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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1883)
- - - - . - - . w- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . W % A V TW pvari1 1y- a rTr a. at I. I : ' THE OMAHA . < DAILY BEE. . . 13 - ? - L1nbort - - - - 1 'N P 11IL : . 4YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. TUESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 2O 1883 NO. 133. 'q p FROM FOREIGN LANDS. I Pnrthcr Sa Rcors ot the Urcat S1oriil Th Alarming Condition of Things - . in Egypt. . . . French Cnbnct Changes nuil the . Tonqulit War. TILH 11U1UtILkN1' $ WOltC. Sr. Joits , N. F. , November 1.-TIio bilip I'OIUftlld , lumber Jathm , a schooiinr and two brgatitities , bound for France , have boon drivoti upon the roefa and wrecked. Sorora vc88018 Were driven from their anchorage and partially reckod. Trepassoy advices report that evera1 bodies ) ave come ahorc there and at St. ShottB , but none have boon Moutiflod a yet. All are mutilated , the heads , arms and legs being 8evered from the trunk. At St. 3liott a large vessel I'Lr . - * . drove by and looked abandoned. The - steamer Caspian was dotaizid four days by tim hurricane , and was unable Saturday to face the Northerly gab. Three schooners wont dowis in Trinity bay , and mm in Cagst.sin bay. The. steamer Missouri , of Boston , for Liver. pool , passed Cape Sunday and re ports frightfully stormy weather. Reports of the disastrous etroots of the gale last week come iii daily. The fol. lowing fatal accLdonts are reported : Two sailors named SL Jean , residing inSorel , were drowned. Mr. Fousignant , with his wife and Live children were drowned while crossing the river in aboat. Victor Veniltotte , a sailor on board the schooner Chrle3 Browa , was thrown overboard and drowned. It is reported that the barge Abrahainhasboen found abandoned , on Lake St. Louis. Thu gale played havoc wiLls some light ships on Lake St. Louis. HALIFAX , November 19.-A telegram from Ariclmat states that two brothers , named MeDoimald and 1) . J. Doyle , fishermen , wore drowned at Gros Nez . Friday by the upsetting of their boat. . The same night tim Norwegian bark Plovinander vcnt ashore at Green isaiid. The steward and one sailor wore saved , . and ton others lost. . . Turi FftNCll MINISTRY. ; PARIS , November iii.-Ohallemel La. ceurhas resigned the office of Minister of Foreign Atiairs , on account of ill t health. Prime Minister Ferry has bean appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs : ; and M. Falliers , Minister of Public Instruction - ' struction as a successor to M. Ferry. ' ; A COWARDLY SOLDIERY. I k CAnto , November 19.-The Governor s , of Snakim has telegraphed the Khedive k that , although the Bedouins are numerically - cally inferior to the Egyptian troops , the . latter attempted no stand , but dtvested ? : . themselves of their arms an9 clothing and I , rushed naked into the sea , forsakizg the Turkish officers comnmauding tham who . - b. wore killed. The Governor urgondy do- mnandn reinforcements , bht says it is use- l lesa to send Egyptian soldiers , because they will not fight. A council of Minis- k . ters , the Khedive presiding , discussed mcazure for protecting Snakim and sub. I jucrating the hostile triheo. it was do- ! cicled to enistBasha ) Bazouks , and 150 of W them have started for Snakiin. Six companies of black troops will be dispatched - ' " ; - patched from Massowah. These will I raise the garrison of Snatdm to nearby iooo amen. A council of war will also go ir to Suakim to inquire into the disaster I and punish the gnilty. The wildest rumors are again rife respecting Hicks p , Paslia , .owing to the defeat of time Egyp. I tans at Tk. Ills forocs , biowoverund . time force slaughtered at Toka , were on- I tireby discommmaectd. I 'l'he latest ollictal accoutits of the tight- ' ing at Toka state that the Jgyptians lost ; ' - 11 oflicers and i42 muon besides six Turks , several Greeks and .idso lost one . I gun and 800 rifles. At 3:40 : they regained - gained their ship. The Egyptians during /k the tight formed a hollow square whoa a & amuall number of the enemy locked their shields together and rushed through the , Egyptinis line. A panic aumomig time t Egyptians resulted. It is doubtful if time ! black troops can be spared from Mae. . aowalm , which is in time same critical peal- 1 tion as as Snakimn. The British gunboat . iangor'ias been ordered from Aden to J Snakhn. . . * e. 1IL'VOKD TIlE OIt1t. ; LoNocx , Nuvornber ifl.-An r- firmed report is current here that orders i. for the purpose of rcfltting three transports for convoying Drit. ; ish troops Imomu Irons Egypt. have been ; countcrmuudcd , owing to itho r-eoent . E.zyptian defeat , and time ablegod oritical , - pbsititlm of Jilioka Paaha. . . . ' TIlE 1IINOE DE1AR. , : GENOA , Neembor 19.-The Gorman u Crown Prince embarked and departed I 1- ; for Spain amnid much ceremony. The f Italian. Gerwan and ituasian v.esaobe in I mUmo harbor wem.dreascd with flags. On , bidding adieu to the Mayor of Genoa , the Prince g&u.utterance to his friend. I smhip for Italy &nd the house of Savy. . A WOIIAE IN TilE ( LU3E. . WIENNA , November 19.