Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning , Nov. 10.
The Vca1ier.
Pot the upper Mis3is3i1)jn Mis.wuri
VIJoy8 , light ra .B , followed by cIcnug
'c-o.ithor , variAblu wiinlii shifting west aicl
ncttth , followed by thing btu-ornetcr , atul
in ttio northern portion Iight rise of tom-
ermttw c.
_ _ _ _
--1itobumgh & Taylor , O.rbae11 ] hifT:1o
U. . tandrtI scale. t rite fur juice3. nSlrn
-ir mpTOVemeltM Iuvo been made n
t _ city jail or late t.nIcr tb uporisIon of
Tt.I1 Gorinan. New flor , rt proof , arc
hd , bchee lii the cordthr anti ce1 , a
ci1-btn 1)ut ) tj ) and erik iu.rtltionsm erected.
trhe outh end of the hail MIIi be 'ut in hapo
ro the f emale prt.onor. , . .o n. In.mre their
, - And c.unfort , and , in ttort , every.
( h1e 11i be in better HIiapo than Lt over wn
leer to treat pthoneN s humaa Uoingi In.
ot.334 Of MdDU1L.
-An otn winter i predicted by the fur
trqjo ,
-A traveling mtur'N mume CI.C 01 CIgtIrI
vjlJ * $ oleit fm-urn the Northvoatcrn depot Iuut
-A't a inetkg of the boru1 of dirccter f
Uie cbrnmka Nntaonrel Ini 1dd 'l'l.m'day ,
( .11J3 ve.ignatIon of Mr. 8. fl. , Tohuun puesi.
dent v.a tendered Mid accepted , nd ii. W.
Yite vn clected in Ii pleec. Kent I. I lay.
de wa cboeti avLtrnt ci.uter. ) 'riLe ptht.
flout o cathier wi not filled but. left acant
[ or the i.rc'ent. .
-Cot. 1. B. Temple. wel1.Towui ui thin city
ILd state , itt connection vit1i the irodumcthut.
cut the wer drama "The Union Spy"nt ( ) munlra
cu.nd ether citIc , ii about to ghe thu .amo
( liLxig to th cit3icn. , f ( .trrtragc ) , Mo. , the
d.t. . telng November Jith , Ifithand 17th ,
-.Ti-.o C. , B. & Q. train eight Iuotui
yeterdayand the \Vaba'b forty-live mm.
utc behind tinue.
. -Thrro II ! be a rcgi.ilar mucetiiug of Ihutli
1'ehekzilm Degree Lodge No 1 , in Odd 1elIowus
nell , this evening at ' : O o'olock. Re-
b&a I , L1vv4y , Secrctrj.
--Tee trein % VOt on the U. I' . ye.ikrdziy
wa.a a double Iicder. haIn elesci Iondu out
Oa wn a Central Pacific sleeper which caine
In Thursday evening with a nrivatc tuuty ol
(51iForaian. .
-Rare and royterioteu orcntnl wondon
( hu.Ah.Hrali in oser 100 hook1o and hut
LOnICBJ cn8tumneI ; over OO oriental crym.ta
lIceth $ at ] laptl.t church Monday itight.
-Next Sund.iy at the German l'rosbyteriuii
church , CumiugH and Eightuenth , t 10:30 : n
ra. and 8 p. mu. mernoruiI aermons on 1)r
Luther by Rev. 3. K l5clialhlc. All are in
-1toinniug nout week the lTniou Pacifi
, Central Pacific vi11 increao the allow
Lncc of frcO baggnjo a1Ioced to each pn-scuge
between Omaha and I3an VrancLsco to on
tun&lrcd and fifty pounds. Ono liuntirci
poind9 1t104 been the mnaimutn mimount ullowo
-The rough condition of Fiftccnth trce1
between 1)odgc trict and Capitol avenue ,
mich liul to cauo a unhcral growl i
th.t neighborhood , and It would be well I
have It rthapoul up a bit , even if it h ioou
be paved. A very little icork would fi , It.
A eqund of eight noldiers from the Ilgi
&rtiilcdaerk.d TIuurday front Fort Omnahu
.tud came into the city. They sire huppood I
hive cold their onlforvvu at titu econd.inti )
14t0r03 anti to linvo got out of the way of U
ofljcern who would get O reward for murroatlu
ach one of them.
-In the Police Court yetcrduiy 1) )
wau4 Iitiei.1 ten tlollar for being dciii
r.d cnt to jail becaueo ) u couldn't. pa
Jancts O'NeIl met with thu mme fate for di
turbing the jae. .Jctry ZKcrnuii and To
l3tuat. arc tif ) for thn rubbery of a cigar utom
aud 1Tnmnts llartIiu for n.aulting a smn
ramed Mary I Arnult. Robert Kiiu is al
to be examined for gottin good.i on fnlc pi
-The citizen of Omaha ivill do icl1 teen
on their giuuil and look after mill ' . uilunbic pie
nay. A quad of eight thieves and confitlen
men arrived Tliurdriy mind are now In the ci
r.dy to boIn operations. They were rec
, iized at tinco by a roan potod on such matte
* ul Timx 1lim ivo notice to It roaderi to
Oct the lookout.
-iytho now tinie card , eIuicli wilt vo iii
- . . - . . elloct noet i-ocic out the Utah Northern rum
4ti7 , PM5getfOf l'oitantl ] , Ore. , lin lea
. Ojoahavn the evouinj OT noon train w
. t S .
.i - . . , . iiako the mamo tlmQ a theme leaving 8t , l't
-I - onthe evening traIn. The connection im ma
with tlm Northern I'acifie at ( ; a-iommMc
Lana. PiusongcrB froni Chicago will make t
- ' 3flie time , and thoeo from St. 1.ouid betI
time via Omaha thatevia St. Paul ,
-The horimo ehlc1i waum o badly Injured
a collt4on ufl Cumnin mmtrct a few mlaymm ago
i4.Ul alive antI tuttler the care of ] ) r. Clum
lierir , being at him Infirmary en Icrth Si
Lermth tx'oet. The m,1uft of the lituc cart 1c
cleated bib left attic to at depth of twelve mci
nd broke , off. 'rho J.clver did not know
. ' the cutout of the Injury untIl ho drovtu a
dtbtanoo and i.umw the imlece drop out. fl
Chkmnbers i trying to save the Ilvo of time iii
uat but cannot toll M yet whether or not
mIll mucxced. iImo yeca ago a big mule i
Inlured imimnilarly and ivaii i.iot CIIeICVOd
live but at work and nppareutly
hound a over.
-The ladlemi 4 the CongregatIonal chur
Ivo a splendid dinner nd 81IpOr lu the p
. lore of the Pitton Hotoi yetei-day , tb. p
coed. cat which go to the fund for bulldlnj
rew brick edifice wltei the lremont frau
u.tructuxe uomi. mmt&ndj , on Chicago tro
1'vory doZicmtcy wu boned u ) and the Id
were unUrlng In their efforts to luleae I
They entortalnod A lnce crosd nuul the umfi
WM A COmPICtO iucco. . Mn. C. 11 , 1tu
waa the efficient manager of the bulneumi a
gicat pratao Ia du to her aud her able umuoul
-M , N. ii. 1'alvoner , aucceor to
Ortdc2os1tanl 8 ; Co. , fu iutaklng tiulogum boi
p mu icauguratlug uow fmlrovemeoum evm
, day. The l4ot Ii the Introducrfon of I
: , , . elec'erfc Ught to ( he Intde of ( hum uWre , A
four of thwe &re zauiIn operation , nakIn1
ailandId Iwlurovonreat for the benefit of cu
iei u. 4r. 1alconerb the embodimneut of t
. .
i plr1t of euterprloo and Is out.flank1n all
i'irnti to rivalry. lie deuori e the giiumt mu
CA44 thAt fol oiy all Icb mnovomnouti.
