- . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ - - - - - ' - - - . F : ' A I ( L _ : I _ - _ _ . _ _ . - - - _ _ O31883 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I . 1 ' t - I SUDIIEH SeARE. Thi Unloil Facill au B1t Rilwa Porecs Ga11c On. . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ 1 1'1u' Efl'eL or an Utiniideil - - 'Vhnt Might have IInipouid. --i1 1 : . 1'lio commotion ever tim stitidon build. , . Icro ing of that ; groaL piece of public ituprovo. b1oI , mont , the Bolt railway , haB IlOt by any k ? : : noan died out. Since lMt Sunday open Ii demonMratiozu have ot been o actively . for ( I made flM at that time. The work of con ; 4)rts etuction i proceeding so rapilly a it did tc thou. In fact to a caua1 ob8ervor it Intl might eoni that the matter waa fast dy. t , ing out. it might appear that the St. - Paul company ltaJ concluded to remain iq hoiplea ! , and to quietly allow the ana. . .conda to draw it3 coils more tightly wheii , it got ready. There hm not boon much U 'work done on the Bolt improvententanico Monday. But for aI that , affir8 Itavu nat been cnLicly quiet. Neither party baa been id'.o. Assistant President \Vm ter , of the St. l'aul line , arrived in this city Tuesday. Some say that lie is hero S to 1I1)0C thu Florence cut-oil. Then again , it is said , quietly , that ho is to allow thu butt line the . privilege of formally ashing the - - ? - St. I'nul's Pcrinissioli to cross the latter's track. Be this as it uiay , one thing iB certain , the St 1attt COfl1)aU' hts ; flied : iu injunction to rcstriii the U. P. and the Brit line from interfering with its I right of way. This matter viIl be hieiird I -in the district court to-morrow lilorliltig , I [ 'ending this , ii is said that neither party I will t.ko .iuy further action. Everything - thing is to reinttili t1itiet until thu court decides UIOfl the injunction. , But recent events have no worked upon the feelings of lrnth sides that each is ready to fly at the tlier upon the least provocation. Of tid. , two the U P. or . Bolt side is perhaps tim inure nervous. It 'is for this reason that everything is not IW serene as it nppors. If any one do. . . sires to raise a bit of excitement , lie has but to whisper "Si. Paul" to the least of t the U. P. crowd of hangers-on and forth- / wjtlk there is a commotion along thio line t : to headquarters , as if sent by electricity. t Now for a case in point : At .an early I ; hour Wednesday evening a rumor had been circulated that this ' now railroad improvement. the l3olt line , was very likely to , be form up before morning. it a s.id that the effect of this rumor was instan- taneous. Immediately Colonel Frank .Elanlon , Frank Walters and other U. P. officials wore seen hurrying in hot haste toward the Belt railway. The U. P. men rallied their forces and urged every. lody to be vigilant. The enemy must be wathhed. The fort must be held if possible. It would notdo toloso the Bolt railway in even less tirno than it took to I build it. Failure to hold the situation , ' 4 'would be followed by summary dismissal I from the service of the company. Curses I not ; loud but deep , wore hurled at the : ' ' enemy for thinking of such.a boldplaii. , 1 Every available man was gotten out and ' : . the first demonstration was anxiously ,1 awaited. But it didn'tcomo and before , midnight the hastily drafted army was I ' ' , . distniscd and the generals filed back to ' -the city , disgusted. I Titi' Ban learns from gco authority h tlmt the rumor which caused all this ' ik coniniotion had ? u ) foundation in fact , . ' hut was circuhatod for the purpose of .d ' l throwing the U. P. ' 'ntr its base. " It is 4 . ( I said that Church howe , who arrived in ' ' the city \Veduiesday , was at the botton'of " ' I ' . the whole thing. The readers of Tiii : \ . :11Ev. : will please bear in mind that reference - \ enco is not had to Mr. Jolni D. lowe , thio attorney of the St. Paul road. THE MERRY DANCE. . ' The Fstii1iys of Thallksiyll ! Byc , \ Ml'1PO1itafl Club Opryilug-Ittitli L itobokab fiOtigo - Iroit Monitlers -1)aulsh As'ciaUon. Tills sLZT1OrOLIvAN ( I.UIt. I Oiio of the most pleasant social affitir I of the season was the opening ball of the newly-organized Metropolitan club n ; Falconer's hull Wednesday : evening. 'i'hio occasion was also the opening ol Falconer's hall. . There was a hargo attendance , not oul ) of club members , but also of viaitin friends. Many visitors wore prescul I from Council Bluffi , Lincoln and thu I ( . ust. In the new hall , the assembly pro . snted a fine appearance. The hail is worthy of more thaii 'i pass . I ing mention. It is at Fifteenth ant 1 t Douglas steth. The entire hail oCcujiCl a j two floors-the second and third of tin ( ' buihding which it is in. The lower llooi I 1 . is the dancing hail. It is a handsonu , ball-room , being large and woll-hightod p The upper floor is used for a dining hall with apartments at one end for hat am choak rooms. In all there are few , I C any , lCtter dancing halls in the countr than Falcouir's. As has been said , the Motropohitni : ' chub in a now organization. Thu officer are M. Goldsmith , president ; S. l'rince / vice.president ; B. Newman , treasurer it. Kauffman , secretary. There is iio $ a membership of about forty. Tue clu I 1 will give other ( lances during the aeasoii I i Tim Metropolitan is a first-class organi L atioii in every way. The opening ho ( If last night was a brilliant atihir and i I every way worthy of thio chub. An ok I I gant and BtInhltuotIa ) repast was irt II I pared. j Thu music 'for this socIal event we L 1 furnished by the Muuical Union orehiw r tea. - .riu IUON MOIJLII'.fl $ ' UNION , Thu twelfth aunual ball of the iroi rnouldcra' Union , given at the Crounso liahiYodiiosday evening , WI wohi attentled. Thu hail w ' 14 ) probably never no crowded bofoi 1 , k It. was hiandonio1y dccorate and when the 1IOr ( vas tilled wlUt din I ' 1 con ; , presented an attractive appearanci L ( ' Thu Iargo'aEsumblago enjoyed .tho occ i ; sion to the utiitost. t long and vane ' II programme was danced. The music w I furnished by the Jrving orchestra. AL ' together the occasion was a succesafi L Jl and the inon.inoulders Union wi always leave reason to remember plea .aiit ? fl,5 twelfth annual ball. I ItUTCI BEBEKII LUI'UI. I , I. 0. 