Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    i' THE DAILY 131iL11'l)1'LSbd Y . TU JE\1.3L . + It 38 , 1883 , 7
t Co.
\ COUiiCIL EIRHFPS . - - - , - . r . IOWA.
, , \
1VIIOLESAIE D 7ALEllS IN ALL 1i1N1)ti ( )1 )
Tills IS A ( 'UT OF Tllli
i I Single Cutter1
1Vhich has been through a good ninny f11't IJ' < tiVw.rt'-i.r + -rY ' -
1\\ : \ \ J
n5'ofS , and has nltvays given entire . ' . 4 ' )
saisfaetion ( , It is one of tits first ' ' r
stall : cutters ever put on the lunrket ,
lnul to-dray there is none superior , .1 lie ,
oubI Fo Stalk Cutter . ' \ . \ " . I ; r , 1\/i \ _ ,
J - -
= - 1
ig ns Well lnotcn as this . We would - ' . _
, , . i t11r,1
recut dealers to place their orde1' '
, , .
with US earl' ttS tilC lCtlRli(1 for HtaBi cal-rte = 1 pa-ar ' - y. - .
( 'utters will be inrger thuu over before , - - -
OwS9 Reapers , Cultivators , Mowers ,
Hay a esQ arrows , a e er ,
Sta e z 9 New Tongueless u iva o °
TIIiS IS . ) ( 'UT OF T1IE
, . . .
_ I .1 naVL' SUCK 11111Vers01 satisfactio n
' 41 t lost season. 1'Ve oliiir you this Cultivate L
IJ , ngaiu and are still cmifdent that it is neare p
u nyi ' ; ' ' ' - \ , 'a 1Ya' : { ) i."scr' . perfection thou any' 5llllllal' Cl1lt1VlltUr 0 f
' 1'hc record which it ha s
Made is the past beats us Out lh the abov e
, 5 1 j4 "rz51'i belief ,
1YE IL11 r'r ALSO 1U LiNf01' '
T Corn Sliellers , Forks , llarroL &c , t
9 ,
-M414 SOLD B1'- .
Van Brunt ,
To our former patrons in 1 to ,
those v1to may in the future , lye our ' 't
patreasve tvlll soy that w , are again { ,
'emitted t0 oflidr J 'o4) the \
3' . C , Tr IOMPSON' Ir\VAL- . J
1 Hay Rake 4 ? . '
for the coming year. The success of
this hake iH HO lull known f'lint' ' cont-
ar ° tS vfllOllt lH 1u111ecessnry , It lla4 lylgllel' 16'e J tU d .a .
f wheels than any other told for raking , ,1 ; - . ; : , , '
stalks as well Its ha it cannot be ; " " ' 'r ' _
heat , "f - a xr- -
mY7r:4 } '
i rF f = \ S' :
WE"f "
Carriages , Buggies , Spring tj
To be found in the Went , at corresponding non prices. Von should investigate thiH before buying elsewhere
1 Did you ever sec Dlle of I11e e Ina "
i' ciliues work ? its the fuuuiewt thin' " r
. ,5 ; y \ . r you ever saw. It , h the .I
,5a - ,
d , r
Hay Tedder
. Tedderso
-r rF vi
I/ so
- :
l M- ! - _ _ 5
" ' y Z
> - J ! ,
' A : jnvd tvilldonlure tt0ICtmJ1IJ1 Ihly that
- twenty men clue do in the same time ,
1 r Wejdeslre your trade , aad in return we will furniH1i you with good goods. '
. g
Non. 10,12 and 14 Fourth Street , C until BIul1H , Iowa.
.e r
L-r- - .
'Clw Shoolrr nl'\rH , Snrdotrekl l4) be
rrletl for lllxnnity.
