,1LLl.L L1,1L * 1L .ULL .l 1 : L.LI15 Y 1V V 111.1iLl 16 , 1.S& . 7 1 Immeui Sale ! ANDDRY GOODS -dT- . HarknessBros ; , CO69NalJtlb LCi.0.o6'V , YOCldF11I aommncing Thurday Nova lo Carpets at lie , worth 30e per yard. Ingrain carpets at 45c , worth 60c. Tapestry Brussels at 60e , worth 30e. Best quality Body Brussels at X1.15 , worth $140. 1,000 yards canton Matting , at 20c , worth 30c , less than capn be irnported : ) clay Ingrain Carpets at 22c , worth 3c. OUR NEBRASKA CUTO1VER WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO EARLY EgAIINE [ THESE GOODS , Our Skilled. Workmen will Make and Lay : Cyrpsts in Ornahithe same Prica'ae in Council Bluffs. . - - 1\ BARGAINS ITT' ' COTTON. 50 Pieces Bleached Muslin at 6c , worth 9e. 60 Pieces Unbleached Muslin at 6'-e worth 10c. T Canton Flannels at 5c , worth ZOc. Heavy Cotton Flannel at ! 121c , . worth 16c. Prints 3c , worth ' 6c. . ( ! erar a .I &S. sG3o Latest Stile for $75.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00. . . 50.00 , c 75.Oa. 6.00 , 9.00. 1o :11D3a : we will offer at X2.50 each , sold elsewhere for S4A0. OUR STOOK lS COMPLETE IN EPEI Y DEARTMcN'P OF Silks , Dl'ess Goods , Cloakings , Pil slies , Velvets , &c. AND oi i rarn A'I' ! T PRICES THAT Will DEFY O iPETITION. Omaha end Nebraska enstomei : purehusin ; bills of S10 and upwards , will receive tcN11SpOPtutimi both ways. Iowa customers will save tlicir trruuportation by calling at r t . MKNES BIOT1IE1S , 401 Broadway , Council fluffs ' 4 SHHRMAN AND HANCOCK. rare cll l cctiugs o [ the Geuoral's ' at Gorcruor's ' lslaud , Army O01cerA and Ilia 1'cnpld - : I I' Ivxperlonro front Iho 1''Ar West-Tito Itetlring 00111. i1muIOr's Advices , -s--- Ncw Yuck herald. A omiornl mooting' of thoMilitary Ser 1'ucu ii tttutiol of thu t nutod Stntoa was ituld yestonlay aftarnonn at the nranoal on Governors lslaud , and thu gathering was given special mterestby the preaonco of Gan. Sherman , who came to pay a parting visit to ( ion. Ihncock and his at tt ( Ion , Sherman left \\'ltitehall by thu noon boat , acconipau.ed by a number of army olllcers residwht hr and about Now York , The veteran cominnanlor w'a3 in the best of humor , rut chatted and joked as the Titllo tug nladu the trip to the island , Upon thu pier wao ii. senrbled the atilt'of Gen. Bantu k Each of the oficers was in full uniform staking n brilliant group at the head of thu gangway. Gen. Shornmu , na ho stn lied ashore , shook ] lauds heartily with each m ° ntbor of the slntl'calli1) ' life by i n no and Inentfomiing 80111 ° lucid. out recalled by tub Pace before him , Tim Visftos , acconpnniOl by the atalf , nasscd up the broad avenue , and upon pas8ing the guard leuso on the bluff' thorn Ivaa a turnout of mho guard and a bu glur's sal ute , which was rocmvcd by the ox couunnmd ing gob's ] with bared lead , Upon the grcou the band of the post was alatiuued , and played 'lliail to the Ch'il'l" D $ life party passed along to the residence of hen , llnncock , V1tn was found at home , con'slcscoit from his recent illness , brit still under care of his physicians , ¶ l'liu between the tn'o grootiug gcnurnla was a very warm ono , amuigrounded about theut in the spacious parlors of the IIancock umnsioi were some lifty olliccr8 of high rank-a few in uiifuru , but tlho majority in lilailr drosa. It wav mentioned to ( lei , Sherman that the iron were at their places beside the light battery mi the green , ready to give him n salute. 