. , - - , I - . - . - - -I---- - . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - - - - .1 7 . OMATA DAILY DEO11fl1IIt 1o33. ' L - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - -.i _ . - . - - - - - - . - . - . - . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - HREkTEPOCII ! The Br akiiig ol GFullllt 1r Ihe Prt ! . Hai1w Acras the COilhillOnt tiwciity Ycrs Ao1 ho Inauguration of the Union Paoifio Oil the Banks of the Missouri in 1863 , ii Mornorablo Day at Ornaha GoorgaFranois Train Makox The Spoooh of His Lifo. Andrew J , Popploton Do1ivra : an Eloquent and Patri- : otio Addroa. Thu Building of the Roan , tli Early Strugg1o3 oftho Projoo ? tor8 arni Final Triumph. Pho Most Gigautia Enterprise of Modern TimoB Completed in Six Yoars. : Au Excursion to the End of the : Track , and the Speech of : Senator Wade , : The Celebration of the Completion of the Road at Promontory : Point and Omaha. .1k Atiiount (4 IlituroRt Ing Ita BO9VIJgflfl t ho ( Yontstri.ct Ion oF tile GiCIIL I1Iglavy. For two hund rod OftT3 after tim uirat FlIiIOftd [ of Eriglislimcn landed UOfl North American oi1 at JarneLown , in Virginia , thu greater 1iaf of Lho conti. ncn west. of the Mtastsijpi ronjainod au much an unknown land as wa central Africa before the explorations of Living- thno anclStin1oy. Seventy ycara ag ) an expedition to ox- ( ) lore thu unknown rtgion wai fitted otis 'under President JefTeraon. The oxplor- cra , Capt.aina LewiR and Clarke , crossed the Mississippi soinowhcro near SL Loulu GfluI ascended the Missouri river with boata corduled by hand. On August3 1801 , they reached z point about nineteen miles above Omaha , near the present Hito of Fort Calhoun , whore they JIQItI a council with thu Indinnu , nu nuuncd the spot Council u Bluffs. Explorationu of ho conntrj between ilio Miuuouri .rivor and the Paoific slope t ere made by various army officori , ncl f .n 1812 Limit. John 0. Frornont led the Ilrat expedition to explore the country from the Misuour river to the Rocky inountainut on the line of the Kauiuau and Great Platte rivor. In 1815 ho lcd another expedition acrouui the itcky mountains and the Sierra Ncvad to tie Paoiflo coast. The prcliniin.uy oxpedi. tions , which were followed by the migra. 4i0n of tlio I1orrnons into Utah during ( ho years that succeeded the annexation of California , led to the cutallishrnout of the overland uitago route and pony ox prosu. In 18U1 congress chartered the Pacific tologr.tph , of which 1lward Oroighton of On1ia , wau the chief pro- I eoLor and builder , and who , upon ibi completion , July 4th , 18C2 , located its . torininuu in The 1'.oiiio tub- gr4pll wau the f..reruntior of the Pacific LUNay.Vhllu the Pacific telegraph ; s-au tinder ounutruotion , the Pacific rail- react bill w.3 ponhiuig in congrou , and only four bfiiro the electric uprlc liuliod across the continent. in one con tintzou circuit , the Pacific railroad net wau signed by President Lincoln. The twentieth annivur3ary of thu ireakiui of ground at OnaIia for the ilr.utraib , way acroi the conti uiunt oucuri on the 21 of December , 1533. That day marks an important epoch not only in the history of OLnali3 , but &uo in thu history of the United SLtos t.niul the entire North continent , The lisa colubrato. this nnliiversary by prosontiug an uLtcndud account of the exercises that took place oui that day twenty years ago , in Ociahia , We luu publish a brief history of the gi. gautic iundurtaking , which luau so mate. risbly developed thu western country and ctued a revolution iui the oInn1eroo of thu world. mu i'iit'uT UTaI a4ILIwLn3. The fIrdt btealn railroad in the world 'vu the Darhington & Stockton , in Eng. land , adistancs of 37 wiles , completo.l in 1825 , and the first auccouaful boconiotivo was the Itockot , Thu first railroad In the United Sttc I _ AS the J3altimoru i Ohio , work on which was begun on the 4th of July , 1823. To Peter Cooper wa duo the oouatruclion of the first American loco. motive , which was lniilt for the 1LIti. more Ohio , to show tht ! utesun might be adsptod to curved ro&du , A trip rnsde 4. _ ) Eh1icLt' Mills , drawing arm open car 11usd with the dircctorui aud othera , as the lirt 1and.journey hiy mituam iii Anierici. Hwcun time years 1828 nui 1833 , in .addittoa to the BiItimoro ueyr.ml other zodu : were st.-2rtod , among the number bHmu1 the fhlitaoru Su9uuhiauna , the ( Jtamdeum & Arnbrmy , the buuw Cautto . ] 1'rouchtown , time Fludson t . fohswk , thu -4)muIeutoa ) & Augusta , the Boston t l'ravidtuuco , and the Boston Lovchl , 'Theas were the pioneer rahlroadi of the Ufl.ttd h3tatou. 'l'hero wai but hUh , foresight of a jreat future connecting aystumim ; theme roads were generally pro. . Jiuobid ti supply an jmnuzedisto ncccmity _ t. , ili u a gp in an otherwise caully. aV4Iallu ! hue Imi transit , Ajitl : oven now 41 may be saId that an general our promunt great hues of coinmu'4cglon ith th MislBSipji vahlmy and tlmut Are t'ntidu Of ) of parts original .y havmmmg little refer. coeD to each ether , bnded , the Amen. csn roalu , opo islI } ' In limo wtst , have brett graduahl1 caflod into existence to so pi' a 11 dcd they tmcmnsolves ) have created , aImAl which , (11(1 not in the beg ii. ntng exiet ' [ .110 lLmltimoi'e Ohio and , at a I4tCt date , the I'cimasylvsiimia rents conmmect4ui the Ohio with ILthtmimmoro , , umd the 'ulohnlo ' 'ho ) , coti- nuCtI.n ; that riper wiLl , thu aLibi of Moxm. en , imhy his c.hied the 'irst through litmus. Thu cccamity of comtiiccLint newly' l vlopcd 1'mciIie state ; with the older body gave rise to the mnn3t. extended system tom of rocnmmnohmsanco and survey through a vast. cxpanso ( if mnontitainchain amul desert , flu ; the lhaimms vnro called , for the dotormninatiomi of pracLicalbo run to , amuil fltiall' to tim rapid construction of the mostvemnarhnhile through line of railway in the world In 1850 -rita iitnr t'AoIrlo flA1L1OAfl liii. ! . was introduced imito comigrosa by Senator Bentm , of ? mtiuuoumri. The Project of a l'ncitic railroad , hmowovor , hiatt been (115- cussed at tinems , for several years before Senator Bomitnu ititroduced the initial bill. Time idea was not. original with hmitmi , amid it is safe to say that ( ho idea wan sumggoutol to him by his sun-mn law , bohn 0. lrcmmiont , time great A muturicami Path. finder , whose early explorations acron the cotitimment are uumattuni of WOhl.kflW1l hm'mstury , WILe 111 1812 explored the South Pau. 