- - - - - - R TTTF 1)ALLY B1EMAiFA. . MNDA. NVFTSIBER ( 12. i8-c : TilE DAILY BEEI OMAHA. Monday Morning , Nov. 12. Printers Wanted. Thtco first c1ns , cornpo3itors can obtahi nteuly.ornployiiienL on the Norning hE by ap)1ying to.day. 1"irsL come , tir8 igervod. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liv' Weather. For the upper Misi.8i1)pi fl2Id Misaouri va1toy , cold , fair weather , northerly ! ind1 , becoming vAriable , tilight rio , ( ol. towed in the northern portlon3 by fulling larometeralowlY rising teinporaturo. LOOAL BREVITIES. -The funcral ol Lh tittlo tluuglitcr of Mr. rntil MrS. John 1)olin ) : tolc IlaCC YtCrIaY Aft4flOOfl , id wna larcly attonclotl The bereavement L a ter4b1o one to the ) ftront _ , : the child wa paln flbOUt , ierfectly well , , u Thnrday , anl tiled on flttlr(1Ry. The tither unl mother hvo tbo dceic.t niitliy of nil their fricnd. , -1.tvhttio nrc out for the flrt. annual cAnpUrnontnry uoeinhle and ball of I'ioneor : hrook arni Lud'or ' Conipany o 1 , vhicli will ti.e place at Crounoo' halt , l'rtlay eveulsig oixt. -The firet genuine lUznrd enjuyel ho Omaha for ROlOC thou inst. howled thsrosigls ( lie btreetM yesterday , it. chilly blasts caulng o'.eryOne to wrop up moic warmly. 'rho C1)Ud.M of tiust were something terrifle to face. -The ioldter.i that do.orod . from the light artillery at Fort omaha hiao not yet beets fountI , although qt1ad3 Of ouhuiers ha a bccss engaged for the Ia.t two diys : ocareblug thIs city and Council 1110ff3. -In the poiice court Sattrduy there ' ; ere four ( Issturbauce3 of the peaec , of which one ww ; continued , one dischargc'l , and thrco lined five ( lOIIt3 and coit. . One cn.e is ! Its. t.xlcatlon. Oonsi.lolut lsai been lrought npiait Mrs. 1. ltruzan for asiault. aisti bat- tety. : -This or0nt4 st 7O oc1oc1 a pa.sait ) event will tal tiloco at Trinity Cathedral. ¶ This hI ho thso marriage of Mr. Totn ) Kilkonny 00(1 M5i3 Magrio hull , two of our popular young people who have a hsot of frenLs ! hi the city. No Invitations will ho eut out , but all their friontli are isivitod to i.e present at the ccrcsnouy. -A New York mats wa. robbed at the do. )4t ) Saturday of Tt by the "buck and file" gsme , which ts done by sso man positing and the other man backing up against the % Ic. tio. The j.arttc are known to the sstranor. . _ Ij. .1. Couloy , who w a.'s employed at the Novelty Iron Worla , had one of lsi Isansli terribly Iaerated while wetkhsg at a lathe about noon Saturday. Dr. Not ille drecd the vounds. Mr. ' Ferdinand Schroeder , the tvchl known and popular harbor , leaves r.on sitls isis little daughter for a vL1t to hL shthr.in.Iaw , Mrs. ltichnrd Seaman , of 1)enver. Ferti is one of our old reliable 11100 and we trust Ito will cc- turn soon , and again cogago in buitses , n. ho ha. ; bold out U oIl , stand to other i.arties , nnd L ha a best of friends litre who would regret to , . bce him leave. -Tite weeks work in the South Omaha M . - } : . church hIM bOOn 0 great benefit to nil win ) have attended. Quite a number have bocz I converted and snatsy othens ore Feeling slcedy p the need of an intercat In the great ilvatIni 1 slstch is being clearly presented to them. rn . flcstfons arc voty favorAble for a wide sproa I and thorough wool : of reformation in thIa pan of the city. The 1)raYC and cooperation I all Christina people lwuld be given this goot I won : . -H. 1. Bucket , the well.known Crcth t funeral director anti efababoer , who has tntu : . ferred his hcadquantene to Omaha , will star I. to-morrow with household good. to estabibli i I new home itt the city over the river. Crestos t eop1o regret to Part wiLls lilsn zs. ho lsa eve r hicets oziterprising in biulness , nod his ostima . blo % hio will be sadly misstd lii isocini circle S to which site has given Ioth liossor and eon . s.t&nt u.efulucsa. In liii bu1s1os3 Mr. Ilunloc t is not an amateur but pooossos the aIiiit V a1ned by oxponi9stc9 , con.tant study isnot ist - tendanco at the b .t schools wisoro Inloniuutloi a uId be obtalned-Croatott Gaotto. Wide AwrnkD Irug1stH. C. P. Goodman L rdwaps alive in his burl ne.a and P ° ° ' no paln. i to h000ro the lost o ; 0-er ) artlelo in td lisso. lb baa secured tb a n ency for the celebrated ] ) r. lUng's Ioo ar ILSCOVOS7 for Con.usuption. The only ccc . tam cure known for Cuusuznjt1on , Cougin ' CoIdi1 Ioaneuesc , tUithcnn , Hay 1'cverBnni : ehitis , or any aliection of tlu'uat anti 1uag toId on v. iIUvo gw.uttoo. Trial bottle : ( zoo. ItuIarsLze $1 - V&1tWONMi. ' rcauo left ytgertliiy afternoon for a a visit to ltockfond , hId , , vhcsc tsI grandfathc rcruden. . Will fiInora1 left fur Cedar 1tnIdd , o a legal bsmltseos. Cloin Cowso loft for % VabIuton City 1w t Captain \V. T. Ilogers , the genial rta o snanavrr [ ruin } 'ort Coillu. , is in the cit ) . LI uet of the Millard. Mr. Joe Holmec , whono face Is Isunhllar I Lo the patoons of the l'aitou , I able to Lx. us it , igaln after a oenlow time nltls the cltlhh.s . ac fever. It is I.e he Isoi.ed thnt. ho will soon g L rid of thIs unjdoaaont ailment entirely. - - ThsousundN Say 8o. rr. T. W. .ettkltu , ( i ant , Kan. , wnlto 5 h " 1 : never bsaitsto ts recomsiotstI your Ele : tdc flitters. to issy ctsnecs they gio tusthi , atLsfaetiou and are rapid eh1erts. " Eloctr Bitters ; are the tsueat and best modicit mm , known and will ioitwely tmm lUdnoy or ' Liver ccznplaintN. Purify the blood nd ni ujate the bowebs. No fondly c.n aII.rd . to I o without them. They wilt save liuztdred.s dollar. . in doctor's blUs every year. tioltI i - . & 1) ceubsabottlA yO ' The Dcuus iovoitI. Tim funeral of the Late Johss Wittko1 itT witich took iaco yeatcrd3y afternoon , it 2 o'clock , waa a very itnpooizig one. Ti : i Tir. eortco otartett front Mr. Itiowo'o undo r. Laidng estalIishrnent anti wa heidod I S Jio Union Pacific band , which w f ? : lowed by a Lartje detachment of rnetnbo 18 of Lzide1endeut Order of OddfelIowac id in their train came quite larjo numb Dr f of the 1nglmta of PytIthm in full uzi Li. form , a number of .oquipagea of varioi L25 ntyle1 made iii , th pwceoaiou. The d 0 1 ceaiod waa a cry cotimable young im am t who had been recently employed at tl It ) Elkborn Valley bouo wIeru ho waa mnuc di c IileoL ilowai of very good laabIt ar iii t 1.d managed to aavo about 1tiOO out i f t hzo atary. lims death will be much ri 0- ( 'TtIt.e4by LI lai , circle of friuad. uu 0al A acquarntance3 , w THE PAXTON'S PRIDE. : . Th e Dill1 loom Trllsfoo into a Palace. Th e Crowning Beauty of the ? . ! ng. niIIecnt lintel. The Paxton has , over ainca itn coinpic. lie n , been the pride of our city , and the obj ect of admiration , not only of citizeiss , but of strangers from all hlarta of the cou ntry. Not content with its original con dition , tim Kitchen Brothers , who are the mncat enterprising hotel issii in id the west , have from time to time add ed to its COUVOOiOUCCM , and also to the bea uty of limo interior. The latest move ha.3 boost the most effective of all , being the comnpieto transformation of thodining roe m decorations , and snaking it the rich est looking room in all the wc.t , or , itt f act , M can ho found anywbero. Thu wal ls and ceiling were formerly plain avhi tc , and the proprietors thought them too cold.lookuisg , the idoaand object of the slow style being cutrely hoist iii tIme ( Ii. rec tion of giving it an appearance of war mth and comfort and therefore time cole rs smacci rero all bright and in imerfect liar mnoli ' wfths thin ' ' ) ietigu. 'I'lso whole roe m 05 completed often wochcs of work , and the woodwork , is cistroly remsmoduled 0)1(1 repainted to corrcsloncl with the val ls and ceiling. and the result is a sumo - pri o ovems to tIme desigmiers. 'l 'hso coiling naturally attracts attention flrss t and it is beautiful. It is laid oil' in hii c large imnisels which all cesiter toward the muicidie one , tipoim wisichi Immore elabo. rat e work was done lImit on the remit , time clh'eclas acen front below , hieimsg to giv e it the almImearauce of a massive ? tal tre e cross , in which each pair of oppumite pan els are finished alike , making live dcaign3 altogether. 'I'hme center of eac h is ornamented with a center piece imi umni shied iii bronzes and fre.co colons. Th o girders arc richly iaintcd to liar. mno nizo with the pi1Mter , a lovely humid. to pai nted imanel ornamenting cads point of int ersection , Imimig mtihl fur.hier set oil bla ck and gilt momildings. T he vaIls are of hit.avy embossed flock pap er , dark crimimson , which increase the war mth o f appearance desired. The eig ht lilfl.tens ) are mnarv 1 of beauty , a now feature in their ( lecoration boLflg the 1150 uf parti colr paint enriched by fire gilt , green and gold bronze , which loud a me tallic glitter to the whole , which is ver y charming to the eye. Iii the cciitrou icr of each pilaster i a splendid , larg e hsand.paimmted panel , each representlena lug the stems and Itowermi , life size , of sev eral vanictica of lilies and other Iluwtimmi ens . These imaimola are simply cx(1uisite , nm and are the objecta of especial mmnnfmraagai tie n on accoumitof the artistic won ) : done of on titcisi. Time arch between time dimming roe m amid iadie3' ordinary is finished in a sty le similar to time imilasters , and the or ilin ary much like time dining room , but. iii lig hter colors , while the broad mirror on its weaL wall retlocto upon its surface the bea uty of the larger room. En fact , eve rything harmonizes so commipiotely , is so IenfeCt in design and workmanship , tha t itwould be impossible to give in wo rds an accurate idea of its effect. .Sk niding at time east front and looking th rough to thmo mirror at the further side of the ordinary the sight is one to ivimi th u admiration of the most ecactiimg cri tic , and with the array of tables with th eir snowy cloths and load of silver , cut gl ass and painted China aid to make time 800 110 a gorgeous and beautiful omme , ii 1iCh1 seldom exiath outside of fairy tales. Tim Kitchen Bros. have reaaon to be pr oud of the rooni as the macst beautiful over seen imi Ommumba or the west , and mut turahly time ) ' give duo credit to the finmmi wh ese ehlbrts have resulted so successful. l ) . Mergeil & ltoseimzweig have ox- ha unted tIme skill of time bct. artists on th is job , amiti they cami defy 51513' 000 teat Imu at it. I t is time crowning one of many el egant pieces of work which has cosmic : th fr om their hatids. As stated , a description conveys but a IO O idea of time regal mippemiramico of the ro om and hence the Kitchen lIves. , witti ar e iiicays ready to let the public have th e full bonotit of mm sight. of any mmciv fesm. I tu ro of their palatialaud imosspitabhe house , wi ll take pleasure iii receiving any iadio w ho wish to see tim roommi , and viio will I ca ll between time hours of 1 amid ( I o'clock : in thu afternoon , wheim they can mice tiit ro om at its host. Nervousnosms , Nervous Debihl ty , Net mralgi a , crv.tms Shock , ilL Vltim. lamacn , 1'rotratlon : all sllowo.i of the Ncro GenratIio Or are isIl permnanontly ismiti radically curet by Allen's Ira1u Food , the great botanica rc iimedy. ; 1 U for 5.-At ilntmwist.s. T ILE II1'1E ANI ) OIIdU4tCTEIt 01 1UTIIE1t 1t 8abbntic Evcnln Iccturg by 11ev . % 'hlhliimn ii. iJnrNlmn. There ii a profound Niguificanco in i n ame. 