- - - - - --------y- - _ - _ _ _ _ _ , 1nJJ T ; . 1L : ; : THE OMAHA FATLY 1t BEE. ' ' JTHIRTEENTH YEAR. . OMAHA , NEB.rJlJJT.JRSDAY MORNiNG , OVEMBER 1 1883. . NO. 129. : THE RAILROADS. A 'rhrotouc ' War 01 lltcs au TroaMo Ocr Trllria1ioll of att1o , a3t Trunk Lino2 to stop Soiling Tiokoto Beyond Oliioago and St1 Loula , rtpogetl 1tate to Points on the rattttc SL.po . ' RitLLltOitI ) r CONSIDRUINO A LRASII. f p BOSTO , Noweinbcr 14.-A meotiug of 0 Grand Trunk and Boston t Lowell Y , iaiIroads ws hold to.diy to thko action ' pu the piopodtion of the latter corpora. tion to lease the line to the Grand Trunk. : tro Lon taken. Another inootizig iu be held to.morrow ? OOULD'R , . ' Louis , November 14.3. . Gould . 'urivcd front the West at 2:30 : p. in , , ac- uompinied by J. L. HOlkifl , It. S. Hayes , II. M. lloxio and VT. L. Lincoln , chief engineer of thu Waba9lI. They left tlii8 afternoon for Decatur and Clii. TIIO NOItTItIuc PACIFIC flONug. NEW YonK , November 14.-Tho suit of D&iraut Depont againBt Frederick flU. lLngIi and Henry Villard , of the Northern 1acific railroad company , and othcr8 , to r8traiI % the company from isuiug $20 , . 000,000 of bonls and executing any fur. tiler mortgage or lieu on the property , legun iii the Supreme Court , lia boon rausferrcd to the Circuit Court. .A toni- porary injuction had boon obtained to ? ostrain the execution o those aet. , and t.hoinotion will continua to bo made iii the United States Courth. IIE IIIitEATEND ItAT } WAil. p Cnwao , November 14.-The passenger - ger agonta of roads running between Y Chicago and Kansas City moot to-mor. row to discua the paasenger rate troubles which have been in existence some time. The Chicago , Burlington Quincy thrcatoiis to inaugurato. a war on rates titiloss some satisfactory arrangement is uiido. Tlio Trans.Continental Railway Aszo. elation , passenger department , met hero to-day , and adopted rato8 from Missouri river pbints to San Francisco as follows : First class $95 , second-class $75 , cmi. grant $45 , theatrical $75. A propositioi : , as presented to makothorato from Clii cage to San Francisco $103.50 , St Louli to San Francisco $100 , and from Chicagc 'r St. Louis to Portland , Ore. , $203.50 : No decision was reached up to the houi of adjournment. Itwill be further die. 2fc seed to-morrow. /7 The Iowa Trunk Line association me I I hero to-day for the purpose of discussini F the difforoncea arrising out of the equali p zation of live stock per contages. Thi Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific , am , tlie Chicago , Milwaukee pnd SL Pau tiavo been carrying the bulk of the liv stock between Omaha and Chicago. Th result was thaf the Rock Island recentl paid into the pool $25,000 , whicl ' wns the surplus over its per % % contage. The amount duo from th St. Paul road was $38,000 , which it re ipd to pay on the ground that the corn niIionera could liavo diverted the traffi to roads carrying less than their percent 3gc5 and that the St. Paul could no b called on o pay after having carried th stOck. A. heated discussion resulted an .it the request f Manager Merrill , o the St. Paul road , howas given till Mon 1ay to decide whether lie would pay th amount duo or not. If he refuse trouble will probably ensue. DifFerences tuuIug the Distillers. CIIIOACO , November 14.-The westor : export association hold a secret seesto : here to-day which was unusually largel attended. The differences which havi existed between various members of th .ssociation as to tlio capacity of their respective , spectivo distilleries , i ore amicably act tied. The association took under con ideratioii a resolution oflircd by IL I ] Millerp eidoiitof thoassuciationprovid ing that the prices fixed by the associa tion be maintained tinder all circum stances , and authorizing the executiv conitnitteo to use the funds of thu asso iation , if f.utid necessary , to accornplis that ; end. Tue resolution contemplated in the ovoiit of an overiJIus of doinesti stock' in aiiy paitictil ir section , that th distiller should ho directed to prodtic alcohol for export , the distiller to be a ] iowed a bonus siiflicicrt to cover the di ferenco between the profits arising fror the manufacture of domestic stock an nlcohol. No decision was reached up t the afternoon adjourunuint. . , . - . , - - - - - ct " The S'wluu Urotiilcrs. Cuic.tao , Novorni o& 14.-The Natios al Sivino Breeders' association began it UasiwI hero to.day , with delegates pro9 eat from all the producing States of tli T.Tnon. At the morning session a corn iniUeo was appointed to consider wha legislation Is required with reference t marketing American pork in foroig : countries. Committees wore also op to consider methods of broedir onti fattening and to prepare an oflicin classification of swine ( or use at iii State and other loading fairs. At the afternoon session the committe Qu eslea and transportation to and fror Ute stock yards reported totho efFect tim the present method cannot ho improve on , and deprecating time purcline an ahipuient of liege from the stockyarde t the country for fattening as tending t opread disease. 'rho comniittocs on tli best mbtlmods of raising and fattening miii on c1assifications for exhibitions at fair . ohio reported. The roporte % Ore dim cuieoi and adopted. Thu meeting wil ! ; . e continued to.inorrow. , .TolnIU tIme Topeka Conipnct. . . ( imic.too , Nov. 14.