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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1883)
- - - - . - - - - - - = - - - - / --S- .i/ : c I 8 - - - _ _ _ r1T1 DAILYBEEOAHA _ , FRDAYNOV1MB1AR 9 , 1883. _ _ _ _ I ipAEt4Y : BEE. OMAH& Priday Morning , Nov. 9. The Woftthcr. : For Urn upper Mis8a5pp vafloy : Italii followed by ookl , clearing weather , winds BhifUng to north arni wo.t , with riBing For the Miaaouri valley Colder and : fair weither n the aoth and contralpor tion , north to wcs winds , with higlior . baromotor. - . ' 1 . LOOAL BEE VITIES , , . -.Uimeb&uh & TayIor Oma1iaoII Buffalo TI. . . Standard .calo. Write for prito. nOim -Nothing at Lho l'ollco CourL ycterdy ; A qulot town. -A. 13. Frary'a hor. that WAB . killed by No. 3 hOBO cart WM valued at 22 and not $ t1O , ZLB BtAIOd in bat nlght. paper. -A. tr.ln load of "l'P1 ° , twenty car n nfl , : received by an Oxnaha firtn ye.erday from IADiM. This IN thn largott InvoIce of the kind cvor recehod bi tlila cIty we believe. ' 4 -A tire In a BCOfld 1tand tre on South Tooth .treob burned some poor clothing and a 4 ; tnink Wodneday night. It waa caused by ' the oxplqBion of a kerosene 1&rnp. ; . -Ground wia broken yoatoday for a new hU for roller akntlnon , St. Marya avenue , be. twoen Seventeenth and L'hteonth .treeta , The building will ho G1 by 120 foot In abe , with an arched roof 25 feet high and a skating aurfaco of FO by 107 feet. -Thc Paxton Hotel opened p a bran new registMrthls nornlng. It takee about one of J those ponderous volumes permouth to hold all the namea to be ngitered. -The Journeymen tailors of the oatab1lsh ; ; . inonts of H , B. VllItftms and ( i. A. lAnd. quest are still holding out for an lncreaeo of , I waoa. The other men havp acceded to the :1 : demands forA new scale of pricca and if It is a fact that they cannot make os'or 1O a week by ten hours work , they certainly are In the right. : -The revival at the South Omaha M. B. church , ii still In n'ogre with a ateadily in. croaRing interest. BIble reading at 2 m. , , and preaching a 7:30 : p. m. each day. All are : cor1laUy invited. This is a very gracious op. ! portunit for receiving cloarand thorough In. struction on the great question of pereonal : aalvatton. Let all avail themeeIve of It. -Losr-A roll of money , amounting to frotn $1&O to 8180. In Baidroliwas two $20 j , notes , one , otng a gold note , balance being mostly tens. The finder will ho liberally ro. i wadd by returning the same to' ] . H. Lud. wick , St. Charlea 1Iote1l208 Harnoy street. - -3rr. Mnke1 , the popular hotel ama , Is on the stocta once more after a serious term , of lilneas. Ito looks very well Indeed , and . lila friends are all gratified to see his famLlb . . . j- ' fseonee more. . q ; , -Wehave reeelve a lengthy cotnuntca. tion from"a drygoodn clerk , " Ja whkh he - , , makes a plea for aaslst&nco 1n reItw the 1ry goo1 erha of Dmah to close their atores at .6 p an. , except Saturdays. If the 'latter were notsolong we 'would print It na It ' & aets forth the woes of a dry.goods clerk quite viv1Iy. , 4. ' -Dr. O'Bouke , irho was appointed bytho P of CountyOommissioners tOfi1 ! the va. . canoy cue by the death of Coroner Jacobs , has boon appointed phySIcian azni atirgeon of the Mescajlezo agency , in New Mexico , and i will leay on the 20th to accept the po.iLIon. I He * i1 probably resign his preeent pesitlon Lu a few ds. The doctor has many friends in this city who will be glad to hear of his 1 good luck and see him off with the heartfelt wishes for his future. , -Tuz llaz Is Informed thatthere isa family residing at No. 1309 Jonea street , the members ol which are In very destitute conditIon. The famIly conalstii of the father and three . , children , th later aged 7 , 12 and 5 years rq. : spectlvely. The mother i in an Insane nay. j turn east , the fntherfs a hard working man , . I andtho eldest boy baa to stay at home and t t take care o the Uttle fellows. They have . ; : only a blanket to sleep on , no beddIng , and are. teall ) ' In bad shape. It Is to be hoped ; that some ldnd.beartod people will look after thout. -Wednesday a birthday party waa given I k Mha Ainanda , ttbney at therealdonco o her : couaiua , Mr. and Mrs. William Grubaugh. , Iberc were a number of presente , and among j the guet were Mrs. and7tre. 0 , M. Wood , : t- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abtoy % ! r. and Mrs. . bthtIanaen , lr ; and Mrs.'Vjzilng , II1Me ; . Martha 1uttouiMary Nela , Mary and l1 CeUa.WLLlfatns , Sarah anI Emily Bertieaen , , Eliza l1ynn , MabloYoodard , . , i9' AnnftbiatbeiaenNblilO Mtarty ; tear . * 3 J. 1fadgct J. Louks , iBcrUcasn , Paterson & . Woodard , M. llynn , A.and W. Aby. , -GeL 3tanton wont o9ttcort OthMya , J.ay to pay the troops tleero. Them atoi r . twoon th and fotu' Iiwdxcd men t a : hercand the Iayinast r tookot a great caz ; pat sack full of gold tied up In lags , betwoc . . , ; . $ It,000and ! 1lOQ. The work of payiu , , e. tOOP $ Is done very rapl&y , , ltt about tw , , - ' hours , altogether. . -A shoc1ng' xhibition of crIty lo an - . zuals was witnessed Wedne.dayernoon b people who w e passing by , liusen t1 I ' uolghborizood ofho Convent of lalri : A boy , old enough o know better , aa mu 1 Lag hlmzelf by setting two dog. on cat , who wss too muciieiiiaugej iJ and WM beIflg'IttCft aad torn to ptee.tb1 U ' t2 but85. The'ihow ws finally cnd by l I women oftheleouse. 