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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1883)
- - - - - - , ' - - - - - - - . - _ _ _ : ; 8 TUE DAILYBEE-iflMTA , TUESDAOVJIMBER 27 , 13 - - , TIlE DAILY BEI OMAHA. . ' Tuoaday Morning , Nov , 27. - 1 lie WcMliCr. For the upper Misstsippt an(1 ( MiMot 'alley8 , fair wothor , lower baromet . stationrry for 1igh risc of Lemporttiir SjCCIftI Meeting of ttioStzttO Alilitlic A spechl mooting of the Farmer'Sa Mlianco will ba 1cId at ICoarnoy , ebon \Voduoslay and Thurdiy , Jr.n. I nd 17 , 1884. All a1Ifuccs w1ic1i 1ia at ; tiny time been orgnizod in this itaI itro oarnot1y to SOU1 ! dolegat to tIii IneotiflgAn&l nil fliIU.fl1OflO1)O1ift of tlio tto nra cordially invited to ai tend. No wilt ho sparad to mnk i the meeting ontortaloing Mid inntrnctiv& . A prograinmo of procoociinga will soon Ii ouI to nfl nJJiAflcoa , giving nnrno r t Rpoakor , BlIbjocth nd nil particu1ar All olIicra of alliances nro roquo3tod. ti : FOO that mootiug. are called atid arrangc . mouta irndo to .ond dologtitca. : 43tato paper' , ploMo copy. p. Pzo.'t State Allianco. Buititow , Soc. ad interim. : : LOOAL BREVITIE1 -Bltrflt3y & 11cr17 skati.i Illincb&ngh . ' 1AyIor. 1tJood1n -llhtnobauh & Tiiylor , Oinah1 e11 11uffa1 11. S. Staudftrtl iicalo. Write for pdc. nSln -.9hort bn1 ind type.writiiig werk noat1 (1000 by Ad Goa4irn , 1,510 1IIW&I1 itroot ( ) inha. -Stool ruunt will take titti p1&c of roilci kake new. -St.ora wintlowii were baavlly cot4 wlU So ycMert1m morning. -A firefly woulti put to 1iamo the gi1fh1 ' n some vodlow of the city. -The cold weather yesterday proventiot - the pirIng force from working on 1iftoenti iitzeet. e I _ Clftrk , oornor 22nt1 anti Doimge trootn bi the hzipy fathr of m fine oocn . i pound boy. . -TIi nu.anco of wetoring horsM upon tti slilow&lk ( Ut Fottrteenh etroct ii tt1lI on . abated , onil at noon time pOt1eitr1enM mnul take the iool for tt. Fakoner's hail will be opened on - I . Ity night next by the Metropo1ttn club which , by the wey 1 the opening ball If tlu . club. liii. hail iiromlso to be very poUla on account of 1t4 central location. 4 -"Jto uro to call at ShIvor1ck'jofore pur ; cbMimf fumliure. Agroat varioty. anti lo frie I on everything , p4 Ia1lj chnmnbcrult , of vhich he i con.tintlyrea1ving new pat . ' 4ornN and contlnmm' ' tc olfer tbw nt very grea . baiya. . : -An effort was znado by th6 lolico a ; . weeks dnco to 1)rovcnt farrncr from uIn M'iwr treefora h tharlet , tflI ln.taat to walt cu.tamor ucon Fourteenth trct between Jiickon anj Howard itreot. I L' worked fint rate for a fowdays , imutli tito nov - ; ; olty wore ufT , but now , lEeward 8treot iroon the appearance of a rural barnyard. .i -The North Oma1iyoungeop1etiruiouni ' ' to jflOVitiO plenty of amucomnent tom the .oasoxm Lately the Esmocrolda Social Club haM beau or . . .t4 ganizad ; the officers are , W. ( Aborn , 'prc1 : ilent , John It. Willet , vlco.premddent1 0. C Field , trea.urcr , Burt ChiId' , Recratary. Ti : th club jropo to gIve a o-i of entortdr ; menti , the first of which will tak place t .Ion-ow , : -Several large hole.i are noticeable In th , . rvcmpt , ctrnr ot ilarney an l Th1rtonth treet -Th nbW Or bO ( , t fit a thy 1rn _ been tried , oetate vary nlcely while the no / hUr.CflIIlt vork like a . . -ltev. ( . W. Sarlilgo , of the } irt M. I - church1 wont to Reaney yebterday and Ii j ' IUIPIt waa filled by G. 1erost and in U . uvening by Boy. L. 1tt1cji. . : . F -Rev. Brownewfttr lnj i. in ' ilapti8t ChUrCh ir ' ; Thblc readlzmg Tuc ( lay afternoonS a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k ' Invitod. _ _ _ _ : i ; -A iimmuiburJ4fM _ _ _ . . Yoe ; in tbii y . , , iti , In the oillc&vt , outCnty clerk to'ttoji ' IY PrOVO'Ul ) on trot clImii itt varlouN 1iXtI . , t ; , the tte. . . : -VIiilo in McOarth : ! & 'Ilmirlc&i ycitortl&y r ! ilu : reporter WAJ * ahflWii a beautiful Htatno , "Our Lady of J4ltrIo , " which wn. vrocum by those gentlemen on an order from tim i < Claire convent. it L. four feet. ziiiu Inc1iet , height , nd I. a ' . cry jdoMlIIg Hkwie. 'rA5 dolli'ored at the convent Lid. aft.ornoon --A yommug man attacked by a foot.p . ' ) B 11mrney trce i3Rturdny ulgIi. The 'fell . 'WM % 'ery moderate in bla tlemand , only w itm for a quarter. which ha dlii not got , ywuugn1iI wal mom fleet of foot tItan wae illian , who pursued him but a Nhort dimtai , tnrl then gave tip tbeclin.e in depair. - ' -Iii 0lie court yeiterday there Wi dht dibturbance.i , 005 3)InIU drunk and t pru3ttute { who had fMlod to PCY her t monttfii tine. The diaturbancoa were ta 5 each and the drunk tO and proiUtute WM dlBcbargtd. Your of the ca ) f dlurbanco wei eugi4cd In a free light the Unltcd State' hotel a4 night. : -Workmen felling lu Into t116 lreet It th corner of Sovenleot and Iodgo itroetii , Boturday atternoon , wb -a man en horoeback , who was leatfiog anot.l - ; - } 1It11 ; , , 1Otb , * p1)rOaChOd just as a tre2 WM telling. j4Ly' note of warning svM sounded nd the Iter i2 . $1flflgfOW&djUtiU limo to ttCale Uci , rznche of the tree brwbing tb ii" . . shod1the ) $ . ' - ' down. ' 'J . t.tmo dIc4 fTC rinite rovoroly insured ' fmi'lIog 10t4) ditelt' eluvOn. feet duep1 whi bzd bebu dug