Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1883, Image 2
. . - - - - - - . - - a. v-uWilk a A av J i U1rl U.U' 1 % I.VA 100th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r t 'What will it do ? 1 Brown's Iron Bitters ? Good for what ? \Vcllcc whnt it has done. To begin with dj's/cpsia. It has cured some of the worst cases. Tlcn clrillsaand fn'cr. Who wants to shake with cold and burn with heat , when a bottle or two of Brown's Iron Bitters will drive the source of the mischief away ? flow about JlrcumalisnJ It curcd I AIr. Brasllcar , of Baltimore , and hundreds of others. 1 a Those dread Jtl nervous troubles. Mr. Berlin , of Vnshington , the vcll 1 known Patent attorney , was entirely relieved by Browns Iron Bitters , The ailments of the kidncPs.- Brown's Iron Bitters cured Mr. Mend - d of Va and tague , Christiansburg , ail army of other sufTcrcrs. Dcbil/ } ' and lan r/or. The Rev , 1 , Marshall West , hllicott City , Md. , Is One of the many clergymen rc stored by Browns Iron Bitters , , And as with vertigo , malaria , liver complaint , and headache , Browns Iron , , Bitters is the Great Family Medicine , 2 Health xs Wealth a.av ltnnlq CYf Dr. E. C. West' . Nerve and Dr.ln Treatment , rntran ced spooiCo for IIyeterla , D zdne . , 'Oonvul' ) funs , Ylta , Nervous Nouralgla , neadaoho , lrervow IRogtratlon auecd bx the use of aloohol or tobaooo , Wakefulnese Hems ) Deproeelon Softening of the Utaln , eceulling in Iosanlty and leading to mlaery , deny and death , I'rcmMure Old Age , Uarrenoese Loee of power In either eoxInvolunbq Lo. . . j apernatorrhe aueed by over exertlone 0f brim , eolf4bueoorovor Indulgenoe. Each talna one month'e troatmen. 11,00 a ho ; of boxee for $50a cot by mall prep d on rooelp , plea ° wB GUARANTEE Blx UOE 5 To cure any care. with each order received by ni torah x boxesaooom soled with $500 , wr wfllleend the pumhaaer our wrltlonguaraoteetoretuodthomoney U the treatment does not aRoet a cure. Ouarantot. A t utdonly by C. F. OOODHAN mke wl Dew lab Omaha Neb. DR , fELIX LE BRUN'S : a l11rTJ a PIL VENTIVE AND CURL FOR EITHER SEX . This remedy being Injected directly to the scat the dleaae , requires no change of diet or nausoouf , mercurial or poteenoul medicines to be taken intern. iUy , when uwd a. a prevrntivo by either sex , It I. Impoeelble to contract any private dmcsee ; but in the aoeofthoeoalready unfortunatclyifllotedwegmmar aatoo three boxes to cure , or we will refund the money , I'rioo b mall , postage paid , $2 per box , cr throe boxes for . , , wLuTrY.k aUAItAIiTBFa rued by aU suthortzcd ogente. Dr.Felix Le Brun &Co SOLE PROPPJETORa 0. F. Ooodrnan , Drugglet , Solo Agent , for Ouuth eb. mks wirdl .P. WEBER & CO. ' MANUFACTURERS OF d : BRACES ! dI I Felt THB conBEO'rtoboF Physical DeformitFat } Hipand Spinal Diseases , i Club Feet , Stiff Knees , " ' . Bows Legs , Knock Knees , &c. , I JRUSSE S aPr he bat make kept on land. Tausea repaired , L'rutehos made to order. Nnull jobs of alt kinds done In Steel , Iron and Wood. I ! s liiepal r'neg ' of all kind. deno neat , cheap and vin our work at rho No. breskzeUtat o Fair lu ' 803 South Tenth St Omaha , Fw w " DR. "WITTIER 1 617 Sf. Char/es St , , St , Louis , Mo. RFAULAIt OItADUATEof two medial colleges lihraboon on 6god longer In the treatment of OIhlON10 , NEII',0U8 , SHIN AND ULOOD Dtsoaecs than other phyeiclan to St. Louts , as dty papers .how -and .11 old residents know. Consultation freean v invited. When it le Inconvenlcnt to vtalt the city o l troMnwnt , maiidnce an be sent by mail or ex'rcc ' ereqwhere. Curablocaiesguaranteedwborodou ; .5x1413 It b frankly stated. CaU or write. Ner'ouaProetratlon , DobllltyMental and PhriIm i Weaknoea , Merairlai ud , otter ' Throt i 1000 impurities and I flood t'otson .i . lug , HkiP Aaoctlon , , Old Sores and mare , ImpodT bent. to ms ge , It outnat m , Pike. Sped at. tent - nto . from overworked brain. HUItOICAL CASE.H rood vo .p attention. nlseasea ng from Imprudence , Excesses , Indulgences. ) air MARRIAIGEROOpages , toeslpte who GFZJIaF7. marrywleortuynot ' 4 by , auras , consequences and cure. Hailed for Rae ; poatace or .tunai. Sept 28-dawiv DISEASE of TIlE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D.J Oaulleaet L ci 1l.lrtriset , liul Parn.m H'reet , opposite Paxton hotel , Oina lu , Neb. 1 Aactimcfeadimprndane auaiatoeryoud.bll Itr.premture tcowm } m ad , , a , haws t"ea meantef.el6 in Yam0 ever , 9 r. , whkh h. will .eed FItiE to hl. tel low.tuUered. M&ui. J.1L IIEEYEd , d3CiatlamdL , Nsw York Za 1FiONtsL-"vats of the human body eutary'od , demolopod and strengthened , etc , , ban tnlorestlngadvarn.emcnt long run in our 1' Iwr In rendy to inquiries we wUl ray that there b 510 evldenoq of hugmbug about this. On thocoutrary the advcrtlecre'arc very highly tndoraod. Interests l ersune may got scam circubre ghlog iii , arucu ' Erie Medics. Ca , I' . 