.r I r THE DAILY BEL SATURDA' ,10 VEMB1 II IO NImninse Sale ! CARPETS AND GOODS ! -1LT . Harkness Bros. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Commencing Thursday , Nov. .l. 'Carpets ' at 18e , worth 30e per yard. Ingrain carpets at 45e , worth 60e. 't'apestry Brussels at 60e , worth 90e. Best quality body brussels at $1.15 , worth X1.40. 1,000 yards Canton Matting , at 20c , worth 30e , less than capn be imported today. Ingrain Carpets at 22c , worth 35c. 7 OUR NEBRASKA CUSTOMERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO EARLY EXATIINE THESE GODS. Our Skilled Workmen will Make and Lay : Carpats in Omaha , 'at the same Price as in Council Bluff BARGAINS IN COTTON ! 50 Pieces Bleached Muslin at Gc , worth 9c. GO Pieces Unbleached Muslin at 6-c , worth 10c. Canton Flannels at 5c , worth lOc , Heavy Cotton flannel at 12 ? c , worth 16c. Prints 3e , worth 6c. i Latest Style for $75.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00. " 50.00 , " 75.00. i . _ , ac as 6.00 , a ao 9.00. 3.Q Dawn. Blacl . 'ersasr J'ac . r we will offer at X2.50 each , soul elsewhere for X4.00. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF Silks , II1'CS s Goods , Cloakiigg ! , P1ii1ieVevet s , ! s&c. , ' AND OFFERED AT ) AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION. Omaha and NeUrnslc < i customers purchasing bills of 510 and ulnvurds , will receive transportation both ways. Iowa customers will save their transportation by calling at ' HARKNE BROTHERS , 401 Broadway , council Bluffs , Iowa. A CRUEL MISUNDERSTANDING , "flow provoking it is tltnt n stm ger should step in and make n conquest of ono of our moat nttractivo beaux , when wo ltao so few of them in D1I1- ford ! " " 1Vhnt is it , Nolly1' ? asked ITessio Bloondiold. "l'ra ) be more oxplicit. " "I was telling Marten about Miss Lu. fuvre. Conrad 'larcy has been playing the gallant to her over since sbu ems been here , "That is no welder at all , " answered Bessie. "Dud you over sec n mote boaitt fun wonnu ? All men are attracted by a ] taulsonso face. " "UU : as to that we have as grotty girls among uis as she , If I am anything of a judge , " rejoined Nolly. "But I think she must have known bun before she enure to Milford. IIc viaitsher very often , l know , because 1 live next door and hear tltent singing hither. There is no nristnkiug Conrad s voice. 'l'imo walls between our houses are so very thin that one can almost hear thou talk tag. " ' 'I head yestertlny-but hush-here ! she conics ; " Wad the last speaker , Mariomi llnursay , bent over her work lost nn scrtn tinizing sonic false stitches in the forma. tion of a pansy. The foregoing conversation took place among a coterie of girls in the curlier of a large room bright with the glow of an u hen tire of anthracite , the heat of w hichi ' mnetratod oven to tire oriel window' in which DIll ] y 1'ernon , the youngest and prettiest of the 'Iilford maidaus had ensconced herself. Thu apartnunt was overcrowded with young ladles , who occupied sofas , chairs , olto mans and , in fact , anything that could be improvised into a seat , for Mrs. Dumont's art school hind become fatuous , ; utd her scholars iucreasod in numbers daily. There was a sudden silence as Miss Lu fer're entered and walked across the room , greeting each of her acquaintances with a word autl a smile , until she cane to the corner whore the gossips were sitting. 