'rime child boni to .Iuhimi Lutlie r w as called Martin , or Friend of Mmmrs . T his was a imiost appropriate title , fo r M ars , being time ( od of battles , youmm g Fi tartiu evinced his fricmulsimi1 , for thu t d eity by comistant turmoils amid batthimigs . i lls was a tumultuous career. lie fougli 1. hm inisuif and ho fought public 0limiiOl ) an ml li e fought Iloimmo. lie was ii cliammipiomi r if Cl od. And there was a significance i Ii Li mo minnie Luther , ruler of the ioovlc I , fo r ho was chosen of God th sway tim 0 eart of imiankind. His sturdy natum 0 am id his firma faith fitted liimii for a leadm ir o f the German People. IlLs voice wr me g t&dly heard. John hess , according I 0 a tradition well-known in Luther's dim ) 'I h ad spoken this prophecy , "You are no 5. r oasting time goose ( lluss signifying tii LI ) g oose ) , but iii a hundred years you elms II r aise Ui ) tim swan , whmommm you shimmit mit it fl fltht or scorch. him men will lsua r 1m ; hiinm , Clod willing , they wihilot live S , O % Ofl aS they ought. " Lmmtiiur'ss voice wr La s t itus anticipated in ' 0fim0. The life of thigreat mnazi centers upo mm o c ertain great acomies , 'l'horo was tim (3 tr s chool at Ei.sonaehi , the university it A p E rfurt , the monastery amid the lonely cu ii mit a t Erfurt. We eo Isbn untortainimig im L , is riemide as a student , mialhimmir isis 95 thost me ic time church door as mm mami and st.andiim g cu b efore the ¶ hIut at Worms as a roformntu r. v 10 wept beside isle dying child and Ii 0 ru hmumidored against the corruptiomme of tim 0 R omish church. lie was as tender a a hild and as bold as a lieu. lie wrote a ouching letter , which je still preserve I , o lila infant eon , imud ho defied all tii 0 V OWOi Itomo t' crush him and isle truth I. g t last .Q 54j hums dying at Ilialubes I , here lie WM born , putting trust I mm Ch rist , the sinner's only friend , and hum bly looking for pardon through llmmi na me. Time main cimuracteristics of the man We re truths , courage , cimmidiskeimomimi and fai th. lie was a typical ( crm1lan , amid ( ) e rimmntmy does well to hmomsor hums to-day. Fo r oimt of tIme fierce conflict , of which time center was Luther , ( ermtmammy has col lie to Imer present distitiction and hen ce. Let. us prmctico : Luther's virtues , tha t we mmmayommturimttol4uther'e rest. AN IM POll I'.tNT fEOlSION Go osi l'civH Fom- FnrmmmcrHVliim are in 1)0111. ) B y mm decision of the District court of Ad amns cotimity it is again settled that liar. tics oiimmg Iti000y there to the Corbumi fla nhciimg conipammy of Now York , need ( )5i1 7 IY the amnoumit. actually received by theism without imitorest. Thus is indeed goo d miows for our farmers who , by force of c ircumitotamicca wore , a numimber of years ago , commmpeiicd to mmubmmmit to time oxtor- tiom mate robbery of the Corbin comnpimny. All larties owing thmeu mortgages hmmavo to ( ho is to offer time smionoy thme ) actually rece ived after deductimig time mnfammious Comfl mUissilii amid dcmsmammtI time miotes. Ilucklemi's itrntca Salve. T he greatest medical wonder of time ivozaI , Vai -rammtoml to 0ICCI1IIY cone Iimmrn. , Cuts , UI. cot's , Suit. lUtetium , Fever SoreM. Cancers l'hlos , Chil blains , Corns Totter , Chapped mammd. ! , amid all skin eruptons , guarantcnt to cure Its ever y ImLitance , or mommoy rcfummdcd. 2. comiUs or box. - 1'OlI'ls ltUSlESS. . 1I ( ) % % the JIflm'eimt Itonils Imitesiti to " 1jimmml Ize Temillic. U nder the agreemnemit made by the Pa. cirmc roads at Topeka Frida3 , time Sou tisenim lines give imp Portland bmmmiimcss enti rely , amid time NorUmurmm l'acille gives ill ) Sami Frrncisco pammsummgor bUsi- ness . Thu Union Pacific continues t he field for busimiess to mmli points emi time l'acitic coast from Smut 1)icgo , Cal. , as A laska-ito central position giving it titia advantage over both its Northern and Southiurn competitor. T ime Umilomi l'acifie is also allowed to itt tick et passelmgers by way of I'ortland to San Frammcisco at time same rate no to Sami Fra ncisco direct. This leaves time entire Nor th Pacific coast passenger busnmcss in time hands of the Union amid Northern Pa. chile roads. .Aa a winter route the U. I' . will have the ndvantao over its partner aimtl competitor , time . P. , as time most trou ble from snow timid high winds is enplay cou ntered between Saint Paul amid lie- lena . fl io advantage that the U. P. has in to timmi c , coimnectiumi anddistanccs on Califor- isusiness should put it in time lead as agai nst its Southern comimpotitor. Friends t ime iioneer transqoimtimmental IinoJeei ver y goon over this adjustimmoimt of the tram iscomitimiental business. 4' Viii ) Ut' , ) , I. . . A general court immartial is appoimited to imiec t at Fort \Vashakie , Wyommiimmg , on time iOtlm day of November , 1883 , or as 500 11 thereafter as practicable , for the tria l of Private bury F. Mickic , troop A. , Fifth cavalry , mind such other prisonand era as may be bronglmt before it. imr.tii. Foss , TID COt'iT. Major Thaddeus II. Stanton , r.ay do. par timmemit. Major Alfred T. Smiths , Seventh infan- try . First Lieutenant Joseph A. Siaden , Fo mmrtecmmtim infantry. ] ? irst Lioutenamit iloel S. Bishop , Fifth cav alry. First Licutenamit Nortemi Strong , nasisiy tau t surgeomm. S ocommd I4icutcnnmmt George "IV. ilced , Fif th cavalry. Socouid 1.ietmtommant henry D ir. W aite , Fifth cavalry , judge advocate. A greather imummber of officers than ese naimmed caim miot be assembled with. ou t immammmfest injury to the miorvico. 