Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1883, Image 1

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-T-rT-Tr----r-1-I--I-I---v--1- i i
k . 4. . TUE . OMAHA t DAILY BEK . .
\ - w B Larnboi'L
: . There oxLss a neaiis of so-
ur1ng a soft and brilliant
Complexion , no iiiatter how
poor it ; may naturally be.
_ _ _
Jiagan's Miv'nolla Balm is a
doilcato ahii harmless art 1-
_ _ _
do , 'which lnstnntiy removes
_ _ _ Freckles Tan Itethiess
, ,
t Itouihmness , Eruplloims , Yni-
' ; gj Jlushings , etc. , etc. So
_ _ _ ' delicate aiiil natural are It
_ effects that its use is not
SUS1)OCt4(1 ) by anybody.
No lady has the rimlit to
' present a disll'iirc1 lhco iii
: ocicty ivhcii ? ho Mmmgitolia
. : Balm is solti by aU driigIsts
. for 75 cemits.
4&t. ; ;
' , At. thI4 8eason Of the yexu cvcr3I.oIy ha a
ant very bad enc , . fly frequent opo2re the
mcutbianont the nee t'eeonio vry LIIttb atiti
- - c.itazrti and ntIuenza. aye eptlnmlc. Itcilef ntay be
: obtaltied by the usa . .t Ifootts Sautparilla.
¶ For many ycr. In aueceeslon , bicInnIng o f.r
: b.ick I tion t remember whcn , I hail the catrrh in
r- my head. It ooiiIsted of a continuI thv from my
nose.Ringing and Burstiig Noises
, In my head. SrnnetIm. the hcarIii hi my 1et car
t tiiaalrcctet1. } 'tVOyCarftO , ibotit tIiL , eaeon of
. \ the ycar I began to ue Ilood'tt Sara1uadllla. I waa
- helptl rfght away , but f contineul to iio It until I
felt. my mytsdll curcd.-Mra. Ellzi U. Caulfield ,
-c Jerome flrowncll merchant and eteepIvc iu1llcrt
4.- Victors. Ontario county. N , Y , . writcn : "I have used
' ; hood' , Sarsap.ztllaSor zoy CttarrIt , antI ltltat1iolpcd
' me. Z consldet 1lood MrsaparIil. one of tha best
remedks fer blood Ubeaso to be obtained ,
100 DosesVine Do/Ia , ' ,
: t . "I h.wc been troubled with that dLqtrciin c5m
. . .
. . FWnt , catareb , and htwe been floods Sar.
. part11 , and find It otto of the bct reniedie. I have
, cvor taken. My trouble has Iatel ten ycart , anti
nevcrcould getatiy rdllefuntfl I commenced to uao
y lIootI'itSazsajiirilla.-Martlii SIiiekIChlcago , IlL
' : Danyer from Cafarrli
Dechda Upon the amount and extent of the Scrofu.
r- Ioui infection. UnquostionalIy inny deaths from
con.umpUon can be traced to nL'loctcd catarrh.
'Ihuc fit a violent dlitres. , prostrateI and coughing
spoiI , the ey . weep , thenao dischatgct copiously ,
: - aad the head acorns to eplit.
. In .uth caaeis hood's $ arsparlI1a corrccbt the ca.
tasib by its direct attIon In diseharging the poliott
_ _ _ _ I from the blo'd thrOu } , nature's great oullets , to
that healthy , sotuiti bloOd rcadic tie iumbrane
toni La wholesomo.
_ _ _
Hoods Sarsaparilla
. : . Sold by druggist. , 1ix for Qi. l'reparcd by C.
; -a . L 11001) & CO. , IpotheearIcs , Lowell , Mattt.
: ' - $30,000 tori $2.
: ) Reg 9r bTonthl Drawlnxwlllhsko place
, qia Masonic Ifufl , Mastiniti omplo iluIld.
- 1U . big , in Loulasille , hy.
Thursday , November 29th , 1883.
, ; % A LILWZUI Lottery and Fair Drawlnge ,
, Ii " : elmxtcrcd by the legiaiaturool Ky. , and twice deciar.
. o.l Iea1 by the highest cosrt In the State. Bond
' " gieu to henry County In the sum of 1OOOoO for the
_ ft prompt pyinont of all priecs acid.
. : . Es-orv ticket holder hiown supcrvber , c&n .al )
. out the number on hi. ticket anti the correspond.
t : Lug number on the tog 1tlaced hi the whcel in life
% & pretence. These drawinge will occur on the laat
Thurttday of every month. Read the magnificent
1I % - November Scheme.
1 PrIze..5 OOQO
& . * . : t 1'T1O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
1 Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5oo
Prizes , 82,500 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 5 Prlzeie. 1,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000
0 i'rtze8 500 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioooo
100 prIzes , 100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oo00
floG I'rlzes , f,0 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
600 Prize. , 20 oath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
1000 I'Izes , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
( I Przo , 00 each Apprca.htiatloti l'rizss ,700
I , Prize. , 00 each " " 1900
Prtzett 100 oath " "
1$1rrizea. $110,400
Whole Tiokete , $2. Ealt TIctcot , $1.
27 TIckets , $ O. 5 TickoW , $100.
. , t teinlt money or Bank Theft n Letter , or send b
, i 11 POST OFFICEO1WER , until further notice. 0r
. ' ore of $5 and upward by express , can ho eent at one
xpense. AthIzei ill ordere to J. J. DOUOLAS ,
. - : LouhvhioKy. Sw em
: Imi-
. a MIrkI II II 1kV
. IrIIutflhj
. . . , , .