0. F ' $ ft'n its first sociil ho1) at. hail Vediiosdny ovefling. 'lhero was ; ' good a ! tcntiiuico niid ( a pleasant 'tune was had b3 till. 'l'he dnir. eoiiiiutttee , Messrs. T. Ci. ij1it1 , ] . L. Arniatroiig , .1. J. 'r.uiis , P. M.Voolioy , and lthsvin Davis , ably at. t ) litlcd to their dtities and titt inucit to- wand making this opening 111)1) the pleas. nut success that it was. ' [ 'he woll.known Stttsi ml Union orchestra furnished the music for the occasion. I.NIit ASSO'IATION. The Danish association gave its opell. lug ball of the season at Turner hail \\'ednosday evoninu. THIEVES BREAK THROUGH. i , 'rhuy , Get A'ny s'Itlt U ( * HtLly tI1ttI1tt of , Jt'ce'h. Councfl IiIttfT. Correpontlcncv. At. an early hour Wednesday Mrs. Kuopper WM awakened from sloop , by suspicioussoutida , and getting up , noticed alight burning in the parlor. She spoke to her daughter , asking ! a thiat youl" but found that her daughter was up stains as usual he her room. Stiddeniy a mall skipped out , and she thien rccog- nized thio fact that there was a burglary going eu , gave him chasonnd roae.hingtlie street started for the johicc , but it was too hate. The fellow had tied beyond the reach of tim arm of the law.Vitht him disnp.eared . the jevelry belonging to i\liss Kneppor , abUlit $80 worth , lt1t luckily the thief ( lil not thul the money , of whichi there was quite tui ainoutit in the house. IT IS ALL RIGHT. 4mttIsfn'tmy Ditty ol' I lip Nev L'tmmmp-.t'mrei.mi.Im.g , . . titut Iu'r. Tue duty test of the hew pump for thio city waterv'.rks was finished Wednesday. It has proved entirely sa1ifactory. . Soy- oral hydraulic ciigineer and experts attended - tended the test. Among them are .J. 1) . Cook , of Tohedo , consulting cegineer of the Omaha waterworks ; Mr. Smith , superintendent - perintondent of the St. Joseph waterworks - works ; Mr. F. W. Holly , of the iioi1y works , Lockport , N. Y. ; Mr. C. C. 1111- dreth , se rothry of the iloihy works. The figures for the report upomi the test are not ready yet , but vill be submitted in a few days. This pump has beeti in use at the city waterworks since July 15 last , but until now it has been impossible to it torothierthie board of experts to make the teat. The purchase of a low pressure PUIflP to raise the water from the river to the settling basin is not yet made. Several bids from various companies are already in and under consideration. The pun- chase will probably be made in a day or two. Several agents of eastormi manufacturing - facturing companies are in Omaha iii thee interest of their works Who will be successful in getting the contract for furnishing - nishing the city with the low pressure PUI1II ) remains . _ : 41 Uniomi Dt'p > t. A move is being made rather quietly , but with hope of saccess , for the securing of a union depot for Council Bluffs. The details of the arrangomenteere not coin- pheted and the matter is still largely one of talk. A committee of the city council have gone to Chicago in the intercat of thee project , and the jlitti in. . general 8001118 to be to have a union de t built nearer the center of town than the Union l'acific depot. It ; is understood that thee Iowa roads favor such a phze amid that possibly the Union Pacific may ho brought to ee that it is to its interest to join iii tim enterprise. The present transfer depot is so far away franc Council Bluffs proper that it is of little practical benefit to the city itself. What the result of the interqiew with the Chicago railway officials will amount to is a matter of prediction. It is an on- tenpniso which virtually concerns all rca- idents and. ono in which all arc deeply interested. IuckIen's Arnica SaYe. The gmatet medical cvondon of the wozad. Varrantod to speedily cure Burns , Cuts UI. cons , Salt Ithotun , Fever Sores Cancers i'ilas , Chilblains , Corns Totter , dhnpped lunida , and all akin oniptons , guaranteed to cure In every intancc , or money refunded. 25 coats or box _ Is. Siicr.tIttomms Thief. Utco Ohserc , er. I'hiilip Ciuyer , of Paterson , host a large Hum of money by theft recently. lie st11)ected an old woman of the neighborhood - hood , but did not have suflicient evidence to warrant his itiaking a coniphaint agaimiat hior.Vhiat itiado it the ieorc auspicious was that thm wonuili called every morning to ask Mr. Ciuyer if ho had got any trace of the thief , The fohlowing story is told by a Paterson police official : Mr. ( iuyor ascertained that she was very superatiti. ous , and the next morning , whezi she 3 calhed and asked , as usual , if there was . any ziowa of the thief , he replied : "No ; but I expect to know who it was to-night. " " 1mw ? " asked the woman. "Do you see those three nailsi" said I Mr. Guyer , showing the woman thence f very , old and rusty nails. "Well. they camte from a cofluci that had beemi buried V for a htMdrcd years. " "The Virgin save us , " said the woman 1 cr'asing herself. S "Aiid do you see that papeni" ' ' 1 ' 1VchI , that is a prayer which I jusi V got from the priest. ) "And what. are you going to do witi . those thmiiigs . " \VehI , " mir.swetcd Mr. Ouyor , showl3 p and impressively , looking the s'oiieami ii a the face , ' 'to-night at 12 o'choch : I am t. . - go into a certain yard where there is i . pear tree. I am to mmii that prayer It the tree with these three imails. lvcni 5 1mb I drive a nail I urn to repeat lbs 3. reeycr ahoud.9mcmi 1 drive the las nail and repeat thee prayer for the last t'immei thee persoti crhco stole the niolioy will droj dead . Tim womnami tlmrflCl pale , anti dopartet 5 without. suyitlg a word. 