Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1883, Page 2, Image 6

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    V 'Ii t4' IIA II V U4v,1 1ltltwt/vas a. . . . . + . . . - - - -
"if youJaro eufering from poor health
lot iangulehing on a bed of elckneee ,
'take cheer , U you Me Mmply Mnng ,
'ot It you feel Weak and dlspldtod , with'
'ottt doatly knoning shy , flop Bitten
'sill purely- cure you. "
alit you oroa minWcr , and htvo overtaxed yonr
'ecU pith y our patted rdutks , or ft Mothcr , worn out
ith care and work , ors men of bnalnree or hhercr
woAenedbythoMralnof your etuyday dutlesOr
man of kttaa , tolling over ) nut midnight work ,
flop IJtttcraw111 ) strenglhrnyou. "
"U you are euner ng
'from orer ealing or
'drinking , any Indcscro
'Lion or disvlpatlon , or
'aro young and growing
toofa U lauftcntho
"Or U you are In the workshop , on ( ho
fannatthe desk , anywhere , and feel
that your system cleansing , ton.
log ordimulating , without IntoxlcaUng ,
you arootd , blood thin and impure ,
'pulse feeble , neno unsteady , facultlea
wnning , ] lop [ litters is what you need tote
to give you new life , health and rigor. "
If you are oo + the or dyspeptic , or
au0edngfrom any other of the numer
ouedlaeasei of the stomach or bowels , It
b your own fault if you remain 14"
If you are waiting away with any form
of Kldnoydiseaeobtop temptngdeath (
( hie moment , and turn fora cure to Ilop
If you are aick with
that terrible alckneM
Norvousncea , you will
and a'Dalmin Olload'
In flop baton
It you are a fratuenter , or a resident
' of a mlamatfe d etrlct , barriaulo your
eyetem agalnat the acourge of all ooun
tries-mMarla , epldemio bliloua and
f Intermittent ! oven-by the use of hop
If you haee rough , pimply , or asdlow skin , lent
breath , glop bitters will give you Infr skin , rich
hlOal , the aweotest breath , and health. 1500 w ill bo
Jald for a case they will not ours or help.
That poor , bed rtdden invalid witosister , mother ,
or daughter , can be made the picture of health by a
few bottles of hop flltters Netlng but a trifle
Though ehaken hI
' every Jobltand able
with fmcr andaguo ,
illil1ATID orbilious remittent ,
his sytemmay yet
be freed from the
mall'nant s Irwwitf ,
lfolctlcfs atnmach
bitters. Protect mho
system againet It
, r wlththis benflcent
= antis asmotlc ,
C : whichhofurthermoru
f a supreme remedy
_ for lIver complaint ,
a - constipation , 11)5
pepi1 , , d o h l l b t y ,
rheumatism , Lldnoy
troubles and other
STOMACH nllmentw
For cote Ly all
II 'i"E Druggieum and Deal.
ore generally.
r r
An excellent appetizing tonic el
? ' , , . , exquleltonevornowueedoverlhc
! : : whulo world , cures D r c ) ela
lliarrhmnYeverandA no nndnli
. - \ dleordersofthoDigcstlvoOrgans ,
- T\.t' A low drops Impart a delicious
; . : ' navortongtaesoclmmpagnoand
. tonllsummcrdrfnke. rryltbut
bowaroofeounterfeits. Ask TOIL !
r . grocer or druggist for the genuine
a . ; article mnnufnctured by' Jilt. J ,
a ti , n. liIEui it'1 NUNS.
. ; Jr tY , IIUPPENMANi ! , Sole AgesL
. ttrxnrmto 1. W. llaec.x ,
.r9&&irmaa Cvl Broaalwrw. N. Y.
eahh is Weahhl
t , /
Dn E , C. W&YT's ? anvE Ankh Rui.utr Tnr.T.
truer , a guaranteed Bpociao for llyatorin , Jizzi
5109 Convulsions , Eats , Noroue Nourolgin ,
ifeadacho , Norveus Prostration causal by thin use
ofaloohol ortobacco Wnknfulnnss , Mental Da
1) u Smun , Hoftoning of the Dmin resulting in in
ennity and loading tO mmory , decoy and death.