'rimomi followed sooral other ex PchitiOmlS through the vast vest , and ho NUrvcVub a route for a great road front the iIiuniiuudpp'i to San Francisco. After the chow of the war of the rebellion lie oCCUpied hmimnsolf to a great extent. iii for. wardimig the interests ofa soutimurn trans. COlit ittuiitah rail wumy. I neidentahly it it ighit. be mentioned that mid imuit thmo war of the rebellion occurred the first traits- continental railway would very likely have liecri by a southern tetite , probably umtartiiig front St. IuiIiuu , In 1851 , hlomi. S Itutler King aulimimitted a plait whiichi was universally approved. It was to the effect that the government aliould gear. mnitoc to any colilpany or f1ursu1s who would t1u1bertuIku atul complete thu road a iiet dividend of 6 pr ccitt for fifty or ammo hundred years ; time road to ho con- strutud nuder time supervision of an cmi- gimicer appointed by the govurmimnunt , the cost ( if the road not to uxcued a certain suuil , and time guarantee not to hiogin until thu road w.ii cumnfhotod amid equipped for operation. In 1853.54 nine routes were surveyed across the continomit on vat'iomms parallels , under tim auporvisiomi of .lclTor- Ron Davis , then secretary of warVithm each returning session of congress the bommefits and pucuhiaritien of those several routes wore mnilmnittod , and tim r.au1tu wore aumtiiarizod In the intcroambi of thu etronin southern line. Finally it was domnoustrateti tImt thie route along time north side of the 1'lntto river wan the most pract'tcabio. Iii .Tune 1857 , a numim- ber of tlintinguishctl gull t lunicmi from % 'ariou jiortiunis of thu United Status visited Ounahia amid conferred with pirtios haviiig in view Limo construction of time Picific road by way of the Platte valley and Southm 1'as. Thu visilimmg liarty comm. sided of OoI , Orr , of South Ctiroiiiia ; Gumi. Itobimisoii , John Corodo. anti ? trr. Braduhiimw. of Peunsylvammia ; fmidgn Bar- her , \Yinconsiti ; Col. Curtis , of fowa ; Mr liosuijer , of Ohio : Mr. Pierce , of fndiana , amid ofliurs , Timoy muted in a reconmmn ( niation to congress that such a ruasommablo grant of laud amid other aid be contributed as would. prove a stiffluiemit inducement to build thu road , and they also recommended the Platte 'imiLoy route. The project of a Pimciflc. railroad was agitated at every slissioum of time Nebraska territorial legislature , and it bocamno one of time most cherished hioji of thiitt newcountry. . During Limo session of time thiirty-siztlm congress a Pacific railroad committee was appointed , and. eu time 20th of January , 1858 , tim committee , through Soimator Gwiii , of Caiiforiiia , reported a bill which ropoued to locate time oantcrim terminus road at somno 1)oiimt , between time Big Sioux and Kamisas rivers , 'Pha bill provided for time donation of alternate sections of land on each side of the road , and $12,500 per mile , the sainti to be ad. vancod , Upon time coumipbotion of every 25 miles , until 25,00OO00 shmouil ho readied ; time auimoummbi times advanced t..o hi ) ruturmiuti in mnitil service and traums- portation of imioti umnul mnumiitiomis of var ; I- , per cent of tito stock to he issued ; limo President of the United Status to receive bids amid locate time roam ! . Thio'bili , how. over , was killeil in the sonato. Atmothmer effort was immade at the sesiiioim of 1859.110 , wimumi a now bill wa i.mtrothicouj by Mm- . Curtis , of Iowa , which met with mono favorable commaideration , but with ito butter results. On the ovumiiimg of January 29th , 18r,9 , a immeoting of citizomis of Omalma was hiotmi In Pjrieur , block , at. whm'meim a limUlilOritil was muIojtcd whichm limb bcemm prum.areti . umt ii jmreviotms meeting by a oumnittitten con- slating of Williamim A. Owyor , ( h. C , Momi oil and. 4t 1) Jones , 'l'his mimummioriab wan forwarded \Vaumlmimmgtomm. . Thums thmu matter rested until Pulurtiary 5th , 1802 , wimun Mr. htohiimmn. of Missouri , by ulmumnimnrius coimsummt , itmtiodimctni a bill to aid ut constructing a railroad and bile. nraphi line front time Missouri river to ( lie l'aciflo Ocean , and It YaS refom-roti to time Pacific railroad cormmmuittoo , It was sub. uL'umliiully thin same as timat introduced by (1mm , , Cum'tjs at limo Previous , , osBioIi. Ott May 0th , 1802 , tIme bill , with various amommulunontum , wan passed by time imnuas by a veto of 79 to 49 , antI was ( lion sent to time seimato for coumcum'romico. Decisive autlummns delayed uumt'il Juice 20th , wimon by a vote of 85 to 5 , thu bill was adopted amid sent back to time house 'l'hio bill , tin amnomidod by the senate , was then adopted by the hmotmo by a vote of 101 to 21. 'Fhmo bill wan apprnvcuct Ju1 1 , 18112 , when it becammue a Jaw. 'I'Iio ' bill iirovidod nmnomig other timings that quite a large number of persons , whmoso natnus wet-u givumi , ulmoulil be crcatod imibi a hotly corporate mind politic , in immuv arid deed , by the name , style amid title of limit Ut41o ( i'.tcrm'io muramuon cOMvAmcv. Time persons namoul wore from all see- tionmi ot the mmortim , tlmo south buhiiux then jim rebellion. Thmoo from Nebrask. wore ( hubert 0 , Monull , Atmgimstus Kuurmtiu , T. itt. Mimrqum.uttu . , W , LI. Taylor anti Alvin Sauudtrg , , At tltst timmio Ssuui. Dailey , brother of 11cm , , Vilhiamn Dailey , of l'oru , Nebraska , was tlmo Nebraska delegate iii congress , anti Imo it was who had time name of Augustus Icouimtzu in. sorted. 