , I 70.
SOOAIS-l'owderod , lOc ; cut loaf , lOc ;
granulated , fib ; confeetlaners' A , 8e ; Stanul.
mud extra C , 7Ic ; oxtr.'C , 7gc ; zitodium yel'
low , 7e ; dark yellow , 7c.
CoFrEmus-Ordinary grades , I 2@12c ; fair 13
® i3c ; good , 14c ; prime , 1S@15c ; choice
16@lTc ; ' cancygreon amid yol1ow,1mi@l6c ; old
governmiuont Java , 2024Jc ; Levering's roasted.
t1u1c ; Arbncklo'us roasted , i8jc ; McLaumghulin'u'
xxxx roasted , 18c ; limuitation Java , 1G
® 18&e.
RICE-TotdHIamuI l'WO to Choice , 7c ; fair
Oc ; ltatma , 6c.
li'istt-Nn. I uitackerel , half brls. , S 00 ; No.
1 nmaclcerel , .cits , 1 15 ; faimully mackerel , hitlf :
Vitris. , 6 00 ; family mackerel , kits , Pric ; No. 1
white fish , half hurls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits I 05.
Syjuvt'-Stamdard Con , . , : tr , imols ; ttmuulard :
do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gdlon
V kegs , 1 t0.
SODA-lu lb papers , 3 30 or case ; keg per Ib ,
l'fCRLEum-Modium , In barrels , 7 00 ; tb
in half barols , 4 00 ; smumall , In barrels , S 00 ; do
iii half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkInsinbarrels , U 00 ;
do in luaU luarrols , 5 ( JO.
Taais-Gunlsiwder , good , 45@55i ; choice 60
@ 7&u ; genii Impcrial , 4043c ; choice , G0@65e ;
Yoimui 1yson , good , 3l11i50e ( ; choice ,
05cl. 00 ; Japan natural loaf , 35c ; .Japan ,
choicoti0@75c ; olong , goud,8540c.Oolong ; ,
choice , 40@53o ; Souchomug , good , 8540c ;
choice , 25@45c ,
\VoomEwAltx-Tvo beQp Ialls , 1 85 ;
three hoop pails 2 10. Tubs , Wo. 1 , 9 00 ; i'm'
neer wasluloardut , i 85 ; 1)oOiJIo Crown 9 90 ;
\Vellbudkets 3 85.
SOAi'e-Idrk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; KIrk's
esthitot , 8 60 ; KIrk's taudurfI , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , S 2(1 ( ; KIrk's outoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cales , ) 41k ; Kirk's
magnolia , doz ,
lor&muit-Vennsylvanln ealis , 4 case , in case ,
8 ItS ; BaljbItts , ball 2 doz. Incase , 1 90 ; Anchor
biJll , 2 doz. 'In case , 1 ( tO.
CtUisy-Froutch , mmfxod , in lO 11 , . paIls. 18c ;
Amnerietun mnixetl , In 30 lb jualit. , limb ; Brilliant
mixed In 30 Ibimafle , ISo ; NoUy.mixed , in : w
Th jaiL , 18o ; ( Jomnpetitlon utlsed , in 80 lb
upi4JH. 1c ; EsuolIor stick , ifOib 12c ;
.dmiblo.relined , $0 lb jiails , 1& ; Crystal mnlxetl ,
ItO Th mils , ' ] Sc ; ) ld rime inlxd , 110 Il , juails ,
14a Ti ) ) Ttijt , iimi.coul , : to lb laI , 8c ; Flirt ,
tsslaedi0 lb hails , 11e ; Flirt , ittlok , 3O lb
LMl5 , 1le ; Tip 'foju , stick , $0 lb uidls , I'Jc.
VtrJm3u-New 'Y.ork aitiule lGq Ohio ap'
b.LLT-1)ray loads , per bid , I 80 ; Amuton , in
sacks , l Ohubls ; thdriy 60 , r. , 3 80.
Staetou-Foarl , 4c ; Silver Gl , c ; Cent
Starli , lie ; xcelslor ( bosn 7o ; Ceviz Sc ,
SrICFA4-I.'epper , lie ; alspico , Iriej eiovom
, Sc ; euuda , ISo.
LYE-A.utoi5ican 3 40 ; Greenwfch , 2) 40 ;
Weston : , 2 75 ; I"Iorthm Star , 2 00 ; ] .ewltf' lye
465 ; Jewelllyo,2Th
Dry OtJdK.
