- _ _ - - - - - - - - - - t TFHEftujjtbOON1AHA ? IJAILY BEE , , , , , ; J'IILIiFEENTII YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. MONDAY MOJN1NG , NOVEMBER I2 1883. NO. 12G. IN AND OVTOFWALL STREETS The Toinr P0110 of pccu1a- lion Bc1IYc to llac Coil- pictely 8lianc1 ' The Bosult of the Bocont Oornor and the Proflt8 of the Big Manipulators. What Jay Onuld Thinks of the Market and the Prospects for the Future. 4ti IfltorcHtIflg 1cvIc of the We1'1CH OpernUons ot'Swck ( nt.iIIea. , 3pecta1Tc1egratn to TILE 1) ) : Nr.s You , . ' ov. Il--tUggolo's re * view of Wail strcot hi The Sun this i. . ; morning is ns fo11os's : Thifl prevaditig . , tz _ . ill W alI 5tru3 is that the temper anti 10110 of stock s1)CCtllatiOfl ) have completely chaiigcd , and thftt zt steady bull movement has been iiiaugurat- e1 There can be no (1ucstion tlmt since the recent corners iii 11ic1iigan Central , Jcrsoy Ccntraland Northern Pacific preferred - ferred , the tendency to buy stocks has boon atronger than the tcndoiicy to soil . thorn. But to conclude front this that a 3o1itI and general upward movement has boon established is by no means reasona- : 1)10. The riac originated from artificial L CaUcs and was carried on by artificial moans , the maikct was heavily oversold , and nothing was easier than to twist the ciicqucd stocks. This was very successfully - fully accomplished by A 1UlACE O JIG ) L.til1'LtTORS , tnd the rush of the entrapped bears to hoe themselves did the rest. s a matter - ter of course the speculative list felt the . impulse thus suddenly givemi to the market - kot , and a sympathetic advance spread its1f over all the active socuritios. The movement was greatly assisted by time declaration of a guranteo of time Canadian Pacific (1 ividend , by mmcommommiy favorable - able statements in regard to the business of time Pacific Mail , and by time rumnor of a projected extra dividend on time Northwestern atocks In such circunumtmumcos prices wont up of themselves. Not only wore there bears anxious to buy in their shorts 51 35 fast as they could , but all time small j traders of the board room jumped in to / buy right and left. A immanipulation , -g &arted in circtmnistaticcs so favorable : could not fail. and prices closed on Saturday - day at the higlmes point they Imave reached for a considerable time past. p. r . iM1'onTh-T QUtSTION , . however , comes imow : How is this movement to be nianmtaimmcd when time . short interest has been olimiiiated , and \ whimmi there is nobody to buy stock cx- copt the manipulators thenmsclves and . \ timcir following , consisting only of room traders ? Time bonn fide investors , and \ : what \Vall street culls Urn "outside pul- lie" ( macaiming busimmess and professional mcii coining in for a'9lyer"do ) not as yet appear in time market , mtimtl will not appear till coimfideuco is fully restored , and that will take veeks , possibly momitims of time. They have all been . r0IS0NEI ) imv AOuLTCImATnI ) ( mOIs ) . and arc stilt under medical treatment. . Tay G uId scoimia fully to comnprelmcmmd this , for ho (1005 not attempt to bull even hi own stocks at present , althouglm ho paks witlm great confidence of the Luturo. A few days ago , in a conversa tion with a very limiluemitial gentleman , . whmom imo kmmuw to have nothing . to do witimVaIl street speculation - . lation , ho sa (1 : " 1 OXloct to eo au improromncmmt in all branches of business early miext year. Time settle- snout of the year's acc.iunts will continue o keel ) things uncertain , and there are. : of course , some more failures mmnticipattd between no sand the close of the year. 4 : hJut after that I expect to see . . : THUiGS GRL'A'fl.Y IMI'ItOVEI ) . , There are over $100.000,000 hying idle - . in the tru8t cumupanics. 'Fimis mass of nionoy awaitm a chance for investment , and will conic out as soon as an improved fcelin ' has been establialmed. The raIlroads - roads are all doing a good business , and I Imavo no doubt that their securities will soon be bettor appreciated. " Mi this looks perfectly , . - plausible and simmeere , but there is not a word Imero to suggest time idea that time time to buy % maIl street securities has al. : ready ariivel , and that lower PCC5 are not to conic before hmighmer ones begiim to be firmly establisimed , oxm om rum sior crimnMJs TIIINOS lm the rc ent bull movement is time to- iort that "Billy" Ilutciminson of "oh. 1otis fraud" memory , has been taken into time councils of the Vanderbilt larty. ! : t short a timime since Mr. Jiutchinson , was expelled fronm time Stock Exchange , on a cimarge of fraudulent lractmcem ) I , in time manipulation of Mr Dull's cash and moeurities , timat there i no micod to remind our readers I of thu charges then brouglmt against hum. A candidate for time prosidommcy of the - board at time i'ocent election was defeated mainly on the ground that Mr. Jiutchmimi. . on had an account imm his office. 13u1 Nr. Hutchmnson was known to be am : xporienced and skilful mnauipulator 01 , . ? stocks and the general snpposition i : " that the wretched failures which the : young Vanderbilt party had of late mnndc , pm their attempts to work time market , let - . thoni to time idea of asking Hutclmimmson t , a , ' ? join thini and ) osa TIlE IEAL , : : ; Plhoy wore , it is Bald , all the mnori ti ; " lromnvt to do so because Hutciminsor r ' was as prominent as they themselves ar in audi mild religious rackets as tin Young Mcn'a ChriBtian association. 