, - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -r . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - : - ' _ ; _ . THE DAILYBE _ UMAHA , WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 2 ! 1b83. - I ; iii DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Wednesday Morning , Nova 21. Tito Woather. For the upper Missiipp an(1 Msuouri valleys-local rains with slightI7 warmer nnd prt1y cloudy wcatliot stAtionary Or lower barometer. LOOAL BREVITIEF3. -Trvo1 will bo llght tmUt after Thank'i ghing. ghing.Very -Very few Nebrasknn regIt.crod at the 1otea In tlila city ycsterttay. -The Thnksgtvlitg turkey ffttt.enoth while the mouth of the epicure runnoth water. -lilmobaugh & Taylor , Omaha , sell lufTalo U. S. St.tfl(1atd ca1o. Write for prlce. n8ltn -The work of laVIflg the alloys fi progro. . lng nobly and will probably ho completed by C1irltma. -The opening bafl of the Motropolltan club will take I)1ICO at } 'alconor' hail Wodnu.day oycnln ovcmbor 28. -There were two cases of dItur banco of tim pcce in police court yo8tarday. One 'of the partto paid a fine of $5 and costs1 while the other was committed. -It was reported in the streets yesterday that & .irummcr had beoii robbed at the l'axton hotel , of 350 iocket kxiivcs , but upon 1nvotigation it was founti to ho entirely without truth. -11ev. ii , W. Brown , of Chicago , arrived ill the city this morning cml will preach this cvoninr in the liaptist church , and ovary eve 3ling this week except Saturday evening. lie will also give l3iblo readings every aftorr.oon at 3 o'clock. Alt are cordially invited to those aervices. -The roylyal ot the South Omaha M. ] . church Is Stilt in progress with no decrease of Interest. TMt night twonty.ono wore at the altar for praycr , a number of whom were blesod with tim light of salvation. Six united witii the church and others manifested their desire for prayers. Meeting to.night at 7:30. : -The fedorat court was occuplod yesterday witli Itoynohis vs. li'razor , a civil caso. The testimony is now all in , and the argument will ho opened this morning. ! .liio case of McVcy , charged with countosfelting , comes up to-day. -Max Meyer & Bce. have placed a hand. omo now dial over the box chico at the opera house. -Tho exhibitors of the mammoth bones packed up what is loft of the aupposod mammoth - moth man yesterday , and loft by the way of a : raft down the river to Platthmouth , whore the exhibition will next be made. -It Is 8UIpOSOl ( that the order closing aaloon at midnight will be generally com plied with. -Messrs Ed. I ? . Ohinu anti Isaac Now , of Lincoln , have determined to remove their wholesale cigar business to Omaha , nod to . LI I that end have leased a large room in Camp. f boll's block on Douglas street , opposite the .l iUh1ard hotel. Messrs. Chinn & New are good business soon , and have already a more than state-wide reputation. They are ro i . 1 moving to Omaha as a bettor Hold for extend. Ingiheir already large trade. They will be a . I. 'welcome addition to the business circles of u Omaha. r I -J. S. F'ulton , of Essex , Ta. , lies sold to the Omaha fire department a very fine span of - y black horses. . -Among the now bueincss enterprises soon to open in Omaha , is that of Flarshoini & 1' Cronor , wholesale liquor doalor. This firm vill open in Campbell block , oposIto the Millard hotel , about December 1. I -The funeral of Richard Curry. was held under the auspices of the colored Masonic lodge , at the rooms in Little's block , yestor. day afternoon. The services wore largely at. tended by the colored people of the city. -If people who desire to visit would find obme other time and ilaco aside from at the close of an entertainment and the stales and hallways of the opera house , it would be a ' - , . great convenience to a large majority of the frequenters of that vlaco. It I. difficult toget Into the street in less thou twenty zidnutos aftertlio curtain falls uion the last act. -Fannie Driscohl , against whom there is a state complaint for robbing a man of 870 , was brought over from Council Bluffs last evening f and i.lacod in jail. hIorrolh.nlnary . oxainina. t tion will probbIy be called to-day. -Word was received yesterday by the Omaha yahoo force that 2-I ! pockot.knivcs and a lot of razors had boon stolen from a drum- mer'a. samples at a hotel In 1lattsinoutlL. ! This information was telephoned to the l'axton , which lrobably account. ; for the rumor that a ' 1 lot of knives had beau stolen at that house. PERSONAL. . ½ 'V. . Ii. Franklin and wife , of Lincoln , are at the Millard. J E. Grace and wife , of North l'latto , are at the Millard. J. 0. ] lurcb , of Wyinoro , is an arrival at f.ho Millard. Bert 1tioils and family1 of Cheyenne , are at the Millard. P. P. Oooic and A. Buchanan , of Oakland , h arrived at the Millard last evening. Ooo. A. Brooks , of liazilo Mill. , Is regis. terod t the Millard. Gee. Berry , of Valentine , is at the Paxton. Church howe , of Auburn , arrived at the " l'axton last evening. N. 13. 1arwood , attorney , of Lincoln , caine up lastovoning on courtbusineas , and Is attho l'axton. L. B , Summer , of York , is a 1'xton su-rival. N. B , WMter , ; of Nebraska City , ii ro- giscrcd at th P ten , Charles , E. tiudrey ( , ( city engineer for the Lincoln fire department , is in the city. U.ST , E. Don4oy , of ltrcmont , arrived in the city yestrday afternoon. . 