Jetutie llillnatt , the woiniit nrrosied
fo r shuoliug at > Ira. Snrdutvskinnd claitn
iug to be the litstu ifu of 1inltSnnlowski ,
is slip in jail , nod though emnmrhnt
mm o quiet than ilto stns Sunday , serous
st ill to bo emzy , aul rho insane eomns.
stun has bumteuumroued t3 consider her
ca se ta dny. It is Loftily possible that
shw e could ntnintain her preont serious
w ithout doctections , if she was muruly
acthtsl n part , and the gmtoral itupressun
of all Who have stmt her is that she is i4)
sate. The shrewd stay in which she
plmuted rho nmr + lm'cnla attack ml the
other woman is the most inconsistent net
in the theory of iusnuity , hot her actions
51 1100 hnvu carhthtly been those of n mind
dieonsell. The letters which she has i4)
h er poasaasimr iutlicatu that oho had r3a
son to believe that ill roan loved bar ,
and ore lit-iota facto uvidoucu of the truth
of so 1110011 of her story as relates to their
jreet'iuns rululiuns ,
SOM1 T11INO OI' ' S1I4yNANlQA11 ,
The Oollcyo anti Inv 1''ity-
hit's , lrtillclnl Atke-Other
Nutt'r ' y Ot iiInga.
SItEXAN UUl , Novcurbor 37.-Our
.ti'unnal College has lust Prof , J , \ ,
Lyons , } 1'110 was untch liked by the star
dmtis. It is reportal that C , M. Vin-
scut , n non of'iiiceiit of Tabor Non
co nformist , rho has just graduated a t
Ames , has boon oflbre(1 the Professor.
chip. Ile will fill the pinto satisfactorily
without doubt.
A 110W boarding lrnll , throe atones
high , covering it whole tut , is about. lin
fished by J. Ili 1V , liomratt , . one of
our lumber 111011 , nod will ho filled as
some ns it cnn b4) opened , for the nuunLer
of students entering the ivinlor term is
la rger than ever.
11ev , It. 1) . Cotter has resigued the
pa9turnte 4)t the Christina Church in this
phtco to accept that of the sane church t
i4) Red Oltk. lie was a very pleasant
gmttloman and genial and aceptnbh u
preacher of the goflpol. his PeoPle here
will arias hint. One of his lest publi c
acts was to antra in tnatriun0nir,1 bmuls
th e daughter of our popular hotel keeper ,
M iss > : nuua Park , to Mr. 1S \ , Mall ,
o ne of our leading merchants. The
happy event was strictly private.
In addition to our large roller skating
rick now nearly ready , the Irmo an oldho
fa shioned ice skating rink , or will have
w henever Jack Trost favors 4)e with 1
tooth below zero. T. S. Burkhnrd , our
ic e moo , has for two years been laboring
at an artificial lake , which ho has no s v
cmupleted. It is 130 by 340 feet not 1
four feet dcap , bricked up and cemented
bottom anti sides. Ono cut of ice wit l
till his ] nrga ice house , thorn we will have
a skating rink second to none in tb °
United States , Thu water is auppliotl by
a wind-mill plop and n stmun fore
pump from a w ell aunt by , which seem s
to have Lipped a subterranean lake '
blr. Burkhard sot's that no hot
tool to rho well can be found '
T hu whole mJdortnkino , lake , ice house
mill nod michiner ; ' , has cost him abort
$ 10,000.
The local papers are beginning to
mutt from afar the public county print
lu g , and to covet the lofty title , "o0icin l
Anger , " consequantly there is visible n
te ndency to throw their hind heels a t
other and paw the ground ne dotlt n nws
L1ug smelling the conning opts. But they '
cannot all get thus It is , moreover ,
emnetinnea the casein this winked world ,
that , the toast deserving bursa dots th e
m est cats.
We have adopted time standard time ,
std Council Bluffs has dune likewise , fo r
svheu any of our young titan uoty , stn Y
o ver in the Blaffa they cannot. lay the
blame to the varieties of Limo causing
tLmn to miss the train , J.n .
- - + - - -
I'L' ItSONt1it.
'I' , J , Garrison , of DCIIiH1111 , way in the city '
yoxtorday ,
.bulge Aylo. + wartl has ; ; ouu olT nu n brief
TLatkagivlug trip.
w , T. Irttan ; , of Duytmt , Uldo , mcnchcdtia °
Ogdmt peNtord ; ,
11 Ifulbrook , of lnsxuutl faller , was Ii
the city ycxtonlay ,
1Villli L , Stern , of Logue , wax hr the city -
ye sterday.
George A,1 tnux , of Chicago , registered n t
th e Ogdmt yostcrday , 10
.I , T. ] fart ix repnrtod as being worse aul 1
his friends urn yuiW ttnahnm about hhn , an
Etiivin A , Stacy , of Newark , \ , .1. is t I y'
1'acllie house gaunt. iii
J , 1v. Itelene , of Slteuatlloaly way in tit °
city yesterday.
