_ ' _ ' ' ' 't . I . - ' - , / ( ( L / 1 . . . - - - i.- - - r- - -r- ( : ; : : A : r I rui J1V1Itf17LJi11J1 LJJ1t. . I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ w7llk" . - % \ ' THIRTEENTH YBAR. OMAHA , NEB. SATURDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER .i - , 1883. . NO. i31. ? - ' The handsomest doflar In tlio world that which I , . k eftrneil by .omo good , honest crnplnyinontot thohed \ ; or hanil. Wealth that comes by chftIIco I. no Tnea I Y * tire of the etpcIty of It posoi3or , tid Is e'.cr p. ? . ptocatetI Uko ttrntshIcht ctrticd. ! nycopfo trM-eIIn strfght to thajootIiota by rcoiiof thcfr , , . UrflUo eagerncs togo In thooppositodiructiori. mey ? ant rfchea t B boun . They ) iao seen ether JUl ' . , tletrchcete by omo lucky i'cculatko rnanoenro , . .nd conclude they van tb ( ho .mo thln. Accord. tngly In goc their fittle heaps s hicli , ton to oiio , they t1evorIco ttgaln. I Tliepetroleum trade lia swollen up the fortunes ot 'I thousands of Investor.-green1iornswhodcpondcd for heir auccels UJ'Ofl t'o ) ihrewdncu of others Bnd got oedttiider the shcare'ot the monopetlet. There . DO : B tOntY ! of safe lneatmottq without ft1rnlIIg lthe&WfflI rliki of thl.gnmblcr-notAble eniong ( heo I \ ' Dr:1onas' : ; ; Ecocttle ! OJJwklch yleitligood dI ldcnd J , eYery limo. EpcIIly o thoec suflorttig from nasal ( ( throat atToctions , rheumatlin , neuralgia , wounds [ I .and Iarnonos , we strongly recommend It. Dr. : t Thomas FcJectrIo Oil will cure any one of thco troub. mL b.and It .oldbydrugglstaovorywhcro undota jg _ j nteo to gIs. stlafactton. Would walk ton miles for .c IJ ; II. S. ( Iraves , Alcron , N. Y. Uoat the worttt 11. J . /O.'llObcrtnan , Itarlon , Ohio. Eoep It ha It ought . i : ' to hO-Just whab It Is : S A. Hewitt , Monterey , Iteh. DaM ofall good medicines ; Alfred Carpenter : AnsoI. , Conn. . kOtlTllt MzLfltfltN & CO. , VrOi' . Iluffalo , N. Y. . t. J. P. WEBER & CO. , - . . MANUFAOTUREItS OF i RAcEsI ) FOR TIIC CORRECTION OF I Pliysicrnl Deformities , t . Hip and Spinni Diseasc s , ' . Club Feet , Stiff Knees , t 1 . Bow Legs , Xiioclc Knees , &c. % ; ) TRUSSES I Of tIm best make kept on litid. Triio3 repaired , I Crut.chos made to order. Small joli3 of all kInds $ .done In Steel , Iron anti Wood. T1topatrIig of all klnd dma ioat , Cheap and ) prompt. First grerniuni given our work at the No. F braka Stats Fair of 1SSU. ; . , - 803 South Tenth Sf , , Omaha. ( . .j' . * o. . ULDOON , Caiago & Wagon Ma1o I3LACKSMITUINO , IIOItSESIIOEIRG , Jobbin Of all Kinda ftomptly Attended To. Now and second hand buggies and wagons always . 00 hand. GEO. I' . MULDOON , Cor. 13th and Lcavenwoh . , 'a = = ' CIIC.GO CO. T ( TON WAGU ( BCAIi , * 40. STUN , tO. _ . - _ _ 'ross seu. Jieqalit 1L4) lnclutled J f 2401b.FARMER'S 9CALE55 . 17' I The Littio Detecttv. , " t oz. to 2. lb. i3. r - 8000T11ER81ZF.S. n.d.e,41'aIcItLlsTvluue. ( ' . PORG E , TOOLS , &c. IlsaT FOIeOC NaD VOI LIUIIT WORK. $ &O 40 lb. * nv5lnnd Ku ofTool. . IO ' S'umeri is , , urn. a.d , . , nel dOI. odd Job , . 0 DI0WOFL Anvils. Vices & tither Artlclo. , AT Wfl EST ralcEl. W11UIJSUJt * IUeTAIL. Imported Beer L . IN BOTTLES. "k ; . . Er1anger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bavaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . frPi1sner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohemian. jKaiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Breinen. DOMESTIC. " 1 t 'r , Budweiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St.Louis .Anhauer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Louis. i , Best's . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .iJ1iIwau1cce. t Schlitz-Pilsner . . . . . . . . Milwaukee. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; Ale , Porter , Domestic an Rhine : Winc. ED. MATJRER , 1214 Farnani. L' qr I 4 ; ' _ _ _ t FOR SALE. . 0 XJTw XLT RareJihance fob" Printing Offices stWa have for .ao several barrels of a flrlt qbaiiL ) cf : prJntIig Ink. Deltig inado for use en smaller or alowerpresacs thor , o are now using , Wo will sell the same at l CCOtS 10r PoUnd free on b ard cr4 at Oiiiala. , Will guarantee it to gIve good I4tIlfactlOn on smaller and medium presses. 1 TIlE BFI I'UIILISlXING CO t GOLD MEDAL. PARIS , .1878 BAKER'S Boafll3t COCOll . ' ' j.d' 'Wurruzted absolutely purr 1 A Cocoa , ( roni which the exOesa 0. , o u1 hasbecu rernorod. fl has 1i \t i' t1es gi , . .treiqlfe of Cocoa mixed lJ il 'Itl Starch , Arrowroot or Uugar , ; \i \ U and Is tliorero fur more econonI. 4 fi.4 'x4 ' t cat. It Is delicious , nourIshing , strengthening , easily digested , end : ,1 , 11 udnIrubly adapted ur Insailds xi ' ie1i as fur persons In health. & . _ : ; . ' c , Uoid Ly Grocersorcryyhero. _ BAKER & CU. florchstor3 Ias H IiO WTtiM _ _ , . AU tb.i , o loom leIlcrItiat. , zae , or otbttcioti ir aink. e000r,4. I. . .ptrte4. ib.weIl , drsIr.od. sod oiob Ii t D4tfot lIt. . , , be . . . dutki CperI COO cecaslj &o4 p.rs.s. 000117 Cored wlibooi iWa.b . o4l.ig , . Ee4r.l b dWrs atobwi irt It. pr.I. , .ss Mdlc.J , ru5 , . , . , IL. ot Pt , , tU.il.i Nerves. 