'b'imat ovcniie 18 about 8 oclock , there cries a rap at lii La ( remit door , I I o vcmet to thee door memid then 3. 0110 iii sight , 1u1 on thti sill li , fouied a ammiall jeachago ; containing lb . Iflalley that had boon stolen. i. . OM3JlA % tUUCETS. d is ' Wholesale Pilcos , 1. Ovricz o Tmis OCIAIIA MU. II \Vcdnosday Evening , November 28. ll The following Pnicci are charged rctahlai 5. by jobbers , wbohe.talers and commission znei chants , with the exception of raiu , which quoted at tics prices fhrnlshod by the ale vatom . , andotkerlocalbuyersl . . ) L Oritin. WurAr-Cash No. 2 , 7Mc : No. 3 , &e. lIA11.t-Ca4h : N. . ' . 2 , t,1t' llvr--'he Ni. 8 31c. CO1CN--Nt. 2 , 3lo. OATh-No. 2 , 2S. I Tilvo i3tne. FAT Srxxns-Qnlet at 3 t'O3 O. PAT CoWs-3 oot8 3. hloos-3 85@:4 : lt. Sitxi'-1"inn at OOt3 fih , CALVm-Falr quality 4 tO5 OOgoot1bntch ; era' stock , C 00. Finns- anti Mtllstuff. Wucrame WetsAv-lloat quality , pstentrat 3 2.'eq3 ro. IIF.CONI ) QuAtrrT-2 7k3 2. SnmuNu V)41tAT-Bost qsallty , ptont , 82j300. f1acoNL ) QtIALCTT-2 t.03 3. BnAN-Wc per cwt. Cmmoi'rnne Fx-1'or 100 lbs. 8lc. Coiu MEAL-I 00@1 10 cwI SceeKRNlNG-60700 PC ow General l'rotliit'o. Ben-TEn - Fancy creamery 83@3.cI cold storage e.reaiieery , 2@2TC choice dairy , 20 © 21c ; best country , 5011(1 packoil , 12tjlrc ( ; lcMt cinentry , roll , 1 Idltc : Inlonlor grades , lOgl ic. ilocehtita confitcue large and quality loor. o demand f r anythmtmmg except strictly fancy butter. IlietutEanlet iulvancln ; sales tn.day at 2T ( ' 'tc. ) A\lIIt lUi'rai cotodgimnmetet.s. ' . - .T.miathmaus , , $1 0ci ! 00 ; famicy home 1)avI , 3 i0C I 00 : homey , Ieiit , 00L : ; hO ; fincy Wihlowtcslg , $3 2@3 75. lonianil guo.I. Cmmaeu-Necv : York St.'ctc full cream , hate Setomnler ieehe , : , I he ; Now V'rk Stat-c full omelet II ) liioj. lct , , , , llc : ; ( ho fell cna.n . , (1) ) hoop loti , i1c ; do Augut ciucko , 1o ; lit ) 10 lt'4 , , 4tlt'Ut iiiake , l2ic ; tl 51) ) hoop lt , , 1'2.c'iMcueln ; , full cr'anm , , 2 1 ii lei , , I 1 Y.IIIig Aimiericmq , iarktly feh1 cronm , , h3c ; 11111 erealil , I 2c : ( till creamm , 10 hnoi. lot't , 1 1 o. ( till cr&'mu haL' , I2lc : full createe hlat , 1 1 c ; fancy tnick , cheese , ] 00 ul ca'es , ISle ; Lhmee. beeteer I 1c ; goeieei tin clii Su is. , Itto. . ' small nod I'0TATOa4--hleCeItts prices gOoli. ( insiginiiciit.q strictly choice , large sized. straight 1)otatoe.i are solihim ( rota 13 tO lSc ; ukel , cans 0 In $ c anti light ( lemnsmel , ; jtcnehtltlcr , SSto 40i. Scvmcrr , l'orarom-Chomeo yellow , 26133c. I 1 't 1 ier'iitt' lanrer ; , hitit" lrwn : cc"l \Yothorsfiohd selling at10 to Soc. No tiomaced. UAIIItAeh-Mfl.riCUC mor cIiuIti .ttick j tt1C C 0)por he undrod. ltemnamul gotul. Br.te-hEattd iticketl imvios , $2 50@2 75 ; Imantl 1tickel ieeetlhmmna , 1 752 00. its. ceiVts large ; demand good. ( , scmx-l'rairio chaickomea , per doz. , $3 50 to : ; 75 ; quaIl t1 50 to 1 75 ; smilpo , $1 50 to 1 75 ; tlncks , Mailmerd , per ( IOZ , 2 00(2 ( 50 : ieeixed , 81 50 to 2 0th ; theer satitiles , 11 to 12e ; car. ca _ , , , , 8 totic ; antelope saddles , 11 to 12c ; carcass - cass , ti to lOc. Demimnd good. .Vould . advlsc liberal conrigmnnont. lb careful that your game collies to nearket in nice condition. Fmusu OvsTmoes-Solccts , 45c ; standards , -I0c inolkitmia , 30c. Pocavur-LIve chickens , per do 1 7@ 2 00 ; full dressed chickens , POt lb. , tc8c ; tur. keys , ibr lb. , 14lGe ; ducks , 10@12 ; geese , 12@14o. LRM0NS-Extra fancy bie lemons , 00 ; fancy Mossinme lomnons , per box , $7 25 ; 5 box Iota , Mesiie lememona , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. , $6 75 ; Malags lemons , fincy , 5 00 ; do 5 box lots , $4 50. OIIANUEII-LoUlalatcaR per bbl. 9 00 : do. , box. 5 00 ; stein cut , Jan.alcas , i.erbbl , $1000 ; P ° box , 86 00. BAN.tNAS-ChoiCO pen bunch. 3 004 00. CRAHBEIIRIIs-BoIl : 511(1 bugles ; $10 00@ 12 00 ; bell and cherry , $9 50@10 l0. Above quotations for chafes. DATES-Black Arabian , per lb. , SDc ; quarter crates , lOc. F'ios-25 lb. kegs , per lb. , 121c ; 10 lb. box , ayer , pot lb. , lOc ; sma1lovala per lb. , ISo. Cocoum-Extrn fins , per 100 , 8 00. Ciuxie-Puro sweet cider , 22 gal keg , 0 00 ; zr. & r. clarified , 16 al keg , $4 75 ; M. & P. clarified , 32 gal keg , 8 00. PmH FEFT , recipe ; ET0.-riga foot , 15 lb kits , $1 115 ; ) igH 40 lb qr bbl , 2 ; )1g foot , So lb lealf bhl , $4 00 ; tripe , 15 lb lefts , $1 15 ; ti'ilO , 40 lb qr bbl , $2 25 ; trIpe , 80 11) half bbl , 4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , S2 50 ; jugs tongues , -.10 lb qr bid , $5 00. Lamrln' , tumigiecs , it ; lb kits , 2 6. ) ; 40 II ) ( IC lilil , 5 25. 31 mcn ? uIAT-A : tmoro's , 1 Sib buckets ( biickts 25c ) 'Jc ' ; Sihb buckets ( hatchet 40c ) , 'Jo. ; 10011 , kegs , Oc : lahf barrels , 8io. AssomrEn.JcLIx-2-lh : stonejars : 12 iii case , lcr loz , c2 25 ; tumbler. ver tb ; $1 CS ; schooner , icr dozen , $3 10 ; i-lb tin calms , 1 thor. in case , $1. 40 ; 2-lb tin caucs , 2 doz in cau.o , $2 10. 