-ouneiumnau Iaufznn liAmi a fine mu
liljm ti.4eu tron hIM
be.y dtuiug the coucu
LnDetlii 1a ILI1Lt
BXICIIS1YC Propratin br ftc COnc
cr8tion of rilnity Next
irrangerncnts by WhlcIm Mcrnbers oF
tmc Church Can $ eiire ltc.
Heiieel ScaiM ,
A very umatiafactory rehearsal waum had
at 'I'rinity cathedral lieu. oveithig of the
mnuaic to beaungon next.Thuradaymonm.
hug , upon the cotisecratiomi of this miuw
liouo of worship. The inuilcal px
grammoo L well made imp , and 11mm rendi-
tJon will teat fully the ncouiitic propcrtk ii
of the cathedral. The organ is heard to
greater advantage in the great nuditor
ium than over before , amid , rum it krta
Clever been in Much perfect ord'ur n. it. ia
at prenomit , it greatly contributcum to the
effect of the muaic , The following 19 thu
programme :
I'rocesaioiutl Jlymn-"Tho Church'um
one Pomuidation. "
Anthem from the Pmteaeialy-14i1t up
Your honda. "
're Jcumn , Kyric-'flloria Tihi Samic.
timum , ' ' foimn aurvice in U. , by J. B. CalIin :
ofroratory'Slug Alloluin F'orth , " b ,
Dudley Ibmek.
Thu qimartettu for thmi'i occaumsiomi i'm ,
M ias I .izzio Culderwood , auprammo ; M iaui
l'emmmmell , zeltm ; 1Ir.'olfl , tenor ; tml r.
I'enuoll , bnas. 'l'lre choruum i commuIcmed
as fullowum :
Soprano : Mhm3 Maui , Misum Doyle ,
Miumum Simeavum , Pd \Voolwomthm , l\I isa
Laracu , Miaum Vitimnu1l , Minim Vapor.
Alto : Mrs. I'cck , Miums Vithimme1l ,
Miss Vapor , Mrs. Cram , , 2lis.'m Itatli ,
iam iliac ,
Tenor : Mr. Breckomiridgo , rr. ( or-
don , Mr. Ilouaworth , Mr.Vclla. .
1au ; : Mr 1)orrmnn , Mr. ¶ l'hmryur , Mr.
A. 11. Gould , Mr. 'mV. ' ( ould , Mr. Aikon ,
Me , Gage.
Orgnni'mt , Prof. J. A. Butler ; imiusical
director , Mr. T. J. l'onnehl.
It is undoratood ( lint thia chorus , or
moat of it , will be engaged pernmnncntly
to nsaiumt the choir proper , which is to be m
( Ito quartette : ta given above.
The congregation on Thuradiiy morning - .
ing Li expected to be mme onorniouel3 u
large ( lint the church will Lu unabim
to accommodate nil , amid so am
arrangement line boon deviumoc
by which mucmnbera of the Cathedral con
rogation , commtributora toivardum tliebtmilel
mug of the Cathedral , ami mactubers of St
Barnabas' parish , St. Mark'm puriali aum
I Urnco chapel may avail themnumelvoum of i
. card which will ecuru thorn a seat ui' t
1 10:15 : a. in. , at which timnu othertm ivill h
admmuittotl. Theme cardu immumy ho obtairie
ill the chapel of the Cathedral on J'ulomi
A day and Tuesday , fromic 11 o'clock a. mm
. to 12:80 : p. in.
An eccollent photograph of the intone
of thin Cathedral , one of the nest beam
C tiful in America , 1mm been taken , an
. copicim will be distributed amid pimuceet o
145.10 111 different down-town ritonca Mom
0 tIny amid Tuceday.
LI rltore km a propoumitiome to intnoduee ti
t olectriclight mmmtotlto Cathode-imi. Raclose
C in sonic conventionalized globe of cccl
ainstical deumign. Pmlodorit improsemnol
ti in lighting would be of great ndvanti
La to thu diumplumy of thu olcgantcarved woo
0 work ami brilliant decorationmi. At pro
o cat the churchis lit by gmmn aide ligltti.
0 g'm din be uucd in a church , why nm
electricity ? Timnu ivaum , no doubt , v1u
time introduction ofgas to supersede cai
it dies , waim considered objectionable.
1 , There is imonie talk of air arrammgemncl
4s with the C. B. & Q. road by which tin
id will run a special car out of Cliica1
\Vodneumday macruing to mtccomiiiodate
: large party of Chicago church poop1
2 , , ( umoimmu mnemmibers Of 1)r. Ciarkumon's old it :
ish ) and l)00Pi0 from Burlington c1 :
mi wiumli to mice the mmcmv cathedral , of whim
uk a much iii kmmovn there mis here.
. . ' [ 'Iru reredos behind ( lie great miltar is
) , . bo placed in 1moum1t'omt to-tiny , as Wi
Im. the canopy to tire communim
'In ' Lililu Thu iimmrblu : baptiammmal font is
0 , place in frontof the choir and. L'm exqui
aim itoly wrought.
mo 'limo Cathedral is wonderfully lcautif
o. htmL its limited umeating capacity is nircum .
a matter of regrot. If it could have bem
nmado larger by three hundred immore r
ixu . tings it would have boemi uiomie too extu
ii. imivo for thu demand which is being immn
cc for pews. ' 1'lmo regular congrcgati
ty alone will fill it at preaont , not comiude
g. ing stranurs. and if Omnnlut'n imemimimlati
mrum incruaaem in the mmoxt two yearn mum it Ii
be in the vfl twoanother amid largerchur
will have to ho built up .vcr time hi
to The imidewalk aurrounding the Oath I
Il. dciii has been raised and eloped even L
vs and ei'orythiing put in excellent unit
Ill Ono or two windows are yet to be put i
ml ltoy. Itlcxnnder Garrett , 1) , r
ti Q Bishop of Northern Texas , preaches t
Qumeninon Thuraday mnornimig , mind Ilium Lor -
maahip time lliimhop of Montreal , will pren
at the services Thunday evening.
i , List 01 .Justlces anti Cunstablem
mn 1)omiiarm ( .otinty.
mu'I'liu following is a complete list of
lea aemm.'mora , jtisticea amid constables elected I
o the various vrecmncta at tine recent elm
( iou iii Doughty county :
rm1 First W'ard-A.soumsor , W'iihinmn Dr
lie justices of thu peace , K M. Stonberga
'Si $ Charles lirandea ; comistabh'mm , Gust. Ilu
mind % % mn. Simowelemi.
t 0 Second Ward-Aasesnaer , Jnmimcm Dc
na folly , Sr. ; juaticca , Louia ilurks , Ohuir
Powell ; constables , F , W. Kjlu , 0.
an. Tithed \S'ard-Auesior , Matt lloovm
cc , . justices , Puuguat "tVciaa , Luther
Wright ; comiatablea , Paul Stein , I'd
A \'illmanna
no otithn Ward-Aunaenaor . J. Moui
st. juatncoa , Idniund Ilartlott , ( iuatavo A
ins dorumon ; conatables , ( bongo 0. lltmrr , S.
tli. Moalmo.
air \Vanl-Asaeeaor , Scliuyiur Wal
tb field ; juatico , henry M. Judsomi ; cc
ad mitablo3 , J. I ) . Manning , I ) , II. Ilouck.
