7 lu i , t ( I THE DAILY BBL ° 1PEDNI.SDA 1 , TUVL1i13L lt 14 , i883. 7 jIlnmeflse Sale ! AND GOODS ! -11T- . IarkY Bros.t i COUNCIL BLUFFS , aowrA. ' Commencing Thursday , Nov. 1. Carpets at BSc , worth 30c per yard. Ingrain carpets at 45c , worth 60c. Tapestry Brussels at 60c , worth 90e. Best quality Body brussels at $1.15 , , worth $1.40. 1,00 yards Canton Matting , at 20c , worth 30c , less than can be imported to-day { Ingrain Carpets at 22c , worth 35e. ii - - J r OUR NEBRASKA CUSTOMERS 1 7 , 'WILL FIND IT TO THEIRINTEREST TO EARLY EgMIINE THESE GOODS r " Our Skilled VPorkmen will Make and Lay : Garpats in Omaha , ? at the same Price a s in Council Bluffs. BARGAINS IN COTTON 50 Pieces Bleached Muslin at 6c , worth 9c. GO Pieces Unbleached Muslin at 6c worth lOc ' Canton flannels at 5c , worth lOc , Heavy Cotton Flannel at 12c ; tirorth 16e ; ; Prints 3e , worth Oc. k clo , l s < ao .mazz s Latest Style for $ ' 5.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00. " 50.00 , " 75.00. " " 6.00 , " 9.00. r' + O Dozen lac Jar ey J'acl3.atso 9 we will offer at $2.50 each , sold elsewhere for $4.00. I OUR STOCK ] S COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF s. . Sills , Dress Goods , Cloak s , Plitsites , Velvets , &c AND OGPEILED AT AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION. Omaha and Nebraska customers purchasing bills of $10 an a p varde , will receive transportation both ways. 1 Iowa customers will save their transportation by calling at IARKN'ESS BROTHERS , ; . .j ; . 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , ZACCNEUS FROM LARAMIE. RobbCA of a Tri to Enroro by a "Brio d" Au Aoquailltauoo Forlnol at Stl Louis Results Disastorously ill a Bolrory Hotel , lluldn ls's llllrl'ICQ lcparturo , \etr Yak Journal , for. 1011. cckteas 1Vhitworth ctnio to Now York I nst. Tlulrsdnynight about 10 o'clock mill store to grief ut live bruaf hours there' after. 11'Iwtlwr , like his pnironymio in scriptural lore , ha climbed n troy or not is uukn0n n , but that hp is now 'ap n trop , " in coumol parlmlco , will by suet from the r ecord of has ndvelhtres. Some tvooks 0)0,10 ) ; left his henna ill Ctakihou count } ' , Cnhfornia , with a largo drove of sheep , s eeking to utarket tbmu at Lnranid , 1Vy oni0g Territory. A plodding , weary j ourney over ho found lumsolf at his do stiuatlon of Sunday , October . 'S , IIo at onto epmlod nogoGnlons with dealers in South Donn chops and bides , all ts o0l n y ard lwidp. The ts bolp lot of stock u,1s reldd } sold forBf,00 , in crisp ( totes and gold , wlniclt the joyous poAacssor took at onto to tiny Lnraluiu Bn knud , purebased ihurow itb a dllft oil Liverpool for IG ; 1 ° , intending to enjoy n trip to the old couu t ry , fE taut to locate there. A stop ever ticket bur Now York was bought , mud the happy rmtchmnu at mteu set out for alto ] hews of hie hopes. : l delay of n fear' day's on the road added a little variety to the trip , and liausas City was reached Monday last , At that point n pleasant but 1100(1) young main i caws uron the tnnin , wishing to g0 to Nun York , lie had not , nn fact , aulli c lout funds t0 any his fare , null Mr. 1Vhihvurth very kindly ads anced the rcryuisitu amount , eo ini0rosted did ho become in his now acquaintance. In fact , the } otul , Haul alts uo lass a per sonnga than 11 dluuu St. J , llleAdama , of St. Louis , nephew of the captain of the Park poltco of Nc s York-so ho said. The recently acquired friend was soon on the best of terms with t helVusternranclumms , :1 m0diuul siu'd mail , he was of benign face and facile tongue , in : Igo apparently cutler thirty years , 1Vhon they retachod the motropo his Thursday evening they twmtt to the Van lly'ko house , at the Bowery and Bn aril street , where both are s ) eclmels of dsoir cJtiroornf > l and were assigned to roam No , u , 1111 , 1Vbittworth footing the bilk A pleasant stroll through the Bow- cry cud its adjacent boulevards was the llpxt thing 011 t110 card. The clerk of the h0tplsays that rho gentlemen returned about the solemn hour of midnight redob l ent with the p0rfumo of mountain dew. Thu. friends retired to their apartment , end Mr. Whitworth ignored passing events from that time mall h o'clock yesterday - torday morning , ts hen he awoke. Mr. 11icAdauts was missing , and the draft o i1 ° and w oS in currency had nlso van' isincd , The young man had told lilr. IVhitworth that lie at times worked in n cigar factory in the neighborhood of the hotel , but inquiry there failed to give any information concerning him , Captain Beatty , of the Park police , is no t related to the person tvho claimed such s close tics with the ofcer. The unfortunate nato victim of this peculation had no t money enough to telegraphs his loss t o Laramie. A3 lie told his sto tr to Captair s Potty , of the Fifth Precinct , ho was quit o overcome. IIo fs a swarthy , s nbrono d , mar with dark tangled. baled and a pal : s withs the accent common in the north o f Ireland. The clerk at the \ran Dyke house said 1 it was not uncommon for guests to leave at any time of night and no track wa s I kept of them if their bills had bean paid and ho thought no blame could possibl y be attached to the house , Tile Poor Yo Have Aiwnys , II. C. Flanders , Supt , of the Alm g house , 11 earn , N. H , , certifies : " A helpless , afflicted woman , bedridden fo r five years , by the use of the great pail ' banisher , St. Jacobs Oil , now gets Iron liar bed and knits stockings , " Crlblug Corn , The deprecintionin the valuoof the cor n crop , from the tuna it is put in tha crib S until it is fed out , or removed to market would , if prevented , be ahiandswnoprofi t to tire business. One of the first requisites to proven t fermentation whop thrown into bulk , is t o arrange for free circulation of air through 1 the corn and cribs , ' ! 'Ilia may be pretty efl'ectually prevent ' ed by , leaving on a large amount of Imsk p and silks , and if thcsu are moist iron n dew or rain one has first-class condition p for the corn to lent and mold in the crib Hired 111011 and careless farmers who hiavi knowu crops of corn to keep wall evct 1 when the crib is filthy avian trash , sill p and husks , console themselves in the cos tnntanco of their negligence and untid I' habits by the remembrance of crops tha L have ] rapt well in s nto of silks and husk 9 and corn blades abundant in the .rib When they have received damage iron y heating corn , they hnvo attributed it t a the unfavorably woathnr , and not to tin a nnisorablo , slovenly manner of cribbiu' d the corn , 1Vo