-The general pam sengor mind ticliotagents tothoroadaintli trnna.continontal association have issue a circular in accordance with the Tojiek compact with connecting links to witl draw frmn the pale of all tickets via So 'riimcimco to poinbi in Oregon , Washin ton Territory mind liritish Columbia. an il tmckete to Semi Francisco via St. Piul Duluth or Portland. The generi pareonger agomita of roads wca fronmthis city mire in receipt of informatioi that Oomunuesioner l'iorfon has ordore . the Now York trunk lines to discontinue selling through tickets from the East to Points west of Chicago mind St. Louis. This is to overcome alleged abuses grow- inj omit of ticket scalping. The now regu- lotion will compel travelers to repurchase tickets after reaching the two citio named , tifll the action of the coni. ni1aioiior is stated to have occasioned timi. usual wrath among officials of weatermi roads. - - - o' ( T1II ijtiC18 , Tim DECOR ! ) or I)18ASTIIfl. Dwrnoir , November 14.-The search for the barge Merrimno on Lake huron thus for has boon unsuccessful. The barges % Vissahickon and Schuylkill arrived - rived at Sand Bowlm limit-her safely after a rough voyage. The gab has mnoasurea- bly subsided1 but a heavy sea is still on. No further tidings of disaster have boon received hero up to this evening. CAME n ; .Lt ItiDilT. MAItQUErFE , Michi , , November 13. : The last seomi of the Propeller Chamber. lain she was running before a gale. The vessel she had in tow caine in all right alone. UmiMOVING cAliCO. SltE.IIOYOAN , Mich. , Noveniber 14.- The achioontmr J. 1. Case , of Itacino , ma ashore on log island roof and half hior cargo must be lightored before she can be got ofF. She is owned by Case & Knapp , of Racine , and is valued at $35,000. WASIIEI ) OVEutnOAI. ClimcAoo , November 14.-The barge , Kate Darloy , which arrived today , reports - ports that last night , in a heavy sea between - tween hero and Milwaukee , a seaman named O'Donnell was washed overboard and drowned. witicic ; 01' TIIl ACKLliY. G1tAam ltArws , November 14.-A Grand Haveit special dispatch says the steam barge U. C. Ackloy , owned by Captain T. W. Kirby amid 11. 0. Ackley , of Grand Havomi , with 500,000 bushels of corn , sunk limo miles oft Holland yester. day afternoon. Captain Stretch , the first mate , the steward and two firomimon were lost. Twelve of the crow have been picked up by the schooner Driver , Captain Miller , of Grand } Iaven. The Ackloy was built by Kirby in 1881 , in Grand Havemi , was 1600 tons burden atid was disabled while aiding tIm tug . Protection. Captain Stretch in coni- mand was 51 years old and oiio of time [ boat navigators on time lake. Ho leaves : wife and two children at Grand Haven. . She had $50,000 insurance. Captaimi L Othorn , of thmo lifo.saving corps , is patrolling - . trolling the beach at Holland in search I of tIm body , A number of wrecks arc reported between Holland and Sauga- tucks , but the rbport is not confirmed. L STORSI STILL It/tOINO. Cuiutuo , November 14.-Tho Inter. Ocoan's Grand Haven special says : Tlm schooner Clara Parker , which weni 1 ashore hero yesterday , is a complotc : wreck. Tim crew of nine inca wor I taken oh by the life-saving crow mud : I exhausted. The gab line not abatednui I other disasters arc anticipated. _ ' " - - , ' 1 , 0 Two Out of Nineteen Lest. B , CHICAGO , Ill. , Nov. 14.-Early morn 1 ing specials from Sangtauck , Michigan , . report all the men on the tug Protection 3 safe except two , Wni. Kelly amid one o : . the firemen who were lost. Her tow , tin - achoner Araba , sunk oil' Thicino earl i Sunday morning. The Protection wam - disabled while taking off time crew of th 0 Araba , by a rope catching in her wheel 0 The Bteamn barge Akoly towed the Pro 1 tection until she herself became disablec f Monday night. Time tug then drifted un - til she came to anchmornear Sangtuck. 0 0 19 muon on the two vessels , 17 are saved a Capt. Kelly went down with time Aruba. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Illinois aimil Michigan Canal. OnlcAoo , November 14.-The Jour U mii's Springfield ( Ill. ) special says : Coy ii orimor Jianmilton this niormmilmg forwarde T a transripL of the act of time Illinoi i Legislature coding titolilinois and Miclmi 0 gan canal to the Federal Governmnen - and the vote of the people upon time pro ; - posed transfer to the President of tin - United States , with a request timat it b , . presented to Congress with mmcii recoin 1muondations as he many deem proper , ii . view of time imnimortanco of time ccsaiono I. 0 Siisponon ( it Nmifl Making. ; l'zTmlwno , November 14.-At a meet , lug of the Western Nail Association to C day a general suspension of nail machine 0 wn ordered for a period of five weeks 3 . beginning Decoimiber 22 and oiidiimg Fob ruary 4 ' [ 'ho mooting was time largos . - for mommy months. : Caused bytlii , .VInd. 0 OlwAlm BAnns , 1mm , November 14.- The coroner's inqmmost Oim the bodice o 1'iltomi ' Jloimnos amid Mmirgarot Carey killed yesterday by the car3 near Ceda : Rapids , on the C. & N.I\T. road , rosultoc ii jim finding that time deceased met thai : . death by an accident raulting fromn thmi fierce wind , wimicim jnovonted thorn hoar U ilmg time signal. . I. I.t t Brighton Jieaulm itacos , 0 Naw Yomig , Novomnber 14-One mile n Gold Ring won , Riddle second , Skyharl . third ; time , 1:48k. : g Mile and a qu rtor , Joe Mitchell won 1 hart Ford second , Clarence third ; timno l 2:15. : 2:15.Mile Mile mind a furlong , Barney Anrom e worm , Little Fied second , Gath timird ii tinie , 2:00. : , 4 Hurdle race , one mile , Rochester wend d Bride Cake second , Buster third ; time 1 1:53. : 0 - 0 Butanesim U OIucAao , Nouomnberli.