Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1883, Page 3, Image 3
- - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - . p F . . Ti-i1DA1LY _ BEE--OM _ _ JA _ , W _ EDNESDAY _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ 28 , _ 1883. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 . ! vebraskt National Ban 1 OF OMAHA , FEB. UpCa1tzU - - . OOO tv1us Fund , lov. 1 , 1883 1G,5OU tf W 'ATE , Preh1en , lot tn.ny yeti CMhI Of t3ft Ftrt Ntbw flank of Oinha A. F. . TOULtL Vko Prcsttlent , of IlostoD. i. V. ZOIt1 ! , of W. V. Moro Co. COLtANi , . (1. H & .7. . C U1n. M. WOOLVo1IT11 , Couiiclor anti Attorney M Lw. L. S. ItEED of Byron fl.eoii & Vo. . This 8nk openett for huInos.i April 27 , 1832. lie dhcctor end Btockhotdti re inong the bid r ibuInoq of Omh nd Its bubnoo t COflbUOtd vith epocI1 roforetco to the beet &nd IflCreRfflglO teret of IL ercaitbbo p&troii , . Cobboctboni roeebvo prompt ittentlon And chargo. Io et obtainable bore or cbowhero. Intrcit abbowed on tAme dpostt upon fivoribl. tcrni nt1 upon iocOliits of hanki and bnnkur. Forofgn Exchange , Oovernmont fl nde , md ( CountT Ctv ' , ocurLtb. bought arni ioIb Council Bluffs Loai. aii. Tut Oomany. Fhit Morttago Loftns NegothtoI. Coturnerclftb t'ier mu MI ( Thod Securitici dent Iii. 30 l'enrl itrt'et , antb &O6 FIr.t avenue , CotincU flltiff. FINANCE AND COMMERCEI FINANCIAL NEW YORK , Novotnbor 2T. .Manoy-Eaay at 1@2 ior cent. Printo 1'A1)6'5@6 Ior cent. txchango B.b1.-\Vonker at 4.82.1 ; dotnnntl , , . . 431. p Govorntnent.-'irrner. Stck.s-1busInoss wi dull Lu the tck market throughout tlio tlay. . During tlu groat. or pnrt of the morning Rpcculntton wa steady to firn ntid f1ucttiatbon vcre In.tgnhficnnt. .1U3t Provu to noon , liowover , . . elfnod l Per Cent. Iurbng the aftornoni a woaknei Provaiboti and : rice .aggcd gradi. ally until the market showed a (10db of 1 + @ 1 : : . In the Iat half hour of bushtos stocia recovered to pr cent from thu bowet lOiflt , closing stealy at an improvoitiont. Re. pcirti about the cuts In passenger faro be tween 1)ci Moines aini Chicago of and between Chtctg : ( ) ZtflI Omaha were united agaInst eioe niation. cuU1oN 3l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OO 4t'Couponi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1iI 4l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Faifio 6'8 of ' 05. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132k BTOCKB AND flONDS. American EXjrO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BurL , Cedar Itaphls & Northern 83 C.rntrnl Pueffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago & Abton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 do do 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Clii. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do pid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77I Fort Wayne &Choigo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Ilauiitbal & St. J09e1)h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 md.1 Bbooin. & ( ostorn. . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Kacisai & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123j : Lake Slioro & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . . 100 Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 Minneanoibs & St. Lou1i . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 do do do Pid. . . . . . . . 3 $ Mouri ( Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do Ifd. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61. Northwestorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24. do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 New York Contra ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11G Ohio & N1SS1S3I1)1)1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27k , 40 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 . Peoria , Decatur & Evanavillo. . . . . . . . .p. Rock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 . / St. Patil & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 do do do pfl. . . . . . . . . . . 117 St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 0 $ ! St. Paul & Oznalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] exas Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Union Paciflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST . Wabash , St. L. & Pcif1c. . . . . . . . . . . . 221 L do do do pid. . . . . . . . . 33 Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 79 fAskod TI11 DY IN CRICtGO , . 31)ecin1 Dispatch to TuE ] 3Ei. ' \ CJrLcAoo , November 27.-Great acth'it : ruled in the board of trade maket 'Jiiroughout it wa a bull day to tlio c1oo o . . ' , the entire session. The ball wa opened a the 030 ; hail , with heavy buying in corn. Tb May ( )1)tiOfl led the upward movement , ad V.UtCiItg before the hntnons' Plirchases fron every section of the country iiearly 2c. Tb J total advance in seveii clays is Ic. Titi January an(1 1ebruary iutnlo3 wore nIi heavily dealt in and hare in the improvoinen to the extent of 1@1c. Wheat awoke abou . 11 o'clock from iti lethargy of the past fo - % e81c. ' . , Lanuarv tion rosa from 07c t t 98c in the morning sosbon. hog produet uL u very lively aini like everything cl 3 IIIOVCII upward. Pork improwod 1 15 owe : , ye.itertlay i figures , and in the face of .15,00C 11 ( ) $ received. There vai littbo chock to tlu direct nlvaIIco ii ; everything and thu da : claod with a host of bulls jubilant and conti tlently predictini yet higher prices. On thing UlJO1U4 ) certain , speculation hi awak eneil anti ctivo markets in the future npea reaslIlably certain. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , November 27.