T7Tw\7T P\71 aT7Tw7T ' . ! - A Jl CLliIJ71:1L Y 15liL' . COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday h ornint ; , Nov. 16. ; , EUnscnlrTlor BATES : . 20 ecnl s r week t' - - Dy ! Rdcr- - . . . - . . $10.00 t'cr 1'ou a OFFIOS : f No. 4 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. -A'dariai Srais-Bost solid inotal inso 3,00 , Novclty 1Vorks,14th streoL n1341 See Joseph lteiter'a fall goods , Cheap Railroad Tickets at Bushnell' Council hull's got up nud dusted yes today for attre. ViLli strong whit1 , extra care should be taken nbout fires. There arc already twenty two criminal cases for the District court to consider , ( io to Buslmoll's ' and get a reserved scat to the Sam.Ah Brnlt entortahuncnt , The Evening Glebe is to move 50011 iu to the Casady building , opposite the court house , One weak from today is the list day of servko for the coming torn ) of the Din. trict court , A. A. IIazzard.ts to build a now house ou First avenue , between Seventh and Eighth streets , Such loaves in the park as were not carried off by time wind were yesterday carried off by wagons. A wall is being built in front of the Union Avenue hotel , to conform with the filling up of the street. Rumor has it that one of Noola's bast known attorneys is soon to cany oil one of Council BlulI'a' maidens , Don't delay till to late to got areserved neat fFr the San.Ah.Brah entertainment for tonight , .Reserved scats only thirty- tivo cents. Time crazy quilt on exhibition at Laing's mid which is to be rallied off at the coming Episcopalian fair , in a beauty and attracts much attontiou. The board of trade committee on sew- erugo has about decided that before anything - thing definite can be done , a careful survey - vey of the city should be made by corn. potent parties , W , J. Sharp has boon appointed man- ter of transportation of the Sioux City rC Pacific railroad , in place of A D , Pock , who resigned to go to the Now York , Went Shore eC Buffalo railroad , Complaint is made by these putting up buildingsthat ; there is a scarcity of lab- orers. Everybody who wants to work seems to kayo plenty to do hero , but many don't want to work. In the cane of David Ratliffee , arrested on a charge of stealing lumber from time Ball school building , wan yesterday taken from Justice Schurz to Justico'Ab bott on a chalgo of venue , and continued . until ltoxt Tuesday. Among the interesting features of time I progmnnne at the Congregational social I this ovoniug will be some exercises by some of those connected with the institute - ' tuto for the deaf and dumb , illnstrativo of the silent language. x A Good way to spend a dollar : Buy a ticket for the Grand Army of Republic t masquerade at Dloom rC' Nixon's hall on , next Monday ovqjing , November 10 , l i i You can have a good time and help along I 1 a noble cause. 1 , San-Au-Drab's price when ho appears i I on his own responbibility is 50 and 7u cents. But time managers of the Hone , who secured mini for thin place , have i taken the risk of putting the prices at 21 and iii cents , that all may enjoy it. Let us give them a rousing house. d John N Baldwin now appears on the titrecta in a unique and very hiandsouno double seated plraoton , dawn by a neat i pair of ponies , making as handsome and t comfortable a family conveyance as could p be deairod. The whole outfit attracts .t. tuntiou , and excites admiration. The filling up of time sidewalks , and the laying of the walks on lower Broad way should be hurried to completion , otherwise , there will be much trouble in getting up town from the depot as the winter and soft weather advances , Shugart , Waite tC 1Vein have found their business increasing no as to necessi ' Late the employment of snore office help , 't and consequently more office ropern rhoy are therefore enlarging , and will soon have completed an commodious and l attractive an office as can be found in the State of Iowa. "An enormous amount of laughter main- gled with time richest Oriental wisdom , " says the