Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1883, Page 7, Image 3

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TILE I ) + tILV BEI + - - - \ 1ONIA,1'EMll.M \ ' 12q 1&3. 7
Palace Music Kaii
\ - . -
T0 t .I 1q
5IS ) t9L49T9 [
a 0 e. IOWA.
Proprietor of Music Ilnll and General Maunger for the Celebrated
Of Mendota , Ill , , for \Vcstern Iowa , Northern Kansas nut Missouri , Nebr. ka , Southern Miltuesota , and
Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Mnteliles9
cu . A
I aY + f/rtrJr6bt10
a {
, ,
r : Ei 4&s T31 ] EI1
9 9
ua1C ' Boxes , Pest Italian Strings Music Books and Binders 2
Sheet Music Etc. Etc.
Fine Ooods1
, . . All Kinds of Oames and Toys 1
Ai * specialty in the Piano line , I would recommend mast heartily the
tardmaii 101
. f ,
A line tone , finely finished , first-class instrument in every respect ; they are not the ellelylest Pianos , bu t
within the reach o all who really desire something that will last a lifetime , Till TU'TM ,
They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS.
. .t
so largely advertised like patent medicine , and like it , good far everything and uotliiug in particular , l D O
NOT KEEP IN STOOL I cannot afford to sell them , as I live too near home. But if desired , I am pr e -
pared to furnish any of these"eheap Pianos and Organs at eastern prices , save freight , provided I am not lief ed
+ resPonsiblo. In connection with this I will state that my Organs contaiu G full octaves of Reeds , to one se t ,
( aiid do not call a single octave of reeds , a full set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers.
I sell Pianos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with small extra discoun t ,
rip Send for circulars , Address
N0. boa South Main Street Council BluffsI ow I
' 1 '
AD1)lTIl1NA1 , LtCAir NE11'S ,
l'U1IMIOItCl,11/ ,
corsclL nLCrr ; n.1aKISr.
A'h'At , No , 3 rig 7001 No , 8 , ( Or ; re.
jrtrd , ink ; gotnl dauutud.
Corn ihnler.arepaying : &SOc ; tejcetal
a + rn , l'Idri1gi''IUin fIW ; u0u misetl,4Pc ; wldW
en n , idle ; tlw rt c0tpfuf cmr11 Afd light ,
Oita-1U Ktvtldolinn(1alYhc ( ,
I I is I X(1:0 : W per tou ; OOc ire , bnlo.
live IOc ; light supply.
C ' deal l 2t ierr lot ) pnuuule.
11 ( tt ( ] uotl supply ; in cos at yr tt , J IRl ( j
n W ,
Coal 1101b enul , hard,1100 per ton ; soft ,
i ! A prr too ,
ltnttr'r'1'lmty and in fsir tlmuaud nt
crrmuory 8O' .
l kk + bendy snlo nt IGu par doaen ,
1ar + -1'tltlnuk's'tholeunllug 1 at ] lc.
Poultry Nina ; kers ate irnyllI for
chickOnA hk ; u , ' ! > l ) tree duzuu ,
1'tgetableI otatos , boo ; unml { + , 6Ot cab ,
6ngux , IIt1 il0u per during apple .1loal . l OU
prr bartrol
Tlour--City Iloar , ( o : ; ' 10
Itrrwma2 00 ( ? 3 00 pbr tloz ,
Llr6 STOCK ,
( 'nttla a ( R1n'3 ldl ; cn1v s , s O0@7 sO ,
Ilogs11 nket for ho's quiet , IlM tha pae1
l ug honnaro closed ; ah ppatt :1)o paying I W
Q0. 17J ,
. .
- - - - ® - - - - - -
( its Ixtnres { at Dixby'a , Sk3lhoa ; l vay ,
I1trnmu 1S llroten have the contract
f or the carpuntcr work mt lltu now s6at
iug rick , to ho bt It o1) corner o [ Pearl
Strout aunt Fifth nveiue , lhu liu llushes ;
is to do the ntasuu svark.
