Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1883, Image 1

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I . ,
3' Ii I . . - . 4
- : THE tsIb.t OMAHA DAILY BEE. \ .
, \
Prom theo nurccs ttrIMU threc.ourths o
t3.n titcitcs of tie hunuut ncO. TIrnRO
mpttflsinthcatc thotrxIstonco Lou o
Appetite , flowei coit hep ICIL JCIUI
iicIit titL1iiei nru'r ctitsi , nvcrIofl (0
ciertitin or hOtly or nihitl , Eruetntlon
ut fool , IrrItzdjflIt' or temper , Low
plrIti , A fccllng oC Iuvvlng neglected
llO1flIiflty , Ilzznesq11uttorlngatthD ,
lleartInt. beforn ( ho cyoi. 1ilJ111y cot.
ored Vrlne , CoN6Tli'&TiO % , anti do.
marul the use oa roinedythat ftCt ( llrCOtlV
( in the Livor. AsoLtvor2ncdlotnoTUTT'H
1'U4LS liavo no oqual. Their ncttonon the
1CItt'ySflntt ( ( Sktn tsato prompt ; rotnoving
all hutut , itlcs through ttieo thr'o " iciv.
engr. or the ayettm , " rot1tiolng itpo.
tIt4 , , tOt1fl ( dlgcstton , regular itool , P. Clear
slctuttnda vigorousbody. TVRT' $ J'ILLS
01UW no nausea or rlptng not thtcrtero
W1t12 datly work and nrc a perfect
Otdeterywhere,2o. OW,447,1urray8t.N.Y.
; ,
GRAY ItAut on WnlsItEnH olutngo1 * in.
ltitntlv to a ( lLossr IILAcIC by a hinglo op.
1)liefltlon of tli. DT. 8011 by Druggists ,
orsellt by exurc8s on rocotptot 01
Olflce , 44 lurmy Street , New York.
A wcii
Cii.oor.irs. 'X"b.a
In view of the recent Unwarranted sttacs ) ado
elIot , the honesty , lntorLty an1 f&tr dotilug cf "The
L3tlfitnu State Lottry , ' and the many doubLe e
pro3Od es to the drawing and paynont of irize by
, this lnsItutlon : , we deem It but mpIo justice to
inftko thi vohrntary tatoment regardIng our dca.
lns and otperlencoa wfth the company. Rnd to cer.
till to the tact of havIu drnnn and hsvfrig been vftld
in lull t1i prizes opposite our respective eames.
Thee price tIckets were purchased of Col. B.
F1tANK MOQIuL' , fornerIy of New Yori. , but now ol
Chicago to hose honest , straightforward , cot ,
.clentlous manner of conducting buBite , , , uve lea , :
wilier tcetlmony.
lb tover lflt1U a stathmnt cot aliio1utoy true ;
, Jer iiitfo a prombto ziot ettlctly ttitfllled , In con.
nedilo , , with , an.1 retattve to the operations of "Thc
LotiIIana State Lottery. " Ito ncycr encourages thc
purchao of tickets by pardes ullo are akc
dv rc or 1030 the amount of investment. On thc
contrary he tells you not to Inyct ft ou haven't tbt
.z0000y to Ion , and certainly where there is no coin.
IlUISIOlI there should be no cotnpl&lnt If the invttoi .
fat1 to drawa prize.
. M to the "vtcioune enti hnmorelity' of Lot
trLo , we leave th3 Won I to ju&Ige. are sftnp ,
tinlitig In fact.
Eiat justitla ruat coelum. "
: Theie prizes were promptly patd on prescntstlon .
' 'nftboticketat the borne offlc.n ow Orleans
, which cutatfishes beyrtd qoestIon.ho ntegr1tyand
fOdatth of the compariy. " . -
} 'rederIc Juioow , SH E. 18th Street , New
York C ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ oooo
l'rod l. bite , Fort Va nC , i.d. . . . . . . . . . . . roo. o
A. Z. Ackerman , MIlford , lid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ooOC
M. SchutiLt , 42 W. blat .troct , thw York
Cfty 15,000
Iter. Moses Scrovich , Canal atreet. Chi.
cago. III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l5,0CO
tk Coo. 1.1. Ifarkdoll , Norriotown , 1' . . . . . . . . . . i5'oo
John T. Qarvln , 47 15. BrooklIne elrct , Dos. oooo
toil , lIes , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I&,000
B. L. Itolt , ( box 832)Maryvllle ) , Mo. . . . . . . . . . lt,000
Henry N. Kle.sllng. 1St Deazborn street ,
Ch1cao , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
v. ri. Mattli , , Fort scott , Kan. , ( formerly
. , Itanror , Such. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000
J v. w. Irwin , 1. . & It. It. 15. Co. , Loulevllle ,
K3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000
' BenjamIn F. Story , Sprfnfle1il , Meat. . . . . . . . . coo
True A. l1cah , Concord. N.ft. . . . . . . . . . . . .
M. 1ilcheIls , 2D South Clark ttrcet , Chicago
111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2o0
Lnui' .Satr , crs , 321 Jlrotlaay , N. Y. . City. 2,500
L liii , Hra 11. iichael1e , S7S Wabath Aue
Ctago , , III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
Wn. Leery , , 124 % Yes tIadlo , , trcct , Chi.
cage , dl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
C. It. btiusoii , airt1el1. 1out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LuiAliIenMadlsonWl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,250
Ijanki Rre3l , 1T % orth Clark street , Chi.
cigo , III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,250
Though hakcii In
every joint and fibre
wIth fever and agite ,
. CELEDI or blIioii tetilttcit * ,
the , ybtoln may yet
be freed from the
snaIl flailS Irujwith
" , mtettcr's S'omaeh
ilfiteri. Pi otect thu
- l.yhtuuli agaiiit It
- with thk beni Ilcent
, - . . ---t-5.- : nri'I.i auiuotlc ,
; . . _ . ! . - . - . , WhICIIL furthermore
; a iIiremo remely
: . r . _ - - f for iIvo complaint ,
t - . contlpatlon , dys' m
. . repti. , LII ) bIItty ,
rfleuilatIm , , kidney
troubic and other
STOMACh ailnielits.
For ealo by all
Druggists and De'i
ord generally.
rr.lh , . t
An excellent appetizing tonic 01
exqulshtellavoraowuuedovcr the p
Whole world. curee flyepepsla.