't'his protfcred honor Ivas promptly declined by ( Jun. Sherman , who aard : "Oh , don't ' put yourselves out for me , I ma and of time 'hasbeons' now , you know , and you had hotter kcop your pouvdor for sonic other occa Sfona , " MECTINO OF ThIU OINJ : li.tty flemi , IIancock locked remarkably well , ( luspfte the reports of his recent sickness , and begami expressing his regrets at the change which had taken his visitor from the active ranks of the arany , 01 , , dear , no , broke in the mild Goi oral : "I ant not going to get entirely out of all reach. I shall only hide myself out Nest , and sbnhl always be within call , There ere ploTty of young men all about us ready w take our phacca , " and the General waived his hand toward the groupo about ] aim with tim query , "Ain't you gcntlemont" There was a conversation for n for No emits in which many mutual friends wore recalled , amid the resident General was congratulated by his visitor upon the neat appearance of the island mul its charming character ag mi home for the officers - ficors stationed there. said Gor onoral Sherman , "if I could trust myself hero , so near such a great city as thus , I don't know but that I should take up a residence horn. You must have a royally social tire of it. " As the hour was drawing near for the meeting of time day , hon. Shama n brought his visit to Omi. IIancock to a close , bidding n very affectionate adieu t o his associate and wishing hint litany y oar a more of successful comnnumd. A stop of a few mcmonts wa m ado fm n the residence of Gen. Nliipplo , and tie company passed across to the assembly room in the arsonnl , while the band played , as a special compliment to the hero of the march to the sea , the air of "Marching Through Georgia. " In the arsenal stood time stuffed figure of the horse made celebrated in Thomas Buchanan Mend's poem on the ride down toWiichestorby Gomm. Sheridan , This at once attracted Line attention of Gon. Sherman , end ho stood for a moment admiring time figure of the animal , Then , stroking time neck , h ° said , ' ' Null , you dot your aFire of glory out of your work iii the s'nr , anyhow , and with no one to figure in time pelsiOn list after you. " Thou tire ( loneral passed up stains , There lie was received with applause b time members of time UnitedSerykico Inat tution. T11E w'oaK of C.tv. i.nysiP.N , Gomm. Crittenden presided overtime moot- fug , cold at once time rcadiug of the regular - lar paper of the day was proceeded with , This was by Col , A , G , Brackott , Third cavalry , on Our Cavalry , ha Duties , I hardships and Necessitica at our Frontier Posts. " "This minim of the service , " ho said , "had grown mgmaeu of late years , and thhough it fe very costly may be said to have paid for itself over and over again ill time safety it has furnished to the fron tier sottlcra amid the itnnienso bermoIrt it has hcml to time satioh in opening Line liighwmiys and by ways of Limo interior of time North Americas continent. Time dutica are ao memvhat changed of late , in that time trooper is called upon to slhiold the red nleh from ) time cupidity of Limo border settlers instead of crowd hire , its forumerl to time wall amid it is , after mtil only ii quoatiei of time when the wave of civiliatioi will swell over line bounda- ty lines amid occupy time la tla which the rod nor } now call timer own. As a gmornh thing' our soldiers wear their fatigue