have porn one farmer crib corn it r October andnot lave a moldy grain or ca b fu the crib ; and a neighbor with equal , goodmtdnswchl matured corn loco thobul of it Irons heating in the crib , simply be cause one put in cleats corn , and tin other did not have his free from silks an d trash , so that the air could pass froul Y through the corn , and there was nr surplus moisture stored with the trash i1 t the crib , It pays to form the habit of buskin 6 clean. It is all a mnttor of habit , Filth huskos and slovenly farmers do not cr1 any more corn in a scasel or accomplish n any more work tbau they' who habiluat I themselves to doing all the work as thor oughly and well as hey know how , II does not pa to bo in so bit a hurry t o finish the day's work or ihu seasn' s work , us that the work can not ho dal p in tiny best manner. ' 1'm ! ) Iles of silks and husks at the wire dow tvihl not only induce heating i of tin y m ass of corn , but invite rail old recut e harbor tliero , to destroy from tot t e twenty per edit of ilno oar's labor , But Its long as tine weather continues warns I mid the corn damp and cobs full of sat , r thu absence of silks and husks may not b e eliougli to save it. We have found it prays to crib enl clean corn , and also to put in tctitilator 8 through the mass of corn. Our plan i sitnplo and effectual , Whien Corn heat in bulk , the gas and heated air will ton d to rise , and not settle or dfssipato through l tine sides and hwttonr of tine crib. If the gas and warm air can ascot d ( redly , they will carry out with then ll much moisture , but tire snafu thing is tin e free escape which trill reduce tonperatur o ----ft - _ _ _ - - - r dkeoptlocorn cooh IEthis bothoJrin , ciplo then the plan eoulotimos prnchcod of tllmwitlg rails note rho crib to allow qo air to J > ,1ss gtrouph will not do ns good work for na na twill some dorlco that w ill nllosv rho air ! o pass canard freely from bottom anti out at rho teL ) , 11'o take two slats throe incites b' mm m ini , as long as ( ho crib is den ) , 11'0 nail u thin odros of these two aln ls cross pice0s of inch boards afz inches lmt + placiu" ihom four foot apart. . Un those truss nieces we nail two slatslhrco inches wfdr land n o hnvn an o ) el hoe tau m' iw plra taut long and afi iuchrs fd care , Hors at each mnt' mud along fha tear cur' there is u11 much space. ' [ 'his we call n ventilating shaft , orspace. 11'hon no brain to till n rib we sot one of those il l the crib , half way from each antic mill in front of the window whore tine core falls from alto scoop , ns thieve is u hera core packs the closest and loans tbo soonest In n crib dnirtysix foot long and si ) ; noel wide we laYO three wiudon a , mill we use three aurh ventilators resell' ink ham ihu Moor to the rout , and the free circulation 3't air and ready escape of heated air provanls mold or beating of the corn. The device is gttickl } Made by ripping couunms fmlcm. Two fence bonttla will male n ventilator. They will last as lee Its the crib , if taken carp of , mill will of trciunlly ventilate the corlnan d pay for their cost lit ono year. Let there be care now to ventilate the corn that is guiu none cribs , or chore n ill b e n rapid dcclmo 111 the vnhlo of the corn , as its tmnperthu o rises during the ue't