Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1883, Image 1

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. . THE OMAHA r DAILY' Bz. ' . . , ,
TIi Certainty of ' \ VarVith \ China
tir the lli1ier Lc1 of
the Frllch C8ita11
S The Policy of the Ministry and.
the Tonquin Orodita Endorsed
by the Deputies.
- The Result of Admiral aourbet's '
Move on Baoninh Anx-
jously Awaited ,
King William Preaches on the
Peace ofEurope and the Alli-
anee With the Ozar ,
A 1ittrgt AsHortluont of Generftl Fr. )
cign News.
. I
PAIuS , November 28.-Mitiitcr Ferry
afl(1 Geiieral Cainpetion , inhitsLor of war ,
and Admiral Pcyaon , minister of marine ,
attended the meeting of the coIil
inittee of deputica on Tonquin credita.
Ferry imparted to the conitnitteo the
text of the Chinese inemoratidmn. The
commitco unanilnony approved the
French reply and decided it unneces5ary
to bring the matter before the chamber
of deputie8 prior to the debate on the
Tonquin credt.s , becau5o , first , there ox-
sted iio diplomatic rupture ; second , the :
goveramont had prinised the yellow
book should contain the memorandum
The Chino9o memorandum stated that
France had imposd upon the goverri
mont of Annain an unjust treaty , and
had ignored the rights of China. France
invaded Annam and manifested an Intention -
tion to attack Baciiinli , the key to thc
Chinese empire. China desired , never
tholoas , to inintaia 1)acifiC relations with
Fran e , but Chinese troops would bc
conipillcd to resist any aggression.
The French rnpy ) declared that France
had no wish to annex Annant or
quili ; that the solo object of the IIui
treaty was to define the terms of thc
treaty of 18It ; that in order to consoli.
date the proctorato of Tonquin France
considered it expedient to occupyBacninl ]
and Sontag , but there was nothing t
prevent an equitable arrangement of the
question on these basis , front whici :
France had never swerved and whici :
wore indicated in the treaty of 1874
Ferry explained ho had addressed a
note to Marquis Tzeiig , anibassador foi
China , in which he made the suggestior
that special power be entrusted tim miii
/ tary chiefs for the purpose of offectiii
an understanding by which China shoult
surrender Bacninh and Sontag peacefull3
to Admiral Courbet , and that the definitive
tivo settlement could be negotiated after
wards. The above note brought on. .
from Marquis Tzong. drawing attentiot
to the fact that French troops wore a
present in Tonquin , but without dethiin
their locality.
Marquis Tzeng afterwards declineJ
a the proposal of F'erry , but the latter be
' \ lieve the ombass'dor acted without
" -'b _ awaith.g instructions from Pokin. ( ionS
\S % Campenon stated that measures had boei
' . taken to diBpatch 6,000 troops forthwitl :
to Tonquin without recourse even tc
their partial mobilization. Admira
fl Poyson informed the committee that In
had received no freshdispatches from Ad
iniral Courbet , whose operatioiis had begun
gun or wore about to commence al
the date of his last dispatch , Novombai
17 , when the announctnont ho had cnn
ploted the concentration of Iii
forces for an attack on Bacninl' . 1I
believed Admiral Courhet awaitet
the arrival of the transport Currezo ,
bearing 600 troops. Siio is due in Ton
quin today. Admiral Courbet has beci
given full latitude to act in ' .Ponquin nut
ho ( Admiral Peyson ) had every conli
dance in his prudence and energy.
The committee met again this after
noon and it is believed the report of f.Iu
committee will recommend to the depu
ties that they grant the nine inillioi
francs asiced be voted. The governnion
has declared it would awa.t the rccoptiou
of further news from Admiral Courbe
before asking f..r any more fiuds foi
Tonqtiin. The cunpaigu committee
Ielected Rammu itenault a its reporter
The vote in the cnimitteo granting tlu
credits was 9 to 2 , in favor.
In the chanubor of deputies , Cloinen
ceau , on behalf of the extreme loft , requested
quested Furry to furnish an oxplanatior
concerning the Chinese memorandum
relative to the lroposed attack on Bac.
ninh. Ferry declined to reply. Clem
euicenu will repeat the quostuoti to.mor
, j\ row , and if an answer is not then giccu
ho will bring the matter forward in tin
shape of an intorpellation. It is atate
that Ferry requested the committee UPOI
Tonquin credits th po8tpOlle , for thrc
days , presentation of their report to th
I deputies.
It is stated if General MiIIo is sent t
Tonquin ho will godtrect to the passes
by which the Chinese troops entoroc
2'n1uin , in order to cut their base ant
Prevent the enemy from retreating.
DCnLIN , November 28.-Tho Free
man's Journal is informed that withui
' a fortnight over thirty persouls have beci
arrested , charged with conspiracy to bloi
UI ) the residence of a County Mayo land
lord acid with belonging to the Feutni
llrotluorlkood. After a secret exarnina
\ tion by the police of each prisoner sop
g aratoly they were all discharged hut suli
I . soquontly the majoiity wore rearreite
J and reaccused.
S PARrS , November 28.-'FIio decree rc
, ucindin the proluibitiouc of the imports
J , timi of American pork is published ii
I the Ollicial Gazette.
TI1i (111511JY } 151)iTZO. )
LOYflOJ , November 28.-Capt. Adnniu
a * old whaler , expressea the fear tim
tlu Greoloy expedition has lost 3t5 bear
ins , and says England should do seine
thrg toward its rescue. Capt. Adam
wcuroady to join in the search.
r LNflo , November 28.-A Taklo coz
respondent lund an interview with time
. .
- q ter , who stated
B Linbor v4crniiieuit. is most
ermot of .Tapati to
foreign trade * , stiptilatimig that foreigners
availing themselves of the privileges
granted sliiill ho under time juriKdictLnl of
Japanese courts. Tins will involve a revision -
vision of present treaties and the ribo.
iiton of all foreign legal jurisdicUomi in
open ports.
Tutu V1ACR OP nunora.
Bruttu , Iovembor 28.-Tire emperor
at the rccsption of the prostdeiit niuci
vico.prosnlcnt of the lower house of the
Prussian ( hOt expressed confidence that
Peace of Europ vill be niainthined. lie
ref rred In that connection to tim good
relations existing between Germany and
rita AMEItICAN 1sIIOPi4 ui noMP. .
itoMu , November 8.-Tliu Amnoricaui
bishops are prejmarir an address , thank.
lug the pope for summomuimug them to
Itomo acid expressing unchangeable do.
votion to the holy Sue.