Prcmnaturo Old Ago , JJatrcnncaa , Laos of power
in Omtbor Box , Involuntary IsBaee and Npermnt.
arrhrea caused byuver.oxertlon of thobrmu soif
rlhlIBo or overnduigonco. Inch lox contains
ono months treatment. $1In a box , ur nix boxes
iorS.OJsent , bymail propaidon rocoiptof pribo.
To cure any cued , With each order received byue
for six boxes accompanlNt with $5d0 wm will
Bendthopurcimesorourwritten guarantee to ro
fundtho nioney it the treatment dO0anotoauct
ucura Guarantees isanrvlorllyby
1'L" remedy being inJedad directly to the Boat
th + ' l Java , require. no change of det or nauaoous ,
raorLunal or pomeenous mediclnel lobe taken intern.
my Xhen red ae a preventive by either sex , it is
Impwa'inle to contract any private disease ; but in the
Care of these Already unfortunately aahictad we guars
antes throe boxes to cure , or , we will refund the
money. Trice b snail , portage paid , Bz per box , or
three boxes for 5.
aeoed by ail authorlu.I agents
DrFelix Le Brun & Co
C. F , Ooodmau , Druggist , Bola dgeut , for Omaha
Neb , mace wiY
t J. P. WEBER & CO. ,
Physical Deformities ,
f Bipanil Spinnl Diseases , .
{ ' . Club Feet , .StitdltneeHl '
i Bow Legs , 1nock ICneeHt &c.
of the best make kept on hand. Trusses repaired ,
( 'ruthest ) nadu to order. NuIaa Jobs am at Ihnda
an01)1 Htcd , IMO mid Weak
{ l , I fItapair' . .u kind , Brno neat , cheap and
f"toil ) u. , dumgimenour workat the Ne
l' roeka State Fair US lbss
803 South Tenth St „ Omaha.
t .XNrZl 1L $3t ITfaT.x u
A Rare.Chance for Printing Offices
Wo lave for sale several hsrreis of a ar't
quiUty of pdntlug lak. being suede for use
00 su ailer or slower presses than we am now using ,
iww uI sea tLe sumo at a ( cos tor pound free OIL
rboard cart at Omaha. YIU guarantee It to give goal
Isatisfaction on smaller and medium pressua.
TIIE BEK I'IIItl lafhlN000
C1ICAao 6dAiCa !
sxux t"Na ! cgi.a , rev. a 7u , eta
/Tun mbapu , maul Irua tuctured ,
,4glb . tips ) , Incur.m1. ! . ur'sL10. b fs
a ' . ( .
'ORC ' Z6 , TOOLU' &c ,
trsT Ivam.c Na.x 15,51 14(11Iumi. 110
A. ) t1I , , uw.lpurl Ii * Gi''ruuls.1)LO
NH 51. , ii e qqr/ ate ( aril J.l. .
owe' . mrn . yln. . v Olhsr Artlclel
ST W" ref r'ut'1 . 51IIJLCYUa A uxlfu.
A Prospcctor Falls DOWI a Deserted
And Discovers Enormous Deposits
of Gold.
One of time 1thi'bcst b'Intls Fcr Made
in tlto'Vorll , .
Denver Now5 , Nov. 21 ,
Mr , Charles T , Johnson , an old minor
and prospector , nrrhvod in Denver late
last oveling from the south and is atop.
ping at Charpiot's. A reporter of Tim
News called upa'n him and in the course
of conversation elicited from him a moat
remarkable story of adventures with the
Indians and discoveries of ntarvolous
wealth which will , hav'o an important
bearing upon tie future of Arizons and
tlto statoa bordering upon it. Mr.
Juhnsol said ; "You may roinenbor
that some two years ago , two young men
of an advonturesono npirit named Mer'
rick stud Matthews , 3tartoci from a ranch
of the fortner's father , situated oat the
lower San .Dunn , in quest of some
said to exist ml the bordorn of the Indian
reaortatiol some hundred miles distant.
Being thorouglily urountud and armed
and prepared for an emergencies they
started full of hope to investi gate the
truth of.tho le 'side which had been cur
rout among the Navajos for a long timiio.
