Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 Ttft1 ; P9AYLY BLE - Oll1h1i.1 , T1iU1ZS1)A kNOVEhfBL R 22 , 1883.
- - - .
' THE GM A Ti & BE T t .
I'I - -
Dbllshed every nrrntnq , except Oneday. The
' eelAonteyi otuIci duly ,
xaxs es Attn.
! ne Yet..4Io.G I Tlam
IltIontfL , , . . . . , iO010netontl. . , .
MIYixrlRT DU , ttCU HRe ZVRAT WN1teDlr.
One Ytet. , . . . , , . , . $ Three 3Rnthe..4 t0
tilt nonthe.Loo I One .T th . . . , . , . , 40
I AmetltR News Oomp + ny , SO v AgorkswNewsdcal
n In the Unlted SL + tos.
A CoramnnlAtfonerrlatIai 'N + rweandEdltedel
sastters houldboaddrrsled to the Eoiroe er Tits
xDSivsss LxtCARe.
AB nudnar totters and Uemltt'tnuea ehoidd be
addreiaedtoTUeflirt fhnnmsr.tu eoerNy , OMAfA
Dmfte , Checks and'1 o tofoe nrdern to t.o . made pey
able to the order of the twrnrany.
E. ROBEWATER , Edttor ,
ThmileAgtvhtx Proclamation ,
In furthennce efttho cra iiu1 of tide people
attho cloetns of oastk your , to engage upon a
stay not apert for thai. purpose In epedal fa4t
vat of protec to the Giver of all Goodthoreforo ,
I , Choeter A. Arthtr , l'roeidont of thoUnited
$ tatee , do hereby thelgn ate Thureday , the 29th
do of Nevember roxt , ae a doq of nUonal
tliaukegfringforttio ymrthetie drawieg to
.rut ord Ims brien replete with
the ov denco d divine geodncw , the
pro vallanco of lloalr.h , the iullnne of
the [ and order ,
time Fsrvset , o peace
the bRnwth cif fraternal , fa lings , the epread of
1ntelltgenco and learatng , the eoutinued cn
joyment of chat and religious lilwrty-all
three and countleee other blessinge are cause
for roverontrcjcidng. I do , therefore , roc.m
mend that on the day above appointed
, the people roatirom their accuetoniod labour ,
i and mooting imthelraoveral laces of wnrehl e ,
exprea. tlieirt o ; t gratitih po to Cud that lb
f has dealt bmmtllully with thin nation and
I pray that liie grace and favor abide with It
d Braver. C1II STxn A. 1 ILTIUll ( ,
1'rceldent :
I By Fnxn. T.1rnLINoIUrasH ! ,
Secretary of State
.AN 1TI TdONOI'OLY wave im On its way
. ; down from Mandtoha. Thu people of
tin t region arc in armor ngaimrst the rail
, woad land-sharks.
Fonr GARLAND , Colorado , will ho die.
continued on the let of December , and
thus another old frontier landannrk , rich
in border history , romatco and tragedy ,
will pass away.
m Now that the trade dollar has disap
pcared from circulation , and gat into the
hands of nmonoy brokoo and Shylocks ,
congress will1 o naked to redeem the
.commercial coin at ono hundred cants on
l the dollar. A compact lobby will ho on
? nand tide winter at Washington to put
the job through.
Wtiaan de Chairman Domoy with his
'r'evised returns ? Ills first estimate was
from 12,000 to 15,000 majority for Reese.
His next estimate was from 8,000 to 10 ,
000. His last was front 7,000 to 7,500.
And norv it turns out that Reese line less
than 4,400 majority , A change of 2,200
'votes would have elected tiavago.
TifE cxomptton laws of Dakota are be.
t ing severely criticdecd , for fostering fraud
tL an the part of debtors. Several cases
have occurred lately in which Chicago
morchatts have been heavy losers , while
q ' their debtors tnado money by failing or
' "selling out , " and that , too , alinont
t ) immediately after receiving largo con-
of goods , which wore partly
I i
L purchased on credit.
i Tun Chicago Tribune line recently
of been improve ; . in nero ways than one.
r Its now typo gives the paper a very
bright and clean appearance , but the
1 1 most notable improvement is iii the quality -
ity and quautity of its reading matter
and special dispatches , The Tr thunc in
a ropreseutativo American newspaper ,
and is second to none in the United
$ tatCS.
