Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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ri-iE DAILY BEE---UM dA , TUESDAY , \uVEMEik 27 , 18&3. 3 c
- -
i . - _ -
_ _ _ _ _
I tre1'rac. National Ban
I fttd Up Capta - - - 5O 00
urp1us Fund , Nov. 1. 1&C3 1O.bdeu
' II. V. YAT1.9 , Frclitent , tor nitny cra Cuhter ci
tb Fr ( atkn1 13nk ot 0uthi.
' A. ) . TOUZALIN , % lco PreWont , of Hoiton.
w. V. Mon9 ; of W. V. Moo Co.
, 0ttH. COLt.Ifli , 0. II .1. 8. CoflIn.
. , M. WOOL1OtTfl Cusokt tnd Attorney it
I. . . S. 1UlH , ni 1)you I.O'd ? & Co.
tbte Honk opono.I for lu1noe Aprtl 21 , 1t
The dlrtctot , ftn't tokho.1cr ! ro &mon the toad
Ing buno , of Omh , i1 I bu.lnc , I oonductcd
I with cocht rntoteno. to the boit int IncroIn In
, t1nt of its morcnnlUo I'trn.
t CoIIetiOn3 recolio prompt ftttnntloO nd ChLrges
, . lowLit obtntnnbo horn or oewhe-re.
1ntrct flIbo(1 on Unto do1osIt upon I aorbe
? . tcrni up.n aouit , ot tjnki ftnd n'et.
POtn Ktchango , OovKnlnent U nl , and Count
nntl Cliv ScurIt1ei , t.rniht ri voId
Council Bluffs Loan. anO.
Tu3t Comrnny.
DItt ! L4fll oottM.ed. Connnerclr1
Paler tniI nil ( I.iI SetirItle. tienit ; lit. 8 l'earl
treet , 5i ( ) Vir.I nYoIue : , Council HiUffL
Nnw Yorn , November 26.
No Now York tookn or market in account
. ! hlflAy. ( (
1io4ToN , Nov. 2L-1o1)orL1 ( from twenty.
ovcn 1ediiig clearing housc In the UnitcI
'fatc ; for the week endiiig 3aturday ghu tim
' . , totni chmrance3 nA tJO,77t)6.i ( ; ! ) , bclng a de.
. ' ; : ot 3T.1 pr cant , c1nIare(1 with tim
iamo ; week 1a.t year. ' The uxhihit is ( tcchtodly
* nfavorablo both when compnrod with Inst
I week and that of thu correpoI1dtu wucic of
I list year.
1 - _
. . a1ttIN NI ) t'ltOV14LONS.
Citictoo , November 21.-flour-Markct
dull and unchanged ; coixitnon to choice spring
wheat , S@5c ; MIiljcyoto , ' 4c : 1kori ,
, 45o , 1)atonb , 6@7c ; rintor wheat flour
Southern arni M1sourI , 4jbc , Michigan ,
, 45c.
i \Vliont-Rogular , only in inodorato ( ienand ;
opened at about thu c1oiIg prices of Saturday
but oaod ofT tc ; milieu c ; declined c
and closed c higher than i'atnrday. Sales
ranged : Novoinher c1notI at WSc ;
December 'Xi@jUOgc , closed at t)6o ) ; .lanunry
9oc97gc , nIOSOCI U7c ; February. ( IT 'O8c ,
01080(1 at 'JSo ; May 1 O1.@J1 O5 , c1oed at
I O4 ; No. 2 spritig , O(9tic ( , closotl at t)6c ) ;
No. 3 prig , 81 cS2c ; No. 2 retl winter , ISo
@ 100.
Corneiiiand active and strong and at
times excited ltH(1 ( uitiottled but generally
Jilgher ; Prices advanced nlovo ) inside
figtire , 1)Ut ) ClOSOI i4j1tgC higher tlim Satur.
day ; cash t0.1cS1c , closed at t0e ; November
49Itlc , closed at 608c61J51e ; December .19.
@ 50c , closed at ! Oc ; year .19@ri0c ? , close
at raic ; .Jnnunry 1'J@50c ' , closed at 5Oc :
February 40@Mc , closed at 50c ; May , 53 ,
55cc1osed at 64o.
Oats-Cash , oaier ; options oponet easier ,
but afterwards advanced ; cash 29@2Oc
closed at 29..c ; November 2UI@2ic ( , closed
at 29c ; December , 29cj29Zc , clocd at 2(1. ( ?
@ 2tc ) ; year 2tE@2Dc , closed at 9c ; .Tauii.
ary , 2C30c ( ) , clo.mtl at l0@30c ; May 33@
31c. cIosd at 33'3Io.
Rye-Quiet anti unchanged at 6Sc.
linrley-1)uIl at 6c.
Flax Seed-Quiet at 1 3.
Pork-1"air demand ; ( IOIIUUSl chiefly for
speculation and mainly for deferred deliveries :
Jrices ruled 5IOc higher. but onrly receded
10@10 ! , t1ioi rallied 15@20c ; receded ii@lO
. and closed fairly steady ; cash , 11 83)11 90
for old ; 12 75@12 87.3 for iiew November ,
U 8.5 ; De'einbor and oar 11 SO@1l 8 ; Janti.
. ary 12 q 87. , csod at 19 S2@12 85 ;
' Februar 80eJ13 0 : ; . closed at 13 00
13 02 ; 'ch 13 On ; May 13 2.i@1J 4. cbs-
: 0(1 at i ; .413 4.
Lar 'In fair demand but irregular ; 01)000(1
2@5c hivher ; dnclined 5@7Ac ; rallied 7@l
lUc ; sL"'d 2@5c and closed steady ; cash
7 80@7 8i November 7 TtS17 ( 82. , closed at
5. 7 S07 82 * ; December 7 77.7 82k , cbosed at
lt 7 707 82k ; year T 80@782. ; .raiitt. 7
- 8 07A , closed at 8 0@S 0Th ; February , 805
? © 8 closed at 8 l5@8 17 ; May 8 45.
. St. . Bulk Mcats-In fair ( lemand ; shoulders ,
' . . 5 15 ; short ribs , 6 53 ; short clear , 6 85.
\ . Butter-Quiet anti unchanged creamery , 1
\ ® SOc.
; Eggs-Steady at 2.26c.
\ VliiskyStonily and unchanged.
F'reiglits-Coru to Buffalo , Ic.
Chioae-1arhet steaiy and deiiioud fair.
llilO.3-1fl fair request at former lric ; for
green salt cured , light and heavy , Sc ; gzeen
salt , lauingeil , tc ; : gr'en salt calf , ho ; dry
s.Litetl , Jic : ( Ivy calf , iSe.
Tallow-Unchanged ; 1 , 6c ; No. 2 , i'i.j.
O ; CAI.z.-\Vlleat-Snles , 800,000 bushels ;
November ndvancel ) c ; .ianuary , F'ebnary :
101(1 IEZ)3P advaneed jc.
Corn-Sales , I , T00,00 ( ) bushels ; November
, ( (0(1 lfebriiary nilvauced c ; ] ) ecotubr nd
vanceI ( c ; the year atiti .hanuarv advanced ) c.
( ) .ttn-Saie.i , 320,01)0 ) IushelM ) ; OVCflber and
the year alvanced c ; January and \tay ml-
VaI1M3I ( jo.
PIrk-Maltjs. .17,00(1 liarrols ; November ad-
Valiced iSc : locezuber ) advanced 17c ; the
year and fav zulvsuiced 20c ; .Fzuutary ad.
vanced lOc ; l'ebrnni'y and .Iurchi atlvnncol
I.ard-Sa1is , 19,000 tierces ; January ad.
viLliceil 7c ; February advanced 12 ; 1inchL
aiiilIsy ( advanced iSo.
. Hr. LOWH.
I Br. Loute , November 26.-Wheat-Opened
a shade better aiitl enseil off ; No. 2 rod , I
@ 1 0l for cash ; Si 00 for Novexziber 1 011
( ! 10h for I)000mher ; 1. 06 ? for the ycar1 ; 05
1 05 for .ruflUary ; No. 8 red , 9II19c.
Corn-IJigher at 1344.c for cash ; ' 43A ®
481c for 1)ecemher 4Jl:3gc : for the year ;
431@Illc for Janaary.
