Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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i t'abPehed ertT7 vrrntng , except Sunday , The
Sop Xonday mornlrg dally ,
Rarrs BT UIl
ne Teasn..n"$1O.OOIThrtoMonlhb , ,
$ tz Itontni , , , . . . . . r..DJ 1 Ooe Month. . . . . . . . 1,00
One . . . . . , . . . . . . ° 0 Th ree Months/
j SIR MonlhL. , . , . . . . 1.00J Ono MonUi . , . . . , yA
American News Company , BotcrAgentr"Nowedeal.
. rl In the United 8tatoe.
, A Oommnnlatlons ttlstlag to News ndItItod1
matkre should be addr6nod to the Ee1TOe Or Tue
C0trRSSR LRr1Raa
All Du.lncee totter. and nemitanoM Should be
eddrmedtoTuiBnePraLtsrco CoarAn , OUAIIA.
I/nfte , Checki and Podataee orders to be made pay
ebbe to the order of the company.
E , fOBEWATER , Editor.
Thnnk8Rtving I'roolamatlant ,
'In furthomnco of the custom of thie pcoplo
at Iho closing of each year , to engage upon a
day sot apart for that purpose in epecial foetl
cal of prateo to the Glvor of all Goodthoroforo ,
I , Choeter A. Arthur , l'ro.Idont of thoUnitod
Statoa , do borobydoeignatoThursdey , tho20th
day of November next , wa a day of national
thankegiv'Ing , for the year that le drawing to
sn end haw lien replete with
the evidence of divine goodnoee , the
herovallano of health , the fullnosee of
the barvost , the etablllty of peace and order ,
thept'otvth of fraomal foelinge , the spread ut
Intelligence and loaning , the continued en.
oymont of civil and religimte liborty-all
chose and ountlese other bleMLnge are cause
for reverent rojoldng. I do , therefore , recommend
mend that on the day above appointed
the pooplorost from their accustomcd Iabwre ,
and meeting in tholreororal locoo of worehl ,
0xpra + a their devout ratihulo to God that Ito
has dealt bountifully with this nation and
pray that he grace and favor abldo with It
orovor. Clla8TEItA. Anniun ,
By FABn. T. i arLtNonursPN ,
1 Secretary of State.
Tin Surveyor General of Arizona fs
dead. There is a v'aclncy to fill. Who
will apply for that sugar plum ? Don't
all speak at onco.
M.tuosit is bound to keep Virginia in
hot water. IIba latest manifesto charges
right home upon itho Virginia bourbons
who inaugurated the 'ohotgun policy at
AT least one of the railroads running
into Omaha is to be regulated by standard -
dard Limo. We ore authorized to state ,
however , that the hour of noon will ar
rive on time , at 12 o'clock as usual , and
the sun will have to regulate itself to the
best of its ability.
IT is understood that when the cable
railway swallows up the Omaha horse
railway the steeds which now haul the
atroot cars will be sold to the government
of Hayti for cavalry horses. Th'e Hay.
tian agonto are now purchasing a largo
number of street car horses in Now York.
ANNA DICKINSONhas dropped Hamlet's
I nee brooches and proposes to don the
overalls and blouo. It is announced
that 8110 will take the lecture field for
thoKnighta ; of Labor. She probably ox-
pucts to realize more money out of these
! Imighta than she did out of the knights
of the sock and buskin. '
I Tus little state of New Jersey proposes -
poses to take the load in the matter of
acoordin ; to the negro the civil rights
which have boon swept away by the
Unitoa States supreme court. A civil
rights bill , identical with the one dog
dared unconstitutional , will , ho introduced -
duced at the opening of the next legis.
i laturo , and it is claimed that the demo.
crate will not oppose it.
The bone and ainow of Waahingto n
territory are making a strong id f rr ha
migration. The upper house of the territorial
ritorial legislature by a sots of 7 to G ha
passed a woman's sutfage bill , which ha
ainco become a law as the Govorno
woaralong petticoats while his who wear
c the brooches. Hero is a now openin
and a wide field for the enslaved an d
much oppressed sex. Tim probability i
that there wilt be a hastyl exodus fro m
l the State of Beatrice.