CAlico , November 28.-Tim reported
capture of Khartoum is unfounded.
Turkish officers of the couitingeuit ordered -
ed for service in Soudan consent to jouum
an expedition tuuidor the cummuand of
Baker l'crsha. All Euuglish noncotnmis.
sEined oflicers in Egypt volunteer to go
to the front. ' [ 'hero is iciucli enthusiasm
among the troops.
LoNno , November 28. - Time Paris
corrccsponclent of the Tuuites persists in
thb belief that the Tonquin dilhictilty will
be the subject of . after France
l)0VCB she iiuis the military power to
crush China. France accepts arbitraticiui
in deference to Emurcipean povuz amid not
vis1iing to disturb the conunurce of time
PA11s , November 28.-At Itoubaix ,
Dihlio's factory , covering fifteen hundred
square metrc , was burumeel this Inornuug.
Tire Itamnes spread to the factory of ? ttte
& \Vcilliasson , which is now burning.
The whole towui is in danger , and the
1)001)10 are in great alarm.
u November 28.-Eight blocks
of atoiie wore Placed upon time railway
track \Yolvorhcnnpton , it is surmised
S for tutu purpose of wreckiuug a tniin oil
which Gladstonewasexpectcd to travel.
I A ] i.ti ) t.tN TO TAIl.
. \VATXLtIIURO , Couuum. , November 28-
I Public imidignation ngaiiit Trunuaii .l
I Smith , \Vatertown farmer , who assault.
, ed his vife , breaking her leg , becatise thu
children were all girls , culmnumated last
I night in a visit to tire house by twenty
1 young Ifleli with the intouit to tar and
feather. Smith fired umto the party
and Myron hard was painfully injured.
SCIIANTON , 1a. , November 28.-Pat.
, rick Kelly , of NewYork , WliS arrestecifor
passing counterfeit money. A ag of
aiurious Coin VLtS found on his person.
r . Ho will be taken to Pittsbiirg for trial.
3 MA1tsuALLT0wN ; Ia. , November 29.-
1 Baily Swanson , ! ictimn of last night't
t shooting , is still alive and pliysiciauis say
; 110W there is a slim chauice for recovery if
supporation does ziot set in. The bullet
I grazed the heart and tore through the
. lungs.
1iIWAflI ) FOE I. smuimiuumt.
TIIENT0N , N. , j. , November 28.-TIme
i I governor offers $000 reward for the murderer
deror of l'imoibo Pauhtin.
Big Fire4.
) . BAlirlalonr. , McI. , November 28.-A
. big lire broke out at 2 o'clock in the four
story brick warehouse of AIoandor G.
Carey , on Lombard and Frederick
. streeta , stored with tton. A dozen I ire
engines are throwing streams on the fire.
I The warehouse , s'hiieI was four stories
high , was filled with cotton bales on each
floor. Sooii after time discovery of the
I fire demise smoke issued from the back
windows , almost blindimig tim firemnomi
and greatly interfering with the opera.
I . tions. The departineuit got quickly to
work and several streams were soon hour.
. into the building , but with apparently
little effect. Tile Ilcimnca soon spread to
3 . the adjoining buildimmg on Frederick
street , also occupied by Carey as a cot-
1 ton storage warehouse and its contents
L. vere soon iii lianius. 14055 romiglcly esti
1 mated at about 9OOO , , suppoaud to be
t . insured.
I. WtTmeTowN , N Y. , November 28.-A
, large fire is raging at Vincent. The
, fironmoir and engimme iuivo gone hence.
I Tinues special says : The St. Lawrence -
. rence hotel caught lire at iioezi and the
. entire block was destroyed. A high
wind prevailed. Total loss estimated at
I $75,000.
, KANSAI3 CITY , November 28.-Air cx-
. Pl081011 occurred in the basement of the
. wholesale drug house of Meyer Bros. ,
Delaware street , near Sixth , about 17
I o'clock , and iinnicuiatuly the building
1 flames. 'fhie engines responded
iroInptly , but , OS'IIIg to the ccinibustiblo
I character of the stock , they could do no
L ) more tImaui hOof ) the fire within tIre limnits
of the walls. The building was gutted.
The comitont' mu uiearly a total loss.
: Daniage L'stixnatcd at over 2CO,0OO.
' 'I'lmo watchimium is reported. missing.
W1NNII1IO , Novumumber 28 , . .Itat Port.
t age , time Irilmcipal town in tIre disputed
territory , was visited by a disastrous
contlagratioui yesterday. destroying
zicarly all the business portion of the
town. Time Ontario and Mamuitoba rival
. forces forgot their differences and umted
a tosavo iirPertY. A keg of gunpowder
rm used to blow up a buiIdlimg to pro.
V vent thu 8pread of fire. Thu exllosil'mI '
5 shattered nil tutu WiuiloWS ill the town
1 woundimmg flatly Pr1i1I8.
. Hwliidhhimg hum Customs.
. Toicouxo , Novounber 28TIu cristom
:1 : authorities seized a .oiusiguunouut 01 iou
ported watches ( or Stuwcirt , ] ) awsun
Co. 'lire minister of ctmstouuis decideu
I. time goods undervalued 20 jor cent. Ii
, . nddition to tins amnoumut ( if extra dmity thu
a finn was fumed 50 11cr cent ( iii tire wimolu
value of the coumsigimmuont for undurvalu
It 1guml iuiuult'uurti'Iuu ! .
: . PItIr..nELlIur.t , November 2t-Hcnr
C. 'l'tnry , nuemmibor of thom liar , Wa :
- awarded , after a long litigation , a fee 0
B $50,000 for services ium cormnoctiori with
the transfer of Rue Oxford turnpike t
thin municipality. 'Piio money was
. . to 'l'urry as a contingent fee , hut after
I - _ t
_ . _ : _ _ :
ward impounded at the in&auco of the
The intoruistiotial arbitration convon
thou discussed the rosolutiomu ,
uruzing the formation of ii code of imiter.
imatmmiai law and ostabhishuuuieuit. of iuiter.
imtional arbitration.
lhlhimols Ca'lmmlmutl Iin.v.
CurcAno , November 28.-Time state
legislature , cit Inst sussioul , ins a
hmabitual crinihmunis act , whimch provides
Unit any oumo vIin Comiuiiutta Ii criiiio after
conviction far a first ofremiso ho shah be
pimmuishied to the ftmll extent allotted by'
law for SUCh otl'emisc , and for time crmmno
commutiutteti after the second convietmon
shiirhl receive not loss titan fifteen years.