After a weary journey lasting somio weeks ,
during which they crossed a succession of
barrel plains , cut by numerous deep
canons , eventually reaching the moun-
taitts of whichh they wore in quest After
several days' wamdorings , during which
they mot with frequent signs offlndiaus ,
they cano upon a nude sort of forgo or
furnace bearing evidences of having bcomi
at one tine iii active use in fabricating
some kind of metal ; this from evidences
found in Lice noighborhoadl they noon
discovered to be gold , amid in fact a.morn
of the precious metal of considerable size
was found whichhadbceiisubjocted to the
action of fire and partially hammered into
shape. In the vicinity they also picked up
SUOUEm of COSalllElcAliLE HI7E.
' While looking for the lodge from which
this float had come they wore surprised
one day by the Inlimis , who came upon
thorn in cop&der able force , and before
they could make any nttempt to defend
thontsolvesponrMorrtckwaskilled. His
companion , after enduring incrodibhi
hardships , cscapod from the country and
inado hits wiiy back to too hone of Mdr
rick's parents , carrying time mournful
news of hiiii fate , but also bearing tangible
blo evidence of the wealth of the country
in n small bag of nuggets of surpassing
richness. lho matter of finding the
source of this ouriforous wealth remained
in abeyance until early the past aummer ,
bravo and hardy neon , thoroughly inured
to the hardships of a now country , and of
which p was ono , started to retrace the
route of tire ill fated Merr'iclt and find
the itmnen'so doposito which it was car-
tab existed there. After two weeks of a
forced march , during which mummy detours
had to be made to avoid the gapping
chasms with which the plains were seamed -
ed , they reached the treasure mountains.
Cautiously at first they began the scaFch ,
but not meeting any Indians they soon
dividgd up into small parties and made a
some what thorough investigation of the
country , but for a long time without sue-
coca. One day 1 bocamno separated fronn
the party to wluchl I was attached and
found myself in
A FOItltST of FAI.LL'N TIM Ititl ,
through which it was inspossiblo ( to ride.
Fastening 111 horse to a large trunk and
notiliB ' particularly the surroundings I
started in search of my companions. I
had not gene far , when stepping upon
50010 loose brush I suddeny found myself
falling down wheat seemed au inclined
nano How far I went T know not but
uIpot reaching the bottom I discovered
nlyaolf in a sort 01 ! a cave which I soon
ascertained was the underground work.
iugs of a mimic. My fright soon gave way
to my prospecting instincts , especially as
I found I was unto the worse for the fall I
and I lighted a candle which fortunately
1 had brought with mite. Two galleries led
from the bottout of thu shaft and taking
time one the least encumbered with debris
I had penetrated porlaps aoiiio fifty foot
whet I found I was in n vein of pure white
nieitLv auuIh I ) wz1'n A aIIININO METAL
mineral , which I know at ono was gold ,
but in tbicker'mtd richer streaks that
had boon known iii time history of gold
mining. All around about mu shone the
precious metal , and it is no exaggeration
to say that millions were in sight in
every direction. In my exciteueit anJ
elation at the importance of tlmu discovery
I hind made , l lost all idoa'of time , but as
a nrattor of fact T had spent a nuurbor of
hours in the tumnm l buforo I realized
thoroughly II ) ) ' position and it ! lashed
through my mind that unless mine means
of getting ut of may cave of richness was
found , I hould ) ersll
like the imriser of old. My candle hind bd
come exhausted , mud groping my way
back to the foot of thu shiit't 1 essayed in
vaum to climb its precipitous sides. With
but little hope of its being of any avail
I began shouting its the top of my voice
until I was hoarse. Sudden ! I heard an
answering cry ' and pretty soon felt rather
tliamt saw a cord or rope touching m0 O l
the face , Onisphug this tightly I felt
myself raised quicltly to the surfae0 and
was landed in the midst of may eonlpan
10115 , It aeons tlmat shortly after 1 had
become separated from then they hind
missed me , amid , over fearful of Indians ,
had began
0 ! the neighboellood led on by occasional
prints made by the hoofs of any horse.
These had enabled then to fund my faith.
ful animal standing whore 1 had left hfni ,
which was tint far from time blaft. They
had examined a mostevcr foutof ground
calli6 fret 1 uelrtli' + nod hind alnrest given
up the search when they heard my voice.
