' ' : & f
i THE 1 DAILY BR 1L---TU LSDA'Y , i1 U 'R1i U L1 It ? 7 1383 7
/ ( & * \ Immense . Sale !
Y ; f/ GOODS I
' ! Harkness Bros , ,
y ' ' :
-tTST :13 ii CHi : VED
Never Markets.
' Carpets at 18e , worth. 30c per yard.
ingrain carpets at 45e , worth 6Oc.
Tapestry Brussels at 60c , worth 90e.
Best quality body brussels at $115 ,
Js' - Ort . $1.40.
\ J
: 1,000 yards Canton Matting , at 20c ,
rth30c , less than can be imported t ) I ! ,
Ingrain Carpets at 22e , worth 35c.
I Our Skilled. Workmen wi1lMake , and. Lay : Carpats in Omaha , 'at the szms Price as
in Council Bluffa.
1cBsEii11 c.J.imSi/i/.i16.1n7 /
: ; Latest Style . for $75,00 , priced elsewhere . $125.00.
u0.00 , ' 75.00.
" 6.00 9.00.
, - : LQ Dca
we will offer at X2.50 each , sold elsewhere for $4.00.
SlkL ! 1JGOOdS Cloakillas lJ11Ve1vet
, , , U4117. ,
aXn orFc Eo
, i. . Omaha and NeUrnsku customers purcliasing bills of $10 and
, ' ' upW < u ds , will receive Uridre transporlaticmboth , ways.
Iowa customers will save their transportation by calling at
& 'AX BroTI1Er ,
401 Broadway , Couticil Bluffs , Iowa.
rltl ingnrUud 1tItMiut'wy I ( 't lug Inct
At the mcetfngof tie board of trade
last evening ftvo now nn Inber3 wcro
elected. A letterwas ; rend from Super
t'isif1 Arcliilcct Boll , dated 1 'ashiugton
thu 10th , stating the plaits for the now
govortnucnt building hero are well under
way , aul a , 80011 as completed the goy.
ornntout will conunetco work , 'Pte
suporintOndeIL is nlrondy appointed ,
Menbor3 present all aigtwd petition to
congress for improvement of the \tissis.
sippi , llrynnt nod 'l'ostovin made an
oxbtbrt of the now drain for SO crago
anti moved to parsed resolution recom
mending its uso.
Six per cent city and farm loans , S , SY.
Forgussoit lG Co. , 301'onrl St , iuw&f
socdlingajand SecdS.
By Robert It' , Funmr ,
For over troutyGvo years past I have
made the subject of forestry on western
prairies a stu y , and also boots extensive.
ly engaged m platting , rearing and
handling forest trees , seedlings and
seeds. Observation and experience dur-
fug that time warrants Ulu declaration
that with care in preparing soil , selection
of varieties best adapted , good culture
and attention ) there need be no difficulty
in having treas grow successfully on our
prairie lands , and that the region origi
nally timberless clay in reasonable time
become timber clad , and of great value.
Until within comparatively a few years ,
planting has been principally of the soft
woods , rapid growing varieties , in order
to realize as quickly as possible , advam
taxes sought , either , or nil , for fuel ,
climatic influences and protection. Coin.
mien cottonwood , of which there are two
distinct varieties-yellow and wliite-is
most extensively planted , considered aul
is , the tree "for the n Ilimn. " It is
readily and easily propagated front either
seals , seedlings or cuttings , and grows
rapidly almost anywhere planted ; either
on bottom or uplands , anti requires less
care nil nttontion that any other variety
of timber. It mimkes passably good fuel
from the tuna it is largo enough
to cut. Of size fit for sawing purposes ,
especially the yellow , it mm ekes good
lumber. Few varieties are better
for inside building use - studding -
ding , joists and such. No other holds
nails so well. Soft maplo. box older ,
willows , yellow , black and diamond
are valuable and grown to great
extent. The diaunond willow-salix cur.
data , var. vestita-is the most valuable
really of the soft woods ; grows as readily
as other willows , from both cuttings and
seedlings , amid is nearly as durable as red
cedar , the rod wood of each is very
much alike in appearance and useful.
floss.For future use and value , however ,
hard wood varieties should be more lib.
