r 4 Tn DAILY 8 EO11iAIi , SATUItDA.iNOVEIITBLR 17 , 1883. i , TIIE CA I3EE. C'nbllehed eTery arming , exact Sunday. The ttntyltondey mornlvg dilly , sane AT XAU. lie Tear . , . . , . , elOMo t Tree 1lonthe 11z fonrae , , . , . . 6.00) ) One Month . . . . . . , 1.00 T6WRULT has , rUDvsfED IUAT wxeaxDAT. Tx0.0.fl MTrAID. One Tear. . 100 Three Menthe. . . . . . 1 ld letxMonthe. . . . . . .1.00 ( Ono Month , . . . . . 20 American NaweOompnny , BolerAgcntrNewedeal ire In the United State , , OO0.aR,101rDR.fCR : A OommunlatlonerolxtingtoNeweandEdltodal mattereehouldboaddresod to the EDtroa or TUN ' , DeraRRA l TTxRA. All fuslnosi Lnltore and fomittenccn ehonhl be * ddroaealtoThelice rDBMnlxa OOnPAxr , OLIt1A. r Dreft , , Chccte end Potomec ordure to be tnxdo pay able to the order of the company. THE BEE BUBLISIIING COt PROPS , E N0SEWATEa , Edttor. y Tltanlcaglvbltt proclanat lots , 'In furtlioranco of the custom of this pcoplo At the closing of otlcli year , to engage upon a . dAF eot Apart for that pnrposo in spoclal festl at of pralaoto mho Giver of allGanltlmoroforo , + l 1 , Ch ntor A Arthur , P'rosldont of thoUnlted States , do horcbydoelgnMoTlniradaythe 29th day of November next , ae a day of natloual thankAglvtng , for the year that le drawing to 1 an cad haT boon replete with the oddenco of dhino goodness , the provallanco of health , the fullnoee of s .I the harvoat , the stability of peace and order , ; the growth of fraternal fea1inge , the eproad o1 Intelligence and learning , the continued on joymmd of civil and rollgone ; liberty-all thoec and cvuntles , other boselu ( , are carne for reverent rojolcing. I do , therefore , rocorn mend that on the day above n ppuintod 3 the people rest from their accaatomod labora , and meetIug in thoireoveral dace , of worehl p , oxprc.s3 their devout gratlttrde to God that Ito 3 ha , dealt bountiful ) Y with this nation and Sad pray that Ilta grace and favor abblo with It , rover. Cnr. Ti a A. AnTIIun , Presldmut. By Fagn. T , 1'ncu oitnrsslr , Secretary of State. Tnr next Presidential candidate , of whatever party ho may bo , must have a fair show of carrying New Yorir. Look to the east. Tin marvellous progress unado in the use of the electric light is cvidencod by the fact that last week several of the carriages - riagos which convoyed guests to the Guild g hall banquet in London carried oloctrio lights in place of the ordinary lamps. Whit next ? Oun1IA gat lamps are very bright during - ing those moonlight nights , and there is no difiiculty in seeing them , but if the gas compnny would only make the gas a little more luminous the lamps might possibly become visible on a dark night. Tim monumental liar who roosts 'i - - _ around the dome of the Illinois State capitol at Springfield is at it again. This time Lincoln's body has not been carried away , but was simply petrified. This is only one of ho petrified lies of the lnonumontal Munclinuson Ii' the present board of trade rooms wore converted into a poker club-room as wcro the former quarters of the board , the mootinoge would be more largely nt tended by heavy dealers , and the trans. actions on "call" would foot up above any deals that have over boot recorded by the secretary. SEHATolt Ymr of Missouri , Congress. man Carlisle of Kentucky , and several ' other great lights , have made a call on the Austrian minister at Washington with a view of eocuring a transfer of the late Vienna oloctrio exposition to the show projected at Now Orleans for next . year. Thin is a stop in the right direc- ' tion. will take an imported electric apparatus to electrify tllooU fossilsof the Crescent city. Donn O1mEY JUSTICE CoLltnrooE , since his return to England , has boon besieged by the irrepressible reporters , but ho has positively refused tobo interviewed. Ho proposes to write a book upon America and American institution , , and will not i give away his impressions in advance m Oou mioolplo always rotor with pride to i the perfect cleanliness that prevails o n the street. 