-A wee recentb' arrested (151 the Warsaw railroad : tkae police bavimg , boon informed that abe e&sio froml'aris tonmke an attempton the iife.of the Czar. A MJ.TrEit or nEeEDENcE. : , Pite , Nveinber 19-1)uring the t . ting od the coiouittei , , .on time Ton'1uiii ' . - credit Monday , whkit was a secrtmt \ aitting , stdmiru1 Ptyen aaid time mmmiii. . \ tary , iiut take precedewe if the diplo- . i. mimetic , ni the ( jUIBtilfl. } . Ferry will - on Tucaday prdseJmt time diuIomatio side of the queaDa. It is ozlMcthd timat a : . public debai4 of the TtniquLn question . will begin rouday or Tueaday next. : ln case of war with Olminait lia. 1oou do. , - , tided to employ the atoamner of the - Trmums.ttia.t'o , company , and ) IBEIgeues M.mritfmnca ae trumsporta. $ AN IMPRER.'llOi ( . . A general limipr.msaiomm prevails hero .t that Limo govermnent ha. recently recoiv. d bad news from Tunquin. . TJIE ARMY NEEDED. I : LoNDo , November 20.Tbo Times i , - . . i13 a luading article concludes that time - - ccntipuod prp 01 aubitentlI 1uj lisli garrison in Egypt is essential to the intoresta of civiltiation. CONFIDflTi.U. IXSTmIUOTI0NS. ROME , November 19.-It is stated that fresh comiImdential instructions have Imeems sent time Catimolle lilaimoima of Ireland enjoining - joining them to elmdo.ivaLr to create a semi- timent imifluciiciimg Catholics to act with time government. The recent orders for' bidding the holding of Oraimgo and other meetings arc considered duo to the good offices of Mr. Errington , English agent. T111 INIIAN ) umiTliot , . CAI.4UTFA , November 19.-The Amneor of Argiirnmistan has executed a nuniborof porsomle sus1iectetl of favoring Ayoob Rhan and bammishod others. THE WAR IN TONQIJIN. i'AluS , November iti.-Report that time French government has presented an ultimatum to China is aomi.otlicialiy do. miled. A committee of the chmmumiber of deutica to report upon a bill for Tomi- qumim credits , examimined. i'cimno tinistor Ferry and time minister of marine , who explained - plained the military situation in q'omim1uims amid allrnmed ( that oiflmsivo operations by tue French forces arc imminent , if not already begun. ) mOrrLuD .ui. JCmIA1tToum , November 19.-it is to- Ported that time forces of time false prophet have surrounded time Eyptiami troops under Hicks Pasima , wilt ) 18 short of provisiomis. TilEr IIAN AWAY. Losio , , Novonmber -Later ) ac coumita froni Jeddali state that the Egyp. tian soldiers lied before time emmenmy due- pito time efforts of their otlicera to rally timommi. Time soldiers saw Comimmuder Moncrieff , surrounded by. insurgents , do- feuding hiimmmaolf with a revolver. Time Egyptians lost eighty-six inca and two ollicers. A SALVATION AEIV 110W. KINC1STON , Ontario , November 19.- A terrible row occurred last night at time Victoria music bali. Au exmonmber of the Salvation army who was intoxicated entered the hail and struck several mdi. viduals. Capt. Thompson , aide do camp to Major Moore amid comnmander for all America , undertook to quell tile disturb- amico and was knocked over and choked on time bench. Themi four policemen entered the place and arrested the man. A small riot followed and tile crowd stmrged amid pushed about time ball. Officers of time peace asid army were eur- rounded and kicked. One was knocked down wimilo scutuliimg * ith a prisoner and eventually retired without the prisoner , finding iiiuclt difficulty in forcing a passage - sage out. CIIEAT JAMAOI ] IY STORM. Sv. JohN , N. B. , November , 19.- Saint Pierre announces a furious snow storm Friday and Saturday last attended with loss of life and property. Mamiy ships were driv n ashore and their crows per- islmcd. THE F11t ECOflD. NEWAIIIr , N. 3. , November 19.-TIme countryrceidence of Geo. V. Hooker , on Orange Mountain , was burned yesterday with time furniture. Loss , 6OOOO. Sioux Crr , in. , November 19.-A fire broke out ntho musical instrument and undertaking establishment of 0. it. lrcDouga1l , about 9:41 : tlmiscvonng which fpr a time threatened serious damage. The Times oilico adjoining was badly damaged by time removal of its contents. The Daily Journal was also threatened but the fire was speedily got under con- trol. McDougall's stock is totally ru- med by fire and water. Time Clifford Commipany was givimmg an entertainment at the Academy of Music , and came near causinga panicbut it was avortedand or- dot restored , by a gentleman near one of time entrances , who stated that the fire was a block amid a half away LOUISVILLE. November 19.-The Cour. jet Journal's Elizabcthtown , Ky. , special says : May'o hotel was burned this morn iimg. All the guests escaped iii their night clothes. Charles Rich was injured by a failing wall and will probably die. A grocery Btoro in the lower story was also burned. Time total loss is $60,000 ; well insured. The fire was incendiary. FAitco , Dakota , November 10.-Five warehouses and two d wolliiigs wore burned this afternoon. Loss , $20,000 ; insurance , $14,200. fl.slre..s 'I'votihlcs. ChICAGo. November 19.-henry Sinm- one , wholesale imotions , ima .irsignod , Ii. abilities $40,000 , macta $25,000. It is alleged that the failure was pmecipitatod by steahings of dishonest employee of the 0111cc. E. & C. Eldred , a heavy lumber firm with mills at Bluffton1 Michm. , was taken possession of by time sheriff to-day on mi attachment in favor of Curren Wolf , of this city for $2,000 , and were subsu- quoimtly released on reilevii. Time , slieritr took possession of the property of Charles L. Ejipa . .S..Co. , mal- store and grain commiMon , on confoasion of judgmoiit for $8,600. The liabilities are estlimmatod at from $100,000 to $1211i000 , and the ieroth estimated , are $40000 to $60,000. Epp says lie was taken by aurlmriao , and expects to resume - sume iii a few du3s. Nnw Yong , Novemborj9.