orally planted , and millions are being
planted annually. Black and white walnuts -
nuts ; white , green , blue and red ash ;
white , rod and cork oluls ; white , burr ,
chestnut , red and post oaks ; shell-bark ,
white-heart , bitter and pig hickories ;
black and honey locust ; hardy catalpa ;
sugar maple ; American chestnut ; black
and rod wild cherry ; sycamore ; poplar ;
Kentucky coffee tree ; hackberry ; linden
or basswood ; mulberry , bout native and
black , and Russian , kayo all boon thoroughly -
oughly tasted and cats be profitably cultivated -
vated on prairie lands. Seeds can boand
are better planted in beds , and plants
transplanted at ono or more years old.
Tap rootcd varieties-oaks , walnutshfck-
orios and chestnuts transplant more readily -
dily at one year old. At this ago there
is no difliculty in successfully transplant-
in ; them.
Of evergreens , Scotch , Austrian and
white pines , and rod cedar are worthy ,
and profitably cultivated for forest pur-
poses. They grow rapidly in our western -
orn soil and surroundings , withstand
drouth exceedingly well and will make
valuable future forests , especially the
tvhito pines. Evergreens too , are more
sure to grow , amid rho hotter , transplanted
small , say twelve to eighteen inches
high. In fact , it nmrY ho safely said , all
trees give bettor satisfaction put in permanent -
manont places young. The younger the
tree tvlmeu transplanted , the nearer all
shirt1 ! fibrous roots are retained , and
which arc essential to success. The older
the true , the opposite.
In transplanting trues of all varieties ,
plant grades-sizes-together. If large
anal small are Planted together , the largo
will overshadow and crowd out the young
amid weaker. When groups are all the
sumo size and vigor , they harmonize and
grow ovonly. .
Seeds of all nut bearing trees arc bet.
ter planted in ftll. \ 9tln care to prevent
drying outlonvo , them lay on time ground ,
covered with soil or droop rubbish of
some kind , they can ho carried over until
aprin ; ; , but should tten be planted soon
as soil and circulnshtn a will admit. In
fact , all indigollous 1rau seeds do better
when nature Plants-as thioy fall from thu
trues. Soft maple , elan amttcottolwood
seeds mature in spring and pradircu seed.
rings six to eighteen inches , tho\.amne sea-
son. feeds fall off in May and J''n a and
nest be planted at nncu , 'I'huy cngrmot
ho carried over until next spring.
Of the value of oakH , n'ulnutH , ash a1d ;
hickory , I need not partiemilnrizo , as thpy
are so well known , 'l'horo are man
other varieties we can suce ssfnlly cult
vale , not generally appreciated. SS'llitc ,
or hickory ohn-Ulmus Americana-id
very valunlo. It is realy as solid pod
durblo when rnaturvl and seasoned mum
ash and ( itllor hard stood varieties. For
ready ahd valuable renlirtlion ,
there are no varieties of timber
that will pay quicker and
ber than the true green asm-frnxinnns )
vidus-and black asli-fraximus stunhnci-
tohia. Plants can , and should be , )111 out
thick en the ground , not over lour h
( omit feat each wa , 'Plie will run up
straight , .von stems , or trunks and at
four and five yours ld are large enough
to make lieu turd fork handles , as well as
uMCd for many other agricultural i'n , lo
IRemts rem uirll ! tough flood , Ono Half
can thoul be cut out and sold for purposes
indicated at rives to cover ordinary price
of land in which grown together ith all
other oxIpensos to date , Black locust-
robinfo pseudacacia-cannot be over cull
mated , Fo , fifteen to twenty cars , up
to about 1879 , an insect familiarly known
as "locust tre borer" utterly ruined
near ! all lafmitiugdone Since hatu ntu
so far a , am experience amid observation
extends time post suddenly nd mil stori.
diva peared think
outy p , Entool gists
ItL "gone tosta ) ' . " This valuable tree is
a 1 , _
again being cultivated successfully. For
posts , veneers , wooden street paving and
many other uses it has no superior.
Tito long loaf willow-safc ion lllJolio-
is useful for hedges and wind breaks.