by the elty'wate Wo1(1 , omn ' 211 at the corner of : liavonth and Ioo &ttroet * , on 1rIthy night. Why I. it that tt get klgnal jlgbt were nut j.laaod at .uh a b as that , nd uotendant'er the life coil lijith our ltkoni by leavlni. uncovered ench a , 1itg itlyil ' ; ; -I4ge No. l liiIahti of PyIbiM , probably rei'c4 the entertainment given l thmn lat Fridey evening , Speecho , tutu dauln anti supper will b ineluduil In I 4 l'ro&rammo. U before. -Ca4tk'i Celebm1tie , lamit evening1 olier , nit engagetuent for the week at the Acdei tif Mujulc. l4ozno very good peclalty c w.rovlren. Thta P.'rm'ne oloed wltt .aouulo idterplcce cUeI 'liIIarIty. " , 'rwo Were I&CO'I in the city II , 1o4 .yen1uug to aw4t tbu mctton of the isol ' tIlttitcQrl4iu4C. . . . _ - ' i _ . - IN ASHES. Last ! gli1's ' Fire Ylsitatioll 1 Nan 'thnii. Vin , GontIoIIlaiI'R cvoeory 1iulldIti and Stocic Iftirtlc4l with ft liolPi of $10,000. AL a ( ow nuinutoe ft o'dock la night an arlarm of fire waa given fror bo 82. Thia wan acon followed by general ninriui , which ifldicatcl that tim lire wn at % 'iIUnm Ociitumnn'e ? grocer etoro , at the corner of Sixteenth mu Oe etreot.e. T11i8 i a two.stsry framnu building , nod wa.'u occupied na a grocorj store , wiih family and lodging roornu above. above.Tho fire vM found to be in the eoutlr oMt corner of the building on Cao itroot. It imprend rapidly , anti although the firemen worn PrOIIIPtIY Oil hiand their hard work availed little. Tim build. ing autil contents being of light , combueti. blo mnathriah , the flamnee imundo rapid head. WAY. WAY.The firemen fought the lire with thi evident intent of keeping it front iprcad. ing. They eucceedad in confining the fire to the building in which it Blatted. On account of the oila and light materinlo with which the building wium filled , the CIIItHCC3 of eaviug it were rdmno3t hope. lou. So rapidly wa the building coneumed that thoac who were living up athira had barely time to escape. A fantily named O'Ilarrinman bet all their goods 01C01)t Th low articles of clothing. The men who had rooms over the building lost all ofthoir personal property , cloth. Ing , etc. , oxeept such as they could at thu time pick up and take in time to eave themecivee. Time adjoining buildings are frame etructtiroe and are no bettor proparud to resist fire than time one whichu woe comt seined. Much credit ia duo to the fire department for ite prompt action. had they relaxed their olrort at any timQ du- riii the two hours that the fire mated , seioua loss would have resulted. it is also fortunate for that 1mart of the city that time usual ltiglt wind was not blowing at tim. , time. Had there been a heavy wind it is very probable that the entire block would now be in ashee. The owner of the IUtl&lmg amuti goodi which were lost is Mr. Vim. Gintlo- man. Ho is ano of the oldest and best known rocerymncfl in tiLe city. lie osti. mates lou atoclc of goods at $7,000 and time building at $3,000 , tanking a total IOM of $10,000 , About twothirds of titie loM iscovered by insurance. The origin of the lire was not definite. ly learned last ovoning. It is thought , however , that the fire was caused by a burning lamp which was thrown outside front an adjoimiin house. Thu lamp had cxploded , anti being pitched out while it i vas bhaztiu , Bet fire to the store , .2ch resultid in the total dstructh'n of the hidIng , and goods , as baa lOOfl atAtc1 , - . - Nect Give Ji'- hf.yrnt are suffering with how anti ilopreoth 5lIdt , lois of appetite , general debility , ( lie. ordered blood , weak oonqtitutlon , headache , or any ihiecaso of a blilouc iiaturoby all iiioanii PymIre a bottle of ] Ioctr1o ] litteni. You vili be , iurprfeed to ceo the rapid hnpnvorndnt that iIl follow ; yon will beinspired with imow life' strength and activity will return ; i'ahti d micory will cw iio , nud hieiuceforth you vill rejoice iti time in tim lreleu of } iectric Bltters , Sold at fifty cOnt a btt1 by C. F. ( 'iooih. men - - U , S. COURTS A Celebrateti CLtM6-.flCVCIutI(5 Btii4iti -Othnu ' , lltttCVH. The jury in the ease of Mnx Weini berj Va. the Fire associatloit of Philadol pida , a cuil to recover an amount clalino on an insurance policy , gave a vordic yesterday for the 1)iuuiitilr for $1,5811 This iatho..aee frquii hlastlumga. A harg uthmor ! ofcittse .s'ot. tiiitt. pluco hay mi witnesses nui 1t1t k11)a ether siumijln of this. Tim winch a vom shnrCl by foe 4 &tyaicq.ompniek ( ' hour in the afternoon tii 'rtmonts closed anti ( lie jury vent at ! in the case of Ihtldwin vs. Bailout , a ute to recover $3,250 on account. a.v. . Gray , for soiling malt iuIn ( without government license , was line 25 and costs. Nicholas Jnckaomm , for soilimig hiqui without government licence , wits hut : and costs. In the , norning the cotirt wihibegimi ti trial of John A. } 'udawa , for solli , Flotsier's ) amid llostottor'a stoumach bi I tore as a beverage without license. It I intended to make this o. test case. - I A Ureat iIseovcry. I That Ic daily bringing joy to the hounou thouazintla by eaving znao7 of their dear on from sn early grave. Truly is Dr. Kiu Now 1)ieoovcry for Consumption Couil , Co1d Asthma , hironchitis hay lever , Jc I of Voce , Tickling in thus 'liroat , Fain in Si and Ciuset , or ally dloaurn of the Throat ai . Lunge , a ltcuehtlvo curr. Gumaranteed. 