'V. . Ii. Michael , of Grand teland , was among yosterday'i. arrivals In the city Funeral of J. B. DclwhIor. The funeral of J. 13. Dotwilorwihl take 1dico fromtho First Presbyterian church , corner i3eyontecnth and Dodge etroot thu afternoon , ( Wedneaday ) at 2 o'clock , Roy. Win. J. fltu-slaa officiating. rTh , Masonic and lCsilght Templar Ic Iodgoa , of which ho ivas a hiromialent snonibor will attend In a body anti escort the remains from the house to tILe graj. 'rhe board of trade will alao attend in a body. 1r r L . Ii F CITY COUNCIL The Business Bone at Iho llon1ar Ne1in. iii Amount of Itnifi moVork Attend. 0(1 tc-MIscohlaICOIls Matters , At ( lie regular meeting of the city couti- dl last evening there wore ItCsCtIt ? Iessrs. Anderson , Behm , DunhiamlCauf. mann , Loeder , Murphy , ] iedfioldThrano and Woolworth. lion. Chins. Kaufinann presided. The journal was road anti approved. rnTIrtor4s ANI ) ( OMMUNIOATIONS. From the mayor : Approving the ordinance dinanco changing tim grade of Ouming street , between Twanty.socond and Satin. dora ; also an ordinance ordering the grading of Farnam street from Twenty- ninth street to city limits ; also an ordi. nanco levying a Ux and assoasment on certoin lots abutting on St. Mary's ave nuo. . etc. Filed. From the mayor : changing tIm grade of Onining street between Twonty.sccond and Saundora otroeL Approvod. From the city marshal : charging W.V. Armour of tim police force , with dorohic. tion of duty , and requestinghifathecliargo. Referred to tIm oiiiiiittco on Police. From the mayor : transmitting a cent. munication from the city marshal in regard - gard to tIm croola who make Omaha their winter headqunrtors. Aiso suggest. ing that the present police force , twenty strong , is inadequate to perform the aor vices rcquircd , and that thin force be in- croasod. Itoferred. From the chairman of thto board of public works : Transmitting bill of Ii. T. Lamprey for wooden aprons , ainouitthiig to $038. Referred. A number of bills wore referred with. out reading. From Bogga Hill , ct al. : Asking per- inissicu to build and operate a street rail. way front the present terminus of the Saunders atroot car lute to and through Omaha View addition , and asking that a committee be appointed to cotifer as to dohils. Referred. From the city vator works company : Notifying the city that certain fire hydrants ordered are ready for use. ito. ferred. From M. A. Higgins , requesting a reduction - duction of personal assessment on account of error. Referred. From A. ii. Sander otal. : Asking for a change in widths of sidewalk fromSiun. dora street west , on ( luming street , from 13 to 10 foot. Referred. From Alvin Saunders : Making a report - port of life action as trustee of tlio city of Omaha. Referred. From James Croighton anti. others : Asking permission to construct a storm water sewer on ] 3'arnam street , east of Fifteenth street , at the expense of the projorty owners. Referred. irom S. Larson : Asking for a release - lease from certain sidewalk taxes. Granted. Front Messrs Swoosy and Livesoy : Asking for the transfer of thto contract for city printing from The Omaha Daily Union to The Omaha Evening Dispatch , the mine publication tinder a now naino. Referred. From G. Vi. Smith and others : Re. questing that paving district No. 10 be paved with the least possible delay. Re. ferrod. From Chief Enincor Butler : In ye- jard to the enforcing of the ordi- mmcc prohibiting the use of fire by- drants for other titan fire purposes. Re- ferrod. From lot owners cast of Eighth street on Farnam : i'rotoating against the cots- struction of the Farnnsn street aoworoast of Eighth atroet. Referred. . ItESOLUTIONS. By Hascall , instructing tIm city attor- by and city engineer in regard to as- acasmetit for curbing and gutteritig. Action postponed to Thursday evening next. By Kaufinanu , instructing the No. braska Gas Light cotnpany to reinevo the lamps on the alloy in Twelfth street , be. teots Jones and Leavenworth , to the southeast corner of Twelfth and Jones. Adopted , By Itedhiold , to croct a gas lamp at the southwest corner of Capitol avenue ami Fourteenth street. Adopted. ' By Leader , instructing the liiof wigi. steer to ecU a certain liorso owned by the fire department. Adopted. By Woolworth , , to rescind a resolution forbidding city oflicors front purchasing supplies or material except asprovided by law. Adopted. By Woodworth : Instructing the board of public works to construct a catch baiu at the southeast corner of Four- teouth and Leavenworth streets. Adopted. Several resolutions ordering sidewalks were adopted. ltEt'OIttS or consxrrrnng , i'ubhio property and improvemouto : Recommending adoption of idat of Cort. land i'laco. Adopted. Streets and gnulos : In favor of grant. lug the 1)otiLiOu ofVillhun A. Paxton and others in regard to lnniistaitiing the area way in block 188 , back of the Paxton - ton hotel , and fixing the conditions. Adopted. on police : Allowing bill of Nebraska Fuel company. Adopted. O1LIINANOEL An ordinance establishing a uniform curb hue on tim east anti west aides of Saunters street was road twice and ro- furred. An ordinance ordering alloys in alloy paving districts Nos. 25 , 26 and 28 , paved with Sioux Falls granite and ro. pealing part of ordinance 641 , ordering the same paved wiLls Colorado suid stone , Was passed. Au ordinance creatinj certain addi. tional avmg districts us the city of Omaha , was road twice and referred. A motion to adjourn was carried. - flucklms'.i IxiiIea 3ahvo , The greatest medical wonder of the woiJ , Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Outs Ui. coos Salt hiheum , Foyer Sores Cancers tiles , Ciiiblains , Corns , Totter , dhsappod hands , and all skliz eruptions , guarnntooZl to cure in every instance , or money refunded. 