It is tough and llexiblu , amid resists winds
and slats as no otlmor variety uill. Thu
Carolina Popalar is cominparaln els a notw
tree in the west ; was introdaeel by the
late Dr. SS'arder ; is of time eotlowood
family , amid 1 ory much the same in Fun.
oral nppoaranee. The leaf is larger ,
bark snurothor and Moro of n rues color.
It is a More ra rid grower oven than cot.
tonwood nun if not superior , in
t t unlit 1'ro a rated from cuttings.
Time hard'lcatal
hard' pa atocicsa ! igrown
successfully in about all mrtsof the nest ,
It is a valuable to our list of
desirable trees , it 'rows readily and
will bear Immure rough , caruless handling
than any tree 1 kuuw , Roots exposed to
sue and wind will still grow. ' [ 'his modu
of lmamidling trees , linwuvur , is not rccom'
memided. ' 'hcro are two v'ariolies , the
common-bignonioides , amid hardy-s e
ciasa. 'l'hosodesirin to damn
obtain time a9
should be sure to hardy ,
the calnmltln is tender and not reliable.
There are also several oilier varieties :
Japan , 't'oas , hybrid nod dwarf. The
latter three l have found hardy ,
NUMIIIIt01'simue : TO TILL' 1Ot'NU.
Numbcr of tree seeds to time poumid
vary , of course. Lm round uuuiborsthere
are about 3,000 Relay locust soon to rho
pomid , 3,000 black locust , 3,000 soft
umplo , f3,000 rlsil , ; 10,000 clan , tW,000
catalpa , (0,000 sycamore , 71,000 cotton-
WOud , 'Phis meamis clear roll-cured
seed. By eomparisumi with these variu
tics , others cats be approximated.
PLANrs U1'ON .1N At'lll : OF 1.SNIp.
Distance Apart , No. ! ' ! mats
nluchcsby ( I inches. . . . . . . . . . . . IG4,34O
lfoot b 1foot , . , , , . . , . . . .4ttitO : , ;
1.S foot ll ) ' IA foot 10:1(10 : (
3foutby1foot. , . - , . , , . , , . , , . ' . 1,780
3 feet by a foot , 10SUO
3 foot by 2 . 7,360
3feet byl : feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,810 ,
1 feet by 4 feet , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ifi$3
5feet by 5foot . , , . . , . , . , . , , , 1,740
0feet by 0 foot , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1,310
8 feet imq 8 feet , f183
IOfcetbY IOfoot , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 49i )
- -
A Cast Not Beyond llolp.
Dr. 1st , 11 , ] lbudnlo , shaven Ill , advises
ut of araaarknbiu cure of coasuni tlon. I Io
, Ilya : "A neighbour's wlfo was attacked with
viulont lung dlsnvto , and promiumnced beyomd
help from ( Inick CunstnupUon , As n last it
sort the faintly way porsundod to try 1)1L\S',1f ,
' 1'e the n.stonishnlolmt of all , by the tiuu ) she
hail ttsod oaohalf doxun bnttlos sbn was about
the house (1oing her own work. I saw her at
her worst amid land min Idea she could recover , "
_ _ . -
limipnrtant Ault for 1)amimages In tbo
United Stater Court Ileelded
Agalrtst time Itallrond ,
1)enverTtlbtnie , Nov , 'd4.
In the month of November , 1882 ,
Charles Gates hall was in the employ of
the 1Jniomi Pacilid railroad as stoker on
otu of the engines used o time flue be-
twcou Golder and Central. On one of
the down trips n box beneath tire rear of
time tender becmno heated , amid the cn-
gincur ordered the stoker to watch it
carefully so as to avoid accidomit. While
thus engaged inn obeying the orderwhieh
necessitated his leaning out so io ways
from the engine and looking back , he
traa struck by a telegraph polo on the
back on the head amid Leek , thrown from
the gangway of the omigiuo upon the
rocks by the ode of the road amid seriously -
ly injured. Upon recovery , after rotnaiu
ing in alto hospital several weeks ,
ho sued time road for damages iii time
United States circuit court. The case
was fought with desperation on Loth
sides , as it involved the liability of rail.
