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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1883)
I' J a Tiiiii : ; : OMAHA . ' ; DAILY' BEE. ' . U \ . . . - * - - - ' ' - r- ! \ \ THIRTEENTH YEAR. _ - OMAHA. NEB. . 'L'UlDAY MOItNING , DECEMBE1 1 , 1883. NO. i12. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Coiiross trllg1iI1 Uvr Ilic Urgaiti- - zation Pro1ill1llaric1 overa1 Members Not Properly Certified for Eiirollmont. p Mr1 Carlisle is Elected Spoa1' and AthirossoB the Houo1 ; \ . : I1ie I ktI.t .tUIttI \VftItOttL i iiIetIiii OrgLnzttofl-SCCjut.s &tiiI I tklont Ahout the ) OITY-III1I1 i DN1t \Vu1ft1'N ! , D. C. , 1)oc : . J.-'r1tt soit. te WM calktl to o tdr l , Ircsidont pr tern , I.dnt&'nds. I'mvct as offered and the 1rcstdciit lDJd ) Ctc4'e the onnte thu catluntlis of $3ntot ) ! uck to J . ' iinsu1f , Palniur , Ferry , and Pike tc \ , ueceoti Ro1IIi8. Thu oath watadinjnjs . 'tored ' to Boc'c , iowor , Cnl1on , and l'rryvIIo5c , credcntia1s wore sub tn1ttu1 at t io Last 5c3s1On. A'oces. ' ( if 3I1O holr % vv ; tjuu , and on reaseinb1 iu tii 'rcoss wa xtondcd 8 . ni. t 8 oktIi suirnto was again called L tn order1 t tIieo being no prospectof L aOOdy of the house orgauiza . ttoii , t 1e * oiuite adjourned. In i k1iiiisteriug thu otli to setiators the t ) o.c1ttdoat1i was tkoh by Sciiator Beck , I3ovett , Culloin , Dol1th , Frye ' ba McPhcr8oII , Mitedorson , Pa1rner P1k. , (1uiub ( , abiti , SmIisbury and Wil : 8011 , the Lymainder Udiiig the niodifiet L o& , k. k.lkc [ lkc ' 110W senators iiro : Pikes Kenun , , O1i1eoin , Co1qtiitt , Wilson , itiddleberger ' iabin , Pahner , Culloin , Mauderson .ft1)1IVaftd Bowun. . irci : . At 1t &clock CIek McPherson rnppec I . iehgu8e to order.nnd proceeded to cal tJe roll. Representatives of thu state ci tiasissipIi had been reached , and tin 3 tieork saidlile wished to make a state : , nent ; as to his failure to put upon tin 3 relltho mono ofany representative clue ' initlie Sctond ( liatrict. The roasoii S ¶ nojpaper which could be considered as L c iwrtiticato of election in the souse of tin : : uaw had beoii presented to Iiini. Chal - merS had JilIcacu : exhibits in support i f This claim , but neither individually noi I coilootivcly did the exhibits afford tin 'lerk sufficient authority for tue enroll ; mont of Chalmers. if the governor o Iissiisippi has issued a certificate ci election to aiiy one , it has not beoi . presented to th clerk. In regard to tin firstdistrict oNiortli Carolina the don C had not rcceivodVthe cortiuicato of the sue t cessor of Poolodoceaed. ' \ t I Tue roll call dicciosed 316 members. ; f tiThe nomination of a speaker being ii . .rderfr. Geddec said : "I nominate fo : ; speaker of this house of the forty-eight ) congress Mr. Carlisle of Kentuckya mai ttcknowledged to be pro-eminently ijuali fied'f rthelacePt - - b ' Mr. Cannon presented the name of Mr - N1cifer , of Ohio , and ] % fr. Lyman tiii L uamu of Mr. ] tthinaon of Masachusctts , Morrinrucker , Reed and Calkiiis won I .appointeU tellers. Tue clerk prcedod - . to call the roll , and the result was as fol . * % . iws : Oarlisle fl4t , Keifer i1 , 1tobinso ' ( JanleH and ffyman ) , .1. SVise o 'Viriziiiia 1 , ( YorkIlVoddsworth of York 1 , ( OchiltrcoLacoy ) of Michigan & , I Vhito kentuck ) . The clerk doctared Carlisle elected and Itandall and Keilor escorted the gentle. : iiiati to the chair. His entrance into tin . hittiibor was the signal for loud appkuoe Tini oatii of office as administered. Upon taking tLro chair , Carlisle rskl : ( lemitleimien of the 3iotiso of reprcsomxta . .tivos , I thank yon.ainceroly for the kigli L : hoiior conferred b the vote just takeii , 'I'o be chosen fronutimo niemaborsimip I body like this to preside over its deliher. . idiomis jim a distitctioii upon which any , citizen may PrLr1Y congratulate hmn . ? self , and I assum 'ou your kiimdncma r I fully appreciated At the same time if realize the fact ( kotitlie position witiob . . you have assigneti Inc is ono of very groal labor aLtl rcspousifoiity ] , and while pro ) foundly grattiful ( er this niaiuifcstatiou ci . ' your comafidonco , [ .slt&.l enter pcn thc , , discharo of its duou with serious dis . trust of my caaoity to imicet in an acceptable Inaauarflo ro iuirumnont .il .tho otlice. 1 prouIiaefhowovor , to doot I to your rvico all tucal and ability ci which I 'ain posse.soci. ( lemitloinen , thc , , uaiiitenaiice f orderon the Iloor is es , contial ; 13olutely csuntial to the intel . gent and aystumatie tauoaction of public business , uid I earnestly Jzvito your & - : thmtancu jlLttho enforcement of the rmml adopted fqr the govenmnomit of our . ceodings. . t'fto Iarg addition&l .inuuiburahip of - - - - . the house meultiug fixim the apportion- . ' i.pnt of roprcsentative makes this duty oven more .diflicuiL fan fore , and withczt your cordial eo.opoatioii and r V5UjP0t I caitiiot roasormbly Jiopo oven to dincharge tle ordinitry4aiiy.alutios of . j'fjat youwia.chomhfully co S oper4tu with.moin every rqiercffort to 3preacrvorddrit1 : fadiitats the ijsiness ,4)f logielation , I have no , duht , but iUwncn I slwIl ask rnthim inure than uieo co-9prstioi1 in boUMbargo .of myLimty , msug you of my ariiest .aesiro.atLll be just and iz par. 1tial , stiliil.canmiot .expect to .avoid uis. takm , nndhall ha compelled therefore ifro.tently .to rely on the &iondlyifur- bearauco of .the gemrlonien of tot14 sides .of the 1iqise. :1 : nu sure , ( o11tle3zwii-'ahl maSters of Iegislciwn prentedvto this congra&s will .recoive 1ron1.y3u such .careful coiuiidora- 4toii ; iui the mmnitude and c1mroter of thoiLoecstsinolvod , quire , and your cticn upon thea wilt ks wise , cowiezwa- ( iic and patriotic. $ uddeii and radical cliangea in lava and rogiilat.iowi U tiuating omnzucrcial uid industrial interest of .tbo peoi1o ought miover to he made unless demanded by sonic public * nnerciicy and in zay op1.ions under existing inrcuzustance auth changes 4 would not