-Flour-Mnrke quiet and unchanged ; common to choice sprin wheat , 3@5c ; MII1neota1 31.c ; baker 4@5c , vathn 6@7c ; winter wheat lbou 5' uthern and 1Ia.our1 , © Michigac 4G5e. \Vhoat-Strong and higher ; trading Inor ctivc ; rico advanced 2I@2c in syInIat)1 ) with the advaliCo In corn and Jrovislom ) Clt3l 2I(2.o ( higher than yobtorday. Sale : ranged : .tiovembcr iJ5@9Bc , cboed at U8 . ] ) eceinbor 90g(99c ( , closed at 08c ; , Jaitunr ttccj1 ; cboed 991c ; Febniary1 'JSc4 1 U0 cboe1l Itt 1 00f itay 1 01t O7 cbood at 1 07k : No. 2 srIl3g , 0t5j08 % I cboed at 9Sc ; No. 3 spring , 81@82c ; ric 2 r&l winter , 08e@1 00. Corn . Demand active for all futures , Ma attracting the greateet attention ; the oxcitc 2nent ran very high through all the liour c trading uiiil the Ieelit.g wa. greatly ulisettlet ] f1ricotaIvnneed 2@2 0 above inside , close 22c higher than yesterday ; cash 52@t3c closed at close at 53lecenibor and year 50@53c , closed a 53c ; January 50@53gc , ClOsOl At 53A ; Fol mary 51@531c1 closed at 53c ; May , 5i50 cbostl at Mc. Oats-Firm andliigher ; caali 30c ; Novembc f10c ; December and y'ar 2l30 ) cboed at 30c ; May 83@35c , cbosod at 35c. Rye-Steady at 58o. Barley-Dull and oaiy at 62o. 1la Seed-Firm at 1 351 ? $5 , 4 l'ork-Jnnsually ( heavy hualnos1 great ) nnettlotl , alIt ! p1ces fluctuating viItll opened 20@30o higher , advaiiccd I0@ bOo a' ' tilUonal , receded 15j20e. rallied 3Ob5c , an closed Htoady ; cuali , 19 8312 00 for old ; 13 2 ( I3 87 for new ; Novcniber 12 7T(12 1) ) ( closed at 12 815i)12 ) 00 ; 1)oceinber 12 :10@12 : ( clmel at 12 8j12 00 ; year 12 V'cJ12 ' 90 , close 12 85(12 90 ; Ianuary 1:1 : l5l3 85 , cbosel i 13 82.13 ss February 13 20@14 00 , close nt 13 rIIJ 14 00 ; March J3 80l4 15. close at 1-1 123114 ( 15 ; May 13 S0J1 1 40 , closcil i .u : ci 40. Lard -Irregular ; opened I5t20o hb. her. tu ' , ' t , vanced 20@2e additional , reZbel 5cjlO , rallied 1ti@200 , cbosel taady ; cash 8 2 ( 8 37. ; November 8 208 35 , closed at H 1)occtnber 800(8 33 , cboet at S 34XJ8 3 year S 28 ! 30 ; iauuary S 25S ( 55 , closed ' S 52.8 55 ; February , 8 3s(8 : nT. , cboso,1 , S fl5a8 67k ; March 8 70@8 77k , cbobull I 77S : May 8 85Ca'.1 'J2c. t Ilulk Meats-Ill fair demand and higho shoulders1 5 75 ; short ribs1 6 00 ; ihort clan ( I 715 , Butter-Quiet and unchanged ; eresuiery , 4 caoc. Iggs-Qubct nail unchanged at 25@26c , , Whisky-Steady and unchanged. 1"relghts-Corn to Ibuffalo , 4e. Cheso--Market itoaily and demand to ) thQtcu full crealn cheddars 12@12c ; chol full cronin t1t 12 ( 13.Ic : i.ioL 1art skitn ciellars ) and llat 7QSe ; hard skims tU1b-lc. 11kbo-Stca'ly ' : grenn sAlt Curel , light and heavy , ic glean salt .lainagnI , Ge ; green salt calf , lic thi salteI , lie : iiry calf , The. Tallow-so. 1 , flc1 'u. 2 , 61c ; cake , 7c. TlmatI3' Quiet ; cai unchnugoil ; PrlfllO I 25 ; choice , lltJfllitld. ( raln In Store nve7nbcr 26- heat , 9,030,000 bushels ; corit , 978,000 : oats2Sh.000 ; rye. 1,207,000 : barley , 172,000 total all kinds , 11,673,000 : aIIIO ( taie 1n4 y'nr , tO33O00. ON Ottt-\V1oat-Sabes , 1,000 ( ( bush. ohs : Novctnler alraiiel , e ; 1)eemlor , vanced .jc ; Jn1lltnr tbochinc , ) c ; February do. chitieti c. CorIL-Sdoi , 1,800Othl bushels ; lncoinber aIItl year ai1vancet c ; Taiiiary and February advanced e ; May ibechiticil c. ( ) ati-Snlo , l2,000 lmhcls ; December aint .latutary alat1cel .c ; the advanced .c ; May advanced , c. I'OI k-Snbe , 60,000 bm rt'hs ; Noveinlor cbwl at 13 00 ; 1)ecoinler ) , and tim year nt 12 tT. ) : .Tannary at 13 February flt 14 02 ; May at , 3,000 ttoree. : 1)ocoinbcr cloel , ot S 40 ; thto year at S 3T : .laiitinty at 8 I0 ; l'e.brnary at 8 70 ; lnrcht at S $01 May at S 0TC.I9 00. l'k oIUA rfloPvce. 1O111A , X.vciuber2T.-Coni-Stcaily : high inixol , SOc ; 2 iiiixeth , 4b@lt1Jc. ) Oat-Activo ; No. 2 whIte 3le. \Vhiisky-Flrin ; $1 15. MT. totis IIt)1)L'c ( ) . Si. ] No olllbCr 27.-\Vhioat-hllghor ; o , 2 roil , $1 00Cl 02 for cash. ; $1 01.1 for owoniber ; l ( ) i for December ; $1 01 bid br the yonr ; l 0 I for .1 unuary. Corn-higher IIII1 unsettled at 44@45c ; for cash ; 4 l@bnc torNoentber ; lIt , l > ltt for Io. comber ; 41gtl4c for the year ; 45111UO for .1 auhlnry. Oats-1iIhicr at 281i'2tc ) for cnd ; 28o for Ieceinbor ; 2Sc for tie year ; 2o for , lan. nary. 1tye-sl&sis.Ie : bid. ltarboy-o0c. Jiutter-- : : itairy , 21a.2c ; creamery , 30d 3c. ( Llggs-23c. Fbonr-VIrIIl. llaxseed-$1 31. ltay-l'rairie , 4 06ijl0 50 ; timothy , $1000 @ 15 00. Corn 2doal-$2 10@2 l. C1.osINu BOAIII\Vhtoat lxcited antI higher : opened at 1 ( )3A@Jl ) 03clti1ng at 1 03 for December ; 1 ( )2' ) ' bitt for the year ; 1 055ij1 O6 , closing at 1 0 for .Taunary , 1 O15i1 08 , closing at 1 O8t for 1"oIruary ; 1 J2liJl 13 , cloliig itt 1 ll for May. Corn-Excitwi and lIglior ; 45.c bitt for Not'embor ; .1e ( ; for 1)ecoiitber ; IIAC for the year ; 10.47c for .Tanuary ; he mr Folrn nty ; 51cj52o for May , closing at insitbo Prices , Oats-higher ; 2'c ' for 1)eceinber ; 2Sc bid for the year ; 2tc ) for .Tanuary ; : : t for May. NIW O11L1AN5. . Nav OnLANH , Nov. 27.-Corn-Higher ; iiii'etI anti white , I , l@SSc ; yellow , 58c , Oat-Iu fair deintud anti higher itt bS c39. c39.Corn Corn Moat-Dull at 2 40. Pok-Scarco lttlI firit at 12 75. Lard-Lower ; tierce , 8 00 ; keg , S 50. Bulk ltteat.M - Iii fair donumd. Whisky-Stettiy ; wo'tcri rectified , 1 05 © 1 - . TOLEDO. ToLEDO , Novelnbor 27.-Wheat-Quiet antI steady : ? o. 2 cash , I 03g. Coru-Fiiiti ; Nt ) . 2 cash and November , Sic bid. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 cash ginil November , 311c. CLOINATI. C1c1NATI , November 27. - Wheat - Firm ; No. 2 red winter , 1 0 for caht. Corn -1)omand good antI tending upward at I 52(52c. Oats-Strong at 32c. Ityo-Stroiig nut ) higher at COc3JGlc. , Pork-Stronger at 13 75. Lard-Excited antI higher at S 25. Bulk Meats-Higher. Whisky-Quiet nt 1 13. M1LW'AUKE. MILWAIJKIHC , November 27.-Wheat- Higher ; November , 1)Tc ) ; December , U7c , I ' Jaiiuary , 'J8c. Corn-Higher at 49c for rejected. f Oats-Weaker ; No. 2 , 28c. ] tye-Stoady at. 56.c. L ] ktrloy-Steady ; No. 2 , 591c. XMSAs CITY , 1CMsAa CITY. Novomnor. 27.-\Vlsoat- I Weaker ; 82c bitt for cash ; 83c for Doceln her ; 83c bid for year. Corn-Steady ; dOe for cashi39jc ; bitt for No 'cinor ; 41c for May. Oats-1)uIl ; noiulimlly 23e bid. LIVEIII'OOL. LivEnrooL , November 2T.-BroadstulTs- slow. slow.WheatWinter , 8s 6dOs ld ; spring f Ss@8s (3d. ( t Corn-Ss IhI. a DALTIM0RE. BALTIMORE , November 27.