: , t. Slith Ward-Aucaor , P. V , ' . M
yule , ; , juitico , Ulmanlea Wilkins ; comustab
s m. bidnor.
it , blt1ItOjti l'rucimiet-AaaoesorJaniea
urn Thonmpaon ; julicoa , F. ImL Smith , Ic
ury ins Purcoli ; conatablo , Charles 'l'oush
lie Florunco-Asaoeaor , Ed. Walker ; ji
ml t1008 , 0. E. Mend , J. 11. PoLand' cc
A stablea , itobert Guy , L , Simnpson ,
1.0. Unmnon-uL'measor , J. U. Kimigint ; ii
lie ticoV. . S. Whitmoru , George Dli
I. . conatable , George Town , W , N. Twum
doll ,
10JoffommnQnAucaaor , Ctau Oft ; ji
ttcoa , II. K Tunmiic , lUchani Marne I
w cozthtable , iticluird F , Kimnmny , , Jo
cil Itoliwer.
J lthorn-Aueaaor , Jamne Moore ; ji
ticca , Geo. Froat , J. W. It. Ttmrnor con.
NtablOs , Oharlea H. I'mmrdy , I'etcr Situp
i'latto Valley -4aaosaOt , Jolmn r 11 lii.
granmi ; juLkoum , Eel. Burke , Samnuol 11.
Taylor ; constables , William Ilawycr anti
C. Penney.
Watetloo-Aaseumsmr , L , L. Steplicmnim ,
justices c : . I ) . Bailey , (1 ( , It. Watts ;
coimatabtes , L. A. 1opjm , 5 , Austin.
( 'hmicago-Asseasor , Nick Itieskoim ; jima.
keim , 1)aviul Smith , W' . Caimmion , coi.itt. .
hiics , .Johu I rwimi , Samuel Howe ,
Milhird-Asscaaor , Chmarlea S'tnrtzner ;
justices , Henry Kelacy , ( loorgo 1'liiiimber ;
commatables : ( Jlmnis , iCoelba , liemiry iiirmmemn.
McArtllo---Aaaosaor , floury Schmrmmicr ;
justices , I harms ltmmummntms , LI. Allen ; con-
4(81)109 , , Jnimmeum McArdle , . .lnnies'olsh. .
ioimglas Assessor , .Jolmim laghoy ; jus.
ticca , ? mlorami Schmitt , Gabriel lowitt ;
ctmnstablcs , Edward ConignimS. . S.
\Vest Omaha-Assessor , C. .1. ilyan.
jtmstice , A. M. Chunk , constables , ii. Moe.
tomi , C. II. .Ienaen ,
( .t..IrmNI iiev- , : xi1Nzm. :
CIAIVxSTON , November ( ) . -Witiiini time
pftst few mlays the Gulf , Colrado and
Snitta 1"o road discharged : oo to 400 naomi
alomig ita line 'rime cause of the stop.
page emf construction is goncral dullness
If railroad btmaimmusa. 'rime U uilvestoim ,
houston atid 1 luridurumon , amid Gaive.'mtoim ,
[ harrisburg amid Sam Antonio roads are
also curtailing timnir forco.
\VorkinlliaII \ at tile ine1tiu Works
Nakes hay \Vhule \ tile nn
tmul I'okctM Ittuillon to I lie Anioumnt
( II One IIimmnlicI anti Tiventy
DOt I a r(4 ,
Yesterday Mr. Nash , of tim smelting -
ing works , telephoned up to police mend.
iuartors that a main in the employ of the
comnpammyas atmapectod rf stealing silver1
and that if a policenmaii could ho sent
down inimrmediatoly to make the arrest
quito a eummi would probably be dhicovorc
on tine man. L'pon roceilt of this newu
Officer Flynn was immediately diaimntchno
I to tine smelting works with a warrant tm
accomplish the arrest.
. The mann was voimitecl out aniel Flvni
. collared hum aimd without fmmrtimer core
. nmofly coimimimenced to search hummito whici
i ho mmdc rio reumisbimico. I a his liockut
L were discovered Hoimie fifty ounces c
u solid silver. lie had boom cingaged i
di takimig down time cupola , or furnace , i
ii which the nilvor ore is refimiednmid ho ha
Ifoumid in time chinks between tine brncl
I. where it had lodged m1tiitu a number
bits of sliver. 'l'luinm lie dropped unto iii
1)OCkCta , but tine actiomi we ; observed b
me . 'I'lne man's ninimie is Daniel ilailloy , an
I. Ito inuem ijeen heretofore onmpioycd iii tl
ii roustabout gang , but vas Thursday 1)1
nn to work clenmminmg tine furnace. lb mad
1- good use of 1ni time amid got away wit
mum mneicli umotnil as ho could fiiitl. AL ii
me humuso fouimd 110 or GO otmnices more
md silver , migregnting in all about $1
0worth. . Ollicor Flynn brouuht ilaille
at UI ) tOWil and lodged him in tine ernimil
o jail , where he will await oxanninatiomi fi
d- grain ! hircenmy.
a. _ _ -
If A Happy Family.
) t p1ii0i from tim breat , .quc'ezoi from the bottle
nn Stonach IVIII sour nnI milk ill curdle ;
. mamiy I.olk'nujali all that night ,
Li. IloniItotd IiuiIuuIifl 110011 , lii R' . 101 frtglut.
Doui t deny , 'twiim tI.u s feb VictorIa
iL Nbutmt ra iutttcouum wltliouiC C.tSTOIU.t ;
Shi ecHo left ; for peaceful bluinber ,
) ' Alt maid their inwe and 1opt like tmuumridcr.
. _ _
e ,
r Imimim. W'm , Badger , of Anlingtoum , Neb , , Lt
Cajittln : A. I 1. .Iltiicroft : , U. S. A. I'm at ti
to iIillurtl.
ill Dr. AMiuton , of ltifiauuce ) , Ohio , am' old armi
! iI miturgeonu , im ' . ibiting Omumalium ,
1. L ? diaui , of the l'ino 1itigo [ mull :
1\gincy , iii at tiio Milbirti.
U I 0 , 1 . Stonol I , , l 'cmmlmmnrmm , uiiiul .1. I ) oumell
1) of l'1umttmuuoutii , are nit Limo I ' : ttin.
1ajor l'etcr I ) . Orooui , of tlioThulid cavutir
mm lii mit the Pxton , and eximocti to jiasa tine wi
Ii ter lii t'aMInimmgtoIm , oil leave of nbcmmce.
omn Mi.Iommnlo O'Brien and Mlii linttio Ne
ir mmmii , ( If itinrilumiton , 1isia , are gtnestu of ! .l
Lmi metiti mlm. .r. 1 > . 11cr at tim i'llllartl , lintel.
mr \'iioy 1)Ixomm , the iscil kmmowmn depot pour
li 101111 for the U. 1' leaves today for
tn. , wecka' trip 1)1 rest mmmi meertuatboui. I
c. u-ill ihlt his , deter in lIed Oak , loivum , amid I
i ) ' mother at Peoria , ] lllrmo1. V'o wish mImi
r. 1)lO.'mAiit trip anti a safe retmirmi.