uniform and work at almost anytlilmig exCept Copt soldiering , They build houses , make roads cut wood , burn brush , clear upland and , in fact , do pretty much everything except attend to tire duties they are Sup posed to have enlisted to perform. The trooper often steals food for his horse amid in many cases shares his scant rathol of broad with him , A FIIONTIEU Ui'1 OIU , "There nra very few cavalry men irho 11avu served any oonald ° ruble lougth of tfmo on the frontier who have not boon turned out by ami alarn of lndiamls. Usually sonic farmers eomos riding ft ( on lmorsobncir fn his almirt sleeves , laboring under time greatest oxcituncnt , hallooing Indiau l ] udinnsi amid , after lie imaa be. conio aufliciuutly cooled down to toll his story , uufolda a sickening tale of Line imanuor in which some of liia relatives have bee ) butciered in cold blood by the savages , or his horses and cows killeri as to leave him coumpleteiy impov % T11on there is hurrying to a" little fart-rations him't ' put up fn bundles , ( ' died and load' horses time'- made ' r.1 , , rF . .w . .tae arel. "A rl NY" JYa r r veriest phantoms of the mountains , Not ono acouttug party in twenty fad In dinss , tluo reatui number of scouts reini dormh unsatisfactory reaulta , " T1iANSrl.ANTEu LUXUn1RS , "Thoro is an over incresing desire emi Limo part of y oumig otfcera to carry time huturuos of time ago to ! ld tro 1llw Post n l rise calle(1 phis gives lip tinny so ( harlshlps..i'o ; sco the mostfmicongrieus thinIgs at tunoa , and many n young bride has been takou tonftontiorfort who piuos for the beautiful llmfigs she loft in her father's honto in limo East. Still she holds ml to some things , amid a Turkish rug frequently covers a dirt floor amid n grand piano becmncs soiled by Limo mud of sun dried brickn , 1 presume most old officers have seen a minus lint O l n good many ° ira hocnusu he was time fortunate possessor of a cabbage or a nmess of pota toes , Ivhilo others hind nova of tileso tooth. some eouestiblea , it doea not take mulch to make at aristocrat , " mmu uIiAL a111UlM. N' $ ni' nu01L At the comiclusioi of time paper Getoral Simormnn was invited to spent ; iii the ilia. cnssiomi of it , 11,3 said he hind always bcemi friendly tO time inatitutfon , though this was time first time he had attended a neeting. Ho said imd holfoved that Line cavalry nrmu of the United States army had for fifteen years gnat done a work fu time progress of civilization which should bring nr the gratitude of thoworhi , "amid they nos' have a right to take oil their saddles anal emijoy a sensomi of rest , limit Limo work eallmmot stop , alltl while our un tfoi has passed tlmrough its neaslea and tv'luoopiii cough period , we atamul now at the oponug of n mmmv epoch , nud the youngest ofucor iii line survica hna the prospect of a brilliant career lcfen hhn1. Ito must not forgot that there is IUmrcr' bcauLdImim limo a lewer ( limit must pay the biiis-tho tax. t pay 'or3. Time's' nru the kin's of tthu army and it is time duty of ut'ey mm n in time army to regard ( hat paver. 