road companies for damages resulting
from allowing obstructiet to be placed or
to remain so near the track as to endanger -
danger the safety of entployors while ot-
gaged in the careful performance of
their duties. In the present instance time
telegraph polo stood lmixteen inches
distant front the outside face of the cab ,
W. H. Stearns , of this city rupresontod
time pluintifI , while Teller al' Orahood
appeared for the defendant iii time suit ,
which resulted in a verdict for the
plaintiff on time 3d of this month. A mime-
tnot for a new trial was made , amid argu.
plant was heard on Tuesday last ,
Yesterday Judge IInllett overruled time
motion and gave judgement for $3,000
and costs , whucln decision is final , as
there is no appeal nllowablu.
_ ® . _
'P11K Clmristmas Number of St. Nichobis
will bu ready emi Saturday , the 34th of
November , 'lima edition , like that of the
Novenbur miuumbor , is 100,000 , ' 1'licro
are nearly one Imulmdrud pictures iii tlmis
Ohristmua issue ; anmong then a miumbur
reproducing paimitings by Edouard Frero ,
which mire said to be perhaps the finest
pictures that luuve over bunt umigraved
for n child's numgazfno. One of them ,
"Tie Young ( ilard , " is a full page llic
turn engraved by Cole.
Mr. John lnnsnian , of Augusta. Me. writes , May
10 , 1893 , nn fullov : "I lore bemr astlcttrl for tune
years wltha surert kldneytronhfouud huvmmignotlcetl
mum artirloirt ono of our Lwl ers of the wmtdertul cures
ifuut' . inanely hat performed in rnaoycases of drop.
sy , blstlder and kldnoytroim luu , and fndlug a t ottlu
ht a box of strswnckm ; t , I cenejuded m would try It ,
un1 co nmunced to take R , ahcn , n , surpdso , l funnel
that the Br4 buttie lmneflled moo so touch that 1 du
clued that I w "mild conlhmu Its use , Rre I kept min
taking It tmtll i hs l uvt.l hu all six bottle. , and my
sppetlte Ii cool , all joins Iii the hack and slue dlaap.
irmredaudtorone of my years am nowFo yams
old ) l stn able to alltdtd to rrty btuhtosr , and sin
strong mid tigurou" , rw tntny of my friend , and
nrlghli s an telffy that Itnuw moo well , I beg testate
state ol.o , bat nutty rat our nelghborx hayu used
lfuriz's ltsa dy sjtim tapmally as goal resumt. , and one
of toy frleads oho has Just purcl ague at.Olllo of ( lup
my , Ehm + mau A Aldml , at PortLaudsayv hu'wouid not
to shutout It ut any pairs. ' .
THE ImA1trn'SIWAY. '
IIr. Mfrctl Na.lrari , jiaol fJneoln street Laainton ,
Is. , wrlteetuyMuyrl : , 1893 : "Innate Lren uytruly
'mhcttd tut s lortg limo w/lh / Inmil estlou and 1 ver
, , mplatut , sod at tlnavs all that I Mu so datresaal
ratthat I ronkl not Iwar rho night of ford , 1 had
trm I a gtxd unarty dm1T runt roi rdltw for my cum.
pia tt , mad they all alltd , nutil ouu day Mr. Slade ! ,
time , f our dntggtatq hl I.uttldon , rucemtoondrd
1Um ' . lleuady , es lit keowof w rsuywlmo hsd tort
! time xhhgratsucccaefor thtey , Ilrrr , situ ur.
binary routlos , at' nell u ndlgtwtlon , and upon his
r x om endulion i Ibutlly concluded to try s bottle ,
ar lr.ot uuted , tnklrr , slth very little faith In It.