Blarihura , Fever and Ague , and alt o
. - . . ' dleordesofthw1)lgetIvo Orgaus ,
- - ee . ± ' : : A. few dT(10I3 Imnart it dehicloni s
- . L flayortongaseochiatnntigneaud ) o
. f' to nil rummer drinks. 'l'ry it , but
i'c i bowieruofcounterfvlts. .Aek youl f
r grocer ordrtiggl4 for thugenuine n
' . . article. rnanufacturLd by mi. .J. o
U. 11. * IIIWEILT &
II. W. UPPHMANH [ Sole oen1 e
_ _ _ . . ,
. lTl d'esorto j. w , IIL.cnx ,
Li 1Rron'lwav. _ N. Y
3OWTe h
: c e
I1s1ki s is
: tIoas. 41T511. C
FIs.CTISO ' .Ot.TAl0 nr.Tr. and other 1rtn , bi
A ArrUucn. Wu wIll , end on Thirty 1ays'
' Trtal.Ti ) fl5N , V0ITh(1 OlIOLI'vhloaluut7crIng i
4' ito , , , ritYOVil 1) , J.O ? VITALITY. and tho. ,
iU.eaic of a 1'xLM4n , tAWIIK retihtInr Iron , io
, Al.Lleci and ( mien CAIrS , relief en. . ! corn
1.tcte . reatoratina I.e IJICLYII , Vlao and M&iiflouo
CIVAUA2ITNKD. & .ndatoncuforhllu.tratudP&wjb1o ;
free , o
oa oE
. a
bji bo
lrlflMOVgD : TO o
_ _
_ :
T wo Days 01 llh1rity Rll Praisc for
ho Bulls Bcrs of
Uothni ,
A u Asooiation of Noted Speculators -
lators Agree to Supply the
News of tim Market ,
T he PosBiblo Effect of Eastern
Wars DiBcounted in
W heat IL Drug in the Market
While Corn is Actively
. Looked After ,
1 1o 1'i'oduct and I'rlldOllH'JtCaCll
a Good rnyiiig I3nHl.
S cctal 1)tapatch to 'l'iitt Boic.
NEw YOIuK , Novoitubor 20.-itiggolo's
r eview of Wall street Ill this rnopliug's
S un is isa follows :
The wo holidays of the Irosont week ,
whulo they bring joy to the brokers ,
c lerks and messenger boys , will not be
q uito so wolcorno to the boss. For more
t han a year ho has sects his commission
a CCOuhita dwindle away and the lasi of
t he lambs depart from the street. To.
d ay , amid the blaso of trumpets , the
r ell of drums , and the congratulatory
q flniThug of inuenorablo brandy and
s odas , ho will temporarily forgot isis
misfortunes and dream of English
b uyers coining into Wall street
i nstead of English oldies em
b arking at the battery. But when lie
g oes to church on Thanksgiving day to
r eturn thanks for the blessings of the
y ear , he uvill find it no easy nuattor to gut
U I ) much enthusiasm about "what ho has
r ccoivcd. ' Perhaps
o n the stops of the sub-treasury may cx-
e rciso upon our Wall atreot heroes an in-
fluonco somowliat similar to tlia which
t he st8tute of tiso coinmondatore lund
UpOn Don Juan. One eye of the father
of his country will be fixed upon the
s tock cxchango , and his watchful
glasico may inspire with a
l eve of voracity and a wholesome :
dread of hot cohnplicntions in
t he next world. Many Wail street magd
nates are generally believed to be aridly
i n need of both. Certainly , if Messrs.
Huutingtou , Dhlign , Mitchell , Gowen
and the other enterprising gentlemen
who have incorporated tim "railroad
s hareholders' association" will bear in
nuind Goorgo's little luitchot , they will
confer a lasting obligation on the pub- .
l ge'tlernen . . . .
a bout railroads and supply it to the
n ewspapers that will take it , and also die.
t ribute invaluable information by menus
o f patfl1)hlets and other publications. As
a ll these gentlemen are interested in
many railroads , their news is , to say
t he loaht , apt to be one-sided. it
i s hardly hikoi that Mr. Huntington
would inform the public or would-be
l utireliasers that the Central Pacific was
g iving its business away to the Southern
Pacific , nor would Mr. Dillon contyibuto
a n article pointing out tim great falling
o ff ill the earnings of the Union Pacific
S inCe the construction of competing
r oads. We may be sure that Mr.
Mitchell will say nothing detrimental
t o St. Paul , and so cii through
t he list. iii the slang of the day
a nd investors will seek other information
t han tihat furnished by thu railroad
tli harehioldor's association. All the pub.
li e desires of these gentlemen is to pub-
hi sh four tisnes a year , honest reports of
t he condition of the roadfl intrusted to
t heir tender care. Chicago fipeculators
w ill lirtvo it all their own way ,
ihico their board of trade s open , while
e verything is slutit up in New York. Tue a
riumphs of the false prophet over Ccii.
h icks ( wise by the way was just
11 5 muds ri general as impressatjo
M apiesois is a chlonul ) will probably be
agnified into immediate war com1)hca.
ti ons all over Europe , and there would ho
n othing surprising if the grain and pro
v ision inarkut
Chicago traders deal as a rule on thea
b asis of the big headlines in their sensa- a
ional papers , and should console happen
ego dowis to-day in London , as they o
re not unlikely to do , C
ais the inicceas of El Mnuidi
isp a very serious thing indeed , we shall
robably read of the moat cxpraordinary
omplications in Europe , all tending to
ut the of rind g
price grain provisionh G
w ay up and all cabled specially to our th
utcumed Chicago contemporaries. The : ii
ober truth , however , is that the victory
El Muhdi is important only in its le p
uture possibilities niul can have L
o more influence on tim vricu
f American grain and provi.
loise than the declaration of
'rue financial markets of the world th
m ay be naturally affecter ! by both , but hl
ot 1)11 extra buallel of wheat nor iui
xtra hiarrel of pork can possibly ho do.
m anlcd fronu us on account of these
ars for a year to Come. With the oxri
eption of corii , of which ( hero is isot ti
nough to go round anti which th
wanted everywhere in consl
equoncu of the now ursea ( like glu. h
0501 for instance , ) to ivhichu that cereal (1
as recently becis 1ut. 'lucre is nothing o
n the s'Iitiation of the grout ittirl provis-
n usarkots to warrant Irighur vriccs. fi
% S'JhlT 15 A P1:1.7(1 : ( si
verywhoro , and there is no chance ferny
ny iniproved demand for it front
urope : 'b\'hhuld Provisions have hind
considerable rise within thu lust
nny days , and huuvc now boon o
rought to a hovel with 11w 1ricus lr
r hogs ; a eliori than ago psekor could 4
ot do aIsy business u ithioutlosing a great p
ort of money , for the price cif ltcgs Was c
omparatively much higher hint the irice 7
f pork and lard. these prices e
_ : . .
s tand on a fairly paving level , uvhich is
$ 4lO for a hitnuired weight of hogs
a gainst 12 for a liarret of pork : ttut S
C Cltt.5 for a tiiid of lard.
