h _ - .m „ - You Caimot' ID ty It in the i 13 o Bar-r00t118. t What an absurd idea it is to send a sick man , with an niling stomach , a torpid liver , and impoverished blood , to n bar-room to swallow some stimulating stuff , and rill it medicine 1 An enormous amount of mischief is.constantly clone by men rho thus trifle with themselves. Instead of healing their diseases , they make thcnu worse. Instead of ailing strength they only acquire the disgraceful - graceful habit of tippling. It is a point worth noting in connection - nection with Brown's L aJ ITrltkiS , that this valuable medicine is not sold iii barrooms , and will not be. 1 It is not a drink. It is a remedy. It is not made to tickle the palate of old topers. It is made to heal clis- ease. It is not made to promote the good-fellowship of a lot of bibulous fellows standing around a bar and king each other , "What will you take ? " ' It is a true tonic ; an iron niedicine containing the only reparation - ration of iron which can safely and beneficially be taken into true system , Imported Beer IN BO'T'TLES. Erlanger , . , . . . . . . ' . . . . . . , : Bavaria , Cnlmbacherl. . . . . . . , . . . . . . Bavaria , Pilsner. . . . . . . . . . , . . . Bolionilan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . DOMESTIC. lludwoiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SL Louis Ahliatser . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . St. Joni" 13est'a. . . . . . . . . . . . . , Tlilwaukce. Sclllitr-Pilsuer . . . . . . . .Milwaukee. Krug's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Om aha. Ale , Porter , Douestic timid itliine Wine. ED. MAUBEIi , 121'1 Farnam , FOR SALE. A Rare-Chance for Printing Offices we hnvo for aalo ecveral barrels of a Grit quality' of printing ink. Being mono for ueo en nailer or a lowcrpresca,0uru wo are now using , we will sell the eamo at 6 cents per pound free on Loardcar/atOrnalln. Will guananteoittogivogood satbtacUon nit smailerand medium iruxaoa TilE. BI Ii i'WILIS111NO Co J. P. WEBER & GO. , MANUFACTURERS OF BRACESI FOIL TILE CORRECT101I OF r Physical Deformities , up and Spinal Diseases , Club Feet , Stiff IItees , ' Baw Legs , Knock Knees , &c. I TRUSSES of the boat make kept on hand a a ! I dtutehc. made to order. HnmU lubaeof all kinds 1 Bono in Stecl , Iron and Wood. B14rerttepairlug of ml kind , deno neat , cheap mil rdmpt. 1'Irat trominm given our work at the No. , Uraka State Fair of 1693 , 803 South Tenth St „ Omaha. II C IOAG © SCALD CO. 't ttTUN WAUUN 8eAUC ItO. $ IUx , $10. A4 ' ' ° " B44) Ilrrltll Itoxlncluded , , . - - 2401b P11RM R' tlOJlL O This ° Lnlo ( Mtuct v ' oE. n' I , 7 , r nU0TuIkltatzr.N. IMerdi'aresuslyul& TOOLBS&c , II 8T $10 Am9tnndltlioT reels ; 1 , d"Ih Yuman u , . 11..d..a d.l.a odd Jour. til0 Illnwers , % IIYII9 , Vier. s ; Other Articloa LT WWI T 1'Itll'ra. Wuuts8Ats k aarML. a j trf' J _ ell ' ¶ J l ,47 ( k , , ! i ; , i rpfn ' ' .a'l . . iii' ' s , 4' Ilr.r. 1 . ( ? ti l 1 a UMPRREY i OPaTffl ° ron conn oy Au DIer.Asts our , , s , , I IIOItHEBOApTd ritl' AUU8,11008 i ' YEATU . ' llmnro Foil TWENTY ; um dtrrv. Hili'eh1rsiliuvulainiiIt4by 'anticScleriimry ' , 'err , 1 vcryNtnhlonud rnrrnrrsbtoeltll l ur air , Ilor.n lii hrond , , urrrt CUni Mine Co nparplr.'l'rnsi [ , t and , . and etbcre hauullu damn , Truh pra't.uartd. Ilnlnii. ray. ' 'vlrrlnnry afnnunh ( tin rim ann "w ynrnllmarucolptofpriro.(41t'rntl 1W1'umphlrl. irnt frcp on pppllcatiml IIt1Mi'IIItaYHI10Mi ( IPATi(10MEU.CO. ( } lot Fulton Btrcet , Now York. + NERVOUS EBIUTY Hui Hfl r vilnl wealcnou and Pros. puttonfroInover worker tndiacrMtan , Eft T It rsdicallr andpromptiy II Ii cuttdbyl Doen In ute 30 year. , II the moot .ucec. . Ci 0 f ,1 faulremedyknown , I apwrva.or rt.l.anl rgevial o $ powder for $ a. arnl patt trroonro lilal6 ; aia ' " ' ultuu tit 1'w p4t t , fI I 1 t 4 J ETTER AND CNEAPERTNAII SOAP roIt ALL Jouee-moaning Purposos. ST WILL. CLEAN . -yam PAINT , DIARDLE , OIL GLOTITS , UAT1I h , L'lVfiS CIZOCiUUY , 1UTCJiI UTISNSIL8 , 0. Ir1Ntrc ; , ' ' $ RH JT WILL 1Oa , , 4PEELwAn5 ) , . „ TIXtTJItAB.4COFPL'ltA11L- , x,11 n . : o w w RUNNING THE FORTS. Sonic Personal Rcoollcetioos of the Apr oa the Mississippi River ; - . . _ . - Ilnw Porter Passed Vlokaburg-A 8pcetral I'roceselon that Olided Llto a Tempest of Flauo slid Sn"LO. Alex.V. . Pearson of Vineland , N. J , , line written for tic weakly I hiladolphia Times the story of how Porter ran by Vickshurg , Mr , I'oaraon was paymsgLcr on time Rteanor Ited Itov.ir , attached to the MiSippf squadron , lie tolls ! cow the gamitlut was run in this mnn nor ; The iron clads were anchored in the Mississippi just below the month of the Yazon , in the order of procession taw All wore to take in passing the blockade. seemed ready aid everybody was on the qui vivo for he start , Pas10 o'clock that night we hoard the deep tones of the boat swain's mate of the Louisville ( ho had a voice like a lion ) calling : "All liatdsi Up nnchorl" "T'harol ' 1'hoy are olrl" wan the word , and we hurried on deck to got a parting glinipso of our : 'forlorn ho r. " tl'o broatldosslylistened to trio rattle of the chain cables as they 0111110 fn , and could distiugaish the dark outlines of the irorclada no they avung , in the aircam. Thos there vvas a signal from the llagshiip and again we heard the boatamvatn , Lot go anchor ! " 'file cabloa rattled outagain anti all was still. 1Vudrav a long breath , "Thoy'rd not going to. ui ght. Souiothing has happencdl So alllcaids tilrned in. Tams , ucou successive nights , was the flcot practiced iii taco prolimulnren of do- pllrturO untili all became so used to the porfornauco that the nlovonrent was mechanical as any otlior drill and apecta tors ceased to regard it with especial in threat. Meanwhile the three transports which wore to go 1polOW wore getting ready. It was decided to economize life by retnov- frig the crown from these stoanors , leaving - ing Only two pilots at the wheel and two engrncors to handle the engines. The duty of guiding these largo and dofmlco. loss mitehmors throughn the tempest of fire tawp wore destined to traverse seemed cx trahazardous. The post of the pilot par. ticularl perched wn up ini the ' 4 parlor , Yeauncomfortably Iolated and diatingnialied when 100 poundorshot and shell wore ! lying about regardlcas of con- - sequomcos. The lobe incasa in itself was kind of "pokeriahi. " Danger , like misery , loves company. Teavoid the disa reea141o responsibility of ordering OCeu these perilous lositiouu Admiral Porter calledfor volunteer pilots. Eve pilot ill the squadron ! volunteered ! Even the two old Neators who resided at the wheel of the Red Rover of moo to write an application requesting that the nu ? hit be "permitted thave the lcaauro' of hiking one of the steam transPort't past Vtcksbur g TILE PILOTS Or' TIII ; MISSISSi I'I'I. hero was another difieulty. All tvoro so pager for the poet of honor that it was a delicate matter to make a selection. 1 cannot forebear digressing hero to place on record in humble tribute of respect and nlntiration for the pilots of the Dlis aissi i river. Taken aa clans , their al. antry outvios comparison , ccustomed to grave responsibility in sudden omer- gsncios , brad to decide and act instantly , when upon such action may depend the safety of hundreds confided in their taro in tirface of imminent aril deliberate yet , with a courage which ] eas all tea their scorning rocdessness springs not from ro ardlessnas but from ft heroic contempt of danger and in the performance of what they consider to be legitimate duixr I verily bolfovo that the ? lots of the Mississippi a undrnn would nave volutcorod to taco time first fleet of atoamots over Niagara Falls. Those who wore so fortunate as to be "permitted the pleasure requested to arraio their surroundings according to their ud meit that is , the didn't want an surroundin s. Rason n g philoso hicall that a shot often does more harm b thos linters it carrion than b itself , the had the pilot-house , which shelters he wheels on time lofty dcks of these Western steamers , removd