25 cents Or box - . 'Wedloclc , The first wedding ceremony that has beets solemnized in the now 'rriiilty Cathedral , took iilaco Monday isight in the nuptials pf 1r , William Spaulding and Miss Kate Cochran , Tilel cot-duels > ' was porfornicd by Dean Millspaugh , in the jtreseuco of the vostrysnon of the church aziti a large .uiiibor of thso uzionda of the conti-actitur parties. Mr. Spaudlng ! , the groom , is a bookkeeper - keeper Iii the office of J. B. Boyd and is a dorsorvodly popular young mass , while Miss Cochran , the bride , has boon In the . - - - employ of MUhard & i'ock , commission merchants , and is a lady who enjoys the 1.1gb . esteem of all hot associates and ac qunintancea. After the ceremony the friends of the youii 1.001)10 . wont to the hiosno of the bride a parents. where an elegant supper was prepared. The presents were as tel. lows : From Messrs. Millard S Peck , , a solid silver tea sot ; front csnployes of Md. lard i l'ccka solid silver watersot ; Miss Fay Babcock , a solid silverwator pitcher. The boys at the packing house ave a narlor hicatinir stove and set of kitchen hirniture. Mr. Max hiechit gave a solid silver butter dish , Mrs. Ooodnyear a set of solid olIver nrspkiii rings , Miss Jcnnio Lawson , of Mohine , a solid silver cake basket , the bride's parents a China tea set , Mr. and Mrs. N. Conley , a bed sPread ? Mr. 511(1 MrS. .1. Coitloy it set of solid silc'er knives and forks , etc. Thin young couple embark upon the ntatriinonial sea with the best wishes of a largo circle of friends , and life never presented - sontod as bright a side to thorn as it hiss to-day , and we trust that it may over bo so. - A ittiti on a lrug Htoro. Never was such a nishs made on any ( hrug store as Is now at 0. F. Goodman's , for a trial bet tIe of lr. ICing's Now 1)lscovery for Con. eiiiflltiOn ) , Coughs and Colds. Au lOosOitS affected with asthma , bronchitis hsoarsciiess severe coughs or any affection ? tue throaL itnil lungs , can got a trial bottle of this great remedy ( ree by calling at above drug store. Itovuln& lzo 81 00. THE GLEE OLUB OONOERTI The TIIrd Antiuni Concert Crowned Vitli Hiieeosg-Miiie. AntySlier. win Crowned Vlth Glory. A large and faaliioiiable audience gathered - ored in the opera hiotiso Inst evening to listen to the programme prepared for the third annual concert of the Omaha glee club. Tiso Glee club have won a warm place in the hearts of the citizens of Omaha , btit no inoro so titan they do. nerve , and iastnighit's performance added hoW laurels to their already well crowned brows. Tim active members of the Glee club were all attired in full dross suits , with black tics , and each gentleman wore a small buttoisholo boquot. As thin curviin rose and they stopped forward for thin first number , they pro. sented a truly pretty appearance , and the selection was acarcohy half fiuiishiod when a whole bushel basketful of boqucts was carried foroward and laid at their foot , transforming the stage into a veritable garden of roses. This , however , did not prevent thorn from finishing the selection - tion in a grand inanisor , and their efForts elicited hearty applauso. Thin piano duet by Miss Diliranco aiid Mr. Cairn , on two pianos , was in every respect worthy of thin hearty applause which it called forth at the close. At the close of thin piano duet there was a caitti , as the star of the evening. Mine. Amy Shieriwn , stopped upon thin stage , whoti shin was greeted with a riund of applause. Her noloction was "Coino per Mo , La Sonanibula , " by Bollini. Of Mmo. Sherwin's singing naught can be said but praise. Her voice iii superb , being a pure , clear soprano - prano , and while thin tipper tonpa are taken with perfect ease and in an excellent - lent maniior , her middle and lower register - tor is equally as pleasant. Shin line per- feet control of hior voice at all times , and her tones are all round and clear cut. She is not in the least affected in her singing , but is graceful and easy in her manilor , and won the hearty sympathy of her au ienco. Site has , without doubt , ingratiated herself with thin ntusio-loving people in this city , and should shio over return , yihl be accorded a hearty rccop. tion. At the close of her selection , the aplnuso was long and almost deafening , but was only rewarded by a graceful bow from the favorite. Vogel's "Vocah Walt ; " which was thou sung by the Glee Club , is a boauti. ful composition and was rendered in thin clmracteristio good Btylo of the chub , after which an encore was responded to by thust good old song "Thin Old Oaken Bucket , " with Itir. Northiup as soloist. "Aiirsvers , " by Mine. Ii. D. Estabrook was well executed and the lady received a hearty encore , to which she responded wills another selection. "Oti tint lilmi Daiiubo , " as sung by the tunic qisartetto , composed of Messrs. NortlnipVilkins , Deuci tutu EsL't- brook , vas excellent , but would prob. ably have becit more satisfactory to Mr. Northiup hind his voice not boost isa- laired by hoarsetiess. Mine. Sherwin thou sang 'Per ilollo Radio , " by rort , in a most acceptable utaitnor , at the close of which shie was the recipient of three beautiful baskets of flowers and iii ackitowlodginont of thin hearty applause Mine. Sherwin favored her hearers with another sniec. Lion. Lion.The The selection , "Ilymis to fisisio , " by thin club was up to thin atatidard in every Particular. This was followed by "Within a Mile of Edinboro Town , " by Mmn. Sherwin , and iii response to an cucoro shin sang ' 'Coining 'Vhirough the 11yo. " 'rite irograntiiio wasclosedby "Gather. ing Rome" , by the club , wills Mr. Northrup iii thin solo hart. Thin entortaimnett was a success in every partictilat- , and had thin club re. cowed their just deserts at the hiands of tim public there would not have been any empty seat iii tIns house. Vo1I Rewarded. A liberal rovart1 will ho void to tiny party who vIlI Protluce a case of Liver , Khtinoy or Stomach complaint that Electrio Bitters will not poodily cure. hiring thom along , it will cost you isothilug for the medIcine if It fails to cure and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besitles All Blood iliseases , Bilious. 