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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1883)
- ( k i r 1'HN ; DAILY BEt --COUNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY , NOVEMIER 9 , Isu.f. 1 iIE DAILY m i L i COUNCIL BLUFFS. ii i Frlanq Morning , Nov. 9. : BUDSCUt1'TIOt itATES : B Oartler - - . to ecnt4 per wrek i By btal - - - - - - - 610.0' ) per Veat orc6 , , ; No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , Sco Joseph Yleitor'e ill goods' ' Additional locale on aoventh page. I Cheap Railroad Tickota at Buahnoll's. The board of trade is to meet Monday night. 'Tho cttq council doliberate3 again Mon. E day ovoning. ' Tim Tranafor club is to have a levee and promenade on next Wednesday eve11 I Work has actively commenced on ho brid o over Indian ; crook at Bryant std oat. Ii. McAuloy appears at Dohonoy'a next I Monday evening fn "Uncle Dan'l ' of I Jarvia Section , I Mies Ella Millcr'a returned miaalona r9 + from India , gave an intoroatbtg lecture at the Baptiat church last evening , ( Mrs. Kate Herbert now asks for a re { Ioago from the matrimonial bonds fasten her to George Herbert. She claims ho S has deaortod her. } Leave to marry was granted ycatordaq to J. D. Clark and Ginarva Jump , both of this city ; also to H. 0. McGrand Anna Stocker , both of Caraon. Snvon and a quarter pounds of papers ware filed yesterday in the case of Grouoweg d Schcuntgen va. W. B. f , Campbell , shinhero front Mills county. .Tho loading attraction in Abbott's court yesterday was the examination of the cltargo of unwifcly conduct pro. forred ngaillat Mra. Ed. Burke by her husband. ' David Toatovin was .again' booked at t the police station yesterday , this time as j "drunk or eccentric. " Has eccentricity , + ff that id what is the matter , is getting unbearable. Tlno time of tire Superior Court was ' ' taken up yesterday in the further hoar. ing of the caao of Colby va. The Ccdar Itaplde Inauranco company , the question I being of law rather than fact. . d Tomorrow afternoon there is the 1 promise of much sport at the driving spark. There is to be a race between ' , Little Sioux and Dr. Cary's black mare Lorono. Also a centost for single road- ators for $100. , d J. M. Don , principal of the public 1 schools at Cheney , Nob. , was married in k this city to Miss Sarah Stocker , of Mor , engo , Ill. , Wednesday evening and the ' happy couple loft for their Nebraska Itomo yesterday. Pottowattamlo Grove No. 23 , Ancient ) Order of Druids , had the following ofli- , , . core installed by District Deputy E. Bosocmns : J. D. Nicholson N. A. , 11 James A. Herald Y. A. Fred S otman ; Conductor ; John Stang , I. G , pPhilli pP 1ti Thomas 0. G. t , Deputy Sheriff Clattorbuck loft last evening to take Anna Scott , the crazy 1 colored woman of Camon ] to the asylum , at Mt. Pleasant. He also had the papers A 1 for the transfer'of Levi Gra bill and Jua tlA ° Day- . 4)nPort. ' ! Dr. Green's horse took an ycsterda r down Broadway , and turned into North Main running into its boarding place at " + , Dr. Plittou's liver stable , colliding with F the front post , but fortuntol nohurt- ins him. Tie buffRY escaped damage it also. , J C. J. Smith , who was arrested for stealing a gold watch from Mrs. Davis' sooond hand store on Broadway and so v oral buffalo robes from live sables drag boon hold to answer to the grand jury , i itia bail being fixed at $500. Being uo. nblo to furnih it ho lies in 'ail , , ' Y Mr. Charles Dodge , time agent , of time ' , t t Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , at time m , 'Union ' Pacific dopotl was on Wednesday ! Jiight married to boss Alma Jennings , a r daughter of J. J. Jennings. Both , are + y' ' 4uoat worthy young folks and have utany , e ; t , friends. The ceremony was porforuod by Rev. 0. Ifamlin , of time Congrega 1 tional church , in the presence of the rot. 1 atives anda Low intimate trionds of the t contracting pantos. S , T. Walker