It was soumu time before they realized
nay positlo11 , but finding the mouth of time
nlmaft , they lad fastened several lariat
ropes together and powered ilium to nu ,
thus enabling tun to make my escape ,
IVo all camped at the spot that night
and the next day several were lowered -
ed fntn this shaft , when it was found
that lay description did not begin to
picture the enormous wealth upon which
After a long consideration , we doclded
that its wo had no means of realizing upon
our find wu would make time beat of our
way back and procure time umaclmiwory to
develop this the richest deposit ever dis'
covered , and it is upon this errand that I
am now in Denver , '
"But how d0 you account for the shaft
amd tunnels ? "
"Easily ononglm ; it is well known that
this whole country was mined hundreds
of years ago by the natives
imPFoltn Thin 8I'.tNl.tltf9 USME unni : ,
in fact , it was their knowledge of the existence -
istonco of gold in i11unenso qumltities in
the interior of America that caused them
to brave many hardships for this unVor
sal god. In those drays mining was car-
nod on somewhat differently front what
it is now , the shafts all brain r somewhat
iucliued and rough ladders used b the
miners on which oY mounted , carrying
the ore out in nude hampers of their
backs , "
" \Vhen do you return ? "
"In a few days , as soon i have pur
chased and ahtpped the necessary applf-
aucos as far as the railroads wall take
therm ; time balance of lima distance we will
have to pack with burros , "
IIorsford's Acid I'hosphato
Felt Ai.COIiOLiSM.
Dr , 0. S , ILi.i8Wabash , hid , , says ;
toI prescribed it for a matt who had used
ntoxlcanta to excoas for fifteen years , but
during the last two years has entirely ab
stained. lie thinks the Acid Phosphate
is of much benefit to 1dIn , "
Y1 : TOUGH Tllltlil'1' .
E'ett and Vattoned for Years to Wind
Up as a 1" rco bunch ,
Philmle'phla Call
An aged man , evidently au agricultu
rhst , sat on a beach on the forward deck
of a Camden ferryboat as it crossed the
river to this city this morning. Beside
the old ntm , or rather at iris feet , was a
coop in which were two gigantic turkey
gobblers. At first sight the other m
the that
ei gers were under impression
the wore ostriches. They hind "beards , "
or combs , four incites long at leastwhilo
tire tops of their heads were crested with
knots which reseutblcd the nose of tut
old pentlouian who had given sixty years
of his life amid more titan sixty thousand
dollars to the consumption of Dort wino ,
"how old is them gobblers ? ' said time
fanner ma , when questioned , "Null , I
reckon they must ho nigh on to fo'teen
years. They arc brotlmers , they are , and
that's the reason they keep peeking at one
another. They are the oldest turkeys
you over saw. A chicken will live to be
four years old-n hen , I menu ; roosters
are ho good after four montlia-and still
1)o good eating ; but a turkey will last
you until tot yearsand still keep on getting -
ting fat.
' 'Then he gets so fatthiat he ain't worth
eating. I killed ono weighting 38 pounds
last year , whom fat was two inches deep ,
and who tasted more pike pork that tur
key. Turkeys , by the way , " said the
aged constituent of General Robeson ,
"are the nlostknov'in aiinalsof tholot.
They are time unlyoriguial Americans who
have not been externiinatedbut I believe
they live iii hope they will be.
Thiey talk about Turkey in Europe
and Turkey in Africa , but time real Imome
of the turkey is in America. If there
was two Thanksgiving days and two
Christulases in a year there wouldn't be
any turkeys left ten years from now.
Just look at it. Since this Yankee holi
day got to be observed everywhere the
turkey liemis have actually began to refuse
to lay egga or to sit el them. Now a
chicken will lay or the nventgo 150 eggs
.1 year , but a turkey hen won't ' Jay more
than thirty , and than she won't sit on
them. The chicken liars lms to hatch (
thorn out. You see the turkeys know
what time fate of tbeiryoumig ones is going
to ho , mmd because they loves
than they refuses to breed tlmem.
"Now those two big old gobblers in
there , who weigh forty pounds apiece
and who are fourteen years old if they
are a day , are willing victims of the np
petite 'of the people of Phtlmdolphia.