be 1aorabiy rceoivid by any I considerable iumhor of those who have i t given serious attcntiou to tims subject. ' t4tr1LlawJ. Many reforms urti undoubtedly meco- sary , and it will ho your duty. after cara. ful oxamiiiatiou of tl whole ubjwt in all its bearings , to decide how far they should extend and iii what znau ner they should ho made. IA ii. pIun.J if there be any wl ftur - - - - _ _ _ tlmt your action this or all ) ' other sub. ject vill aettia tO any In. tereta or CVUI alrtl reasimabU cause of alarni , 1 ani , i1aitti sure they will be agree. ably disai ,1wuiitted. " IApntisc ; 1 Tim v conuitr3' has the right to eXleef strict CC0110h113 Iii the ailnumustia tioti , , tc1..ety ( leimartimiont of the govonn limo' jtit aiid cmmmal taxrttioii for 1imitlic I3' ' 1poscc , a faithful observance of the .kiiitnt wiis of the constitution , sentipti- /tiou8rrgarl for the rights and ititorest of ( 'time .cat hotly of the people in order hint they tam protected , for congress has time power to protect thorn against cu- criacimmiicmmts front every tliroctioii. 'lmatevor can lie dmiiio , itmider the circumn- taiices surrounding us , to niect this cx- 'pectatloim , ought to be detmo in may ) udg- mnemit. lInt , geittlonmen , without detaining - ing you further , 1 iou ready to take the trntlt of oflico , as prescribed by the calm- stitutb'n am ! laws immid proe to coimi- pluto thu orgnnizaUoit of time Itotiso. Ai- Platise. ] Time iroim clad ( math vas atitiministered by ? Jr. Icelley' , time oldest member iii comitintious service , and Speaker Carlisle - lisle called time house to order. As time states wore called the ropresemitatives caine forward and qualified. Wimeim Kaimsas was reached , i'eters , representative at large for that state , at time request. of Springorwas asked to stop aside. Springer stated that time ov- erimor of Kansas had forwarded to lmmmmm a petition sigiiod by iimtmmsolf mimmil other state oflicers amid a large nutmiber of citi- Zeus , protoslAiig against the tulniissiott of Peters cit time ground that under time coim- stitutioii and laws ito was immelhigiblo to hold oflice. He , however , laid witim- drawim his objection , mumd Peters took time oath. oath.Converse Converse , rising to a i1uestiomm of ri- logo , said time clcrk of the house this inoriming stated that. had a certificate of the governor of Mississippi beemi pro- seimtcd by any porsoim claiming to be a repreoimtabivo fromim the Second district of that state lie would have placed his imanmo omm time roll. For reasons satisfactory to Maniming lie Imad cimosen not to presuilt that certificate umr- til action had been takoim Ijy time ImouMe. lie ( Sprimmgor ) had called 01)011 1rammitiiig's attorney tutU 1 asked permission to hrcsont 1Eanmiimmg'a credentials to timu house , it lmavimmg licen thmo policy of time imonsu , by aim unbrokoii - train of .procctlemmts , to scat a member wimo ltehdthmo certificate of the goverimor. t Ho asked to have the certificate read. Aftersoimiu discussion time certificate read and time debate coimtimmucd but witimout lecisire action , time prcou question having bcemm ordered on resolu- tions that 1fannimig be qualified withoimt r prejudice to time fimmal right to ( he scat , 'thuhouso adjourned. SPEGIAL NOTESI Niibrttka's Senators , Itm(1IlII I aifth iinI t to , Oiiiimlma l'OIlflitY ( ' , tiuciUl1)biatcii to Tin : Bnn. WASIrnrnTox , D. C. , Decemmibtir . - t 1ttterost centered in time house th-day. r but thosonato was filled also. Senatom rammderson'a desk was covered witi - tlioivors When ho took time cmk ho wam .cscortiid by SenatonVan Wyck. Time al .lowance for ciericar assistance. at time m Oiaha postoffice hasbeen increased iron : ; thirteen thoimsaimd three liwidred amid fory.hve dollar ? to fourteen thousammd 'three ' imummdred and forty-five dollars. Tin secretary of the interior has decided imol r ItO ISSUO a procitLmnation foropeuing'Omah ' thMLiaIi lands for setticimient until April Cr.r.gENT C1L.ti5. CA1'ITAL NOTES. , JLAmITINIs ; To 1l.'VE I ' 'mAS1t7NGTON December f.- , -Tlmocomnp troller of the curroimcy 1mm authorized tlm Exohmugo national bank of Jiaatiugs Nob. , to , begin llmsines.s with a.Capit411 of iOO,4lOO. _ 'lIli : F1t.tIl lflI.LAL { . -wmmmtor Warner will soon intreducea bill in time house for time rotirumnwit . of th m trade dollar. .ciATIrI:1tINo : T11Ii fl. tilie.adjt. general of time army .1mm.rc. coived iimformation .if time surrender at Camflj ) Poplar river of five lodges of Sit- timmgtflull u forces froma the J.iritisultprnv. mncos. tTU SLATE Nor 1iE4I'o.u.nI.I. ( .rho. atmreflie court II1LS given a docisiuzi iiithc..cuao of George A. Cunningham , appellant , vim. Time Macon & Jrunswick .Itailroad company et ai. , an appeal froum tiio circuit court of time hJr.ited States . , for the Soutnoru district of .Gioorgia. tIiis was a suit upon a series 4 bonds.41f the copanyamnounting in the .nggregatc to .lOOCOQ , which have bwnaeudormd hyutimo.Gororzior of Georgia under time autheriy of time state legislature. In 1ft7i thu ailroad camnpalmy failed and the tmvoniior , Lit order te secure the intoros of , the state created by the ondoroenmeim .of itimoso amid other sitznmlar bommds , seized the , ron4. In k-378 time mtate , k act of its legislature no- , pudiated its endorsement oim VJOOjPOOfftLi boimdsloroizmcoii&nus& , h.tat .ooamflrumcd by the purchi& of irs right tothmo road , amid made a prvieioIm tor.the of arutimor and earlier1 series of boude , 'which also bore 11mm doai.emnnxL. 