-Tlmo d of Eddy , Harvey & Co. , dealers in lists I , caps amid furs , reported to-day ilabilitie : I. amnountijmg to $225,035 , and nominal us Il sets of $274.000 , with actual assesta : little oyor $100,000. Time firm ofFers i cash settloament at 33 per cent on the ha stock and acc'Umltmi end 25 cent om the fur 8toeks. I. _ - - - 0 i' . 1ttiiI Cayc.Tii. ri fl.ujss , Tox. , November 1J-Twc a negroes were killed and two whites bmnili I. injured by the caving in of a gravel 1dt U : . Tliizmki Hue Is 8a1'e. d Coauos'ooi > , Ommt , , November 14- , The Captain of time steamer Atlantic ii the last steamer to arrive front Sault St it fnrtv , thinks the stoamnor Francis 8mitI 11 would imiake State Island , northwest o ii Mielupocistorm , nud bjthere , in afoty. ' ' . , THE WORLD. . - ' . rnliihd' M.xico's ' Debt co1iatioi . lish Bondho1crs , The Hope for O'Donnoll ' and Preparation - paration for His Trial. CIi1imt 'gotIatlonH with time I'm'cnch nitil Oilier Mattons DL' Not' . ( ] nFItt1 FOItIIGM NIVS. A TUNNliL 1IORKD. LONIm0N , November 14-Time boring of time tumititmi through time Arlbury branch Itiio'mtimmn Alps is comnpiotcd. O'lONliLL'8 TRIAL. LeN noN , November 13.-Preparations for O'Donnell's ilefense are well ad. vaucod , Roger A. l'ryor hind a iommg immid satisfactory interview with the prisoner to-day , the first aimico his arrival. Mo- lneriiy of O'Donnoll'8 ' counsel , hiss brought. frommi Ireinmid a mass of evidence and lie fcol.s confidomit the verdict will not be wilful murder. Witmiesacs fromim the Cape of Good Hope are expected to arrive imi Englaumd Saturday , The prison rules heretofore Provoilfod Pryor from seeing O'Donnell except with permission of time llomimo Dopartmneimt. Time solicitor for O'Donmioll wrote time htoimie Secretary , asking permission for Pryor to ace his cliomit. Time Secretary replied that Pryor might make personal applica. tion , stating time groumida for his reqimest. Pryor made the required application upon the solo grounds of being lila coun- aclnnd dooming it expedient for time tie- fenso that ho should see him. 'Flie Home Dopartmnont thioroupoii granted the re- quest. The prisoner was afForded ovary facility by the olilcials of Nowgate for the interview , which lasted two and a half hours. William J. Ilopplim , secretary of time American legation , iii time absomico of Minister Lowell , visited O'Dommnohl and formally ascertained the fact of his American citizenship. hOOTING A LECTURER. Dr. Stockes , chaplain to time German court , lectured upon German socialism to-day at Memimorial hail , instead of the Mnnsiomt house. A large and unruly crowd was liresent , . which frequently cheered , hissed and groaned at the lea turer , amid interimpted hiini with iimsu1tin cries amid epithets. Finally time distur. banco became so great tlutt time pohcc were called in. Dr. Stockea indignantl3 left the hall , and the mneeting emided in . confusion. SU1L1'lIISED AN ! ) ItOiT'rEI ) . ; CAmEo , November 14.-It is reportoc I that a detachment of Egyptian troop : have been surprised and routed near To kar , on time Simcat. Phio British consu mr at Sdakim with time Egyptians is mis , .nipg.Tll94.oporf. needs _ kconfirmnation however. - . ( IOINO ro AUSTRALIA. Tommoro , November 14.-Hanion hef L to-day for San Francisco. At Chicag f lie will be joined by George Leo. Han S Ion remains in San Francisco two day and then goes to Australia. 3 WiNTER WE.ITJIRIt. ) Qunnic , November 14.-The weathe . is very cold and sleighs are out. Tim' ' . port is almost deserted of shipping. I OTTAWA , November 14.-Four to Si : . inches of smiow fell in Ottawa valley tc day. , MxICo'ii : mnmmrs. Cirv or MEXICO , November 14.-rn terviewe with high oflicinia develop tli . following facts regarding time Etiglia ] debt of Mexico , who acknowiedes a : ; indebtedness amounting , with prlncipa i and imiterest , to 16,000,000. Las S . April a vrivato agomit of l1exico , witimoti full authority , made an agreomnent mitI t . time bomidimoldors by wiiicii Mexico. was t replace time outstanding bonds with a nos 3 issue for ' 0,000,000 at three par con 3 imitereat. An additional . 4,000,000 va for the PUIIOSO of payhmg time firs i year's intemest mmmd foroirnbursiimg Lii . OXlOflSC5 of time 1)ndimoldora' cornmmiittoo Subsequently Congress authorized tin President to settle the debt emi mm give ! . basis. When the text of the agreomncmn . arrived from Londomi the Presiclemit re fused to agree to time additiommal 4,000 , a Negotiations for a now agreomucu , thou began but failed. Two weeks agi . the l'roiidert instructed Carlos ltivaa t Mexican agent in Londomi , to settle fo : 18,000,000 1mm bonds , instead of 20 , 000,000 , butthe ofThr was refused. Itiva : was instructed last week to suspend lie - gotiations. Time governmnemmt is anxiou f to settle but commailere the demand of tis , bondholders exorbitant. . I. 1 V1811'INCI IIISM.tRCc. I. BEnLu , November 14.