ft ' , - , u - - , _ , r , , ' ' x .l , fl Y 1 - _ _ . _ . . 7 Satur aq Morninjl NOV. 17 , r Tho'tYonther , , For thti upper Diiasissippi and Diiasouri valloyel wnrnloq fair wenthor , south fq west whda lower bnromolar in tlroaoutlo- am portiolis , followed Uq rising bnroroa + tor In the nortllorn p ortlons , , LOObL BREVITIES , -Air. Jasper 11,1Vntts , of 14'atorloo , hoe boon appolntod Notary PuUlia . , , The truer is flllod rviNr Mont in g is o , and prosonta a vary wintrp nppoarnnca -Tho l mmot Guanls give n ball at Cun rat rag ham hall Tuosdap os onng ( , November 20 , ' ragA party of young people pansod lYodnos daq evening vary pleasantly rat tire ravldonco ' cE Thomw L,1imLn11 , I -In polirocourtpestordnymorningonoplain dntnk srrw before h's honor , and rornivod , frith good grace , eiz days , -1Volto , rho citp directorymnn , has n num ' bar of cnptnenore at work on rho OmnLa dtroc t Cary of 1681 , which will Uo publelwd { In a tow 1 ncc1Qr , Tllo tunoral of Mr , and Mrs , T , J,1'itx. j rnorrib' 1ttlo ( daughter , Aarlo Bornadotto , ' ' took place yestenny ( at 2 o'clock , from 'i rho rosldoaca , Na 018 Sonth Seventeenth FtronG , 3 -A uorktnan chopping down n trao in ( ' missed his cal bfayor Chaso'e yanl Thursday , culntions , and tat the ktttng fell upon rho Aiapor'e front yard fanco , playing sad LavoO with that atntcturo , -Two of rho city papers hnvo burled Char log Iodiold ( , but ho Ia nlivo and kicking all rho soma , It tray 1Villie C , Rodficld who dins , and wlw war rho son of Councilman , T , B , Itodfidd , -Grant praposm to work his street pnvlug force on Sunday ngatty in ardor to linleh 10th shoat pext wank , which will bo n conettmma flan dovoutlq svishod for by the bnstnese won sl on khst Ilvaly thoraughfaro , -Tio Iadlanola Courier nays : Airs. Iaty vor , of Omaha , wav in tbwn Tuesday , eolct ( { ing std fur rho Ifomo' for rho hrlandloea , at Lincoln , In rho ovaning silo addressed rho ladles at rho chuuch , and as usual , took up n collection , which amounted to ono dollar nod slzty cents , niter whist eho outertnlned the audlenco for a taw mtnsttav with saran excel lost muat0' Travh oyetore daily at 1Viamora' , -Tho director's car o [ the Utnh Central railway ] nq on a side track in this dry yaator day , -Tire noon train woet ycetorday wav an un usually hoary ono , thorn Loing twelve care Gt alb -Omaha real oatato trnnatore warn vary Ih olgyoetordny , in ta0t it WaA met'hlq AI over town , A atroet eprlnkler would help to eettlo rho market. -Not conWnt with Imvng ( a nice place , Ar , John Kolkoano Y has workmen noun B od In still further boautttyiug hix Tldrtoonth etroat p1Aco , -Tho lndlal of the Prosbgterian church , gave a lunch yoatorday from 12 to 2 o'clock , ( n rho church parlors , wrnor of Seventeenth and Dtxigo atreotw , -Tlra city dlrootary canvasslra Ar0 0009 clonally mistaken tor constts taker , and ip sudt cavaa they somoNmos moot with n vary hot racoptiop , -Thorn will bo a two days' wanting hold rat -the Saints Chapel , carnor Blztoonth and Cass stroata , tvmrnonduq Sahuday mornhtg rat 10.0 and lasting over Sunday , All lnvitad „ -Etna turkopn , chickona and- quails at 1'lelnOrB' . -Two carlomle of regular eoldiore , G3 ! n n11 , warn nttnchod to rho wort botutd train yanter day , They cams from Colwnbus barracks and their destiny Is Fort Iluesoll , lYyoming , whore they will LO asaiguml to various com panlca , -iaetorn ratpitallBte are becoming rnoro andmoro lntsroetod 1a NoUraska coal oatata , dVir , J , N , Royanlds has just completed the -solo of 40,000 acrwot U. P , lads lying in ttocountfea of Frontier , Dnwaon and Cas par , The laps was purcLaaed by n Daven qort sndIcato at rho head of wlticlr is A , h. ' 33ertaon , } -Thoprnctlceof throsvipv paper upmt QtO ' street Iq a bad ono at any limo , and pntllcu Jurlp ao when the uind le blowing a gala as it has LOOM rho grantor haft of this svcok , IIuga pieces of paper worn Llowtng about the Lttsl ues6 atroota , { a ovary dlroction yoettrdnyand It pot only ghroB to our tharoughtatoe a vary un tidy appoarancO , but la a dangerous pmeWco , 4u theaqlying / banaore era anough to frlghtmt say anlmaL t ' " - In eovcral plncan along Davonpart etraot , , . , botwcan Seventeenth andTtventiotly tLe Gro ] tpdrnnte ntanil out near the ndddlo of rho kldowalk , and acarcolp a night passes In whtdt Homo ono does not got hart Ly fulling over tLOm , TLurnlay a lady ran agahwt rho one at Seventeenth etraot , Poll os'or on her ' taco and woo eoveroly laJurod , Mr. A'Oxall ' der , who wan paeeintr at rho thuo , naalatod rho lade homa and tolls us that ho tbinlus hot front tenth w cro Lrokon ht , In view ut rho froquoaoy a [ thceo ntlalwa ; , It eOOma ae though eornetldng ought to bo dune to ronrody rho oyil , --Among rho npmorous phyelcimta lately cowla to Omaha le Dr , Arttutrong , oculle t rand antler , Tha doctor spout Ewa yoara wit h soma of rho bas t ocullets In thla country an d was induced Ly rho outerprlea of our dt y to ' 'loavo a lucratlro practice la Iowa and cam o , here to practlco Ids apodalty , 1Ya am glad slats that tip doctor le doing excoodlugly ss l I for the ! ow mouthB Ito bas Loan hero and ha a already won an enrlablo roputatlon , 1Yo cal J ttttentlpa to hlB card la another cohuun , -lY , B : jfowe , ] i,1V , Burroughs and Gca tiY. ArLuthaat , oa a recent hwtt , Lagged 6 0 eesO , 21 mountata groueo , 7 msllard cluck , G teat duck , l jack raLLit , l cotten tall rubLl t ' 'Apt ] 1 aaipo , -Df. IL Judd , traveling agotlt of rho U. P „ urriYOd yoetorday raoratnJi ls'Ith 38lwoplo from woeterp Iowa , on routo'to 1'ertland , Or egsn , sad Saa FraacLco , K Iiant.l'aino , rocruithtg ofOcer of tba U , iJ , army , ardvod from CJudpunt ! J'estordn y vrlth 3 u roaulEe , and left tvJth thaw tut Chay. 4)une. They will ba etatiwtad at Fort llrtesoll = AgeptllobL , of rho p , 8 , lead olllco at ' 1Vsllihtgtoa , left tor the Northwr torn part of the Ctata ynaterday morutng to rpaka a ,4tG nurreyotwwogovarnmentlandelnthateoO . r , lion , tiritIOL It tx claimed hnvo hasp reused f a sad ttBed by a ranchman , It will take prob. ably two weeks to make the curtsy , If ! t ax fount that the rapchwaa hue Iatrudod u 1 wu tbo 1 , ti 4 tic dournla , rho Ode will rotas bafora , UrF3.ruusk . p v r „ i , , + b r The United Stales Coarl Pashtq Bnsincss , , . Mr The aranQ Jury DlschnrRed-Intllal menln-AIsaeliwtefnts Alnlterre -1'ollco Court. U. fl , coclr , In the United Stnlee court flow in eeasion , John B , Stsoot ycetardny pleaded - ed guilty to rho indictment for sending obecano mntlor through rho lnnils , Ito is slow nn bail pmlding aontonco , Chnrlos Butler and Joseph O'Briotl , of Lnllcnatarcounty , pleaded guilty to eoll lag tobacco without license and are awaiting eontanco. 77to caeo of 1Ynltor Craig va , Iianry U , Janos , rho nocond suit in ajoctnlent for 160 setae of lolls , was on trial yea tordny , The toatilnolly ie all in nlld tlto argument will bo hoard this morning , The grand jury was diacLnrged yor tetday , The present Corm of court will probn bly continuo until January 1,1884 , Ccurt wih adjourn at noon lo dny until DTortdny , The jury canmiaeiouor yestorany stow rho following nnnlca far additional wombats of iho pout jury ; Hanry D , Collard , Vast Point ; A. T , Cankling , Takmm h ; Jahn D , Bain , Harvard ; H , N. Libby , Llk Crook ; J , S , Thames , Plum Crook ; Jesoplt Ilollman , DnkoGt ; D , 1Y , Hotaliug , Tocumeoh ; II , D , Dior rill , Fairbury ; P , Di , Carter , Aslrlnlld ; Samuel Culbortaon , Peru ; It , h , Stump , Davenport , An iudictlnout has Lams found against G. 1V,1Vnikar , aline David Toppilt , for protmlding to bo a rovonuc ollicor , and as such , ranking collactiona , Tl1a p rtic Tara of this case worn given in Tm : BET : tsvo or thrco dn ys ago. 1Vnikor ie from [ lobrar , Clnimmg to bo a roronuo o0icor ho wont ninon g saloon koo I mrd mrd brow om ill rho State to solicit eubscripiiorte for the roliuf of nllogact Innsas sulTorore , and euccoadaa iu collecting slnnll auras from eavarnl pnrtias , 1'apora to which rho names of prolntnont U. S , olliciale had bomt tor5ud worn oleo found in his possasaion , It la axpoctod tLat lro wilt plead guilty , 1V , A , Hull , recently inaictadforeond ing uulawfiil mntlor throu lt the mails , nrrlvad last night from Lmcoht with his nttnrnop. D [ , Il. Vise of IIabrar ie aseiatin District Attorney LautLorteolt in rho prosactltion of the cnso of G , W , lYnlltor , shoe David Toppin , Dr. G , 1V , 1Yiao n ant of ttlo 1Vinlro bagos arrived Thursda ovanin with two Indiana , Jnmoe Bird and Jnnlea Alaxnn der , Tito lnttor is captairl of tlio Indian alien an rho raecrvntion , Thu are Lore on court buainoss comloctod w'syth r s t'ntiou iutarests , I'OLIOE COU1tT. Edward Gnlligml nna Tad IIuth , who warn nrrostca ml the night of rho 7111 , inst. , charged with having conducted n burglary rat rho carpenter shop of DlcGraor eC Co. , warn brought intopoltco court ths { morning , Tlsoy svero diachnrged and rho complaint dia missed , A now complaint tuna thou filed against Gulllgan , chnrgtng ltim with to l ink tools valued at $2G , fin plendod guilty and was sontoltcodto pay n line of 5100 and costa of proaooutlon. Failing to pay ho was cornmittod to jail. Daniel IIailoy , who was nrroated for etouling sixty ouncaa of credo cilt'ar from rho emolting works on rho 0th inst. waived examination , IIo was tequirod to orator bonds of 5300for ; hie appoarnnco at rho February farm of the lllstrict Court. IIocould not furnish bond and was acntto jail. . - - - _ . . NEw RESreunANT-Dire , A , Di , Cml ty has opened a first class rashtulnnt rat 1617 Dotsglass Strout , Otto o ! the bunt coops in rho caurtr has beau cu d 6god ox oricncod rasa ncconnnodatin 6g liol r factioi throu'hcut will bo um 1 ) lo y ad and antis g uarantooa , - - aundny tiYorJr. Circhnetancos justify the Clrintiau people of our city to stand up nosy and dcclaro that rho SaLUntlr day is pad's holy day , Are rho Christian people to bo called irlvotarnto hickors ! or etanailg up for truth and oraorl True Chris tianity hullos up a people , nhkas our Sabbath laws for the cohEott uns good of all mankind , Upon violation of ono of our host laws Loa boon rho torso of our oily muoh too long , Sunday dosocratora Least nna toll how many yards of paving Choy hat o Inid , in rho very fnco of our clturohoa uns all Cos ul light , Nhoro nro our Chriatiml tonohorsi Ate thorn no rnoro than ono Lilco Lot in our city , with all bar chumhaa , lO stand up mss doclnro rightooueuuaa , Il'add it Trot Lo bettor