5bblIIt. I'by.Ji..l leei.i , & . . . ' 4 a.aIj b ; JIDI M AILI4'lIPi 11(1 l.l. vs , . , . . . . . , . . b.5,100. eeoc. a..otl ot ) lilo r.Wt.tIou 10 hIll .50 P5' rsss 1 * tII. . . C'oid , , .I'ctis. 1 51OICII1 C. . . . il.iisa * , bao4 .t4Lt3TN JeE1IJU : o _ di t , I Cli 3 $ . , t U i ' \ -5 , ' , . flrv . . - - THE OLIJWOIIL Oil 1llrCr IlliCilt CClI1 ltL Ferry To Kill 111111 , Au Unn600s8ary Slaughter of Ohilian Indians , FOllitcoll I11Ifl1V0I 'sVitIeMstOg tt 1)0 Called. GE : E1tAL iORE1ON NEVS. oltDiitED : TO MUUtDF.lt M. PEttilY. PA1t1 , Novoinbor 16.-This aftornooa while Printo Minister Ferry wzt in tito Sotiato cliftmbor a titan 18 years of ago wont to the Miiiistor of Public In5truc. tion flint askoti to see M. Ferry. The lat- tor'8 secretAry informed the youth that Ferry Lt3 absent. The stranger then loft but returned ten minutes Inter ati forced his way into the reception room holding in his hand a revolver vhich ho kept pointed ao if ready to fire. An ofli- cml seized him anti after a strug. gb overpowod htitit. While being hold ho shouted "Vivo La Ilepubhique Socialo ! Vivo Lt Coinmunol" The to- volver was fully Isadati and thirty cartridges - ridges were found oh thu porsoit of the youth , who garo his name as Currio. ho said ho win borit at ilaguonnu , inAlsaco , vaa a baker by trado. Currio stated that the onurdor of tito French tatnistor had bdoii agrcod upon at a meeting of the secret society at Lillo , .and ho came to Paris to execute the inandato of 'the society. Ho regretted that ho had not beoiiauccessful , and said as soon as hib erated ho would make another attempt which would be successful. Mr. Ferry did not hoar of the afrair until aix o'clock. Currier is insane. .t CRITICAL SITUATION. P.uus , November 10.-A member of the Chamber of Deputies states that Admiral - miral Courbet's position in Tonquin is critical , and Admiral Perono , Marine Minister , proposes to defend him by blockading Canton. But this would inVolve - Volvo sending a formal notification to the mnaratimo poworand therefore a declaa- tion of war against Chums , a measure from which the Chamber shrinks. TIlE 0051 INION'S L'ItOSt'EltlTY. OrtAVA , November 16.-The bank statement for October for thio Provinces of Ontario , Quebec , Nova Scotia and New Brunswick shows total liabilities of $147,250,000 , assets $231,000,000. The indications are that the present year has been the best the Dominion over oxper- ioiiced in Limo cattle and sheep export trade. Shipmeflts of sheep are at least 30 per cent beyond those of the best year of the past. CONOENT1IATINU TICOO1S. S1r.toIIAz , November 16.-It is stated that troops are being concentrated at Canton in order to keep back the Black Flags when the French drive thorn from Tonquin. TUE WAF IN TONQUIN. P.&itis , November 10.-The last dispatch - patch received by the government from Admiral Courbot , dated November 8 , announced the arrival of the transporta Aqeron and Shamrock. lie expected the transports Bienlisa and Tonquin on the 10th amid stated that ho would at. tack Sontay between the 15th and 20th. DISCUSSINO DISCIILINE. Rosin , November 16.-Time It morican bishops are discussing questions con- nectad with the discipline of the clergy. A COLLECTIVE AItOITIIATION. , , LoNDoN , ovember 17.-Tho times Paris dispatch says : A collective arbitra. tion of powers mimost interested must pro. vent war between Franco and Chtna. Europe would be delighted to learn that they have accepted the nrbitration of England , Russia and America. TIlE TIIIAL OF O'JONNIILL. LeNnoN , November 10.-Itis believed that the prosecution iiitiids to treat the case of O'Donnell as one of ordinary murder , and nothing of a political nature will ho introduced unless rendered mmcc. essary by the mode of defense. A (11tAT TRIAL. VIENNA , Noveniber , 10.-A mflOlistor trial beglils in hungary shortly , the prisoners - oners being three persons accused of pitt. ticiating in the recent anti.Jowisht riots. To prove the guilt of the prisoners , 1,400 witnesses will be called. UNNECESSARY SLATU ltTlIl. PANAMA , November , 16.-Tho pacifi. cation of l'eru is progressing Bhowly. The Peruvians uowoccupy Lima and Iglesina , continues to acquire popularity. A Chili. an column on time way to Ayuchuco was attacked by 4,000 Indians. The latter wore almost unarmed , and the Chilians slaughtered 700 of their ignorant and drunken 01)pOfleIttS , Cacorica is blamed for tie umiziocossary slaughter. AMERICAN mroa 1ltolufyr $ , LoNDON , November , 10.-Inquiries come from America asking whotherit was true as roorted in trade circles there , that the : i renchi government had removed the prohibition against American hog products , Neither newspapers noi news agencies can timid authority for time state. macat that this has been done , and inqul. rica at I'arin fail to confirm time report. UNPAID WOE KSIEN. Nuw Yoiuc , November , 10.