Chicago Times , speaking of time San ah Brah Oriental entertaimnemit which fsto appear at Dohanp's ' to-night , under the auspices of the Iiome for the Friendless. An old lady arrived hero yesterday from I'ortland , Oro. , expecting to find hero her non George S Dyer. On arriy- iog hero she could not find her ron , and the police wore unable to got sny trace of such a ann. The old lady was irena a cony lace in the Homo for tlmo Friend. lesa until further 'search could be made. Thorn were three drunken coon on time streets yesterday , corner of Main amid Broadway , who made a comical spectacle Ode of them was so drunk ho tumble a over , and the other one fn trying to hot him u tumbled over and time third on made a break too. * They disentangle ' themselves and of out f it atru B6 fin vU down the street. t The race which was to take place a 1 , tuudriring park today was postpone t' until Saturday of account of the cold , ! ireing litpod that it will ho warmer the t 'flmero in to po one race between I'a ul ' ; Ilokay'a "Davo" and Gihuan's "iliac Frank. A InotY race l ias also been air rreaied hetweun Cepr o 1Vealter a e Guir Owen'"and Df , Weathtefby's "Bay Billy , Tfet { inch cold Jhrlastn of ; Tinter remind us hat' the demands of the Ilona of use Friemidlia will now be greater than ot'o r They Ai05i µ , ligod upwof cash for runnin ex nxpll ; Taet'saU go and hear SailrAj a s . .t I , P . ' . 'f inmit to btgt niih a raj mio of th o rioh est entertainments of the season acid at the same time aid time Homo in its noble work. It is discovered that the couplings of the fire department will not fit to time by. drants of the water works , so that oven if time works start up on Thanksgiving day , limo fire department cannot use them and there will have to be now couplings ordered , which will be seine time gottfng here. Time couplings ought to have been ordered long ago , but the next best timing is to order thorn at once. Jail or Scitoutz is obliged to keep of the alert now , the drawing near of court time making the prisoners very uneasy and anxious to got free. Thu attempt to lock imim iii a cell , and thou batter down time front door , as na ntcd in yes. torday's I3EE , was repeated last night but was again thwarted , There has boon discovered also , a plnca in time stone xall where the prisoners have been working , hoping by taking out n stone or two , the could of into time old hail , through which an escape was made once before. The Congregational social is to be hold this ovaning at time residence of Mr , G. D , Rico , a short distance out of time city. The company is to bo entertained by time Bachelors club , Tlioe who in tend going and desire a conveyance should report tlmoir names to W. S. IIomor , the china man on i fair street or J , F. Barker , the photographer , and conveyances forsuclm will leave the Col vrogatlonnl church at 7:30 : o'clock sharp , Limo rates being very reasonable. A merry time is anticipated amid there nhould be a large turn out , - - . . - Cut rates to all points at McAllister's ticket ollica , 501 Broadway , Council Bluffs , PLUCKED OF HIS PURSE. A Missomrlaum ItObICtl oi' Ills I'oeket- Ilook , Il. F. Ewing , of Pattonsburg , Mo. , arrived in the city Tuesday , and that night put up atKiol's hotel , lie loft time door of his rooms unlocked and ajar , amid nays that when ho awoke yesterday morn- fug he found that some thief had getaway away with his pocketbook containing about $13 and some papers of value to him , but not to others. IIe , of course , him no definite duo to time thief , and ody knows that whereas lie had a pocketbook at night ho had none the next morning , but being well ac unintcd with man city ith whom ho has trnnsactod busines , la had no trouble ill getting the funds needed for transportation imome. WANrnn-10 reliable to sell - mcn nursery - sory stock. I'rovioua experience not necessary. Call on , or address , L , H , Smith , Metro ) olitan Ilotol , Council BluffsIa. . , to daY , A BRISK BLAZE. ItFartunatcly flocs