'hho preseimt suit was braugit 'my ' tae of the hohiers of tLie GOOOOO so- rica of mbnds migainst the govcniior&nd time.stato amid ctlmors , to Lest the qtacat4omLof thestate's liability aimdlor relief. ' 11 bill vns dismrii.ised in court below. The ground was takez.m that it was sxtuaiiy.a suit agaimist a state , and time iit4lth was hod and coeld not be iniulo a f&ZiV to it. Y'hiis court coi.ucidtms ill that view ( if time case. JLimrlan amid , Field dissent. . OttO IZ ON ( k } ' 'itn IIIJ * . A largely atMuded of .domimo. onz.tio representatives wLs Itoh ! tc-imighmt in the hmnl of time house for tim PUPOSO the qtmestiou raised today in cjinottioim with time Ciiahmnois.31&n. imimmg contest. After a discu.ssion lasting the whole ovmrnizmg it was dqddcd to refer Lime case to time cohLiwitt43e 4Xm elections with instructiojis to , report emi the prinma facjo right immiy. This a substantially an agreement to VUtO for time resolution of- feted by Cajkiiis to-day. Thu rules of time Forty.acventh cotigruss wore adapted to continue in ellict two weeks after time appoiimtmommt of hmo comimmittoc cmi ruLes. 'fimo eluetiImm of z.iicus otlicezu was post. poned until time imet caucus. 'i'imedomno. cratie mnenibems thihimk that having come tb aim sgreeiiivnt iii Iho contested obction case they will be able to organize time hotisi' tn.mmmarrom amid rcceh'm' time i'resi- tloiit' message before r. n'o'nck. They express time opimiloli t'ta itt t r time 1 ecup. tion of limo muessago aim ndjotiritmmiommt of two or three clays will Ito takomm staxrnm'stT.t'lil.i TETIMONV. \v . 'tti4TO , l.rombur 8.-Coiommel Illiss , special nssiataimt attorney mu the star route case , says time govonimmmmutmt mmmdc ever ) ' otflmrt to ccttro tim nttcmitlammce of 1-Seimator lemmc. I Ic believes Spemm. cur could lmvo given vaimmablu testimimony for time govcrmmmmmommt , amid. saa tie doubt lie immado to l'oatmntstor : ( lemiorni Iamimas , his socratory Vatmwormmmer amid to ( lemmeral Uartiehd's ' friomiol , Uemicr&ml itoymmtoim1 time statemiiommt cmtmbodied imm Bliss aihidmivit otfJtml3' 2(1 ( to time oIbct timmmtSpemm- fior was lirosemd whemi Dorso left time mnommey for Brady , amiti that 1 ) orsoy no- cused Brady of dishommesty , also timat lorsoy told Sdicer timat. lierdoil lout goime back cmi lmiimm , htmL smmbse1ueiitly had time matter fixCl , amid hierdell was per. mnmaded to memike an afhidavit demmyimig time original statumiioimt. % ) . . . . ' Vnli I tigt on 1 I hi eliot I mm 1"lomvcrs. , .tmttlon.oiN , leccmmmber 8.It 1mm bug 1)0011 time ctmstomn of frkmmmols of camm- ( lithittes for time sacakersitip to scud flowers t 1mm olosk after time election by time imotiso. Two lommtucky ladies pro- paroti ammd semmt ( 'anhislo to-day a beautiful origimmal device imm flowers ammd satin. IL coimsisted of a gavel in the shape of a ( corgoVnalmimmgton hmatelmet resting on time muossy stAmmmip of a tree iii such a way as to simow botim sides of tue blade , mmmd handle. Ommo side was enimiposod of beautiful flowers timid time otjer of imamnt paimmied satin. Through time ccmmtro of time blade omm white satin appeared in ihiumniumated old Eimg- lieu letters the following : May thino eye be a kecit sm the biadu of time lmatchmet , \Vliemt worthy mactubers rise to catch It , Ammil thy rimiiitg trmio a- stool to utimotchm It , Lawftmi 1)mmnItes to lisatc1m it. On the left of time inecriptiomi mass the trump of fitimie blowing out gavels , and beneath it onthme loft a hittlu nude ( icorgo \Vashummgton , hmatclset Ui hanoi , cuttilmg down time cherry tree. On his rigimt irene it larger hatcimut mmd a felled tree. In time tipper left liammd ecnimor appeared , agaimmst. a sky back groummd , the dommie of time capitol witlm time setthmg mnooum in time rest , ammd time risimmg sun in time east. ( ) im a wimito I satin ribbon , turned about time handle , ivere time words : "To time speaker of time NLVIII coimgrcss. greeting. " Time card of time ladies win ) souL time.floral gift , bore time followiimg advice to time speaker with regard to time immammumer in whmicim time double cuided imistrunmoumt should be wielded : For ii.i'o ) uuotlioiiantmier , ntl as a gavel , Amul the 1)15(10 ) W1LCII lcnots you can't imtir.ivol. 0 lttNNIX ( ; Asfl1ci. . 'L'vo tloui iLIlIed iii aim : nizouma ( 'curt , ; AL1mmtriunmtQtizN. : ii. , Decemimber 8.- The Journal's lrcscott. Arizona , special I givesthe following account of a tragical I scene witmiessed in a court noon , . .Tudg g Fremmch , cimiof justice of the territory , wam I presidimmg in a ease ontithed Koisoy vs. L MoAtee , regarding a water right for irri- ' gatiumg.purposes. In arguingtime admnisaf. L bility of contain testimony , Attorney 1 General Churchill and District Attorney : . Rucim beoammmu very mnucim excited , and I finally caine to blows. Whiletho officers . were endcavorimmg to restore order McAtoo , ' the defondtiumt , drew a knife , nmmsimcd . . upon a amnim named Moore , 70 years old , 1 amid inflicted what iii timougiit to be a fatal wound , thou timrimiimg emi Ii.V. . Beach , late editor of Time l'rcscott Miner amid of the Ilitilmtifi i'e1soy , stabbed imium in time imock. lie thou made . a rusim for Limo court reporter and was about to plumigo a knife immto that mdi. vidual wheum Mr. Beach drew a revolver , sending a hail thmrommgim McAteo's spimmal colmiiimim. Order was immimmiediately re- stored. Time old mmmamm Moore amid Me- Atoc will die. Beach will recover. tiCJiIILI Stolen 1y a Crmmzmk. ' .Nnw Yong , December 8.It is rim- . ported that AUdio liresimami , the fommrt.oon- year-old dauglmter of Patrick Bresnan , , of Astoria , Ii. 1. , has been abducted by Captain i. 0. Gorilomm , a retired sea sap. tam 45 years old , also living at Astoria. Gomdoui bears the rolutation of being a eramik. Addio wont tn school this imiorim- lug mmml umot retuniming at tIme usual hour thou sUspiCiotiti of time pamonts were aroused and it was learned that she was audi in time commiia.n of ( ordon. They were traced to the home of a Baptist clengyirmaim jul time village , who refused to mmmarry thmcmmm. 'l'hieim the ) ' were follomm'cd to Long Isiaumd City , whormu all trace wan lost. 