Cut rates to all puiuts rat McAllistet's
ticket ulliw , i,0i lir0athvug , Conucil
L'lulla ,
TI11 : Iu''niI.lN u1'111r 1auA'rtoN. '
Cutuncuun'ntDl ; U1) ) I (1111h Anuivm .
uu's : OF the ISirtlt of the ( ] re'a (
Itelnrnler ,
Services in coonuolnorationof the 100th
; nmirarstn'y of the birth of llbu tm Luth
m , uriginnt0rof the great ptYtuatnut r1)
fornlatiun of rho sixtoeulh century , arc
being bold this week all over the cislhzed
Luther way unluubtctlly 11w greatest
of all prutcalait refnrmma. Ilia work
eras the first violent outburst of human
thought from the ata , uations of the dark
, ( ; res. Thu result of it was greater
pcrsanal freedom in r01ii0us matterflnnd
the introduction of the idea of "faith null
works" inatcad of foruLtlis ii. Lotion '
was horn at Itslobon , Ccrnnuly , in 1iti ; ; ,
t ic n aa of finned a priest i1) tw ] yau 1JU ; ,
and morel to 11'lttunbmg ihu fullnu iu ; (
year. In 110t ) he began lecturing ntu l
preaching 0n the holy acriptires , uud th u
norclty and liberality of his idtlLY bcu , ; ; 1
to excite utteniimL 'Phu following year '
ho vas sent to ] roue. ll'hat he uaw nnad e
a ( leap improssimt 01111111 , and almost im
nlcdiately nn his return ho erns ntado I
doctor of divinity , and his catcer as a re
fmnwt nny properly b1) said to have Lu
bunt , The aysteni of indulgences tut ( 1
reached a scandalous height. The sale n f
pardons for sin hall become nu otoanizr ( fi
part of the papal syatctu. Alouuy 1)ta 9
needed at konw to sustain iltc extras a 9F
gauccaof the papal cmu tand cutssardcso F
the church tvuru canuuissioncll every
where t0 sell " "
"indulgences , as they leer U
called. Joint 7'etel , a Dominican fruir
established at Juterbach , on the bottler Il
of Saxlnlywas , the chief of these pardon
venders. Against him and his troll { L
Luther's indignation waxed hot , and lie
ally became irrepressible. lie drew ii 1)
0:1 theses against the doctrinoof indulgen
ces , and nailed1 ono of thorn onto the gat
of the church at 11'ittcuburg , lvhero i
'wvabned great popular conlmoton. Th e
n a mloral 1 fur [ wet of tlteso theses tv to de
ray tllo pope the right to forgive sins , an d
this proposition Luther o1lii rcd to nlltin
taro in the university against all impugn
ers. 't'his sudden and bold ntovunneu t
awakened widespread excitement.
Totzcl vat forced to retreat from th o
borders of Saxmly to 1Tr ukfort on the
Odor , wlteru ] w puhlishcd a counter so t
of theses and publicly committed thorn te
of Luther to tle : flames. At first tii e
pope , Leo \ . , took little heed of the dig
turbulc0 ; , but it grnlually ( assunlcll a
seriousness which le could not disregard
Luther w as sunlm00el to nppeal'at lkllll e
aull answer for his theses , his nniverni
ty , however , and the elector of Saxony
olio was ] his fricii , interfered , and '
legato tens sent to Curnlany to hear au
determine the case. A papal bull wi
then issncll against hint 'I'bis decal i
llOClllllellt was niruud at the ldlslcr hat e
of Il'itteubergbefore nnassonlldcd multi '
tudo of doctors , atudunts , and citizens
7 ho diet of 11 o1 ills-uuu of time coos
fanlols councils iii iii
history--nmot tit
bcinuing of 1,21. , An order was issue ( 1
for time destruction of Luther's writings
and lie himself .
was sunnnoto(1 to appeal
before rho dint , 'Phis vas , above all
what helesircd-toconfess time truth am l
argue his claiuls before the rtssunlble ( l
powers of ( ; erutuiy. IIis appearuucu nn d
( hnncanor before time ( hot , anti the first
11085 and logic with which 1e hold hi a
ground and refused to retract , are du
seribed witli much eloquence in mos t
histories of the time as presenting a
striking picture. l i 182.i Luther Inat
tied Jntherima von Ilera , ouu of rain
nuns ts'ho , ender his teaching , hod om an .