BRowN Corrauus-Atlantio A , 8o ; Ittlo ;
tAflm XX , To ; Atlanta A. lie ; Boot FF , fc ,
Buckeye L1 , 4. ' ) , 7c ; Cubt.t W , 74e ; Cluie.
nungo A CuI ; GroatFailsE 8c ; I1ooiJerGe ;
Ioimuatiufth , 80 ; nhlm4t Iliad A , Sc ; Indbt
Standard A Sc ; lotion Omtfaard , ml , w. , 7jc ;
Lawrence LIj ( e ; Mystic Iliver , 7c ; l'uquaut
A , 8c ; Utica U , 5 \Vnchmneott ; B , 7o ; do
A8c do } 48 , 12c ,
FINE liltowN COflOWS-AJItwdlale 4.1 Vc ,
.tliigator a.4 , : tc' Argvl 'I-I , 7c. Atlantic
1j4 , file' Badger LtO i 4-1 , 6e ; Jenuington
C t,4P1c ; Buckeye S 'l.4,4c : ; In&ai Orchard
AA.8 , 8c ; l4acoiil& 0 lY,3,8c ; Iskigh B 4.1 ,
'Jc ; Pepporell N ao , To ; do 0 82 , TIc ; do It
843 , 7 do j : 89 8e I'ociuetet .
* e ; , ; 0 .1-1 , 7c ;
W'amn.sutta 4-1. l3e.
IluAcfEn ; ConormsAnulroacoggimm l.a 4.1 ,
93c ; 1)la&.kttone ) AA imperial 8e ; dus d.m half
bieaehed .1.4 , 9tj ; Cabot .1.4 , 8e ; Fidelity 4.1
9c ; l'ruit ut Limo J.oom , ( lo' ; do cambric 4.4
12k ; d Water'twlMt , bOle ; ( ireat Fahli Q , Oc
India ; ; Jftti brimztl : .J , 12e ; Loniiale , hOc
0 cainbelim 37 , l2c ; Now York Mills , I2 a
Pequot A , hOc' i'oppcrob , N 0 Twllls , I2o
Pocaimoiitaq 4.'i , ( c ; I\scassot 1.4 , Sj ; Utica
lie ; Wamiotntt.a 0 X . , 1'2c
1)cKs ( Coloretl-AibuuY ) ii brown , c ; tin
C , drab lie ; ito XXtr1pOsitndlla1tIs , 121.2c ;
thu XXk . ani tlrali , str1)tGe ) and lulaiuh ,
It ! i.2c ; Arhingtoit ( ammo ) ' , LIe : liruitawick
browim , f3 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1'2c ; do o.
tru heavy , 20c ; Fall ltlvorbrown , otraimnavy ,
ii bimdIaut A brown , 13c ; Nepomuset A
brown , lfk,1 .
Tlcxla8-At5oknag AC A , lOui tIn X
bitmo 32 18 1-20) ) Arrowanita , I ) 1'2e Clr
imuont lB ! , u f 2e ; Conest.oga , otra , 17 l.2ct
iInmnhltAtn ) , 11 1.9c ; Lovlttnt A$0 , lee ; 'u'ti1 ;
ttoitaita 4.4 , 20e ; ( ituogut , Aumper extra 4.1 , 2.
l'oarl Itivot 32 , ii ; 1-Ic ; Putnami : XX iuhimo
triprl , 12e' Shiotucket 5 , 10 i.2c ; tIn 88 , l2c ;
Yoomuamt's lihumo 29 , Ott.
DNtth.AuuuskeaT , ' 1O,3 , anti brown,111 1.2c ;
Andover 1)1) bloc , it l-.c ; ArhItmftluiu X limo
Ft.'utchi , 18 l'9c ; Cmeord OOu , hum and
Ijnnvn , 12 1.2c ; tie Ji.AA , do ibm 13 1.2 ; tIe
xx t , do tIn , 14 l4c : I Liiimaher' hulumo anti
brow , , 1) ) 1.20 ; MystIc lUverllittrltie , 16l.2c ;
I'oarl Iliver , 1)100 $001 briovut , Itic' 1)itcvillo ,
blue and brown , ii l.2c.
OAtiiimtcs-fluu itard 5c ; Eddystiuimo himming ,
21 htmelt double face , 8ct1ar1tcr ; A glazed , 5e ;
\Iniihatt.iau glee fiiulhi , 5c i evport . , :
tie glazeth , 5c ; I'otunt. do , ho ; 1sckwtuot& kid
liii'i'tii , tie ,
Comis'r .bSA8-Amnory , Atiuirciseogglim
aatteeim , 8cl Clamenihiut tic ; Comtest.ogut sat.
toeiua,7.e ; 1Iallovtull , Sc ; limdinn Orcharti , 7r ;
Narragansett , iimmproved , 8e ; i'oppomill sat.
teen , (4c ; liuckisurt , Oc.
PitITH-Alloiis , fle' American , ( ic ; Arnhulo ,
6c ; liorwiek , 4c ; Cociwee , 0 ; Comuustogu , 6c ;
Dankirk , tIc ; 1)imnnehl , 6@Tc ; Jululystomun , 6e ;
(1 lotmcestr , 6c' I I : triiutuy , 5c ; Knickerbocker ,
ticMerr1mnao ; 'U , 7c ; Mystic , hc ; &prutg1mes ,
Ge ; Southiluritigo , Oc ; do Ghmtgluuns , Vc ; 'ttutrl'
hoas lIVe ; Oriental , 8c.