4T. H. A&zns , agent for B. MAuiey t Oomblimtlon ks been In thq city for sayer 4ya msk1n irrangoments for the appo&ran , . of his compiny In Omsba on the 18th , 14 t and l5thInat , ' f I , , f'The Jeraymanl * nd "Henry lvi' will' reder d. -L'ia ! Watchman , 'S' . M. C , A. public tlon , of Ohicag , says of an old OmA , - ' . M. , the populsa' eflicic 4 . 1at 8ocetatJ "a Chicago Aseoc , ' elc4ed Acting G n . Stsry , to take effect na aoonas Mre A. I 1Jp1Ioa ) 1e present secretary reir l Many reglXd the action a's pactlcaily maid : p1cc General § ecrutarY , lie IID4PIL4e ho , of friendi ampng the young , nn aiAbe cai ' among tIGIn.It I ' -Mr , T , D. Cowlo , , vko haa been $ hd'n 1 ' egor ofcthe jioston store for' several assIBtabtU , t aver fi Mr ; N. ] 3 Ya1oozGr where he he welfare ci all comerw , ' f -Nezt Sunday &t the German Jreebyter ' , tuzc2i , OuxMid lUL' jtgbteenth , at 1O ; ' deaor1s1 erznoru on : . ; ey'Jft ; I. &halble , Alt 'e ' ' 1 ' _ vGi $ .omi.1o rile of ci ' ' ' at * fthe orthwc.ster depot q ' iveoIng. ' . : - ' . . - ' NEW STHEET RAILWAY. The Latest Ellterpc Orgallizc Ill ) ll1ah , t ( jalIo TIiao tO Iuok the 1IJso ArtAcloa of incorporation were yostor. day filed in the county clerk's office for anew now street , railwny company , the incor porators leing amoniz our loading bUM. zicea men. The organization is called the Light. hail Cable company , ' the ineorporatora being S. It. Johnson , 0. F. Mandorso , C. i. Yost , I. S. ilnacall , 0. B. Ruatin , A. S. Paddock and Fred Drexel , of Omaha , and. A. H. Lighthall , of San Francisco. Officers have been elected as follows : S. II. Johnson , president ; I. S. Hascall , vico.preaidont ; C. B. Yost , secretary ; C. B. itustin , treasurer. The capital atock La fixed at $168,000 , being divided into 8,400 8hares of $200 each. .All the stock has been subscribed and 2 per cent lms been paid in. Mr. Liita1I ) , the owner of the patent tinder which the cable tramway i.e operated ated , has boon in tim city ainco last Sun. day , and lia sold to the above company , of which ho is monibor , the right to use the patents in thia city and countyi It is the same system that is used. in San Francisco and Chicago. The company intend to immediately build lines to vas. bus points in the city , but not in any way to conflict with the present icystom of horse railway. A line will bo built to the southern city limits , and another line up Capitol hiU. The cable ey8tem is ; particularly adaptdd for hills , and in this city it will be found to be juattho thing to reach points whore it would b impassible to run a horse railway. The motive power is a stationary unglue , which works the cable to which the grip CaXB are attachea. For such streets as Dodge or Farnain or any other street running up a hill the c.Thlc cr in the oily practicabo and profitabh , public conveyance. The apoed that crn be oaaily avethgod is from sovoit to eight miles an hour , up kill or down , or on level aurface. The cablo' car runs itt uniforai speed no matter how uneven tim track may be. Tim system is operated at an oxponao of 60 per ceht ices than that of ahorse railway. Mr. Liglithafl , whose residence is in San Francisco , makes his headquarters in Washington , for which city holoft last evening. Paul Vandorvoort , who is now in Mr. Liglithall's employ , will also make his headquarters atWazhington. He line boon engaged for some lime in working up this enterprise in Omaha , and it will be his special work to introduce the Lighthall cable car system in the princi. palcities of the UntOd Sfates. PERSONIU , , If. II. McConnell , of North Platte , lax Hoffman , of Grand Island , and 11. Blaco , of Blair , are at the Millard. Dr. Emily ae1sen , agraduate of Univor. alty of Michigan , and who studied abroad , has come to our city to become a permanent rest. 'dent. a J. P. GrIswold , of Detroit , the traveling agent of the Union Paciflc , , La ii 'the city La. nay , accompanied by his brother , who Is go Ing tolook'9vcr NebrMka lands. Benj. P. Vt.o . , ot Lincoln , and S. J. Alex. antler , of Lincoln , are at the Paxton. Oha. E. Hubbcil and wife and Miss Lucy A. ( cro , of fyractiae , N. Y. , areat the Pax tan. tan.Mv Mv ; . . Jaa..Snslth , of EvsnstonV'o. , . , Is In the city a guest of her brother , Mr. Samuel ctaco. ? frs , N. 3. Burnham and her. little son Horao left yesterday for a visit to friends in Binghamton , N. Y. They re accompanied as far as Chicago by Mr. llurnham. . Miss Jonalo OBrien andMtsu Hittie New. man , of Burlington , Iowa , are guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Iler'at the MIUard hotel. .1. G. Mend , of the Pine itidge Indian Agency , Is at the Millard. Mrs. Win. Badgcr , of Arlington , Nob. , Is at the Millard. ' Lotintorrfl Wyck and T. 0. Lainbeth , cameup from Nobrnaka City , last night and srqquarterod attlto Paon. 0 , F. St.owell , of Auburn , and J , lonolly , ci l'iattcmouth , are at tIm l'sxton. The follow1ugwere the arrivahi at the Pax. ton ycsterda : ' P. A. Day , Iowa City ; 0. S. Marley , New York ; F. A. Ingalls , J. C. Ong , Chicago ; A. Jr. Bishop , Kansa. City ; IV. , IVoaiy ) .looro , J. T. I'otsdamer , Now York ; I J. Ij. Dolaplain , Kansas City ; IV. J. Kelly , I New York J. M. Don and wlfo , Cheyenne ; 3. A , jlugoa , Keokuk ; ( leo , W. Cowlos Mon. , tiin&Tarritory ; it , ' 3i'destor , ' 0 , 11. Master , B. , B , 'White , Now , York ; 'A. Klaut' Jr. , James. , town , Dak. ; Lane , Chicago ; J. Sanders , Prevldenco1i'red ; IV. Lyolil'jlo.ton ; Ii. IL. . Brorn1Covo1and ; Eugene ' \VIse , Leaven 'Wbrt1'K. ' ; A. B. Xtdd , Boston ; J. S. Mc. , V Cord , city1 Clarence ] lueU , St. Louis , Mo. - F. E. 1t'obinaou , ' Waterloo ; IV. B. Phelps n Sioux Cit7 Chad , B. Hubbell 'and wife , Syra If case ; Miss L A. tiers. Syracuse ; Wsn , A 0 Behind , Cl4cago ; S. .Y. Alexander , LIncoln B. : i' , Wise ; incolnJ. ; 11. MIller , Chteago I. J. 1' . Lemon , Mlnnoapolls ; Mrs. A. ii 7 llowes , Minneapolis ; P. II. McGniron , No 0 York ; I { . Il , Aien Jr. , IViscousin ; F. 5. ICotrizsger ; Cb1c ; A. Pe1lofr , Counci B. Blus ; S. N4 nifs DetroR'W. U. Do , : . KI gsa , ProinontI u.E : Itobertd.AlbIon ; C. I it Gore , St. LouIr r. $ alner , fllticagb ; P i Smith , Nobrsk , P ; . . , j1artin , os is York ; J. 6Ntou 'tJn State Anny IT. (1. Loop , U. .A.jikfoit1 , New Y9rI r's A. I' , Dipple , Freinont al Charles 13rnch A.J B d1oy , Omaha ; : ii Ce Reigelrnan'Dco MO ° . B. Alkin' , 0 , L I tlt Shaw1 Cincinnati Ii' , F. B , Bi ckj ChI1 9 ; Orlando TeIft , Avocu I be Neb ; ItA , Ta.dr , Iflnsdalo , Mass. ; Frani P. A. d , GIllett and wife a. Jldlte1t.lda ; Moore , OMcao ; 0. An. 'yl trait , MilwatZOO 8. II. Hopkins , ChIcaro ; I tot 1Iopl4 , 8 , LouIs ; P. B , bikini , Fond di 14 Lao ; , ! ! . ow York ; C. 11 , Clirke ralf , , If.nttng , Chicago ; D. 0. Curran , T. B T. Tutl , 'iu City ; C. IL , Van Wyck , T. C Os. LabeB , . eraaka City ; 0. J. SUrreB zig AulJu b. ; Steward Marks , Chicago ; J St. DdnzUyI'1attemouth. nQ , - ft I'1 ' ttkoii MONVMIiNT. * Iti at 11roepevtlllll to & 31\\ } \ I j Jmozg the many now and beautift ) "js6nurnents rbic1i have been placed tiii , Prospect Hill oemotry there i ' " 'ircikW xone handaonier thsn the I srJtely ectd y brr. and Mrs. C. , A betaId1n , t tie gave of'thetr son , Ms , ank A. aldwia , a young man we knowit k Omitha , and who had hold for sovorajeare pMt an important position with the Union 1'aciU at Denver. Surrounding the lot is a copin. , of fin. ished Colorado granite , much resembling tim Scotch in lie pinkish color , and tot. minating in two polished gate post one foot aquaro and four high , 9n which is engraved Frank's signature , in ralsod script letters , just cia ho used to sign it , "F.V. . B. " The coping is 8 by 12 inches. In the center of thin plct of ground stands the monument itself , a handsomely eloping shaft , 17 feet high , witlspoliahed steps. It ; in of Iier-y Vt. , granite , richly chiselled , On one 61d0 ia the monogram "F. W. B , " and on the other tiio in scription of Young Baldwin's birth and death. Joseph Pajcau , of Chicago , furS nishod the monument , and the epping came from Rouh , of Denver. It is , alto. gather , a very costly monument and cost not less than $2,600. CO U RI N OTES. A Lawyc's ' Raekct with a Lady , flLstrlctCoitrt Items and Other Mat. tore. ' B. Iloiningway , one of the legal lighte ( if Omaha wae up in the police court yee. terday on the charge of threatening the life of Miss Annie McKenzie , a well known artist. The testimony on thopart f the corn- plainant wont to show that Hemingway was jealotis of another party and that his attentions paid to Miss l'cKonzio wore not r'chshcd , one or two serious little i-ackete occuring between thorn in the fair artist's atudio. The defense denied the charge in tote and claimed that his dealings with the lady were soioly for the purpose of collecting a claim , Ho was discharged. The liquor cases in which the defend. anta ware dealers within the prohibited two.mito bolt outside of the city , and were indicted for seiIiiic ' without a State license , ! iave.bccn trie'aiid faileclofcon. viction. Sixteen of Ihiesa casearomain , but it is intimMed that Judge ovil1o proposes to waste no'moro time withthopresontjury , eavoral of whom , it is credibly reported , have taken the position that thoywill not vote to convict any mait under the Sb. cumb law , . and their failure to convict the last man twice gives color to this report. Consequently the liquor cases go ovorun. til the next term of court in February. District Attorney Godwin goes to Sarpy county to attend to the case of thO.t3I.zth agatut Mccoy , who is accused of horse " . aling. . The case is one of conaidorab1e.tero8t and a special grand Jury line been "ed for the case. The county autiioritio5 Sbfli anxious to get through with McCoy. ii.10 siioulci do aireto plead guilty ha' coi not plead until a presentment had bc , made by thegrand jury. " Judges Wakoly and Neville attd is. trict Attorney Godwin go next Monday to Burtcounty for a term of court , and on the following Monthey to Washington county. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' THECOUNT. avas ot the o tyVote Com1ctel. 'Tiso OMcIal Majorities a They Show ' 'Lip. The votes cast on Tuesday last wore cinvaesed yesterday afternoon at the county clerk's office , the board of canvas. Bern being County Clerk Baurnor , J. J. O'Connor , and A. P. Nicholas , who did their wo.zk in font , hours satisfactorily. The following are the total votes and majorities joritios : Justice of the Supreme Court- Jamoic W. Savage , Democrat and Anti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , M. B. Iteese , itopublican. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,932 Savage's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Judges of the Third Diatrict- B. Wakoloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Regent. of the State ilidvoralty- 3. M. Woolworth , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , David It. Daniel , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Amos Dean Dem. ( to fill vacancy.2,714 ) M. J. 