1Ier entrance causal such a sensation that no one noticed 11Ii11y'a agitation pn 0 dllCOd by the idle words lust spoken. Milly's glance inadvertently rested on a ruby ring that Conrad Dlarcy lied slipped upon her finger only two nights before , saying it was a talisman , thu color of which would fade should ho cease to love liar.Vas it really loosing its crimson hue , or did her own fears produce a fan' dud change ? No ! itvvas a great tear that had fallen from her eyes ujlo1 the surface of the stone ; site felt a thrill of joy as she wiped it away and saw the gem's ' undiu Cued brightness. Before Miss Lefovre reached the win der where she had doteeted the preaenco of Dlilly with the eurt&n partiallyy drawn before her , the girl had sununongd up courage enough to exchange salutations with her and aver looked smilingly into her face as she took a seat beside her and began to speak of the sociable that was to take place at her house that evening. "I count on you , Miss Milly , " she said , 'to hole 1110 to entertain a young gentleman from now York , Mr. Chester , tha son of a millionaire vvho has come hero in search of a now sensation and , with that end in viowwill come to ourso- ciablo. I hope one of our hellos will get up a sensatioll to gratify him ; indeed , l do not know of any one bettor fitted for the purpose than the little lady before mo , if she so wills lit ! " Miley felt a choking sensation in her throatbut mastered it and answered with some asperity : "Tor my part , I do not know of anyone ono better versed in the managombit of hearts than Miss Lefovro herself ; she should try her arts on the gentleman. " "Oh , no " Miss Lufevro replied. "I have other business on hand. " She stopped - ped suddenly , while a blush tinged her handsome face , but it was only for a mo- tent , when she resumed withm a smilo"I shall certainly bring him to you first. " Thou , rising front ] tor chair , alto wont over to Mrs. Duinont for her assistance in the constructionof thedelicatostnniens of a white lily. Milly thought over Miss Lefovroe words. Yes , they were sutlicient to confirm - firm all she had heard , and a feeling of , ealousy and hate took possession of that innocent young heart that never before harbored an unkind thought toward ally. Otto. Otto.Dlilly returned home , fled to her chain. ber and tltruw herself on the bed. She had longed for this refuge that she might hive vent ; to her wounded feelings in a flood of tears , but she had becu too much shocked for such a relief. Besides , in do. 'fiance of every conviction site tenaciously clung to the belief that there 'night b0 a01n0 mistake , and agoncrots trust m the man site loved came back to hue. She was positive there must be some decop- t on about the matter. Conrad had at. ways proved himself the soul of truth amid honor , incapable of double-dealing , and ho surely had loved her. Site blushed and was thrilled as site thought of the last few weeks. 1Vhy should she doubt Ittni without more convincing proofs of his guilt ? If Mtlly intended to go to the aoeinbho flint evening it was timimo for her to be umking her toilet. Conrad was to escort liar there and hind sent her n splendid bouquet for the occasion. Yes , aiil would go. 1Vithout doubt in the course of time evening she would see enough to cOOvincu her either of his truth or falsity. Mill , was as and sweet as a cluster of newly-gathered rosebuds when she descended from tie dressing-root to accompany ConradMarcy to Miss hefevro's house. Tito young ummi gazed at her with admring ] eyes and could scarcely refrain front tolling her of all the lo o for liar that was in lea heart ; but the thought of Miss Lofovro amid of the trials that might be in store for her had so transformed Dfilly's generally impulsive mmnner , causumg an appearance of coldness and reserve , that nil the warm feelings of his heart were chilled , ' 1'hte' rode along together' Oxeitami ghmg mere' a few coninomi haco words , tumid it was a relief to both wlmen AsoY arived at their desti nation. Dlilly found oily a few lathes in time dressing-room , having taken 011' hot- wraps site rearranged whatovet' was amiss iii her dross and , walking to the window , looked out ittto time clear , starlight night. Her heart was heavy with fcrubodinge , for situ was pusitivo her lover's nuuuuer toward her was changed. 