Cipated themselves front their religiou x
vows. l + atler's ' works nee very volunl
3111)113 , partly imi Latin and pru'tly in ( tor
iuall ,
lhit futvnrticle.lua o leaehed ranch n world l
pido repntntim [ as AnOhrlult ; f31tt01 H ,
Tor over fifty 'cars they have been ncltiowl
edged stalulai I regulati , of tire digusthro 1)r
gars. 1'hah' siiccoi. Iiiw ilmeited ilydtrltl0tle
Ito 131110 vile got the gomitnuo article Iilanuhi c
tared only by llr , .l , I ; , lt. licgm t & ,1 ouv ,
T111't WINTIJlt rA1ACr' ; ,
The 4fagnlfleOnt IlgtlIUru t110 Gore I.
sill ltionltliNNlanN
St. I'clcrh
NI0. ( aurg Ulruspnndmlc0 $ an I'Aiucbcu L'hr ° '
The whiter palace is a huge building o ' f
brOtl tt ateltli fill Corers a large area , efts 1 1
of the sides ( itisnearly squaru ) Dwaaurin g
soulo .150 feet ; but it is not inure thu gn
ninety feet high , and the heavy eoruic u
that forms nu ahnost unbroken line roue
the top still further
detracts fruir th e
leight. Placed emi this cornice is a larg eu
nuutber of statues , which it requires n
grout stretch of iumginnliou t ) conceit
to ho persons endenvoring to 08081)0 from ;
destruction by way of ibe nrofao jumble d
up are they with the uhiuutoys , 'Ph u
gonorlll effect , of the building , whic fl
olds /totes from lRil/ , would be pO11C , Yet
tit not for its size , which , to seine uxton
ntakos up for want of ure1litcctur
; nutdeur. ' 'ho interior is also devoid [ IF
any special/ architectural teaiuree , nn IFY
there is 1o „ / land staircaso. It is auupl Y
a lingo equaru box , divided up into moral s
butt soutu of these are truly 1nag11ificerl
1111(1 when filled with time hewer of I tuastn
society , us thus urn at Attu rocoptiol 1A
d uriug tlmo hinter season , umst look gran 1Ad
inducd , l'uter's timronu rooul , vit11 sib'
chandelmers , rod tiutrd walls tad high !
decorated dome ; l'nioa hall , with gikle Il
toluuulx ; time ihrouwwuul , 11th ii S
mnasiv0 iron pillars rand gold chmulchcrs
andtro'hies ' of gnldnndsils crplntu agniust
ti me trallsantl ahl11QA sloping u1 t ) time
eery y ceililtusnro nlhim ) .rinl n arhumdA
111 0rPr1 Ae11a0 , The AlIrC0AA1011 Of
reroptinil runnla mul corridors is nen toast
imposing , uhluntkh the pointing of battle
Accnua , rebore rnrnngc and rApiuu nro
drpttted i1) all 01st , hurrnn with a
uunudnuytlmt bcannosnlutnstuausrlttiug ,
seem to bahardly adnptrd for tlwuxehisivu
ndoruutuut 0t roams uttunded for goy
assumbing0s , and they nntsE form a
ghastly contrast le bright toilets and
gl ittering joarole nod fair , trnuuully
lnrms ,
'I'Ilu ' risitur is esc'orlcd throtrh 110111
after huh deconttlxl with nhnost Inn bartc
1inguilieenca , nntl at. mwh uuu Is in6al
uudln' the chntu ; of n fresh nitondult :
at tired in gorgeous imprriltl livery , 'I'h ( '
p alace , u'ldchat prusuntiaquituunoccupird
--1s the lmpuror , , sties at , mother
p alace snow dialancu up the Nru Aki
prospacL- fairly sn arnm with aurruda ; ,
who are troll drrnsud and courteous , nod
extremely idly , lutt'iug aplk'urrutly nothing
on earth to do uxcupt in atmtd 1r walk
nbunt i1) the empty aparhuuuts , which ; 1) o
seldom trodden y nuy ' otter feat. 1 Im 0
and lhety is to b1) Accra a aupet ior allcOr { ,
in fall uniform evidlgttly i1) charge of
sntnu part of the building , and 0.i anu
point w1) suddouly cnntu upui tvul'osAllcl ;
s oul iu0lsauurd to the toot Ii ; old stranding
uudiouluas on each side u [ It doorway.
'Phis was time outtaucu h , the rnuul
cuntniutugtlwcrua njutcula lhu'atcud-
aut iuserled n key , tsru heavy iron dents
atvung open , and 1)v e eru ushered in.