for tire Christian pooplu to malco art atfart to onforca our Sunda law before rhoy an nothiu eau bo dono1 If ourSabLath la v ie a aoAa latter the soollor tire euurhi ao decide upon it the Lattcr fur the Chrletims puLlia. A , J , PEUIC. The AlnrrY I'Icasuros And Lonlth sookore vteltity Now Orlomte ehculd boar its ratan that tire lrx7d Grand aomt Aununl llrnwhtq of the Louleinnn 9tato Lattorywilltnkaplacaou'1'uoadnyDocarnLOr lgth,1989 , uudor rho solo elgllant care uud hmtoat rnanagomont of Gen'ls lf , T , liomtro wliadit ovorftalftn mllltnu ot lullyainoYYa , , ecattorod LmudcaBt , Auy tnfonnnttmt cwt bo had un a rytllcutlon to Ai. A , Daupldu , Now ' Orloane , ) , a , - - ' - , B - - A 9oolnUlo Thno , The sociable given by rho ladies of rho Ptnabytorimt church Thursday wtta n euccoea in ovary hartinularundovorybody who attonaod was rawaraua by a few hours of ilnlacont uns solid enjoyment , The ladles had eparoa no pains to an tity rho rooms and tholr olfarts worn crawuod with euccoes , In this , as rho room corlnhily dla proeout n inviting nppoar anco , The aidoe of rho mom tvoro lined with small fables , tvhoro rafroshmalts worn eorvod En excellent shape , tvhilu in rho roar was a larJo ainhrg room nand far rho saran ) urposo , ' 1'ha oorpe of pmtty waiter iris tYA8Y0 aflldontand ) taupt 1 oa ended to over call ratarnoro do hcloue rofraehmonts coma flat bo dasirod , IIomo made canales svoro gala tt ltilo rho stock of dolls and tuucy goods trout o1C livoly'tu did elan iho buttoltltolo boquote , Thu "atrlotly moral" ehowwae thorn also , It tray au a4tortainrnout ouch ns ono fa r v , uruwB , The lunch which wmt served to dny from 13 to 2 o'clock partook of iho nature of loot nights entertainment and wlu equally as enjoynble . . - - - A atartlinl < Dlacovory , Ph slclnns nro often ntnrtlod L romnrlable dbcovedav , ' 11ro [ act that Dr , yJtlnq's Now Ilarnvory fur Consnmpiinn and all throat and lung diacnnrat lndnily curing mtionGr that rhoy hnvo given up to die , is Btnrttinq thaw to real ixe thalr aenNo o [ dutq , and oxnmino Into the merits of this wonderful dincoverq ; resulting in huudrods ut our bent dtizena using it in pteirprncticn , Trinllwttlav frog rat C , 1' , ( ioodmmtbdrugatora 1legtdnrnlLO31,00 , . . - - - . 1'EItaONAL , 4 The Donvcr NOwe , of Thureday , nays ; County Cotntniesloner Jolrn Slu eve loft tot Omaha yesterday , Thera ( s nn nNrnctimt at tLnt polar is of rnoro than panting Intort > At to Iho vanoraLlo chnirrnan , J , Ii , Aiclfnrtrp , of Idncnlule , ; in Iho city , lY. Q , Moll , wocrotaty of rho Loard of trrafo , Lincoln , called rat Tlut Ilea oGce ( yontor day , J , L. Cnldwoll , atGrnop , of Lincoln , is In rho dry , nttonding U. S , Court , Sanntor Ainndorson will leave for 1Ynnting } tun on tha20thof this month , Senator Itinkaid , rat O'Neill Clty , Iolt county , nrrivod in town lrtnt evening on his way hnmo from AtlsamtrL A , French , of I'tttsburgl'n , , mnnttfncturer of railroad appliances , is En rho city , rat rho Millard , Afr , ] ! ranch woe prceidont of the Qxroeltion ; of railroad appllaacos hold at Cld cage last sutnmoa ] Io is acwmpnntad Lp Ida brother , J , I,1'ronch , of Colorado , OLIO , , T , ll , Iluchnnnnn , o [ Aisacuri Vnlloy , In , , gonornl pnaemtgor ngont aE rho Sioux City k Padlin rnnwny , lain the clip and stopping at the Dilllard , 1nn [ , Wm' 1toLneon ( , oI Atadinmt , In at the Afillnrtl , , Tolm Stoou , of 1Ynhuo , le rat rho Alillard , Andy ] lordmr mrd olio hnvo ratnrned from Sk Lauix , Ii , lI , Chaney , of Iloatiuga , iv at the Coz Lana , C. A [ . Itoynolds , of Snn 1''randxco , to ay rho Coraonn , C , S , Jomnls mrd sulfa , u [ lluron , Dakota , era at tire Cozzone , C , 1V , Aferrlll , of LLtcoln , is rat rho Cez zoos , Iluffnlo hill is iu Denser , accotnpantcd by n nutnbar of fdonde and amno guests from rho far east , In the party nro lY , IL Iligga ; of rho Calhoun I'Rnting company , Ifartford , Conn , ; llr , II , C , Bullock , n wall known den fist of rho xmao city ; John A [ , Ilurko , rho Lunlnoss manager tor Alr , Cody , and Can , Grover , the cowboq sitedi ( of Lincoln county , Nebraska , li nlV,1 , . Aay , of 1'ramottt , momLor of Nm Stnto fish txmmlxnion , is h the city , , Gen , Howard want out to 1 recount yeater day. day.Air Air , art ] Afre. A , 1' , Burtlott have roturtted [ ram St , Lauix Gcrr.Tompkins , U , S. A. , togathor with his family , loftfortheoastThurednyevoninp , IInn , J. L. WoLstar entertained Judger AlcCrnry and Dandy , and thoollicore 'oE tto fodeml court rat ldn ronidonca Thursday even ing , l + ratl , Leixonringhne rohtrnod trumRonrnoy County whore ho hex Leon aavisttng the on ginocrhrg corpx of the B , & Ai , road for nov oral mnths past , bite , F , D , Cooper bon returned to her home in tldx city , Sha htw boon abaont alwut two monthx at Dubuque and other lwlula - + - - - A ; IIaDDy Pamily , fulled tram thoLrout , equeeal from the bottle StomachWUI sour and mtik w01 ourdlo ; Dabp irallcluJah all Chet night , [ laueoholJ bumphg hoods In aw/ul / fright. Don't dopy 'twos thus with VlMorla Night wax ildooue without CASTOItIA ; Whoncollalontorpoacettrl ; elurober AD veld their pnyore and ) dnt il-ka tioador , , -Anoweloctrlo light , at rho top of a polo twenty foot hgh ( , has bean put up at the Tenth