.r 6 1'IiE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , TUESllAl , NOVEMi3Eit 20 ; 1886. t THE DAILY BCE. i COUNCIL BLUFFS. e ' i Tuesday Morning ! Nov. 20. L i ' 8UB3OftII'TION ItATiq : ! B Carder - - - - - - - 20 cents per week Bj M.I - - - - - $ lace per Year oFtaii- I , ) xo. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. , , MINOR MENTION. it 1p 4 { I See Joseph ] toiler's fall goods. Additional local on aoVenth page. II Cheap Railroad Tickets n t Buahnoll' e . I The Round Table moots this ovenng i nt the reeideuco of A. B. Walker. Jolt Jones , the Main street liveryman , Ilea boon the victim of an overcoat thief. L. Holcomb has imamn chosen gas the i , engineer to run the electric light dynamo machtno. Thomas Boucher was run in yoatorday nftornoon for being too drunk to take care of himsolf. Notarial soala-Boat solid motsi baao 03.00. Novelty Works , Fourteenth street , Omaha. Captain Totay is excavating on Main street , near the Creston house , for a roe- taura t building. F. B. Strong yoatorday pluaded guilty to the untquo charge of "raising It-il at I Ida Story's. " It cost him $9,60 , Henry Knoppor received n telegram yoatorday informing him that his broth. + or , who in in Nebraska , was dying. Jennie Mack waa yoatorday brought to the front for being Iho Inmate of a lrouso of ill famo. She was fined $14.10. Loving , the tailor , charged with larceny cony , took a change of venue to Justice Abbott , and secured a continuance. Tim Caughoy has boom arosted for I being drunk , and is lodged in jail lie is to liavo a hearing in Vaughn's court Saturday. Mrs. Gray has sworn out a warrant for s the arrest of L. Burnett , for getting board tinder false pretenses , but ho has not boon found. The Paciflo house folks say they have adopted the Central tftno because four of the railways coming in hero have adopted it , instead of only two. Ernest Lewis , a boy , has been arrest. ad on the charge of stealing ropes , etc. , from Mrs. Woods. Ho gave $100 bends to appear before JusticeVaughan to daY. The olcctricianist for the Pilche , Bowan aC Vaughan electric light arrived last night , and will commence Ida work at once , hoping to have the light going bo taro next Monday. Some malicious follow throw a stone through a roar window of the Boo live block Sunday night , nearly hitting the .colored preacher on the head , an Ito was conducting service thorn. The attachment suit of Thomas Owen vs. Jolt Dongman , before Justice Vauhgn yesterday , drew about fifteen farmers in for witnesses , but the mao . ,1 was continued until the 17th. The case of 1' , ltd. Marco , chargadwith sl ' horeo stealing , has been transferred from ' ' ! hills county to this county , and several pounds of the papers arrived ho , o yother. 1 day for the next term of the District Cert to consider. , { A young man who hired out to a far " zner in f3flvor Crook township , last Sat. I i nrday , to husk born , dlbappearod yesterday day , taking with him $16 boonging to i1 1 fallow husker , 0. Matheson and a hat and pair of bots. ' ( Permit to wed was yesterday granted James R. Lawrence , of Clearwater , . f sae , and MiasM. , Davis , of this city ; i Chris. Larson and Amelia Anderaonboth of this city ; J. A. Brown , of Chicago , and Bertha J. Starr , of Galena , Ill. John Ayres , a young man found wan 11 doring about the streets a few nooks ago and who has an idea data mob fn after him , has been cared for in jail until now. t It becomes evident that ho is insmie , and ho is to be taken to the asylum at Mt Pleasant. Henry Ileecroft , who did some street filling tinder a contract with the city , j p finds that some of the property owners ro [ use to pay the amount.assossod agahtdt them. Ho has commenced suit against two of these , M. II. Baird and J. P. Youlden , claiming of the former $04 , and of tholattor $182. Tlioso will bo seine- what test cases. The mnasquoradu ball given by Abe Lincoln Pbst , 0. A. IL , last evening , proved successful and onjoyablo. There was quite a variety of costumes and much fun , and a goodly amount was realized for the worthy cause of relieving the wants of widows and orphans. To 0. A , It. always makes its social occasions