0 , lroxil Dufalfo , N. Y.-lToiedo 1 Yrning Ube rn11.1r 1 , 1 sw w d .h BETTER Alfa CNEAPERrKSOiiP 'Y FOn ALL 4IIouli < e C1eaninr Pur'pohicolth 'Vi' WILL CLEAN PAINT , MARDLE , OIL CLOTHS , DATH TUDS , L1tOCIEBY , KITCIIEN UTENSILS , WINDOWS , ko. IT WILL POLISH TINBIIABS , zII A1v'D STEEL wABib AI' ' LkiDB , ' t g , f 0 LIFE ON A BEE RANCH , Ooneylllaking in Callfornla A Proil able Indnslryr Varloua Mcthoels of Work-flow to Gat Coln 01st of the iloney. Comb. Correspondenee of the Hen riancisco Chronicle , Prior to the American occupation of California no boos were found on the Pa. cilia coast , and it was only after great trouble and much expense that a small stock , consistidg of but four "swarms , " was brought huro by way of Paua is some twentyfivo years ago. So highly valued were llioy that $50 to $100 per swarth was no uncommon price ht those early days. Now the increase has boon so great and the supply Ilan become eo plentiful that from $1 to $3 per have or awarn is the avor.tgo price , varying according to season and condition , ' 1'hero are two distinct varieties of boos kept in this country-tho common black boo and thin Italian-while there are also hybrids of thin two of different degrees of purity. Experimonta have also boon made wills ono or two other variotioa , but for all Practical purposes they are mcludcd in 1110 two above cla59os , R1tQUIHITE Yost A 1tANChI The section of California most favor. blo to succofaful boo culture comprises the counties of Los Angeles , San Bornar ditm , San Diego , San Buonawontura , aiid Sit la Barbara , being the antiro aouthorn portion of thin State. Scattered hero and tlioro , often in the most out of tlio way but lovely and picLuresquo nooks of thu mountain canyons , may bo found numerous ous boo ranchos , aCalifornia are called. As as ina , oiciabloetent of hovel land 's required for this most interesting - nd locality affording sufficing - ficing anc0 for his own residence and those of the bees , with runnin water in clove thproximity , ill afford the beekeeper all necessary requisites for a oo ranch. Of course if ono wialios to engage gage in fruit raising or farming to any extent - tent , he may do so , as the proper care of the boos will by no moans prevent him from carrying on considerabe other busi- nose , Ined , it is well to cheese a in. cation whore some other pursuit- may be combined with the apiary. Lot us sup , Paso a man , uvhio , from failing health or otherwise , wishes to engage in some light , outdoor occupation not requiring ardu ous mammal labor ; especially for a con aumptitoly inclined person , no more pleasant and romunoratiyo occupation can be found. FOOD 01' TIm HONEY MAKEIU , As ho must ordiuatily be entirely do. pendent upon thohoneyproducin gflowors ndi onous to the country , location must be made with respect to the abundance - dance in which the wild blossoms are to be found. The main dependence in Southern California is put upon the wild sago ( of which there are two varieties , the white and the black or button sago ) , and Uponthoohomisalbrush or gromowood , Tim white sago grows in clumps , covering vast stretches of mountain and lain and each arie sends out long and slender shoots , whhic are covered for their antiro longtlt clustersof , a most beautiful and delicate little flower , which yield the finest white honey of a most exquisite flavor , ' 1IhOSO shoots frequently grow to such a height as to overtop a mounted horseman rind when in bloom present a moat beautiful appearance. The ball sago is of a very low growth and does not produce an fine an article of honey as does its sister. The chemisal is an evergreen brush found thickly scattered throughout California and durnig the spring aid early aum nor sends out large cone sham ed mases of tin white blesses which are rich with honey and fill the air for a long diataned with teir perfume. When a thicket of this bruh is in full bloom it presents a bpautiful snowy appearance , the clusters of blossoms being so plenti ful as