rises to correct Tnn BEE. Ito is seeking to got time State book bind. , ing , and not tho'Stato printing. The State ) rinttr will probably o again to , the FL Dodo office , but if Mr. Walker could'bo'ehosau ng the State binder , it would not only ba agreeable to him , bpt j to many other& as we I , who believe that the would not only b well and lhonostly done , but. who would 1ko to see so worthy . a'man yet the poaitiou , ti The neat tern of the district court promises to be a dry one , in one respect at least. The roof of the court house is l actually being fixed. It will be a little I awkward at rot for the attorneys who have ' been in the habit , on rainy Oda b f I Itod"t F an umbrella with one hand , it o gesturing with the other , in , tlnoir argu t nlonts before the jury. The court room n ' itself is also to be calcominod and cleaned vup before court opens. Mueller , the musio man , is on tlm ° jumnp theao days , and i sanding out in atruments , musical goods , fancy goods ' 1 Sand toys In all diroctiom. Yastorday , ' ' whoa we dropped into his palace store t f about ! -there rvoro fifh cn orders on tin o iloorbetng packed for ahtpmout , whit e Mueller himself , with coat off , was look . ' Lug titer 'fully fifty more , which had go t s Lobe , filled , and al this , too , not cowl t lag the pfaaos and , organs. He laugh o and remarked , "Theo is no use talking advorttiiug door pay , r Yesterday morning the marshal Ito ! d Oran auction Palo of the unredeemed pros ' e + , y } Ott at police headquarters to secu ro fthegg etc , The sale was largely atten d e& The stock consisted of watche s rings and clothes wringers , old whisk Y l bottlee , revolvers and yackknfves , slur g allots , ketbooka , fatso hair , old key sate diamonds , etc. Thu total amo nE of the sale pas 8 40.7G. In time eagerne to het ltargaina one fellow bid OW a wat c l n i'which'iuad ; 110 works in it , while o lld kmllvwt Hugo for a quarter , went off quicker than watermelons near a echo u ! e lltouao. This is the first sale that h ru lie'en held in three years , time last heir g under Vau6han's adiubtistradlon. a Tam BI s1wa tbno and again called a t . teufi9nt9xhe faulty and unreliable co a , di 7 µ ihe present cheap electric fin e , 'gay'stem. The boxes wore exam a I 1 I inCd yesterday and out of twenty-one , si x uero found not to bo in a working condition. . It is htgh time that the whole system was abandoned , ac also that now and reliable bodes and other needed apparatus be put m , The pub. lie as well as the department rely newer or less on the alectrfc alarm , ant iris certainly r en uaroliaUle. To rely on thin unreliability is worse than to do without it entirely , and depend on the old fashioned yell of tI mro , fire ! " w hich seldom led the engines astray. B etter yet , though , to stet a first-class alarm. TIIE NEW DYEWOItKS. F. II. Ilurlburt has opened , at No , 3I Pearl street , a steam dying and French dr y cleaning works. Plumes and tips , vevets silks , 81t1n9f gent's clothing , m erchant's shelf worn goods , all made as mgo od as new , DEIGIITED WITIi DE\1'Ef. M r. and Mrs. llr , lranlint ; 51111 IIn goring In the West. Siuco Mr , and Mrs. Dr. Ilarding left Council Bluffs for' the west there have bean mane inquiries as to when they ware to return ; and as to how they were prospering , their many friends hero and Mrs. Dr , Harding'a numerous patients being naturally much iutercated. A lot. tor received by Ttle BEE states that on ac count of Dir. Harding'a health they will remain at Denver during the winter. At first his health was unfavorably affected by the climate , but it is now the reverse , Mrs. IIntdintt writes TIIE BEE as follows , a latter which will be road with interest bty the friends 11oro : To the Editor of rife BgC. DENvan , CaL , November 4-1 am wont this lovely Sabbath morning to sin g a 1tow song of prnu + o to the gduct of all ble ssings , while enjoying to our fullness the vatted