etrootcroesiuq n ! rho U , I' , The former haadOght is uo longer used to lilnmfnata rho vlcinlty , -Isd. Slrattu , sontencad tO rho ponitentlary fartwmty yenta , fur murder in rho second degree , was taken to LlncoLt yantorday morn tug byrho eherili and ids deputy , - ] ' ztra line colcry chonp Ly tlt'1 Lunch at R'Imnorx' . The roatdxNnguixl ( i t gfoatttra-ntltoddinq'x ; lhtsvtn , deO Ix itt pusvrr b , reduce Iu0 unnttun - - ' - + - - aTaltJt'a PA'rel , aunt , Purlhar 1'artladttru of the Alurdor tiVhloh Ito COnunlttod rat tihuksbur { ; . ' Tim killing of D , It , Alton , at Yicks burg , by I''rank ] : , Sttrk , soane to lava bomt au unprovoked ran der , Stark , during his stay in Onmlta of eamo wooka last spring , made mmry friends faro , wlto have boon slow to bo Iiavo that ho calls commit a cola blooded murder. 1Yhila lore ho conducted him eolf ns a golttlonlnrt , and apoarca ; to bo Of n vary genial aiapaeition , The follow in ; ; diepatch will Lo raaa with painful iu tarost by trio frionas ; r1UKflnUIlO , Nov. 14-Tho theatre to night was tltc aconu of rho uuprovad md cowardly nwrdor of D , R , Alton by 1 + 'rnnk ) : , Stark , The ateaseiu , wLo lad boon aiecLargaa from rho position of advance agout ; , , wont into the druasiug mau whore Allou and hie sulfa wow ottln rand togo Attar hula eamo go on rho stage , words with Alton rho intruder draw a Mark , but was disaralod by Dtta , Alton. was thonthruat out of rho dreaain g- roau into tbo hall , but before ottln ihoro Lo ensured lua ) fetal. Alimt fat lowed Shirk itlto Chu hall whore rho latter Graa four allots at hit , two taking olioct , ono lutaeing through rho llonrt. Stark tuna arroatea mrd placed fn jaih Being intorviewoa , llo ndmlttaa to had no prosocatimt for committing rho act , IIo uttributoa it to hisbad tomparthougb ho exproaeod uo rcgrot , Allot woo n na itvo of Brooklyn , GG years old , Stark ie a native of Now York , 22 years old , alto , J01NSQN-in ] Ltd sty , NOVmnber 10 , at0 ; o'clock A , AL Chcltar A „ Infant sou of Charles and 1 ItLabath JoLuson , ngod [ our munthx. Funeral G , daq , 1\'ovomiwr 1T , from tlra reaidoutro , North 10th street , uanr Spntco , lYtOTI-lu fhb cif' Nuvontber l0 , ut fi,4G A , Al „ Oscar , Bon of jllr , and Mm , Lafay afro 11'roth , aged otght yuaro , The funeral will take place from the rael dcnca , on 1Vheatun atrool near Cummings , to day , NorowLerl7 , at 10 A , AG . , 1 x M . t , „ . , , The Greatest 1'lsh ' Story of the Scasocr Arrlvat oC 1.,600 Flah for Dlstrlhu flan In tVeatcrn stoles and Tcrritorlca , . _ . - . _ A car bolalging to rho United States fish commission arrived in Omaha from rho east yaatordny horning , It conlpina n largo lot of fish which nro to its distri butad among aovornl Western States nna Torritoriea , The ear is iu chnrgo of J , I' ' , Lllie , mossongcr , Dir , Ilorbort 6111 is rho diaburaing ollicer , They worn met Mete by Hon , 1V , L , DTnp , of Fronlont , of rho Stara fish commission , The number of fish carried fn rho car ie 17,600 , and nro all car ) ) , with iho ax coptlon of n taw gold fish , to bo given away , They nro to bo diatrlbuted In Nobmakn , Ianeae , Colorado , lYyoming , Utah and Cnlltornin. Uvor 2,000 fish will Uo dietributod toNobraskn , Fifteen hwldrod of those will bo given to tlw Stara fish commission and will ba taken to rho hatchery at South Bend , Sonntor Ymt Wyck will rocaivo 200 of lhmu , and rho , amnindcr of the Strata sLnro will bo divided among pnrtioa who have made poreannl application. The car fn which rho finny tribe are trnltaportod is nn olagnnt ono , It is of the Pullman pattont and is equipped with all modern conveniences , Tliero nro six berths , and a corresponding num Uor of lockora for clothing and small bng gaga , Also thorn nro n Logo dining room and a kitchen. Those nro fully titled up ae Choy should bo , A hnndeomoly furnished nishod private oG'ico and n cmtvoniaut toilet room nro also incluaoa iu rho part wont , Tito Gah era kojt in small tin pails which nro placed rn looks at etch else of rho car. At each and of Lilo a'tr is a friction pamp , by which rho tvntor can bo forced into the tanks while rho train is in motion , Two naeiatanta n1d a cook accompany rho goutlomen who are in chnrgo of rho car. car.Tho car will remain horn at rho depot until Sunday noon , when it will lenvo Eor rho west over tllo U , P , Itnoklou's Arnlen salvo , The groatcet medical wander of rho wou3 , 1Varrantad to epaodily cure Tiaras , Cute Ul cars Snlt shown , Favor Sores Cancers tiles , Chlf blame , Corns Totter , Glha1vped bands , and all ekta eruptiona , guaranteed to cure ( n ovary instance , or money refunded. 