g TlIL DAILY BBLCOtJNCIl. . BLUFFS , SATURDAY , NAVE\II3ER 10 , 18 4 LIE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Iiorninc , Nov. 10O _ sunscnirnor iATES : Dy CMTler - - - - - - 20 cents per week Dy ltd - . 810.00 per fear OFFICE ; o , 7 Pearl Street , Near Eroadway. MINOR MENTION. Sco Joseph Reiter's fall goods' Additiottallocals onsoventlr page , Chcap llailroad Tickcts nt hnshnell'e. Sport nt the driving park this afternoon - noon , The now Masonic temple is looming up brandly. Spiritual social tonight. Music and dancing. Not oven a solitary drunk iii the polfco court yesterday. The 8lauuhtor of hogs will comtncnco ' house the lhth : it Stowart'a packing on inst. Victor Jennings arcs made doubly happy Yesterday , Twins. A boy and a girl. girl.The The now stnm fire engine at Avoca was tried Wednesday m orumg and throw water 350 foot with 80 pounds of steams , John W , Clark and Mary Ann Johns , both residents of this city , arc now Mr. and Mrs , ClarkJustico Abbott having inado thorn no , The Second Spiritualist society moots every Sunday at $10 Middle Broadway , Hood's block , up stairs , room 4. Hour of mooting , 2,30 and 7.80 . p , m , Littio Sioux and Loreno are to see Which fs the swiftest at the driving park this afternoon. Thorn is also to be a $100 contest for single roadsters. The prospect is that in thocourso of another year the saloon licenses in this city will be fixed at$1,000. Soma of the saloon mon themselves are in favor of having .it put there. "If a Man Die , Shall IloLivo Again" -Spiritual Circle to.morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon and ovonindg , at 2 rued ,7J0 , o'clock' in Spiritual hull' Shugart and JSeuo's blockontranco On Illsin and Pearl stroot. . Jack Shields , on his last arrest for as emault and battery , has boon fined one dollar std costs. Jie has , however , the old term of siz months to servo for aa saulding the old man Jennings , aid is hero in jail on that. In the Superior court yesterday time case of Schworinger vs. Culver wns tried by jury. The claim was for unpaid wages , for services as clerk for the dofon dart. The jury returned a verdict giv. ing the plailltill' $248. Some thief or thieves broke into a car on the Chicago , Burlington S ; Quincy track , and stole therefrom a quantity of apples consigned to Boll , C Hall , One barrel is missing , and there is no way of how many other apples wore taken , as quito a quantity wore loose in the car. The social given by the Royal Arcanuni last evening , the third of time aeries , proved like the others , a happy affair , 1'lto company being select and made u of the bet itizenand their ladies , the occasion was really a social event of more than passing moment. Time Arcanum is as strong socially as it is financially , and whatever it takes hold of it seems to make successful. There are several patent right suits pending in time castors : courts concorping the electric lights Some of those suits may affect ono or time other of time two companies whoaro now trying to estab lisle the light in Council Bluffs It is to be loped that there will bo no delay , however , in time one result , of setting 80010 sort of an electric light for time city , amid a good one too , In Justice Abbott's court yesterday time carpenter's tools found in timoOcin , then. tre were identified as being some of those stlomi lately from L. McGroor's shop in Omaha , and for which two neon Hewitt and Gallagher have been arrested. The tools found hero are valued at $15 , and form only a smell part of the total loss. Other tools have bcon found in ilawn- 5110i)9 in Omaha. Iianlan is trying to brook up time gambling DUSmoss. Four poker and one hand table , about ten quart of chips and other property has boon captured , and James L. Forknor , as the keeper of the house , has been held in $250 bonds for the action of the grand jury. J , F. Huntzinger wars time one who complained of Forknor , and now I'orkner has tuned about and had Huntzinger drrested for selling liquor contrary to law. , A party of school teachers from She. nsidosh were in the city yesterday , ideas public schools amid getting such as the could b seeing CoCoon. cil