Tint council should immediately talc
' stops to compel the railroad companies t
protect the public from accidents at th
' .1
iii variouscrosaingo. Guards should be ate
fl tdonod at every crossing and uo verso
I' should b1) allowed to walk on the laic
I from ouo street to another. Whorovo
practicable gates should be erected t
keep teams and persons from crossing th
track. This would be as much fn Lb
interest of the railroad as it would b
for the protection of the citizen.
Jt Sr. Jon has 0xpendod $200,000 in
we lon factory. A large portion of tl 1
n raw product will be drawn from Souther
Nebraska. Now Omaha is a bettor putt
than St. Joe for the manufacture
f woolen goods. We have shown by oth
onterpica what can be done in t e w
J of manufacturing. It is a matter of fa
J that no manufacturing industry begun
1 Omaha hae over failed to pay good r
t turns. We have an abundance 0f wo
at , our very doors , and why cannot
bavo a woolen mill as well as' SI. Jo
1 Denver or Salt Lake ?
MANY somewhat novel chaugtn afe e :
posted through the introduction
standard railroad time. Ilr0 is a cheo
ful suggestion :
1 "Tito theatres will begin erforman
at 20 o'clock and close at alf past 2
or at 23 , with the same regularity th
J the now bE"in at 8 and close at hul
t 10 or 11 , The weil condu ted your
man will not prolong his evening co
titer than 23 'clockand in orina
J cases he will not be too precipitate If 1
boains to gather himself together at U
1 atroko of 22. Tl&e banks , under the n0
f system , will close at 15 o'clock , and mo
i of the stereo in July and August w
close their doora at 17. "
c Now we apprehend that the lloys an
r ytraa of Omaha would prefer to keep tin
is the old way. At any rate tltuy w
do their courting by he old stands
oven it they , alas the tnidniglit train.
Kansas and Nobraslca are twins born iii
the throes of the great Ireo soil struggle
that preceded t e final overthrow of
slavery. Their destinies have , iii many
respects , been identical. Causes which
we are not disposed at this limo to die.
cuss have farthorod the growth of Ian
sas beyond that of Nobraeka. It is not
simply , however , in point of material
wealth and population that Iansaa out.
strips Nebraska , but in Limo integrity and
moral stamina of the man who carry on
her governulont This contrast boco 108
moro forcible when we compare the pool.
tiort of her Governor and State ofli ors
with those of Nebraska upon time vital
question of the protection of tlma people
against tire rapacity of corporate monopu
lice , Not only has Innsas loft Nebraska
in the shade in the matter of enacting
wholesome railroad legislation , wlmich
limits passenger tolls to three cents per
milo and prevents extortion in freight
charged , but she has taken decisive steps
to recover front the land grant railroads
the lands which they hav'o not legally
Last year the Governor of Kansas ap
pointed a state agent to investigate the
claims of the railroad land sharks ,
and onnpol them to restore what they
obtained by imposition and fraud , Ex
Gevornor Crawford , the Kansas state
agent , has discharged his duty faithfully
and fearlessly. A few days ago ho sub
miffed a brief to United States Land
Commissioner McFarland , presetting a
list of land claims by the Kansas I'etcilc
railway company in the Salina district ,
to which that company had never procured -
cured a rightful grant , In Kmtsns as iii
Nebraska , millions of acres of Pucifia railroad -
road land hind gone untaxed for years. A
year or two ago while all the ofrurts of
Congressman Anderson , of Ianses , wuru
directed to the passage of a bill compall
itg this company to perloct its title to
itsimmenso grant between Salina and
the west line of Limo State , and thus pro.
vent the injustice of pernmittitig tlmis
great body of land , lying in Limo midst of
thrifty settlement to cacapo taxation
this corporation was wholly indifferent
to the appeals made by the sottlera of
Kansas , who , by their labors wore yearly -
ly adding to the value of those lands , to
tax thG , for what was just and equitable.
For years in the oitiro territory bordering -
ering on the line of the Kansas Pacific
railway west of Salina , the spectacle was
witnessed of those lards remaining ox-
enpt front taxation , yet lying in time
midst of sonic of the mostpopulous counties -
ties and finest farming regions in Ian
Mo. No effort to obviate this injustice
had been loft untried. Petitions without -
out number hind been circulated ; monster -
stor ineotinge of time settlers hold ; ro-
pentad attompta at getting these lands
listed wore rondo by commissioners of
various counties ; time Congress of the
United Status head boon memorialized by
Buccessivo Legislatures to redress this
daring injustice , but all in vain ,
State Agent Crawford has evidently
dug deopbr than Congressman Anderson.