1 > riate Edward Smith , re-imilisted at Fo rt Omnaima , is assigned to time Fourth 4' ) inf amitry. Conimniasary Sergeamit 'rhomnas ] ) owcl , : . S. 4i. , S hereby relieved ( rota duty at Rmtwlimis , Wyomuimmg , amid iwill prmcccd to coniply with paragraph 1 , special or- de ns No. 2i0 , curremmt series frommi time he adquarters of the arsny. 'I'hmo ( lmmarterimiastcr's department will fu rnish time necessary transportatiomm , and tim e sulaistemico depmrtmiment commmmsumtation of ratiomme for time journey , it being imnan pr .tctivablo a carrycooked rations. At Comm-ccilon. Somno days ago mum account was pub. Uj his hed of the sad accidomit which occurred to Miss Etlio Rcdfiuid while walking : ga al eng the railroad track micar time Seven. te enth street crossing. Thomiccoimmmt.pub. . 1mz umed at the timmie was , as line mince been tim ic arnod , unjust iii some respects to the I bmi ila gmnamm at. tim croasimmg , sEr. Bioomn. mmti Mr. Bloom was at iiie post and attend. of in to isis . : g duty by Ilmmggimigsomnoteamns imp. r oachiig emi Scventoemmth street , wimemi lie lie saw Miss ltcdtiuit mimromiehmimmg abommg wi tim e limmu. She was walkmmmg on time ties , an d was mionrer Sixteenth thmnmm Seven. it te onth istroot and tim , moreover , was cmi am iotimer track frommi that or w hich time traimm was aproachiimmg , T ime yommmig hilly Was walking slowly ahomm rc admmig a hook and time oilbrts both ol tim ti me tlagmmiau amid others did not attnic so h er attumition to time commmimmg truism , Sin m WA ti mumm , it is stated , whmomi time imoiso of thm I tim tr ain alarmed her. stepped across to amm I ri glmt L1l)0i1 time track cmi wimichm thu emigimit I bu W ftSi coimmimig UI ) . Time 1dIot struck hmoi emi am id curried ) mur about two rail leimgtlmi I wh b efore alma WJm4 rumm over , which locatc I bo tI me eimot smear timoSuvcimtcontim street cross - to hm mg. .ir. lhlooma is mmmi homiest , ban I pa w orking auth faitimful man amid was imi mu ) sp w ise to biammso for the accident , Th tim O.tTAnmni.-\Vitimout aesimmnimig to writ , 3 at om it a thesis of this universal ailmmiommt , wa fa cts warramit our saying timmmt it ecoimma t ) SU there never was a season whmoim It o prevalent mmmi the present. Time ub..vo Is imrolmmmiimmary to the ( oh . co lo wing , 'iz : That Moasre. hood d Co. mmm f Lowell , believe that time beat way t at eat Ctarrlm , amid the emly way to go I be ormanemit relief , is througim the blood m conatitutiommal diseasu reuircs a comm : bl itutiomuil rmmniody flood mi Sareapariilz I , Se a blood imurilier amid comisititutIommal immod . pi ino timmmt cami be relied Upon , amid hai I mo red numnurous cases of Catam-rim in its i w arious forums.Vu tlmimik this claimmi m ' amionabie one amid gladly give it roommi : our columimmia. To - - - MEN'S UNDE1t\V1/tR. so Iovorat nonUnos just opened , and th a OI' beat value for your mmmoimoy. Goo I oods are limo cheapest. pu F. 3. Ititas , emi o3L1 1311 Faruamu St. us PADDY RYAN. Th e FoDular PniIist CaIlc 1101110 ly BaNcs. 111 4 TrainIng lir a Flglitwitsm Miller itInndommcd. L ast evcnimmg'o traism froimi limo west bro uglmt. nmmmmng its Jsassemmgers time well- kmmo wmi pugilist , I 'middy Itynim , who passed thmr ougii tzmmaima ) onmimo imiontha ago for ami oxl iilitioii toimr timroimgh the west. Ho wan accompanied by lmis tnmiimer , I'iinson Da vis , who is as wehi.kmiown as Paddy. F or two weeks past Ityami has beemm at ho t Sprimmgs , imbue mmiilerm out of Ogden , trai ning for a glove fight with I'ro. fess or Miller , who has just iatmdcd at iatm Framicimico , fresh froni his recent vict ory in Australia. Tim traimmimig ymi pro grcssimmg timmoly when , on Friday , ii disi satcim was received fromn Mrs. Ryan tha t their daughter 'was dyimig , arid , of cou rse , everytimimmg was aIammdommcd , for mum mmnm nodiato start for Cimicago. 'l'Imia flat ) mmcc esajtmmtcd time caiicoihimmg of nil uligago. maoi sts iii time west , eleven diil.rcmmt. comm. trac ts hmavimig becmm immade through Nevada amid California , fl ynn reduced imismiscif twont3' JOImmil8 imi t wo svceks mit time spnimmgs , mind looked to b e gcttingdowmmtogoodiigiitimmg trimmm. mm TilE ( E1tMAN TIifltTfl1l. "IIn rst Timmmea" n3 1)CIIetcil 0mm 5 iso lhmmmrils ol' Our Tcimtoimle Stage 1.ast. Nlglmt. , ' A im tmmmammmihiy large gatimerimig of our Oer nmamm citizemi3 assemmmblcd iii 'I'urmmcr is hail last. night to witmmess cm ropreseimtatiomi of t hmo origimsai dramna imi four acts omiti. to tied "hard Timnes. " Time piece is an cx- cept ionmahiy imiterestimig ommo to journalists , t ime whmolo plot imhmmges on an article writ ten by Robert Mohmr , a disbiterested and noble mimmded jotmrmmahiat , of which ther e are so many to be fouimd the ( ate City. 'l'hmimi eharac. ter was very ably sustained by Mr. Molchiirm , who acted tiw part as if to the manner born. M r. Baurois , as Streak , the capitalist , was very mirth.provokimmg , and Mr. i'emm- nor , as Boimrnmann , time bok-kecper , play ed his part very creditably. T ime role of flitter Von Schwalbach fell s1r. Pcchtcl , who acquitted hmimnsclf exce llently , and Mr. Meicr , as Scimwci. ger , time proprietor of ' 'Timo Lammterim , " was well received. T ime vivacious lhTr. l'tmls , iii time cimam-ac- ter of henry Sciiiii , made a great hmi , and Mr. l4iimdcmnammmm , as etlitcnial reportr , was a valuable acquisition to the coin. pamm y. Of cotmrso , time great at- trac tion was Mrs. Krafi't.Frey , who app eared oct this occasion as liertium Sch walbacim in ivhmich , aim shone as a rc spie ndcimt star cf the first magnitude. Mr s. Pmmls-Alml anstmiimmed time somewimat giri isim character of Theresa very prettily , and was much applauded. Mrs. flaurcis ma de an excellent old lady of time frigid time aris tocratic school , and her nmimko.up was % % ' com plete. Miss Tlmresseim , as Emmmihie , and 1'imo , , r s. Lithlcmnann , as Antonio , both cmi- act ed their several parts smith graceful. flea s and oasd. S P erhaps that which tickled thmo audi. enc _ o most was the roller skatimmg sceimo in wh ich Messrs. Baurcis end Molcimin and Mr s. Puha-Aimi appeared. It was certain- excecdiimgiy ludicrous amid evoked bur sts of genuine laughter on all sides. 