-Axi assign. mont was flied to-day foarn the bwiefit of the creditors of Moses Horloin & Co. , won's furnishing store. The preferences amount to50,720. A sclmedtibo iii the aasigunzent.ofSimnon Lauterbach has beemi flied. Liabilities , 8171,600 ; atual assets , $ (2,115. ( - T1i Giwli ItIgImIH IPecDAon. Si. Lou18 , november largely attended mneethg of colored des wee hold at Morc&emtilo hell to.niglit to hoar J. . MiltonTuruzoxminister to Liberia , discourse on the into decision of the Sn- promo Court on 4io civil rights hill. 11 made a long and aLhior desultory peech , in which lie m oug ground. agaimist the .dccisjoi , and go time negroes a good deal .of valuable adcico on general sub. frets. A series of asolutions hind boomi prepared , but owing to the Jatencea of the hour they wore not ffurcd and their purport dI'eIi not kmmowu. Au L'iifisvoral.ti , ExImllflt , 1IOSTON , November 19'-hieporh ? , froiii 27 leading clearing houses in time United States for time wuk cz1lingNmnmbor 17 , give time total clearances as $1,079,142 , . 347 , being a decrease of 20.1 per cent us compared with the corrcapondimmg week of 1882. 'rho exhibit of this week , though showing a larger volumnim of trna- actions than hut week , 1. til1 decidedly unfayeratlo , whazi compared with that oftita corrtmapending week of LNt 7CAt. , . ' 4 - - - - - THE RAILROADS , Th&t & Possthlc Nc Bric at Lollis. The Eastoru Pool Inoroasos the Ratos. at iteetIiig 'hiIcli m In , ClmIcngo , 1tIt. % nnkce & 3t. Paul Broke Up. RAUsItOAI ) MATTEIIS. A lOiTi'ONi.I ) smnr.TINO. CnIeAooNovolmilor 19.-Oiimg to the withdrawal of time Chicago , ? mlilwaukeo & St l'stiil railroad froimi the Iowa freiMlit joob , on account of ilissatiafaclion with its perceiitago of stock trathic from the northwest , the umeetitig of that pool , which VilS to have beomi hold for time pur. pose of further commeidering time matter , thu not occur. Notice of tim withdrawal was received Friday , and time comnmiasionor at omico sent out , notices to other imiombers indefinitely postponing time miicetimmg. THAT SF. LOIJm $ IIuIlI , : . Sr. LOUIS , Noveimiber 19.-ilegarding the proposed now bridge across thu Mis. BiSSijmmZ river at Chain of Rocks , above this city , license for time coimstrmiction of which has been issued by the Secretary of State of Illinois , it iiay be said that the project is an old one and if time bridge is built it will be used for freight only and will be controlled by the Clii- cage & Alton , Chicago , Burlington & Qumncy , Indianapolis & . SL Louis , Cairo short. line mmid posihly some otimors. Should tim Gould , , rcst build time bridge it probably would be at Arsenal Islamid , three malIce below the centre of time city , where the grounel will be ac- mluireI n9 a comitingemit site for the ccii- tral Piers. EAST 1OJNII ( mIATIS. : CnmoAoo , November 11)-Ropresonta- ) lives of time cast bound pooi roads met amid made tip a schedule , advanc- 11mg rates to time seaboard. amid interior poiPte , to take cifect. November 26 in ac- cordamice with time decision of tIme Joint Executive Commimnittee at a meeting at commissiommer Friimk'a ollico iii New York , November 16th. The local committee also issued a circular tosimippors containing - ing the following points of interest to those outside of Chicago : I'roperty consigned from the vest di. rect to points in time east prior to No. vomber 2tlllm , in which shipping direc tions have not been changed , go forward at time old rato. All comisigninont from time vest to Clii. cage previous to November 20t1m , and re- consigned to time cast upon which direc. tione have changed at Chicago , must no- tuaily be in possession of thocastern road previous to November 26th to take time old rate. CRIMINAls ltECOItD. . . A iil2SNCIOUS TRAMP. JAMAICA , L. I. , November 19.-The police arrested a young tramp th is morning - ing who is supposed to be time nian who murdered 3Ire. Maybea antl.daughter'at l3rookvillo. They took him to see the bodies. The authorities think time f ] l w drunk or crazy. A SU1'I'OSED DEFAULTER. OswEno , N. Y. , Novenmbor 19.-Fred. North , sub.troasurer of the Oswego Fails Manufacturing company , left that village Thursday , ostensibly for Syracuse. and has not beemi heard from since. He is said to be a defaulter. It is believed lie lies gozito England. Ho leaves a wife and two children. STOLEN TICKETS RECOVEREm ) . Cu UJMIO , November 19.-Five years ago a considorabbo number of Chicago & Aiton unlinmited tickets from Chicago to Galveston via New Orleans , worth $60 each , were stolen front thmo down-town office. Soon afterward William Bryce , time ticket agent , disappeared and lies not been lmeam'd of simicu. Several of these tickets hmavo been passed tipoim tim company , amid time ronmainder turnel up iii a scalper's chico in tim haimds of A. D. Menchanm. When arrested he told a story of their wandering through a numimber of hands after imevimig becim left as collateral by Bi-yco. It is not 1robablc that any one can be comivictod , but the road. has recovered time missing tickota. A I1EQIJX.SITION IIEFUSE ! ) . ST. PAUL , November 19.-Tim.m Govor- rgr to-day refused toissuuarequiimitiomm on time Governor of Illinois for General \Vil- itamn Moyerim , charged by Daniel B. Ver- inilyo with adultery with the hatter's wife. The ground on wimkim the Gocernor tie- dined was that time crime i outlawed by time statute of limitations. 3t'URIEIIED ItT A TIE ourr&u. DENVER , November 19.-The Ropub. lican's LesdviUo special says : Last evening - ning S. H White , civil engineer on the Denver S ; South Park railway , was murdered - dored by a tie cutter at Robinson. flow NELLINO DIED. Ciiiosio , November 19.