Ho does not ask them to perfect the title
to those lauds , but lie insists in his brief
that nowhere in the atatutesof the United
States has the Iansas Pacific , nor any
other railroad company , a grant for an
acre of land front Fort Riley to Denver.
It is decidedly significant that the Kansas
Pacific , which m'snow ' , the Union Pacific ,
should exhibit such 'haste ' to perfect its
title to those unearned lands now , whoa
for yoare they have shown a supreme in-
difference about than , and refused to
pay a dime of taxes. Whatever maybe
bo the decision of Commissioner
I McFarland in the premises , time people 0 f
s Kansas have at least the assurance tha t
r their State ofiicors arc willing to stan d
s between them and the Imigliwaymen rvlt
i have evaded their taxes , pillegod , thick r
patrons , and fraudulently takun posses ,
s ilea of millions of acres of the publi 0
domains , Could Nebraska say as niueh
When has a Governor of Nebraska np '
pointed anybody or direotod amid State a
o uflicer to investigate tlmeso gigantic lase d
o frauds ? Does anybody in this State ox
o yect to see the AttorneyGonoral or til a
Land Commissioner submit a brief to tin c
n lutorier dopartntont against railroad lase d
k jobbers ? It would be a novel spoctaol e
r to see Glen Kendall's nano attached t o
o such a document or to any other paps
o that questioned lime right of time Uniom
o Pacitfo railroads to any property which
0 they may see fit to buy their hands on ,
a Herotofuro every attempt to revis
° the tariff and reduce protective dutio
i has met with the most persistent oppoe n
tiom among manufacturers of iron air
glassware. Time demand fur rovotuo ro
forum , through the abolition of uxcoeaiv
ay duties on articles of comutorco aid bmom
in production , canto from prairie states o
.tho Woat , where time burden of the protective
toctive taritr falls the heaviest. Ilia
deatally , revenue reform has boon adv
100 cased by a ( ow elear headud etatesnme
' and a limited number of leading motr e
politan papers , It Is only within a con
paratlvely recent period that the indu
trial classes of this country have by a as
oxpcrienco become aware of time fact tl ta
proteetioa does not protect , where p ro
tootion is not needed to sustain an iufa u
e 1)
industry , American manufactures ha
at long since outgrown'tltelr infancy , An10n
f ica supphIue cutlery for Sheffield , an
fire arms by the hundred thousands at
exported from Hartford and SpringGul
1e to the British utotropohis and the capita
10 of continental Europe ,
aT The moat significant sign of tim1i P
Ul pending revolution In our policy may
found in time bold utterances of lusdi
d glass and iron manufacturers of Penney
ro vauta. Time Olovoland Leader , one °
ill the moat ultza lm1 1i protectIon. advocate
rd published a dispatch on lase Friday from
j'itatburh ( concerning u eonferenoo b
tweon the glass workers and their orn
ploycrs. The dispatch contains , among
other suggestive information , the follow.
lug :
Thomas h , Atterbury , of this city ,
1)n , of the largest- amid most pronunent
utmmufacturers in the trade , made a our.
prising declaration in time courae of anfn
tarviow to night , lie said : "There is
1)110 fact , that I ltavo found ninny glass
nod iron manufacturers , in company with
myself , are begiuuhig to rcalizo. Ittsthat
it would be far better for our interests to
have n10 btrilr laws at all. It may
scam rather startling to hear free trade
advocated by a unnuufncturor in a strong
protective community , but I believe that
free trade is necessary for limo pros1parity
of both the ironnud gloss trades , Vliun
protection was light and froip'hits high
ho protective termiir was a real benefit
but ow fast freights and Limo cheap 1a
horof Europe hiss taker away so
trade as to cause 'lie caveat larm , To
stun up. no ntattcre now stand , rotes.