to entirely hide the deep green foliage from view , Not alone for its honoyproducing equalities , however , is this greasewood valuable , In many localities its gnarled atoms and largo roots are the only fuel to be had , and for this purpose It is highly prized. So resinous s it that it burns almost equally well when groan as when seasoned , and withal it bursa with such a steady and equable blaze and is coiworted into ashes at so slow a rate as to bo much aoul ht after by housowivea. Ono peculiarity of this brush is that each clump , no matter of how nsaitY atoms it any consist , tormf- natea under the surface in an enormous halo , and those are prized by nil expori ooced "gruasowoed grubbers , " which is the ouphon ous designation of those who engage in the labor of roducingthiHfuel. For an moat faro those la a masses of root surpass of the coal used of this coast , There are a number of oilier flowering plants and shrubs front which h"ney is producodas the wild buckwheat , sunllowernnd numerous cultivated plants but the varieties inonntioned above are the mainstay of the beekeeper , and in fact this sometime the principal , land whim ) , as s happens , that plant fails ty produce its usual floral wealth thoun all hope of a good bee seaaonfs , given up , ] TINTS TO Tub UEOINNEIt. Having that chosen a suitable locution with reference totho prospective supply of forego for his stock of bees , and a good location l5 not very hard to find , the first care is of course a house to live in. This may be constructed at a cost varying from about $200 to as much aa meaus and inclination - clination allow one to go. For between $300 and $500 a very good and coinforta- ble house may be built , in every way suitable and convenient. The lsoxt thing is a stock of bees. Hero a wiao range for choice is offered and only one ox- imdenced In the peculiarities of the busi- 11055 as found in California is competent o advise upon this point. The rnlddlo f winter is norhapa the best season to purchase , for ninny reasons ! There being wo varieties to choose fi'orn , as already mentioned , tire advantages of lack should be thoroughly Inquired into before inak- ing a choice. The merits and demerits of the various aL los of hives-mid they Ore legion-phou d be studied , as wall as tlio' various modes of "working" the beos. Too much care cannot well be ox. erciaod upon these various points to at. tame success in the new pursuit. As the experience of the winter has boon mostly eoufcne to the black variety , the facts rivets may be taken as applying to thorn ebccluslvely , METnons or woitK , l The beginner should then commence operations with at least fifty stands , or say sixty , Before removing thu bees to future their home a shelter for thorn should bo built. One of brush , supported - ed on strong posts high enough to walk under with comfort is euffcit and will cast nothlng but the labor , It should bo made so wide that two rows of id cs may be put under it and leave room epou h btween thorn to s to and fro. The hives should be sit on timbers or eupporta some six or ton itches above the ground and with their openings in oppostto directions , as Ills much bettor to always work at the back of the hives titan at the front , the boos being thereby much less disturbed. Close at hand should be the "honey house , " which may bo as largo ae the apiarist's tastes require , but must be so arrasged as to have but one window and to be readily darkened at leneuro. There being of working been for their one the keeper must dechlo beforehand which course ho will follow. The common method in California is by extracting. The process is oa follows , limo hives are nttndo In two stories and time tipper 5tcry is filled with large frames of thin wood , each of which contains a comb of say a foot ono way by eighteen or twenty incites rho other , varying accord- uhf to the atylo of hive used , Those frames are examined from time to Lima and when f Il'd wills honey are carefully - fully lifted out mid carried to the hmmoy hiouso. hero is a mochino called an ox traetormorely a large shoot-iron or wood. on tank with an o son four.aidod wire "ca go" in the middle supported on an upright shaft and with gear at the top , o that the ca go may begear reveled - voled at will The frano full of honey is taken and time caps over the cells at a atroko with n peculiar sha ed. broad amid thiin bladed knife , made expressly prossly for that