'rimer ' p is no fear of time future of our arimmy. There are plenty of young miter who ar e capable of taking care of any part of our nrnmy fn a war , There is work ahead in I tlmie growing country , for there will l ) ° other wars opriugfng up and time boat Polio ) ' of our army is to mmuglu mvith the u people ; but let each ollhcer nt nil time 6 ronemmlbor that le fa a marked mnu chose 1 by time peophu amid closely watched b y tiem. " Ger. Stone , Gel. DAvis , 11Iaj , S. S. Sumner and Capt. G , P. l'rico each spoke iii time diseussiouamid agreed inroomnmtnmd ing a coucohtration of the cavalrymem in to cmmtrnl stations , ash many anmusiug ti m. of frontier uxpuriunco wore told , 8 Angosrtrrn Bltterm ira the havtrmnody for roimoviug btdigestinn mud nil dloasos orig. meting from time sligosttv'o organs. Beware of commtorfcita Ask your grocer or druggist for the ( rouuruo article , nmmmufnctured by Dr. J , G. 13. Siegort t& Sons. SmnkO Cunsuied , Time Chicago & Alton railroad coumpamy pronfse to be time pioneer benefactors it riddimmg us of one of the worat nuisaiee a of civilization-silloko. I t has timorou'hl ar tested amid adopted time Thayer device fo r colismlllmm' smoke. Already the smelt e preventer has been placed n 7i of tln 0 acoutotivos , amid time order has heel givcmi ; to put it on all , 240 iii nummber , just as ( mist as an engine hn to go to the almopa for repair. Not 0111 does it conaune time anmoke , but th 0 conipnuy linls timattlnure isa largo saving in fuel amid a ( lilm mution in time wear ami d tear of boilers. The great cause of th e wear of bailers is the nuequal expansior em mid comitrnetiot of the mubd. The average ago rum of a loconiotivo is about 00 nmilos and then it lea to go to the shot mind have the hops tightened. It is t time opening and nhuttiug of 'die door t supply fuel that thus unequal coolin and heating is owing. By ho use of th amoko-cuuaamner this fs very niue reduced , and there is no oxtraordiia ry oxpmnsioi amid contraction while Limo ryI is burned clean up , the sulphur in tii oval combines with the oxygen , and i consumed or passes oft' fn harmless gasses Iii time old niotilod the sulphur is not con sunhod , but having a strong aflinity fe iron , unites with anl corrodes it. Witt time eoisumer time eulphur fa not oil y disposed of but its presence is an actua benefit , adding to the Htrongth of th ° coal. Nor do the Limbos foul men they d o by the presout piai , giving fret amid unimu [ edod passage to the heat. I has been demonstrated that time savor' i n fuel is 10 per cent amid time water ton varied to stoma over 10 per comt. , tnakm a saving of 30 per colt , fn fuel an power. Time saving is n routed trip i about time cast of putting time consume is n locoutotivo. But this is lot all. Engineera cam kcop the time bettor , being able to koo p steady , constant steam , easier for them oil up radds , keep up to schedules , save one-third bapolumg fn coati amt d always gives time toasibdihe a of imicroased speed. Besides this i does awe with time smoke miuisnnco it towns amid cities , and sparks in thou tout ] try , and protects the passengers fro n both. Phu darnngu from sparks has bee heretofore frmn $30,000 to $40,000 r year. Not olily sparks , but soot is co11 eumud-nothing cummg out of time cJtim . coy but carbonic acid gas , the vnpor 0 f tim steam nud a few other almost romper coptible products of consumption. - - - - - - - S Dr. limns. NEw Yomu , November 13.