-A Mon. troal diepatcl flayS 600 out of 1000 men hired by time Canadian Pacific railroad at two dollars per ( lay to work on limo road North of Ltko Superior , have arrived in that city absolutely destitute , amid have catered 100 actions against the company for wagcsan(1 damages. llrlughtig I ii the Iiihlaii . RAN Fli.1Ncz.sco , November 10-Oen- oral 'Crook telegraphed headquarters to. day : "O.iptaiii htaflimrty arrived at San Carlos with Iiinoty Chmiricahtuas. Time total nwnbor on the reservation is eighity.threo bucks , 310 women and children. Only forty are now out and will bo in seem , . " The Uimlon I4eiiguo Meeting , NEw Yoitic , November 10-Tue Na. tiozial Union league huts postponed the , . . . - - ' - mooting they proposed to hmolti at Atlanta - lanta , ( is. , on lImo 21st of November , anti iiisteari thorcof ( lenoral 1Tnmes Snegloy , prositlotit , has called a maccling at the Ebbelt hiotisoVashington for the 12th of December. Time ltoptiblicnn National committee locals at the same time and place. _ GLASS ANI ) fltOX. Ax UNSATISFAoT0IIV OUTLOOK. I'rrrnuna , November 16.-TIme ccii- foronco of ghitss manufacturers amid ciii- plo3es , which huts beemi in progress hero for the past two days , adjourned this evening without arriving at any settle. mont. Snb.coimniltteos , one of inanu- facturors and one of workmen , were appointed - pointed , who will confer as sooli as 1)08- siblo and see it some arrangement cannot be reached whereby nfl Present atic,1 f U- turo wages trouble can be settled with. out resorting to strikes. Time conference committee thou adjourned until Decent. bet 18 , unless called together earlier by the sub.conunittoos. TIme proceedings of tim conference wore watched with great interest by a number of importers agents , and tim failure to ngreo was to- coived by thorn with undisguised satisfac- tion. Thomas B. Atterbury , a prominent glass mnnnufactuser , declared in an inter- torview to.night that. ho and amity other iron and glass manufacturers have come to thin conchision that a protective tariff does not protect , mad that a revival in the iron and glass trade cannot be hoped - ed for until. all tarifF restrictions are ro- moved. Iron manufacturers in this vicinity arc greatly disappointed at thio condition of trade. The expectation was that time year would close with a brisk business , but now , in addition to low lrices , which have ruled for the lust eighteen months , orders are falling ofF. The result is that only one or two mills in the city arc running - ning full in any departments , amid there are rumors that several works will be shortly suspended entirely. A nicmnber of the firni of Jones & , Laughlin said today - day that there was absolutely no inoimoy in the business , and ho did not sec how somn mills were kept out of the shorifrs hands. TilE STOCK MEN. Close nftl'o Chicago Convention. OlzIcAoo , November 10.-The National convention of stocknion called to take action to stamp out contagious diseases among live stock , reassembled this morn- ing. Semiator Willhpns , of Kentucky , presided , and two hundred do1egnte were present. j commnittoo . appointed to outline a plan of actionsubmitted a series of rcsolutionswhich after being variously amended , wore read as follows : WIIEJ1EAU , The existence of contagioums pluero pneumonia in certain portions of a few 'states on the Atlantic sea.board , introduced - troduced from time to time by importa. tion of live stock from foreign countries , constantly threatens to spread contagion to Southern and Western States and Territories , that the disease is of such a character that State legislation can only give partial relief , that prompt and ap. propriato legislation on the part of Congress - gress to eradicate the disease In infected districts is imperatively demanded , that should the greatrangos of tIm west be. come infected with disease that it would be imposRible to stamp out time plague , except by tIme total destruction of' herds at time cost of hundreds of millions of dollars ; therefore , Resolved , That we urge upon the proper authorities time imperative neces idly of a thorough inspection of all live stock and meat products shipped to for. oign countries. The convention comondod time action of time secretary of the treasury in enforcing - forcing quarantine against all infected cattle , and decided to petition congress to confer authority on time treasury do- partmemmt by whelm quarantine could be oxtemided so as to cover sheep , swine amid goats. Time convention ducidcd to tip- poimit a committee of omie front each of time states which is to memorialize Congress amid show the loss and danger to America by reason of foreign restrictions against Aimiericaim immeat productions , amid suggeat such legis. lation as may tend to remove the proju. dice. The commvention is stated to have boom time most representative one of stock men over Imold in this country. Fire Itecord. BosToN , Nov. 10.-Time Boston and providence railroad repair shops took fire this morning and one half of time store house and mnachminosimops and boiler house were almnost wholly destroyed. The boiler house coimtained boilers and emi gines wimicim furnished power for all other shops. Four imuimdrcd , mnomi arc thrown out of omimployment. Loss about $20 , . 000. CIEAIILL'STON , S. O.Novl0-A. special to the news and Courier reports timat a fire broke out in time town of Sumter last night and spread rapidly soon involving in ruin limo stores of Morris Nowsomi , Pate , hoyt , DoDosko , Begin , Phmeony , O'Commnor msnd Maxwell. At last accounts the fire was still ragimmg. Loss so far forty thousand. ANitigateti Hontenco. \VASIIINGTON , November 10.TIme President has mitigated thmo sommtcnco of dismissal km time cam of Lioutonaimt Col. onol irorrotv 'to suspension from rank amid command , witlm loss of half pay ommo year and a reduction of iimmeal tunIc to time foot of time list of Lieutenant Colonels , Soriouly Injured. CIrA'rrANoooA , Now , 10.