] l. Shawra , 4)310 of the bust khnvn , n1)en ; ) .
114 011'S uttonwya , wow ! n tl0 city yextonlu V
0.114 fuvnred'1'ug 1rE { with n friendly call.
mfr ill , ii. McClusclu ) , Alrs , 1 ; . ] I , Dye r str
and daughter std h , ] „ bllller , all al Glen '
w aul , t'laitud Council 1)htiTx ) yextcnluy. sta
1 , T , Spangler , of 1Valu0t , was ti + iblon t
th e I'ncilie yesterday. 4)f
11 , 11. ] ttrkinbine , the q ° cuud ungineer r , J b4)
thoglYntel tvurkr wnquuq , lut9 started burl c
to l'blludelpldu , after loving spent two weeks
or so luukhlg over thin urogroNx of the wprk I
being x31 well unrrlerl cml by his sou.
Tho' . McUruwthn private secretary of 1V
, Ilunuuck , 4)t the Amoricutt turd 11'eIIN
Fargo k G'dx uxproNS , loft yorterdny far Ilo
lrvit , , blr eldlmmn , axlwutlog to coiiililms rest t pl
and recroutlon , far two weeks or x4) , ono
- - - - + - - -
A Cnso Not Beyond Help ,
Dr , Al. ii , ] ltnsdalo , lionnwuo , Ill , advise
utofurmltnrkablucure af anuurrgdiuu , lit ,
ys : "A Itulhlsntr's ; wife tvsx attacked with '
olent lvug dscluln ( , and pronunucal Iwynnd Thu
help ( ruin Quick ( onsuugld'n , Ax n last r4) two
rt the faintly was porsuudml to trY ! ) IL1Y11 , goal
IL11Ua 13ALSAJI 1'tlt ' 1'lll ' hUNGK ,
T4) the artrmbLtnont of all , by the thou she
lmd axed ono halt duznn LottlcX xlto was about
the house Jule ; , her owe work. I saw her tl
hm' worxt and Ind nn Idea xhu anld recover , "
RIhIt for Ion.
'I'Ite stocking of time luwa steeauts with the
improved varieties of lleh , is quietly pear "
rossing. 'l'imo ' ' following Item from Time
avenport. 1)umocrat shows how the con
work is done ;
'Witht these two buckets camp othunl
j , .
- - - - -
consigned to potties in 11'iltml , Iowa
City , llontostcnd Oriunoll , Newton , lies
Mo ines , lndinuo alinrne , Itulto , Cmu
motto , Roland , Kirkrillu and Council
Il1uITs , an the Ionia Ifao of Chicago ,
Rack Islam and l'ncitic , Van Il0rl1 ,
Rntlingtmt Oskaloosa , 1 } ! , Pleasant ,
Tnirtiold , kuosaqua , Allot-ton , Shodnu
de alt , l uillin , Liborlyvilla , Ainsworth ,
lit , /imp , lirlghtoul OHuuuvn , Urnko
tills , lfnoxvillot Keokuk mum Kansas
City , o4) the lavoupart ) and Kansas City
line nod its tributaries ; also several
bu ckets for Chicnla , and n couple of
buckets for Vail llornu , 113utott county ,
std for 1Vy0ming , Junes county ,
1011'A ITt11S ,
A 13nptist church is bcing nrganiaed of
Prairie fires hnru Lecu playing bayou
in iickiusoa county ,
General Dodge was baptized during his
illucss by Father Lowry.
( tenet-al Weaver has received n beau.