Lion does not protect and not ntil wu
are rid of tariff restrictions will there be
at revival fn the iron and glass trades
1Vith no tarilrcquitablo rates of pay for
labor can be obtained and American
manufacturers will hove an opportunity
to regain and develop their trade with
South America , limo % Veat Indies Aims.
tralia , Clminaad Japan"
This is certainly a most startling ad.
mission , which cannot fail to create
a marked impressiet upon the
national legislature. Heretofore comm.
gross has been importuned and
bulldozed by Limo lobbyists of the glass
and iron industries to keep up tlmo tari ff
and resist every effort at reduction. Now ,
these people coma to the conclusiom that
tfioy are no longer in need of protection
and their infant industries have
so extomaivo become that they are
able to take care of themselves in corn-
petition with foreign rivals without pro.
trctive props. This is a call for ref arm
from rat entirely now and unexpected
quarter. It is more radical than any
western revenue reformers have ever
hared to be , and goes farther than it
might bo advisable or practicable. A
sgeoping reduction in tariff rates ought
to be undo , but it is a little too prena
taro to establish fruo trade.
Ttttsv have another scandal in the pat.
ant office at Waalmington , which shows
what is patent to everybody , that there
is no patent on scandals.
Ihlaino is a proud grandpa ,
AIr. Iiendricks'tu ° etill troubles ] dot
Senator Sharon hiss a temper of his own.
Ilannibul Iiamlin won't wear an overcoat
Joseph Cook neverlecturod In the kitchen ,
Governor Itublo , of Maine , dotes on swat-
low-tailed touts.
henry Irving's hands are as soft and white
as a fair mddoa's.
S. S. Cox smiles when he cast , eheeps eyes
at the Speakers clr.ic
Secretary Clmaudler eayx ho la worth only
* 100,000. Poor fellow I
Cluing Yu Sing , tlmo Chinese giant , aloeps on
twc bes at once.
Mayor Carter IIarrison , of Chicago , uses
language more forcible than elegant. i
Ptluc ° Uiemarek has bush a cold that he
sneezes whenever ho hears the wind blow.
Henry1Vntterson says Tom Ochiltree is
"halt horse and half ulligatur. "
General Sheridan la eu bow-legged that h °
resembles a pair of perambulating parentheses.
Samuel J , Rand.tll is . from the
gout ; but ft won't be as effective as Judge
Ifoudly'e malaria.
It is said Georvo Francis Train is writing a
200-page poem , Somebody ehmdd wa'o a rod
Aa ) in front of the Train.
Sergeant Mason works in prison with will-
Ingueu and alucrity. One of those Jaye he'll '
go home and work for "Betty and the baby. "
President Noah Porter will give Mr. Matthew -
thew Arnold a reception in New Ifaven ,
11'liat he wants , however , Is a first-class din.
Stumbling Boar and Big Tree , two Indian
chlufsare living like mabubs at Gouda Springs ,
near tVellmngtoy , Kaneas. They me "trying
the waters for their health , " they say.
lialva Lockwood , the female lawyer , says
that"tnan full"wa no vocatlun L i which woman
cannot aucccod if given a chance. " We would
like to see Ilolva with a pair of spikoa in her
heels bhlmmnlug up fla eightyfout tolegruph
pole ,
The lion. Wnt F. Cody will be pieasad t"
leemm tlmit a gang of buy thlovoe ! n Cldcag
have mautod thumselvos "Time Baits ! , , 1111
Gang. " Soinnlwdy will yet name a pater o"l
lurattor Mr. Cody , mid thou his fame will b °
? .Tehn G Thompson ! s declared out of tim e
taco fur surgoaut at urms of time senate. Thl s
Is Pretty Imrdotl thu pour fellow , Hnwon '
earth is he going to tie able to i sy that SGU ,
f01Judgniont IiutletKllbnnrno huldsegdue r
Itlni for fnlso Impriboumeat l Tu cmt slum
otbor , Air. Thumasoni s rxporieueee of late
have boon of u utolan 'huly Shure
tar to form oxcrlleut mutarial foram ernutlu ° a
ploy ,
Cul. A. K. McClure , the dignified editor o
The 1'Idiadolpbia l'innne,11114 been nrrosted 1
for libelln a to to by tire inoffuueive nunw" f
Smith 'I'hocalnnoleoents to huvoretrugrsd
oh cvaueideruhly since imps visit to the Louis
r vine uxp.shion. It le beyond user compre
n hmnIon haw any man wlo his held imps tat
1 Uf BOVe118 against henry Wattereeim's Harr
qaeons coulvu far forgut himself as to elan
dur a luamblo and inoffensive moalabor of th o
meek anti lowly Smith funnily.