1mm ( ho om'Igimmtml charter , Mr ICountzo afterwards buooming one of ( lie govoranmunt directors of time road In addition to time persons aboyo naumieci liii' bill provided fer time aIliotntment of five oounmnissiormor ; also I.ii' . time laying out and coIm4tructin a continuous raiiro4d amid telegraph Immie from a point 0mm the 100th meridian hutweomm the lteiiublio.mn river and the north margin of time I'hiht valley iii time territory of NuIn-nBka to time wu.iturn bouimdary of Nevada ; immiti for time jumoumut of time cidtal itock ; ( tin time miii. poitmtmmmeiui. ( if comtmi'm4orIurs amid othm r ulii .Jrs ; time election of clireckirs ; rigimt of way ; douatiomms of aitonitato set-Lien. , ox capt mmural lumitis ; the CoItt'OuIiu if lands uicn comnpiotboim of eurry tort CoitueceUre ilc , ; nat ! Iho iauo pity. - - - - mont. of bndn thorefor ; the doslgnatioii of the route ; the time ( if C4)uilpletlOmi for time mn1im line beitmrz 1876 Time land grint arnoumited ( a 12,000.000 tmcre or 10,000 square miles , hi milterimato sectiouis within a broatim of twemity miles omm each slilu of time road , amid alommg its entire Lomithm. An amomubatory act directed that a moutititi should be imchl in Chicago cmi t.lio lirut Ttiesday of Suptonibur , 1862 , ( ho object being to commiplotu time orgmnia itiomm and time opciiiiig of books of RtilsCrlIitiOmm to time c.iital , steak Time Inectiriuc was accordingly lick ! , Gun Curtis , of Iowa , juresiding , arid Robert Pimmimey , of I'erimi. sylvatm'ia , armd .J IL li.obimmsomm , of Call- forum , actimmg an secrotimries. Thorn were sovemmty.tlmrue comnmniisitirtern present. The permanent. organization of time vemmt.morm WItS uIfcted by ( lie election ot \v. Ii. Ogden , ( if Illinois. as i.rcsident . , timid if. V. Poor , of Now York , an necru ( sty. Time great project wan thoroughly ( liSCUSSOl , aumul a crmmnmuttoo of thirteen was a1ijiointed to advise and co.opuratn with thu officers. rita ronMAt. oruift.N1z.TIomc of this nationmal oimtorprise wits projected oim time 20th of October , 1863 , iii time city of New York. A board of directors was elected , amid two government directors were appointed , as follows : George Optbyko , John A. Dix , 'F 0. 1)tmrant , b \V , thmnhiamu , P. Clark , E. P. Ti ! ( hibsomi , J. F. P. Louier , 0. T. Ti ! . Divin , A. ( . lororno , August Belnmommt , ii. 0. Clark , Charles Tuttle , hluzmry V. Poor , timid George Griswold , New York city ; .J. V. L. Pruynm , Albany ; E IL Itosekrans , Glenn's Fails ; A. A. Lowe , San Francisco ; W. B. Oglen. amid .1. F. 'l'racy , Chicago ; Niutimaimiul 'I'lmaytur and C. A. Lamubard , lioston ; 0. S. I3nslmmioll , New haven ; .1 , U. Seramitoim , Scriuntoim ; .1 , Edgar 'I'Imommmpson , I'hiladolphia ; Ehomiozer Conk amid Joimmm E hfumiry , Davenport ; H. P. McConub , Wihumming- tomi , ltil. ; Augmiatums Kiuumtze , Omnalma ; Joimmm I. Blair , Now .Jorsoy ; S. C , Porno- roy , iCaimsas ; Joimmi A. Dix , presideimt ; P. C. Duramit , vice president ; .Johmn J. Oisco , treasurer ; mmd henry V. l'oor , secretary. vim mxx sTat' was time sobcctioim of ( ho oatorn terminus of time road. At this time ( Jmnaha imad no railroad whatever , bmmt there wore tlmroo firms being built across time state of Iowa towards this poimmt. 'rite ' Burlington & Missouri , mmmv time Chicago , Btmnhirmgton & Qimiimcy , was in operation ftr omme him- dred mimilus wostwiwd from Burlington. 'I'hmo Mississippi & Missouri , imow the Cimicago & ituck Island , had reached Grimumohi. Time Clii auo , Iowa & Nebraska - ka , imow time Chicago North. western , was runmmimmg to Marshall- town. Owing partly to the favor. able location of Omnaima , which uva'i ( ho objective poimit of ( ho above roads1 it was docid d to make this city the immitial point. of the Ummion Ptmcifle railroad , amid \VulnosIay morniug , Ducomnbur 2. 18 i3 , Peter A Dq , the chief ongimmeer , reonved a telegram fm-omit Now York annoumiciimg that. time President of ( ho Ummitud tatca lent fixed time immititi poirmt of time road emi the ' 'western houmid- rury . ) f Limo state of Iowa , opposite Omalmum , tumid ( lirecting hint to formally break grommmnL This was an important iiiece of news for Omimahma , amid the citizour' doter nutted to inaugurate the work of time Ummion Pacific r.ulroad on that very day , arid appropriately celebrate time cvommt. TWENTY YtItS AGO : A Big Day tim Oimmn1ma-i1t-aklng ( ] rontmtL fimu- time Unloim l'ncItlo- . MenmortbIo tleeCl1 of George PraIbcii4 Ti-alum. It was rumored aim Tuesday , Docon , . her 1st , 1863 , that time Union Pacific railroad had boon located by President Lincoln to atar ( at Omnaima , opposite Council Bluffs , and that ground would be broken on time next day. Timis report stirred imp commsidcrabio excitement. it was the cause of a big rusim cmi ( lint day to the United States land office to secure land mmear Omaha. Parties were unable , imowevtmr , to obtain land mmqaror than 16 miles from time city , amid propoity in and around thmo city took a very sudden rise. Anmong otlmer reports was one that George Francis Traimm would be in Oniaha to speak itt time inaugural of time Union Pacific. l'eopie waitoti with great anxiety for the comml'mrmatiomt of time rmmimtura , amid when eu time uiext day , % Vedmmemidmy , Dc. cenmmbor 2.1 , tIme telegram ivulS received onluniimg I1hmgmmiuer ley to break ground at ( imnnima for thai Union Pacific rajlrouuul great excitement ammd enthmmmsiaarmm pro. vailoti timroughmoim . time city , witicim ( lien commtaimiod us voitumlatioti ( if ies titan 5,000 inimmubitimitu [ I , wiui mimi event to be ceiobratetl in no ordinary mommummer. I t wait to be the lay. ing of time corner-atone of time grammdeta ( structure of the ago a nitnmmetumro which should uim'mto ( lie .titlmiumtic itmmd Pacmfic- time eaat aunt thui wemit--whmich would ilti mimoru to develop the resources of time ooumitry tim mu mmli other aeimcius coummbiimm1 , smut become time great trammucummtimmommtal highway for the trarmslrnmtat on of the tie ipbo amid nmorclmuumdmmio of time various nations of time cam-tim , It iii simfo to say , Imnmyovor , that not all time people of Uimmalmtm lmad umibommmtded famt.lm 1mm time cmi- tunitrise , Intl. there were n'mne , who had time utmost. coimflduumcu km its ovemutuumi tame- cuss , bimt none believed that. it would be commipictud in so runmarkably mm muhmort timmt its it was. 'I'lmu celebration , atuliormhm mit. mimost omitiruly impromimptu , was partici- 1at..d , in by it lam-go crtwd of the citizemis ( if Ommiaha , amid it. jtrovod an uimtiiuuiastic success. 