Oats-Firmer at S28c for CA5iI 27c
for December and Iii for the year ; 2S@2S.o
. for .Januarv.
flutter-Easy ; dairy , l@28c ; crealuery ,
Flax Seod-$1 5 ,
r'.r:4- : hlay-I'ralrie. l 010 00 ; tImothy , 10 00
e @loO.
tl Corn Moal-2 102 15 ,
CaosNoBoARD.-Whoat-hligherl ; 00 bid
for November ; 1 Ol for Jeoember ; 1 OOJ for
the year ; 1 01 for January , 1 00 for .Feb-
Corn-1xcItod and higher ; 43c bid for
Novenbor uml Ieocmbor ; 441c for the year ;
15o for January ; 15o for Foruary
Oats-Strong anti higher ; 2c bd for No.
wember anti the year ; 2Sjc for 1)ecoinber ; 28fc
fur January ,
M1LWAUKI , iJovember 26.-Wheat-
hlighser at ttigc for November ; (1db for Decem.
1er ; 97o for January : 1 0. fur May.
Corn-iulh ; No. 2 , ( .0c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , 2'Jo.
liye'-.Diill nnl lower at
Jiarley-JuIl and lower ; ? 'o , 2 , S'Jtc.
NLw Oni.RAls , ' Nov. (16.-Corn-Quiet ;
mixed artil white , S Ic ; yellow , higher at 56o ,
Oati-Fu fair doixind jOOj firwor at 1SO.
Corn Moal-1)uli at 2 40.
Pork-Scarce and 1km at 12 75.
Lzml-1.ower ; tieree , a 00 ; keg , S 50.
hulk leat In fair tieniaii1 ,
WhIsky-Skaiiy , ; western aectified'l 05 ©
'I Toz.xoo , Novtrnib r -Whoat-iuhl ;
' 2 caah , 1 031 OSj
- Corn-Pull ; 1)1gb ) julxeil , flc ; No. 2 cash
Mliii November , SIc Idil.
( Oats-No. (1 cashaud Nuwiiber , : lhc.
CINCINNATI , Novcmber 26.'heat -
steady anil II ) fair ilciusud ; No , 2 rail 1uter ,
1 ( } l@1 oi : for cash.
Corn-Strong at S(1Z2c.
( ) atis-1r01 at. il ( eZc.
Jiyti-Ststuuiy At 59. @ 6Cc.
Pork-Quiet at 13 0013 25.
Lard-In good demand at 7 77 A
Bulk ! 1eat.-Qqiot and firm ,
Whstsky-Activ and firm at 1 13.
_ _
- -
- -
T1venroo1. , November 26.-lirealstnffa-
Quiet and firm ,
Wheat-Winter , s Od@Oa Id ; spring ,
8s8s 6(1.
Curn-Ss Cat ,
) ANSA8 0117 ,
} AN'IA CITT , Noveinnor (16.-STheat-
firm ; 83c for cash ; 83gc for December ;
&tc for , Tnnnsyy.
Corn-Steady : 39t@10 for cash ; 9@39c
for Novetiier ; 3Tc for the year.
Oats-Stronger at 28c.
1'oflIA l'notVCH.
1OI1lA : , Novem1er 26.Cori flriii ; high
11ll0d , h0iU2c ; No. 2 lIthed , .1(10. (
oats Act1v aisl lirni : No. 2 white , 31c.
\Vliiskoy Firm at $1 1i.
IIAI.TnIonIv , November 26Whinnt-Wcqt.
era easier ; No. 2 wInter red , cash , 1 07 ®
1 07g.
Corn-\Veat.erll , tinner ; InizedcaslL ami No.
venIber , SSobkl.
( ) ats-iuhl ; wosterti whifM , W4lc ; mixed ,
ltye-QIIiet at 65@OTc.
llltttcr-FirllI : western packed , 105j23c ;
cmeaniory 2533c.
1ggs-I'irtii : at (1030c.
WIdsky-Ste.uly at 1. 18@1 18 , , .
h,1vF STOCK.
cii WAGS ) .
CIUCAGO , Noveinbor 20.-The 1)rovers' Jour.
nal reiortstliis afternoon as follows :
hogs-Market strong ( (51(1 ( higher : triCCs 5
@ ) lOc higher ; pecking , 4 25@l 75j 1)ck1111 nIl )
5lLhllilg. ) ) 1 7t@r ; , (10 ; lIght , 4 40cjJl 75 ; klps ,
8 0O@1 00.
Cattle-Market stronger : useful cattle t0
higher ; exports , 6 (13@ W ; good to choice
sllplhg. 5 I)6 ) 10 ; coininou to inthliin ,
4 (1SdJt ( ; SO ; inferIor to fair cows , 2 25(3 ( 00 :
) flO(1lU1II to geol , 3 25@3 00 ; stockers , 3 04.kjil
4 00 ; feeders , 3 85I(1 ( 85 ; mango cattle , firm ;
grass 'rexnfls , : i V5@ I GO ; Americans , 4 5Oi
Iio. ; .
Shoop-Stealy ; Inferior to fair. 2 roc3,00
ver cwt. ; ineIiiin to good , 3 00J3 i'S ; choice
to extra , 3 T5@4 2.
A special cable meiort tO The ] ) rover's
, Iournal states : American cattle are stonily ;
host , iSo ; thresseil shed , . weak isiid Ic lower ,
hiest i7tj1Sc 1)01 ) 1)0(1216 i1rossel.
KANOAS Ciiv , November 26.-The Daily in.
tllcator reports :
Cattlu-Steady and uichacd ; natives ,
(3 ( 00@6 50 ; cows , 2 70(50 ( ; 'Ioxa.s steers ,
a 2e3 70 ; half-breeds , : i iso4 o. Large
cattle In good ( lelnancI ,
Iiogs-1irin and higher at 4 104 ( 85.
Sheep-Market qule ; natives , 3 30.
Sm , LOInS , Novembor26.-Cnttlo-Show , on
light supply and stronger. Prices sakes ! ,
exports would brIng6 00 @ 1' , 10 ; heavy shipping -
ping 5 25@6 00 ; light tin , 4 7C 5 50 ; good
butchers steers , 1 00@4 75 ; good cows and
hielfers 3 fO@4 00 ; cmninun stuff , 2 50c33 00 ;
grass Texans , : i 25@4 15.
Sheep-Steady ; for good : nuttous , 8 25@
3 65 ; PrhnO to fancy , 375@4 25.
OlucAGo , November 26.-Receipts and ship.
monte of flour and grain for the Past 2-1 hours
have been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flour , lbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,000 29,000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . , it3,000 21,000
Ceri : , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 203,000 240,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 209,000 1S2,00G
Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . (12,000 4,00' )
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 76,000 .IH,000
ICANIIAFS CITY , November 26.--itocelpts and
shipments of gmahti for the past 24 houra have
boon an folbowti
Receipts. . . Shlp'tn.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . 55,900
Corn , lushels. . . . . . . . . . . . I 13,090 21,090
CHICAGO , November 26.-Receipts and ship.
monts of live stock for the past 24 hours have
boon as follows :
Receipts , Sidp'tn.
Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 . . . .
Shoep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
KAN9AS CITY , November 2G.-ReceIpts and
shipments of live stock for the ut 21 hours
have boon as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1,000 . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,100 . . . .
Shooji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 . . . . .
Br. Louis , Novombor2l.-Rocelpta and .hlp.
ments of live stock for the past 21 hours have
boon an ( elbows :
Receipts. Shdp'tn.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 P100
Shiocis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6X ) (100
Jitti tIsli GflLiIN TIt.UE.
I.ONION , November 26.-This Mark Lane
lxpri'ss' weekly ruviow of the British grain
trade says : Unusually mild veatlmr caiwes
young wheat to maintain a heidthiy and jrn1.
: sing appearance. Trade is ( lull iusd lifeless ,
owing to a stlhCralftlfldaflt 5iIIply of foreign
wheat. Flour values tendi ug downward.