's 0f the great eastern cities i n contrast with the horrible mud in Oniaha during the rainy season , and with the torn up and obstructed condition of the stroeta during the building eoason. t Omalia , however , is not alone a sufferer fromn such a condition of alfaira. Thto groatos of Aulerioan cities , New X York , appears to be no olicoption The following extract from the Now York Star of last Tuesday is pertinent ; A hoayy stiowfallFjust now would b 0 productive of incalculable annoyances. Our streets in a filthy condition , the gut ; . , tors all choked up with all aorta of inm podimenta to cleanliness and draiuago in i . every quarter of the city , particularly it these in which pedestrian movement an vehicular traffic are most pressing , th roadways are turned hp and the side walks obstructed. The condition I of things at Broadway , noa the Aatnr House , at Frankfort streo ' at fta junction with Ohatham , at tire ap p' ' pro chca to the Brooklyn Bridge and a t . other places in our neighborhood , are but typos of the nuisaneos to be wit . neuod in every part of the city. Tear , ing up and laying down again , and these n nw so badly laying down as to render a no w ' tearing up a necessity , is the genera j condition. Public companies assuin o rights in the nisuagemout of the high ways , distinguished by a dieregsrd fo r r' private citizens' ease , and city depart. hint , seen to be oblivious of the fan t : there are any personal privileges to be rogpected save those of paying for duties . i that are never well Bono , and often not dote stall. r ; , Delryl u is a lucky city. Whomn she was on tltedeehine , Leadvillowith her wince came to herrasouo and gave her a booia'that gent her far ahead of the most ' itanguino oxpectatlons. Wcaf lt AowOd "frow the Wountain $ into her lap , her atreots ltaye a natural pq\voment of gravel , t add Lhsa slw ill .14 tedLQyll , } wsv' 4 - abundance of the purest water from numborous artesian wells , an ! this at a time when it was badly needed. The supply from the Platte river was not only insuflicient , but had bccomo the cause of frequent complaint. Strange as it may seem , the mmi who was boring foroil and struck water was tlto president of tlm Denver waterworks company , and the company nro now digging several wells , which will supply their entire pipe ays- loin. Cumatno does not propose to remain behind Omaha in the nmttor of musical education. A committee of the Chicago Board of Education proposes that lucre- after the study of musio shall be placed on the sauna basis as reading , writing and arithmetic in all the grades above the first , with the exception that this shall not apply to punils who have defoctivn volcea , or whose parents do not wish themn to study music. The Chicago Tri bune pronounces this attempt tC force music into the public school system an ill considered raid on the taxpayers and an imposition on the patrols of the schools. No matter , says the Tribune , whether a pupil has "at car for music" or not , ho cannot bo advanced unions ho passes examination in music , though ho be over so proficient in reading , the arithmetic , and the writing of his grade. A second-grade pupil may now be able to read a newspaper or a volume of Macau , lay , but if ! fo is not up in arithmetic he must continuo to pore ever the ordinary Second Meador ; lie mny be able to write n first elass business ] tend , but unless ho is up in his addition , subtraction , mil multiplication he must practice on time grade copybook. Amid even this does not satisfy the votaries of time cast-iron system whichm is well calculated to destroy all individuality , so tlioy insist that ho must "bring up" in music also. Should a pupil have no music in his soul ho must remain in time grade until ho acquires - quires it in some way. This is certainly going n little further than our music strickom school board would dare go. Tim ; Lincoln Journal has rendered the State a valuable service in the publica tion of a finely colored lithograph map of Nebraska , showing all the subdivisions by counties , as made by the last Logis laturo. It is in every respect the best map of Nebraska over published. It is reliable in every detail , and its nie clmnnical execution is a euporior piece of work. OTHER LANDS 27fAN OUIlJ. Time Luther celebration was one of tlio principal events of the week in Protestant ant Europe , and particularly in Car- many. The most interesting celebrations were at Elsloben , whore Luther was born and baptized , amid at Berlin. At the recant banquet of the Lord llfayor of London , time relations between England and Franco wore 'quito freely discussed. Gladstone'n atateniolt con , earning the proposed British evacuation of Egypt raised quito a breeze and created such a strong opposition that he was forced to explain in an interview Ho claimed that ho had beau incorrectly reported and misunderstood. It is not intended , said ho , to entirely evacuate Egypt at present nor is the way doer to arrange for total ovaeution at any particular period in the future. A largo part of the army of occupation - cupation will be witiidrawn according to arrangement early in December. Two thousand of the bast troops will , however - over , be maintained in Egypt , and those will be stationed at Alexandria , where they will remain for amt