2G cents or box A B1tAVE CONllUCTOIt - 9aves rho Lifo of a Little Girl rat rho Ilislr of Ilia Osvn-Other Acoitloncs , _ Tlsursday afternoon rho pnseangar train on rho lYnbash road , which is duo rat tlla trarlefor about 4 o'clock , rail into a little girl on n bridge about thirty stiles below Council Bltt(1's ( , alld struck her with such force ns to throw her into tire water below , The conductor , whose eamo tvo nro unable to give at this writing - ing , acoing rho child's perilous condition , plunged into rho water , and in n vary abort apace of limo landed tire little ono upon tire bank. She was foupd , upon oaamination , is bo pretty badly injured , but it is hoped that ] tor life cony bo sparoa , It was a bravo and heroic oat on rho part of rho conductor , sad sooner or later ho will rocaivo his toward , A DADLY ItItOEEN LEO , Thursday about' 630 ; , p , m. a workman who hna boon engaged on the government tip-top works rat Florence , was brought to this city trolrl that ploco , by hie follow workman , with his lc 8 broken' ' in tsvo places , Ho was taken to St , JosepIt's hospital wlloro rho fractttrea worn reduced and rat last nccomlte tLo'injurod mmt was roatinJr as avail y as the circwnetances would ormit , IIo suns stnndin on ono of the curs used in haulin nlatorinl to rho river bank , and 'um in from rho car , ho cams with such force aosvlt u on rho atone tvorlt as to in'uroa hitneolf as nLovo stated. A aoitE HEAD , "Thursday as Fnrrtlcr Dohlofe Bras c riviug along , about six miles south of town,110 , in aonlo ts ny full front hie wagon , nna struck rho ground in ouch n manner that tlta whoola phased over hie head , Ilia hand tuns quite severely Uruia od but nothing serious la approhendnd by rho h sician who was called to strand rho case OTIIEII AL'U1DY.NTa. Several other nccidalta of minor im partnnco happened Thursday , such ae n etnnll bo y fallin from a wa art followed by n d node boatvhichroagtod noun too linbtl Y mlghis abdomen , - - - - - - Thcaonro Salto : Pacts , The Loxt blvd purlhor nod spstout rogulut ever dreod withh , the roach uE ettffotiug utnnnit y lady is laoctriQ Illttere Ltactivl y of rho liver , liiliousnasd , lntutdlco , Cunetl paNml , lYeak liidnoys , or Huy dlxnuse of Elm urinary organs , ar wlreovar rtxpriraa rat appo tlzor , toniu or mild etiuutlant , will alwaye find Ylluctrlc llittere tLo Lost and Qply certalir Ouro known , They not euroly mrd quickly , ovary Luttlo gilarantaed to ho entire eatlefac tan or mono rofundorl bold ut GI/ / coats a llottlo bq C , , Goudtunlt , - - - - \i'hoaatop Thoat ! Yoatcrdny about I o'clock a mule team cmno dashing down Douglas etraot rat Uroaknook spans , and when botwocu 10th and llth etroute rho wagon struck a brink Pile , cold brieke , tvagmt mrd driver worn all thrown into tlta air promiscu ouslyand than they eamo down in a heap equally as promiscuous , The driver struck upon his ohook , via that patriot of his Pace tune quite aovemly bruised , as was hie eye mid rho back of his hand , but not eo eonouely , howovar , as to provalt hint from ecrautblilig to iris foot and making nftor Ute still Gyblg mulue ; who turnoa rho corner rat to 0th etroat , cola at last accounts tveto still running , ' 1'lio wngml ie n wrack , - . . - Army Ordore , Loayo of abaonca for ono mouth ie t7rantod Socoud Lioutoumtt L , II , Browne , Fourth infantry , Fort Niobrdra , Neb , Corporal Hanry Friiecl , company II , Sovolttll Infantry , ie mliovod from duty at I''ort Flea , StoolallYyot ae hospital , , , „ , , ; , - ar/M'Qt1IItW111u11l:10ttI1V. { with hie company , Recrnita Jolm Burns , Arthur Dnacn Lary and James I''oslcr , ouliatetl rat Fort Ontnha , Neb , , nro nssignca the Fourth infantry , llocruits Thomas Davis , CLnrlces tiVoies and 1Yillinm A , DicCurdy , enlie cd rat Fort llouglas , Utnh , are nsalgned to troop G , I ltth carnlry ; they will ba emit to rho aGttion of thtir troop ou rho first favornbla opportunity , 11'IlOuISALI. ,1,11t1iIAaC , Turco Umnhn Alcn an Isnstlltcr 1ifa I'nrulcrs , . - Three of Omnhn + e ainglo man loft tor rho east yesterday , all having in view rho eamo object , and that fs nmrriago. Dir , Di , G , Dlnclocd , sarlor pnrtnar of the Grand Untat Ten Canpary , Dir , Di. DfcIinnion , of the B , tC Di , nccomtt ant's o0ico , alts Dir , 0. A , Bnkor , book keeper [ orJ , A,1Ynkaficld , nro rho tltroo gorttlomort in question , The forlnor two will bring back with thaw young Indies from Prince Ldtvnrd's Ielmld , while Dir , Bnkor will do up with n young lady rea soot of Douglas etraot tuba ie noty visiting - ing in rho anat. Tut BEE oxtonde con grntuhttimte to all those soon to bo en dicta , and Choir aovoral wives , --v--- County liusluces , Thorn romnina of the city slid county taxes for rho tronsuror to collaa for the next year , S2G2,081,01. UE this S7G,4GBG3 goon to rho stole , Istimnta No , 20 slrowe that thorn was paid alt on tllo nosy court houeo for mn torial arld Inbor during rho month of Oc tabor 510,606,70. Yesterday ens distribution day for rho county poor , Quito n unlbor called upon tire commissionole nndworceupp ; plied with fool and provisions , A destitute aged woman , who line lived in rho oily for amno lima , was yeatordny furnished tranaporintion to alablo her to go to ralativas iu St , Louis. County Clark Bmtmer has nmdo out n at'ttanlont of Douglas caultty's indabted- ness to rho atato tor taxes for 1883 and Choy nmeunt to S7G'i08G3. This includes all taxes duo iho at'tto from the county , The nulouut is calaidornbly mare thmt ltas over Uoen paid into rho atato r eery before , and it shows a healthy state of a0'aire rats good collections , The mosey soy will bo tooted over Homo limo in January , - - - - - - Cathotlral Clnltur. Canon Suaris , of Nosv , North Wnlea , returned to his homy yeaierday , The Rev , Dlr. Spaulding , of Sau Francisco - cisco , loft for his home yoaterday , Bishop Garret , of Dallas , Texas , departed parted for hie hmuo iu rho Lone Star State ) 'esterday. Bishop Burgess , of Quincy , Ilh , who ] las bean the Fucat of bil , H , Iauntz during his stay in rho city , loft for home ycstoraay , Rov.lVhippla , of Fuirbault , Dlfnn. , took hla depnrturo yesterday. Itov. Fleetwood , of Chicago , took rho morningtrain for hontoyastorday Rov. Prof , Dobbin , rector of Shattuck college , Fairbault , Diinn „ will remain in the city over Sunday. His Lordship , Bistop } of Toronto , left for home yesterda . Doan Dfillepau announced that the Sabbath services of rho cathedral will ba as follows : IIoly Communiolt rat 8 o'clock in rho mornilgservice and sorman at 11 o'clock , and at 4 o'clock in rho nftor noon an opportunity will ba given for rho baptiant of cldldrotl. The regular evening service rat 7130. The daily mooting rat 4 o'clock , in Chu cathedral clmpol , will bo continued until further notice , For sprains , burns , cuts , bruises , pains , St. Jacobs Oil fa tire boeC remedy known. - a + Ilonl Eetnto lraneforn , The followhng sonde worn Gloa tor recant in the comity clork'a oTico November vembor 1Gt11 ; reported for TnR BEE 'by Amos' real estate agency : Jobe F. Deorke jr. and sulfa to JV Schlaip , w d , part of lot 1 nod part of so of sw sea G , tp 1G , r -SGGO. . A , Dl , Dash std wife to Dclln Di , Cuddy , w d , lot 7 bk 2 Park Place ndd- 51,20D. P , J. Toulo to John Roper , q a a , bk 3 Boyd s add-51 , Smn'1) ; , ltofiera and wife to C , Shann ban , w d , lot 11 bk 10 , 5.1 ; , Rogor'e add -5700 , Cltnrlea N , Hamilton , ttuetco , to Goo , J , Holden , w d , lot 1 bk 1 , Shine's addS -S 17G , Jalm Groan , Jr „ to Thos , Nankov , sv d , o j of tat 29 , Park Place , SG00 , San11 , E , Rogers and wife to C. C , liaueel nnd P. , GBalleu , q c , part of lots 3 and 4 , block 261 , Omaha , S33G , Gao. L , Dlillar and wife tc Chas , A , Blomuborq , w d , tat 1 , block G , R'oat lsnd , G50 , Donnie Cunningham and trite to Louis J , Ssils } , w d , lots land4 , block 13 , Cun ninlhnm's aubdiy. , S1,2G0. ROYAL fltUdt , lI1Kr Ye ' t , , , , t ' , Q dr i. ' I I Absolute ] Y Pure. Thinpoxdar savor neleL A morel of puritp etroagthaad wholeeomenaw horn ooonomlcal the thaorJlaarp khtddandcannotl nsoldUtcomiwtfUon r 1th themultltudn o/ law ket , short wolght , alum or phapluta Iwwddn. Ibld Duty 1r t .na lwal Dak agPowdcr Qa , 100 R'Bll Birect Now York , 'T Ntuttivrp ; , vvunuuratunoitn"ar + - - ts , t " . ' + ( ' t a. + for Infan lend Children. Cnstnrin l lramatt'9D1 pvtinn } YhatglvrsrntrChlidronrosp chcOka , L'ingr } YLat cures teir ; fevore , mnkra Wem n1trp i h not ovorconma aroy , uonsWpa 'Tla Crntorln , lion , Sour Stomach , Dinrrhaa , and SVlmnbabieafrctnndcrylyturns , It insures health and Ferortalmers } yhatcuroathrircollckltlsthoirworma , , 11ntUTill eleCp , tv1t1l0ut ll1UT11111ll0 , But C 1tnrlM , t _ } Viral gntekly curer Conetipntion , Dour Dlomach , Colds , Indigestion , "Cneterln to t well ndnptrtl to Children that lht Crutnrln , imommenditaesu rlortonnyprrecdpUon Farewell then to bo > hlno 8 coo" , . Artnrxn 61 , D , r known to A. , , Castor 011 and 1'arogorlc , and , w , , , , , . B.Portland.troBrooklyn , N , Y , ItnilCnatnrin/ / ' x C61 TAUR LINIMENT-nu nbROlnto cure for Ithonarn- . , tieul , Sprnin9 , Ilurn9 , Qn119 , . c , The most Povver11t11tntl Pone t' ' tratlDg Pniu-rclfoving ttu41 IlIonling Remedy ] ulovu to ulnae f SPECIAL NOTICES. u nleae Wald in advaacuoly not bo lnsortod TO LOAN-Dlonoy , TO LOAN in sums of 1500 , or morn ou 1tI0NEY Elmo at OS ' , ar cant ' , or annum Uy Il , C. 1'attcreon kCo „ 1404 F'arnam St , 704 tmo ONEI' LOANED-On chottol eecutlty , C. E. M JAYNE [ k 00,1609 Farnnm St , 894.1moE ONR TO LOAN-Tholox eet rotes at Internet M Bcrola' Loa „ A eucy,16th h Doualae. 234 tl TO LOAx-Can rat Law omen of D , L. 11 Thomas , room 8 , Creighton Ulock. MONRYLOANEII-OnChattol mortgage , room ° r NebraeknNatlonalIIankBullding , 184 U ? ONLY TO 1AAN-J. T , Donity nano on chattel 111 property , 219 South 14th St. eeptl6 FIBLP WANTEB. 1xjANTED-Imwedlatcly , a brad laundrees and Y1 two assistant laundraseee , Apply at thn "Cozena. " 8".7.17 { > ( jANTED-A PW far gcntral horse x ork In a 11 small larolly , Apply 52J north lUth St. 81417 § ? jAhTl'F.I-Awamautndo general housework colored preterral 1111 Fauram at. N , N , EU 1YAItD ? , 816.19 T7ANTEll-Janitor torllcdek ! U'cck , YY 818.17 1'AUL9EN k CU. jANTFD : = Cookand chamber Hold , wages 81.00 1 1 i > crwcek. Apply 2116 Chicago SL ala 211 j tNIED-A good girl for general housaa ork Apply at 19 W Chlengo St. 81&19 Ah"rEU-A good olacksutith ou general Jabbing of horsoehochrgat btuldoen'd shop , 19th and Lcasenworth. 809.191 A Young unmarrlerl lady wanted furthwlth rat l1 Buckeye bleat Slarkct , to dogerrcral housework , comerotl0thandSaeuq , 70U tt TANTEll-A gnod anllcitor ono nequalntcd with PY tba eorLal Uook tmdu , Terrlhry , lioness. Ibam 0 and 7 Everoa'd bock , Cuuacll Bluffs la. 785.21 CANTED-Otrd cnokimutediatelyattheGarey , V1 Ilousu N , IV. corner 11th and DdreuporL . ; 7sq tt,4 ANTED-Agoal dlning room grl ( tmmetltatoly' at Occidmrtal llolcl. 77U tt jAN1'ED-OOat cook at S,1Y. rnrncr IIamoy 6t late sc. 7761st ANTED-A steady reilable man for general w orkaUouthmno Includingcare of cows , no horses. Inqulro fl. tY , corner llamol and IOtb : 77aaet Ah"1'ED-Local agrnts in Nebraska to represent our nnrsrr ) stock For terms addreax 9. 