Phoy know that they have boor fattened
to ho killed , and that they will be fattened -
tened still more , and that their death
will save the whole family. Time old fel
lows are laughing over it in their sleeves ,
if they have any. I'll brat as much for
them its 1 would for half a dozer your
turkeys , mid I'll ' keep the young follows
for nuhor year These gobblers hero
knows the are tough , and that after a
week's high feeding they will
tougher still , and that tme 1)00-
[ Lie who cats them will imnvo nat-
back of indigestion or dyspepsia for a
mouth at least. 1 inn gong to sell thane
to a lug restaurant keeper , who is poing ;
to give a turkey lunch on T'hiankagivurg
day. He'll keep tlrom en exhibition fern
n weak , and fro and hmis customers will
feud then to their gizzards' delight , and
how happy thou gobblers will be. They
are too old to live amid knew they have
rt to die anyhow pretty soot , and they
woows that some of the pee do who eats
theta trill dioo too or Nava to pn a big
doctor's bill to keep front d ii , y Just
look at the big gobbler in there n w time
old follow witlrtime ahoard. Ho un-
dorstauds every word 've ' said and it
makes hint feel eal good. "
St. Jacobs Oil an honored urine ,
A eltarm that lulls to sleep ,
A cure for pain in wealth ( or fame ,
And helps the wretch to creep.
Contusion In the Temple.
From the Texan gating. .
During a late protracted sassiest of the
Blue Light Tabernacle , the ltav. What .
doodle llapetor brou ht his umbrella down
mm the pulpit with n jolt that rtttled all
time sash iii time window frnmos turd cx-
claimed :
"Deco 's got ter be lose talkin' in die
rooni , I can't hear messolf think. "
Upon thus one of time colored sisters
arose and said :
"Brotlmer Baxter , I wishes to call yor
retention to do fncdat itamn de undo mono
hors of do comigregasson tvho nut doin' do
talkie' . "
"Ifit an , lilt am ? " replied tlmo Rev ,
1Vlrmigdoodlu , with a savage gleam in his
eyes , Ian mighty glad ob dirt. Dar ant
501110 kill' of show of hits atoppn' ! of
hits de nmales. Ef hit war du femiuales
dar would be no hop05 of lilts ebbor lot.
tut' "
Do not be duecrsed ; nvk for and laku only lk Il
iouglau and Hun. U grolcum Cuuth Dropi for cough ,
Colds , and Baru Threats. It & and Trade Mark u0
may Prop.
. _
- - - - -
Scenery I)1 tllo Hlerra Mndro , .Mutton.
Froderka Itartlett COIL ( humor , iii the Manhattan for
The scenery of the Sierra Madre is
rnaQnileout , amid delights time eyes , as time
train Pushes 0n below , Ili the slopes
around time sides and overtime amountafmis ,
which arc richly clotlmad with verdure ;
through ravines inclosed by hunn0usu
poaka , of time edge of awful precipicoa ,
through bug tumtele , It is a long pane.
raina of bsutnotfines sterlb but
lucre often beautiful , view , and
over all shines the turpuoito bluu
ray of time tropics , lighted by tbd rich
golden rays of the eta , playing upon the
great white clouds , time innumerable
tint. of the wooda and rocks and lofty
moumtain peaks , with the vivid bright.
hems and satisf thosglamour , only dduly
npprccintcd by who lve earned
to love it fn Chir tropical homes. Falls
acid rivers of rusli mib , living water ,
mnho the air resonant with their music.
One is remninded of Fanny Itomblo's do.
scriplior of Iherkshire aceuory , thoulm it
is far loss grand them that of the Sierra
Madre : "For the splendid rosy sunsets
over time ( lark blue mountain tops , and
for the clear and lovely expanse of pure
waters reflecting both , above all for time
wild , white footol slremus tiaat come leaping -
ing down the steep stairways of the hills ,
IbelievoIdoliko )1ac03bettertlmmr ) eo lo ' ,
these only looklike angels sometimes
but the erth in suchm sots looks like
heaven always , especially time mouutmin-
to ms so near the shear time stars
ea near time sums , t time clouds below
them , and time hutnamiity of time world
and its iitind far below timoui again-all
bitt' time a1ilrit of ndoratior which ono
] mite earned u thitlmnr one's-self. I do
mint wonder the heatlmert of whomii the
Ilobrow scriptures complain , offered sncri
! ices on avery high hill ; they scout to
be altars built by Oed for his special
woraimi1p. "
Your health depetua Oil time pueity of
your blood. Peoplu who reabzu this nra
raking Ilood's Sarsaparilla with the best
Tim , ' Skill Ohtnlnrd hy ltnltrond 'sI'u ,
Iangermms liar Aovlcrs ,
Thu brakemen on the passenger trains
of the Consolidated road seldom have occasion -
casion to jump from time train while it is
in emotion. Most of these who jump live
at way stations where express trains do
not step. Sonic few regular passengers
are well imp in time jumping act. The pee-
plo who jump from time passenger trauma
soldomi juln1) when the train is going at time
rate of more than ten miles an hour , but
a few have boon known to risk the jump
when tun train was going twontyfrre
smiles an hour. Most of the trainmen
dislike to rim time risk whlemi the train ms
in motion , Even the nmoat reckless pro.