'Fhmo following comnrnittoe of nrraumgo. flouts was aPiiimmted 1mm less titan an liotir after time receipt of time tulegr.mui : Augustus Kour.tzo , Bimon Lou'o , .Johmm , Mominrzmtlck , A. J , lltummscom , Ii , F , Lishm. buimmglm , A. J. l'olmplct..ui , , Joimn 1 , hiedick E'.ra Tililtard , l , iiterbrook , B. B , 'L'.m- tar , ( louirgu M Mills , W. [ I' , Sapp , Jesse Lowe , 0. P. Himrfortl , ltlwmmrtt Omoigittonu J. .1. Brown , timid George B. 14-ike , Mr A .r. Ihmunucomim ivuma tippo'mmmted pronidummt ut the day. Thu cent imittot , hastily tie. ranged ) rogranuunm , of exercises , amuil f'ixott the hour for the cortmmmoii'mes itt 2 , i'clutjk mn the aftormmoomm , It wits t ant duty , time suit shmmmmiumg hrightly mummi timci mhurmmmonuter nmolicatlmmg .111 atoyo Zero : : A.t the hour imt'mmetl a crow.I of ahout 1,000 loopltt nuasoutibitud suitE mm ircimed iiiwfl to time 'urimero ( lie groumul iras ( ti be formimalfy brokemm , 'riiis epit wan imoar thu ferry latmdin. . anti time "old bile- 4raph poIu , " mint fur front time point. wimerothu water works are now Iooate.i , I Ii's mimittal voimmt of the Urmitimi P.meifbc hits lommy.smimco been wniiud away by the Mtssourm river , together with mitmout ommti iiik of time first. tr.ivlt hnuhl , wlmicii was mnmulumloul iii time mit zm.umremmmtum1 ( of time tin it tiruimly mittles. For timis tirut utile , its wuijas for every mimic , the Umuion l'iicltlo r.memyrd $16,000 mutt 10,000 acres of Ia mid mid.A st.se.ooachi bc1oniug to the W.t. em Stage cornpauv convoyed to time scomlo a mmutnbur , f lrnmfnent men , aumiomi the party being Edward Creigim' 01 Guverimor Sumtmnmaur , George F'ramacis Train , Joseph Shepartl , divisloim super. immtummdeiit nf express , ( wlmo is tie .v the gutmeral miuioniimtemmtboimt of the Ummittud States uxpruss ) amid lt' . Atchison , gemm. orml stage mwont at thimahu , The exercises were opened imLh Prayer by the Rev P. 8. I1uumnrn , , who oumsitted time prayer for time I'rosidumit. of the Unmited St.imttuuu , the reason bommig that Mr. Lemon was a strong demnocraL [ 1. , has simicu cimanuuti lila politics , ammd in umovu a radical rotumhilictum. 'rime first uarthi wmq roniovoti by ( ' , 'vir- nor Smumunlers amid M my.r . Ii. B. Ii Kumm- nody , of Omaha , arid Mayor Pimlitmer , of Council Ilitmtt4 , nsistud by Aui..mitums Kountzo , Iumgiimcer Doy , George Fraimcii I'rahui , Dr. Atchison , amid otlimirs. ( lumms wore fired , mud iluafummimig ebeermi arose from the aseummmbhagu. Omium bras mix. iitumnmdur was , mbttiommud on the Nebraska baumk of the Titmsioumnm river , atmd another was located on time opposite batik , ammd dimrinmg time exorcises they wore fired at. frequent intervals. Ciovurmuur Smunulers made time firat apoccim. lie timomm road a mimes sage ( rein Ccl. , Joimim lfumy , private score- f-try to Pros'mdemtt Limmcolim. Mayor Konhmoly mmoxtuupokn ; ammd read a diwmteh frommm Mayor Opdko , o Now York. 'limo foltowimig WitS MAYO it iNEtW'H sm'm'.r.cmi : Tmr. I'rjsi.lumit aunt Follow Citizens : I hold 1mm my Imand a tulegraumi froumu tutu lion. .John A. 1)ix. lircaidomit of time great tJimioim I'mtjfi 11. iiir.utd . , coiimpany , immmd it bec'.mnes immy lmleIsmur.tbilu : duty to road it to you oum tiiiiu imiimortniit oCCauitiii. [ Pime dispatch will be foummd below together witim otimera. ] Ftihio Citizens : I see you aroahl chit. ed and buoyammt. 1 see an expression of gladmiess mu your cotimitemmammoesamni ant ap mumront relief front time awful sumupemmie wimicim has ovorshiumdowuul you for the past few mnomitims ; but. it reqimirea mb ifroat cf fort. to divimmo this great amid sudden cimamige. ' ( 'ito breakimmg of ground amid titmi inaugurntiomm of the great Union I'a' cilia railway have jimit takumi miaco Imere , in ( remit of your immfmimt city. 'l'liis is a mommiemitommu 4ccasiomm , It in an epoch imm the hustory of this coummiry , ammul I comi gratumlato you ( list this great miational oi turprisu is emitored umpumm , amid that. upomm , itia nocomul dumy of Doeiumber , 1863 , this liomid. of minion is inaugurated-the iron belt timat hi to unite the East. with time West , and the North with time South through all comnimig time. Speeches were also mnade by Dr. G. 0. Mcneil amid linmi. A. J. l'opplutomm , of Omnalma , A. V. Lirmmnur , of Coummcil lfluIF8 , George B Like , George Francis l'raimm , aid 'otimors , all being iluttuimel to with a great. deal of iimtorest. lION A J. rol-rasToN's SlIiiCi [ . Fdlow cUircn. of Onz'dia anti Comm. cii 1Uuff : ( ui time 13dm of Oituber , 1854 , aboUt 7 o'clock itt the evtuuinmg , I was set down by ( lie Vestermu Stage cminm- itaumy at yommder city of 0tmmmcii Btutr At the rising of the sun ott time foltowimmi mmmorimimmg , t clinmmbod to time suinmmm't of otto of time btutl' , winch overlook thmat pros. porous amid uutorprisimmg town , mmd took 0mm bug numd iimmgerimmu look across the Tilissouri at time buammtifmml situ out whmicim how sutmi iii time full vigor of busimuesi , social ammd religious life , the youthful hut thriving ; mmmd this day jultilant city of Omaha. B mriy itt time day I ormisse. ! th river , amid along a narrow iuatii cut by 501110 stalwart mnami timroumglm the tall rank Irairiu grass , i : wended miy wa in search of time 1)UStOtflCO. At length t found an olti piImour seated appartummtiy in solitary rmmmnhimuttioui upomi a. piece of huwim timmibur , aull I iumqumiroil of hmimn for ( lie posLflio 1TIe replied thmuit lie % vuIs time loattmiastor , and would examnimio the oflico fer may lot- torus , Thmureupomi ho romnovod fronm his Imemmul a imum , tt aiy time bait of it , sonme- what t'c cran jim appuaraimco , amid drew front its cavermmmii dtptims the coveted letters. On ( limit day the wolves and time Omahmuta wore time almost undiuputeul lords of the soil , and the untire postal systtuumm was comidueted in the crowmm of this you- orablo Jiutti ro.duy mu least 40000 radiant faces gladdens our streets , and time postal uorvico euiultered by us costly oditico , stikes its Briarian arms towards thu mmortim , time south , time coat ummd. the west , ieumctr.uting regiommu timumm ummmuxpborcd mmd unmknowii amid hearimig the symbols of vmmltmea tiuui hidden in the mnrimuiutaimis and lmmiuatlm time streams , of which timu world in its wildcat vagaries hud mievem'dromnaod , 'Flit'ii it toulc sixty days for Now York mmd Caimfornia to counummmummicmtt , with t'useim other. 'Fe-day Saut Frammeisco mmd Now Yorknittimmgupomm the shores of ( lie ocuiammu , : i,000 muilesaitu mmderimuld fautiliar brent arid uutoauim ammd lightmiimmg muro daily veavimig timoir dt'stimmies immore chimsoly whim mdIm othtur mmd iur us-itim timeir. , as time iuttir-ocoaiiia city , whosucommmnuurce , tm-ado uuil treasures leave the last great navm- gable strtmaut in their mmibgratiomm frommi time uttlauttlo to the I'ac'ttlc seaboard. It is mmatmmrml ; , thmuireforo , timat ymimm slitmmilul lift mm j yomir imoumrtms aumd rejoice. Aunt timittugim WI. , imuive wutteimed for mime hium years , during is'lmiehm our fortunes imaco huoum , like Antotmio's treasures , "immoatly itt ox' Ilectamicy , " we at last press the CIjI iii limIt fmuution to our li1ms. Thu humus lmumvum immdetud ' 'fimliomm to us iii lhasammt ) places , ' ' mund , its I look umntmm time smniliimg faces be. ( tire mime , I SitcOm to roati him their imapiy expresuituim time words of time pious poet : I , This is the (1 lv we long imavo .uouuht , .Aiitl mnoumrmmutl becaumsu we fiommit it not. " All ilmin , however , is lLlt ( Ito lrsomial ) u1piiticauico of timis great miatiommuil omit or- Im.iit ) to us 'l'o ii , it mueamms prospority. 