-Lmst night a south bound accomoclation train ozm tim Alaska and OrcatSoutimorim railroad struck a brokomi rail imear Parkcrville , Alaska. Three cars voro thrown down tIme cnm iianlcimiezmt and several persomme seriously injured. Iamigomoimsiy Ill. IILTnLINoTONNov. IG.-aemm , A. Dodge , f.rmcrly Mimmistor to Spain and omico a m.oniber of time United StatesSenatu , amid is lromonont citizen of Iowa , is danger. cushy ill at home its timis city with Kidney affect ion. _ I 4p 0 : . DiSASTERAND DEATH. ht Ilic 11111011 Paiflo's ' O1or Sttemcnt hows1 A Break iii the Iowa Pool Au- iionnood , Talks of 1l.itto'nrs ntis ! Otlmet Ilf- flenli heM. A. OIIitI'TELL OP PAL'tIjITLES. soshmi ont ltl.UNflRitItfl. Om-rAwA , ill. , November 10.-A pits. soligor train ott time river branch of the Chicago , Burlington & Quitmoy road , which leaves Chicago at 8:45 : a. iii. , duo in Strentor at 12:30 : , whomm two miles from time latter place to.day was stopped by a car of coal stamulimig on time nmain track amid being tinloinleti. A freight wlmiclm was following limo passenger was not hiagged , amid it canto down tIme grade and around the curve at full speed. Thu locoimiotivo crushed completely through time rear coach anti lartiitlhY through time secommd , killing L. 0. Pearo , attorney , of Dwight ; Mrs. Alexander hlemidersomi and daughter , \Vcdron , and an old gray. bearded , imeavy.sot nuni , not yet ideimti- lied , amid badly injuring Ir. J. H. Flit. lay , of Streator , who was scalded amid otherwise injured , and will probably die. J. ' 1' . Msmrdock , of Stremitor , a lawyer , is scalded ; Levi Young , engineer of time freight , and Firemmiami Smith , of Aurora , are btii injured about time lower hinmbs ; Louis Grouter , of Strcator , a farmer , is scalded.V. . 11. Doyle , comuluctor'bf time freight , amid James Sullivan , of Carhield , were aniong tim imijured. 1'hto wotmndeu were taken to time hotel at Stioator and cared for. The coroner of the county is investigatimig the cause of thu accident. LATEiL-Time old imiami killed 1mm been identified as a Mr. Habbortomm , of Streator , wimo was returning Imonmo front lila brother's ( mineral at Paineavihle , Ill. slt'EN XILLF.I ) . BLOOMINGTON , November 10-Time PantaUrapit's Strobtor ( ill. ) special says that timis afternoon a cohlisiomi occurred near that place on the Clikago , Burhing- ton & Quincy , between a passenger amid freight train , resulting iii the instammt doatim of seven persomia and injuring a number of others. Time killed arc the engineer amid fireman of time passenger , miamnea miot given ; L. 0. Pcavie'n proud. itont citizen amid pohiticami of Pontiac , Ill. ; Jolts ilarristomi , of Redmnami. Xmiox county , Ill. ; Dr. Finley , a promineimt physician of Stroator ; two ladies of Streator named henderson. CAUSEI ) fly A FLANGE IIiIIIAKINO. KANSAS CITY , November 10.-A west bound Rock Island train duo hero itt 10 o'clock thiis moriming bore a party of excursionists - cursionists front St Paul amid Minneapo. ha for southern Colorado , occupying the two rear coaches. s the trait neared Jamesport , Mo. , eighity.fio miles from here at 8 o'clock , a flange of a wheel on time last car broke. Time car was prccipi. hated fifteen feet down an ombankimmont , rolling over twice. Adam Gotziaii , a well known citizen of St. Paul , a Sunday school superintendent , was injured , and died this aftornoomi. His daughter , aged 23 , was internally hurt. Her injuries are dangerous. His wife and daughter wore scriovsiy bruised. Mr. Mac Smitm ] , wife amid son wore badly imurt. These wore loft at Janiesport and Trenton. Several others rocoiycd psinful injuries , but were able to proceed with time train , wimicum arrived hero at 4:30 : this evening. The party continued their journey this evemming. TIlE WOIIIC OF CONVICTS. GALVESTON , November 16.-A Dallas south bound passenger train jumped time track during the imight just imortli of Choctaw , precipitating time engine , bag. gage and express cars through a trestle , killing limo firemnami , severely injurimig time engineer , baggage and exprcss moos. congers. It is rumored that commvictr , employed as laborers , placed time track iii such a comiditionas tocause time wreck. A IflOKEN hAIL. CiiA'rrANooaA Novcimmbcr 16.-Time , - tic- cident 0mm time Alabama ( heat Soutlmommm railroad , was moore serious titami at first relortCd. ) ) otaiis are difhicult to learn as time wires are down. Tlmoaccidemit occurred at Collinsylile , Ala. , amid was caused by a brokcmm rail. Three cars roiled down time embanknmommt turning over three times and vero demolished. Mrs. Jolley , of Coiiinsville , was fatally imijured. Timero wore a mmumber of otimor causualties. Bottles \Viished Aslisro. OIIANuI1AI'wnNov. 