Mr. Joseph Levy , the cornetist. Is in s
awkward dilemma , time ladies of Alan m Imnv
lug declined to purticmpato in the Gc + ugl
0 mmolo festival bnaunan Luvy liaa been ougagnm
to take lia , , They are disgusted with I.av
e "bwau.e lie Ipnko heartlessly f Minnie Cor i
, wmty , his ahunduuod wIW , " 1'hle Is ] mud. Au
now we auppube Suss Conway will Lo ostt a
d ctsud because she abandoned iwur levy to
marry O + utmli Tuarlu , and , ht turn , 'M
Teerle wil I bu twtracize l because he abnudono
0 life Eagltah wife and hablos to tnurry Mts
0 Conway , So the w"rk of oskacdsin wi
f out and n Ittisrsincerely lnlt Iithat tlmo with n
. flue reform of stage immoral. which the ( io ri
women hive tuuugnratod will have the
I' orerIon of the sex all over the country ,
n AlugoaLNowspapnrHeadquartere ; ,
'rime Now York correspondent of t }
, St. Paul Pioneer Press says that thu Tr i b
hue building is the greatest uowspap
a hesd + 'uartors ' to time world. Not on
d limo Tribune the Journal , sue hull
t dozen other papers are rinted thou
but occupying the rooms of the fret
t building are representatives of the fo
lowing papers , reatrdhig then in ore
v0 from time eighth iloor downward : Clt
r caio Time. , Chicago Daily News , Pjtt
d burg Tolomirsph. Louisvile Cutnnnercia
0 St. L'ule Itepublican Chicago Tri bun
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette , St. Lou
d Glebe DentocratLouisville ( onrior .lou
is mini , Puck's Sun , Omaha Bsr , Kars
City Journal , 1Vaslmington lttpubliea
Denver News , Orugem News , Iullo
lists (1,311) ( ) papers , New Orleans Tutu
b1) Democrat , I hlladeIihla ! I roes an
ng City 'p'ies , S an Francisco
f San Francisco Cull Chico' o Grazer , ar
Amuricnu Thuso pa
f Baltimore nuwe P e
fall u p the bust rooms in tltu buildin
n llxnntxo'u Ruaela Salve baa genuine mei
as all who use it wilt testify , 1 riee , 2Ce
0 'p'ry it ,
Abe Hc villI Fresh From Cia sie Fields I
SDrcads the Amcrieaa Eagle ,
Snobooracy In time A nnerlonn Metrop-
olis-Low and Joe-Cheap ltcs it
taurants-Tho Crooked-
eatStreotln the
Correspondence of Tutu liar : .
New Yonn , November 10.
Dana's attempt to boom ilolemnn for
time tpresidenco , has proved to be a more
blind his real canhdato being Abram
S , Hewitt , time son-in-law- Peter
Cooper ,
nnwlrr's ILETUDN
from Europa , a few days ago , hills peon
the occasion for an interview to which
the Sun devotes a full colunm , It is time
most favorable introduction that Dana
could have given to
TIra IIABK 110114E
that lie is now grooming. Mr , lie witt
gives a glowing description of his trip ,
and ! laving boon over classic ground his
interview is of nvcryclassicul nature , having -
ing evidently boon very carefully pro.
pared , Mr. Hewitt says ; "Wo have
boon no far as tlm. Black Sea. Wa v'isitod
France , England , Gortnany , Austria ,
Italy , Greece , Turkey , Wallachia , Iteu-
mama , and Bulgaria. Time trip has born
interesting and instructive. I hutvo
travelled ver the old IIomorio fields that
Ulysses trod. I have revived old memo-
rice of my classio training and recalled
time days when I was a teacher and for.ed
those associations on unwilling eubjecto.
I have aeon time whole of time Daluuitian
amid Albanian coast , been all through time
isles of Greece , to Itlmaca whore Ulysses
was finally restored to his suffernq ;
country , 1V0 want to Corfu , and to
Corinth , where mve climbed the old citadel -
del of orinth We went to Athens ,
and saw where St. Paul preached , and
walked under Limo olive trees where
Socrates and Plato discoursed pliilo-
"We wont in a Greek steamer down
time Argos ; We wont to Milo , where time
famous statue of Venus was found , We
went to Doles , wlloro the nmins of tlmo
temple of Apolio cover many acres. We
went through ( ho streets of Euripus , and
visited time home of the Thessolomuns , to
whom St. Paul addressed his epistles.