Bluffs' aYstow in , operation. They expressed themselves as satisfied withn time exparimott. Aniong thorn were It. B , Cross , C. H. Guernsey , Lou Tuck. or , Kitty J. Lewis , Lottie E. Graugor , Emily Alden , Ida Parker , Carrie Laut berm , Flora Collins , and Fannie Scott , A poor follow , evidently a little oft' Ins balance mentally , appealed to the authorities yesterday to protect himfroni a ob ho fancied were g rimm ) , with the intention of hnn ing him. 1jo claimed that last night , while sto ping at a hotel hero minone broke into Iii. roost and crawling under time bed stayed there all night with a razor ready to murder Iiim. lie was taken into Jailor Sohonh'a care last nightSchontz assuring him ho was safe there , far while mcmi oftomi tried to break out Ida hotel no one had ever triad t break in , The examination of Mrs , Ed , Berko , charged by liar lmaband with haying wandered from the straight i ) ath by sleeping at the Bryant Iioum with a ' barber named Reese , was con. cludod before Juatico Abbott yesterday , She was hold for the action of time graiid jury , the bands being $50. Her attr. cloys , F. M , hunter mid Jolht Limit , at once filed papers before Judge Ayies worth , and she will be brought before him this morning on a writ of habeas corpus. They claim that the evidence showed n cotnplot alibi and slip ought to have boon discharged , and will try to convince Judge Aylesworth of that. fact. _ - - - - - - ' - - GET JOUR WINTER APPLES L. II. Wray hsa a car load of barrel d apples on the track at the IC. 0 depot , and cash to sell , thorn at once cheap for The coHer at of Jenltmw , Bon' Davin r vine Saps , Boll Flowers , and Northern Splua. These wishing good mppioe cheap for winter will Not s obet , s ANOTHER KICK , Jnd g c dyICSWOFth Wan1S to Chan c 1110 Ctty's ' Financial Po1cy. ! . lie Aks fir nn InJnnctitnt at Judge heed's ifnnds. Commcil Bluffs would hardly know itself if it did not have one or more injunction suits On its laud , 1Vhon theio is noth ing else to do the citizens always try and got nn injunction to stop sonnethfng or anothor. This time it is Judge Aylcs worth who cosmos to limo front amid wants to stop the city council from paying some of its warrants in cash and others in promises. Time city has a largo number of general warranta outstanding , and every month the council transfers $500 or so from time police fund to a sinking fund to take up these old warrmits in the order of their issue. At time same time the countil slakes more or less cash contracts. It pays its street labbrers , polfco , etc „ mu warrants , but these warrants are ntnrkod of time back , "to be paid in cash , " and time city treasurer takes time money and pays theta. At time next meeting of the council there is a suflicient amount transferred from the police fund to time general fund to make up for this overdraft. ' ) 'lie policy of time council seems to be to pay more or loss of its current expenses nn caslm , as labor cam1 be thus got for less , and the city saves by it , at time samno time time ) odicy has boon to take up the old out. etantitin warrants as fast as possible , Judge AYleaworth draws his salary in general fund warrants , and he has wmit d the council to mko his pa able at once in cash but the have refused , as the deem lips salary n liberal one , mid that lie can either afford to wait , or else stand tlmo shave of some broker. he doesn't feeFthis way about it , and clafmns that they ought not to make an exception in favor of a few by paying their warrants in cash , andlothimandoth ors wait , lie moved to have nn injmtc- tion to stop such favoritism. lie claims that time law recognizes no such fund as time police fund , amid that all monies front licenses , fines , etc , , shall go into the general fund , and all warrants for city expenses drawn upon time general fund. These warrants nlmall thou be paid in the order of their issue. It is claimed on the other hand that thmepresont policy is the only one which will bring tlmo city's finances into a healthy condition , and that if allowed to follow it out , that by next March warrants - rants will be at par , mid in time miionntime the city will be