-Wheat-\Vest era dtill ; No. 2 vintor rod , cathi , 1 07 lost. 0 CurnWTestern , strolig , highier and active 0 mixed , cahi 5tC6e. ) ( ) ) Oats-Stronger and t1tiict ; western white SU(4lc ( ; mixed , :17@39c. : t Ilyc-Firln at 6(3A5c. ( t Batter-Firm : vcstern lacked , I0@23c , creamery 2533C. : Eggs-ii'air at 230c. ! S Whisky-Quiet at 1 18@l 18k. NEW YORK. Niw Yonx , November 27.-Wheat-Cash ' : C&c better ; optilns excited , 2@2jc , strOlil , and hiighor ; ungradoti rel , 'Jlc@l 1 I ; No. . rod. $1 03l 10 ; No. 2 rod , 1 11 a 1 14. a Corn-Lxcitotl and strong ; cnslt lots 1@2&i & . niitl tltiOItS ) 2@J2c higher , firlil ; niigradod , b r @ 62 No. 2 , 2Ac63ie. OatS-@lAc ' , higher ; closing firIll ; mixot western , 3tkJ8c ; white 3812c. Pork-Stronger ; DOW IX3OSA , $13 4013 50 Lard - Strong RUtl higher : prime titelun $5 i5S ( 75. Butter-Firm aitti In gooil tleinnnth. t Eggs-Unclmngeti. TItA.FFJC. r . - . - YLoUn ANn CHAIN , CHICAGO , November 27.-Receipts and slur I , meats of flour and grain for the past 24 hour :5 have been as follows : 1 ; lt000IfltS. Shlp'ts y Flotr , bblg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,0i0 23,00 ! ) Wheat bushels. . . . . . . . . . . 103,000 40,00 , Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . 225,000 272,00 , Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 182,000 214,00 ) . Ityo , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 4,00 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 09,000 65,00 NEw YORK , November 27.-Receipts an f &hlprzteutsof flour and grain for the pat 24 hour I. have boon as follows : L Receipts IThIp'U ' Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 2t12t)04) ) 171,00 ( I Corn , biuthels. . . . . . . . . . . . 162.0X ( ) 22,00 t Oats bushiols. . . . . . . . . . . . 160,000 100,0 3. ] CANsAi CITY , November 27.-ReceIpts an 1 , shipments tif grain for the Juist 21 hours hay baoii as follows' r Receipts. Iihip't.t ; Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 1(1,000 ( 2l(1 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 10,00 LIVE STOCK. ChICAGO , November 27-Receipts atiti shil' menU of live stock for the past 24 hours hay ) : boon a follows : I. p , Receipts. Slii'b ) hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,000 . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , ) ' BY , Louis , Novenler'27.-UeceiltsanlsLl1 : ( ) a ments of Ilvi stock for the 24 hours ha t IO6U U. . follows : 4l lbocelpt.s , Shlj't.i tb Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 511001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 7f1 hogs , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,100 1cAN'AJ CITY , November 27-ReceIpts an ; nhilpnioito : of live stock for the ) 24 how a have beois iw follows : : ; ItOCOIftS. SitI1't , ) ; Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , (380 Lt hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 8,000 tI. Sheep , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 st - I1VF HTOCIC , r ; CII WAOU. ChICAGO , Novombor2l-Tbe Drovora'Jou : an ) report.sthis [ afternoon as follows : hogs-Market husk anti l0 higher ; Pad 111g. 4 301 85 ; packIng and shippln. 4 l5 ( 5 30 ; hilit , 4 4J1 ( ) 85 ; ikI1' , 2 501 25. r ; Cattle-Market strong auth be higher ; e : 8 ports , 6 2&1h 75 ; good t ) choice 51d1)1)iE . I 4 " p , - _ _ _ . skors , S (5f6 10 ; common to mothiutu , 4 00c1.1 S 40 : Inferior to fair covs , 2 25533 25 ; IflOthiltIfl to good , 8 8004 00 ; stockers , 3 00ci4 15 ; feed. 'rs , 3 90@ 1 40 : tango t'nttlo , to.ttly grass Texans , 3 005'4 50 ; , erIcan , 4 50 ' 7 5 50. Shoo1.-lolnalld ) fair and stonily : Inferior th fair , 2 25@8 25 per cwt. IiU3(1ItII1 to good , 300 @ 8 65 ; choIce to extra , 3 7Sj4 50. IANA14 CITY LtVR STOCK. KANSAS CITY , ovoInbcr 27.-ThoDalhy hi. ( tkAttr reports : I Cattie'-Ollcrings light ; market steady atiti iinehiaiiet : iatlvoq , 6 OOQti 50 : cows , 2 70 ( a 0 : ' 1 steers , 8 253 70 ; haht.breotls : ; t,0i)4 ) ( ' 0 , Domatut hoOtt for stockers am feeders , liogs-lirin antI higher at 4 b0@ I 93. Sheep-Market stoatl fur good .to choice natives itinttoii at 3 00&3 50. Br. LOUIS LIVE amex , Sr. LOula , November 27-CatttC-/CtIo nut ! strong : demauth largely eceetIs the 511)1. ) ply ; exxrt.s ) , quick ale at 0 00 ( , f' 50 : hoa'3' shipping steer , 5 40@6 00 : light tl , 1 ,5@15 50' tockor anti foOtbeDl , 3 t'06Jl 25 ; CtWt4 nUt hollers 3 00@1 00 ; grass Tocatis , 3 25@I 15. ilooii-Scarco : , hIlt UrnS for good mtittoiit at 3 25j3 ( 75 : ilrLIls3 tO fancy , s 85fjt 25. ] Iogs-Activo nntt higher ; Yorker , .1 35@I 4 50 ; packing , .1 7075 10 ; butchers , 4 905J 510. 5. : , 1)IY ( OOlS. Niw Vom , November 27.-Thitngh : orttors vore not executed yestertlay aii,1 , a IflndCrattl Iliquiry tn.ttay , thiero Inn. been a ory fair tratlo. Exports of tiotiistic cottons forthi veek 803 $ parekago. , Illakilig sitico the firsa Of .lanuary 149,670 packnLp3 against 140,815 last year t1Itl 114,715 In 1881. I - OMAhA 1'IA1tKITS , Wisobeanho I'rlooa. OFrtc OF PIta OIAHA lIRE. Tuesday Evonlug , November 27. The following urices are dhargeti retailnr by jobbers , vhttosnhers , and conin1ssIon inor lhiants , with the exception of cTlII1 , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : . Gralu. WIIRAT-CMIt No. 2 , 78c ; No , 3 , GSc. BARLEY-Cash No. 2 , Sic. JITE-Cashi No. 3 39c. COHN-NO. 2 , 37c. OAi's-No. 2 , 2Sc. . LLYO Stock. FAT Snnm-Qniot at 3 50@Z3 50. FAT CowM-3 o03 35. Iloos-3 85@4 it ) . Snnxr-Firm at 3 00@3 50 , CALVES-Fair quality 4 50@5 00 ; gooclbnteh era' stock , 6 00. Flour aisti Mihiatuffs. Vinn WILRAi'-Best quality , pathntat 3 . 