-Dagiere , lIes sian Mimmistor of Foreign Athimirs , Imasgomn . to Friedoricimaruhie to visit Biamnarck. Time National eitimng says : Doigor expressed firimi friendship for German and declared lie stopped at Berlin by tin , wish of time Czar , that lie immight convoy C time Emperor amid flummmarck oxpresemommi of the friendly foelimmga of Russia toward I Germany. , A YJIJENILY VISIT. 1 Sr. l'y.ry.mniumw , November 14.-Phi ; fournal Do St. I'otorsbmmrg says : Do giers' visit to Germany is duo to a friend p iy inyitatioii from Biaiimarck , amid wil doubtless confirm time excellent roiatiomm p between Russia and ( iormaumy. .tilEImwAN CATTLE AnimAl ) . : i LONIION' , November 14.-It is atatci p ( limit Iloimry Clmapliim , immeniborofparhiamnemm a for rimicohmmahiiro , proposes to comitinu , Ida cfhbrt to induce the gorornrnoiit ti , ' restrict the importation of cattle froii 4 the ITimitod States , whmicim is steiuii iy iii t creasing. I ( lEHMAN ALLIES. _ _ _ _ 1Bmitti : , Novonibor 14.-It is roporte the Crowmi Prince will meat time King o Italy whmeim retimrimimmg ( romulus visit to th King of Spain. . Tilil ciIiNrniI : VLTXIATflM , IoirmoN , November 14A Pmimis dli patch asserts that the Marquis Tmiommg : - the Chinese cimibasmiador , is Prepared t p present aim ulthnatumn to thu French Oo . ernmneimt mind doinmmnd lila passports if tim I French forces of Tonquiim make an attac ] f upon liacoinhm aud Sontay. P.tiux , Nos'omnbor 11.-It La mmdcx stood flint Marquis Tzeimg returned hicre because it was a more convemilent way to carry on mmegotintimis. The Liberto sitN ; Negotiations are likely to be rosund upon a basis shmich will auitiw China to rctnims Bacimint. I. . . _ _ _ - - A ( Jotivetitlomi 1)1' Ooniluctor1. Ciiic.no , November 11.-Time oIghi.ii annual convention of hallway l'asiieiiger amid Freight Coimduetora' Mutual Alit mind Benefit aesociatiomi was hold hero to.dar. Time receipts of the association durimmg ( lie IML year ware S tO O00 disbursements on ftccount of death5 and diaabl1mth , $15,000 ; prenomit membership , 1,407. Twonty.uno deaths occurred during the year. year.A comimniltice was appointed to draft rosolutiomma relative to the dooth of Preal. ( lout Shmerimman , of time ttaociatmon. At the mnoeting to-morrow the report of title comumnittee will be heard and oflicors 'be elected , MURDER ANDROBBERY _ A Idcxicall Trail Derailed all Attaok by Naskc . Fortunmitoly ( Ito L'asseiigom Esemipo .1njury-t Fireman Killed mmmiii $ HOe Secured. - - CRUtIINttL 1LECOIIL ) . Siecliml Dispatch to Pits ilium. A MU1I1mER Al' OALTVOItNIA JUQTLO Missouni V.tr.i.sv , Iii. , Novoniber4L -IAOSL night , iii a quarrel , a Swcd , whose haute hi unk.iowim , shot a namm mmmcd Itichiard Barry , at Ca1iformiiaJu- tion. IL is timought that Barry will dL. TilE N1iw vomt Foitolimma. Nnw Yommic , Novcmmmber 14.-\Vm. Brockway , Lewis Martin and Jameai3 , Foster have beau imidicted for forgery in time first degree. A SAPII CJIAeKV.It NAIIImEO. ILtMILTON , Oat. , November 14.-.Wmn , Lawler , a noted safe cracker , has bni arrested. lie was time Primmcilal mn\iV burglary at Siumcoo last week , when $12- 000 worth of jewelry was carried ofF. . 1)liIIi NOVIIL YuUIrS. MILvAugnE , November 14.-Puetze ' and McCullough , arrested for shoottmmg - Car Driver GroUt itt time face and bath , whomm timoy attempted to steal his jmsh ' box , confessed time deed. to.day. Thbc. . cused are boys who are addicted to uhno ' I novel reading. Pime police have evidence ' r of their work as highiwaymon in othem . cases. Time detective who made th&ttr- rest gets $500 reward. GroUt Is atill alive. I A SWINILEmt JUOCED. . a CuIut IIA1'infl , Iowa , November 1L. . . A special dispatch b The Itepubiloar I . says : Arthur Tooki , claimnimigtobi I - brother of Lord Doro , of ] miglarfdwbc > , ha been siindlimig in Iowa Fjmfl ron amid elsewhere ; waFth1g nOrmmmng ar FeaeI amid brought to Eldora amid iodgec I in jail. t ) s'REclEl ) DY ROlilitiLs. - IC.tNUAS Cirv , November 14.-A Jour. S nal special fronm Laredo , Texas , says : "A bold train robbery was perpetrated [ at 7 o'clock last night on the Mexican r National railroad , twenty miles outim of U hero , across the Mexican line. As time train front Saltihlo , Mexico , bound fem timis place , rounded a curv on a lonely . spot not far from La Junta , a smimsfl eta- tion , time engineer discovered tlmat mm rail I had been reimmoved ( roam time track. Ut I applied time brakes and reversed time eim . L gino as soon as jOSSiblO , but too late to ? save time train , which was thrown from time track , the engine amid first two cars I . being wrecked. The firemmian was scalded , falling beneath thu wreck. Time engineer was commaidorably bnmmised. Sitntiltnmmeowtly as time train left time truck about forty I masked mmmcmi i.maued from time adjoining 0 woods and made aim attack. They' corn- ' : pelied time conductor to give imp the ' 1110110) ' ( ii time express car , $8,000 iii eu- ' var , ami were about to relieve the pas. sengors of timeir valuables wimeim it be. a . caimme knowim that one of time passengers Imad escaped and gone to La .Jarita for 3 assistammco. 