fortnight. ( 'loud antuttl corn is valu able feud , hat moldy , heated corn is pour torah. Better lot it rat in the Ileld than in the crib , but n little care will prevent lose in either place , The "ldqureitinn Uolvenello tic l'art Cull. noire" nnmrlal the hlguo.t huunn + to rT + nitu. uu'a INtlprs 119 the nutt ellicarlo0a stlunt taut to ovtltu the appetite nod to keep the dG goxtiwn I'AIIN ha good Ul'dPl' . A.k for thogou ufue article , mmnifnctnrod only by Ie ) .I , ( ; , Ii . Sfugort & Sons , anti bosrnre of ( udLltiune , . - - - - - - The Shoeunltoru on Protect Itmmn. 'I'llo Lynn ( llinss , ) lteo , organ of the workmen m the boot mad she wn utna tuning industry ut that city inn n recuut 15 31)0 ) send : ' There is a large and increasing number of htborin hid , in this t'icinity who believe lievo tlo Minh protective a } sWm now in sauce aul wl ch 11OIt1lCT 1nlrt1 ' has tine CU111ng0 lU rClllelly , n nlgitlltfd humbug. 'they have buuu tolSat over } election t hat tine duties are 10ph at thew present high mill unreasonable laiu to protect w orkingmmn's interests and secure thmu high ttages. 'They find that this is the c heapest kind of talk , and that rho ntat ufncturura wino nro active old earnest , who speed eli'orts and Money' t0 securer protection for their particular industries , are IlOthlllg near 90 anxious to ( ; l1'U abets emploca , good wages , ' 1'103' are b eginning to ash : pcrtinmtt turd hard questions. 11'urkingmes would like to have it explained if high duties are for their especial pro' tectiml , 113w comes it that rho nlanufnc hirers are growing richer and the workingmen ingmen poorgr ? By enteri c t0 the must narrow turd senseless of al prejudices anluug Americans-the vaiivn American s entiment and prejudice against foraign era-the advocates of ptvtectimt hnvn boon enabled to win the worklnon's applause - plauso and steal their 1001103' at tire same time , lint ; they arc beginning to iquiro where tine justice is in throwing tine lunar- ksts of the world o eft to employers to secure labor at the lowest possible rates which they are constantly tnhinb adt'nu to ro of , while those summarkets b' alt just legislation are practically closed t 0 them , By legislation the torltmou 0E tested t0 ' a for important articles o E food and'clothiun in soma instance 9 double the uaturnl price. ' ] 'his calliu g them dear workmen just before olectio ri and selling them extremely dear mar - tine balancd of the year is a transparent farce that is beginning to b y appreciated. W'Iictltcryou i ncfer the sea breeze or tin o bnlchrg uunutain mfr fur yunrsununcr vacatlot t you should not omit to prnvidu yourself with m t lauttloOfAmyusturaltlttars , which i.th e aclcuon Icdged staalnrd Irgulnbn' of tine dic ( ; + the urgnus. Pe sure to get the genuine m Gclo Iltiundnctund unlybyr. J , ( I. it , SIIGsl' : p R SUNS , Beep an Eye on Theul , Kansas Cit1' Jounual , Bank dlorks and store clerks vhmo Ira ' ryuont diaroputablo resorts-as minty o f them do nightaftoruight-areuotn'orhb y , of trust , mill tlnofr employers ought to b o sharp mlough to ] ; now it. FOUND IN A BOX , Mr. John l ismdtl , aI Augtuta , Mc. , w'rltcl , 3a y , 10,1$33 , as fullosv. : ' 1 Kato been nfllittcd far smn yr years nilhasesure Iddnuy Iruublannd Imsmgnotlc ud ml nrtldultmio