_ , ife
I _ _ _ ti , .p . ' >
L . -c.--
r 1 '
. . ,
_ _
_ _ _ _
* ' NCLEfllt. i1O. flU.
701 WA(0't
. _ _ fI ' Ton $ .o. HilSeiS t&o IurIudesit ,
- * 00 OTlilta StilL lt.4..d PIU LIST VI&U.
UST VU1 1101 lOll JitlilT ' .501(1 , $10
40 lb. Ainlinfiti JItofToolu,810
r - V..ri ii. . ha , , i , l.g .44
' . .ji Bioweru. nvil.t. ylcel A OLlwr ArticleS
CTibwveTrIl'vu. % illOLE&L kleeTAiL.
L $ offeret for every pair of Dr. ffTflONQ'f
'I'AMI'ICO In which is TAmiico Iltay break. . It.
Patent TsiplI Bick pr.s.ntsbick.iob. , splullrritstioa
, anti aifleti dLeasei uocure0 n uniform temperature
, i tround the body , proticilag iug cud spies. _ so uecei
$41'y to health In iii climate. . AUfir 'UITATIOF ' ,
liny only Dr. 8TROUC' TAMPICO
. Corset. 'abe twit user retailed for $1.00
L.L , IflrA1Nl I OU. Mi'Ri EEV
Th Tcrritorio of the Oor1an Roads
Sharply Out1inc by Their
Iallaers ,
And the Notthorn Pacific Accordingly -
ingly Retires to Portland
and the North1
The New System of Meridian
Time and its Adoption on
the lath.
Tlits Several Pools tn Seaelon.
Till ; ) 1'OOL ,
01110.1U ) , November 0.-A privates die.
patch yne received hero from St.
1'aul from John Muir , general trallic
mansgor of the Northern I'acific , in
which ItO says : "Takits' ofl'oct yestcrday
we withdraw front Caflfornia busiicss
aisel tim southern lines withdraw from all
bueiucse north oI San Francieco , " No
oxplitnatlois of the reasons for this action
were given , but it is supposed to be thu
result of the aecrut conference among
passcngcr representatives of the roads in
thu Transcontinental nsociation at Topeka
poka during the past thrco days , they
having failed to roach an agreement
as to a division of competitvo
territory at the late Chicago
meeting. Herethioro the Northern Pa.
cific have claimed the right to land pa.s. .
sengers at San Francisco via Portland at
the same rate the other Pacific roade
charged by direct route , and the other
Pacific roads in turn claimed the right to
land eastern paseongors in Portland via
SanFrancisco at thosaine rate as charged
by the Iortlsern Pacific. The now arrangement -
rangement takeis bokh Portland and San
Francisco out of. competition nnd leavea
tim trip between the twopoints by tiso
Oregon Stoasnahip and'Navigation line to
be paid for at local rates. The arrangement -
mont applies to freight trailc also. The
Northern Pacific under the now arrangement -
mont will catry all freight for Portland
and all points in tins northwest , and the
other Pacific coast lines will carry to San
Francieco and adjacent territory. Whenever -
ever a ahipper choosc to send freight to
San Francisco via Portland , or to Port
land via San Frnncizco , local rates between -
twoon those pointa must be propaid.
Freight now in traneit is ecoptod from
the agreement.
TILE i11W flMIl.
Tim flhinoia Central railroad management -
mont has decided not to adopt the now
BtLfldIs.Xd tiBia BOOfl to go into effect , but.
in getting out now tiino schedule % based
on Chicago time. Th reason given for
this i that the numerous euburban trains
must nece3earilybo run on Chicago tilne
and to run its other traine upon different
achadulea would mix up inattere and increase -
crease the danger of accident and col-
unions between trains running by dif-
ferout'acheciules. if the city of Chicago
sh6uld adopt the standard time the road
will do likewiso.
At a meeting of ropreaentativcs of the
Ohio river pooi linea , arid liuea operating
in conjunction with them to-day , it was
agreed to maintain rates to all competinu
points. 1Tho territory included in the
agreement covers all points north of the
Ohio river and east of the line of the 11.
hinois Central railroad. Thu penalty for
violation is unusually heavy , being made
5OO to $1,000 , and the offender to for.
felt ten times the revenue derived from
the ahipmont. A meeting to fi the
schedule will be held at Cincinnati No.
vezuber 14.
Sr. LouI8 , November 9.-The ? ifls-
souri Pacific railroad announces that the
central or 90th meridian time will be
adopted on aP the lines of the company ,
beginning on the 18th inst.
Nsw Yoix , Novonsbcr 9.-Nogotia-
tions have boon pending for some time
hietwoen the Grand Trunk and Weet
Shore railway coinpaniesworo concluded.
Manager Ilickson , of the Grand Trunk ,
who has been in the city the past twu
days , attondingthe meeting of the Trunk
line presidents , had a conference to-day
at the office of the West Shore road
with officials efthat company , when iinat
arrangements wcrocompThted for runising
a fnat through freight train Over the
' % STcOt Shoroand Orand'Tr nk lines bo.
tweon No.w Yorkanel Chicago. This ar-
raugemont will not go info effect until
the fIrst. of January , when the West
Shore road will be completed. Tim Clii.
cage east bound freight train pool corn.
mittee adjusted the difference in
accordance with the awards of the corn.
Sr. Louis , November 9.-Private die.
patches received hero from Topeka , Kas , ,
tuako it certain that arralIguIflohits between -
tween the Northern and other Pacific
roads reported front Chicago and St.