Ihutin wtllo helped me so much that I purchased
two rnur situ it has dons rnu a x ondcrful muount of
gro.l , am cured Ins of bidlgeutlon. I tau eat all
kindd of f d now , mind can trimly rroormnend hunt's
Itmnoly as t sure cure lorlndIZe + tlnu , liver and kW.
nc ) dlseauto
) Ir. Oeo , U , lidc + , ef No , edlbtlagu Street , Lesir
toll , Me , a rvillble aid i romli tlt , dtlrrr , , heinous
thufolluainglnfotuatmoiiMay d1tt.- :
"Ilsving h ixrd of thug mnluatis ( Itmlluol of hunt' ,
htcm.cdy iii a pray ad nmatncr , l lag to etsto that I
utieWrItarumo , ctgrat acrd ( , and can mo.b
cblemlullyrcumr al It to say cue trouhlud tdth
kldnoy or t1Ycr dhe c , "
5 4
They always have the largest and best stock ,
. Thouse of ( ho term"Shot
S riw1. Lhto" hr rouuection slththi
Fl Ii corporate nano of n groateood
. Ii mute3 itoi aof uiwhat
raptlrod hp the trot cling rub
Inc-s Short Lhto , Quick TIm.
situ time beet of sccoounoda
U tlon-all of which are turn
Isba1 by time greatest rnllwsy In Maeda.
And St. Paul.
11 eons and oporstue over Ital ndleof road a
Northcni Illinois , 1S'Itcoti lit , Itltaosota , low , sad
Dakota ; and axl is matt lint's , hrmmciles and ounnoa
lieu , reach sll the reat bushiest centres of thi
Nnrthtroatsnd Fer West , it naturally answers the
deecrlption of Short Llne , and Suet Itoulo Iatweon
Chkaun , MIhsatmkce , SL I'sml stud Mlnnespolle.
Chicagllamlmwaukeo , La Crnsee mad 1Ylnona.
Chicago , Mlhsaukee , Abertuut and ) diendMa
Chlcago , Milwaukee , lau : Clnlro snit stlllwator'
Chlago , Mils tO co , watr + nu amid Merrill.
Chicago it lbt aula'o , ! ! saver Uam and Ohkoh ,
Chlcago , flue aulcee , IYmtkeshn and Oconnmowua
Chicag" , Mlla mkee , Itndlson and l'rdrledu Chion
Chlcago , Mlhtnukvo , Os atrnum and FmIrllrnun.
Chlcago , Itelnit , JanutUlo muol Mineral Point.
Chiengn , EIin , itcekfonl situ Unbuquo ,
Chicago , Cllntou , hock Island mad Cedar ILapldi ,
Chicago , Council IlluOd nut Omaha ,
Chkngn , Sioux City , Hloux falls stud Ywtktnn
Chicago , Mllwnulceo , Mitchell std Cltmnbetlabi.
Rock lslaal , lluhuque , St. Patti and Slmnnoayolla
Datcupurt , Calmar , hi. Paul amt MinntwPolls.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest UhdngCars In
world are nut onthomdnlluesoftheCHICp C
snit otary attuntiuu Is malt to pasnrngere hmy court.
one employes of the comu muty.
8. d. MSfuuLr. , A. V. 11. CAItvnNTnn ,
OenT Manager. Oen'11'asn. AgenI.
J , T , CLAIth , OKO lh iIEAFFOIID ,
Ocu'19uht. As't OomT foal Ag'1 ,
t + 1
, y.
1105I IL
Wu have had agmatlum'roremmlt ' in the iialtla of
ourchndrer by time too of SsiVs ? Soclllr. ; Wit lint
among limo chlfdr riomo who had scrofula-notably
one case in s hlch it was
UawtdTAx.taLY IlxmpmTAIT : ,
We got sonic mil Hailt' Hpociau and gut o It to ttI ) ,
ea.e , and in ashort shdW It wa. curet , mad mad
sell. it sa , nsltal n case , l dunk , as 1 over saw ,
colt had burn titular oacu lout i t , Iclmts with min
'ertnaucntbcrtcat. ' { Yu have hero ghhtgit to nil
tub children as a health tnndc IYo liasu ( our clll
mirenandourseamnttuaalie , foruarlove suffered
lutunoely u my spring wlth oryelpclas , anal though
they hail bruit taltiu Hw It's H eclllo null hl sall
dos a as s health tormie , theyy mill , w trout exception
pneaed through this sprrtg without a touch of the
A yonne ladyof the inetitotlnn , who lint Levu
with nit for , rears , hits hear troubled slth nmost ag.