We visited time birthplace of Alexander
time Great , and wont to the foot of Mount
Olympus , I wont to ace time nmonks of
Athos , who have been established
a thousand yearn , and within whose
precincts no woman over sot foot.
e'1Vo wont to the scone of the Siege of
Troy and saw the ruins of at least two
romonto aivilizatinns. We sailed along
the shores of the Black Sea , fronm which
now Great Britain gets food as well as
from us , and from wlmenco ancient Rome
fed itself , for it was the granary of time
. "
Mr. Hewitt takes occasion to give
a proud send off , as follows : "During
all the trip , " he says , "which was made
largely in a private atoamer , with leisure
to study men and manners , I cams to
time conclusion that Limo greatest miracle
of our time and time most valuable treasure -
sure which mamkind has ever discovered
is time government of the United States ,
in which the checks and balances are
so arranged that while progress is not
only potsmblo , but bra results certain , the
prejudices of popular passion are kept in
check , and only those measure which are
best calcuiated to promote the general
welfare , can by any pesseibility receive
time sanction of legislation and of erma
nont public 'ud ruent. I come back not
only oud of country , but conscious
than over of the iY which mats
uport every one of its citizens to [ mroeerve
constitutional government in time form
and according to the spirits of its conceN-
Lion and organization. It is time result
not merely of the wisdom of our fathers ,
but of a fortunate chain of circumstances
which never occured before in time
history , f the world , and can by no poss.
mbllity t ccuro again. "
The American public , after reading
Mr. Hewitt's tribute to the American
Eagle , ought to reward him by electing
hmum I resident of time United States ,
Nothing in this city , that is not in-
teur'ed for public diverddt , produces so
much of it as tlmo imitation of English
aristocratic usages. All that you have
read about it may have failed to give you
nu idea of the perfect idiocy of thoauglo-
u ania that we are lauglmiumg at. I sup.
1080 ( hero have boot dandies on earth
aver simco it was aufticiematly populated to
, afford distinct aorta of men. Idlers have
no incuntivo to expend themselves in any
pursuits save these which curcoru then.
selves , pd naturally , if they have money
onou glm the mane g o to muko their per.
f a'ii a ridiculus byg too nmch attentiou.
hundreds of NewYork oun g man women
nethfu g of Ammericau make front thei r
. Derby hats to timoir Poleaster stockings.
Theimeasures are sent to the London
tailors , batters and furnishers , who
provide time articles very promptly. By
using the Atlmeutie cable in ordering , a
suit of clothes otu be procured in term
n days , and ( lint is quite quick enough f °
a follow who regards it us plebiau to b
in a hurry. It is true that garmou
thus obtained are liable to prove tine r
y , Pita , thtuuglm time most elaborate and m
tricato of tame swells have exact mddul a
of their bodies rat their London tailors' _
tlmese Manikins being altered , ( rota tim a
t r time , as tit ° originals chwrgo in bulk ,
There is au Eughslm tailor hero , also
Il whuso solo umployumont is t ° COmplet o
1 unportud suite m a utannor to mnke then
I. tit , Another has iuguuiuusly adapto d
his busmeas thin prevailing rage , lli
° brother has a well kuuwu shop iii Lou
dun , and lie is , himself , as thmoreugh
o'ickmup ae over maltreated itches
Ever lhia g that he turns out is in tin
10 extreme of London s ( le , amid , immure im
b0r trtant still , tw invariably affixes th
0r mina f his forei a brothoas time maker
ty with the hmudun Instead of time N °
a York address , This device enables tim
e , anglomuaniao customer to thmrow dawn am
it overcoat with time label satisfactorily ex
I pusod , and , at the same time , buy lmf
er clothes handily right hero him this city.