of our papers of the woudcrful cure s ifnnt'sReutedyhndpedorinetiluutai , Cnscsof drop s3'i blolder and 6lducylroullcs , mud IhuID'g ' n Uultl ° ! n n lox n ! straw lucking , I cundndcd 1 n'uuld try It , amid cotluncnccd to take It , whcu , to sngtrlse , I tnuu , i that the Oret hotllu bcucfiled no so much that I do ' cldud that ) would continue Its use , nun 1 kept n n Inking It 1111111 f had 11tle11111 all .ly bottles , anti uq nppletho t + goalnllFabwDl the back and slJu dlsap ' passed , and for mho nt my y care ( i ate lion FU yea u uld)1 am able to attcud to my hu.llcrs , and an strong and tlgorou , a + utamiy of icy irlcuds an d nclgldxlra eau tcetlly that Lnms ono nett. I b , t o state n1m , that loam ) ) ' nl err neighbors have use d Ihait'.llenwdy ssllhapially as gaud resmilfa , and on u ofuty/stead.u6ohasJustpnrchavcdabellWolCup / tu p3' , Iihlmandt Alden , OI 1'urllandTay. Lu4would no t ho wltbmn ! t at any pdre' TIIE EAKER'S WAY. Mr. Alfred xadoan , NeO : Lhucoln etrcet Lenlrton MawrltcsuaSlay , 41 , 1993 ; "those becu.otercl antictal for a Iona flee with ludlusl on and the r ratnplAlnt , and at flew all that I ate eo dl.trcesrl atethat i could net hear thu Bight of food. I ha d tried a good ninny dlAcrcnt rcmtrllcc tut ! n3' cam plaint , mind they all fulled , until one day Mr. Mnrtcl ono ui mu dnlgglsta hi iowletun , recuutmende d lhult'a Rcmilcdy , an ho knuwofso many nhollad uIe dv It hero nlthgroat sureceafurkidney' , Ilrcr , old tic 1natY troubles , ne wall ae blJlgcrtlml , mud upon LI 3 rcroinmendntlon 1 Nally canQuded to try a bottle ' and conmmncad tai Iog , wllh + cry little fnlth lu It Ilia out Idtlo bcll'eJ eta Bu much that 1 purchas two name , old It hA.dono mite a w ondcrlul awonnt o ( goal and carat too ill Indlgcetlon. ! can eat al 1 kind. of loud now , and eau trimly recmmnend ] font' B Itoutcdy as a cure cure torbldlgostlon , Ilwcr mad kid . " ' uuydlrcaao9" . PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE , Mr , Ceo. D , Ilateot No. W Cottage street , i.enl + tan , Ile , a nllahlo and prmulucut cltlzen , hnpat " the followlu Infnnuatlun , Iloy' 11,1993- ; 'lfashag darned Of thu valuable qualltlcs of hunt' s Itemuly In s practical ounce , l 1'ug ' to state that 1 canridcrltaremaly ofgrcn0 uicrlt , and cat , moo t cheerfully reeomurend It to say One troubled wit h kidney or liver dlseasr" A e T ! M . . . . . -.a . . . . . . . all l/u.t io from tr4lar.tlont rea , or mart t.uu-.re uuruu..nrJly . . dnl.e . - i htit.IW or , ' . d yrol . Ndnl.e . .Ir .i p rr ma Butt , . . n elt Pmwr. m O nlmtuu . , d Ur pn I. . , rb Yea".I x'rd ' , n. , t Ta. ol/ Lo cr lrt.ec. Nr.nu. Url'l111p.1'hr.lr.l Ih , de. , . . , . ' . ' . faL . + .nolry.uaM. Jt Ill 'I uAR.9'fN Itlli.t It. atec . . . . , , , huprk. eu.n'nmrgJ.1 aldutnwnd"u I Oil e pen r..l , . ' + clln , c4 , pbwAL 9.d , In uun'nu. . . ' 'ui .m A , p.r.wh ar. rt rlur ; tu , a : .d ll , , Srr y'nI , . . 'H FURNITUIflIU -THE-- - - - CHEAPEST . j PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY I IS AT STONE'S , They always have the largest and best stock , NO STAIRS TO CLIMBS ELEGANT PASSENGER " ELEVATOR'YTO ' THE DIFFERENT FLOORS , Granite fPOILINO , 31A1ITG , Lp O I L BOILING , PRESERVING , / ; LIGHT HANDSOME' , ' rS 1 1V1IOLirSOME DIJRADLE , ' ; ' .D. i11c t , liest , 11T11r0 Made for the ki lchene 9y r FIROtty1P MANUFACTURED ONLY 1W TIIE _ ; ST1 LOUIS ST P N6 CO r PNY ST I LO S. , iSl t 1 + a 1lV I. tOVC , 11 I 1 Rl , P . ai 1 I . Ol1SC I 111 , 111S " 1111 . 