English flour atisi wheat difficult to sell in
London. Maltiiig barleys very scarce. 1"or-
eign whcats iniiiIroved : : ; stock large arid buy.
ers are npathioti 1(11(1 extremely cautious.
lour in moderate sutiply and London trade
depressed. Mixed American maize Is against
buyers , oving to scarcity. ' 1'rad in cargoes
off coast is very rostiictod. There were
arrivols , three sold , Chreo : withdraw : : , four re
maui , iticludiug thico cargoes of red winter
wheat. 1'or cargoes on Iassrge anil for ship-
nioiit scarcely any ilematni. Values jioniiaal ,
Sales of Etilish wheat for the week 80,102
quarters at 40s Sd a Iisnrter : , hgtLiiist 52,15' )
iiIiarteis : it lOs lid a quarter the corrcsiioml.
1 ° b' wsck last year.
Wholesale I'rlccs ,
Oi'ice oy 'J'IIH OMAHA ilEx.
: t day Evening , November 26.
The following Prices are charged ret.ailnrs
by jobbers , whobon1ern anti commission merchants -
chants , with the exception of main , which hi
quoted at the hrICO3 ) furnisheil by the elevators
and other local buyers :
WISKAr-Casle No. 2 , 78e ; No.Sd5c ,
] IAIILEY-Cashl No. 2 Sic ,
RYE-Cash : No. 3 39c.
CoLN-No. 2 , Stc.l
O&n-No. 2. 28c.
LIve Htook.
FAT STEEIC8-Quiet at i 50jh 50.
FAT Cows-S 00@3 35.
hloos-3 8@4 15.
SILEEI'-Firm at l 00@3 50 ,
OALve-Fnir quality 4 505 00 ; goodbntch'
ore' stock , 6 00.
Flour nnhl MihlstufTs.
\ VINTnIVIIKATIJedt quality , patcutat
3 OF,5 5
SECONI ) QITALVrT-2 753 25 ,
Stitise 'Wiinai'-Best rua1Ity , pstent ,
SECONI ) QUALIrY-2 r0@s a- .
BIIAN-rc hier cwL
Olsol'CEI' ' FErn-Per 100 lbs. RTc.
COHN MKAt.-'l 00@l 10 cwt
ICItKKUNG--470C ( ) icr ow
Ganeral i'iinieico.
llur-reii - Fancy creamery 35@35c ; cold
storego creaniery , 25C'2'c ; cIolce dairy , (10
@ 2k ; best country , sollil packed , 12lbc ;
bent country , roll , 1 l@llik ; inferior graiQ1 ,
10@1lc. itcceipts continua large atid quality
Ior. No sieznand for anything except strictly
fancy butter ,
] oois-1\iarket aiivaiiciiig ; sales at
27(28c. itdvl ir libsral Cl1iWigI)110111t4 ) ) ,
ill'I.L4-Vaicy ) , JiIflStlaII)4 ) , l 5t1cf.5 0(1 ( ;
fancy lieu lavis , e.a eIut 00 ; fancy , iunet ,
a ooc. : tO ; fancy Wlhlowtsig , 3 25J5 ( 75.
1)einaud gOiWl ,
CIiEi.'sF-Now York State full laartnl , late
September make , 1 Ic ; New Yiirl : .Stiet.i full
creani 10 lies > i ) lots , 13o ; d , uiill cousin , 50
1001) * 131c ; do August IIW.kO , lao ; do 10
1Ot4 , itiist : inako , i2o ; do 50 hoop letjs ,
l2loYh5c4)nsin ; , full creali , , 2 Iii box , I Ic ;
Vsiiing Aiiiancas , strictly full cream , 137c ;
full cicain , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , 114c.
full cresisi flats , 12.o ; full cream hats , h3c ;
fancy brick chiceso , 100 lb cases , lStc ; TAm-
burger 13c ; goinlno : old Swiss , 1tc.
l'oivtois-Ieedpts { large ansI prices
dechliiing , Coiisiiiments of strictly eiu.tce ,
large sized , stusight Pttat0 Stil solhIti
front 31) to 82c ; iuIed cari (1 , ) to 2S. saul
Ight slomnaid ; icachblovs , 35 to .t0"
Swxrr l'ovAioaa-Cholco yellow , 2@3C.
ONDas-llecelpts larger ; cholcis large rod
V6thiorstiohd selling at 40 to IPIlO. No slomatisi.
OAnuAna-Maekot for chiolco stock $5 00j (
C OUpor hiuntiresl. 1)uninid gisal.
htr.a.s-hlanst Picked suivin' , 2 502 75 ;
hisoul picked iiedhutiis : , 51 7S 00. lie'
tt'iltS lar 'a : demand good.
( , AMM-11'rAhiO chickens , er dox. , 3 50 to
3 7 : shift ! ! $1 75 to 2 00 ; s" n , t' 1 713 ;
slick : , SI aflard , Ir ii , l ( 2 , s0 iied ,
$1 130 t 2 0i door isalusos , I1 to 1'2e carcass -
cass , ( S. to lOc ; nutelohlo salillosi1 : tO l2c ; carcass -
cass , tI. to 1(50. leniaiul gmnl , V)1ltl advlso
hiticral c.itislgiiuent. : ' . Ito careful that your
game oos 14) market In nice exinshition.
Fuasu ( haixius-Soleets , 45c stendards ,
40c ieihtiiiis , 30c.
l'ourinyLive chickens , vcr sloz , ' 1 713 ?
2 00 ; full sirossoil ehiickniis , or lb. , ( " 5j8c ; tur.
keys , per lb. , 1 l@1Cc ; ilneks , 105j12 ; geese ,
12@1 lc.
Lxiosa-1xtrze fancy bar houson.s , S 00 ;
fancy ? atessinr. loiioiis , or IOI , $7 25 ; 13 Isox
lots , \tessina lemons , 7 00 ; It ) box hots do. ,
0 713 ; Malaga loinons , fancy , $5 00 ; tIe 5 box
lots , t 130.
Ole.Naen-louishninn ) V IdA. 9 ( RI : tin. ,
box , $5 60 ; stein cut l ites atcas , lt'rhibl , $10 00 ;
POt box , 6 00.
IIANANAIi-Chotco imr hunch. .3 00fi4 00.
CitANlsrnelM-llell : and bogies : 1 ( ) ( )05 )
12 00 ; holb anti cherry , $9 5013jl0 50 , ibovo
iitiotatioii for choice.
] ) ATNS-lhlaek Arabian , per lii , , 8@0c ;
quarter crates , lOc.
} 'ms-25 lb. kegs , per lb. , l2tc ; 10 lii. box ,
nyor , Pe lb. , lOc ; sitiall ovals per lb. , ISo.
COCOANUTS-ixtra Ilico , ier 100 , 8 00.
Cingu-l'uro sweet elder , 22 gal keg , 6 00 ;
M. & P. clarifies ! , 22 al keg , $6 00 ; M. & P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , 5 00.
P1(15 VEFT , ri' : , flTc.-Pigs feet , IS lhi
irita , 1 j5. liiP ) .j9 lb (9 bid , $2 25 pigs feet ,
8k ) lb half bid , $1 00 ; tripe , 15 lb dta , $1 15 ;
t.i4ie , 40 lb sir bbl , $2 25 ; tripe , SO lb half bId ,
$4 00 ; liia tAlIgUOH ) , 15 lb kits , 2 50 ; pIgs
tongues , 4(1 lb nr , bbh $6 00. Lambs' toupuoa ,
is lb kits , $2 fib ; 40 lb qr bbl , 06 25.
MiNor. 1ICAT-Attnnros , iSlb buckets
( buckets 2So ) ( Sc ; 371(1 ( buckets ( bucket 40c ) ,
Ic. : 10011 , kers , Ic : half barrels , 8c.
ASSOIttEl.1XL1X-( stotiejars : 12 In case ,
lw' . doz , $2 213 ; tumbler , per th'u , $1 IS ;
schooner , or thozeti , $3 10 ; 1.11 , tin cais , .1
iloz. in case , $1 10 ; tin cans , 2 doz In case ,
$2 10.
13uii , lH.T.IES-Curraflt , $0-lb WO4R1 pails ,
Pe I ! ) , 8c ; strawberry , 80.Ib vood i'aiis PC'
ib , Sc ) ; raspberry. 30.Ji "oud imils ur Ib ,
8c ; blackhiorry wo. . ail lr Ib , 8c ;
crab 81)1)10 , 30-li , V.00l htiils ier II , , 8c.