Thu roust teas aluwat Baru with the c x.
uepiiuu of son10 glass topped cases , such
1s nro used 0.L uutauuuts for Innnuaeripla
turd abjuctx of interest whirl , stood 11(11
the walls illlll two Celttld stands , but
x'hml time dulhs which coveted them ts uru
rumovud lion sight eats dazzling , in the
aide cascfl was a CIdICCtlllll of tllllla Hurl
nigrottrs and pcndmtta , in LriliultA ; , rant
rubles ! 11111 I1L'rll'la. Thu control stools
born the cron u regalia. Thu lutpet'ur'e
crown , a huge uutss of diunnuda ; of the
pil'CSi 11'llil'1' , 9lll'll1e1111tP,1 , by an r\01'10
ordinary uncut ruby ; the lsmprcas'crna'n ,
Aumuwlmt Amallur , if jussibu { nun'O brit ,
linnt , rind time acuptur , bearing oh its top
t he rclubrded ; Lazudull' ; dinuulud , 0f
u ] tich the Atery is told that it vaiu stolen
8vu1m ; 111(11011 temple aunt carried all'
concealed in a cut in the leg of its pur-
loium' . Cmnpared with these lluaarn ilu
; Duns rill ntltcl g that 1 l1m'u uvut looked
1)n 810 dull aid euudl. ( limo thing i1) the
picture gnllrry of the palace erns runutrk
able , and ihtt is the absunco of peculiarly
Itnsaiau tvlllthll'a whose pUl'tralta curm'rd
the tvdls ; , ' 1'ltrao n'ere facrA of strictly
1.'uglish typo , Swedish fu is i1) anutll
uumbmrtnulUcruuutfacrsiunuyqunniity ,
but lhuainu foes tuna , sad uuouu could
ncss that ho was sumiroimudeil. by time like.
II'aaUa Of the 111011 l + y t1 hem the great
n orthern prover hod been built up. { t is
t ury munch the aaua , to tlay. The luadjig
loon hero arc 0.o dill'cront i1) appcnrancu
teem the wags of the people that they
alight tvull belong to au0thrr taco. 'l'ions
have 11111113' of iilcm line fcahu'cs and
noble fortes ,
.Ir. John Elnsnnn , of Augnela , Mc , , wrltc + , May
10 , IbS3,1s hllows : ' 1 have bcen sulk ti , ! for None
) cars tsitha scseru Iildnuytroubienud haunt : uollc tl
a ll nrlictuln nun of m1 ' 1 > . , pere of Ihu stonderhd cores
Ilnnt's Itcutcdy had pelfonnud lumaupnseeot Ihop
a ) ' , baddcr nhd hlducJ truuWr. , rand Ondlug n bottle
in n hex aalran' pncklug , I cuuclu(1Cd I would try it ,
and emuntcuted l1) take n , ohm , , to.uqrL e,1 funu(1
that the prat hottlu hmtc0tcd 1)w s1 utuch that I tie.
clded that I would wnthno Its eve , and 1 kept 011
tnhhtg It until 1 had usalhn all sic bottles , and lily
5111(3111 (3 le good , all pales IIe the back rand aide disap
prarcduudforml0of ntyearsIramuwe,0 ( ) tar s
uld)1 m1 olio to nlh'ud to 1113 Luslncsx , uud nn
stunng nut ! t lgarou + , 1s ratans of my frimule mu t
ne ; luLosro eau testily that Imm ( ram a ell , t beg h (
rlatonlan , that mall ) of Our uelghllors have
of ray friends srho lies JLIi urcllaed abottie of ( up
py,1lusnlane Alden , of I'ortlandeay's he 'uwdd not
be without It rat nay plleo '
Ile. Allied Nndcml0.02 Llnr0ln street Lett9stan ,
flu , writes uvMny , ISS3 : ' 1 Iu o ball severely
atllcetcd/oralmug tlwc ulth ludlgastlou aul liter
complatut , mol nt tlmev all that 1 ateu dl + lressed
1 11(3 that 1 could nut bent the slht ; ; of food. I he , 1
etried a gooll many dliTerent reuledkuu fur 1113 Cmu-
plalnt , and they nil fallyd , until arm day II r. Mlattel ,
'lie of our dru gietr 11u Lc slatoa , rcO'llllnell(1l'd
iltut't aeiuiely'ai1101aiu11'oftloninny whloIauil + cll
it bm u with great sttecrsyfor Lldoe } , filer , and 1r
Inart lroublex , as cull 1s Oullg ( ( tlau , uud upon hl s
rctmuuieudatlom I finally ( Cud uded to try n bilnlo ,
nut rmnnmwrd , tnktng , wIOu cry lllito faith 111 IL
'l'ion Drat buttlu helped ins A + r much that 1 purchaaeJ
tsvo more , alud It ha. dmm ute a wmulorful auunmt o f
good , a1d cored u1u of to41gr5tlml. I rain ant all
Muds of toad unn , amt rte truly 1cr0unucnd IIuuC tl
limned ) ' asnranicure bn9ndlecbtlo11 , Ihcr au + l kiil
Huy dtacastro.n
Slr. Cro. P. Ilalesnf No. J2Cutnge Shcct , Tols
ton , flu , n rdllablo nod'pruudumlt cl0/0u , 11111 alto
thu follnnhlg hulurntatlml , llny 11,1553- :
'llnslug Irarr.ed 0f Nle 1f1111.Lh'tllalaiL'A ' / 1i Ihlllt' .