25@3 50. SECOND QUALITY-2 7@3 25. S1'nINo W1IK.r-Brst quality , patent , S 253 60. SEeoNl QUALITY-2 50,3 35. ] IRAN-55c 1)er cwt , CuorI'En FERI-I'Or 100 lba. SSc. Cons Mia-1 00@1 10 or cwt3 . SCRIZENING-60700 per cw Goncrat Produce. BUTTER - Fancy creamery 3335c ; cold storage creamery , 2561J27c ; choice dairy , 20 @ 21c ; boot country , soliti packed , 12@i5c ; best country , roll , 14@lOc ; inferior grades , 10@llc. liCCeiltS ) continue large and quality Ioor. i"lo demand for anything except strictly fancy butter. Eons - Market advancing ; sales at 27@28c. Advise libra1 conslguuentt , A1'rr.E-Fancy , Tonathans , $4 50@5 00 ; fancy lie : : 1)avis , $3 60@I 00 ; fancy , leiot , $3 00@3 50 ; fancy Wilbowtwig , S3 25@3 75. Demand good. CilExax-Now York State full cream , late . September make , lIe ; New York Statci full ; cream 10 hoop lots , l3tc ; do full crania , 50 hoop lots , 13.c ; do August make , 13c ; do 10 11001) lots2 Aurust snake , 12c ; do 50 11001) lots , 12.c ; Wisconsin , full cream , 2 In box , lIe ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 13c ; ftill cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , 11c. full cream flats , l2tc ; full cream flats , 11c ; fancy brick cheese , 300 lb cases , 15c ; Liin. . burger 13c ; genuine old Swiss , itic. POTVTOE-RCCOipts large and prices declining. Consininonts of strictly choice , . large sized , straihit potatoeS are selhiri from 30 to 32c ; m'Yel ( cars 25 to 28c an iglit demand ; peachblows , 35 to 40c. SwKF'r POYATOIi-ChocO yellow , 2@3c. ONIONS-ltecoipts larger ; chotco large rod - W6thersfiold selling at 40 toSOc. No donand. ( LtmlAae-Markct for choice stock 5 00 ® p e COper hundred. Demand good. BEANS-Ilalid picked navies , 52 50@2 75 ; hand picked IflOctiuIns , $1 75@2 00. Re. colpts large ; demand good. GAx-l'rairio chickens , per doz. , $3 50 to , 3 75 ; quail 1 75 to 2 00 ; snipe , $1 50 to 1 75 ; ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 002 50 ; mixed , . . $150 t 2 00 ; deer aaddles , 11to l2o , ; carcass - cass , 9. to lOc ; antelope saddles.1i to 12c ; car- CR55 , 9 to bc. Deinantl good. Would advisu I liberal conigninonts. lb careful that your game coiiies to market in : iico condition. F100311 OYTEILs-Solects , 45c ; standards , , .hOe ; mediums , 30c. CELERV-ISc , l'ouLTnY-Live chickens , jer doz , 1 75 © 2 00 ; full dressed chickens , per lb. , 6@8c ; tur. keys , per 11) , , 14lGc ; ducks , 10dJ12 ; goose , , 1261J14c , LESIONS-Extra fancy bar lonois , $ S 00 ; fancy Mcssiia lemons , per box , $7 25 ; 5 box , lots , Messina leiiiuns , $7 00 ; 10 box lots d& , $6 75 ; Malign heinous , fancy , $5 00 ; do 5 box I lots , $ -1 50. OIANr.Es-Louislallas per libI , 9 00 : do. , box. $5 06 ; stern cut , Jnnaicas , perbbl , $1000 ; P ° ' . box , $600 , BANANAS-Choice lO bunch , $3 00@4 00. CRANIIERIIII-lOl1 awl bugles ; $10 00@ 12 00 ; ball and cherry , $9 50'J10 50. Above iiuitatiolis for choice , ] ) ATICS-Black Arabian , par lb. , 8@Oc ; quarter crates , lOc. } 'nis-25 lb. kegs , per lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box , flyer , per lb. , 1Cc ; small ovals jor lb. , iSe. CocotNum-Extra fine , lIOt 100 , 8 00. Citnu-1'uro sweet cider , 22. gal Icog , $6 00 ; M. & 1' . clarIfied , 22 gal keg , $0 00 ; & 1' . : - clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00. S ] IO5 FE1T , rIUI'E , RTC.-I'igs feet , 111 lb kits $1 15' pigs 40 lb qr libI , $2 25' iiigs foot , I half Lbl , SI 00 ; trpo , 15 lb Idts , $1 15 ; o tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 2. ; tripe , 80 lb half bId , 0 00 ; pigs tougueal , 15 lb kits , $2 50 ; ligs ) 0 tongues , 40 lb qr Ill $6 00. Lambs' tonpiios , 6 lb kits , $2 65 ; .10 lb 'l'S bbl , $6 25. 0 MINeR MEAT-Atinore's , 181b buckets 0 ( luckets 2Tc ) tc ) ; 37th bicltetn : ( bucket IDe ) , ftc. lOOIb kegs , tic ; half barrels , 8c. LI A.asoRTIcDELLY-2.lh ; , Ittonujarls' 12 Incaie1 a loz , $2 25 ; tumbler. per tIoz , $1 95 ; , schooner , iar dozen , $3 10 ; 1.11) tin cans , ' ! . tto , in case , $1. 40 ; tin cans , 2 doz Ia catte , ( I 210 , ] IuL .TELLIZS-Curralat , wood lalls , per 11 , 8c ; strawberry , 30-lb wood iails per ii Ib , 8c ; raqberry , 30.11 wood pails per II , a 8c ; blackberry 30.11 wood l'l per lb , 8o ; : crab apple , $ wox1 11)tils ) ler lb , 8c , Al'I'Lic ltu't'rxii-35.ll , woodan iaIls , bier II , , 0 $8 00 ; 5.11 aoodoii lalls , 6 III I case , per case 0$350. PEAcII Bunxa-2o-Il , wooden palhi Ier II , ) ; S'lii wooden pails , 6 in case , or caho , ; PIIESCRvER-In ( 20-lb wootlen pails-R..p. ) I , berry , $15 04 ; strawberry , quince , $1 I 00 ' peach , $14 00 ; cherry. $11 00 ; tIflltoOS ) , $11 00 . plum , $14 00 ; assort.eti , 5-lb wootiun ) mckobi , , 6 10 i.ah6 , per case , S I 75 ; assortOd , 2.11 tlii 1' caiu , , 2 iloz in case , per case , $3 25 , 0 NI:1lIi.tiiIA : Cosin frames , 21.1) ) . cKos , II , Thc , IIAY-Ilabed , 8 00@10 00 Par toz : ; In liilk 6 50 P ° ' tOil. In , ) GrocorH Ijtst. ( I CANNED flooDs-Oysters ( Standard ) , pci s 70(3 00 ; strawberries , 2 lb , or ( 'a'tO ' , 2 10 ; raspuierries , 2 11 , case , 2 90 ; lbarthiti 5 , roars , porcaita , 2 40 ; whurtlobeiries , , pcr case , . 80 ; egg p1um , ,2 II , , per case , 2 00 ; groel , gages , 2 11 , per ca , 2 JO ; iks choice , 3 II , PCI . 4 50 ; p11)0 ) , 2 11 , per case , 4 8 ) lor-Sisai , iflClt flint larger , lOla , 10&e ; lIldhi , 1I&c , OANPLFJ4-IOXOsI 40 los , ] 6. ; , i5 , ; & , , The F. boxes 40 bbs , 16 oz. , Gei , lSc , M&TCitEkt-1'tr cathile , 33e ; roinil : , cas C. 2 55 ; square cass , 1 70. ) HuuAnilkiwtbereiI , IDe ; cut loaf1 Ific granulated , 9.jc ; cnfuctioers' , , A , 8c : htanti C. arti extra 0 , Se : extra 0 , 7e ; medium ye1 ig low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7e. _ _ _ . ! _ Corrr.xs-Orthlnnry grades , l2@l2e ; fair 13 ® t3c good , l'lc ; prune , IS@I5c ; choice 165jl7c : fancy green and ) 'OhltRwl@l6c ( ; ohl goveralnont , Inva , 202C'e : I.overlnc's roasto , ) , l4c : Arbuckle's roasted , 18c ; Mcl.aughitii's xxxx roted , 18.o : Itnit.ntion Java , 16 @ 181c. lII'r.-lslilsIana ptlma to choice , Tc ; fair Cc : Patina , 0c. Fisit-No- Inackerol , half brIe. , 3 00 ; No , I mackerel , .tlts , 1 15 ; family iiitcher : ) , half brls. , 0 ( XI ; tAIiliIV nuickerel kits , tiSe : 1 vhite fish , half brh. , , 7 00o. ; . 