'l'ho robbers thou took fliglmt and retum'nimmg to their horses retreated ' . huto time woods. IL is thought timey have crossed time Rio Grande amid mmr now ; American soil. Scouting parties arc out iii all directiomma soarchmimig for : i thorn amid time entire country in timis , vicinity aroused. Sovenmil of time robbers I r spoke good English. Time leader forced - time conductor to deliver time treasure un a . der mimi oath to kill all Amerjcamma on the train if refused. Time robborywas skill. a fully planned , but with a romklesa disre. ) gard for imummian life. Jt is straimgo that hone of time passemigore were seriously hurt by timederauling of time train. The . rails wore entirely removed from time I I track , amid time teiograhm wires were cut so mi'm to destroy comntnunicatiomm between ' time stations. The Imamne of time ticad fire. nian was not learned , 1) 01110 CASES. ) CLr.vnoAND , Ohio , November 14.-Tue S jury iii time case of Fraimk B. Bronsoim I ; against 11ev. James Brand disagreed and L defeimmiant rit8 discharged. lironson is a I druggist anti sited Brand for $80,000 fem . libel in a sermon in which Broimson was I I . scathingly demmouimccd for solliimg liquor. . Time jury stood ten for Broimsoim amid twc I for Brand , after being out two days. I A Leader special says George Slmaw1 S hmvimmg emgimteeim miles ( rein Caimmd Dovur killed life iyife anti six children , MeIeaini In t3t. ijoulS. 1 Sr. Louis , November J4.-Timo Mcxl . t cami CIcUisiommists arrived this mnorlmimmg ii : L I , charge of a SIOcial comumnituic , mimmil I ) givomi a rucejition by the IIexicmmm coma . Ii niercial exchange , where the syeicomnrj ( . address in fjimiittim was made by .1cm F , ' Cahill , litexictim consul at tlml city. Timi I jmart' was thou tauteim to the new custoim' I - house , a imuimibor of large butiimews houses , , :1 : tIme bridge , cot lou and merclmniits' ox . f cimimmiges , whmtmiu they were cordially re . 0 calved ammttiutroduced , to time . mnumnlmrs , - - - hoot It's lii btirnl ( Ti I ft. I. Nsw You ; Novomnimer 14-Aim cifor : , is being mmmdc to raise a. fimimel for tin 0 hiemmeft of the fitumily ( if the late lJocto : . . Ewar , to which Edwin ilootim has con . 0 tnibuted $2,000 , Dr. fiwer was aim otli k tot' iii Simm } 'raimcisou whelm Ilootli wn COmIiIaratiuiy unknown , and gave tin . actor valuable t'ncouragcnieimt. CONEUP 111 FLThIE. ! llrct B1aza at Asb1au all orfo1k Petroi V1nb1cProForly. _ Losses Yhlehm 4'.Iimotmnt. to hltitmitreils or Thousmimitis 01' Dollars-Soy- cia1 l'cmsous Inure4l. $ .t LO.4 ( W $500,000. NtIIrOLK , Va. , November 1-1.--- Fire broke out iii a freiglmt warehouse If the Norfolk & Western railway depot to-day mind rapidly cxtemmdetl to another freight imoimso , consumed 7,000 bales of cottoit , 50 canloada of Itmumbor , 12 cars mutt xi miusimtity of mniacoiiammooue freight. The wimmirves of time conmpauy were badly tlmimii- aged. The loss in esUmnateil at $500,000 Four thousanti bales of cotton burimbd , were consigmmcd to time Merchants' 011(1 ? ttiiiera' Traimaportatiomi comupany. 'I'imo bulk of it. was to hare boomi aiiipietI to Boston to'mmmorromv , Time steamer Gaston , fsoimm Botomm , just unloaded a large qualm. tity of fnioght for time Virginia , ' 1'eniiea ace & Georgia air hue , mvlmielm was all comm- aimnied. A large hot of l'ortmvian guammo lwas stored in the wnrehmotmse for ship. mnent by the samne line , nimil with mm large quantity of with. nut hmlmmtur , amid all other frtmigimt in both warehouses amid omm time wimmirvos , was destroyed. Humimdrede of bales of cotton amid ioxce of immiscehiammeous freight floated down the river and rmia carried out. witlt tIme tide. Time vnter trout , wan limmcd wmth tug boats imelpimmg to itmt out time conilagratloim , which at one tinme Liireatommed to destroy everything jim that jmart of time city. Two frmumme buiidings , half a mile off iii tIme suburbs , in time direction - roction of time wind , voro burned. Soy. oral were painfully hut not dangerously injured. The cause of time f'mroiatmmmkimowmm. it is miow stated that time lose will not cx- coed $250,000 ; fully immured. A rROPELLoit SCUTIIEL ) CimmuACo , Novonibcr 14.-Tue proul- br St. Paul , bouimd up , caught fire , and the tug Wimislow worked two days with her hose , trying to ptmt time fire out. Sims was flimsily actmttled at Detour iii .12 feet of water. Time fire originated iii lime iii the hold. AT DULUTh $50,000 iosn. Dur.iirir , November 14.-Fire thu mornummg destroyed eight buildings em : Lake avenue , including time store room o the warehouse of A. McLoaim & Co. ant time new residence of Capt. Jamimea Lloyd Itobert Kennedy , who was asleep ovom Pratt's saloomm , was bumimed to death , James Herbert escaped by jumnpimm through a wimmdow. A. McLean & Ce , hose $25,000. The total loss is $50,000 insurance light. IRON StILLS imUitNEl ) . ACULAND , Ky. , November 14.-Tim' ' Norton iron works rolling mill and. Imi , mihiworo burned Lids morning. Los partly covered. by insuraimco. Two him r 'drodJmarcla , are thrown out of employ ? 1it' 1he fire caught in the ; oil roon and , by the bursting of a thnk wa spread rapidly. Loss , $200,000 ; immsui anco $000,000. Time coal mnimmora wi ] also have to stop wonicowing to time iir Opposing Morzmionlsm. OLivELANe , November 14.