, A CntoAoo workman writing to the
l 1-Wunc on the problem of ovar-piodue.
, tion and business stagnation , reaches the
following conclusion : "The time has
come when the general government must
either kick up another war or undertake
gigantic systonis of internal improvement -
ment , and certainly the latter is prefers-
blo to the former. " Thin is decidedly
i 1 su3bcstivo , and ought to furnish our
great atatcumen , who am about to con.
gregato at Washington , food for serious
' reflection ,
I 1
a Ir the police Turco of Omaha were
mare vigilant and attentive to their dw
t ties there would ho seine setae in in.
d creasing too number , but to enlarge the
force without adding to the efficiency
would be a very foolish piece of business ,
r ) Thorn aro' some good men now on the
r forcer but every member ought to be a
thoroughly of iciont officer. The manner
in which policemen am selected is nil
wrong. They ate generally made police.
men on account of same political services
11 that they or thar friends have ruudored
+ to the mayor or councilmen vvhto have
the appointing power , and not on account
of their fitness. A little civil service reform
form is needed in the police department
TImu cattle men of the woat have load a
very prosperous season this year , and
their prospects never looked brighter ,
I The beef market has ranged higher for
i I western cattle thtu in any previous year ,
i and has proved satisfactory for all ship
pore , Time tendency of time times is t
poland consolidate di0'oront interests ,
an'1 thus concentrate power and wealth
The cattle men am no exception to tit s
rule. They have already bunched a larg o
number of small herds into oxtonsiv
I compwioe , arid all the smaller intoroe fa
t will ha Boon entirely abtorbod. Tim cat
tiomon by the consolidations already no
compliehod kayo been enabled to regulate
late the market to suit thomso'vos ante d
to hovern their shipments , which thf
yotr ha"o been so managed as not t o
overilool the mnrr'tot at any Ono tinto
This nu ' , be a very good thing for tit
eatUc moo , but not so for the cFnsume
of beef , who will from this limo have t o
pay hrighor prices than ever. The cattl o
l kings tvdt eon ho able to oopo with to oo
.railroad kings and dictate terms
Forty years ago the India ms octupyinq
a vast domain fu the statra of ( loorgis ,
Alabama and Mieeisaippi , entered into a
treaty with the govrrnment , whertby
they wcro frsnsferrcd to the Indian Ter'
ritory , west of Arkansas and south of
what is the state of Ksomas. Tits tribes
who made this trc&ty stipulated for
themselves that the landsallotteeittothemn
should bo subditrided in rovcralty. As a
result of this tr'oaty the Cherokees ,
Choctaws , Creaks and Chickasaws htvo
become self .sustaining. They have crlti-
vated jllauitalious ant farms for moro
than twomm y 3eara , raised crops , kuilt
churches anti sdloollhousos , and observed
the habits of avilirod po0Pl0.
It is proposed Ily Secretary Teller , in
his forthcomnngTnport , that tithe palms of
making the Indian self-sustaining bo carried -
ried out among the eomi barbaroua tribes
wont of the Missouri river. The secretary
proposes to make sweeping recommenda-
tioiul for cutting down the reservations ,
and for giving to each Indian his
portion of time land in eovoralty.
Whiio the treaties heretofore made
have sot impart ( Vast tracts of hand embracing -
bracing millions upon millions of acres ,
the policy of srithlnolding these lands
from settlement , when time Indians cannot -
not possibly cultivate thornt or nmako
practical.uso of thorn , must sooner or
later be abandoned. The fact that time
lndians cat 110 longer subsist 1iy hunting
time buffalo , compels them to adopt limo
new mode of living altogether. Roaming -
ing about at random with Imo ubjcct cx
capt plundering settlers , or stealing from
each other , must cease to be a .
Tim Indian should now be made to take
ctro of himself. Congress must take time
imitative step to puthini in that condi-
tion. It mast first discharge its just
obligations due to to Indian in former
Secretary Toiler says that there is
over $1,000,000 duo and unpaid to time
Sioux , for school purposes , under time
treaty of 1808. The treaty agreement
on this point was that time United States
would support a school in that "nation"
for ovary thirty children of ago to attend
school Time secretary says this agreement -
ment line been violated because congress
refused or neglected to make time necessary
sary appropriations. There can be no
excuse for this neglect on time plea of
inability , for ovary year since 1868
timero iras boon a surplus of receipts over
expenditures rangimig from $30,000,000
to $125,000,000.