tihtl pony front lot admiring Knusas
fCl3llll , '
'ha ' tiuol says it is nspccted the
% 1 , L 0103 church at Lolhtra will cost
, n , 4)t iU,000 , ,
' l'imo Pioneer has Iigurea showing the
preamtt pnpulntion 4)E Ida cuauty to b4)
7Jht-a ! gtti t of 8,000 ill three t'oots'
Sibley in October shipped 08 carloads
nud.rctciecd : llii , Thin sale 0t tickets
nuumutupht$56,7in { ; telegraph receipts ,
$1(000,86 ,
Thu Dubuque parotid says that the
lies ; liuines Lender , tinting pur3lmscd
for $16,000 the Assuciatrd Truss Jrnn
uLisu at Thu ] tcgiatcr , will , pn UOCeur-
hur 1 , appear as n uwrniug Anger ,
:1 loan giving iIta none of Kilpnlticlc
lt0ckbus , and clnuning i4) lira i4) Unmha ,
tens rescued from a Raclc Ishuul freight
train at llcs lfoiuea the stile day with
his foot badly crushed. Hu was irJ'iug l4)
steal a ride to Chicago and caught it b4)
tsrcuu ( Ito buugtars , flu also claimed to
ho the champion long diahutc3 rumor of
Co lorado , mum i4) proof of ft shuw cd tm
ele gant silver belt ; narked , "ducky
1uuutnin } Skipper , chantpiuu lung dis
kutcu runner of Chicago. " '
- - - - - - - -
horse little
The great bulk of the horse hair used
i4) the United Status is imparted froth
the Argentine 1opuhlio nn i Uruguay.
q'Lu hair soils rat Ihtmtos .lyres and
lIeotaeidao at from 26 to ; { ' : antra per
1)0 ) 1111(1 , and is packed i4) bales n uighiug
1,000 pounds , mum costing from $ . 611 to
$ ; 100 each. 'Phu total amount. imported
i4) 188 ° , was 1,05 ° ,000 pauude , of which
; 3017,000 pounds canto trout Southluter
icon 1llOUD ! { , pounds front bl3xico , and
46 0,000 pomtda front Russia. In the
pr evious year time importation rase 3G , tt , ,
, Ili- pounds , and in 1550 nearly 1,000 ;
1100 ; but in 1871 ! it was not quite 3,000 ,
000 puuuds , : lssumiug nu average price
of8 ants per pound the mnount iut
parted loot year would roach n total value
of about $1,160,000 , 't'he bulk of this
ho rse hair is utnuufacturod by four or
live cmtcurrrs , ouu of which is i4) Boston ,
On e in Non- York , one iii l'huladclpimit ; ,
and ono i4) Baltimore. ;
lisraae ) , prnpendty and 15wNiun , bringx
D1nnL ind numbcrlcsx nihucuGX , f4)ruuuwt
nmmlg thorn are \m vonxuos + , Nervous Duhll
Pity , nod uuuntnral ssenkncYs u ( Goucrntiyo
Or gans ; Allen's ] lento Fetal xncceNxfully over.
cauulx these truuLloX nod rextcrer the xulierb ,
to his fanner ylvor. l-It drucviXlX.
'l'tvenly-futtr Ilour Clpulcx.
'There is somotlri g aria , " said a
dutvn tow n cluck nnantfacturer yestm
dray , as ho painted to n queer-looking
cl oak hanging float his door. "There is
a t wenty-four hourclock , and I think the
first one n the city. It ma'ks the Laura
frrun one up to twentyfour. It has just
boon linishul , lord is the kuul which is
50 011 to b4) ° duptadby several railroads. "
The nwst cottspicuous inuovatwns
ore i4) the marking of the dial and the
movements of the tnceels which drive
ha nds. The urinate hand , instead of
mnkiug twelve revolutions to orrery terror
lutiou of lira hmtr hand , makes twenty l4)
four r3t olutione , while the hour baud n
posses nraund puce , ' 1'ho letim'iug en 1
rho dial is an Arabic instead of ltummn
nu merals , and the spouse bottveen the
figures are only halt as great as on the to
dial of tLu rardinnrY twolra honr clock.
Th e minute hand mnrka half minutes nod
whole minntos ,
'This ' clock will (10 away with tbtl'A.
111 , uud I. III „ Which smuelunas proru
vary confusing t3 railroad men , "
'You would he surprised to see how
1)0 ) 01)10 take to that cluck. 1 lutt o bad
any nuulbur of olfars for it , Lot 1 do nut
situ Ul sell it , na it is the only ouu J
ha ve , but I will bo nblu to aupply n
enroll met of the domnnd withal a d,1
or two. ItY phut time every inaitufac.
toter will b3 tlll'lllllg out those eluckfl ,
They are samothin , now , and that is all
Now 1'0rk people want , lYithout a
doubt these clacks will anon take iho
pines at the old fa9hioued f imu piucas , '
-iN. Y. Sun.