( I lNoiIAIS-Aut1Oske.'tg 9c ; Argyle , Sc ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cuimmbcrlnuti 7c ; Ilighilammil , 7c ;
1Cniuilnurth , Ole ; 1'hmtukst , Usc ; Sussex , Sc ,
ConoN.tnEs-Abborvilto , 13t' ; 4'tato , 20c ;
American , lie ; irt.1sian , 20e ; Cairo 1) utmuui ' 1' ,
13c ; Clarion 1) amid T , 17c ; lecuun Ct' .
stripes 1) anti P , lOb : Keystone I13c ; \aii
tucket lOot ? 'ttimparchl , ifle ; Ocean 1) antI ' 1' ,
13c ; 1oyai , 16c ; Steisox , 12c ; 'l'iogaVachu. .
miott sh'trtiitg checks , 12&o ; ( Iti .Naitkln 1'2VCtt
York , Phalli Nankin , 12c ; do cheeks , , tripes
tiitl fnmmcy , 12c ; do 8 oz , 20c.
SittniINCS-Amittrosesuggln 10.4 27c ; do
9-I , 23c : tIe 3'4 , 82e : Continental 0 42. lie ;
Fruit of the loomn 10-4 ; 27c ; Now York at his
08. 85c ; do 78 , 3c ( ) ; do 118 , 22c ; I'emibroke ,
10.4 , 25o ; l'etmuot i0..1 , 28c : do 74 , l9&t : tin It ) ,
lOb : I'tuppeaefl 96 , 2tc ) ; do (17V21c ( : do :7 , iSo ;
Utica 1)0 ) , 36c ; do ( iS , 22e ; do 48 , lVc.
Ijiliti for.
\Vo quote lumber bath and sutIimgloaon Oars
at Omaha at time fohiovIiig hrIc :
.101ST AND S0ANTLINO-lO ft. and under
2200 ; HUt 2350.
'ltIMIIEItS-lO feet anti under , 22 00.
'rmt1tEim Aril ) , Tomcr-18 , ft , 23 (10 ; 20 It , 28 riO ;
22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50 ,
FENCINO-No. 1 , 4 and 0 iii. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SmuET1No-No. 1 ( 'hI comnmnon boards ) , 20 00 ;
No , 2 , 1800.
LIMa-l'er barrel , 1 25 ; hulk per busimel' 35c ;
combat , bid , 2 25 ; Iowa Plaster bbl , 2 110 ; hair
lor hun , flOe : 'I.'arroti felt , L100 it5 , :3 : 50 ; Ktraw
board , 3 tb.
PaIuts.OIhs and Vni'nialica. earimon , per gallon , lie ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon iI3uc ; 175 headlight ,
ver gallon , 2Oe ; l50' vator white , iftc ; liii
seed , rxt % ' , ; pr gnllonSSc ; liumsoeul , boiled , or
gallon , SSo Lard , winter str'tl , per gallon , bOc :
No. 1 , 70cNo ; , 2 , tiOc ; castor , XXX , er gal.
bit , 1 fin ; No. 3 , 1 30' sweet , per gallon ' 85e ;
sPerm % V.1l. , pe' gailtuim , 1 00 ; fish , , \V' . IL ,
pergullon , Oric ; ubatafootoxtra , nor gallon , hOc ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lmmbricatimg , , zero , vor gallon , 30c ;
summer , ISo ; golden macimbue , No. .1 , per gal.
bit , 35e ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , signal , per gallon ,
80c ; turpentine , imee gallon , soc : iiaptha 74 ° ,
pot gahloim , ICc.
PAINTS I Oir-Vhulto load , Omaha P. P.
Cc ; white heath , St. Louis , pure , Ole ; Marseilles
grooti I to S lb cans , 2Cc ; Froiicli zinc green
seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; b'rench
zinc , in varnish nast , 20e : Fieneh zinc. In oil
auist , The ; raw iuti burnt umuhior , 1 lb oamms , bc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , bc ; vanulyka brown
13c ; rofimied Iainpblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , iCe ; drop black , ific ; l'russlan
blue , 3Cc ; ultramarIne blue , 18c ; chrome green
L. M. & B. 1Gb ; blind and shutter green , I
M. & :1) : , , jfk' ; l'arI green , 18c' Indian retl ,
15c ; Venetian rod. Oc ; 1uscan red' , 22c ; Amen.
cult Venmnillion L & P. lSc ; chrome re1low
L. M. , 0. & b. o. , 1c ; yellow ochre , Pa
golden ochno , 1Cc , Patent dryer , 8o ; gralniimp
colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , c1ut' * nttt
and ash , iSa ,
Itry I'ulntei ,
White loath , 8c ; French zinc , ilk ; Parh
wlnting , 2c ; whiting glIders , 1jc ; whlthimg
comn'I 1c ; lampblack , Germiutuitown , 14c ;
lamnpblack , ordimiary , lOc ; Prussian blue , riSe ;
ultratnanino , 18c ; vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber. raw , 4c ; itielutma , burnt , 4e ;
sienna , raw , Ic ; Paris green , gemttmine , 25c ;
Paris gretmeommnom , 20cchroxnoFeen ; ,
20c ; chrotnogreen iL , i2c ; vonmmulhion , ] iig. ,
70c ; vermilison , Amnenicam , , 18c ; Itutilan roil ,
iPa ; rosa pink , ide ; Venetian red , Cokusoss1
2e Venetian red , American , 1 c' rod load ,
7c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yol.