110551 .hsuntlico , Constipatloit azid general dob. lIlly are quickly cured. gaurtinteod or money refunded. Price only fifty cepibi l'r ' bottle. For sale by C. F. Goouuw. Irish National League. A special nteetiiig of the Irish National League of America will be held at their hall on Douglas street , \Vednesday oven. lug , November 21st. All snoitibors are requested to be iu-esoiiL Also all members of thin B. Is ! . A , afiufiating branch , . Business of importance is to be traits. acted , iii connection vi'Js the reception of I Thomas Urezitisut , of Ireland. - JflEl ) . ILU4ETT-In Omaha , November 18 , of con. isumptioti ' Stuart . llullott , at the rusl. dance of I'd. sister , Mrs. Samuel Bliest , . , This r"inaini. wore sent to Adrian , Michigan , I for intennoat. A NEW ENTERPHISE. A Nw all yet an O1 Bnsus ! Oeuc in Offlaha , 'tlr .T , S. Iticlnrisou haN Opencti ISIS Office in hits City for the liitro. ( luotion ( ) fI'fly'R MiiihItt LiisIlllng Material , Omaha people , 1)articlllarly her bust- noes mcii , always sthiid ready with outstretched - stretched arms to welcome nity ono who comes within her borders to engage in legitimate business , of whiatovor branch , and arc tint in any way slow to under. stand and npprociato a good thing when it. is brought before their notice. Tue latest acquisition to Omaha's bush. floss circles comes in the person of Mr. J. S. Richardson , general State agent for Nebraska , Kansas and Iowa foe Fay's Water-proof Manihla Building Material , for covering outside and lining inside of buildings. ILls also rondo into Carpets and Rugs. Mr. Richardson comes freiti Emporia , Kansas , whore ho line been ho- cated for a year past. llisobjectincom. itig to Omaha is the same which brings hiutidrods of business mcii to ourcity , attracted - tracted by the business outlook of thin place , its ox ohlontahipping facilities and its inasiy great advantages as a business center , titus making it thto best point for distributing purposes in thin west. The inanilla building material which Mr. Itichiardoon purposes to introduce in this locality and state is now to this ira- mediate section , but in the east , whiero it is istanufacturod , it has stood the isiost severn tests for sovontooii years , during which tiiuo it line boots in constant use , and has proven beyond the possibility of a doubt that it is to be thin material for roofing , siding , coiling , niud even carpet. lug , in thin future. It takes thin place of shingles , being water-proof , snow-proof , wind-proof and almost climate-proof. It is put on the same as a tin roof and when covered with a coat of 1taint , will wear-nobody knows how long , as some of it has boon in cots- ataiit usn since its first introduction , soy- otitcen years ago , mid is , to all appearances - ancos , in as perfect a state of preserva- tioii as whets first laid upon the roof. For hitting it is equally as good , and is used largely in the East , being entirely difl'ereiit from any other shooting or liii. itig , in that it requires no wood over it atid will outwear wood. It is also used extensively for coiling purposes. In fact a house can almost be constructed with Fay's itnitihla Building Material alone and that too , at a cost of about two- thirds what wood costs for the mine purposes. In a country like this , where our timber is fast disappearing , this is a grand thing and cannot fail to nicet with the hearty reception to whiich it is justly entitled , and when presented too , at thin hands of a gentleman like unto Mr Itichardson. At lila office , No. 3i South 12th atroot , where Mr. Richardson heartily invites every citizen of Omaha to call , lie has a large line of samples of the waterproof manilla for rooting , siding , coiling , and also for carpeting It is made into rugs of all descriptions and BiZOS , carpets of all designs and widths. It is fast taking thin place of oil-cloth , and while oil-cloth is manufactured from earth and is very cold and disagreeable to place the bare foot upon on a cold morning , thionianihla rug is only as cold as thi % temperature of the room , therefore - fore being niuch more pleasant , besides which it is far morn durable. Carpets , with borders , are prepared for any size of room deairad. Mr. Richardson is simply introducing the material , and will place it in the htaisda of competent and reliable dealers , but the retail trade will be supplied for the purpose of iatroduction. L5 a man Mr. itichardoon comes into our midst wills the highest recommends- tiotta for uprightness , integrity , and fair dealing in all business transactions. He is a pleasant gentleman to meet , being agreeable , ailhiblo , and a gentleman who is exceedingly well posted on general topics. The following clipping front the Eniporia ( Kansas ) Daily Republican , of whiich Gov. Eskridgo is editor , might be pertinent : "R. D. Thomasof thin firm of Thomas & Joitos , grocers , hiss purchased of J. S. ltiehardson the nice suburban property fronting on Twelfths avenue ; considora. tion , $2,800. Mr. Richardson will leave to-day for Omaha , which place hie will make hiia future hioino , that city being , as ho tliinlce , a bettor distributing point for isis business.Vn am sorry to losolr. ltichiardsoii and hits estimable family fl om die business nuid. society circles of Etitio i.ia. Miss 1"loroiico and Miss May will be missed by their young friends niud schoolmates , who uvill regret that circuni- stances COtiulOl thin separation. Mr. and Mrs. iliclizirdoon will carry with them to their new imine the high cstooin of our entire community , and thin best ivishtea of all who know theist for their future hap. Iiitess and trosperity. " Mr. itichiardooti desires to base a house of cighit or itliso rooms with a entail barn upon thin placn. Any one having mcli a property for rout will find a good tenant by calling ulpoit or addressing him. lie Juts come to stay and his estimable lady and dauhtera , will at once identify thsmiusolvea with thin social circles of Osnahsit , a 'will Mr. Itichardoon wthi its business intorcats. TWO I'LEAStNT DANCES. The Eiiiiitct Giiarbs aitd tliol'ioneor hook situ Ladder Conipany. Two very pleasant and successful dances were given last evening. One was by the Enimet Guards , at Cunning. limit's hill on Thirteenth street and the other by thin Pioneer hook and ladder colitpaiiy at Orouiiso's hail on Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue. Thu nlfltir given by thin Pioneer fire. Ilnili was their first annual coinphiinen. tary ball and sociable. The hargo halt was crowded , The fire boys and their friends wet-c on hand in grat iiuinbors. Thin programme ivas a lengthy one. In addition to the regular daiicing there was a sociable , aiid these uvhso couldn't dance were given a chance to talk. Be. tweet thin dances brief addresses vure delivered by prominent citizeita , Sonie 'ocal utusic was also furnished. Thin U P brass band iuid Irvine's string baud furiiishiud the niusio for the dancers. A supper was givoui at'thiu , 'rroitoit , reatau- rant. The various committees slid ovoryh1ng possible to zuako this ovuLitu1 an enjoyable one for those who attended. There was a largo attendance at the Emmct Guards' lall. The hall was decorated wiLls Irish and American flags nitsi banners. A large portrait of Ronert Emmet , after whom thin orgatuzatiotu is named , and a hilancss of l'arnehl wore hanging conspicuously tiloii the walls. Thu evoning's prograntuilo ivita a lengthy 0110 , There ivero over 100 couples ill nttoiidaneo , which Is quite encouraging to the Guards , for tim opening of thin spasout. Thin music was furnished by Irving's orchestra band. A HOTEL 1AIDED. Tliloves Visit Peter Goes' lintel Yes- tcrday-A. Smith Aiiioutit of Money Obt'tl tied. . . At an early hour yesterday a thief entered tim Gees hoLd , on Farnain street , between 15th and lOthistroets , and inakitig a tour of saves-al of the rooms succeeded in getting hold of $10 or $12. The outside hail door isleft unfastened all night and and it was through thtts way that the thief entered. A number of the boarders am itt thin hiabit of leaving their room doors utilockod , and this morning ono of theta was awakened and somewhat surprised to find a unati in his room , but thinking that it was one of thin other boysand that by accideiit hue had strolled ill there ho said nothiiutg. One of thin boarders this morning found his patita- loons lIt tIm hall minus $10 or $12 which he hind. left in thio pockets last night. This was the extent of the Property taken , and after runtaging urotind a while thin visitor took his departure. No clue him boon obtained to thin thief. Notice , Thin members of Covert Ledge , No. 11 , A. F. & A. M. , are requested to meet at tnsoxiio hail at 1 p. in. Wednesday , for thin purpose of attending thin funeral of our deceased brother , J. B Detvilor. Monibers of St. Ju > lin's Capital and sojourning - journing Maaoiis in good standing are in- riLed to lie present. By order of Vi. ii. TIlE GERMAN ThEATRE. Mrs. ICiafl'c FroyAppeared as ' Iob- orals" Sunday Night anti Made a Decides ! lilt. The German theatre in this city was thronged on Sunday evening last by our German friends to witness Mrs. KrafFt Frey in " Doborah"ii , Mosenthial's mob. drama. Therewero quite a number of Hebrews present and they worn deeply interested in thin play to the close. The story turns upon thin persecution the Jews suffered at the hands of time Christians - tians in Austria , and Herr Mosonthal has worked out an oxtremelyabsorbing play , in which thin heroine , " Deborah , " is represented as receiving thso cruelest treatment at the hands of thin so-called Christians. " Deborah" is loved byTe - eph [ herr Molchiin ] , and this amour is the cause of thin racket " Joseph" wants to buy " Deborah's" consent to leave the country , and with that object in view Ito seiids thin schtoolmastor [ Herr Bass. reis ] on thin mission. Thin schoolmaster finds a woman at thin hut of the Jews who takes the purse and lremises to go to Bohemia to persuade "Deborah" to go with her. Thorn is sonic deception played - od here , amid "Joseph" is given to under. stood tLat "Deborah" has played hint false. After considering this for a few moments "Joseph , ' decides to ntarrv "Hannah" [ Muse. I'uhs.Ahi ] which lie ad'- cordingly does. But as the Priest [ herr Puts ] is about to tie tim indissoluble knot which will malce thin interesting pair of One flesh , in jumps "Deborah , " and in a trat'io voice exclaims , "I forbid thin banmis. " Considerable uproar - roar ensues , and the marriage ceremony is indefinitely postponed , After many years "Deborah" comes to the conclusion that shin can no longerivo ] in the same village with the fickle aflianced , and she determines to emigrate to Anierica , and at thin latest accounts was keeping a mnilhiitory store in Omaha , whore she is passing a sonmewhiat chock. erod career iii comparative peaco. She oftemi thtinks of the little village in Styris. But thi'ts does not prevent her front executing cuting all orders entrusted to her wiLls promptitude and dispatch. 