AFVLH Burren-35.hh tOflleIi l'ails , pr lb ,
$8 00 ; 5.Ib wooden lails , 6 Ia case , per c.sso ,
1'IACIi iluriins-2o-hhi wooden vaiis Per hi , ,
$11 00 ; 5-lb wooden 1)11115 ) , 6 in case , per case ,
$4 25.
1'inaiaitvs-(1n ( 20.hb wooden palls-1isp. )
berry , $15 00 ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ;
peach , $14 00 ; cherry. $14 00 ; tomatoes , $14 00 ;
1)lum , $14 00 ; assorted , woolou buckets ,
Si in casu , l" 0(1.40 ( , $1 75 ; assorted , tin
cas : , 2 , liz , in case , tier cuso : , $3 25.
N1IiltAsI ( , % Cou : IIONMY-1-lb ( nones , 24.Ib
cases , 11cr lb. ISo.
h1ty-liale,1 , S 0061j10 00 ior ton ; in bulk ,
6 00fG 50 bier toil.
Gtocors lust.
CANNrn Goon-Oythrs ( Standard ) , per
Case , 3 703 ( IS ; istrnvborries , 2 II , , ier case ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 II. , , tier case , 2 (10 ( ; Bartlett
pears , per cn.o , 2 .10 ; % l1Ort1i3lHrriC3 , per case ,
2 80 ; egg lltIms ) , (1 II , , tier case , 2 90 ; green
gagcs , 2 Ii , , tier case , 2 ¶ 10 ; ( h , choice , S It , , ver
case , 4 50 ; ineio apples , 2 11 , , per case , 4 S0@
5 50 ,
Rorz-Sisnl , inch ami larger , lOtc , H Inch ,
10c ; inch ,
CANnLKS-Boxes , 40 Ibs , lOs , 150 ; Se , iSo ;
boxes 40 lb , 16 oz. , Ge , lSc.
MATCHES-Per caddie , 35c ; round , csaos ,
2 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SCGAIIS-Powdered , be ; cut loaf , lOc ;
granulated , ; confectioners' A , 8c : Stand.
aid extra 0 , Sc ; extra C , 7c ; medium ye1'
low , 7c ; dark yellow , 71g.
CorwEs-Ordii1ary grades , 12@i12c ; fair 13
@ 13c ; good , 14c ; prilno , 1Ii15c ; choice
1I@lTc ; ; fancygroen and yellowiuIOfc ; old
goverinnont , Jva , 20@26c ; Levering's rsnated.
14c ; Arbuckle's roasted , 18c ; McLaughlin's
xxxx roasted , 18c ; imitation Java , 1t
@ 1S&c.
RICH-Ioulsiaua nhrio to choice , Tc ; fair
6c' l'ntma , ( Pic.
Ijxsn-No. 1 mackerel , hail bris. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , .dts , 1 15 ; famIly mackerel , lush !
bris. , 6 00 ; family mackerel , kits , ( ISo ; No. 1
white fish , half bris. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits 1 05.
Svnvi'-Stun1a.rd Coin. , biils ; t.sndard
do , 4 gallon kegs 1 83 ! ; Stiuulanl do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60.
Sona-In It ) PfllOH , 3 80 pr case ; keg ler Ib ,
PicKats-Modium , In barrels , 7 00 ; ilo
In half iarrols , 4 00 ; small , in barrels , 8 00 ; do
In half barrels , 4 7t1 ; glierkiiuslis barrels , 9 00 ;
do in half lmrrols , Ci 00.
TK.te-lttiipowder , good , ' 1s5r ; choice CO
7r ; good Imperial , 40Caj13c ; choice , 60435e ;
Young ifyson , geol , 8013j50c ; choice ,
n5c@1 00 ; 'nhan nv.ttir&tl loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , 60@7So ; .dong , good , 3 , ' lOc ; Oulong ,
c1ioic , 4SC55c ) ; Souchioug , good , 3S@40c ;
choice , 3S13'45c.
'ooiiNsvAiE'rn'l : ) hoop iialln , 1 85 ;
three hoop ; ai1s. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; 1ln
: ieer vaslthoar,1s , , 1 85 ; Double Crowi 2 90 ;
Wllbucket , 3 85.
SoAps-1Irk's Savon riierial , 3 45 ; iClik's
satinet , 3 61) ) ; Kirk's staiulttrd , 3 75 ; ICirk's
white ilusslini , 5 25 ; ICirk's eutoca , 2 iS ;
Xirk' Prnirio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40e ; Kirk's
int.iio1in , doz.
1o7AHlflCnflRylVRflIa can , , 4 case , In case ,
3 35 ; Bablitts ball 2 tliz. In close , 1 (10 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. Iii case , 1 50.
OANIw--FreIich niixod , in 30 lb. imhis , 18c ;
American nuxed. In : ; o lb jinils , 1c ; Brilliant
nilxed in 30 lb iails , ho : Nobly mixed , in $0
lb hails , Bk' Uoiiiotithin mixed , in 30 lb
pails. 12c ; Excelsior stick , 80 lb halls , i3c ;
( lUhlO refined , ao II , pails , 1c ; Crystal mixed ,
: to Ii , iinhis , ISo ; 01st riimio mimhced , $0 lb pulls ,
14c ; Tip ' 1'li , iLllXC(1 , : mo 11) linili ; , I3e ; Flirt ,
miXOl , 30 lb pails , l11c ; FlIrt , htick , 30 lb
pails , iic ; 'ru' ' Top , stick , $0 lb imils , l2c.
VINEOAU-NOW York apple bc ; Ohik , ap'
PlO , iSo.
SAu'-Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Anhiton , In
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , Ss , 3 80.
I3TACLCII-l'emtrl , Ic ; Sliver Gloss , Ic ; Cons
Starch , Ic ; lixcelsior Gloss flc ; Corn , Sc.
SlICES-PelIpor , 170 ; , slsplco , iSc ; cloves
213c ; emessia , iso.
Ly-AmnerIcan 3 40 ; Groenwlchi , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; sortie Star , 2 00 ; LewIs' lye
4 65 ; .Towell lye , 2 713
Dry 01)0dB.
BROWN COTrONS-Attantio A , SIc ; Apple
ton XX , Tc ; Athmta A , Sc ; hoot FI c ,
Buckeye LL , 4-4 , Ic ; Cabot W , 7c ; cldtte.
Imamigu A 6c ; CireatYallsE 8C ; 1iooeiler,6c ;
IlouestldthSc ; Indian hondA , So ; Indian
Standard A Sc ; Indinie Orchard , d , w. , 7c ;
Lawreiico 1u , tIle ; Mystic River , 71c ; l'oqus.t
4 % , 82c ; Utica Ci , C' c ; Wacleusett II , 7c ; do
A 8c do B 48 , 12c.
F'isx BUOWN Corros-Allendalo 4-4 7o ,
Alligator 8-4 , $ c' Argyle 4.4 , 7c Atlantic
1414 , Ojc ; Badger itato X 4.4 , Ole ; honnIiigtsiii
0 4-4 , Gie ; Buckeye S 4.4 , GAc ; Inillium Orchzml
AA (5.5 ( , 8c ; Laconims 0 3tJc ; Lehigh ii 4.4 ,
'Jc ; I'eiiiierell N 30 , 7c ; sb 0 32 , 74c ; do ft
: (4 ( , 7o ; ito B 89 , 8c ; l'ocmssaot Cl 4.4 , 7c ;
\Vainsutta 1.-I , l:1c : ,
IILEACIIEI ) CorroNss-Alidrosooggin 1 , 4.1 ,
9c ; Iilacksteue .AA. iiniwrlal 8o ; ( I ) ) ( ii ) half
imleachod 4.1 , Ic ; Cabot 4.1 , Bc ; Fidelity 4.1 ,
Ito ; Fruit of the Loom , tjc ) ; do cambric 4.1
12J : \\'atorTwlst , I0e ; Great Falls Q , Ic
Indian head hruiilc 4.1 , 12c ; Lonselals , lOu
0 camobrloT , l2ic ; Now York Mills , l2 o
i'oquot A , lOc ; i'empero1 , N (1 'rwills , l2 a
1'CUhtiltM ) 1.4 , 9u : l'icajset 5.4 , 2 ; Utic.s
lIe ; W'amnsutta 0 X X. 12a
lflicKH ( Culnrei-Albammy ) B brown , Sc ; do
0 , Ilral ) lIc ; ( is , XX stripes aiiJ plulsis , J2 I.2c ;
sIn XXk hirc'wzi atid tlrzsb , stritsas and plaids ,
19 1-2c ; Ailhrigton faimey , lou ; Brunswick
br wn , H 1.2c ; CharIot fisi&oy , 12 i.2s : ; do ox.