1IUIJC .Tar.LIES-Ctlrrant , 30-lb wood pails , P ° ii ) , Sic ; strawberry , 3O.lb wood bills per II ) , 8ic ; raspberry , 30-lb woolf pails per lb. 8c ; blackberry 30.11. . wood pails per Ib , SIc ; crab apple , so.iti wood pails her lb , Sic. Aream llc'rnicn-35.lb wooden hails , per Ib , $8 00 ; 5.lb wooden pails , 6 in case , per case , $350. 1'I.tCH Burrsn--2.hh wooden pails per lie , $11 00 ; 5.lb wooden juaI : . , 6 In case , per case , 84 25. Pmeueenvsa-In ( 20-lb wooden palls-Rap. ) berry , $15 00 ; strawicerry , quince , $14 00 ; ji0hi$14 Oolcherry. $14 00toinatoos ; , $14 00 ; julum , 814 00 ; sssorteul , 5-lb woodeme buckets , 6 in case , ; , er case , 84 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 (107. in case , per case , 3 25. NEIIRAKKA CoMa IIoNzy-i.lb frames , 24.lb esses , ier It. , iSo. hAT-haled , S 0010 00 per ton ; In bulk , 6 000 50 per ton. Grocers Lint. . CANNEn Goons-Oysters ( lltandanufl , per case , S 70@3 0 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 10 ; ralqlorrlos , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 Ct ) ; Bartlett joacs , lion caco , 2 ' 10 ; whortlobarnlos , per case , 2 SO ; egg j > ieims , 2 lii , per case , 2 00 ; green gages , 2 Ib , l'er ' CZUO , 9 00 ; do choice , 3 th , per case , 4 50 ; jdico acplcs , 2 Ib , per case , 4 80J S 50. Itoe'-Sisucl , 7j inch anti larger , i0.c , inch , i0c ; . Iiich , lIc. CiNILES-B'XOs , o his , Ins , 1rt ; 8u , ISc ; boxes 40 Ibs , Iti oz. , Cs , iSc. MA'rcIIn4-Icr caddie , 35c ; round , cacaos , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SUGAIU3-P4)wloroul , lOc ; cut loaf1 bc ; grameuhistotl , 01c ; confoctlnern' , A , 8c ; Stand- art ! extra 0 , Sc : extra C , 7c ; zeeodtum yellow - low , Tic ; dark yellow , 71c. C0FFSES-Ordinary grades , 12@1'21c ; lair 13 Ihlc : ; good , 14c ; prime , lrlsic ; choice I617c ; faimeygroon end yollowIs@lflic ; old govermnent .Java , 2020c ( ; Levering's roasted. l4Yn : Arbuckle's roasted , 181c ; McLsmghchin' xxxx roasted , iSjo ; Imitation Java , 10 @iSIc. Jtmca-Loulslans pnmo to choice , 7c ; fair Ole : I'actma , 6c. Fisit-No. 1 mackerel , half henlL , 8 00 ; No. 1 ixiackerol , 4bi 1 iS ; family iceackoroi , haIl brls. , 6 00 ; family mackerel kits , OSe ; No. I white fish , Itaif bris. , 7 00 ; io. 1 kIts 1 05. Synun-Statedaril Corn. , Src , 111)15 ; ! 3tandard do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gaeltoii kegs , 1 60. SOICA-In lb papers , 3 30 pr case ; kogpor lb , 21c. 1'ICKLEII-Medilmm , in barrels , 7 00 ; k lie bail barrels , 4 00 ; small , In barrels , 8 00 ; d ic half barria , 4 7f. ; ghorkIus in barrels , 9 00 do ire ) eaif barrels , S 00. TEAS-Umeripowder , good , 45@Srcc ; choice 6 ( s7r ; goo.I . Tmni > onlnl , 40Cl43c ; choice , 60t5c 7 Young hlysrne , good , 3d(50c ( ; clofco I 65caJl 00 ; , Jaluau , natural loaf , : r ; .Tspau ) choice , 60@7r.c ; Oolong , good , 35 fOe ; Oolmag choice , 40@355c ; Soucheong , gooti , S540C I choice , $5@ ) ir. j \VooIEnvAcmeS-Two hoop , utlls , I 85 p. three leoop pails 2 10. Tubs , No. I , I ) 00 ; Plo I neon cvaesieboarcls , 1 85 ; 1)oublo Crown 2 00 t Wohllmckots , 3 85. SoArci-Kirk's Savon Iunpnrkcl , 3 45 ; ICirk' Li satinet , : i 60 ; KIrk's stan'larcl ' , 8 75 ; Kirk' : white Jitissian , 5 95 ; KIck's outoca , 2 15 Kirk's l'rairlo Queen , (100 ( caches , ) 'hOc ; Kirk' ' : i uamaohla , doi 1 POTAI3II1'OflflHVlVaflIu cans , -1 case , In case , 3 aS ; Iiabheitt , bali 2 doz , In cacao , 1 hO ; Jtucluo H ball , 2 iluz. In cacao , i 50. 13 OANuv-Fren'h mixo'l ' , Iii $1) lb. iccils. ISe U American mntxtui , li : o lb pails , P o ; Jlniihluic 0 unlxnl I u 'JO iii jailla , I faa ; Noboy maiixo.i , I mu lb icitils , I : ic ' . C.'xaapotitioe miii .al , in ( ) I ! oiiM. 1210 ; 'llxcolhlot stick , 0 lb pulls , i3c , lublo , refined , : io p paIls , I:4c : ; Crystal mulxe'l , : o ih 1ail , lSc ; Olul Lime mixed , : io lb palh 14c ; 'l'ii. 'i"p ) , uraixeal , 10 lb i.ails . , 13o ; hint juixeti , 30 lb pail , Ilic ; Flirt , stick , 30 1 1)5115 , ihic ; 'rio To ! ) , tlck , 30 lhc i'alls. ' l2c. VINKOAU-New York apple iCc ; Ohio a iulo 13c. I tALr-Dray loads , Pr bid , 1 80 ; Ashitha , I r- fiO ; bbls dairy 60 , rca , 8 30. 14ruoii-i'oarl , 41c ; Silver Gloss , ¶ c ; Con a Starch , ( Jo ; Exesisior Gloss Tic ; Corn , so. ra Hpzc's-1'epper , 17c ; allspice , iSo ; cloics 6c ; cassla , iSo. _ _ _ L. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - Lyn-Amenicrnm 3 .10 ; Oreetewlcie , 3 40 ; \Vasteru , 2 ii ; I\turtlt Star , 2 00 ; LecvI' lye 4 & 3 ; hcwcult lye , 2 75 lry anotin. IlrcnN Corroa-Atiatetrn it , 8c ; 'th1Ilt tote XX , Ic ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot 1P , e4c , Buckeye 1,1. , 1.1 , Vc : Cabot V. ' , 74c ; Chitto. nucngo A 1310 : ( ireatPahl Ii Sic ; hoosier , flc homiest \tt'llth , Sc ; 1ulIsn , I oat1 A , Sc ; Indian Stacntlard A Sc ; Imitlian Orchard , ( I. cv. , Tic ; Lawrence it , , 61cm .latlc River , Tic ; l'epiot A , SbC Utica C , SIC ; VacIeusott 'fl , 7cc ; do A 8o (10 1' 48 , I2c. F'ms illeowN CorroNs-Ahlondaho 4.4 7c , Alligator 3.i , . Argyle 4-f , 7cc ; Atfantic liii , 0c ; ihculger 3tato X 4.4 , 6c ; BennIngton 0 4.4 , 6.e ; 1ltmckoo S 4.4 , Gb : Indian Orchard 4A 9-8 , 8c ; I.aconise 0 30 ' SIc ; 1ohIuh B 4.4 9&c ; l'epperohl N 30. 7c ; t'ho 0 82 , 7c : ( In 3d , 7c ; tlt ) B 39 , 8c ; l'ocsssot C 4-4 , 7o ; Wainatitt.s 4.4 13o. IiLa-ciImc CorroNs-Anttroscoggln r 4.i Ole ; Blicekatono A.A Imperial 8c ; tie tie half lilonchod 4.4 Cc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8'c ; Fidelity 4.4 91c ; Fruit of the Loom , tc ; do cambric 4.4 121 : (10 Water Twiat , IOic tiniest Fa11 Q , Cc Indian head shrunk 4.4 , f20 ; Lonscialo , lOc 0 cccmnlurio 37 , 121c ; Now YOrk Mills , i2 c l'oiuot A , ICc ; l'oppcroi , N U TwIlls , 121o l'ocachunutsca 4.1 , tile : l'ocassot 5-4 , 8 Utica lie ; Wiunsutta 0 X X 121c 1)ucKa ( Co1ored-Aliany ) B brown , Sci tb 0 , tIrnis lie ; do XX strljos , sent iulaltls , 12 1.2c ; do XXk brown nail ttracl , , rtrlpos stud plaids , 12 l.2o ; Arlington fancy , Itic ; hirucisu Ick brown , 8 l.