indefinite period , The army will be strengthened it occa- sieR requires. The Government will also maintain in active duty in Egyptian waters a largo amid thoroughly cqulppod and manned man of-war. Do Lessops favors the cutting of a soc and canal in Egypt , but time English be- Novo that the present canal ought to be enlarged , 'There is reason to believe , however , that Limo Egyptian Govorlinient is inotdisposed to admit Do Lessopa a monopoly in the construction of the now Suez canal. Do Losseps says that ther e is no doubt about time ultimate stuccoes o f the Pamama canal , Agitation still continues ken Irolam . Carl Spencer threatens to resign mdoss ho be enmpowarod to suppress National league meetings. L It is understood that the lord Houton . emit of Ireland has boon instruotod to . keep peace between the nationalists an d Orangemen by discouraging the moot. r lags of both parties and forbidding the rt gatherings of either organization i f trouble is threatened. A troop of lamicor s has boon emit to Garristown in order t o suppress , if necessary , the nationalis t and Orange meetings announced fo r Thursday , Tlio Orangoniomrof I''orna ' nagh have issued the following notice i1Tho government having resumed time function of keeping order , by stoppitt [ rebel meetings , wo hereby summon all Orangouon to obey the law amid remake m at home , " Thotnovomnommt , in favor of making the Parnoll banquet a starting point for tin now fund to pny the mnombors is gainin g ground , and it is probable that scvora of the five hundred gaosts will giv e largo subscriptions , If this progrnumlm o be carried out two or three pronminen mombora of lparlfamont will probably visit Amnorica , The crown prince of Germany goes today to Madrid to visit Alfouso , time king of Spain , being escorted by a dope. tuition from the lattcr'a Uhlan rogimont. The vl1It fa evidenty ) infiradsul TT , ' + Ml ! R peror , upon the return from which ho was greeted with such indignities in Paris. IL shows a union between Spain and Gotmany timat will not be to time ilk. tug oitlior of Franco or time Spanish Ito. publicans that have been such a dis turbing element iii Spain's politics for the last few years. In the growing Ito , publicanism of Franco on time west , and Switzerland on the eolith , tine Oer tan Emperor sacs no Sense in permitting an outbreak of the same sentiment in Spain. The visit of Frederick William is as much of a mmlaco to Itopublican mutt. molt in Spain as to that in Franco. The good folks on the banka of t he Man. znnnrce are said to ho making extraordi mnry efforts to make time reception of Prince Frederick Willha i just as enthusiastic siastic nod joyful as Alfonso's reception in Paris was disagreeable. This will be the means of , politely giving a pretty se yore slap in the face of Franco , if time Crown Prince were to pass through Paris on his way to the Spnniehm capital time mob might roughly express their sentiments and show their detestation of hits pres. once , but , alt Ile is not likely to do this , Franca will just have to stud by and grin mid boar Limo slap , The installation of the now Lord Mayor of London was followed by a ban , quit noticeable in several particulars. Time American Minister was not invited , while the Fremich , Chinese and other foreign - eign ministers wore. M. Do Lessops was also invited mid 51)01(0 to a toast. So time Fronclt Minister , M , 1Vaddington , not only spoke , but Mr. Gladstone showed him very nmarked attention in ids ad- dress. All this means , of course , that Enilamd ; and Franco wish to impress China that they are on pleasant terms , and that settlements of war problems are to be made with them , amid act with time Umiitcd States or througlm our influoico The policy of England as regards Egyp tints occupation was also aumoutced , and it favors Do Lessops' views. 'flint in , time English army is to be withdrawn in whole or part from Egypt. Thin will act back time scheno for an Englislm canal in competition with time Suez canal , Titus Franco and England are evidently draw- tug together , and their policy is slmnpmg toward harmony. Thus it evidently attributable , in a largo measure , to Mr , 1Vaddiugton's infiuonco , he being of Eng fish origin. If time two powers reach substantial unit and England establish. Cs close relations with Russia , there will be a counterpoise to Bismarck's triple alliance which will be of some moment. England , Franco and Russia form aatrong combination , It now looks as thought war between France and China wcro inevitable , The French are preparing to attack Bacnimli , which is garrisoned by Ohinese troops , and the Marquis Tsang declares that