-The imiter. Ocean's , Oxford lad. , special says : At the hanging ci Ncliing this aiiornhimg just before lie was swung elfono of time mob said I m : "Nelling you isrust die. have you any further confeesion to make or anything to say1" He replied : "No nothing more than I have.already said , but I want yu to make ii half way decent job of this and omit off ray wind as quick as you can. " Five minutes was given lmi whemi he was strung up anti a paper pinned on imiebreast with time words , "A Varsaing to murderers ! ' At 10 ( l'chock to-day time body was taken down , Time's jury returned a verdict of "DcetAm by violence at the hands of a band of masked men , un. known to us" . The body was interred ill 4imo county groumids west of Oxford. A 31UflhEROUS COOK. CVIOMJO , Novcimmbr 19.-Time Tutor. Ocean's Springfield ( ( IL ) ejuecial says : Jaines Cook amid wife. hiring three miles sou'im.of lucre , quarreled. Sue loft hmimui , wont ta Arkansas to vhit her former Izuma- bitud , returned and atoppea at time house of a uiohmboriuig ( cramer. ( look visitEd her , caught her and lucid hot head between his knees , while ha cut her throat with a imon knife. She gill die. Cook surrendered. MUiII EJI AND SUICIDE. TOLEDo , November 10.-This str- noon t3amuol floury. an old farmer By. rag near Swanton , Um1 county , killed lila wife REd then kiunelt. lie mart , 1 her a year ago , site being a witlow , anti line lived unhappily with her accusing her o iiumfaithifumlnosmu and abusing bier simaummefuhly. ho lied a serious quarrel with hot runt sue thmrczmtoncd to immivo imini atrcsted , clmeui ho ao'ized cmi ax cmiii attacked her. 11cr daughter , by her lirat , lmusbammil , Mrs. John Liba , at- teimipteti to atol ) him and received a Icr. rible gash across the imoinl and armim. Re thou struck his wife a tubow which nearly severed her imenil froumi the body , hilling her aliiiost. instantly. Ho then entered time house , cut his throat. with a rarer , dyiumg in a few minutes. Ibo daughter , although seriously injurctI amy recover. CHICAGO OstL'TLE 8110W , t'rlzcH AvartIod - Time flutelicring Contest. ChicAno , November l9.-.aThmcro wits a much larger attendance at the fat etock show this morning than Is usual In the fore hart of time day. Time center of attraction - traction was the ring in which awards for ummiscellamieous special priacs were to be muade. Morn interest was takeui by owners in this competition titan any other , for time reason that it called for time beet iii time difreromit classes. tier- fords have til ) tiuis tiummo boon awarded more blue ribboimB timaim their opponoutta , shorthorns - horns , cmiii hoped to secure additional hi this conteaL Thu first lot led Into time ring were for the McCormick lmrvcatcr prize , valued at $290 , winch called for time best five head of fat cattle , steers or s1'yoti hmeifors , three and uuider four years. it was awarded to John 11. Slier- mmmcii's hierti of short-horns. Fiw time best live head of fat cattle , steers or peyet1 imoifers , two and under four years , time lrizO , Li c'mnpoy top wagon valuad nt $100 , wee offered by the Moline Wagon conm- IMmny , and was won by John 1tos & Soui's shout-horn herd. The Studebaker Wagomi company's irizo , a top park wagon , valued at $200 for the bcst herd , . one and umider two yeats , was taken by Morrow & Ronnick's simorhorn herd. The Marshall , Field & Co.'s prize , $250 , for time best herd of live of any ago or breed , wits awarded to John D. Gillette , of Elkhmart , Ills. Time slnugimtorimmg of beeves will begin at 10 o'clock to-morrow nmorning. Time entries in this competition umumbor twenty-five of time bcst cattle over offered jim a similar contest. The number of pellett Ammgus amid Herefords in time list wore fattened in Scotland amid 'England especially for this conipotittoim. They are said by good judges to be extra flume. Tlircmttoiilumg Violcmmce. MI1wAuKmw. , November 19.-An Iron Moummtaiim dispatch says time 1,500 macmm of time Cimapium amid Ludiimgton mniimes who struck Saturday are still holding out , but thmrcatening to destroy the works if the conipany does umot come to terms to- morrow. Captain Rtmndie held thomn in check by promising a compromise if time agent did not come from Milwau. kee omm time noon train. Some of time wisest advise continuing the strike peaceably , but time majority want. to fill time mines with water. Time mon threaten to kill Superintendent Cody if ho to. turns. They paraded with ban- nets and band. isactmtof$4 rn time monthly wngiis The Saturday shift has not been down for seine tinme , but timeir pay has continued till recently , when time superintendents of time mine decided to withhold timoir time. J. II. Van Dyke , president of time Me. nominee Mining company , left to-night for the sceume of time minors' insurrectioum , twelve miles fronm Florence , \Vie. lie says lie is inclined to use passive incas- urea , as the company fools timat 1,500 hungry unoutlms are dependent upon thmom iii every way , and wimilo lie will not say a compromise is likely , tim inference is that all trouble will be averted by his mission. Pled 0m .1O % , Nnwromlr , it. 1. , November 19.-Oco. C. ? iltmmmroo , a proimminont citizen , died suddenly this mnorumiumg. .Eoy on recovering - ing a verdict against time Aquidnuck bank about lOdays ago , it is thought , had umucli to do with his ( lentil. it had beau iii time courts silica 1865. Mrs. GriIfthIi'mmVIII. . Duiurqui : , Iowa , November 18.