Jr , Jnhu Klnsrnnu , of Augusta , nu. , a rltct , k.y
, 18.53 , ax InllawN ; " 1 Iwul Luca nllllctrd for enters
yea rs withasevere kllunytroubluandharulgnutlnd }
artlduluanu of our paXre ; ; al the x underhd sores
IIunLY Iteuledyhnd per/ennui / lnmauy'rnxuxalbop '
' , LlAddcr xud 6kluuytnniLlue , mum Ilnding a Cottle
a hex of straw packlug , l amcluded I would fry It ,
nn'I aunutcnced to IM16u It , whru , to xnqrlxr , l luund
that the first bottle huuuntal raw so much that 1 du.
ddud that I would continue ht use , auJ I rcpt nn
tnklug It until t hum ntusl in all six baltlle , and my
appolltuldlnalallpaluxl4)lhu Lmkandeldudleap
pnnred , and /4)r / one of may ycarr out 4) ° w b ) ycara
OIdJ I sill a1dU W attenl to Illy Itlehr6eN , , and non
ung 4)d tlgurour , ax uuulyof may frlciok situ
nulghbun 4)u Gntlfy : that know mu will , 1 beg to
te alro , hat wauyul our uulghburx Lora used
IhmtY Ilan dy uJthaqually ax good ruxultN , nod ouu
my f rlcudr w ho bar just purchased aLottlu of Ovp
, 1lnxman ( k Alison 1'urlLwdwq / a ! l4) 4undd oat
wllhuut ! t 4)t any prltu '
M r. Alfred NrtJtau , No. 01 Lluruhl htrect LunbWn ,
StuwrltcaurDlaya , 1893 : "Ihmu Lreu wvvrrly
ullllctulforaluug time with Indlgestlou and 1 let
wugdalut , and at ( bntX all Ihnt 1 ate so .11,1 gtsc.I
muthnt 1 raubl oat Ix'ur Ihu sl4ht of lend , 1 hat
tried a goal many dlncnnd runullrr for my emu.
Int , old tart' all /nllnl / , until ouu dray .Mr , Mmtol ,
rat our druggLt + D1 LowINWn , rtcuunucuded
IhulfA Itcuurly , ms Iw tuuwof rnrnxuywlro had urrd
h ere wlthgruutancrn + etot- dory , 1h'rr ' , nod urv
Mary troubktl , as well ar nlllgnsllan , and Upon lilt
andconununwl takln ; , wth ( very little fallh lit 11 , ( ba
first Lultlu hdlXSl tru se umch that 1 purthaul
more , old It burdcuo wn a wsulcrful mnouut of
, ° 4)d trued raw of ludlgustlon , l can cat all vu
khldr 4)1 foal noon and nn truly ncuuuurud llunrr
ltomalyaeasure curulurludleurnunlhrr situ til.
Jlxcasux , "
llr , Coo , It. Jlatur , of No. 3 : ( ettago Shoot , lulu-
WuSluan IIM1LIu and prumincntolllran , Iwxtrfe ;
following Information , Stay 14 , 16S3-
1155 log leaned of the rnluable qualltlca 311 hunt's
Itanudylrt m Attuoil / uutnner , I Leg l4) rtaW that 1
sider of gross uurtt , old can mo..t
chcerfullytuoroulcud It to way one trouUlal elth w'hy'
tldnvy urlh'ur Jlltaea" p +
. .
-L > - ; -
-19 AT- 1
They always have the largest and host stock.
" " Thn 4)/e of the term "Shot
S H 0 R"I" Ltuu" l i connection with th1
rourryean corporate none htaroh of a ustwtut gresttoat
roqulral h } iho lrarrling ntL
I N E tic-n Short Lhle , ttulck TIm1
and the hc + t al nccommoJi
t ( bits-all of tshkh ate tarn
I + hal Uy llro greatest rallwny ht Amcrlra.
St . Paul.
1t owue and oprrdeA m cr 4.5 00 uillm of toad r
Sorthtrn IIILtn1A , wlNCOUSh1 , MuthosuGt , tows sad
IMtota ; and a + I is mnht Imes , brnndu'N and
tlnns rcnQt all the great huhwrN ceulrcs of lh +
Nnrnntcdnnd Fntlenst , a unturnllynu + werN tDt
dCAClipnnn of Shutt Lhla , null stet Irellte Le'tll e'U
fldcnco , $ llla-autro , HG 1'nu1 and Sllnncnpolln.