16-A Soutimljaven special to the Democrat says time bodies of John Kimigotoim , Mate , Joimn llabbitt , Steward , Charles Kurts of I'imiladelplmia , and Cimarlea Simmitim of Chicago , dccli hands , were washed ashore this aftornoomi tomi iiiiles imorthm , Time books amid pa ers of time Ackloy in a wooden cnsoalfo Caine aituioro. No muommtion is made of Captain Stotclms body. Time gale was from time soutimeast. Juice IIirstero. OIIRiAOO , Novemmmber 10. - Private tolegramns to vessel owners received hero to.day report as follows : Schooner Nor man ashore on hog Island roof , full of water and tyill probably go to pieces ; ischioommor Flyimig Mist , sighted off Frankfort - fort , Imlicim. , disabled and leaking , will probably go to time bottom before a tug caim roach hmer ; schooner Regulator , ashore south of St. , losuphi , Ilificim. , will probably be a total wreck ; propeller Avon of time Ijimiomi Steamboat line , ashore near Buffiulo , oim Sandy Beach. loaded with sundries for Chicago valued at $100,000 ; insured. I'rivatu advices also commiirmmm time vreviotls report of timeless loss of Limo schoomiur B. 1"mtzguraid , with all aim board. - - I'rivhlegcil Conimmmummicattomms. I'jim LADELmJLIA , Noveimiber 10.-Judge Allison yesterday delivered an ilmiportant decision iii time law of libel. A council. mann wrote ott amid afterward gave a to. porter an abstract of a speech ho intommd. avg i ° ' , au , ' . t ' 44)1Dt. OOtl 4lI. h tin .VV1 -I ' - otl to deliver attacking aim nplicant for a mmummticipal fritmmchiso , whtorinipomm time hat. lot ammoti Imimim for libel. 'l'imo judge says whmcii a s1eecit is simowim a follow couticil. mmusn ntmml stIgestilmmM slesired it is privil. egeI coimminuiucatiomm 1mm time best souse of time term , iumd to hmoll otherwise would seriously impair time freedoni of debate. Ito fmirthmor hmuld its oxhmibitiomt to the reporter porter , wimomi ito malice was intended , ott the sante footing with its rending to a follow cotmnciimmmmm amid equally right nimtt privileged. Dofemmdaut. therefore was discharged. ClttMlNitIi itECOlti ) . A ImAi LOT. LINCOLN , Nob. , Novommit or 10.-Chits. MUr1)imy , ft negro , a to4lay convicted of rape tmpoii 1Irs. Abbott , tlatmghttor.in. law of imis emaploymir. The ovidomico shows a comispintry to M3ItttAto hmusbantl and wife , of which ravisimniomit was a part. Time trial of time fntimor.in.Iaw as accessory proceeds to.mmiorrow. ILE CONFnSMIit ) . INmIANA , Pa. , November 10.-Sawyer , time parracido , huts mmmdc a full coimfesalomi of killing ids fmttiioi. Tnltii : : vimti vittun. Sr. Louis , Novommiber 10.-Time jury imi time case of Edward Richard , charged witim time mmmurder of SehitmaVilsomm , to- turned a verdict of miot guilty. This js tim tiird , trial of ilickard , who was ri newspaper ro.orter. 0mm tIme hirst trial lie wits convicted ammil semmtoimcod to imtimg. : The second trial resulted iii a agrcemiiont. Richard shot his boarding house mmilstress on Thmniiksivimmg eve , 1880. Time defense was accmlontal din- charge of the pistol. TilE MUXIC.tN TRAIN mtOiiilmnt. Maxico , Novommiber 1G.-A. tolograum to time govorhmlmmcmmt says that time mmmcii who robbed tIme traimi mmear Laredo , spoke Eiighisim amid Ssmiisim. They are thought to bo an organmztmd baud of train robbers from the Ummitod States. I 11Am ) omtmvs : , LvNmmmiuIta Va. Novemmiber 10.-liar- , . , . - - risomi Crews , a mmcgro baker imi time omnploy of the Newell house , arrested emi a charge of firing time stable confessed to twelve of. the various immcemmdiary fires which have occurred within tlmree muomithms. ' Crows immiphicated no emma else amid assigmis no cause for the erinto. TEIiEGItT1iL NOTES. Eight tlmousaml 1)001)10 attoniioltimo sale of short horns at Detom Park , ChIcago ycator clay. The drafts vero fromim the imerdi of T. Corwlmm Anderson , of lCommtucky , and C. M. Clark , gf Minnesota. Fair prlco were real- Izod. Slugger Sullivan wilt spar four rounds with Paddy Ryami In San Francisco inside three muommttis fur hmahf the receipts. Tim Chicogo Press club's fourth anmmual benefit WM given yesterday , nimd miotted $1 , . Tue atores of Williams & Williams and Black , Todd & Co. , at I3olton , Idles. , were burned yesterday. Loss $45,000 ; Insmmraumco 830,000. The body of Robert Follows , a Now York broker missing since October 20 , wan found Imi the North River yestorlav. The Methodist church extension society line voted that no church costing over $90,000 shall rociivo its a'd. ' A fire in thmo Allehmony oil field Inst night for a time throatommed the ( iestructlolm of Allen. town , ' N. Y. James C. Ernest , general passenger agent of the St. Louis & 1 lttsbtmrg road , lies to- signeth 'l'ho 1abtiitles of Thllingimast & Co. , leather dealers , of Chicago , am hoW placed at 8370- 000 , itsiotti 81f0,000. From six to eighitecmi incites of snow fell in Ontario yestorday. A fire at hunter's l'ohit , Now York , last night , destroyed 823,000 worth of property. Cotton aimil all other vegatablos wore killed by frost iii Texas , Thursday night. Turner toil Soit's cotton vLmro hotmso at Colmmijibims , Miss. , was btmrnod yesterday. Lost $100,000. A Model J3oy. \Vhmon C cimerni ' , Vnshlmgtomm wan yosmmlg- A tliirtoou.yonr-old ioy- lie never WOtihil vormsmlt his tongue To utter , "What d'ycr soyl" 'iVhmon'er his una used to whip Ilium till lie couldn't rest IIo'd miover give hmimut aimy Nor yell , "l'ull down yoimr vest ! " No matter how muitichm iiii teacher swore , \\'hrri at itiuim George tlhtl grin lie hover l.liOltted , " 4Imut your Jaw' " Nor ecrenmned , ' ' "VIJIO off your chmim ! ' ' IML'IErIES. lobotly keeps up electric lights to show time tray to huavoim. 