1 kIts I 0. Svnui'Stantlaril Coii. , 8.s , huh. ; taiitiartt tb , 4 gallon kcg 1 8i ; Stantiani do , I g.tlbon kes , 100. Ol.t-Ifl lb papers , 3 30 l'r case ; keg per 11 , 2c. 1'ICKLRR-teiUhlm , In barrchs , 7 00 do in half barrels , 4 ( ) l ) ; small , in larrohi , 8 00 ; titi iii halt barrels , 4 75 ; ghorklnsin larrols , ii do iii half barrels , S (10. ' 1'i.ta-itiiipowtIcr , mxl. 4t'15e ; choice ( .0 ( ; i715c ; ; good htnimrjal , 4048c ; t'liuico , OO(65c ; \'iulIg ) liyson , good , 3450e ; choice 65e0j1 00 ; ,1aiaU1 natural loaf , 8t'c ; , laan , choice , G0@75c ; Oobong , gooti , 3t.cji10e ; Otdmig , cIitiio , 'l ( ) ( ) SSc SoucholIg , good , 356J4c ( ) ; choice , ari15c. WOOigNvAllR-TWO hoop pails , 1 SS ; tltree hiot pails 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 1) ) 00 ; 1lo 110Cr washilwarts , , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 00' \\'ellbuekets 3 85. SoAI'ti-ldrk's Sas'on Imperial , 3 45 ; 1Irk's MUllet , : ; 60 ; Kirk's sthndartl , 3 75 ; ICirk' , whilto Itussian , S 25 ; kirk's oitoc , 2 15' Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's iiiaguolla , ( ho ? . 1 OTAI1H-l'cnusylVflflift CflflS , 4 case , in case , :3 : 35 ; Babbitts ball 2tloz. Incase , 1 90 ; Anchor ball , 2 (1)7. . III CASO , 1 50. OANDY-Freilcll lillEed , In 80 lb. pails , iSe ; 4uloricfln mixotl , in 30 lb pails , Ho : lbrhlliant iiiixetl in 30 II > pall. , 14c ; obny niixotl , in 80 lb paif. , lc' : ; Conipotition : nixrnl , In 30 lb ; , ails , 12e ; Ecolsior stick , 80 lb bails , 13e ; tioubbe refinoil , 30 lb pnils , 13c ; Crystal mixed , 30 Ibjoalls , iSo ; Old Time inixoti , 80 lb pails lIe ; 'lip To ) ) , mixed , SO lb 13 ; Flirt , mixed , 30 lb pails , 11c ; Flirt , stIck , 31) lb jaLls , lItc ; Tip Top , stick , 30 lb , ails , 12c , VINROAII-New ork apple itie ; Ohio ap' lila , ISe. SAT.'r-Dray loads , per ho ) , 1 80 ; Ashiton , Iii sacks , 3 t,0 ; 1)1)15 ) dairy 60 Ss , 3 80. STAIcIl-l'earl : , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Dc ; Corn Starch , Pc ; Excelsior Gloss 7c , ; Corn , Sc. Si'icr.s-l'oppor , 17c alispteO , iSe ; cloves 25c ; cassia , iSo. I2YK-AlflOrICflfl 3 40 ; GreenwIch , 8 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; ? orth Star , 2 00 ; Lowis' lye 3 65 ; Jewoll lye , 2 75 flry Goods , IlnowN Corroa-AtInntio A 8c ; Apple tOil S..X , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; iott FF 8e , Buckeye 141 , , 4. 1 , Vc ; Cabot W , 7c ; chitto. imligo ) A 1c ; GroatFatlsE 8e ; Iloohier , Gte ; lloiie4'h1th , Sc ; Iluhioul head A , Sc ; Indian Stantinrtl A Sc ; Indian Orcharti , d , w , , 7c ; Lawroiico 14L , Gc ; Mystic River , 7e ; l'oqiitt A , 8c ; Utica C. 5'cVachusett ; 13 , 7c ; do A 8o tIe E 18 , 12o. FlNi : BIIOWN Coo-AIlonttalo 4-1 Vto , Alligator 3.4 , 3c' Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; Athuitic 1Tj , G.c ; Batlger $ tate 4-4 , Gc ; Ileiiningtgii 0 .1.1 , iPc ; lluokeyo S .1.4 , Gte ; Iiidian Orcharol AA 0.8 , 8tc ; Laconia 0 39 , Stc ; Lehigh E 4.4 , Otc ; Popicrc1l N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do 11 36 , 7c ; do E 39 , 8c ; Pocassot 0 4.1 , 7e ; \Vninutta 4.4 , 13e. IlLEAOIIKI ) CorroNs-Androscoggin Ii 4-4 , Otc ; llackstono i\A inlilcriai 8c'do ; do half bleached 4-1 , Pc ; Cabot .1-4 , 8.c ; Fitlehity 4-1 Otc ; Fruit of the Loom , 0.jc ; do cambric 4.4 12 + : (10 Water Twist , 10c ; Great Fillis Q , 90 Indian head itlirmik 4.4 , 12c ; Loustlale , lOc 0 canibric 37 , l2c ; New York Slills , 12 % c Pequot A , iDe ; l'el)110rtih , N G Twills , l2tc l'ocahiontas 4.4 , ; l'ocnssot 5-1 , 8 ; Utica lie ; Wanistitta 0 X X , l2to Ducxs ( Colored-Albauy E brown , 8c ; do C , drab 11 c ; do XX Htrics ) allot plaids , 12 i.2c ; (10 xxk browit and drab , stripes autl plniols , 12 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown 8 1-2c Chariot 12 1.2c do , - ; fancy , ; ox- tr heavy , 20c ; Fall iIivorbrown , extra heavy , 11 1.2c ; Indiana A brown , 18e ; Neponset A brown , 15c , Ticxisoe-Ainoskeag AC A32iDe ; do XX blue 32 , 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , 9 1.2c ; Clare mont 1311 15 1.2c ; Conestoga , ettra , 17 1-2o hamilton D , 11l.2c ; Lewiston A30 , iSo ; Win ; nehahia .1.4 , 20c ; Omega , super extra 4.4 , 2. ; Pearl River 32 , 16 1-Ic ; Putnam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket B , 10 1-2c ; do SS , 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , Oc. lEN:1is-Alncskeng : , blue and brown,16 1-2c ; Andover DD blue , 15 1-2c ; Arlington X blue Scotch , 18 I.2c' Concord 000 , blue and brown , 12 1-2c ; fo A.AA do do 13 1-2 ; do XX to do do , 14 1.2c ; ilaymakor's blue anti brown 9 1.2c' Mystic RiverDDstrlpo , 161.2c ; Pearl llivor , llue nut ) brown , lOc ; Uncasvlllo , blue and brown , 14 1.2c. CAtniucs-BaruartI lc ; Eddystono lining , 24 inch : ( loUble face , 8tc ; Oarnor A glazed , Stc ; Maithattati glove finish , 5c ; Newport do. 5c' doglazod , t1c ; l'cquot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid finish , Gc. Coiuxr JEs-A1nory , Androscoggin satteen , 8c ; Clarendon 6c ; Conestogga eat. teens , 7c ; Ilaflowell , Sc ; Indian Orchard , 7c ; Narragansett , unproved , L8c ; ] .apperill sat. teen , 9c ; ltockport , Cc. I'RINTh-Alleiltl , Oc' American , Gte ; Aruldo , 6c ; 1)crwick ) , 4c ; Cocheoo , 6 Conestoga , 6.c ; Dankirk , tic ; Dunnell , Gt@Tc ; lddystono , 6c ; Gloucester , Gte' harmony , Stc ; Knickerbocker , Gtc ; Merrimac b , 7c ; Mystic , 5tc ; Spraues , Cc ; Soutlibritlge , 6c ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Marl. bore , 5c ; Oriental , 8c , (1IN0IIAMS-Ainoskeag , Uc ; Argyle , Sc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cunhcrlaud 7c ; highland , 7c ; Kenilworth , fite ; l'1inkt , bite ; Sussex , 8c. CorroNAIs-AlbervIlle , 13.c ; Agate , 20c ; Ainericait , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cairo 1) and T , 13c ; Clarion D and T , i7c 1)ecaii Co. stripes D atiti T , icc' Keystone , 131c ; Nan4 ttickot , 19c Nonparoif , itic ; Ocean 1) ztiitl T , i3tc ; 1boyai , 1Gc ; Sussex , 12c ; 'rioga , Wachu- i'ott bilirting checks , 12&c & ; do Naukin l2tcs York , plaiti Nankin , l2tc ; do checks , atrilos uwl finicy , l2te ; tb 8 ox , 20c , SiiInTiNos-Alt1roscoggln : 10.4 27c ; do 9-4 , 23cdo ) 3.