gratatcdrash ctur Inwritosas a chill. Hltu tried
milltueknouu rmiteIles that are pescribad for it
wIlh nnbnneltt ; httt she has hcen euted by taking
tilt ift's Hpeeltle , and tar had Ito runun of the trouble.
it is suehno excellent tunic , stud keels mho hloud
sit pure , that the , ) stem is less Ilshlo to contract mils.
ruse. All of time leachers anti clli nro wino urn old
mtouglito know agree edit time lit hulloting n is the
greatet utudlehmu knitsn , lily faithm ht ii lr unboun
dud , and 1 amid ut ) asalatantx take great pm snmru in
rtcornmcotiing I ; W em try into. I t ran maul limo
found at the ! lane , and will tithe plcasnr , lit xeciuq
orcurnwomnlhigtutu any tthtoI , Imttretetilrl , lnm +
rmnedy ,
11ev. L. U. l'AINK , Ogdtat. ' Ilonme.
Slscon , On ,
Our tratlauon libel and SkinDirearcrmnikdfree
to uppltcmtta. T11E sw1F'r HPFCIPim3 ) CO. ,
Iruacr3 , AtlautA Oa ,
.4442A COics rhiYHIOALd& DebIIItt
UsrtrAl. LOHa J
1 OF51ANIX ' 10BtHormaton. ;
g lea eta , hen all other rem ,
, , ' r , yule , fall cure uaranteed.
't + . el.t0abottle , large lotlle , foul
three the quadit } ' , 65 , 11y u :
pion , fa may adtlrexs. Hold b3
l alldrimggluts. CNui ISII MI. ! )
CAL INSTITUTE , I'roprlutors , 718 011ve Strout , St.
Louis , Mo. - -
" 1 have enid Ste AnUoy Coopor's Vital iteitoratmu
or years. Every customer spealns highly of it. I
unhceitatlngiyundorso It is m remedy of trim , ntudt
"C. F. 000usas , Untg ist.
ntIt + a. 1 1889 viS Inku ooeily
To One rind All.ltru you SuflirBtg
Irma a L'nugh ' , Cold , Asthuna , llromchitis , or
any of the vatrlomtt pnlawnury troubles that yo
ofilmn and IO Cun + mnptimtl II so , mice "IVii.
for'sJ'mtre'I'd.Lilrr Oil mid Liras , " a sufo and
xnro remedy. 9'1118 is ao gnuek preparution ,
lint is rdgalnrly preseril ed by them medical
( acuity , blrumucturod ( only by A. It , H Sm.-
Ito C mania , llosttnm , Sold by all drtm gist. ,
Nebraska Cornice
1 OS !
: x 21Aox . 171doWkl ,
8ron Fencing !
Crsetuugs , IlalustraIet , Veandas , DISCO and Uanl
ltallluts , Window stud Cellar ( Iusrds , Eta
N , W. COs. NiN't ( AN ! ) JONFdt Hitt
w1.6 ( IAISKn , btann ea
" I v +
J s D
Asictimufc ilylmprudonr cnuulnenrrronsdubll-
Y. Prclnbtu uu1oeey oto. , loving tried In rain e.ry
auwlivtrmemy 1m + dbeo.reJ a almpie moan. of e.tf
1411.s.lt , hhi.soulsndl'iL1tohiJfuloF-.uaorert. . :
Adlwsa. J. U.IIUi : S , UCbathw II , . Nc ( Yuri.
1 ' . t
, , .t. $ . .r : .
1 r
Cornice-Morks ,
1111 Douglaslit. . Omahm , Neb , j
Gaivanlzea Iron Cornices
air Ionner Windows , Finish , Tin , Iron and Slate
Roofing 8pccht' . Plant Metalllo Skylight , I'atenl
a Dusk' l hatchet liar and Bracket Shelving , i am
ha general scent for the above line of good , . Iron
curing , Crmtinge , lkalutrada , Verandas , iron Bank "
aWmigs , Wlndoty 11 inde , Collar Ouanls ; also goner.1
eel for l'eorson& 11th stout Ineldo UIIneb
611 Ste Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo.
A fEOULAIt OI.ADUATEof two medical college.