'l'Imi effect upon European investors whom they learn that time Yanderbilta' Ieadin . associate in business is an expelled mom For of the Stock Exchange can cortaini not be a favorable one. The great can taken to mask time combination , and 1h fact that Mr. Jiutchinimon is never muon , tioned by any of the porsoas con it , ' cormied in it , cannot do mmmmmchm good. ( ) nr inquisitive ajo unravels Imimicim deeper mysteries , amid , aided by the telegraphs - graphs amut cabios , mmmskes the truth known quito as fast as time immost dtteromis mmanipulator will over be able to limit time stock market up or dowmm. run imutnur m'mommsp:4 : : impomi 'wimichm the steady rise in time North. westcrmm stocks was 1)550(1 , comisisted of a statcmucimt that 8 per cent. would be paid upon time common amid 10 per cent. oim the preferred , and that umml)8CltlOmItI3 ) ( the long promised division vihI be muado of time accumulations fim the trcasmmry of time company. it , is also believed that , the newly built branch roads will be cat ) . italiseti anl that a share in time profits of time operation 'ill be giveim to the stockimolders. This statemucut was widely sprc.tl imiVall sticet iltmrimmg the week , and. this fact is time we.'ticest pommmt about it , for why should fr. Vanderbilt , who is said to own $1 7- 000,000 oUt of $ ! 2OOOOOt ) of time pre- fcrrcd stock and a largd block of time ' comnnmon , allow every 'Porn , 1)ick mmd ilarry of time board to got in ammd mmm.mu vimu I'mmom'mi's WITIL miut ? Avart front that Mr. Vaiidcridlt is by no mmmeans so absoltitu a master in time Nortimvestormm us 1w is in the Now \ork Central or Lake Shore , for lie imas two vcr siirew.l and imulepoulent railroad omen : % sSOciatel with iiiimm , ; 'amuely , iIcssrs. Sykes amid Keel ) . It is quite with. in time range of possibilities that these gentlenmen will have as munch to say aiolmL the cutting .lf the mmiclomm as Mr. Ymuiderbilt himself , and as far as can be ascortaimmed they do not scent lire- pared for time operation. hut that does imot by any means reduce time value of the prop-y. 0mm time contrary , from what call be learned , it is likely to improve it. ELEOTION RETURNS. Time Shadows Of Victory antI 1)clcnt as Shown by tile 1"lgurcs. NEI3RAS1CI % . RETURNS. . COLFAX COUNTY. Corrospontionco of Tims Bs Coi.r.x CouNTy , November 9 , 18S3.- Cohfax county polled a heavier vote this year timami at any previous election. Dur. immg time Presidential campaign of 1881 , time votes numbered 1181 , giving a ito- publican majority of 290. The present vote is 1550 , of which Sohmmyler pro- cimmct alone cast 450. As all time Re. Illblicali candidates were elected with the exception of one , it is conceded a Rcpub- lican victory , and thus it appears on the face of it. however , as A. M. Post and imearly all time Itopublican county oflicora were endorsed by the Anti-Monopoly party , it is after all not so much a ito- publican as nit Anti-Monopoly victory. The rctmmrns indicate timat Reese run behind - hind his ticket in the country , Schmuyior alone giving hint a majority of nearly 200 and. lie came out only 13 almond of Say. age. age.Our Representative , A. I ? . Clark , hay- lug rcsignedSchuylor'sm poemuiial Repub- licami candidsie , H. C. itussol made an- otimcrattomptto O1)taili Legislative hemmers , muict again was defeated in time face of a largo republican mnajomity , amid in spite of imis liberal distributions of beer and vMs- ky. John P. Spreclmor , the AntiMonopoly - poly candidate , whommi the Democrats had the good sense to endorse , was elected by l large majority. II. C. Itusaci , who has been one of . \rlClitjllO.5 henchmen , vilI be re- mnemubcrcd as omio of time most unscrmmpu- bus political bosses of Colfax , amid in de. feating iuni three timimes in three aucces- s.vo years , the people gave Jmimn unmnis takably to understamid that timoy wish him to retire to private life. One ronii. aunt feature of this unusually l'merco doe- tiwi light was time lmbocal supply of money time itopimbiicaims had at their disposal. I know of several parties who were offered from $25 to $50 and free teaums , to doe tiommeer for two days for the Republican State ticket. It need not surprise ally. body if Col. Savage was defeated. Money did it. .JA:1Es. : LANCASTElL Lmxcoi.y , November 10.Lancaster's oflicial vote for Reese 2,767 ; Savage 1- GliG ; 1)istrict Judge Poummd :1,06:1. : : J. H. MCCLAK , County Cleric. J'JUNK l.IN. BaooMixnrox , Novonmber 0.-Time following - lowing was time official vote cast here for 3r ii , Itceso 501 , Jammies W. Savage 675 ; for District Judge , Vim. Gasiin Jr. , 877. . Wam. A. Coan , Clerk. HircilcoeK. CLTLIIIRTON : , Hitchcock Co. , ov. 8- Time vote mitt returned by time canvassers 15 fl'l follows : Judge tf time Supreme Court , Mr B. Reese 100 , Jmmmucs W. Say- ago 71) ) ; .Iudgo ( if the 7th District , Win- ( imLsiimi , .Ir. , 178 , Josepim Clyimo 2 ; ( ioumity oflicers-Commnty Judge , 11. B , Straut 1 16 , JoInt 1)ouglns Sf1 ; ( 'ounty Treasurer , A. B. Voming 119 , A. ( 'hmase 69 ; County Clerk , It. L. Perry 110V. . W. Bm'owmm 67. 110s1)ectfuhly &c. , It. J. I'om-ry , County Cleric. Heavy Unlitire. S.txousiv , 0. , Noveniber 11.-Time failure of ilighy & Co. , of Fremnommt , reported - ported Saturday , will 1robabiy serious - rious , timough the liabilities arc not yet reported. Time firm Imad elevators at dii. ferent points on time Nickel Plato and I Lake Erie & Western , a dozen or more , ammd have boon tim largest grain buyorm in thus section. They sold all their do. vators , however , before time failure , It was understood time firm had inside ar rangemnomita with time L. KY. . amid was supposed to ho making money rapid' ! ly. It is rumored Coy. Foster will loac by the failure and that Toledo jartiem I will suffer. Iligby , time head of the firm I has always stood imigim amid was hiig1mI I respected. 