0 , PALbIEltllausaa City , ba , orDloomington,10. nor 14.17.2124 ANTED-Olrlfor general housework , rat I82a Douglas street. 746dt p ANTED-tlirl for general housework , at 1820 YY Douglas etreot. 745-tf ANTED-Balcsmmt tor each county in rho U , YY fl. $ J5 and oxpaneos. Ooodaeoldby eon , la. Send stamp. LA BELLE btl"0 COChicago , iI 000.13E rod , SAIANTEU-tlond man to chop out troea out of 60 1 Y acres of groundoaCuming St , lnddaclty llmlts _ BEbf l9 , Agent loth and Douglas St. b76.tt ZA1AN'1'El-OoadgirU tor' ' good tamwoa IIeet 1' wages Ap ly Immodmtoiy at employment bureau 2t7 N , ] OrhSt. Na. omentce , 022 tt DITUATIOND WANTED. T N1'ED-A aituat on Uv a young ady ludo gen ern ] housework 1315 Junes 9t. SCO.101 jANTEU-Dy n tniddlo aged lady a plats to do cormnunhousew otk , Address"ZL S. J ; ' lice owes. x07.19 $ ANTED-Posltton as nurse In n sacs familyby a lady , Address "r , fi. " Ben olllce. 781.170 _ a119OELLnNGOUa WANTb. ANTEll-1'o real , a houeo of 7 tug rooms and Uarn , J , S.Itichudsun 32L fl.121h St , 80U 10l JANTEll-8l6twoulongltmo on tool cetatoea curitl : Address "J , " Dcu olnrn and stain teens , 788.17E yAh"rla-t few rnoro day Uoardcre of 1614 Cnlt totals St , 801.181 l ANI Ia-Partner in a Oret clavs 1ang ! bnsineae , olltdlarganndagoodtratu catahllahcdonly asmal , naourt ut uanu } required , Address "SV. tv , D. " lied nape , 777.17 $ , . 'TxjANTEIi = A partner wllh rat bast E3,000 to go 11 Into a gal 1mllug Uuaincax , A machlniat pro temblo 1'or [ , artirulad , addreYS JD11N F' . 1100Y Elt , flprhgfluld , Sarpp Co , , Nab. 710.20 AN1'EA-Olrl. Euqulro at 1808 Davenport St. 711'18 Z7SAYI'FP ; = I'oaxcbangotminblo ettyreddenre Yl for tannin eastern NcLmska , Apply toJ,1Y. LUUNSDUIIY , JWaltYtnto agent , 16th nd Fnmma aa2 u POR RENT-IIousea and Lote , D RENT-1'Icasont rooms , ova bluckx ! runt ttm Post Otiho , InWntntim , , given at IOID Uodga fltrret , 81a22 $ TOR 1LENT-A uhuly Inndshed roots at 1712CaIL 1 forma Uctx aen 17t and 18th SL 8Pt Ya FOIL RENT-Furolahed rooms 1019 F'arunm , sos lol FOItItENT-Athrooatory Urick dweillug 4iudo 1' tmr omsUvthroom , fnmaro , Ilot ad cod wafer , No 181L Dodvu St App y to John SlcCnr. mlck corner llodgo and lath Street. 81tl 1Di 'D GODS sod o0lccs fur runt In Redicl'a Glock , 1L 817.17 I'AUL9EN k Co , FOR RENT-Two rnoutreultabu : foroaunll badly , Call at 2034 Craning St , 701 ltl Olt RENT-Furnbhad room N , F. corner q Fllouglae and 101h atrodL 802.171 FOIL RENT-Nlvoly fnndshal roawa at 1314 Jack- Bop at , bctx een 19th and 14th. 77a 2U1 i t01t 1tEh"I'-2 rnoro ) kitchdn and closets , close to U,1' , Shops , glu , Shannon ave,1131 , 172.191 FOR VENT-Nlwnewwltaga of Ora rooms on idahuStreotUelf Week north of llumlug Rt. laqutro at Fkdrolw S Erlrleoa 785 U FOR RENT-A large and niroiy furuldhrd ! root room , 1908 Earnham atrret , 74 : 10 I Olt IIENTNlcclyumbbed parlor. Alto alcos e rnomxlth lay window , south trontagu , xlth Led room "cn sulle ; with ar slthout board , N , w , wn 18th and F'anunt etrcetx , 5S If Olt ltKh"f-Ilmux of t ur rooms and kitchen , Fhululra of A , Uugdrp , 4 BouUt 1/thetrno6 tsaacE _ T t Ult ItEN'f-Goal houYU and am on uorlh lath ! atroet , sultabla for party using a numlwr of teams. inquln at II , Euuntxu , Us Nutlvnal Dank , 727.23 Fbsthr 'VT--Funds ' rod room wlih uonrd , gas wd omNo 17181bdgrBtroet 78S 171 Fuuturul 4ed IOITLCIIeagaxtrceGthhed n78 fee i OItRENT-Threo sew cotta w , 6 roomwe0 and ctrtom , tali Iota , eta , ear a10 I'"r month 079 tl u , G , 71(03tA11 ( , " ' " " „ 3 is . s' F Ori RENT-Cotta of ncar23d and Clark etteoln , t p10 per month. , J , Fitxmorris , 042 9,17t48L t 1011 ] LENT-Dootns In NeUrasL a National Bank V ' Ihdldlng. ] lost dcelraLlo omcas In the dip , ; 8upplial wilt , hydnullo clevatoe and heated by , etcaut. Apply at honk. 820 tt ' Olt 1tBNT-Two tumlshal towns at 59.00 and , 10 per month. Each room largo anough for txo - , occupants. IDl4 Webetcr etrcot. 602 tt , Fdoahed - rooms , tumlshal or not , as , , lourblocke from opera houeo , Aptly I 1603 Farnarn , 476 tl LET-I'umlahed rooms with board 1809 Cali- TO lornin 9t. 474 lmo . FOR 1tENT-I'umlehed front roam , 844 Douglas , , I 670 tt , , OK 1IENT-New stars In ToR'e Ulock on flaun F dare street. tloal location tor grocery etoro , butchcrehopota Inqulro at I'ooplce Dank , llodgo 8L 20Ltt OitLENT-lieeldencoemulatorohutldinga IIED Fl altD k floUER , Itual Estate Agmtcy. Umoo east lido 14th etroat , battteon Famam add Douglas ' etroete. 7A2 t { Olt 1tEN1'-'urnlehal rooms m , can northwest cotl3thandCapitolnveuuo. 189 tI UItLEA9E-Enna cAoico lots on 20th atl long Elmo , 217 N,10th St , J , L , ) [ arbla 0.6 tt FDR DALE , " Uil- 3 gE = 6000 ; antes of l'hro ' land in 111seouri t 11 4 hsndsomo residenrca In flanduky Oldo. A tins farmin linnvas , mrd and in llakotn , to ex change inr Omaha real estnto. SlttlYEll dv BELL , apposite rods Oinca 306.23 Ti Olt9ALR-Pnrma'udlca9. tY.ot city. inquire l' of birR 1ir } cr 033 N. 10th 9t. 811.1m ] FOR flALI-Qua , br.ach loalingahot gun ht pcr fact order and n gu d ehootor. 