for time rear platform of the last car , as
there is not so much danger of being
drawn under the wheels if a misstep is
made , Seine of the 11mer jummp oil' with
time loft foot first amp time body well
tlmrown back , so that whelp they strike
time ground they cone into an upright
position almost immediately. Even then
most are obliged to rum some distance be.
fore they corn stop. Some of time old tmiu
hands , however , can jump oll'and come tea
a standstill almost as soon as tlioir feet
touch the ground. The brakemen on
thin freight trains are time men who jump
off time most. They jump wines time
train is going at the rata of from twenty
to twenty-five miles an hour , always
from time roar car and always land in a
pcrfect upright position. The ability to
Jump with coumparativo safety when a
train is going faster than tot miles an
hmour , is attained only by bag practice ,
as ft is dangerous for a novice , who , if
ho did not 11app011 to calculate just how
to jump , would fall and break seine of
his bones.-Hartford Courant ,
'mVontam at it i torso Sale ,
limn limo umuritugton ( tat , ) Free Press.
" 'l'ute women , bless theirhittle hearts , "
said Mr. Drew , of tune Van Ness house ,
"the woman can be just as sharp at a
trade as the men , One winter I went up
to ltichford to'buy a horse. 1 found it
all right , but all time timno I was making a
trade with the roan who owned it his wife
kept raising an awful fuss about sollingit
at the figure I offered , If the horse was
sold , sumo said , how would the poor chill-
dram got to school , she would like to
know ; they wouldn't have the horse to
carry them , and it was too far to walk.
Finally , however , we made a trade , and
I hitched time horse into a sleigh to drive
hone. I jmnped into time sleigh , but the
horse wouldn't start , I touched hie (
with ( time whip , but he merely turned
around , and fixed a sad , inquirhlg gaze
upon mine. I touched htinl again , with the
scone result. Thou I lilt him a little
harder , and what do you think ho did ?
[ Jo jmnpod several feet into the sir. I
thought 1 was going up in a balloon. And
when he struck the ground he started oil'
rat a regular Maud S , gait. The fact was ,
you see , that horse had novorbeem hitched -
ed sniglo before in his life. And there
was that woman taking of so about soil-
hug hint because the childrou would have
to walk to schocll 011 , site was a sharp
AIIgnaIII'It Bitters is a household word
all over the world. For ever 60 yuana it has
advertised itself hq its merits. It is now
vortlsod to wan the publlo against counter
felts. TIIO gmmuine autlelo is mnnnufacturod
by Dr , .1. C , B , Sieiort k Semis.
L'enniles 1Vlro Swear.
Au oxlract front Clara Belle's letter
says ; Than a horrid roam ( weifltt [ 200
pounds , size of foot 10) ) stopped with firm-
floss on time train and stood still , There
was n ripping amid toaringof fabric anhdst
the wantonly nlysterios of to a girl's back
drapery , and the shapeliness of the whole
structure collappied. What did she say ?
Well , I was close up to liar , amid wins probably
bably time oflly person who heard time remark
mark , 1 willgiva it to you with phonetic
uanctness ; "Goddloumity ! " That was the
word , Do fashionable women swear ,
you ask. There are awful ocessions ,
ike the one I Immure described ,
when they can't ! mall ) it , tit nil other
times their ejaculatory laniuage ; fa be.
conil11giy nlihl. "Darn it" ma about as
strong as good girls make their profanity.
" " 1s lirovalent in our best sociot r
just now. Blast it , " Beggar nmy eyes ,
amid "Blow me tight , " find favor nntong
the auglomaniaes , and I know a Fifth
avenue heiress who cotvoraatfonahly ( that
'is , with time girls ) says ; ' "Deuun it , "
though sue would about as soot bite time
tip of her tongue oft'as to lot omit a piniu ,
American damn front between her cul-
Lured 111)3 , 1Vhatover Is English is right ,
That is the rule whys time sort of flow
Yorkers which she Is ,
An Overland Jotruey ! n a Buggy.
lioo.ick falls Standard.