H , 11ev , J. limnltinan , of tine Sveuibh Iutltor
) . , lnugehIcmmi TmIhslomi , returned Tlmmnrsday tie
ho . two vcukum' trIp to Chicago anil ether me : :
-di. cnn citlo.'m. ] tr. Iltdtmminn hi quite imotel ,
Cii lii , cminntrymun for liii fine mminglmugbclnga c
ci a secomul Summnkey mimic ! lie favored t
cinmurcheim Eaat with seine splendid mcciii cfiuu
isiuirh timcw lmuimnenmu crowds ,
hErs , ! nrgie 1' . Robertson numul lieu dati
( I I
ter ( lertle , \'am-ron cotmuty , leovum , an.
log lii ho city , tine gmmcat. of 'mlr , aiitl Mis.
H.Vitltc ,
as. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
roe 1'A'ING 1'1OGUlSI3 ,
Time 1'onl Being I'mnHlmctI Stimielny am
ill ; mit Night ,
a-k The presomit weather is mmnost favojal
for the work in progress on tine ratio
; ; streets arid alloys of ( ho city , and it Ii
v. been duturimiimmed to bike full advamita
of it.
r ; There is aim immnoriso nimnount of ia
; lug , curbing , guttorimmg and grading goli
0mm , and acarcoiy a simigic street is , In ci
mt ; cent order , so that bad woathir wmm
n. mmiako time re'mgmn of mud aitimply horribi
IT. In tln'ma condition of airairs , amnel
afford thu workmnemi an opportunity
1(1 . mimako UJ ) for bat timino , StIllerititumnde
in. Grant , of thu Barber Aaphnait comnmpan
. kM comnchmdod to hod ) his ( cmli force
in. work on Sumidays amid hart of thu nigh
40 AO long as tutu weather cointimunoum. Tim
mi will met omii bomnefit time mmmcmi but enab
, . , him to timmiumim aomuo of tito atreeta
mm which pavimmg has boon beumm ,
my. ia. 'eatorday Mr. Gramnt laid 1OO yami
. 1ihmait on Ifanimoy street , and tim
inn. street will be commmpletod by' to.nnmocrt :
night. 0mm Monday tine first coat on Vi
teomnth street will be laid wi time biom
1 . amid. a imalf which imni becin prepared 1
I" it. ¶ l'ho next work will ho the fimiiahim
. of Sixtoemith mitreot , which can be yo
rapidly done , na the base i.s nearly oem
liii ileted.
lbnq4la : ' em's.I : remedy ft
. U
s. bcald. euj mm uei sue ! ileali wounu.
Corresponddilce with Gen. Cro Oil
the Matter ,
Sommic lncts Concerning the hartley
ltmdtamm TrttIIei ) ,
. A marked paper souL Tint : ilim by a
well kimown army oflicur contaimna the following -
lowing interesting story of tine fate of lit-
tie Charlie MeCommina , The extract 'rum
front Tine Soutinwost Sonntimmoi , of S'tlvor
City , N. i'd. :
'Fito following letters , received by .1.
M. Wright , l5I. , explain themselves and
are important. A. I. Itaindail is a rclimt-
blo gontiemmisim , who accomnparmied Gomioral
Crook's oxpeelitiomi into MeXICO , amid ho
knows whereof Inc speak' . Ho has boon
at San Caries or Camp Apache over since
tine expedition rottmrned. Thu iottor from
Goim. Crook was received Oct. 25 , amid the
other , yesterday :
C.tni' Ai'.cnn , Arbona ,
October iO , 188j ,
Mv iEu Sin-For annie tinmo I have
Aeon articius in tine papers about poor
Olmnioy. Although it man boon our Olilt'
ion that he perished , tine Gomneral dili'ers
with us. Sneber , Capt. Crawford amid
others have tine saimne idea as myself.
$ till we would mat ho tmtmr'rmrisetl ' if lie
alitummiti route iii , hlonito has btmemn with
Inia band at Sam Barnadinmu to receive
tliosa who have , tried to comne in but were
frighntutmed back by a dirty lot of
scaiimpmm timat don't like pcnceablo I ii.
diana. I hinivo proof ( mat they ,
Geromminio amid Chatto , have boon at
Silver Creek , but were driven anmel nUns.
ed to go back. That is winy tine Geimoral
sent Bonito and accents there. .Jhiu thee3
mnemitioim. You nimay rest asimmired they lie
whieni they mnemntioii lila nutino as boning
with those at Casaum Oraude. I Imavo been
with the Clm'mricainuas at San Carlos for
two mr.umitims and know that Jhn is not
I with thicnn jim Mexico , There has beau
more dainimeti lies concerning tinomme Indiana -
I diana , nind it iii miono by the Iridium ring
that don't wammt these Indians other titan
t , alt tine war imathi. if they hna4l been lot
I alone they would have boon mere lout
a before mow , and if Uhanloy wa'm alive Ime
I would inane beentrith thom. Jeu ] or mimn
other chief Inas no control over Chatto 0 ]
i whatever lie Calttmres on lila raids. End
band diatribento annoimg their own tribes
n and any viisomner capturcd by citlie
I. Gerenhmnoor Clnatto wouldbe ? tt their din
1 posni. Let mis htOIe , bUt hot depemid upon ]
i oilier than those who work for an nimsol
If f'msin mnmotivo. I still believe arid inc fac
Ii ann positive that yet All of the Chiricahu
ml banul ivill be in San Carios. My kimidem
U wishes to the boys and yourself.
s I aim yotmrs uuioat Respectfully ,
If A. 1" . 1t.tntLr. )
La p s- . -i fuel that I can trust no ethic
3' Indians ott tine resurvnttion as I cent tii
Chunicaimuas. They are superior in over
d and I ann met alone in my opiniomm.
LU A. F. It.
SAN C.naosOct. 22uiU , 1883.
ii , :1h. : Di.em : . .Juumum- : : fecund your 0 ]
] If teemed favor of the 6th inaL awaiting in
io arrival hero last nicint. I am ratlnor sore
ty that tinese gentlemen vleo vcnt nftm
Cinmirlie TmcCommes [ lot the Indians kmno
Ui , that wo are nnxious to imavo tite boy , i
jut nil my dealings with thoum I was car
ful to impress them with thu fact that v
caned very little for the boy , bitt aliow
thom the great advantage it. would be
thorn to Inane him rottmnmied to Ii
coplo. They wcro fully impreauu
with this wiieei I heft them , I still inru
ice doubt but what they fully intended I
return him , I also leave the iuiost round )
proof these Indians have twice crosse
the line unto Arizona , since my rotum
fromn Mexicotinat they had conversaliom
at with parties atcyimig timat they were r
their WiLS to tine Sam Carlomi , in necorm
anico with their agreement sitln inc. I'J
lie lint timmio they camno over 'ias about ti
first of .J (113' . 1 was then in the Ens
13 As aooue as tine fact was reported to mae
ordered troops to minuet thom at oumco an m
escort therm to the reservation , but befoi
in time tmoops cotmid get ( A ) tiiont , tiney sin
deuty disappeared and rcturmned to 2mb'
3' tC01 whore Inst mmccii. 'l'htium timne they wei
flour Ilowie in tine Chinicaliun 2mltnmnitainn ]
'Fine socomnel timnw was inc August , who
3 about time same tiniung was gone through
ii. hope soon to icarmi winy they retenrmmc ]
so mfl3'stOniOUSly. I Intro do doubt in
1W that Cinarloy wotmlmi inane boemi with he
r fn1ommtla bug ago mad time lmediamis gotte
to tine roaervttion. Now [ don't kuno
wimat may leave been put intothoir head
. .0Caii't tell wheat is best , to do until I cu
mc got iii comnmnunnicatiomi w'ttii tinommi , whk
to hnoimo to be aoomm , and comiseqtmcmntlyhmai
dii suggestions to circe , but you can rem
mm assmmred timmit 1 willAoavo nothing under
to soctiro his rmaso. I atm muc
amr obliged fo ponfiduunco you have i
lily ofThrts it matter.