'fho firm was last quoted b I Bradatreot at 1O0OOO , credit very good _ _ _ Mali Hioukado. 1'0ItTLAI ) , Oregon , November 11.- ) Owing to inadequate railway mail aervici i 150 sacks of niami from St. l'aul and east I era cities for P0111th betwcomm lloicna am I Portland are lying lmen. 'I'Jmo quummtmt is daily increasing. Abolition ol ConviuL Ijalmor , Nsw Yoiuc , November 11.-Time voti r' On time proposition to abolish convic contract labor froimi tIme State prisons 1 I with but few districts to hear from . gives a majority of 2'J5,076 iii favor o . the proposition. THE BAD MEN OF IDAHO. The Ncvi Town of C1\ulil \ B2p- lisctl'Iith \ ' Two B1ooy I'tlflFIlIil'S. ' The Mou Beaten to Death While Asleep and the Bodies A Jealous Wife at Sterlinr , Ill. , Blows Three Holes Through Her Husband , - - - - - - 4mi Immilian 1Iglmt 1mm illomita mimi-it. Head ilmirgiar-Otimem' Crimam- On SlInde.4. Til I CLIMINiti ItECOlti ) . C. ImaiI.'s ) I' ! INT MflXS.tTION. C.ttinvi'.mi. , idmiimo , November 1 ---'i'hiis caimip was thirowmm iimto a feverish state of excitomnemmt cony timis mimrnimig by the chscovcry of time dead bodies of lirassiluid flmll Bryamm in an ummtinisimod lintel. There was eridriico of a life amid , death struggio about , tlmcmmm The mmiomi had sold a large stock of imolts amid hides Saturday , amid wore supposed to have nmoney omm their persons , but had depositee it all except $300 , whelm , together with their persommal property , was taken. Time nnmrders were eomnniittod by two notorious rima.macters , "Sagebrush .Jack" anti " \Vhistling Kid , ' witim car coupling pimis. The immurdered omen wore asleep imm biankots , all lodging houses boilig full. Both vcro captured iatc this evommilig , amid. a lymiciming was cc- ported , but later advices say the law will take its course. tTTMrTEI : ) .tsm.tsSl N.tTIOX. Ar.ooy.t , Iowa , November 1 -While ( : . Miles1 of WTright coumity , was closing up time store of Owen & Mver Friday night , ho was fired upon by two mnasiced mmmcmi , with time o'icleiit iimtentioim of robbing - bing imini. Five bimliets pierced his body. one emiteriug lila lungs , and another lodging in his timighm. Two others broke both lila armmms. At last accounts Miles is still alive. Time excitommiemit over time event is munched. A posse is iim search for time ammsaiiammts. A lMc'T. ' MURIr.m Tltm.tL. Guixo Fomn , Dak. , Novommibcr 11.- C. S. Ilimme was arraigned yesterday on an imidictmnent found by time jury for the murder of Charles amid Fred K.Tard , of Chicago , in Ramnsay county , May last. lie was admitted to bail iii the sum of 1O,50O. , i , smttr viiiir : CAuGhT. CXXCINNATm , November 11.Cyrus L. Limupkins , a letter carrieraince 175 , was arrested to-day .iy ? PomtQflIeo inspector . .1. H. l3rowu , charged witim stealing mooney from letters. His route lies 'lii time central portiomi of the city , giyiug a g'mod oppttmiiity for theft. Time luroof was found emi mm. iftJllmu.i1i FOR Ci1OAT } . Nmw.imc : , N. .1. , November 11.- Clmoato , paying toiler of time Seabord bank , New York , fimmdimmg a burgiam- imis residence last miight fired amid killed time iimtrmmder. He then surrendered to time authorities but was released in noimiimmal bail amid attended busimmoss as usual this afternoon. A imm'or.rimt : rst'.tiis. : S i' . LOCIS , 1\ovember 11.-Florence \Viitc , , rcpum'te ? of 'l'imo Post-1)ispa1m , appeared in time criamimial court 10-day to answer a citation for contempt withm to. gard to time abstraction of short lmnmmd imotes of time grand jury's tcstimmiommy Time circuit attorney asked time withdrawal of the rule as timero was no contomupt , and White was ( hsmmmisscd. AN iNflI.tN FIGhT. Sr. 1'.tua , November 11.-A Living. stomi ( Mommt. , ) special says time Flathmead indinmisiast mmight visited time Crow agon. cy and stole 50 ronics. Time Crows plmr. aUel , amid overtaking time party at day. , hreak , a severe fight ensued , killing two Flathead. Ommo Crow was wounded. Time ponies were recaptured. viii ; rhmmem. K.txss Ciry , November lO.-Cmaroy ) ] , Ford , of .lamues gang notoriety , Lean I his brother has mimet with foul play. lie I says Ilob was last heard from at New . Vorhc , October 11. lIe hind mnommey and I valualiles aimiouimtimmg to $2,500. AlI. IN 'tin : IAMTLV. S'rm:1auNr. : , III. , Noveimiber ll- soootihmg imfliay occurred this mmmormiimmg at ; : i o'clock. Nighmt Policommuni 1lcmmr r Ilodge was idiot while in lIed , as Imi I stated , by his wife , two aunts tmmicimmg effect . fect in time right side of tim neck , tin , third one in time forehead above time nose , . After time imecomid suet liodgu jumnod oul 1 of bed. his wife following , lie mu ice hind her , seized her arias , amid site , 1ioimitimmg time movoiver upward , idiot 1mm m iii the forehead. Ohhlcem' Gilbert nrrivtid a few muimmtmtcs afterward uimd rcmmmaiimot ummtil 8 o'clock this muorimihig , whiemi Ilodgi stated imhi wife hmmul imot shot lmimn , sayiim lie had clone it , hmiimiself , Dr. Antlmomm : svaii stimnmomietljbut was imuabie to find tim bullets , Time wounds are mmot commaidorm . fatai. Time case is uhidoubtodly jealousy - i'I.UNhmamtiun ACTRESSEt. . Sr. Loins , Novoimmbur 11.