saving mnonoy by paying cash for labor cold other expanses , instead - stead of paying largo wages in general fund warrants , which they will have to iiay in full some day. It is claimed that tiio most of the out. stmidinq warrmits are held by mcn who bought them at from 7 to 12 par cent discount - count , amid as they are drawing 0 per remit interest , those brokers would be time ones who would gain largely by a change of financial policy , while the city , by not being able to pay cash for present nor- vices , would have to pay more for every- timing , tlmus imicreasim its expenses , for time sake of bonofittmg speculatoro , amid moan abundantly able to carry time war- rants. The petition for an injunction was to be argued before Judge I load , at Donison , today , but as Judge Ayleaworth has a habeas corpus case coming ' before lmim today - day an arras gemont has I'poen made be- twon himn and City Attorney Ma yno b which the matter ill be resented to Judo Rood this ovelihmig , if hits honor home in tinto. Time mnayor and city council propose to fight the case to the itter and but it is threatened that if rot injmnctiomi is ratted time city will at once discharge it police , cut don it fire department , stop all city work on time streets , reduce all possible running expenses nd lot time city stand still ami turn nil thie receipts over o , to - ing u r old warrants , Such arc the tluoah made by smno of the olhiciale but it in doubtful wether any such desperate nlovo would be nmla oven if the injunc tint restraining the issuing of the cash warrant be granted. THE NE \ ' DYEIYOIIKS , F. It. Hurlburt hums ojiencd , at No. 84 Pearl street , a steam dying amid French dry cleaning works , l'lumoa tumid tips , velvet , silks , aatinsI b out's clothing , merchant's shelf wont goods , all made as good as ) low. low.TJIBJ TJIBJ NI:15'H NET , It Gnthors In a Nunmberol' lnterest- h „ ltenms From Coon Itmiplds -A Shnothng Serape. Coos RArmns , November 8-A , 0 , Van Aikon and Jnncs , Cornell were ox- amn nod before Justicu Foxworthy eu time charge , of keeping a ganbl'ng ' house. The exanminatfmm took ; laeo emi the 77th Inst. , ltoid mC 11IOrgan appearing far time state and S. J , L , Shenllbr for the do- fotao. Thai case was dimmifaeed. Aim incident occurred on the 5tim be. twoemi lmoro rand Bayard which canto very near being fatal to ono part } ' . A nman called Cnoldor had boon driukimig heavily in Bayard amid was on ids way lmomo wiles lie met a hunting Party of fur ro turmiir , to town. They stopped mid ox. char b god a few words , hon idtlmu ut pay notice tlmu mini Cauldor noised Ids gun , Time lmunting party whipped u 1 their teats. Caolder fired two chtafigee from hia nllgt gumi after therm , the second shot striking a man by the namno of Cottrell in time back , but doing hunt no serious injury , Caoldor is hold umtdur bail to appear before the grand jury. We are having comdprab to railroaa talk those days. Time last and most probable - bablo is the conming to this place of time ner road running miortlmoaat from Atln tic. Thu road ma surveyed to this place , and our 1)001)10 pmitortaun higlm hopes of it coming harp. Time relocation of time divisimr of the 0. M , , C St. P , at this place is also quite a topic of eonversatdomi and speculation , but u railroad conipaimy's intomihuns are Imarder t road tlmau a woman's mind. In lmamhng over the pauiblo candidates for the Circuit court Lunch , inn case of it being made vacant by the removal of the preaont incunbmt , t time District court , your mapor has not meitioued time mlamimu of L N. McDuthio of Jcl1' pineVu , do not expect t hear it mettiolod by other Council Bluffs papore , but , yet , ho is time Most memitiomied in this part of tlmo din. triet , rand would ornaument the bench , as ho is a mat of n trimly judicial mind. We folks out cast thnk that Council Bluffs da something like time traditional atvimio , "that doa't know when it has enough , but we presumu that the pow. ors that be will do as they deem best , So Menu ANON. 1'ERSONAL , F , lienlatnln , thin attorney of Avocmm , hiss lately lost ltla mother , who died in Tlrono , Schuyler county , Now fork , aged years , Job Ralson now leas a now gleam of sun. shine ht Lis house. l girh E , llindskopf , of Cincinnati , was at L'cchi toles lintel yester(1ay , MV. . 