purjposo. Fouframes arc thusuncappod andimmodiaolyput inthoir places , cite on the inside of each efdo of the cage. The crank is that turned rapidly - idly a few times , whets time liquid honey is all forced omit by the revolving motlon and the combs are left entirely empty. Th's'o , enmity combs are at once returned to the hives vnd the boos fill thorn a nin in au ahmwst incredibly short time. Limo twain advantage claimed for this system ms the great additional yield of Bendy 50 cured above the comb-honey systems or ; where comb and honey are removed to. gather. It is within the writer's personal knowledge thatono hive of 1)008 has ducod 000 pounds of extracted honey one soasomt oa boo ranch in time not gh. borhood of this town , though of course that yield was extraordinary. TILE SECTION.ItOx SYSTEM , Time other way of working boos is by the section-box systmn. Small sections of thin wood or pasteboard arc put in the user stories of the hives , and , when filled , are removed and sold s they come from time boos , Time ; crico secured or this section box honey is always considerably higher titan that for time extracted article , but a hive of bees will not produce nearly eo much. This is owing to the fact that a long time is required in which to build up a comb preparatory to filling it with the liquid honey and so much time is lost , w imerous when the combs are all ready at hand a snuck largoramnount of honey will be stored. However , it is within the writer's own expuruneo that a single hive of boos made over 'l00 pounds of comb honey in one season. This , of course , is an exceptional case , PEEI'AISAT10NS FOn HWAUMiNO , Having uccided on the plan to be carried - ried out , during the winter months , every preparation must l e made fortho coming aoason. A number of hives must be made corresponding at least to the number of stands of bees which arc procured. All the nocosrary frames , sections and packages - ages for shiipmont should be in readiness , no that there may be no delay in the knight of Limo eoanon. About the let of April the awarmingae.'snn rnaybo looked for. Time process of artificially dividing the swarms lise been resorted to by many but some of the most successful bee men have found the best results to follow from letting thin bees pursue tlmoir natural course of swarmi when they are ready. Now comes a busy time. Perhaps three or four swarms will come out at once , and there must bo quicic work to prevent any of thtomn from escaping. Generally a swarm will settle on of ow bush or tree and be comparatively easy to socure. They form m hugo , cone-shaped masses , time point of the cone down. ward. The easiest way is to sprinkle klo clear orator on them whiio they are settling and give thorn a smart shower afterwards. Then put a hive as close to them no possible anwith a leaf limb or ordinary brush swoop them all into the hive , thewatorontheiwings urevonting thorn from attempting to fly. In time hive should be put a frame or two of comb , or bettor still the frames should all be filled with "comb foundation , " a thin shoot of wax which is stamped by maehinb wills indentations of time shape of time tolls and which the boos at once go to work upon. A comb of brood fa sometimes - times taken from a hive and put into the now , onto and tlmis acts met an additional inducement - ducemont to time bees to remain in their quarters. If time season is at all a Isropi- tnous one it is safe to calculate that each atnnd of bees will give out at least one swarm-more is injurious and weakening -so dint time middle of May will find time stock of bees doubled at least. 'rim rmonsiv malsrmr , By the 1st of May the h"noy harvest begins in sanest cord keeps up with little - tle cessation until time last of August , although in an unusually favorable locality - cality limey may at times be safely removed - moved as Into es Mctober , Care must be taken at tlmo close of time season to leave eutllciont itotmey is the hives to keep the bees front starving during the 'winter. One of time best features of time keeping of boos on this coast is the fact that mm protection whatever is required during the winter months , amid them is not a sunshiny day during Limo entire season when time bees may not bu aeon busily at work , as there arc always more or hiss hmonoyproducing flowers in bloom the year round. Despite tills it is always well to leave a good supply in time hives its case of an emergency. One man