Chlrngu , 311hrnnkcn , iD ereNPe slid wI1lUlla.
L'hlcngnSllhtnu6ecAbenlernnttd , Illeudnln +
l'Idragn , Sllhrnukuo , hnu Clnlro nod Hllllwhtot'
Chlcngu , Slllwnnitr , tt'nuavt and Slrnlll.
Cldrmgu , Slllwalkuu , homer ham and Oshkosh ,
Chlcngn , Sllhcnukee , senukrsha and lknuonunsoa
Cldtx gn , Sllhtnntm , DIndlAOn and 1'rnlrlodtt Ch1cn
Chlcxgo , MIIw mdu'c , Uwntuuun old ynldbnulr ,
Chlcngn,11e1ui1 , , JawtUlo mid Dllncrnll'olnt
Cldcng:14111 , : , Ilocibrd M1nJ hulnlquo.
Chlrax , , , Clhlton , hock tAlnnJ and Curler INptda
Chtrngo , CowndLlrlttSSn Mat Omnhn.
( 'hkagu , Hlunx City , Hlmtx I'nlltl and Yankton
ChtcM1 , , r , , S1lhralkeu , Mitchell and Chmnhnlaln ,
ltak IAlmul , Uohuquq at , 1'nnl and ) thncn , ndla
Ila cnport , Cahnar , at. ( 'aul and Slthnugwlin ,
lhdlmnn Sleepers and the 1 'Inrrt DluingCara In
, rmtn on ,
' attretlon LN 1)011 to purecngure by tootle
role engdoy're ' of the nnupnuyt
S. d. Dnanns , , n , v. II. a11trENTEIt ,
, Ocn'I Manager. Uen'I 1'a't. Agcul ,
J , T. ChAIUi , CEO 11 , IIEA'h'Oltiy ,
Ocu'I Yu ; G AAdt Ocn9 Pass. AfI ,
, o I
Me cnn ' hnx y ralurul mn + .nq and nlauumoro
rdp ) Ice thin war , Iwsrlkneo nod fundnu unmLluuJ.
It you hnru any Iduud dlsenhetl 4)r hkht humor , It Is
ynnr duty to y ureelf nod poet rlrv hl take the
unlyrcgutaLu ; our , which hawlltb Hpedtlr.
Swht'x Hpo IOe bus rullcval tea of Malarial Illnal
Palvou niter had Lcuu coati lad l4) Um houto for raw
tomlpN nod had been dared w tth blue morn , ruleuld
mldmtier lMl.nnouednlgxnntll 1 wax In deNulr- ; ,
Hu Ilt'x Hmcillu ; le rho nnnudy fur this thld nl blood
Ie1hUl1. C. Jh CLAlllil : , Agent
S tatlncrn Life hmNuranco CJ. , Atlanta , Oa ,
1 hat ubten ndug for n monlhar two i4) tilt' Lourc
hellSwill'aHpcrlncH.HHJIto ( grentcry + orllon of
of h lint log Lama au ruucd by lbu fcuudowrtlml , of
my inudq , aul with t u Unp1dret rcuU9. It nctur l
Ilko a charm on my ii tie , u ha wd L : cu hl brad henltl 1
for a long Llmu nod for wUom 1 hove pa61 luuulruds
rat dnllnrs for doctors old Inedlcluu , , It ' anu t
httlld bur up front iha fleet dare , AuMhcr frulnl e
ntcuamrvd my fealty look It with squally entlrfncW ee
ryrusulLN. IllN rertnlnlythoUcetlonla Ins dcllcnl e
ladles that 1 Lore bwr uAUd , and I have Gled tarn
all. I p141'U no dUllht that R'allt of oxerrolxu , ties u
calOnanct hl poorly veulllnted hnusuA , xeworln 9
pul on and umin + lnl patron nltal prud ucu + rickurN 9X
am our our elves. ,1nUglltL'fl , slid AALDIN : , and I ho
limo Sw It's ! Hpueltla h the muledy for all thte Wort u
Llnod polNahlg , 1' . 1. JUNIH , J , 1' ,
qulhuau , On.