glories of pine wonderful cron tint , Surely in thin lovely region of co untry , whore are spread to view on every hand nature's ' moat sublime phases , ma y we exclaim , God is with us and for ! net blessed be his presents. Yes , with us nt time tiny flower and IeaOott , in oven ' th e silently totvorin mountain that seems in } ts very solo { stillness wholly wa nting in life-but if we go back and note the many changes it has undergone in its formation through the progress of ot ohttiou , mny we not ascribe to it life ' ill that the moulder , the unseen power , that controls all things through ported ev elution , has in it fulfilled his ostnb lisped law , , Yes , title is a qufot Sabbath ; and " how sweet the sound of Sabbath hello , , That float upon the air , In gentle cadence this then BwC11A , And tvakts the soul to prayer. Having just returned from an early morning stroll , cheered by the rising aun that promisee anetllor day of radiant brightness and. welcome warmth , I can but think of , and crave the earns far you th ere inn the otvor altitude , whore now , avow , is tlucatoucd the cold blasts of winter. Mora there has not , as yet , blown stn chilling blast to want us of that which may route to mar our blissful content and pleasure. When I toll you , dear reader friends , that' the sun's glad rays have daily weeks boon so warm as to make it necessary to rodeo high the windows to admit air during the hour of noon , you will toadily im atino how grateful moat Uo rho cheering wa rmth , especially to rho many invalids who still linger , wooed by the welcome retriever. We , too , have lingered , thug retained ; and foal to atilt continue moping for the added benefit so mtecaseary for my bus- ba nd , whose fast. failing health caused us to sek this region , ee fraught with hPnlth Civing advnntagaa , ' nor have we hoped in vain , for of late thocevoted im rovamont has appeared , bidding us o far much ! n the future with longer sta y. And now interested friends , while would nffoid nro much loasuro o on- ta r somewhat into detail of timings in gen or al , according to the measure of m kn owledge concerning this really wended ful city , when we eolombor its o and titi-and that putafow ycarnsutcwit wa s simply avast prairie thohaunt and un molested roaming place of wild beasts and now a tit of wealth and besot whore oven time fine arts find etcaurso eat , with n prospect that in the not nr off uture the present. awakening to ev ery possible need in the way of edca lion ld rofinennmtt will bo full 'mat and oven a realer effort ulauifoated with n teal and determination imot excelled 'else. whore , except in the asst ; rho cradle of roflnemottt-and with this the aim- what may we not hope for in the years that nro to coma for lids city ; of extreme yo uth , because of' liar forcahadaWing possibtldioa ? If permitted and Unto offars in time fu. turn to occaeinnally through this modiuut canunwto with friandawttil I .au return to them , I shall be happy ( , Mns , Iienutne. Gas fixtures at 1It ' ' , J33 Broadway. Cut rataato all p osttta DCcAllistor'g ' ticket ulfico , OOG. Broadway , Council i Bluffs , , 10tiVA'B 1TlCT ie Evidently hi a Doll whir n Tongue , ' But Saya Ha has No Ming , Mr. M , E. Bell , who it a } just been n P + painted supervising architect of th 0 Treasury to place of Hill , hag started fo r its pox position in 1Yasltiugtan , an L while en route fell into the hands of th q ' C hicago reporters , one of whom , t ! 