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , John T. aiia1iou , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - B. P. iliattI hop. ( to fill vacancy.2,682 ) B. 1' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , David Butler , . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . J. B. Merritt , , Anti.Monop. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-I County Coitnnlsaioner- . . 1 , ic' . Corilas rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,953 Curtis Morton , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Corlias' niajority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 County Treaaurer , Jo1mlush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. TreIticl.ko . . . . . . . . . . . 1,403 hush's niajoritv . , , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . County Clerk. ' ' 1L.T.Leavitt. . . . . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IVin. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,121 I . LoaiItt's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Sheriff. . Itfihler , lioI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Lynch , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; , ' , .tIUora majority over-Lynch..1,411 ; p Anti.Monopoly. . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Millers majority over I.ynch anti ' L Murphy . . . . . . . 95 1 Ontinty Judge. r A. Itt. Chadwick ' , Itep ; nooppositIor.3,37l . Comae : , . 'IY.'If. Kent , lisp. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S t. Dr. Lanyan , Darn. . . . . . . . . . . . . , Kont'smajoriLy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SuperIntendent Public . Instruction- 3 J. Bruner , lisp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 ; JD , Itustin , , Dem. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .1:6k : , liruner's majority over . . . . . . . . . J.J.Folnts , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1,21c I liruner' . . majority' over Points..1,2 . . , County Surveyor.- George Smith , Itep. , no opposition. . . . . . Clerk of District t..oud- , IV. If. hams , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV. F. hems , Bop , . . , , . , , . , . . , , . . , , . , .2:6 : . Ijams majority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reprnacntatlvo Ninth District- J..F.liehin , lisp. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : A.Striuglino , flout' . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . c Belun'smajority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Court House Prupoaltiou- . Against selling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In favorof boIling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _ - - Buklen'o Aruba Salvo , Tlio greatest medical wonder of the wo.d , Warranted to speedily cure Buns , Cuts UI , , . core , Salt Ithouin , Fever Sores Cancer. lles Chitblalna , Corn. , Totter , dbappod ianda and all skin erupuons , guaranteed to cure It every Instance , or money refunded. 25 conti or box , ii - _ - -A delegation 1mm the Lincoln Lawn ten 5 nis club I. expected up here Siturday to pin ) t the Omaha club. They wIU arrive on the it o'clock train in the uiornIni , , Two doubh . gaines will probably be played in the after . noon , ladles against India. anti gentleinsi U sainst - 'I II.AINE fl THIRTY. lloi I Acaro to Ucnoral lloi 11 WIin 1h 'T ' ! Bcau , At tlie TIrnoLTIIat braol 'Washburn , tJ. , wnsGovcrnor.ol'Mnlne. o. . 0. howard , commander of the Departront of the Platte , has boon for some tiio engaged in writing a series of itx'ticlee for The flational Tribune of \Vaehington , in which are detailed hi a graphic , Jeasy style his personal reminLe. cencoso the war. From one of thorn we take1thio liberty of making the fol. lowing i4torcsting extract , describing ( lie appearance of Governor Washburn and Mr. Blatno at the beginning of the ro. bollion : Israel Washburn , Jr. , was at. title tirno Governo of Maine. Short of stature , thick.sot with an abundant crop of ehor-thh town hair , a peculiarly large , strong fa o full of resolute purpose , 1mb- itually co ering his eyes with glasses for noarsight dneea , on approach ho was not proposaehing to a stranger , but the in- slant yoi were Introduced a wonderful auimation seized him and changed the whole man. Ho was replete with patriotic - triotic enthusiasm and energy , and vary 1 roporly hoitLa foremost place among ( ho 'groat war governors" of his tinmo. On the morning of the 80th of May Governor Washburn was early at lila of- flee in the State House , at Augusta-of the beautiful granite of this State build. ing , if not of the architecture , Maine men have a right to be proud. He had hardly thrown aside his light outercoat and taken an arm-chair near his table , when a young man , with a brisk , business air , opened the door and entered without ceremony. Washburn called out to him , with his jerky , , half.laughiug growl : "Ah old follow , you make rather free with Itis Excellency's prcciiicthl" The visitor opened his full orbs a little more titan their wont , but , without re- plyin to the remark , kept lila mind , as wa-s his habit , steadily upon the matter in hands "You' know , I recommended to you and to the Keimnobec regiment , before their election , a youngster from the regu- Ear army , Oliveir 0. Howard , a lieutenant teaching at tito Military Academy of \Vcst Point. " "Oh , yes ! He belongs to Maine-to Leeds ; was born there. He wait elected. Will he accept ? " "Howard is already on hand , " answered - ed the Governor's visitor , "and I will fetch him up and introduce him , if you are at leisure. " "Oh , certainly , certainlyl Glad he line