A Fai1y Choppo 1 ' ° at Lacaili a ,
N , 11,1 llllday MOllft.
T he Murderca- Saturates the flodIe
uu Ills Oil antI Fires tilt , house.
IjACONIA , N. It. , Novonubor 2ti.-Tliis
nI urhuilug at 4 o'clock a woman's screinius
uv ore heard from the hiouso of .laincs
uvR uddy aged 40 , employed in the L.iconia
c ar works. Mrs. Ruddy was found ly.
h ug 011 the ground beneath the front
w indow through which shio had leaped.
S he was bleeding profusely. The dior
o f the house was forced open nunti ilaiuios
ob urst forth. An alarm was sounded , the
flI ames extinguished , and the bodies of
fly tuddy and an only child , one 1511(1 ri half
y ears old , found on the kitchen floor ,
b oils cut i'n a terrible nuannerand covered
w ith the contents of a feather
ww ed , yluicht hind boon saturated
w ith kerosene and then fired.
T he bodieB wore so disfIgured by the
fl ames as to be licarhy vast recognition.
I ii thu bedroom was found thou lifeless
bb ody of Mrs. Ford , which was identified
b y her husband. One of her limbs hod
b eon choppdd oil' flInt the detoched
m ember ( thud rOmauhhihIg leg bound to tIm
wonhiul's body with a clothes line. Thu
ba ed clothes had been saturated with oil
a nd piled Ul)015 the body and ins attempt
m ade to sot. tlicnu ill fire , which failed.
Mr. Ruddy said thin crime was conunuitted
b y Thomas Samuoii , an engliahimisan and
ot n acquaintance of the family , cook by
t rade , : is years of age , with a imtchot.
Mrs. Ruddy's sthtornemut before the corp
o iicr's jury wasVo : uvemit to bed at 9
o 'clock. At 11 Samon came , jnto the
fd rent room and looked out the ifont win-
d ow saying ho was nervous and could not
s leep. i got up rind made bins a CUJ ) of
t ea and went back to heeL At 4 o'clock
S antoit caine into tIre front room again
a nd acted ciucerly. lb went back into
at he kitchen. My husband amid I got up.
flo also wont mb the kitchen. I soon
h oard a fall rind going out found my hue-
b and hanging over a chair with his arnue
d own. Samnon started for me amsd struck
mc witlu a hatchet in the head. i
g rabbed his arm but ho thicii
s truck me aua throw inn to
t he floor. Re went into the front
r oem and killed the baby. who was cryB
i ug While Iso was there I tried to unth
l ock the kitchen door , but ho returned
a nd again struck me on the head , knockt
big nue ( kIWIS. I laid lclfecthy quiet.
Ho went buck into the front room , got
t he baby. came back and poured the
f eathers and straw over us and went out.
I got up and tried to open the front win-
d ow , but COU1l not. Then I broke a pane
o f glass and jumped through. He was
s -cry nervous in the kitchen nearly all
n ight. "
Tue hatchet with which the crime was
p robably committed was found in the
r iver. It is stated that Sarnon tookMrs.
Ford's body to Ruddy's house Saturday
moningin t trunkwhere it remained
f ill the Scurr d. whar.
r ested this afternoon near PJyxnouthi and
t akemu iii charge by Plymouth
o fficers. Suspicion being against
Ford , the huBband of the murdered wo-
man that he might be implicated in the
a flair , ho was arrested .thiis forenoon
a nd romaine in custody. Several euspici-
o us circumstances tend to show his guilt.
A t Ford's and Samon's there was no cvi-
d unce of 3Lre. Ford's murder , and it is
t hought her death inns accidental at :
S amon'a hands ; that wishing to conceal
t he body lie took it to Ruddy's , whence
P erhaPs ho could carry it from the house
U urlng thin night ; that Ruddy refused to
a ssist him , whoa a struggle ensued. 'rise
s upposition is that Mrs. Ford died either
f rom strangulation or drugging , as she
f requently intlulgeti in strong drink. m
S amen will be brought to Lacoiiia on p
M onday for trial. There is great cx- mm
c itemnent rind fears of lynching when Line
p risoner arrives. A Plymouth dispatch
s tates that Samon denies all knowledge fi
o f time affair.
LOUI8\ILLE , Iovcmuber 24.- The turf p
onvention adjourned to-day. The rules
dopted allow ( if 11(1 ( rciinstatemcimt , after : a
b eing ruled our , o riders , rubbers or at. d
te ndants of tablen. Tire pemmalty of cxaI
p ulsuoms will be applied to any one oIlerst
to g money to a jockey , trainer or attendel
nt of any stabie without permission of C
ti ne owner. Gamubliiig upon tine grounds ar
y employee is to be punished by oxpul.V
Bi ohi or suslonBion. 'rein of fifteen asesoa
cis ations adopted the above roles. The ah
takes its time diflurcnt. clubs close . .lanutr
ry liii , rind will be run nuder them. ti
G eneral G. Bruce was elected secretary tr
f the associatiomi , which will micoL ill st
hicago on the second \Vcdmiesduy in : tu
N ovomber , 1884 o
IIILLIAItIffi. ofu
BIPYSSELS , Novemiibr 26.-Thu match h
ame of billiards butwcemn Duly mid ti
arnuier ended to.miighit in a victory for st
e latter. Scorus for five nights : ( Jar. 118
icr 3,000 , Daly 2,830. laly ( Iflurod to gi
lay again amid Gamier accepted tim dial- 1
ngo. 'Alto game will tithe place at in
yons. a
(10 AS OU 1I.EAHt : .