Paul was made by the Transcontinental
tasociation , now III session at Topeka ,
and that the statement sent out is lrac-
Licafly correct. trota were made to get
authentic reports of the proceedings of
the association for the ABsociated I'oas ,
but nothing was received up to 1 o'clock.
ToPy.K.t , November 9.-The railroad
pool association completed the buaines
of their session hero and ad
journod. The Transcontinental auocla.
tion finally agreed On a mode of opera.
Uons for California anti tim Pacific coast
business , but refused to give any details
of their transactions. The California
association hold a meeting this afternoon
and another to.night , but transacted no
business and adjourned to moot at the
call of the cornnibsi nuns.
AWrcckcd Tug.
Nsw Yon , November 9.-An oxplo.
81011 011 a tug boat early sank tile
boat and killed four mon.
- _ - _ -
Another Gould Itoad.
Naw Yoiuc , November 9.-The an-
nouncoinont is made hero of a company
organized to build a railroad from Dait'
villo , Ill , , to ltltcliio on the Chicago
division of the IVabasfi , St. Louis . Pac.
lila railroad. The incorporators named
are Jay Could , Ituasoil Sage , P. A.
Evans , ThomaisA. Ityan and A. 1. . . Hop.
k.hi ; c.f itm Yrk anti. John J. Qreon ,
of Louisville The directory is compocod
Otto half \ iscoitlo , the other of
140U18V1110 and Cisicacro.
- - -
NEuIt4SlCt ltI UItNS.
Stiocial 1)hipatelu tO 'riti : ltir. : .
( I AG II C0IINIY , oFlI l' ,
1IIIATI1ICE , November 9.-The totsi
vote of this county is t,9i. , fleece got
2,330 , Savitgo , O16 , Jewoil 2,413 , Malta ,
lieu 2,44fl , Butler 830 , Woolworth 1O8 ,
Daniel 1,861 , Hiatt 2,4lfi , Itolnies 2,4iG ,
loan 1,901 , Merritt 1,884 , Colby 1,6Oi ,
Broady 2,60i' . The old county ofhicere
wore ro-olected , Township organization
was defeated by about 800 , and county
division by about 1,700. ,
81)00151 Correspondence of Till : lhrx.
I'.ti'i i.I.ION , Novoniber ti.
The following is the official vote of
Sarpy county :
Supreme Judge : Vnt , Mal ,
IalnniS' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
M. It. Iteose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jiegoitte. , long thrns
.T. M , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lavltj If. 1)anleiI..I.2 . 8t8
.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.1. T , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
llegentst , short torisi : .
Aitttt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
.1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
E. 1' , Ifolitie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Judge. of District Court :
lloazor \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Jnms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
County Clerk :
Lottie Leahuuir , . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Janioi 'IV. Thompson , lieu , , . . 4
County Treasurer :
.Taiiwn % r , Campbell. 1)om..626 71"
Villiarn Ilobinsoit , Itop. . . . . . . . .
County Jidgo :
Martlit Latigdon , ) . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Chario. E. South , Itep. . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _
Sheriff :
A. J. Sioarrnan , Dein. . . . . . . . . . .
Theodore 1' . ( icoen , htei . . . . . . . .511
. Su1't of l'ublic Instruction :
J. . 1) . Patterson , Porn..669 176
Mrs. Bertha K. Soxson , Rep , . .4D3
Surveyor :
S.V. . Y. Sehiu.onsky , Dczn . , . . , 610 3t1
Isaac rA. Freeman , ilep..571
Coroner :
J. C. Miller , Porn. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. 5 , Anglin , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
County Comrnisttkisore :
North P. Loller , Poin. . . . . . . . . . .
JunOd Davidson , Ito1 , . . . . . . . . . . . 98
itospuctiully , Louts LESZEUn.
SCOTIA , November 8.-Votes polled ,
660 ; Savago'e majority , 102 ; Ilopubhican
county ticket all elected except treasurer ;
S. P. Langan , Independent Democrat ,
elected by 169.
PAIItISUIIY , Nob. , November 8.-Official
count : floese 846 , Savage 858 , Morris
987 , l3catty i05.
Tt.o Cable Padding Process.
Nnw Yonr , November 9.-The Con.
tral News association of London is the
correspondent for the so-called news
association here. In stating his view of
"fair oxpansioii" of dispatches , the manager -
agor of the 9ontral News said : "We
send points of intelligence of thirty
words , of which American papers make
two columns , " The Herald corrcapond.
ont add , "Tue Bpoctators received this
with loud laughter and enjoyed the as-
aurance of the juvenilosub editor , iviso
said ho filled tip nil , foreign dispatches
from , rof9rcnco .to books , documents ,
telegrams and personal knowledge. "
F. X. Schoonmako , who makes up some
"cables" from th dispatches sent hereby
by the Central News association , was
asked if he was the party who "pads
out" the dispatches apokoit of. Ho
answered : "The cables ho received were
not padded to tile extent testified to by
Mr. Saunders in London , but they wore
filled out to some extent. " The whole
busin ss attracts the attention hero of
reputable and responsible makers of
Tue Madison Calamity.
Cjric.too , November 9.-The Journal's
Madison ( \Vis. ) special says : ( overxior
Itusk called a meeting at the .capi-
tel building to-day to consider the details -
tails of yesterday's collnso of a portion
oftiso now capitol building. Contractors
and architects were examined , and as a
result of the conference it was decided to
have a committee of experts institute a
rigid inquiry. The coroner's jury hold
&U1 inquest on the bodies of five dead
Three more of the wounded it is expected
will die.