come soon-want to know him , " ann- wored the Governor , "Let hint come right up. " While the familiar , self-possessed viai- tot is gone for the young man , let us take a nearer view of him. JILAkNE A vriinrt- . "no could hardly find a more striking chartar His figure was good-about t 3e.i _ height and well proportioned ; . : : could see of it under his slouched hiwuBlied far back-was a darkish brown , "ht1ees ' it had been combed in the moriun' the disorder duo to aundr5to , showed of the fingers. His coat , a little tially buttoned , , Tiis , with the ar ahirtfront , and npcktio. as comnu.1 worn , had the 'negligo air ofa , dress never again thought of after iteliret adjust. mont. His head wasa model in size and ahaise , with a foreheed high and broad , and , as you wotId 'expect in a strong face , a large itoman'noso. But the' feature which marked thin young man was those dark gray eyesvory full and ery bright. He wore no beard , had a perceptible lisp inhie , speech , and a clear , penetrating voice , slightly nasal He excelled everybody , oven time nervous Governor , in rapidity of utterance , Ho had already been two years in the Maine House. Nobody there could match hint in debate. Ho was , as an opponent , sharp , fearless , aggressive and most un- comuromlaing ; always had in any wordy cont1ct as an editor , first , rind then in the House , blow for blow with over-in- creasing mnorneutuni. Yet , from lila consummate - summate management of men , he became extensively popular. Such is my remain- brance of Jamea G Blame when ho was thirty years of ago. In a few minutes after his departure Mr. Blame returned to the Governor's room with the now col- onol. onol.The Governor looked happy. Ho prob. ably felt it satisfaction in my appoint. rimont. His first "three years' regitnoiit , " a tltounumd strong , made up of his neigh. bore and friends , was t. be ? mntaflded by one who had , received a military edu- ciitionand who had alr zidy enjoyed some field experience , ' znn aoyjrioa' $ WJSL000SE. I was a litU&thuiIn : flesh , pale , rallier slender of build , and did not thteit give ( ho idea of ( lie toughness believed to be . requisite for hnl'war ; yet , somehow , my nppearanceduo perhaps to his near-sight. odnesa , gave 'tho' Governor immediate confidence , fl4laroao quickly , took my . righfrhandlnb ; h of his and shook it I warmly. ' 4Ma'ny congrat kitioiis , my I young friend. Xour regiment is already here-across the Way. .Xoit roust hastemi ) and help us get. it into shao. At first . will findbo ' little roughbut . .ou boys' a , we're got youttlrat.rat.3 adjutant ; haven't ! , Blame ? " "I think , dovernor , you will have to . let theCo1onOl choose his Adjutant and o.iganino his stall himself , " answered Blame. HowglaJ I was for that reply. ! "Well , wellaliz-ight. Introduce Burl . to him. : i fUOSl they'll agree ; don'I I forgot. * ' * . ! "lie sure , Governor Washburn , I shall ' always respect your wshes , and we'll I soon o ready for the front. " "Just so ! Just sot how I like the I true ring. We 'will put this robelliozi I , down in abort order with this sort iii pIrit ; eli , Blame ? " rejoined the rapid "Ah , Oovqrnr , not so fast , " said Blame , "If u bad come from a place : as iiear the border its I did , you would not emphasize 'short order , ' no much I My mind is fully prepared for it long siege. Seward may iciglit along his ac quilino telescope and declare in 'thirt ) days , ' or 'sixty days , ' or ninety daysh' ' The end , I toll you , Washburn , is no . . yet. " "As God wilI , " said the Governor , tie ing front his chair , "Now , let us gc down and introduce Colonel Howard tc I 'the boya' " Governor SYashburn nlwayc cafled the volunteer soldiers "boys. " _ - - . Real EitittO TTU1UtS. P The following deeds were filed to : rooord In the county clerk's oflloo No . yombor 7th , reported for T'u. Biut b1 I Amen' real estate sgenoy ; Ed41 , Humphrey and wife to Johi Bagloy 'Jr. , w d lot ' , block 3 , Dwight a Lyman1s add , $250. AleX G. Chariton to IL P. Reed and v. L , Mctague , , w d a of lot 13 , block 11 , flood's let add , $40O. M. K. Donahoo and wife to 3. l.a. Thomas , w ci n i of sw and part of so of miw , sec.2 , T 14 , B. lu , $2,800. Bliia Pock nndMargarctForst to Wni. Siploy , wd ofee , of iiw j see 5 , T 10 , It III , $250. Gao. P. Bemis and wife to Paul \V ilorbach , w ci a of lot 11 and all of lot ill , block 4 , Paricr's add , $600. Geo. II. Bogge of. iii. to Clint. If. Mack , lot 25 , kensington , $3'5. Geo. II. Boggs ot al , to Win. H. Looker , w d lotl3 , block 4 , Arbor Place , ro flxporlincnt. WIth a maorlty of voop1o It Is no exlori. macitt that Dr. Bosanko a Cough and Lung Syrup I a cure for Coughs Colds , l'niz.i in the Lungs , Soreness In the dhest , etc. , but for tho'o who doubt , ask your neighbors who have ured it or got a free sample bottle of Scitroter & Bocht , the tiruggista. ilog-ular , Ize so iii i.00. Sold to the trade by C. F. Goodman. - DIED. PISCIIIilI-In this city , November , 7 1883 , at the St. Joseph hospital , , Tohann i'ischer , wife of August Fischer , aged $8 years. } 'unoral will take idace from Chins. ltiowo's unlortnklng room , 1009 F'arnarn street , Nov. 11th , at 2 p. am. Friends all invited. _ - - Thousands Say So. Mr. T. IV. Atkins , Girard , ICan. , writes : "I never hesItate to recommend your Bloc- Inc Bitters to my customers , they dvo entire satifaction , and are rapid sellers. ' Electric Bitters are the purest and boat medicine know-n and ms'ihI lositively euro kidney and Liver