can attend to 100 to 160 hives wins surcosa , with isome little help from members of his faintly-provided , of course , that ho hiss one , Sfuse in ualit Y is the honey m ado from the white saga that bee keepers novor' use ammy sugar whatever In their household - hold economy , but honey is put to all the useafor which sugar m con monly required. For sweetening cobs , tea , preserves , and all cooking purposes it is an absolute fact that this honey cannot - not be dietingubhod from time beat g ases of white sugar , while certainly no purer or more healthful sweet cams be found , hater in the aeaaon time eunflowor comes into bloom aid considerable honey of a delicate straw color is lnade from it , which hiss a decidedbut byno means un sloneant flavor of its own , Large qualm- Utica of bolls extracted and comb honey are put u in small tie cane , and in that others find ready sale with miners and forced to arry provisions on long extracted far the greater portion of the hone however , is shipped ' barrels and ycans directly to huro peals ports , whore it enema to have earned a reputation for oxcolleuco far in excess of that which SL has attalnedhero , HNRMIE $ oi' h5 1355 , Time greatest enemy of time boo is found in the bee moth , Unless time hives arc well made and free from cracks these moths will cffoct an entrance and lay their eggs in ail parts of the hive , In a A . . . _ 1 - - - - - - - _ \ f short time , unless great care is used and the moths oxterminaled , a hive will be. comp entirely Infested wills thorn and the 1)005 will either all ho killed or will leave in disgust. The weaker swarms will be tlmo first tosuccumb amid dimming the winter months constant care s required to pre , tent the ravages of time moths. Another enemy is also found in the griyzly bears , trine which tire wilder sections of this coast arc still infested , A friend of the writer , living in asomowhatIsolated loon. tioim , woke up ono morning to find that his apiary had boon Invaded by bruin and severl hives reduced to kidlin .wood and their contents devoured The follow' ing night a largo pan of honey , well auasoned with strychnine , was put in convenient proximity to time gap n the fence through wlmfclm time raid had been made. Next morning the astonished rancher opened his door and , in his own langmin o , "tlmougt Irma whole dooryard was full of bears , " for no less titan three of the largest-sizd rizzlios lay stretched out as limo had fallen r victims of mis placed confidence , wind , risE T1tEY4 AND CASES , Despite tire Care taken , many swarms of bees Imvo at Limos escaped from their owners and betaken themselves to tlmo mountains , whore , in hollow trees and holes in time rocks , they have made their Imomos and established conmmunitica of their own , Consequmrtly "bee trooa" are very numerous and a favorite and very prolitablo pursuit with many , fs a bee hunting trip in limo ( mill of time year , and they are never unrewarded , as it is no very difficult matter to ( indium abundance of "wild boos. " In the mountains north of this place is located a voritlmblo "bee cave. " In the side of a perpendicular clifrin an opening largo ctsough for a man to enter upright , and wlmiclr widens as rt goes into the mountain. How far it extends - tends back no one knows , aim adue ropect fur time foolinga of time pro cmptors of the cave operates as a damper upon curious explorers This cave has been in the poss seaienof beesfor yoarsand great sheets of comb blackened by agomay bo soon lmang ini from its aides amid topwhilo literally millions of boas occuhy the place. A con , slant stravm of the insects passes in and out , and , strange to say , they permitted time writer to ride on imorsoback directly up to the mouth of the cave and inspect it to his satisfaction without commencing proceedings against Imim for trespass. A settler in time neighborhood has boarded up the cave entrance , leaving a largo opening covered withs a wire screen sufficiently - ficiently wide meshed to allow of the been passing in and out freely , and when the natute rancher wishes sweetening he simply punts a wire mask over his taco , arms himself watts a "smudge" and a knife , and , proceeding quietly into the cave , cuts down as nmuch honey as ho wishs and leaves in oed order. Truly , hone eave is good to have and is something - thing no well-regulated household should be ithout , PROYITS OP TIlE BUH1NESS , As ties profits of rho business