-Dr. J. Dtariom Sinmg , n plmysieiamh well known it ' this country amid Europe , died timis morn lag of heart disease. Ile attended a pa tient last opening amid retired apparentl y in his usual health early this uwrnin' lie conversed with his wife , and short y after she observed something wrong , aim d inunediatoly suuunoned her son , also n physieinn , An oxaninntiomi showed that time doctor was dead. Dr. Sims intended aailhng Saturday for Europe. James Mariomm Sims was born in Lan. castor district , S. C. , January 2t , 1843 lie graduated at time Soutlh Carolina college logo in 1832 , and studied medicine i n Charleston amid at Limo Jefferson rnodica college , l'luladulphia. In 1870 Ire sot tied at Montgomery , Ala. , and soon be came widely known as a Biillful operate C fn general surgery. Iii 1895 hits attemm Lion was directed to time trcatiUOmt ° f vesico-vaginal fistula-hitherto doe" incurable , and lie established diseases peculiar to women p ' ' , iital , which lie for four at his own expomso " oxpcrimnonts my the substly' forsil' , t. ' . 1 , 4 F "RNITT7'RE ! --TllE- - - - CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture -IB AT- DEWEY & STONE'S They always have ij the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMBS ELEGANT PASSENGEI " ELEVATOR ; TO THE DIFFERENT FLOOR. lq % ' ' ' Iho me of tlo term"Abet H E'rm'11' Line" ht connection wlthtb. corpornte utunn of ft aront roa t enr"eyn an Idea of ust nh t II IA I rcqulrod by the trnrdhtg 'nub Ii L F lira Shat Lhto , quick Tint , I II ti and the beet of amomm0h W tlon-all of which are fun , hhad by limo greateet rnlhvay In Amorlcs. l r.Gc l dTL P. UI EE And St. Paul. It na no and epcratrs ever 1,600 miles of road n Northern illhtole , 11'isconehi , Minnoaota , lownand iM ota ; and Item la mini lines , bra'chre , and connea tlnns reach nil ( Ito great bulucss cemros of the Northwcetmtd I'nr IVicet , It naturtIIy answers. Ii : . ltecdpllon of Short Lhle , alit DCet Ltollto i'ett , ebmi Chicago , IlihtmrkoSLPaul andMhmtoapolla 1 CmdngoSlmhvaokty , In Croseo amid Winona Chlmgo , Milwaukee , Atcnlccn , and 171andall Chicago. ililaaukco , Enu Cmnlro and Slillantcr' Chicago , Slllwnuke , w'ausitt mud Merrill. Udcagn , Slllwakeo , , llenver 1)nm and Oclikosh. Cldengn , niinnnkcu , ll'aukeMut and Oeonoumwoe Chlcagu , Slllwaukee , Madlsou awl i'rnirlodu Chien Cldeago , Mlhtnukce , Ow'atonua nail VatritemuIl. Lhkitgo , llelelt , Jnnoaplo and Mineral Point. Chtc + go , milI , lu , Itoclfonl nud nubnquo. Chicago , Clldon , ( loci ; Island nud Cudnr Itapldt Chicago , Council lllua , and Omehe. Ohlen o , Sioux City , Sioux Fills and Ynnkten Chicago , Mllwnukeo , Slitchell aniChanberlnln. ( rock Island , luiiuque , SL fatal end Mlnueitpalit Davenport , Ualumr , St. Paul anti Minncapolla i'nlhnvtSteeperasndtle PlncatillningCnraIn artldnranmonthomnlnlln wottltoCHICAC MILWAUKEE & 3T.PAUL F ? ILWp and otery attrutlwt Its Pnkl to pasecngeri by coutio ous ennployoe of the cumpnny , & d. MEnrN.L , ' A. V , II. CAmU'ENTER , Oen'I Manager. Oen'I hoses. Agent J.V.CLAIOr , Coo 11 , liuAFFO1tD , ( icn'I SuiL ; Asst 0ai'11'nw. Ag'I , , Bes76re ¼ of theconlinued use of mercury anti twtnelt for tic treatment of lUcodn"ti Hkln dlsoaees-they never ecure , end neatly' alwna injure or totally ruin the general health , 1 ; AWELL 1CNOWNDAUOOIST , s My drug strro was quo Ihet to soul SwlfL's Specific. It was thou put up lu'iuatt tattles which Bold for $5.00 cad , 1 haw seer It great many caeca Inca b ) ltB use , and emno who lmti tried rill aorta of . cent. Lr fact , l into "over known It to matt when takcproperly. I.ellalarkgoquautltyof It , end for all dltc + eca that arc dCpclcbt on blood ) olsun or ekhihutuor. It cures m m'mtmitmaiANDnLarcmIraoeTorssalty , and umkes ( Ito cougdexlon