2 TTHE ° DALLY Q E - = UDIY II1 ; TU S'llAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1863. When Yon nro in Trouble , V a Dent be dlsrnnt t Your liver Ia i torpid , perhaps , and you may be said o e bilious. The way to help you out ofthcdifficult ristotake Brown's .iron 1lfllcrs , which sets disordered 11VCIS at work in good style , r Dat be cross nud anglyl Your digestion is bad , and that upsets your disposition. If you will t I ) wn's ' Iron 13ittcrslyouwlll find the digestive ive difficulties driven away in short order. Don't be. dcsJondc7/t1 You are wcak'bccatisc your blood is thin , and I'ou cannot face trouble , or think you ; annot. . BTOIBrI'S Troll fillers will 11ut iron into your circulation , enriching - ing the blood , making it a royal red color , and giving you the strength you nccL The troubled , the weary , the de- spondcnt.the nt rv'ous , the debilitated and the bilious find rest , repose , refreshment - freshment , and reconstruction in the use of that priacc of Tonics , Brown's iron Bitters , TJIe druggist charges tdollar , a bottle for it. 10 At this Beaten of the year everllady Imo n cold and porno veryy bad ones. By frequent oxpopurce the membranepof the uo o beconiocry amsahe , , and tatarrlt and lnflwtn7A , nro e'ldemla ' Itetlef cony ho ubtahnei by the nee of ItooJ's Sareapnrilla. Formany ycnn in aureeeslop heglnning 1)o far hack I don t remember when , i fad tlo eatarrh In in. head , it contstel of a eonthlual flow from my Ito. Ito.Ringing and Bursting Noises In my head. Sometime , the hearing In toy left car wassacctcd. Fisoycarago nhntit t1114 soasnu of the year , Itiegamtou e1looli' , t + arsaparllla. i was helped right away , but 1 eonllnrrl to , lee it until I felt my myrclf cured-Sirs. IaDa If. Caulfield. Lowell , Meat. Jerome Brownell merchant and extcntise mllicrat Victor , . Ontario muuty , N. V. , write , : "f lave wail Iloal'e liana , ailla for my Catarrh , and Ithat hell ed me. i comaidcr hood' , Barra'arllls ' one of thu best rctncdtc , for blood diecao to ho obtaiucd , 100 Doses OneI IDoHar , " ! have been lrouhlcd with that dltresting corn. . plalnt , catarrh , and have been using flood's Sara parUla , and and It one of the bolt rcmcdlct I have etertakcn. My tnnihle haw ladled ten ycaranod clever could get any relief until l commenced to nro Iloal'eSareapadlla.-Marti , Shield , Chicago , ill. . IDangeafrom Catarrh Ikpendeupon the amount and cxlentof the Scrofu lone Infection. Uoqueeaonably "any death , from roneumpthon can he traced to neglected catarrh. Thum hi a slolcnt dltrou , prostrated and coughing ppelletheeye. evicepthenuro discharges copiously , and the head , eoma to aIlat. In such caste hood's Hareaparala'correct , the ea. torah by its direct action ii , discharging the poison from the blood through miatur&a great outlets , so that healthy , sound blood reaches the mimnbranc , and Is .thohotomo , Hoods 'Sarsapar//a . Fold by dnlgglsts , Si ; sit for Yd.11'rcparcd bye. L IIOOD &CO. , Apotllecarfer.I.rmenMase I Health is Wealth 'I rl r ev 9 Mkat Il aCCWfS + . TREAT/IENT 'Dr. ih C , Wept' , Nerve and Brain Treatment , ryr.o red specho for Hysteria , Dirrlnese'OonvuP 1 dons , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , headache , kervow Prostration caused bx the use of alcohol or tobacco , wakefulness Mental Dopreeston Softening of the Brain , resulting In Insanity and leading to misery , decay and death , premature Old Age , Barronncr Lose of power In either pox , Involuntary Lou , ; Spermatorrhaa caused by over exertion 1f hrameelf abueeorover indulgonce. Each tame one month' . . treatment. 