-TIme will of Mrs. Grillitii , wife of .J. M. Grif- 6th , who died a ycmmr ago , wee prolatcd to-day. Site lividcs imor estate , valued at $250,000 , butwooum various relatives amid friwmds , time Episcopal cimurcim and tue ( Tirmliithi iloumme for time Friendless to- coiviumg $20,000 to 825,000 each. Kilititi iy Umi,4. , CIIUJAOO , Novomulmer 19.-Time Tutor. Ocean's Strentor ( Ill. ) special sass : As time minors wore enterimig Peanut coal miumo timis mnorimiumg time gas aocuuimulatcd over Summday. expiodcd killing 'limomam Jones amid elighmtly wounding five otimerj. A CuiiiIiiimuiUii ' .Vak. SAN FEANCISCO , November 19.-A coummbination walking ummatch , betweoum O'Leary amid hart versus harriman and McIntyre , 142 consecutIve hours for $4,000 and time gate unoimoy began at midnight. The score at ten timie evening - ing was : O'Leary 88 miles , hart 107 , Mclumtyro 108 , llarrimaum 92. Dc&tli Oim time Rail. BosToN , November 19.'llio Now Englaumd railroads killed time past year 221 persons. Five lmimumdred and thirty-five wore injured. Sixteen of time killed and fifty-two of time injured wore passengers. Auaptlst Mlnlster'd Experlousco. " I am a ilaptirt imalnIter , and before I over timoughmt Pt being a dergyzimaim I grmmdtms.t.ed lii unedklmo , limit left a lucrative practice fur my preciit IrofohioIm ( . .rty years ago. I was ( r runny years a .iml1erer Irvin tiimliy. 27ianmas' Iclectric Cit cured moo. I was niso triniIiod with hoaraeumes , as1 'I4omas' Jclcctio ( i ( iii. witys rolluve.l moo. ly wit. , itiscl clillil bad ilptmthmeria ami , T/4Olaal' I icmtric ( ill cuieu tlmiii , stud II taken In titimo It mviii cure semeim tiuuea out ( if tom , . I ama coisfiileimt It I. a cure fur time mriost .ibstliiato cold or cougim armd If asmy , , mme will take is small teioqmooim and half till it wltim time bit , am.i timeim ilace time oumd of time .qooim lii OhM iigistili , iim.t draw the Uit out of the leD , tin , imo'ui , by simlilimig us hard as tbey cam , , ummtll time ( ill falls amer lute thu throat , armd ractIco It twice mm week , I diii't. care 11Mw ollensivo tlmeir IseasI may be it viii clean It out antI cure tist Sr o4arrhi , 1or iluif Imes. and .irachme It lois dommo won.lemim to umy ctmm-t.aIum kuiwiudgo. it i time emily mnotlkliu , dubbed Iat'et iimcdlclno timmmt I have ever felt. hlkorecomimousltmg amid I ion very auxlomms to sea It 1mm emery place , for I teii you that [ would not be without It In my house for any consitleratlon. I auj now suffering with a lialmi like rhieumatiimn lii may right Jim ) , , and aotlm fag elIevos me like 27aniua. ' Ectccfrk Oil. " Pr , J F. Orsu , , Ven-y , Ia ; - - - - - TIlE NATIONAL CAPITAL. - - - Soll1c Fosliliastors Who cc flisci- ! Au Importaut. Text Land Case DooMe4. --r- I 110w Snuimo Or tJnIn Hnrn's BerTauls Alti twini1Ictt. -8 (3.1'IrM , N01S. , . Tint i'RNiN SvINm'I.ES , \VtHmIummroN , Novounbor 19.-The foi lowimmg olilcimil euler line boon immdo by Postummaster b tmeral Grosimamum : 1t appear- imig thst cortatum persoula Imavo bveim.prae. ticiiig nystoimmatlo frauds omm Uiihimm sole tiers amid timeir vhlocs aimil orl1milmlmm' , or other lmoa by ummakim\g \ false ruromcmmta- tiomme concerping 1)OflaiUnfi e1ainmaumd ox- tortiimg lilogmil fees for services protcumdotl to hmvo becmm or proumtistto be rontlred , and this 1)opartmnemmt httiiig reason to believe timntsoimio hOtumiaslors have beui nidimmg these fraudulent. cmliii agents by fimrumisimiimg thieumm lists of ummumea of ox- Ummioum soltilera nuiti otimors supposed to be eimt.itlod IA ) POiisiOums amid ( lLSt.ribtmtillg their imnatitircaseti circulmirs anmong hue class , therefore , lisstmastora are for. bidden to furnish such lists or diatributo ally circtulars of time kind indicated imumiess they are addressed to same individual amid are prepaid 118 required by law. . A LANI ) 0/tSR IW.CI3IOI. A decision wee roumdered by tIme Sn- preimmo Court of time lJiiitoul States today - day iii time imnportaimt Mercer colommy laud case of 'sVullmamim 0.Valsii , commmmnissuimor general of time humd olhlce , Slate of Texas Ye , Villimuim Preston. This was a suit originally brougimt by Prestoum on aim nl legod contract between time republic of Texas cud oume Charles Mercer , by which time latter agreed to brimug into 'i'oxns a large umumimbur of emigrammt families , and auttle thom 111)011 unoccupied. public himmds , and time republic of Texas agrouud to give Mercer nmmd his associates , by way of comiipeiisatioum for his work , 640 acres of laud for every famimily thus brought within us iiummita. Time court holds that iumasmnuchm as there is imo proof hmat Mercer ever brougimt emmoughm sot- tIers into time republic of Texas to consti. tuto evomm a shadow of compliance oum imis part witim time terms of Limo coimtraot , time State of Texas is relomised from all obilga. tions which time republic of Texas may have assumed by virtue of mcii contract , and that time complainant lies no valid elniumi to equal relief. Time jtmdgimmeimt of time lower court is reversed , anti time case ramnandod with directions to dismiss time bill. . The opimmion is by Justice Miller , , iustico Harlan dissenting. Ferry's Wouki-bo Assiassin. PAThS , November 17. - Yesterday afternoon a great commotioiwns produced - cod in time Chamber of Deputies by time announcement timat aim attempt hind beoum nimdo upon time life of Premier Jules Furry. M. Camescasso , Prefect of I'o. lice , hastily loft time building to ascertain time meammiumg of time rumor. As lie was crossing