Little Ilnningc , Itoivcvor , About 7 o'clock yesterday morning an alarm of Piro was sounded , caused by time discovery of flames inn the rear of Mrs. S C , Arbutlinot's 1 illinery store on lower Broadway , in t e Bee Hive block. The fire broke out iii a summer kitchen at Lima rear of the building , and was tloubtloss caused by a defective flue. Ono of Raymond. .C Campbell's men at work on Main street briSlgo gave the alarm and the prompt action of men with buckets stayed the fire and pro. rcndili extent vented it s ) to am goat or doing any hea v damn e. With time strong inds which have prevailed Imoro for a ew days there is much reason of alarm whoa faro breaks out and it would ho well for people to use extra caution and nmke special examination of hues amid stoves. Save fuel and keep out duet by using .aPorfoction" weather strip , time latest and bent thing of the kind , Call and see it at Beard's wall paper store , - - + - - NABBED IN NEBRASKA , Two Connell Illuali Tailors Charkctl With SteallntClothing , A short time ago Coin Lorring and An. drew Sharp , tailors enployod in this city , disappeared , and with then a number of coats amid ether clothing belonging to fel low lodgers and brother tailors , Andrews was arrested in Oumha and brought to tlmis.city yesterday and lodged in jail on a charge of larceny. Lorring 1ms been am'rostod in Plattsueutli , and Otlicor Ousick wont tltero yesterday after him. Book to Braun's. Ed , Allison , the veil.k sown caterer , who lately loft Braun's European rosy taurant , for u position in Beclutole's now hotel , has rotured to Braun's , wlmero lie will continuo to servo hits many patrons with time best time market affords , served in time beat psssiblo manmier. Ed , does know how to please thu palate , happily Wedded. There was a very happy event ; which took place at time residence of J. F , Max wall , about six stiles east of time city , of t Tuesday evening , It being the giving it ntarriago of hie dnughtor , bflsa Aun a Maxwell , to W. F , Cole , ayoumig zits 1 well known in this city , not of it. S. Cole , and time senior partner of the live IY firma of Cola & Maxwell , Rev , Mr , liar ris , of Omaha , porforued the ceromoimy ' in time presence of time ltunmodiate rein twos of the contracting parties Time newly wedded ones left yes p terday for Chicago , expecting to b 0 o absent about a weak. Time prcsemta o d the occasion wore numerous amid wol g choaon. Among them was a gift of$100 As both parties are so well known hero I and Nava so mammy friends , they may ox d pact numerous and hearty congratula h ots wlmoi their return gives opportutiit for their oxpresson , 1'RE BF.E joins im , time well wielmin . . . . -.r-- k TILE NE\V DYEWORKS ' F. B. IIurlburt has olpened , at No , 3 y Pearl street , a stone dying mid Franc dry cleaning woks. Plumes and ti I i velvota silks , satins gent's clothhn o merchant's elmif won rodsp all laado ggo/l as new. . . _ et. , - g J.'T , Wallace , of St. Loul. , was at the I' i cfoyeaterdsy ( , , - s t ORIENTAL ENTERTAINMENT , All Evening of Wit all ' isdoni , Ooo of the Most Unique Entertain- went Evcrllllled for COttUCtl IllrfT , The managers of the Horne for tic Friencless , deserve the thanks of the cit. twos of Council Bluffs for tiieir enterprise in ; soeuring the San Afl Brail Oriental company for a eight m this city. They are to appear at Dohnmiy's opera house tonight , Sall Ah Brnh in a fine actor and in his impersonations of time charac torn of leis native land at one Ihue coti- vulscs the audience with laughter and again moves them to tears , lie him a magnificent wardrobe by means of which lie ropreselitS in lifo Irko character , nmom- bors of time highest canto of lndia , down through all grades to the yeoman. He represents time lass amid belle of India in such a atylo an to excite the greatest applause plauso , lie represents time Budhist'ia search of rest together with time Candama Priesthood , lie has a large and costly collection of lmounehold goods , as used in the hrnmes