'tT . . : Tak en as a wimole "hard Timnes' as roll. amos res ented last night amy safely ho pro- mmou nccd a great sticceos ummd does great _ i cre dit to time entire comnpammy ihmieim So . : ; . abl filled time Li. y progranimne. : ) - - flOitsE . I . - . . Trio /ceht1oits anti Itmeidents _ Muro or Less Seriomm , . 'i1 T ime large and hmammdsomne double team dri ven to A. lj. Strang's big ivagomm mimot wit h ami accident Saturday afternoon \ I irh ichi very nearly resulted seriously. ltoo Tim oy wore being driven nioimg time raised gro und botweesm time U. 1. freight house d tracks and time street car tracks , % wim on an engine passed niommg close to aten the m arid frighmtened theta. They backed ) ngaiimimt. tim railing or guard , which \ wa s of heavy tinmbers , amid one aection ve way , time leaders falling avon thu - \ cmn bnnhimemit onto time street car track dres bel ow , the wheelers on top of timonm and e wagon jmmmit moiBinig itself on the edge t not going ever. Time position was clm that before Limo horses c.iiild got. omit t time oimtauglommicnt they were caugimt , Nt strange to say , were found to have bones brokoim. Time wagomi was loaded V tLhl iron amid hail I : fnlhumi emi time horses V would certainly have immjurcd souse of ommi seriously. ' A As traimi No. 1 came in yesterday on 0 e U. 1' . crossed time iholleummu road , uth of towms , a bug funeral Imr000ssiomm , ' S masaing by. The third vehicle frommi _ _ o rear of time procession woe a simmgle V ggy , and time hmoree took fright at time " gimmo amid begami backimig up , Time "S eels locked withm thmoso of the buggy 1 imimmd it , amid , imm the commfusion , time lat- S r was overturned , amid time only occu- olt mmt , a large vortly geiitlemmiMm , was illed out , takiimg time toil with imima. B e horses still struggled , and righted moo e buggy again , upon which time horse 1ra tmmcimed rami oftacrimas time country amid Cat % s hmeadimm for the Iowa aide when last tor Ch by time ) asBommgers. cai A ilOitSE.'ii IIEATIf , 'rime hoao which was izmjured in the % lhiaiomm witim the hioao cart time other V ormiimsg died at Dr. Chammmbore' hme.sjmit.aI . _ l:10 : Saturday afternoomm. Time poor W ast was led out of thu stable just a few ed. inutes before , amid began bicediug torn. elio Ad y timros'gim time hole iii time aide. Chi veral iuartmi of blood ran out , amid mm Y ece sf tim lummg came with it , the aid. i at oxpinimmg in a very smimort time , It , t as valued a 225. V bUr " Letter frommi inn. thmo Editor of Tims Ilmor. liavimig traveled oxteiiaivoly time Past ' asOim from lamisami to Dakota , I timinic - A f observations may be worth L ' bhiahimig for the benefit of tiioeo inter- ie 'l ted , Time crop of small grain was un. , ' is ually large iii icansas , Nebraska amid L "T Da kota , and I became very much imiter. oste d in time difl'oremmt nmachiimmoa scd in hmar vosthmg , especially time solf.b'mndlng har vesters. niy busimmess brougimt mae imm comi tact with tnaimy of time dealers in agri. ctmlt urai immipiomnommts amid time fimnmmors who use d timemnammd by so tloimmg I iearnedtimat time ro was a great difliremmco 1mm the mmiii- chmim mca , altimommgim lookimig so micar alike. Semi io of time dealers commmjmiaimm timnt. thicre is n o mnommoy iii sc1immg scif.biimders , be- cau se they mmecd so niuchi looking after tha t it costa more timrnm their profits. lii f itet. I fommmmd this to be time case ivm tim the mnost of timemn. There vns omm oxcop. tion to tub rimic very easily distimigmmislmcd from nil others , that was a mmmachmmne maim- mmfn cttmred at. St. l'aui , Zhhimimmesota , amid ktio wim as time St. I'iumi immmrveator amid .p. liU bV bimmdcr. 1 talked wmtim a great mal l ) ' dealers who wore selling that nmmm- chin a ammd fommud timenm all of ommo nmmmmd , tima t time limsdiimg of graimi by msmachmmmcry ima been successfully accolI)1)imsimod they Bay tlmtmy can how selL a self hsimier wmtim as m mmcii commfidommce amid as little trommblo as t imey can mm wagomi. I iimcinired where times o mmmachminea could be obtained. at time difre remit points and learned that Jammt Mil ler was general ngcmmt for ICammsas and wes tenmm Missomiri , located at , Kmmmmsas City ; imiso that A. A. P.mraomms , ef Cotmmmcmi Blmihis imad chmargo of Nolirasim and .veatcrmm Iowa , aimd .1. P. Soimmers , of Sioux Falls , attemids to ti me tramlo of Southiem'mm Dakota amid a port ioli of ? mhimimieaota. Taking imito comm. side r.ttiorm time simort timno farmuers himiro to hmarv cmmt their CflItS amid time immimnemise loss fe w days delay ivill cost timemmm cmimd time exp cimse to time dealer to rcpamr sommme mmm- feri or mnachmimme , I wuil advise all ( lcaicrs amid farmusmis ivimo vnmmt a Self Iimmmdmmmg har vester to correspomid with time above mmnumi ed general agemita and secure a mmiii. cimimm e that will go through their harvest . 'itli otmt aumy trouble and do hotter work timam m calm possibiy be domie by immi. it a lOsitiVe fact that time St Pmuml ihar void er amml Appheby Thmmder wilt save graum i onougim over ordinary hmaimd bmimdmmsg lii i ) ' for time twimmo used by time immacimimme. Yours truly , T1mAvImucm ; 11SIAX. ROY4 : ' ' t MuM ! k 1 Absokitcty Pure5 Till s powder never vane , . A marvel of purity trumi gIm anti , ho1eoimerc'c. Storm , ccomomtnmf than ] o niilary amn'It' , an' ) conijot be semi iscotipctiU.n iti , tIo5ntLltitlmd , of low tci.t , mhort wclht , iduni or 1i,4tt , po.dtrs. Somii OitI ) Iii mio1'al cl' owIer Co. . mOO iVall Strct New Yolk . . PEOJAL NOTICES ' I trS poc1aIs will Pcmatttvoly not be Inserted unle ss at5 in atvanco. 