SAN Fit.NCIbnCO , November 25.-TIme
alking niatchi was concluded at 10:05 :
is evening. O'Leary 4715 , hart 500 ,
arrisomi 481 , ? uclntyre 481 ,
0' Dan , iohl's ( III Izeishilp. li
YOUNI1MTOWN , 0. , Noveniber 25-l'at. fr
ck O'Donnell t tik out his nusturaliaa-
mi papers lpforo .Judgo Sherman of
is county , miIt % civil service coninnkto
oiser. on Alril 7th1 18711. In his oath are
o adjured hill allutiauco to Victoria , c
1.10015 of Great Britain , particularly. g
'Donnell took out his first paliure Go. \
uber , 1876 , thom stating that. he ti
rst arrived iii the U S. in 1809 , lIe li
gned his mw.inu by muaking a cross. dtu
Tliiu Now Ytrk , Batik Statement. fr
NswYoitnNovcmbur24.-Tlmo weekly i-l
f haul : shttonient Ishws an increase in
, aiis of $1 ,018.400 , specie iitcrensnU39-
00. legal tender incroao 835,40O , doi %
osits Increase C55t)00 ) , circulation dc. w
reate $16,400 , reserve increasa $1,010 , . A
25. 'l'lso banks mow hold ,2WJ,000 irs t
xcess s.f tine legal reqimirennents , mi
- . -
I lic Emerar f Chiha Practically Bet
dares ¶ ar oil ftc Frdllc
T he Celestials InaCruotod to Shootl
the Moment the French
Roach Baoninh1
R ecruits for the Chinese Army
Ooming in by the Thou-
sands ,
A Brilliant Review of Spanish
Troops in ] .Ionor of the
Crown Prince ,
P roiiaralfotuj MakIng for Another
EXlCtlitIOfl gnlnst ( lie Pto
1loM1 K0NC , November 25.-The
p ossibility of war caused a great drain iii
s pecie at Canton. Thu wealthy Chinese
m aye 'withidrawms $5,000,000 the Inst
t hree inohiths from the Chinos bank in
K wauug Tong province. Tim Chinese
m ercantile intsrests of hong Kong amid
S hanghai are Paralyzed. In roard to the
fi gJit at llaidzuong , but for the aid of a
p assihmg gunboat the position would have
b oems lost. The French garrison had 150
m elt killed. 'rise town was c niphctely
d estroyed. Hnuhong is throritoned by
p irat's who OliCauIpO(1 ( within half a mile
o f tine town. Their number increases
d aily. Eiteiisive recruiting is proceed-
l ug in llankow district , whs so 30,000
m en arc already enrolled.
SIEANOnAINovcnubcr 25.-The emperor .
o f Oliimia , iii instructions to the viceroy of
N amikimig to begin hostilities agaunist tine
F rench in event of an attack onBacnimuhm ,
s ayn : Thu fact that Annaim is a vassal
t o China is widely kmsowmi , yet Franco
h as dared to invade it. Moreover ,
B acisinhi constitutes ones of tIne gates of
th e Celestial realm , yet France has rc-
P eatedlY sought to encroach
t hore. We , therefore , command the
p rico and ministers to inform
t he French envoy that if Frnco dares
t o encroach further on Bacnirih , China
w ill forthwith dispatch a large army to
li ght the French. Tue Light at Ilsi
D zuong lasted seven hours. TIne French
l oss was twenty killed and w.oundcd ,
LONDON , November 24-A dispatch
f rom Hong Kong says the ews frnni Hal
P hong is that that 3,000 Chin5se attacked .
H aid Zuong on tine might , , cif the 17 1k ,
T he French gazrison , eVpported byn .
g uiuboat , maintaiisod itt osition The
o ngagemont lasted from 9 a. in. until 4
p . ni. , when the Chinese retreated. The
pl l oss to tine French land force is twelve
k illed and wounded. The French gun.
b oat. had her hull pierced in several
p laces , and eight of the crow wounded.
News from North China is that a so.
c ret treaty exists between the Chinese
g ovornmneut and the Black Flags , and
C hinese reinforcements continue to art
yc in Canton. War with France is row
g arded as inevitable.
MAIJJtIP , Novonibor 25.-'I'he grand
ilitary review in homier of the crown
rilico ( if ( ierniauly was lucId this after-
aoa. Tine troops coiisistcd of six regi.
mn tsnith of imefauitry , four regimnients of
ri fles , one battalhiois of guards civilho ,
ve sqeindromis of cavalry , four regitnents
of hold artillery , amid one regiment of
mu ountain artillery , aggregating 15,000
min ces and 40 guns. Time line extended
wo miles. All the troops wore gala
lmh niforms arid presented a martial isp.
oaranco. iCing Alfomiso , wearing the
imi niformn of a Spanish captain goinoral ,
nd tine Gerinams crowmn vrimnce
reseed its is colonel of tine German cay-
ry regitniunt , attended by a brilliant
all of Spanish and German oflicers , in-
uding tue Spaiiishi minister of war , f
omm. Vein liluinonthnah , of the Curmais
my , and Count Von Saline Lannuchm
\V aldo , Gemini minister to Spain , with
ermun and Spahlish aisles-do-camp , rode t
eng tine wInnie line aund inejiected time
oops , They afterward took position on i
ne I'rada promenade amid viewed tine c
oops its thniny marched Iast ) ill good t
yle. The paviliion erected on
e l'rado promenade was occupied by s
x.Queon Isabella , Queues Christian , iii-
nitas Isabella anid 1nlrnhiothic diplomatic
otly , senators , dejiutios and rejiresont.ii- c
yes of poliulur corporations. Thu f
reets were thronged and great cnthusi-
111 lrovailcd. A grallI banquet was r
veIs this evening at tine toysi palace , c
20 porsche being at thu tables , mnclutl- o
g cabinet nuimnisters , cliplomnatic body a
nd vai-ious high oflicials amid local nu- , : t
toritieL t
GI'EltitIi FO1tI1ON NIi'VS. e
AN Xl'ElIlTiON TO 5ounAN. a
U.jreo , Novernihiur 25'I'iie khtodivc
ne solicited the friendly ofilecs of Eugim
Pid in ejiiotititiris at issue with Abyesiiia. , j
e mntiniisted his rentlimiess to reotify the
ontier between Abyssiniini. arid Egypt , t
King Ichisi , ( If Abytisinia reirutins tr4Ied
tiil. 'l'Iio kiecdivo gave nutudiuimco to-day
members of the legislative council h
id imiadu an encouraging sjoochu. 'Fhie t
otincil illihiiI4tCi'8 decielonl to scud 2,000 L
emularmiws ned 6,000hietlouiima , toSuakiin. h
Vnth thmat. object un view miegatiatloims u
re progressing with time 13uloii ) chiefs of p
and . 'l'lio aim ot
jihler lowoiEgyit. oxpe' i
iLlon will be to kcri ; (11)011 ) the mind lie.