time first ui fired on that lace ivill spud n dec'nration ' of war , from which China cannot honorably retreat. Still , it is not improbable that the cunning Orion , tel diplomat ma be only playing another or hand in time ame of hifT hich for several mouths has occupied the attemi- tion of his government. Meanwlmilo time French acorn more comifidont than over of soon achieving tlio object of their military tary oreratioris-tlie control of the tradee of time fertile valley of the Red river. Admiral Courbot , the French admiral iii Chinese waters , says that ho cannot operate in Tomuquin before February. Re has already discovered that malaria and the monsoon nriaama are a good deal worse to oicountpr than Black Flags or Chinese , The French profess to have been dome 1 insulted by ime Moors. This ought to give Franco a good opportunity for enlarimi time small ] ma dovolo editsolince the birth of her latest republic. If she bombarded Tangiers the notion might possibly die , tract attention from her dubious opera. tions in the delta of the Iced River in Tenquin Germany kindly offers to immediate b0 twoon Bulgaria and Russia in the die , pute tlmat has lately arisen regarding itussian influence anprerogatives of ruler of that otl power. In mck- ing this proposition Bismarck has the double motive of desiring to interfere with time affairs of tint countries which were lately Turkish principa'itios ' and to maintain time peace of Europe at a season whoa war would prove exceedingly in- convenlunt. Every ore lvho has cared to follow closely time course of Europoami affairs must have observed time variations of the war feeling whth the varying sea , sons , There is a movement on foot in Am. tralia , amid in fact iii all time Itritish cola. aica amid provinces , including those oum the American continent , to cut loose front the mother country amid establish tndepondent govarmunemts , 'Plmou ghtfml ion in England are consideriui what is to be time future of time British empire. At present it emnbrace not only the islands of Great Britain amid Irelanbut all of Australia , Now % oaland , Tasm nia , most of India , nearly half of Nortlm America , a porlion of South Africa larger than Franco , amid munmerous other eliallor possessions. Time accessions of territory under the reign of Victoria have been greater than uudor any of liar prodocoseors. Time stimuli penal colony at Botany Bay has expanded so as to fora an important state. Australia is now an emupire of itself , and bide fair to have a population hanker titan that of England , Canada , Australia , and South Africa cat no longer pros ern be called colodos , They lmavu passed through the colonial period. Each comprises several inn ortamiStates , Tlmoso in the first rammed have formed a confodoration. A confederation is also proqwsod by limo provinces of Australia and by those of Soutlm Africa , Time liritish empire is unlike Russia or Germany. Time ldiffer- ent ortions of it ; are not united hike time states of this union , The are very widely so arated. Few of time people f the outlying states over visit "time mnothmor count . " No portions of time Bntlslr empire re represented in the fmn- portal atlanmoit except England , Scot. amid and Ireland. Time savoroign visits I mom other portioma. Cdbinot otlicors are never selected from time provinces , which have no representatives at court as for , 1 ehgmi countries have. Their governors ace Emglishutou There is au eathb kehied aristocracy in the British islanda , but mowliero oleo fn the ongpiro. Time t , bind of union botwoun them consists cc- in a eonunoa language. Marked dilfuronces in soil , chllmate amid occnpa lions tend to develop great and growing difTeromteus im time nmnuonl , thoughts and rte'uiremommts ' of time pcoplo , 'I'ho fornmalial of time comiedoratiol fin Canada resulted in making the country pra4Ieally independent of England , ' n of a fsderatlom appears lu the evolution of an L itw.hllllttitlLttWl 0141 , LION AND WIIFN To UBE g. Yomt APPETITE LT poor-It your digestion Ii fceblo-If yonreleep Ie broken , and you are t bll Dated anti drepondent , tryfuakxk liloat Dltlere. foil wlll be defghted with the Icault. TiII MEDICINE le amagnlacentaperlontgently movicethotwwele , clcanea the ldoat and etravee oS fevers , etok heat aTee , and b'lloue ' attacks so prevalentdurleg time hot months ; and allay , net. Tomnee , aid doblilty unwell. HOW TO USE lirrdoek Iltood Ult'.ere ' Ixplilned - very c'ealyr n the libel accompmylnw each iritlo.The doe a the patlont will vary an hie or her goal eoeo t Ictateu. No harmful raott ccn posslblo reeult from the uee otfho medlrtn , . Wo will guar. untea appreciable b neat