MILW.tUnF.II , November 9-A mechanic
named Bohn , who was working on the
extension of the capitol at Madison when
it ; fell , has privately given tue secret of
the downfall to parties in this city who
will produce him at the coroner's jury to
locate the blame for the terrible accidont.
Bohn says heeaw the defects in the brick
Iiieis 8upporting the iron column of the
third floor , southeast corner , andcracks
voro so jilainly visible the day
before the accident that Foreman Jones ,
now dead , screwed UI ) the iron pillar SUpporting -
porting the roof girders with jacks , and
caused a brick pier t be rebuilt. On
the following morning , however , Bolsis
says , Joises took away the jacks early ,
not wishlilig that tim public should know
of the trouble. Bolin was at work on
the third floor when the accidons occurred -
curred and saw this pillar give way.
Masons sny tue mortar was green and
was squeezed out by taking away the
jacks so early , Catuiing the pier to settle ;
hence the fall.
- _ -
Missionary Appropriations.
Naw Yoig : , November 9-Tue gon.
oral missionary committee of the Moths.
otlist Epiacoal church made the follow.
lug apropr1auons : Montana , $1,000 ,
Indian Territory , $1,000 ; Now Mexico ,
813,900 ; Utah , , $12,625 ; West Nebraska ,
$1,840 ; Northwest Norwegian , $6,500 ;
Northwest Swedish , e5,700 ; Oregon
Scandinavian , $2,000 ; California ( br.
man , $2,800 ; Central German , $4,500 ;
Chicago ( borniazi , $35,000 ; Columbia
IUycr German , $800 ; East Germany ,
6,0o0. Indian and Norwegian missions
were classed under the head of Scan.
d'inavian ,
- _ -
The 'hera J3iirna Murder.
CIIWAOO , November 9-A Daily News
LincohriIil. ( ) apoIalsaya : The testimony
for the defense in tim Carpenter murder
trial rested tlis morning , after proving
an alibi for Carpenter on the night pro
: eding his arrest and thus contradicting
tin ? atozy told by the detectives. The
state tIlezi began to submit testimony ii'
Failures for ( lie Week.
Naw YORK , November , 9.-Business
failures of the is t seven days in the
Uxiltod States and Canada wore 21 ] .
lLga'umt 2W Icr thu prorious week ,
The MBtnaI Friend of Aiihoy Resur-
iocto4 to Astollisli all LthooIll.
The Proof of His Innocence Sub-
inittod at a Meeting of the
Board of Rogont2.
A oted Gang ut ( Jar ) tobcre. ) , Ite.
poecti of' at BoIlo'vill , ILlinois.
) 'itOP AUUIUIY' $ vlNIiittTlo ,
LINCOLN , Nub. , November 9.-Soino
intsiithis since this state was startled ly
the announcement that Prof. Aughey ,
of the State University , hInd committed
forgery. The circumsta ccc wore appar.
elitly conchtlaivo of guilt. it ( iso nicot-
ing of I egoists ho tendered a conditional
resigisation. TIm professor stated to
friends that ho iou1 been the victim of a
ilirni who OWCd hsini moiioy. flu told a
long , intricate afld improbable story
ahmut a inyator'ioiis individual who duped
him. 'ruts was regarlOCl untver8ahly as a
subterfuge , alluost evoi'3'body believing
huts guilty. At a E3UplthlfldliItal uscoting
of the beard of regents , hold in title city
to-day , Prof. Aughoy introduced cvi-
deuce clearly establishing the existeisco
of the pretended friend and his own innocence -
nocenco , The case is rogaxdod as osso of
the moat strangely romantic in the annals -
nals of western incidents , and is the eon-
ration of the hour.
Tnniui H.tu , November 9.-Mm.
Nelson , of Anderson , whose decomposed
body was found hero some weeks ago ,
was last seen in company with Jasper
Nelson , her aoii , at Braiilcoming in this
direction. The son has not inco boon
hoard from.
ltOlhItl'.lllJ SaNT UI' ,
Sr. LOUIS , November 9.-Mace Jones ,
Dick Linsey and Ellis Rhodes , members
of agaugof railroad car thieves , who Bhot
aiicl mortally wounded Vim. II. McLean ,
a watchman of the Western Union Telegraph -
graph company , fur preventing them robbing -
bing care on the Wabash road , at
Brooklyn , Ill. , the 26th of last July ,
wore each sentenced to ten years in the
peiiitentiary by the Circuit court , at
Belleville , Ill. , tiiie evening. There is
still an indictrnontfor murder in the first
degree against Jones for killing Town
Marsliai Green , of Brooklyn , shortly after -
tor the shooting of McLean , and lie will
be tried oti that charge ,
KANSAS City , November 0.-A re.
porter arrived late last night from the
scene of the tragedy near independence.