'Pears were fast gntloring : in hot- eyes , whom site heard the rustle of silk u pot the stairs and a party of girls brokelaughingly into the rom. " SYolli" exclaimed Bessie Illoonfnold , "if lucre isn't ' Dlilly 1'utTnt , looking just as lovely as a cluster of lilies-of. the valley. 1 suppose site intends ntakin a conquest of our illustrious guest to. night. " Dlilly smiled , "Ohm nil" she answer. od , "I will leave ltbn 10 you ; " and then alto wont out a1 the landing whore olio hoard Comrad's voice , Situ thought Ito had comae to take jour io the dareimig. root ; instead of that , pie heard Luba an. swering Miss Lefuvro , tvlto hat ! just said to him ; "It was very thodghthul in y'ou'Tr. Marc ) , to como so early ( hits evening , " "Ann 1 not always thoughtful ? " ho re' , dial , so familiarly ns ho hold item hand in ethat 'Iill } 'san a great friendship , tE tr ot' tag more , existed between then. " 1 will not detain your miow from your visitors , " Conrad wont u1 to say ; "lint I ho1w ) 'OU can find time to rend a letter 1 have for you. " 'filly was stantltng behind titian amid could nut help seoilmg Conrad take from his pOCket n letter and place it iii Miss Lefevru a outstretched lmaml. Site sat , time munistakabio look in her eyes , that quick blush et her cheek , Dlilly waited for nothing mor . She felt sick amid dizz " and strange lights danced before her eyes ; ; but , knowing she mast Caul lose herself , site strugglefor street th to accomplish it , and tl color that had loft her rushed back again. She returned to time dressing.roontamid , numimind8d of Conrad , wlto was really waiting for her , found an otportunity , , utuler ito cover of .ludgo llortoi s broad shoulders amid the voluns. 01005 folds of his lady's atillsilk dress , to steal unobserved past him , down into the dauein groom , She felt that the mutt site had trusted hind Proved false to her before hot- own ev'es' but should the world know it amid hut- rival triunuplt in her diseomlturo ] ? No ! she would bury it all i1 her own hart , amid tionu nmumig that careless throng sltottld even suspect alto was a slilmted wontar. 1Vatchtng liar opportunity , Dlilly look I1osse'SsiOtt of a lOw seat at tine and of a sofa , where alto could escape observation and yet eonmitnnd a vieww of time door at which Conrad stood chatting with Mar' Dcrwent. All the tiniu however , l wmts looking eagerly about as if ho ere uxpectimlg Semite eta to appear. 'filly's ' butter nature assorted itselfas site thought lie was suraly looking for her and how on- ladylike site had been acting , when she saw Miss Lufevro cross time hall and place her haul on his shoulder. how beautiful alto looked with that smile and blush , while the glance site lifted to his face was full of consciousness. I'Com e , air , " site said to hula , "how shall we begin time evening ? Shall I slug , and will you acconmpany mule ? I. mu iii a vet ) obliging mood to rilaltt. " And again that conscious smile dashed over each face. It is needless to toll how Milly'snllbrod as she hoard her lover's voice blend with that of her rival , or whoa she saw Linn bond over her to turn the loaves of her music and whiaper soft words iii her ear. At last the girl's ' heart began to ltardemt ; a Iluslt came to her face and site took a sudtleit resolution. Yea ! far time rest of the ovomiimig site would Ito the "rayvest of the gay. 1Vhy should alto matte herself miserable for n niar who did not care for her ? Site world show him that site , too , could forget. Time sutging being now over , the hired nnsiciat took his seat at tie piano ; At the first metes of tune dance m msic time gentlemen strolled away in search of partners , and Dlilly was not sorry when site saw Miss Lefovre approaching her with mu mnisellioyotus sutilo on her face , bringing