11P9 f E IS . S I I 0 RI TJno" Thouwol In romimiucllou rho tone"Shirr ulththr couseyamilleaof curpoetto natu ° of n tid grcatroad what mqulndby rho trarcllug lob Ilya Sh.rt Ltue , Qttb k 'rnr.I and the be + t of acaltnntoda N tlons-all of whldt are turn 1 Ishcd by the grealcd railway iii .Uuerlca. CHIOAGOMILwAEE St Paul. it ots nn and operate + mar Isoo rolleof road a Northern llllnols , lvlecon + hl , yfuuu , + ota , Iowa end llakotaauln ; + tt + ntalnllnee , bmuuhce mulrnnnoe tlonA Hach all the ; n'at hu + lnc + s ccutros of Skt Nurthaustand 1'arWest , It uatunnynuswurs the dt , cripllon nl Shbrt l.hm , nod Ilcst Route between ChltntnI111nanlceSt. 1'auland Minneapuli. . ChltngnMllnmtkru , T.a Cr'wto and 1flnonn , Chicago , Mllnauneo , Aberdeen and Illemidala : C1dearo , Ililoaukeu , I.m Clatre and Stillwater' Chleal o , Milwaukee , 11 nu.au and Merrill. CIIlcagn , M llwaukuc , ltcas er ( lam and Oshkosh , . Cltlcagu , NiI vaukcc , waulcslta nod Ocomiontowoe. Chicago , Ililsauhuo , IlatOomi nod l'ralrledu Chle Chicego , i111uaukeo , Owatonna cold YAiVRrault. Chlcao , Ilulolt , .lauun'ltlo and Mineral l'olnt , C ) + lcago , Elghi , ltncldunl anti Uuhuquo. Chicago , Clinton , hock Island and Cedar ltaplds Chicago , Council Cluas and OmAha. Chkngo , SIoux City , Slone Palle Amid Yankton Chicago , NIlwnukeoMltchellandChamberlain. Itock bland , Dubuque , St. . Paul and Ilhutoa'tuna ' Uarenport , Calmar , St. l'aul and Minucapolfe. i'tdlman Sleepers and the Finest Dinhir Care lnth worldarorunomithuntalnllncsofthoCH'CAC ' MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWA anti every attctrtton Is Auld to passengers by courts ow cmuploycs of the company. S. S , MCRRiT.L , A. V. 11. CAI1PENTER , Ocu'I Mnnagct Ucu'1 Pass. Agent J , P.OIIAin ( , CEO ] I. IIEAFI ORD , Ucmi'I sup ; t. At Ocu'I Pane. Ag'i of ihcroutinncd too of mernny rout lwlnsh for Ib ° tn'ahurut of IIIualnmid 5611 + tII.eatic-tIiey octet cure , and nearly' always injure or totally sutra th ° general health. : A WELL-KNOWN DRUQOIST. fl IfydaletlrowasihoOrettoBell Salft'e Spechlc , It use ( itch putt up in quart bottles nhlch .all for $ ; noocncl. I alit recta a great many cases cured by Its use , mill Bottle who had tried nil sorts of treat uncut , lit fact , I hate outer kuuwu It to fall when taken properly. I sells larro quautltyof It , rod fur all dhalses that arc dcpmul cat on Ido'xl ' polsuu or ebht humor. ! t cures raurtrauturuirs us urn ruts , and ula6uc rho cnmplealun fats and tact' . ,1 + in r hlool talc , there hi nneuch word Alt fail. It cnrn s casesthnthatulong ulthtoodnthor sorts of treat' moat , mid sdlltont any of lhoso roenrrlug trouble ' tlotgcmieintlyWRow mercurial amid other.o called cure , , 'F. 1. . M.1SSINIIUIIU , Macon , Qa , DRY T TT R , For years f was aillcted nilh fury It tter of the niut ubatlmialu t91m , 11'ae heated 43' many of the bo.tphyIrlmw ; took tInautltlue nl mercury , potash and arsenic , wldch , Instcadul curlu' , the letter , crippled moue whin udneral pwlsonan'1 ' nceumall + nr. Time Totter continued to grow ssnrw , mad ihu tchluh nhun + t made nro crazy' , hl title condition I was In. duecd tit taho Supt's 5poetlle allll th a rcttilt n'aX a astunlaldng n. it OLIN gm a few nmulh Ihu 1'etlenrae cntlrcly wall ; tbuifcrcnrlAl I'olrnulug all out of mil .yelemit cud f was a well eau-amid duo only to SwItl'Y S'teeple. ' Alt liku sutterershoiO ti la6a It , JA'.lli3 UUNNIQ , Imusrlllu : , Ify , what a Physician flays , L'rrursllu'drIlm , nrCuAml : July 23 , Inha , I hero a Lrlght lilllu daultcr nto udl bu two } 'c ars old nuat month. Shu ha , hcoii troublcdncarly uscrslncu hrr 111th wllh astir dl.cu.c , whirl. I flrn t dlagnuul I rluckcn ppx , but toter lunnd It to ho emu o weft of crzenn ; at any' solo llrodtalvcry ehlLbutnly all the dIAurent trtlatnimds. 1 procured Ono both o of SwIfCA RpcrlOc and gave it to her Iii .mall dose s three tlulus a tiny and hl a shotNcldluhlul rho sails factlun ! n ecu than dlo srae cntlrcly stell , 1 ant e ut will ploaeud 0lth IN eCect it liar that 1 shall no t mdyn + ultht m } prattlru , but 1 Abnll udmbdslcr t t to my other chllJrcu and tuhu It ury.cl4 tY , I lhturrs , IL U. Our lrentlsr on Illood and Rkln Ulacmue Walla 1 free to applilaota , ' 1'lIlsSl'IITfiI'ICII'I000. : , Itrawar 8 , Atlanta ( in , I Corni - rl 1 . IRON AxD SLATE /toaFlxo , Ce S PECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglu St. . Omaha , Neb , IIANUFALTUREROF Ga/raniiea Iron Cornices 'norotar lvlndoa e , Flnlale Tln Iron and slat e Rweng Cpeeht' . { atcmit Metailk s tllght , Pdon t alJuatai Illchot Oar amt Urac6et Rhult9ng , ! a m ho genoraiAgontfur the abovolute of goal' . fro encingUroatlugeIlaluetradceYunnda.Iron Ranh alumi d A , Window Ullnda , Cellar Quarde ; also gooor U emit fur Pooroon& 11111 atent hlalde Dllnd. RENDERSDN A regwer graduate t o DR I f medld ua Over dda rgeend043WyutJottarit yean'proctlce-1wo1Y01 Ii UANSAS dry , UO , Cldcsgo , Authorized by the state to Ira Chronic , Nerrotu grid I'rlvate dtaoaeee Aathtaa Epllopwylthoumatlem I'Ue l Tspu Worm , Urinary and Skin Dh eAAc.ReminalWeakn ° sealghtloesoc souWDuliUtyIua.nfxYUalnwcr ( { I da Cures guaranteed or matey relundocL Chug. r ow , Thou.anla of caso. cured. No InJurloua mod I olnee turnishod even to ' .dent. at a dl.tance. Co In lultatlon lrca sod auaOJeatAl-call or wrllu' age * 0 d 1 are Important. A 1100K for both .oa ll'aatrated-and olrculau of Other thinprs soot soale d or wo 3 coot Btam { a FiU 11 MUSEUM l mod od w T'TlLtpgpNAs-"farts of in ° humair hotly rut iri ull , dureloped aud.trenglheit t ( , ota , lent Inturuetlnt udtertisement tour nro lit oil t l'apcr. ' IareplytoIutiUhrb sux911waythat thuro1 e to olduoeuofhuntbulahoutthl. . . Untheconltary the ah'ertiwts ore ury Idhly endorsed. I teru.t rotOlay gBf ecalc'I clrcnlan ghlmij ; alp parqu n Iroatel > Addruoaln ; 1r1o : Modlealtia , 1'.O.brr 5l ItuAalo , .l' , Y-'uludo ( Escnlug Ulauu , urlbly ! f lip + ' 1 ' 1 1 : S f + r' , II 1 rt r .r . . _ , a , ' " IltRal : h hl { nnle tl , J T i t wIIJBOR's Co11IPo > 7ND OP ED LIVER OIL AND LIME. ' 1Vflhor'a Col1 Tdvcr Oil anti LhOe.