i I ( should be understood tlmat time ham
e tatin , of English fashions is a new to
I , in fnvaloue offatrs. Our eelf const
0 , tuted aristocracy , no nmattur lw
Is much fun maybe made of It , is dofintt
r and conclusive Imcomposition. Its man
rut bore are ro tnicted tulnickerbocker fan
14 iliue ; tlmut is to say , upon time claims
gg men who present their names for oerut
a uy , the numodiato occasion for th
alas formality betug the annual dimmer of tl
Ili association , Nobody whose anceat r
and does not bear thmo toot of bmvestigutl
rs can sit at time tables , The rosrdo
wears time ancient dress of a fnicke
la backer ; the lackeys axe distinguish ei
by inertial cusGaics of the ear
Dutch days of time island , and the teas
tlf01Y INU 11IIEN
YOWL A1'PETIrE le poor-If your digeetlon I ,
i f
feeble-If your sleep le broken , and you are debll
Itatod and dc'ponttrnt , try'Det + lock Dlood illttera ,
You will he dotlghtel with the result.
TII iS aIEBiCINg le a magniaceut aperient , gently
mhos the bowel. , deans , the blood and
, travcs o0 tar + re , a ek healichee , and bllous auackr
so prtralcflt dur rg the hot month , ; and allays net
vo'a'nne and Johllty : a , well.
TO USE Ii enlock Bloo l Itll'cre L , a xpltined
HOW-'vry dcaaly .atheImbrlaccomrm y Ingeach
I , ' ( tie. Time the patient will varyae his or her
good eeeso clctate' . Nn harmful caccte cm po.sklo
result tram thenae0the ? medicine , lvewill guar.
sntee appreclaLle b neat every' tlm , .
TO UsE nunlock Ill > od nltters It I , um
neccoseary to state , Allundur'andwhat a
good lataltse nail bleo l took can aacompllsh , and
all know w hcn they neeJ such ( send we mlght Inter
potato AIJ , need it at one tame or another ) . As a
pleasant erp.rlment aid for serum relief , try Bur
dock mood hitters. By Dcuggats.
FOSTEItMILDURNdt CO „ Prop's BufraloN.Y.
and speeches are in social glorification of
time company , via its forefathers. Time
men who do this once a year are both old
and young , and the redeeming feature of
it is ( hint the pride-or vanity , if you
prefer to regard it so-ie of American
Now you com prehemmd w hint 1
mo when I say that Aui lo mauie so far
as our Knickerocker n en
in it is horoticnl ial ad other
slmoc dmi , its devotees lmowovor , are in
the main people who have wealth without -
out Dutch blood. Several of our "best
families , " of dizzily exalted position ,
frown on it utterly , even their youngest
sons and daughters sedulously avotditg
any of its features of dross or of maim
LOW A\0.101 : ,
Mayor low , of Brooklyn , has boon iii.
vltod to attend tho' evacuation day cola-
bration. Ire lens sent a very pretty note
dhclaring that ho will be happy to be
present. If Mr. Hendrix has not beet
invited a card should bo forwarded at
onco. IIe should walk with Mr. Low ,
arum in arm. The election is over , Mr.
Low line won , and pia can afFonl to be
Living is cheap in New York , after all ,
for those who are willing to put up with
cheap feiro. On tlmo bill of faro in New
York Italian restaurants coffee is one
count per cup ; steaks , chops and stows ,
three cents ; pastry , three cents ; beer ,
two cenla , ' wisk and brandy , three
cents , These laces are thronged daily
b parsons of all natioualitic . 1Vhat
will patrons of Omaha restaurants tlmink
of such prices ?
Mr. Colgate Hoyt , one of the Govern-
meat directors of the Union Pacific , has
returned from the inspection of the pr,1p-
orty. He says that the road is fn good
condition and the local traffic large , but
time through busfuoss line certainly been
affected by conmpeting lines. Govern.
matt Directors Bromley and haven are
going over time road soon. The government -
ment directorship of the Union
Pacific , by time way in a fine
atnocure. These directors always
fluid the road in good condition , and have
plenty tog oft and drink of time very best
that the land or the Union Pacific can
at hind.
Collector Robertson , of Now York ,
has decided that , as the nine foot China.
man Chang is not a minor , nor a laborer ,
but conics only to be exhibited , ho can
admit himn as an animal , and as an mmni
mal he was admitted Saturday.
Pearl street , in this city , is the crook the world , It is a mile
arid a half in extent , and yet its curve
are so incessant that you cannot in an y
place see more than two squares ahead ,
It intersects Broadway twice , forming a
half circle whose arc is nearly one mil 0
in length. BowEBY Boy.