The government italsoappearsfronr time
secretary's forthcoming report , atauds in
debt omen cow , one yoke of oxen and
$100 worth of tools and farming utensils
t0 each of 25,000 Sioux families by time
neglect of congress to make the needful
appropriations for time execution of this
part of the treaty of 1808.
Immasmuoh as the government obligated
itself by solemn treaty to furnish these
supplies it is in honor bound to carry out
time agreement as far as it can be Bono
it behooves congrose pow to take a Imew
departure in dealing with these Indians ,
and place timem.on a footingthat will cn
able thou to take care of thonmeolves.
Thu building of railroads and the crowding -
ing forward of tine frontier settlers will
soon' ' solve time Indian problem for us ,
oven if congress fails to do its duty.
Time problemn of pavements in one that
continues to interest as well as puzzle
many of the [ loading citmos , the quos
tionsinvolved being cost , durability mod
cleanliiieas. It is aafe to asy that Omaha
lmas selected time two boat pavements-
stone and asphalt. It is fortunate that
sho'did not mnako time mistake of putting
down wooden pavements , which were
once so popular , ht the first place it has
been proven that wood is uot a durable
pavement , and now it is alnown that it is
not a healthful material for paving pur
pesos. Tire health officer of Detroit , in
reply to a resolution of the city council
requesting his opinion on the healthful.
ness of wood pavements , says :
"Time hygienic objections to wood pay.
ing are very grate , ' and quotes from M.
T"uaeagnoisprofessor of hygiene at
Montpullor , Franca , to limo effect that a
'hygienist ' cannot look favorably upon a
street covering consisting of a porous
substance capable of absorbiimg organic
smatter , and by its own decoutpasnhon
giving rise to noxious minsm , which , pro.
coedimg fmom no largo a surface , cannot be
regarded as inaignilicant. ' Ito nays : 'I
ant convinced that a city with a damp
clinnato , paved entirely with wood , would
soon beconmo a city of marsh fevers. '
"Time of block "
joints a pavemcut ,
says Comm. Cilnmre , "conatituto fully
one-third of time entire area ; and tutder
the average care time surface of filth exposed -
posed to evaporation covers threudourths
of the entire street. The foul organic
matter is lucid in the joints , ruts and ; fut.
tors where It undergoes putrefactive for.
memtatioi in warmm , damp weather , cud
becomes the fruitful source of noxious
eflluvigmn , or It floats fu time atmosphere
and pometrptes the ilvallimg iii thu forum
of unwtmoiesouo dust , irritating to time
Oyes anti poisolous to time organs of rce-
pimtion ,
T1meDotroit health conmmissionor quotes
several other authorities , whose opinions
are all to the annre otleot , auoug the
number being Dr. Fordyce Darker , of
Now York , amid Prof , 11'ln. II.
Brewer , mm emiuott chouist , of
Yale collego. Time conrmiesionor
protests strongly against wooden pave-
) monte , and with regard to time stouo pave
moats he saes mnothing objeethnmablu to
thorn save their noiainesa , which he
tlminks is a great obstacle to time recovery
of many patients..s to sheet usphalt
pavement , duo says it answers all samuitary' '
S roquiremnents , It contaiua no mnatori + i
that is acted mm by time acid or alkaline
. solvents of liquid filth. It is tenacious ,
u Grm , durable , yet elastio and silt ; ell ,
r It is hose noisy than ever woodcut btocl
pavan nit. It cotta less than stone fat
repairs , and next to stone lasts longest
o It to eoumparatlvely hnperviwus to liquid ,
of any kind. It Is free from dust nui
can be cleaned .by water as cosily as a
china plate. The sheet nsp nlt
can be adapted to an old
pe.vtmomt of atone or a
macadam road bed as well as to a special
btyer of hydraulfo concrete. No pavement
mont can be so perfectly mended when
cut into by plumbers. As 05 to 70 per
centof sand enters into ita composition ,
it affords good footing for horses.
municates no vibrations to time adjoining
buildinge , duos slowlyweakoning ; and dis
integrating their structure. It sates
great cost of wear and tear to animals
and vehicles. It makes so smooth a surface -
face that street railway companies could
substitute on it herdic coaches , in a great
measure , for clunsy cars , to time great ra-
lief of the people.