-A vaniet ; actress kmiowim as Lilly Dale , playing a I holland's theatre , Dallas , ' 1'x. , let I there Friday dressed act atm old wohimami I Simmco then it was discovered that certaii 1 parties with wimoma Lilly had been namsoci , atod lost $5,000 worth of diamonds aim , tim girl is accused of having stolemi timers Lilly came from some place in Ihhihmoih I . and telegrams ha'o bccii sent St. Louim I Chicago , and other imiaces for lion urresi imitAlNimi ) WITh t CLUIt. K.tNSAS Cirv , Novumnlier I 1A 'rimime . Iiamiltomm ( Mo. ) special says : At. Mint lmiio this nmonnimmg Ilomimi l3oltemm hem i out his fmmtimer'a brains with mm club , 11 was jailed , Cause umiiknewmz. I FOIIIIIIIISEN rhwl-r. 1 ? 1Ir.wAvx MIh , November 1 1- . ugmmal , , ICooblon. a iri of 20 , comimmuitted iwicim ] I S Saturday immht by takimig rat poisom i Before coimmmnmtting time act she coimfesse i to hot mmmotlier site was iii a delicate cci . ! ditiomi aid charged \Viim. Tiedernmammmi , a mmtarriet milan , as rcs1mommsiblo STImEEr t'.tn nmnvimt : h4hIOT. ? itmm.\v.trEli : : , Noveimmimer I 1. August ( irmtimo , It street ear driver , was shot imi time face amid back to.imighmt at. the turn table cmi lttmsscll mivonumo l' a hmigimway. Immamm , who attommipted to steal time caahmbox ( remit time car.Vhippiimg imp time mimics he drove a julio to the car banima , wimero lie fell , ver time (15511 board , Thmo woummmiis are tat4ml amid time thieves got miotimimig but are still mit , . : E : _ _ . _ . . _ _ TEhjFo1titt'1t : NOTES. Cyrii : ' Ti , i.immmktns , hotter carrier rlmmco 187k , % , .as amrestod Ut. Clnclmmnmmtl , chargcd is liii stealing mooney frmmimi lettori. At Atiammtic City , N. .1. , three chmlhilm'etm of ( ( 't ' , , i : . Barnes , wimhle drlvtmmg , wcm'o killed by mm freight. taimm. 'l'imere is mio comihilet between widteq amid blacks in Sommtlmammmptomm cotmtmtya. . latmlol B , Vermliyo lisa flied an ntlitbii It 1mm tito imimmimlci Pdt eommm't , St. I'aut , eitam'gimmg I 1cm , Vimtleycm s ui'ltim crimmiimmal eommdtmc uvi t It \r timilyc's 'Ifo.'crmmmliyo' , . muttormmcy mtmtmisstoii ( ovcrmmr I ltmlmljtrl to Immo a rcimubitl.m , oil ulmo ( J smuci mmmii' of I ilimmols for Ci cit. ? lyems. Time c ; , , emmmor awaits time rbi'tt of the ittrimm , , gemmeral slim time es-so bolero signing time ie.1imli.i. flimm ii"m to imao13'cr. . i'rcught licie for trial. .1 leport. iviil be mmmadoltimuiay. . .Jammmes 'I't'mitto1l : , cimmuged i1tim brutal , mmmt. rage oflrs. . Cinlmes , a muarmiciL wummmamm , mmt'am C1tc , 1oittucky , was nrreatrtt ercrcii tiay. ago ammd lSrii'11td13 takemi to be kieimtlt'mc.l by tim , , ' ictlmmm , 'ilmIM was .loiiu Friday. 'l'Imo mmoxt immormmtllg ' [ 'rliaXtCil'.l Vm1mI Summit ! Imtmmgi : tmg it'oiim the Cimmc'lmmmmatl Suimtlmermm nil lway bridge IlCt the culvert amil time river. lie Imad bcemm titLemi frommm time otticers amid thou d'mipocd of uly a ilmi. , lninea ? tarv1mm , time ciiammcoinr ! of the IJimliersity of Kmimsme , lisa beemi miiiiointoml mmmm icmitmtcmiilcimt of the Immihisa schools lncted 1mm time State of Kansas by time $ ocretu'y : of time lmmt.em br. Time joimit comnmnltteo of Limo celebration of evacuation misy tim New York lun'o ierfcted nrramigemmmemmts fnr time affair. It is lmmtcmmdol to ocmmoi Madkon Square garden for the mm.qo of time vimtlmmg military. It is dcternmimmel to give time rigimt of time hue I mm the i'etcrmnm odmmmnmm to veterans of 1812 , and tcmmder them a limmicim at \VZe4Imingt4)im's cid heAdqtmartors , ] iroaI street. limo vrocsioii formus imp towu on Fifth ave. mmuo , nail tim vresltlemmt governors of the dli. feremit States , amid visiting guest. ' . octmiy can. Hngcs. A statute \Vmu.imtmmgtoii w lii be immm. veliod amid a iarmmtio of steamnboats take piece oil the battery. George 1'eath , a iM)3 14 Tears old , cmimhoye by time flimrhimwtum , , Cedar liaplds & Nortlmerit real at Cedar ltnimid , Iowa , drew lila py , , mm , ovcmmmber I amid disappeared. his heartbroken - broken mnther , frantically mmlourmms imini mu' , lontl , .timy lnformmuitbomi cotiecrImiImg lmlmm ihi bring her great m'eiiof. lb ii ( lescribetI in thitim't amid stommt. Otbiclai m'otimrmn ( mom nil but tv , , coutics im' : Nov.Tersey give Abbott 0,678 mimajority ovem .iJi.imi. l'iLiSOfl $ , t'uiperaiico cammdiilnto , imm i'ci1ltl loit 6,00mm votes , and \\'iicr , Netiomisl camiditiate , about 8,0K ( ) . Official mmmm.juritimsm fur Aimditor Oeimem'el mmmiii Tm'cmnitrer , time only State idlicors haunted fet In Femimimyivammia , mire : Nibs 1G,70 ; 1lmmsoi 19SS0 , both ltaiembiicuns. Time official cuuimt of time veto 1 mm 1Im'hzuioii dmma siiom's time Follow- 11mg Itepimblican immajoritbos : I" , lies , it.umlitor Gemmerimi , 20,607 ; lAmisoy , treasurer , 21,001. Andrew Skiniski , .Tohmm I'oilock amid .lmmlmmm 1rous , enmpioycml 0mm thu buihuluR detroiemI by mm gmiium at Bimitalo Friday mmighmt , tumid oh Smtumrdmmy migitt , mmmumtdmmg six iictiimm. Otimors of the Immjmmrod are recovering. Time Pittsburg Bosswmmer Steel company filed a creditor's bill in time fdera1 court of Clilccm- go against F. Ii. ltimichloy niid time receiver of the Cliicao , l'oldmm & Somithtwetern rmlliromm(1 to recover mm ju.igmommti mf I2 000 rendered nga1ntliimclm1ey'et .imm'y.'it.mitfhaizu is' iicI that Ilimmeimley owns aihjo1tyof' thm6cemtah ; stock , and is ako time ossimor of time i'oad 1111(101 hlmhlc1mt ΒΌ e of May 1851. Time bill inks thiet whatever immtcrost imo imoids mmaiy b Itch ! subject - ject to a liomi on tlmlsjmdginemmt. ; Thmo attention of time dhtrict nttormmey of 'i'roy. , N. \ . . hmai beemi called to Limo case of mm L'mlmsim , Jew mmnmimcd Tmlerciiaimt of timat. cIty who altlmoimgim mmmarm bud , says Ito um ill mmmmrry : as yommmig .1 ewc.ss mf Now yck , having ii di rorco granted by mm. reliiotn tiilmmmmmmii. Thu ilistrict mlttorzme3 853.5 liii i1il iroleclitu Mercimamit for higammmy ii imo romnmury. Caitsin lloiwr Squirr' , of aramiI haven i'Iticil. ' , widely Ic imown as cm hmko : ctiimtnimm , d 12(1 jim J'lmliadolphia after a briefilluess ot tyjhmuhi. ummemmmmmommla. 