happy ones , aid the veterans seem as onttonprtslnB in peace as they wore valiant in war. Mrs. Alta Arnold , widow of Hiram Arnold , has commenced suit against Peter Riofo and wife for $6,000damagos. She claims that ] her husband got in the habit of drinking by frequenting lUufo'a saloon , and that in August , 1882 , while comma home in an intoxicated couditluu ho fell gfrom the carriage , receiving injuries - juries witch mused his death. ' .Cie plaintiff claims that oho uppfiod Riefe two ears before not to sell her husband any more liquor. But the y paid no at tuition to the notice. Christian Johnson and A. Jolferis have Dean arrested on complaint of W. br. J. Wylie , who claims that they maliciously kilted five littlopigebelonghngtohim. The pigs wore found'ln a pile , shot and their throats cut. Johnson , who works for Jefferis busking corn , and who is a boy , who hsa only lived in this country two . years , says him employer told him to kill the pigs because the were running in Ida hoot. The case is to be tried b Y us taco Hehurz on the 22nd. r Halhy Let7is has fixed up his bonds of ' -97,000 and will tfi awrrow start back witis it to Des Moines , and present it in : parun to the judge. This bndemen are „ . . ' ; : t N'Bspp , J , W. Cbaptnalt , Oeotge " m ' Carson , J. N. Baldwin , P , 0. DaVal , J , L. Farman , Thos , Bowman , 1V. It. Vaughan and W. 0. Jame , , The bonds. mon qualify in over $1101000. The farm. era about Marno wanted as indication of thoirfahlh in Lewis to go on the bond , but the citizens of Council hulls who have known Lewis since childhood , were no less willing , as they have no thought that in his heart lie had any intent of committing - mitting a crime. Cut rates to all points at McAllisler's ticket office , 6Ou Broadway , Council Bluffs , ' ORUMDS FROM ORESTON. A Live City 1 + 'Ilic.l. . 1Jvo Cllitens. Cnr.9ro r , 1a. , November 18.-Creston is the largest and perhaps the most im portant cijy in Southwestern Iowa-ex. copting , of course , Council Bluffs , It is located on the C , , Il , d ; Q. railway , just 104 miles east of the U. P. transfer in your city. It is a railroad town , or at least moat of the lands on which it is built , originally Lolonged to the "Q. " company - pany and thatcorporation yet has greater nonoyed interest hero titan any other party. Creston is the eastern terminus of the division of the "Q. " between hero and your city , and it contains extensive maclihno shops of different kinds and employs - ploys hero constantly a good sized army of mon. The population numbers at least 71,00 and among them are a largo per cant , of publlo spirited amid enter. prising citizens , jealous for Elmocity's welfare as they are for their own. It is surrounded by an excellent farming country , is marked by every public and social requisite that modern needs dictate - tate , amid is one of the boat and most prosperous business points in Iowa. Thu public improvements are all that is necessary and of the very best in every particular. Time public schools of Crea- ton are of the moat approved chase. ter. An ample nunibor of modern school buildings in different parts of Limo city furnish every facility for a first-class education. The fire department in very credible , the members of the fire corn- puny are over on the elert and energetic in te discharge of their hazardous and reeponsiblo duties. Time church going people of Creston can choose among the several ditroront denominations wich may suit their at. titular fancy from out a large ro prosonta- Lion of the eadin denominations of the land , of which cloven representative denominations - nominations am hero. Secret amid benevolent sociutiui are happily represented hero by eleven different - ferent mid distinct organizations. In the business line are found both wholesale and retail mercantile enter- prism ; of which a goodly number will compare very favorably with any similar branch of commerce in the larger cities. Two daily papers-The Gazzetto and Thu Advertiser , as well as a number of excellent wooklfes , keep the people of time city and tributery country posted on time latest doings of the world. It is needless to nil that in a city of the calibre