11.00 a box , 'n boxes for /5.00. Sent by mau prepaid on receipi pia r WE GUA1tANTEE SIX BOXES To once any see. With each order received by a for stx born aoaompaHied with QL110 , WewDdsend the nrchseer ourwritkaguarantee torefundtbemoney , I the tree ct dose no ailed a , cure. Guarantee. rn.doid y R F. GOODMAN to a WI. Druv bi OmNu Nib DR , fELIIX LE BRUN'S 4 G .0.rrs a 'AEVENTWE AND OU U . ' 'OR EITHER SEX. This remedy being lnfceteddireotlp to the .cat the disease , requiree no change of diet or nauseous , mercurial or pofsenous medicines to be taken Intom ally. When nod as a preventive by either pox , it h Impoeeible to contract any prigate disease ; but in the caeoof those already unforturatelyafflicted we quar antes throe boxes to cure , or we hula refund the money. I'rlce bp tall , postage paid , l2 per loxoe three boxes for 1)s. i ; WitirrFN OUARANTEES wool by .11 authorbod agentet Dr.FelixLeB tell NCO SOLE P1tOi'RIETORS , NibQ I' . Guodhain , Druggist , Solo Agent , for Omaha uaku why aav nh m ' y Have Found It Wa. the exclsmnlion of a roan when ho got a box of Eureka I'tleOintment , lvhlehIiasimple aud ours ours for Plies and as h kin Diseases. Fifty cont. by maa , postpaid. n The American Diarrhala Curer Eel stood the test for twouty years. Sine cure for d1..Neverl"aas. Dlarrh.ca , DyeontaryandCho1. Iforbus. . , Deaue'sFe ' , > < c ud AQuc.Toiiic & Cortal , II Is hnpcsslhWto supply the rapid sale of the earn. . BUItE CUR SYARItANTED roe Frier and Arue , and ell Mnleti i troubles. . 'l'1u0E , $1.00. L a iJIaHoUsE : LABORATORY , 30tH t1T. , OMAIfA , NEU. For Sale by all Druqqlsts rIIt rut v , Ibceon of detanuvuuIn p ' (1Lv IfdllYlathe Untal yla\S' 71I.e4uumbt.lnuL.rot I ' IIi11 hIIInLIIIeIIt , II0'.4111 R C r' Ilnuuw" ntuil "t j. FDR' clot + t'rt' t'nuutna tLmuah Ibe I + rt. mu. . j Ii dale ( Ism G , InlthY at lm I4 , hoc eII.da1 Ile. wllh IIe : Irlu Iwgl , advertharl lac curt , ell Ili a . , lt"rut , , bu UA E , sh 1 at 17.ISIrlu ! r mWtfIM Veni : aoto1 wldrr.ilhlnWVer pugluy I t t s. ' rETT R AND c NEIiPERWI tS011P 'OK ALL , House-Oleaning Purpose [ ; I IT WIl L CLEAN 1UNT , MMIBLE , OIL CLOTIIS , BATJI TUIISi CILOC1EHY , KITCUEY U'I'1 NSILS , tWINDQW. e , c , , f IT WILLPOl < ; IH ' TDiJhlLibStOL'1'YdtAt'D5TE1L1rAIU6 . OPAL1 + KL bs. e . 1 „ a .r - , . . . . . , " „ , -a- , e SECRETS TOLD BY BARBERS , N hoot FCma1C Locks'Arc ' Shorn' ' Ball cd r , e zv r 8fl M5e e hilrlclirc , The Fashion Sat by the Stage--- Lady Oustomors With Superfluous - . porfluous Hair. Ilnhles With ralso ( : urls-Tho Stylq in Manly ts'lnlskcrs. "The art of dressing link , sir , is a pro. feasion-it fs not a trade , as many sup. 1)080 , " remarked a veteran in the busmoss to a Star reporter V'esterday. "If 1 had the time I would gave you a whole b00k. till of notes ontliosubjcct" The speaker Wag n Frenchman , who line been reaudent several years in the city. Ho entered with onthusiastn into the theme , and it was tpnto evident that he regarded the business only a degree lower than that of a surgeon or physician. "Of course ho added , " we have IIuacks in the business just as there are in other occupations- mon who can simply cut lair , and do notlifng else. Originally barbers 1)05805 sod uo nIoan knowledge of surge nud orfornied the triple duty of aiaving , hair dressing , and bled Iet in Thorp is only one enuino barber that I know of and ho lives in Brooklyn. And although he 'bleeds 1100 1)10' ] frequently , ito does it literally , and not metaphorically. This is the l cast whore this operation is performed nby abarber. The person 1 refer to is n and ho knws his business thoroughly. " "IIow manY hairdressers are there iii this city ? ' "Dotwcoi and The 8,000 ' 1,000 business is rouunerativo just in propor- don to the knowledge of the hairdres- nor. " "And how many natitinnltics nro