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rocliehlo " $ c ; ocjtro , French ,
2c ; noire , American , 2c ; "eVimutor's mineral ,
2c ; lehigh browim , 9e ; Spanish browim , 2e ;
1 race's , iiincral , 3c.
VAaXIMIae-Barrols ; per gallon : Furiui.
turo , eutra , Si 10 ; furniture , No. b , 81 coach ,
extra , 81 ' 10' conch , No. b , 81 20 ; Daixmnr ,
extra , $1 75 ; .tapami , 70c ; usluhtltmmium , extra , SSe ;
shellac , t3 110 ; hard Oil fltiisli , $1 110.
i' TommAcco.Climax , rOe ; Ilullion ( be ;
ilorsedino , tbIc' ) Star SOc ; Ruddy , 'the ; 11cr.
seyN , 'ISo ; Blaeic , 3810c. !
JrinE Our-Comniuo , , , 2O(3Oc ( ; good , 45'Z (
GOc ; Itoso Leaf , 70c ; l'romnlimmt , OSe ; Diantomid
Crown , ( 'Sc ; Sweet Sixteen , 4Th.
SMoIcmNo-O. S. , 21c ; Meerschmaimmn , 28c ; Dtir.
ham , S oz. , tbSc ; Durham , 'I oZ , , 17c ; 1)urhtan'
2 ito. , Stbc ; Seal of North ( jumroliimui , 8 oz. , riSe
Soil of North Carohitma , 4 ox. . 117c ; Seal ol
Noe'.ulm Cuuohinum,2 ox. , (14)0 ( ) ; 0. Xl 1)imrlmamn , 'I
oz. , 28c ; 0 , K 1)tuy" 133c ; Uneli
Ned , 's 25c ; Ttr T ' : t.
Leaf leer.
, iolo , $ Sc tst 42c' hemlock fl. . . . . _ Rc tt 35o
tiOZjt ' 0 k1i , 80o to I 00 ; rulutler GSa to SOc
nemn .t' call , sr to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23
( .41 2Cc ; oak umppor , 2Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to Ii 50
calf 1id , 82tJ. , : Greiuen kltl , 2 50 to 2 7Zi ; oat
klii , IOCVtA ) 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Freud
kiii , 1 10 to 1 ( iS ; French call , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ru
sets , S 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 1(4 ( 50 ; top
l1IUl9 00 ti , 10 ( SO ; B. J. Morocco , 3Cc to
PeibioO. I ) . Morocco , $ Sc ; simon , 9 riO to 800
RAanasi-'No. 1 star oaks 49c ; No 2 do ,
39c ; 1u , 1 Ohio oak ' SSc ; No. 2 do , 3.Sc ; Nu
I Milwaukee 37c ; N'o 2 dt $1c.
Dull iiii weak ; green butchers , tic ; greet
salted , 7I7c ; dry flInt , i2I3 ; tIny salt
1O1lc.lanuagol ; hides , tsvo.thirtls itnico.
Stirr' PRLTS-2Soaj 00 ,
Menlt&o unwashed , light 14@lCc ; heavy
1lSa ; inotihtitu umuwaehed , light , I8Qi2Oc
washed , thulco , :12o : ; fair , 3Cc ; tale arid washed ,
28c ; barry , Julaik : aiuti oot.tod wool , 2@6O ! osa
1cavy Jlardw&ro Lint.
Iron , rates , 2 rIO ; jdow stool sPodlal cast , 7c
cnucible , So ; siieclai or Genaan , 1k : ' east toti
do , Itu2O ; agtn spkc' , set , 9 25(18 00 ; lunls
per set , 1 25 ; felInes sawesi dry , 1 40 ; toilgitee
Cacil , 708r ; r.dee cuachi , 7rte square niuts pci
lb , 74lIlc ; wwtimers or Ib , Sg,18c ; rivets , lei
lii , lie ; coil chair. tier II , , C(12e ; malleable , Fk
iron wedges , Cc : crowbars , Ce ; baruow tooth
4e ; spring teci , 7fj8c ; Burden's imnetihutitus , SI 2t
Burden's uuiutltusleaos 6 25.
lAimmani Wm.-In ; cur lots,11u luor2l0O
NALC-IIOUAt ! , .10 to 60 , 3 iaO ,
lliior-8i&t , , I 5 ; buck shot , 2 1(4 ( ; , riental
powdir , kegs , ( I 'W. : ut , , , huh kcg , S 48 ; d" .
qu.arter kegs , I 8 $ ; ( ilastiag , keg , 3 35 ; fuse1
IMII' 100 ftset50c ,
LeA-llar ; , i 65.