The adoption of time now standard time
by time railroads liar caused a now dos
pnrtaro iii tlio reckoning of time. For
centuries people lnpvo been accustomed
to number the hours at from 1 to 12 ,
and thou duplicnto them to till out time
24 hours ( list make day. Amen
the very first t0 adopt sari fiustrato the
24 o'clock system is the Detroit Evening
.Tourrral. It's three editions , issued at
2 , 3 and 5 p. fit. respectively , are headed
" 14 o'clock , " " 15 aclockI and " 17
o'clock" editions. All through its dis
patches , local news items , advertise mouss ,
etc. , the hours arc marked according to
the 24 o'clock method. A main arriving
at homo at 11 o'clock at night would be
there at 23 o'clock , The noon hour remains -
mains time sanmo as heretofore , 12 o'clock ,
and 6 p , m , would be 18 o'clock.
Time count begins at 1 o'clock in the
morning , and continues around the dial
once in 24 hours , instead of twicu as
heretofore. This practical method
(1008 away with n , m and p ,
m. , and wlmoi under the new
synten tire hour is announced we will
know exactly what time it is , without
the above affixes. We believe time new
system will soon come into gmnoral use ,
as it is already meeting with a favorable
comnidoratioi by tire public. Of course
this will casino a tonmporary boom in
time manufacture of clocks and
watches , as new dials , if not new works ,
will lmav'o to lee made for the 24 hour sya-
tom , Ono phi suggested divides time
dials 111(0 ( 120 minutea , instead of 00 as
iteratofure , thereby causimmg time hour-
hand to make only ono complete revolution -
tion in a day. Anotimer plan places the
numerals nn two concentric circles , those
from 13 to 2.4 , inclusive , being placed ins
side time figures from 1 to 12 on the same
radial lines. It has also beomt suggested
that an improvement on both these
mothodn may be efl cted by means of
twin dials , the thin outer ono to contain
twelve perforations through which the
numerals on the inner one will show
By means of a simple mechanical device
otthor of these dials may be automuuticldly
shifted at the end of every twelfth hour ,
so that one sat of figures will be displayed -
played from noon till midnight , and time
other from tnidmmigltt till noon. By this
simple device clock dins would retain
their present form and divisions , yet
would show the hours condecutivoly from
1 to 24.
However , the 24-hour plan can be
used withh the present time pieces by
simply substractinrg 12 , when the hour is
beyond that figure ,
LESS TITAN 4,300 ,
Ecese's Majority over Savage.
Below we present official returns from
65 counties of majorities given at the
into election for Suprono Judge , with
estimates for the two i maining countica
of Wheolarand Sioux , The oficial count
eannotpossibly vary more than 50 either
way from these figures :
Official Mnjer .trd. . Ojririnj Majorilu.
- - - - - - - , - - '
r----- r------ +
( 'autTY , nxnsu. COUNTY , IIAVnnC ,
t'.dama .1. ] lutlur . . . , . . . , . 472
Antelope . . . . . . . 457 Cass. . . , , , . , , . , , 107
Bowna. , . . . . . . . 612 Coder. . . . . . . . . . 313
Buffalo , . . , . , , . , 202 Cmning , , . , , . , . 26
Burt. . , , . . . . . . . 111 Clwyenno. , , . . . 111
Brown. , . . . . , , . 312 Cherry. . . , . , . , , 33
Clay . . . . . . . . . 471 Dndga . . . . . . . . . 41ti
Col.uc. . , , , . , , . , 135 Duuglas..1532
Costar. . . . . . . . . . 125 Dawson . . . . . . . . . 11
Dixon ; . . . . . , . . . 152 Duk ta. . . . . . . . . 40
1Ihimoru. . . . . . . . 1:6 Coepor , . . . . , , , , . Y6
Frauklhr. . . , . . . 126 Creuloy. . . , . . , , 102
Furaie , 276 Itult , 207
b'rotdiur. . . . . , , , ill Jefferson. . , , , , , 12
tinge. . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2 Keltlm. , . , . , , . , , 2
[ lanai , . . . . . . . . . 357 Lluodn. . . , , , . . , 141
liunllten. , , . , , 22 Monlek . . , . „ hm8
Hitchcock , . . . . . 21 Ctoo. . . . . . . . . . . 371
lloward. . . . . , . . p0 I'lerco. , , . , , , . , . UU
colt. . , . . . , , , . , 106 i'latt . . . . , . , , . , 510
Johnson. . , , . , . , 116 Palk. . . . . . . . . . . 217
Kearney. . . , . . . . 86 lticl.ardeon . , . . . , 172
Kaux. . . . . . . . . . . 1110 Sdlmmo. . . . . . . . . . 2U
Lancater.1125 Swpy. : . . . . . . . 18 :
Madteun , , . , , , , 5 Stomten , , . . , . . . f0
Nmic1. , . . . . . . . . 205 Thayer. . . . . , . . . 100
Numimuha , , . , , . . , 253
Nockulle. . . , , . , . 101 Fatinwkd AruJer ite , .