'limo clmtmrcim.goer an a rule goes grophuig after nightfall. Time theater. goom- labors tmmmdor no such disadvantage. At ii clmurclm fair inVhilto 1'lalis , , N. Y. , last Saturday , a vui'ao wan offered for time young girl who would coimmo forward and assort - sort that also hureti ulechhmied nil invitations to eat ice cream during time smmmnumor. having seen the newspaper ltcLimrO8 of ? dartin Lutlmcm"ut wife , we arc not at all sur. Prisod that Martin , uhmotmhl imavo made such a desperate istruiggie for refurium. We are only atomized tlmat his imanmo ( toes miot appear 1mm time list of ninety's. A proacimor told a traiui , who wan Lutthlig in a load of coal for 1dm , tfmat ho immiglit titko dinner with imimum ii he woum'd say grace before eatlmmg. 'rIse triitil ) said lie would. Awl when Imo 'vats invIted to the table lie stood still a mntomneut and said , "Graco. " lml'onsignor Cape ! , the dlstingulshio&l Catho lie prelate , in liii sermon on Luther , last 5mm. clay , made tIme statenmout " ] ) urlng time first three commturlos of Christianity there was no Now Testaunumit. " ffJj fact Is nut so gemmer. ally knowum as thn1 mlocianatiomm will mnako it. Tue idols worshipped by thmo heathen of Africa nmiii hmmilhni are smoarly nh manufactured in Englamiul , amid pay it very htamdnonmo irofit. It is stated that the comumorcial valmmu of the brass mmcl cast iromm gods sitipiol to heathen lands tar oxcoodi that of the Jiiinios , books and tracts vImi roach the santo iloitinatlomi. \'laon the vomrnrablo Edward Cowios met ? tl'oiisigumor Capel nit the ( Jloyolaimtl ilopot with a four-horse imaroucho , lie knelt uiowmm amid kiensoil time nrolsto's inaftii armil murmured , I , I'atimor , , Arlso , chmnmitoimuil Itunis kin , " qumothm the prelate him tones that bespoke volimmnmes of grace , morcyand iioaco and witim timat Ito bent over emuuil immmprinted upon thee vetcritn jotirimautst'ti iimarblu brow aum opostohlo kiss. kiss.Tue nastur of the tjnltatlan clmurch at Ann Amber has prinitoul and sent out Imi pamuphiet forum aim interesting sermon emi time subject , 'IVitum tire the Saynui I" 'rime ulrIft of tIme dis- cuteutoim Is pretty fully indicatol 1mm time qtmes. time uupommuIeil to the title , witicim turin thus : 4 fuist we bohlovo that macmm of sutrim diverse views ahml ( clinmiecters as Emnersom , Darwin Limmeohum , l'otcr Cooper , Johmum .J. Bagloy , and flies A. heal , acne of whomim bohloved him the (4tiLOdOX scimemimo of salvatiom , , are lest ? " Lizzie liarolut. " [ 'rincoss Chuck" Company , was the orlgiumal Buttercup 1mm tisls country , Slits also iroetetl the 1)amtw of Naotmml 'figimo In "School" and Betty him "htoartliug house. " She is great as Itohlicila in "Our Boys , " auth ilamnotta hum "Mmmscottu , ' 4 ' .Ja ! - - RAILROAD NEWS. Aociciits ( Ill 1hi RailVrocks \ au the Lake , A Sad Blunder With Fearful Results , Trmulmnm , flitolmed amid iii Colllalnmt cmi cvorni Itoituls. 1tA1LItOtD MATTE1LS. PIUS UNION remrm STATEMENT. BosToN , November 10.-Time Soptoni. but statoimmont of time Union l'acifio Rail- rend company shows gross oarmiings for time month of $2,094,070 , a decrease front time corrospontlimig month of last year of $176,230 ; expenses $1t3l,188 , an increase - crease of $274,590 ; SurhlUs carnimmirs $1,458,888 , a decrease of S450,83fi. Time (1OCrOaSO iii eariminga is dtio primarily to the oxteimsion of the Chicago , Bumrlimmgton & Quincy to Demivor , itiul also to time do. crease iii Colorado business , The gross oarnimmgs for October shmo a decrease of $ ; io,000. Accortlimmg to nhilroXimIttO figtiros time carlilmigs for the first week in November show an increase of muoro tiinmt $70,000 over time name week of httt year. I'IIOSI'ECT OF A i.I'P.LY WAit. CmumeAeo , Norommmber 1G.-Coinntis- sioner Midgely to-day received notice of time withdrawal of the Olmicago , ? * Iilwau. hue & St. Paul comiipniy front time iowa Trunk Line association. Time only cx- planation offered is that they arc not satisfied with time arrangement. They foumid ito fault with the tllvialoim of ii0fit1 muatlo and make mie complaint against individual mnomubors of time asso. elation , nut withdraw front preforommco. Outsiders say timis action will preciptate a rate war amul inside of sixty days timings will be lively botwoomt Olmieago amid Couimcil Bitmirs. Time asociatiomm is coin. posed of five limies , time 0. , II. & Q. , 0. , it. I. & P. , 0. N. W. , W. St. L. aiid St. Paul conipany. The latter was admmmitted a year ago last mmiontim and sitico September imas had sixty lCt ccitt as its shinto. Time association rules require Limirty days notice of witimdrawal and serious cutting is thus PostPoned that loiigth of timuo. It is thought that when time St. Paul uvitimdraws such a large pro- vortiomt of pool business time oIlier roads will at omico declare a wir to got a share iii time 51)0118. A PALEII itEi0ILT. BOETON , November 10.-ThoTranscri1 t says : "Time report frommt Spriimgfiold. Ill. , that time Boston bondhioldorn , committee .of the Danvihle , Ohimey and Ohio Riv r Railroad Co. reports the road in good condition amid endorses Receiver Howard is not only unauthorized butis essentially faiso. Time comnmnittco has not returned nor imavo imot iimdo nor authorized any such report. NO CONCLUSION MEACIIED. CINCINNATI , November 10.