time Salle des Pee Pordus mm die- patch was handed to him , mmtatiumg timat his proscumco at time office of time Coimiminsairo do Police , Itue do Gemmerlo , attached to time Mairio , would ho desirable. The followimmg details of time case are related by aim usher of time Ministry of Public Instruction - struction , who helped to disarnim the would-be nmurdorer of M. Ferry. Several times yesterday a young maim proeommtod itiummself mit this Miumistry , ask. imug to lmavo a persoumal interview witim time l1rosidemmt of time Couumcil , and at a lumrtor-lmast 3 P. ifl lie again iiresoimtod hmimmueolf , amid oum being asked whotimur lie lied received a letter of audieumco , hue rePlied - Plied that lie lied umot , but that time mm- ttmrt ) of his buisiumes iumiUiO ft private conference mmecoseary. lit. Leroy , un- vatu iuerutary to M. .lmilee Furry , tlmen chub forwamd1 amid time ynumig mmmcmi again said ' ' 1 timat I imavo : uugmilIm repeat , uio miced of a denmamich for aim audience. 1 mmiii lucre as time rcpreaeiituttivo of a group 1)1 Socialists of Lihlo , timid when lmempbo have at their couiitmnind as mmmcii dyne. uimite and nitro.glyecniumu as vo have-- passe partout. M. Leroy thou told time usher , m1. Phmiiiburt , IA ) conduct time ymmng nina out of time buildiul' . 'lime young mmmii mimetic believe to go away , Imut. reummimined a few umiimutos , in hue colic d'lmoiutmcur , amid lmro. fiting by time arrival of sovorul visitors flhijJJtiQ bchuzrmd thmemim , iumtcuuding to remiclm tim. Cabinet Mimmistor. Ummobeurved by time usher , lie tummterud time library , wlmicli lie lied mnist&komm for I'm ! . Furry's Cabinet. Finding lit ) otimer issue lie passed back again timrouigh time door by which lie imad mitered , whoa lie wins lugain mmmet by Id. Pimiliibort. , and again smaketi to Icayc time : building. " 0mm this time ynutim changed imie tone , and said , excitedly : 'I caimmo to coo Id. Jules Ferry , and to kill imiumi. As I caum not. kill imiumi , I will kill you. ' Suiting time action to time word , hue pulled out a revolver , and placed time mimuzzlo agaimist. time breast of Id. Phihibort. Very iuio fly , before he could fire , Id. I'hmilibort inauma- god to close with huium , amid both rolled , struggling , on time hoer. in a ummomnent. several qiticials mmmiii visitois throw timomim. suilves Upon the youtim , amid after comm. sidorablo rceistmumco umumumaged to disarimi liiiii. ¶ l'iue yoummg juan thou drew two of paper frommm imis pocket , wimicim Imo quickly jmut into imis mmmoutim. Oume lie swallowed huforo anybody could imrevuumt. hmimn. A lrL111mm ( ,1 time aewmmmui piece was saved. It was ide registerol birth , amid cmi Lime saved scrap was road. "No a lliigucnau" . lIe was taken to tlitm police atimtitui of time Suwcmmtim ! irrommthisae. jmmoimt , A loaded iuix-cimumummborcd revolvui was found imimeum Imimum , aumtl twemmty.five cartridges. 1 , iuumilucci , time local coinummissaire , lriutl4r immturru4atcd his 1mm'is1iur wimilo utmvuuitmig ) time I'nfeCt of I'oiice. Aftui soummim Jmeeitatioum lie answered timmit. Jmim minnie was Curium , , iuimil hint imti was a mitt. tivo of ilmugueimaum , iii stisacu , his trath imo dociared to be that of a jounumoymumaim baker. lie lied beemi counuiiaelommotl , , lit added , to kill Id. Jules Furry by a group of Anarchists. Time ummaumnor of time irm sonom' iii 119 W& betokened insanity , at. thougii lie aspuared to lie ummdor the iu. fiimcmmce of liquor. This tummy have been protlumccd ly excitement. After beoing uuitorrogateil by the l'rofcct of i'olico , Cumrieim was takeum off to time ( lepot of time vrofcctumro. " - Time l'tmimia mitsuI i 'lint , shm Lion. " Stuchm a vast country lUimitel States ] aliotiki. Mutely , vithm its unhiummited to- sources cmiii all timat "omiterpniso" that is so imitichm talked of , be able to fumrmmieh nommmethiiuug better Iii tIme way of a lion timmum time vmlumm. it is true that iii South Aiucrmcsm time jmtmumma or ' 'cougar , " line been kmimnvum to kill a hiumnaim bciuuv. hut timeim 54) hare wneps-frcmjucntly. While as to general lmabmts of life tlmis animmial is far from fornmidable. it is very easily kill. ad , Iii time PaufllaS time ( luacimos chuilso it with time boles ( thomiga welgimeti witim Iroz aI ) ouit.auglo , it. , and then , ridimmg 'IL ) , hise it nudrag lt..aoumg tii ground till it. is souiselees. Otimotu , again drive it tip frito trees , amid shoot it with arrows auumouug time braumelmos. Others agalum huumt it with ( logs , ft kiumd of loimg leggd terrier , nluU bait it to ( ltiAthl. Moreovcr' the Guacimos oat it , nimmi travolori-.Mr. Darwimt , for immstxmmmco , who tasted it-declare that time Ammionican lieu mmmakos excoliommt veal , One of time creature's cimatommus hi very curious. After it has killed a victim i1 oats unmohm a $ it wnmmts , auiti timoum covers ov. time Cttrce.s with rubbish and lies doWt fi time umofghmborhmood to wachm , so Umat. time jackals amid condors will mmot ummake away with it. lim couisempmeumce of this habit time lmIna ill very easily betrayed , for time Utmaoboii , wimonovcr they see time comidors svhieehimmg over a spot. iii time mmltummmor of birds that see or scent foot , but arc evi. doimtly afraid to fly ulowum to it , susimect time ureaemmce of a puma omm gimartl aver its harder amid mimbo for time amot. Anotlmer peculiarity of time PUIiIC us its coumipara- tivu silence , for , as visitors to Regent's park cmi easily satisfy thomitsolvee , it eel. tlouum titters a soumill. "They never roar , " says one