with imcr time elegant Dir. Ches. ter. ter.There There was an evil look in Bill 's eyes as she acknowledged the introduction. She intended to supply the place of her recreant lever with this city dandy , for 0110 night at least. The aladows were clmsud away from her face anti a smiling beattty smnnioned in its stead. Nothing could be lovelier that her appearance as she took Mr. Chester'aarnt for a pronto- undo before the dancing commenced , llilly's bright head was scot passing aid repassing the open door of tite hall , mud Mr. Chester stroked his mustache as lie listened to hergay con oraatiomi , thinlthig couplacently that lie had again met with ] pis usual good luck in procuring for his partner time prettiest girl in the room. Little dud ho think of the jealousy aid rage in her bosons , nor did lie see the eager glances she cast into the romp be. yond then. Milly's anxiety would not lot her remain - main long in the hall. Conrad caught sight of her as she entered the , arlor , amid , starting front his careless position by the piano , lmastened to her side. I 1Vhero have you been nil tire Owning , little woman ? " he said : "I missed you at the dressiug root door and have Leon ur- able to find you sluice until this miuutt. Miley , have I beet so uufertumiatu as to o1I'oul you ? " "Ole , Ito 'rite beauty' and goodness of Miss Lefovro quite overshadowed muse , " Dlilly replied , looking carelessly up into Isis face with a gay smile. Cocrd wondered what could be time matter with his little girl. She had fart sakeit hint entirely , and would not re. coive any attentions from him. And what could she meat abort Miss Lefovre. lie both smiled aiiml felt vexed as ho thought about it , ' 1'he musician now struck tip a brlihlatt waltz , amid DIihiy , almost before site knoww it , found herself whirling rotund time room , encircled by Dlr. Chester's anti , ] tor white hand or ltis shoulder , her ; glowing face turned lip to lira , and his breath amid her flowing hair. Conrad stood amid looked a moniolt with folded hands nud quiet brow , while Billy's floating drapery touched ] mint as aho swept by. ' 1'tuu ] , with a sigh , he turned away aid ltastoned to Miss Lofovro , vvlmo vvol canted hum with a pleasant smile. Dlilly saw it all aid felt her heart grow sick and cold ; yet she carried out the pro. rannned with "rent spirit-danced , ate ices and IlirtoJ , acacrely conscious of what alto was doing. At last the 'aoeiable ended. Conrad did not escort Mill ) to her carriage nor acconspauy her hatue , but stood looking Ott while Air. Chester careful ) adjusted her wraps amid kissed her hand as he bade ] tor good ni ht. "How filimsfull' : I hau been deceived , " thought Commmtd ns he tool ; his hint to go hoar " eeeaed perfect 'illy to mo a .iBern of purity and nrtlessness and she is ust likaltime rest of time husband. ltmtting voting ladies. " Dlilly was sick for a week after the sea ciablo and could see no one. Mr. Clues. tor called frequeittl ' , alit ! then wunt Moue but UVOC' week { thereafter found him in Dlilfordy Dlillyy being hla eel attraction there , le showered attottutts uport her , mind tok her out riding with a grand team Ito hind brought trout Now York for that purpoao mono , antl made alt time young Indies of time v'illago her enetumies , Poor Milly was uxcecdinly inhu p iy. She lutew tlce intiuunc y be tweemtlConrad amid Miss Lofevro still ox. isted , lie alto frequettly say Atem togetit or , but the Only cnnunutication alto had with her quaRlan lover was at occasional brutal tip of the lint shmomm she eneoml- torod hmiui nn the street , At last , song months later , Mr , Clues. tor made Miley nu offer of his hand , whticlt was pronptl ) ' rejected ; thou , afto' the excitement that had boon keeping her im n had passed away , alto bo gran to grow laim quid and paler and all Item former