loaviti the wheel and themselves exposed. Thin settled the splinter businesoxeo ptiiig such as might come from a shot striking the spokes of the wheel. One of remarked to urn whir inspecting life post of duty amid honor , "they'll ' have to make centre shots to raise the 'hair'on us howl" Still , there was an unusual nakedness about the elevation calculated to niako ono fee ) as I once felt whcei tap. ping out a tall haystack in time midst of a vhidtctivo thundoatorn4 I was "head. centre" just tlu'n , and felt so. A CONMIinIIAT11.tmpimi : rn When Admiral Porter was ready to start on lib excursion ? ) ast Vicksburg we learned it on the hospital ship. Porter always hail a fatherly care amid interest in the comfort amid satisfaction of those of his comrades who had suffered by the for- tumo of war. IIa knew that the , nor wounded and helpless heroes languishing fn time wards of the Rod hover fet a ' ) with him and witlm those ho would take withm hint in this desperate undertaking - dertaking , and Imo knew that all cmigorly wished to see what might bo seen of a spectacle which promised to bo oma of trenendous import mind excitement. Ono day le intincatutl to Dr. Piuckuoy that ho night take the Rover down to time band above Vielmsburg toward evening ( iust for an airing ) amid anchor there for the uignut , 1Vo know what that meant. And all the wear' suffirerson board dose k1IOW It too. It was bettor that n dose of gtdutuo. There is no tonic like going into action , or moping your friends go in. At sunset we weighed anchor amid stood down the river and took "orclisira seats" as a ectators amid auditors of a drama wlricli would ho lit by the lurid u artillery and accompanied by time music of its ihutdors. it was a clear and pleasant evenng , but as the shades of night closed in the sky , though starlit , boeamo ) lazy , and a gloom settled over the river , which rendered almost uudis- tiuguahablo tire outlines of its shores. As the darkness tlmickened 1 hoard the remark often repeated among our invalid boarders : "It is lust time night for it , " It was touching to see wenndod veterans - erans who that ncor7minr ; wunld luau thought it impossible to leave their cots , straining their crippled simows tosoramblo up to time hurricane dock , whore they might have the boat view of the scene to bo enacted. There waa little convorsa- tiem on board that evening. Anticipa tlon was too busy for worda , We were nnprrased with that sense of expectancy of gundofnedmidfearful which ADgroesos tire attention and renders ann mtuago mute. The time seemed Intern humble. We thought tie devoted squad. 1"'A would never nppetr. We stmalurd L' , w . our sight to pierce the thickening shadows - ows , and hold our breaths to listen for Limo panting of the steam. At lest we tired of watching and waiting. Midnight was at hand and wo began to fancy some. thine had caused the postponement of the movomeht , " A RPELTItAr.1'fOCF.SMON , , TusL then some one in the pilot house exclaimed iii a ata o whisper , but which was heard by all , so intently silent wore we : ' 'Thera they comet" We gazed up tire channel and saw time dark form of the Ilenton evolve itself out of time intislble , Like Banquo'a line of spoctres the others followed , There was no gloom of light , no wreath of vapor , no pulse of the pad. dla wheal and no reapirahonof trio steam. The long column swept by us in majestic but horrible silence. There was a woad ghostliness about this loath-like apparition - tion more impressive that if it had ahono with the llaahos and shivered with Qme roar of time grim monsters wo know were frowning from those dusky portholes. I have witnessed wild and thrilling scones , but all fade bealo time memory of time awoinapiring ; passage of that spectral ire. cession , 'l' he transports came last , and domed nainaL time glmmner of time sky we could dmstumguisk thin outlines of our friends , time pilots , statue like , at either side of the naked wheels. Not a man aboard ship but envied then time rapture of time fierce experience