McGee had gained the general dislike of
his neighbors on account of his violent
disposition. His roatmcnt of thorn was
the subject of much comment. The
children returning home yesterday. after.
noonoponed.tho door of the aittingroom
aild saw their mother lying dead
upon the floor. Stricken with tear
they ran .E rqaming , to neighbor's
houso. A party aoon-gathosandfoar. ,
sng violence on eccount of itfcGoo's nature -
turo they armed themselves andthen re-
paired-to the house. In the sitting room
thoyfound the body of Mrs. McGee lying
upohl her face , a terrible gunshot wound
in the breast , her cloak drawn partly on
and her hat lying near. In the bedroom
adjoining was the daughter Nannio
crouched down in tim corner ,
cold and still , with a wound
in her bacc. % Under the bed was a dou.
blo-barrehled eliot-gun with . both chain-
bore empty. Passing to the door
at the foot of the staircase tile party
sound it fastened. Forciugthio lock they
mounted the stairs to the nearest room ,
where , stretched upon tue bed with an
emptied morphine bottle at his aide , lay
the mute author of the awful tragedy , the
immediate circumstances incident to
which cannot be knovn , as tlso lips of
the witnesses are scaled in death.
- - - -
Saloon LicensO in Chicago.
CnIcAcio , November 9.-A now inovo
wS made to-day to test the validity of
the saloon license issued by the city at
$ ioi : a few days before the State law
making it $500 went into effect. The
Citizens' League brought suit against a
firm of grocers and liquor dealers , who
were in fact friendly defendants. Every
legal device in the defense was rcaorted
to , exCpt delay , in order to make a
strong case. The court decided that the
license was a franchise , and gave judg.
mont of ouster against the defendants ,
forbidding them from selling liquor uzi-
der the city license. An appeal was
takois , and within four hours after the
suit was begun the rotord was on the way
to tim $ uprcmo Court , whore it will be
argued at the next term. if a decision
can be secured before thio firatof April
next , it will involve the aymeist by the
salocn.keopors to the city of over 1-
000,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clieatlugtho Tariff' .
Pxrrsisunu , November 0-A discovery
has been recently been made , says Tlio
Ournmerctal.flazotto , of an ingenious
evasion of the tarifi' by importersof sheet-
iron anti their agents. Tagger iron ,
which is a very light grade , is adinittod
for 30 per cent ad valorern , white the
tarifi on heavier grades is from 1 to 2
cents per pound. Importers have boon
mixing the two together and the zip.
praisers have boon deceirod into admit.
ting it under the 30 per cent ad valoronl
rate. After its arrival here it would bo
repacked and hippotl west. It Is said
thousands of tons have just been brought
listo this country by evasion , much to the
inju.y of the alsoet.iron mills of this city
and plsowhiero.
Tl'ie MoJorItyInl'onusylvania.
PnSLtDCLIJIIA , November 11-The of.
ficial returns received from every county ,
except Monroe , Philadelphia , Sullivan
and Wyoming , give Nibs 16,732 and
Linsey 19,705 majority. The official re-
turhlH of the missing counties will not
change this inure thou two or three hun.
dred votes.
A Broken Itcal Estate Pooh.
MAI118oS'is , , November 9.-I.aat
September thu coinmissioziors of pubhlo
land of WisCofleill offered for sale same
160,000 acres of ublio lands at auction.
Bidding was spirited at first but soon a
land pool as formed of id speculators
to buy valuable pine lands at a minimum
price , by a combination to prevent open
coiiipctitIti. Thu xeport of this pool
came to tlso cars of the comusiselonors
and Uiey made an investigation audI
fositid the P00l had bought hunle at a
lilllifilUiIhl htrico. They hold au auction
among themselves amL resold at an aul.
vance on the iSrico. It is said from
liO,000 to $100,000 above the price ro-
ahizeit to the State. 'l'hio comisuesioners ,
after a hearing , voro convined tllat a
fraudulent combination was lilado and
have sot aside the sales. Tim Inside bo.
bug to the education and drainage funds
( if the State. The action is generally isp-
A Uran Army Rco1ion to Ucuoral
$ hornian iii New York.
A litourisfisi Addi' ly ( ho Old Coin-
ninetIes' .
Niv YoIIK , Noronibor 9-About 1,009
niumbers tif the ( imud Army of the lIe.
ltibliC teisdered Goisoral Sherman an informal -
formal reception this excising. ( ioneral
ILenry A. Barnum 1sresihotl Geisersi
Sherman misdo a bug address. After
thittiking Isle old comrades for the hearty
VCICOlflO , Isa said ho loud responded to
the call , although it was not customary to
celebrate oiies funeral. lIe would rather
meet olul soldiers face to face than any of
your Vatiderbiltis or other nabobs. The
general spoke of the war and its results ,
and added : "Since the close of the war
a iiow generation has sprung
up. 11oys not then born are
now voters. The destiny of the
nationhinaboen taken outof ourhands ; we
arc now comparitively a small minOrity.
It ; is well , however , that we should as-
somublo together and keep alive the pat-
riotern of those days , the memory of the
htanlsliips endured , the miseinory of tl.e
dear compusionn : whose bodies lie beneath
southern battle fields ; it is well to toll
the story of those days over again , and
toll it to yourchildrcn'a children at the
fireside , that they may know how the
country was saved , anti who saved it.
At one time I doubted the advisability of
forrniiu or keeping Isp such an organize-
timi as the ( irniid Aiiny of the itoinibhia ,
but T alit 11(1W convinced that. you did
well in organizing such an association.
Time Negroes of Southampton Connt ,
sa. , Tlircatemi a Massacre.
Noitrotn , Va. , November 9.-Thu
white PeoPle of Southampton county arc
approhionsavo of an outbreak of negroes.
Telegrams vero received , from l'orts-
mouth askini assistance in the ovcnt of
trouble. The mayorhiae apossoof citizens
ready if the summons cornea. Yesterday
a drunken negro told a servant in a
white family that at 12 o'clock last niehit
thousands of negroes intended to slay
every white in Southampton county.