in South , Urn California the following figures are given from actual'oxperience. Commencing - ing on tha 1st of April of a good season with sixty hives of boos its tolerably fair condition , on the let of November the account stood ; One hundred amid twenty hives of bees , or exactly , double the start ; over $700 in coin as clear profit from sales of.honey and wax ; looney used profusely all the season for domestic purposes and a largo quarmtity ( several hundred pounds ) reserved together with a fund of good health and experience which coulhave been pined in no other wim . The same season a not distant neighbor commenced the year with 140 stands of bees and secured product of not not less than twenty-six tons of extracted honey , which netted upwards of $ 60O. Similar instances might be nnultiplilid. But lest the reader should imagine this to be royal road to wealth , it is not fair to suppress the drawbacks to the successful pursuit of bee cul- turo. In tire first place , not more than every other year is a good one for boos. The most experienced - ed beokeopora have settled upon this as tlieaimoet invariable rule and make Choir calculations accordingly. Hitherto the entire dependence of bookeepera has been placed ripen the wild flowers for their source of honey supply. But some of the more experienced are agitating time subject - ject of planting flowers for the express purpose of securing an abundant supply of bee food every aeaon and thus becoming - ing in a measure iudepondont of the natural - ral supply. That this cams be done succees- full there is no question as time plan is followed in many places in the Eat and in Europe. It will readily be soma thou that despite - spite time ample eturns to be reasonably expected from time careful and ainslak ing culture of bees it would be well to domnbino fruit raising or farming on a small scale with the apiary , and in this way no more , leasamt health-giving , and renmunorativo pursuit , ui non moderato capital , can be und lmain bee raising in Southern Californnia , G. F. W. Uorsford's AcidL'hosphato , Au a Nerve Food. Dr. J. W. Smith , Woliitn ton , 0. , says ; "In impaired nervous supply I have used it to advantage" Bob Setucnuk's Game. A game of poker played aomo'y ' oars ago between General Schenck and a Mr. Do GiafT , of Dayton , is thus described by a Vaslmington correspondent ; My informant - mant saw Schenck's hand all the way througlm. Ile drew an ace amid deuce of spades , paid his mite , saw it raised , and bet $10 , Do Grafr raised it to a $100 'Gamnbling.aro youl" said Schmerck ; "I'll bet you 85)0"-continuing ( ) to draw. lie drowa flush , or a handful of spades. Do Graff bet $500 earn , Sehonk raised it again 8500 , "I'll take your money , " said Be Graff , showing three jacks , "Sonde day or other you may , " said Schenck , presenting life hush , "but not tilly'ou cams play this gamine , " An Excello1st Report. Iron. Jos , (1 , ( ioodridge , of Brooklyn N. Y , w'rltes this ; " Cannot express myself ha sutliclOntly pralseworthy terms. Jlu dock l.tood . IIifkrs have used for the past two years ; koepucy stomacim in splendid trims , " Eighty-two Cents Per Dar , New York Journal , The average wages paid imj the Now England factortoe and mills is estimated at eiglmtytwo cents per day. Tiers arc tens of thousands of young boys and young girls employed in these establish menta all of whom count in a calculation of this kind. Iatimatce of tuts chan , . ter are therefore of very little value as a guide to intelligent legislative action. Tlioy arc credo amid misleading. r A Now England family , with timroo or four boys or girls earnig five dollars a weak apiece in addition to limo wagoa of the head of rho household , is not in need of sympathy. A bettor classification would be a table giving do average wages of adults who are htuade of families and of niinorl who live at home. The eighty two coats per day estimate to not , however - ever , without its significance. It seems to Indicate that in New Eumglande as in other parts of the country , the poor are each year beoonting poorer , and the rich richer , - - sTake - - Take our Choice , You can be weak , nervous , debilitated , and dcepondent disqualified for work of head m hard , or you can enjoy a fair share of health and teaco of ruled , ) ) talon ) ' IJood INtlera will allovtato your moory and du mt a world of good if you will but have fait to try , Bear Stories. PorUaod