11111 , of New York , arrfvcd at Ikcb tom's yesterday , J. A , llnynor , of St , Joe , Mo. , was among yestenlny's arrivals at Bechtel& ' . 0. A , Derby , of St. Louis , reached the Pacific yesterday. Frank P. Runt , of Now York , was at time Pacific Loueo yesterday. 1 , L Lamb , of Sioux City , was in the city yesterday , Ma ) L. Clayton , agent for "Tho Girl I Love' company , was hr time city yesterday , arranging to show up hero. will J. Trotter and J , II. Jcnks , of Avoca , were hero yesterday , and stopped at the Pacific - cific house , . B. ] L Pickett , of Shelby , Iowa , tisited the lhmfrs ) yesterday. Charles A. Bat-rows , of Minneapolis , put his autograph on the big book at the Ogden yesterday. J. II. Illiss , of Chicago , was an Ogden house guest yesterday. C 1V. Nowlall , of Boston , was an Ogden hn.u.o guest yesterdaY. 1Viil Cenig , of Chicago , ere of Elmo best knnwn std liveliest on the road , was In the city yesterday , and at time Ogden as usual. Frank.J. llsuge , of Omaha , wan ) more last evening to attend time Royal Arcanuur social. George S. ICcnncdy , of I'hiladelphin , was at the Ogden yesterday , G. L. Buelmsum i , of Cincinnati , reached time Ogdomm yesterday. Mr. D , hIardin is suiforiug from an nttncle of rhoumatism. .T. T hart hiss so far recovered that ho Is able to ride out. A. B West , time general agent of time Chhca go , Burlington k Quincy here , loft yesterday for a trip to Denver. II , It. Moorlmoad , of Missouri Valley , but formerly of Council Bluffs , was in time city yesterday , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Why let your children die with dipli. tlmeria4 Dr , Jell'ris' ( Council Bluffs ) remn- edy always prevents or cures. Send for it. Frank Slreppardr f teWalnut Bureau - reau , publicly donouuces seine of Council Blulla best business men , because they refuse to pay for advertisements in his paper , which they claim Dovorto have or- dered. Ho is so little known , amid time ones lee attacks so wall known , that hula feeble attoutpt to bull-doze them into paying places mum iii a ridiculous light. It is too bad , for Sheppard has boor got. Ling along pretty well for a ( note hand ; but this break slows plainly that ho noeda to sot at time feet of experience amid learn n few lessons. It is well known that the uumi ho refers to pays all honest debts , and the fact that they refuse to pay , indicates that there is something wrong about tine bills , but oven if there is not , the way to settle the difibreuce is in a court , rather than try to thump time money out of tliom by time power of the pail. Sheppard will learn better in time. Poor Dave Tostovin in nn enigma to hits friends. A man of fine ability and with no superior an a civil engineer , lie is at tinnes wholly unfit for business and makes a sad show of himself. It has been thought that of late at least Ida strange actions were not so mucli duo to whisky as to a mortal malady , and yesterday on complaint of his wife lie was brought before - fore the commissioners of insanity. Ho talked so plausible aid promised so well that they decided to hold his case open fora tue and if he showed an more of his occontricitioa to thou send him to Mt. Pleasant , SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE-Spoctal advertisement , , such as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , wants , Board. trig , etc „ e III be Inserted In this column at tlmo low rate of TEN CENTS 1'Eii LINE for mho first Iniselton rmd FIVE OENrrs I'Eit LINE for each , subsequent In- sertlon , iearo advrtisemonts at our ofilco , No , 7 Pearl Street , near Droadwav WANTS. hTANTII-Four , : broorn oaken , , immediately , highest pIces pad , llano 8 ; Co „ Conch Itluff , , 1 T ANTf1)-Every bocyam Cornell niun9 to taco VI'1'nxlies , Delhercdby carrieratonly twenty rents a week. wTANTED-A boy , with pony , to deiher Tnsfas. 