every time. wL1 TO USI1 hemlock ! Moan flttere It It iar ma ii t neccesrytoetetc , Altundars'andwhata good laxatlve and blood tonic can as otnpileh , and sllknow when they need such ( and we might Inter , potato ALL need It at onetime or another ) . A , a pleasant experiment and for cortun relief , try fur , dock flood fitter , . fly Dntgght + . FOSTEItMILUUfN& CO. Prop'sliuffalo , N. Y crown fora number of Governors. It is likely that the colonics , if kept separate , wood cling closer and longer to time par- oft state than after the have formed a union among themselves Time imperial parliament delegates a large portion of is rower to of Imo confed- oration. Timno serves to diutiuish time bond of union between pcoplo of time so.called colomiios and those of time old country ( It is not likely that time British government - ment will over commit time mistake it did with time cnlmmica that revolted and formed time United States , but it may make other mistakes. That the differ. omit colonies now arranged in natural groups will ultinmatoly form federations soemns curtain. Undoubtedly the honrn govermimunt will see the propriety of rantiu them their inde1)emdeuco if the manifest of a desire for it. A federation all time Englieh speaking pcoplo of time world , outside of time United States , lies been ang osted , but time distauco separating - ating time different regions amid time great diversity of interests will 'almost nor- thinly prevomt such a uuioi. IIorsford's Acid Phoaphato As a Nerve Food. Dr. J. W , Smith , Wellington , 0 , , says ; "In impaired nervous supply I have used it to advantage.// The L'resldemttlal Contest , San I'rancisco Call. 'Pilo November elcctioue have material. ly clmanged tlio taco of time coming Presid- oitml contest , They show that the Republican party is in time aacendoncy in every Nortlmuri state east of the ellogha nips , except perhaps Now Jersey. Time latter state lies now a small Democratic mnajority , but it cannot loon out against the iutluencea which have overthrown the De mocrncy in every ether Eastern state in which it Iris front time to time made alodgmont Maine , Massachusetts , Now Hanpshire , Connecticut , Now York and Pennsylvania have lied Democratic spasms , but time tendency in ovary case has beonpromptly . Corporatioma or other forme of orgauizcd capital control all these states , and will cast their electo- rll votes for the Republican ticket unless time Democratic ticket should be of such a character that its amccoss would servo the money power quite no well as time Republicans. Eastern Donocrats will maw say that the Presidemitial candidate nest be taken from New York to warrant - rant a home of the electoral vote of that state. This view of thusituathom is doubtless - loss correct , Mr. Tilden and (1Ir ( Field are perlmaps the only two men who can roanonably expect to carry New York for the Democrats next year. But if either of these mot is selected as the Democratic standard-bearer , the public , apart from time comparatively small portion tion who expect ofices , will mint be great. by interested in time result. The hone wer would have nothing to fear from them and the people nctln to hope. The wheels of government would run along in time same old rut directed by the ewr 1 ehind the throne stronger han tlmo throne itself. The nomination of Butler stirred tlmis power to time centre. Hie election would have been a menace to it. Whether or not Butler is a man of profound coivictions , circumstances and time chances of politics have placed him en time side of the people , ' Ito has de. clared openly and iii the moat emphatic language that time ) power of corporations umust be chocked. Pho money power be. iteved him in carnost amid put forth mighty efforts to defeat him , I'orhaps no nieuna wore resosted to that are not regarded - garded as legitiumato imm politics , but time fact remaum that money was used witlmout stint to compass lima defeat. We are not to draw from this time conclusion that time money power re able under all cireunm stances to defeat time pcoplo. Time field in Massachuetts is narrow and time con- ditiona favorable to time succors of a moneyed fight. On a uroader field time result might be different. The inlluences which are all-powerful in Massachusetts have not obtained time sane force in the mower states. The sucoess of the Ronub- lhcane in Now York , Pommsyhanin , Con. necticut mod Masaneiusetta should servo to direct the attention of Democratic leaders to the West. What was dote last Tuesday can be repeated mmext year , Time Deuuoerata say Now York mid Con mecticut amatched from their grasp four years ago by time power they