'lhio parts wore all well sustained throughout , amid elicited hiearty applause. Mrs. Frey was several times called before tIme curtain , and llerr Baurcis received quite nit ovation , Thin German theater was iiover iii so prosperous a condition as it is to-day , and the success is due largely to thin uititiring efibris of Mr. Baureis. Time Musical Union orchestra furnished the nitisic on Sumtday iiight , whiich was good. good.itOY4 k'MhLO L1W' AKIfI POWDER Absolutely Pure. This 5)OWtIOT never sane. . A marvel ci ptirl'y strengl and wholesonieiic , , . Morn economical tlisii the odinary klinls , aiitl c.aiinot be sold ii , coins cOtton lththoiuuitttud , of low test , short , eight , aluni ci rlw.sthsts posr. Sold only to pans. Iloyst bak. it'g I'owIer Co. , iQO W.iI Struct Niw York. SPECIAL NOTIOES. rspeolals will Positively not be inserted matisse paid in adyanco. TO.LOAN-Ioney , ' 5' t I ONIY To LOAN In bum. ( 'I iOO , or umore on 1 L long time 4 01 pir cent pcr annum by 4. SL I'atteroei .kCo. , 1501 uarnain St. 1'ONttY I4ANnD-Ou , chatisi .ccrjty 0. II. Iii h. CQ , LIQ'J sruiiu St. 344uni $ . - . - - - hifants and Children Without Morphine or Nnrootlnn. What gives our Children rosy cheeks , % hat cures their tevers , makes theft steep ; Tl ( nstrlm When flabIcq trot , and err hr turns Vhat cures their cello , kflls iheir worms Thit Ciuitnria. What quickly cures ConstIpatIon , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion : Hut Cntorlrt , Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor 011 ansi l'aregoric , and ifail Castorl. Centaur LInImont.-Ab- sointo euro for Risoumatiam , Sprain. , Bn.rzos , Gaibi , &o. , anti an ijiatantanooun Pain..roliovor. ffONnYTOLOAN-Thoiowest rates of lntrost jNJ _ Uemls' Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas. 234.tI 1 lONEY TO LOAN-Call at t.w once of I ) . L. .iNJ Thomas , room 8 , Crelghton lilock. 'I1ONnY TO LOAN-3. T. lmcatty osna on chattel lvi. property , 213 South 14th St. SeptiS ! ELP WA1'lTlit ) . 1yANTgD.Agoottb1acksiidthongcncrA1Jobbte 1 antI torso stoolng at Muldoon's shops lath an tcavcnworh , 1't7ANTiD-i'rcsI tecdcr ad boy at 100 north lath n trcot. 570.22 1ANTD-O0i cook anti second rIrl. Tnpiiro S between 0 and it a. in. MISS. CIIAS. WILI.S , 2315Ve1tcr street. 875.20 ' 1TAN'iED-A good adertlIng solicitor , S 's 1 cor. 16th and Douglas , room 3 , up..talr. . . 878.21' , 7tNTED-A tow men with conveyances to take ' orders lii the country for nurecry stock. Also a couple good city sikucn hi shrubbery , 110w. Cr , , eta Addrcos 1. II. iIIto t , Council liiufTs- Nursory. iilooiningtoii , ( L'hoeiiix ) of ill. 877-501 1-U AlITED-Tem good orpcntcr at 412 Tenth St. , V V i etwe'n ilarnoy and howard. 880 2t 7ANTED-A good German girl Good ragcs IaitI , 8i7 south 18th trect , 4th tiouo south of Lcavcnwortb. 56320 TXTANTED-A good cook , unshor oLd lrnvr , iSOO IV Chicago etrect. 04 231 - neat , quiet gnl todo second work V \TAT1-A faintly. AiyS. 1 , cor. Seth and CalIfornIa stretts 568.2L \TANTE'- ° ' ' for general housework In f&'rIly of two , 10i4 Ilosard sire 5. E67.211 T- ' ° -T" ° canvascrs for the Installincnt book trade. Cninlsslon. paid weekly , rcoin C and 7 Everett , block Council Bluffs Iowa. 540.24 1TM ° - book keeper willIng to do general 1 wttlngbup rtnttnding ai 4lIco at once. Ad- dresa "EwpIo3 or , " city. SSS 20I I ' - at the i'artsiaia millinery , toro \TAN'lED-iliIlIncr V 10th near Davenport. 800-20 UTANTED-TwentY Itborers. Ii. 3IANNW ElI - , I LEiI , 11th near Farnam. 821 2J 1101111 MAKEIIS-Two ftrstiss we kmnen wanted - B ted at Omaha Broom Works , 15th nutS Paclfc Si. 820.20' - % TANTE1) - Cook and chamber iiiaid , wages $1.00 V V per weck. Appiy 2i16 Chicago 5k. 813.211 A- Young unmarried lady wanted forthwith at Sockeye Meat Market , to dogenerni housework , corner of iOth and Mason. 700.tf 17ANTEU-A good solicitor one acquainted with V V ti , serial book trade , Territ ry , Kansas. Room 6 Aol 7 Evrotts bock : , Council Biuffs is. 7821 % ? ANTF3D-Agoot dining room girt immcdiately V V at Occidental Hotel. 770.tf 7ANTEi-l.ocai aenth In Nebraska to represent V V our nursery t0ck For terms address S. 0. PALISER , Kansaa City , Mo. , ornloomington , Ill. nov 14 i7-21 24 IATANTKD-Oirl for general housework , at 1020 V S Douglas street. 745-tf 'rTAN'ED-aiesinais for cacti county in the U V S S. $75 and expense , . Good. soid by sample. Send stamp. LA RELLE MFG CO. , Chicago , lii. 000.135 cod , 11 ANTLU-000d girt , tot good ksi.nlIe. . Best y y Apply iaaniiedistely St. employment bureau 217 N. 10th Ot. No. olilco too. 022-if SITUATIONS WANTED. TANTED-A situation as dining room girl In. V I' quire at 1108 Leavenworth street. 860-201 1TANT'S't"t' ' ' ° ' [ by a y.uny iusn to deV V chores In private f..inlly , for board , and go t school. Addcss 'S. I' . 