'l'o thu imatiomm and all its iiooi > lu it itiuima sigmmitieaimcu ivult oxprossiuil iii a tulogramu received front ( iuivorimor Yatci , of Illinois , which I am m&'upmuutotl to raul. [ Thu tot. etiamii is publisimemi imm ummmothmor lihace. ] I esteonmi iutyiuoif furtummiatu 1mm tlmour tic. hug mmtluvocl to give oxpreiaiui to timisc flu. ottmmtau , ( ho greotinig of the mitito of lilt. nioju , through its clmief oxceniuivu ollicer [ mm this hmoimr of muaulgmmimmumry struggles , 'thou tliutt. great tutu umimiomi.iuiriimg stuto , tlmrnmglm ( tlmmit. mitost trusted formuumuto elmioftutin , Gout Ulyamos S. rummit , is hturl. imig its vioLtirimiim uuIm'u hmmto time very vibds of thono-cuulloil cotmftuuturacy , 'the still fimids thumitu to turn itside for omue brief mnomuotmt anti wislm mis Cl , d.sjCttl imm this wonderful titirk umptinm ivimi 'Ii wti miencmmtor. . \Vimom , thmnso irummm ii mmmiii with which vo hope to gird time couit'ummumtt shall stratcim tm'oumt sea to ito m , thu7 mutamid titurtiutusi Imc.utumg.us agummst tIme terrible cuul.muimitius of imatioumimb ustramtgemneimt , disrmitmoii amid disunounhuirment. 'l'tmts net. of comigross estib lilting this great ummterpritmc , tittoutti hmusvu been ersthtlum.1 ' 'Ant sot to imromim ito time PrOservatiIl of Limo Ummiomm , to prevent mmatioiimul dismolutloum , aiil hmuid teuyetlmer time Atlamitie amid I'4citic cizuts by arm iumd'masolubio cove- cant , to resist usmmil repel forolut aggros- siluim , ' ' 'rimero is muot out alt time Ltmssisippi , auni its tributumrioaus citizemm so craven butt timat wore the free miumvigustiou of ( hat mit- bIt , striusun , fromu ins source to its mouuthi , etommiqi imlum , lie would aohiovu it. with tutu S item-ti. So uvill this lmiglmway of time world ho t ho comiumiim bo'im or every citiacu , to lit ) cherished and defended with special duvo't.iim. . Sbn'1iimg lucre , at time initiatomm ! of timfu t.tupuudcuu enterprise , mm this third ye&r of our civil war , let. us devoutly pry that. time hour wlmicim witnesses its comr.p1o. t'm.itt tommy behold a rebchltomm overttirawim , a Ummion restored , a coumstitnno4i uu'mnm. iaireml , civil liberty amid tlmn pursuit of iisiimneas time inalienable birtiin-mgimt. of time weakest , the poorest amid time lowliest citiiMfl 1mm all our borders. Timon with ftmli imourtu mutt boummdlimg pulses we mmiay rtulmow the strain , "Groat ( tl , wo thank Thee for timh gootliy hi'mne , This Inuu'oous , , blrtim.land of t.IO ) free , \VIiort' 'voumileri ( miii afar may etune Amid breathe tli , , isir if llb-rty ; Still mnay us iliwrrn , umntrimpied , , pnlmug , Its hisrva-t ivtso situ cities nIo- Aumi lomi 'ill ( Imne slm dl fliI , hIs wln , Itiieitt , rilm's loveliest ; , aruuhi.o. " hmichlu tall y we are romimmdod titit Mr. I' . , , imtotiiim ti cmmimectioim with tIme Ummiomm 1'.icfiic as its attorney bopmmm it few days before hmo delivered ( lie above speech sit the breakimig of tIme ground , ammd Imo Imas COtitinUO(1 mi time service of the cciii liamly over , simmce , boimig now its general attorney , and in the only general ollicor who hums cotitimitiod witim thoroad from the day tlmat the firit spndoofdirt was turmioti over umitil thio jmresent time. araacmt 01 ? .tt'mma r.titlmmamm. Lidics amid Gemmtlemmmomi : The heavens are vurboratiimg around mis amid above us from cammimomi planted omm either shore of time river imt'ar by wimlim divides time state " 1 Iowa frommi your territory , but they are mint. duiugimict time soil with time blood ( if fellow eoummtrymmtomm. No , it is amiotimur citise iii wlmicim they are nupealdog ; it is time cuitiSo of progress , of civilmzatiomm , of 1)t3acoi antI this , time tiny we celebrate , is 0110 of its duty , of tritmmmipim. Although i : have timought amid hoped witim you for years for time comisumnmnation of time ovemit we are lucre today to clc. brato , amid w'mthm whm'uchm the iumtorosta of time peomle of Oimiutlma and Council Bhmmirs have ovur been so imitiumtumtoly idommtifioti. yet it has rumnaimmod utmtil tlm'ma day amid imoumr a iummbject of which we could mint speak with nsmiy dogrcoof certaimmty. But it. is amid that time liresidomit , as imo was immithorizoct to do , Imuis desigmmated timis as it loimtt , and timust hero oim time banks of that ttmrbid stream which rolls at our fcet-whmicim takes its source thousammds of miles above us , whiumm it is so aumiall that a single ox would drink it dry of a usumnuitor's day-mn to be ( ho croasmug of thmuit. great natiommuil timoroughmfaro whicim is to ummtto amid bind together with bmumds of iromm time Atiamitic ammd Pacific , wo look upomi this as mmmi uvemmt in time imistory of tlmis coummtry and of our poopho as worthy of comnomiioratiomm. As yet this is a sparsely uttlcd country , but with all the elemnumits for time croatiomm of agricultural wealth , which is time basis umpoim which all others rest , we mimumy now , by time locatiomi of the road , expect a large accession iii miumnburs. Vitlm stick a country as we litre imoro , with suclm a future as there is before it , time odmous rclatioiis of liumd. lord and tomiant , which is only another imaummo for that of immastor and stave , now existing in time older states , wmll ho placed iii process of gradual extinction. Here ill tue great utortliwest-time seat of emit- hire amid. the lumumd of imperial power- time titan of ( ho east may comnu , liossoal amid enjoy a spot of ( hits gm-comm cam-tim that lie immny call his owim , and. no thirds or halves be exacted from hmi store. Amid they will commie as others hmui'e comae before timomnfor tlmeroiasaid to be mu iinimmciiuat imi maui wimicim luau ever jut- polled hum , toward the suttimigaumm It was said to have bocim thin that took the lutri- imrchms of old to the land of the Mcditcr rammenim , impelled Paul ttseek Route , Au. Ustimme the