Inn Voum Siucoroly ,
, t.
( j'uomtuu Cicoog.
mig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ho WIdeAvn1co DnuiggiatH ,
I tim C. 1. Goodmncn : 'u always alive [ mm hlii ham
miC.ii4 mmmiii spame no iuutIim to mocunro the lset
every article In Iris limme. I In imaim sccimretl t
'In. ' agemicy for the cclebratm'sl Dr. KIng's Ni
b Discovery for Consimumiptioui. 'Yimu only ci
Ii ' Lalmn cure kmiowmn fiji Cinstimiilmtlon , Cotmgl
I ) . Cltls , I Iouu-sune&i , AI4thliliui , I lay J"ovcrlirc
ciiltbi , or any affection cit thmuat itumil lumui
51)1(1 on a IksltIO gtnarnmmtoo. 'mini bitt
( roe , Itt'gtdmuslio 1.
Tmmtnumty Cat 14o8115 Ilouiglit by 1
Omimalne lirimi at Onen Icmml.
as Omalna conennissioun flrmns are booinmim
go lii busimeoss auitl nuakiuig sonic big den
Thursday Millard & Pock received frc
% . - Kauisaa , a whnoitm ( miii load iii one co
mg aigninnotntantl the long line of drays ion
Ic. Ol with barrels of apples stamnding
id front of their Farnamn atroot emitabbia
0. mmiomit numb quito te diapiny , Each c
to amid uncle dray was amlonmmed with ti
to placard ;
itt "Kanusas apples. Special tanin frey
y , lovoro , Calbouui & Co. , Loavouworti
ret Knseans Packed exproaly for Millard
ut , Pock , Onmabta , Nebraska-Missouri I'
mrs cub railway , "
b Out of tine 8,800 barrels in thu ( rn
nil load , t.hoy have over 1,000 barrels ao
I 1'tio traimi load is mnot iuitomniod I
La any mmnonnis to fonme their winter's steel
Its beit wills.omn be disposed ofiii timi. Stat
iY . SVyomn'mng , ? uIomitana anul Idaho , Tine r
If , coipt of aticie a quantity La regarded us b
ne aigmmificant of wheat a aimiglo lirmmn
or tuna city can do with Omnaina's advatitag
i1 as it wholesale umiankot.
) . 'rinla La tine first special train of appI
over aiii1edamtd it is a mmotoworthry fac
"lovore' ' is the
Icing apple packer I
ni 4tfliOtICA. 'l'hnia morning the aictowa
billiard l'ck'4 wn. pack
solid with barrels and barrels of appioe
which wore being rnpidly dnspomed of ,
Tliomnmmnnels 8ny So ,
Mr. T , W. Atkins , tlruerti , Kane. , wr1ths
"I never hesitate to rocomumienid your Elce'
trio flItter to nmy custorreN , they r1ve entire
satisfactionand mire raidml umcllor" Iloctrlc
IlittoN arc [ Ito Immiest amid best medicine
known anti seill ultlvc13' intro Kidney amid
livcr comnpltelnt4 , I'nrify tiio iiliiol arid meg'
mmlato time iowcia. No famumily aiim atf'.rtl to lie
witlnoimt thoni , 'Fitcy will save hundreds of
dollarsiti tInet.r'i blllq every yemu. Sold at
50 cent..i ml bottle y ( ' "
. ,
Itin.nS ILEMOVAb ,
1k Spicmitlltl Ne'm flstntdlsliuuicnmt
I'ariiatmn Street.
Almost every day Tim Ibm is called
umlOmi to chronicle somno big imuprovemeint
mmmdc by our buiuicss umneni , anti the older
residents are vakimmg up to the increased
requironnenita of tinu rapidly growimng city.
Mr. Charles itiewo , the old roiialmle
ummc.ertakor , in tine latest to wheel 'into
line itmid inca just cornplcted tine work of
fitting up him iio clumIrtorum on Fannane
street , between Tenth timid Eleventh , &tx
actly oppoaltu lila old stamnel. I he 1mM omnu
of the imnmndsonuiust amul imiost comnvoniemit
m1nccs iii time city amiti is centrally located
and zeccesnabie to nil.
Mr. Itiewo inns beomi a resident of
Oinmahia for 17 years mund has boemn in his
presumnt busimneas for twelve years. Tnmr-
mug that timimo lie hna'm mmmdc a host of
mnicmntis hj' lila : ilpnt'ciatimti ) of time do.
mmmammis of tIne immibhie amid time sat'msfactor3
nmmauminc'r iii which huim duties have buomi
pemformimed. I his ncconnmtnodatioums are per
feet amid all goods in tine mmmidcrtmtkor's line
frotmn time clicapeL tO tine highest priced
are kelL oh iuemnd , iii every variety , so
tlnat none cmiii fail to fimnd what they wnnmt.
Uclegrapit orders are promuiptiy attended
( A ) amnti toiojminoine commuiectiomia mad witin all
parts of time city. Mr. Itiewe's enterprise
is sure to will success in business.
Tells tire Truth ,
" 9'IiI' medicine I can highly recornuienil.
! hilock lIloo't flhttcr arc the he.t blond Purl'
for we irate over used , " Chas. A , Burt , 15
Court St. , liiiffalo , N. Y.
: Absolutely Pure.
IS iori1er never vane , . A marvei of purity
0 utiengtlt and hnhe.onmouies'm. Stoic economical thai
, the ortttnarv iin4 , nut cannot be .ioii Incomnpetittot
rt , , jttt the mnulUtude of tow test , short. seIht , alum. )
at phosphate poadees. Sold onny til ennum. Royal I3ak
to tndPOSICTCO.ICIJ WaltStnct New 'ork
lo zSpecla1s will PonmIttvely not be 1n.serte
ud unless Da1 CU advance.
TO LOAIi-Mouicy ,
, mn 0NE' 1 0 lOAN in uutni of * OO , or more or
1 . ttrno 4 01 ercnt by it 1'utereu , &Co
1 Ii ) I St. 71 I'ltno
no - - - - - - - - -
to LOtSuD-On chattel .ecurity , t
I'ii iL'r.t & CO. 1OJ ] iru.aur tt. ( JIimnot
I ;
i ' ONIY Li. ) IAAN-TIio lowest rates ol iumtemcI
U - , y - - - idiiit' - toaui Arenc _ _ ) _ itth _ _ & _ _ Ioiiaq _ _ ! _ _ , _ _ _ _
re \ ONflY to LOAN-Call at law otitcu of D , T.
1. Lv 'Thorna , room 0 , Crnlhton Block ,
C- LOANID-On Chattel mortRagn , roan )
u IYL NebrMkaiiattonal Ilankilulidtn , 154.1.1
Fm. ONFY TO LOAN-T. T. licatty 05mi on ciiatto
mi LII property , mica South 14th St. soptiS
! t .tTItm-'rwi. : gIns at l'eiOc hou.e , iOtim nun
ma y nmit uupozt.
meB. .tWfEi-iIri ) fur geumcrmnlluoumowork nIIc
'm eumlOrt ilL
5 ,
ii I , Ni1ti . oot 1tackuuutth at north cast cor
ii ner7th and Maccyst.