'I'.toisLvo Sssiiilllng. jAJ1JAH , Texas , December : . - . J.ohmnstoin , a cottoim buyer , of Dallas , was brought. to fronm Simermami charged by the Texas I'acitic Jtaiiway with forgery .armd.swimmdiimmg. it is claimed - od thmmmt.hmis qporations covecd mupward of . $1:2ZiOOO : 'Nine aIdavitsJmavo boon made against 'time acctmsol. Bail was fixed iniCi000 ju each case. Thacounty attor- 1103' say&othors are implicated. A short. I ago.and.startiing dswolopmneutsare looked rfor. Iioiimmatoin etood well , amid enjoyed t1me1ubhiq confidence of Dallas for years. - . Aim ILJJOrt ii'ri Lin'ko. t. Ciimcuomc' ' , 'soceimmbe 3.-Tmt Friday isiommuboraofithoirmtornitiomumluniemm of eiar muakura to limo umumnbr of 120Q umotitmod u.ammufaei.uiers jim thUs city of tlmulc refusal Le work aiommgaidu niemmibenmi of die vro. gre4mmiivo IHijomi , 5. rival orgntmizatk. 11w nmssaufactrrors kmmmodiat.oly signed aim agsaeumonjto aimtm time this sumorn- iim .againththmo istorumaticual , but. only thirteen sLed by tfmo comrn'ct , amuil an a CoiIsefuemmce emily aliomut I 5(1 ( ivorkimmeit are shut out. - _ _ rlis , d4o'arfigibuse HImvImmg , I ioHTo3 : , ieeemmbirL-fterrts , fron 27 of time loading clearing Iwu.zes of the United States for time week .odod Be. cmmmber first ivc tOtal clearances of $ 'lQ,467,881 hieing a decrease . 'f .1i,4 Imor cemit as cotmipared with thu , 'arres. pommuug week of last year. Torn Vilcie jirii. 1 ; A5A' Cir' , Iee omimbor L-Santuei \Vilun , aim emoplityc of the 1uasas City Mihliat : Co. , ivims caught itm time umiscjminury to-day amd mmimockingly niangled. lUs loft side M torn opoui , oxmsing time heart. lit , is jim a ( IyumiC eonditiou titis ovemmiimg. THE NATIONS : FINANCES. cortary Peior's ' Millnal Rcport of RcfcIlllc RCtS au Ex- 1nh1Ithnrcs ( The Operations of the RCdOh1l1r Bureau and Savilig ill Interest. The National Bailka and the Maintonanoe oi' Their Oiroulation , Togem Imom ' .VIt Ii t ito 1)etahii4 01 I lie limo-i. ItOS'4 ol mIte Treatmiry lepnu't. mmmclii itmm'Ing time Year. \ ii't'4S , Decemmibor 8.-b'eeretniy Foiger , in hula amimitmat reiort on tli comm- ( litmohi of limo fimmamices of time i'mmitcol States , says : 'l'hmo prdilmary m'wtmumues frommm mmli sources for time flaihil year oumded .ltmmme O , 1888 , were : Frotmi - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ti0 ( , l' ' ; .ma l'rommm internal rovetmumo. . . . . . . 114 , T1t(8 ( ) ( tI Frommm saics of inmbllo lands. Sill 'l'2 ] i'romm , tax aim circulation auth ( iOllSItS of national limumks. tI,11lOs ) 85 Fromit irofltmm cmi coinage , haiti. "mm ( lOIOltm , and nsays I,4so2oi , 17 F'routi cmmstommn fees , fimmoim , pout. altle4 , &O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 l"muum fee.'i - comisuhimr , letters. . pathumt , ammo ! maUi. . . . . . . . . . . . . , fl-f Frlmm roaymmmomiL of Interest by PacIfic raIlway coma. PammIo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1tfl$6fl , DO 1"mimt slmmklng fumimil for l'aclfic railway eomnpimmittii. . . . . . . . ] , m22lO3 11 I"mmmm dopomits by immuilviduals forstmrvoyhugubhfo lands. . 1,22lthI 7fl From proceeds of sales of gov. ormmtumcmmt PmPOrtY. . . . . . . . . . 285 , ( ) . ' 02 Fnmlm roceetin of sale of post. office lmrPertY jim New York city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fll8fl9 8 Fromim Immtiaim , trust.mmmdM. . . . 121,000 00 ] i'flIIm tlimmmatiomus towards liqul- ( lating the lumbife debt Dfll , 12t. 87 l'rm.m , . Eitiitns lmmdet.iimlty . fuummil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,839 533 Do Jnmnm I nmmuilgrnmmt fund.- O3 I , .l7fl 50 revomummes of the Diattict of t'oitmumil In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,070 f8817 Frmlm mumiscchlauicomms soumneca , 2,118t32 18 Total ordfmumry reetmipts . l9S,267tiS1 tP Time ordumary expenditmmros for time sanme period were : . 1l'it' clvii ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 76 For forclgmm littoroomurso. . . , , , 2,4111,275 21 For Intliamiq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,852,5010 31 For petmsiums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,012,573 Ci Fortijo immlmmdimig timer auitl Imarbor iuiprovemnent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Otl,8.Sii 113 Fc time mmavai ostnbhlslmmmient , iuiciuding v ssehs , mumnciilnery , ammt lmuprovoiuuonta mit nayy yam-Us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,283,437 17 For mnbeolfanoous expondi. tnt-es , lflO1Uiiuig Public build- togs , light houses , tutU ccl. lectiumg the revmmime. . . . . . . . . 40,0'J8.132 73 For expenditures on account f time Distr1tof ColumbIa 3,817,028 IH i L Forintom-oston the pmmbicutlobt ! soiuoiii : 2 Total ordinary oxommdI- . ' . Lures. . .r. .i&2G3,408,137 Si . . , , ; " ? V , . ' .t _ . : , , : . lieavkffa smmniitmus rovomuumo of.fi2,87U 414 41 V Irih , ivitim nut amiiommnt drawn fronm the cash balance 4mm time trea.suury of. . . . . . . . . 1,2901,312 55 Iskimig 134,1ThV5 ; 116 Was aupiied to time redcimmptioum : 'Of ' bondsforthesinklngfimnd. , $ 44,850 700 00 Of freotional currency for the sin1dn fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411,551 ; Oh ; 'Of funded loan ofl88l , coumtin. mmcd ut per cent. . . . . . . . . . 65$0,25O 00 4if loan of slimly and Ammgumst , 1851 , coumtlimumeil at 3 . or cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,94 600 00 Of funded loan of 1D07. . . . . . . 1-ft8,850 ( to Of ( minded loan of I8i1. . . . . . . flD,150 00 ( . ) f loaui of Fobrumary , 1861. . . 18,000 00 Of baum of .July and August , lhSl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t6GO0 , 00 Ofloamtof March. iso : ; . . . . . . . . iin&to QO ( if boom of .Jimly , 11.1st. . . . . . . . . 47t.rO ; ( ho Offivo-twentios 'ml 1fl' ) 1O,101) ( hO tffmvo.twonties of.18(1 ( 7,050 01) ) Offive.twoumtlcs of 1fl5 liflOO , 00 ( if ton.fortios lRCl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Of COUHOlS of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ) 00 Of'corsols ofI6flT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,7OO 00 O consuls of . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 00 . . . . . . OfOrogn war debt. . . . . 