Thu first conviction umider the statue was
that \VihIiuui Sullivan , who had served
terms for ahioutiuug at a police officer and
for lnmrglary. lie was hold for burglary
this tune amid tIre jury awarded hiiiii twon.-
ty years.
Bat Wnt Off Jnst th amo an
Killod. Two Young Utris.
A Saul Aeeltlent. Near lCenrumcy.
Special Dispatch to ' 1'uuiBEi&
KlIAItNnY , Nob. , Noveumiber 28.-A sad
accident occurred last uvo.dmug twonty.
five miles northeast of Kearney , on the
Loimp City road. Walter Dodge , a not
very bright had , of 16 years , was loft at
home with his two sisters , Myrtle and
Mary , aged 9 and 13 , 'while his pareuits
I1tttili(1OCI a school meeting near by. In
fooling with a shotgun , Walter accidomitly
shot both his sisters iii the back of their
heads , instantly killing the younger , and
fatally injurifig the other.
GtaH. ; Workers'Vnges. .
Pirranuito , November 28.-It is stated
that Prosideimt Kline , of the glass work.
era' association , who has beuni in Now
York Borne time , has about closed an
utqreemnent with suveral easterui iniumufac-
turers , whereby the latter will withdraw
front the national association ,
amid increase the forces by the employ.
iiment of the Pitt.sburg workers now on a
strike against a reduction. Tue dispatch
reports the suspension of the Kittaniiing
rollimig mills. The uiieii wore 1nud off
yesterday arid will shut down for an indefinite -
definite perod ,
ili Ohio To'.ui Destroyed.
Sr. PAlna , 0. , November 28.-A fire
startedin the lusiness portion of tue towui
at 4 o'eiock and is supposed to be of
incendiary origin. .Aasistaiico wns asked
from Urbana and other towns there boimig
no oligiuies here. All the business houses
on Maui street are gone , except the bank.
Goods placed in the street have ) cen
Iurnod. The loss will probably reach
$ iro1ooo. Very little insurance.
Cauiadinut Cattle Trade.
OTTAWA , November 28.-Returns
. show time present. year far exceed , any
I year in the export of cattle , a d sheep
- from Canada. Total cattle shipped for
which space hiss been contracted in
; steamships to the 31st of December next ,
55,674 ; total sheep , 113,125. No ap.
penrance of disease since the restrictions.
All Quiet at. Mutrrnysvilio.
111'rstiuEn , PemiNor. 28.-Aflaira at
Murraysvillci , the scene of Monday'a riot ,
are quiet to-day. The forces ofthu Pennsylvania -
sylvania Fuel Co. are still iii possession
. of tIme disputed yahl. Time funeral of 0
. M. Uaymahier takes place this after-
LahieS IaOi ( ' Id ) It'lLul It.
Naw YORK.-Mr. Fraule ' '
- 'I'ousoy , pub-
lirhier of 'J'hmu iruut Chair , the great fauii-
ily story arid sketch paper , which is sold
by every newucclealer iii America , says :
It nflords Inc iilecsure t recoinuienci St.
.Jieoba Oil as a reliable cUre for lam ; we
iiavu Iiiail3' reliorts of its goo'fls efrect.
J J'euuslc , , , S'iumdlo
WATEItTC\vZf , N. 1. , Novounbor 28.-
The jubhication of tire peuisiour list of this
city shows that several lueuisioIicrs have
been ( lead a year or inure and one womnami
drew a iiensiuui in time ui'rniu of her deitd
. - _ _
'fliti supreme court of Georgia ; In the case
of Cuenlaglinmim iiaiiist the iiatlommnl bank of
itugiists , has doci.Ld that cotton future notes
are ahm.suhumtoly 'uld.
'rizuru have bocim nine Incomhliry firc in the
Fourth vard of J'tti'.iukue witlilui a nmoiutii
past. Nti trace can be got of the umien setting
them. 'fimu .jlilef of the fire dopartumment
thfnk it hi thu vock of mcmi dlseim:4rgol : from
the force , a.i the hioo iii.i been cut at umoarly
every the.
'I'im.i ilSbihlt.1O4 of Jacob S. Cohen & Co. ,
New York , fur deiters , aseigned , Is lliOOQ ;
assets , $ IOtIWYJ.
Fred , tV. Brooks of the firm of .Tanuuey
Brooks & Cu , . , and presidsot of the hosr.i a !
trade of 1.hiuiuieshii : , ( ii5i suddenly yoster.
day of typhoid jmneinmionla , aed I I years.
Souiat'ir Anthiiniy , at ithalo Island , utah a
severe attack of iiIuue Iii Now York , Tuesday
uuight. lie vuuul : a cuiuiforta'olo ' uiight.
Nathaniel Leo , au aged and respected
( summer ricer ? lhIstuVls. . , wa uwimulied out
of ! , tOO by the tliree.card imiouito gaulle.
'rime cifar operatives strike In Montreal is
eimdcuh after fi inoimtlis ii1iomieu ,
dII.lulilumrstII the hiomumn of ] loieruly .Totmn-
muon time ceieiratuii Jlmri4t , of ? mlimryiauutl , wits
wIthdrawn fromua auction sale ; $4OOO was
'rims fx'olgbt rate S'mlt rmuke City
coumLIzmtiua. 'l'lio Uuiiomm i'.mclfie has cut to 2
cunt iur 100 ( ruin tii Mlisouri river ,
j'retjulent TaylOr , of the . [ ornion church
does muot l.rmmvose tm rusigii at. presint ,
A lire at St. I'uii , ( Jimin , destroyed twenty.
seven hiiuscs , cauIumg cm 11,4.1 of 14O.QOO.
Agents of tii 1.'impio's railway , orgnumize.l
I I ii I mm' ' I lituma soimme ti moe ago , mum Ihmiating ti A
. umtmck Iii ( J.miifornia ,
'I'iiu odd ii Imituisu at Iontreal arml snow
I jim fmiiliuig.
4trgumerit iii time case 01050(1 ( at
m Btitmlo Jucl4.m r.'scrvtnl.
I Gao nina wwu killed mmcm. ! pun. . , cars anti two
, . oimglries wrecked 1y mm eohiislI.u of freight trains
vu the N. Y. 1' , & 0. umntr Cievciaiul.
0 , 1. . bans , whim , hums 1 > .muuu oui trltd thu 1)tst
two weeks for ths in'urulsr ' of .1. /irnnrr. .