lieuuvly l1) a practical mlauncr , i lc to atato that 1
emisblCrlt a rmnedt rat genet merit , and rnu ram t
cheerfully ruto nwuul It to say uuo troubled with
IItON ANUS1.A'r } It00FIN0 ,
1111 UouglaeSt. Omaha , Neb.
Galvan/zea Iron Cornices
tTDonncr lrtnnows , Flntale , Thu , Iron and Slat (
Iha'Ong Spccllt'S 'atwit Metalllo Skylight , Paten i
ulJuwtal hatchet liar stud Ilraeket Slie1iJIg , I nu
lie general agent fur thu nbuvu hue of guo'h. ' Ira n
enclrrLristings , llnlastrruluv , Yumudas , fruit ISan
ahuig. , % Yludow Ihuuli , Cellar ( luards ; also gunura
( tot fur Icuraouu& 11111 atcut ut.ldo ( sand ,
$ "
I .r
rl , J /
; & /
, , t 1 ; .r . ' tll , , w M
1 , ( I I
F ttd N ct ) rr't
FLrnt ure
AT3TO1iE'1 ' ,
They always have the largest and best stock.
' r1'
The Best IVal'o ISIade I'or the KitellOlln
k , t I l S . i 1 iU ' 1 ! Y9 T1 4US1
A ' , i ) + 'r ' Tlni4 r1nn1 fjilll r IGh-ti 'hnninli 1 11911 , ' + t\ .
The tt + ref hue tcnu"Sher
lin ( ' In inuucctlun tdth the
corxirntu , Homo nln great rant ,
roasrssnnilrnol u5ttihnt
rc.1ulred lt the trnteling ' 1b
Li ii t1 a lie a Sttl l.hw , ( mirk 7110 (
rand the 1)181 of aevnun10d.
11 ti ttouv-all of ablch nro turn
Isbell h } lion grmtrt rNhny l1) .lmorlm ,
And St Paul.
It , u ns nod nt'rnts ; err k d0 uulIr ( cl t ,1)l , i.
Norlhcw IIIInotO , IS'IsOUnvlu , Jhunrvotn , l0a nnnd
ltahohr and 1l is wale Ilnuv , brnuncea nod cuumrr
! hots tench all the Brent busboys. C CnUus of lh (
Nnrtlntcxtand 1'ar tSust , It unUtrtUly ausu cre th'
J [ + crlptlau of Short Llue , nod llcst ltnntu hrtneon
ChlrugoM11itikeeSt.i utlntud llhwrdpolls.
Cldtagu , Mao011 ; ( (3 , lm ( 'ro.l ( ' 1(11,111 ttsoun ,
Chicago , M 1Anukoq Almnlrcu nuol E1l'ndala
Chicken , llilnnakru , Fau [ ( 'hOre 111,1 , Stiihalct ,
4 itItago , Jhls + nukce , tl'auna and Merrill.
Chhngo , i1ilnnu'oe ' , fleas r Ialit ( and Il.hkoslt.
ChIrngi , lLiiiaukre , w'mikcxhn and OCOUOUtunor.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Moil + 1u and 1'talrle In Chler
Cldragn , llIi Owntouua nod i'nirlbttllt.
Chl'ii o , Ilclult , anuustlilu nod Mineral l'olnt.
Cldcag0 , I:1'OI : , unit hol nod Dabuquu
Chl ago , Ct utotu , lunch lalmul nail Cedar Itapitto
Chlragu , Cmumil Ilhurs anti rhnnha.