1cr. iihilc'm Ihoirn , 1) , 1) . , for forty ycarm' 1hmhlmKt immimiiommnr. 1mm 1 imiit. , : ( hell at titt i'dtm. tietice of hum deimglmter , at flmltlml ) Iaimhis { , I'slmclm. . mmgO 71. lie rctcirmmcd to thim 12tihltry a few years simmee. Over timrco lmmmntlmod stone cutters mmml others are lminl ( f at time new capitol mt 4lbany 'fun lummils are oiimimmstcd. Time lIlternatiummal institute of hiostomm immms elected Clan. Latlmimer , of Cleveland , vrci. demmt. hlusiimcs'i at Lociavilie s.ra.u practically pus. pendod Saturday , I I ; being mm public holiday .mmm aeconmmt of time ehosimig d53' of time Soimtimerit ex. lm51t1011. A maenger train on time Salem & Lowell railway urn , ' dorcmibd by mm cow , ama ! the Imc. immotive ammml emitiro trmutmm iemmt off the track. 'rim omiglimo turmmcd ulemim its side aiiil win wrecked. Emmglmmcer Alpha Cicimmemmt svus lIre ) ) . ably fatally weummdod. The MOntreal Ilazcttc immmdonmitammds that a sliglmt cimammgo ha , been imiasle in time arrmtlmgd. bouts with time Jmnmilmuimmm goirrnmuormt for time gmmmmrantoo of time stock of the Cimmadian : l'achfic railway comniatmy. Ommly 65,0)0K)0 ( ) ) ; .56O0O. , ( ) mmttaihmlimmg cmiii $ l0,00,000 ( ) iii imtlhm. tbomm , n hmicli It Is the lmmtommtloim of time commijeimmy to issmw. Time memommlmmimig $ .E,000OK ) is to ) IC lotlcml mm Ithm time guvcrmmrmmoimt , cud zt : n mt b wmthmilrawmm ho placed upon time mmmarkoL I nmorimmmttiomm fruni SOImtilflmflJlt.Omm flOV , 2 tiist thmemu b ; mme wmiIIlct , between the wlmmto amid blacks , but Limo fun imer are alarm imctl mind arming. Aim liis'.ntlratlomm immto teim s'ears commmmcctkmi : of .1 dmm , 11. t'imigo aimil , Jnol tV. Jimmiemi wiLl time itutlarmil , Vt , , mmiiroa'i ' , simIwil a ecu' ) deli clcmmey of &i : 000 , lmmai of stiick to time : .mmmomimml $10,000 , mimaricet vmiiie , mumd expcmmllltmmreM dtmr . imig sixteen years , of 2U,0)0 ( ) , WIth iso votmeim ens. - 'I'imn visit iii Limo Crowmi Prince of cenmmamm3 ; to A I fommso lii viniveil In l'I ' atimici 1124 concitmmlvm iirof of time groivlimg Irmiiortmncn of SIISIII Ii time eyes , f Limo powers of 1'mmroh.e. 'l'imi 1 lIromopt courtesy of ( ermmmammy is cummtrastoi wItim tiom reliictaimt rciiarmtien offered i ) France ( mar time imummits /ihfonso. . Aim engine axmd timrmuo imzwiommger cars rummmmlni fromn lowell LA. , Smilommi , m1asi. , Oim time l..owcl a road , ammml imas'lxmg amnommg other iasommgon 81 I m.cimiol cmiidremm ) , ivommt wer a btoop inmmhammlc mmieimt mit Chelsea Into a swmmmn' . Ommiy thu en 4lmmecr was immmrL Tlmreo clmhhmiremi of ( , ' eo. 1 , hiarne2l , imroimnlc V tot of time Sagoiiwutimie itolmhe Atlantic City t N. V. , urlmlie drimirig were killed by a frelgbm L train. 'i'Imo Iltatiommary olmglnI Imsed for ) molstln , . freiglmt mit Limo Cairo & St. ioubs narrow gang 1 .lopet at Cairo , llow u , it 11 o'clock Frihm - 'I'imo imndzmeor and anotimer mimaim w'ero silgimt i lmurL l'lmn holier ww. blown timrco hundro yunmi by time force ol time expiosiomm. 'rime prtmhltmmmlmmary cx nnilmmntiomm of Ornimi 11 , Carimzmter , ( mit time mxmtmrder ofora iimmrni , we , concluded this imiorrmizmg at JAmmcoin Iii. , an . Imnhmleilatoiy smiLer the cioshmg speech for tim lirosocutlon ( u'Imter win released to ocmmz bemmds for imis recmhI1moaraImdll wheim wammteil. U , crowd fohiowiel Cariomlter to imims hmoimu , , hit I. acteil 1mm a rjmmiot amid orih'nhy inamiimdr. t t bm lmmtem led If poi.lhio to brmmmg Into cow the author of time cimmmrg.am timat ( leneral Zonill ( I ldanmme time recent ilimammiaht military rein mmii misdo mmomloy lii i ieeulatiomms coni.equur upon time oxcitommmotmt. which followed. A NdW York liroker namneil Shower , in a kilIol by a bmmrlar 1mm imli imoimso in Nowani ii ; . .1. , timis mmmonmiimiir , I. 'Jima Prcl0oimt lmu rocogmmhzcd usury Sad d viUi 'Freimerue , Ilnitlan Icu commsui at itt , l'moc 1- . - ' - - - - MARTIN LUTHER. Cc1bratlll the Qrot R8fonlllor's ' A lliTFsr1 ill UFhilally , Bn1id , Irc1all all Micrca. ! . Grand Oivio Displays , Eloquent Addresses , Monuments and Memorials Unveiled. EightTtmoimsamnl Selmool Children in I'roecsqiomi Iii Ucnhlti. IN IIEIIMAN\ . 11 EmuLiN , Novimmubor 1 ---TImo festival 1mm celebration of time 400th rummiiverenry of time birthday ut ? .lnrtin lutimer opened yesterday mnortmimmg by a gathering of SO , 000 aclmol clmiidm'emi , wimo , iii 51 divisiomms , ammul nceommupnimicd 1) ) ' bands of muimsic , immarelmed to the various eimtmrcimcs amid mit- tended religious som'vices iii hummer of time roforimnir , vimoo bumst wits plaecil lmeforo time altar iii emichi edifice. 'I'lmo 1mmmporor muiti ( Jrowim I'riuco amid otiieimis of time lmmm. pomial lmmiveraity , amid mmli time city olileinis atul clergy Proceed frommu time towmt hmail to St. Nicholas cinmrcim iii mm groat. procession. Time streets were 1iacked with people. The Emmiperor was received with mmmrkcd otitimumsiasimm. Time city irate decorated with flags and bamumormi. Tolegranma uvoro re- calved frommu mmmany towmis in ( enmmmammy , stntimmg timat. all colelnmmted time dmmy with great cimtimimsimtamim. 1)tmrimig time services iii the church ( If St. Mary , imm Limbs city , a wonuami was killed outside by a Imieco f iromi fnlimimg frommi time tower. Time Benlimi amid Frrumikfort bourses closed omm account of the festival. _ t limummibumrg time festival was celebrated by thu umiveilimig of a colossal bust of time roforimier amid a. poliuilar fete iii time moor- weide. 