15 TO LOAIi-Moncy. ] F L ONm-v 1 ( ) 1.O.'tN mu stint cf s ) , or siso ii tim , mi lou thne at , O by It. C. Pmter.i , &C , . Fnrnnis St. 71 n a . ONk. LO.'FD-s tlmattel , ecmnltv. , s.r. MA\'NE CO , loot' ' Farcnit St. 6s4.isof : To LOAN-The lowot ratas of msmterct ] iI ilerok' . , , 1M ) . & iourlai , . .31.tt ] : TO LOAN-Call itt Lac oiiico of 1) . L. 'fltotna9 , room 8 , Crlhtomi [ flock. L ON1Y LoANiU-On Chattem niortgrsc , room 7 isi Ncbrakn National ilanlo nummdmn. 184. U L J ONE ) TO LOAN-.T. T. m3catty osus on chattel lvi property , 213 South 14th St. 8ot1O , aa I hic ! \y AThL'-.t good Olicjtor , i.s.o arimualnf.'l with - tis ) .uttsl Iook , tra.mo. . Teycitory. Kansas. Itt mm 6 and 7 flcrctt's Ilocl. , Counf1 lthmfl. , Ia. t W 'T1o-To : gIrls at l'aclllc lotmc , , 10th mum ) aho Itatuiport. li5S.ml I \ TATEI-25 ) o.d carpcmmtcr , . at thu rr.mler akat. inc rink , bowccn 11th antI iStU , on ( 'opitom ue , Monday isiorning. 719 mO , ANTSI--lie kOcI.r far light work In ( a , , , , V ily of tso. iriiimiro of Janitor ca 5k School. ; 7cm miii \ rANTEIAncist. lailie , or gcntlcuu.n . fan mmli .4tati&Iri torksfanIly Iflt.k , etc. ( 'all omal. s .1. .3. heflcy OccI'kntal Imotci Omaha Nd , . [ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7i.1ii : ATED-st at 1107 Douias , trntl.ct. lltls and ] Sth. 7i2.iO i f M-rmD-A : tborommhly comapetcot i.m for grim. - V cral housowork. Ucrmsm preferred. mammiro at , 2520 . Douglasstrcc [ . Silts. IV. A. CL.titK , I 71 1).tf TMcmKm-omnm fur general iiourvwork . _ , ? . . ! : ; . . F V ( , Ij oct St. . 6)1-mu , y . .mrn- : n"ol bIackmuttlt at itorti , oa.t car. F - , ivn7tii and ! 'breyst. 700.m2f I , % T.rEO-A fIrst 0:50 : , larl.crmt 11,0 Pixtnii lintel it . Iarber iiom , . 70 : ' 10'.s y ANTIms-&m : , lmstcllfgosmt colorot scars 'itim [ lofty . of smonc. C. K. .ita3mlc & Co. , Uts ) Pontoon , 70 t1.tt ' TtNTCt--t oaItrcs , 1OIZ. ILmnimey strect. oa o1 Suil _ _ ± 'mo ynm- : . ' flm.t.cl. m'mtcnii nokdr atiiiY cel.mor Slachino iVorka , llarney ift. 017.10 I \ ANTlI-A : pantry mild at the Etnnct liouts , . F TANTKU-saleman Ion each eotmty its ( ho U. ace S tS. i3 any ia to 8100 antI eapetiso , . floo.ts I b . ) ' arnplo. LA 1IKLLE Mr } ' Co , , Cliica"o. 1i c 8s.mim cod , .1 l ) USlNIS CIlANCESWtt wiumt a iito staterigesit mtrs forNetjraak , aridune for lows , on a slew ftc. r. , mcct. miutami # 3.00. 'Porsimot of l many ncr.srosoorlIon.ti. ( A. Fors'rard ) . 5mu.t U , , _ Li L llI Iiii ; to tar l.craunsm imt [ ti each county seat. Cr' . s mnalu , 8510 re , neck mdl sjtthr , lasumeillate In. view tflu bt aIi.ointe4 Ifyou state occupation sod i ; ' ttal by Iettui uddreac.I .1. . } [ m'AI.iFlm .cO. 1603 tm omOlt 1ia S3 , l'imiton lIotel , Onama. rAa1F.1)-Gnod note to thok. out trcui , out at SO F V scrod of ground oiiCumIn ist. , insiduclty lImits p li3i18 , Agent 15th and Iourla , St. i7&tf TAN'I'Ei-i.s.dT agetits ts soil Usa heat cIiIng 11mm , of arid Citlldron' . goods ever offer. _ I. _ ii.ies mnado fnemcry hoes , , a fait u ienti cams w time goods.mgomts iou umakmrig $ mOO a muouth. F dmcss , % .ttiStau1 ) , , La.iJ. 1. ! . Uc. , U tiouthldtmy Ht. , bUtC ( a4O , lii. 505 itml St. TANTEI-Uini In a fanmimy of tw. . Iuqumro at ! _ _ _ c. J.CNAN CO. $ iO.tf ' u AnitiicijInis ion goutt ouummoe. host V ' 54:5. Apply Immediately at employment cau Si ? N. mOth mit. No. on lou. U1.U 1 J ? 8ITUATIONS WATED. sail itro itrol - -l p ol oed addeesi. Address No , 1 lIeu omfli. . 715.13) N eapenlotmcod accountant Is de.lniou. ci obmid. In tmnp1o mnemmt. It. . the em enings , moderate coma etto' Addre.s"A4ls. 13cc otilce. 7O'12 D It T/tNTIi-I. P'Y has1n .is year. esportesmco mat 1 as UtiOk I.eepcr soS salt'cmtan hi aoccr Iouv Sea he , a lotmlou or pWd buy mu. thtorct. Address . "IJvv oilice. . 70.IO1 7 , " \ _ ' % ' 1 , for Infants and Children. Cast erin ; ) rommmnl ( 'i4 lig'st ion Wlmtit , giveg our CisIIlren roqv cheeks , flflt F'tattmtemmcy , t..omisupa. I 't 11 ' mt tuniS I ' win km.rs , momako ' , , t.lmoiim , floem . , tion , Sour Stomimacim , Dimmrrlmcna , atmil 'lit Cat.r1a Fev ei-isimtmcss. it iImsImreH health auth lafeq fret and cry byturns , What theIr , cmmrems colIc kills titoIr , wnmm mma tuziiI sleep , vitimout imLorimhilne. 1ut Cilatorti. . 'Vlmat qimlcldy , - cures ConstipatIon I , SOmmr Sioumacli , Colds , IndigestIon , Citctoria is so woil adapted to Cimllilnen flint Jtiit CntonIti. kno I rec wn ommitnend mo mite. " itmassisrw'nior II , A. .acnirs toany trecriptIomi , M , 1) . , Fa-el1 t1mn to MorphIne Syrups , a . ' . . Castor Oil amid Paregoric , amid Portland Ave. , lmr'ooklyn , N. Y. nan CntorIt.y CENTAUR LINIMENT-an nbsohmito euro for ithouma. . tlsm ii , Sprains , Bmnims , , Galls , &c. Time siiosf Powcrfi1 nnl Fenc. . tra tlimg l'nlit-reliovimmg zmmml JIcnliimg Itcmncly ] enovn to nian , - - - r4 p - _ _ _ THE k3ESTTHREAU FOR SEWHG MACH111 - . . --i ± _ _ 1p S IXCORB SPOOL COTTON Is ENTIIELY T he Product of American Industry PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE T HE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD TF 1'Oll IIAND AND MAClINE SEWING. F ull assortmmicnt constantly on lianil arid for sale by HENRY PUHRMAN. P Nh. t .NTmI-smtuotm'n : as coachman. l'dcate fan , . S 1 fly omelormot. " 4. I ) . C. , " [ fec . , Stco , 07O.mO 1y hIISCELLANEOUS WANTS. [ y , NTI-A miartmmcr oith at least 3OO ( to go Vral into a tinol ayImmg him.Itmc. , . A mitereimant pro- : ral , Io For pattI'iars , , ditrcsi JOhN I' . ] IOOVF mm , $ Inisliold , SOTVY Co. , ei. . 