tm heavy , 2Oo ; Jfall Hiserhawrz , , extra heavy ,
ii 1.2ci liullona A bruws , ISo ; I0IOPJ4Ot
brown , iSo ,
'I'ICKWul-Aituek-eag A 0 A&2lOc ; do XX
bliss 82 , 18 l.(1c ; Arrownnna , (1 ( I.2c ; Cinro
iminiit 1111 15 1.2c ; Cometoga , extra , 17 ] .9o
lLamiiltnn 1) , 11 l.2c ; Lewiston AS' , lrs ; ! 'iii ;
nehmahii : 1.1 , (1Oo ; Omega , susr : extra 4.4 , ? a
l'earl Itiver 3(1 , 16 1-Ic ; J'utisiun XX blue
wrliio , 12c : Shotucket 5 , 10 1-2c ; do 811 , 120 ;'s blue 29 , Do.
Iameiens-Ainoikeag , blue and browrm,16i.2c , ;
ItzmdvCr 1)1) ) 1lie , IT , 1.2c ; Arlington X blue
Sciatcim , 18 1.c ; Csmcard 00(1 , Idue' , iiiI
Irown , 12 l.2c ; tin AAA , sIn do 13 1-2 tic ,
XX ts tin tin , 14 I-2e ; lissymtikom' . blumo amid
brosvn 9 i'2c ; Myitio Ilivor 1)1) strIpe , lii l.2c ;
l'earl Ilivor , llUO auth brown , iDol Uncasvillo ,
blue aunt brtiwii , 14 l.2o.
C.eImsIslcsItansartl t4C ; 1du1ystnno lining ,
24 limchs double face , 8cUanmnr ; A glazcai , t'c ;
tianhmatt.att Flovo finish , &c Neavport tin.
tin glazed , ! 3c ; l'oquot , do , LockvooJ kid
finish , tic.
Coitsir IKANS-Atnory , Asdrossiggin
satteon , 8c : Chmucuidon ( C Clmlcwtgga sit. .
teomis , sic ; Jimellowohi , RCj lmullaim Otclcutl , 7c ;
Narragansett , unpros oth , i2c ; l'epportll sat-
toots , 91c ; iiockport , tic.
PmnNrn-Allens , Ge ; American , C4c ; Amahin ,
tq01 liorwick , 4 , it isi,6 'Ctiiiestoga , Ole ;
Dankirk , Cc' 1)u'u , d , Ojic ; iddystoio , 6c ;
( , I Inreimoisy , 51o ; Knickerbocker ,
titc ; Meirlmac b , Ic ; M3Ptic , Ac ; Spragnes ,
tic ; Southbrhigo , sic ; do ( ilaghuims , 7clarl. ; .
borta , 5c ; : ,
( BNGIIAMK-AUmosI cog 0C Argyle , Sc ;
. \.tlantic , &ic ; Cuuuhcm instil 7o ; I Ilgimlatid , 7c ;
Kemmtiworth , Dir ; Plnnktt , Otc ; Stmo , Sc.
CoTroNApra-Abbcrvhllo , laIc ; Agate , 2Cc ;
American , lIe ; Arttsian , 2Cc ; Calm 1) saul T ,
I3c ; ( flar'ion 1) aisil T , i7c ; 1)ocan Co.
stripes 1) muisi 'r , bCeystntio , i3c ; Nan
bucket , lOc' Nosi'.srtIl : , 1Cc ; Ocean 1) unit !
lBtc ; Iloyni , 16c ; Sussex , 12o ; Thiga Waehsu.
sott shirl.immg checks , itic ; do Nanidu 12cs
York , plalit Nn.nkhmi , l2lo ; do chocks stripes
: ns1 futmcy , 12c ; do S ox , 2Cc. 4
SIlloTtasAumilnwooggin 10.4 27c : tin
9-I , 2ic' ulo 3. , 32c : Continoittal 0 42. lIc ;
Fruit o ( time isxun 1O1 ; ; Now York en his
98. $ So ; sin 78 , 8Cc : ( ii ) t)8 , 2(1c ; l'euhroke :
10-4 , 2Sc ; l'equot. 10-4 , 28c : tin i I , iDe : do .19 ,
Itic ; l't'Ih5n4311 ( ) d , 2ic ; do 67 , 21c : do T , ( Sc ;
Utica ( Ni , 8dc ; do 58 , 2(14e ; do 48 , lTc.
I'aIiitOiis mind Varnishes.
OlLui11Oc carbon , iwr gallon , ISo : 1130 °
hionsilighit , I'cr gallon , ISo ; i75 ° headlight ,
P ° " gutilomi , 2Cc ; 1130 ° water whItes itse ; ho
socci , raw , ; ir gmtllonSSo ; hlmisootl , bilotl , ; , or
gallon , Nc Lns1 , simmtcr str'd , wrgtlhin : , 80cc
No. I , 70cNo. ; 2 , 6Cc ; caster , .XX , law hal.
lois , 1 130 : No. 3 , 1 30' sweet , mm gallon b.3
, 'l'CrmV.I1. . , mtu' gallon , 1 60 ; fish , 1' ! . 11 , ,
lUrgzthlim , Si13' neatafoot extra , mm gallon , ( tic ;
Nt' . I , 7t.c : iufmr'mo.stimig , ZOIS ) , per gallon , 8Cc ;
iuimtinor : , ISo ; golden maclimo , No. 1 , vr gal.
lois , 8Sc ; No. 2 , (1St ; sl'rmn , signal , pr gallon ,
8Cc ; turpentine , per gallon , SOc ; musltlut 74 ° ,
pgalloui , ISo.
I'AINl14 IN Oiu-Wliite load , Omaha P. P.
6 c ; white lo.tih , St. 1euis. pore , tile ; 'itui.rse'illcs '
gmcii I to 13 Ili camis , 20c ; 1"rcimch nine , green
soul , 12c : Freuida mine , red seal , ile ; 1.ronch
xhic , in isnmisli nast , 2Cc : } 'ionele zinc , in nil
east , lSc ; emew ssmti bunit ttiimhcr , 1 It , camms , 1Cc ;
raw ami burnt Sicomma , JOe ; vantlylm brown
lic : ; refuted lanmpbbaclc , i2c ; conch black , anti
ivory black , uk ; drop hhack , , ilk ; Pmussiame
blue , SOc ; ultmamiemsrino 10mm , iSc ; chrome green
14. M. & 1) , ltic ; idiot ! nuiti slmtter green , I ,
3r. & 1) . , itic ; I'iuls green , iSo : Indian reel ,
1r ; Veimotian i-oil. Do ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Anion.
can Vormillioi I. . P. , iSo ; chrome yellow
Ii. iti : . , o. & ; I ) . 0 , , iSo ; yellow ocisro , Dc ;
golden uchiro , ICc , patent dryer , Sc ; gralning
colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , cbs. tout
and ash , iSo.
Dry 1'altets.