Hunmr In the Ntomacli.
Much of the distress and sickness at
tributed to dyspepsia , clnnonic diarrhoea
and otlmor causes is occasioned by hume
in the atotnach. Several cases , with al
the clmaracteristics of these complaints ,
Imavo boon cured by Hood's Sarsatparilla.
Other cures effected by this medicmo arc
so wonderful that the ounplest statement
of them atrords the best proof that it cant
binemu rare curative agents and when one e
used secures the comtidence of the pooplo.
Not the Man Svattod.
Samm Francisco Call ,
Tlmo true friends of General Grant will
regret that ho renmaias sileumt while his
name centinues to be used in connection
with time Presidency. The result of the
contest for his nomninatinu in the Clmica
go convention wasno truer index of pub.
lie sentiment then than it is at the pros.
out tinme. Time Republican party dues
not want General Grant for its standard
bearer. Ile could not be elected if he
ware. Many of his greatest admirers
would vote against him beeausu they
thick his services to time country have already -
ready received sutlieiemit political recog
uition , and because they are opposed t °
time third terns principle , ( Jeteral Gran t
is a poor interpreter of time signs of the ts
times if lie c.unmat see that it Gives le i s
party pain to see that imo emmcoiragos the
idea of again going before a Republica n
convention aeeking a Preoidomtial nomi
nation ,
Simon Onuleron of Mahone.
General Simeon Cameroun to a Wash
tnglon interviewer : a'I am sorry theta L
Semmatnr Anhono was beaten , butt thi
d oosmi t kill him- You cant kill a inn n
like htnt. Ile is a wemder'ully strut g
moan , and , inure than that , lie is right e
and time riglmt gemiorally wins , lie w
really trying to pay Limo State debt hat
drably , amid those Virginia Democrat to
didn't intend to do that. Danville evil I
recoil art theta vet. Undoubtedly it hn d
I dt
time clect nlmoy mtended it should ltavo a
this electtai , but it will work iii unoth
ors favor in time futuro. But it cloao e
a up the South for time present. Su mud h
time South. But time South has mme of
o eerie utmnmgh to sew it. A solid Southm me 1
ways makes a solid N1)rlh.
' cgjos
0 Ml k
I SPF 'r
p + 11 , 4
0 .
of b.RAN REM !
ID : A.I .
e es
Y Rheumatism , , Sciatica
on Lumba o , Backache , headache , Toothache ,
it iore'rmrontNu rnlufa Npt'nlnr , Itruber
r. U' rua , t.ra"b. . I'roa Intro ,
axe a. . . unlta ° aneILI clue Lau
d obr $ ae.m.rnu ram. rmn , C.ewa bari ,
i ma + rcU.u me
Y rat : cnanits : A , vuuri.l IL W ,
t0 'a.neaa' + f ' ) ,
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigara and Manufactured Tobacco .
Proprietors. Superintendent ,
U. P. IUU. WAY , - - - 17TH & 18Thi STREETS
, t 'v e ti :
c ' %
I _
4 rs : . JAI
- h 7 r 1'Ij '
10 tt * v : , .
rh Y
YtF7 t
Steam Engines , Boilers
Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery I i
Celebrated 'AnchorBrand ' Dufour Bolting Cloth
r a
j , t h : ' tr ' , r
, I . , , I
. . ,
a s 1
7 , ,
, f
1' r , tDC 11 :
F _
' ' :
'L 13 : I7 :
We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
live erection of Flouring ! Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing t
Fiourin .Mills , fruln Stone to the Roller syste 1n. ,
1" y.pecial attention given to furnishin ; Power Plants for any purpose -
pose , and e tiwatps made for alone. General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Address
i 08 , A
X > - '
Reina VictoriasEspeciales / Roses in 7 Sizes from $6
to $120 per 1000.
Combination/ Grapes , Progress , Ptebraskar Wyoming and
t Brigands ,
1 0
Double and Single Acting Power and flan' "
Engine TrimtrJnge , bfiniag Machinery , Bolting , hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Steam Packiu1 at wlmelesalo and rolaU , HALLADAY WlI1D MIL IS , OIIURl1
Corner 10th Farnam st , , Omaha Web.
k +