-A score organization , called time atiommal League I for the suppression of polygamy at meeting to.mmiimL commaidered letters frau Boston , Philadelphia , Chicago ar.t other cities promising co-operation am asking immfornmation of methods of formmm ing branches. Time following address t time pubhio was issued : Time time has cosmic wheum tmctioum is mmcc essary. Time honor amid fair umammme of tin umntiomm are iii danger. Licemmtiousumcsi amid total disregard of law are bringing mm : into disgrace ouimoim all ) eOIiO ) timi emirthm. Europe , RH in time days a slavery , is eauhimig upon mu 1mm tire imauno of decomiey tu cleammeunmmrsclves of this species of mora corruption whilcim ium foulness Imna mme lumiomi surpassed tiurimig time present ccii tury. Ever since Jo Smith , timami wlmon imo greater ( rmnid over lived , establisimec time I'mlormnoim ' church , wimoso fundanmcmmta ' .loctriuiea are polygmtmny mmimd profligacy thieve Juan rested upon time natioum a etaum wimicim imas beemi a disgrace to us mmmiii thim civilized world. Time Moramoim ' church line Iiommmisimcd iike raid vegetation until to-day it has Louis oJ timousammde supporters amid nmiiiioume oi Imioney , eommvcrta in large numbers beimm commducted froumi their country and fromi time pauper distructsm of Europe whit missionaries mire commstarmtiy eimmployod in time south mnialeadiimg Umopooraudigmmoraimt , Cimildremm are brought here ( rain abroac to be educated iii time infaimmous 1)racticci of time mitute , elders mmd church , which was foummmled iii deceit amid superstition is daily gaining euiormnoims power and in , flueumce. The world cries out agains such progress , antI , in time umaimme of he manity timid comnumon decency , dernandi a halt iim time strides of lechery and law breakiumg. Firesidee of America are time bulwark : of time imatiorm's iiberty mimmd iuitercedimj ngeumta of its rodeniptioum amid evoniustin rcservmition. Lot thmeumt buguardeti witf jealotma cure. Let timorn remain uncon tamninatcd by time imorriblo imifluemmccs nov beimmg 8Ircad by time sensual lmypo critee mind soulless chiaruc tera. As yet Congress line takem but little interest in time mimatter , for ssmni reason best known to time mmommmbor : thereof , ammd as a commacquemico it remain : tam' time peoIle at large to thmnottie tin evil jim time best immanuier posnihle timid ru Limo country of time curse which thel , representatives in Comigresa imavo faust to recoglm'ze. Time immirmiuzise lobby o Mormon o.dors have signilied their iii temmt'mon to ho iii Ynmlmingtoum tim'me white , for time purpose of dofea.iiug thmo bills iii tioduced for tmtm } regmiiatioum of polygamy A great (10111 of unommoy will be jeimt mime If there is riot a imopimiar imjriaing aaitms time obnoxious teachings mud practices o time Mormons , Congress will , imo doimbt refuse to reroguino its evil and umotimilm ] will be done to ermulicato it. In view of this the national ioaguu to the suppression of polygamy , olCiovulamid urgently request that jmetmtioim& ho cimcu t iatct him avery city , town timid michool dim trict of time United States asking tim r congress stihuimit to time le'4slaturoe c time various states aim smnoumamncmmt to tim . commst'mtution proimmibitiimg poiygaiumy. Phi a stop , If ucoonupiimimetl , 'will prevent tii S iUBtttutjomm fromim behimg recogimissil iii an preaemmt States or iii the Territork , - * * , . , ji- . - itat become Stoke hereafter. It Is hiotmeil tii 1itiblic will ho imitorested iii thu mimatter , nimd. see thmmit. Comigress me tleiuqed with potit'momm ( hiring thmiuconming miess'momm , If thieve is a general deimiamni froumi all parts of thiti cotmmmtm-y for time abolititmm ol polygamy , Couigresa will certalumly be .cornpciled to heeti time demand , 011(1 time oumly way to ummake such a tlummmaimd is hiy' mueaims of extensively sigimetlpctitlons. - - ChItngn l"itt Stock 8Iui % ' . ( . ) IiICAimO , Novomimber 14.-Thin sixth ammumimmil fat stock show forumaily opemmcd to.nighmt with athirossea by Mayor liar- risommand Governor ilaimmiltomi. Time show , Iii nummibers amid quality of exhibits , is su- perio to numy jim former years. An Engineer ICilled. 'l'imtmims : hI.uruNovcmimbor 14.-Time cn glue of time north bommimd freight struck a tree 1)010w 0 Cr085 track , near Colfax mmd ivita throwmm froumi time track , killing Albert 1leckner , engineer. A lltiauitos 111(10k lhmrmcil. 8mm iammvvzm.an : , Intl. , Novemimbor 11.-A 1mmaimieaa block emi Harris street , inched. lug time busimmesa eatabi'nhmmnenta of Joimmm Ilardlirook , unbent & Major , S. L. for- soy , ( Intuit mmii others , was btmrmed this nmormmumg. It. is mnupposod to have beeii mimcondiary. Loss , $ 15,000 ; immaurauco , $ o,000. Iavtd l'lntncr Demul. OmsitAut IIA1'mnS , Jim. , Noveimibor 14.- David Platmier , Greenback caumdidiite for Congress in 1882 , tiled yesterday at his home imi iEt. Vcrimomm , Iowa , of nimeuuma- tisimm of time heart. Starved to 1)entlm , LmxIoToN : , Xy. , November 14.-lIar. riot ilawkiima auth chmihl , colored , wore foimmid head 1mm bed togotimer t.hmis lmlorniimg. They are supposed to imave tiled froimi starvatiomi aimel cold. Motliernuti Clillilmen lrownctl. Cu.tTiItsm , Omit. , November 14.-Mr. Tetrauit , info amid two children ivero drowned whmiie eroashmg Mitclmuil'mm bay during Sunday's storm. QimarnnLtmo ' . % 'Ltliitrmtivum. AUSTIN , Pox. , November 1.t.