land of time Briton ; nor was it 1(1st itmghit of whomm Colmumnbus plamitod the bumimmor of the cross iii the imow world , mmor wiieum time ii ! my11 iwer cast anchor itt the imarlr of Plymouth. It has brought yti and mmmc to the beautiful and fertile pr.miries ( if the ivest , timid witlm our cumm- try once more at peace with the world ani with itself-for every star on that omumblemu of our nationality wlm'tch floats yoiLtitum' mi state , and every state a star- will br'tmmg timonsammdmi inure to muojourrm with us. of the President of the United States I would say ( hat if mutiny of his acts have mint given the santo satisfaction timuit we mmiay ( ti-day foci for the part ito has takemi in the locathoim of ( ito road , it would be chmarit.mble to say that in other matters lie immay mmot have had such coimsultatiomm timid advisors its our friommd Mr. Doy , who ruom time hinmo of our propose I Pacific rail- mmii , mmmakimig this a turumminus. Ludies mtmmd gommtiommionm , forcalling upon mmmii accept my thanks for time imomtor you sought to conifer on your noigimborimmg oily , Coummeil Blutrim. George Fr.mmicis Traimi , tue great enthusiast , mmmdc a stirring amid witty simoecli , which was greatly emijiyed by time audience. 1mm his uuiuccii ; ho predicted ( intL tlmo ITmtiomm E'.icilic rmltlriumd wotmid be cotnpbutud be. fore .fmo year 1870. This was considered it little tie extravagant , anmd catmied comm. siUer.ible immumgiitor , but his iredictiomm ) caummu true. Time following was mmmi. TItALNIS m.m'auomr : I have mie teltmgrzmphmio ( lispatches to read , un nemitiuimeumtu to recite. The ciii cml business is 'iver , amid as I imappemm to IR ) lyimum arommmitl loose ut this part of time ooummmtry [ laughter ] at this lirticular tiumu , it gives mmmc us chiumico to moot semite of time live mmmcmi of Nebraska at time immusugutra' thou of time grainiest ommtorpriso under God , time world lets over witnessed. [ Ap. platte' . ) Amimemica is the stage , the worimi is the nudtoumce of to day.Vhiiio one act of time dritmima represcumius time hiocm'ung of thu C immmmoim Oh time Ii. tpiilamm , the Cimmuimor. humid amid the Uio Gr.imtdo , sounidimmg tim deuitm kmuoll of robolliommi ivar , time next sceimo records the b timing of cannon mm botim skbom of thmo Missouri to culebrato time gn'esuimlest work of po.eu that over at- attraittd , , the energies of moan. 'l'hie gm-omit Pacific railway is cnmimtnonm-ed , amid if 'tu know time nmau who hits htnkl of the afliir as well as I do. rio doubt would ever at ise as to its iioetly comnpletiomm. Thu .reviubomtt ahmow hits good jmidgtmmoumt him locatimg , time road whuro time Aj.ighmty placeul the sigmmtul ststiomm , at. time uhiraimee of a garden sevoumhmutmilr.niimimtosinm iummtbm atl twonity broad. ( Applsuusu ] I4onk at time force of miatoro hero- study the iflftl ) amid poiimt nut , if yomm cusim , miuiothmor place for thti central mutation of tim world's highway. 'rime emmterpristu is iumt'motial. ' I'is ( ito putohilo's road No party l10liUC dare obtrude their obnoxious ( ott tires jim to this or uumiz ttion. Time directory is time agomut ( if time govornmmtommt in earryimmg omit time wishmes of time nation. Pent ( linus- it m years ago the pyraunids mvore started , lut timey simply represent the vanity of mmmcm. 'I'lio Chiumt'ae wall wasgramid itt Ctfl. ceptioa , but. built only to break time tide ( if imivasion. Time imperial canal was gl. gimitic , but how limnitod all timeur timings apear [ in counparisoum to aim omitorpriso ( lint joiums tootimur thmirty.four states and a dozen tornitorici. ( Applautso ] Before ( lie first tn'mmttmrv of thi i natinmm's birth , we inlay 500 limthio NOIS 'tnrk depot 5001,5 utriiigtt I'.tcitie raulwiuv notice. "J'trojiqo zi'ms71uPrsf Japan will J)1CdC ft/M t/i' mmjht ( ( riflt Jas.ct9e'r/or ( 'luau f/i1 way. _ lfrIcom , uiri Ashstlofrel , la P1IIS FM i1L ieruty n'trktit1 : lbr J'ekisn u'ia &iim .Pi'griO scl ( ) ' [ Laughter and aiplause. I' 'Bre Wfl years gi ) by , " iaLd one o time pr'mmmmo movers of (1mm great tmndor. taking , "I intend to lot thio Buropoan travolerget. a Imew mucumsatboim , by stanthing Ott time ridge hole of time Ammioricusum iii. thou and ahidimig off into time sea. " tAp- plauso 1 Already hate dates frommt time Cimiuieso tcaters runch time 1mmromeamm ; muiarkots via time Rocky mmmnttuttahmms , amiti iii 1870 tens amid silks will follow hut time saummo way. Emmgiamii iaumgims at thin. So alto iaughms at oumr rebellion. Bmmmiammd is mint , hover has been , amid mmnvor will be the frinmid. of Ammiorict Lot Bumgiammd ronmauum a buulhy , but. God forbid that Aummorici comitimmue to bo a toady. America is a commgress of natiomis. hero are a few stuck tioi'mits vitti whmicit I imavo always immterlarded hmmy Fomurtim of tJuly speech : That Aummorica pososse time biggest head a"d time fimiust quantity of braiti hum limo vhmrommebn- imatiommu. p.bnuse. . ] Timat hlumnnmm'mty , a ptmkimmg babe iii Asia , a hazy school boy 1mm Burotie , camno Item to Aummorica to air its mnagmmiiicoimt mmmii hood. [ A pplaumso.1 That Imidmustry caine out of Egypt , thou a tidal wave of tiune. giviimg law front ibuno ; more centuries , amid Art aprimmgs fm-.ini Frammce ; later Coin. merco sails front Emuglammd , while Amnerica was reserved to counbino all time good of time past--Immdtmatry , Law , itrt , Coin- marco , witim the gramulor mnissiomm of rep- resentimig time grammd Pacific railway idea of progress. [ ppIaumso. ] Amnorica is taemtty.omio years of ago. hto should discharge time Wet nurse. [ [ .atmghmtur.J I despise a toady. Lot mis build imp a mother comtnmtry of our own. Let tim cm , . go out"lowmm with Eumgiaumd ammd imp with Aunoricat" [ Loud cheers. ] Vhemm timoy slioku of our mmatmommal debt I asked timemmm whiztt rigimt Fmugiammd imad to monopolize time ummtiro mmatiommal debt of the world , [ L'umgimter. ] I told timuumm Dco m'otctte that one of titese days we would roll ump a national debt timat would tmmutko timonmi auhmammued of tlmomimsolves. [ Loud laughter amid apiiause. ] Amid wim'mlo ummon this poimmt I uima' mnommtionm that thio Pacitic rail way is but amuitimer miumummo for a monster mmational proapoctimig party to oporm u ) ( ho nmiuiea of time nmommmmtnuums Otto day a ( lispatch will come iii , ' ' .Vo have tapiud mm copper mute tomi mmmiltis squmaro : " numotimor day , ' ' \Vt have jmmst opemmed aumotimor veimm of coal ; " later on , iis\e atm-tick ammothmor iron mnotmuitaimm (1mm mnormmiumg ; " whomi , Eureka ! a tolegraut oboctritlos time specmmlators immVall street. and gold drcp , below par : [ Laughter. ) "At 10 o'clock this mnorimimmg we struck mm ; iick imtto a mmtoutmtutimi ot miolid gold. ' ' [ Cimoors. ] Now lucre is time idea , Time immommiemit. this iii donie I shall lmastomm to Mr. Chase , to have Imimmi take possessioum of the govcromnomit , orgmmmize : mm mmiimmimmg bmuroau , aumd arm-amigo his plamis to pay oil time mmational debt withoumt layiumg taxes UOfl time shoulders of time eop1o. [ Loud mmpplauo ] Mr. Chase's broad grasp of limmuotco will seize at ones time vitality of the idea. ITo will be pleased to lenrmm that his greenbacks are as good as gold in this Part of the world. 