0. " lieu otlico. 805.221 MISCELLMBOUS WANTa. V TANTED-To buy a second hand double I nggy ltarziess. Address 'Cash , " this oltice. 874-i21 1TANTED-A partner with at least $3,000 to go S Into a good paying busiiiess A machinist pro- fcrable For partinuar. ! , address JOhN F' . IIOQY. V.11 , Springilcid , Sarpy Co. , Nob. 71020' TANI'EI-'rO exchange , do.irablo city ri-siden a for farm hi eastern Nebraska. Api.iy to J. iv LOUNSIIUIIY , 1teaiotate agent , 1551 , and I'arnam 662.ti . _ _ _ mu ISENT--Unhtsos and Lots. IIENT-ilouso live rooms , all cnivciiienees. Fan . at 12 7 t'aciflc street. 879.21' flout IIENT-Furnished rooms 1010 Farnaiis. LI S04.221 . ; ioit IIENF-A turnhhedhouso. Terinsreasoiiab e. 1114 N. 18th street. 8oo.22 ISENT-itooiu. s ith board at moderate rat T gentlemen irefeied. Inquire at 1814 Dave , , . port St. 'ay barttors ai diirud. 81 $ .21f T'toR RENT-Elegant furiiihed rooms 1810 Dodge .1. St. 840.24t ioa 1tnxr-s room cattago 22iid and homey St. 850-221 O Nil furnished room for rent at $10. large ciiongb for two occupants , iOU iYcbsterstrect. 848.0 iUitNlil1EDanduIituruistied rooms 1317 isvcn- ] sort. J ititi3NT.-Neatly furils'ed , room with closet , SI 0 iarorssill ! re't single or cii suit , 8i4 north 19th St. A. 11. i'IIA'I'T. 801.21 1tET-TwournIshal ! ? room. with or without FOIL , , K. corner .f 23rd and Davenport. 810 11 on 1tENr-uroue and large barn No. 1020 N. 1Sti St. , and house aiid bans corner 20th and llowadSts. Wi , , . 1. . MoiiroeUthandlougias St. 83623' ; iout I1EST-Firu nicely furnished rcoiii' at If. Spiegel's furniture ssorc , oliooiW f third hoteL 005-531 . . .U.'oit ' IIENT-Nicelyfurnlsne4 rooiii 1904 Farnam I Street. 007.101 BlT-Two furnished rooms 8. iV. corner Foil and Farian. , 534.23 ; ItKNT-ltoue No. 722 8. iOilSiret t. Jr q'iiro iion at 8 Jonasen' , Jo , re1r tor , corner of Ilarney and 13th St. 823.201 ' jiOlt IIENT-TI rye now rooms cellir stid cistern , $7.11 purmonth. Inquire at 31st and Douglas St. south.est coner. 824.2l IsENr-Iiousu of four 0001111 and kitchen. Foss AMurphy , 420 .outh lIthSt. 7b042 1 Oi 1IENT-A large and small room vth ftrst- clasaboardat lOtS Dodge street. 002.23 . itF.T-A 0 or S roons brck house , . C. F011 , Dasetiport. Call on , einmise. 821.231 r1'o IIENT-i'leaast , rooms , live block. from the _ 1 _ i'ost 0511cc. Information gieii at iUiO Iodgo Street. 840.2Sf itENT-Nicely turut4tlod rooms at 1311 Jack- Pious sozitiL between 18th and 14th. 775201 rO1t LENT-Nicely furiished parlor. Also alcove root , , , sith hay v.lnlow , souti , froisiage , with bed roan , "so suite , " wither without bosid. N. W , I cor , 15th and Farnam streets. 788-ti T'out IIENT-000d house sod barn on north mOth I street , puitable for party using a liulober oh , tem& lucuios Qi 11. ltutuitze , hi National Dank. 1111 UV3Sh1POQflI A regular graduate Is DII , UUIUJflIILIUIt1 medicine. Over txteen 000sndcatWyandottost. years' prrncttoo-twelys In KANSAS CITY , 110. Cbicago. c.l : Authorleed by the stito to twa L. i ' Chronic , Nervoua and i'riate diseases ? s : Asthma , Epilepsy , ilheumatlsm Plies : ff'J.Tspo Worm , 11r1iary , inch Skin Die. kt' ' 1Jrhi casesJ Seminal SYcakncssntght iceee Scauai Dcbi1ityios ( uI Sexual powet Ito. ures guaranteed or mnouiey refnndsd. Chargc , how. Thousands of mo. cured. No Injurious mcdl- clues furnished even tn ntlents at a distance. Con. euttation freS and con.fentlsl-eati no write' ago and expeulence Cr0 linportauL A DOOR toi both sexes- Iiuitraiecl-and circuarq of other Uituigs sent sealed cc we B esnt stimpe. FRKE MUSEIJI ! med n.i.w A POSITIVE box No. 1 wIlt cure any case in four days or less No. 2 wilt cure the moat obtiuto case no matter of how long standing. A//an 's Soluble Modicatbd Bougios No nauseous doses oh ishoh , , , copabla , or cii of san- dat wood , that nra . .ain to produce dyspepia by destroying this costingiof the stomach. i'rlce gt.io Sold by sit druggiat.s , or instiati on receipt of price For further lrticulsr send for circular. P.O. iloxi,6d3. J. C. ALLAN CO. , I 83 John Street. Now Voik. MANHOOD RESTOIED : Alctim clearly imprndoncn , cauqlnncrrous debIt- ItT , preinSturo tteCay ste. , basing trisO In vain aye snows roinedr. ass dlseoeret a simple uteacs of eel - . airs. which lie will send FItEE to hIs fellow-euffeners. AdOres. . .1. U. ILERVES. 4.i Chatbam L New York. .jioit flENT-A nicely furnished rootut at l7l2Caii. .J. fornlabetween 17th and 18th St. 803-221 tOIt IIENV-'Fao room , , one fiirnishcd and on .1 unfurnisbed , 1057 Chicago street. 732-ti ° Tioit RENT-Cottages near 2&I and Clark streets , 1. ho per mouth T. .1. Fitzmoruls , 042 8. 17th St. 1'Olt 1IENT-iioouns In Neirosis National Bank .1. floOding. llot desirable ohllces in the city. Suppiied with hyilraulio elevator and heated by steno. Apply at flank.I 026.tf i7it1iiil'ieaynnt , , as .l- ' desired , four blocks from opera house. Aptly iBOlFarnam. . 