, , larm In 183' ' ) , at'auicce , 1)shiits ) county
, lows , was fominul not guilty y.ntorduy , 'l'iiim
I thu third trial ,
Time Cluluiesu "Iuisl Co
Aunt so iumuist nmumumlgimu nuuul rlmouunntisun
) whorm fir. 'IhQT/I/i5' Jr1crgric : ( JU attacks thc'mn
I 'l'iuls rne.llcluie Is a 11111rv511m114 In'uct ' of loge
. atous thotmht , ituy it and try it.
- : : . _ -
VIISt ) an Holy , to R1icn
the Foo1c of DiaL Txa1ian
Blaiuo's ' Plan to Distribute the
Whisky Ta Proata Among
the Staos.
4t Talmulnr SIIYimlg of' time 1)Ivlsloum-
Timt tot l'npnlar Card fli' 11381.
PJI1I.AflEtt'iILA , Nomember 29.-Time
P1ii1udeiihiia Press to4norrow will coim.
taili a letter froni lion. Jim8. Cl. litaino to
01mm' . Emnor7 Smuith , editor of 1'ho Press ,
stating Blatmie's objectiuii to time distri.
bution of the surplus reyenuo of tim federal -
oral govormunouit among the states , and.
ropoumhig as a smmbstitutoIf national the
goverunient no lunger needs time tax on
spirits time entire nmiiount ityields be vaid
to the status. There are three fatal ob.
jectiomis , iii Blaitio's O1)ifltOil1 which uisaki. ,
l'oniumyl'auia's proposition to distribute
the federal surplus unwise. Tue first ia
the utter uncurtaimity of the size of tha
redundant revenue. it may ho a
million or one hundred millions ,
and umiless steady , no state tax
could be remitted on account of the ro.
ceipt of this aid , while sporadic federal
contributions to states would be wasted
as waS the last distribution of tIme federal
surplus ; second , tlmo division of this sur-
iilua would iIfl1)OSe on smiiiators amid rep.
resentativos a divided duty' , for thu sake
of their states they would wish time stir.
iltma to ho as large as possible , which
wonld Presoilt constant tounlutation to
withmhmold appropriatlomis from objects
really umatiouiat in character ; third ,
thio assuuiptiOii ot contimiulug
time redudancy of the natloriril revenue
is opi'oseti to all sound views of atumuiumi
tratmoum because it is sure . to lead to ox-
travagailco , corruption amid nil manner of
scliunics for getting rid of the money.
Thu tinmo is rapidly approacliiimg , how.
ever , when the national rveuiuo yielding
mnmdcr the vreaeuit syatcun of tnxation
$100,000,000 beyond 't u , amount required
quired for government cx .onsos must be
roduicod. A strong imiove aent is already
oil foot for the repeal of the entire
systenm of internal revotlu wiiicli rcciev-
03 tIme support of prolotiomiists like
Judge Kelly and free traders like Cox of
Now York. This comijuiu'tiun of oppos.
ing views in support of time abolition
of the same tax gives a ra epjiort.unity
to relieve taxation in st ths of all our
taxer. State 1aation is the most op.
prcssivo. It is direct. It falls on lure.
purty with crushing forsc' , . In a few
comniuitmities it. is lo than one
jIor cent and iii snbst it is
over 2 per cent. Why4 therefore ,
should iiot. the ststes bepermittcd to
have time tax on spirifs for their own
buimefit if the natiomial go' ornment does
not need it ? Can it be wi u to continue
direct taxation on propor'y and at the
same time command a it irtlul 1uxu
like spirits to go free-a tuxury whose'
taxation. oppresses nd n't' Tile custonis
revenues the miati'm vbrfl
mtnt 'mOnopolizes. Exbid"1S 'bpeii'i'n
tliery to both slate and national
urs in taxatioum , but in practice national
authority alone can levy excise tax on
whisky. No state'can guard its borders
against whisky from other states or make
economical collection of such tax within
its own revenue. Time federal inaclminery
for collectioii of this revenue is iii full
operation and a bill of ten lines could
direct the secretary of the treasury
to pay the whole of it , less
the small expense of collection , to the
states and territories iii proportion to
tiieir population and continue it porma.
nently an a Inrt of their regular annual
revenue. Such a plami would give flue
revenue from such tax wholly to the ,
states and would not depeumcl upofl chiaumco
aurllus or accidental remainder in the
national treasury. It would make
the tax on apiritmuous and uimlt
liquors a permanent resource to
all states , enabling thouui thereby
to definitely rciuljust amid reduce their
( Jifli taxation. Each state could most
wisely use its share according to its own
necessitic. The total returim of ta on
spirituous and nialt liquors last year was
over $86,000,000 , tim surmount of which
would tend to increase rather timutui di.
minish as each state saw that time sup-
jircasiomi of illicit distillers wan to
its disadvantage. With this revenue
state taxation could ho reniittucl , state
debts paid , or if aid wore divided among
time cities and couiities , their expenses
would ho pi'oportiouiateiy diiuiiiiiumhmed.
Iii time table annexed to the letter ,
Blauimo shows time share of large states on
time btsis of populatioum to be $8,8f13,000
for Now York : $7,493,900 for Pennayl-
vault ; 5,285OOO for Ohio , time smaller
states receiving in proportion.
WASIIINuToN , November28.-Thio post-
ofliec dupartumezut linus adyicos that all
mail matter going west over tue North-
urn i'aciume is now distributed before
reaching Portiauid ,
Secretary Foigor designated Portland ,
Oregon , and I'urt 'l'ownsuuid vorts to
which imported muierchaumdiso can be
oimijec1 , in bond transit through the
Unrted States amid fromim British posses.
ritE JLLI.t111 ( : urtMI'loNulIP.
I'.t itm , ovemnbor 28-Tim time billard-
match toumht'ignauz macb runs of
153 , lIt ) al I lii. At time close of time
nights plmiy Viguummux 770 , Schaefer P13.
Emicli iiayudillP huimings score for 3 miigiits ,
Vignaux , \ . ,
Scitor'us.i. It. rusedmcmmmu that. destroys
time gtirnis 4f'Sem'ofuium amid licia time Iuowr
to root. it ( Ut 15 nprecintedl by time ; f.
flicteci. 'i'im.'i rcniarkmiblu cures of uulJnW0. (
lumen utimul duihmlrmum mis elescrilied by tssti-
mnomuials , jrOvu J food's Saraapam'illa cc rohi.