who lies observed thoumm veli , ' 'like otimer large cats : hover , Lii fact , get boyommd a sort. of hoarse grunt ; btmt when angry they s1mit cud amid 'swear' iii irecisoly ) thmoanmno , mmmcmi- nor nh furious toumicata. " Jim this respect , timim , as jim macny others , time Aimioricami lioum ditrors very commndcuously frommi its Asiatic or African relatives , ivhm are very easily provoked to roars cmiii growls. It squats iii time smumime umimumner as time leoparui whmoum eating , instead of lying dowmm to its mncals like time lion , mmd is said navor to use its 1 "vs to assist it iii hmoldummg its food. ' 'however dililcumit of nmaumiputatiomm time bomme mimay be , imowever it mummy slip about amid object to be crummclmeul , it mievor socimia to occur to tIme plmmna that it mmmiglmt use its pays to steady it. " \Ymttclm time punmas whoa timoy are going to bo fed , for a peculiarity of tIme species is timoum very commspicumolma. They remmuaiim iii- lent. 1mm tIme diii cf time hioui house , tIme roaring of eommmo amminmals who have ncmt yet got timeir ratioums , time growlimmg of otimormu who have , the puimmas are voiceless. They are just as active as any , but food amid roaring have have no association iii their mimmils. Vhmeui they were wild they caught their prey by their astonishing cummnin and stealth. 'rhmoir victims kmmew nothing of their vicinity till they felt thu sudden , fatal welgimt upon their backs. Whmen , ecekIngtbeirnnates , punmta , like all ani limimli'utter a "call ryZ.wiIkmuiittIie1r case , is an exaggaratca atorwaul-but otlmory'so they i-earn the pampas and underwood silent and unsuspected. Nor is it easy for their victims to guess from whmicim direction the suddemi danger of attack may overtake thmemn , for , lot time somitiumeis of time grazimig imord of deer be imever so vigilant , the puma immay befits all their cammtiomm by ieiflg in the tree overhead. East , west , north mmd south , it many be impoasiblo , witim euchi outposts aimd sentries as time antlered stage keep , for anything to approach , but , by mind ly , time herd will go browsingaltmng ummider a tree , amid then , lot like a bolt from time sky , time puma doscomids. Its patieumce in imunhiusim is very renmmmrkahiu , mind vhen 011CC dotormiumed to stalk a selcctodquarry , time crafty ummamimmor of its progress is 0mm of time marvels of wilil beast life. Nor , when iii lliretiit of unommkoya , is time pu. Jima's procedumro wuntiumg imi merit. Time nmommkoy. It. is miotonious , its a very evasive beast , mid has a shrewd way of getiimmg about aummommg time bramicimos of trees. It is not easy for a four.hegged ammiummal to cimb afeer amid catch a fommr.linumdcd one , oepeciiihly wimemi it line a long lrehieimailo tail iim midtlition. Y t time puimma lends time umuouikoys a and life at tummies. For time fnumr.luammded creatures , tlmougim very aim- hio , are deficient occasioumuully imu judg. mmmuimt. Amid there would atmimear to be sommmotliiumg imm time puummti's appearance which timrow time mmmouukeys off their bnml. milieu , so to t3jOuk , amid imuakos theta act foolisimly. For wlmemm they see a purmma clmmnmbumiimg arid lcapimmg along toward t.hmcimm through time tangle of bough amid creeper ill wimicim tlmoy live , time monkeys , immetwul of getting out of time way of time persecutor as prouumptly as poeiible , stohi to mmmako faces at it. Time puma , of course , pays umo attentioum to such coum- duct , but conies steadily on , and , though time majority discover tlmoir danger in time , there is always one immonkoy who always stays too long , to make just. oume immOrO fmuco , and gets caught. It is time same in a crowd of street urchhms. Cue oranotimer is sure to stop behmindumiscoun. retire justto throw one more stomic , otto give ommo unoro deriivo iiout , and fluids IA ) his cost that it was just one too many. It is a curious Imiternatioumal fact that so many countries should immaist upomm 1mev. lag a lion of their owmm. In time far cast , for Iumstaumcethmey , call time anther a lion , amid time leopard of our African colommies often arrives at time eanmo dignity of title , whim just as little chmmhn to itas time puma m f time far west. For , as a receumt. tray. elor jIm lImo States writce" time Aummericamm lion is about as much like time original article a aim Aumienican 'mutflmm' is like time timing ( rota wimicim it takes its name. " It is time least. imposing of all time iargo calms , amid canumot imm gemmermil appearance compare whim its imuighmb3r miumil fcllow.couumtrynmmamm , time j9gmmar , mmd would mmmd be recognized luy time larger cmmrmmivora as a kiumsniami , l'imoy would eat it just as Darwin ( lid , So timimt it is just. true of lions as is it is ' ) f a curtaimi stumrcim-"Wimomm you ask for it , see that you get it , " It must be ad. omitted that it. is vcrg creditable to .Anmor- men that iii tIme great competion of umations d.o , iimuuld refuse to be heft beiminid oven iii time mnattor of 1101)5 ; but sdroly it would be mumore bocounimig to imer vast chmmiumme upon the world's regard if she im ported eommmetiming immoro suitable in size sumd inrocity to her other natural feat- uros. Time Rocky ? dountains are wom'tim ' somnetiming better than a puma.London Telegraph. IN TIlE EVERQLADES. Tb Peril of Tlic Timos-lleiuocaVs DIitiOll , Some of Their Exporionoes in the Swamp Recounted , , Thin Saw-Grass Fired-Have time rarty i'erlstmod Valni ? LOST OR SAFE ? TIlE TIIIPM DEMOOmIAT'S EXPEDITION. Naw OmtLnkNn , November 10.Tho Timnes.Demnoi'rat line received time follow. big : IN TIlE EVEROLLDL4 , vn JACKSON- yfl4n , November 12.