will have to contend agsiitst noxt'car. Even if they have a small nmajorty on time geumermll ticket this year , it at best is a voey small percentage of the entire veto amid will present small obstacles to Republican auccoes next year. But the aouuwhat general belief that time Deniocratd cannot elect a Presidemmt without Now York is based rather upon confidemit nasertiona that on known facts , A Western catdi date , lrlmo is cloaor to time people than any reprceoutativo of Eastern capital can be , whmore resents rathorthe industries tlmau time acc mmulatod wealth of time count mni gist easily car several states tl at have boot t dots as reasonably certain to give tlmoir electoral votes to time Re , publican ticket. CJACOS Ott .gl , > R ? ' v1)ly , TL-IEGREAT dt1A CURES I houmatism , ouralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , DAckache hl adache , Toothache , ' . ' .ntbes , riorv'rSlurn..NC uA.rErt'tiII Aan Au. onLLa etemLT Aloe AAA I/1I. 1 LSDUtRKU"x4AU.Wrror nbw.11mmCwuakltl e- r.r air..tlw. a Il , . „ . .n.aw CHEAPEST Lots IN THE CITY OF ii : ii . b ( Very handy to U. P. Shops , Post- ofiiceetc , ) FOR SALE -IN- COLLEGE PLACE ( New addition of 234 lots. ) PROSPECT PLACE , -Only ( 58 Lots remaining unsold. ) FIRST eC SECOND ADDITIONS ( Nearly all sold in these 2 additions. ) -AND- I , Third Addition1 (8 ( Beautiful Lots left. ) On the following Streets ; -CALIFORNIA- -BURT- - , - CUMING , --IZARD- , --NICIIOLAS- CALDWELL , . -PAUL- - , - -HA'IiIL'TON- ' CHARLES , --SE WARD- -FRANKLIN- DECATUR , -PARKER- -BLONDO- AND ON -29th , 30th- -31st , 32d , 33d- , 34th , 35th Dnd 36th -Streets- ALL INSIDE CITY LIMITS-DEAUTIFULJY LO. TED. STREET CARS ! Will run out Cuming Street , Early Next Spring -TO- LOWE AVENUE AND THE RESERVOIRI -AND TllE- s Will be running next year w Itltin a blork or two of three note. All loaned within live minutes walk of M9LITARYBRaCE AND TIIC TUIIN TABLE OF TIIE Red Street Car Line , On Saunders Street , and all w Ithln nro minutes walk of the 1'10,01111 sc3Hool HOUSE , On Ielaware and Ning etroet , , In lancers addl. tion. $150 UPWARDS. Only 5 per cent down and 5 per cent per month , Itousee , told and all other kinds of 11ox1 Estate for eels In any and every location la and about Otu iia NEVI MAPS OF OMLHAI $10 EACHU CALL AND GET Plats and Full Particulars AT BEMIS Re - S TEELE JOHNSON & CO. , Grocers a AND JODUEIts IN PLOUR1 SALT , SUGARS CM BD GOOrS , ND ALL GROCER' SUPPLIES a1 A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF J t Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco , AGENTS FOR DENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 9RAND POWDER CD MAX MEYER & CO : i lMI'ORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC I PIPES A $1YOKER $ [ $ I AIIPIGLE $ . ' PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $ G . rte to $120 per 1000 , c AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; : ' Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. ' WE 1 DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES t' i SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. Tl N 1 aLl r RICHARDS & CLARKS , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors , Superintendent. Omaha Iron Works , U. P. RAILWAY , - - - 17TH & 18TH STREETS f - pxr , r l4. > ' UN1fCtILIH' ' 6d.i - ' - + .r. ; 'f' ; .t htlr e v e s = 'a a. . . 'd d - w' f , _ , . It.n , ' ' J c r:1 ' 1 " ' .i : " " : rr .d v , I6 r pk' ' ' - _ . , ' "x 'k' a.ytr h l I , - ; . ' x uxmarn ' ' l I N' r ' 'l .I . r a ' 4f = ' ' lji I' i'i ta 'P . ' MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN i Steam Engines , Boilers I WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , Mill and Grain Elevator Machi , s I MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchors Brand Dufour Bolting Cloih ; STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON , , y rT ; . , . , ' . .d n . , a 1.4 7 1:11 .f , r . , , I , t a A t u i t rim y i t , : ' f a l I We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will coil act for the eroetion of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for Ganging Flouring Mjlls , front Stone to the Roller Bystu in. Q 'special attention given to furnishing Poser Plants ferny purpose - pose , and estimates made for same. General nlachiuerp repairs tended to. promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha $ eb -i On Long Time--Small Payments. , Dllhlfaeliffo11s ! Fricos. A , llosfl lame DODGE 9FIll - aii. . . iiiir MANUYAU'1 U1tEI OF YJNIf I ' 8 I t lli p l Lr l e ton I constantly Shan Titb a enact , took. L'wt } YotkmAL , glt'r' treb Office and faelgry S , . Ca ffol .p , . nee .roar , . , .yfwi @ a'I , d. . a