'Fri hiottIe' free at 0. F. ( loodinauu's Dnu Btou I fam-vo shO 1.00 0 . - - - Tilit Irihhs haunt League. . The Irish Land League hold a meotir . at their hall , 1308 IJoulas street , Ia I evening. There were more than ti : number present , doubtless ztttrac 0(1 by the programme whici bad hoe , prepared and which was published I I tItle vaIor. A goodly imuetber of IadI ( . voro lit the audience , which is encoura1 I lug to the members of the Ict.guo. . Alter the roadiitg of the minutes au I the reliotta 4)1 several conuttittce liii r been Ileteimed to , tIme of tI . oveuluig wttu oitmito'l , by an original mine by Miss Stacie Omnley. As the youi lady stepped upon the i'otrumn she wi I gruetcd with loud applause. 'I'Imu mo , was very well coniiuosed anti exceeding v1I delivered and thu speaker was Ic I quenthy inturrimptel by loud uupplauso. Co ! . U. 0. S. liurko , who was cit U I proraImUItQ for on eMit ) ' , faileti to put . aim appearAticu. " "T Mr. Foeny tang a song entitled u han ) " 'cry aoccptably to Ins hiearenu. ' ifr , Cuss. Fuggart theu recited original poem which was a credit to bli 1 4 % . yet of t3uaiik was thou tender MISS Stacla Orowloy for hut klndncs3 u fuworing thu "League" with her pIeaa _ _ _ _ _ ; : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - - - - - - . - ' .4 - effort , and also to the rest of the ladies fo I their prosenco. The president then announced that Mi Thomas Iircnnsn woulddeliver a lectur in Masonic mdi Ofl Saturday evening , Dc comber hat. After numerous speeches by sovorui members ( if tim league tue mimeoting ad journad. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Time groathat medical wonder of the wou.1 SVarraiited to speollly cure Burn. , Cuibi U ] core Salt ] thoiim , lovcr Sore , Cancore i'Ile , I ChIhhnine , Come Totter , thuzq'pcd hand , ntl nil ekimi orultone , gusrantecci th cure ii every InUtnco , or money refunded. 2. ' coot or box BOARD OF TRADE. Collsicnin the Pjapositon ! for a Nc aret llollsc. 't'bo rulzttcr lHMulBnI Iiy ( TiC luaril aiuil CIIIzeiim muol ICpfl'rieil to Another I.tt1iig. The meeting of the board of trade tc boar the report of time contmnitteo upomi time location and building of a city 1mmar kot hiouao was hold at tIme ronnie sToning. Timers wae a large attendance , both of time nmomnbor3 of tue boani and citizomia. Time mooting was called to order by 0. b' . Goodman. Time nmarkct htoiio committee , ivimichi was appointed lit a epecial meeting last week , rcIorted. Thu report wna in favor ) f securing time permission of property. ) WflOm on Capitol avenue to place a mar. cot along time front of eommio iuitablo block , with Limo market house in ho middle of thmo street. Time use of the inure block was to be secured , and I nmarkot house to be erected , 40x264 eel. eel.After After making this report Limo comimmit- 00 , though it conuidored it imad done nil lint it could do in the matter , asked fur- lmor timmie , that any preliminaries that nay have boon overlooked might be roporly arranged. Ininiediatoly upon time aubmitthmg of time oport , a discussion aroBo as to wimetimor ho consent of the pronorty . owners long tie block in front of which it was reposed to place a mnarkot and erect a aarluot house , wouid be sufficient. It 1'liS timought by some of those present ban more thou the permission would iavo to be obtained. it was a question hethcr or not an act of the legislature ould be necessary before tim city could. bLab time block and. place time market ) use as projrnsed. con. ELmbrook and 'Mr. hiasc3ll gave t aomo lommght timoir opinions as to timoir nterpratation of the law as it atlctcd time ubject under consideration. Mr. Specht thought that the committee mught to first get time conscnt of time roporty.ownera to build the market mouse. Timon time city should vote 15O00 or $20,000 bonds for its erection. Lie didn't believe the city could get oilrson square. Ito vuma in favor of n umaricat house out Capitol avenue ; when Jmo first caa finieimcd , another could be btmilt ; if it was needed. Mr Gibson rent' time report of the comn nitteo end moved that it be received and rurtimor time be given in order to uoo propcrty.ownere on Capitol avenue. Mr. Creightomi auggeatcd that time comn nmittce obtain the price Mkod for bum lots tLflt mah , t rcport. Mr. liascaii timougimt it wouid ho a good plan to got eight lots or to get time centem of the street with four iota on each aide Mr. Jo1105 thought it a perfectly feasible blo plan to back time wagons against timi siulownll , witim thin market home in tin middle of time street , as proposed. Gonerul Estabrook suggested timat thu conunittee should report upon the law acortaiimimmg whether or not it was imeces ary to otutajim the consent of tlmo logjam turo before locating time proposed build ilmg ammd catablialtimig a market. MayOr Chase thmouglmt that there wit no doubt about time right to vacate tie street. 