5 , 1.O 00 ( ' ) f'rcfundmug certificates IOPl5O , 00 Of clii deinaii1 cmiupouummt1 Iii- torost. and otbcr HOtOS iioo : oo ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 9m h1'Imorequirommmonta ot the smimkiimg fund for time last fiscal year , iumciudmig a hal. iLmice of 4i1,809.15 ( froun the preceding year , imavo bocum fully met. Iti is esti. umiated.that the roquilelimcimt for time pros- oimt'tiscal ' year riiI 1)0 45,8i0,741.O7 , of wimich there lout beeim applied during the first four moimthmim of time year Lime aunt of ? 267nor0. , * * * ' 1 I 1ze total rovoimue , actual timid eti- ranted , 'for the present fiscal year , is as follows : Receipts , f848O0O,0J)0 ) ; .mxpeu. ditures , $258,000,000 ; leaving a balammco of 5mO0OOOO. The amount duo time sinking fund for time year wifl probably be $45,510,741.07 , leaving a balance of * 89,18B.258.PJ. : 'lIme rovonucs for the fiscal year ending Juumo 10 , 18$5 , are caLl. rousLed at.$3.13,000,000 , nudoxpenumea , in- eluding the sinking fund , $83,125,8O4.- 05 , heaving arm estimated surplus of & ,9i74 tKt.O5. ) Excluding time sinking fund , the usti- mated oxmonditureii will bo$230,81i5,548 , showing an oz1mectedmmturplus of iO0- 144lrm2. do.'JhiA.I ( . : orilmONhiS. Time exchange of : il per centinnmds iu 8 pr cemmti bonds umofer 'time ' authority 'bf time eleventh ioction of 'the act of Jtmly 12 , 1K8waa resumed Novoumber 1,18W2 , mmd contimmuod ummtli .Jmiiy .6 , 1883 , ( Jim tlmili last day a ouil wai mn&sle for tim ro. mnaining imor cent heeds thom out- stamiding , immtoroat to cease Novembom' I , I 883. and holders wore imotiuiod that , mucim bonds wound imot Ibo excmmtnged ) iumto : tpur commt bonds. The ozcLem.ugws maado inior to Novumim. her 1 , 1882 , amimommnLouI Ui 2r94870,500 ; oxo1marqeam during the year , Le J1tJl0 , . 750 ; ummekimig time agrogato of ceumta taken up itimd pun coumia issued , : sO5,581,25O. Time annual saving of in. te.real offectoit by timoac uxch.amiges anzomnmtus to Jms6fuI'nioN IV ) ( ) JiTFJb wrATSs iWhiIS , Oh Noveomluer I , L88 , limo out-stautiing bonds .of time ft per ccitt funded loan comm. timmued , bearing interest at time nato of 8 IUr ccitt , jmimiouuited to il5iili,85O , A por1iii of tmumn had beomi called , but had umot thou mnatmirod , .tms mim-tmntioned above , gd,2Jo,7r10 of time bondim have boon cx' changed into 1 p.ur ceuil bouuii , ujwji e. - - - quests of time nwmmers , loavimig $ 109,115 , . ( tOO available for t itti immvestmmmi'tmt of stir- ihtms rovommmmes. Calls immive ' ecim issued for time entire nmnoimmmt , mmtmL time greater Portion of limo imommils imavo leemm , redeetmiemi nimd cam'ehled , time nominal savhVg of iii- terest wimichm will result. thmerefrommm beiumg $8soooo. 1'mmiier ' provistomma of time act. of .1 imiy lot , 1SS'2 , time 8 11cr cent boumols issued timerotmumdor , aimot numommmmtiimg to iO5,58i , . 250 , becaimmo ' 'redeommnmblo at time pleasmmre of time govenmmmnemmt. ' ' cmi nmmd after .1 iii ) ' ii ; ; , 1858 , nIh "redu.'eimiabio" bonds bear- lug a higher rate of Interest lmavmm.g timemi been reduemmmed or called , Cahl lmavo been issued for $ tOOtO,000 ) of smmeim lmmmds , $30,000,000 , of which vih1 immature imm time mminimth ( if Docommuber , mummd $10,000 , . O0 ( ) aim limo 1st day of February , 1881. Iii inimlitiomi to time above tlmcro have also been cammcehleil and destroyed , as di. rected 1)7 ) act of February tiol , 188. . hmmmaimesu immuleimummity botmds to time ammiomuit of $1 ,884,000 , amni otimer imitmurcst.bear. imig bonds beqtteatimutl to time miitcd Statics by time into .losmmph L. Lews , of osv Jertoy , to time ammmotmttt ih.l,000. ) Time reduction imm time numumal immtcnmmst cimargo by reasomm at these and other cimmigus to Novemmmbor 1 , 1883 , is $8,935- 021.75. sT % N I 't ' mu , si I , on u'tmtd t us. ( hi Novomimbur 1 , 1883 , tinder time net of Fobrmmary 28 , 1878 , timero had beemm mm Coimmage of silver dollars mimmmountimig to $ I 59,720,1)11) ) ) ; timero wore imi time treasury mit timid. date $11o89o17 : ; , Timore wore thmen in circmmlatiomi , timid iii time mmiimmtuu 0mm accotmmmt of mrofits umm time coimmago not yet deposited. mmm time tm'easmlm7 , $ lO,881t)801. ) Timoro rere iii circmmiatiomm mm Novemmiber 1 , 18I2 , $ 'J5,883,78U. Time coimmamze 1)0. ) twecim time 1st of Novcmmmbor , 18t2 , amid time sammmo unto immlSS3 head imicrenimmud $28 , . 81)1,0(19 ) ( ; thu nmmmommmmt imm circulation for time same tinme hind increased $4,180,821 ; t.lmmms kcopimu UI ) tue great ohisproortiomm ) betweemi time amnotmmmt ready to be supplied tumd the dommmammd. for tlmemmm , Imeretofore imoted jim time reports of timis depart- mmmemiL Tilt. : TltuI ) : motnum. , hunt l mmmay speak of ' 'time trade doi- tar , " time debiuseti cciii to mm'lmich attemmtion imaru beoum draivim by public clammier amid ills. emmasion. Doumbtlcss time legislative lnmr. 1)030 III creatimmg it wan to mmmako a piece of mmloimey timuit wotmhl fimul favor with time Asiatic people , amimi mmot ommo to mmmc at iiommm. Timat mimrpoae was mmot mmmdc kmmowui , imowever , by the hotter of time law ummdor which it isammed froimi time mmmimmt , The net of 1878 , tinder wimicim time coiumage of _ it bogamm , imas these words : "Time silver colila .91 tIme ljimtted States sushi be mm trade dollar ; a haif.doiiar , or I'mfty.ceumt Piece ; a iitmartcr.doliar , or twemmty-lmve- cent piece ; a dimmie , or tomm.ceumt piece. " The act further declares that tim ida- _ tve _ proportiomm of pure mmmctal mmml alloy in time trade dollar , amid time dovicu amid legends upon it , shall be Limo asmmmo mis those of time othmom , coimmim of time Ilimitod States. That act , and a later aim of 1877 , mmimule it a crbmmo to comuiterfuit any of our coins , amid , as time trade dpllam- was declared to be ci coin , mnado it a criummo to counterfeit it. Time act of 1873 mmmdc the silver coins of Limo United States , and imemico the trade ilollam-s , a . loal tender at their mmomninal 1a0 for any amount not over live dot- lana. Thus the