before them. As the shadowy squadron appeared , so it vnn ( shod. It glided out of time night and dopacted into it again. It loft us breath. less , awe struck , We rubbed our eyes and tvondored if the vision had been real , Then there Tvaa another interval of excruciating cruciating auspomse. Wo waited anx- toualy. The last scene was about to 01)011 , Till : TILUN1R1tOUS , ERUI'r10N , At length wo saw a single flash. Thou nmather amid anothur noel than amtlmer , thou a whole skeet of flame followed by the deep crash- lug thunder of ( Imo dread artillery , Time sky lit with time light of eontl Igration. Time enemy , provident for this evert , had filled vacant buildings with combustibles and now tired thuni to illuimmiunto time river and give their eannociera a bettor chanee for ainm. But time night vmas still and time demise line cu of time burning structures and of the busy batteries liming like a lurid almeet over time surface of the stream. Everything wan envcloped in a vapory veil , through wlmicim could only be descried time quick eruptions of time voca no of gin ns ) mrled their iron torn. post at the passing squadron. So bewildering was the storm that time pilot of time Tuscumbia lost his bearings and fiuall turned his ahi completely around , h o ding u1 p time stream , Whlile in this position , but without auspecting it , her centnandcr , who was on dock , told me that lie looked up and saw close above hint time upper works of ome of the steam transporta as she swept by. The ilota ; standing at time imakod wleol loomed up like gigantic a ectrea l "Alt right , by od l" trio3 g shouted back and othey wont. Time passim mg Vicksburg took not unit minutes , bimt the worcapacious , and had mm rood deal crowded intthem , 1Vo lost ono of limo transports ( time Henry Clay ) and had another so disabled that olio had to be towed out of range. Otherwise - wise the damage was less serious than had been expected , Most of the enemy's shot ware thrown away. Accuracy in shootiim g Oh time wing with yopo hundrd oundora whet all lmada are iii a liur fa not easy. Soon the glare of time conflagrations faded again intdarkness' the last echoes of artillery thunders rolled away over limo Warrtonhills ; time quiet of summer midnight descended once more upon the troubled bosom time river and ve knew , that the gauntlet of Vicksburg defences had been run 1 + , - _ - - - A Qirielc Recovery , r It gives us great pleasure to state that time merchant who was reported being at the point of death from an attack of Pnumonihas antlroly recovered by time use of DR , WM. IIALL9 BALSAM TOIL TIlE LUIQGS. Naturally he feels ratoful for the benefits do. rived fromn using this remedy , for the lungs and throat ; and to giving publicity to this statement we are actuated by motives of public - lic benefaction , trusting that others , rosy ho bonofitted In a similar mnatfuer , On sale by till Druggists. XalakaimA at ; lfonlo Cur. San Francisco Lhrcuicle. The king did mint look quite so smart as when I saw hium at a grand South Kensington soiree , with time Princess of Wales loarin ; on his arm , but lee seemed right merry with his ynchtmou , amid ro- spoudcd loudly to our cheer and the salute of our flag. I believe lee amid lmisnministcr , Gibson , are not umch loved iumissionary circles. Time native ideal is roprosemmted in tlmo wolf-lumoivn engraving of Queen Emma receiving a bible frour Qupon Vtc torts , amid they still fool bitterly that but for foreign , especially American , inter. feroncoa , they would now have a Victori an-lmative regime. It is said that time lung does not always preserve life dignity , but somotiunes seems to fancy himself still a postofice clerk ; mud one person remuark ed that there was not much reason for the icing to put on any royal airs while hie kingdom was really run by a California sugar dealer , On the whole , one cannot thick less of time dusky monarch for not boring hinmself mud others with too much dignity , ail min of time pleasantest sigmts ) llouolulu elmowhd us was that