'i'iio 1)001)10 were in favor of i nmaiket , amid wAnted one at ommco. ll didn't timiimk it mieccasary to wait upom time actioum of time legislutture. Mr. hlascall said that Imo wished tli city to build and own the mimarket house Mr. Redummon believed that thmoro wit mmot a atreot itt Otmmima iii which time cit would dare to put a market imouso. ii was itt favor of Jefferson aqmmare. Mr. Meyer did hot vnnt scctioimal dii foroncea to arise at tide time. H Lb glut Limo city ought to first go ahea ant build it. market house. Let us fii build a south nno , and , if timiut Ic uma inmild otimers. IIt . Dufroimo timouglmt that there we mme ptojiidice comiceriming the location the buildimmg. . Mr. GibBon'O mnotiomm was putt amid cai nod. nod.'Flue 'Flue board then adjomurimcd to mmmci again two weeks frmn ) asttmvoning , wlmo time cmiimittua will roort as lnstructe ( TilE GERMAN STAGE. Another Smiperl , Lcrtorniaico at ( Si SIaiIt-Thmeatcr 135wt Night. r1 0mm Sunday uvonimig a lnrgoaudfoncuwe assembled in time Stadt.theator to witnem another norformaimco of time uxcellqt company , of which Mrs. Kratl't-Fre/i the star Thu sudden chmaimgo 1mm Lb weather yesterday had a eligimt effect I decreasing the mtttommdamio , tinuro not be lug quito as ZflMt present as usual , bu timoo who were In attendance woni non the loss enthusiastic. The vhay produced was "Ihir1iclmo Ar iueit , " traumsiatud , "honest Labor , " wtti Mrs. KraiR.irey 1mm tIme tit1 roU ci "Lydia. " Time play Is aim eumotior.ul otto Mrs. Frey an opportunity tu uiiaplsy al her talents , of which she iu.s a very largi ammmouimt. iIem audience vere coimitutcl carried away by lice superb portmlyat a the part , mind repeatedly calkd Ip ± befori time curtitimi , and vcre lotim to Iossigimt o 1mev for a sinrie maument. Ihmm'r Ilaurois. as "Uuguft $ ehmulze , ' Mrs. l'ui.Alml "rargumruIw ' ' , as , . omit hurt Moichimu , n.m " ? \VolAmuutii , " to ceived loud apiihutus ititti Wore sovera timncs called before time curt-In to rucolvi t1t itoimora of their delightEd itudImiiti. All hue mmmimmor harts tyro sery re1 suetaiimoul amid. limo entire t'rfornmammco wit thuD of the bmt ever givul Ui that housc ] (1. M. Lsmnbert4oni.cIimmr ; and A. t Iticket. . , of Lhmcolim , axe ( ltUrt.OVtd at the l'am : ton. , - .J I AFTER THE ANACONDA. The t , Paul Cojilpally Ejoills II 11. P. BcIt Lila1 ilifi , the Vork C01mt111u014-Vnrthlc flIOt'CIii4flR uvnIt cd-Not hmitig Nuw at L'rcnont. Thu clear oxtiosition of the mastorh enterprise of time U. P. lu its rapid built ] lug of time I3ult-Iiimo ammaconda between 1 o'clock of Saturday night and dayilght Sunday mnornilmg , givo'i in yesterday' ' Biuu , caused a public fooling somothin like surprise. Time manner in wimich Lb Prelimnitmary work for building this Pioc of public improvement was pusitoi through Limo council and time promnptimca viLhm which thmo work of actual comistruc Lion of time line was begun , were yeslor day Lime ubjoot of much comnmcumt. Tie llroporty-owimera along time line are dhs gusted , to say time least , wiUm time pro ceodings. Other people wonder wiicri Liii , imiattor will stop , or vmat ) will happtu mmcxl. Time correctness of 'Fun IlEmu'H accoun of the matter is nowhere denied. Tin Particuinra givomi in ycatorday's paper art true in every respect. Tlmo preparationi ( if Saturday afternoon , limo unusual actir it.y and quiet work among several nmcrn bors of time council , time getting ready o material , and the various pro litmilimary movements , have nlroadj boon related. Time mno6timmg o Lime council Saturday evening the preparation amul hurried paamgo o Limo ordiumanco gruumting time right of way sad 118 prompt signature by the mayor who 1mm of Into not beemi a rogumini utteimdant of council meetings , have nol tro uQt questioned. Tue same may be maid of the inimediatu bogiumning imd rosecution of the work. After daylight mad during the day Summday , everybody trite cared to go or look imi time diroctiomi ) f C'alifornia street could see what wat oing done. To-day time work haa boon going ) n , not as actively as yesterday , but iLIt the eamo determination of OCCU ) ng time ground. ¶ lhme road is a miserably onstructod one , amid it is hard to toll vlmethor time company buildiiig it really ntenda to run care over it or not. Time ; ies are laid wide apart out the street aur- hoe and time rails are spiked just enough o hoid them mmd time tics togotimor. TZe rcator portion of this road being tmilt in the night , and at n apid rate , it could hardly be ox- ectod to be a very substantial ) ieco of work. Time traclo , such as it is , mas boon put down over thu streets muted in yesterday's Bun. As ha3 boemi taid , time work hiss continued during the lay , or at least it was eing ahead whemi rmiu Bun reprtor visited tue place yes. torday afterimoon. At that tin-mu tIme curve at Fifteenth and California streotu was being mado. Many inquiries have been made as tc wimat time St. i'aul company proposed te do-whether it would quietly allow itsohi to be hemmed in . by tbe fast-growing anaconda , or whether it would tak Prompt stops for aolf.dofonsc. It wue hardly timotmght that time St. Paul corn pany would quietly 'submit to wimat. ac eordlimg to all accounts , wits a flagrani violation of a recent armistice declaroc by the officials of the two corporations. So farndvices nato what sort of under athimding will ultimately be arrived ai ire , meagre1 bu