fair and rnev. As for O blootl taint , theta Is no such wool as fall. it cures CAsesthathasulmtgwithstoodotttor sort + of treat. ) wont , amid without nay of these recurring troubles e that generally follow mercurial and other , , .called e cure , . T' , r. LIASSUNDUIIO , Macon , Ca. DRY TSTrBB. g 0 For year. I .ras sfDlo wt ; r , f the 11 moat obatlnet. typ trcr " L bcetplryalcianstoo , ; and arsenic „ which , i GIIEIp. atM1to' ' ' I ppledmeupwltht 10-Arbitra 'ho a TheTettcrantluuedE steal made me crsey. ' J , D. ( , w s aunt to taku Swim HPoaitt and Col.kf as astoulehingnaltwar gran villo. r ) ore0ntn S o6 theibtterwaseoUrelywvl , with g all out of may eyttetnandll time task aue : . . # ntehmUd r only to4Ywit.tpedam „ , take It. ; J'161ES ' DUN7 &TO a , o , Ky. 1 Whrit aPhysician Bays , I ( Jsruasln pxMovnoaOxAnR „ 1 July ? 9,15813. 1 pare a bdgAt little de.ughtcr who will ho w e years old nett month. She has Leon troubled nearly evernlnoo barblrth with askin disease , which 1 lmrst dlagnosnd ohmkmnpox , but Icter forma it to lie eorne sort of ecamthatanyrateItrenietelmery stubbornly all tim dlf1 rent treatments. I proaurod mm bottle of BWtPN IItpeclfia and gave It to her In email doeos three ( inn , a day , and ht a elmrtwIiUo had rho satis g faction to moo that elm was entirely well. I am eo I well pleased with ite aaect mt her ( hot i shall rat only use ItJn m practice , but I shall adutlnllor mt a to m y other children and take It myself. r w. n. IhuoNT ? , 51. D. Ourtreoliro or Imlood and Bkln Diseases mallcd free to appllcentt 1 TIIESwIiTSPECIFiO00. irawer a , Atlanta ( in. ' CREATENCLISH REMEDY. y L.Ttvovs Cures PiIYBIGAL De6111t GRNIfAL LOGS hFIrANLYV100nHermatorr ; t wn , clam , wbwi all other reins J m a .tr' tiles folk A tore wnranked. V t (1y a /I.tO / a Lotto , lora ( Y.otllo , foe ( lints the quantly , $5. 1i ox c , Press to any address. SOira bt alldrugglets. ENULIHII IICDf ' CAL INSTITUTE,1'roprlctors , 718 Olive Street , St. I t.ouleIlo. , - "I have ssbl Sir Aetley C0opor'e Vital noatorathve or 3cars. Every customer speaks highly of It. I muheealtatluglycodomoItasaremedy of true melt " 0. F , GOODMAN. Drugglnt. Omaha Feb. 11889. v15 mke o0,11y TItEAT TILE HUMAN MACHINE OENTLY. NEITIIEIt CONS'rll'ATION , COLIC , DfAnltllEA , DYm4I NTEtY , oh OTlllilt IroWEL co8u'LAl''rH , CAN 1IE 001(111) 111' AI111HINf1 Tlll : 1)1LIC.tTE SIAC111NEItY OF 71mn bYHTKM WIT1l I'01tl0UH I'u11OA'rlvn.sTIJE 1Ji:4r tviHAPEH'r Ill MCDY , l'Alt'r10uLA1mLY A'm' TIIIH h1ASON : IN A TIA : SPOONFIJI. OF TADI1ANT'S SELhEIt APEE- IENT , TAI(1N : IN A tit.AHN OF IVATEII WIIIOII 1viLl. UnrlTI.Y 1mE1dnvl : , Ivi hlL1 : TONIk(1 ( AND ItALINCTNEIiuUTA'rlohA'fh TINU. WILBOIUt3 COMPOUND OP PURL COD ( ' OIL A ti" . S. . v , , 4. s ' . rt' ; sr . + 4"Y . Health ill Wealth haa.aq anAlrt a i > ' C P f5 t _ TtIkAIMtni. , m. n Dr. M tU. SVcat'a Nerve and limbn Tratment , + ( 'mast erodrpedfo fir Ilysterla , Irirr.Incaa.Convulm tone , rite , Norrdns ° Ncuralgln , llcatlaehe , Nervonr ProltratlOn cauecd fixx the uso'bf aloobol or tobaooo , Nakcfulncrs Mental Deprosden oftening of mho Brain , rosulling lu Insanity and lending to ml ery , decay ( inil donth , l'reioaturo Old Age , lmarrennoeo 15013 N u ewer lu either cox , inroluutary Lose apermitorrhma cnua + i by over oxorUona 3f brain , soif abusoorovcr Indutgonec. Idch talus one month's trahcont. $ Lee a box , sr baxee tor $ b.co. Font by tall prepaid on reoolpt nLoc ; vSw Sd6 nUARANTEE B ! % DOxE9 ro cure any once. With eaoh onlnr recclral by us for mix bozos accom aanlal with $3o0 , wcwlllscna the purclusor our writenguamnteatorcfundthamoney If Iho treatment does not aSect a cure. Ouaranteea ' uMonryby C. F. GOODMAN m&o w1- Uruv fat Omaha Neb DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S n S PREVENTIVE AND CURE. 20R EITHER SEX. 