I . has been onusgad longer In mho treatment of
CIIIttNIU , NKitvOtls , SIIN ANU 111.001) Diseases
than other phydclan lit Ht. l.oums , a , city torpors ehow
amid all old residont. know. Consultation fetus
hit Itwl , Whorl it IS incnnvonlont to vielt the sty .
treatment , inediclnos can ho neat h ) mall or exproe
everywhere Curahlocaaciguaranteed ; sltoretlou
exists It le frmrkly stated. Call or srlto.
Nen ottsl'rnrtration , UohllltyMmttal and i'hysca !
wenknossIlercu sl amid other affections of Throat ,
hoe + , lout nnputltie , and Blood I'olson
hag , Skip Affectloms , Old Sores and Uroer , , Iapedl
acute jo marriage , lihounuttlnn , l'iiess. Special at-
hnllonto cases from ovarworkcd brain , SUItU10AL
UAsls : recoleo , ) octal sttcntlon. Dlseaeoa arlaing
from Imprudcnco , Iixeosse , , Indulgences ,
t'DO Iotgosthc ; whale
ARRIAG'Eetor ) xelltold Iany
rocolpEe who map
c -CTxm . ,
shy , causes , consequences and cure. Mailed for 25oi
posta o or stamps. .opt 2s dswly
nR HENDERSON A regtaar graduate in
, medicine Over sixteen
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Aulhorizcd by the mtato to Eta ,
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multation hoe and eonadentIal-call or wrlto ago and
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2 wBl Guru the mostobsUnate case uomatterol how
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Al/an's Soluble Icattd Bougres
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No nauseous doses of luhebe , ocpabfn , or all of man-
mini wood , that are nstn to rroduco dyepopeia by M
destroying the euatingeof the stomach. Priea 81.50
Sold by aldruirglate , or rnallod on receipt of prig ,
For further particulars mend for circular.
1'U , ! lox
53 Jehu Street , Now York.
Graham Paper Co.
211 and 210 North Slain St. , Sr. Louie.
NEWS , ) ,1 ,
d'd'Caoh paid or Rags and Papa SlookSorMotaluda
A m
. . , . YLtYYI W 1 . , . , . .YI.
Atm ti , , . , .to tram ladinrttlon. , nom. nr otren.e.me.
.rat , uo.rveJ , low eplrpvl , pbr".111 drvlnei..td un.bl + t.
perform iii. ' . dutlr. prnmmir. sou ma u.rtilnly mid ' + Im.
moray anr.A , .Wm..hntdlunu. Im onlb dncton
mtbl.tee.s4 re. pre" . rat M.Amn1 tVpaly..l Th oil
Ira ertn.no , Nervut ne"HI I'Irv.te.r lteeq A . .
i. . b.lty.ue.r. d..lay'pll I MAiIM9'tm ) Rt.u $ . " Rae
hoeele.o ru.r..aael , r y tehl n"nrunon w hit era per. .
r + nt i unLaur. HimpI. , rnrtlt , ulnntr , pla. + al , bb.1
Inrrvotna ltnn.nualm . Lreerhl ono ,
araiiyrm + 'tm.arrpr w en t ; pa ° LH alerl
Imported ear
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f mtlullmcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bavaria.
i'ilsn'r ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I3ohonlian.
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l3ulweiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Louis
AniIRUSe1' . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louie ,
heist's. . . . . . . , . . . v . , . .111.11waulcce.
Sch l ity-Pilsner . . . . . . . , M ilsvuuhce.
1Crn''s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oiilillilt.
Ale , Porter , Do nestic urn Rhino
Wine , m'D , MAUIt1R ,
121.4 h'a''nllul.
' $ ASER'S
{ Yarmntrd embeofntefp pury
Cneon. ( room which the excess o ,
J , till her Lton rejoined. It tae titre.
l' tf , , s It..irrnytle of Cocoa mlxrd
v l ( stlth Suireim.trrnwrootor Sugar ,
( mind is lhen furo fur morn cconotnl.
I , rat , Jt I + Jnc hue , uourbLlug ,
MrrngUtetdug.osally dige.ted , mmJ
! I : 1 : st I ndmimtlY ' adsIdcd fur hnidld , as
wall to fur h * reuns In health.
Nand by ( borers orerynhere.
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l )
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