\Vhlto bail Sc ; Fromieli zlnu , iCe ; Paris
whiting , 2lc ; v1iiting ' gihilers , ic ; whiting
comm'l lie ; lampblnc'k , Germantown , 14c ;
lamnpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blno Cc ;
uhtniununino , ISc ; vanilyko , browim , Sc ; uinbtir ,
burnt , .lc ; mober. raw , 4c ; siomuma , burnt , 'Ic ;
sienna , raw , Ic ; 1'nis grooms , genuine , 2So ;
l5aris green , commimnon2Occ1ironmgreon ; , N.Y. ,
20c ; chrome growl , Is. , 12c ; verimdllion , Eng. ,
bc ; venmnillinm , Amnenicaim , lSc ; Indian roil ,
ICc ; rose 1)111k , 14c ; Veimatimimi roil , Cokoqisa ,
2c ; Vommethsn red , Amnonic.smm , 1c' rod load ,
7iv ; chrome yellow , goiniao : , (1Cc ; cii.mono : ye ! .
low , IC. , 12c ; ochmre , mochello " Sc ; ochre , French ,
2c ; ochre , Ainenicnii , 2c ; "sVIntor's nilimena ! ,
2c ; lehighi brown , 2o ; Spanish brown , 2c ;
1niimce'ss mnimmeral , 3c.
VAIcNisilrcs-Bunrels par gallon : Furni.
turo , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; coreli ,
extra , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Daoar ,
extra , $1 713 ; Japan , TOe ; asphaltumu , extra , SSc ;
shellac , $3 50 ; bird oil finish , $1 50.
PLUG Tor.Aceo.-CiiInar , SOo ; Bullion 5Cc ;
Horsesimoc , SOc' Star rCc ; Ruddy , 'ISo ; 11cr-
soy's , 48c : Blade , 3.Sl0c. (
FINa Ctrr-Comnmmson , 20il0c ; good , 45(13
tiOc ; lioso Loaf , We ; Premium , CSc ; Diancoimd
Crown , 5Cc ; Sweet Sixteen , 'fTc.
SMomcIHa-O. S. , 21c ; Meersclmamn , 28c ; Day.
ham , 8 oz. , 5Cc ; Durhiun , 4 ox. . 57c ; Durhisen'
2 ox. , 55c' Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c
Seal of ortIe Carolina , 4 oz. t37c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 ox. , title ; 0. k. iurhrun , 4
0z , , 28c ; 0. IC Durlour , 2 on , SOc ; Uncle
Ned , i's. 25c ; Tiome amid .lorryi23c ,
sole SSc to 42c ; Imomnicek solo28o to 85o ;
CCIII ( j 1dm , so to 1 (10 ; rnmmnor 650 to SOc ;
oem o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23c
to 2Cc ; oalc smomsor 24c ; alligator 4 00 to 5 130 ;
calf kid , 32@313 ; ( irelson kit ! , (1 tO to 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOc to 1 tXJ ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; 1"ronch
hip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ms
sets , 1 $ 50 to 7 50 ; lInings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; tOp.
plugs , I 00 to 10 50 ; B. i. Morocco , SOc to She ;
Pbbl0 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00.
IlAmtnnss-No. 1 star oak , 4(1c ; No 2 do ,
3Cc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 380 ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No.
I Milwaukee STc : No. 2 do ale.
Iuutii tier.
We quote lumber , lath and shingles on oars
at Omaha itt the following vnice :
JOIST AN ! ) SoArrasNa-16 ft. anti smiler
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
Tnintius-16 foot and tinder , 22 00.
Tieiiiait AND JOIST-IS ft , 2 $ 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 26 so ; 24 ft , 26 50.
FiNcINu-No , 1 , 4 and 0 in , , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SIIEmr1No-Nn. 1 (2ilconmmou ( ( nerds ) , 20 00 ;
No , 2 , 1890.
LIIIH-'er barrel , 1 25 ; bulk bier bushel' $ tic ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa hlethr : bid , 2 50 ; haIr
jr ho. 5Cc ; ' .l'arred felt , 100 ilsi , 3 50 ; straw
boaril , S 130.
Dull and vcalc : green butchers , tic ; green
salted , 7&7c ; dmy flint , 12(18c ; tiny salt ,
1051311c ; Iacnngosl hubs , two.tldniLs lriCO ,
8HiIEl PKLTS-25cl 00.
Wool ,
hienino unwashed , lighit 14@i6o ; heavy ,
1SiSo ; moilluin umwaslied , bight , 1820c ;
wwshsod , choice , 32c ; fair , Boo ; tub and washed ,
28c ; burry , black and catted wee ! , 26o Pose.
heavy Hartiwaro 1,1st. ,
Imi , rates , 2 60 ; m1ow steel special c.'sst , 7c'
crucible , Sc ; special or German , fib' cast tool
do , 113@20 ; wagon I4XkIMI , sot , 2 2t3 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; folh > cs sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70@85c ; axles each , 7So square musts per
II , , 761J11c ; washers , or Ib , 8lSc ; rivets , per
Ib , lic ; coil clta.Io. per IS , 6@l2c ; mulloishlo , So
iron wedges , tic : crowbars , tic ; harrow tooths
Ic ; spring tool , 7@8c ; hiumrdon's liorsehoos , 5 25
Burden's mnulossboees ' II 25 ,
] JAimssanVIuEJ'n car lots , Sc per 100.
Niui-liates , 10 to 60 , 13 20.
Sneer-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oniontal
powder , kegs , C 40 ; (10. , hemslf kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
rjuiertar kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegi , 8 85 ; fwso ,
mr 100 foot , SOc.
LcAfl-Bmsr ) , 1 65 ,
CoAi-CsiInberlanii ) ) laoknmlth 10 00 : islor.
its ruts Bloesbung , 10 00 ; Vhiiteijroast lunmi ; ,
13 \Vhltobroast ; nut 5 00 ; Iowa lump , ' 00 ;
lowit nut , 5 ( xl ; hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthems.
cite , 11 2511 SO ; Canon City , 700 , per ton ,
Iulj uorn ,
Aaoonna-IS0 jiroof , 2 25 per wine gallon
extra California siInitn , 188 ) ) i Oof , 1 213
proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof ,
I 23 i'or ' proof gahloi : ; mo-distilled whisldus ,
I OOCPJI 50 ; hiss blcnilod , 1 50132 SO ; ICon.
tucky henitnliins , 2 OO@7 50' Kentucky and
l'eniisylvisnims rycs , 2 0)1 ) 7 SX.
IilLANIIEU-IJnpord , 6t)0IO00 , inmceitlo
1 40@4 ( sO.
( irNa-Iloported , 4 hoca 00 ; duinoistlc , 1 40
® 300.
1uw-Iniportcd ( , 1 50fiii 00 ; New England ,
2 90le4 00 ; doime4ic , 1 50@,3 SO.
l'IAIs ANt ) Aimami liIlANllY--1 7t@14
CIIAMPAGUn4-lmnportesh poe case , 28 ( sO ©
31 00 ; Ammeo'irami , ir cast , , 12 ( ) O410 00.
- - -
iftNVUIt IU4I1t1ClT.
CCI1KUMiATHANnLusn-IIamns , 1Ili3167c'
breakfast IJIICOII , l5t015c ; sniokeil cities , tJ
(10J0c ; salt sIdes , 8uDc ; bird , iOc.
(1 IIEKN YILUJT .SNI ) PEOIcOl- I , , tatiecs , 130@
Trio liar 100 pnuimtiis ; iotatows , ss'iiet , ie : 100
I siiiiisls , (1 2.2 75 ; oiilsns , l' ' I (50 ( posimeik ,
1,31 ( A)42 ) 00 ; tOliigtOCJ41 P ° h' ° " ° ' , 2(3c ;
turnips , per 15 , ic : ( Alsrud ( , cahibigo : , new ,
par 100 , b5c5l 00 ; live chickens , old jior sioz ,
.1 0il 213j.ntirie ; . chickens ier dozd ootia 1.0 . ;
- . . Ly .