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l.2c ; tb o - tra heavy , 20c ; Pith IUccrbrocn , otrm heavy , 11 l.2c ; ) euhieun A brown , ISo ; Nepoeccut A bruvi , l5e , TlcKmNns-Aeuoske.'cg A 0 A32 , iCc ; tin XX icicle 32 18 I.2c ; Arnavanna , IC i-2c ; Clara mont ii , , t 2c ; Cceiuost.oga , extra , 17 1.2e lIuuciltoru , I ) , Ii 1.2c ; i.owistull A0 , ISo ; \1n : icethalia .1.1 , 23c ; Otmiega , stuvar extra 4-1 , 2. . Peucni lUct't :12 : , ii ; i. to ; 1 tttieiit : XX llteo stripe , 12c ; Sluotttcket 5 , 10 i.2c ; do 58 , 12c ; 'unommeauu's blue 20 , ' . 1)ti , : MSA'iecaktitg , lucia aunt brown,1fl l-2c ; Amuhevor 1)1) bItt , , , 15 l.2c : Anhimagtnu X Itltcui Scotch , 18 12c ; Cuueord 00(1 , blue and hr'uwi. ' . , 12 1-2c : , lo ( II ) do i : ; 1-2 ; , lui ; x t (10 do , 11 l.2c ; lictymuaker's butte anti firovii 1) ) l.2c' Mystic River 1)1) stripe , 16 1.2c ; L'oarl Iliver , tieuo stub browu , ISo ; UmucatsI1l , blteo iiiutl ) > rowi , , 14 1.2o. Csiiuieis-Iluunuanrd re ; Etitlystoact lining , 2 1 Inch double face , 8c ; Unrnor ' . glareil , lc ; Shicnhiatttn glove finish , Sic ; Nowp'urt do.1Sic : do glazed , Sic ; I'otjuot tb , Sc ; Lockwuou kiul fltcish , , tic. Coiasav Ja.tss-Ainory , Acedroscoggin u'actteen , 8c : Clarotition 62c ; Conu4t'gg.c sat. teemcs , 7.c ; IfcLlltnvoll , Sc ; milieu Orchcarti , 7Ic ; Narragauusott , itnitrovod , 8&c ; l'epponill itat. tocn , Plc ; lloolqsnt , CC. 1'num-'thItumis , tic : American , 610 ; Arnhbo , tile ; Borwicic , 4c ; Cochiooo , 6 : C"nestoga , tile ; Dankirk , tic ; iunnehl , 6iTc ; Etldystmo , , ( in ; Gloucester , tile' I farmuny , SIc ; Knickerbocker , tile ; Morniinac 1) , le ; Mystic , Sic ; Siuramas , 'ic ; Souethbnltlgo , tic ; do Gingheanca , 7c ; MacrI- barn , 5c ; Oriental , Sic. GmaIIAcms-Aenuakoaug Co ; Argyle , Sc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cuanbenland , 7c ; Iliglimniad , 71e ; lComuilworth , Ole ; I'lunk'tt , , Cic : Sussex , Sc. CorroNAnrs-Abborvillo , , 13&c ; Agate , ! 10c ; American , ilc ; Artislaim , 2Cc ; aeIni 1) and T , 13c ; Cinriome 1) and T , 171c ; Became Co. stelicos D auth P , ir Keystone , iSle ; Nan' tucket , iiic Nonparoif , itic ; Ocean El atiti T , 131c ; Itoyaf , bole ; Sussex , l'2c ; 'ringa , Waclue. sott shirting checks , 121o ; do Nankin l2ics York , plain Nauckln , 121c ; do chocks , stripes . 'aol fancy , 121c ; do 8 oz , 20c. SmnmrmNus-AndrescgIn 10.4 2Tic ; do 0-4 , 23ev do 3 4 , 32c : C.ontinental C 42. lIe ; Fruit oi thee Loom 10-4 ; 27c ; Now York ne his 98. 3tic ; do 78 , iWo ; do 5 , 22o ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; l'oquot 10.4 , 281c ; do .4 , ilk : do 4th , Itic ; Pappoacll 90 , 2Cc ; do 67 , 21c ; do 7 , ISo ; Utica 90 , SOc ; do 58 , 221c ; do 48 , lIc. Palnts.Oilis and Varnlshen. Oiaail0a carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 ° headlight , per galion , iSo ; 175 ° headlight , per gailoim , 20c ; isoc water white , ICc ; Ii a seed , raw , ; yr ahlon,5Sc ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , S8cLard winter str'd , per gallon , SOc : No. I , 70cNu ; SOc ; castor , XXX pen gal. Ion , 1 50 : No. 3 , 1 30 ; sweet , per galen , 85c ; sperm W.B. , pergallon , 160 ; fish , W. B. , pergallon , ( i5c noatefoot extras , nor gallon , thOc ; No. I , 75c : lufnicating , zero , jncr gallon , SOc ; summer , iSo ; golden machine , No. 1 , ier gal. Ion , SSc ; No. , 25e ; spenu , signed , per gallon , SOc ; turpometine , per gallon , 50c ; eiajutlm 74 ° , ltgaliomm , iSo. PAthTh IN Oir-Whito load , Omaha P. P. 6e ; white leaul , St. Lotus piece , tiJc ; Marceilles green 1 to Li It , cans , 26c : 11'rcacli zinc green peal , 12c : i"m'cuchu nice. red. seal , lie ; faeuach zinc , in vacnulsle nast , 20c : Fianchi zinc. In oil asat , iSo : raw antI beirut uiihcr : , I Tb cans , boo ; roct' and luuirnt Sienna , I tic ; vuntlyko In ocn 13c ; rehimmed lanaplelack , 12c ; coach ljlutek , and ic-cam-3' black , Ire ; drop black , Ilic ; Pnttsslaie [ dim , SOc ; ieltruunanimuo l,1n , , , iSe ; chronic green 11. t1. .k 1) . , ISo ; blind anti shutter groom. , 1 1l. & 1) . , Itic ; I'iuji rrcen , ISo ; huadiutn rc,1 , 1rTcuuotlami ; roil. Cc ; ] 'nscuue rod , 22c ; Amen. can Venmnllhon I. & I' . , ISc ; chiroino yellow L. M. , 0. & 1) . 0. , b8c ; yellow octane , Cc ; golden ocharo , itic , 1ethnt , dryer , Sc ; grainiiig colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , clt" taut and ash , iSo. iry Pseintg. \Vhdto lead , Sc ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 21c ; wlmiting gliders , 1c : whiting com'h lie ; Iamiblack , Genmnatutown , 14c ; lnmpblack , ordinu.ry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; ultramarleo , 18c ; vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , Ic ; sienna , raw , 4c ; l'aris green , genuine 25c ; Paris green , common 20c ; chrome greemm , 20c ; chrome green li , , 12c ; varmlihlnn , Thug. , TOo ; vormlhiou ! , American , iso ; Iiu.liui rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian nod , Cokeesoas , 2c ; Venetian rod , American , Ic nod lead , 71c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; ccromno yol. lW , , K. , i2c ochre , rocbolle , 3c ; ochre , Yrecacla , 2c ; ochre , Airiorican , 2c : Wimetor's yninoral , 2c ; lehigh bnwn , 21c ; Spamilshu brown , 21c ; : i riuico's mmulneral , 3c. VAuNIMIIIut-Barrole per gallon : brutal. tnro , extra , $1 10 ; firntumre , , No. 1 , SI ; coach , , extra. , Si 40 ; coach , No. I , $1 20 ; 1)imnr , extra , 81 75 ; .Eupan , 70c ; usj > haaltmn , extra , 8Sc shellac , 3 50 ; hard oil fitcisim , $ l 50. Toha neon. I'auo TonAccoClimnuex , Silo ; Bullion SOc hlorsoshoo , roc Star , SOc ; Ituddy , 45c ; 11cr soy's , 48c : 1ihacc , : is@4oo. Irma Cur-Connion , , 205J130c : good , 4@ oo ; Itoso Leaf , 70c ; l'ronaium , GSc ; Iiaunon , Crown , uSc ; Sweet Sixteen , .lTc. i3MoKmNcm-O. S. , 21c ; Motursciaauznm , 28cDur ; latin , 8 oz. , ti5c ; Dtmrliamn , I ox. li7c ; 1)urhaur 2 cx. , 55 Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , SSc Seal of 7orte ) Caroliun , 4 or. , 57c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; 0. K. iurhain , 07. . 28c ; 0 , K ] ) urhatr , 2 or. , SOc ; Unclu Nod , 's 25e ; Tom antljenry , 23c. Loather , solo 38c to 42c' hemlock soio28o to 51k 00111 n id1a , so to I 00 ; runner GSo to 80 < noire u calf , sr to i 20 ; hemlock upper , 23 to 26c' oak upper 24c ; ahhlpaton 4 00 to 5 & calf 1 < ( tI , 3235 ; ( ireisen kid , 2 fO to 2 75 ; out hue , Soc to 1 00 oak calf , I 20 to 1 30 ; Frenc ku , , 1 10 to 1 55 ; Irreiach calf , I 25 to 2 00 ; nec HelM , STJOtO 750hltaings ; , 600 tolO tOti ; pings , 0 00 to 10 50 ; B. i. Morocco , 30c to 3.S ocheblo 0 , 1) . Morocco , SSc ; siumion 2 50 14) 3 O ( IIAIINEI4 S-NO. 1 star oak , 4c ! ; No 2 do c 39c No. I Ohio oak , SSc ; No. 2 do , 35c ; Nc I Itfhlwaukeo 37c : No. 2 dt 134c. t listen nor. WIIOUO4AL.E. : quota lumbar lathe acrud shingles on ale , at Oanueha at tlao fohuwItg hnices ; .1CJIHT ANI ) McAirz.mSa-1G ft. tunci eiued ; 22 00 ; 18 fI , 25 ( A ) . 'lmemIalmu4-li ( feet and uniler , 22 ( hO. ; Tiemiunt Liii ) . .IohIS ! it , 23 50 ; 20 11 , 23 r . 23ft , 2Gro 21 IL , 26(0. ; lrr.ueiNaN.u , 1 , 4 nittl 6 iii. , 21 (10 ( ; No. 22 00. S SIIEETINO-No. 1 (2ul ( coinnaoul boards ) , 20 . 0 S No.2lSIuO , Lmus-l'ur barrel , I 25 ; hulk 11cr lushaol' 35 a cement , ilel , , 2 25 ; Iowa iclaster bid , 2 50 ; but ocr Icit. tA ) ; 'L'uuTol felt , J00 fl15 , 3 50 ; stra , board , 3 (0 , r - lihcire , 1)imil anti wcak grncrm , butchers , tic ; gre 1) ) sucltdaI , 7@7c ; dry hhftut , 12 ( I3c ; tIny cia ! lOud Ic ; .laiiaatied hides , two.Ucirtbs price , . 'rAlI.Ow-GC. : 8mmim I'e.m-25ci 00 , , 1ol. i Menlno utmwasleod , light 14@liic ( hoav 13clTic ; not1luin menwacijeod , 1gict , 18@2J ( , . WWtIURI , choke , 32c ; fair , 80e ; tubxcnd wieslec 28c ; burry , black and rccttsei wool , 2t6o ' u II - heavy Ifartiwaro List , II Iron , rictus , 2 50 ; plow steel special cast , p crucible , 8c ; special or German , 6c cast tide do , l.1k20 ; wicou spokes , set , 2 243 00 ; bu _ . - - - - - , leer set , I 25 ; fclloct sawed , lrv , I iO ; t.nnguuts , roche , 70nS ( < - ; ixhes each , 75o ; t"i' ictits It , , I' ' ( 'lit' : seceshurs or flu , 8dlSo ; rhets , iet lb. lIe ; c"ii churtit' nec it , , teI2c ; neahleatcho , Sc iron wcthges , t ; cruwbeen' , tic ; hiarrtw teeth to ; * * nIicg tool , 7018cc 1juerthie' borseleocs , II 2. Burden's IIt1IIO51IO5 0 25. h.tmnuen % Viie-n ear lots , tue per 100 , N.tmt.s - unto. ' , It ) tti 60 , 3 20. Sitoi'-Sbot , I 85 ; 1imck , iuot , 2 10 ; .crlemct.nl iswler , kegs , (1 ( i0 do , , bell kegs , 8IS ; (10. , kegs , 1 88 ; bln.itiimg , kegs , 3 $ i ; ( cue , lor 1k ( ) feet , toe. h.a.iuliar , I ( .5. COAL-Cullniccrhafld blacksmith , 10 (10 ( : Mor. eta run lhhosshaturg , 10 \Vluiteebreast ; luutuep , S 00 ; W'laitobro.cst nut , S 00 ; Iowa Ittuep , ' 00 ; Iowa hut , 1. 00 ; flock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthura. cite , 11 2.'j5lI ' ( ' 0 ; Canon City , 7 00 , Per ton , Liquors. ALCOIIOI.-18.q prtsI , 2 25 per wine gallon oxtre Califoritia uinits , 188 iurecf , I 25 ) r itrof gallon ; triple rettinod spirits , 187 proof , 1 23 ; or itneof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies , 1 0O1 ( JO ; ( late llendod , , I 505Jc2 50 : ICeme. tucky bonniscits , 2 OO47 00 ; Kentcmeky amed l'etcimsylvcueia eyes , 2 ( I0I7 00. 1ihANLh acs-leciponted , a OOSjlCc 00 ; domnentic 1 4tijl ( ) IX ) . ( htmi-Imnportotl , 4 5O6 00 ; domncestic , 1 40 @ 300. ltucta-Tmnpont.ed , 4 r0iO 00 : Now England , 2 ( X ) @ i 00 ; tbotmo.stiu , 1 bO@3 50. i'XAVII ANI ) Ae'e'i.a ltmc.iev-l 7SI ) 00. CIuAeIr.cam-immaportot1 per c.cso , 28 OOSj 3-I 00 ; Acna''mcaui , per case , 12 ( ' ( ) Sajill 00. _ - - Il4'l'l. % IA1tlCt'T. Ct7msalc M avit . , , jA1ll-l fucmns , ' lIe : lumeakfiut baom , lStl5lc ; stntlcel , . .itiei , th ( 'ilc ' ( ) ; salt dues , Spt'c ; barth , I0&ilc. ( ; IlaN : lcetnc .c < n l'muouuea-b'utatoes , SOSjh ISo icon 100 piictls ; tctctoos , : , aWet , pet 101) ) puuultatlut , 2 ! uh)6i3 ) ( hI ) ; out Idtes , POt I OIl luoululs , i rogi ( Cl ) : tcermuiii , iter it ) ) ) it , , ti05iS0e : Ctu ! ' , , raclo ealcitage , new , icon 100 , . 8Scti 00 11 c-c ehcickeics , old , I cer tio. , S I (5)55 ) 4 25 ; ii'rdniu , chilcktuus ir clot , * 8 7t'@i I 00 egg. froala , peer dot , 85i'33c ! ; bettor , fair titiutl. ity orteaelut'ry , fhituctI i'e- ' I i , 335hJ31 ; cnoucluucury , good , per Ii ) , 2S5f3c $ ; iCacusuca ucicil Nebraska dairy , ocr hb , : ; 7)15 cooking , 125'lSe ? ' ; chcesso , Itill ccennc , ) ate ll I ti5i Ic ; apples l'or tebi , , uutctern , $1 OOOu. ( ' 3 ; gvnpt. i'er hit , 7.til0o ( ; Cathifceniai pears , ier lit , 75le ( ) : .Ieasiiiut lomnomus , nstruc , Per tx , tT ( CO @ 8 00 ; tw.uuges , 8lt ! 0Oiul ( : i (10 ( ; .vhaast , 13cr ' 100 lb. 8 ! 