'l'imo Pacific railroad is time natiomi nmmd the imation is time Pacific railway. La. bor amid capital shako hmmmmda to.day. Tlte lion and the lammib sleep together. Thu ropreseimtatives of labor are all arouumd mmmc iii time west. The rtmpresemmtumtives of capitumi are iu the east. The two united nmark the era of progress. Steam. gas and electricity are time Liberty , Fm-a- ternmty and Equality of time people. Cavalry , infantry and artillery is only the Frenchunaum's jimot- to. [ Laughter. ) The world is on the rampae. Events are earthquakes - quakes now. Two things are likely to happen about the time this railroad is comnpioted. Two passengers -both Amer. jeans-take a special car over the route. One goes out as Punjaub of Tilexico , the other ai emperor of China. [ Cheers amid laughter J Amnerica imauu built 40,000 miles of railroad - road for the same umoney that Emmglammd paid for her 10,000. Now colmgrcns passes a bill makimmg time capital stock of thu company one hundred millions. Timrmt would iiave built the Great Imsturn , Limo Thanies tunnel , time tubular bridge , tium crystal palace. time mosque if Omok , 1)1- arms of time Eplmesiamis , [ 'iugimtur , ] time pyramimidms , ( if ( hey used aum Americium on- giumo in iiomstimmt time mitone , ) numb I'otniioy'mi pillar. [ Laughter and cheorn.1 Coimgremms gives somothimig toward himmildinig thin great natiinuul tlmorougimfare---mmot , mmmcli , but somimotlmimug ; say a loan of govorumnmolm ( credit for 30 earn , for $ l6.000ammiilu amid 20,000,000 acres of land. Rut whmat in that iii these throes I Iten'l statistics ( if what. they ( bitt when the bill was tuigmied. I imuvmu statistics tiunt : , hmoms' those facts : Cost of .tigimt New Eiigiantl rouminu. I .112 mniit'n , $35,000 ir mmmiio ; cost of eight tn'mdmhio states rommis , .1,120 tidies , $12500 ) or mnilu ; tittust of 11 wusturn roads , 4,183 mniiu , $17,000 titur mile. 'I'IICiO wore uvore built beftrm , , time inflation tif thu cur- rummy. Thu inst great roach built , lime At- hummituc & Groat. V.utstturzm , Limo mmmiddlo link of time great hroad-gummmgo track that coy- cm-s half it commtimmumit , cost 411,00O mile Tiicuuo timumres provo thmumt congress omnghmt to mid time inicroanod price of ialior nmuml niiatiitini to the grummmL 'I'imo iromm abommo costs $ 10.000 per mniio , amid tIme rolling mituick , ties , ta. , $11,001) ) ummoro , luau'inmg mmothiumg for gr.vliimg , bridges amid uutatiomma. Fortmmumutttuly , however , mio nec oluhioses time ummturjmrise , however divided aim other points No party cimmld , hive imi ( ) pjiOsi- tion to opommimmg u , time noart of time comm- try. try.My 1(105 Is that time aimaros , $1,000 , are tin imighm. 'I'lmuy shoulmi be reulucoil to $100 , and smibacriptioummi should bus opummod in every towmm of 500 'mmmlmahitammtu. Let Limo lmmbnripuz maim imum'ti oimo share ; mealco it the people's road in reality. Timoum. studs would suliscribo if tlm mihmusmes were roduccd in price. [ Appimumuuo.Vould ] 'roti mint rcccmuiunomitl commgmeas to do thin 1 tYu J W'cll , coiiress tvihl sltorUy be 1mm session , amid rmnw is your timmie to act , fur 100 miles of rouni must be opomiud by next fail , for l am told timat 10,000 work- inert will be at it in immidsummiuner , [ Lommd applause Already time emmgiumcems are in the muountainms mind the geologists are hiThlm for time precious metals. Go imi- ti ) Cruighmtomm's olhico amid see the one hun' ( brad amid fifty otuntis of gold a immhmior sent Iminm ( mmmi Idaho yesterday. [ t\i. ph muno ] If I imave spoken more titan live nfunmuten it ; is 'iur fanit. [ Cries of go en , go Or. ! J The indies commmumiautd , I nimoy. \'obster said itt Bmimikcr limit , " \S'lmou time ladies take hold of the stommoi time mimonmumnomit will rise , " [ Laumghitur ] Go fortlm tlucu , and carry omit time acriptmmral Immunctiomm , ever immultipiy amid make the secession wilderness blossommm like the uniomm rose. .Ini arm ago like eturn , timmu ulmoulml be a stimmmdiumg toast witlm all good uumion ama : TIme Indies , umsy they be nmiitoI-lo a maim. ( Ltnmd applause and Iaumgimt em- . ] limmrmmigrttlon intl soomi pour mite timeso valioya. Ten nmilhiomis of ummmigrants will settle in thin golden land in 20 years. if I html not lost. all my emmorgy , ambition , and enterprise , I would take Imold of this immigration scimenm , but tlmo fact is I imvo genie too ( ant , mmd to. duiy ann tIme bust played-out mmmamm 1mm thun coummtry. (14 ( nighitor ] I lowever , j f the mO io know I was otmt Imoro I believe lie would sand me a cotmmmaissiomi to on. tabikim a Catholic colonir.atiomi society on , S miimio humnired thousand dollar lot in time Platte vmihhey. Vhmjlo already America possesses one- half time comnuuumm semmue , threc.fourtiis time , eimterprise , utmiti suvcmm'uigimthms tIme IOauitJ ) , m" of the world , [ ltmth cimeera ] , cami itmiyommo I' doubt 'mmt looking at time geological posi,1 ( 'I ' a of this vrnirio land , thtatAuimerica : was titO old ivoriml witoum Bmmrojte , Asia amud Africa wore merely islmmumduu ( hunt tlottcil limo eastunim seas. 'l'Iuo delumge timeory of Asia Miimor ha ataurd. They cut a little clmanmm&'l mi immmciemmt times hutsveemm Asia amid Europn-thio Durdemielieuu.