La1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
eggs , fresh , t ° r slot , 2Sc1htc ; butter , fair qua ! .
it ) ' creamery , finest i'r 15 , 35@36 ; croanmory ,
gtsith , per II , , 28i33lc ; 1hatis austi Nebraska
slairy , Pr 15 , 2321c : cooking , 8al0c ; ohosso ,
full cn'suu , Per lb , 10qI7c ; np1oms Pr bid ,
easteris , l 755iti 00 ; Per lii ,
LS(46c ( ; California hoar. , l' ° box S 25
GL3 t'S ; plums , 20 lb box ( 2 0O 2 M ; 'sies'
sims heinous , extra , per tsi , 57 005i8 ( Xl ; Coin'
menlo vlmoat , ier 19011 , , $1 30@l 38 ; hour , Col.
uira,1 , 10(1 It , , $2 ( ) OIWJ'J 25 ; flour , patent ,
$2 tIO < d'.3 00 ; tlmir , Kntismts , iiir 100 Ib , $2 70zl
8 00 ; thuir , ( lralmniui , per 100 Iii , $2 0OC2 tiO ;
ilomir , rye , imer 10(1 hIm 2 LIO13T2 70 ; thiur , buick
wheat , tier 111s1 $11 boSflt ! 50 ; corn ieai , rer
100 Ibs , $1 6.s(0l S corn , suer IPO his , ft 2ss )
1 30 ; eerie ciitm , , iir 100 lbs $1 ' 1 3 ; mioss'
oats , or 100 lies $1 3Sn1 'IS ; Oats , Ncbr.ska ,
imittoil , tier 100 ii , , $ t 8Obi1. iOoats ; , Nt'iurcsskie ,
white , hier 101) ) his , $1 8Scihfl $5 $ ; oats , Coisiratie ,
t'or 100 iii's , $1 25j131 35 ; harley , her lOt ) his ,
$1 13013j11 713 : tiib.ohciio , her lix ) 1104 , SI 8@
1 40 ; luraui per (4) ) ) .91 , 0SIII9 00 ; hay , loose ,
[ SW tomi , $12 ooih IX ) ; Inioti seconsi bottom ,
lO tklsi2 90 ; lalotl uphausi , $14 00CO17 00 ;
clover , Per toil , $20 00 ; straw , per ttsii , $8 0(1 (
@ 000.
RailwayTime Table.
TOC.t , T1tAINS-J3IttDal DlVl1ON
33. 1' , It Il , , MAIN 1.li0.
I'clc xinissI25 ; : p so Atirttmtto xi.ri7t3 a se
ilusterit ) :5Sr.I : ( 55) ti WostornGxprvs.s. 8.0I' : I
(1. islxiil Paso . . . . .1:30 : p in ( I. lelniti I'a"w , ltso : a so
14vcolii H..12:34) : 1' Ci ) I lAurel , , Es..12:53 : p to
1)9MH1 TItaiNt3-lllL1DI ) IlVImilOts' .
1sstotuiiia : 7:10 : , 8:00 : , 0:1)0 : , 50:00 : , I lCO : is tulI ) ll
I : sO , : th , cmeo : , 1:00 : , : tO ) , 6:5) : ) ) , In : LU p. in. On Sun
sisyti : 7:10 : , 0:0 : 11:00 : a. in ; 2:5k' : , 4:0,1 : , (5:00 ( : , Itulo ii.
a , , An'ls o at tnustisfer ilepot tO iumliutes : letss ; Iiri'aa
way tt115t ! , Cousunil lUsiffs , 30 lUhuititLil later ,
Lear , , Council liluffs , lirtiade a ) ' Ilciot , Sfl' : . 0:00 : ,
10:00 : , (1:00 : iasiL ; ie iialtio ; : , c : " ) , 3:00,1tXi.t00c:40 : : : ,
19:40 : p. to. Oui SimIle ) s:00 : : , 10:0 : , ) s. to. ; 12 sum ; 3:00 : ,
& : vO , 0:10 : , t0I0 1' . in. , trslvo 'Lrxuiaur ( ICI'Ot , Ii ) utiti'
tmu.s . inter.
C usncli tiimg , Tauister , iepott S:5 : , 925 ; ,
IOt : $ , 11:25 : a. in.12 ; suit:2S ; : , 2S5,0VS : , t:23 : , 5:23 : , 0:21 : ,
7:05 : , HM. P. iii. .5nitu Onmaha 2) inluiuutei inter.
1'aas No. 2..r. a ni ia.s. hso , 0 , , 7b : in
, ' No. 10..5:45 : i uS " No. 13. . , .iIs5 : som
, , Ne. 4..8l0pmu : " No , , . . :
, ' ( ) . . . . . . . . . : " Ns , . ' 'i. . . . ' 7:1i : p lie
, , N. . It..0:55 : a to , " No , 1. . . , 7 &c p Iui
, , Ni' . 50 ii : . s ) is iii i
C. , if. & St. . I' . It. lL--T. ' IKPOT.
\l % As i'e..7:10 : a as I'itIlo . . . . . . . . . a am
'itiantlo . . . . . . . . 1' ' lii iJnll & . . . . . . . : PlC
'NAIPA'Iii , ST. LOlflS t'ACIFW-L' . 1' . IKI'0'1' .
Hoehml..7:10 : a in tmumahs..I ito : a in
, , . . . . . . . . . . .10 I , m " , . , , , . . , . 5:20 : p ni
0. , II & Q it. lt.-U. P. DFJ'Y1' .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : , . in . . . . . . . . . : , . to
txIrca. . . . . . . . 8:10 : P I1 . . . . . . . . . . . . : p to
C. , 8. I' P. 11. R.-U. 1' . DHL'OT.
K11ir5(8..7tOisre : . . . . . . . . . . . . :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p en . . . . . . . . . 7:10 p iii
C. N. IV. It. IL-U. P
( ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : is to ' , , . . . . . . . . : 5 to
; ura'5..0 i iii Mali' . . . . . . . . .7:10 : P n
13. C. & 1' . It. IL-U. I' . 913'Oi.
tfitI . . . . . . . . . . . .0:15 : a to Hs'reu'o..9:43 ' : a to
lze'e : . . . . . . . . .0:00 : I , to hail' . . . . . . . . . .1:10 pin
Itiproos . . .7:00 : & to I Hxirtsss..0:45 ; : P tfl
C. , tsr. I'AUI. , 31. & 0. Ii. IL-DEPOl' N. 11Th ST
Nim.t . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30asui : No. . . . . . . . . . . . .
No.4' , .OOI'Iu No ' . . . . . . . . . . :
IIOIJX CITY ; I'ACIFIC-Ul'NT N. 11th Strect.
.earo ( ) iieaha for Vaieiitimeo via St. Psusi hine
to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
tnilvo Item & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , to
H. & 11. IN NK1IItAGIA.
) enve'r Hpm'ess. . .8:1& : a in Atinuitto. . . . . . 0301i to
( 'aciflu ixlireMbc30 : II Iii. I'ciisor8spross:40 ' : a in
K. C. , trr ion & o. ii. it. it-is. & a' . ini'o'r.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a am . . . . . . . . . . a mu
, . . . . . . . . . : ii In . . . . . . . . . . : ) pci
Sundms5i , OXCOIlICIl ,
Opening anil Closing or mana.
BOUTL Oi'XN. . . , , 'I1 cress ,
LW. p.m. p.m.
C &N.W.C.ILT.&P.C. is.
& 1. ' St. l'nuii a Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 : H40 0:15 :
U , II.&S.i'.S. C. & 1' . In Coitus 9:00 : 5:40 :
Wnhaii Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 5:15 :
5Vataoli local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 5:40 :
g , c. , st. , Ioo 1 ; 0. Ii. . . . . . . . . 11:00 : 0:00 : 5:40 : 0:1.0 :
Missouri i'acIflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 : 5:40 :
o. , in. i' . hit. & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7re :
Iiiiloii l'aeltic , cvcrlaii.l. . . . . . 800 11:55 :
Union 1acltlc , 1Jcmier ) , . , 400 730
0. z ltepulbilcan Valley. . ' . 1:30 : 11:05 :
ii. .1 ; 5 ! . Expreiss. . . . . . . . . . . . 7N0 7:40 :
11. A : 31. for l'lattsmnonth , 8.
IlsunO , Ah1iic1 iumtLiumoolu.1100 to
015cc open 8un'I& ' troin 22:00 : mu. to 15)0 p. n' .
C , K. OOUTAiIT 1ostmss
Oiu Sings blatk ) msi'oobout 12 years oil , sittli a
cow bell oo , ' 1ireo ahite feet and ster In forehea.l.
One t'aytorse imlout 10 leard ) ; , l , an , ! irme b.y term
'I Ich , Ittitmwiilto on OIiiI , kg. Owner ens ha' o the
None after irosing property anil inslumur Ianiitj.e4.
JOhN ji' . i.tIflSHN ,
me 20la lmw Nca 21st ammul Lake Stroits.