It is known for a ltd that time lL PaUl company hits lnsLitutc proceedings with a view of putting am iimmrncdiato check upon time occupation o its right of way. Yesterday imbruing , in the distric court , time St. Paul coumip toy obtained at injunction against the Union Pacific ant felt railway companies and their agemits restraining them from interfering wit ) the St. l'aul's right of way , either bj operating any trains over the same or it froimt of its depot yards on Fiftoonti street. These ylirda extend a dietamice o three blocks or more. ' ' whicim tim 'I'lio principal groiumds upoim iumjuimction was obtained are that san acts were done forcibly and uimlawfuhiy without nmakimmg commmponaatioim to tim ptnimmtilI for property taken or damnaget by the location or construction of suit railway , A hearing of the matter is set for Fri day mmmorning at 10 o'clock. Notwithstaimding this , time work c coimstruetiomm has gommo on , and will probe lily be commtimmued. This was time atuto c atlairs yesterday afternoon. Now dove , opmnenta mabe _ lookedfor at ally' tutu FOUR BEUJTIFUL CARDS. Now designs never before pubhlahec Will any person. Sent free on ri dept of ic ataimup to every reader of thi OmAmrc Bes. Address Samuel Carte 3i : Park , l'lace , f owYork. zmmc&w41 A. TEN' DAY'S ' DISOUSSION 0ishmo nhiJcct of li0 Latter Pa 5alAIs atVilberRetweeim Rev. I5raden muuil Ulahmop 0 Kelly , , A geumliomuan frommi Iowa City , lowe \imo imas been attondiimg time diacuss'ioii , i time capacity of a reporter , botweonflieho ! ully , of Ohio , and. 11ev. Clark Bradoc president of Abblimgton college , hilinoim at Wilbor , this state , on the subject o "Time Latter Iay Saimmts , " called upon u As ho wits passing through this city on hi way to his home , and gave us a brief his tory of time debate , which IMtctl ton cn sectmtivo imightu , The meeting etweemm times. ) two gum tiemnomi imas been under advisement Ic : over a year and when time tiimmo and placi was fiualiy itamed Ihialmop Kelly carni front Maine , whore hue was lecturing , nun Rev. llrauloim from 'I'oxus , iii winch stab Ito was thiameumsiumg time gospu , to moo each other upon time platformmm iii a friend Iy diacuesiorm of this subject. Il'Leimoii Kelly is considered one of tim ablest 8leak0 aumolmg lime people , ant itoy. Mr. Braden was lookuid upomt l ) lime followers as a iimttmm thomougimly compe I tent to cops with time bishop. 'l'lmolr styles of delivery arc exactly 01 : poa'mte , time bishop bohimg a llasimt , aii : We speaker , elicited time admiration of Jim hearers itt euro , amid many who diii in any way sympat.itizo witii , his doctnumut WCttt great adnurera of imis oratory. Rev , lift. hiraden was exactly the ' oj poaito , being a debater of lung years' U - - - ' - - - - - - - r porionco sarcastic , minmercifimi , amid e : tremoly fogical , and did not 1so a sing opportunity for subjecting liii oppoimem to the ridicule of his hearers. There wore three propositiomma di cussed , time last of which was time me : hotly contcstcd , and imero it was thu Mr. hiradon " got.iim his work" wfth Ui most tdllitmg cITed. The opinioum of time largo audlenci wimicim was sufficient eacim umigimt to fill tii court room where the discussion wr JmOil to overflowing , was about equall divided , however , as to wlmicim had thu best cud of time argument , and tlmo tw goimtictmmon will return to their rospcctiv fields of labor , each thinking , tie doubt that ho completely aquelcimed time otimet A stenographic report of time whole dii cussloim urns taken mmd , time mnammuscript i how in time hounds of tim lurimiler , and wi ho published iii pamupimlot form iii a simm timmio. PEllso } . DIck1nnn , goimersi supointemmdeimt the Wyomninw' divimion of Limo U. P. , wit hoa.iquartere at 1.tunumnla , le 1mm the city. ThounM Murray 1ie returned ( torn his tn to the wot. .1. W. Cramer , of htattngu , is at Limo I'a tout. tout.C. C. S. Luca , , of Central City , arrived at tim Paxt.on yoetcnday. W. Stuil , of Itne'ln , Ia among time imnnivah at limo Paxtoum. \v. IL liopewehl , of Tokarnah , is neghitere at the 1axton. N. S. Ifaruling , of Nebraska City , I. a I'ax ton arrival. \J JelIy and wife of I.iccoln , are attlt Paxton. 14. 1' . Krana , of Odehl , ( a among those stol ping at the Pazton. Fred Nye , uI the Itopublican , IIM ratmmrno from Wieconelu , whittier ho wont a few day ago to attend the wedding of his brother , Mi Ray Nys. N. W. Wells , of Scimnyior , is at the Mi ] lanti. Morris l'ahnor , of Schuyier , 'stops at th Millard. C , S. Idding , of Nortim jistto , is among th Millard arrival. . S. B. Taylor , of Blair , Is stoping at th Millard. l. V. ( irk , of Gommeva , itt at time Millard. .T. M. Wool , of Flrth , hi stopping at th Millard. Rev. Gee. Waimmwnirhmt , ofhllutir , hi aMlilar : rmrnival. C. C. Neff , of Coltm'ubn ' , arrived at the Mu Lard heat evening. - C. E. Babcock , of Lincoln , Is at time Mil Lard. l , D. hligelow , of Blair , is pt tue Millard . .1.V. . 1)oyd , Nebraska City , at the I'axton Robert Ryan , of Lincoln , is at the Paz ton F. mL ] ) orningt.onof I'lnttsmoutim , itt at thi [ 'axton. .T. Ii. Lazear , ci Central City Li qimarterot at the Paxt.n. .1. 