growlttliness left lion. One pleasant sunny isornitig lit Df Millyyr ° Ptense her re/let'r jaid started out for mm wails , for in tie cruel de's that lend fallen alpi her her greatest Inclina. tiou was t stay within doors , Site hind FURNITUREtj THE1 1 CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY 3 Furniture 1 --IS AT-- ] 7EWEY & STONE'S They A1WAyII have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEaANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS , Granite Ironware. . l.p r or nou Na ° t nv Na , rn hr jS WiOL SOME DURADLL. The Best 1Yare 1adc ibr the Iiitclicn. fdANUFACNIIED ONLY BY TIIE Y ST. LOUIS STAMPING COMPANY , SL LOUIS T9r Salr , liv all Siavr. HardwArC bpd Nonsefllrpi liina ilealPrs. not gene far before alto saw Miss hefoyr o in the dtstaieo coming toward her , for this lady ltad taken ml oed nntured fancy to Mill y , despite Mr. Marc 's conviction as to item vaiit and fickleness aul the girl hind boon glad to secure her visits. Thu ltcor child loved Conrad still with her whole heart , mid it was only throb get Miss lefevro site could hoar of uinm , But Miss Lefuvro was out coming to see ] ter that evening : situ turned aside front the path tutu was about to cross a tick ! iii wbiclt amt excavation hail been made under a shelving. rock. It could miot be seen by army umio approaching until on its brink , and a fall nmto it would suraly prove fatal , 1Vhht was alto to do ? ' [ 'Ito wennamt wlmo hind destroyed her hn p titess was walking the jaws of dt atht , 'ltould site save her ? Miley troubled al time wicked tltougbta that intruded them. solves upon her and lied brontltlessly across the fold , calling boldly to bliss Lufevro , and at last reached her jtat in time to save her from a terrible fate. Miss Lofovro sail : in terror to the grim' ' . "nou have saved my life , Dlilly , " site cried , "almost at the risk of your own"-for the poor weak girl was quite uvereoumo with the exertion site had made-"how sushi I over repay you ? I owe you a great debt , greater than you can imagine , for life is very sweet to me now , You du net ash ate why , Shall I toll yor ? " " 1 don't think you would tell mite any secret , " Mill ) replied. "Your projected nuirriago wittu Mr. Marcy is fully nnder stood , 1 believe. I an glad to lmnvo an opportunity to cotigratulato you on a uuton with a met of so much constancy rand faitlifuluoss. Now you must really excuse me ; may head is aching violottly. " The girl was gone in a mitomoit , and a light suddenly broke over Miss Lefovre , She Irat lmor hands to ) ter face for nn itt scant and then exclaimed : "flow blind 1 have boeul I have abuost ruined Milly's life for noticing , mid Commrad'a , too , poor follow ! 1Ve11 , I can reward her nov and restore liar lover to her. 9'luey bout shall be happy at last. " Milly did not sulfur much longer. The following Sunday , as she was roturmuing from church she saw Mis3 Lefuvro nud Conrad walking along engaged in close conversation n short distaneu before Item. See saw them approach Miss Lefevro'a louse , opomi a gate anal walk up time pathway - way , wle0 a tall , haidsono man started ill ) from a chair on time porcit and rushed down time steps to meet thiont. Site saw this limn clasp bliss Lefovre iu his arms aid extend a Iuaud in a brotherly greet. ing to Conrad. Then time atratgo truth flashed upon Dlilly dint it was the story of thus lover that Miss Lofovro wits going to tell het on time day of time rescue. Ohl how foolish site had beemil Site thought of her hasty suspicions arty blind jeal ousy. Situ hind thrown away liner hnppi tress wain her owmi hamids. Site could see no fault ii Conrad . All her troubles hind arisen from her own uiisera- blo filly. 'hunt nfternoct the complication was fully explained , Miss Lufevro'a lover was Conrad's dearest friend. 