comnplahitt. l'uriIy the blood and Tog- ulato the bowels. No family can aliterd to ho without thorn. They will save hundreds of ( lollars in doctor's bi1I every year. Sold at 50 'cents a bottle y C -The worklngnmen and farmers' central committee will meet this evening at 8 o'clock , at the mayor's office , on important business. By order of J. F. Johustin , score- tary. tary.iaOY4 p ftoY4.9 , AKIM POWDER Absolutely , Pure. This powder never varieS. A inarrel of purity , strength and wholeomencsa. More economical thna the ordin.ry kinds , anti cannot bsotd incompetitlon With the multitude of low test , short weight , alum or phosphate powders. Soki only In cans. 11os1 BAIC. , tnl'owder Co. , 106 Wail StreetNew , York. SPECIAL NOTICES Bpec1a1a will PositIvely not be inserted unless a14 in advince. . TO LOAN-Money. M ONE. tOANED-On chattel .ecurity. C. E. MAiN.etp , itco Farnan,8t. 6S4iiUO M lowest rstoo 01 tntere , Ier1ls , ! Loax 15th & Doutmlas. _ TO LOAf-Ota , t Law'oUioo of D. L. -Thonia. , room B , Crelt , s,0 mock. ' fONEY LOANED-On Chattei'octg , room 7 .LY.L NobtskN&tionM BankBuUdl. _ 154-ti JIJfONIOY TO LOAN-J. T. Beatty cans on chattel . &yA- property , 213 South 14th St. sept15 flELP WANvimu. - - JANTED-TaogIrls . at Pacific hon , iOth.and S .jnentort. ; 1015 iiie street. \S T , 'TT.D-.t , ftrt.vla , . ilattern maker at me I' celator iIacioe Work , , itarney St. 077-i5 , , a the Etutnet house , 1V.NTEU-A good reliable girl N. 11th , , street. sacs. - ' , , g'ri and a girl to wait on tabl tot herboorti , at i1O Yaritain St. 601.9' ' 7'.tNTuD-A delivery clerk In a grocery ai.oro. V Must undertaal tli care of hon.e. Oj'v full name , age anti reference. tddrca , "T. IL" Bee of- ftce. : 6811.51 - TANTE1)-Ualry hand. Inquire at Fred. titazuck's -V' ' tu1oon , opptito po.toilicu. 685.51 good laborers for railroad work. V 11. MANNWnILEII , 11th in. Faraani. 1TAX'iUD-20OOLuborers for levee work 10 idles V V below VLciu.bur , 511 , . . Cheap transiortatlon , .end Monday. John Menannaree. Apply at. II. aIANNwtILIR , 11th 51. near Faritarn. C6.St ' % .JAN'TED-Onoel girl for getuerat work. A.pIy at V V Bisten Itotcl 1011 * Street. : 1TATED-SaTenat , for each county In the 11. V V S. Sa ary $711 to $100 and expenses. Geode sold by sample. , LA IIKLLE MF1' CO. , Chicago. ' 666.131 cod , , 117ANTJD-Ttu-o good giri , one to.tend dining L V V room cclutveiy , Other to do citautber work snitlitcil. hi dining roont meal titnen AIpiy at ' liar. . haunt's restaurant , IMS iotIgo street. BUSINESS ChANCES-We tant a live state agent for Nebracka. andono for Iowa , 021 5 SOW far. ltwr.e .peclalty. Iletail tILOO. 'Forwant of it infls I framer.nropeorIIoi.O. ( A. Furagarti ) . Must liii I Milling to pay icronal l.It to each courtly seat. Qin make tico per week nil winter. Inuae.iiato it. . I te , , low wilt be ap.o1nI.etl if ) ou state occupation and UuiltaI by lettot saidre.ed _ _ _ FAiiti1ANI1S , PALSIEII novlO111 hJ 83 , Paxton Hotel , Onaha. TANTLlD-Uod man to chop out Ueus out of 50 V V acres of ground oncoming St. . ins1theIty iimits BIOlIlSAgvntt _ 11th and Douglas nt. eT&tz I TANTli-La.d agent. to itcU the best selling V V line of LMLes anti Chlldron's goods ever over. tid. tielce inade In every lioutso as last as agents car. bI.ow the goodi. Axents art. .nrakmg 1 ® a month. L Addres , lth stamp , 1.j. U. IL Co. , C South May St. , citlco , Ill. SOt..itn I UTANTtD-Olrl , In a famtiy oh tMd. Inquire at VI ' .J.UA1iAN&CO. 310-ti U7 ANTIOD-Good girls to ! gou4 tawtise. heat V V agts. Apidy lotnuetbately at employment I bureau 11 N. iGthBt. No. aifleofee , MS-tI 8ITUATLON $ WANTRD. VV _ liirrefurrod. . " 5. U. C. . " bee nillee. eio.ioi . % ATANTin-Sltuatlor. by a young Gcru.x. girl. V V Biteaki ) ngiiab , as cook ci- general iotuaeviork In slawdy. AUdres " 1' . II. 1' . It. " lie. ottice , 685.8 $ 1TANTEI-tiitualion byuratian.1 1fe to , rork In V V city , or go on farm. Ce , . do llret.cIa * cooking in hotel or tedt4urant.L References funrtihcah Address - ) dress " 11. 11. 13. " lIce 011k-c. 88381 : MI8oBLNEOu5 : - - - A7ANTED-t few table boanieri at 1720 Cass V V street. 685'iO . tLTANTED-A co.nplete act oi draWIng insiru- I. V V bent. . Xtluat b in good couditlon sod cheap. . ' , w , y , Bee otitco , 6534' 1&TA'fltD-i'artuer tlth 1,000 or $2 000 in a r V V good cash busines. A rare opportunity , Pro- St. e.oee yeaiy. ) Parties ith this money wishing iou particulars , atidiere "itoberts , " this oStre. I 631-10' - - ' - ' - . - - - - - - - - - - ' . ' ' . , , _ , for Infants and Children. Cnttoriapromote.q Digentlon What gives our Children ro chaeks , and ' Whatcures t4elr fevers maK.on , ; overcomes k'tatuleney , Constipa- tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhcna , and witen bahfe fret and cry by turns , - . Fever-mslinese. It insures health and cure their colIc , kills their wormn. , . natural sleep , without IuorjIihle. lInt Castorta. ' . , . , ' - d Whatqi.icklycureConsUpat1on 'i. " Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion , , . "Csaterinllnoweltadapte4toChildecnjt Th1LCIStort * . . . auerfor any ! ? Farewell then to Morphine Synipe , ! ' 5. - 82 I'orthund ; t ; . : Castor 011 and l'arvgorlc , and $ ' ' - ' CENTAUR LINIMENT-an nbso1 t cure for Rhounia- tism , Sprains , Barns , Galls , &c. The moit Powerful nndPono. ' trating Pnln-rellovlng anti Healing Remedy known to man. ' . - . . . SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON . - IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. ' s' . ' Full assortment constantly on Hand and for sale by ' . HENBY FUHRMAN Prtmont Neb. ' - , , _ _ _ purchase a good drug business In 7 i Omaha.Address E. W. flee olilce. 