111)10 miediriu , couitaiuuiuug rumumedial agents
wiuicim crslieatu Serofula fiwum the blood ,
100 (1OSO f31.OO. Jcld by all dealers. O
1. lIodt Cia. T4owumii ! ultuus.
. -
S loimully' 11i' % ' * t Ii a lIuulIulog.
DEE MINEII ) , Is. , November 28-
IimriuuI the iroductloui of time lihay of
uufrjehy 'L'i1) , " with \V. .1. Forgusoum as
the Dude , at Fostei"s opera Imouso , this
I ovolilig , ho was attacked by time bull
- dog .otI iii time iay amid severely litttiii.
Time og dm13 iier killing him. It was
4 , , . .5-S.--
- - - - - - - -
a harrow escape. After half an lmoimr
l"ergtiomm ag.min pltickily appeared , ummmd
time P1Y imroceeulm'd.
Ut'u1tt Immit ( \'agos
TiurusTor , Noveimiber 28-A reduction
of 10 per ccitt fr.simm time 10th of umext
muouth is aumumuiniced jim wages by time New
Jersey' steel 811(1 iron vnrkors.
Pita Ki11i' of ptIc Tail ilcinrils to
_ ,
Eiclteuiueimt Among times VhItcsc-A
l'ruu4IleCtlve Wmw NilpNt lit
limo Ittuul ,
Skier City .lotmrmmal , 23.
Fremmu a gentienmaum just iii from l'ino
Itidgo agency a reporter obtained somume
intorestimmg 1mrtiotmlars of time vmsit of
Crow Dog , time slayer of Spotted 'Pail , to
his old Imoimmo. it will ho remnummibored
thimit Suottcd Tail , time head chief of the
Sioux nathimi , was ahmot ( lead by Crow
Do about it year ago. Time cause of time
kilhmmmg is umot clear. 1l.omnammtio carves-
iommdemmts ommdeavored tA ) show tImid. it
canin from a titmarrel nboumt a wnmmmimmm-
that tIme great chief had tnkemm Crow
Dog's vife. Aumotimer accntmimt gives time
cause as an old Itmed dating back to time
timmio of tins Sioux vnz'a with time wlmites.
\Vimumtovor tint caruso , time fmmct roummaimms
that Spotted Tail wits shot very dead by
Crow Dog. Each had his friends , amid
for a titmio it looked as Uiuulm timers
would be war betweomi the two parties.
Thu upsimot of time imumitter was tiuitt Crow
Do wits tuikoti to Deadwood mmd lodod
ill jail. There ho was tried amid comivuct.
ccl of imitmrder , time semitemico sumspoumded ,
nod now there is a probability that after
a great mmiaumy weary imioomms , lie will be let
go . Dmmring time luast few immommthms , lmium
jmmmlor hiss allowed imimmi time freedom of the
towmi , for ho was aull'tiring frstmn aim old
arrow wound , that. is likely to brimmg deatim
Boon , amid his hen th was too poor to allow
close commfmmienmeut.
One evemming last Ootobor'Crow Dog did
not. rettmrmi to the jail as usual , 'J.'hero
was a hunt by thm Sheriffs oli'mcorB , amid
by the military from Fort Meade , bitt imo
could not be found. Cm'bw Dog Imad
started for his old imomo mit l'ino JUdge
agency. By good luck , after being out
from Deadwood timree days , lie struck a
) arty of Sioux liumitors from lila own
mtgoilcy. Ho roturimed in tlmeir comupany
to his fiupily. Oum arrivimug 1w made no
umfTort to conceal imiumiseif , timougim time rela
tives amid partisaums of Spotted Tail had
awormi to huh hint , oui sight. lIe iuad not
long to live , anyway , he said , for the old
arrow womtuid was killing him , and Imu
only wamited to die amimong 1miswn P001)l0
\S'hen about the agency his baud was
miover off his pistol , but othmorwise ho
maimifosted ho uneasiness.
Souse timno after his arrival a man
came from Deadwood who gave out that
hIs was a federal niaraltal , but who is be.
libvcd to have beau only a deputy horifT
teat to take back the prisoner. On his
arrivitimattera assunmed a serious aspect
al the agency. 'ho. old toud between
time JOiIQWLir5qf. jpqIl.a1ai1..and
'fHedibf CrdwTlcig was worIcd uri'o a
fever heat and time white's felt tlmat Crow
Dog's imresonce was a contiimual threat
to veaco. There was a great deal of
alarm among time ageimcy eniploycs , as
well as among time more peaceable of the
Sioux. It was known that several
friends of the dead chief were hmuntimmg
for Crow Dog , amid tlmat time burst ( lemIm. ,
strathmu rmgaimmst imim would be time signal
for a general fight Imetweun time two fac-
tions. Time friemuds of Spotted Tail
were in the minority , but timis was not
sufficient to keep timomn quiet.
Tue Ieaceailo outcome of the complication -
cation is largely to Limo courage and cool-
Imess of James Ci. Wright , agent at l'ine
Ridge. Crow Dog said ime would not go
back to Deadwood. lie was pm opared to
die wimore he was. Time agent sent Hot-
lOW Horn Bear , time captain of time lmidian
liolicu. amid a relimtivo of Crow Dog.
Crow Dog said to hmiumi briefly : "It is all
right 110w ; OU commie to mmmc without arms.
had you comae arnmcd , citimer you or 1
would ciio. " limit , through frieiuds of
O'row Dog , time agomit timiahly prevailed on
imiumi to go back cjuietly , and lie left for
Deadwood a little more timmimi a week ago ,
and has probably arrived there before
tiui tinmo. It is imot lol'evcd flint lie
vihl ho murtimer puumiumimed for time lcihhiumg
of Spotted 'Fail. lie has beeum tried for
timat by mneuumbers of his tribe amid no-
quitted , mind a seoormd conviction at Deadwood -
wood caum scarcely be secured how.
- - - - -
Tint Child's hospital ltazmimir.