I'ntvuoo. , , . . . , . 21)1 Sioux. . . . . . . , . . 25
1'hell.e. . . , . . . . . . 158 -
ItNI willow. , , , ; 573 . . . . , , , , , .
Saunders , . . . . . . 617
wurd. . . . . . . . . 25T
Sherman . . . . . . . 67
Vul o y. . . . , . . , . 336
Nuy11u. . . . . . . . 217
1Vnl.eter 478
York. . . . . . . . . . . 595
tatttnntnl Mdjorlu. (
Wheeler , . . . , , , , 100
Total , ,10277
' uualorlty over Savage , 4,280.
TAX stuntum , as practiced by the rail.
road nmomnpolies , hoe became n fine art.
The president of the Jersey Camtral rail.
road has recently tlmrnwn sonmu light on
time mwtuods adupled by some railroad
corporations to evade their just taxes.
A report was presemmted to limn which
showed net oarings anountiog to about
$0,000,000 ; but lw explained that it. had
boon merely madu fur purpeos / of tnxa
then , IIe said time rent sarohmrsof time
real wcro between $11,000,000 , and $12 , .
000,000 , but , by mmmakiug up a report "iii
strict accordance w'it's "
the law , timoy
wore nmsdu to appear at about ono'half
time real amount , Daniul O'Coiumell used
I to boast that lie onuld drive a onauh nnd
I four through almost any act of the Brh
ish parli'Amont , but thin foot of President
Little--that of driving locomotives and
whoa trajna of cars through a state
statute--beats it all hollow ,
Tor. Omaha volunteer fire department
tins virtually gone to pieces. Tliolo is
nothing loft of it except a few straggling
members , who deserve credit for contin
uing to do tltoirduty. Some stormy
night a serious fire will occur and then
Omaha will become convinced thata well-
equipped and paid department is n fleece-
sity. But why wait until a conflagration
demonstrataa this fact ? The time to act
is now , and not a day should be lost. Time
prosemit force of fnremnon is perhaps sufi
ciunt to handle an ordinary fire on a calm
day , but what Omaha ucccls and must
have is a paid number of neon who will
be preaeat at ovary fire. Chief Engiueor
Butler has urged the city council to take
action in this matter , but so farthmoy have
paid little or no attention to it. Ono of
his auggoetionsis that a number of mine
ute men should be employed to attend
ovary fire , and that they should bo paid
for suck attendance. This is a good idea
but in addition to title time nmnborof reg.
ular monthly salaried met should be in
creased. A city of 50,000 people cannot
afford to depend upon a volunteer fire de-
. Time bLainess inch , whoso
property is at stake , will find by a little
investigation that under the present state
of affairs they are daily running great
risksatd , they should call upon time council -
cil by petition or otherwise , and demand
am immediate ro organization of time fire
department on a paid basis witlm a view
to its thorough eflicicuncy ,
Euar.Nv. FIELD , of limo Chicago News ,
line this to say of Indiuu Agent Wilcox :
"Indian Agent Wilcox line hind a serious
quarrel with Gen. Crook because time
latter rofttses to lmnmmg twelve Indians ,
who have offended the agent. If Mr.
Wilcox has ever done anything for his
country , except draw pay for asoft snap ,
ho us perhaps entitled to some considera
tjon , If time popular opinion of the talon
fs n right one , twenty of his kind could
stand abreast our time small end of a
cambric needle and not complain of being
crowded , "
PosTaASTEn GENEmIAL Gitu..uA5i is con.
tinning ifs war on frauds. He is now
making it warm for the pension sharks.