1mm Bremen , time mnarlcet square was trammaformimed into a grammd festamuul for dumomistratiomis. At Leipsic a great mmmommummneimt , bcanimmg time stutuea of Lutimer amid lolnmmetimomi , more ummmveilel in fromit of St. .loimmi'e church. At Enfmmrt . wlmoro Lumtimcr first emitered Limo ugumstine mmiomimummtery , at Eisemmeeim , .vimore lutimer mrmms commiimmcd temm mmmommtima ill tue castle of Wariburg , mmd at Nord- mnusemi , time corner stones of mmmommutmicmmts mi-eve iail. ( .At ; Wimrnms , where Lutimer was brought Ioforo time diet , a mmcmv hail units opwmed imi lila honor. 'rime altomitlmtmmt ecremmiemmies wore commducted iii great splemmulor aimd vtmreattcmided by imnimmenso crowds of pee. tIle. Elcim.iulmmN , Nowemnber 1 -Tlme Lumtimor eelebrmmtiomm yesterday wax attended by iillehmdil weatimer. Time cimmmrch bells rung at an early hoimr , amid timere were : ; oooo visitors iii time city. Lumtimor's 'pulpit ' was decorated with laurel. Time clergy , ministers of worship anti imiummici- jMmthonities entered the church in - ' when4iip lmnlioluja chorus ' i sermomi. At nowm time cereimloimy o ( mi- vcilimmg time mnenmomial 1mm tlmo umminicot jilacc CohmmimlehiCC(1 % Y&tim a clmoiraingiimgtimo imymnmm , ' 'Etmmte PeaLe Burg let Unset ( IntL. " Bun. gmmtm.ster Iuiartimu rccoummted the onigmim of time mimemonial. Subsequently time cover- immg of tIme statute was reimmoveil , all Imeadim were bared , amid time clmeir chmammtcd. thu hmymmmn , ' 'Ibo dcii Ilerron dcmm .L\Imrcimti- i.dhm htemmig , ' ' a hmtimidm'ed lammr2crs were lowered , mmd Dr. Koegei , time Eimiporor'ts ciumplimiim , ciclivured amm aklress. I ho do- senibed time life mmd works of Luther , amid coucluded by iivoh'immg mm hlcssimmg elm time assembled mmumltitudo. 'l'hme immcnm ! was then forimmaihy giveli immto time eustwly of time towim , h&mimmg miccopted by time hurgo. mimaster. A telegrammm was received front ijrowim I'm'ince Frederick Wihlimumi , ox pressimmg regret at his absemmce , ammd aIm- eLliot from l'rof. March , of l'rugtmu , who summt greetitmirs iii time naimie of lila cell- leagues ( if time Oermnahm Ummivursity of I'rmmgmme. Iii time evdhmirmg time ' 'To Douni" ivaN nummg OIlOSitO ) time imiomnorini. 'J'imo town wmm.s brilliantly illuimmimmated.r11110 statue is mmimmo feet high , mmd woighms 5,000 1ionmid.mi. IN ENOI.tNlm. LONION , Novetmibor 1 1.-TIme meeting jim eciobratiomm of Lutimon's birtim was Imeid at Exeter lieu , yesterday , and paors mmpomm time life timid services of time great ro- : finmmmcr were nea1 by time Jeami of Cues. I tor amid I'rofcssor Stougimtoim. A i trait of Lmmtimer , crowned with launelwmui ' exliiiiitel. Lord Simaftebimny wimo tmresid. : 0(1 souL ii congratulatory tulegrammu to time I Emnpimror of ( s'ermrmmmy , mijiohi him chain- I imiormilmils of time iriIicii1les advocated by I4uttimer , wimich was as commspictmous as lila I icademahip of anmimiems to victomy mmd free- I ( lumhm , Rev. Mr. Spmmrgcoit was time lmrimm- cimai ! apuikcr at time meeting mit Izter imuat mmight. . 'I'imo Anchm.llisimop of m I ( louvered mm , sicrmmmomm mhomm ) Luther at 'SYost. mmmmimsttir Aimboy to4lay. 't'imu Oxford Comm. vocmitiomm , by a. vote ot 132 to lii , dechimmed . to adojmt amm address to time Ermmuror.\Vil. hiammi of ( iernmammy , iii commmioct 10mm with . I4tmtimer'a birtimtliiy. Services were alit 3 humId ycaterimty jIm time Stcmlfordsimiro pot. m terics district. At l'rowe incmmmburs of iii I rehigiotmmi deimoimuiimmitioims formimed iii I ceasinim amid mimarcimed km time divisioimswiti f bamida ( if Imiusic to town loUt sqummrewimer. . t.imey imnitetl 1mm hmitiiiIIg the ammtimein ' 'Oh T Ifummdred , " At 1mottimmgiiain mnammy real 1) dencems mmrmd ateets were decorated. - IN III V.LANII. 1)uhiI.TN , Novemmmber I 1.-Major Gomi . oral ( iuiao presided at the Luther demon I. , airatiomi iii MotnOlOhitflmm ball yesterday t Several addresses wore delivered. Theni wami a special senvico mm St. Patrick' g cathedral at night , In Bohiftuit , ban i Vavoniy 1irosidud over the coiehnatiomm , [ mm otimer towims in time mmortim of Irelaim. . it Limo day wits equally ObsurYcl. IloMY. , Novcrmmbur 11.-Iteligious ser . vices iii imommor of Martin Luther won 1 ; held yesterday iii time chapel of the ( hum LtmO omen emnbaiisy and attended by a immajunit ; 0 of the Ctmrnian residents. IN IISNMthiK. m Com'EnhIAosN , NOYdimibor 1 1-Lutlmc rt festivals wore celebrated thmrougimout Dot mm Iflmirk yestencla7. Suvomi timousamid copic i of time imuimnonmal treatise titmon Lutimen m life were tltstributwl to time jiupils of tii " 4 commnuimal schools , Special church so : 'I vices wore hold to-day. AMF.1uuA15 CF.l.EHIIATZON. k- ii , PIIii.itnLm'liI.t : , .Novmnbor 11.-A graic Lutimer matinee WLI held iii the itcadeir of mmmdc yestontlmuy nftermmoon , time lange auditorium imeimig timroimgetl. lmmslnummmiemm. tal minnie wami furmiisimed by time ( iermmlahmia orclmestra , amid i'ieai , imumsie IIy a chorus ss'lmcit immclutleil mieatiy a timousammul school clmmldremm. After dovotiommnI services timoro inure addresses in Swedish , cenimmamm : amid Emmgliaim , liOMl'ON , Novemmiber 1 1 Time iiutimcr ammmmiveraary was observed yestenlay after. iIOhi ummder t.imo atmallicos of time . .Iass.m- . chitmsotts itintonicat society. Time colobra. thin vns comitimumed itm mmiumsic luau to.mmigimt- Various churches tlmrnmgimout tIme State observed time reformer's mmlommmory iii their services to.day. ltntIlmN , , , i'ii. , November 1 I--'llme jubilee coimmmneimmoniitiimg time birth , of ' ,1mir. tilt l.uithuer , amid for wimbcim extensive Pre. varatiomms hind beemi mimado , was abamu- tiomied cmi accoimmit of rain yesterday Ftmtmr timotis.ummd clmiidreim were to Irtici Pate. l'iumNu'mros : , N. , J. , Novemimber 11- . 