repro. sonted in that estimatel" "Italians , Germans , French rand no. groos. Of those the French rank first ; thou corno the colored people ; the Italians - ans rank third and the Germans fourth , There are propiortionately but few native whitoAmortcans who follow the business. Those Who do are mostly bosses. Thu French Iairdrossers usually restrict thotnselves to dressing ladies her. " Another Frenchman , who has a large business on Broadway , near Union square , gave the reporter some very interesting details in connection with the dressing of ladies hair ; "There are six styles of dressing ladies' hair , ho said , "the Mosollo , the I om padour , the Perfection , the Fripon , the Star , and the Langtry , and I invented therm all. The Langtry is the most popular , and will continuo to ho the vaihng fashion this coming winter False hair now otters so largely into ladies' toilets that it is very rare to find one who does not use it more or loss. " " 1Vho sots the fashions ? " "The stage chiefly. Vary often ladies have ideas of their own upon the subject , but , as a rule , the style is loft to taste of the hak dresser. I have several custo- morn who sand their maids to mo to take lessons in hair-dressing , for which I clargo $2 per hour. To fix a lady's hair for a spacial occasion , as a ball , wedding or reception , and which occupies frown half to tliroo quartera of an hour , my fco is from $ a to $ G. " "Do you cut as well as dross ladies' hair ] " 1Yo do ; and it requires far more skill to cut a lady's hair properly than it does a gontlomalt a , ' 'What is the moJut popular" ayiot'1p ' " f hair cultin for ladies ? ' "Tito' actin to bang. ' It consists of cutting the hair in front in four fringes orros of various d0 hits one overlapping - ping the other. Tim u p tor row is and is used as al lriz. ' The next is puffed , the third is curled and the last warn flat upon thin forehead. " "Do you think a lady is vainer than a fientloman in the matter of hair dress " tag ? "I have ladies who are from 00 to i0 years of ago , who , not content with tin honorable symbols which gray hair , convey - vey , coin ( to me to be made as youthful in appeamneoas-it is possible for art to nako thorn. They want their white hair dyed black , and , w sono instances , I have kno vii porsous who wished their durk hair bleached white. This , howl. over , is somewhat rare. But the latest folly is in regard to children. " "Iii what way ? " "Placing ( also curls ou bald babios. The hair is sold in lengths and is soived inside ti ( child's hat. 1Vhei the hat is taken oil the effect is very absurd. " On Ilostor street , near the Bowery , resides - sides an Italian woman u'hio derives quite a profitblo income by removing super- Ihto s hairs front the mouths nud chins of her lady customers. 'Those ' who arc of. flictod with incipient mustnehes or beards visit hoe regularly. IIor nmthod of oo. ration is ingenious and simple. The skin is first troll rubbed with an ointuieit- the ingredients of which is a trade secret. After the Iloslu ii , snftunud the operator takes a strong treble linen thread , places 0110 011(1 bOtWeel her teeth , t.1to other be. twoei thu thllntb and Ioretinger ; , of her right hand'aud ' the thin ? cud olio holds in a similar iuanner In her loft hand , 't'aking the reporter's arum , she first op. plied the oiutnlont to the flush , nimiipu latud the threads in "cat's cradtl" or sub- saw fashion , crosswise , mid pluchOd hbout twenty or thirty hairs out of thu arm almost as quickly as it is possible to cuuut that number , ' 1'hirout ii on interpreter rotor , tire writer tvas informed that shu received several wealthy people , l'hto paid hoi ; liberally for hersorvtces. , She