'tribune man , reports ldm as eayingl "I go to Washington untrammeled b any rules of contractors , and froa'te ac t as I may think beet for tins inturoais o f the government. What I first hoar d that Mr. Ijill would probably resign I wrote to several Proaunout friends o mina and asked thorn to use their infiu o nce for me , They tiara Senators Lug an a mid Collunt , of Illinois , and Senators Al llsen and Wilson and az 13oaatar Kirk r wood of Iowa , to all of whom I xea per eonaly { known , and all , of whom hav ° seen the results of my . work . , Throng h them I obtained time poeltuou. The fat that I will be under no obligation to Tare e contractors will be a great advantage me , and will leave 1 o grant indo pat t , denaa of action , I hd alread racove a camrnuuicatioua front tiutnboc of Su to r intoudouls at various 1' Points a3knlb u n atrnctiat in regard to work , eta , , but. 1 shall not answer ] ham until I arrive ii l Washington and ihorou ldy uudargtau d rho character of my duties. I skull ale 0 have to make rayed ! acquainted with tin a nlinateelntlioofllconndtheir sub ° 6 t It is a difficult position fora new than t0 enter upon , but 1 shall try to servo t ! na Governateat faithfully and see that w n tracts are carried out to the lotto , , " "f la per Cent CltyBlld farm leans , S , 'Vi , ) ! orguwou & Co. , 39 Pearl St , mw &f INDIANA -STILES. He is Takoa Bach ja Irons to Aas cr a Foal Charge. The Batt Wrecking of a Ohltd'a Gtfe by % iloncsv , - _ . . _ Shoriil Kyle , of Plymouth , Marshall county , Indiana , arrived horn yesterday af ter the innn 1S' , I : , Stiles , arrested a fe w days ago by Deputy Sheriff Clatter. Duck , Stiles is u young man but t8 old , and his wife , who stoma to sympn thiza with him , Caine on also to accemt- parry hint back. The charge preferred against hint is that ho ulado n vita assault up on his who's sister , a girl of the age of 13 , almost n child in size as well as gears. It is claimed that the girl's mother died about tour yeses ago , and oho has since been living with her sister and br other-in-lawSfiles being employed in a anx mill at Plymouth. It is said that Ito first forced the little girl' f4 yield to his desires , and then managed to make he r keep still about the outrage , and that after that ho maintained late brutal corr. trot ever her until it was discovered that shO was in a delicate condition. Stiles than skipped out , and -a reward for him resultert in learning that h ° was in No. UIasLa amid aniline under the name of ElliUurn. Ho was traced to this cite , and calling for letters nddrosend to that Homo was arrested. Stileshas been mar. tied for aavoml years , and had a little child of his own , who has died during his absence front home. It was aged hi months , Mrs. Stiles in talking about the charge against her husband , intimated that she kndx he had bomt too intimate with her stater , but that ho was not the on ly one who had aided with her , and flint the girl is naturally bad. Stiles seemed to take the situation coolly , and sai d that ho expected lie would imnvo to tuko a little joinp on account of it , " but th ought it would be ] Lard work to rove the cbn a as the little girl Was the only wi tness a rain6t him. Y1tile with time 'irons on his Iwtids hie wife shmnding on mtn side of him and the sheriff on time other , waiting for the street car , ho danced a little jig , and remarked that if ho enl } had a , fiddle ho would dance sti ll more , as they couldn't deprive 'hint of all his liberty. Lt fact ha ap geared as carolers about his grave situa tiou as though ho was getas back to 1L pi cnic instead aE to a felon's coll. Tlio 'prosecution intends to convict him of repo , if possible , but if the evidence falls chart , it is predicted that there will be no difficulty in proving seduction and ndultory. Why permit your children to die with di phtheria ? Dr. Jofferis' ( Council Bluffs , Iowa ) remedy prevents or curse ovary case. Send for it. No physician ro gutted , COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL OLUrra btAnaar. Whoat-No , 2 spring , 70c ; No. 3 , GOc ; to. S jeCtad , 54cj geed demand. Corn-Doalorsaro paying 28@30c ; rejected J earn , Chicago , 40@45c ; new mired 4Oc ; whoa corn , fi0u ; receipts of corn are light. Oats-In d demand at 20c. Hay-4 G 00 per ton ; 5Oc per bale. Ryo-40c ; light supply. Corn bloat-125 per 100 pounds. { Mood-Good supply ; prices at yards , 5 00@ coo , Coal-Delivered , bard , 1100 P r ton ; soft , 5 50 per ton. Mutter-Plenty and in fair demand at 23c ; creamery 30c Eggs-heady sale at u c per dozen. Lard-1 airbank'a , wholesaling at lie. Poultry-Finn ; dealers are paying for chickens 14c ; lire , 350 per dozen , Vegotablea-l'otatoos , SAc ; onloa , 50e cab- ba ges , 30@40c l > ar dozen ; apples , 3 50t4 01) Ct per barrel A Flour-City four , 160@340. Brooms-2 00@3 00 per doz. Llva arocic. Cattlo-300@350 ; calve,500@7 50 Hoge-Market for Ituge quiet , as the pack. Ins houses are closed ; shippers are paying 404 ® 475. 