Oo.tb--unIuorlwee , blacksmith 10 00 : Mon.
ne ruii Iliossliurg , 10 \Vhitotjreuust ; limimmi , ,
I ; 00 ; IWluitolreast nut , Th (40 ; Iowa lumj' , S 440 ;
1ow toiL , 5 Wi ; ihuck Iirisug , 7 00tieteruz. ; } . .
elto , II 2Jf1l ; 50 ; ( iutwuii City , 7 00 , Ir tim ,
III li' .
ALoonrii-I1t8 Ispauf , 2 25 jsir wIno gallon
extrt Otihihirrib spItlis , l8f trttt , 1 25
vro ( gahloim ; til1uhti rtilintsj sjdtlts , 187 JrtMef ,
1 23 jr ltruf gallon ; ro.titsUlhud whdskhw ,
1 OO(1 ( ( tO ; Item l.htuiilod , i tM ® ro .Ke'u& .
tucky botirluoums , 2 O0u7 (10 ( ; Kvttwy amid
l'ennsylvsula ; rytus , 2 ( ) O7 IKI ,
1nL'1oui-ImnporteiI , 6 OO16OO thomnoetto
I 40@4 00.
( hli-Imi1ltorted , 4 tiOLG 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 3 00.
llui-Tmnporbil , 'I rocaeb 00 ; Now Biuglammil ,
2 00@I1 00 ; doin'stie , I tO8 110 ,
Pr.AcIt . &iu Ari'tr. IilA1mv-1 ; 75J4 00.
ClI.tIrMNrS-iululsurtotI lr case , 28 00 ®
31 00 ; Aimmorican , I'or case , 12 4i'lO ' 00 ,
iflNVI'M ttlt1tl2T ,
Cttiu:11trATs : ANttl itt1) 1 humus , " 1 To :
breakfast buwnim , 15t1)l5ct ) simuiked sides , Ub
4Ith ; salt sides , 8atc ; birth , iO11c. (
( liunaN F'iit'lt PltuIlt'ClV ; l'etatnos , 11O
Trio lion 11K ) ; suut1s % % ; 1 , ot.atoos , sti'et , lieu 100
isuumui , 2 riit 00 ; oiiiiuiiii , iucr I Of ) IHutilitiS ,
l tOtbj'.i 00 ; turmuifi , l' ltO ) lii , ( ' ) iOot ( uui
ormuiti ciulubugo , now , Pt'r IOO , 8xu6t 00
hlo chickens , clii , Pt't thtta , 84 flO ®
I 25 ; Iturairie chickenq ur tloz , l 7o ® I 04. )
ciggr , fresh , lien thtu ; 32i'35c ; lnmttor , fair tinal'
it. ) ' creatmuery , fittest her him , : ) SGJ841 : ercaimmery ,
good , tier lii , 2d8lc ; Itnimsas mmd i\oitrukau
thairy , lien It , , $7ttl ltel ciokiumg , l2tbJ ) l'o ; ehtussn ,
full cream , lion lb lil7c ( ; 81111155 iter hiil , ,
ea.stenii , $ I 0Oi5 50 ; grapes , per iii ,
7uibla ( ( ) ; California h4eu % , vr Ili , 7i ( ; bOo ;'iita lemiumius , vtra , i'r ir , 7 00
tbjS 00 ; tiraigtis ; , l2 0OaiI3 IS ) ; oiturain
, vhiat , utor 100 ii ) , 1 :10(151 : ( 88 ; flour , Cul.
omaiiu , , lien 100 11 , , S9 tX2 ) 25 ; flour , 1iumtomit ,
2 (40i'8 ( ( It ) ; flour , Kaumsas , jior 100 itt , .2 70al
: t ( Xl ; Iiuur , , ( hiuirnmn , uor 100 lii , S2 ( k)2 ) ( ' 4. ) ;
flour , rye , von 100 Ii , 2 5Oj'.i 70 ; flour , fetch-
v1ioutt , iltur huh , i 1 Ig12 ) tiO ; ( 'uric mittual , on
100 lb , t CStbijt 85 ; etiiu , vr 10) ) ) lbs. 1 2ecj )
I $0 ; cormu chop , hOC lot ) hits 81 80@1 88 ; ieiutt'
eats , iuor lOt ) lbs. $1 : sczi .Iri : eats , Nnbrakmt ,
mnl'ted , , ei' 104) ) iii , SI 1O@t .tOtuat.s ; , Nobrasica ,
white , 11cr 104) ) hits , l : tsl 45 ; oats , Coiurado , ,
mor : lOt ) lbs , :1 : 2Stbi'ii : ; burley , ) ier lOt ) Ibs ,
: .t S01 75 : uitheit clmn , , , lot ) hIi , ; 1 $8@ )
1 .10 ; bunt 11cr tutu , ! h , ootbllt 00 ; imity , losn ,
, tomu , ( X)5if ) ; 00 : bideti oeiiuii1 bottouuu ,
$10 ( X)6jl2 (30 ( ; baled uiiilztutl , Si I OO17 00 ;
clover , per tutu , $24. ) 00 ; straw , per ton , $8 (40
( iii 1400.