His recent order to postmmmnsters , not to
furnish lists of names to pension agents
at Washington , and not to distribute
their circulars unless addressed to fndr
riduals , will meet with general approval ,
and have atondency to check the syste
matic frauds that are being practiced on
ox union soldiers and their widows and
The new deot ; at Fremont is nearly cone
platcl. °
Otoo county's apido crop for this year is cn
timatcd at 20,000 bushels.
The Nebraska City None ropora a fatal
malady among the hurees m that ticinity.
Pittsburg , I'a. , parties are negotiating with
the Fremr + ut Mill Co , for a large supply of
flour for Stint market.
Another lmndrodmile extension of the Sioux
City k 1'udfie road in Northern Nobra has
already been arram ed for.
A little ten year ohf girl named Stella B.
Farriug , w is knocked down and killed by a
runaway team last meek , at ltulo.
The Platte Ie pretty svoll frozen over , only
time larger channels being open. Thu water is
very low for this season of the year.
The roads as usual in Nobraaka , are in ox
cellemit condition and farmers are Hauling to
market soma of their 40 bushels Lu the acre
An extensive band of horse thieves under
tin notorious Kid Wade , has been operating
is the np eoummtry for sumo time past. Six
have beam. captnrod , throe are in jail in Cum-
fug comity , and two largo partioe are In pun
stilt of other members of the gang.
Grand Leland is taking steps towards secur-
i ° c a croamtry.
After many attempts Salem lies at last succeeded -
coeded in obtaluiug a bank.
Time Cmmnmorcfal lintel , Frlondvillo , was
damaged 5500 by lire Thursday.
Twentyfrve now houses have beau built
stueo June 1 , and others are going up.
Is Imhdul to burn earn for fuel ) 1Ve have
to du it ail the samo-Cedar Repids Kra
The Odull Optic ssys the now elevator there
will be thu largest one tlt.ttsldo of Lincoln.
Time shipping of bruotu corn from Kearney
has become quite extonilvo says The l'rese.
Ducks and geese are slid to Iw very scarce
at their usual ie.ting places along the 1'latte
above Iimutioge. ;
Walter Keith , of North Platte , had a horse
killed mmal his buggy smcu.hod on the railroad
bridge Tuesday evening ,
Liicoln and Iinatluga have a coal famine.
There was nut ludf u tun of soft coal um the
yerde ut LtaWln 1Vod"oaduy.
Exteulvo twat hods fromm 10 to 30 foot deep
are reported to huvo bcendiscovered iii Custur
county. If true this uioansclienp fuel.
d farmer ( n Howard county has lost twelve
or lifteeu line shoats. The dlseu.u . seams nu
ineurablu aflecttou of the lungs , a sort of lung
A pralrin fire last week on Pralrio creek
do tn.yod fifty tons of hay fur Lute North ,
( us ty tor Juuie.e Cushing , and c'uttsiderabla fur
Ms Clmmnborlaln a Clwmry county cattle
noun , has a bloated cow which recently
dropped three canvas , two of which are living
and tlulvh.v.
The now church at David City will be dcdl.
cttod on Sunday , Nov. 25th , . Isaiah
Reid , of Nevada , Iuwe , editur of The high.
way , will ollclute.
Time mnail carrler between Albion anti Soo.
tin hna rfusud to longer servo for time simia11
remtnturatluu proudsed Idm , and last week no
noun was carried.
Tim now holler Flour Mills of Scott k Co , ,
are in full blast now , anti the toot of their
wld tlu is n pleasant sound to those Interested
In thu welfare of hitlr.
The WcephmgVatnr creamery has eliot
dew" for rho winter. It will open the tiet of
Mardi with u lurgo incruaso of patrons umom.e .
the farutere In time vicinity.
Itella Ii. hartngton , a little girl 10 years
.Id , wee so eerlourly hmjured by a runaway
team at Fulls City last Saturday that she
died in less thin aim hour afcerwarde.
They an ! having a hot content at Cnnnaover
tlma eahnns queetinu. 'limo council vutod licemuea
by aw mujority mad a muses meeting of citizens
i mctduduue for a recouelderutlon.
Anson Hewitt , of Fhorkian , one cf the earl
sad ucu + lwruus settlers of that prrctnct , I.
building a cattle barn , the fraue , timbers of
which are hewn ( rum trees pluutud by his own
baud some fifteen years ago.