1V , B. Johmnatou , whoso hone is iu
Webster , Mass , , loft California eight
months ago with an old horse and buggy ,
behind whiell was fastened an Ayrshtru
cow that had accomupauied himmr across time
plains and furnishoti 1mini with moat of
life living oil route , lie passed throughm
this village on his long journey and rasclm
mid lrha destmiatiet on Tuesday.
ltauy cosuiunuv fur tliu cutnploxfun ii
from tinni to tiara heemi put upon the markut ,
] tut Doan haw stood the teat tie hits 1'utzuul's
iodicrdedcongduxioupowder , 1t Is mm abe
hits curafira fur blotches , di.aloratlms , truck'
ies , eta Fur T sale by dnigglsbr.
. EilupoSociety Untt'aged
Sarni Francesco i'at.
One of timojateal bits of society nuws
is that a Neb hill fiunily will be tabooed
ill first circles this seasun becnuao , at a
recent dinner given by tub family , one of
time items on Lime menu was 1)0110(1 oniona ,
printed in English. This is time most Ila
grnnt social olfense that has been cone
nutted in San Franciaco since 1849.
- - -
- - - -
Need of a Ohs incse It lndcrgnrtcn for
mho Comiing , St ItdO111H.
San Francisco Call ,
Thorn is a brilliant outlook for somimo
entorprisin2citizen 'who will immclately. !
establish a Chinese kiuda arten. Such
an ostablish11rent is certainly naed'ed isu l
will ho found of great adsmtoo , and assistance -
sistance to time gentlenen engaged omithe
popular and doubtless profitable work of
Intmdnmi ; coolie laborers invoiced as "etu
dents , ' Two of the "students" landed
yesterday , after considerable trouble ,
were of such tender age as to suggest
tlmo wisdom of addingto time kiudergartoi
which should receive themm , a nursery ,
'l'lmo mode of gutting tlmeso
promising youtlms ashore was
particularly suited to time tender
ago amid infantile bearing of tlmo sub.
ject , it was so chiliiliko and bland ,
lltturney Vnu Dozer yesterday morning
dawned upon the mail dock with a side
packet bulging with sixteen United
St4ttas court habeas corpus documonta ,
approaclmini the city of I eking , on which
15U "traders" and "studeltn" are still
detained. He told the chattering mob ,
through inn interpreter to keep nmum and
lie would see then ( later. Ho then ca-
looted two chlhnese candidates for the
kindergarten mud plmlting them gently
and whim earn in mr express wagon ,
drove them to time lnited States court
amid presented them 11moist noscd amid
weepy to the digniiied gaze oil' Judge
llolfman. Their cases colud not then be
heart , as the district attorney was not
present , amid Judge llofl'naun took occa
stmt to censure Mr , tram Dmizer for
not notifying time district attorney of
his iutontion to retnru'tho cases at that
time. In the afternoon all handa were
on time in the court , District Attorney
Iiillbornamid Mr. McAllister appeared
for the United States , Mr. Adamns for
the ship , and Messrs , Vat Duzer and
Young for time little students , amid the
circumstances that two such little stu-
deltashould ] nave two such big lawyers ,
was remarked as comical. A Chinese
pawnbroker appeared as a witness and
swore that one of the little boys was his , '
amid lie wanted to clasp hhni iii paternal
embrace more thnmi amytlming imaginable.
The value of this outburst of paternal
affection was somewhat destroyed by tine
witness's subsequent admission that
lie did not know- whom the ship
bearing his infant darling arrived and
ho was not oveisuro how miunny years had
elapsed since hue had bruised Iris paternal
heart by the mioceasity of thknmg his
studious boy across his knee. Time tea-
tiniony was extrenmely clear throughout ,
and dbvoloped such peculiarities that time
facts set forth in time habeas corpus lmad
not beemi sworn to by time papa , but by a
friend of time papa , and that time boy had
said on the ship that he was to be a stu
dent in papa's pawnslmop , learning the
mysteries of lilt per cent per mouth ,
doubtless. But the Canton certificate ,
the affidavits attached to time habeas cor
pus and the putative father's testimony
taker altogether decided .Judge Hoffman
to admit the little strangers , and thus
will probably at once begin time practical
study of shoe or cigar-making. As time
prospects brighten that at least 100 of
the students and traders will bo forced
to go back to China , the Chinese authori
ties and tltcir attorneys are beco11ing
anxious and even excited.