-I , 32c : Continental C 42. lic ; Fruit oi the Looni 10-i ; 27jc ? ; New York in lbs 98. 35c ; do 78 , 80c ; do 58 , 22tc ; l'oiiihroko 10-4 , 25c ; l'oojuot 10.4 , 2Stc ; do 74 , 190 : do ' 10 , 1Cc ; l'oppeaoll 36 , 29c ; dt 67 , 21c ; do 7 , iSo ; Utica 96 , 3Cc ; do 58 , 22te ; do ' 18 , i7c. PaInt8OiIs and VnrIlIsIlc8 OaM-l10 ° . 13c 150 ° - carbon , per gafbtin , ; headlight , er gallon , lSc ; 175 ° headlIght , 1' ° ' . gallon , 20c ; ir ° water white , 1'Jc ; bin seed , raw , ; iw gallun,55e ; linseed , boiled , per . gallon , SBcLavtl , winter , otr'd , : rnr gallon , bOo : No. 1 , 70cNa ; , 2 , COo ; castor , XXX , ioor gal. Ion , 1 50' No. 3 , 1 30' sweet , par gallon 85c : sira : \V.1I. , cr gahoit , 1 ( .0 ; josh 1.Ii , , pergalbon flSc : neatsfootoxtra , nergailon , OOc ; No , 1 , 7th , lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; summer , iSo ; golden machan , No. 1 , gal. loin , 3c ; No. 2 , 25c ; loportil , signal , per gzillon , BOo ; turjeutlne , iar gallon , SOc ; naptha 74 ° , 1glLllt)1i ) , lSc. 1'IINTi3 OIL-White load , Omaha P. P. Cc ; white bail , St. 14)1115 ilro , ole ; Marseilles green 1 to 5 lb cans , 26c ; Frond : zinc green ioal , 12c ; French : zinc , ret1 seal , lie ; frencIi zinc , iii varnish nast , 20c : } 'ieiich zinc. In oil iuet , iSo ; raw antI burnt umber , 1 fl caits , 10c raw and burnt Sienna , bc ; vnnolyko brown 13c ; refinoit iampblnck , 12c ; coach black , Ivory black , lUc ; drtoj , black , ICc ; l'rusniaii blue , 80c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green Ii. N. & I. ) . 1Cc ; blInd ttiiti shutter green , Jj M. P. , joe ; I'ZUIH green , iSo ; Indian red The ; Venetian rail , 9c ; ruscan rot ) , 2'2c ; Amen. COil VOiliillIiofl I. & 1' . iKe ; chronno yellow Ii. M , , 0 , & I ) . 0. , 1ffc ! ; yellow uclire , 9c golden nehru , ICc , Pltsnt dryer , Sc ; grainin colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , dhr" toni and ash , ISo. Ury Pa&lntH. SVbIte bead , Sc ; French zinc , IDe ; Parti . wiuting , 9tc ; whiting glItters , 1c : wdtin ) com'l 1.jc ; lamololack , ( iorin.antowso , lic , lain.b1ack , orolliu0ry , lOc ; Prussiaii blue , 5t ubtrananine : , ic ; vitnoiyke , brown , So ; umber , I burnt , ic ; ulliller. raw , Ic ; slomimia , btmrnt , 4 ° , itiejina , raw , 'Ic ; l'arls green , genuine 25c , I l'arls green , ConunoIt , 20cclu'onogrooxi ; : , .k.Y. 20 ; chrwno raon K , , 12c ; ortd1lioit , Eng. 70c ; vuniillioii , , .iierIcun , 1 8c ; I itoblan reel JOe ; rose plik * , 14c ; Voinitinit rod , Cokuitotos 2'c ; Venetlati roil , ltiiorleoui , 1e ; rod beau 7c ; chronic yellow , gentiliio , 2e ( ) ; chroiuui ye ) bow , K. , 12c' ochuro , nocltollu , 3c : ochre , French r 2jc ! ; oehru , Ai'ltinlcflhI , 2e ; W'iiitor's mitilleral p 2c ; Iehight hrowu , 2tc ; S1taiibt'h ' brovni , 2tc I ri itce's InlmIorL4l : , 8c. V.IIINJHII laS-I booriols per gallon : Vitriol I turo , extra , $1 10 ; fiirnhiiu , , N. . , , 1 , $1 ; coach , r oxtrti , . $1 1i ( : ctntcli , No. 1 , 1 20 ; 1)unotr I extra , 81 75.Jupami ; , 70c ; : tsph.altum , extra , SSe shellac , $3 t.0 loan ! oil linisli , 81 50 , ; I'cio : 'I'oiAcco.Cilmitax , roe : Boillluomi ro lItuooo.liuoi , tOo' Star , 'Ale ; Ruddy , lr. , ; lien I otiV's , lHu ; iiiach , 8&40c. Fu : } : Cirr-Coiniuon , 2R80c ( ; uod , 4r 1 Gc ; hose 1..eitf , 70o ; l'romnltin , 6-Sc ; Dlnnouo - Cl'OWIl , tkr ; 14w.ot Sixteen , 4Tc. SlloicInn-O , 14 , , 21c ; Moerscoatima ) , 25o ; Din ham , l 01. , 5e ; 1)oirhain , 4 ni. f'Tc ; Iurhiui' J - - - - 2 rn , , SSe : Seal of North Carolina , 8 ct. , 5t Seal of ortht Car1Iiia , 4 ni. Sic ; Scat of North Carolina , 2 tot. , ( .0c : 0 , k , iuramn ) , , 4 ox. , 2 ; 0. K 1)urhian' ) , 12 on. , 3De ; IJucbo Net ) , , 's 25e ; Toni nut ) .lerry , 2'c. I sent Ii or. ,40l5 $ .Sc to 42c : hrnntock solo2Sc to $ t.c ; iien to kp , Soc to I 00 ; liltilier ( ' . ' .c to 80e ; neat i' calf , SSo to I 20 ; hemlock Iipor ) 23e to 26c : oak iooor , 21c ; nillator , I 00 to h ro ; calf idol , : i2@ $ . : ( lreisen kit ! , 2 ( .0 t. , 2 75 ; oak ki1i , $ De to 1 00 : ioak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 : Fiotich kit , I 10 tti 1 55 : Frrniclt calf , I ' 25 to , 2 1)0 ; ms. , set.i. , to toO to 7 t.0 : biiitiiis , si Ut ) to 10 50 ; to ) . . , ) ojfl5 , 1) ) 00 toi 10 toO ; U. 1 , , 'oluoeco , 3c ( ) to $ . 'v ; ioebobo ) 0. I ) . otOrt't ) , 35c : itlotoon , 2 51) to 8(10. ( 1lAit4RSi-No , 1 tar oak , 42c : No 2 tloi , :190 : : No. 1 OhIo nak , SSc ; No. 2 ut , , $ Se ; No. I Milwaukee 31co. : . 2 ube' , Iititi tier. WIIOLIatLr. . \ o quote lumber Ia ) ) : ntl obiiig1es ) , on oars at Olnaim at thot fohituving prices : , Tois' ANI ) SCANTLINC-ith ft. nail under 2200 ; hi3ft,23t.O. 'l'uiitiuit16 : feet , iitl imtinr , 22 00. TinioRn ANt ) , lomr--lS ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 2350 ; 22 ft. , 2650 ; 21 ft. , 2650. FiciNG-No. 1 , 'I atiot 6 iii , , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00. SIixxnlNn-No. 1 (2o1 ( conunon boarols ) , 20 00 ; No , 2'lS (10. ( 11iR-1'om barrel , I 25butk : per ttishnl' SSe ; coiiioiit , hi , ) , 2 25 ; Iowa Plaster bIb , 2 i'O ; hair per bit , ! OOe ; 'l'iuretl felt , (100 itos , 8 ( ' 0 ; straw board , S 50. hiiIl ( .4. liill nnol weak ; green butchers , Ge ; grecti , salted , 7@7c ; ( in ) ' flint , l2SSl3e ; dry salt , 1OSillc ( ; ulamnageol blues , two.thiroi , 1)11cc , TALLOW-Cc. Sinun' Pxm.m-25cjbI 00. Wool. Morliio iuiwashott , light l4@lCc ; heavy , l3@I5c ; iiieditun itiivasbied , light , 185J'2c ( ) ; washeil , choice , 3'2c ; fair , 8k' ( ; tub aiioi washed , 28e ; burry , black antl cotteti wool , 2@Go toss. heavy 1Iarttynro IolMt. Iron , rates , 2 ( ' 0 ; plow stool special cast , 7c' crucible , Sc ; special or ( crman , tic ; cast tool (10 , 1520 wagon iqokes , sot , 2 25.jI3 ( (10 ( ; hubs ioon set , 1 25 ; felInes savcd dry , I ' 10 ; tongues oncli , 70@SSc ; r.zlos each , 7c' sqtiaro iiuts l ° ° ' 10 , 7@lIc ; vitsliors , or blot 8dl8c ) ; rivets , von Ito , lie ; coil climd , per ) to , bCiJlc ; niahloablo , So iron wotigos , Ge : crowbars Ge ; harrow tooth 'Ic ; spring teal , 7@Sc ; lhinton'z. horsohtoes , 5 25 Burden's lnuloMhocs , 6 2,5 , BuuixiViitiii car lots , too vet 100 , NAII.s-ltntos , 10 to 60 , 3 20. ShoT-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shoot , 2 10 ; .orleithd powolor , kegs , 6 ' 10 ; ulo , half kegs , 8 48 ; ut' . , quarter kegs , I SS ; blastIng , kegs , 8 35 ; fuse , pot 100 foflt , SOc. LEAI-Bat , 1 fo. ' , . Coii-Cuinberlzuiul bilacksinitbi , iO 00 : ? olor. nis rim ] bltsoolmrg , 10 \Vltebroast : ) lump , 5 \Vhitebroast ; nut , 5 0) ) ; 1ow litiiij , S 00 ; Iov hut , i , 00 Ibuock Sionimu , 7 00 ; Anthra. cite , 11 25@11 toO ; Canon City , 7 00 , toor ton , Liquors. Accouor-18S protf , 2 25 POt vliio gallon extra Califoniia , spirits , 188 proof , 1 25 per proof gallon ; triple retitied sPirits , 187 prooof , 1 23 Pr vrf gailomi ; ro-ubistilleil wlilooklos , 1 OO1 50 ; line blonobed , 1 5O@9 150' Ken. tucky btlLtlOiiR , 2 00@7 00 ; Keutuclcy and Pennsylvania rye , 2 O0@7 00. ] I1ANIIES-Iuiportod , 0 O0@i600 ; domestic 1 40@l 00. GINa-lmnporteol , ' 1 150@6 00 ; donnoitic , I 1 0 @ 3 00 , ltinms-Imnportod , 4 S0@fl 00 ; New Englanol , 2 00@1 00 ; dommetlc : , 1. SO@3 So. PEACh AN ! ) Am'm'm.e BRANDY-i 75@1 00. CimA3Im'AoNis-ili1lrnrtoil 1)et 01150 , 2S O0@ 34 00 ; Anooicanpcr catu , li 00@16 00 , DENVER MARKET. Cwun : . MEATS ANI ) IjAnh-Ilanls , lTc ; breakfast bacon , 15lStc ; ooIntkol ) sides , 9t (10c ; mIt skies , 8t@Oc ; lard , 10@lic. GuExN FRUIT uN ! ) PmoncE-l'otatoos , SO ® ' 75c per 100 poumitls ; iiotatoo.i , sweet , pci 101) ) ioouiiilto , 2 b0IJ3 00 ; onion. , Per 100 pounds SI. 5O(2 ( 00 ; turnIps , ver 100 lb. 608Oct Col oracle cabbage , new , per 1OO , 85cl 00 live chickens , old , pcr do ; SI 0O © 4 25 ; pralrie chickens var doz , $3 75@l 00 eggs , . fresh , per tioz , 82@35e ; butter , fair qual. Ity crennicry , finest per II , 35@36 ; creamery , good , per lb , 28@3Ic ; ICansas mind Neloraslca dairy , per Ib , :37(4r. : ( cooking , 12@lSc ; chiesse , full CtOIIIII , IbOt lb , 1617c ; apples per bid , castori , , 8.1 00@S SO ; grapes par II , , 7lOc ; Cal'mforziia per tli , 76j110c ; Mossiima lemoims , oxtr , per box $7 00 , Ca8 00 ; oranges , 9l2 OO@i3 00 ; olorzulo : wheat , per 100 11) , $1. 80@l 88 ; hour , Col. ornobo , per 100 Ib , $2 O0@2 25 ; flour , patomit , $2 0OQ8 00 ; flour , ICammitas , par 100 Ib , $2 70@ 3 00 ; flour , Urabmani , per 100 11 , 52 0O132 50 ; flour , rye , per 100 lb. 2 502 70 ; flour , buckwheat - wheat , per bbl , $11 SO@I2.SO ; corn nioiil , per 100 Ibs , $1 tiS1 815 ; corn , per 100 lbs. SI 2W1J 1 30 ; corn chop , vet lOOlbs , $1 30@l : b ; new oat. , ver 10(3 lbs SI 35@l ' 15 ; oats , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 II , , $1 30@I 40oatooNebrnooka ; , whIte , per 100 lbs , $1 35l 45 ; ( ) RLS , Colorado , Per 100 bbs , $1 251 35 ; harley , per 100 lIs , SI SSO@1 75 ; iimixed chmu , , boor iOO ii ) . , SI 33 1 10 ; bran , ocr tlti , 51-7 O11lt ) 00 ; hay , loose , l)0t ton $12 O0@1G 00 ; babcil seconol lmttun : , $10 O0ljti2 00 ; Ijimbeol tiplanil , $1.1 00@J17 00 ; clover , ier toil , $20 (10 ( ; straw , ver toio , 138 00 Q 900. Railway Time Table. LOCAL TIAINS-ORthOR DIVISION U. 1' . It IL , MAIN LNI. ! - - , z , LNLVI. sloalvi. I'acflci ! Epress.12O5 : I ) mu Atlantic ICIoruss7:25 : air Witstern Ex'r'iss 8:00 : jouzi % 'estorumExIorcss. 'J20p : ma (1. IaIoitI l'aas , , , .4eo : p ma (1. IlaiooI lass. 1IO : a in Lincotui Ex..12EO : P n LIncoln ; x..12:85 : pin DUMMY TltaINS-IIRIDOR 1)1 VISION. Leave 0ooaboa , : 7:10 : , 8:00 : , 1)OO ) ; , 10:00 : , 1 I :00 : a : too. , 12 iii ; Itio : , 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:01) : , 5:00 : , (1:00. ( : 10:10 : P. iii. On Huh. ( lays : 7:10 : , 11:0 : 1 1:00 : ii. in ; .2OO : , 4pJ : , tIOO. 10:10 : p. mu. Arrive nttranotferdujtot2O inirtiotloosfater ; IiroatP lt.ny tIUjOt , Couttell 11111 iTs , 80 ioilumiites later. : Leave Council Illomils , Broadway depot , 8:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : , 11:00 : a.iui. ; 12 moo.lO9 ; : , 2:00 : , 3OO,4OObOO,61O : ; ; ; , . 10:40 : p. in On HmiutaysI'IoO ! : : ) , 10:00 : a. iii. ; 12 Iii ; 8:00 : , ' 6:00 : , : I' ) , 10:10 : p. in. 4rrlvu Transfer depot , 1011110' uta later , : 1saio CouncIl Illoiffi , Trausrer dn1oot : 8:211 : , 025 ; , 10:25 : , 11:23 : a. mn.12 ; inIi25 ; , 2:23,33 : : , 4:25 : , :2t : , , 0:28 : , 7:05 : , 10:85 : P. III. Arrive Oimialoti tIO umoltiutes later , Liuvi' ( MAllA. LIUVS C0UNCit iti.Urv5. No , 2. . .7:55 : a 10 I'A8i. No. , , , 7:26 : 5 in , , No. 20 , , , , ,5 .45 1' In " No , 12 , . , .11:18 : a in 'I No. g..3:60i' : in " No , . . . a I :23 5 in 'I No. . . . . . . . . . . I ' ° Zo. .81 7:15 : , in " N. ' , S..11:16 : a in i " No , 1. , , 7 hA p in ' No. r.o . . 0f0amoi : I Q , , M. & St. I' . II , IL-U. I' DEPOT. Itoh & Ex..1:50 : a ma l'acfflo Ex , , . , , , , O' .15 a ma ; ttbontloEx . , . , , 2t0 : ) , in J Mall it Ex..7:10 : p in PVADAIIII , ST. LOUIS & 1'MUFIO-V , 1' . 1)E1'OT. Omalirt..7:80 : a mu Omaha , , , , , , , , 11:20 : a in " . . . . . . . . . 2bOpla : " . . . . . . . . . 620'in V. , II a q u , IL-U P. DF.I'OT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Express . . , , , , . , . 0:46 : a mu Ilaprooss. . . . . . . 8top : mu ? ' . . . . . . . . . . . pin : CL , It. II & P. It. fl.-U. 1' . IflI'OT , Express..7boamu . : Mall , , , . , , , , , . , , O:45am : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , in Express . , . , . , , , 7:10 : pin 0. & N , V. It , 11.-Il , 8 8fi11' , , , , . , , , . . . 1aO : a mu . , . . . . . . . : a in . . . . . . . . . : I ) ? .laIl' , . . . . . . . 7:10 : 1' 10 H. C. & I' . it. IL-U. 1' . DEI'OI. ilafI' . , , , . . . , , . . ,5 IS a in . . . . . . . . . . ama . . . . . . . . . : Malt' , , . , . . . , . , , T.l0Iin 0 LIISSOLJJII l'ACIFICJ-U , I' , DEI'OT , Expro.s . . .7:0O : a mu I : . . . . . . . . . : ' mu (1. , lIT. I'AUb , IT. 4 0. II. Il.-LflWOT N. 16T11 RT No.2' . , , . , , . , 7:30am : No , 1 , . . , . , , , . 6:10pm : , No , ' . . , . . 