'I'Ito 1'lattsmoutlm ether channel at Frontout
has changed nod there is now aurge ! vulunio
of wafer rnmihng betwrou the head of tlmo
isluud and the ' 'tiig ( eland' above , whore be.
fire Intt little of the current passed.
Fed hooter , a fanner of De + lgro county.otl
rubed the past swoon whett thst averi
Idum 271 liar acre Ills brutber'il
liuui ( mad a y field of 23 bushels lwr acre. Thla
whom ti. m'as ale' of a splendid quality.
It Ia uu. velnus how mud ! luurlwramid build.
ing material is being hauled out of 0'\0111
YOUB APPETITE le poor-If your dtgcellon fe
- , anti ou MO debll
hated and despondent , try Bunloek Bloat Bitters.
You will he delighted with the result ,
BEDICINEIesmagnificent aperlentgently
moire the boweie , cleaneos the ldood and
ltravte oa tev re , s ck lies amhce , and b Moue aneeke
eo priraleut daring the hot moothe ; and shays net
ronm , e u d dehHity as well.
Td USE Burdock liiood BlUere Is expltlned athelmbelscoon1Pfningeach
bane. The doe. the patient will vary se hi. or her
good so-se ictato + . Nu harmful rued. em i.1b1o
reeul fr m the use otiho mcdHno. Wa wlil gnat.
tutee approcleblo b nett every tlrn .
TO usa llurdock Viand butters It le an.
neccessary to state , Allunders'endwhat a
good laxatlre and bloo I tondo can acomnpiiTh , anti
allkmiow when they neat ouch ( and we might Inter
potato ALL aced It at one time or another ) . A. a
IteMtnt etporhnent an.l for cortun relief , try Burdock -
dock flood Imitters. Ily lbuggl te.
FOSTER , SIILBURNfe CO. . t'rop'sfufTalo , N. Y.
Lids fall , The Banner remarks , and one would
think there was a large fratno house being
built on every qunrtoreoction in the county !
A train on the B. & M. recently mndo the
rim from Akron to McCook , n distance of 143
tulle. , in 180 minute. + , Considering the stops
mndo and slowing up at crossinge , tide is at
average of a little over 50 mike an hour.
Among the poetofiicoe discontinued last
week f. that of lleridimr in Jefferson county.
1'htrteot years ago that was the principal
ullico in the county and probably did Inure
business than all thu balance put together.
Now that time township organization has
carried , time p0nplo arc at a loss to know what
to do with it , it is claimed by many that the
tickets , so far as tide Is concerned , were illegal
and muet bo so decided by time courte if appealed -
ed to them.-Fulls City News.
Thomas Tmnazln , of Columbus , lost about
8200 worth of stuick it eight days recenty- )
a horse mid six head of yomlg cattle-the lat.
ter aupp'sed t 1 be by blackleg , lie has boot
IYnnowhat fuifortmtato this year , having loetl
live good brood sows in the sprh.g. .
Plattsniouth Journal : One of our most pop.
nlar school marmite in the city has decided to
invest liar surplus earnings In cattle , and a
young ranch owner of her uwquaintanco out
1Veet has agreed to the fodder for 82.50
per head Per year. She la m1 the right road to
Iiastings Nebraskan : The railroad is now
comnpleted to Minden , but the B. d : M , leoplo
do not seem in the least incllnod to lot it rest
there. Men , teams and material are constantly -
stantly betag transported westward through
thin city and they are all bound for the cut uff
west of Minden.
The two year old son of W. T , McKnight
had the mbfortune to fall out of asecund story
window last Sunday night , injuring himself
quite severrly. A. two young daughters are
hying sick with forerwith the death of Addle ,
tlfis is a culmination of such mifurtunes as
rarely afiiict a family at one time.-Sutton
The Ratings Gazette-Journal says : Thanks
to a generous soil we have plenty of corn to
bum , red if the railroads do not bring us any
coal they will loose the freight our both corn
amid coal. The people hero will not stand
around shivering while the railroad companies
are devising a scheme to Put up the price of
Archibald R. Adamson , of North Platte ,
shot iii. brother David is the right groin lust
Tua day night David was drunk and going
to hibald's house raised the cry of fire.
After ordering him away Archibald fired two
shots to frighten iiimuneof whichtook effect
At a hearing Thursday , Archibald was die
charged .