reen Sumskiin amid Berher and insure
s avollue for rtstreit : of Arab troops
om lhartilrrii ( mu Semiarir. 'l'hw first
ot ) start iniiiiwliatuly. t
AIIEAI ) on' TIMI1. (
IisToiii , November 25-The towms t
, as thermrlgel With people who came to r
itiieas the iimiveilimig iii a memorial to : l
llomi , Larkin and ( ) 'llruen. Special n
rains front IAmuerick amid 'l'rnsluu brought , h
sally visitors , two magistrAtes and a body , s
o f IIICO ready to enforce tine govern.
hmt iunt's proclamuntltns , jireihilbitimig the
t hlnsonstration , but ( ho vrolnotcrs evtulotl
t itetn 1y tiiivoilitmg the inuminotitul earlier
t hou the spocilieti timno.
llPh.OM1Tli3 iIYl'OClitfIY.
PuuuM , November 24.-Mat-slush Sorra.
li e iii presenting his credentials said :
" King Alfonso desires umo to express ini
l Utist sincere wishes for the welfare . amid
lp rosperity of Frnmico and hot prosttleiiL
l Ie is comivimiced , as I aims , of the ridvan.
tt t ages which will m'Crllo to the two coon-
t ries froimi comisohidzutiois of good rchutioiis
w hich tinited them for loony years. nun
Cs satiatied that the snore they elicit euf
ti nier mutual intocmn amid aymatiny will
hw o the tiovelopuscut of friendly rolattomis
w hich are based on s. iminhiy bonds of
11c 111011. 1 iihl do osy utmost to requite
c orilidenco in lUng Alfonso by giving
c oiiatant proofs of tiioo sontbnoitta ,
vn iiichi arc these of the king , government
n ed niation.
President ( Irovy replied : ' 1 receive
w ith real iostiro the letters in which
K iiig Alfonso nccrtndita on illustrious
m arshal wino made for liienshf so great mu
m ilitary aunt political naumso , No cue ,
n ere thsass myself , usoro sincerely desires
t he happiness of the kimi sttl prosperity
o f the Spanish natiomi. [ 'heir comminumnity
o f origin and identity of their national iii-
of f orests unako France and Spnuis two sister
ii iitioimii which otighit always relitairt liiire
cmi c LodVithu no thought of nggrainl'iao-
mi tent of 1)110 to the elbtriuutsnt of the
o ther , they ought. only to lie rivals in the
P eaceful arena of protluctioms. You will
hs nnl hero all Lice synnpathny you laity dotr
s ire.
OliN , W.'iiI.t7iI .tNi ) TIIH i'OILTH ,
CossT.t.-crsNorln , November ti5.-en.
\ Vahiaco , Uisitcnl States lmuiis'istor , inns
a gain cOiuulhIlilsCd of tine inaction of tine
a uthorities of Ilithis ihi not jumiuishimig tine
a uthors of the roceint assaults on Ainnori'
ac all unnissiohsaries. Ims a fresh isoto to the
l ) Ortu ho insists that uisioss the governor
o f ihithis is disimsissed thno trial of the as-
s ailnusts shah be 1101(1 rut Comsst.anstinoplo ,
a s no constitlenuco can ho placed in the
ap resent governor for tIne prpor oxecu-
t ioms of thee semntenice agauinet tina metric-
f actors.
SAN } 'mLANCmrO ( : , November 25Ye -
k ahionta advices state that time Coreams
g ovormnmnomtt , its order to raise funds ,
t ried to mscgotiato itlohus of $3,000,000 iii
J a1)ami , pledging certain mimics as socurb
i ty. Investigation proved tine nuinnea
w ere a myth. Ex.ollIcimtls of tine United
S tates corroborated the statehnient. IL is
nl ow said tine Coreans mroposo to oiler
t hio nusinca to New York capitalists with
w hnons they hope to succeed.
A IIANQUP.T TO TILlS 11181101' .
bun : , Noverniber 25.-Cntrdinnnl .Taco.
b ini , pontifical secretary ef state , gave a
b anquet in honor of tine American
b ishsops. Among the guests were cardi-
su als bclorigimu to tteo coemgregatioin of tine
p ropagahsda , rectors of Aiinericans colleges
a nd several foreign prelates. Tine Anniori-
C alls suet a cordial reception.
L0NPON , November 25.-Advices from
Madagascar report a Fremichn nsass.of-war
b ombarded tue unfortilied town of
Voiscmar , on the north coast of Mada.
g ascar , November 8 , without giving nou
t ico. Five Br.itishsubjcctswore killed , .
Much ioportj bclbuiging Lb lscdtral
d estroyod or piunderod.
1)OEiS 1'ltOlIhhmIm'ION i'nonzmur ?
DumiLiN , November 25.-Thee author-
i ties forbade thee proceasiomi amiinoumnced to
t ake place to-day cominommuorativo of then
e xecution of Alien , Larkimn amid O'Brien
b y walking through the city to Glasmievins
c emetery and aroirmul the graves of those
s vheo lost their lives during thee fonian
a gitation. Crowds , leowovor , nuarclned
t o the comnotery in srisahl groups and
w alked around tine graves.
A rALSII itmut'OitT ,
CAnto , November 25.-TIeo governor
o f .khartounm tuiegraimhis that two chiefs
s tats tim defeat of hicks l'aelea is false. t
h icks l'ashia is at Elobeid , amid thee El
Maindi has beems killed. it is believed
h ere the report saint by Limo two chmiofs
t hat. hicks Pashna had not. been ( lefeated
r efers to tine state ofauitire at time close of
t hee first day's lighetirmg witie Line forces of
E l Maindi. Tine sintugieter occurredort tim
4 th inst. o
A . I'atiInl IcelntrtUlomn of' Innlopemi.