7iS.ot I ANTJu-eIml. : thmqmmisc at iSO 1iivesmport St. , , 411 J0 It i' .tNTE1)-A tow table boardorms at 1720 Litis a s trct't. (356-10' T ANTE1)-martmcr , mIttt $ m,000 or $ ! ,0OO lit a ' inum , ai , ) } uIimc. /t rare opportunity. I'ro- it oto yentl.v. i'amtIoslti , the money Lhiiig miiiIii Oniictiiari , ad1re ' 1tom.mts , " tti1 chico. Iii I 10 10ThrnDTo V ThrnD-To imurcima'a mm gooti ,1ti' , bu'Imcs. , to ' Omaha. A,13rc , , K. iV. flo , .it3eo. C3-i2) iy , NTflD-Tocxc ) ann' , thoirnhio city residence for iarzmiirt catenii cmiroha. . % pjhv to J. tV. Ot NSI3UiY. Itcamestate acmt , i&th amd rariatm. , (302-tf NThD-i'lcaaut , futnmIsilediroam , % 'jthor htic.m 't day loard for ei.thesialt , ad , tie , ( no etilidreit ) ate mantictmIoratii , price. mcfcremicce..chaived. . 'td- rca' , " 11. A , i % . " tilt aIik'c , (371.iO'J Fol RENT--liouooa and Lots. ? o mm 1mm"r-iIotmo : with , 3 roame. kmtctcs , cio.ctj , aitny , etC. , at 135tStnttanavmmuo. , , 1J0-iOj u , 1m IiENT--Fssrnhicd , rooimm cverythin mmw corn f ontabic amdtltict. ltefcrcmccs , jxchammrctl icto icl. on St. 703-12) ) 70312)I -ilv o harvo ro . , tii's to rent. 1iiiuiro of 1'.itnick Ford 2 10 southm 10th iit. cst mi a mNi'iivo : cottmc , a rIom. cacti , an ioth st reet , betwcomi F.enan , , and Dotmglag , 3.IO lien omit ) , , 7OO.10 ; ; i T-1Iomc S roonis N. mi. iOth. . nail late , , . m , omt. Apply au vrcmmiIso. 31. 31. ) I.tidSiiALL. ( ) IiiNT-'I'hrcc Iere rooms fmmrmiimctt or tinfur. nhqUtd jim best iamt of city. ilqtmtro , usia Far- am St. t'Jt.mo. ; ' io ttnmcrmf : , , , ofornoscmnsets.vc. , , gOOl cellar .ehl ail , cUter , , . Amply 1SOT Iard St. betiets th amid lOt ) , . Ihuutmy to Strcet Car. . 7U1 iOt l'O ii ImmNr---Tmvo : uimfirmlsicd , , and two fmrnlhetl t oants 1511 Cttmtmit St. c.rtmer 15th , 74)0-1i ) It IlENT't 6 room Iommo , atom liars , , 5S.tn. . 'i'mb L. . llotci corner huh amd iouflas Ste. 7tom 10 tV A NrnI-A sttttatlnsi t.v niali aimit % i ife-Ima be. ihrst.ciats cook ammi Irn to gt 01 ivaster , , r .io ' , ther iiitati3o avork. iiuu.'t mirvterret' ' , moo cimt c n . 1cfer.nmcc. { , girds. Address " .1. 11. h. " lice . 071.lot ) iimtIN'3' A Immrihicd fommec fsmll of rnoior , and m ; ordcr , In m cmmtrat location , amat fmmrnltmmru for (11031. . Addrc ' 'S. S , ' lieu Ohhicc. 078-14 ttKN'I'A small , nIcely lurntheViomn , posit- a Iio for mm slmigit , gesmtlcrnas. , fl.ith roou corn emm- elmce s. 1120 Capitol arcmzuc. 67.2101 iN lt 11l.1'-lcn' Imouso , 9 rooms. hard and soft % vtor , all zimodt-rn iimiprrnc&neimt' , 4L3 CaismUl ea uo 67g.ioi E'o ii lmmNT-llmreo : new cottages , 5 trooms , aeU a nd caster , , , fmmlm Iota , ctc. , cacti iO per ninnth. 1) . 1. . T1103.IAH. iO I [ J1KNT-Vimrmtslel room , . , suitable for gentle- mass , 15319 Farmiani street , (3)7.101 Fo il li1NT--Fotmlletj , room 111(1 lIotard street. . .mo mi IIFN'j'-Ymmrmml.IieI suomme , , mum hoard I.iO or evek , at 1505 , I.mckom , tteet 1 uIt iiP.l-FtnUhmect , , rootms ammO bond nuttern luiprovernomit , , ismo Dudp St. ( i7ti-13 OR I1KNT-Cottagcs tiear00.i ar.1 Clark strest. , 10 11cr month. 1 J. FitnmornIs , 612 8 , 1711mM. ull Iim--t-A : ; likely fiiiibTctt alc.mvueoorn , sotmthi exposure. A1ii 1Untr , i Itim or aitimoust boarim. c hre Ihot-k front liouco. Addrc ' , , opera 0. H. mItt s. imtt st. 5dm-ti" _ . .s ot [ miINTCottao : 7 racIng , 2tI , ammil flarcimport s tni-ets. 02.OU i'tr m'mormtls , V. I. IJWVE1I , 07 0-101 U. 1' . iitoiiS. ' omt nmx-r--uottns : In Nulirasha NatIonal flank llmmhldItr. , i.toilndrallu odIces in tmmo city. ilici itttli IadramIio , vluato attn tmcate.t lay ms. aiphy at Hank. O2tJtf i1p.ST-pnIlmc froat room , 1721 Dougtae treot. 670-If _ oil imi-r-i' : funshimed roorn at $8.00 amd io rr month. mach : roomn large cmaotmgls for two % Iliant4. 19)4 ) SYcUter street. 602-It )1t ) I1INT-Purnthc,1 mciii- . and board by time . .15) or week at ill N. 14th lit. thu houti lurmmirr. O ct-lipleit by Mr. . Pay ttimobas beun bought out byU , , Bmurclmler , 545.10) ) 1 olt IIF.ST-A few furmmimeci ) recta , slnghu anil tot 1 llLchtlmousoieepmzagtemprQrarjmy , acant in . block corimer eight ash howard. 522-ti oa fl.NT-1'iaant rooms , furnt.ed or not , as dchrni , lout tlock train opcs-a buu.ti. Api ly _ karmmaum. 476-ti oIl I1ENT-it funimislmeti 4weUmni cornet Jfoaar(3 rmd iftts , Itent70.i.on momitum. 0. W.Jlomams. 412-ti 0 Lrr-rurum.bod cactus with boar , ! 1803 Call. 1 _ .L fornia St. Ni oIl ltfiNT-Nr-w store Sri roitm bm..c on Stun. ne derd strect. ( Spoil Iocstlom , for grocery store , ci bdtSiiOl , tc. Inijuiro at Peoples lAnk , Iodu U N 201tf oR 111NT-Ftmrntsimed rooms on lbs amorthwcst con. 15th andcapttolasenimo. is.ti Ofl I1PXV-Ilesidesco , ml torebuilJin. . 1ISDS Folio & sounmt , itet Estate Agency. OSlo. side 14th street , botseon Faxnana and Doim"Laa lm cta. mit as est LKASK-Four choIce lute un000it lit. , loma Unao , 217 N , iStla 1st.JL.Macbk. 5125.11 _ _ hog BALL /dIUCIIANCE-We cifertorealo at a bcratn , 16 ) tao ibouauat acre , ci land In a body. Will M , , s m3tt stock ranch. Sma mIles Inuma County n. t of Hi'vao ' county. 'Itomas tusy. . an C ) P' . IlA.lS , t CO. , cc 17-ti 261'5 Esrimamu street. ma _ \ \TE tIl1 g1o e'ccluslio Fate at and smear Omaha of V a % ery Popular brand of flour , eashivoold , lan-u ma cgala. to rctioflihle ilealer tmere , alan , ill murhl it.E2 I I1ANKIAN SIlLm.S CO. , 55 Clark Street , Chico. E2 L1m ! 