475.tf rots IiENT-Furniahed front room , 1724 Dogias 579.f TiOft RENT-Now stro in Toft'g block on Saun. .1 ? , tcra strcot. Onod location for grocery toro , butcior siiop etc. Inquire at Peoples i3aui5. Dodge St. 201,0 -r 'oit I1ENT-liesidonces and storobuOdlnge. BED- _ U FORD & SOUEiS , Beat Estate Agency. Offloo east side 14th street , betwscn Farnam and Douglas . - streeta 792-b r-ion BENT-Furnished rooms on the northwest Jj cor. 13th and CapitoiavenuO. lao-ti Oil LEASE-Four choice lots on 20th 81. , long F 1 time , 217 N , 16th St. J. L. Itarbla 625.tf roit sALt. , SALE-Warchouso property , the best in : tbe Foit . Lc.catct Oil railroi.I track 11. II. 111EV .5 : CO. , Real Fetato Agents , 871.23 S. iY. ( or 15th nuid Far. am. Oil SALli-liotioand lot oil s. 10th snd Centre II I strecta house 5 roouui anti good basement. Lob 00x140. Terms casy. if. Ii. 115118 &CO. , IlosI Iqtate Agents , 870-21 0. iv Cor. 15th and Fnrnam . on SALE-Pm,000 will buy house an 1 lot with I. barn and othuitnprocmonts if sold at once. 855.t c.m : . MAYNII& CO. , 1503 Farnani. TIOIOSALE-Sometluing newcottego5 rooms ctoi. . U eta , pantry , cotiar , ciqtcri , outhouse' , tuuti lob mulloand hail front Po t ohiico , very ciiohp only e250. down , baianco on long t me. C. E ? .IAYNE & CO. , 1503 Farnaun. 955.f TjOR SALE Ott TISADE-Twe first rate light mares .1 ? for heasior horse. Address " 0. A. " lisa othico 854 21te SALV-l.a00 for 2 full ho' , In Shhnn's 2nd r 1 add. , with. a two.story doubia house containing 8 room. ; veryo sy terms or wIll rent the sauna c' cap to apermanciut renter. PAULSEN &CO. 857.20 011 SALE-100 to 15 cords of hard wood , now F 4 beingchoppoI on 'Lowo Farm" oil Coming St. , half isulie west of 3iiitary ! bridge. iVili only ho sold to one purchaser. BEMIS , Agent , 16th and Dougias streets. 83 I-tf TOit SALE-Lease and furniture of boardinghouse .1i cheap. Addreso"B. Ii " Lee o0cc. 840.201 . -I.'oIt SALE-B rber shop doing good busincs and .L' I.good location. Addrswith fuilnainc , "Bar- bet , " this othico , 841.201 SALE-llou.o 24r4) 0 Irooms , lot 00x300 post Ilanscoin l'ark , iow price , easy term , IL. 13. thEY .5 ; Co. , real estate agents , S. W.corner 15th and Farnain , 83. .20 E'tOit SALE-5.000 acres of i'hiie land In Missouri. L 4 handsome resldetices in Sanduiky Ohio. A fine farm in Kansas , autO one In Dakota , to cx- change for Omaha real estate. siuuvzit & BELL , opposite Poet Office. 805-22 17tO1t SALE-Farm 2nuiIeS. iV. of city. InquIre I of Mrs. Meyer 023 N. 10th St. 811-mu . .T-JO1t SALE-An eleauut house of 14 rooms ha hi _ t. room , closet. , well and cistern. Large 10' , lleirnebaugh iaco , on Mt. I'ieasauit ave. , one block west of car line. A bargain. Cail linmouiateiy on 30c'JAOUE , opposite Post Oilico. 702.21 SALE-2& acres w thu house and other improvements - provements very cheap. 700.11 C. K. MAYN it. .k CO. , 1500 Farnam. i-'oit SALE-Li acres , goo.i hou'o , shade trees , .1. large orchard , good location , wiit be soi.i at a great sacrifice for cahi. 793 tO C. I1 ifyNE& CO. , i500Farnam. Foil SALE-IdOC down , bn'anco on long tune. Nice 0 room hotmee. barn stud other iinirovoments. $2,000. Cheap , 800.0 0 , 13. IIAYNE .2 CO. , 1500 Farnain. FOIl SALE-A neatly hurnioliod hotel con- JJoTEL shtiig of 20 roons forsalc in olio of the most thriving tnwi8 iii Easter , , Nebraska , Terous season. ablis , rraso ! , for selling. .oor health. Inquire \V. J. JiAitid , i'ropriotor Madbon Nb. 701.27 lAutE CRANCE-Wo offerforsais at a bargain , IS.j two thoioan'i acres of laud iiu a body. SS'iii make a hue stock ranch , Sir unites from County beat of lluono county. Terms easy. 0 F. DAVIS Ji CO. , 717.tf m55 Fornain street. F01ISAL1I-Merchlaut Tailoring business , svell es. tablishod siud ia lug. Oood reasoils for seiiing. Addrese "U. 0. " lIce 0111cc. 043.tf , on sALu-iariuus in eastern Nebrska. J. iv. : I : ' LOUNSIIUitY , itcal Estate Agent , 15th and Far. usns. 0O1.tf SALE-'acaut half 1ts uear , city. ADo soy. jion Improved half lots at a bargain. .3. iV. LOUNSOUIIY. 15th and Fartiani. 692.tf SALE-Lots 15 and 16 bock 3 llanscoru joa on I'ark aye. , only $050. each , 0i7.tf IIcCAOUE , opposite P. 0. . . - well established BrIck bulnesswithm JiOitSAI.E.-A grounds. 014.tf fdcCAOtlE , odposito P. 0. 175011 SALE-Two lots N. IV. corner of 28th and i ChIcago 031 , InquIre of Ediohn , , and Erickson. 487.tf I1t SALE-Coriier lot Iii Shtiin'e additioji , 5i0tf McCAOUE , oipositu p. o. 011 SALE-Now cottage in good location , $3,000 , F 4 6t2.tf 3ICAUUE , opposite P. 0. Foil SALE-A Iir.t class second hand top buggy , Cati at 1310 llarnoy street , 071 ? SALE-ilcaldenco and buintss property in I'ioa ' all parts of Omaha , and Farm Land. in all past. of the State. BE1)FOIID & SOUID1 , 793.tf 213 hI. 14th St. bet. Farnaun and Douglas. 011 SALE-A number of mortgage , , tirstelac , se. F curity. MCC/LQIJE , opposite I' . 0 , siO.t ( r1t SALE-Two portao.o Doiers , 50 moran i'owoi 1 . FITZI'ATiiIC'lC Aiipiy aS p B. , esa.tf 218 South 15th Street. U'0IS SALE-lions , ad , curlier lot one s1uatj .1. Streat cars at $1,700. siLt ! MeCAOUEoposlto I' . 0. LO1t 8ALK-.UoQd bustutes ensue. , . as 217 ! , . Ib , .J street. J. L. IIAEULE. ONI.tf ; iuit SALIc-At , nbargsiii , a entaIl sitcOrl iishu a aini Cu's hire )000t safr. inquire at thuls oilico.tf tf UrtNrEb-1'o bti' Omaha Ituni Estate for S I toy. . Ccli on MeCAOUE , opoaIto V. 0. 0.s1o.th s1o.th . -l.n1t SALtS-Old newepapers in large i a so all .1 , . qavtltle.attht , CIties. 1ioit SAIl-.Toor ) four residence lots ( coruier , ) .J In i'et location to city , 5114 $ 3IcCAUUE , oppolto I' . 0 , 1vIscELLAz4ioub. \ . . 'fISSES ircuni IittOtIIAItINO I'AIILORS ' .jj Cioak3lakiirgasj.telaity , Il , 11 , cot. flou"ist stud 16th street. 83.2UI 1 T AUIEd desIring intrnctioi in fjermaui wili diii .1.1 a competent teacbcr Id' aply1ng at 1013 Dod.u St. T8 Oif EDWARD U1Hi SIAGISTEIS 08' 1'ALUYS'fltitY AND CONOIIION. At.tST , 303 Toth street , btwee Fanism and lIar. fley , will , stth the aid of guardian ipirit. obtaiotrg 5.0) 000 tiaios of lb past aud preemn , aed the rertalo conditions In Its , future , 1k4a and skuoe wa5 ocdcr , i'ertcct estWsctioa isvatiutacd. _ _