of this and one of the ributa riea of Omaha , Tum OMAIIA DES , both daily and weekly , is extensively circus hated by an appreciative and liberal list of subscribers. FEED , llanttanmo Ploturo Cards , Meads. C. B. Jacquomin de. Co , , are distributing some of the handsomest stool plato engraved picture cards pub. lishod , The better part is the notice at- inched by which thYpart public c.f the reduction in the prices of their goods , and as the holiday season is approaching - preaching it will pay all to give them a call. iiooturo on Buddhism , On Sunday night there was a largo nu- dionco to listen to Rev. Mr , Lemon at time Baptist church on "Buddhism , " Ho held that it was a developed religion , the outgrowth of Brahminism , which in turn was dev'olored out of the entire stage , which was a family worship , without - out priest or stated religious observance. In time earnest form of religion time do. inonts wore worshipped. Brahminlsm tvae a itizhor form , and many of its teachings - ings would be accepted by many Christ. inns today , but the tyranny of the institution of castes , caused time pee. plc to revolt from it , amid about 600 B. C , they wore ready for rovolu tion. Time right man appeared for the event , as is usually the case in great epochs. This man was Sidlmarta , around whose standard time people rallied , and he was the institutor of Buddhism. At hie death lie was do. fined as the moat manifestation of Buddai on earth , and the religion took that name. The spbakor pronounced Buddhism a lower order of Brahmninfaln. Ono of its great defects is its theory that there is no God and no eternal spirit , and the only object of man could ho to oscalto life , which cou4d not be done by suicide , but by the gvatest , self-sacrifice for thousands of ears. The speaker thought Sidharta fell into time sago or. ror as that of modern infidelity , especial. I the French infidels , who declare that too history of time church La a history of blood nd revolting from the priest. hood the blindly saw o ditrorenco be. twoei the priests nd'roli8ion itself , and fought botalike. The dying declaration of Sidharta that life was failure , not worth living , a curse which all amould escape , was onna parallel with the logical verdict of the rationalism and materialism of to da . His next Sunda ni lmt lecture will been on "Spiritualism , ' and all interested in tlat sb'opt are ivited to be present. - - - - - + - - - ] teal rstats Transfirre. The following deeds ware filed for record - cord in the recorder's office , Novenbor 10 , reported for the BEE by P. J , Mo. Mahon , real estate agouti Nettie E , Marston to S , H , Hopkins , lot 3 , block 16 , Macodonia-$300. Ilomry Neville to Joseph Casady , awl and e nw8 , 70 , 38-81. Chicago , Durlhtgton aC Quhnoy railmael company to Homer I , Huntorn nw } 13 , 74 , 41-$800. Chicago , Burlington & Quin railroad company to Lafayette Simon , x ml 13 , 74 , 89-$1,040. Iiardin Jones to harry J. Moss , sly nw } 22 , 77 , 44-$1,200 , s B , F , Fiery to Peter Jacobson , lots 1 , arid 2 , block 28 , in Howard's addiUon- $000. . Total nabs , E41. FATAL FAIL , James Sade ski Trips aad Falls Under the Cars. Ills Body Vcarlully Crushed , anti Death instant. Yesterday rooming another life was taken by time wheels on tlla Union l'nciie road. Tim victim this limo was James M : Ladowski , a switchman in time employ - ploy of the Chicago ; Northwestern , The accident occurred on the Northwestern - ern track whore it is crossed by the Chicago , Milwaukee .C St , Paul road , No one could be found who was an eyewitness - witness to tllo affair , but several saw Ladowaki just before 1 s death , He was thou standing on the south side of time track , and was about to uncouple a flat car which had beoti ordered taken out of its place , to be sot on another track. An inatattt later he was discovered - ed under the wheels of the train which was just pulling out of the transfer , as it passed that point. It was surmised by some that ho caught his foot In tlmo crossing tutus throwing him down , but later investigation pointed to time fact that in hurrying across the rails ho tripped and toll , amid could not got out of time way