714.lt-eod F ° R SAT,1-A tttt acre on Hurt St. for $1,830 ; . half ca. , ) , . halattce cam ) tcrma. C.ooI house 4 ri , onms , out Ltmitdmns , ciatern , fruit tree , , lnc , etc. , It fenced a bam-ratn. 'tPPmY Monday at Western u nslaiaer flub , . l2thm amid liswnrd. 712-3o ) fun SALF-Uood biisiie , , toad stock oods for talc lit llourlslngNcb ) , 11 , 11. toozi ; % % illexchamj"o Sir ( ) maia real estate. lotq miortn Omaha ems inonthlv pavment. 718-14 Stiimmvim u flmt.T. . QI1 SALfl-Ta-o to , , acre tract : eaiy trans. Two lmousc and cormier lot lOut St. 'rico lot , , east Ircmt Smear i'ark. I cttagc oh ceo-gia ni e. Two story imotiqe on l'ark a'e. afl.m4 SmlltVKm [ & llClli3ttt St. op ; ' . P.O. I 'OKSAl.K-lOm acres of first cham- farm buid timrco iimk-s fmomn Cotunmt , , . I'hatto County. 1'nIcl5. . a' ' ' , acme. ALViN 6AUNDEI1S & CO. , oppmaitc the ! - " ° I aomt SAI.fl-iVtst 55 fcet of lot 1 ? 1tliliard anti . Cah.hivclis adlittos , , this a acry them-Irablo lot as it. fu.i lt-mmgtlm l 'irs Shemman avesmo antI i corner lot I'mku $ i.'OO. . 'mLViN SAUNDIfliS & GO , oppo. ietot. (397.35 F elt SM.i--Lot 1 block X. SImIan's addi ion. Price 831)0 1 , , , imimmtlmly iaymcnts of $10. ALVIN S.t UN1mr.IS & co , , Opiatisitu time I'axton. 0)3.15 F eli Sjt1-Tao limhi lots islIl , now liinse lianscom lilace , a great Itirgaism. C. u. ) layimc & Co. mitt ) lii rnarn. 707.tt 10l [ SAIE-Frcslm milcit cows , at mnilltar.v brmdo I 25th atarI Cunihrig stroete. (370-131 , OhtSALK-Merjiatit Irmmlonint hitmalnoc , , well ca- tallIsliutI auth i"tymi'r. Good reaomms for selhinv. ! iics-t ! : " 0. (3. " Dcc 018cc. imil 1 ? F oti SATE-Elegant cottage. alnst , mmcw. all con- cmnvemiemmec , , t2S0O. i'art cash , ttmiso on bal- ali ce. Also nice story Imouse. 7 rooms , large Ussr : . , etc . , centrally iGiatcii , m52fOO. 3OO unit , mrhncu to Stil t itrchasr. ( 1iis , mromertY Is nortim lull$3COO. . 0s2.tf C. IS dMNK . CO .1509 Farnam F oIl .SA1.7-lkordin house in goat ! hart of the , -itc. l'slceLJ30. Apply 11. iIANrivm-mI.Emt : , (353-mo ! 11111 SIr. , smear Fmmrnam. F oit SALK-l'arm , , In caster : , Ncbrqis , .1. W. 1.OL.NSHUmY , itai iatido itgemt , 13th atmi Far- ita rmi. 691.11 ; i011 StLm-Vacant tiahI lat" nt-ar dty. Also sea. eiiI linprosed half lots at a bargain. .5. IV. Lo vNsIltnti. m3th stint i'aran. (32-tf F ch , SLu-Ciseapasecy gte.irahlctsseIllms house ci t orlm't , , .s.o I , .t 11cr , at iii Li at citerr , . ) lot us liv 1n 2. iSmiultu LI \Vebttr et. betwecim itthunmd 10th St rtet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 071.m2 IT SAL1 : .t smat , ! imorc. iniismtme of 1) . l. .Sbuuao 5 at mscwcottrt ) mmso. 87S.12 flit S.sI.L M1-l.1 , : ttara1t. . . Ii'im.o ' , aimit fa'ilot , F tsi'.t ( nsrt , , f , itimis etmeed. Ety : tennis. 82.000 , lio-.o , , 1ai n : mti'I ( ( Jilt tots. Fny tcrlm , . 1,1 ( 0. Good h.Im'c , mm rotsm , full lot , barn and alt corn- plc tn , mearhrcet umrr' . 'i'crtmist,50O. usc bt-.umtfiml corsior hit. . , , m.ar etmict cars. limimiros ( ' 0 tarsus iit , as liii iand in 1uamttitit to stilt its ill I'tt uf lIsa is ItO. lusts amdNuhirasa , Coal Lands for sale cheap. J , A ltOLI.1S4 , 031-If Omaha Natiommal Bank. I , 08 8.T,35-1.ntss 15 and 10 U ock S Uanooin 1 lucre ( Ui i'ark asia , only 8350. each. 617.t McUAOUI , oppoilto P. 0. ] Oi1SA1C-A well established Brick buttroaa with naclsther)0ud grounIts. 514-ti MOCAGUF , odposltc P. 0. -I , ( , li tt'tLV-.Twoiots N. iV. earlier of 06th anti ChIcago St. Itatuiro of Etiholma auti 151ck500. 457.tf ] acIm SMF.-Corncrlottn 5hlnne addition. . 510-I : l1cVAOUI , oiilOitO 1' . 0. ao1t8Ma-New cottncu lii good locatlot , , 83000. 510-ti SicCAUUKopsuslte 1' . 0. F OIi SAL1-85 broil horses , wagons , buggses and harness asmil stallc , for rent at 1rnlgnmumt stable , ! mti , : St. 0. flilt\VIN. . U i ; oim s.iiiVittciase second baud mom , buggP' ' I _ Call at 1319 Uanroy street. 9711 F oil SAL35-les1demsao and buslmces property in all rart ci Omaha , and Farm Lands its all mcii of the State. IiKiFOitI ) & SOUltit , 703-ti 213 13. SIlts St. bet. Farnstn and Douglas. I l SOil S.tmC-A mmumutmcr of , msortagce , flrstniass sol - etmrlty. SicCAtlUfi , Opposite 1' . 0. 616-tI F 011 SAL-Tavo portable boilers. 10 Imoro miuwer. Apply at 0 D. FITZPATRICK , _ 6s&.ti 215 South litla Street. iom [ 84tLfi-IIousu amtt carrier lot omw equarf Street cars at tl.700. Sma.tl MccAaUuopposlts 1' . 0. 1 ? oR SALIS-000d bu.slneso chancre at 211 N. SCU * .L street. J. L. MAJIBLE. 639-ti -U 'oIt $ AL35-Atsbargm.iita smnailaioslerUabom&nD _ amid Cu' , Ore moot sale. Inquire at this oSlee. TANTl-ToIai'Onestaa ) ltutlistato for lute. . 1 1' tuna , Cstl ems MeCAUU1 , opposite I' . 0.610ti 610-ti TJ 'OIt SMII5-Ota , .055-i : ; i-- ; an Small 1. quantitlee at this chime. , . If F OR HAI.fl-Threeor four residence lots ( comcnt ) ' in best Iocattuu iii city , 611-ti McC.&OUE , opposite P.O. l'OiL BALE OR EXCIIANOIi-Vuui mat mind lUre. dwotlimsgs comet of 11th and Pociflo streets. ne laId Ut south Omaha. Also 100 acree of land ar Santoms , Nelra.eks , and .bflJ5lng amid stock of oth1iti No , 801 Tenth street. Will eschang fet , braak& term 1&nb. Yuribur particulars at Osu , , l'etere.rn'i Clothing Store , 804 Tenth )1thgi.L.&NEou8. S 1AYEI ) OIl KFULKN-NmnCmbtr lvi. a red cow , 11 yenta ( iil , Oflu horn broken ea , Any forntlon regarding her aUl be Ihankiutiyrerel.-ed ihe l9thstrcvt V.'uodyard , Nuntlievstcorn.r moth id ilanney , 630-loS 630loSDWARD E DWARD KUEHL AOIBTEIi OF I'ALMYBTKIW AND CONDiTION. .18T5 503 Tenth street , betweets Ysmam sod ha , . . y. wsfl , with the ski ci guardtan spirits , obta.b for ) one a gleoc. of lb past and proseat , md om. rtit ConditiOn. Ui thu future , ) kmot end stic toomdtr , l'enfect s.it1et.mctlg iiitaimttaaL