-Arbitra- tors Charles Framicis Adanis , J. D. Ctsx , S. F. Ryorson , W. 0. Hughiitt and Col. Hayes , wimo are to fix the percentages for the Ohio River pool , limid the task difficult. Timoy hoard arguments ycstor- day , amid have been nil day and into the nigimt eonidoring time matter without having reached a conclusioii. TIlE TItUTJI Oi' TIlS MATTER. SrItINw'ImmLn , Ohio , November 10.- 'I'he State Jourimal will sa thus mnormming : The report sent from timmo city imm refer. once to time immspection tour of time bond. holders' comnmnmttco over time Damivillo , Oinmoy & Ohmic River railroad was made upon tmiformmmationi obtained fronm it mmmcm. bar of a iaty firm iii thus city having legal rciations with that road's ahiamrs , stimo represomited time titcts stated to be coim- clusiomms of time conmnmitteo , and that they ( lesired them so giveim to time im'css. ZEIj1)A SEG1JIN'S ' DREAM. Time Noted Singer Sleeping 1mm Onmiaha Sees iii a Drcammm time West Slmomo Itauiroad Accitlomit. All time world lilies to talk aboutdreains immid half believes iii timeni , spite of great Iretclmtiomm to time commtrmtry , and much tallc aiout pimysicological causes. A droamim story , iii wimicim a Into railroad ac- debut was time subject and a celebrated singer time dreammior , imas just comno to light. golda Seguin is with time Abbott Opera comnpan- this nnoasoim , as everybody kmmowmu. 3o far time comupaumy has spcmmt muncie of its tinmo iii time northwest , draw. imig big houses timid receiving plenty of Imowspapor praise. On time mtigimt of Sep. tonmbor 29 it was in Omaha. That nigimt. Mrs. Seguin dreammiod that she was iii a railroad car near Utica , N. Y , Site laietv It was tlmthocaltiyimaving passed over it often , As thatrain flew alomig she tiioughmt simo saw time difTereimt points iii time scenery , omnmumitimmg UpOn them froni tnmu to time to a young lady who occupied - pied time same seat with her. Time young Judy was a chose fricmmd , and iii time dream Mrs. Suguin timougimt it perfectly natural that they rihmould be traveling together , She hoard somebody say , "Diefcmmdorf Hill. " Timat part of time dreani time to- umemnberod wiLls apecisi distimietmicas. 'rime peculiarity of dream di alouos , is that though onto scents to be saymmmg imiucim amid imoariimg much , emily mm. low s mmteimcos of it atanmds boldly out iii time mnomory after time dreamer opens his oyca on a imow day , And so , Mrs. i3uguimm sleeping in Omaha tlmirty.six hours before time accident on time \Ytat Shore road , dreamed simo was wimimhimmg tilomig near Utica amid , heard time mmamu "Dlofommdorf lull" spoken distinct- ly. Then site saw lice girl comopammion's taco tutu to tlmat , iucuhiar shade of wimito whmiclt oimly terror c.um produce-saw time same gimastly rigidity of muscle spread over time face of time other paasotwera , amid simnultammeously foiL a shock which immataict. l' expanded into it grating , grimmding , hot. riblo jar that seemed to splinter the very rocks beneatim time earth. Then all tu tie suddenly blotted out in one vast emiguhf. moat of dar1noss , Out of timis Mrs. So. k : 45 _ C : , _ _ _ _ : ' - - ' guilt seemed to tisi in that mysterious way 1mm whmicim we are all extricated front uliicmmmms in driutmns , until shies could look dowim 111)0mm time time wreck from time air aboro it. She saw time two engines lock. cml mm mcii others embrace , twistedIc1chm. 11mg , groaning sin timougim 1mm mortal agony ; sawalso time cats which wore thrown from tlmo track , danmagoci amid crippied like ' great nmmimnain ; amid withal saw hi one of .timeni the friommel who had sat beside him , but a moment before. She was no lylmmg imoiphesni lit the dreadful mnasa of do. bris , her face dcath-iiko amid her form motiommhoas. There the droamn ntop1eel. Sine told it time next , mnormiimm , as it. was , still fresh in imer mind omiwakmng up , butt did not , of course , thmnk that it lintel any significammco. Vixat was her surprise witlmin three days to read. ' of time accident which occurred on time 1st of October , on the \Vost Shore road ; and later to learnt that time same yonng friend. who hind sat beside her iii the dream had really been aboard time wrecked train mmd beomi imijurod. Let time imoplo who oxphntiii stmcim timimmgs by niatermal roasomm- imig , or those vhmo tm'alto thient aside with a snmoor amid a audio , tell , if they can , why olda Sogumin , shoepimmg more than a thmotmsand mullen tvest of Utica , should st accurately droammm out an accidemit three ( iftys before it occurred , and associate a friomid witim it whom alto believed to be safe imm her home in one of time immtorior towns of I'emtmma'lvania. Sue hind retired after ami ovcmmmng of more titan usual. ' . ' imommor. Time ltlplatmaO hind been goner- , ' alms to ombarrassmnwit. Nothing imd. occurred to call mmii nimy timougimts of ' peril or accitlonit. Yet in lmor drcamnm she ' felt time shock amid saw thmo ruins of the wreck. t OnmcebeforeeldaSoguin Imad aromnark. able dream iii regard to a pmmbiie ovomit ' wimicim noon after happened. Three nighta before Jim11 Fisk was idiot