The whites at Nowson , Franklin , Boy-
kiuB and Branchville sent souta to learn
what was going On. it is noticeable that
not a negro was seen in the usual plnces
This gave additional color to the report
and women anti children wdro taken to
thmewoods and guissrded. Telegrams state
the negroes who work at riliway station.
have not boon aceis since yesterday after.
nocn _ The poopie are preparing to defend -
fond their homes. Thus far no trouble
is known of. It is impossible to say
whether there is just ground for the dx-
isting excitoinont or not. Sotithurnptoii
county was time scone years before of a
war of bloody slave insurrection. It is
not iinprobanle the traditions of that
tiino line something to do with the pro-
(1ailing apprehensions.
The Mormon hobby at Wanalngton
5111(1 tIlt , Ioi'ztson Teniple.
SALT L.tKB , U'rAn , November 11.-The
coinmnosits of easteris journals on the
Ijtahi question are received with Pleasure
by gentiles who think the public approved -
ed the relations between tim mormons
auth the government. Every day prom-
mont monibors leave for the east. Au
influential lobby willbe present in Wash.
ington to defeat any legislation hooking to
the overthrew of the iowcr of the priest-
hood. tile maims wall of 'tim temple
were completed. 'fhsey am 10 foot thick ,
solid granite , 85 feet highs. The founda.
Lion was laid 28 years ago. The cost to
the present time is four misillion fivu bun. .
drod thousand dollars. IL will take sir
yours to complete it.
rho lItres-u and Ilnrbor ,
WANIINITON , Novolnbar 9.-General
Wright , chief engineer , iii isis annual report -
port , urgently recoinmendsthat Congress
Inalie 81111)10 apsroprmtions for putting
the sea and lake fronts in condition for
dfenso in case of war , lie advises that
zt least 5,000,00O be expended at San
Francisco. Among other appropriations
recommended arc the following : For
the rivers and harbors of the l'aeifie
coast , $ I078,000 ; gulf coasts $3J51l00 ;
lake $6,471 ,900westoiit ; rivers
anti harbors , 9,003,47s. The above cc.
timatos do not imicludo the Mississipi
river commission work.
Adopting Standard Time.
ChicAGo , November , 9.-All railroads
running of this city will adopt tlio new
schedule of standard time , commencing
iiuxt Sunday , with thu possible except.
ion of the Burlington road which lisa not
yet decided , Thu time for this or the
"Central" division Is nine minutes later
than Chicago time ,
Yellow Fever.
Nn' OhiLEAs , November 9.-A six
years old Italian girl died of yellow fever
Tuesday in Sc. Charity hospital. Three
ours after admittance the child was of a
family of oinigrnmiti , who with others ,
Caine hero , after landing at Santa Oruz
where they did not.obtsin employment ,
Bradley's Northern I'aeiIIc Suit.
Nsw Yoitg , Noy , 9.-Attorneys for J.
J. Bradley iii the suit against the North-
cr11 Pacific Railway have withdrawn thic
application for an injunctisu to prevent
issuing a new second zmmortgago loan.
Failure ,
Toao"ro , Nov. 0.-Mcintosh & Co. ,
lumber merchants , kayo failed liabilities
$50,000. 5550t3 $ Q,000.
The Lord ayer of Loudon Instal1o
11h a Laro IifflOPllL of Coro-
llOllY an peoccs ,
The Peaceful Intentions of France
and Gadatone'R ! ' Hopes of
Ireland ,
liutlieran FestIvals fleglit In all Ger-
1111111 CitLc-Tho Sorvian Itow.
TI , Ii .tLi4ACI-LOht1t.tINIi iF.I'UvV 11ELEA541fl : ,
BaItl.IN , Nevombor 9.-Antoine , Pepsi.
ty for Alsace Lorraine , who was arrested
on a charge of high treason , has boon ro-
len.sotl , his papers , seized whoa arrested ,
imot. fmirtiiehummg sufficient. lroof , The its-
( liliry , however , proceeds.
Z0RtI.t..t t4 IN1ENTION.
t.tmiiii , , , N vomnler -The ) IlasuPhilet
of the Socrcary of tue Republican miii.
tary aseociat . : tii asserts that 7.orihla was
determiiine , i f the Itepublican insurrec.
tioli of Atlgtlat IILC1 booms successful , to
shoot Morel , how Mimiistor of the lute.
nor , mid several other generals.
ti. FIlhtilv'S .1F.Wii.
LON1ION , November 9.-'I'ho Staisdard's
Paris correspondent hind au interview
with is ! . Ferry , who demmied that France
hind any intention of ahinexing New Gui-
'loft. With regard to Chinis M. Ferry
entertains the opinion thust Chinese ( lip-
lomatists are micither frank , honest or in-
genioums , Ho utterI' disbelieves in the
mniliLry power of China , and is firmly
convmced that there is not the remotest
chamico of that country going to var. M.
Ferry does mint ace any such eventuality
88 a French blockade of Chinese ports.
sourIr tttllltIC.tN TH0UnLES.
LIIIA , Noveinlcr 9.-After the revolt
of Montom's troops in Arequipa Colonel
Raqgiulo attacked tIm mutineers and
poptihaco , killing seventy , imicludiiig the
mayor of the city. General Carovaro
was killed by Isis own troops. The whole
Olsilian expeditionary forcois in Aroquiipa
The Bolivian army is concentrating hoar
Otiro. Montero is in Bolivia. Bolivia
is treating for POACO with Chili.
oEluu.tNY AN ! ) 81'AIN.