Ortgonlan , In early times on limo Pacific elope ad. veuhtres with time grizzly bear wore very common , amid it was always a favorite theme around acam pfmre , Nu doubt many of these stories were lies from 1)rgtnntn g to end , But many true ones wore never petmacd. There were nmty poor fellows who carried unmistakable marks of hay - big hind a dreadful mmcouutor with a grfz- zly bear. Those stories naturally created a desire , especially among lhoseo who love time oxaltement of tine chase , to have a skirmish wills a grizzly. But the lirst sight of one of these monsters usually - ally produces a kind of pnrnlysfs , a cool. hug otC of time ardor engendered around a camp-fire , and the tmrat desire export. encecl is personal safety , and suiting the action to the desire , a place of safety it generally sought in a lorry. . Grizzly bears are itot yet ranked among an extinct race of aninnala , for they are frequently found in limo Selkirk menu. taiua and still fnrther South. Tloy are tune genuine stock too , weighing frown 1000 to 2000 pounds , and lmavang all the native ferocity of those formerly found in aouthorn Orogou and California. Thorn are several other varitics of tlmo bear family found- the cinmmnon , brown and black bear. Their tracks are frequently scan in time sand and mud on the banks of time rivers amid creeks where they go to catch salmon , The Indians say that they have killed tlircegrizzly boars thus seasms -two very largo oucs. We mutlt not al ways reckon on the size of time track. Time black boar , the smallest of the family , makes sometimes time largest track. Ho is very loose-jointed , his paws spread out , and ho leaves an imnprossion on the sand and mud very largo for time size of his body. The niniblemoss of his joints cormita lien to handle his legs , particit Iarl his fore legs , with a great deal of dexteritY. Ho can climb tree faster than a man. Not so with a grizzly. He stands more erect on hits legs. Ho is built more for strength than nimblenesa , and therefore is not in the habit of climbing small trees. Thie fact lms saved many men from being torn to pieces , and is a onsolation to the pursued. Bear stories are loss frequent in camp than formerly , but still we have , now and then , an advouturo with these mountain monsters. One of our party , Capt. P. , once went out prospecting for a quartz lode. With pick in hand lie comenced climbing the mountain , closely scanning ovary rockslmowingindicationsof amoral. At last lie came to a largo fallen cedar lying across his course. Fastening his pick on top of the log , ho hoisted himself - self u so e could look over it. Just , theft n large grizzly raised himself up. They met face to face , each staring right into the other's eyes , with nothing but the cedar log between them. The onp lain says the bear showed him his tooth. He thinks there was a full sot and in excellent - collent condition. Ho does not know how long this paitomimo lasted , but he remembers letting all hold go from that log and sliding down and making for a tree near by , which ho went "up in a jiffy. " Just as ho was leaving the log , he says , ho saw a big paw reach over on his side of it , and give a terrible scratch , lie felt thankful that lie was tint there to get the scratch , and it was a "bare scratch" that ho was nut there. Up that tree the captains felt safe for the time being - ing , and could look down and see Mr. Grizzly , who was standing on time opposite side , with iris paws resting leisurely on the log , looking straight up that tree , evidently studying the situation , for an offensive as well as defensive operation. Grizzly soon got down and wont off a short distance , then turning around took another glance at the man up time tree , thou went into the brush , and was soon out of sight. After some delay the captain - tain ventured down from time tree , and , finding a smooth , narrowgulchrdere lie sat dawn , gave a wriggle or two , and soon found himself on the bank of time Colum bin river going clown at 2.15 speed , Ho came into camp alone and without his lint , 'and related his adventure. The cap , Lain thinks that grizzly wont after rein- forcoments. Now , this interview between the captain - tain aid time grizzly is the captain's side of the story. Tlmo other side ] us not been heard from , As both sides of a story ouglmt to bo heard , time writer would suggest that it is quite reasonable to aupposethat the cause pf the