Railway Time Table.
U. r. It IL , UMN L1NIC ,
LIUVL , tlLaivs.
ruelne K'nrss.12C5 : p mu .kul.uutlo $ Eupreet7 : Cr
Western lut'nluti 44:00 : i'uiu \'tttlrlml'diruss. ; 3:20p : in
0. Island lass , . . .VL:3Op : in U , Islatith l'asa , 11:40 : a in
LIncoln } x . , . . ,1' : : : : o ' Cmi LIunoln . . . . . : p in
Left % Ii tnaluui , : 7:10 , 8:00 : , tuiX : ) , 10:00 : , 1 I :00 : a Iii. , I ' mit ;
1 oo , ' . : oo , 3oo : , 4:00 : , l'OO : , 5:00 : , 10:10 : ) i. in , Dii ttiim'
tliuui : 7:10 : , 0:0 : 11:01) : a. iii ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:0 : ° , 10:1' : ' ) ' .
mu. Anriutu attralmMft'r dt'uot 2O mnluntesliuter ; Urttiul'
% IVSY dc1sotCoumn4l likitYs , : ; itufutmtc lattcr.
1.t'Mti Council tiluulTs , llnisifaay depot , 4OO : , 5:00 : ,
tOO0 : , 11:00 : a.iiu. ; itt eme.I:00 ; : tO0 ! : , 3:00,4OtJa:0O,0:10 : : : : ,
tO:40 : i'.nm ( uii'timuttutuisO0 : : , tOO0 : a. in. ; 12 iii ; 8:00 : ,
5:00 : , 0:49 : , 10:40 : p. am. ArrIu 'irutusfer depot , Lu iuuhii.
litre litter.
Leave CouncIl BluilTe Trstusfcr deitot : 8:25 : , 028 ; ,
1O:2t4 : , 11:25 : ml. mnltt ; mii:1 : : , 2:24,85 : : , 4:25 : , 5:214 : , 0:25 : ,
7:05 : , 10:55 : P. tim. ArrIve Oimmalua 20 inltntt'it , Inter.
LIAVS OMAHA. Liuvut ceuscil. IILtJYYII.
1'Ise No. 2 , , . ,7' .55 1am I'ass. No , , , , 7:26 : it in
' , No. 10..5:45 : ' in " No. It. . . .11:45 : a in
a , No. 4..8:50j : , in " No 8t1:2 : , ) n in
: ' No. S , , , , , , .8 .f.Osiut " Nut. Sj V .7iti : p iii
, , N4.e . . . , , , 6tr'an' : " No. 1. . . . 785ftitt
, , Nut. ( ,0. , . . . 0:50 : a in I
C. , ? &f. & St. P. 14. . IL-U. P D1I'OT.
f&ll & . l'nclflo . . . . . . . . .
& Ex..7:50 : it am . iou
ttlantlo Ex..8:50 : p iii Mit11 & . . . . . . . . . . . pin
) rnsha..7:50 it in Omithut..11:20 : it un
, , .8ft : ) p in " . . . . . . . . . b:20 : p in
C. , H & Q It. IL-U P. flt'0T.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : it in . . . . . . . . : it am
I1Iure88. . . . . . . . 3:50 : P iO Mutt 1'.7' .10 , Lii
(1. , It. 1' & P. It , IL-U. 1' . 1)El'OT.
ExiuteaC..7:50 : a in MslI..P:4 : it in
% . . . . . . . . . . . : P ili . . . . . . . . . : p in
C. & N. Iv. 11. fl.-U. I' 1)13'OT.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a am 1xrt'te ; . . . . . . . . :45 : a in
EXIIICOt. . . . . . , , .8:50 : p in ' . . . . . . . . . : p in
8. C. & 1' . It. IL-U. 1' . Hl4.l'OI.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . a in . . . . . . . . . . u m
KXf1r0135..0:00 : p mum ' . . . . . . . . . . . : p iii
Kiliress . . .7:00 : a in i ; . . . . . . . . . . . . p in
(3. , ST. PAUL , M , & 0. II. IL-1)Et'OT N , 15TH liT
No. 2' . . . . . . . . . 7:80 : a in No. 1 * . . . . . . . . . . nuumOl : , en
No.4' . , . . .1Oopmut : No 8..11:45itui :
I01JX CITY & I'ACIFIC-lEI'OT N , 15th Street.
toave Omaha for Valciutiimo vL& St. . I'auI Line
to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lrrlvo from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . p am
II , & ) ! . IN NEIIItASKA.
) enver)4.xpress..8lbamn : Atlamitto. . . . . . 6:30pm
L'aclflc Itzircss',6$5 p in. 1)etner Eziirees'QIO : a en
K. 0. , til. JOF. & C. 13. It. IL-il. & L. HKI'OT.
ifatI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a en } . . . . . . . I in
xpress . . . . . . . . . 7:20 : p at I . . . . . . . . . : p in
liumidsys cxocpted.