of India , also aricles used inthe oriental temple , rticles used in burying and embalming - balming , at the marriage feast , etc. ho has also : too crystal scenes , displayed by mean of the aciopticon , In fact , ho gives an mltertninment that instructs while it anuses. No one who desires to have a clear understanding of time custo ms of time people of India should fail to attalid. T In like a visitto India itself , " nays time St , Louis Globe-Demo. crat , "Like uno traveling in India , " says time Madison Democrat , "San-Ah Binh is an adept at making his evenings pleasant , "Time second night brings always a larger attendance than time first whore there is soomn to increase , " says time Nashville American. I'EIISONlUi. Mrs , I' : , A , Collins , of Shelby , was in the city yesterday ou a shopping tour , 1v. It , 1 + lenilng , of El Paso , Illinois , was among tliaso who arrived at time 1'acifo yester day. day.J J , 1V. liurtor , mho comuredimt , seas at time i'aclfic with Lis compmmy yesterday , and appeared - pearod at 1)olnury's bast night , Eli Clayton , S , B , Frum and Bepresenta- the Davis wore at the Pacific houmo yesterday -three as strung Ropublicmis as ti's part of time country can .how' up , Charles J , Bartlmelson , of Minneapolis , was registered at time Pacific yesterday. SJv. Adams , of St , Loimfwas at Bechtolo's hotel yesterday. J. S , llmmelstiol , of New York , arrived at Bechtelo's hotel yesterday. S. N. Allen , of Tucson , Arizona , arrived at Bechtolo's yesterday , W , A. Audersoi , J. II. Wortman and May 0. harper a ere heroycsterdayon their returr from California , where they have beau spend. lug the past year. C. I' , Stacy , of Chicago , Was at time Ogden yesterday. J W , Lewis , of Glasgow , Mo. , was an 0g. don house ghost yesterday. E. Dresser , of Stanberry , Mo. , reached time Ogden yesterday. J , W , Davy , of Cincinnati , way among yes. terlay' . Ogden house guests , Mrs , W F. Sapp , who hn. been qulto ill with bronchitis for n week or so , Is now able to leave her roonm , 1V , A , Frye , of Omaha , ommo of the liveliest boot amid shoe anon traveling out of Omaha , u'as hero yesterday , I' . C. C Lally , of Vail , Iowa , an attorney of that place , vvns in time Blue yesterday , W , S Barnett amid wife are iii the city , visiting - iting d. 1V , Crosslaud A. B , West , general agent of time C , B , d ; Q , , has returned horn his vvostorm trip. Itoal Estnto Transfers , The followimig deeda were filed for record - cord in time recorder's oflico , November 14 , reported for time BEE by P J , Mc. Mahon , real estate agent : Henry Voss to S. J , 1Ii4islo . part of block 41 , Allen and Cook n addition to Avoca-$100 , George Sexton to Downs amid Mott , part of mm sw t and w sa 1 , 20 , 70 , .12- 2,000 , Willis Downs of al , to George Sexton , art of lots 7 mid 8 , block 4 , Ncola- $1,700. $ B , F ; Montgomery at al , to Timonmas Bowman , lots 3 aid 4 , block 7 , comitral nub , amid lot 2 , block 111 , Crawfrd's ad- ditiom , and lot Ii , block 14 , railroad addition , and lot 5 , block 4 , Burns' ad- dition-$100. Ernst IIutchemdorf to A. A , Mickel. lot 6 , block 22 , Wnluut-.17f1. Total sales , $4,375 SPECIAL NOTICES. N0TICa.-Slwclal advertisements , such as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To hunt , want. , Board. hag , eta , will be ) warted in thl. column at the low rate of TEN caNra i'mt LINK for the Ant Ineartlon and FIVE CENTS I'Sit LINE for each subsequent Inv .ertlon , Leave advertlaements at our o aoo , No. 7 Pearl Street , nose frog is.v WANTS , xTANTKD-EverybouyumCouncIIUluffsto take VT Tlmsmlxme 1lelltered by urrlerat only twenty cents a wak ( , \\rM TED-A buy , with pony , to deliver . . IU IIAIIUAIN-'Anyouo rant ng a set of Jolu , . eOi % Incclohedlaeight achuuescangetabar- gain by tailing at rims Iles ottke FOR SALE AND RENT , UIH Turuerhul saloon mmt.tar minis au ) A , bCHILOEUI n. JOSEPH AgIIEGA T. HARD WOOD 1 AND 1 - COAL- Corucr ktaln druetand } bghth aucneo , Council . limit. . R4fLonostrates emdArun , tdeilvcry , Mrs II. J BiRop M. D , . , , . , , i PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 924 Broadway. Couuctl Binh. . Times. oast. . , u , . , pose 4 OFFICER 8c POSE ' . BANKERS , , Ceunca fluffs Ia. Establishea - - ' 185 6 a' Uealer , ti Forelp , nod Domestic Cmchsnle au d Ilou a Fet utie. . 