of the coining train , and as soon as possible time train was stopped and the body of time tinfortunato man was token up. It wan min a horrible condition - dition , the wheels having run over his logs and ono ann and lmis head , mho crushing being fearful. The body lay so that his head was on ono rail and hits legs on time other. A portion of his skull and some of iris brains wore scat. tared about , the body being turned over as time cars struck it. Ho was dead , of course , tvhon picked up mid nil that remained to ho dune was to care for time Tauglad remains , which wore talten to Undertaker Connoll's us- tablishmont , and a coroner's jury impan- nolod. Ladowski was a married man , whose famnily , living on Third avenue , consists of a wife and two little girls , one about two oars of ago , amid ono about five oars. His wifiin a delicate condition - tion , expecting eve day to bo wain a meter , nd te news cmo to her with such auddmmnosa , and with such a fearful shock , that time result may prove very so- rious. Dr. Green was called to attend her yesterday , and it will only be by his skill and time greatest care that alto will ho able to rally from the heavy blow , tier husband as about twenty-eight years of ago , amid has lived hero foahut ffteen caHe has been railroading for twelve years , and nearly all years in the employ of the Chicago & crnpaim . Once before hemet met with anaccidont which Ito lost one or two fingers , and about two weeks ago a brther had a narrow os- cn a fyounger b being caught between an engine amid a wa car. Ilie line another brothr living here , and one in California - nia who lms een toe hed , The coroner's inquest resulted in the ascortainitig of no now facts. A number of witnesses wore sworn , among them being W , Johnson , Charles Siebold , the engineer of the train ; Han- ford Baker , switchman on the Chicago , Burlington tL Quincy ; W. F. Bates and Edward Archer , of the Union Pacific yards ; 1Vnm. Aletrand , section foreman ; E. B. Fonda , engineer in Union Pacific yards ; Charles S. Proctor , policeman , and M. A. Gregory , of the Buck Island yards. None saw the man as lie fell , and all that they could testify to wore the facts as above mentioned , A Quick ltocovery , It gives us great pleasure to state that the merchant who was reported being at the point of death from an attack of Pneumonia , baa pntlroly recovered by time use of DR , wM , I1A14L'S BALSAM FOIL TILE LUNGS , Naturally ho feels grateful for the bcnefmft „ do. rived front usrhg this remedy , for the lunge and throat ; and hi giving publicity to this statement we are actuated by motives of pub. Ito benefaction , trusting that others may ho bonaitted in a'similar manner. On sale by all Druggists. An Unwritten Story. Lecture at Dolmany's Opera House , Thursday evening by Rev. 2. J Mackay , illustratd hY oxylmYdragon storesPtica. Admission only 25 cents , Reserved seats GO cents , For sale at Bushnell .C Brackott's. rrIISt1NAL , J. W Chaffin , editor of Time fled Oak Ex. L' ° , was In the city yesterday greeting his old friends hero. Among the Chicwoans at the Ogden yesterday day wore H. W. Partly , Thomas Boyle , 1Y. IL Wray and George H , Itoss , Sheriff Middlotun , of IIarrisoim county , was In the city yosterilay. George N. Smith , of Springfield , 0 „ arriv ed at Bechtrlo's yesterday , Wm. Rood , of Ii ighamapton , N , Y. , was at the Ogden yesterday. G , U , Johnson , of Buffalo , at the Ogden yesterday , L. Gideon , of Cincinnati , arrival at the Ogden yesterday. Mr. D F. Randolph , who han boon spend. leg auveral months hero with his daughters , Mrs. John Ilawthorne and Mrs. S , D. Street , has roturmed to his home in Mt. Vernon , Ohio , A. M. Jackson returned from Chicago yea. terday , Vim. Grace , of Des Moines , at the Pacl6c , A. Easton , of Now York , arrived at the ra cific yesterday. Save fuel amid keep out dust by using I 'Perfection" weatiiur strip , time latest amid best thing of the kind , Call aid se o it at Beard's wall paper store. SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTic&-Stodal adv.rtlzo.nents , such as Lust ' Found , To Loan , For Sale , To mt.nt , Wnta , yard tog , , tc. , wllt be fnta _ rued fn thb column at the to w rate o1 TEN ct 1'a l'Rit LINE for the fret Inwrn oil and FIYE CENTS I'Ea LINE for oacb subsequent lu acdlon , Lease .utsertlsemeat , at our ethos , No. 7 pearl Street , near Uroadwar WAxTa. j ANTEU F\ery iNrry m Cpundl nlufa to tak Y TIiaU.a Dellvrred by carderat only twenty ant. a week. % sTANTED-A toy , with pony , to deuvet Tus Dn 1310 UAItOAIN-.Anyone wanUng a aet'of John loss Eiicycloi.edia. eight roluou. , angeta b gain . . by calling at Till era Dula AUIN T 1'nOTOS-4i by lb. dean at the ewtgdiery , Le Yaln rrut , Qouadl Bluga , D er W d dram7 Mrt both weya to Oaraa qua. I.aerf ea prises of 119 sal t. watla' ' - EXCLUSIVE I Wo have the only exclusive ! 'Wholosalo ' Store for the Sale of RU : BIBiIR BOOTS AND SHOES West of Chicago and east of Stnl Francisco , north of St. Louis and south of St. Paul. We Give Chicago Discounts ! Write to us direct for prices , etc. our line of Specials is Limo finest in time country. z' 00 ' , , Oul co 412 Broadway , ( Up-Stairs ) , Council Bluffs , Iowa , --a a' MAYNE & PALME R f DEALERS IN Coal , nuLil AND IIARIW.L urn , LOulsVILLu ANT PORTLAND OEMENT , MICI lUAN PLASTER , nAIR AND HEWER l'ICE. No , 639 Broadway , COUNOix. IILUITS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , ri5 i 1i41 ' II ct F _ _ _ . , cn w CD O 4 Merchant Tailors. 7 and 9 Main Street , aIRI70TOR'S' , GOIINoxxx SLV > h'Ff , x. . JOHN W. BAIRD , TYCOLLFTCfONAGENOYY. . 001 ec rnerBrooadwayand3lainetrucet , JOHN BENO & CO. , IBOWnEereatandI7Pearllstreet. MAg IIQOHN CREaT'IIOUSE , n atal , 217 and 210 Lain etraeG DR. J , F. WHITE , Corner Ifaln and Fifth up-stairs FRes done , 609 Willow avenue. N. SC1IURZ. 001co over American Express' S . S , VPAGNER , Will contract funcrola LIVERYAND at reasonable FEED , rates 22 Fourth street. J. M. ST. JOHN & CO..CASH BUYERS , Y4 d fret rS > p"tons : Draft by return mail , 146 Broadway. JACOB gOCH Stock Complete. Suite StEItCEANT made at reasonable TAILOR prices. , , No. 606 Main St. ' G F S MITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , . . Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and specifications furnished. W. W. SHERMAN , I lwvo the ° arietq DEALER that brings IN FINE patronage HARNESS. 124 M.la street. JAMES FRANEY , Arthllo Work and tEItCnANT reasonable TAILOR charges 872 Broadway , HOWE & SON FUIINITU RE STOVES' S and Household Supplies. 803 Broadway. LINDT & HART , James mods. dTT01txEYa Practice ATLAw in stale and federal conrta S A'L IT A R T "f i M AndR bath house , 21 nd42 Broadway. LSoyere go , Prop. P. J. Mont. EDWIN J. ABBOTT , xelary Pnblle an JUSTI d General OF Coon o ancer. 416 Broadway. REVERE HOUSE SMr ahouse. , 1 , Broadway opposite New Ope house. Refuted * 1 , 31.50 per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e ' Lowest Prices IN TIIE 1VEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Q ® ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) IONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lands in the County. Model Steam aun f dry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Has just opened a ne * and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good work , Please give me a trial , PREMIUM POkTRAITS - Colofs IN- , Solar Camera Enlnr emont for the trade at reasonable rates. Orders Dy mail promptly fine . C. D. LUC.QOCK , 143 Broadway. COunctlBluffs. ; F 1 RS.A. / . R G .fA.I lR' ! tIN -IN- 1 1 ! Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc , , call all w. S , HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. LCANSU On City and Farm Property. S ceo. , 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , c -r : ; Our line of Staves is the mo' , complete in no city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements I We have hammered time prices down as thin as they will stand without breaking , and you are invited to call and see stow thick the stoves are in comparison. PECML DRIVE ON A LOT Of HARD COAL STONES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at a reduction of $6.00 each. alrfvoxa wu.xcAP , 504 Dr. owpyand 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. z = 'a Empi i e Tardware C o . kwROX.s3II , & = aE e i , 109 id 111 S. Blain Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 9 WHOLESALE DEALEIIS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES 9 342 and 344 Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , TOW . . HOUSES J , , alts' tlBoughtt rand old. MoneY Loanedt Abstracts Furnished 9P. J. I1trtoMA ? 