; = Opening and O1oIng or $ alk. ,
. - - , 1.01. .in. p.m.
C & N. W.,0IL 1.&P.C. Ii.
& Q. , St. l'aiut & tiloux City 11:00 : 5:00 : 6:40 : 8:15 :
(1. , M.&S.I'S. , C , & 1' . lii Iowa 9:00 : 5:40 :
% Vabash 1'xpreuu , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 : 8:15 :
fitatt1i ! local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : O'J 5:40 :
I K. C. , lit. Joe & C. . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : DCO : 5:40 : 0:50 :
Miesotirl I'aclilo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1)0 : ) 5:40 :
; C. , lit. 1' . ? 'l. & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:20 :
. Union I'aclflc , otenlatat. . . . . . 8:00 : 11:85 :
Utuhoum I'aclfIc , 1)etiuen ) lx. . . 4:00 : 7:30 :
0. & Rcmihlicaie Valley. . 1:30 : 11:35 :
Ii. & 7,1. Express. . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 7:40 :
; H. & 81. for l'lattuuuouth , S.
butt , Ashlaimit anul Lluucolii.I1OO :
0111cc open tuuni1ay Item 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p. in.
0. K. 000TANT I'ostniufr'
l esteru Cornice-orks1
: Demulas lit. Outaha , Nob.
Galvanizea Iron Cornices
r 'Dormen WtnIows , , Eltuislu , Tin , Iron and HIatt
Rooting Hpeeltt"t . ( , Metallic Sk3II ht , I'atoiit
idjut.t.d 1ttlitt Itar au , ! Bracket llIueltmnv. I sin
C lie geuuerat aiunt f'r ( Ito atunu e Iluiti of gootis , Iron
eticliug , CrestitIs , HaIuutrauIe , Verueiutla. , Iron Hank
iltiitgt , Viitihow tOOtlt , ( eIhir Oumanti. ; uleti general
cot for I'eorsin& 11111 atent tattle lilututi.
A Rare CIance , for Printing Offices
We luato ( or eale sescnal harrtIs of a flr't
I quality of jittUitg , Ink , IliIIIK itiado for imsu
. oil smaller on itiuiaer titan v.e IrS , 110W tusliuj ,
Wi , will sell the u.tuuu at f rents lir loutid free iii ,
, bnaniltars at ( ftnaiua. Will gmmrurttoo It to gltugtuotl
satlefactioti or , toictiler and itieulitunt firesses.
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. 1t ,
Qu.1it 1L22c1 .ILtUiF
j 404 Parnaiti litreut , 4ppositAi I'tiiton hittel , Outiu
: 111 , Nd , .
of tite
tutuiutuiim bo0y t'utlnrgt'i , tietelojieti ciii etreiugthettt4 ,
I eta. , Is ui , ltiurwttiui , , tu1turtiseitcait long rut , lit on ,
t ultr. lit roll ) ' . inquIrIes cii wIlt say that there It
Ito .uvliIeot'e of leeiuthug , altuutut ( tilt. On thu contrary ,
, ( Ito wltcrtltsurs art , usy ) sIiIily ttithorsu'd. ititertitited
r . get siskil etretulars ghltg all tiartIcu
I. Lirti by aulilrtaslric Y.rlc Slelulital Ott. , , ( ) .fito' ' ( 51
I ititilitlo N Y-f'I't'ltaIo : ucutImtg lila , . suu11.1s
Ilomoopathio Phyioian.
141'E.WAIJRl' Ol
WOMlN , CIIILICILIr : ( & U1lI0N10 hlSltAHitJ. )
Iloturs-At II.osluk'tuev , No. 1443 8. 10th Strict , tIll
10 . tisi altsn 8j' . em. lftttns-At.outlot' , , No. 103
auul , ILLS H. 15th 444. . , itAHttu 7 Smite 10 a. ut. , tti 3 i''mn.
N. 0.-Thu ' 111w 'tS'urui t Iii , o rcuuott'tt , is Ithout
tliuger , In LIimit of from 2 to 3 luiiuirt.
wzxw&co OAL co ,
I . HtOM P.tAi I , iit. S ttt % ,
. . ' 'I llI 6llIp. lirti ii , Ia. t I iii' I stat
- . ' UOALSl
' 249Il.VAMEfl'f , , , , 4 1 .iz. III , ) . lit. r.I.
, aoo.tiltru stirs. it,4.t.d IaitiI.Isr III&
i . FOB&E , TOOLS. &c.
uucr iitiuo. StiCK COlt I 14.111 1011114 , * CO
, .11k lit , . e'vul ititil 14 Ii tir'l'otls. ttII )
1 Eu..ri . .iti lI. , it'd it4J j.t. , .
-V J iltsst s , lIt III. 'lt4H , I 41 luir . . nt iIs
V 4iwbiu4rsILIL. : % yuIut&b4ui A huLl ! .
- - - - - - -
ISUCC8S0fl5 ( TO JLgNNAI1) 131105 , & CO. )
Wholesale Drnggists I.
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class.
OMAhA , - - - - - - - , NEI3IIASKA.