3 EXCLUSIVE I We have the only exclusively Wholesale Store far the Sale of BOOTS AND SHOES \\rest of Chicago and east of San Frnncigco , north of St. Louis and south of St. Paul , We Give Chicago Discounts ! Write to us direct for prices , etc. Our line of Specials is the finest in the country , z T. LINDSEY & 00 , , Office 412 Broadway , ( Up-Stairs ) , Council Bluffs , low : , MAINE & PALMER f DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Coal , BULmC AND BARItlL IIIIE , I.OUi WILLS AN ! ) I'ORTLANI CESIENT , MICHIGAN Prd1STER , fMii AND SEWER I'1PIt. No , 639 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , t (7 ( 1 , O r t " a - Merchant Tailors. 7 and 9 Main Street , IFt3iCTO i Sr CO [ JNCTL ' f , x ! . JOHN ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAOER OF 1'CT7'AWATFAMIE COUN- VV' B AIDD , TV COLLECTION AGENCY. Ol lco corner Broadwaynnd blaln street , JOHN KENO tY C0. , ' 18 instreetand1JEINDIS . M Ag CRESTON IIOUSE. AViOHN , Ilotel , 217 and 219 binln street. DR , J. F , WHITE , ? tenco . , Corner Mali and Filth up ( , coo Willow avenue. N SC U.URZ JUSTICE OF T11E PEACE , , , Ofnro over American Express. S , S. VirAGNER , will contract fort noral.t at reason e'rates. 22 Fourth street. M Sr. JOHN COC ASH BUYERS Wholesalobutter eggs , poul U , , tX „ , try and fruit. Ship to us Draft by return mall. 140 Broadway , J 21 ii gOCH , Stock Complete. Suite Imnda at ire sonable prices. No , 805 Main St. G F S MITH D BUILDER , . , Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and spoclnmtlone tarnished , tAT 1 V , V V .HERMAN , I have the variety DEALER that brings IN FINE patronage. 124 . baln etroot. J AMES FRANEY bIErea TAILOR. , Artiste ( { York soda reasonable ctargee. 872 Broadway. HOVVE SON FURNITURE STOVES , and household Supplies. 2o3 Broadway. L INDT & FART ATTORNEYSTin state t James Block. and federal courts. SANITARIUM And the U P1 and 4233 Broadway , L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont- J , ABBOTT , Notary Public na a oral C nvoyancer , 416 Broadway. REVERE HOUSE r Broadway opposite New Opera House. Rofttod Si , 81.60 per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL RINDS. Sold a e Lowest races IN THE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS , D. A. BENEDICT , - - 337 VT. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) 1VEOEY TO 1 LOA O REAb ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lands in the County. Model earn aun r r 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A , CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Tins just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. G uarmtee goo work , Please give mo a trial. PREMIUM PORTRAITS -IN- Crayou , Illtha 'Tllall ¶ tor o1or Solar Camera Enlargement for the trade at reasonable rates. Orders Dy mail promptly filled. C. D LUCC0C1 { , 143 Broadway. Council Bluffs , -IN- WARE 1 1 , Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc , ; call O l w. S. HOMER & CO , , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs SIX PER CENT OPTION LOANS fI On City and Farm Property. ' S . CO. 1 3' ' ) Pearl Street , Council BIIdrs , Iowa. -r Our line of Stoves is time nos' . complete in ac city and inclttdea all the most , Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements W' . ) have hanunured the prices down as thin us they will stand without breakimi g amid you are invited to cull and aeo how thick the stoves are in couparisou PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , ut a reduction of $5.00 each , ax1V'OL wxLxc3. : T , 504 Broaaivaj and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs , .Z - - . EmPli e Hardware Co I ' l t l ctrrltOLl7f AL,17 , A - , 