operates about once a werk on tllu sautu parson , and quite a number of net- 1,08808 from the ' 1'liutla and other thcntros canna to sea her but season. Each persun pays a fee of $2 , 'I'lio time occupied in a singnu treatment is about ono hour. Two lady barbers havu reeontl o puuod a hair drusiug saloon in the rfcutitY of Broad street a1 l d , us they are tutor- ably . y1h ave 11u lack of custom. crs , Among male lair dressers the good old fashioned torus barber is bocomiuig obso tote. They are now called "artists" illitl "tonaorial professors , " One ambitious fudividualadvertfsoshltnsolf as"professor of crinlcultural abscission amid crainiolo , ica tripsis , tonsorial artist , physioguical hairdresser , facial operator , cuwnimu maufpulator and ealnlhary abridger , " A good barber who is Cin loyod at a first- class hotel will cant a salary of front b 10 to $15 a week , anti twice that alll0llnt 111 t s from customers , ' Ifave they auyorganiration ? " was tlto t1ueatiou tut by the reporter , "Note worth speaking of , 11'1n barber Is out 0f employment , ho lest. , s his 'tools , ' as ho calls his razors , at the barbers' headquarters , of whichn here are several f n tits city , An eulployor , need. ing a good man , will call thioru and inapoct thorn , 1 Moir condition serves as a cer4ifl Cato of character , and an exiperluuced boss can tell by the peculiar look of the razor whether its owner lies n ligltit or a Neary hand , , .1io canj slso , toll with tolerable certainly how long it. has boon ut , and from the wear ho manner' in which rt is hold , " "how many people will a barber shave in a day ? " " 4 good oporatorconstantlyemployed , will slint'o upon an average a man every twelve minutes , and do his work fairly well. Ho will cut a head of hair in from fifteen to twenty-five minutes according to its growth , thickness and style , " "how many styles of whiskers are now worn ? ' "rIiero are the Burnside , time fishtail , the mutton cliop-which is a small edition of the Burnsido-and the abridged Dun- dreary. The goatee has become almost - most oxtlnct. Chin whiskers are still worn a good deal by old fnslmioned pee 1)10. " "Do female harbors nlahe good opera- torn ? " "Not as a rule. They seldom continue long in the business , " A colored barboronEnstIIouston street was asked about hfa haircutting matches , and weather limo r tvcro very frequent in tonsorial society , "No , salt , wo dot ] t hub can worry often. Dero was a chap from Virgiada hyar''tother ' ' day a tolkin' , but ho backed out and nuftin cane of it , " 'tl'0u have a good molly custo11lors , I presume ? " "Yes , salt , we bob. Genohnen wet wants some style about der liar cone right hyar , lti a can coutodntn himn in warious ways , icre's do college , lie horse. shoo , do velociped , do classic amid do tcackricah. " "Iii whist respect do they differ ? " "Life inn too short to 'splain jist now , but 1 reckon dot wes do artists dot catch on to morn styles den ud fill a wig store. " The Italian population the five cent haircutting saloons , that are mostly to be found in basements , 'I'ho writer entered ono of these and fond it crowded with a hlotorogeueous assemblage of flirty faces and umikemrpt locks , "On Saturda or Sumida 1 shava hundred Itali ans. I lair cutta seventy. There wcro five chairs , covered with grease. Tim odor was alniostsicketing. city there nro some 200 haircutting saloons freluoucd by time Italran residents - onts exclusively. On Mott street a Chinese barber , Hip Leo , drossoss and arranges coos. Jima shaving apparatus is after the primitive Chinese fashion , and resomnbles a shall metal apparatus not unlike n miniature carpenter's nano. With this ho manages to shave with wonderful