I \VINNIII'so , ? iTnmhitoba , Novemmuber 25-
q 'l50 rigiets league of this hirovimico adoptS n
e d a declaration of Prilecililos setting
orth tin , act of British North Aneorica ,
g ururamnteea time l)00ii0 ) of Line iroviisce ox-
c leisivo rigitt to iogislntion ins reshoot to ti
a u minportant class of subjects , ( loclares lc
he exercised a veto by tine federal gov-
e riiiomnt , disallowing acts of the local leg- mn
siature onsuch subjects , arbitrary , uni- ti
omistitutiomial aund inomiacirmg to the fu- : tI
ore of thee comefcdciatiomi ; asserts that V
w hile recognizing time necessity of eb- sI
urvilig tine obligation of time Uainntdiau lu
P acific railisay comntraet , there is me
mi othimig lIe the contract to lo
hock the old provinico of Manitoba
roens chartering a coimiietimig line of rail. fo
w ay withiin its bountis , or to its bouiscla.
ice ; says the jircsemnt Leletoms tarili , au
s1)eciily ( mis agricultural innplemnents , is ui
xtremmnuiy teujust. arid oppressive , anti has is
ssured an imetonso fooling of dessatisfac- ti
ionn with tine relations to time confodera- is
iomi , and paralysis t.s thee nell.importnint th
lie ndustry of agriculture iii time imiterust of d
astern mnaimufaottnrce ; diacrimniinntes s
gainst Manitoba in favor of lalita amid mr
M imimmosota ; osserts hint time lands bolori s
tA i time peoiiiu ninid should 1)0 pIaCC(1 ill tine w
icuds of the PrYincial autimoritius isEi'r
ect only to grants to proniioto public r
w orks of isatiomial amid iirovinncial clear'uc- o
or ; nays the natural outlet for Limo pro I
ucts of lSlauuitduuand tltQ liritisit nortin. t
w est is [ Lotion's bay amid lime rivers itnimi g
ikes tributary to it , amid tue interests of e
he country doemsanil the enriy coiistruc- y
ieu of a railway Li in port on Jfwhsomt's ti
a ) ' , amId niicoiiiitiuiid time Intonation of w
rn niasoc'iittioit otltSiiu Of niiy existing a
olitical parties for the hmurposu of carry. ni
mig out these docintrationnu. li
A ItiuidHi. hiyuilmoui , mi
B ; mt&i iiiTOfl , Alit , p Novomnbor 213.- mip
F ridiny night a miogro lmamilCl Louis ilotme- t
( , ii usAs arrested , charged witlm nttonmptctl t
) eitrfi"O of ii respectable widow lady iii s
iiiii city. Thu victimus was tntlceii to time ho h
esidence ( if Lieu intomnded vietimin , itlonti- o
ied amiti jailed. Last hiiglit a iimb of 150 i
mtasked icicle overpowered the jsilor , took t
ouston to time negro settlununtimit in tire o
uburb of the city and. lenuged hnimis , u
- -
T hu Views of 1r.Kiiox on the Cou- ,
traction of the Curibdilcy aIi
Bll irdll1atiall ,
T he Rapid Roduotion of tile Pub-
lie Debt alld its Serious
Consequences ,
T he Important Work Performed .
by the Life Saving Service
the Past Year ,
A Variety or fllscohlaneomis Mutters , I
WAS1IINOTtIN , Novommsbsr 25-A Ior. .
h orn of Comptroller Kmnox's report relat. .
co g LI ) comntritctioht of tim national harsh :
ci rculatioms is most interesting rind imen-
p ortaunt Part of thee docuenent. aniti inns I
n ot boots published , Thu coisuptrollor ,
re fers to tine probability of nil tine 8's be.
im mg called for rodeunptiois witinimi thee
n ext tierce years , aunt soya this will re-
d uco bonds lucId be bamuks fromni $ l53.
0 00,000 to $151,000,000 amid cacao is cois- ,
tr action of national bank cirdtmiatiohs of
ad bout 00,000,000 per aininummi. It is cvi-
d onut that tuunices there mire additional logic.
inu tiomu boidc hmOIl for security of ciraula.
ti ( ims wilt rapidly dimniesishi. Now ht'gisla. .
ti ems minay , inowover , Poatiloino pnynneiit of
th e public debt or cause thee Profit cii
ci rculation to imncroaso niuliicicmstly to iii- ,
ni ece national brinks to invest in long 4's ,
w idchs arti hint to isnature for 2.1
C ontraction of bank circimiatiomn may ho
a voided by tim redtmctionn of tine redun.
ch ant revenue amid there is iso doubt thin
is tim true policy. Comntractiomu of bamik :
ci reimliuttoet may also be avoided by tine
c olsvcrsion of bonnds lisLe 8 per ,
c omntnu by ollurimig iisdtncemmsemnts to holders
o f boinde to oxehmuuge thorn for 3 per ,
c omsts to mattero 11)07 ) , the govormnhnnmst ,
h aying holders tleuroof a roitsommablo
a uiiouint for tine dilleroisce iii value. 'l'hso
ll remnuitimin to be paid the leoldors of these
b ug bonntl may be comnsitlerably reduced
b y providiiig tine circulation to be issued
11 1)015 ) thee proposed bonds wltoms deposited
h , y smatiomnal bauske as security therer
f or shall mint. be subject to the
p resent tax of 1 per cumst per annum1 :
o r by lmstvomsomssont of tine tnmiso of their .
op aymnicmst. Cometraction would also be I
ni voidoti by providiiig forrnsoval of tIme
ti tx ems circulation and lmscreaso of th I
a unioumnt of circielation to be issued banke I
um pees bonds deposited by tinemn. Thu I
c omptroller considers so lomug as tlnero im I
s uiliciont antoutit of boinda outetandimui
l egislation should be sleapod so as to con -
t ienue thetis ins use as a basis for nmtiorna I
b risk circulntion , with a decrease of us -
t erest anti a decrease of profit upoms dr -
c ulations. Tine nisnount of sasuo upofl tlni I
v alue of LIsa bonds would also be do -
c reased. There is iso propriety o r
j ustice iii authorizing thso issue of 9I D
u pen every $100 8 per cent bon 1
worth. and rofunimig to Jsaue a ilk : 0
[ ni6rttii' upbii fomr : per riehst bwtd 8
wn ortle $121. The molder of a govern -
n iommt bomnd cams readily borrow mmione
mm pen it as a )1odge frcmn 1eo bomid to thin )
a mount of 95.vor comutof its market value ,
a mid it issurprisinig that bamnks prefer tc I
r olinjuishl tleeir circulations rather thou I
ti eposit a security , as bonds having ii ,
un argimi of more tunis one third time circu. .