'Ilderemedy being Injected direotly to the seat the dlsenso , requles no change of diet or nauseous , mercurial or potseuone nmallclnos to be taken Intern. ally , When recd all a proventlro by ctther sex , It Is lmlawihlo to contract any private dtsoasa ; but In the rosoof those already unfortmtatclyafllctcdrvoga r intro three boxes to cure , or we whit refund the money. I41co b mnU , postage paid , $9 per box , or three boxes for 5. , wmTTEN OUADANTEEO . , lructi by all authotlred agents. Dr.relixLeBrun&Co BOLE PItOPIUUTOISS. C F. Ooodman , Druglst , Solo Agent , for Omaha Seim , me&o wiyj Catarrk ' At this season of the year aver ) body has a eeid amid some very bad ones. By frequent utpnsures the P tuombrancsoll the nose become wry sen + ltlte , nod catarrh nud hdluenxae are rfdasnla , Itcllef may bo obtained by the use of hood's Saranparllla. Formargrears to suoccsslon , beginning so far back i den tremember when , I had the c. + mrrh iu my head. It ouusleted of a aontlnual Bow facto , my nose Ringing and Bursting Noises In my head. Soinothnov the hctring in toy left car ta..Wr..l , a1tnyearssLgu about this euaeon of the year Ihgan to use ii.t4's Bnrsxparilln. 1 was helped right away , but I eontned to use it until I felt my myself cured.-IDta Ellis U. CaulfieW , Lowell , Marc Jerome Drownell merchant and extensive n .iir at Vlctors , Ontario comely , N. Y „ writes : "I liwe use. ) hood's Hares'rallla ' for my Catarrh , and lthrn helped mo. I consider lloodb anreaflarllla one of the best remedies for blood dtscaso to ho obtained , 1OOyDosos OneJ IDollar , " ( hare boontroubled with that dlstrcm.Ing eon. ptalot , catarrh , and have been uclug Hood's Sarsa p rllla , and find It one of tire Lost remedies I have svortake , . My trouble Juts lasted ton ) care , and s never could get any relief mmtil l commenced to use 11004'eSarsaparUla.-Martha Shield , Chlcago , ill. 1Dange , from Catarrh ! Dependsrnsontheamount andextent of time 3crofu bus Iufecllou. Unquestionably many deathe from conenmptlon can bo traced to neglected catarrh. There is a vloleut dtetro s , prostrated and eoughing spells , the eyes weep , the nose discharges copiously , and tie head canna to split. lu such cases Ilood'e Narsannrilla corrects the ca- I tarn , by ibt direct action in discharging the polwu frmn the 1,100,1 through natures great outlets , so ( list healthy , sound blood roaches t e mctubmner and is .choiesome. Hoods Sarsaparilla I Sdd by druggists $ l ; six for $5. Prepared by C. L IIOOD &co. , Apothecarlos.Lowdl Mass. Cornice-Norks 9 ) IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. i Ce SPECHT PROP. 1111 Douglas SL . Omaha , Nib. r HANUFA01'UEEIt OF Oalranfrea Iron Cornices t ! Dormer Windows , Yhitals Tln , r IbmWng Speoht's patent Mctalllo l . . ad jueteti Itatchet Dar and Dnelrs he geneml agent for the abu ' % encingCruetngsDalustr" ' , hinge , Window Dttml tw cat for L'eenondr . ' . . , t , Sin ' ' ' 5 4) . * i , , µ 1 . ' ' .k a'1 ; r.J s , J.t , 4j4 , r ws ri . A. r ' , r ' : t- , . tl" „ r . e 1" 1"M . . - , . . . M