'limo collegiate nmul theological iimstittmte of l'rimmcetomm colebm-tteul Luthmer'mm birth. day ammmiiversary 1mm time lnrme , l'rcsbytcr- inn ehmureim , Rev. iis , iI1eCoshm , ( mrceim , Stmlbtt , 1'xtomm , Cuyler amid Dami iImmrny 1)0k ) muted. Time addresses inure eloqumcmmt nmnl tin' mmumsic grand. lm ? slomNlE : , In. , November 10.-Time I , umtimor muimmivcnsary is beimmg celebrated ( liii cvolmimmg liy ummmm.'mm . services of nIh time i'r.temmtammt chmmmrclmes mit time ( ? cmmtrai l'res. imyterinu mmd First l'lletiotlist % churches. Urcat immtorcst , is mmmammifested. Cimme tmO , Norcumbor l1.-Lutimer aim- Imivenimiry ivas reformed to iii mmemuniy nit time city cimtmrcimos to-day. Time Luther ? 1oimioniai associatloim hmold ii special ser- s'ice for all mmcttiomms. Luther's imymmmn , "Eimmo Foste Burg b.t . Unset ( iott , ' ' was aummig by mmmumnbers of time congregation , ouch iii his mmmmtivo tommguo. Addresses inure imiado iii Emmgliahm , Conimmn mind Scandimmavinmi. A large mmumuber of other mmationnlities wore represented , imicltmdimmg mmegrous , Greeks and Cimimimumuemi. pu1suJ1 SWINDLES. Tli Aitliorilics Pushthff Iiyostiatiou aid Hllcarthuu a Dci or Thicycs. The Barefaced Methods of the Attorneys to Secure a Few Dollars. Soitlieto Itoqimeffi ed t o Send nil 1mm. 1nimmntLoim ObInimmaiio to mime 1)ists'let Attormmey. Ctr1TAr NOTES. i,1NmmoN' : FRAUIIM. 'WtsiuixoToN , Novemmibur 10.-S ocrota- my 'I'ehler , 1mm zeplying to a comumnummi ication from Attorney ( tomiural Brewster in regard - gard to time aimpoiimtmemit of an exhort. frommu time l'timmmiioui Bureau to assist time District attorney in the prcnatatin of cases agaimiat pemmsiomm agents charged with illegal operations , rays Ito fully symmipu. thizes with District Attormiey Oorkhill in liieffortto pimmlislm parties for nwimllin soldiers and rocogmiizes time lmmty of time govermmmmmemmt to brImig all such offemmdonmm to justice. An .oxIent will be detailed to exaimmiumo imavers and nil imicaima at time commmmnaimd of time depmurtimiemmt will be imlacud at time disposmui of time Attorimy ( lemmoral to vummisit time otiimmmdcrs , uvhmetims. r guilty of attemmmptimig to ( ldfraud time gos. ermmmneimt. or alipliccumt.s for peimniomis. ANOThER CmASfl OP IItAUIM. ) Time report of Seeommcl Auditor Ferris ammd its comisidcratiomm by Attorney ( emieral Brewster , has lcd to amiotimur braimcim of immvemtigatiomm coimmmcetcd with time awimmd- Ibmg of soldiers by claimmi agehmta. 'l'hmo liimti'ict Attormmey imims discovurcl timmit a miummmbcr of linjimmm imure imavo imisumed circu- mrs anlicitimig citiimuma for ndditioimmul immmn- t.y , amid nmmkimmg tumid accepting fees iii ad- vammee for time protemmded pm'osecmmtioim of this class of claiimms. Time fraud arises from time fact timmit time timmio for filing timeso ciaimnis expired nuder time law of Jumme 80 , 1888. Simmco that time time Sea- ommd Auditor hums imot received timummm. Time liractico of timemie linus hi now foummd to be to accept timuso cases , take time fees , awl stack time applicatiomma away in their mifl'mcca. If those wimo have imlaced ciaimmme for ndditiommmil bouimty 1mm time imands oh limly clitimmi agcmmtmi since July 1 , 1888 , will scud time particulars amid amounts pail 1mm fees to District Attonmmoy Corkhmihl here , it will materially assist in time Imenthimm legmtl imvcmttigatinim. - RitiLitOti ) MATTEIIH. A SI'Y.CK OP WAIt. KANHAS CITY , November 11.--Tiio ton days' notice uimomm time ( imicago pasaungel busmimeati , giveim by time itock lslummd , am ireviuusiy reported , expired to.d iy , ! jjj mneetimmg of time Kiummsas City ngeimtm immterostcd ( lmsctmised time charges immadu i time itoek Islammd that time ( Jhmicmgo taLc was beimmg scalped omm tickuta imunmemi at luimvur amid St. .ioscpim amid aommt hero1 lint ill ) tiimderst.aimdimig was reached. 'l'hit Rock Iaiaimd coimaumjuutmtly imimudo mu I hiimiiteil rate to Clmicmmgo , which will b I . immet by time Altomi , time I Imimimmibal amid tin Missouri I'acitiu , Timia is a reduction elI I . 80 amid will probably commtimuo umti , time difroremicemi are settled. 'rime Missotmr m I'mtcifio gave imotico of withdrawal froim ) time Kammamu' City ureemnemmt fare as no 1 garlmi COnmfflting } territory witit time For - Scott amid ( Jtmtf amid time New Mommipiiis imeimmg territory iouthm of ftc Chesapeak immmd Ohio railmoad , except \Ymmmmimimmgtor - hlaitlimmure , Cimmcimmmmatl amid 14)uisvill ( 'rhilim immovo is coimaidored as mcmi attemmmpt force time Fort Scott into aim agreonmen U but dues imot necessarily entertaimu cuttin ; N i0ItThiY.iUf IACIYIU hiithmiEIi. :1 : CwAao , Novemuber 11.-it prommmino : . railroad mami hums just. returned from T LI pukim. Iii a detamied atatemmiemit of wh occurred at the Trnuacomitinommtxml assoch , - tiomi muoctimigs ho coimtirms time statemnehi . 0 given iii these dispatches , amid in concl . elohi Ito says ; "As socim aim time nortlie y route nmmnoummccd its policy as adverse time contract. system , amid its dotenmmmimm tiomu to ( Jyottumim It , wimemm the otimerz'out it wore foummd tmmmwiflhmig to surrender Cam m- fonimla traffic , cit overt torums , the qumommtii ma followed as to what iimducemnomits could 'ii otrurud by time cemmtral amid soutimorn rout force time desired division amid it is mit 0 Phmb0 limfonmimatiomi that thmo Northo r- l'aeiflo raiinoad is to receive from ti other routes mm bonus of 20 tier cuit their miot oanimilmg Ul)0il San Framicis Ii business , which is equal to over oime.im : my maillion dollars per aumnutu. , - - - ' ----c-- - - - - - - - THE OLD WORLD. The Tonuill Troible Sorloisly Big- tiirbiu Elic Slumhors of the Pi'oicb , Ohina Anxiously Awaiting a Re. . . ply Prom France to Her Last Note , The Dynamiters of Now York Charged With the Underground - ground Explosions. Aimiericamma hell Up 1mm Timm'lccy-4t. iIotth.ii immtmiilcmt-Stiain nmnl Cermmimtmmy. GENEtt.Ii FOREION NEWS. Ti , S TONQ1' I N tim m'micuarv. 