i atioiu issued. A law nuithnorizinig mini in .
c rease of tine issue to 'JO or 95 per cemsb , p
il liCit tine lowest mnnarket price durimng I
c alendar or lineal your previous to tIe. -
p osit , together with a repeal of tine tal :
11 1)011 circtuiatiomt would result ,
ii i tine deposit tif a sufliciomil
mum noumit of 4 and 'f comnte to maini .
aimi tue circulation abotet thin presemni
a ggregate. 'rice esminoumit gaimmed t ,
ti ne govern numemmt fromis accidoini nl I
lo ss ( hr destructioin of circu1at
im ig u1ILCS , the couinitrohler ) soya ,
d oes not liroPerhy belomug to time Uisited L
S tates or to time bahmks issuing motes , but ;
to thin owmiora of thu notes at thin time
f time loan , and the gaims thmms accruiimg ,
osh ould be carried to tine credit of "hussoi.
v omit brink redemuptiomi , ' ' iii the otllcu of
ti le treasurer. 'i'iie comptroller believes
hiropositiomi to comnvort bug bonds unto
th roes more desirable tinnims the proposi-
tiam onn to imecreaso tine mate of circulation ,
am iul that inn-go contraction of tine curremncy
ow innnrumiunommt sieoumld iiot , bo allowed
to take 9lntcO too rapidly or the deficiency
ca used by sucle comstractimml uviil oo ro-
aced by a substitute loss desirable than
me bank hoLes BOW lfl circulation.
mnox culls attenmtiors to tine ethtcnnenut
th at : uno comitrmnctioms of LIce currency
aybo suppiiel by imisporied told , by
ne aniiunl ; , rodunt of Lice mutes , or by
ne , , ) of silver dollar cmi wielchn all
0i c.lillCatCFl Rio 150W issued , aiiil
news thu excess of gold imnports gr.uu. ,
g snmmaiier , mmd LIeu probability of gold
ow hold by Lice United States will not ,
ng heonuco be greatly ( Iinniniisiied. Tine
bstitution of the standard silver dollar :
r retired circulatiomi would be ummni)1y
th e luntroduction of lieferior currency. lii
sewer to tine 1mro1ositiomi that treasury
otos as ivell us silver certificates noisy Lu
sued ire 1)10CC of bank mnotcs to be to-
nrmicd , tine comesptr.ller says time treasury
emnbarrisased wiLls a revenue greater ,
eism it miecIs amid greater titan it coin Jo- ,
iciously hiburo. tinder suclm circuuni ,
tances Limo authority of congress to priust
dditi mini treasury notes will load toI u
till greater umuh.m.rrassrnont at a tenon I
houi thin muuost iinportamit subject before
ommgress is the rcdunctiomi of tin :
udtiiidnsnnt revoinno aumd employment
f the stmrphua of ams owerllowimng treasury
f it wore to issue iidditionutl
reastmry muotos wheoms thom revenues of thu m
oi'emiuuiiemnt is so muncie greater thou it C
xpenditures nmnt aummnultareously with C
early nulditiomu of silver dollars now tin .
Iorizul by law , it is evident aucin step S
ould lead plainly froums sold to 's1vu r
tunmdartl , 'i'hio istuu ofadditcomial treasur , y
otes ivill wonekeii Lice treasun' rind b ye
kely to create doubts of tIm abilit ;
f tue govornuniomit to iay gold ons domnami :
riti tire govurnilunumnt by declining
ay ims gold , thus taking frommu the ieohlu
he ohtioms of pseymisolit , may aim y
imume briuig tue mmtiomt unont ya
ilver staunilard. 'rim advancini C
itice of products timiti tim doinomnoUzin hi
f thee emitiro gold coiun of time couuti''I
n ) such a crisis Lisa reserve gold In Usci
reasury would be comitimmually diemucnislne ci
il come inammcl iiy the presentation of * 1 : s
sotes for intynnumit wisulo its revenue o is
. -
t he other 111511(1 would not be increased.
by certain duties paid ins gold as at pros.
o ut , but. by roturin of silver dollars anti.
s mlver cortmlmcatcs wheichi will , under ox-
i stimng laws , sooner or 1tor drive every
d ollar of gold colts out of circulation mid
ht h iring upoim thee country snuck greater con-
t ractiohilthmamn that proposed to prevent.
The sensate committee ott rmitos hia do.
c ulod to reconninemnd thee following changes
n ut the senate rules : First-Its tine rub.
ss ehico of time vice-prosidemnt , tine senate
s hall choose a president pro torn , Sac-
flt Int-un time absence of tim vice.proei-
fli heist , and pendimug the olcction of mu usrea-
i tletit pro tout. , the secretory of the sets-
as te , or mit mm 01)801100 ) thin ciniof clerk ,
s hall lcrformms the duties of thno chair.
' I'hiird-Titc vice'pi-csidomst tO torn. shall
h iavo the right to minnie , imn open soisato ,
hl ef rubsemnt iii writimig , any senator to
l iorformu time duties of tue chair , and thio
s enator so deaigeiated may discharge suds
duties for a horned not exceeding thsteo
days , tuuniesn the senate otisorwiso orders.
l:73ThtuCTmoNH : TO TitiiARiAhtTIC ELSSET.
Secretary Frolingituysems has cabiedthso
c omminisantler of tue Asiastic hoot , iimctruet-
hug ii course to ho 1itmrued for tine pro-
t cctmoms of Aesuermeaus interests imu tine cisso
o f war betwornn Fremncln and China.
Tine msaturo of tine nmuetructiomns are uuut- 1
knowus ,
1.1)15 ) h4AVISU SlilivIer. .
The nnmsual report of tue ciniof of tiso
l ife navilug service shows that at the end
o f tins last fiseal year the number of life
s aviumg stations wore 194 ; nunibur of die.
a sors to vessels ins tine field of iifo saving
o liurfltiOisc during the year was 300 ; of
8 ,792 Pcronna OIL boarU of tinoso vessels.
e mily 15 luerinlced and of nnoro tlnams $7- "
0 00,000 wortic of property in these ships I
a und cargoes , ounly 1ii00,000 was lost.
Ex-Somsator Spemscor arrived this ovems
i ng ins the custody of oflicora , Ho tic-
d ines to talk abmnt his case.
'Fine PraitlcmLt amid Secretaries Poigor
a mid Limneulen left forNew York to.night.