-amid eie' vatimig time Titetiitcrrammeai by ttmrimimmg the h31mck : amid 0.uspiutum seas. time water over' tltiwcd Syria amid the ark groumhlcd , but jim oUr timimo Noah ould not. gut comnummanti of a ommu horse guium.boat , or mm mmmihitary priaomm. [ Loud laughter. ] Stand high tup oil time suimmmmmit of tIms commtimomm ( amid you will see when time grnmmd deluge covered time world. Omie wave made Limo itoaky ImImummmtaimma amid tlmemm time Atlo. gimammies , buying one thmousmid mmiiks of tire feet vrairio soil to raise corn for ( ho starviimg world. [ Apmilmmuso. ] Omie pr tiomm of time water wommumd its way by time Tiuiasotmrj amid the Tiuissitms'uppj to time sea , amid numotimer by tray ( if time St. Lawicmmco , time Atlummmtimi ocean deposimig timoso immiamul semis of fresh water , Lakes Michigan , huron , , Superior , Ommtario and Erie , altimig Limo road amid mmmtkimmg a plateatm of boummdiass pmimirio , expressly for thu track of time great Ummioum Pacific railway of Amumericum. [ Ioud chmeormu , ] One mimore stock itleit. Atm sure as time raimmbow in time aumtograpim of God , ( Ito Umdomi must timid shall be prcscrveI , [ Applause. ] Maim has made these great lutes of railway - _ , . . way to runt cast amid west , but God , ' thimmkiuig maim mmmighmt blummdor , was htma owhm topograpiiicuml engineer , and took time precammtiomm to bumild time mnoummmtaima amid time rivers imortim amid sommtim ; amid what God huts limit togutit'ir hot. mm autmbitiomms iiu- iittum 1mm time mRttim or rebel traitor imm the south dare to tear nsuumdur. [ Loud cimoers ) Upout the coimcluuimi of Mn , Train's Bj)000Im thmo crowd disporseci , beimig mccli satisfied with thu afternmoomm's proceedings , atm nccoummt of which was telegraphed to easterim vaiiurs by Mr. Trimimi amid Mr. B. ltosowatcr. 1mm time ovommimig the city was brilliantly iilummtimmated ntmmcl a gm-amid railroad naQuImr AN ! ) BALm- . tOok place at time Ilurmmdomm house , which hiss simmco become time iteumdqmmarters of time Ummiomm Pacific. Thmorta were iii attemmdummmc abotmt 75 commpben. Supper was served a ; if 1:30. : George Francis Tm-aiim was nmmmommg time guests. lIe was thou a timmo looking uiiuimm , about five feet tent immchmes 1mm height ; of ratimor corpulomit builti , blue eyes , promnimiont imoso , amiti tiark curly hair , stremuketi hero amid timero with gray , He appeared to be about 35 years of age. flits talk imumpremiseti his hearers as being rather extravagant , bitt it was pleasant to hiutcu to imitmu mis lie womu a unto speaker. Dispatches of coimgratumlatiomt aumtl umicour- ngeuuemit were received , mind read from Briglmamu Younr , fmotii time mitayor of Dcii- ver , mind froum Governor Stammford of Cail- formiha , amid also fm-omit lint , . \Vihliant II. Seward , Governor Yates of lilimmois , and other promimmemit macmm. Titus emmdcd time 2d of Decemmuber , 180:1 : , ono of the most inmportutiit amid uvummtfiml days in time lilt- tory of Omaha amid Nebraska. run tISPATOUW4 which were received amid road ott that day were as follows : FiLets aiAJoiu-oiNEmuL : jomc A. DIX. 5 NEW Yomuit , Docemuber 1. To Committee of Arrangenicots of ( ho Union I'acfln roi ] : The immauguration of the Union Pacific eaiiroad , ( ho great emmterpriso of time West ornm Hemisphere , wimether considered in meferenco to its conmimmorcial importance exits its imillucmmco as a bond of ummiomi , is to juaim oil to comnpietiomm with all tue rapid. ity which a cimmmnmautd of mmmeaiis will permit - _ - mit , and I comgrattmiate those who arc to bu present at breaking groundoim time car- ly comnmnurmcemnuut of time sork. .JOIIN A. Djx. rimoM i'nuamunuaNr LmNUOLN. Naw YonuK , Decemmihor 2 , 1863. , iomnrnlttoo iii Arrangements , etc. To Majoi General Jix : GimNKmuAL-I htuivo not boon perxnitbid ummtil ti-dumy to present to the president your comnmimiimmicimtiomm of time 23rd of No vommiber. lie directs me to eprcss imims dutu1 , regret tlmutt his illness will prevent hint frommm giving expression to time pro- fdumld iuituruat ime fol in time success of it work so vast and bemmuilcial an that which OU muro mibout to immaugurmto. : I immuvo time Imoimor to he , Your obediemit aercaimt , .JomtN flAy , Assistant Private Secretary. rtiOmnm smuvomu ornyimmu. MAYOII'H OFFIGV. . Niuw YORK , 1)ocomitber 1 , 1863. Committee of Arrangemnummti , Union ] 'ad1w Itutifromni : May this time greatczt work over pro- jectml iii mmmiy mugo or euimmmmtry , prOVe a lasting bond of jOiitictl anti comnummimemuil ummmitium btwcumm time Atiummitic and P..mcm6e states. Very respect fully , Your oboditmmt , mtervanmt , Gr.omuan ( ) n'mivmmmm , Mayor. mon Mm-dIETARY SISWAIID. SrtTv. Dam'.lltTumm'.sr. % VAamnNaTo , Nov. 24 , 13113. Comnmnitt.'o ot Arramigomonti-.T'i ( oucral .Joimo A. 1)ix , Pr04lI'mmt , of time UmIomm , l'iucmfio Jtidiroad , Now York : Tilt 1)r.um Simm-Your tumid mmoto irmvmt Inmg rime to attend time COm-CIiiOiiV of break. lug ground for time Uniomm I'aciiio railroad - road ut Nobratiku intm just bce received. For ( Ito tim-at time , as I think , slumce the fouimdatiomi of time govormmmomi4 time foreigmi relations of the ciuntry eccn p3 , thu attuiition of tlmis tlcartmnent so constaimtly th .t its Imoid its tiftumi obliged to forego cmmstomary good officesamid cour- tonics toward loyal citizens , who are arm- gm.'Cl ; tim dorolnpimmg the resources of the coumnmtry amid establmeimiumg its tbomnetic in- torests. For this reasomi I cami rojihy to ymmr immvitati . n only very hastily and very briefly. Of coimrat , I cammmiot go ( Li No. lirimuka mmd timorotore I mast dechhm , , \Yitim your bravo help and that of your utrmned connpaumiotms mm scum amid laud , 1 imope we shall soomm pitt down timis wi-etcim- od amid V.'iCkel insmmt-rcctjoma agutirmut the Ummm''mi.Vitii ' omme half of our e.mpitahiimts anti climE frets nun 1iiil laboming men thms LJmmiomi Pacific raiiruati can , amid .1 hope wmll , bo extended to time Ptcitio ocean. \yhumi (1mm ahimmhl Imavo buomi done , seecs- momi trill lie retidorod forever aftertvnrde immmprusctk-m'.lo. There mvihl lie no fulcrum for time iovor of trenton to iest (11)011. Faithfuuhly Youmrs , \VILLt.iil 11. SitwAnD. moM onTEnNohm YATT $ . Sr. lzcmmor..n Iltirmir. , Naw Yonrt , I Dtconibur ] , 1ufil. 5 Committee of Arrauigemsnts Union I'achtio rflrniit , 'fii 'ltavor ( ] uiierh J'.imtm A. tIs , liretlilent of timu ttmmiirm Pacific railroad coin- PitilY : .S'nm-f have regarded time enterprise t burlding time Unmeum I'aeil'mc ratlr&mud its of time utntnmst iiatjomtuml immiporm tmuce. S'hiiu 1mm oommgresu , wiionm OIjinrltuiittm- otkred , I mmrgeti its nmectasity , amid ii with pocumhiam' pleasure ( hit I learn timot time bumiding of time roam ! , no l"im delayed -