Treatment of Cancer.
for twcuty yeas 1 Lora xuarral front n concur n r
fit. , Aidu of my ucdt rhuuhlnraul uahauNto d
rho nholu cnlalagno ul rcuuvlluN wlllwut ii , . relief
Th e cancer growing wnreu all the t Lon , tire rvholo up di
Icrptrt , nf my holy heunnw wilt nod hill olpalu , i
uul vlrhlal y Inst the uvu of hnLh anus , u y genera ta t
henltlt Ind bruLcu down old 1 .an' It wan oulp a
qurx I u 4)l Ihnu uhcu life Itult would bodrxtnyud td
hr IIdN cnndltla , I cunuocurcd the use of Htvlft'
HNcltle. ; 'lime Ord bottle rcllered um rat the x1111uce d
) the neck , iha au'cond gate me perfect use of m y
nrmannd t Icrl xtuut { , mot well In . , try way , 1 n n
pour ulna Lut 1 w'mHd ' nut taka 3iOC + , for rho goof
hnru r apcricncu I with Han 'x Spuc IOa 1 Lellesu b t
aril fore ant all Ihu poi + 4)n and taro tile.
\v. It. IWIIIBON , nmistxuo , 0a.
Oar truatfGa o4) hlnalnad Hhln nlNemeN mulled fret
upplunuts , 'r11K Hll'llT HI'1UIh'lu : CO „
Itruuer3 , AaaltA in.
Nebraska Cornic e
-AN I-
¶ 011kB !
narmox Wiacto-v ,
Iron Fencing I
Crcxtln' r , Ilalustrados , Yctandnn , OIncc rood Ilan k
lrulllugs , Window nail Collar Guard. , Etc.
1aM. aAhSElt , Dlanager.
I mported Beei
' , IN BOTTI4 S.
Erhngcr , . . . , . . , . , . , , . , llavurn t
Culmbneher , . , , , . , , . , . . .Illlvltrilt
PilHncr. . . . . . . . „ . . . . . . liahtuian
haiscr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lirrnmu ,
Rnda eiscr. . . , . . , , . , . . Si. , Louis
A1111I111SC1' . . . . . . 5tL0111s '
IleHt'H . . . . , . . . . . , r. , A1ilWnukhu
SchliiPil4ner , , , , , . , .iilihvankee
hl'IIJ'H. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Qlllllhll
Ale , Porter , Doall + sfie ilnn Rhinl ,
1V1nc , 33U.11/1Ull EI1 ,
617 St , Charles St. , Sf , Louis , Mo.
RtOULAII : pItAUUATEoI two mallml college ,
bar Letn ouasgcd longer hl the treatment u
it other phrldan In ht , latuaarrlq paNreabo ; : w
andull old rueldcute know. Conrnltutnu ( f4uost
lurlted , ll'herr It lelnconvenleut to shit the dry
treauurnt , mcdlchla can ha acct by mall rut 4)xlrte
crywhcro , L'urublucases KltaranturdwharoJou ;
oalute n Is frankly stated. hall or write ,
Nun ourrmhlratluu , InUlltyDluntal and 1'hydra
WuituunsSlcnvrlul , mid utLcr nauctloe } Tluoat
. n + louu lugludtlur and UI'ouJ 1'aleotl :
, , iyld Hond 4) ° d , hnpudl
moult to uu'rda % v , Ir-l uuuwllmn , Piles. a1 eomJ at
tuullnn W crvwr Innn os orrnuttN { Lraha dUIIUIUA L
- - - " ' - " - '
CASEY attention , it soarba ari k
lupni lcueuhraMnr , hululgenooa
YW ) + agnrthowhW ; y
, , xdIWIJ Dian
! Uwlple ; Nhe Inlay
GMDx : 1 . ararrywhomaynot
' tearer , tcuwyurucrr sIJ true. Dlallad for 46c ;
roturu(4htam ) r. K.tttl Ilawly
IItON AND SLATi3 tt00fNO ,
1111 Douglas SG Omaha , Nel
Galvanfzoa Iron Cornices
tWDortnor lrlndows , Fllllels Tin , Iron and Slate
iWotlug , Hpreht'n ) mtrut Slotatlla SkIIht , Paten )
adjusted Itntchrt Dar nod llmeket Shrltlng , 1 ant , w
he Srnrrnl aont for rho nlava Ilno or gOI5. Irons
unclog , Crusthlge , ntlustnulos'Vornndnx , Iron Dank
alnng N , Ivlnduw llllnds , Collar QunNn ; also general ;
rot for Peer + mtA IIIII afoot Inshlo lllhul.
t ,
-1V i'1'II-
0 X I ,
RANiTE1. 1 i
And your ) yeti ; Is done for all tanio
fo bole t0 cook.