81)551 ) 8S : flour , Col. orstit , , Pen 100 II , , $2 0061J2 23 ; hour , iatecet , 2 lk)513 00 ; ( Incur , Kansas , per 100 Il , , 2 7tc ) ) 8 00 ; iiiuur , ( irahauua , 100 hb , 2 ( hOSI2 ( ' 0 ; hour , rye , Itter 100 Il , 2 50552 70 ; timer , buck- svliouct , pr htl ) , hl & )5j12 ) ( tO ; curia muon ) , per 100 Ibs , 1 OSSeJI 85 ; cnn , , per 100 lIes , $1 2T5 1. 30 ; corn clam , ir 100 lius , 81 : Ctci1 ) ; W ; new tints , Icur 100 lbs $1 85551IS ; oats , Nolraakac , , imuixeul , lr 1 ( CO If , , si k,51 ) . ) ; outt.s , Nelraskn , , vhIto , per 100 hbs , SI 35@lIS ; itats , Colorado , jer 100 lls , Si 25551 35 ; barley , jim 100 lIes , , l S0@1 75 : , idxetl chau. Ider lot ) lies , tcl 38 © 1 40 ; bran , 1)X' ) ton , SI ( )0@JIt ) 00 ; hay , loose , 1. ton ton I2 OOSJlt'c 00 ; haled , , ocoiicl Iottoun , , lo 0O5i19 00 ; babo,1 nplucutl , 14 005JJ17 1)0 ) ; clucor , pox ton , $20 00 ; .ttnauv . , our toma , 8 0th ® COO. Railway Time Table. LOOAr4 TflAINR-UltiDOI DLVLSION' _ _ U. P. R 1 % . , MAIH LINK. - --r iRxmVL ricifla Ktpress.1205 p cc Atlantic EzIcrcss7:25 : & a' Western Kxrs , , pn Westernitipresa. 3:20j' : m 0. IIand I'aae . . . .4sOp : as Ii. Island l'ass. 11:40 : 03 Ucoolu K . . . . .12:30 : p an Linoolo . . . . . : DUMSIY TItaINS-BICIDOK DIVISION. Leai'c Ontacics : TIO : , 8e0Dee. : 10:00 : , 11:00 : a : mn.,12 at ; 1:00 : , 2 00 , aoo : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : , 0:00 : , Iomo : P. tI. Ott Stan. days : 7o : , 0:0 : 1100 cc. 03 ; 2:00 : , 4:01 : , 5:00 : , 10:10 : p. flu. Aerbo iii transfer tiollot 20 nulautett , litter ; l3roae' WRY depotCoucarii flintY , , 30 molicutes later. I..oui a Council nitures , Hnu..dway depot , 8:00 : , 9:00 : , lOO : , 15:00 : s.ie. 12 autl:0O. ; : : eO , 5:00. : 4:00. : 5:00 : , 0:40 : , 10:30 : p.m On Ruuutiays8:00 : ; : 10:00 a. eat. ; 12 mu ; 3:00 : , 5:00 : , 5:4 : , , 10:40 : ' . in. Arrive "resnafor depot , lu cutiti. utee Isbn. LeAs CouncIl fliuf ! , , Transfer 0e1ot : 8:5 : , 0:25 : , I0tiII:25 : : a.nu.I ; iul:25 ; : , 2:25,35 : : , 4:25 : , C:5 : , 05 : , 7:15 : , 10:55 : p. m. . .rrlvo Otcucica 20 iuuluatates later. axAcs OSAIJAl LIcAVI COIfltCt ! . SLUt ) ? . r.'n 2. . .7lSt : s. en l'au's. No , P , . , 7:5 : Sm I , No. 10..6:45y : en " Wo. 15..II'45 s to , . No. 4..ZSOjm : " No 5..1I:23asn : , A. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' ' N't ' 'ti.-7i15 i' to , , w..tI . , . . .fa .thsturhi"slo i . . .S6pm , , e 1 . . . . . . . n. . . . . 1 5I1t T ; ' . * _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ' . _ _ - ' - - C. , ii. & St. P. It. tt.-tt. I' PEFOT. 15th & . . . . . . . . . un l'awiflo Xx..0:45 : a in ttiutnto ! Es..5:10 : 1 , It ) Mall &ICx..3 pm STAI1MIII , lIT. LOUIIj & PACIFIC-i' . P. ' flgI'OT. ) mahs..7tO : a cc QenaSS. , . , . . . .11:20 : ate 'I . 3:10 : p cut ' 0:20 : p flu C. , II .5 0 11. 11.-U I' . iEL'OT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . cc ii. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . cc en Seitreun. . . . . . . 3tO : , cci . . . . . . . . . . . . : p iii C. , It. I ' h P. It. IL-U. P. 1)Et'OT. } . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctall..O:4aanu : . . . . . . . . . . . . . cit : , . . . . . . . . . . . . P (3. It N. W , It. It.- ) ! . i 'W.I'OT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a iii F.XIIC8 . . . . . . .045 , . en on ° ' . . . . . . . . .lute it cut Slali' . . . . . . . . . pm B. C. & P. 11. iL-U. I' . DECO ! . MaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 a en Express..9.45 s in Kxprena..0:00 : i' ' nt ' . . . . . . . . . . . : 1IISS0UI1T , PACiFIC-U. P. DEPOT ixpresa . . .7:00 : a in Express..0:45 : pm 0. , lIT. PAUL , U. & 0. 11. 11.-DEPOT N. 15Th ST No,2. . . . . . . . . . 7:30am : No.1. . . . . . . . . . . No. 4' . . . . iOOp : in No ' . . . . . . . . . . : sin sioux CITY & I'ACWIO-DKL'OT N. 11Cc Shod. 505e Omalci for Ysiantino vhs St. i'iuI Line (0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 4rrie ( rota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p in B. & It. IN NIU3IIARKA. . enver ltxpresa..HI5 : c in Atheutic. . . . . . 6SOp : in Pselfic Ezproas',6a6 : p en. DonvorExpress'OdO : cm K. 0. , ST JOE & C. II. ft. IL-U. & ha. DKI'OT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Express..0:00 : c in Exproas..7:2OvmfS.lsmI. : . . . . . . . , .000pm ; 'Sundsys excepted , = 3 OpenIng anti Closing of 1a1iU. LOUTS. r-i ; 1.10. P.utl. 5.03. I'- . OI&N.W.O.I1.I.&I'O. 13. & Q. , 51. I'attI 4 Sloutx City. 11:00 : 0:00 : 5:40 : 8:15 : C. . , It , &S.l' . H ( I. .la l. iii Ioctue 0:01 : 5:40 : ' Wsbucslu Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:50 : 3:16 : % Vutliacclulocnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0O : 5:40 : IC. IL , Ut. Jo , , & Ii. 13. . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 5:15) : eto : 0:00 : Mlseutrl l'utulhIo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:50 t:40 : c.Ut.I'.M.&O. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 : 7:20. : ; Uttlait I'sclflc , , tvrjrianl . . . . . 8:00 : 11:35 : . UiIua , , I'acillo , burner Ri . . 4:00 : 7:60 : 0. A : ltepualtliiuit % 'ulle ) . . m :30 : II :35 : I k 13 , Kxi.res' . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 7:40 : I II. & 51. for I'lucttsunotuth , H. ICoutd , Aslilutuad saul I.luacolua.1I :00 : 40 Olilco 01)01) bItuntiftys 1mm 12:00 : cc. to 1:00 : p. flu. 0. 5. COIITANT 1'octnssfrt M. Rc RISDON1 toll'1I1IslUll1co ' Aoli1 I ; : ; 0 Chesnix Assurcnce Co. , ol jondon , Oath Autute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r,804,504.O K Woakhtcater , N , Y. C&plLaI. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000,000.O I ) Thu Merchacitta , of kowark , N. J. , 0a1itaI 1,275,000.0 , . Olrard Fire I'hllailulpbis , Cilcital. . . . . . 