potentate iu a straw hat sailing out in his London built yacht. Ile was eclipsed , however , by a line new nrtceiam well a little way out of town , whose waturs leaped frm full column several yards into the air , prom. isiug refrwlmiueit to the thirst plain , 'ltero are now , I hear , half a dozen of these wells in dill'creit parts of Oalnm-a lllnaatca dispcnsatfom et fountains from anttter rocks , which began some throe years ago , amid has already shown us divinity by its fruits , . . - - - - It ii , DoumIse ( 4 ; Son. ' Oaptleum Cough mops era lIIaIittfactureut , ' themoelrca , and an , the ro.uit of orerforty 3ear , axperloncois wmpoundiugcougb mt4klnes. - - - - - Mcaauronient Extraerdlnary. Nw York Rua , One day last week about a dozomr men entered a bar rooni on Broad street that it much used by young broker. Time first man ordered n whisk cocktail ant 1 otter each met had ordered life poison it was fnundtlmmtriiitehind ordered ( gin cocktails , The bar keeper surveyed his brilliant diamond for a second , mid talon selected a largo goblet , into which lie poured ammo "guns" with very great preeiaiou As lie was about to add ti''e gin , one of time company r uiOtly olrered to bet $200 to $100 that timobarkee , eer would , ' roc n mcii , Thu bet was taken i atutor , Moauwhtlu t'modexterous mixer had ourod out time gut with much slight-of. Land added the bitters amid other higro dionts of a cocktail , anti , holding it aloft , survayed time mixture , Ho then placed miimio glasses on time bar and filled each glass to time edge. After the last glass was tilled there were not ten drops of cocktail remaining , Time bet wee , of course , lost. Cal this feat bu aeeompP. tihcvlon the other silo of the Atlamitlc ? BOUTIIEItN SENATOIL. Almost 1Vltlront Exccptlon lion of Largo Fortunes , A Washington writer , who is a native of time south and an ex confederate , says of the financial standing of time southern aonatora ; Morgan , of Alabama , has an income of about $8,000 poi annum from his law practice , and resides in an interior town , Selma , where living is not expen sivo. sivo.Pugh , also of Alabaman is also a lawyer , and makes about $7,000 m time practice of ilia profcssl014 Carlaud , of Arkansas , is worth about $711,000 , made by planting and time prac tire of law , Walker , Garland's collcaguo , is worth $20,000. Lamar , of lllisaiagfppi , has real estate worth about $25,000 , and if lee wore able to attend to it , would have time beat law practice ill time state. As it is , ho has nil lmo cares to attend to which brings him about $8,000 a year. Senator George has made his moderato fortune by time law and planting , and in this wa mas accumulated $10 000 , llarrie of Tennessee , is worth $00 000. Ala fortune is mainly in real estate in bf01nphis , which yields ltini a hnndse ne incanie , Senator Jackson is a rich mat for ilia section , his fortunolscstinated at $100 , . 000 , Bostdes his income from real estate , ho has a valuable law practice , worth about $10,000 yearly , ' Jonas , of Florida , has a comfortable resklcuce iii I'ensacola , besides other real catato , worth $10,000 , amid a legal busincia wluch is good for $0,000 annually - ally , lirown , of Georgia , is one of the richest niuu south of Mason timid Qixon's lino. It is impossible to saywhatle is worth , but those most likely to know put his fortutme at i6,000,000 , which is increasing every your. your.Gibson , of Louafae , is time second in the mmatter of wealth of time southern senators. ills property , estimated at a low valuation , would aggregate $1,500- 000. 