8URLINTON _ _ _ _ UTE1
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad , )
A- : 5
. ,
0 5.-
I , t ! ftsl t\ \ _ \
' -12' % \
12'I I \ \ _
V )2
1It'taiet , luy Coneftiuu , Parlor Cars. with Hi'clln Soliut TmIn'i of Elegant 3).u Leaches amid Pmi11
Itt ( 'hahN fete ) , lititoklit Can't tv Itti Iftu. I nmntu I'nlactt $ lt'eilimg ( 'nra nun run tinily to and
tolvutig Clii yltiats Palace $ l'eluliig Curs nail troni St linus , uVIa I lutiuntluth , qIlncj' : , Keokiik.
tlutu faiuiuitis C , ii. . ' Q. 1)liuUmg ) Cane roil ituitlyto atuif l0'rllimgnn. ( Ctdmir 1tnpIIs nit , ! At crt sit. to Si
froumi ChIcago t Kaui'uutit city , Chicago & ( omncfl : l'atil aimul Mimmmmcapolluu ; l'arlorCarswith ilceItnO
liltiffs , CttIeao .t Ie' ; ? tloittt's Cltlt'ago HL Jo Chairs to aiutt fnin St Louis Anti l'eonia tintS I , '
ct'ptm , .ieIuftmi , To wka , 4)n13' tlii'tuiiglt hOme ho unit froimu lit Louis nnut Otttm.niwa , Oiulv
twrt'ii Cltlctiro , IAneo\n \ , ponwr. Tlmrotigli ears i citamugn of ennui bettvcen lbt. 1.ouls ant D :
t'twecmi luitlituimrepoli't .t t.'oiincll IlliliTs via l'coda u M0ltmt' Iowa , iAncolu , Nebraska , nail
AU eoimmit'cUnniu minute , lit titilon It' lots , it p.s i Calormulo.
ktitiwn its the grtat.T1IIt000ll CAR IVJNE , K tu uaivcrsallyadinltd to ho the ,
Finniot Equipped Railroad in thc World for all Clnasos of Travel.
T. J. VOTL'E1. 3d VIcL'rc&t atid flon' ( Mananor. PtCEVAI' LOWELL. Ian , Lss. Ag'
Galvanized IronCornices1 Niodo , Caps1FiniaIs
V Skilgmt..4o ) ThIrteenth Street : Neb
' Ueating and Baking
9PIc' !
, 1p oitly Rthtiutol by using
. Stoves and Ranges ,
IITLI IE U1E OE lltllll'1S '
; 7rr ; : MILTONROaERS&SONSj ,
II , . . OMAflA.
Wholesale Druggist 1
Pllts Oils Yarilislies alid ¶ ! udo Glass V .
J0BBERoF : : V
a11 Paper allif 1llO Sliaffes.
Growers of Live Stock and Others
Our Ground Oil Cakc1 I.
It hi ( lie best iLiuIl cltonpout food ton stock of aity kInti , One ; , und Is equal Co three pounds of core ,
took fat wIth Oroimnil OIl Cake in ( Ito Fall niud Wltuttur , Instead of runnIng down , tuill Increase In wefih
anti hi Iii good eimarkot.altlo condItIon In the . Inirymon , as Ve1f as others , who use It can tetitlfy :
Its merIts. Try It and judge for yoursclvcs.ul r co e2s.oosr tote ; no charge for sacks. Atidrosit
. , OIL COMI'ANY Onuiha
o4.eod.ino WOO ! ) AN LINSLflI )
lyr. HELLMAN & 00 , .
Wholesale Olothierst . V
, V
' 130/ AND 1303 FAR//AM STREE73 COR. 13Th , V
It eonbinatlon of l're. .
I0.tVitld OfIron , l'erui'Ltin.
) tarl .uuuZ I'AoalultQru. 1 ,
U i'aIat,6Ie fovea. , I4'r
.L4CbLL4IU , Loss ef
4fo l'rwttra4ioe of I' g0g
J'owcra it 4. ndiIpcn3a-
--V . . .
. ILOi5B Writoci- : 11EV.J.L.TOWNTB , I
Actor ft thorouiii trial of tho/ U RI F I E - '
, I l.a r'i. aym-
IRON TOiIO e p1casuxo,4 Ill consider It V
In atatini ; that I 1avo been , / ' '
mo.tiexcehlent remocir z'o
great benefIted b jjQj/'a
m8e , Intetend and ub' _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , the deUlttatt'tt vital Lorcee.
110 Bfloakcrn will flnd it
of the g'reateat value
wherna Tontole muioes
bury , I recommend It
, rut a rolfablo remediaL
agent , jiosaeasliig' Un
doubte nutritive and
: reatoratlvo J4dIs'ace , Ky , XJroptsrtIoH. , o.e. 4 , 1852
C. . I' I1ZDDTTUZ fl7 ; ' fl'tfl FR MEDZCITE CO. . 13 H. ) .1AT el' . , ' , LOW.
: E , _
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'yl ' V
IV. ,