The Chinese consul has signed a num-
bar of affidavits , setting forth previous
residence in the cases of Chinamon whonm
the Canton certificates allege should lend
because they are "traders"or "students. "
Twontyono of time coolies who lmavo
landed as traders have been identified
by white persons here as laborers.
Among those who are particularly mux-
ions for the. landing of all of time
"students" and "traders" ha a white cor
tractor for Chinese labor. Time mimic per-
son's name appears eu throe affidavits
which allege rcasona why Chinese on time
Peking should land. The howling farce
will be continued this morning , preba
bly , by time use of nmoro habeas corpus ,
and the aced of a Clminose khmdorgartei
will grow apace.
AcreLots I
'fds baOlaomo tm + t is being mildly sold and those
it islnra
teljustweenuftheennnt farm and near lardwhich
is salui i at duublu ( Iw price asked for this property.
10 Per Cent Cash
wim1 buy these lots , thurcmalnder running on month.
ly , quarterly , aural auouat or yearly payment. , at the
purchaser's option , thus enabling iw .plu of snall
means to sece a houw at a ttlaing caeh outlay.
$130 $ to $200 $
Is time prlco fled up li this property , makbig it thu
chuapestacre pr.hwrty in the market , vu. pmJering
its location.
Opposite Postoffice ,
Marked Down !
Milliner and Hair Goods I
1rrm pweial Inducements uttered evening. . Store
om.euuntil ao'clock p mil.
lOt)1ctitStreet Opp , Postofiicu.
Dexter L , Thomas 1& Bro , ,
Real Estate Dealers
- -
Furniture , !
Have just received a large quantity of
I g
To ' 120(1 ( , L08 mid 1210 Farnam St
. , 1oor i. - O11IAlf.1 , NEB ,
, BaslNa
wp nr LIOiT HAND801)SE
TIIO Best Ware indo fo > t ' the Ititch.ene
. . S l0 S STAMPING COMPANY , ST , Louis.
, .
For irl iu o 1 1 . t wall ' , , ill ( O > lSC Ill'lllS ' 11B g ItpIS. .
' Keg and ottIed Beer
' - ' ' This Excellent Beer speaks fcr itselt.
m 4q
4Np'e -
. LU { C , < l e ORDr.ItS ) : ROni ANY PART OF THR
. R BUSC &ft & E
; . , , . , , ll , , rtS1t1TE Olt r rHE ENTIRE NEST
'STLO.UISMO ; , - t Promptly Shipped.
Solo Agent for Outaha and the West.
Cor. 9th Street and Capitol Avenue"
Avenue"J J
Avenue"I I
Bo th's Oval' Brand
D. B , BEEMER , AgentOmaha.
, Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
, . . ,
Engine Trimmings , Muting Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittinga
Steam Packing at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WI.ND MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb.
Lowest Prices Now Offered on Artist's Materials !
Windsor & ewton'a Tube Colors , per dozen , OCc ; Fume Sable Brushes from
lOc up ; Fume Bristol Brushes , from 7c up ; Round amid Oval Plaques , iron 20c up ;
Palettes , 35c ; Cups , lOc ; Japaned 7nm Artist's Boxes , $1.50 ; Brass Plaques , 46e up ;
Panels , lOc ; WOodeim Plaque , 15c ; Dcsigus to Deculate , from lc each up ; Gold and
Silver Paint , Oils , Varumialmes , from 20o upward ; Canvas 75e per yard ; Stretchers ,
25c up , A , HOSPE , Jr. , South Side Dodge Street.
Buo8 ! Cries M OllS
) fy Itepoeltory is constantly filled with a solectleteok. Beet Workmanship gusranteod.
Office mind Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , O'nnl'
1 > ZI : .i
rf frANUFAc imwmm of OF ST1tItYtLY FIRSTCLA Sld
Carriageg , BuagesRoa ! ,
lama and la'O Ilamey Street andp40a H.Ilath . Street , ' " 0111 A .H.A. NEB
uetrated Catalogue furnished ties uponappiieatlMm.
lti ' ' . A. WAKEFIELD ,
Shlilgies , Pickets , I
Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA , NEB