colorit . Thiure are not more than two or three Chinamen tvho make a living at time businoss. An Undotbtol Blessing. About thirty years nge a prominent physh clan by the miaino of Dr. 1Villfain Hall discov creel , or produced after bug experimental re search , a rcmiiody for disearos of the throat cbost and lungs , which was of such voliderfnl eeicncy that it soon gnhted a wide roputatlmt in this country. Tl + euamoof the medicine is DR , WM. HAL11d BALSAM FOR TIIE LUNUS , and nay be safely relied upon as a speedy and posltlvo cure for coughs , colds , here throat , etc. Sold by all druggists. The 1Vrong Cunelidatc. Detroit Free l'ree , , Ho was a ward striker. He hind wimis ' ky inside and old clothes outside. Ho had his pants in his boots and his hat on his car. Ho had the idea firmly fixed in his mind that ho controlled the fate of at least one party at the coming election. Entering a business place on Griswold street lie found a candidate who wan waiting - ing the arrival of the occupant. Walking up to the candidate time striker rmnrked : ay , okl feller , yc tvo Jt gt. q come dory withtitwarty1 . "Non" "You bat you have ! " "What for ? ' "To make it all night with time boys. It'll ' take $20 to hold 'pun ' to it. No money , no work with us ; you know. ? ' The candidates rose up , seized the man with a firm } grip , nud put trim through tlmo door with a kick which seemed to loosen the scalp , saying as ho lot his foot fall : "Just charge that to the campaign fund ! " T1to 111011 wniked out into the street and stood there for five minutes looklng back at the door. Thou1 some ono asked liini what was time matter and ho replied : "Found the lmighost curiosity in time world. IIere'a a candidate who wants to rim four million votes bohiud his ticket ! " - - - Evhtleucoof theBest N6td. ' llobinson is a druggist llvIug In ItacinoV1 , . horn Is what bu r.aye , "Afflict- oil with laryngitis'1 vtu unable to articulate a word dlstiactly tor fully two mouths. A lib. oral application of J'/moors' Rdccfrfc VU co"t pletoly cored nt. Am pleaod to , ecom ( iomil ft. Blob TOOntbs' Spar , . Conmuissioner of Pmmsious Dudley was tolling a story the otlmerday suggested by his recent visit to time Bull Itun battlu fields. lie said that Cou. Bob Toonbs of Georgia captured during the Mexican war a par of gulden spurs , the rowels of which tvoro niado of Mexican silver dol. Tara. At tlw btoaking out of the war Get ; Toombs presented the spurs to his young friend Licut. Cosson , At Bull Run Limit Cosson was captured b Conuois sioner Dudley , thou Colonel of an Jim- diana reginmemt. Of course Liout. Cossou'a bulolgings bocamno the property of the United States as soon as he was captured. IIo didn't ntindgiving up his sword , but lee bugged for his spurs , Finally Col , Dudley said to hum ) that lie Imiuiaelf would take amid wear thmo spurs , amid that if Imo wore ever captured ho would see that tire spurs were forwarded to Idcut , CossoL The 'uung Lieutenant - ant was glad to make this arraligement. At Gettysburg Col. Dudley ttae a prisoner in tlw hmmds of the Confederate Colonel , Soloed , for several htoura.l'hilo iu this rostrailit he requested Col. Sneed to baud time spurs , which ho still here , to Liout , Cosson , lie has imevor heard ( remit them since , but he supposes that they got back to tlrefr ownur-unless , indeed they wore taken from Smeed at Gettysburg - burg by some F'cderad ollicur. . . a.e.