000.Jonas Jonas , time seuicr senator from Louiei ann , has a comfortable fortune , cousistimg of real estate and securities of not less than $80,000. His lam practice is one of time most profitable in Now Orleans , and is worth $111,000 to $20,000 annually , and is growing fu value. Maxey , of Texas , is a richr man for his section , Ha is taco president of time bank in his town , Parrs , amid has lands , railroad stocks aid bonds easily worth $100,000 , besides a fmo business as an attorney. Coke , of time same state , is worth per. hapa5,000 , mostly iii real estate. Cockrell , of Missouri , owns a nice property in Warrousbttrg , amid has a line plantatioi , with a good law practice - , tico of $7,000 amunlly , IIa is worth $60,000. Vest , time other Missouri senator , is well off , owning some good property in Kansas City , and taking care of a good local business at time bar worth about $8,000 each year , Wade Hampton may be called well to do , witlm a prospective fortune and a present inconio of $8,000 , besides hula pay as senator. Butler , of South Carolina , has an income from his profession which is very handsomoi considering time condition of Chines in South Carolina , Neither Ransom nor Vauco , time North Carolina senators , can be called wealthy , though they are well to do. They are both lawyers , in good prac- tice. tice.It It is a question of doubt whether anyone - one , whetlior Imo himself , knows just what Mahoo , of Virginia , is worth. That he hag saved a handsome fortune from time vvreck of his railroad enterprise both his frimids and enemies bnliove. IIa is rated anywhere from $000,000 to $1,000,000 , but all estimates are guess work. Mr. Camden , of West Virginia is very rich. He is rated as twice a millionaire - aire , with a fortune which is fast increas- ing.Kemm Kemm , tire jmniorsenatorofWest Virginia - ginia , has no'fortnnatoto speak of , except youth , health and courage. Time Kentucky senators are both well ofF , Beck has a flute estat.m near Lexington - ton , and a comfortable residence in the town itself , besides Somme interests in the west. It is stated that lie is worth about $250,000. Williams is a large land-owner in one of the Gncst'sections of'Kentucky , amid is rated perhaps $50,000 below htscolleague iii fortune. Ilorafortrs Acrid Plmosplmato As a Nerve Food , Dr , J , W Smitim , Wellimm toe , 0 , , says : "In impaired nervous supply I lmavo used it to advantage. " 1k Good 1'.nouglr'Fhiimg. Ieinlt rice Press. "Fittier ) , " ho said as time two stood of Jefferson avenue looking around , "that's thin board of trade building over there , " "Yes , yes-I see ; good big place to trade fn. " "That's w110ra tlmoy speculate , " "They do , elm ? "Yes ; if you w oro'to give inc $1,000 in cash I'd go over tlmoro and buy wheat at 011 , wait a mew days and soil for a dollar , and divide time profit with you , " " 1 dcolar'i" saki time old man as lie reached into hia pocket. "Its an easy , way to nmake nwmioy , father. " "Yes , .lanes , it looks that way , liut after all I dei't sco ra it beats plattuy'six ' acres of ground wadi $35 aim acre lute a burryin' ( lrouud of 900 lots at $5 a let , I guess wo d bottom' stick to our grave. yard. " Young Mom , Middle Aged Mon nod All Men who sulfcr free early hmdlaeretiuue will find Allen's Brain Food , the most powerful inviguramt ever bttroducod ; once restored by It thorn is no relapse , Try It ; It never falls , $1 ; a fur F5.-At druggists , Dead lion's 811oes , mi'u.hingtuo Republican. "Dead niei's shoes ? Yes , sir , sveral dealers make a specialty of them , tmd soil large 1lumlbers , " Time speaker was time proprie or of one of thu innumerable second end stores which line D street from F3ightht to Tertim streets , and wlmoso presence ( has christened that thorough. faro the "Cimatimallr street" of Washing. ton , "How do you got them ? " "Ohm , dint's easy enough , " lie replied , witlm a strong Uermam accent , aecomnpalr Led b an odor of onions , "We have agents. They o about town , aid whoa. the sue ermmipou time door the put dowm time nuuiberaud street icy their emurar- dum book , Ter , after waitinga reason. able length of tiuw , until time burial is over , time agent calls again amid makes at offer far the dead sin's shoes , which is generally accepted , Sonotfmnes limo agent buy s clothing , in time same way , but boots f and shoes can always be bought. If they are out of repair womend them. I guess at least 11,000 pairs are sold on D street alone over