Chit u o , Shut City , Stout Ihllo nod Snnktmt
ChC , ItgO hIim auukeuMltrhell 1dCham6erlnln ,
] lock Island , Dmhngnr , St. i'aul uud Mhuwn , olio
DasuupurtI , St. I'anl nil ,
1'ullntau Sleepers and ihu Iine + t Jhl4u Can tuts
n nrld are ran on the mnW llnrs 1)l the C H I C A G O
and ureq allantlnn ms pnhl to pnssuurors ; by court ,
O tis cugdoytS al the rmupnrly ,
5. d. ) IIIIItI1.L , A'S II. CAItI'FN'flal : ,
( lent ilauager , Oen'l ibsl. Agent
J , q'.o1.Altli , ale 11 , uhAFFOnD ,
Ocu'I Rut.L Aes't ( 1'aoo. Ag'I
D '
O /
I s
iY ' or Il die U T 1
P . T die.At Z C U , ,
e .At lana ) a
1 hat u hues uving Swift's Spcrifa ht uiy prat Ih'o for
asa lilo'ul pni11icrnud tools It Is mdlrely oeptabi0
Leh g rnugiood of th' ustmeta of runts u hl [ 11 gnnv
ht riot , section of hrurgbt. I ram fandllnr whh Ilsllb
Ulry Irum the tine llw fnnuuln env oklahlcd tram
( ho I iii nit. . It Ise con utltu nn + l satu remit fur all
kkurof { blood pahomnunl still huutor , uud In the
Inuulndofwtw + ht Idlll ; hnwnsodlttndsucn it
uved , thorn has near barn a failure to corn. [ haw
cured kilned taint llt
rile lull ii ( ililll.tTl ( ' '
to au n it , after I htd must.lgnally fldICIl hJ fl lo ulovt
ail Irowd uu LmIv 1)r trcatnlont nllhnurcn n rand
' le b ( pitaYiIIIII. ' 1 hwI lYla1:9110.1U Irl'II , ,111,11
nsrrllltamnsvs , rand bran , once , brad rant , u'huu n f
nlu disrnre III thmusch0.v , or lu thulr (1,11,111)1 ,
FInD.t.'nloMI : + L , SL D. ,
t'erry' , Ifunstoe co „ Cu ,
'It I ( lllu hct oelllug uooraj In my xturo uud al 1
eIassca of mnploh ny it. It 1111 ( Iil'COIIIe a Ii ueltnld
rem edy 1llli mau ) ofonr belt citIzeuv. ' '
1vAlil'IIt : A , Al LD I t .
Atlanta , ha.
el on ) SAitt's is rltlr-often n grove h , ten dnM sat
retied , 1,1(11 ( to all + , 5,11110 of Allautd's Imst pcu
plu use It regulury 1e n route 1,1111 nhcrnth e ,
JOSIAH UltAlll'Iihp : ,
Atloaa , Ile.
Our treatlIC ml 111110(1 and Skin I)15caC ) ( uallel 1
feutunppllcnuls ,
1'1111S1rliTMl'lCIFIC : to , ,
Uran er ii. Atlanta , Un ,
' I tl 1 ' , , , / .I Q 1 0
' c1)
; c1)i
i t
lei I
1 I ' t
' , art a
6 1 11
to otl'crnl for every palr of Ili. S'I'ItNU' 5
'I'AIhI I'iC ( to wlilch n Tmnplco slay brealte , It
Patent Triple flock prcants backache , lplatl irritatle a
uud allied dlscaaos ; accure9 a nullorln tenglorahO au
nrmnttl the hudyprctrcttog lungs amti opine , soneccN
sarytuheahihluail(9lntatcs , flWSPtOrltITATiQNS
) Cor3Ot lay olds , Dr. S TRONC S ot u t m i o U
aUl.m llr IEAaNO ) alcmuuuANTN LvL1irwllElIN ,
-rllE MILD POWER . -
hl use0)rots-Eachlountter111(1S11(1nl )
herlpt hurt of imr eltltull'rlt tllty.l'lllll = 1h1 euiy
NluirlrNderaillitre ( Icbeluc.Iorlhup'uplt
list , luaplelrAL N0. . ells K. , 1'a1CY.
I IMtrr. Potugatlonluanunatlou. : IS
2 , % Yornw4ur a Fuvur , tt'urul cults , . , ,2S
: ) , ( tbrt ( l t'lie101'ruclhlu0"f lufu.ul . S 2b
I Illarrhenuf.hlldreu urAdults , . , , . , 2S
11 , Ilysrnlnrt' , Orlplni , leillousCullc , . , iii ,
II. IIIeIi'rut Iorblp , , l nndltug , . , . .2S
7 ( AIIghrCuld Itroucliillg , . , . . . , , , . . , . .25
M M1'runil0lu.10olhnclw I'acruclI' . . , ; :5
0. , lunloci'crlick ' lteadaches.l'eitlgn ,25
111 , I ) ' p' i'lu. Ullllnue Mouuciu , , . , tit
1 I , lit 1 Ire..rd m r I'alsuit l I'ertnd + , . , , . . 6
I'2 , talIiite + , lee I'rofusu ' ' ' . . . . . . . . a
I tiron 1 , Cough , nlflicult Ito + 1111dug,20.