grizzly's leaving the field first was that he had become - como tired of the monotony and disgusted - gusted wills the noncombativeneas of his intruder , aunt dust ho went in search of more agreeable and exciting amusement , but as it stands the captain claims time victory , because ho loft time field last , ' It was a noticeable fact that time captain preferred standing to sitting while par. taking of his camp moms for several days. The day of this adventure eoim1 ( Inndiaua passed and they were informed of it. Titoy pursued grizzly witin their dogs , and on the following day a largo grimly was killed in that vicinity. Not- wikhstanding the ovidouco being ormolu , aivo that the identical animal has been killed , time captain timinkn that some of hie kindred usightstill be living , and that he has no desire porsonnlly to dispute a grizzly's claims to a quartz ledgo. A SPECIFIC FOR Epilepsy , EVER FAILS. Slaloms , Convul shone , Paiiing Srkneaa , SL Vltue Donee , ,1froAo- ! l + nm , Opium Eat THE GRERT ing , 8vphtiNr , Scrofula , A1ugt U E R U ht U , Ugly Blood Dlseaees , Dysp < p anu , Nervousness , CON UEROR vfek 1ltadarAe , llhoumatlem , MrtmN iVeaknaa , Brain Worry , ( hood 5. v , Dlltousnees , Uoitreneas , Nervous Prostration , Kidney TrouWrscadrv , tartlet. $1.50. ' ltnmpla Tee'fwouisla. ( i HamaritanNervinuisdoingwonders. Ir. J , 0 , alrLomoin , Alexander City , Ala , I foci It my duty to recommend 16r Ur. P. F Laughlin , Clyde , Kansas , "It curedwhere physicians failed. ' liar , J. A. EdleTkayer , Pa. a7. llorre.patdeuco heels' ' aaawe'red- $ Y or tesimonlats sad ctrtaiar. scud stamp. The ilr. LL Richmond Ned. Ca , SL Joseph. Mc ' , RnldbyallRimnrslat. . (111 r--- - --r : - - - - - - ; - - - - OR HEIiuER30N ' ' r medte o ; , WyandottesL ye&Wpractioe-tweive a YANSAa CITY , MO. Chicago. Authorised by the state to tra Chronic , Nonuua and Primate dleeues , A Asthma , EpilcF.y , ahewnatbm ilk. Tape Worm , Urinary and Skim 15. saes , Seminal Waknoea f alght lwa ) Sexual Debtlltypoanlweual power. Aa Curve zuarsnteedormoney refunded. Charges 40w , Thourandt W oases cured. No injurious medi olnc.furbodrntopatient. it adiatauoo. Con eultatioc sea and oonadeoUai.- or wrlk ago and eapetlcaroarofm mast. AUOOKfwboth..xe. . llustated-sod crcrotdar. of other tileps seat s.alet or urQloatlS + mla VBEXMVUEW A ; cuxl a1.w . _ . - - , - - - CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! , i , , , Have just received . a large quantity of new y AND AM OFFERING r THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PASSENGER ELEVATOR CIIAS1 SEJIVERICK , t To .A,11 P1oorO. 12061208 _ OMAHA and 1210 , NEIL Fnrmmn , St S fa' .C , S' , r : t 'eN t 4 V . . p = - i r HANUFACrminit OF OF STIUCTLY FIBBT.OLAESJ Carriages BIIgg1eS ' ' i AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. untrustedCataloguetnrrniahaftreeuponappilcatiiaaa.11SthStr otOM AHA1 NEB . . _ a ASK YOUR GROCERS FOR TIIE OMAHA DRY HOP YEAST 0.3 WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL , ' Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co , ' , 2718 BURT STREET , OMAHA , NEU Granite Ironware. FAR BBOILTNG , BAKI.IG SOILING , PRESERVING , a vATrHr LIGHT HANDSOME WSOLESOME , DURABLE. s The Best Ware Made j'or the Kitchens f jjed NA NUFACTURED ONLY BY THE iF . LO LNG COMPANY err Lo , Fat' ' 1 0 P lie 07 1 l hYP _ a Pilr , 0 . P . OR .Om P 111E1 < 1 S 1ll < _ 1l1 P , P P. t J.H. GIBSN CARII1AE A11 ¶ AON fflACTORY } COfNER TWELFTH AND BOWARD i TBFET& OMBg , - - - - - - hNaB Particular attention hen to re alma SaUeacfra'suaranteod Y J. A. WAKEFIELD , f % 6Wn0LESALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN y Shg1es , SASH , BOORS , BLINDS MOIILDINGS LIME CEMENT , PLASTER &C' TATE GENT FAIZ MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB : Booth's 'Oval' Brand AND i WHOLESALE1- D. B. BEEMER , AgontOmaha , DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an Lock ' AND BURGLAR PROOF , : : , , . ' SAFES VAULTSLOCKS&c. , , , . 1080 Wn rnaxri Jg1 root. Oda ca h. Anheuser-Busch S Ot \t:41t BREYiING ASSOCIATION , r - - - n a s " ClGh'11RATF.ll , rr { Keg and Bottled Beer' ' , y , Thia Excellent hoer speaks fcr itself. 1wl I ORDERS , IidOlli , ANY , PART OF Tlili . IRB USCI 6 R p . . 1 S CA rIl OR r,111' ENTIRE WEST , \ i tiIl0U15 LAD , Promptly Shipped , 'ALL ' OUR GOOD ARE MADE TO THE 01 ANDARD a F. SCHLIEF f Solo Agent for Omaha andtho , Vv'est. Cur , Ptfl Street and Capitol Ay'uniw , _ 1 f