Time ladies who iwo interested in time
Child's Hospital and Ilonm , on Dodge
street , are unmaking arrangonionts for time
grandest and finest bazaar over hold in
tiuis city. it in to open \Vcdumcsday ,
lee. 3 , amid remain open during the
whole of that week. The colioctioun of
fancy work and toys anti camifections mmd
various articles of use umuid beauty are beyond -
yond all description. They have been
souL hero for time purposes of the bazaar
froni Iew York and I'hiladoi1hmia aumd
Brooklyn and other eastern cities , mmd as
they are all donations timoy can be dis-
Pose,1 of at very reasonable prices. Ome
of the cardinal principles of this bazaar iii
"flint everybody shah get more than time
worth of timoir nmioney. "
I'crsouis who are seeking for Christmas
imresents of' tim nicest sort , mit thin lowe3t
price , ought to be sure to visit timmi
bazaar. I t is impossi1lo that. they simouid
uiot ; ho suited iii time large and varied as
muusortmeumt of beautiful mind useful ar'
- -S
OflialaltI , of I'cmmuuuuylvammla ,
I'Imliaddihls 'funrs.
'rue followimmg is time official veto of
I'onumsylvauuia , commmparcd with time vote of
last year :
Ibir. -
imcser.Ktew.trt , ml : isni tAtsey , It..321,08
I'imttIQoI . . . . . . . :145,791 : i owell , 1) . . . . . .
Arumitrommc ; , ( i . . . . . 55,451 , Mar , ) , , (1. . . . . . . 4.43
itottit , 1 . . . . . . .5,100 llow.mrd , I' . . . . . .
Time total veto cast iii limo state Wa :
872,800 for prusiclumit iii 1880 , amid time
vote cast far goverlior last. year was 7.13 , .
803. 'I'Ime vote this year was 239,633 iesm
. that time veto of three years ago amid ccv
thinly 275,00 ( ) ionstimimum , time legal vote ol
time state , 'l'hom'o was imianifeust umlugisit
mmoiis cmi both sides , and uvoim thu Ucimmo
cratic victory 1mm Ohio that shiOUII have
jimsimirod time deumiocrats amid arrcimsed tin
repubiccaims , cliii umot uumaku the partj
oters respomul to timocahl uf thick leaders.
'I'lme notable feature of tue returns this
year ms time dimmilnisimemi greenback vote' .
It rose to over 1)0,000 ) in 1878 for Chief-
.ltistmce Agmmew , ammd held up to 23,48.1
hut year fur govorimor , but now it is clewmm
toi,1th2 , wlmilo the iur.uiiihutiomm . vote is time
largest suuico 1875 , altimomigh it foots imp
only 0,637.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'1iANliSGI'lNfl ' DAY.
how It \hhl it' OIsorvt'ul hi limb , City its time clay desigmmumtcml by
time prositlemmt of timose United States as
OhiO iii wimicim alloitizoumsof this great coin-
mnommweaitlm simouki give thanks to a Di-
jumo Creator for time iiianifold blessings of
time year ivimlcii is hiast.
it will be observed by various people
iii various viys. Soimio will attend church
amid timers otter up their timanks for time
good timings wimicim imavo been bestowed
ihiOIt timomn. Otiters will not attend
cimurch , amid while timoy are , doultlesa ,
cqunliy as tlmammkful , they have a either.
emit way of expressing IL Many will
dnmmco , ammd niaml % ' will fill up o time imeek
with time ' olegauit budge"u4d oforo
to-night will be lodged in time
"jtmg , " whence Lucy will be called amid
cacim naked to subscribe tue suumi of $5 to
the scimool fmnid. lint for alt timoso who
desire to attend church services we will
musk-u the followimim ammnotmumconieuita :
tmmtumwit tw.mtvicamm.
Timnmmin'mving services will be hotel in
time fmllmuvmmmg churches to-clay :
Time tlmreo Congrrgatt.nmmi churches of thin
city will hem a uimlumm service mit the First
cimurchm , 11ev. Get , . 13. i'eltomm.htsvimig jn4 mur-
rived to take charge ( If thi,11tko , AIIlttImt
Comigr.'gatloumtmi cimumrcim ,'iro ' ivhit liti brief mut-
dresses mipjripris to time day by each of the
im5Mtrs. Eiue chair ivill ho a etutmllo qimartotte ,
time St. Mary's avonimo cimok Joluuing with thu
chir , of the First church. All will be very'
ivelcomimem. Sori'ico irommmimtiy at 11 o'clock.
" .Ttiilt , ) , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' 'holy l.ortl ' ) " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Olrerury " ' , , S.lrmmmmo Solo , " 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. arN'm
"l'imo LorI iii iEy Light"
' 'Bonimnm " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auu niany of time PoIll I ii Siimth , Oumiahia will
not ho ebb to attnd , time Thmmnlcsgitlng ser.
vices in the central part of the city ' there will
be It Thsimksgivlmmg ssrummuum liroumc'hed in time
Smith Omnahs M. ii. cimnrclm by tim lattr ,
11ev. . .1.V' , Stovnrt , at 74 : ( ) p. in. Thursday ,
Nov. 29. All amaurdhmlhy invited.
Union Thttumkg1vlmug srviees ic'lhl be luohil mit
Tminity Cathedral to day at ii o'clock.
Evorylody Is Invited to attend.
There will be Thiumksglviuig services at them
Baptist cimmuech tt.dny . at 1OiO o. m. auth
7:30 p. imi. Time 11ev , II. W. flruoumme the
ovitiugohist. will imrecchi lmth All mire
cemrcllmcily invited. 'rimo nmcethumg.u this ivook
imave beemmwell attended , imiammy iukhig prmm or ,
-Swedish Lutheran CimmmrciCasmm , stteet , cor.
Nlmueteomitli strsnt-'itaumksmeivimig siurvico at
10:30 : a. mu. ltufmrntathinm , fotivmil at 2:30 : p.
mi. Sovormil sumakors will cozmtincmo tilL about
5 ; . in. Supper Irma P te , 7 p. mu. AuimIslon
for aftormiomm aud evening PU emmt. Bowing
society auction vli1 clmuimiiCmCC % at 7:30 : p. bi.
At ; lloyd's opera house today mftcr-
nooliV. . J. Fergnsqmm , supported by an
excellent comnpamiy wilt appear as the
udki':4u :
performance 'wilt also oc given ' timme
At ; time Academy of Music , Castle's Gel.
obritios uviil hold time boards.
The opening colebrimtioii of time school
and gymnasium buitdimmg , erected by time
Gerumnum Associmutioum , vul1 fake plate this
Thursday evening. In alditini to time
coromnommica immcidunt to the openimmg , timere
will be gmveum a gptnd concert , iii which
the following artists mmd. societies will
take part : Mrs. A. lIosowatur , Mrs.
Pule Aid , Tur. [ I. Molchuum , Prof. Martium
Calm and thmo ' 'Concoi'dia , " ' 'l'ulammner.
elmer , " amid ' 'Chloe Climb' ' singing societies.