0 ( , NTEU-A flrt cnsbarturat the t'xtoui liote
it barber .luoI. 7O'1O'
.iio rt'Iui1-.ri iiutelllncmit coinreth nan witijIiut
C of nerve , C. I. Mn3nc , i.Co. , 1109 l'nruuun.
ii 7CC-tI
1 ANTntsiumltrcum. ) . , ioiu
, 013.101
7ANTmt ; ) - . tlrit.ciais ufttmcnl maker at the r
V cri.mor itacJuimuo 'orks , Itarney St.
, i . - ' rAN'n1t-A : pantry girl at the Eummot house
of 60012' . -
ho AN't'1I-iuutry lri anil a gtmi to siit on tibl
3W icr tier beard , at imoc i'armuui St. 0110'
: i- . ' -
iml. . 7ANnltSaleieuaum : for each county hi the 11
ni' i4 , , ' 45. ary ( 'Tt. to tOt ) nod mpeuuuei. Coot !
SOld by , L % IIKI.LB Mrt'co , ,
i0tti ,
uguxhns : cil.tNcms we tonita the tatcaceuu
icr Nc1rak3 , nIlne for bits , cmi a new tur
1I tumer. ptclaIty. itcie.ii tctoo "t'orwnrut ot It Iuuuu
1remiirs ore pcor"OIcn ( I 1'.rcamiI ) . Slut I.
tIiliuig to Ifli L.tmonI ! Ii. ecli county eet
( 'Sm. niake SilO ia umte. all olmiter , lrnuuue.tiatc lii
ttfle'W it ill ho tippoluutet ! if ) uu elate ocu1utlQn AU )
ii llt by IctWt uddre.cti
l'.tmiu.tNgs : , i'lMER
.noi19. : ; ( . mt's 83 , l'xton hotel , Omiunhus.
- ;
' 100)1 it1diIt4) chop OUt treC4Utflfl
V Jtd of groumuilonCturmuiui St. , liimldeeity limIt.
nu.snis , Aretut 15th auiti toubu , St. . 578 Cl
Is , lkrANfFJ-Llty &mecnt. t , . , ietl the bet .eillrut
mu V F tine of Lad1om and ChUdeu' ioo4s ever otTer ,
ed. Halo. made In every house tart a. agunt car
me. show the good. . Ageuit. . are mniktnn $100 a montlu
I . Addrtim , with .tanu. , j , U , 51. Co. , 0 SouthMay Oh
' 5. tceIso. : ill. . aonn
ill ITANTll1)-OIrl in a t&uuiy at lw. . inquire at
Ii. ! 104tT a ( :0.
U gouo saumliom.
U' V T war. . Apply inimut.duitely At emoploynuini
_ No. otticelee.
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - -
--r--------c - - - - - - - - - : -
I TN1 l.- . ' . lrt ) ' im' . 05 e S 3rar experience
! ' book tropic amid eaitmrnaum tim grocery tuoubt
h , m.iit position or iouhi buy Mi Intereet. Addre
It , "T"Bce entice , 7OSitri
a. 1TNrn1) Situttton 'is ( xcjimsn. j'jiltu fanu
.1 'm lt ) I'mefcrrtd. " 0. 11. 1st , , olSon. 570-tOt
) 11AN1EIJOIrh. . Enijulme at l0J Daveummrnrt St.
' 71h'hI
Ic ,
0 , ANTEU-.t fCw table boarder. at 1720 Casi
0'm , trtct ,
% 'ANTEt-A oouuithete act oi draoIn
imi , uncut. . Must be in good coumditloim and cheae
Ca "w. n e' . " n 0111cc.
' % TANTE1)I'artner iithm $ i,000 or l 000 in a
es good cuisir btijlne..i. A nice o.pertuulty. Pro
4 lIt. 6Oie : ) early. I'arte. ! . with the umromuey wis1In
. full pirttctilar , , address "Itubmmrta , " hits ollice ,
of iieo
jANTIn-Tojurciaeo : a 7004 mini : ; bu.inetmu
Itt y Omoali. UIcw1. W. l.i ollcu. : 3-l1
Infants and Children
Without Morphine or NarcoUnn.
% % lmnt gIveR ( muir Children rosy cheeks ,
What emerotu theIr fecra , makes then. shcop ;
, ' :114 : Cnetc.rla. .
When Ihables trc't. and crc by timrnq ,
. \'lint cures their colic , kilts their worms ,
smile tmlMtrIA.
What qub'kty ciir'q ( 'onetipotloem ,
b'our Stomnath , holds , lndig'mtIoum :
limit ( zmatora ! ,
Farewell then to Morphine Syrup , ,
Castor 011 oud ParegorIc , and
Stall Cntorirt ,
Centaur Linimpnt.-Anb-
sointo cure for Rhonmsttiam ,
Sprain. , Burns , , Galls , &o. , anti nia
instiuitanoon * PaIn.xoUovor.
GOLD fEDAL , FARm , 1373.
i : B1lthIkt'llt COCOIL
\Vnrrimzuied ibsiilitt4F
k Cocoa , ( corn which the exec , . '
oil tree been reniourd , It ii' I.4
tinis ICtPri7M of ( ' 0001 mlt'il
uliti ftareti , triouroot or iUgar ,
anti i thi't''re ( it more tconomh.
cal It Ii mui lleloii , noutthuthcc.
atrrntimilnr , ( ftetl ) ( hi55'iti , am !
nilnitrably adapted for tnvslds as
imeii uui mr te'rne tim imutth.
501. . ! by ( rcerq oryi'mhere.
1 , BAKER & CO.1 Bordhoster fIass.
.i. POSITI V Ethur3 . um-Pliout med.
' .
tiTher 10 , 70. One
box No I tcltlcnro any rasoln tour days cit hi , No.
2 will cure time iuiomt obtlnatu case no matter of how
long .thiudtng.
Al/an's Soluble Modicatc4Bougics
No nauieous mioiea 01 iubeh. , copabla , oroli of ium'
dxi wood , that are " . . .iini to Prmsluro dypepiA by
de.troyt21 the : .emtliugimof the .touixch. I cia , mru
Sold by e11 dnmzgtsts. or mnilod on rroclpt of price
For further irtIcuLr aend for cIrcular.
no. ito , : i,5.'td.
J. C. ALLAN CO , CTJaE. : :
b : John Street , Nes
= t'
IS ENTntRr4 : '
The Product of American Industry I
Full assortment constantly on hand and for aio by
HENRY PtJHRMANPr. mont , Web.
- 'NTEb-Toexc-ange , deIrabto etty reticnca
\ % for Tartulum ea'mtCrn Nebnn.kle . 'tppiv toJ. V ,
LOUNSUVICY. Re3lcmzatc agenit , 15th ami Frirnain ,
ANTlt-t'liauantturnIehmCdroOni wiUmor o ltiioii
"l da board for nentteunanarml , sifcnochllilrcn )
st.utc tnlcularsnnmtl prIck , . reference exe-hangeni. Ant.
dries "II , A. V. ' thIs uCtce , 6. l.1O
i 'AN'rED-.Gcrtlpnmanmunid site anits tan
S I fnirrubiiil ) ronnie n.m grourd Itoor , with loard in
mnriate fanuilv. Addre. ' , btatlulg terms , "il Care
Nuhuni" , tirutoro (380.1'
FOIt RENT--Houmen and Lots.
iarne burunly ocIl in lob. ii Iront
rcouuu % 1t11 ga Ore and board totwo Geritlemuienu ,
: m2 S. 16th Sr. N. W. corner mit llarnet' _ . Cil.O
( lIt } . ' - ] ! - briienns N 1. 10th aid hencnu.