roadimmg of the lawn I taught the poopie timattim trade dollar was a coin of timoir sovereignly , amid for time redomnptiomm of wlmich , at an ummaba ted value , their govornmmieumt was bound. The real legislative purpose is to be blindly sought for iii tradition or iii Lime record of conroasionmul discmmosiomm , ammil is imidi. catol in the joint rcaoiutiomi of 187 ( , which took away fromn this coimm Limo legal- tender quality of it , amid held tiown Limo comnagoof it to time cmiii for it. for exlmr- tatiomi. it ; is plaiti that a Imusy imuoplo , fiumdmng this coimm afloat iii time cimammumehmi of busiumoss.styied a ciiiii of time United States , wommiol readily believe timimtit was an autimontic iaauo of the goverimmmmeumt , amid to be redeoummed by time govorimummoimt , time same as other ummommoy put omit by it. From time to timne , however , as it suits soheummiumg mmmcmi aumd the occasion IlLs , a limo and cry ma raised mmgmmimtmit it , it. 1m diii. credited iii time ommirtim , amid immmwmmry hold- era sufrer loss or iimcommvwmiemmce. As IL 1mm a coimm of time IJimited SC&tos , lmavimmg time iuimage amid auenscriptiomm timercof , nammetiemmed as stick by iemialtios upon time commntorfeitiumg of it , amol once dignified as a legni-toimder iii payimmemmt of debts ammd dimes , it nimould be restored to its first state , or called jim at its umomnimmul value amid umioltud. 1mm tIme judguiwumt of this dopartnmemt. it. should be thus called in mmmiii incited. Tiuuii ( Iopartmmmelmt has been amid still is iif time opimmion that mm correct legal iuitorpro- tuition of timat act , ( time uict of 1878) ) in commmmoctiomm wtthm the joint rosolutiomm of 1876 , ( lenies to tlmii tm'iUiO doiiar a legal. t.emmder quality. .11 it be said that mmmucii of this COil ) , discredited niumi PraCticumhlY debased , is in time hmimuids of speculators who have taken it at a discount , amid that they would profit by legislation WhiCh , would ilmcrenso the actmmril value of it ; while it ummay not ho denied that lammment. ably this is too far tIm case , still it is to be answered that such is time hmmck brought by nil debimmied coin whmeu at last it is fairly redeemed. Sjeemilatorn , will make by ii doprociatiemi atom fohiowimmg appru. emotion. A law for a fain redemption umust lumive , with its good , time evil of helpimmg seine to gum , wimo ill deserve it. Time fault iii moot umiucim immono with tha speculative trader , than with time legiala. tiou that has given himmi time chaumce for ignobLe gain , Ills profit is a light inci dent , calling slightly for attemmtiomm , be. cause of time great gommeral good to commmo front caiiimmg 1mm a discredited coinage. li nidos , leave timis coizm ummrodceimmeil , umid by amid by , whou public attontiomm iii itt a Intl again , it will be once nmore sot allost at mm-imninxml value , to ho in fmihmmesn of time (111Cc ummoro ( ilacroditud amid lowered iii pmmrchmuulumg to time harm of good People. Moreover , the inforjimntloim which I imtiv ( room lrmIcticmml anti ieiiabio men , vimii aiim at time sources of kimuwludgo on this Imoid , is that. thmoso kmmown mis trades. folk , aid mmmcci , of tim working uoplo not iii atrars , uncomopolled by imocossity to , part witt time trade.dollor at a 11)1(5 , have lieU it dining pammics , looking anti wait. mug for aLien by time govonimmnemmt ; amml tlmat rime amount stored by hrokcrs is mm small ja' of what iii jim olommmestjc owumor. slim ! ) , tim tirger llam'L iuiimg held by those who took teiii ; mit lull ( imoc tom' labor timid 1mm traflio l.a legitimate tutU imommorablu detiiiig. itis bust , ommcom for mill to call it iii auihimmi ittit. of Ltiiisibie ) misc. 'j'hiii ( lejiatmiment does not recommmmmieumd that a Jogal.tumdor mmallty lie agimium givoim to the trade ohlar , to 11w . euddemi 1mm. cmuue or ti egitimmmato silver zuommey of the coummtry , mliii time immcommvemmiommco ammil incongruity ofwo doilari virculrflmig to. gethmer , of Limo salute amotal , of unequal .neal value timid of ohiil'rent devices , yet of equmni valium tim faymmmcmmt of (101)19 mmmiii of Inircimaso of property. I I. re commmemmds that authority ho uivemm for time rcdemmmp- bomi of limo trade dollar 1mm the shummdaril silver dollar , dollar for dollar of mumimummal value , for time rocoimuigo of time immetal so recmved tutu a attumdard silver dollar to accord with limo law for timmut coimm , ammil for a rodttctuomm of time amimouimt. mf silver bimlijomim ruatmiUng froimm time o.c1mnmmgo frommi time qmtammtity of buhiiomm required to ie got by immaittimly pummclmases. fem tlmmt pmr- 1)0:10 : Iif coimuige tinder time act of 1878. VOINS A4fl C0lNAfll , The Itmago oxecumtml at. time mmmiimts ilmir- big time fiscal year was less iii value timnmm iii time 3'ear imnnmetlimmteiy' precemliug. ViiL time commtimmucd demnammd for smmmaller do- mmommmimmimtiomms of coimm for cimammo , mmmade mmii imicreaso itt time imunmbnr of mecca atrmmck. it. ivas oieveim amid a half immiliiomms over timat of mummy year huimmee time Orgnmli7.atiomm of Limo imilnt bureau. 'i'lmo total mmtmmmibor of pieces conmiomi wum.s 08,000,021 , , of time value of $00,200,701.81. , tTIONtI Im.NKm4. 'I'ime mmmmmmmber of mmatiommal bammis iii op. eratlimmm Nnvommmber 1 , 1888 , was 2,522 , , aim immereaso over all fin-mimer yeats. Time imtmumlcr , of lammks orgmmmmizel dumimig time year is 201 , time gmoatcst mmmmmmmbtmr orgami- lied dtmmlmmg tummy year simmce 18(15. ( Time capital of time mmowly orgammizod bammks is $28'S ( itno : , amid time ciretmitutiomi $7,901i- 150 , which is nbumumt ommo.fommrtlm of time capital , slmmwimmg that. time llammka luive t.akemm advaimtage of aect'momm 8 of time act of .1 muly lii , 1882 which ammtimrizcs btimmka of $150,000 cajtittl mmmiii mmmmdor to be organ. ized 111)011 time (1,1bOat , of bommds to time mummommumt of omme.foumrtim time capital. Ito- tmmrmms immado on October 2ot of 11mm year mmlmow aim aggregate imiutiommal batik catiltal of $50tt',9',787 ) ) , nut increase of $26,595 , . 