The World p '
to produce n 11101'e dnrablc material
for street pavouteut t11an time '
Sioux Falls ( snits. .
. !
hOlt A\Y A110UNT Ol
Pavi.lla Blocks. .
r l. I . ,
- -
rr ,
n .
filled promptly , 5nulpleH sent laid ,
estimates given 1lponupphcation.
WM.Mo13AIN & CO. ,
SIOUX Fails , Dslcota.
A POSITIVE Lllru , whl
14) , 70. ono
b ox No , l will cnro rotg toes hl four days or lees No.
: x 111 core the moat obstinate case 4)o matter of how
long AWII3hrg ,
Allan's Soluble Mcdicattd Bougics
No nauxcuue does , of 1uIsIGe , capaUln , or all at stn '
dal lanai , that are n „ Jln to pnxluca dyNl.upxla . by i .
destroy lug the uIthlgra/ domaeh. 11 lee aL60
Hold by all dnlg + , ( Inle , 4)r nudlJJ 00 receipt of prluu
F or furlhrr ' r
I'.o , lion 1,6J. ,
h3 JoIt mtrcut , New Yutk ,
dip HENDERSON A regular graduate 111 ) .
, medlchle , Over alrtoeq , ' : ,
' .
puuro'practlco-twalY. tA ,
RAAHASITY , DLO , Cblcaga ,
' Authoetted by the state to teem. a
AL d CbronluNervoueandprieatedleeaeem ,
Aethtna , Eplle'ey.JUlcuntatlam ' Wiles ,
, ghpe Wonu , Ueinaty and Skiuin. . II '
eagerHrminolWeakucre/ughtlaaee , / ( ,
6ozualDobilltylroealaexltnl ( ewer
.4 t , tree guaranteed or money refunded. Ctiargoe
, ow , 7hontaude of deco and , No Injurious medl. i
utuferulehalevento atlcnteatadlalanca Con.
! a Ion /reu / and ounOr mgal-call or write ; ago and
nut o „ nca are fmerrant. { A ROOK for both eeree- 1'
, + p q , 4)d-wdclreteanol otherthlnze lanl sated '
3 oenl stamps. IflIEKUUHEUM dr
MrA al.
GOLD 3lIDdL ; PdIIIB , 1878 , ii
Bro8kf8t Cocoa.
JL _ .
\Yarranlcrt abauhrtclu purl
Cocoa , ( ran wlrlclt the -acesx u +
Oil Iwo been snot rd. It has Ihrea
tlnus the atrrn OJt or Cocoa rolaal
with Starch.trruwruotor sugar ,
oud Is thcrcluro Otrmoru ocunosl.
, cal. It Is deticloua , ndurttbhtg ,
atrcaglheulogeaslly dlgerttd , sad
admirably adapted fur ( eyelids a. I
well as rue Aeneas to health.
Sold by Orooers eror-ithcra.
A r BAKER & C01 , Uorehcsier , Masse'
A8i : ,
rw..v . .r. r.4)
All its. , . arum tutu , lisle. Arnow or situ rwaAaa
uunn.el , . , , I
Wu.pIrlWtduntl1 dralurl sae trAWAa
trrrorla IIto. duties Prvl ° rlr , as , , I. A.rta.lJ awl N ' - i
sAAnr ruaJ. , , , ' h'lunun
1'uesrAra ' ,
. .l5OI4i. sd U. . m rte , , 75 , Yuerwl wits ? , Not st.rdm (
Ito ttl.r.tlr/lreou + I)41111 r. 1'l. .Irul)4' . , do.
m l rhn11/Y , rrdtdhr'11118A1fxr/hr Ilr..t'nm
! / + ; / till/ . ' , : '
auprlw . uwrJ ( . . . ,
ca.ea s ut.lunwaILw 4. mu .iye
I'at , . wauhu.J , ' , riro , , 1 vtbr . , dY.ny , pbwul , as. i
lr n.uw uwlvl u Tpt.tuul , h4)
t1YLJ7e11SulDl : : : /1'reAattrllwrub /
twatllr , l.wtl. + l ai. , : . . r.--- . . - . . -
I .