1'.umtlM , Novcmmtber 11.-it is stated titus commmmimder of time Fremmcim forces in Ton- 1111111 immformiied time governmmmomit that it. would be impossible to operate iii Ton- uhiiimm with time present ft rca , and say - imotimimig calm be domme until February. LON1ION , Novemimber -Mmirqumfa Tsemmg immiornied a reporter of Time Stan- darti limattimeolier of imiediation on thus part of time 1mmited States iii time Fnemich- Cimimiese comitroversy hind been cloclinuI. by France , referred to circumnatancea. which occurred some Utmie ago , and which , owing to time attitude of France , led to mb result. lie said thctt until a reply was received to China's last note imegatia- tiomis WOtmi(1 be at. a stammdstill. If time Fremiclm attack Bacimimit they Will meet time Cimimmcse troops , when , of' cource , timero will ho war , itt wimicim case Cimimi % timimmks it will be impossible to guarantee time safety of foreigmm trade , o time property amid hives of forcigno.xa. Time National lute ateamnahip Italy lma.-i. beemi chartered to convey a regiment of hiussars fvommi Egypt to England. MmmuIA'nIoN utE.iEeTmm. P.tum , Noveimuber 11.-The imitrasi- geammt reports the Chmlimese Charge d'Af- fairs , in tin interview , stated that Morton , Mimmiater , under mmiatrtmctious frommuVa.sh - iimgton , otrered niediatiomi of time United. States between 1'nmuuco amid China , but. time olibr wts declined by France. it is believed the atcutemnont regarding time proforeti mneuliatiomi of time Uiiited. States iii time Frammce.Chineso commtroveray refers to old allhirs. iImimU.INDAUm : IN TUitKY. CoNar.tN-TmNorI.n , November 11.-Lend. Dtmti'enimm , British Embassador amid thu Aimicricami legation , sent time horto idemiti- ccl miotos renmonstratimig auaimist time outrage - . rage commmiittod by briganIs attacking nm Amoricami caravan and requesting the ci- fenders be arrested. ImAmiant ) OUT. , L0NPON , Novcmber 11.-Mcimierney- , being a mmiomber ot time Irish bar is not. oli"Lbio to partlcipcmto.inth9 defense ot I Oomimioll. . ' . , : . . i'1i.h'cI bAwmim. : ' ' LeNnox , November 1I.-Dmmrhig this ceiobratiomm of a Mornish festival at Tan. glen , a atomic was thrown by a Moor , which struck time French Charge d'Af- faires. Time hatter donmnmidod the punish- mmmemmt if time ofl'oimder , thai payment of' 200 for time bemiofit of time poor and thu dismmmisaal of time ( ovoruor of Tangier mis. mmatisfactioii for time immammit. ANOTIIR1t 1I.uuiRmm ; i'OiL IItANCC. Br.mtimN , Novemnlmcr 10.-Time Gennman legatiomi at Madrid , amid time Spanish lega- tiomi at Berlin will be raiced to tlmo rank- ( if embassies. 'lime Crowmm Primmee leaven time 1-ItIm for Madrid. rum : mmm.tit : SQUIALmNG. : M0MNw , Novomubor 10.-Time Cazetto demmommmmces time present ( movernmnemmt of' Bulgania amid suggests a change timereof' , evomi to a republic , would ho eutter tImi time iircseimt rule. A FImovmNcc 01 ? i'E.CE. BUCILATIEST , Novemnber 10.-lu tim- Cimammiber of Deputies Britians , President. of time Council , mmiado a apeecim in which. imo explained time mimotives of lmia amid King Charles' recent journeys to Germany amni L Austria. lie declared that lie entoreJ. I imito no cimgagemont witim those coumitnies , but that Itoumarmia would stand side by ; side witim those powers which demiro peace. .tN ) Nl.IShf ; CONSUl. CUFIED. Tuxs , November 10.-Time French I military autimoritios have arrested a Mmii- . toso , amid rejected time dcmnnimd of sutton- tier of him to time Britisim Consul. I DYN.tMIT1 : CLUES. Loiio , November 11.-It is rumnoroti . that time Police lmavo discovered pnoofa. I thmmut ; time neccimt oxpiommiommim imi tim under- grotimmd railways was time ivork of Now- Vomit clymmamnitermu. Time rumor , Imowover I i5 mmot eomitinimied. Timepolico mire reticent , I but seenm hopeful that time elites obtained. I will lead to the detection of thu guiIt jiersomma. I TUTT'S ' PILLS TORPID DOWELS , i ; DISORDERED LIVER t anti MALARIA. , 1'romn timoac soliree animam threu-fonntbs o . thu (1IIIOLU3OI3 of time human nice. Timeso amptomnsbmthcato tluoirexlstCnOo : Lug. a .arpeut. : itosycis saQstIvo , UIck 1f.cm4- cit aelmc fu1lmcm.s atLoCatlmi , Av.r.mohl t eicrlom * or body or mind , Eructatloa of food , IrrItability of temper , Low at wilrlU 4t recilug orImavimm ncgtcotct a. 5IUtO 1m1t75 xiaamuc.mrIutt.rlugattlm * flenzt Dotbrore tlme .ye.hlghsmyool- to ored brim ; . , tONtITIVATION , awl do- U. znmuidUiouso ofaromodythatactl"ilrectl omm the LIver. AsaLivermedlcliicTUTT' I'ILLMimmWe nooquni. Tholraotiononulio to Ifitimmoys an' ' 13km Is also prompt ; rom0Yin& 15' iiI ! ImpurP4omi through theaottmroo"iro.v- . o thc ayatun , " prodaclug Uppo- . U.S Ut&i , 0unt1 ullgostloimnigulmmr stools a claw sk-laandavlgorousbody. . TUTT' $ 'IL.LS ) n cause no nausea or grlpIn nor tutenfer , with dully work and are alum-foot be ANTIDOTE TO ci SOidCYr3twimete.2flC.OtIIdO.UMUflIIYSI..Y ; TUTT'S HAIR DYE e UItAT 1Lum on 'Wumsmnimua cbanoct - Om Stammtiy toaUWa4'r hii..uci ( bytsalulo lip. Co lilication or ttmtis IITU. Bold by 1)niigbP. . ii orBdmitbyexpssonieoeipt0Z1. m ( flfloo , 44 imlurmy Street , New York. TUTI'8 MAtIUM. UF UUUL RCUPT VHU. /ji . / , ;