1)mu ItAItOAIN-Au'unewuntluga bet of John. D sus , Encyclolnulla , eight volume , , caagta bar. gabs by odling at lima then otllco S II'UATION VANTED-Icy a miret chaos cook of guar exIIcrfence , Addrose JJ. W. , 7 9 Malmi street , C.urndl Dlutt , . FOR SALE AND RENT , UItSALImnmerhallealomm ulrF.or Jironduuy 1 ' 1. scmmitoEDlat. , JoSEPII GAGHEGAN' . HARD WOOD AND -COAL-- Comer hats street amid Eighth acme , Council huff. . abri.o ve.t rates and prnnpt dcllc eq PILES. treat Flies and Falllaglof the Rectum for radical and pernrwmmt cure. In from two to four week. , Oxratlori. , palmiloas. Dleeasos of the Rectum a Spocialty. DR , A J , COOK , 11 d&witom Counci Blurs , owe Make Your Contract Now for Your 1Vintor i upply of Missouri Hard Wood ! AND nA11DANDSOrr ca.1 -WITII- I'b OVETITON 505 First Avenue , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , Amid secure the best article and hill mcasue at the very ho c4 pile. Store wood dclh.ered 10 and of the city DR. G. W.P ANGLE P/EAEEP4 oP MET ! Fltteenyear.'experieoca Eclectic , llagoelloand herbalist 1'l.ytclum , note of the foUowhlg dls- ease.t Catarrh Nenou. Ucbihty , Rental Depres. Ion , Apoplexy , lit. , to , . . of Mu.hlnee . , . Cancers Removed with outtlte Knife , Drop- SF Cured Without Tapping , Liver Conq. hmt , Eldn.y eoimwlaut , bIabetca , ] thou- mansmI'araiy.lsWhit , Sa.IUng , Er , ripdas , St. Vltus Dance. Woman and her Dleeaaes Treated With time fieppiest Reaulta. Spocid atterdtnu gl.atm to private nmd venereal diseases. LocatodNoSloliroadasy , Roomy , ( up stair. ) , CouncU Bluff. , Iowa. A Correct DlaBnoala Given IWlthont any Explanation rein the Patient t. Cvuaultanou Ire at oscc. EXCLUSIVE I We have the only exclusively Wholesale Store for the Sale of BOOTS AND SHOES _ of Chicago and east of San Francisco , north of St. Louis end south o St. I'aul. We aive Chicago Discounts ! 1Vrite to his direct for prices , etc. Our line of Specials is the finest in the country. . 00 , , Office 412 Broadway , ( Up-Stairs ) , Council Bluffs , Iowa , MAYNE & PALME R 1 DEALERS IN Hard and SifFO iI , 1IULIC AND BARRRL L11tE , LOUISVILLI : AND I'ORTL.tND CI'3tENT , DIIC111OAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE No , 539 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , r i ° 1141 II I , r ; ' 1 bb O - CJl. l. Merchant Tailors. . t/.1 7 ant ) 9 Main Street. 7DISLZZCTOgL'zCOUNCIL $ LUFFI , IA. . JOHN W , BAIRD , CO LECT NNAGENi No n corner BroadwapandMain street. JOHN BEND & CO „ 18 Mnln s1E cet and 171Porlst est. M ' AV JYlOHN CRESTH7 Y 7Sand / , el , and 210 Matn sheet. DR. 3. . F. VPHITE , Corner lfaln and Fitch up stnrs. ( OFFICE Itcaldenco , , mi00 WIlow ( avenue. N , SOHURZ , Oiilco over American Express. S S W AGNER LIVERY AND FEED , . , aYlll contract tor funerals at reasonable rotes , 22 Fourth attest. J , M , Sr , JOHN & COSICA SH BUYERS , aVholesaho try and fruit butter , Sldptous. eggs , poul- Draft by return map. 140 Broadway. JACOB 7 fCH Stock Complete. Suits MERCHANT made at reasonable TAILOR prices. , No , 805 Main St. Is r , F SMITH . Corner 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plans AND and BUILDER speclncations , furnished. W . r V . SHERMAN 1 I have the varie ty that brings pat HARNESS. . 1211tain street. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic work and reasonable charges , 872 Broadway. HOWE & SUN , and Household STOVES , Broadway , LINDT & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAW , , James II1ak. 1'ractle In elate and fedora courts SANITARIUM Aud bath house , 421 and 428 Broadway , L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont. v gomory , M. 1) , Physlcian. , II JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , EDVPIN ABBOTT , , Notary Public and Genera Convolaner , 41b Broadway. BliTr iv NORTON , Lb V sib HOUSE , Broadway opposite Now Opera house. Remitted 8l , 81,60 per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e Lowest Prices IN TUE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS , D. A. BENEDICT , - - 3371. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Kimb rf tit 'D 1i m p9 ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) . 1VIONEY TO r . ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in the County. Model steam La'unrr. 