30N No. 4 Pearl Street - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. , BUCKEYE PEED GRINDER _ -r i v . tip , , ; s , 1 1 . ' 3- : K f. 'ie L $ H11 WILL SHELL AND GRIND AT TOE SAME TIME I A complete Horse Power. The best Feed Mill' in existence. Costs but little more than a common grinder. Write for circnlnrs to SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , , Council Bluffs , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT f ' DEALER IN Laffe' ! Furni1iug ! I NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W Broadway , - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA M. CALLACHER New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and PoUte Attendants 9- { 'First Door east of MetroAolftan Hotel } LO tend , II , STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers I t 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; + i a-TJu OPENED ! _ t BE ( HTELE'S HTELE'SHotel. / The only only hotel run on the European plan in this city. Now building , , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BECi3 TELE PROPRIETOR Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. . SALE 1 Unredeemed Goods. CREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and genta , also in ladies' and genta' solid gold and and silver watelmea and chains , and a full line of sot and plain gold rings , 250 men's and 90 boy's overcoats. All these articles must be sold. Money lent on ALL. KINDS of personal property. D. GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite city building. Council Bluffs. IF YOU WANT. BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON S 7 Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffs. He has Them , W R. VAUCHAN , Justice of the Peace . Omaha and Council Bluff , . Real estate and oollectlonsgcnoy , a Odd Fefow' . look , arat &Hng. Bak fan8N' JACOB alts. i : . p. CAD WELL. BIMS A CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Oalce , Main Street Rooms 1 nd Shugart 4t Wo Mahon' . mock , Will practice In Stale and sda.1 court. - DR. G W.PANGLE 1 READER OP ! AMAIN I Fifteen years' erperlence. Eclectic. Msgaetteand herbalist Phydclan , Master of the fonuwtng db ease. : Catarrh Non'ous Debility. Mental lepress ton , Apoplexy , hta , Lose of Mar , mess Cancers Removed With outtlie Knife , Dropsy - sy Cured Without Tapping , lAverOomplalnthidn.y ComuWWntDiatetoeRbsu. madsn , , l'aralyd. , Whllr Swelling , Erydpeia. , 8i. vmtueJDnce , Woman and Rer Diseases Treated With the Happiest Results. Special attaulon gPyen to prhsti and yenoreal dleeaeee , Located No , ate Droadway , Room S , ( up. stain ) , Council mull. , Iowa. A Correct Diagnosis Given IWithout any Explanation from the Patient , , tsrconsultauun free at akoe noes. once , U. w tour. OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS , Council math Iii ' 1858 Establishwu' + - - D.al.ntl rorolga aadDeaesite llztiiag ° and esa. rscatIs R. Rice Me D. or other tumor. removed withoutthg. " "ryJ CENCERS 1 knife or drawing of blood CHRONIC D1SEASEe . Over thirty years practical experience. OtSce No. 6 Pearl street , council fluffs , C4rCConeultatlon free. PILES. treat Piles and Falling of the Rectum for radial and permanent cure , to from two to tour weeks Operatlune painless. Diseaeee of the Rectum a Specialty. DR. A..7. COOK , 1Ldaw Item Councl BinS. , owa Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter i upply of Missouri Ierrd Wood ! AND IIARD AND SOFT cca1 -WITH- P. OVJ RTON , 606 First Avenue , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , And secure the best article and full niessure cube very lo.'e.t price. Stare wood dciltered to say ) ar of the rity. JOSEPH GAGIIEGA + N. { HARD WOOD AND --COAL-- - - - - Corner Main street and Eighth avenue , Cound Bluff. . LdLowet rates sad prompt delivery , Irs , H , J , HDM , M. D. PHYSICIAN k eUEGOld , a. reallf ° iey ; ieiiaslliivas. ,