1:00 : i' m No ' . . . . . . . . . . : , . mu 'IIOUX CITY & I'ACIIIC-IEl'OT N. 18th Street. .4v0 0105115 for Vabsuitlnu via lit. l'aut Un. to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I % ( XtVe froma Valeiitfii' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 : p in 0 Ii , & 11. IN NKIJIIASKA. . 0 icumvvr Express , . .8:15 : a iii Atlauitio . , . , . , tlOl : , no 0 l'scltlo E310re55' .0:35 : i , ma. Duiser CxIoress'0:40 : it uo 0 K. C. , off JOE & 0 , II , II. 18.-fl. & DEPOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in . . . . . . . . : am 0 Eoru5. ; . . . . . . . . 7:20 : o ma Mali..O mo mu 'SUolays exceptC4i , Opening antI Cloning of Tda1h. sours. orss.411cusu. 5.111. I'.IIJ. ale , lOin. I (3 N. V. , C. , IL. I , & I' . , C. 11. ' & Q , , St. I'.totl oi Nioux mty. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:10 : Sl& : C. , M.&S.t'H 1,1. & P. In loss 900 6:40 : Wabash Ezioress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1280 2:16 : VnIoailo local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:0' : ) 6:40 : K. 0 , , St. .Jo & C' . 11. . . . . . . . . 0.00 9:0' : ' ) 6:41) : tJ.U : Iollxiurl l'aclibc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30) : ) 6:40 : . ( I , , HI. I' . 81. & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 : 7:20 : : Uholohl l'.mclilc , ( ' 0 Ci l.iitil. . . . . . 8:00 : 11:38 : Cubit i'aeiIle , Ioiier , 1x. . 4o0 : } 72W 0. ItelouldIcan S'alley , , 1:80 : 11:36 : I II.81. : xt.rcss. . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 7:40 : .1 lit 31. for 1Isttsiomouth , 8. Ihiid , Asiinii4 ) aualiAiwobms.)1:00 : . 46 OtflCo peu Scniiyi Irene 121.1) In. to 1:00 p. U' . C. K. VOUTANT iustniaat'k'i ' 1 4 a. M , LEIGhTON. II. T , OLA1Uc. LEIGHTON & CLARKE , ) ( SUCCESSORS TO KENNARD 111109 , lit CO. ) , Wholesale Druggists I -IEALEEtS IN- Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class. or1ui4 , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. ' . . - : : - - "BURLINGTFON NOUTE 'I ( ! ' ( Chiongo , Burlington & Qulnoy Rnllrond. ) - . - . . , _ . . . . . I , ; - . ' C _ ; * 'c..a' : , ' wrn' _ , , , . , . . . _ ' .5 i % f't. .ita. - 0 _ ' 6' ' " ' . to - . - . - . . - . . , . - . . , 14 1 , . . 0 . st ! ' . \ \ ' . ' I _ _ O\\ : \ - . . . _ 0 ' I .4. . , . . .2'.s . ( , . . . # . . . .i , . .to. , 11 i.-4 * _ _ , ' - _ .i-i 0 . . . ' t ' . . . \ * _ . . . , - , qt I .p . , .i se ) .i"p , . . . - - - COINC EAST AND WEST. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. Eh'gant flay Conelma . , Parlor Cars , with iteclin . I Solid Trains of Ilegant Pa ? toncbies and Pun- in Chairs fr. ) , Smoking Cars , with Re. I man i'alnee SIt'ptng Carte are run daily to and voIvlIlg Chairs Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and I ( rota St IMtils , via Iltoanlbal , Quincv Keokuk , Lion tamuous C. Ii. . q , IlnlnK Cars run daily to amool I Iliullrmgton , Cedar Rapids atoib Alnert ! ; a to St Crotit Chicago .t Kamisa4 City , Clilemigo .t Council . I I'aifl anti MinneapolIs : l'anlorcarswlth HecIlntr Illuffs , Chicago .t lies 8bolins Chicago , SL Jo. I CloutI to and ( rota St Lotits nntl I'coria andt .t'plm , Atcbohlon , To ) oka , Omily through lIne ho. I nd from lit IMiIls amb Otttimwn , Only on tWt'cfl Chicago ' Ltnco\n \ . ' Ilenver , 'rimrotigli cars I change of carts between St. Louis and I2j lx'toecn Imuliaf'inpoll'i . ' Coumocil Bluffs ia rearm , I Molneto Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and All coimmwctlont ina11 , In lTnton lh'nots. It Colorado. known zul the groatTIbItOUGli CAll L1NI. it is univcrsallyadmltd to be the , Fbnent Equipped Rcillrond In fh World for nil ClfsoD of TravOl. T J. 1'OTI'Eil , 3d Vlco-rroo't and flcn'h Manager. )0ltCEVAIa ) LOWEtJ. lIen. Ls.s. A'I. Ctilcsst.b ' : i : ' IN-IIcDI.aD , . MANUtACTU1tEIt OI t f ' CaIv'Diied IronCornicos1 Mido Capsrioiais1 , Skllglmt4&o ThIrteenth 8treet Neb . ' ¶ 0 PER1'EOTION Heabing and Baking Is only attained by Usilig . - . - ' . RT.ER OA -q\fl' a Stoves and Ranges , . i . \i \ : , - , dTiI ( ill1E II1E UER IIUDfi 1 ' . Foor'aby .t MILTON RORS & SONS o OMAfIA- C. , F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN Plits Oils Yarslios aild ¶ ! lldO fliass OMAIIA , NEBRASKA. HENRY LEHMANN' ' JoBBrntoF : : \Vall \ Paper aii ! ufto Sliaes. EASTERJ4I PRICES DUPLICATED . ' OMAHA NEB. 1118 FAItNAM STREET , - ( SPECIAL NOTICE TO . Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL ouii ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. It Is the bait nod cioapo.t ) food for stock of any kinti , One pound Is equoil to three pounds of corn tack ( cob with Ground Oil Cake lii the Fall amid Winter , Instead of running down , will Imicreaso ) In weigh aijol ho In good marketable condition In the sIon1mm ( . Ialrynmeli , as well as others , who . use It can toitify Its merits. Try It and judge for yourselvooo.s.1 r Cu t23.00 nor ton' moo charge Ior&cks. ' Address , o4-ood-irs W000IIAN LiNSEED OIL COML'ANY Omaha 1vI. HELLMAN & . 'S Wholesale Clothiers ! ' 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE ? COR. 13Th , OMAHA. . NEBTtASV , , tcoitflblnafloiof.PrO' . Jra.Vcruvium oailid of ; J.url. omsooil'leosphurusir. 41 2oso1b1o 10mm. .Fcr DebilIty , 2033 ; of 4 fIc , 2'rustrattoms of . . ' , I'uwtr3 t $ irsiUqciisol. . ' 11EV. 3 , L , TOWNEP. , A.JLOBlfl3 Writes- : 'Xter m thorough p1oan' ' . oaya- : . mON TONIO , i : take 7//to I co = Mor It iLi atating that I lave beun fo ocoi1ont remedy bonofttod bv' ite L)1/ ) greItW ' , misc. 7otiutstora and ! ° ub' / the debiiitc.todvita1fOrO0 110 flpoakeru will find it of tmo irontost V ft 1 U us . whore to Tonio iii nooca. sary. I rocommqnd It flu a reliable remedial ngont , poeaesalnir Un- doubton nutritive arni ieetoratIvo Loeroto , J , , Pr0000rtlOa , , ( At , ii , 1tt1 , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.1' . &Z1D TUi ITh flIfl 1R MEDICINI CD , . 13 U. IUT . , p1' . I DEAT1E11S iN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y PIItE AND BURGLAR PROOP SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &U. I a2oriI.x.z3.ft11Itroot , , .l . . . J. - . . . . ' .