'Pita betrothed trothed couple had had many difllcultics to contend with during their long engage mmiettt , atld these Comtrad lead been lltatru mental iti arranging , hence hia'intiu aey with Miss Lefovro , "And now , little Milly , have you Ito words of affection for mu after this long , dreary silmucei" said Conrad , whet all hind boon oxplntncd. "Will you forgive me , tlonr Conrad ? You know I rover cared for Dlr. Cheater , do you not ? " ( ionrd looked down into ] ter upturned taco , wet within tears. "I was memo to blmito than 'Ott dear , " said le. "D0 not lot us spunk of it anyy ncoro. " DIi11y put up her tempting lips to be kissed , and tlmuro was no need of words to tell that she amid Conrad had at last found mull the peace amid happiness that love Cal bring. COUNCIL OLUFFSa ADDI'1'IONAL LOCIL NEWS. ] teal EstiitoTransf'ers. The following deeds were flied for record - cord to time recorder's ollice , November 9 , reported for the Bmn : by P. J , Mc. Mahon , real estnto agent : Ida A.11111 to Suns U. Collins , lot 4 , 1)100k 2 , Bayliss' Second addition-$1 , SVlliann ] Goddard of aim to B. Darr' el eo 31 and wt. . . satj $ .pr 7 , 41- $ ° r000. DI , Lveringham to 11'tn , Siodemitopf , lot i , block 3 , Snow i4 ireei's addition - $30 , 14110) A , Hall to Alfred Enunott , nwj n w.1 rand se nwj and awl uej 31 , ; 0 , 4d .1G00. Total sales , $ imClll. Cas fixtures at Ilixby'a , 318 Broadway , Cut rates to all poiu ite McAllister's ticket ollice , bO p Broadway , Council Bluff' . , Sou Ahbra , the native of Buyfnnb , vtlto is lectrtriuig in this part of the country , i 9 rather a remarkable ! peraotlago. IIe was born in India ] n IS50 and became a con . vert to Christianity whoa 10 years of ago , and on account of this was dlshlberito d a r 1 by his father , lie was educated in the i mission scitools , and whole 20 years old sot sail for America , 110 has hem attended - J tended Brown University , Newton Thco logical Scninnry , amid Jollbrsonr Medkal Coleoge , gradnatinfront the latter in 188. , lbo is hi1itl1 endorsed , and his entortainmeitts hare received much praise. As Ito is to lecture in Otunlta cold other places near hero , sumac of time Coumicil llhdls folks are anxious to secure him for nu oveming eutertaiunlent here before ho leaves this part 0f time countr ) . COMMERCIAL. COu cit. lmLUt'FS MARKET. 1 Wheat-No. ° spring , We ; No. 3 , GOe ; rev jectod , &Oct good domain. Corn-Dealers am pnying 2S30c ; rejected corn , Chicngn , l0atfc ; now ndxed IOu ; vvltito corn , tOc : tins receipts of corn are light. Oats-Ht good dmnandat.2oc , ] lay-1 OO x1100 nwr ton ; We per bale , ] t 'o-lOc ; li ltt supply. Corn Meal 12G potmds , Wood-Coed supply ; prices at yards , G OOti G 00. ' Coal-Delivered , lmard,1100 per tot ; soft , ; 6 fO par tmi. 4 ] hitter-I'Ienty amid In fair demand of ° 3c ; Oretemery , :1Gc. : 8 Eggs-lendy : sale at Ifs par dozen. ] , nrd-Foirbnnk's , wbniesalbtg lit lea t Poultry- Firm ; dealers are payingg for chickens lOc ; live , 2 f 0 per dozen. Vegetables-I otntoos , fOc ; onion , fOc ; cab. bnges , ; 40@40 , per dozen ; upplus , 3 tiOt4 W per barrel Flour-City flour , l GOQ3 40. ; Brooms 2 OO3 00 per doz. LIVE sect. Cattlo-3 ooa fa ; calves , f OOT t O. llogs-Mnrkot for hugs quiet , as the pack. iw3 houses arc closed ; sldppere are paying 4 00 @ 475. FOUND IN A BOX. ; Mr. John Klnewan , of Auaatn , Mo. , tirltce ; May Q 10 , 1633 , as follow. : "I hate been afillctod for onto } care wltllaecrerc kldnoytrouhlcald havrgnotlcrd an artlclolnono of our parrs of the a'osderful cures r Ilunt's ltenlcdyhad porfannnlinruauycnsosof drop- , y , Llcdder and kldnoytroubles , and fludln ; a bottle Ina box or stew packing , l concluded I would try It , y and comineneed to take It , w lien , to eurprlse , l fouml that the first bottle bcucatcd um so notch that I dc. died 'flat I would continua Its use , and I kept on