3. fleche and vifc , of Noilgim , moo stop ping at time Paxton. mtn. A. K. Nev'mIle , of North Platte , is reg bttorei at the Millard. John McShano left for Plume Bhmfl yostortla : look after hula rancho interests. Mason Gregg , of Lincoln , wa among tim Millard hotel arrivals yosferday. J. H. McConnell nudwifo , of North Platte are in the city and stop at the Miliatd , lion. A , U. Wyniantrcasurer of limo Unitci Statuw , is in titecitv out a brief visit to hi motimerami other relatives reaitling hone. 11 wiil remnain In town until Wednesday whei imogoes to tinneapahie , to visit 1mb. semi , wim be attendIng school near timmut city. lIen ) iatato 1raImHrerS. The following deeds wore filed fo , record in Limo county clerk's office No vemnbor 21i , reported for Tuz BZE b ; Ames' real estate agency : George II. ilogga and wife ammd LewW Hill to John \V. Tourer , w d , lot 3 blocl 3 , Omnalma Viots' , $275. George II. hiogga and wife and Low 'mV Hill to Otto Ilaumam ] , w d , lot 3 , block 1 Onmaima Yici' , $300. George 11. Bogga and wife and Low 'mV 11111 to John llromner , w d , lot 4 , block 3 Ouiiaima View , $275. Maurice . ii : . l'urcimase and vifu I George C. Titmumey , w d , part lot 1 , biocl 10 iii Waterino , $100. Joinipim Petricek and wife to Andrem Pheuicr , v (1 , : i4 feet lot 10 , blck 4 Koumttzo 3rd add to Omaima , $875. Donnie l'mmrcell aimd vifo to Micimac Coady , v d , muitim 28 feet , umortim 10 feet lot 131 , MeIhtee'us add to Ouimahe 600. Jahmm A. MeShmutmie and wife to Marie itt. Landro , v d , lots 5 and 8 , block Broohlimi , $3C0 , Jolimu. licicley , umnummutrnied , to Andre' NOlyfli , 'a' d , lot 7 , 1)1001 : so , Florenci $17.50. .iolumi K Eduarda : and wife and Nici ohm U. Edwardiimd wife to Charles ii lcdicklIIots :1 : , 4 , 5 nnd ii , block it Isaac Sbld'on'suddto Onmahma \Villiamn L. M'cCaguo to Joumopim I Diotrick and Maggie J. Dictnick. w lot 1U , block t , in Ounaima , $050. Cordolia Phelps and wife and i'klwar 0. hluumuphery and wife to James Ritt and James Simophurd , luart of aw of 15- 151J , $000 , L Frederick Stroilt amid wife to Christia M. Back , lot 4 , block 407 , in Gran View acid. to Omnuint , $150. , J WI 0 S AKI $ POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tiui. potut , .mucr tanmee. A inirvil t amnIt .treutgb and uuboI.omnomeu. ) ure uonuntlcal tim lit. oillnary kiumd. and csonoi imeokm lu couuicttU ttbthu unWtttuda ci low te.t , eLoti elgt.t , alum ho..tustupodure.Boi4 only In cane. 1.uys1 ba U g i owder Om. , IOU tYSlI iitrcsl 2ow York. - - w - ' - ) ' 1' . for thfants and Children. CastorIrtproinctes 1) Iirestton nnd overcoimmes Flatuleitcy , Cowutipa. tion , Sour Stomach , Diam-rhama , amid Feverisimneas. It immures hioaltim'nnd zuttural sleep , without zuorplilime. a' Castoria hi po well ainpted to Chlldron that r rocommejd It as , Urenior to any prccription knqw to me. " 11. A , Ascnirn , M. D. , s Portland Ave. , flr'boWyn , N , Y - - - r CEVITAUR LINIMLNT-an nboIiito cure for llhennmn. tlsnmm , Sprains , Bnrns , Gitlh , &c. The most Poiverrul ruiCi iettu. . trattzmg l'aiui-relleyizig anti ileemhiug RcmeIy known to immu. - - SPECIAL NOTICES. Ttlpeclals wilt Positively not be lmmnertoa unless paid In advance. TO LOAN-Money , ' ! fONEY TO LOAN In cern. of $ OO , or moore In long tIme ml ( per osut per annum by U. C. ( 'attorson lCo. , 1404 farnam At. 1 ONY LUANtJ-Oiu chattel , ucurltv. C. E. ASItAYNt & CO. 1500 Farnummn St. itml.lunn % , foNimY Ti ) 1.0/tN-Thu lowest riutee vi interest JVL IIOOJI Loan Agvncy , 15th & DottziM. 281-ti 4ONW To LOAN-Call ut Law oUio of D. L. uvi Thuma , room 8 , CreIlmton itlook. 'fONEY TO LOAN-S. ' 1' . Beatty cans on chattel iTt property , 2mB South 14th 81. Peuitmo iXLt ' \ VANTEt-aoott cautaeuere with .rnali capital , V % tue are Competent t ) hire muiente to .dl our Chnietnune Ioolc.-thc beet selling bno1. In tli c'ouu. try. Meowbo eat take charge 01 ten or more coun tire can make from * 200 to $ 0 before ( ) miltman. Ultu , xperionro anti ontt for ternug. Large conunle. pions. CASSELI.i COMPANY , Limited , 822 iiroaI. , way , New York. 528.27 % 7ANTki-A chatimber maki ettimu Occidental Ho. I I tel mmmediatriy. 54. I UTAlTED-A Artt nasa barber , wagea Go ceotion V I' the dollar. ii. ii. uuenuur , Fremoot Nob. 955-23 UTANTED-A good girt. Apply to lire. Lucas , V V 2215 Capitol ave. 9562(1' ( - ' 1AN imb-A V Y Inquire at curner Cadaell ! and t'Ier St. . , one ciusro west 01 Saujuder , , St. 087 281 7ANTED-5econd girl , Eatou' Oslicry mEte Far. V V oem St. OOn.27 . t.x , AN1F.D-I'reeemn for Oordeo at Crs3's V ) L'rlimtlng omncu2lm twelfth St. 954-251 UTANThD- & young soonan to do general hines. V V work. Apply at 014 S 10th St. 940.27t UTANTE'-A young man suith cxperuenco cc V ! palo-ma" wants iomnething to do. Address ii. 3. 1 ! . " this cfflc. O9.2O TANTED-A good German girl , 23rd St. 2tl Irume north 01 Farnam. 64t.20 tTANTF.D-A few 'non for outeide work. Call at , V Omaha Stet 0 liei'air YorJa , itt ? S 14th St 045-Imol 'rA7 ? .NTEI-Olnl for cook anti gtinemal housework V V In family of two , at lcaruey , Nob111gb wage. given. Anq Ire Ii I , outh mOth St. , cmt' . tuG-Cl % A7 ANTFm-200 laborers for 11. iL work , 1 ! . T T MANNtVELhEIt , 11th St. ulcer Farnum. 