.Jell'ersoim's hllhlOsli.
PEomnA , I 11. , November 28.-Joseph
.Jolrcrsomi iii still at imicm roommm under time
IiiYaicimiii's care. It 'viIi ho immmpossiblo
br lion to apjicarngaumtimis week.
1 lmtlil , rig's I l mussimi Sal vi , lu miii I mmvaiumalilc
mirodssiumg for lmmtlzmmmmed maul unite joimit. . . . Price
Jt Flu' . , 1mm Icauivillu.
T4EAIVIIIE ) , Col. , Novemnbor28.-A fire
broke out mit 2 o'clock this morning do.
straying four business bimildimmgn. Loss
$27,000 iumsuraumce one luimlf.
I , Otl husmos Sore Tlmriat , a Comuglu , or Cold , try
Ii. 11. Iourltus & 8oum , C.iislcumn , ( iimuglm Irop , , they
mmcl l)1osslmt 0 , tie taste , leItcetly imarummica. . and
¶ 5 Il fluruly cure you.
WmrimotI a Will.
Liutrolt Free I'rcsS.
A colored imian about sixty years of ago ,
biiumd iii one uiyo and walking with a cmmmie ,
iiolblOul , r'tnirs into timuojhice of a Clef ! .
weld afro 41u' wyer ycsterdaymumd nummominu.
eel chimi' ' u ecired to makes his rill.
"Got nmucim property to bcavol" asked
time lawyer.
" \Voll , sab , Tao porsossed of a dog , a
cook-stove , a ivlmeehIarroW , an' two fLit.
irons dat iimy fust wife left ate"
"And who are you going to leave them
"My darter , obey on Indiana street.
lao mmmar'ied. mcgill , you know , miii' I svants
to put dat property what' my presemmt
wife can't git it. She doami' git zmtmflin'
belongimi' to mime if 1 can help it. "
"it will cost. you ' 5 ti ) imave a will
drawmm. "
' 'Shoe ! Camm't , cost dat. "
' 'Yes , it will. "
' 'Dcii I rockoum I'll ' admumimmistrato oum umy
stuff aforu I die , 'uVotmid dat s'or1 : "
"Certaimmiy. "
: ' 'Dcii I'll run do dog off , bud ule
wlmeelbari'ow , imocket die liatirons , an' '
stami' by to rush do cook atovo outer' de
house du fmmat timno do ole wommmamm goes ft
do grocery. Kiut I git a ivarramit hmeait'i"
"Whmuit fori"
' 'Fur assault mmii' battery. When ch
ole woman tuumd what lao done sime'll ' svall
all obey mmmc , aim' I zumighit as wail save timtiu
by uittimm' ' out (10 warrumit imow , "
lie was ( lirectod to tim proper p1acu
amid lie wont away sayimig flint it woult
hiorhmnPs be still batter to have her arrest
I od aime1 bChlt111) for mmhmety daymi in ad
I 'uihiCO.
- - - -
Time tou'um commipans' of Omdlwuhi offu'rod cm ho
I worth 8200 to time first babuboruulmi that 1mhmic
' moot on tlmu 21st mmltimumu , a slum s'as horn to tim
r wife of I'rnnk iiuummthmmgttmmi , mummel thu lot wit
' Imimmimedlmutoly imtmlectul. , 'I'imo yommuigstor wa
. hlittuliut Alexummmder Ceidwelk 1mm artIer tostimuu
uhmitu iimsimmuss a little time comnpammy hits geum
I orotiuly offered to , lta it imit to each child bun
, In ( almlw.h1 , betwetmum tIme 111th ulay Of 3Iay ammi
time lftim day of , Iuno , lSihl ,
- -
- - -
I , Pan1' ' istle to the Iowa Fool
Proic Pi'o1ill of Pco
all Prcen1acs ,
The Sentence Suspended Till
3anuary First and Purhor
Meetings Fixed ,
The Now York Commissioners
Vigorously Assail the Trunk
Line Rates ,
A Ibmul " % 'm'eelc Ncnt ' , ' , 'oreeqtor-- .
Purged. IvLthlefttIomms fot' l'asseu.
fruit IOWA I'OOLFOit i'EACE.
Cutmc.too , Novnmmilmr 28.-Iteorosetita-
tires of time Olmicagus , i3tmrlingtoi S Qumin- '
cy , Clmmcmmgo & Nonlimwestorim Cimiengo
hock islmumd iC l'aeil'mcVnbaalm , ltiuusoumri
i'aeitk mmd Chicago , ? ulmlwatmkoe & St.
l'mmtmt conipammies , coutmOmuimmg time lu :
railroad pool , held a 5ess'momm lmoro to-day a
tei coimsidor time difreroumcvs s'imich have
threatened to disrupt time pool. Repro-
soimtatives of time 1'.Lijmvmumkeu St. Paul
road explaimieci time causes which
had iimduccd their limme to
hive notice of its intommticml to witimuiraw
frommi time commmlm'mmmatmuiim mmmiii declared thin
le'atiing otto \i'flut refusal of other roads to
adummit it t time passemuguir leuul. . lie S
clmi'mmmnmd it to have booms time ummdorataimd.
itmg of time St. Patti mnammagemmmcnt. whiomi it
1aut two mssuuigor tumuimis ouch way , daily , ' ,
between Cimicmgo : and Ouumaha ml. wotmld ho ,
mulmitted to time iool emi eqimnil terms with
other hues. Itepresemihct'tvcs of time S
Burlimmgtomi amid Nortimwustersm stated in
the sessiulmi they i'ero wilhiimg to admit
time St. l'mcul to time plissumuger but.
time hock lelauuel deelircnl ; its immiuntiomi to
( ) tI)0S0 ) ) thu entry of time St. Picul
imiti ) time passemmgcr vooi until certnium.
difreroumeerm heutweomi it and the St. Paul
liumu over passulugor trallici ii' time mioi'Ut-
vest was settled. Time St. Paul commmpammy
1mm also ciainmtid time right to a larger per-
eenthgo of Union Pacific ) nusimmcims origin-
atimig mit Oummaita. Thu ciaimmms of time St.
l'cmumt CoimipuLimy were commsidere'd at length
timid time tois Of tlmu debate was mutmeit mLS.
to lmnlicate mc wiiiimmgmmcss to arimitratti time
munittorru itt dispute. 'L'ime St. Paul corn-
I asmy extemmded thu ditto ( If ibm imotico of
sntommtioui to withmtlntw from the 1i001 to
Jmtmmuary 1st , ammd the suasiumi adjourned.
to Deceumbor 13.
uOI4iUMNINt 'rita i'OOL.