I have secimreh the agenc'y of
Wm. T. VToocl. & Co. ,
To scil their tools. They eye lankliug the tx4 lee
Tools , niid are die ultiost firm lii She Utiltud States
Any lea Conupauly xlmlulng to Comy too1 selil reecho
thepromiptest iitteiitloii by adlrnasiui'c ,
F.V , 1lf.USIVH.
1817 $ Iiormsui ASeilue , ( Jumble , No ) , .
ell'1 ' IllSUfllOO AOlll
h1HI'itH.9NXTh :
I'hanlx Astimrance Co. , ol nondon , Cash
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
Wrstclicster , N. Y. , ) & . . . . . . . , , .
'In' ) Mtrchiamuts , of Nowarlm , N. J. . Capital I ,275,000.CO
( Itrarit Fire , l'ldlutilelphia , CspItaZ. . . . . . I ,200,000.O&
tirrineim' . lurid , CapItal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OFFIuF.-1nonm : 10 , Otoaha NtIoni lbumk Build
1n. TeIahono Nii. ais
Physician & Surgeon
RosI.lenco , 1511 , Street , over Iloliurod & : uo.e' .
, , ro , near Jackson street.
Itafsrcioo-A , .h 5carb' practical oxieciuimoo.
Practical Horse Sheer
Matti. specialty of ) o&dat.crmanI tenilerfoothor.
so , SIinisIn.lsyimstnuut ; beteucii 1115 mauI 11th , slId
Bsile cc IlstL-0 _ I
I'Iomeoathio , Phyioiaii.
) Iours-t hl.eshlurice , No. 1443 8. 10th Street , till
ill a. iii , , a , , . ) aftu S p. mu. hours-At oliks' , No. 103
smol 105 8. i1.tli 135 , , Itooin 7 from 10 5. in. , to 3 ) ' . Iii.
N. It-ihu ' 1's. . 3Virin % sliI ho ri'iv.l , . , without
ilitiscr. In ttno , of tr..mii . 2 to 3 hours. B
Is hiem'hsy I s so that I lie CillisIt nershil , iie'retefuiri
exlstliig usujc r t Ii" iis'i.u ' . an I s' is of I I tihujirtol &
1)oriieaii , , Is titi I .15) ' , iisul s'ul I imiuttiul coieuit.
Sir. Uyo , Ileluiiri..i us III cuitinue aI.i . husliiti. unlt
I lie nair.v aui.I . St ) Iii of Ifi iiuoI a l'o. , ui.i usiiint ,
rull thu h1abilIttt of lb. Isteliric ci ilt'liiuro.l & liar.
measisi. flIOIIui IISISIIIOI ) .
( In ) cbs , Nsa' . IT , ItO , ia10Y 111011 1W
Carriage & Wagon Maio , .
Jobbin of all lOads Promptly Attended To ,
ie'vwai4 500)1)4 ) lawn ! biegucits an. ) wa , t'pe r oust
ii hand. 019) . I' . ltUllOHN
( 'or , 11th tirid Iuscnach
: -
0 , M , LEIGhTON , IT , P. CLAflICJ .
ItsUcctssoits : TO RENNAI1H flflO0 , & 00. )
WhosaIe riigsIs
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class. I.
OtA11Ai _ - - - - . - - E1HtAS1A. ,
' _ ( Chiongo , Burlington . Quincy Railroad. _ )
r ; _
ts _ _ - 04 C
-r'----- -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Elegant lMy Co.nehcs , Parlor ( jars. wilts Roeiln
Ia ; ' Chairs ( , vsts tree ) , Hummnking CiU'ii. trIth Itse.
vokluig' Clmmilrs l'ullinan l'ntneo Steeping Cstrs menu
I imi Iaiumouo Si. ii , , u Q , 1)iiiliug Cons run daily to asiul
friui Chicago iCeautas City , Chicago & ( 'ouimcll
llliiltii , Cluioo.go .t flesi Mcliii's Chicago. Sit , Jo'
' , AtCiulofl .t Toiwka. Only through line be.
tOirii ChIcti , 1.lneoln , ' icniver. ' 1 tirouigli ears
i'tw.'eii hiuullammahiolls . ( "oiuicIl : 1lInff via verta ,
AU o.mmuectlonas ironic In Union tt'pot& It Is
knossminstiiogroistTiilttjljQllC511 UNH.
olIui Trains of itlegrent ta L'oncmos ) nuul I'iill '
iname I'aiaco Sleeping Cars ames nine daily to iutI
ironic Et iieiiis , via hlaniushal , Quincy , 1eokiuk , I
liitnhlngton , Cedar Itapluis nai : Albert Lea ii , St I
h'auI anti iIcmneiileohlst 1nrlor Canswltht llccIInI , u
Chairs to anti Iroum St 1.eenis and i'eonla ciii
anti front St Louis anti Ottumwii , Only si : ,
ciiftngt ( Cf cars betweci 131. I.ouls runt H\ : !
Moliitg Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Dta'ivC ' : , J
! ttnuuivcrsah1yadmlti.d to be t1 ; ) ' 54
Fhoont Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clrm808 Of Travol.
T. .1. PO'r1'I3t. Ott Vlco.l'vc&t . and Oon'l Ilanantur. A'I'3ZCFWA1J LOWHLT , tico , Pans. 4' .
- - - . . , i -
MANUVA0TU1tElt 055
aIYaDiled IfoDCornices1 Nhdo Cas1FiniaIs
5klighite&o Thtrkucnth Street 'Nob
. 1i1rr Heating and iN Baking ,
's Ta olehy fltt8iUCJ. by using ' . ,
. .
n-t- 4' RTER OA
9L3 Stoves and Ranges ,
ITi1IE \ OE I1OOh1 4'
Foe r 'a by
Wholesale Druggist I .
Paflits Oils Yarshes aM illdow ifiass
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.loBBErtoF ; :
\VaIl \ Pae11 all ! llffO Sllaes.
1118 FAILNAM S''ItEET [ , . . OMAHA NEll.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake. . .
It ho the hart onfi chi.spo.t food for stack tel any idnul. One pound I. equal to three poumnih. of oem
took foul oltii Ground OIl Cake In the Fail anti Wlmtor , Imistead of running down , will Increase In wcgh !
and ho in good marketable cuuitiltion Iii the opric. 1)alryinuu , as well as ethers , svho use It one tumtIt
te nuonits. Try It &ni.i jiiiIio for yoursoIes.1 co $25.00 per toim ; no charge for , aoi.s. Address
M. BELLMAN & . -
'Wholesale Clothiers !
13O1 AND 1303 F'ARMI4M STREE75 COR. 13Th ,
OMATIA. . . . N'EB1l4S1'
4 conibin4'Ufoa of' . , Prn- ,
_ toiiileofironJ'm.uvtos J1lt , , ( 'l,1 .U4oajiJsurits4 , - )
_ (4 1'- . ' . J"et
.1k tUy , of "
, of41r"
:4 , 2'retr1Hrs of I'
J'otvcrs tt f.m 4sdinpensia- ;
- ' - - . . . _ - . _ _ _ _ 5k.
- - & - - .
A. 1LO1J1it4 Wet tee- : ' / IUV.3.L.TOWNER , I
After a torouTh trial ott'PIJPufF 5/nduotxy , IlL , '
IRON TONI , I tat o imlea5ure ' nays- :
In sitatthic that I have boon I cansidor It
iroat1 benolitod be Ite a moot ecc11ant remedy for
tUiO. inlatora anit . - ° tib' . . th dobtl1tato4Vitiiorcfij ,
110 Dpoakere will Lthd It
or the grcatent vietno
where t Tonlo Ia nocee'
nary. . I r000mmesoict It
rollabbo momudla
n.j a C
etirsint , pourneusing un.
doubter nuteltivo anti
testorat1vo Lj.i'.Ik , Ay proportleu. , , SAt , 0 , ft.t , t'
1 , ' iLZD DY T D755i UAfl 'I rn xzoxi Co. . 213 it. SILI1 ? CT. , f , LIVID.
IM rrn c
Hall's Safe and Lock ( omp'y
Q2Orz.ti.ui. ttvoot. '
' - ' . , - - - '
: :