9 17-2T 1TANTED-A first ciasslaunircssand dining room T I girl at City Ilotel. 't7 ANTEO-Sewcral tra cling salesmen who are V ! thoroughly acquainted with the clothing buat. noes. None tutexpenienced men nec. ! apply. Ad. dro's with refcrcnce , 1. SVJII. & CO. , 925.1 St. Jepb Mo. LjTANTHDA lady cxmOuier ; aIo a ealcalatly. Only V 1 expenlencal and well rcoonunended riced apply. Gullbetaeen8tojt a. in , GRL'NERAUM BROS. , ! 9t1-U 1509 F'arnaot lit. TATID-An exporlenood nurse girl. fleIezeu- YeeisrequIred. Apply at i12 Davenport street. ANTCo-A stable hiss anti uncle , it4hwashur , Inquire of J. C. Murphy. FIrencc Cut.oft. 837.271 UTANTRD-Twent teams for wagon work. Wages I ? (8.20. InquIre of J. C. Idurphy , Forence Cut. oft. 8$1.slt 17ANTEO-Six Cornice hard' , 6 'llnnots ii Slat V Roofers. Steaiiy uvork all ear reund. Inquire at Western Cornice Worka , Silu Bouglac. $83-tie ATAlTEl-Fzrat cIae snanto tr-ei for our notion V V department , Nut furnish beMt of nucoammen- datiot s ci to ability. Must be familiar u ith that ciacs of goods. No other need opply. 000ti wages paid to a tirat-clasa moan. 885.20 1AXTON & CALLAGIJEK. 't7ANTEo-Uood cook autti necoini urirl. liijiire Of between S and Ii a. ni. MRS. CiItS. 211i5 Vbtter streot. 575.26 % 7'ANTEO-OirI for general houeeuork , at 1020 V I Douglas street. 745-ti 'YTANTED-Baiesunan for each county In the U. V V S. 575 antI expensos. 0001111 sold by saunpie. Scott etamp. iA IICLLE SIFU CO , , Chicago , 10. 545d.llt cod , . .11 ANTEI-Oood girls ton good unities. Boot V V wage , . Apply hnmnoduatoly at employwent bureau SiT N. iSthSt. No. OtiiCe foe. 012-ti ITUATION WANTED. York city , ii few moore 'ruageuzmenhe t m , ow by ' . Apply 013 N. ith St. . 961-211 AIiTF.D-Sltlm3tion to do senlngaudlighthoii.c. W work , Addrn.s " .tf 1. . " fleoutloo. 562.2P 'VTANrSO-Sltuitlon hy telluterdi 1'hcrmariota , S } 'rcscnli'Uous clerk In drui , ttoro in soow good toaum in Nebraix s , Omaha rferrcuL Had lot I cx- leriCutt'C. Atliresibox 153 Cceiy lout. . 050-27 * Orot cIasudrcsemaker would like a tow more A i.laces to eew lit ravats Ca cii e. $ atl.factlon guarantee. ' . Cal atiIt7 Davenport lit. bttweenllth and 14th. 081 It MISOBLLAZ4EOUS WANTh. - TAN11tD-To eachanve eity property for Douglas I CoQut' or Nebraska Laud. , MCtJAUUE , oppo. cite i'oet cities. 057.1 17ANTED-1'imntIter with email capItal In a Stat. V 1 disc bUiines Aidra. . "liSoiju , " lies oGlc 9Yl3I U7ATI1D-.Tueci4amlgo ' de4rabi. city roible ue YT Ion fartain oaiten N' Apply toJ , W LOUNSBURY , itealeeratosgunt , ilUm and ) 'arncmm . - aANTIuD-Sult of this. mon s , funi.hi.t , in , I 1 lIght boueekeeplng. Address , atatlug Wrrus. . , J , " Itci. ulitee. if rt _ RflNT--ltoUlos and Lots. liKNT-O't.d room uiP.Ii boant to two gentle. T root. 822 13. 16th and Ilirney Street. 9.x4.7 Ott IIENT-Uocrding house it rooms 101 * , & Oe. 'i 065.2 * 511(1 ( iuicu. MI'S 11551-One ruoius ouItatlu fur elli o o amocO J 4 b'slncss 42 * it18th lit. between llsrztey mu Howard. - TOIt RlNT-Oottsgc S rooms , good tutlir , eeli mn4ovtern , i'opputun aso. tu blocks east of Park sue. , eeuvcnkvit to , trieI cars. lnqulru on Irems. ItENT-ilcu' o aitil Icru bate Na. 1020 N. 1 4 isthht.and lioumi , nd barn corner 20th and liowa dlita % t'In , I. . . iIonroeOtIten'lIhICgi&C bt. 836-30' Oil ltllNT-A large nhwiy Iurnl4nd Iron ; route F 710 15th St. bctwcco Wcbtcr soc Burt 8t , 1t.rlm ° n ItI1N'I'-Fu'Iluuot front room .lth Lasywla. F dowand board 603 imoril , iltis. W.S0 S iioit ItENT-Bariuing lmoue good repaIr , nut 20. .1. Apply to limo. SV. ik4ICrugist , 6.29J IoIt RKNT.-t. room ctta SCud and litrny St. J . 280.271 % Itl4NT-rumibud : floor her light licuLevp' 11011 ( or famIly without chithe ! , 1513 ihsI , St. 928.ea .5 , P , What gluies our Children rosy clme'einq , What cux-ue theli- fevers , makes thorn s1e'n I 'TI. Cnstern. When halibut trot anti cry by timu-os , What cures their colic , kills their worm , flut Cesturhi. What quickly culre'ui Conatiputtlon , Sour Stomach , CObLa , Indlguetlon , Hut t1qthrta. Farewell Umnia to Morphine Syrupe , Castor Oil and 1'artgon1c , andunit unit CnstnrI ) Jon IW.NT-Ptmrnlmhe1 rooms on the xuorthwper eon. 18th a.ndCapitolauenue , formerly Crelgitton ifouce. 839-U 1"oR ItENT-'urnlehed noons anti dy board a .1. reasonable rate , , at , 1814 Davenport Ftreet , he t 18th and 10th. 92t.50 t _ F Cit IIENT-t'ory ilesirablo rooun.s forgontiemen ' - 5 at 5. tV. cur. Capitol eve acid 18th * ( rovb. 008281 Felt ItENT-New eottago , fire rooms. lionso S. noun , , , poutit U. I. doot 3. 1'IlI1'i'i Roll , 891 271 1512 S muth 5th treeb . .U'oIt RlWT-Furnlhel ) roonme with or wIthiut " a private famomly , 105 note , 18th i4rce 880.27" . .F1o1t ltiL'iT-I-iegcnt furnished rooms 1816 lcdgu 4t424t O NH iuirnIhcd room for rent at SIC. large eluouth for two occupants , 1914 Yohoterutreet. sS.u 1710mm llEbT-TwourniIu.t , rooms will , or wlthc'nt .1. . honl , N. ii. corner of 23rd s-ed liAsemigort. 2891 * : iii-t ItENT-Nicely furnished parlor. Also alceen room , with bay nlndow , south frontzge.wit2m boil room "en suite , " Wither althout board. N. ' .5' . cor.lStli and Farnamn atreete. 758.11 I IIENT-A nicely lurijishual room at Ui2Oall. forniabetwcen motu anti 15th St. SOS 23 * -TltoIt : ItliNT-Cottge noar23d and ( lark street. .1. 