, Toiopln II. htlhcklan , surperlntendcunt of
f oreign immila1 Is dead ,
LMvrenc5 * Wililosi ouillimsols , was appointed '
j imilgo of the court. ot clalme.a.
Sovemnty snstro Ciinioso with "trader certifi-
c atca" landed in San Francisco , Saturday.
Tine lrcnldent ) ha. ' ; Par.honed Sergeant Mn.
ni on , wleo attoeuptod to hoot Gnltoau. Mason
I iu eomnfincd at Aihainy. N. Y
Thso deunago to britigos anti farns bulhdlmsge ,
c tc , Iii Jtandolpls cotimety , Mo. , by the late
r ain storm wilt roach iU0O00 ,
After three clays of agonuy , A. J. Leo , morn-
h er of the Texas legislature , died Saturdry
n iurning from the effects of a lioioitoun fly idLe
f in thee face.
The letter carriers of Chicago Ininvo decided
t o snomnorize comngreua to pras a bIll grantla , .
t ine emeomi tin thee carrier service a vacation of 3
days each year.
One hundred members or tine Chicago Corn-
mcrclai climb juimned Its giving a banquet to
( bun. Sheridan Saturday cruising , ant the Calumet -
umet chit , roomn.
Twenty deaths from yellow fever at Havana
during the hauL week , including Signor Sala ;
tenor of ion htaliain operatrotmpe. Thu weather
ccutluiues sultry.
John .Taunes , r,2 years of ago , committed anti.
dde at lels boardimig houn ire Dorrltloinea Saturday -
urday nones by taking morphine and intro-
pleimne. Cause , failure in business , brought art
by dissipation.
Itt the case of , Chuaria Forh , chznrod with
LhnolLixington , Mn. , tage tOUbuir , , thodc ,
feinhnt eItnlnod a thai.ig : .
case was taken to Chuntbn county , to cornoup .
un Isay next.
TIm grand jury of San Francisco baa Indicted
Miss 11111 , chaimnlnig to be tue wife of Senator
Sharon , and Vmmn , M. Nelson , her attorney ,
for forgery , perjury and conspiracy. Both
wore admitted to bail.
Mini Flora Buck , hiving with leer parents
five imillos scout of inediamnolac , Nob. , commnnitto&l
s umicldo Friday nigiet by taking strychnine.
She wn'i 28 ycarsoinl , amid imad boon subject to
fits for a nuumbcr ofyoars.
Tine Chicago A : Nortinwoutern railroad direc.
tore have declared a aoiisl-ainnuai dividend of
31 her COOt One atock , buLls liaynlilo the 27th of
1 ) econler. 'J'lio hook will close December
S lit mid ro.opemm Daconmeber 2'Jtln.
'l' . I'd. ' Tohiniaoni , duriemg tine last three years
aesistamit to the iireaidont of tine l'ullenm , l'al-
ace Car commilnuly at Olnicago has Iiooni up-
pointed gemnorai miianiingor of th I1exicnms len-
t ormiatlonal liahiroad comInlIamny.
11ev.nmi. . Itlitchiell , tine meowly Installed
plthtor \'eatbi'ro ( Menus. ) Congregational
c letmrcli , has been arrested , clmarged wide steal-
I ng hooks. It Is stated tinat when arrested he
o lferod $1,000 to keep the einisttor t1usiot.
CpLaIms C.V. . IL0ICVI4P vic president and
g eneral umiamrgor of timu St. Louis & Sann Fran-
c iico railroad , declined tine positions of ire'l-
i leect iiud general of time Nosy Yorlc t' N1 sq
Emigiaucd read , winicie hail been offered bin , .
'rice Prusslasm ainthnorltles Inform the Button
P olice that Nathiarn i3zkeeluny , 1i5 years of age ,
I s wamntedomi a chargem of falsifying bills of ox.
c lman'.go to the icnnotmuit of $10,000. A reward
o f 115 lr edIt of tine annunuit stolen it offered ,
1.orenzo Ynudt son of .ludgo Woods , of the
t hu Dixon , lii , , jtelICIai district , comnnnlttetl
s eilelilti at Altiiequerqmmo Sntimrday by cutting
sh it throat , lie foczmuurly traveled for. the i'
h ardware houses of Dunicanm , Wyeth & Co. , of
C hicago.
A circular has beers issuoti asking the coo.
s ent of bumulhoilers , to tlm 1)150 fur the to-
n rganizatitni of tiis 'l'oiudo , Cincinnati & St.
I . .iuit . railroad ciimnp.nmny , wlnicln prusidet for '
t he i4HUe of niuthiciomit meow iiomnds to cauncel alt
o untatanding debts.
Five Prisoners WOtO whnippod at Nouvcaatlo ,
l ) el , , Satimeday. three colored amid two white
n ioil. Ward Jroouc ( colored ) , convicted of
h ouse breaking , htootl umso lemmr in tine pillory ,
m eimel mecoivoni twumnty Indies. Tine others uvore
g mvomn toni ladies each.
'l'ino trial in Ifoward county , Arkansas , of
c olored riutort Imulletrid for murdering Wyatt ,
oyerl inoiithiii ago. emilud In the senteecimeg
)1 three men to Ii inasigud and twenty.nlne to
t orimut ci lieiprleonnniioiit ranging Items five to
e lgiiteeti yearn.
tiemeoral F. S. Butts , proaldent of tine Vicks-
b urg bionic , appointed receiver by Chancellor ,
Cascnun , , fihut is bonsd for $ tOO(0O ( mid taken
c inamgis if Lieu Nitshioiprd Vuiloy Lank. It Is
s tated there is mibutut .3OO.000 inn discounteti
h irulior in thu bank , whlchn is 901f0tly good.
r i M E D V
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I't " 'I ItalicS ( a , , ' ! eurn
I : 1 i. E U MA'J'IS'.l '
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' .ldII.s. , Nourilgia ,
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! , : , : : : SciatiCil , Lunlubuhlo ,
L.j4Jtl LLlbn )
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ri(2n5uu0nin.i : : SORE TUROiT.
i ) qum NtY , 6W
I' ' Q.Allb5I5j.riJ.1 N1'IL % INN ,
iiI ; , Soreness. Cuts , Urulses ,
, A nith iItitr bodily tidkItIs
i i , ' ; rm : : J wi't p4mm.
' ' ' Sohdmyelitlnl ) latas.nsi
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t Ii1,1jii : , Ilia Char's A Voehar t.
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