1'dro 7,60 in gaits at P + Iconet's drygoole stars , 81917 $ OR SALE-'rive story house , 61x } OQnII , CIOSCI9 , Fpantn , cellar , clatcn , , wall , shmbbory , BlnLlo , mrd mtt hmrscs. Splardid location , $7,100. Large lot , xith oleo house , Infra mrd ether improvomcnte , on Shennau , very rheap. Auothor largo lot , with 7 room Outlago on Sherman nvenuc , . & 7,300. Noarlp nowhouseon a lot 22ux220 , nntfat.out. Agrcat barlmin rat rho price nekod 2,200 . ' 799 tl C , l : bIAYNP. dCOIG09 , Famatn.lis SALT-An elegant houeo of 14 rooms Ua h F011 room , rlorcty , well and cletont , , arga tar , IIeimobaugh p'aceogStEPIe&Saubtaru.onoblock ' weal of rnr Ilea A' tbargaln , 'Call ' immeuintclq on blcCAOUE , oppoeltc 1'oat Omco. 792.21 01tSALl : = 2t.uered/wthhoueo / ; and other im 1 : ' , ros emente fiery cheap. i 70a1t ; " 0. EbIAYNE , A CO.l6C0 Fnmam. , . , r . ' 'F OR 9ATTr = $ LSCO. will buy a good 4 room houeo ' etuble ; wall ; ciatorn and all lu good order , on 'halLlotcn.trcat'car Ilno , ; 7y4tt = C : E sfAYNE S C0.,16oD Farnam. , OR'ALr-Good ' ; 6 room houeo , rellar , Lam , FcoalhousocistcrnshmbU ryAa 1'Wllotgood' iocaUbu ; $2,160 , a b rgain c 705 tI U. E 3fAYNE & CO. , ISAA Farnam. OR 9ALE-2 } acroa , 'goal iwu'o nhado.tms , ; F 16rgo otcbaNkpd l lucaton , will he hold at a great eaedflco'rorcasit. . } 703 tt' . . ; C : E : MAYNE k CO. , r609Farnnm. , SALE-bhnt ha sold atonOu. Fauso 4 roomB FOR tot ; aidocation , 8850 cash x Ill buy. ' ! 791 tf : ry ; Cif..6tA , NldcC0.,16o3Famam. dri'9ALE 8600down , Ualance on long dma FNlca 0 roomouse , tiara and other improvements. $2,300 , Cheap. 800 tf C , E biAYNE k C0.,1609 Farnnm. l ; Ori 9ALE-lioness ahd lotsD all pads ot the ' ' Fc1ty. Oreat Uarlolns inrarnnl lotetCall and sea , . , . , . us. , . . s ; 7D9 tf C. R bfAYNElt Ct . , ' 1500 Farndm. OTEL FOR 9ALE-A neatly lumished hotelcori aleting oI20 rooms far sale in ors of the'.moet , thriving towns ht Eastern Nebraska , Terms reason aUle , reason tar selling , hnor hcslth. Inqulro SY'J. BAItFfl : , Proprlctor Sladlaou Neb , 701.27 'J . . . _ _ ' ' 101t8AL1-Anlcoclcan : stock oI haruwareata , l barlmhr , Na 111 north 181h street , next to I Crounso'e blak. 7ba10 $ i DAItECIIANCE-wo oQertoranlo at a Uargaln , w 1 1L tx o thorumtd scree of land h , a body. n'ill y make a One stack much. Sfx tulles Irom County Scat o [ Buena tumrty. Tcune easy , 0 F , llAY19 A ca. , ' 717 tf 1b:5 ) arnam street. 1 jlt trill gh o exclasiro rata at and near Omaha of n very hopulnr brand of Ilonr , eaeIp ( sold , largo maprota , tea rrepmsiblo staler there , vvho x111 Irash it 1'1tANNLIN bllLLS CO „ 39 Clark Street , Chlca i go , 111 714Sbend i 71 101t9ALE-Txnlu111otswithnrwhmrsoIlansmm J 1 place , a gnat Unrlain , U , 1 : , blayno A Co.1500 , 1'aroam. 707 tt it - , - tnblished amt pnying , Oocd reasons for selling , , . Address " 0.0."Duo otllco , 893 tt , T1 Olt SALE-Forme in onetem Nebreks , J. tY. - , 1. IADN9DDRY , ! leaf Estate Alrontl5tlt and For Ham. a11 t ! Olt flALls-Vacant halt hta near city. Alas env- , cral ireproved halt Iota at a bargain , J , W , ; v LOUNSBUlt1,16thandl'amam. C02 tl + ' F Olt SALE-Lots 16 and 10 li ark 9 ] larucum ' . 'Baca rat Park ova , only 0050 , each , L17 t1 bIcUAOUE , upposlto P , 0. , i1 DItS,14F-A wellt , taWlshudBrick Uuslncesw th JI. ptachlucryeod grounds , , e 614dt bIc0A0UE , adposlta P. 0 , Olt SALT-Twolnte N. tV. wrnur of 25th nod FChlcngo St , Inqulro of Edhehn and 17ickeor , ; , asr a J F C1tSALE-ComcrlotlnahUm'eaddltlon , slo tt ucoeauE , opla attn P , o. POIt BA , F New cottage In goal lorllont.0"A. ! ? ; 1 bl : tt b1aAUUE , oppedlta ! ' , 0 , err TIU t 9AJE-A Otnt class scaoud Laad top hug b y , , d r Call at 3010IInrney etrrat. Wtf , Fall SALE-ltostdenco and Uuetneee pro rt tr ' , arts of Onnhe , and Farm Iande In n 1 ports ,1 ' of rho dtata DEllFORll k flOUER , 709 tI 218 8.14th 8t. Uet.1'arrum amt Ibuxlav , 'T,101i SALT-A nuntLcr of morigagoa , nratclaee se 1 cantr , l1cCA0 E , oppusltn P , 0. 610 tt , ' FAppiy - ' portaoa oot.ore , lutoreopowar + rat f D , F1ThPAT1lICK , y 009.1 ! 218 South 16th fltreeL , Olt SALE-house and wmer tot onoultwro from Btruot taro at 2)1,700 , b13d1 31cCA0UIopposltoP.O. t OR SALE-UoodLusine/x chancre at 2U N. 10th y Fatroot. J , L , btAtDL& _ 6satt . F Ult HALL'-At aburgalr , a ( mall naular , Dnbnranr and Cu'e Ore proof sofa' laqulre at tWl owes. owes.tt tt 1 VANTEU-1'o buy Umnhn lloal F tata lorlnvex taro , can nit b1cUA0UE , aplwslto R 0 , ' , bl0 tt Olt DALB--Utd asx spers to ergo as small QOautlnttif at tbla o ca. tt ' - ( ; , In bast locatloa ip city , b1Ltf 11cCA0UE , opposite P. O , MIDOELLAIfEOUD , T AUIF.9daltlneluatrudlon Intleruron wilt And , a soropcleut tvarher U ) a u sl r la 1 at 1 Ols Uod u 9L 7s : 21i t QIULEN-Fro'nthe barn of Chu uuunlgual nn sg tJ flatunlayulght , Nov , 10th , a Idack 4nn , both xlth small stars ou lorohtmd8 hands hlglr , ann a boron and tire other a mart. A towns of uns bun , dta ! dullnro xld Lo gild W ui ' person x ho will Aud thorn , 1 'ItANE JFLINEN 70a 18 wlt L'rrte , N A'dlJ Y ! 1 ,11 t 1IAtlL'rfER OF PALbiYBTERY AND CONplT70 A419T 803 Tenth /treat , betweau Famua u d II g , nay , a GI , xdth the aid 01 guardlaopfritl , ollala f sal one a gla oe of tb peel and preeear , sad tortaln coadtlone ( lathe lutura 1SaoG sad e maa oalpp , Ptrltciwttrtactlan lwnatwd , 4 ! , ' , H ' F. a , : , 1