Br.nuN November 9.-TIm
, - city jour-
nais warmly approve the visit of the
Crown Prince to Alfonso. Time Vosacaciso
Zeitting says the friendship of Gerniany
and Spain has rocolvod a fresh uarantho ,
while Spain is detorniinod to oims Gor-
isiany's Peaceful policy. The ournuy of
the Crorni Prince to Madrid will furnish
an additional pledge that Germany will
throw her influence in favor of making
Franco the 01113 ? power that slmil.choriahi
proclivities for revenge , and also in favor
of the maintainanco of the world's peace.
Insrrm ? , November , 0.-The mob which
attacked the Jews at Zaloovoo and the
police wore fired oh by them. The of-
ficorareturnod the fire killing twotan l
wounding aovcralriotors The mob thou.
fled Three ioroua arrested liaviturned
TUE 1.080 MtO11'S DAY.
LONDON , November 9.-The proceseton
of the Lord Mayor's day passed off wiLls-
out any dietimrbaiico. It was a mile long.
A grti'nd stasidwas erected on which the
Lord Mayor received the address of the
coinlilohi council. Tim procession , ospo-
emIly tiioso parts exhibiting the
commercial products of Canada , Am.
tralia mmd India , together with the exhsib-
its of the intersiational fisheries oxliibi-
tion , including the Grace Darling boot.
olicitsd great oithusiasmn. The streets
wore packed with epoctators along
the entire route. The Lord Mayor
vas received with loud cheers.
Previous to administering the oath of
office , Chief .Tustico Colorzdgo delivered
a somewhat long speech , in whsigis ho
observed all previous civic pageants bath
been connected with the auciont ball of
Rufus at Westminster , which was now
destroyed. Lord Mayor Fowler was received -
coived in a building which at present -
ent hind iso history. Whatever chiangeis
might occur In city alihirs , the ziuthiori.
ties must submit to the genius of time by
becommiin in accord with the apirit of the
ago , for it was fully by approving itself
to the hsfhi intelligence of a great people
that any ntitutiou couldilourishi
TJ5Q Lord Mayor's banquet this oven-
mng was attended by man dinUngusho&
persona Waddingtomi , } roach iUnbI1S ,
radar , rop1ang to a thast in honorof
foreign ministers , said there was no
greater guarantee of the peeo of the
world tlau ; the hearty , cordial , loyal
friendship of Great Britain and , France ,
France had made great progress , and iso
hind every confidence in hior future. Thu
policy of Prance wan not one of aggres.
idoim , but of holding her own. The
French Governmcmit was earnestly tryimtg
to settle peildiUg questions alfect'ing
Franeo. ills miasion to London was
oni ) of eaoo. France wished to alt.
preach great Britain in a spirit of good
vihl amid lie met the mine desire o , the
part of England. [ Chmocris. ]
! fiio master of tile rolls , responding tea
a toast iii hoiior of isor niajesty's judges ,
referred to the recent visit of Lord Chief
Justice Coleridge to America , and said
the latter found in America , law aulmin-
istered , with all its faults and its good
qualities , but had found the law as administered -
ministered In England and America the
most merciful , the most generous andtho
mostjuat , overadmlnistorod to any veo.
plo ill the world ,
Oladatoco replied to the toast in honor
of hior majesty's usinlaters. lie said. nil
great powers of Europe had declared
their attachmoiit for thin cause of peace.
With regard to Ireland ho said there I.
much to be done , intmch to be desired ,
much to ho lamented , but there Is always
much to be hoped for. Peace and ordem
must be firmly maintained. ( Cheers. )
Count do I.caseps replied to the toast ot
Foreign Guests.
Thom will be Luther festivals to.
morrow at hamburg , llremneu , Loipsig ,
Magdeburg , Casseh , Augsburg and other
Places. A united chorus of the German
churches of London gave a sacred con.
cert this oyomiing imi memory of Luther ,
and Sir Charles Tuppor lectured on the I
life and work of the oformner ,
TIlE CI1INE Ii Thllilin.
Paris Teinpa says that during the ye.
cent skirmish hi the direction of Baculub
a Japanese officer accomprsnyinc thii
Francis saw the banners of the Ohinoto
regulars among the troops occupying th _ _
towmi ,
The four hundredth anniversary of tlio _ _ _
births of Luther was celebrated by a fea. . _ _ _
fival at the Berlin university ,
BEWRAUE , November 9.-rnny moro
radicals have been arrested hero , Itoy. .
tihist troops arc driving the rebel peas.
nuts from their positions in every three-
thou. Numerous Servian instmrgont.a have
taken in . will ho
refuge Bulgaria. They
_ _ _
disarmed and returned by the Bulgaria.
Sr. Prtitsiujiso , November 9-Tii
council of the empire has sanctioned ha
pthCiplc the Russia-American ecliomofor
the erection of elevators and store houses
throughout the empire.
Mexican Reciprocity.
( At.vr.MToN , November 9.-Time News'
Corpus Chrieti s9ocial says Congressman
Oclultroo , Collector of Customs Platt and
Mnjor It. B. Adams have loftona special
train for Saltilo , Mexico. Mr. Ochiltreo
says ho 59 tloairous of viewing hue Mcxi-
cats side of the proposed reciprocitj
treaty. .
An Ednentintial Bill.
NuN YonK , November , 9-Inter Statc ,
Commission on federal aid to education
in tips South appointed at Louisville ilk
Septonsbor to-day perfected a bill to present -
sent to Congress.