663.11 'iTANTflD-To exchange , nielrabio city residence V V for latin in eastern Nebraska. Apply to J. V. ' . LOUNSIJU1IY , itealesiatc agent , mitt. and } 'arnam. 602-ti UTANTED.FIe'ant furnlhetllroom with or ilhou v day board for gentlemanand wife , ( nochlldren ) state particulars and price. reference cxchangcd At ! . drcs 'II. A. V. ' . " this otilce. 6. 1-101 TANTED-GcntIen'an and wife wants two Un- I ! furnialted rooms on ground floor , with board in nrivate family. Address , stating terms , " 31. ' care lluhn's drugstore. 6'309 , ro1 RENT--flousea ana Lots. 'I'XTANTED-Asltuation by man and wife-she be. V v Inga first-class cook and ho to go as waiter or to do other suitable wOrk. hotel 1.referre' , inor out of elI3- . References given. Address "J. U. K. " Bee attica. 674.lOt ' TA'TED-Immediately , a flrst-clas cook at 1615 V V Dodge atreeL 6751H r"ort I1ENT-A iurnille(1 house lull of roomers and .11 boarder. , In central location , and furniture for sale cheap. Address " 8. 5 , " Bee office. 073.14 171011 RKiT-A small , nicely furnished room , , ult. .1. able for a .lnglc gentleman. Bath yearn conven- hoer. . 1720 Capitol avenue. . 67-210t F RENT-One single room , furnished. 1617 Chicago street. 671-ti E"Nht RENT-New house , 9 rooms , hard and soft J. water , all modern improsementa , 2143 Capitol avenue. 073-10 F onnENT-m.e new cottage , . airoorns , 'ecU and cistern , fulllots , etc. , each $10 per month. 679-ti D. L. ThOMAS. iIOR ItC"r-A nertly furnished cottage with usc .U of piano , good cistern , ct-cry thing convenIent , rent $18.00 per nonli Apply 50th St. cigluth house north St. Mary's avenue , east side , roat Pal. ack'cclothing store. 781.9 Foil RENT-House 7 rooms bar , , &c. , tOO.OO. C. I1.IAYNE & CO. 1500 Farnam. 680-ti T"IOR RENT-Furnished room , suItable for gentle- .1' man , 1019 Farnam street. 697.103 OR RENT-Furnished room 1116 Howard street F 558-101 t'oR IIENT-Furitislied rooms , ami board t1.0O per _ L. week , at 1506 Jackson street. 60O.10 .t'iOlt itEtiT-FIvc roan , cottage. Firat.c1as neigh. t borhood , $18.00 per month. 689-ti 0. F. DAVIS&4CO. , 1505 } 'arnam St. 011 I1ENT-Furnislied room , arid' beard modern F Imprqiementa , 1512 Dodge St. 570.13 ! TOit IIENT-Unturr,1hed , front parlor and 1-ed L' sarnn , thO.nottl , 12th street , betaen Capitol avenue aup Pavanport.- . . . , . , 093.91 1-loll I1ENT-Two large rooms , bi.UO per month , .U 1124 81. hilt atreet eaup TcbltlLiNT-Cottages near2d and Clark , treeti , ' : ! ! 0 per rnpnth. T. , J. } ltzrnorris , 042 S. 17th St L1o'tnel7Tr.PIea.ant front rooms , N. V. ' . carrier .1. 17thand.,2 ste. ' 3i30 8i TJIOR IUIN'r-A flicely turglsltd abooro rcam , south I. expoeure. Ai..o parlor , tltl or without board. 'three . . blocks from opera houae. Addresa "C' . JL iv. 119 13. 16th St. 661-tv' tolt IIuNT-flouso with a room , , kitchen , closets , .1. pantryotc. , at ll3lhhrrmanaveuo. i3s FOR ltE1T-Cottage 7 rooms , 231h and Iavenpor . street , . $22.00 ocr month. W. 51. DWYEII , 010-los . , U. 1' . 611010 , YJiO1l RENT-Toe mat , md wifu without children , _ L. 4 clinuibert , convenient ( or house keeping , front ant rear entrance , hard and soft water 510. 17th St. Ii7-i01 -Tiolt _ IUNT-A house and large barn on 18th 81. .1. near Nirboha , , and Itous and barn corner 26th and howard Ste. lYin. L. lrunroe , elk and Dougla. , Mi-St F ° 1tINT-On new nice 6 room cottage with brick ha.cment , cistern , , and city 'eater on 8. 19th St. ) 'eIIilru at Moore'sllarnea. slore4lOS. 13th St. 633-9 t'olt RET-1arg , antI small rooms with or with. .L ot board , 1013 Dodge He , 635-0 F ° R IDiNT-Two small Iurnl.hed rooms , InquIre . Dnrgatorocor , 10th anti Dougls.s. 617-ti F 1UINT.-Boonu In Nubrati : * National Daz.k inailding. Moat desirable otfico. in the city. Supplied with hydraulIc elevator and heated by steam. Apply at fleck. 620.11 F OR RENT-A suite of tWo or tour tory desirable furnished or uniurnisled rooms , of. convenient access to lostomcu and one block Iron.gcd horse car lln.eon . Chicago street. P. 0. hit 52. 602-St JlCtiYturnl.heJ rooin.forrent , Mrs. ACalder. wood 1616 CailfonIa 1St. 008-5 F OIL IU4NT-Eumnihed front room , 1724 Douglas treot. 'rj'on itir-T Itirthl.od rooms at 8.UO and .1. eio er month. Iacb room large enough for to oocupant.s. 1914 Wqbater street. & 62.ti t'ou IIIINT-Ftrrndshed rooms and board by the .1. day or 'eeek t 117 N. 14th St. theboUit ) fonner. ly occupied by Mrs , lay 'ehohas been bought out by hr. . 1tuuchier , 584-101 L'OR il1UT-'tew furnished rooms single and for I llghthou.ekeedngtemporsijly acant in eras Wockooruerelglstanu hio'esrtL 622-U T'iOlt IIINT-Plea.ant reams , furnished or not , as 1 desired , four biocks from opera house. Apply 1tO3Earnun. r'on ittin'rfurntshod dwelling corner howard .1" and 18th. ltuntlO.permoutlr. 0. WIlonasn. 412-ti rFo LIlT-Furnished rooms with board ItioS Call. A iorul8L -toIt iilNT-Sw store In Toft' , block or , Sau. , . 1 _ does street , Ossod location far grocery store butcher shop etc. 1nuIr. at People. . hank , Dodge at. eeLU U'OR Rghr-Furnlshe4 rooms en the nortbwes .v eec. 13th ntt Capitol avenue. 139-ti -poll REIIT-e.t4eno. . iid SIOraDUUS&DaJO. dSa.h- .1. roan souxa , n..i E5ts14 orno. east i1d 14th ttt sl , botwwa Parasm and Douglas streu. 7 $ ' , F OR LFASu-rour tholee lots on th St. lotr time , 217 N , 16th St. .1. L. Marble , 025-U ' . roll 8AI7 , . ' F 011 SAL1I-Fre.h niiich cows , at military bridge , 26th and Cutning streets. 