574 Ummnimig time year ; a ciremmlatioim of $314 , t)31 ) ,57i , ; a surimma of $102,000,482 , amid imolivalumal depoamtmm of $1,019.137,700 , batim of whmiclm are iii decrease ; lomuma of $1,808.I50,71)0 ) , aimot apocio of $107,817 , . 98:1 : , both of wimicim arc in immereaso. Owners ( If capital , desirous of immvestimmg it iii the buisimiesum of bammkiimg , are suited with time iitmtioimmil bammk nystemmi , nimd wil. hug to commtiimtme or ti ) orgammizo aumomv immidor it , wimoim it camm be tiomme with a rca- sommablo show of profit. Time corponmmto existemico of 988 baumcu , mviii expire dmmnimmg time mmext two yoara-2lt ) iii 1881 aml 781 iii l8PS. 'J'ime umatiommal bammks Judd , ums security for ciu'euiatioum , $352,877ioo : of limmited States bommds , mm rethmctmomm sif $11,613,850 durimmg time year. 'i'lmey hold $201,827 , . 750 of lJmmitctt Status 8 per ccitt lommtts as a basis of circmmlatiomm. All ( if time latter are likely to ie , called forpaymmmoimtdtmnimmg time mmext four or live ycams , ummmless time surplus rovommue of time commmmtry is diimiimm. isimed. ' ( 'hero is little or no profit cmi cir- cuiatiomm based on .1 amid per commt. bommls , at Limo prcsommt premnimmmmmit timerofor. A contimmued paymmieuit of time 8 imer cemmis will probably result iumum large redimctiomm ( If time bammk circulation , mmmmlesa nomne coumiter stimmitmimma is applied. l'mlammy prom. ositiomia lowe been mmmdc t. that end. Time imational bank act at first provided fem Limo issue of circulation oqumal to 9jmer ccmmt of time currommt ummarliet value , but imot to exceed the par vaimme , of United States bonds bearing 6 per cemmt iuitencat ; amid time aubsoqmmomit not Of March 1 , 1805 , himmfitod time circimat.lontoV ] $8tf'OQQOQO to be issued in the same ratio to capital , umpoui S amid (1 ( per cent bommds. Sluice thou the rate of intorc t upon bonds , aumit time iroflL , omm circulation lowe decreased. With that decrease , the ratio ( if circuia- tiomi imusuoI upon time nctmmal or mumarket value of bonds has also decm'omuuod , until it is probable that , witlmotmt imeipimig icgis- latiomm , loss iimBtoad of gain vill emmsuo ( noun depoaitiumg lomimmis aim security for cm- euintioim. 'I'IIO liololer of lIonis cmiii IlorromY mmiolmoy iti time nmarkot. upon thmomnm mum a pledge , at 95 imer ccitt muimn timeir mmmmmrket value. Timere hi a discrepancy niUm tliiuu , 1mm timim requiremmiommt ( If time bmw timmut 111b0 I only of cmrcmmlatiomm shall be ismmed mipoim lolmds , soimm of which inuvo mm ummarket valmie of $1 , 22. 'I'lmia minks a ummarg'mmm of $82 mis security fur circulation , instead of $10 , tin it ivuts at time start of time syritemim. 'I'imo workimmgs of time systemmm simon' , that , if frouum time beginmiimmg , $100 of ciremmia- tioim hind beomm issued upomm $70 of homids , ho loss would have accrued to holders of time 1)1118 of immsolvoimt arid failimmg hammks , thmougim there might houvo leom ) loss to gommoral creditors , who uimigimt have do. 1iuumded tillOhi assets aumbatitmncd for boumds released. 'l'hme aggregate capital of the mmntiommal bammks wimicim have failed during the last twomity years was abotmt twemmty immililoums. If mipoum time boimds hold as security - curity for time notes of tlmoso baumks , air cuhatiomm hind luoon issued for time full par value , and there Immud bcemm a decline of 5 per cent. 1mm time value of time secmmritiea , still , time whole loss would mmot have exceeded - ceeded oume zmmihlioim oloilarn , mu'immclm wouhil have fallen upon creditors , and umot Upoit bill imolders , rio lomig as time bomids wore assota in time hands of a receiver. Moreover , a gaium accrues to time govermmmmiont , by law , froum time mmomm.redemmmptiomm of natioumal bammk notes. Timoy have boemm iii circuha- Lion for twommty years. It is estimimatcd timat fronm 1 to 1 per cczmt , or for that lmcrid about $4,000,000 , will imovor be brommglmt imm for rodeummptioim. That smmm will be in access of any possible loss that comm timrommtomm Limo goverumommit fronm au1 thorizimig aim insuo of circulating umotes at Jo per ccitt upon time mumanhoot. valmmo of londn deposited. By huiw , if bozmdn held by bankm doclimmo imm value below time nmnouumt ( If circtmlatiomm issued , thmo comump. trohlor ummay dumnand additional honda or loomisto oqealtho disparity. Moreover , all thu assets of Limo bamiks , and the mdi- vidual liability of Limo stockholders , camm be exhausted , before time bill holder em- time govormmmmment riufLerim loss. These no. mmmumrks are rufntory to time rocomimummenola. lieu I anm about to mmiake , of a 1110010 of keeping natiomial bimmik imotes in cit-ccitt- tiwi without loss to time bamm'ks thereby , and with safety to limo govonummuiommt ammd bill imolder. lii nil that 1 have to say , I a-ssiimne tlmat time umatioumal batik syatommm is 11(1W adjudged to be a constmtUtioummul creatioum of the legislative JOver , amd ; that time country lisa acquiesced iii it as such ; that it is looked uimoum with favor by time greater part of time people ; amid tiinttimero Is aimmmoat a umimvtunsal desire to coumlmmmuo thio circulation of timeso umotce , as a couvemmiomicu amid a homieSt wlmichm it would irk us to be without. 'I'Im publuo uuint iS atiinuiily tmmniiett to Limo ummquiry : how sinai ! Limo unitiomial bank uiotcs be kept mm circimlatloim ; wimat simmill be tat'otm ' as ii safe fomumdmmtioum thorn. for , and yet. lie so low in 1mm-leo as tim it thie bamiks caui ahiord to , buy iuuid deposit ; or CbliIflUCd ( oil /lUC 2 , TIlE OLD WORLD. A \xfor \ ob Atae ( a Chard an erollsly Iinro Ilic Imalcs. Seorot Irish Societies Vigorously Denounced by the Dublin Amiot hiir 1Iri lii Spimln-l'uropcanuj F'lcciiig Itefore time False I'ropliet. 1i.tTIT FO1tELUN Nl'lWS. iLIOTINII mN \Vix : romw , 1)ccemmmber 8.