I : 'I
.tpl on ureuunides. 1. It ItA1CSIItTh
6138.12' '
r O itNT-Threc ! arge roims fuinmiohest or unfur.
tubbed in best of city. Inqinro mimic Far-
iIiiti ! St. 61l.l0
Tjmoam'.hsT-Jlouse : oI6r.n.msctoeet.&c , , goodrellar
i-i % tell and eitern , tI'I)1e ) 1t07 hard Oh tetneemu
Istli ant 19th. handy to Street Car. , . 70t 1ul
Oit ItT Tao uunifmirnlohcd an. ! too furniohed
rooms 1511 CutnIu lIt. corner 10th , 702-lU.
I Ott etvNT-A : 6 moono hoiuo aunt barn. . , iS.O0.
I. 'tPIIY ' .S. lintel corner loch anti Doumu.ias ilte.
rANTnD-A .twticn by man and utlfe-lue be.
I inna ilro1..c1as conk and ho to go am saltr or
F to do 'thor muit.tb1e stork Ilotei ircferre , Inor ( nut
of cIty. ieferencee given. Addresj " .1 , he. h. " lire
. 010cc. 074.lOt
, tcrnD- Immediately , mm flrt-chass cook at iCIC
, Doigo stint. C7Mh
: ; ion RENT--A turulshel hrntpe full if roomer-i and
bonnIer , , in I erntrnmi locatIon , ant furniture for
, ale cheap. .tddcume " :4. 8 , " lteo office. (3rd-li (
. . .1olt itFrT-A smnml , mulceiy furnlohe.1 rerun , stilt.
ablu for a bingio gentleinani. 138th room consuu.
. lences. imee Caittol nuoutie. 67-210t
I ltENt-Kew boil-c , 9 rooms , hart ! anti soft
' 4
nater , all raodtro juijurosernenti , 2113 tai.itl
- ole 1trNT-mre new cottaes , 5 rooms , 'nil ]
-I ninil cistern , full hits , etc. , each ttO ver mn.umth. .
1) . L. lhmOymAS ,
. -'mon ICF.NTA ntoti. fuumilbilCit eotta3c stitli utc
I of niCumo , tot1 citerrm. et ) thlmmn conircimient ,
remit $ i' mtI ) ier mmuntlm , Alm 'I ) ' UJtiu St. tinhth Iuou.c
north St. liii ) ' . UCIlOC , cart sub , cc at lol-
r ark's clothlnn , , tore. 781.m
J 01 : I1ENT--Furnishett coon , , snuitatilo for ecrttle- :
I nu .0 , 16(9 ( F mrnuamnu stm cit. 637-tel
. ; iole micrFurnished mown 1116 IIo'nartI street
. . 'olc ltlN1--tirumlhed : rourns , and board 54.00 m'er
I 'neck , at 1OS .tackson btrect , 690-101
F"oIt 1tlN'l'-Furmuloheit room. and board modern
. lmprovcmncnte , 1612 Dodge St. 67(3.1:34 :
I AiOtt ltl8N'l'-Unfurniiohetl front iarlor anal bed
room , :2o : north 12th street , betiscen Capitol
enenueanptuvenuport , 5030'
1 II12NT-Cottagea ncmar23d and Clark , troetg ,
Ste err month , T. J , Fltzniorrle , 642 8. 17th St.
4 011. IthNT-A nlceii7mmiIied alcove room , south
V Aloe pariir , wIth or 'nIthout hoari ,
three . , block. Iron. opera house. Adtho.'i "C. , B.
Sr. rio s. 15th St. (81-tx '
FOit1lhNT.Cottune7 rooins,2811i and Ilaveniport
.trtct , . (22.00 1cr mouth , Y , Ii. miWVEit ,
. 1170iOj U. 1' . Shops.
' ; 'oui ' ICCNT-To a man and 'nifo without chIldren ,
4 charnber commue'alcutfur house l.cep'wg , frimmmt
and rearerutrance , hard nid saltwater moN. 17th SC ,
; meucT-ono ? julio 5 rooni cottage 'nitii
lirkIm ha.emrenit , cleterni , art ! cIty water on 8.
. 10th St. lraltllre 4 Moore , liurriece store 410 8. 19th
. St. 039.0
C iomt 11t7NT-Tjine and amoll ronnie ulthm uir'ntthi.
out h.namd , 1013 lodcu ( h. 015-0 !
.uohi IIF.NT Foe , sriuoii fimrmul.hiol coons , luuqutre
I Daig stt're ' Ci. 10th no.1 Dou1as. ( I .7-ti
m 'OIt niNrflmr : Iii Netrari.a NatIonal lianik
, . lIuihtlImt , Moot ileslr ittlo lii the cliv.
i3upinctI trittu Iiyttraunllc Llvator amid hmetetl tiy
I teomui , APIIIY at Rink. Sic U
I 14t l1EST-FurnIhued front room , 1724 Iouglaa
. i'trtet. r70-tt
3 iomelt.r't'no funtIhtsh roonue mit $300 and
1o 14)r month. End. mom liege onouh for two
. ocul.anitd. lOll iVetter atrect. (82-Cf
: ou ltV.NT-Furnlahied rooms auth board by tlut
I ( lay OT tl ( at I IT N. 14th mit , the house fermr.
ly ( tcc-tnpe.l ! by 3fr , lay whu1ua boom , bought oumt by
I ifriBourcilcr. nit-ce ;
. 131011 IC11NT-A few turntahed room. minigie and for
lI.htlmouaeleeplngteaniiorarjly sacautin Been , .
Cr's block career eIght aim ltowarih
IW.NT-i'leasent rooms , fuirnL.hed or not , as
- , he.iretl , four block. ronn opera house. API ly
l6031arnam. tin-u
; , oml itKN'T-A furnlahed dweIlmn corner Itonan !
I icad 14th. itentIlo. pen mouth. ( I. W , Ilomnan.
I 412-tI
T ° LIST-Furnished room. with board 1801 Call.
fornia Sb 474'imo.
Fomt HF2s7-Newtore In Tott' . bmock on Sauni.
dee. etrect. Ooul location for grocery atore
luther shop etc. inquire at l'cvide. flank , lotlo
Si. 1.u
L"oit hCY.NT-Yurnlslueti roomn ou Uue roOrthncttt
15th and C.'apltolaye.umuo , 130-tI
; 'omt ithNT-lte.tttmnoeeand atorebutldIngL BKD
S FOil ! ) A (3001411 , IlCad Bmtato Agency. Ottice
east etde 14th .treet , ) 'aruszn and Dcugiaa
etrieta. 7e2-b
; 'oie Ltsn-you choIce tot. omm2oth St. , long
S time , 2n ? N , leth tie. j , L. Marble. e-ms.ti
i'rnt w.
-UoR SALE-Two ten acre tract : esiy termi.
.1. 'two house. and corner lot 10th St.
Tao lot. , Vast trout umear i'axL
( 'otta on tkQrgta ae
Tot o ntcr : lonue , our lint Are.
iiwTIYiat VLL1it1n St. 1' . 0. $
.SATi-lmB acre. of fiNt ci'oo latin humid three
ndle fronn Colunthus , l'lattcCoumity. l'rke
an acre. ALVIN 8/tUNIE1'.S & CO. , oppocite the
t 696-15
: : _
TJ'tOii sA11-ss'e.t : 69 feet ot lot 17 MiUarti and.