-- Pcrsnus who have beou taking Cod-Liver Oil will be pleased to learn that ] ) r. 1Vilbnr hay BIICCooded , frnut direetiomis of several prufes slonal gentlemen , Inn analuitdug the pure Oil mid Liule in stick a tuanner that It is pleacatit to tine tdute , and Its effects In bong complaints are tntly wonderful. Very many porous whose cases wore pronounced hopeless , and whin had taken the clear Oil for a long time wlthtnt marked affect , have. been entirely cured by using this Oroparatlon , lbo sure anti 'ct tine neuuino , llfaaufaetured only by A , lI.'nVlbnoli , Chenfnt , Boatml , Sold by all drnggiets , Nebraska Cornice -AND- ¶ oitss yr MANUFMrrtIltEltS OP f l GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES ' 1 normor WindwQayr FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATi NT METALIC SKYLiOIIT , Iron Fencin i Creatln s , Ualu + trrwles , Verandas , Omen and Dank Ilalllrtgs , tYlndow amid CellatCUards , Eta N. W. cat. N1NTlI AND JONES STS. _ _ _ _ vsr OAISER , Ifanaer. DR . WHITTIER 617 St. Charles St. , Str Louis , Mo. & REOULtIt OILIDU tTEof two medical collc"e , has becn enIa7ed longer In ran treatment of CIfItONIONEIt10USSKIN ANDHLOCD Dleases than other phyelclan In St. Lotite , a , city { tapere show null all old rooldonts know. Uonsultatlon free and luttod ) , Whoa It Iellleelll'eldellt to vtit rho city for t antoicnt , ntodlclnue can ho scut by moll or ax uess C crywhera Curablucaecbuarantucdwturo/loubt ; ) caletsitlsfrankly etntod. Nanuwl'rostratlon , Dablllty , Mental anti P1i3.Ica Weaitncyslercurlal and ether aitoctlomis of Throat , loot tmputltles an i Blood Tolson hig , Shin Alfectlone , old Sore , and Ulcer. , Impedb went , to ularrlagu , Ithouutaticm , file , . spcclal at. tuntlo to cane , Iran overworked brain. tlUllOlOAL CASES rocch u ep'odal attention. 1)lsoaaea arising from imprudouco , l oceocus , lu'htlgenoee. YO0lugusthowholo ; 1YIARRIA.GErtnryxell rotrolple who any CS VT7 ' why , conies , c nro pueuc a and to wn for , hostageortawpa , SeptYO dawly. COLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878 , BAKER'S Cocoi Warranted ubeoltltety pnlr Cocorp freon wblch tOo crcc. . of I OII Ia. been removed. It bus Ihrei tune. the atmlydh of Cocoa mixed ( vIlh thatch , Arrowroot or fugar , and I. therefore tar more cconuml. cal. It la deUcioue , nourl.bingy strezlgtbentng , easily dlge.led , and admirably adapted fur hnollls as r ' lvcll as for pereotu fn health , Sold by Vroeerl eterfnhere. r BAKER & COs Dorchester bass + i / , , ; Care without med. APO ITIVEtoter 1076.0 1O , 78. Ono Lox No , I Wlll cure auy rlaaelu four dye or loco. No , 2 will cur. the most obetlnata awes no watterot how l long etaudlug , Allan's Soluble Medicatbd Bougies No unueootts dose. d suboba , coplnbla , or oil o1 tin- , dal wool , that are n „ aln to produce dy.pnpda by dcatrnylu thocuatlnwf the etomach , ltlce dLbu Sold k3' druggist , , or mailed on receipt at prlco tror turtles urllculau scud for circular. 1'.U , IWY 1f ,7s. J.C , , ALLAN CO CURE. IuJuhnStreet , Ncw > Illk. ' rluUnn ' 1 elYlhy.urra. to Is , moult' euut.tt ) for n'rean al del ee of the Grnemtln / 1ht're/s / auud.taln .1uaa lhi.lnotrmnent , Ii.n' ' an R C' FAG : Ilrion. t'lanl ' eft .ru TItI4ITY rentutbtg FQfI tbnnluh nu tun. utc , IINnII 11'110 ' tin . etlrun Ihr oar t' + 11001119j ( hl' ' elllr IItrlrlu : ttr'tr I .dtertn. ' t In ruq all nn p D "nbwt' , . ii It1.lu : / t , . leONI'r. , IBeparl ue. t UI' h , nu ; lIug nd1 lufmmalluu , nddo. Ctnetej F o ( thC Dell la , n..C A.e.L,1 ; ' , I t..1L'a'uu.la ' ' . - - -