670.13 F OII6AhE-Merchant Tailoring businos , 'eel ! es. .5 ' tabllshcd and paing. Good reasons for seUlar. Address " 0. 0. Bee ofitca , 033-ti F 011 SALE-Elegant cottage , almot new , all con- convenIence. , $2,800. i'art cash , time on bul. anee. Also nice 11 story house , 7 rooms , large barn , etch , centrally locatea , 2,3oo. i600 coali , belance to suit purcbasar. mit , nropcrt3' is worth fully 3,100. esti-to C. B. IIAYNB .k CO..1509 Farnarn , 011 SALu-Boarding house in good nart of the F city. I'a-lcet60 AppIyhIIAb'N'tEILER , I 639-log 11th Str. , near yaruam. I SALI3-Printers ink , a rare chance for prInting - a ing ottices. We have for le several barrel. of ' a Stat quality of printing Ink. Being made for use . on smaller or slower presses than we are now using. ' we will sell the same at 5 cents per pound free on ' ; - boardcare at Omaha. Will guarantee give good , satlsactlon on smaller and medium presses. Thu mm ruutisiizw co. OR SALF.-Fa.-TIU in eastern Nebraka. J. W. F LOUNSBURY , heal EstatO Agent , 15th and Far. nam. 691-tI OR SALII-Vacant bail lots near city. Also soY- F era ! hoprovod half lets at a bargain. J. .W. LO1JNSntJftl. 15th and Farnam. 9j , SALE-Fine drivIng horse side bar buggy & . If harnesfor 3300. Greatbargaln. Address "W Bee 016cc. 676'84" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' . , , . . . . OR SAE-CheapavcrydoeirabtedwoUing house F a room. , good ocher , weil and cistern , lot 5abv , 132. InquIre 1814 Webster St. beteecn ISthanci IOtIa Street. 611-121' SALI-A small horse. InquIre ol P. L. Shane F - at neweourt house. 618-121 ORSALII-S3eclal Bargains. h1setcand fuillot , F east front on 19th street. Ea terms. $ tO. House , barn and four lots. Eosv tcrae. $2.IC0. . Good house , 11 rooms , mU lot , ham and nil coat- plete , nearatreet cars. Terins3,5OO FIve beautiful corner lots , near street cars. Improved farm'eand wild lands in quantities to stilt in all part , ofthtc stats. Iowa and Nebra.ka Coal Lands for sale theap. J. A IIOLI.INS , , . . OmMia National Batik. OR SALII-Between ZOO and 400 heazt'of sheep , , ' F 82.10 per head. ( 'all on , or addresS ! . Skidmoru. ' ' , Skidmore Mo. 034s' . - OR SALE-tots ISand 16 b'oek 8 hhansoorn F place on Park ava , only 3950. ouch. 517-ti MCCAOU1I , opposite P. 0. , 011 SALE-A CII , ntabilshod Brick bualnees with ' . F tnachuineryand grounds. , 3IcCAGUE , odposite 1' . 0. , ' F 011 $ ALl-1\vt , lots N. lv. conrer of 23tfi'd ' , . Chlca'o St. Inquire of } ditoltii and Erickson. ' 487.1 ? " F CII SALE-Carrier tot in 8hthn' addition. 610-It MCCAOUE , oppoalto P. 0. , - - - ( % _ cottage in good location , 3.OOO. 512-ti 3ZcCAOUL , o1q > osit.u 1' . O ' . , F Oil SAL1I-S3 lreiatt.ou-sos , wagon. , buggies and ' , Irarrie , . arid stables for cent am. Eud rant atabie. Cu2ing hi. (1. DI1ltVhN. 312. U ' F Oil HALLS-A first chase secant ! hand top bng'y , Call at 1319 liarney street itt F Oil 8ALtI-Realdcnce and business property ix ' ' : allpartaohomalu.and IarmLandsm all parS. . of the State. BEDFORD & $ OUER , ' , 793-U 213 8. 14th St. bet. Farnatu and Dougt , ' . ' .POR SALE-A numSer of tnorkttge , , firatelase , e. . ' ' , . - . entity. ) tcCAGUit , Oj.potlte P. 0. , ' - : . F 011 SALIS-.Tho portblo hailer. loborso cowers ' Apply'at I D. FflZPAThltfJC , : , , . .4 668-ti 288 South 15th Street. ' . . Pole 'AU-liouso and comet lob oue.quare t titreet cars . 81.700. 513.11 McCQUSop1ositop.O. F OR HALE-Do-si buibose chari&gut 217 N. 16th street , .7. L. 6394f - F 011 SALK-At abargalna small * lOsZerl3ahtnan . ' anti Co's Are prod sate. Inquire at this oltloo.If If TANTi1D-To buy Omaha heal Estate for l.pverj. V bra. CaU on , McCAUU1I , opposite P. 0. , ' 610-u F OR 1IALR-Oie nowsoapers in Sega air smau ' qeantlilee at thi , othee. ' . , F 011 SALIS-Thresor four resIdence I ta ( corner , ) In beet location In city. . ' 6114f McCAOUIO.cppcxlte I' , 0. F OR SAUl OR XXCIIAIIGim-Fulh lot and th , dwelling , corner of 11th sad Facift steee Nine lots In south Omaha. Mao 150 acres of Ian ! near Santon , liebraska , and buildlnx and stocic of clothing No. 804 Tenth street , Will ozthan. Ic , Nohriusk * farm lands. Further uadIcrlar. at Oo. . - U. Peterson' . Clothing Store , 604 Tenth btreet. , MIgCELIANEoUa. ; ' JjST-A puir si golden 5IVCt3clre , bst'eoen Dd , . . , , . and Corning Street. Finder will be re'euniwibv' . leating at No. 17 N , lith street. 098s $ ' A hiargala , $0114 ? . will buy a good bikury inCur city , reason forsdUlag , wauttogo out of but. . Inca. . It. M&urnuei1g flu , t. near Parnarn. . . . -q good.s at theauctlon moms stv , B acing 142'd Douglas 61. Saturday Nay , 10th atlO a ni. Sso cloaks and dohunang 30o suits underseau gal I watche. , 20 paIr golj bracelets , 25 Opera chain. i.oe triple Platud casters , io ulcktl clcic . . . ' - L Ob'T.-No. st , a meal saw utArked J , Cans be. , , t'evn iltarrisa Fisher's ' an Cwuln St. 'lie. ' 'ea.rd " .siu be giruri 11 left at Harris sod Vuncr ! 672.34 S TIIAYIIU . 011 i1roLgNNombe , 1st. a hlgIt red c-ow , I 1 3ers old , one horn broken oil. Any information regurdlrtg her will bu thanktutiyrereistd atthe ithtreI Wpudyard , Xlorth'eestcorner 19th anti liarn.y. bgNT llLLSON. 058.iol . EDWARD KUERL , ' MAQI3TE1I Oh PALMYSTmtY AND OODrroj. 4UST , 803 Teathutreet , bOIWSOD Yarnaria and 31'ir , De ) , will , with the aId of guardian sptta ! , Obtain fur ID ) ons a glio. ol lb pas $ saud omens , ao4 o' conditiosu. Ir the future. )3oot and made toopier , Perfoc eatWactlco susraatceti. susraatceti.'a 'a