510 per month T. J. Fitzinnrri , SIC S. IlthSt. FOR ltENT-1OOm In obrukn Actions Bant. Building. Most destrebie otfloce In the city. Stippiled with hydraulic oieyator anti heattal ijy steam. Apply at P.mtrik. volt itSaT-turuiIhed front room , iiiiimiv -5- 87942 -Iiolt _ LEASE-Four choice iota on 20th 8t. bog L.tkne,217 N , 10th St. .1. L. Marimlo. it28.t -ra'01u 1tEN"r-Net crone in Tofte block on Saun- .1 , dens street. Good location for grocery store , butcher shop etc. Inquire at t'copleu flank Dodgu St. 4- Felt RENT-ilcidctrec iuut ctorobntidtnge. BED. FORD & SOLSER , heal Estate Agency. OuSt. . east side 14th trect , betneen Farnaun and Ioutlae atroets. - 7924 You SALZ. F OItSALE-.Twofuilkte , nke7 roounlmnnse , bare cistern , eli , shrubbery &c. Ithull. flrt addt- ti 0 td.600. Easy ten , , , , or vt1l eacluatigu for farm within 12 mIles of Omaha. CE. 8AYNI , & Co. 913 ti 1500 lauam. F Cit SALE-On lone t.lnuelSno residence Iota with. in a low blocks of Street car line , 2150. to 58 ( C.1.MAYNE1.C0. , ti1 : tf I509Ranuan , . S/L1l-Itoueee , andIIs and farm. . I . JOR CO. , S. W.cornor Itte. acid Fornat sloti , 1' oa BALU-L- an i furniture of Doturdingb i. , . ? ' , . cheap. dtddrce"J3. Li " Leo oith. 840-mi w F 01' SALE-SIx etores nil good , nlo a hoLleehoid furniture. Mrs. Ionoody , 2O8Z41 foruila St O1Z.m. . Foil BALM Cit RET-A A roMn hotipe , i1eari now , hal lot. on Charie strict , I.or , King , 01,503 , Tome , small cash panwiut , wIth monthly a monte. itcuit elI per mouth. Coil on or aClres.p ( ito. it. Itathimun , city , cur , Kin ; mont CbuaI.s Bbs. 0-24-ti -roft SAL } on ItmINT-itmiuso uf 2 rooma cistern , j _ coVer well cr0 cU modern convenienree 1th and CumouImu7 street. icqoire at 0. Yictnburg 16th ' and oat tt SALR-Elegant little place , No. 2183 Iiarne FOR . Nicehouse , serythinunIn eiiendittorter Cheap forcash. C. E SIAYItS&Cu ) . , 92.ti 1209 t'arnain. CALF. Ott EXChANGE-Good livery bonrI T well located. 3. W. LAJUNSHUItY , los-ti IBband Faruam. y'ott ' H-A iw flvo acre loti near the Fair .1 ground , very theap on Jo. p time. 89511 CU. . MAYNII & 00 , m5O I'arunue. - 'lOlt SAL8-iO ) to m5 , eortlm .1 haiti wood , miow -I 1 being thoppotl on "Lowe Farm" on Coming At. , half utile s ot of Slliitaev hninug.t 5i11 only It.m wIj to one 1umcbacer. immiis , Agent , lath aunt Dtiigias streett' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $8f.f S I -Farm :3 : nuiJcs 3. W. of city. Imiquir. 4 dues. Meyer G3N. lOtliSt. ( T1t FOR S uLR-A neatly ftmruulahrd hotel con- II oitit , of , forsolo In coo of the mutcoet tlrieinl , towuis In Eateri Nebrumoba , Tern , . reason- ablu' . reason for roiling. Ioor health. lnipmiru W. .1. BA ItNIt , Proprietor bladiwn to.1 , . 64-27 DAIIHCILSNCb'-Wo cifer fonsulu at a banisIu Li , two thousau.t acres of land lu a body. - S'.Li make a liuto stock ranch , lIla milce froma COunty Seat of Buonu county. TemP. Oas ; c , 717tI 15f5 t'axnnt .ttet. 5 OitHsSLIS-Mcrcimant TaiioHng , well tm. . r tablisbed and laying. flood reasons lot scOitig. Addeca , " 0. 0. . ' lIce otlioe. 68Jtf 1-'oIt SALH-Faruis In eastern Nebn4. . J. 55' . .i : LOUNIIIJUIIY , 1tei Esiatb Agent , 15th and Far- imsmn. 8lots , oIt MALR-Twobot. N. W , conuor of 28th amo5 g ) 'I Chicago St. 1iuqtmtz of Edhoiun anti Ericiueon. 427-ti - - - r'oiu SALtS-A first clad , w..ond iiu4 tel' hnoy. , U Call at 1819 blarney etreet. ItS T'OISSALH-ttoddenoo cod bucituess properly to - .1" t1 narts of Omaha , and Faint Lantij to oil $ r1 I' of the tcte. BEUFOItI ) & SliCER , 218 0. 28th : 'l-umt SALE-'twoportaoiu raol.ere. 10 mores 3oaet Si : ' A I at ' I ) . FITZI'ATltICg , ech 218th19thStresL STht tt.ti.a-oood business tha-ne. at 2171i167 J I atrect. ' J. L. MARIILOI. ' 835141 - 4 jjomi KALE-At abargalna anuafl ilreier,11&lnaazu .L' ant Co's Ore proel safe. Inquire at this 0111cc. _ 5 "OK SALII-Ulti nuwsi.aleI1 ma iaee cc uS nZi F csmntItIei It tht , otit-t cIScR.I.ANEOU5 , 1)OMtD end iodglnrl.tO Nt week at the l5ruey .1) lit. itnathurcut. 552 inu' ( - carriers book. leather enter , rnsnitt,4 JOtT-A . on oiatslle. , Theliimder will confer a ii.- 'or by returutlngumo toflurLt chico. 955-31 A ° ° whhlng a ) oung hup dew cams gutsmtru by calling at 140 221it 131. butsuecit LeebeuIworfl , tool Mason , p27.ti EDWARD 1JEHL SMOISTKfl OW i'ALutywrmnmy ASfl efltTlO ALIliT 208 Tenth tr.ct , botwucu Yaimm an4 rae. lucy. will , e4th the aid of gwndtan apinite , obtafnir g an ) one a lece of tb psat and ron-nt , act' ii. , , certain comiditlona In the future. foote and abets- nia 'a ndir Perfect a&tlafactlnit euaniutuwI. I - 0 of tOe hutsu. body eJi.uultl , , tIceIoped coil trtithitt.j , etc. , Icon intcue-stiim * dvertiaetuent long toe , Iii Gust Iior In , eitt , to t.qulrks , we sill , lay that tlmei. ' I. no evlduo of humoitug mitout this On thu contriry the adi ertisure Are ecry highly ontioret.j. lnwrt4 IlOlsultu Itea- gel su.mled circular. gIvta all I'arUe , , hr. by addr.u.iln ; Iris Medical Co. , , 0. bn l4iiftale W. V iT..Ie I' . I1vetn8 ilis DISEASES OF THE EYE&EAI J , T. ARMSTRONC , M. D. , a o-ti.1i t ii ci. uxi m404 Faxasm : tut , 0 P' b.aWu Utel , O&cs haNb. 4 4 - . - _ - - - --z--