11 tall llhrnmi , Eryslpcin..Lrupilous , ,2S
IIt IlheunuihI + 1l , lthenmatilI'ultu. , . ,25
Ili , IyrandAsaa , ( ' 11111Fever , Agis'S ,11(1
17 I'II , . . , I0lnu ( Jr L'Icodlair. . .0.1)
19 ( lnlnrrhltenhillrehr'illlrililil11e11rtl 111
7 0. , tPhoopln ' / ' 'IUlrlte0ligit , ( , , , 0.q
2I ( Juurnet 1'1rb lll lt' ( , 1'hyslcul tl'udkue,5aI (
27 tltllrur Ilnui , 1111
' " '
2' ( herruu , uehll111.l' . : : : ' 1:1111 :
: elm , II rlnnrt' tVentau'a + , i''iIingIholieuSIP
: P2 , III .eotnnl Iii , Ilollr I i'al ( itattuu , IIII
1,1,11 hp drggl + t ( , 1r built by I110 ( t1' ( or 'iii.
ale t'tul , ( ii' . it rhnrgcl on Itcui ( t of 1rice ,
lual lhnil''tluuh au l1Mun u te
Ii II urger ( , ' ( F ,
AlI irnW , IIun1 uhn + t n Ilumrul'ul It'r ' .III d
tile Cu , 1001 adult l Inst. ActY 1 urL. .
. '
.i '
ITu5aNT3El2' i xl' .
A Rare.Chance for Arntfhg Olfices
't'o hatu for sale .esernt hnrnly of a neat
yunllt ) of prlntGlg lull , , ItCing uadu for 1)u
1)n xumller 1r slo0 rr ilea.'rv than 110 m 1) now nslug ,
1r u IIi it'll the banns at r' , orals prr paned tree inn
boanlm at 0unaha. lrhl gumm tre It to give ggd
satlstacllnn o1) autnller rand mrdlmm pn'escs.
'ml la imltl : l'Dui.iNlUNo Co
LIOJhV ? O S4lri ] IG ) CO.
1 I 71ia ( (10.11 : . Ci % K , xis..11(11 , ( .ll.
. 'E ' : ' nn Linn , ) tvu Ito 7urlulyd. (
- t :4OIb. FAtMCII'N SCAt E , 1.
! the. . tlrll .irerlv'"t , lr.t'YSlh , .1.
11711 iii Nlrl ( . liblarrl t'te ' ( a Its r l'IILS.
tL x'oitG ) ) ' ;
. 1)i'OOLS , t o.
arT ) elrlml mini. runt ,1nilK , Pln
d. lit..t 111',1 it lt'I It It wl ( 9ll' ( . Stn
[ I + nnrn taro ilmr and ewngr dnln ; odd J1.
, . . , U , flan , ri 0ul. . U't " A II hut' Artteiu0
- L : ei Lbw IS1 1'al' t. ( . m ilailiS.111 : J uimtlli. :
la 1
Estate Aellcy ,
Cot' . 1 utll and Dodge Streets ,
117illinnts' 13loclr.
No ,
02 111111.0 and lot Drat hennal atm to. A nlco 1101110
at a l sargalm ,
61 1,110-lut In 5101111's arst n(1dhlon , 2 story
h1)uso of 10 moots , ( oc(1 well , cistern and eked , , 1
Cheap ,
03 Y,0uu-Ilmtue and lot hl Shhnis addltlon. Cozy
ho0ve , hulutifnllr located. % cry cheap.
0'J 1leO-Ollu full a 111111 story house on half lot ,
thrcu ndnnteS troth [ trout Union I'aclfo depot.
A rare bartaht ,
100 Onu lot In llimchaul hb nddithou , Very dcsira
btu nod icru ( cueptlonall ) easy , '
103 Tw' choice Iota hl llnnot' l1) ) 1'lacc , fronting' on
ark. Flue locality' , gland view. t,00.line lot ,
% 'cy cheap.
03 83.000-11011:0 nn'l hill lot In 1ountzo C IhtIP'
nddlllol , An elegant 1101110 , with nil thentodcrll t ,
Im'rotemcutI , suuuy , nlry. A sery dcalrahlo
) . Chump.