-A much last uveimimig mittaciced time thmeator iii which eraimgciical services Wore being hmehi , amid mmttemmmptcol to burmm time bmmildimmg. Time mmmoIi ) took imossessiomi of time towim , broce time wimmdows of limo Protcmutammt. ciumrcim , amid of micarly nil houses occupied by Protostammtmu. 'l'iitm tlrc.sses of hadmcs 'uvimo attemmdod time services were tonmu ofi mimmil gommttemmmemm aCcomnmammyim1g timwmm stommmul. Several were immjtmrcd severely. Thoimmob Paraded timu streets several hmoumrs simigimig , ' ' ( ioU Save Irelammul , " Services at LImo theatre wore being comahmctcd by l'mlajorVlmittie ' , of Chicago. Time mmmob mmmmule a boumlirmi of all time bibles mmd hmyummmm books that could be fommmmd. ( limo Protestammt wits attacked mmumd carricil ( lowmm to time harbor , tim itmtontiomm of time assaulammts lmeimmg to mirowim lmimmm. Sonic respectable Catimohics itmterforcd aunt saved imimmm. Ammotimor Frotesmammt was cimased timrnumhi time streets amid fimmaily sought refuge in time police barracks. lie was told that time police wore ummallo to protect hiiiii. lie wemi seriously womummded. 'lIme Phice were comitimmed to time barracks thmroughmotmt time riot , Time victiumma immtend. to seek commmlleimsatiomm. sr.ruumi'r IIOCIETIJiS ImNOUNCEI ) . Dvnmr.mN , Decommiber Zi.-Thmo pastomi of Cardiumal McCabe strommgly d. mmoummces secret societies , which it says "seenm Li ) j1055055 it fatal cimarmmm for Irishmen , euling gemmerahly withm time hmammgummamm'a ropoor Limo immfammmy of the imiformner. " Fatimer liimucCartamm was stemmed ycatonml3y wimilo passing timrommglm time Orammge qmmarter iii Now 11yo. ' o.mmlt : 'to ImUivnm : : 'JAIUv. : A prmmmimmomit iimviimeiblo ummmdergoimmg pemmi servitude offlmra to give immiportamut testimmmommy agaimnut fourteen mmmomm wlmouue trial bcgmmms to-day , for time mmmmmrtler of f lhlrii. Smm'uythmti , near Colliimstnwmm , in April , 1882. AN iNSUitimKcn1O.mItY mlmrr _ B.tmuuiLoNl.t : , Decommmbcr 8.-Aim immaur- roctionary I1imIt has boomi discovered 1mm time garrisomm hone. Five ufilcers imavo been nemmt to Madrid. Time ollicerim of L'Erida garnisoim sleep imm time ham-tacks owimig to rumnora of mm demnommatration upon time Frommchm frontier. , , . F1.mimtNfl : FitOim Kmrtmm'nuam. CAiRO , December 3.-TIme Europemt ; population of Khartoum Imas taken refuge at Bum-ben. Time Eyptiumm govorummemit . r40lON Docenibor 3.-All the ) , - liens- Imapors emmdormmo the verdict jim time cane of ( ) 'Dommmmoll. - Fire 1ecrU. ' 'Si- . Louis , Icenmier 8.-Abommt a dozeum store'm and ofilcos were burned at. Cimillicotime Mo. , yeatordy. Loss millward. of $20,000 , immauremi. ' Bt'muI.INOTN ( , 1 it. , lhmcemmmber 8.--"C'ov- ermmora bmmiidimmg. " cmiii ( If time mmmoimt. immmpor- . tttimt , blocks imm time city , oceutued by ciotim- lug firnmrm , Ammmenicamm Express comnpalmy , . tumid commtaining mm hinge mmunmber of dices , burmmcd early timimi mmmonumimmg. Total loss $50,000 , immsmmraumco $30,000. ltlmi'uvAuJKmI : : , 1)ecemimimer 1.-A. huller's saustigo factory wasbmmrimed timis nmonimimmg. 14055 $12,000 to $15,000. luisuramico $22,000. Time origin of time fire is laid to immcemmdiarios , who have umow set over a. dozemm fires since November 1. No clue has boemm obtaiumcd , but several aresta. worm ) immado cmi suspicioum. _ - - Time ] htmmrraysvlll' ' , Itlum. l'ZTTmmUhtfl , December 3.-Time ( Jimromm. ide's Grooumburg special says a imummdroti. and fifty witumesscsar ived front Mum-rays- yule thins ummorning to testify iim time habeas corpus lIroceedjIlga of time participanmta in time late fatal riot. A heavy guard was 1mlaced 1mm Limo stairway of the gm-amid jury roomim where time prisoners wore comutined , to ; revoumt violoim c. Time charges are mimurder , aggravated riot and folommious assault. % Vhmen tIme cases were called time court roommi was crowdd to its utnmoat cPaeity. TIme cases wore all takemi up to- gethuer , immstcad ofsoparatoiy , as expected. Time tostinmoumy elicited so far is accord- . big to time facts already telegraphed. ' Catarrh. At tIml season of the year everybody 1mm. a cclii sod .omno very 1ja6 one. . By frequent exposure. us mnrnbra.esol . the hose become very sensitlys , and cstanit a&oi Inftite& sroepidemlo. Relief aisy be obtsined by the use of 11oods Hftrsapanflltm. Yor niau.y . yesrs in Uecetlo beginning .o tsr back I don t renmemniier when , I im.d the calarrt , in lay lesd. it ccn1stod of a conUnual flow 1frow amy . Dose. Dose.Ringing ahd Bursting Aoisos hi my head. Somotfme , the bearing In may left esr wasseocieti , frle yesri o ahommi timid sc.sou , ot the year , i to use iiooiF , San'apsriila. I ass - helped right &wsy , but I coumuineil to use It until I felt amy myself Cimnal.-Mri. . . JOiza 11. CAUIIISIiI. I.oimcil , MsJ , .JVroIno ilrownelI merchant ammO extcuielv miller aS SIotor. Ontario county. N. Y. , wrItes : " 1 have u.J flood'i. HarsapazIlls br my Catarri , , and hihas helped me. I ooisIdr , hood's Sarsaparimls otis ii theSbi _ $ renmudie. Icr blood diiicaau to be obtainej. 1co Doses One Do//ar , "I Imro , bet-mm troubled will. that dlmtreaalug corn. Iu-fnt , cat-sun. . , anq lisie l.en umlmg : lXooiis Sarsa- nirilla , anO 11101 ft oumu of lila best remedies I have 'moo takemi. My trouble has iasteii tom years , and umevur comihi gets ) ) ) ' ) UiiCI uuustli i COIDRCCIuCCO to use hood's 8arsaiarimI.m.-larLim ) Sitleki , Chicego , lii _ Dange , from Catari'I , Depoitde uuoum the anount tail extent of the HeroIc. loss hjifocticu , . Uniuumtlnabiy mzmany death. fr.iii comisuniption 03) ) ) Iiu tflo LII to mieglecteti catarri , . There Is a imolint miltrei. prostrated ammO ooughInm- CIelt , the iiy.e sve' , thunusu tUseiiargus oojilou.i3 smut tao head . .ecmns to , split. Zn such 00105 hood . iarsaparilla correct. the ca. tarrim by it. diruet action In dInharijltm the iol.on 10cm tue bioot throuih nature's iemi ouUot. , so that iesliiy ( sound Ut ci rcathe. , ; ho iuernbraxms IIOI ii .mboiaomu. Hocus &xrsaparll/a Soul by drugits , el ; mix ton LO. Prepared bi' 0. 1. 11001 , LeO. , ApothccarlesLeweui M&es. ' I I