-Qtunran. tiuie intl he witimtlrawmm , commnonciumg tomorrow - morrow , at all Texas lmrta. Tratisatimintic Trilles. Time Spanish mtiimistor of Finance lion issued a circular to finammcial delegates of I time hmrvimices , enjoiumimmg time greatest at. I teimtion to time collectiomm of taxes , iii or f dcr to iumcrease time revenue. Spain , lie I has reacimed a degree of prosperity . . umikmmown for mommy years , time budget ahmowimmg a surplus. Jim regard to time . budget it will be unnecessary to ( lmllOy all time extraordinary rosourcem . votiil by time Cortee , mmd lie hopes in re ; gard to future budgets the estimmiated ox. penditure will be covered by permanent resources. LI Time Pope gave aim audiemico Momiday ty 1 tIme following digmmitaries of time Catholic B church , who are at 1)rcsemmt iii Itomne , fo L the Papal-American conforemico ; Arch bishop ( Jorrigans of Now York , Gibbon m , of Baltimore , Williams 1 * Boston , Foe me han of Chicago , liaise of Milwaukee sum . Segimors of Portland Oregon , and Bishop IL Ryan of Ilufhiiio , 0'llara ' of Scranton , Pa. , Cleary of Hamilton , Qnt. , and Fitz gerald of Little Rock , Ark. Lord Mayor Foivior , in r futmmg to oh t low Dr. Stocker , clmapiaimm imm the court oh Germany , to lecture iii lime Mansion : house , stated that lie could miot disrcgard 1 time feelings of time Jewisim commnimimity by 1 givimig prornilmence to Dr. Stocker , ivim I hiss excited so much imostihity against time . Jews. Carl Blind writes to time news- ) pmpcm that every mmmamm with a spark of luiinauimty ought to Protest mmgaummst Stock. - er'n detestajlo crusade mmgaumist time Jews. 3 Wiumtcr imon suddemmiy niado its appear- m once. Great frosts have sot in every. m where timrougimout Eumland , and a humavy show storni hits fallen iii Dorant smimil time ) f surroundimigeounties. A demise fog , which I still imaumgs over time Ohydm mmd time Mar- p line stopped traflic for more thmaim I twelve hmounic. Several coilis'rnmms Imavo t occurred , but timor 1mn beezi no loss of life. m Earl Canlcarqomm , speaking of hula recent 1 tour of Canadmi , said umohody could cati. I unato lmow great time ftmturo of Canada w.uid ho if iimu Caumadimmim people parse. vored with time momma judgment aimd uimnd. I oration that chmaractemized timeir legisla. live proceedings for mummy years. : "l'iim iLl ! Ilrolo Up ! " f Tim ! . Is the usual cxe'iammmation of ommo afflicted , with nhmoumati.m , or lnuncrmoits. Jimciminatk { , ioi.1.i mire litileed entitled to our sincere Hymn. m pathy mimmil comnmnhuratioim. Speemly relief Is I olisrod thiemmm Iii hr. Thomas' Jr&aricUif. it lstlmu sworn eneimmy of all aches mmmmdahmmis. i , Getting Within Dakota. I CSkagoTrlbnnsi. 1 " hav' 'just ' come back from lakotr' , " , sni , . mm pit st tiger 'iii time mmat seat to . ' 'mud y mm ought to coo time boom imp thmemo. t Corner lots $2,000 apiece , vimenim al . weeks ago there wan a bare prairie.Vlmy , I my way out timecoimdmmctoromm time train . showed mmmc where a new town was to bi Btartcd ; time workimmeum wore just thou a putting iii a switchtrack.Yeli , 1mm twa , weeks I caine back ; there was a station : there , tlmroo saloomma , fommr stores , a hum- her yard , a hotel , amid two or three dwol. . "Do they have any newspapers Uj ) . thmeroV' . "N'owimpapcrsl Well I should say so. 1 I struck one iiaCO they called a towim. 13 'I'lmero were just three btiildiumga in time B and im omme of timemu , a little timing S about 8x10 feet , a umewapaper was jriimted. a Time editor , prtmjmnietor , forommman , composi. I tor , jresSimman , 'devil , ' and reporter wasa r young immim imanmed itunoimd , I think , I ivim Imad 1)00mm 0 commmposmtom , emi time Ohm'mca f go Tribune for two or three years. ll . Soul mime Ito was Justice of time I'uaco , hind C his board paid pjm amid mmiouley iii lila pockel . anti had never felt so good iii hula life be fore , " i . - L l'silI tar I lie Shame. f J.Ct mm. all neil omit of thiL , 'oa of l41CkmiO. amiti dOsiiomltieumey , anti got cmi it rock fonmuli 1 LIon of good stromig health. Jtirm1oci ) itto. IJWcra , are the timIng to pull for. 'J'iio' mr omit ) of time mimoat rsimutyuod health rcstur&tlve m- ever muiammimaettmrecl [ , - - _ _ I. It. licoiss That Way , . I. fl.mginsw ( MIchi. ) Ccurkr , : Time Democratic imrty lute yet much t icarmi. 0 _ _ _ ' - = I , 'Tim a rot of features , mm comnlexIomm 0 ' , Pjmo timicturo of a tikimu that 1 adin1r't I iii uiuig Pozzoiil'mi comoi.loxlun . powders s Fairet chmmrumt von wilt itco else. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The TestillIolly In the Protc iuys ation oil Ycstcray. Oaaoa Likely to .Lkriao From the Landing of Ohinoso in San Ptanoiuco , Tmvsm l'cnsluii Sharks Db.bam'resl for : - Sivimidling. CAPITAIt NOTES. Li EU ? . ( I .tutT.lNnToN's OutliERS. \\AHitm5(1TO , Noveimmber 14.-General hiazon was on time atamul to-day anti gave teatlinommy relative to time orders gion Lieut. Garilmigton , of time Groeloy relief expeditiomm. lie said that the suppli. umeimumi mmmemnoroumdtmmmm formed time forepart of ( iarlimmgtomm'n immstructiomme. ( larlington ahmowcd tile , said witumess , ' 'all his orders ; aimil I told imimmm lie umimat 1)0 controlled by - - Limo regular orders lie hind given himmi and by diroctiomma of Greehey , out which they were founded. Greeloy's letter wan law to mime amid I didmm'L feel authmor'mzed to give ally' orders timuit would conflict with it. ' Liutmtemmnnt ( larhiiugton testified , that. he mmever saw Limo immatructiomla given to CaptaiiiViideo of time 'Yamitlo uimtil lmims return to St. , Tohmmme. his own immatruc. ' tioims ordered him mmot to stop at Little. toum Island on time way up , and lie obeyed thorn. his party ivent south in boats , hiopiimg to mumeot. time Yammt'mo amid flmmd sofia way of rcturnimmg to help Oreoley. i'INmoN : ERARES IIOCAflIIEX ) . \VAsImmNaTo , Novonmborl4.