- Tasletl by Tlnte. For Throat Dlseasee , Cold , , amid Coughs , Haow N's IiIm0YthIIAL 'I'uocinn have pnaed thou efficacy by a test of utapyycard. l'ricu 25 ct. . . - - I 11'hat Iglutei. Grnpovlner , A writer in l'ick's Magazine says : "It is evident that the wood amid buds of grapevines suffer winter injury immure frown drying that from intousity of cold. For when we lay then flat upon the sur face of the soil , weighted down so as to m be close to it , the wood is eap o ed , in the absence of snow , to quite as uxtrenme cold as if f t wore up or time trellis , Yet oven in open winters this umcm pressure upon the bosoni of mother earth , cold as It many be , suffices so save the wood mid crop. An exposed vipo , when injured , scarcely ever betrays I1tn ; y ' a m parent c'i- deuce f the injury , lhJ discoloration o shrinkage , "The first evidoue of its appearing is the failure of iho buds to open , while I l rJ unhurt vines Imavo expanded their leaves e making growth. But those tardy ds open , too , after many days , shqging ht tha only difficult was , a d fb of ® od and bd , which is evklentl re tov. as the pressure of sap from the toots under the govial , warmh and moisture of the spring tlrro , gradually expands and fills the broken coils. But this loss pf time is fatal to time proper ripening of time crop. Evil time well varnished wood and buds of the Concord sometimes suffer from this winter drying and sprimm retard. ation , although generally proof , ' R A SPECIFIC FOR Epilepsy , EVER FAITS. Spawns , Convul shone , Paltfttg Stckness , sLVltus Dance , dtcolloh Opium Eat. . TN { : GREAT leg , SUpletlfla , Scrofula , Xing. N E R E Ertl , Ugly blood _ Dlecaaee t U ! X1) ' eta , Nervousness , CON UEROR Sick IleadacAe , Rheumatism , A'moj lliakness , Bralu Worry , Illood S.a , Biliousness , Costiten ss , Nervous l'rostratlon , Eidney Trouble. ' andlrreputarltiM. 8LG0. t nmple TeatiulnInta. , , "Samsrltnn NervinoIs loin' wonders. „ Dr. J.0. McLemoin , AlexnnderClty , Ala. "I feel it my duty to recomtncmid ft. " Dr. Ir. F. Lnmeghlln , CIYde , Kansas. "It cured where physlclons faldrd. ' Hey. J. A , Ndie , Beaver , Pa. a1)-torreapnadenco ; fFcely nnatwrcd. E ar tcetlmonlads and circulars send stamp. The Ur. S.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo , Sold by iii Ilmuguiets. (17) . t a. . J vv ( -5- / 11 J I SAU AH BRAH A UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT Dr. San Ah Brol , , a contorted Buddhist from far away India , still give one of his unlquu Oriental entertainments at the Daptlstchuch. MONDAY EVENINO , NOV. 12 , AT 71 O'CLOCK. lie Impersonates lncoctmnocscryvariety of difein Buroeah , from Ring to the native of the Jungle. in. troducingalltheir colunpes and household goods. Ho show. Blow they eat aril sloe q and woo and mar- r ) . lie bbge their songeand tells their stories. TCo ie out nud see blue. Batter than a visit to India. ADMISSION , 2iCent , . CIIILDIIENliiCents. LIEN & ILWIOllE , FANCY GOODS 4) -AND- NO oN , Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wear , SPECIALTIES IN WORSTEDS -AND- EMBROIDERY VORKI 1512 Howard St. OMAHA - NEIIfASKA. , - - . N1 i Styles1 OM.ll1A , Nntclnhcq 1592. The undereigurd has u opened a store for the salt of Ladies' and Ocntlemen'a w'car , Nollonrand } 'aucy Oooda , Allo a anuplcto xssurtnent of Yam , , wor slniuud Kmbrolderyoork. Au exhwrioncoof eight year. It nth the litoet inamnhocnt tiro" In New York Cltyln tile ahoy. bu es , , entbieus to judge chat .ty'It ' , of goels x111 satbfy thu dcnail , , of those hI wat of belch t'ancynootii and Noliuar , ; our Into , . thou f. to keep In stock the Leading Styles ml all good , In our In our Zinc , and with the facill tire wu hate at harm , our nun shall be to piaeu he. fore our patron , ALL NOVELTIES as eoun as soon n , they appear In flu Ihstern tear. Itet. , lq'rourtesy to onrpatron , , attention to ourhuel' ; : Ri ci E w1r111N TD } TIIE TIE AOI'T OF A1.1. we lmhu to uicdt a fair share of your hwttonagc. An achy tall b solicited. ilesyoctfucyYours , LINN & GILMORE , 1512 Howard St , JAS. H. PEABODY M , a PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Residence , No. Ito ] Jones St. 05105. No. Iaof Fu aloe street. 