-Time Times-Demo- crata expedition through time Everglades reached lake Okeccimobee November let. TIme expedition encountered two severe gales on tIme lake , by which two boats wore swamped , but nobody was lost. ' 1aa found eight large rivers running rommi tiie1ako south imito time Evergiades , yhicim we partially explored. We made six tmmisumccesefui attomupte to emit through the swamp borderingthe Everglades , and aim time lOtim of November went up T. D. river a distance of two miles. This river , which wo named for Time Times-flenmo- crat , is on time extreme sommtimerui aioro of time lake. Frouim time bammka of time river we cut thmrotighi time surrounding mnaraim. Time expoditiomm is now within half a mile of time great saw-grass , anti going at time rate of a quarter of a miio a day. There ismicitlier watarto float the cammoes , mmc.r mmmd to etammd oum , nothing but mud and. nmaraim. The grassia ten feet high , anti we are going through if it is in time rower of mnortuml immaum. All well. A subsequent dispatch fronm Fort Myers indicates that time expedition is in great dammger if not lost because of great fires in time saw-grass. Timis informnatiomm commies froumm a ammtlemamm ivhmo accomu- paimied time expedition to time edge of time saw-grass rcgiomm bordorimug on time lake. Time teiegraumm is as follows : "Pony Mnvmui , Fin. , November 19.- 1 nccomnpar.ied Time Timncs-Dcinoorat's oxpeditloim until it cut a two days' jour- mmoy through time border of time everuilados. Time socoimd day after leaving time party , amid while sailing time Okeecimobee , 1 discovered - covered that time saw-grass nmmarsim hind heeui set cmi tire , amid time country for immiles was zmow one raging fire. If the eximedition fired time grass purposely before - fore gottiuig iii it. they acted wisely. If none by accident after eumtering it , or wn sot on lire by Indiamme , not one of the e > - Peditiomm will over live to tell the tale. FSgimed , ] S. H. MAmmmz. " The Timnes-Demnocruut telegraphed the Dietomm commipany mmow dredging along the upper border of Lake Okocchmobee to send a relief party in search of time cx- Vcditiomm , and discover if it had boemm in- 3urod by time lire. 0 AnOid'Ourdspman. PIflLAIELfluIi'.Novornbor 19-'Th Muicai Aesocimomkave a banquetThis evening to the noldior , Muon , survivor of time old uard of time First Napoleon , in honor of time 06th anniversary of his birth. Milomm remained witim Napoleon . on the Isle of St. helena until his death ; went to South America , where lie alma5 several years. From there he camu this city. The oldBoldier line hin.dr- ummission on parchment , umow , yellow with age , as second lieutenant Sixth company , Old Guards. The document bears the legible seal of Napoleon. Suveim Lives Lost. BuvFALo , November 16.-TIme opinion prevails that the schooner Janios Wade , frommm Detroit October 25 , 'with time schooner H. F. Merrmo , which wcmmt ashore near silver Crecic , line foundttrcd with nil on board Time crow commeisted of sevomi men-D. W. Brown , master , . B , Baslmaw , steward , Janmos Sharkey7 all married and of Detroit ; two sailors. mmnummcd Martimm amid Groco. The vessel was insured for $6,000. Ralliiiaklntr Stopped. PirrsnumtoNovomber , 19.-Bcscmncnr steal works mit. Homestead closed down time rail mleparnmont Saturday milghmt for sun inddfimuite period. Time renmaimudur of time cstabhisimnmexmt will commtimmuo operatiomma mmiii time present orders mire worked off , when there will be a general suspension ummhee there is an improvement in the trade. Iii addition to time iron nulls iii this city 1)revioumly reported to have shut down wsrk , , was a mepended at Olmeascook & Co.'s cstablisimnent ; , and. two.tlmirde of the men enipioycd at Grail , Senmmet & Co.'s three mills wore' suspeuided. This adds 2,500 more to time' mmumbcr of idle men. Sonic mnanufac- turers say time depreasion is duo to iuil- ' perfect tariff laws. None ammticipato an- otimor strike. A Coiuftrsmmotl Itumuu. S BoSTO } , November 19.-The executive - tivo council has confirmed the nornimum- 1101 ? of George L. RulUn , the coloredlaw- yer , as Justice of the Charleston District Court. - - UTimo Silver Shmtnera. WANUINUFON ! , kovomber 19.-Time issue of silver dollars last week amounted to $339,000 against $940,000 for the sanmo time last year. SCROFULA Irpbably no Cotta of d.saie is io umeraiIy dis. trtbutoit among our whole yopuisUon as Scrotcia. Almost every luilividual ha. this isteut poison coum. ln liti vein. . 'fbi tcriIbi , uff&amgs oniured by thoto ummicted wiUm , crofulotmz sorts xtnnot be understood b others , and the Intensity ot tReir mtituito sviieu they flrnl S. remedy that cuoi ( bern , Utontthes mm weE person. We r fer b per' a mnluiotm to hiss 0 0 S iiarah C. iVbltUer , of Yoncr , N. 11. , . 5Wls. who was cured by Sai'sapw'iIIa o ; = thossvenliyo wuiltheon5uod bar to ( Cs housa ion two eaii. Six months previous to t&Ung hood's S ltMuparImla ilie could not get aboum lien room with. outcrutda. . lien trtend .ay.i 'Id14 mmcm UIIUkI ; gu1b1o ton bir to lure msoy months ; imie was me. dacsdtoa mire kieton. 11cr cuze Is bardlyks than a mnir&1e. " Moss wondeiful cans than this t.ay. isin effectad bl t1i. medicine. Thr Is no iloubi thM to hood's flrupdUa we bays ths most rtm&rkabi. medkiae that baa ever been produced , and a peslUve cars for in Its numerous teens. Pilci $ mD3 , toe 6.Q3. 5rtpazsd oOg as G.1.lltmQ )4VO.Iewefl.jaaa.8ci1vrvr..1s. I . S -S.