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSONm - - - roprietor. hits just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good work , Please give me n trial , - IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON 1 7 Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffs. He has Them. PREIVIUM PORTRAITS -IN- Colors , Solar Camera Enlargement for the trade at reasonable rates , Orders Dy mail promptly filled. C , D , LUCCOCK , 1.43 Broadway. Council Bluffs. SIX PER CENT OPTION LOANS. On City and Farm Property. 00. . , 39 Pearl Street , Council Blnll's , Iowa , liz" Our ) hie of Stoves is time eon. , complete in no city amid includes all time most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! Vo have hainmered the prices dowim as thin as tlmoy will atmuid without breaking , and you are invited to call amid see how thick thlp stoves are in compariso , , PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , sliglmtly tarttielmcd , at a reduction of $5,00 each. Lf'woZa wRICi-xxP , 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf „ Council Bluffs. . ak r - , rz 'Vi'mPvie Hardware Co F b i , Y x WT30L371' ' r-j t N r I F t C 100 and 111 S , Main Street , COUNCIL B . - IOWA. 9 WIiOLESALE DEALE1lS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 mid 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , iUW : , Ice CreaMFrut , ! & 1u i ( Parties , Soclables and Picnics supplied on short notice and goods delivered to all parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. We T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS I : Q-L 1st nod fJolci. Money Loaned , ' Abstracts Furn ished P J. 1 o1 % .4LxxON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS BUCKEYE FEED GRINDER C _ 1 4- , r ail L WILL SHELL AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME I A complete Horse Power. The best Feed Mill in existence. Costs but little more than a common grinder. Writ for circulars to SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , Council Bluff's , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. MRS. D. A. BENEDI CT DEALER IN Lathes' Puflli1jiflg Goods r NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W. Broadway , - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SKELTONf HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET f COUNCIL B LUFF S. , FALL AND WINTER 1 STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES OT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE . YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED M. CALLACHER. New Store , rresh Ooods , Low 1'rlccs rid l'ollte Attendants , - ( First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; I3ECIITELE'SHotel. . Jr The oil only hotel rum en time European plan this city. Now building , newly furniahed d all modern im 1 provoments , and is cemitrally y located , PETER BECB TELEf PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. PAWNBROKERS SALE OF Unredeemed Goods. GREAT BARGAINS In diannuls suitable for Indies and gents , also in ladies' and gent' solid gold nnl and silver watches and chains , and a full line of set and plain old rings , 250 miucu's and 110 boy's overcoats , All these articles must be sold. Mono y lent on ALL KINDS of orsonal property. D , GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , o)1posit ) city buildiurer , CouuI ) W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha amid Council Bluffs. Real estate and colledlon agency , n Odd Fellow's lock , over Savtnc. Bank. Jane- . H. Jr Hilton , M. D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 922 Brnadwar. - Council Bluffs. _ JACOB SIMS , E. V. CADWELL. SIMS do CADIVELL , Attorneys -t-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Oflke , M.In Street , Rooms 1 and Shugat A Me- Mabon' . Block , will practice Is Stat. and edenl court. R , Rice , M , D , . or other tumorsrenosamaithoutthe CANCERS i nIte or drawing of blood , CHRONIC I1SE ! SES of kinds a special , ) . Over thirty years pmctte m expcrleuca Onlce No , b pearl street , Council Bluffs , LilConuitatfon true. Taos , oreica. , a. s. ersaT. OFFICER & PUSEY BAItI1 ( ERS. Council Blad. Is. Establishea - - 1856 Dealer. rl Foreign and Domestic I .ehan ge sad homeyStcunes.