taking It until I had used in all six bottles , amt my apotitoI.goodallpaha41nttmolack alid.ldodisap. , pearcd , and fortune of my year , ( f and now SO years oil ) i am able to attend to my business , and ant .trong and t Igorous , as miaany of toy friends and t neighbors can testify tint hnowtnoadb Ibeg testate state also , that many of nor neighbors have tied hunt's limnedy withcqually as good result. , and one of my frlcnds who has jimstpurchased abottlo of Op. my , Kinsman A Aide , , of i'orliand , says ime'trould not Iw without It lit any price. ' . TIIE BAKER'S WAY , Mr , Allied Nadoan , No. 01 Lincoln street Lee hton , 3lo. , wrltcs us , llal : 1 , 1553 : " 1 have beet severely afflicts l for a long limo with Indigestlou and iirer rooq lalnt , and at thous ail tlcnt I ate so dl9treesed , t unothat I coidd not beer lima sight of food. I had tried a good ntauy different remedies for my coca platnt , and they all failed , nulil into day Mr. Martel , , ono of our drugglsts bt Lewbton , recommended t hint's ltemcdy , as lag knew of so nmeywho had used It litre ttlth great succemm for lddney , liver , and cc- Iuary troubles , as well as Indlgesttoxi , and upon hls t uecocacaendatlon I Orally concluded to try a bottle , nil cmunlenccd taklog , with rcry little faith hi IL The first bottle helped tau so much that I purchased two nwre , cold It its domio tau a wonderful amount of good , and curel"rno'ot Imi.1 .then , bean eat all l klnds of food now ; nod col truly recomnmentl Iiunt's , r , t Itemedyasasurecuro.turiudleetion , liicr dad kid. ' e " ' . tiesdhvascr. r. ry PRACTICAL IEXPERIENCE. , Mr. Oco , D , liatceol No. S : Cottage Street , Lewiston - ) T ton , Me. , a rellablo and prominent citizen „ imparts , ' thu following Inf"nnatlmm , ) lay 11,1553- , : "ilsi Ins hmreod of limo t nluahln qualities of Ilunt's Itenedy hl a practical manner 1 be to etnte that I conslderlt a remedy of great mineelt , amid can unmet J cheerfully recommend It to say one troubled with kldney or liter dlsea.e. " The nneoof tha term "Sher S H 0 R1" Idno" In connection with tips corporate name eta gicatroads COIIre1'S an idea of put what required by the traveling pub. ° L I N E Inc-a Shirt Llne , Quick Tins and the best of aceowmods ttone-all of wldch are Stun. y ished by the greatest railway In Amerltti. j C HICAGO MILWAUKEE And St , Paul. It owns and operates over 4,500 miles or toad n Northern Illinois , 1Ylsconeln , Dltancsota , Iowa &n4 Dakota ; and ail is male lbws , branches and coanec lion. reach aU the great business centres 01 Sims Northwest Olnd Far lYest , It naturally emitters tta description of Short Lha. , and Boat Route between Chicago , Milwaukee , SL Paul and Minneapolis. ChlcaguMtlnaukeeL Crosse and WInona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen Cad kllendela Chleago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stillwater ChicagoSttiweukee , YausaetandMerrilL Chicago , Milwaukee , Reaper Raw and Oshkosh. Chicago , MUa'aukee , w'aukeehp and Ocodomowoo. . Chlcr go , Milwaukee , Madleon and 1'ralriedu Chien. I Chicago , Milwaukee , Owgtongq wit PdrlbauI Chicago , lteloit , JaseevOle and Mineral l'olnt. i Chicago , El"lm , itocklord and Dubnqua , Chicago , Citatoo , Rock ! eland and Cedar Itapids. ) Chicago , Council Illus. and Omslaa. Chicago , Sioux Ctty , Sioux Fills and Yankton 1 Clmta oMlhvaukee , Mltchall and Claanuherlatn. Reek hlaeul , Dubuque , SL 1'std and Mlnwea lolls , flat cnpOrt , Calmar , SL l'eul and Minneapolis. Pulmaa Sleepers amt the Finest DtuingCars lath world are rum on the male ( hies olthe HIo qCo MILWAUKEE IIcto PAULpILWAY and et try attention s , pars-jsr. by courts oils employes o1 the cowpauy , , S. d. MERRiLL , A. ' , U , CAItPNSiTER , Owilitauaaer , Oen'ti'aia'Ageot. , 3 , T CLARE , 0110 IL Il AYFO1ID , lea' ) slga'a Aas't oeu'I1'aem , A't , 0 fi fa a 0