-Wrn. II. Wills mmmd Norimm B. Wills ( ide wife ) , of this city , imavo beemi disbarred from lrnc- * Lice before time pommsion Iciroatm , after ii careful examination of charges made against them of using deceptive circulara iii their business. IIOCItINO TILE LANDIC. WAmiSINOTON , Novemmmber 1.1.-Secro- tory Folgor has written time collector at. Samm Francisco stating that if there is aii reason to suspect fraud or imposition in lauding Chinese hue mmiuat make a rigid in- vestigmitloim , anti refuse perumission to passemigers to hituid uumtil mmatisfa9tory cvi- deuce is produced , amid parties feeling agrieved because of sucim refusal can lmam time correctmmess of time action of the cnn- tomim soflicors decided iii court by writ of imitbena corpus. "Our Territory. " Ciulcago 'rrhtnin. Public opinion was sonmowhat startled last year whoa time Ornalma road in its war with time Northmwesterum claimed time ri'hmt to prevent the L uildimmg of aimother hue immto its district , . No othmcr corporation , said the managers of time Omaha , nutist m comno into "our territory. " This propnie. tary struck out in the imeat of a - railroad warcaught the public car , and. a much iuidignation iyaa poured out on the . - heads f-thmo transportation magnatea' ' who 1 ventured to areak if they hind barommimil a powers of pmtrcohing qut among themselves - ' solves thmoterritory-of this free anti mdc- . peudwit nation. Thu fact anti the phrase I cone up agaiii with redoubled force in . time settleimioimt : ust made by time trauma- continental roads of their dispute about Limo busimmess betmveomm timeAtlummmtioand tiio Pacific. 'iVimat to do with time Nortimorn Pacific becanme as soomm a it was fimmiehmed a very - ' trouiloaomne question for time railroad men ivhmo lund commic by years of use to look upomi Lime Pacific coast. as "our territory. " Almost siimiulfammcouaiy with time comple- Lion of limo Northern Pacific a hmigim and nmighmty coumforonco of railroad digimitaries mnet n Samm Framicisco to fix oum time tormne on wimiclm time now conipaumy was to do business. how difficult time adjustment waFt is sufficiently proved by time proloim- gatiomi of time umegotiatiommumitil its successful - ful close last week. Of course 0mm fumumdnmmuouitol lriimciple wan tacitly accept. . - cd frommi time stait by all timers worthy gemmtlemon. That was that timcre must. imot benny commmpctitioum between time roads. Oomnpotitiomm is a very beautiful timing in treatises omm ssmp1y mmli demand , but counjetition botweemm railroads in time real world of trnnalmortatiomm is 110 more to be tolerated titan snakes jim Ire- mmmd. mmmd.As As long as timia agreememmt is mmmain- tamed comnpobtiomm will bo absolutely ox- - tiimct in Limo rail comnmnummicatiomi across time commtiumemit. Merchmammta must comnpc.to with each other ; manufacturers undersell each other and struggle for trade ; farm- ore have to moot the competition of thmo world imm time mumarketing of imoir products. But. time railroads are a zoyal class , free from time ahlegiaumce to time 1)lobian laws of tnntdti that , gnvcrmm time business world 'II other departments. Considering that they hmoitt publia franchisee , ammd In this case wore built , with. gifts of public lands and money , mud that they control time ommly land Imighm- 'WOR spemm for travel , their claim that. they are not subject to time jurisdictiomm. of time comuimimorcial laws of competitioxm is decidedly intereatimmg to tlmoae who must. use timomu. Public opimmion is not likely to require a long time to make up its mnimid flint if time oxtortiona of those or porations cannot be ' controlled in any ether way they must 'be regulated by the power of time National Government. Timore is nec power immoro sovereign over "our territory" titan tile railroad pools , mid timat its time power resident at. 'sVfiaim. zugtomi. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA . : -.4 . I. ft c.iTefitliy mrcm'iurrd cxtrat of the be # rsm4154 C , : time yeetm'ma 5Inioru known to medical .4. cool flS Aiterutlyes , 1muoa i'urLIirs. PturetI a1 'Ionlcs , ucIi a SarnurIiio , ytmmowlbcmtsurnngl3. iMiudelion , Jtmnhier itorsic , ataumdra1e. WILl Cmuerr Ilark tuna other mccum u-ogts , barks and htrtd. .5. Inedlcimie , mike nnylLlniJ et'c.can to taWj JU4ge4 only by It results. molnswlmtm suiOstactloum to ibo - ' hQriOu4 recoiti I iQOig $ ar-.aparmt 1uS $ enten4 tar LI tthtiC VO ! ) I h hcuu-tm at fluosantis at reorlo in 2-er S Engmani wh ) l1YU .Cf.Ofl2ttif or 1u4ireulj been ss- Veve4O terrtl4ebdtLrnrWUl4m oil otnerrcoeti1 sueamoreacm' . I amsr. . C. I. 1IOh ! . c.m Omts-fleue eend mo& tv extrc.a tTu noltmts mtoodm. mai-saeeiumtU.u and a 5ev C'oaLlloOks br ttIstrIbutou. % Votmr mreJeunIton aa -woriet wonttlO Ii * to cae ot ny wi1 , vto mas iA4t LroubiaL willu I'1CI IWULIiC 004 aumioune. , tar ' , r. . titio onij tack one-half tenm'u0uutd at s aut Ii. . ' oL been su welt tar ftvOyiuuN n now hbu , Sound ituut wmtiiin mu Wtvk udict ta1tai It iiu feLt t er unmchieiwr eon L400W entirtiymrai ) ttazaUuo. . so- wre mieimt ± arhes. 8te l&a 1101 IflII any 01 JtUZ . coutul slima , maui simmnc , enL it lint Clime itieiasoi ueut. 0. I. mioor' .t (10. ( , poaheorte. Lentil. bLsj. l'riccSlUxtmrl& , bd.l n irt1it , ' v:1-