1,200,000.0 ) . FIremen's ) uutI , Vspit&1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200,915.0 C ; OFFIF.-ltoonm : : ID , Omsh National Ilsok Uuflu ) , mac. Tohsphone No. a76 : John D. Peabody , M. D. , JHYSIOIAN & SURGEON 1100115 , 8 ced 5 ZSOT FAItNAM. rs Ilesidenro 1714 Iouglas ) Street. er ; Cariiago & Wagon ako : , hU/CKHSCI'i'hhINfl , UOICStiSUOEINO , 0 ; Jobbin of all Kinds Fromptly AttencleO. T Nuwautd , uucoad hand Icugeles acii sac id C ; It 1,511,1 , , UIO. 1. Mt11.IOON hr Cot. 131Cc iticti I.eMeItwOh 'V F. SOHEUERMANN M D IIF.OUhAit GF.IIMAH Itt t' Iornoopathio Phyiciaii Ni'ICIAL.IST : oV WOMIN : , ( flhhl.IllE' ( 4 4JII1IONIO DISnASES. hiestra-/et ilutitiuicu , , No. 3413 3. 301Cc Street , II 10 a. tat. , iiul itftt r S ' . cci. hours -Al olilee , No. F 1(15 ( 5. 15th St. Roorax 7 ( rota Ccl a. cit. , to a p. i y , N. lt.-'hicu 'ISIOVorm will isa Celtic , tel , wlttaou o ; IIiuCt , lit tiocu of frolic 2 to S hours. tI , - . JAMEB MaVkY , Practical Horse Sheer 'ci iJike specialty of ioaliturs auiil tentlenfoothc 101 as Shinisa , 1)0040 street betwotu 11th ciii 11th , (1 his IkIlovue house ; . - - - - - - - 0. M. LElOh1'0. if , T , CLARKE. . . - LFmHToN & CLARKE , . 1 succissoim : TO ICENNAI1D unos. co. Wholesale Druggists I -DEALERS IN- , ( Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class r ' OMAhA , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. . " " . "BURLINGTON FOUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington tt Qulnoy Rnilroad. ) ' ; I _ _ _ _ _ _ - nfl . . . I : : ' , .l ? r-7 s ji. ; : I . ; - : . . .1 : Lfl- _ . : : . " . . . - - . h" - - I % ' 2t ; -a 1r - _ _ _ ' 4 _ . ' / 3. - - - - ( I " - I CO1NC IAST AWD WEST. I CONC NORTH AIJD SOUTH. 1tr'-auut Pay Coaches , i'nor ! ( 'ann. ' cvitl * RecIln 80111 Trains of Elegant Ia Poaches and Poll Ituj' Ci'aiN ( : s.at ! ; Ct'u' ) , SanokitlE Cars. 's lIlt lb. tnnn I'itluucn Sleepln taCs are rtlti , iaiiy to ant - ' . refute ; ; electra Pulintutu Paicecu $ leei'hmtr ( utn ; , tiui frolui St Lottit , via , Ilnitnibal .Queincv , Keokuk , tItt flttltOItS 1' . it , , ii. 1)huiiig ) , Cites rita daily to antI iltuni hiuglon , Cedar Rapids antI Albert Lea to so. - froitu Cuk'utgo ) ) Sutsaa City , Cltk'ngo ,0 CouncIl I'iuti titati Mitatwaetfltse i'acniorCarawith 1tecllnta. Ilituffs , ( ' ) ikveo .t ties iohsn'a ( 'itleago. St. . . .iuChattirci to and mutt St. Locals nucit Peoria ntui1zi I CeCil , AIOCutoti . TtueIa. Only tiantuagit Ihito benttd iromuc St l.oiulq antI 'Ottunuwa. Only cc. tWtt'tt Citleulgo , IJuceobi l'nver 'rlarouugh ears chuttiga of ears between 13t , I.ouLs nod l1 I'etot'tt lutliatiapolis . ' ( .otttuhI htlttfftt ta l'eorma Slotnes lotect , lAuccoluc , Nebraska , and Ienvc'tt . ouutut'et lOuts ttiuut itt iltiton I ) t'pflia. It ts Calcraulo. kiuowit an the gretatTi tROUGh ! CAll Li N1. It us universally admitbd to be the Flnor.t Equipped Railroad In th World for nil CIsoa of Travel ' T. J. LOI'EIl , 3d Vice. L'rca't anti fleui't Maruunur. iThtICEVAb LflWP ( . . clsn.l ° sas. Ag's. CWcawc. - I- 4 9:15 : I1TIIc4D , . 5. MANUPACTUICEIt OP CaIvniied IrooCorDices , Yindo Caps1FiniaI : - - Bkyilght4to Thirteenth 8tIOO Neb . ' PEXtPEOTIOI'T ) - : tIN . . Ueating and Bai'ing I , , 'j ( ; - ) only attained by using : ; - .q t---- 5. RTER OAK j . - . . . ' - - Stoves and Ranges , Ii - - . : r- . _ II1L1 YIIE U1E UVER BOORS' : . I I ' S Fotr.'aby . ) MILTONROGRS&SONS S 5.- (1MA1TA. ' * I C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist 1- S tt AND DEALERIN - . Puts Oils YlifilisliOs Ellid ¶ iiido Glass : IS OMAllA. NEBRASKA. ] _ HENRY LEHMANN - JOBBEROP S a11 Paper auftViudo \ Sliaes1. 0 EASTERA' ' PRCE6 DUPLICATED 1118 PAILNAM STREET , . . OMAHA NED , - ESPECIAL NOTICE TO 0 Growers of' Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Cround Oil Cake. . It is Lice best cccii cheapest food for stock of any kind. One iound Is equal to three poundsotr'srj. hock fed with Groumntl Oil a3w in the Fail and Whiter , instead of running down , will Increase In we1g 0 ututti be in good naarkutablo ooitdittoia in hits spritug. Iairymon , as Well us oIlier. , who uss it can t.eUly its itcerits. Try it cud judge for yourscIvcs.,1'r1ce 25. ® vor ton ; no chsrgo for oaths. Address o4.ootI.mne WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COi1'ANY Ouiitii * ' 1yI. HELL1VIAN & , . [ Wholesale C1othieraed. Con' .aitm 5fl4 br both' IOXSS ' 1301 AND 1303 FAI9NAM STREE7 COR. 13Th , . seat U . , UM - . ' o4.w OMAHA. . . . NBB1tASL. _ _ 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A tuoisbinattoa of 1vss- . fo.c'htu ' , ef.Lrofl , J'our4a un.iI'Aosphoj'ua4 I a Jkh14t1510 fern. . PovJO. Jtbihily .7oaa ; of 4 ' tLto , .h'ru'trafIon of l'uwtt. , 44 43 4r.4iapcnw. . bfcy. 11(0 2U3V. A. .L.TO't2EZ f After a thomourli trIal of the /PLRW./ , IlL , nays- IUON TONIO , I taio Ploaaurorc y ti conztcior it r In cutatinir that I kayo , aroat.v bereotitod by bu/sIL tIthe oat a coliont rezeody - use. tuintaetonrt and l'ub. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ' the tlubilttcctbttvittttforceu. . i Un ( Apealeora vlil ftnmcl it i Ser S or the liToteteat value whore a Toniolea nocoac- rary. i : recommend it Len a reliable i-oruudtetl nrtent , onnoaeucJug nec. etoubtoO nutultivo anti ; .watorrettvo Lh-ith - 3. .Lvu"sile , Jt , ieroitcrtlcu , , ( ai , , I3t2 , - : IL _ V iLtDV :11 : Di't TA1l r I1i. MEDICINE CO , . 13 lI , lWii SV. , ST. LIL j5 0 < S : , Y , DEALERS IN d. Hall's , 3afe and Lock iomp'y 3 . ELRE AND BURGLAR PROOP I ) : SAFESVAULTSLOCKS & . , , , 'I ir.id ] . traet'm..b. . , S 51 ; 'u ' - . . , _ , , _ - sx. . . - -