.1 Calduell'mi addition , this a scry tle.lrabio lot as
its full length Ia on Sherman avenmue anti Ie a corner
lot l'rhet.ttOO , ALVIN.SAUNDRt1S&S.oppo.
site the I'utonn 697.15
SAiE-lot S block N. Siilmnn'eatlthi ton. Price
Foil : ; oo mu monthly i imymente of tO . ' .LVL'O
Sv NliEttS .5 CO. , opposite tue lUutomi , 60.15
SALE-Two fuhilots su Itis incur 1mnueIlanmncom
Fen ICC , ft great bargalu. C. 1. .Maumc & C'o , lirl
Iarnmnnm. 7u7 tI
Fume SAIn-Freshm tuimlctu coits , at mnitttary bride
2thand ( umimugmtreeto , 070-131
JICSAti-Uicrchcanmt alloriun ttn.ince'nell c'
I tahiihed anti , mann ( loot re.ounme for sellinic ,
Adda-os 'O. 0. ' lIce ottcie 033 tf
Full stnF-ncgant : cottagealnun t new , all cci. '
convenience. , $2,900. I'art cash. . , time on ha ] .
Rimee , Also nice 1 story house , 7 rooms , targo hiarmm ,
etc. , centrally locafeim , i2boO , 50O ( i-h , brlance to
suut ; 'urctcasrr. This prorty 'a 'north fully $3tOO.
e$2 tf C. B MA NE - CO , 1600 y'arniaui.
OitSALE-hioardtng house In good part of ( o
city , l'rice.$360. Attltiy II , 'iNNW12ilKR\
631-10 I Str. ,
Oil SALn-Varms lii eastern Nebreka , .1. W ,
F LOUNOIItJICY. Real Estate Agenmt. 19th anti } ar.
nam. 09ltf
SALI-varacit : half 1ts near city. Alto sev
era ! lnmprosed half huts at a bargain. .1. W.
LOUNShiiJltV. 15th mind I'arnam. 00212
F 011 SALE-Ciueap.ascrydosirahledwolling lmouso
0 rooms , gaut ctller , weU amid cienerum , & lot 33 h
192. Inquire dm1 Webote'r at. bet'necn ltthand tOt
Street. 671.121
O1 OALu-A small horse. Inquire of B. L. Shania
at uncwcourt house. 073.121
IISALI-smwelii : tkmrgaine. 110mm-c no.1 fu'I lot
c-nst hurt oi , i0thu strtt. Easy terms , 82,0(0.
lIoute , barum amid four lots. Emc tcrm. 82.1' 0
Cocci houe , it roomiot , ( cull lot , 'brim anal alt m-
tete , nearstrcct cars. 'i'runs$9,500
} ire beautiful corner mis , tour strict cars.
IrnItros t ii farmnm nut ! alid hoods Ii. . itnumilitleS to suit
In all tarts of ( lie sate.
hoic-a and Nebraska Coat Iantbs for sale cheap.
.1. A Omciahec National Bank.
; 'oit s.tLl-Luc. ; 15 and 18 h ock 3 llamicont
lt1'0 on I'ark nova , only 8050. each.
C17-tf 5icCAUUt , opposite I' , 0.
iOltSALll , usd1 otab1ilued Ilrick buslnsiss'njtb
maclttnieryamcit groni.zmnlo.
alit : 1.IcCAOIIE , o.ipontte 1' . 0.
Fun SAIm-rnomots : N. Wjiicr of 25th and
( lclcano St. lmmqulmt , of E.iimolmii amid Erickson.
Felt SAhE-Cornerlotin Shlnmi't , addition.
n1otf MICAGU ] : , opposite P.O.
'Olt SATE-New cottauce In good location , 8mLooo ,
512-tI MctAUUEop.oslte 1' . 0.
.omt SALu-Os heat ! horses , wagons , buggies and
hamesoarmd stable. for rent at l2uiigratmt stable ,
I umlug St. 0. DEICIVIN. 312. If
F 018 BALlS-A tired chacma accent baud top b
Call .1. 1319 haney atreet ,
L'oR ' 8ALl-Beeidcnoo and buatnea , property ma
.1. all part. of Omaha , and Farm Lands In an pazt
of the State. ilEDl ° ORI ) & SOUER ,
793-Cf 213 8 , 14th Oh bet. Farnam and Dou1an.
; 'omt SALE-A number of mortgage. , flrstcCass so.
curity. 3IcCAOUI2 , oj'po.ilte ' 1' . 0.
I'out 8AL1-Two lortablo bollera , 10 horse powerm
.6O3t:1 : : 218 South 15th Street ,
1 SAt.K-ifomieemsmmmi corner lot omtesqinr'f
Strict cars at n.70Q.
nnatf tcCAOL'F.op1iesito P.O.
F ° R HALE-.Oood business chaneos at 217 N. 15th
street , J. I. . ZdAIUILE.
&t SALI.-At abarcalna emaIl imoslerliahman
anti Co't fire proof sate. Inquire at thtS
- ' \TAN1kU--To hiumy Ommm.ihma heal 12tatoiTmm
tors , Call on McC.tUUL' , 01105110 1' . 0.616ti
SALII-Olu newapaper. no argo an amall
tnntttiotj at thIs olfIce. ii
FOR SAI.lTlirceor Sour roddence lots ( cornices )
in best locatIon in cIty.
Silt : McCAGtI7 , oppo'tlto I' . 0.
DOlt SALK Old EXCItANOII-Full lot anid three
.1. dwelling. corner of 11th amid I'aciflo street. .
Nine lot , In south Omaha. Also 160 acree of land
near tiantoni , Nebraska , and butldliig sect stock el
clothing No. 804 Tenth street. Will exchange tot
Nebraska fares land. . Further partIcular. at Oeo.
U. Peterson's Clothing Store , 604 Tenth street.
A tCToN' AUCTION-Sm-cat isankiupt ask ci
.1 ladleim goods at the auctIon rooms at it' . B ( Jrfnc
1422 louglsa St. Saturday Nor , 10th atlO us us , ( .1.0
cloaks aunt dolman , , 2(10 umits umidernear. 20 gold
watchee , 20 hair gold brmeelits , 25 Opera ehaimii , 200
goldrimns , 10 trIple plated r.isturs , lonitckvl clockL
S TIIAYED Old STOLhN-.Noem1cr let. a Ilbt
red cow , 11 years old , one horn brol.emi ofT , Any
lafonnatlon rugurdinig her will be thtnktiiUyrvcelvetf
attiie lbthstr-et Wuodumrd , Nurth'nc'mtonmcr 10th
and llarney. BENT NELSON.
ALlOT 503 Tenth street , between Yaroam &nd flax.
boy , will , with the aid of guardIan apirits , obtain Sue
503 005 & gisnice of Sb past and iireesnt , and ems
certain condItIon. in thin future. Boots and shoes
matte toorder. l'crhct .atWectlon guaranteed ,
xLxJPxt , XT1.
A Raret'liance for Printing Offices
we ham for talc several barrel. of a Scat
Ousiltof ; mrlnthg ink. Being made for use
on amalier or slonerpreue than 'ne arms now using ,
we will reSt the same at 6 centi per eun4 tress eu
hearth car. at Omaha. WIll guarantee it to gin e good
eetlrfactluu on muxiier and mi.lltmun
'Stin Ais i44.sLdlQ tu ;