AL1IARY , N. Y. , Nozumnber 29.-A do-
CiSiOli t'&tS ammmmounceul by time board.
of railroad commmmmiissionimrs , ium tue mmmattur
of time coumpiaimmt of tlieclitimnber of corn-
unerco , amid others , against the trumik
lines , allegiimg discrimiminrition against dry
goods SluLpCdI trust. Time ducisiomm , written -
ton by Comnmnissioiser O'Doniiell , sustained -
ed time coniplaimit sgainsttlmo trunk hinea
and condemamma the vimlo system of poell.
itig. It recomninoimels re.clarmsilication
frommi' ' first class to third ciass , of blg ,
i.'rowuJsheuting , . 'dcninis-.tiukiiigs-oiI- . - "
cloths ummder ton foot in original bales ; '
also to imnuige to ciumsa twc 'domnnstic
primits , bleached goods. Cnntsii fiammnei ,
hemmil ) carputiitg , crashes , camivas and
romu-mlsu PASSES. '
Nrnv Yommmc , Novemnber 28.-General
Passenger Agent Abbott , of time Now
York , Lake ErieVcstern railroad
commipony received from time Atchmi-
son , 'ropoitmi S.umtmi .I"u railroad corn-
tinily a copy of me forged letter murportiumg
to be frion the general Emuloriuitcumdeuit of
the Erie hue , askimig a pass for Capt.
.Johmit Itlaratomi. Whoever remit otmt time
letter wemmt to time trouble to get letter
heads Irimitocl amid a statmip cut so as to :
give time niplicatiout a genuine appear-
ammce. All mire warimcd agmiiimat honoring
ammehi n1,1ihieittiuiuis. ,
A luAu ) \VltIoIC.
\\'QflehLIsT1mt \ : , Mass. , Nnvenmbcr 28. -
'fimu rear car of the lIostomm , ] iarro &
Gardiumeir trimin ivemit dowim 'tim embark-
mumeimt jmmatafterlcaviutg North Worchmestor
stuctieim this aftermmoomu. Butweemm 20 and
: io passemmgermm wci'e in this car mmd all
111010 or loss iumjtmred , minnie seriously.
'I'lmo imiost . soriousiy hurt Mr. iiV. .
Browimimmg , wrist brokeim , head cut. Mrr.
A rtlmtmr 1"mmm'i'ur , Chicago , heuip wotmnd ;
Child of P. Cl. DAvis , brmmised ; Ilirmimmi
( Joillims , lt1lnrhimroughm , l II. , forehead
hniiy cut ' , luirs. Cullinms , seriously' bruised ;
Belle Lniummer , badly simakemi and bruised ,
Others were stilt immore seriously injured.
Another dispatch from time scene of time I
accident states time car iniled over tv1ce ,
going down the batik. Abotmt 50 porsomma
trace iii time car , mimost of wimont wore more
or less braised. 'J'imose immoat seriouniy
iuijut'ecl wore hu'f' ' at North \Vorcostor
m.tlitlmlii. A car of stmreoums have S
goime to North Worcester , The wounded
will be brought to this city as soon as
At thu suoson At the ycir everybody has a colt
sod sums . , tiry loll ( lImes. Ii ) ' lrotmmmoumt sxulIuros the
nieuulaime's.f time aov. Loonnu , very seiettIvi' , amid
catmirrim nuid IumiiIknzts are uumIiumI'a Itellef umay be
ubtLmIumed by time uliul uf ihimod's * iursalmarlIla.
For , umaim ( years In bUo'u.Siouu boglumning so tar
hack I ibm , t roummeuuulsr uvimen , I Imti time Cat4rrIm in
my head. it eormlstc.i of a enumttmmual how , troui amy
111)50. 5
Ringiiig and Riii'stiit'j , foiscs
In amy heal. Homumitimmisi time heirlnv tim my Isit ear
waadfecte.I. I'Ivo yours SF0 about this soasoum at
thu y mar I Inca , , to use UooJu harsI.ariIha I was
Imoltual rliht ae sy , tint. I contluoii to use It until I
fUll lilY r.q'a.1I ctiraJ-Mrs. 1ihn IS , ( 'aulfield ,
I1owuil , Mtws.
.Jtriiu } inuwhieli nierchiut and cxtcuiivo umlilorat
'inu'rs. ( lumtsrt. , totmoty , Ii. Y. , wItes 'I have mmso.t
4' , tauaimuULi tar mn' Cgtarrii , e'id lihas lmeiisa
I NV. I n mckie 11,1(1.1's , 'ttbai'AmIIi , I lImQ of tlmtts'i
eelimv.ti , t"r blond it.eau to hum oht.lmird ,
100 Docs One Do/Ia / ,
"m have IhlL'm , tretulileti with that diIessIuu corn-
liletut , c41.urrim , amId love teum usIzi Uolih's ijarat-
pamilie , studliuid ii ujimum "I the boa rctscdies I have
uster t&keii. 8y truII has Ilotud tuu , ) cars. amid
never ouuid gu t.pImy uulkt uuuitil I coo muemme,4 to use
Hoou.l'i - . . . , . " - tnmid , dhI.o , Jil .
Dange5 fron Catarrh
Depends upon the ammmrunt munul ottent of the Scrotmm.
- bus Jumtectiwi. Ilmmuiut.lumumbly , nem'.y deaths truumi
oommsmmmziiutloui osum ro trav.1 to , iIuetetL nitarrim.
'Iiutru Ii a iioief.t , Utrusu , Iroitrtmtoul slid eotmchiu
t spells , time vy s suep , ilie mmosu dlsdmare oe'i1oOa1y ,
immd time imuacl Ncms 10 spIlt ,
; Jim such case. 1ioods mn.apart1ia . corrects t'mo vm ,
tardt luy its threat mmctlcuui Jut , llschLrluc ) limo raison
4 . fromim tims bhi.41 tliruuamm umature gre4 out1tt , w
.5 ileA ImealUmy , coumud L1vu1 reacLes U s ruemabranes
1' ; n.t 1 sluitarnnu , ' S
I ; , IThou $ w'scpctrilla
, to1 ! by .lnwvtts . , t ; ai iou ts , I'toparcd hy .
I , ROOD &CU. , .tiIOtl.C5iIvsIOWSI itia , . " ' - ' . '
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