simo droanieti simo was waikimmg up Broadway amid the entire street was drapped in mourning. Time simmittera of every store wore olosodb amid itt white letters on a black ground cmi every one was time Imamo "Jim Fisk. " She turmied immto otimer streets and it was time santo. Evcrywhero timore was time drapery of umournimig amid' time name ' 'Jim Fisk" in wimito letters. This dream site told mmoxt mmiorning to her friends , and on time third day thereafter was shocked beyond expression to learn timat Fisk hind been shmot. Yet sue hiatt never ovomi soc imium , MUSiCAL AND D1tMAT1C. r.evoy. the cci imotlet , Is travohing with Mon. tayer's "Tourists. " 'VihlIamn Horace and Alice DunnIng Liii. gard imavo remarried. Josopim k. ] lrnmnott lean mmmdc a great hit in , imbu umew inlay , ' 'Fritz time Boimoinlan. " Salvini iviil not retire from the stage. He wilt ho seen hi tiils country next season , Con. Basil Immico'n folmrtooum.yoar.oid daugh. tar figures 1mm CIncinnati as a musical prodigy. Mile. llhmoa was robbed of hmcr watch , wimielm was time gift of time late Czar of ltmmsaia _ Santo old dodge. Kat CIaxten liiayetl "TheSca of Ice" In Inuhiannipohin on 3aturday to over $700 In two pemformicace , dmnimiT a 1 otvy ralmistorm. 'ICono" us the title of time latest American comic opera. Thp ilbretto is by Colonel Donn Platt , time music by lit. Bruno Oscam- Klolmm. Texas Is death on simows this season. The state Is overcrowded amid needs a long rest. 'rico mortuary embraced sevemm companies last week. Maude Granger played to $30 In Louis. villa. Sue loft tim city In dlFgimst , tnieing with Imor a 8300 dog , which sue purchased at time Exposition. 'rime Itnllanurlma donna , who hmaunt the 'corridors of the hotels ovary evening , can sing time corsets off Clara Louise Kellogg or Emma Abbott. John E. Otvcns will begin rehearsals for his etarrimig tour in "Cook's Corners" on 'I'Imurs- day Imext. lIe opens at Wilmington , Del , , November 19 , Little Lotta is trying to electrify "the gay. out Capital itt ho world. " She will play In time Froncim language in one of thee loading timoter in Paris early durlmmg the coming wiimtot. She first ahipearil 1mm "Bob" which , like all 1mev plays , ins been translated into Fronich. lime legitimate hit made by Mary Anderson in London vhil be immado imm comedy mm l'nris by Lotta. Simo Is now ut Dieppe ttlthi mini lumvahid brother. With regard to home talent Mr. Timeodoro Tlmomasremarks : "I ann lcd to repeat wimat I have longhold that we must educate our , imoimmo talent fur Imomne , tine. 'We wamit hotter vocalization timaim Germnammy canat lurescntpro. ulmmce , and imigimor lxmtehhlgcmmce than Italian am , . gem ino3soss. .Aimmeticans , I aiim happy to boar witness , strive for time bent km evcryttilumg , zumd mimediocrity in IfliflfUl to their. . DON'l' . Marry it girl , mmcrely because you admire 7 her mother . unto a dog simimply because ice belongs to your mielghmbor. ' okerwitlm who Fas " 1'lay a etranger "only just learned to play the game. " Purchase Cimristtuaa hrencnts with money which belongs to your creditors. . ' an to cimurcim lii a simalby suit and expect kind tmentmomet hum the sexton , Buy things you don't need just because 501110 grecimy is fool enougim to trust you. lmiumgine you itro a good singer sinmply be. cause time neighbors don't shoot at you whoa you practice. . , ' 'rake a rttllroitd journey simpl7 because you imtmlpOfl tO have an odd ticket. rhmnk of the Palace Otit vorter's cimarges , Order your'rhmammksglvimmg turkey of a mar kotmium who lion not yet becim paid for the onooim got last year. lie mimmey at time last mmmoimmormt tlistspjsoltmt you. Exvoct olt1.foy , ponnwiso , small sales aunt big profit mmmammegemmmemmt to fumrzmlshm you with as good a peper at any vrieo as you can obtain wimero emmterpriso , yotmeig blood , ( rash braums , tireie45 energy ammet opeim.lmandod liii- erality are etaily and hourly coumbmned. 'PURIFY i BLOOD. rillma marvelous multi ot Iloods SmuieparlUa .1. sell lininorsand lowcondttlons of the 1J1OO4 mroiu it thee besS 111,001) I.IEDtCLNE. Seth baa Ij000 Clue succexi of thin artfrmo / J at 1eon tiol nearly every tamtIySQ / In wkct mIeineborIuoo4s have becn/ s / taking It .15 flue uno tinue. IL rviu.7Ixi YltOIJOtI 11I * % enrIches the blood , I cures djspc. . wIabUtuuznees , atntall I JleflUiItinentI Of thestonixcimcausedbylinhium blOOd OC , , a tiebtllmatcd cowl ! . i.S / lion of the aertous ryxten occasioned I c ° 7 ercesaFro mental orphy.icajcamo I . # jiaborordisaipatjon. Js tradicates Scrot I I cIa nn4 till foul humors , and restores I S I imnd renovates ties whi system A Irieculiir roint tim hood' , Sarsapadi. IS : ha Is that mt cumtc an smi. peUtezmntl/ /builds op and streniitheni Site p tern And rOyS.1 Inyaluabie xi a protection troni. dTesAU thAF rtnatu bi changes ot lbs seasons. , ox cbmate anti UI iCe. Messrs. C. I. flood & Co.s aentmernen-It . .ffc.bs 0 mcdl PmjUm to reconceenti hood SSThAPOZItL * , ti mmcxlii , baS been such litat for some years i r'e esn ot4tsett tonlo of some kir4 us p rIo anti have never found seaytWng U'at out say Wa t its tour tis.rsaperttis. It Wne up eu pyemezn. ' cr111 I nil blood , ptorins i aplaset"b nc sessa 1'o 511ct. , er NssitIImulmeJ. ' . t : . . . ' .