week at ml average rico of $1 per patr. Colored men am time best customers. " At this , point tko dealer in medal coverings of dofmict citizens was called inside by the minor clerk who was trying to force ho sale of n largo ulster ea very small man with the gfro uont remark that it "fit trim like time paper emi time wall , " . . . The akin Is of that dolicnto nature upon which m the mint hupravetnont cnmt be made and by the uqo of 1'ozznni's Medicated Complexion l'owdernil rnaghness , sallowneas anti irritation can ho over coma leaving time shut delicately w ) dto soft and amuoth , This preparation has n world w'hlo reputation , an no fear need he entertained of the l by all druggists. A Farmer's Sad Experience' St , Lords Republican. A fanner perched on lifa wagon , loaded - ed with pumpkins , etrcotmtered tribula tiou at o f the holes on Cheatnut street yesterday. Ono of time front wheels lumped from its axle and rolled lou feet away into time mud. As time far. nor dismounted into mud simoe-top deep , two newsboys oa time sidewalk laughed. Thor time fanner sworn , "Hit misteri black yer boots ? " called out a shiner over time tvoy , . "lloriiupaper-all ; 'bout howcountry mau stucknunudl" shouted an urclmimi whose toes peeped throught hia shoes , "Latest rows-terriblo accident to loader pumimpkindl" yelled a third boy. Time farmer lot fall time wheel lac had half ntraigldened up and darted after time newsboys , but wlt'en he reached the side. walk time boys were fifty feet away on a corner , "Gea' lem'nmo ketch omw'or you out 'or town once au' ' I'll luster you with my wlcipl" Imo angrilly exclnimed. 'Teter. Peter , puumpkin eater , IIad a wheel , but couldn't keep 'or , " Sang out one of time boys an the farmer returned to the wheel , while a score of spcctatra giggled. I' low can you remnn a siilrerer from dyspepsia when worko cases timam'yours mile being cured by hood's Sarsaparilla , 'Pry it , SEARS & BOSARDI r Heal Estate Aollcy , Core lfitll and Dodg Streets , Williams' Block1 Y. No , 01 Mouse and lot onSluermau avenue A nice home at n bargain , 0181,000-T ot In Sldnn's aret add tion , 2 story house of 10 rooms , m ocd well , mist n and sheds. Cheap. 05 $2,000-Ilouso and lot iii Shinn's Jdditlon. Cozy house , beautifully locatod. Very cheap. 00 81,100-Ono and a Itnlf story Louse on half lot , three minutes walk from Union laclfia depot A rare bargain. ace One lot in lllmebau2h'saddltion , Very desha blo and tcms exccptonaby ! cagy , 403 Tw , choice lots hr llanscem Place , fronting on ark ; Fine locality , grand slow. $1,000 per lot Very cheap. 03 83.000-houso and full lot in Rountzo k Rath s addition. An elegant home , with ail theinodern improvements , sunny , airy , A fiery desirable inside property. Cheap , 00 t3 , n0-A brand new eight room house in Nel , ion's addition. City , eater and gta , large harm ehadoandfruit trcca. AU thu modem councn Iencea-a coinplcto home. 4UI81ooo-A fine lot in Armstrong's addition , com mending a fine vievuf the city and river , Chetce. 07 One buiucse lot on Curving etreet , the matt rep Idly imprmingbuginessetrcotinthe city. Two bumldiegs on lot. $5,000. Terms easy. 00 $1,100-Story and tail house on half lot , near U. 1' . depot. A dead barg.ln. Must he sold , 810 $500-Ono lot mm Siinu's second addition in a aery'lesmrablo locality high and dry. t20etn taslubalinco in monthly or quarterly payments , to suit purchaer. A rare chance to secure a home at a low price. 40 $1,000-ilouso and lot In Roger's addition , $800 down. A good bargain , 47 $2,500-house and lot corner of Slxth and Pacifio Ste. 7 roams in house , a good location for bus. Ineesblock. Abargain. 48 3.000-A house mod lot on 0th and hickory St. will sell on casyterms or trade for a farm. to $ g.00o-A one and a half story house with 5 fur. nnhed rooms on comer of 12th and Fierce St. Easy terns , 52 81,750-A house on full lot in Parker's addition. Fine shade trees , cosy house five rooms , will eel ! Littcrmstosuit purchasers. A good be' ' gain. 55 15.700-Largo house of ten rooms on Burt Street near to busyness and convenient to Street car , Highly respectable locality , gasclty water ; eery thing compieto. The best place on thu market for s business man's rosid , nee. 58 8700-1 tot and barn on Uaneroft St very cheap. One balf cash. 53 $4.200-house ann lot in Capitol 11111 addition , ilouso and barn all In good repair , a very desire blo property. 