00100 hour , 12 en. to 1p. in. , ao4 a p in. I't t p. in. .Tulephon. fur oaks , VT. Brldteo. cii EAPEST h / rr' 'ti Lots IN THE CITY OF ® H . . .G. > sm r ( Very handy to U. P , Shops , Post- office , etc , ) FOR SALE -IN- COLLEGE PLACE ( New addition o 234 buts. ) PROSPECT PLACE , ( Only 50 Lots remaining unsold. ) FIRST c SECOND ADDITIONS ( Nearly all sold in these 2 additions , ) -AND- Shinn's ' Third Addition ! (8 ( Beautiful Lots left. ) On the following Streets ; -CALIFORNIA- -BURT- - , - CUMING , --I7ARD- , --NICHOLAS- - - , - C ALDWELL , -P AUL- , -H A' ' 1 [ LTO'N- , CHARLES , : -SEWARD- ' -FRANKLIN-- - , - - DECATUR , -PARFiLLI'R- - , - -BLONDO- AND ON -29th 30tH- 31st , 32d , 33d- 34th , 35th and 36th -Streets.- . ALLrNSID1CITY LIMITS-BElitTiFULLV LO. . 'FED. STREET CARS ! Will run out Cunning Street , Early Next Spring -TO- LOVJE'S ' AVENUE AND THE RESE RAND R V01R1 -AND TILE- BELT a n.m ho nmuhlg neat year wltlih , abloek nr two of thosolots. Aitlocated ththinflit mihutcswatk'if MILITARYi6RIDCE AND TILE TUBS TABLE OF TIME Red Street Car Line , On Sauudtrs Street , act all wllhlu Thu minute , walk of thu 11:0,000 SCHOOL HOUSE , On Ipclatsare old Rht ; , treet , , ho Parker's addl. Lion. $160 ITPWARDS. Ouly 5 per cent down and 5 ppr cent per month. rlouve , lot. ail all other khds of ! teal E'.tatu for sale in any and cc cry lu'atlun h , u,1 about , , Oeaha. NE ( MAPS OF OMAHAJ $10 EACH. CALL AND GET Plats andFull Particulars ,1 T BEMIS Re Estat8 Office , FIFTEENTH & DOCGLdS STS. ijALESSHIVERICK , s Have just received alarge quantity Ot new . . t. AND AM OFFERING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PASSENGER ELEVATORi 1206 1208 old 1210 Farnam St To All Floors. _ OMAHA , NEB , p A36 TOUR Oa0CEI1S BUR T11C . OMAHA DRY HOP YEASTI WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. - . , Manufactured by the Omaha Dry 8o Yeast Co. y 2718 BURT STREET , OMAHA , NEB rseir,1' ' M. HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Cloth iers ! r1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR.13TH , OMAHA , NEBRASV Double and Single Acting Power and Hand I STEAM Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings' Steam Packing at wholesale amid ro3ail. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. Jr A. WAKEFIELD IWIIOLESALE AND BETA L DEALER IN Lube11 , SASIi STATE DOORS BLINDS MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT PLASTER1 &C AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , HER RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CL'tRKE , Proprietors , Superintendent. . Omaha iron Works , 1,1 : P. RAILWAY , - - , - 17TH & 18TH STREETS ' M f , , ' glplliMWdl4Spld s , r . - - + .Illuwmm y- i 'I ' l I , , MANUFACTUl1EItS OF AND DEALERS IN I WATER \ITILEEI .S , ROLLER MILLS , Mill s Machinery ! MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE P. . , , . Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. STEAM PUMPS , S'1'EAII , 1V.1'l'EIt AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS. AItCiIITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. f i . . yY a , , 0 \ r rt : . . n Y . q . _ 4L . r. , . 'xr r \Ve are prepare to furnish plane atta eatiI.tos , wad will contract fflr the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills from Stone to the Roller system. Especial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any our- pose , and estimates made for sane , 'General machinery ropsirs uttended o promptly , Addtess RICHARDS & CLARHE , Omaha , Neb , a