CO ,3,200-A brand 1100' eight room 111100 In Nrl ,
Polisnd(1Itlmu. City u ntcrandga. , large barn.
ahadoaudfrulttrees. All the ma1uru coammt
Icons-a cuiupheto 1101110.
101 lcall-A 11,10 lot In Arnnh ong's addition. cotn
u arullug n iluu lot' iii thin rityand rimer. Chnlcu.
07 Ono bu3iucav lut of Cmudngetrert , thu obit rail.
alllulprotiugbuxiuessatrcethlthecIty , Tsto
Lulllings on lot , $5(100 , 'rermsenxr
00 1,1(10-Story nuul 1 nlI house u1 half lot , near
i' . 1' , lCpot , A (120.11 llarg1lll , Must Lo sold ,
110 SO0-Olio lit In Shdnu'n ) CCaud u(1dithon IcIn
ten .iesiraklo locality hrgh uud dry , $21101)t
'rash , batallcu hl , , or quartrrl ) payrnunts.
to .alt purclldscr. A rntu chalice to ICCUIO a
huuloat n too' prlro.
'f0 LocO-llowu 111111 lot lit Itogcr's nddltiolt , 8S00
Juan. A good Irv ; , nln ,
IT 52.600-Moose uud lot curncr of Shlh and Paciau
Sb. 7 rinllle ht 111)11(0 , n good locntlon for buy ,
incasbluclt. Abargahu
is ; u.oou-A 1,011(0 , null lot on 0th and hickory St.
11'111 sill on enoyterTno 1)r trade for n lane.
60 81.000--A onu itud ahalf story hnuve nltlu i fur ,
ubhud roows on Curtter of Gth 101,1 Pierce St.
loss Ierula ,
r2ilL,6o AhnnwnfulllotinI'nrkcr'a ndddlon.
1'1110 11111(10 treeS , cx ) ' 1101501Ro ruums , will sell
tut krms to Malt purchl l ers. Ag'nul ' bvmin. ;
6 : , $0,7,10--Lau , ; , u boom of tm , rnulna on hurt Street
near to hualncas and r1)llCIIICllt(0 Street car.
111"lily' rCvpmtable loriuUty , gttseity' water ; wary
lhGIgcnngqctt , Thu lestplndeu thu market
fur a blwlurss ulmi ( Icsld , ore.
6s 5700-i lot uud ban ! 1)u ilaucuft SL t cry chcnp ,
( 110.11Itf ea'lu.
60 I :0o-Volvo nun let 111 Capital 11111 ar(1Itlon ,
llntnunndhanltilltugoal repalravey(1cslm
lilt property.
70 el.O 0-A good 111111(0 on half lot l1) i'nrker's nil.
dlllnn. Nlrn.hadoIrrus , gou'I fenruallIngood
repair. Not h' palutuda dcslrabu : IiOlo piacu ,
7183u.oeo-A.plendhdrtoru o , iferucv'St. fourstory
brklm ; [ Iraulloelitator Aguutpaingluves
Hoot ,
73 vii/5(1-Ilousu and lot corner of 15th anll Dorcas , n
fury oleo 11011(0 ; ( 'm11 Ctlhetn to U. 1' , Depot ,
cheap anti touts eny.
(0 Lilt. In 1Irkwooll-thu cheapest nnlntproved
property now nn tIle market ,
20 Unaucrplot' ionileluteudadlltlom , Our city
rapllly grouhlg In this llreCtlO0 ,
0 Vito Acre tracts in 'Iattlu's swb-itltblon , The
finest euh lrban ! mt ls'rtY W 110 111411
a LotI l1) S/ulun. / Addltloll , on Charles street , thist
lit still trgether , elOu. A bargahl for sonic
( 'lie.
a Is is ion lla(1lek's Sldl Dlvllom. 8500 each.
hncttmtemt hero 0911 hringqulek return ( .
10 Ono Acre Iota at Park l'lacu , idling at prlc
nut turns to Ault bu ] ors.
Call and Sos ,
Other Bargains , '
On Our List , ,
ItesWonce , No. 1107 Jones St. OtOU , No. 150 ? Far
oaw street , Oaleu hour. , 12 flu. to 1 ' ' . rel. , and S p j
'a. ' to ti p. mu. Tulophono for otlloo , GT , ltesldonc.
Dexter L Thomas & .
Real Estate Dealers I
TITLE , hrc.
Stock Erfbrely Fresh and New i
1051 thStrcot Opp. PoatoTicu.