70 $1000-A good house on halt lot in "arker' , ad. dition. Nice shade trees , goal fcncoall in good repair. Newly pamtoda desimbio little pace , rheapl 71h70.o00-Asplendid etoroonllameySt. four story brick ; bydraulio elevator. A good paying hoes. tinont. 73 mss-iroteo and lot corner of 15th sod forces , a very nice house ; con4enient to U. I' . Depot r cheap and teat , eay. CHEAP LOTS ! 40 Lots in iclrkwood-rho cheapest unimproved property mow on the market. 20 One ecru lots In aTcl''ntco's addition. Our city rapidly growing In thls direction. 0 FI'oAcro tracts In Tuttiua sub dlvislon. The Sliest euburlan 1wo s > tty to be had. S lotsbt Shinn' . Addition , on Charles street. Magt be sold together. r2,1CO. A bargain for some ono. a lots in Itedlck's SitDmh'lIion , $ 00 each , Invcatmentlucre aiii hung quick returns. 10 One Acre lots or Park ii ice. Smiling at prim and terms to suit buyer' . Call and Sea Other Bargains , On Our List , Sears & Bosard. WILLIAMS' 11IOCK. BVANSUN ACU. SCllll'1'OItjE G. SVANSON & CO , , Merchant Tailors ! Ills Putnam , het. 11th and 12th Street OMAIIA , NEUhaSha t/EDRASiA LAND AGENCY. O' ' s ' ! ( SUCCKSSOItS TO DAYIS 1 8.NYD614) ) Uenyrsi Dealers la ESTATE lto5 FA1INA1f h7 , . . OIiAIIA. 1rxieforedte200000acrescereteUy edncted lands a atsrn Nebraska , at low hula and on easy terms. Inlprove.t firma for sale in Doug ss IO.ige , Co11sT , Platte , Bart , ( hunting , S.ex y , Wsehlugtoa , horlck , Ceuuiie Ssmnderr , and iiutior 7hae.p.aidinall parts of the Statt. Money loaned on lmpro4 od ( arms. Notary rubilo Always In otaoo. Oarreepeodcnon JAMES MoVBY 1 Practical Horse Sheer , try a oeelJlr ct itoed3uT4 and teodertoo c Urtlho'eD' g * ii7et bolt hCu sad , CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! [ 'c e , Have just received a large quantity 0f new CA.Ar. 1r.112:1. .t , . .rL.h .ll.6ir.hSdhJ l .ddr See War .a.4 lAo 9 AND AM OFFERING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICE Pa&SS.N'a 1n LEVIAITR + CHASI SHIVERICKI 11200,1208 and 1210 Fnrnam St To LOOPS. OMAHA , NEB. J , 0 , PItESCOTT N , P , CUItTICE. J. 0. PRESCOTT & CO. , W bco1a , ze.1a mud Rota31 PIANOS & ORGANS ! Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. i i i. 311 tire btu to. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OR SEND FOIL. PRIOEc. flop Fnrnam Street - - - - OMAHA. C. I'LEIGHTON , H T , CLARKE , LEICHTON & CLARHE 9 , . ( SUCCESSORS TO EENNARD bROS k CO. ) WhoIosne t Dru ist - IN- Paints , Oils , Brushes ! Class. OMAHA , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. M. HELLMAN f& CO. , Wholesale Cloth 0 0 11301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE7 CUR. 13TH , OMAHA , NEBRASE Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , PllMPS , " 4t Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brmsand Iron Fitthigs' Steam Packing at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. J. A , . WAKEFIELD IWIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PicRets , SASH DOORS BLINDS bIOULDINGS LIME CEMENT , PLASTER & . STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT OMPANY' ' Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB 9 9 d AND WHOLESALE D. B. BEEMER , AgemitOnmahu. DEALERS IN t Lock AND BURGLAR PROOF , SAFBSVAIILTS , LOCKS , &c : LD2OZWzdraiam f -boot. ISxSnbt , Anheusel' usev4 InpO dlgR BREV1NG ASSOCIATION 1t ' ° ' M , > f dr { : ' CELI B1t9T1U r : rGl' . It 'Phis Lrccllont Buarapcalds fr ; itEelt , hr ss' [ U N . ORDEIts ' h RO3I ANY I ART OF TILLS 5'ILDUISh10 , , Pr omptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD ' fc'-Lr . SG tlHLIt Sole Agent for Omaha amid limo Wet , Cor , 0th Street and Capitol Arcauo ! ' a..o