100 and 111 S , baia Street , - ' p COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , WIOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS GLOVES ' , , ' 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . ' HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ISc fight and /Sc 1ci. r Loaned Abstracts Furnished A ' Money , . ' 1p. J MoM Ef.HON " ' No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. .it BUCKEYE PEED GRINDER , r. WILL SHELL AND GPbIND AT TEE SAME TIME ! " ° A complete IIorso Power. The best Feed Mill in existence , Costs ; lint little more than it common grinder. Write for circulars to ' ' x SHUGART WAITS & WIE S Council Bluffs , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. : MRS. D. A. BENEDILT f DEALER IN Laeg' ! Furilislillig ooff I , , s NOTIONS JEWELRY , &C. 337 W , Qrom dlvny , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SKE LTON HENDRICRS & RICE TAILORS , 7w 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES LOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED . M. CALLACHER ' cr it c 1i i E a 7 New Store , Freshr Geode , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. TiR ; ; - - . { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LOWEtDaOA DWAY , STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! : , "wt 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; . BECIITELE S . HoteL . S1S Time only only hotel run on time European plan ; in tits city. New building , } newly furnisliedand all modern improvements , amid is centrally located. PETER BECE TELE PROPRIETOR - , ' Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. . . . . PAWNBROKERS SALE I or j . 'Unredeemed Goods. , ' GREAT BARGAINS ' In diamnoids suitable for ladies and goats , also in ladies' and goats' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , amid a full line of sot and plain gold rings , 250 coon's and 00 boy's overcoats , All these articles must be sold , Morey left of ALL ' KINDS of personal property. D GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite city building , Council hulls. w. R. VAUCHAN I Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , I Real estate and oollection agency , a Odd Fellow's lock , over SavInx. Dank , Jan9t JACOB SIMS. E. 1' , CADWELL. SIMS do CADWELL , Attorneys -atLaw , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Oalce , Slain Street Itoom. l and ftmgart Ida. Idaho ; , ' , Block , VIIf practloe in State and cde..l court. court.DR.G.W.PANGLE REAEERD OF MAN ! Fifteen years' experience. Eclectic , 3iagnetioanti licrtatld Physician. ! faster of the fouoainr mils. ease , : Catarrh Nenou. Debility , Neutal Iq res. ion , Apoplexy , i'Its , Loss of Manliness ! Cancers Removed with outthe Knife , Dropsy - sy Cured Without Tapping. , Liver Complnbt , Kldns ) Cometaint , lrabetes , Rbeu , nathsm , l'urelel'iVhhts SO ellin : , Erysipelas , St. VausYDance , Woman and Der Diseases Treated With the Results. Special attention gieu to prirate and venereal d6eascs Located No , 510Broadsay , ItoonuS , ( up' stairs ) , Council Bluff , , Iowa. A Correct Diagnosis Glven iWltbout any Explanation from the Patleah 8d'CouiUtatlou free at otce . . - a . . R. Rice Me orothertumors removed withoutthe ' ; ' . CANCERS i knifoor dessingof blcod , . : . ClRONIC D1SEASES of kinds a epeclsity. Over thirty years practical experience , Oalco No , 5 fear ) etrcct , Council DluS. , 1 tConaultation free. PILES. , d treat Piles and Falling of the Rectum for radlosl amt permanent cure , In from too to four week. . Operations Painless. Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty , f } DR. A. J. COOK , 11a1wltem ' . - t'ounci lout. , oaa ; Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter hupply of . .y Missouri tard wood ! AND 1.tIiDANU80l'r ; \ ccial . } -WITH- , P.0T ITITON t ; f fi0d First Avenue , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , . And secure the bait article and full measure at the - very lo , e.t pdee , Stouo Weal dclivartd to amy part ' of the city