- I'
The E0.'cct of limo Sun Spo4s on tls .
Newspaper World.
Between the storma and tiphoavals of
the earth caused by the sun spots this
year , there hiiti boon considerable agita-
Lion of things and the ripples have cx-
tended ovois to as insignificant ircles a.
those occupied by newspaper men.
A few weeks agoMr. . VT. E. Annin ,
associate editor of Pita Bnr. decided t
make a change and retire to thin f
privacy of frontier life.n11sis wan
the signal for a general broadsido.
of chuusgos. Mr. Al. Sorensen , city
editor of The Republican , takes Mr.
.Annin's phaco , Mr. Jackman , of The
Herald , conies to Tun Ezu as nowa
editor , Mr. Kent , of Tim Bar. , goes t
'rime Republican as city editor , Messrs.
Cornish amid Cole go emi the city page of
' 2ltn Bun , and numnorous. other changeis
are niado.
Mr. Shultz , of The Republican , goes t
the Western Newspaper Union to take
the place ofV. . J. Cuddy , who in going
to Calthveli , Idaho , to start a paper of hi
own , and Mr. E. IL. Brass , of the \Vost-
cpu Newspaper Union , goes to The RePUblican -
PUblican to assist ims doing the work at.
which Mr. Shultzhias boon employed.
The exchanges extend , etlU further bu
are not yet clearly enough defined to bt
mentioned. The only finn in the cty
outside of the proprietors , who retain
his old place is Mr. Woodbridgo , cst
editor of The Herald.
Buokien's Aruba. Salve.
" The greatest mod1a1 wonder of the won&
Warranted to speedily cure Burna , , Outs UI.
core Saltflhsoumi1'evor Sores Cancer. 11es ,
Chilblains , Corns Totter , thiapped hands ,
and oil skin erupttons,1 guaranteed to cure In
every instance , or money refunded 25 cent ,
or box
- -
Tue Latest Suocesslul Novelty Knowz-
as "Greoti Itoomia Fun.t'
Saulsbury'zs Troubadors are an go4 a *
over-n littlo.better , if thst were pea-
sibho. Thoopera house last night wna.
jammed fullto hoar them , and it will be
filled again this n'tornoon and this oven-
ing. Nate.Sanisbur is killing as "Old.
Chief Red Cloud , " and Miss Ndlio Mc- .
Henry full of life and mischief in the
ridiculously absurd part of the Indiaa
l'rinceen , while the other characters are
all the stage business. Tim
last acoueeprcsentingiii the background
time audience ofathoatro , private boxc
and. nil , as men from thii stage , waa
emhpcckilly well paintoiL
Thio Tt'oubadore will produce thcii
latest success , "My Chum , " to-night.
The plot of "My Chum" s interesting
ing from the beginning to the end , an4
affords oopo to show that Mini Nellie
Mcllonzy and Mr. Nate , .Saulsbury ar
something more titan mro f rie actors.
Their versatility is , in fact , nstonisbin
and Ia aid to be well brought out Lu
"My Chum , " which , by the way , wa p
written by Fred. Marsden. It is not a
fliers peg for witticisms or for oxtra.
ordinary antics , but is a genuine compan
of a high class.
Looking br Uonrd.
"Yea " said the " .
, landlady , "my board.
there never complain ; the gentleman who
has just vacated this room was with ran
over two yearn. "
. "Iii. name was Mr. Brown , " youth-
safed the landlady's little daughter , "anti
matnmni. says. he was an awful cater , an
ho never paid a cent for board fo
oighsteon mouths , and ho said the beci
bugs nearly killed hlmovcry night. anti i
hope the olJlcors will catch him and bring
him backs because namnina is going to-
make it hot for him , "
The gentleman had no doubt the room
wouldsuit him , and promised to give th
landlady a dofinitn answer on the follow-
ngmornIng. ,
Isgscametpflypreporedextmatof the beat remedies I
c : tt.t kingdom ksiown Its mallcs.l eel-
mrs u Al5etratts'e. , Uioo * l'urUtere DianUcs awt
, Toolci. such u SariaparIlia , YelbewiockSUlUngis.
flnde1Lon , Juniper Zient..MaedrakeWU4 Chsen'
hark anti oiLer jelecteti tvotipaxka anti , herbs. A
tedicLn , , like aiqtbtng clue , can be Sqjly udget *
only by lie iteuhts. Wu polotwith istlefoetton to the
giorioumrecor4 hiood'eariaj'arWa baa catered for
itseIZ upon the licaitsof tbouajs.le cd people In iow
rosland wise lisyn i'cr.o7 or intitrocug bees is-
ilci'edot teelbIe.tiftunvtiLrli alt otliciremetiles ( '
Steen. . C. I. Ifood .t Co.i Oeoli-YlAue se4 ma
ST untie , , two bellies 11,50.1's ban..apartlla * nd & fear
ookllothz br Watrittuliox * . Your rrrplIrILiLpo
world wotitleru lii the asee of soy woo. woo
been troubled with beadaeie and taljtquaau.ta SOC
, eaN. Sue Only leek un.baif ksepoowtu at ta doita.
tiMsnoIbeepsowehifor flvereamaa uo. blis
found that Wiutlis a week alice ttas t sue Mt rer
much , bettar Soil t DOW Caurely tree iruis tbe 0
were tirp.ttaee. Siso has no takq any or An 50
eUnni aloe. 1541 li'rlug , inS waa ltittq acuIt&d eel
_ '
- - - - . - . , 4 , _ _
- - - -