- -
A Baptist Minlster's Experience.
I am a Baptist minister , andbefore I ever
thought of being a clergyman I graduated in
unedkim.e . , but left a lucrative practice for my
present iirofassiun forty years ago. I was for
many years me sufferer from quinsy. Thomas'
Eckcfric ( iii cured inc. I was also troubled
with hoarsenoes , and Thomas' I ctab'ic trii always
ways relieved inc. My wife and child had
diphtheria and Thomas' , electric nit curs.
them , and i takomi in time it will cure seven
times out often. I am confident it Is .a cure
furtho most obstinate cold or cough and if
any one will take a small teaspoon and half
lilt it with the O(1 , and then 'dace ' the end of
the spoon hi our noettil and draw the tiil out
of the spoon into time hand , by sniffing as hard
as they can , until the oil falls over into the
throat , and practice it twice a week , I don't
taro how ofleneive their head may be , it will
clean it out and cure their catarrh. For deafness -
ness and earache it has done wonders to my
certain knowledge. It is the only medicine
dubbed patent medicine that I have ever felt
llko reconimennhig and I am very noxious to
see it in Avery place , for I tell you that I
would not be without it in my house for any
consideration. I Inn now suffering with a pain
liku rheummtiaum in my right limb , and noth-
lag relieves ma like 1/somas' .Ece4ric ( Oil. "
Dr , K. F , Crane , Corry , l'a.
Appointnionts and Nine Spots.
WAN111NOTON , November 21. - The
president hvas appointed John R. Tans
nor , U. S , marshal for the southern dint
trict of Illinois.
Time National League base ball association -
tion is in secret session hero. All clubs
represented. Young was re elected ace-
rotary and time championship awarded to
time Bostolln.
Y i !
j x
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'A r ud'
ire. r q t Arark 1
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4' !
, pfd , 11r q 'vk l
lw i
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d its n
> a sna l {
CL -bLI )
el rtes
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbaqo , Osckuhe. Beadacho , Toothache ,
fur. . ' . . ud's. ' I s ir'"ltlii'wrnlscM. ' ,
Ain Aft 0011.11 UmnLY I'AIiM Aail funs.
.L 1D Ururrl e..ud Ue.l.r.erur.atrc. Flnr Ceu" anise
Ulr.ciloi lu 11 LYUSu.rrY.
TIIN. CII1ilLltw A 1'ntllIdIt : fa.
C. E. MA'YNE & c0. ,
1509 f aroam Street , - - Omaha1 Neb ,
Hard & Soft Coal
- - -
'Write for Pricns.
e E1
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
Proprietors. Superintendent ,
OmahaironWorks ,
U. P , RAI1J WAY , - - - 17TH & 18ThI STREETS
' } , , lie ia'f r I 'L , ' I
sr , y r i II
, y'4 ntVM . , + I . . ! .1 . .1 . . .1 , : 'S. , . , .fLCSt . . . , , . Sh { ! ' r
r set-t t w..w. - e. t + s ! : , v + ' I
' + ' t I - ' - l"tit , rl" " , , qfit. / . , 0 , n.r , t , . + 'y , qt SQ , a .
+ t , , . ' y nf'ili M41 A 'tYar ' ) 1"1 T , , pjl , . , , '
; 'ih , . c t $ 'F - s-itlvi ' . t'h.'hlh ; 'b , . . . wi ' , - t _ , +
i , , + " , r . , yq ! ' '
k ' i 11'e
; r + hbir l , d Ill
: „ r "del yl ( a , " I t q r Y , n , s
Stenm Eines oiIors
Mill Drain Machinery !
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth ?
a I
. . ,
G ; , k5 rQ n
' ' , Yl 3' ' + I , hs err
a y. . i ° ' ' $ l . ti .
. .
® r :
We are prepared to furnish plans and estinmates , and will contract for i
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , frran Stone to time Roller systt in.
Q "Especial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any purpose -
pose , amid estiaiales made for same. General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Address
. i
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Alining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Steam Packing at wholosalu and retail. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Tarnam St. , Omaha Neb.
'MAX MEYER t y COg , :
A , m
u i
j 1
Roina Victorias Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $ G
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
Brigands. ,
! ItY ! . > , , t.a. . , . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . , . . - . - ' r v ii i
: r
- , - - _ .