475.PECIAL S PECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE.-Special adertbeweute , such as Lost , Found , To Loan , For 8010 , To lteut , Want. , Uoanl lag , etc. , will be Inserted la this column at the low rote of TEN CENTS PER LINE for lire first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each eubsequeat ln eorilon. Leave a + lrerltsemonte at ourelllco. No , 7 fend Street , soar Broada 0v WANTS. r0'\ThU-Four bnwro maters , Immu + liatel ) . i Illgheetprlces ; ild. 5fot'no S 'o , Council Ulnas , ANTEU-IrerybatytnCmmdlDluaste : take : aSl.U.a Ddlrnrod by tattler 0t only twenty centan , week. W LINTED-A boy , wlnl ) way , to dcUer Tim. B. . . Ll0 lmARUAIN-An ) uno winding a yet of JoNe bOUC ralcdo edla , eight tolwnes , can get a bar. gaAl by calling at fur lies oiNco , 1TUATION 11'Ah'ThD-Ily a flrot does wok of good rcperlunoo. Address ; J. W,7 b 0 Main St reet , L'quuc I Bluets , JOSEPH GAGflEG N. HARD WOOD AND -COAL- Corner Main street and Eighth eisner , Council UlutT. . tsr'Imwoet rates and prompt ddlvery. " , r PILES. trr.t Ptlee and Panlaa'ot the Rectum for 'rodlcal sod , wrmsuent cure , a ! row two to tour weeks Operollotte pslalees. Dleeaae6 Of the Rectum a specialty. DR. A. J. COOK , ll d&1e ltsm Couucl liluS. , own Make Your Contracts Now for You Winter Nupply of Missouri Bard Wood , 1 AND IJAUU AND SOFT i ca1 -WITIt- Pe OVEI TON 505 First Avenue , Council Bluig ( , Iowa , And exuro the Let atllde rod full raeeaurq atth e V ery lo.eetprke , 6taa wool dcllrerod to say p. ert of lha dtY DR.G.WPANGLE / READER OF MAN Id I ylltetnye.n'erpetlunCU Eclectic , D0gaetioul [ d ncrkall + t 1'hwldau , bl0.tor of the lonuaing die ease. ; Catarrh llenoue Debility , Dleat4 Ueproml Ian , Awp1eY ; ) , lYte , Loss of uaullutw OancetsRemoredwith autthe Knife Drop a Ourad Without Tapping , Liver Coup atnt , Ridnxy l owtd0lat , iiaLvko , Rheu ' tn0tbm,1'enl ) 01e1r'hlte dxalliog , Ereli.e4a. St VitusiDuroe. ! Woman and liar Dl8ea1ee Treated Wtt L the Happ eet Results , 8ped01 .ltadloA g wn to prhwte sad roger dleeaaoe. Loatod No 310 ' . Broadr'.y , Iiooin t9 , tuP ' .t.k./ / . Council Wua1 , low. A Correct Dtataoats Olyea 1Wlthout an Sxplanattoa hem fns Patleat. tlYOoa + WtOtlou free at afar , ABTJAH. lenders of THE BEE may wonder why we ] leaded this advertisement as above. " We Can't Tell a Lie. Therefore say to you that our object was to attract your attention to the fact that our stock of Boots Shoes , , pers , OVERSHOES AND W F or fall and winter wear , is the largest and best we have ever had. All bought FOR CASH from mnnufacturersdirect. ; All work warranted - ed not to rip. Prices as low a,9 the lowest. ' t ze T. LINDSEY & 00 , 112 Broadway , Council Bluffs , West Side of Squarer Clarinda , MAYNE & PALME R 7 DEALRRSIN Hard and S fttJ alT HU LK AND BARREL LIME , LOUtsI'iLLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , afiCIl10AN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWEIL PIPE , , No , 639 Broadway , - COUNCIL 3)LIIFPS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , ' f 1 , 1 illtl rn W r.w CD h H C K i w r w e Merchant Tailors. -e . , 7 and 9 Main Street. , nIRh70TORY , NOUN xx. . $ LV3'Ft3 , , x. . JOHN W , B,4IRD A7TOItNBY AT LAW. MANAOEII OF 1'OTTAWATTASiIE COUN , TrCOLLICTIONAOFNeY.OUicewrnerBroadwayaodlaluetrect. JOHN BEND & CO. , Main street a d 1710 Aril street. CREST HOUSE. MAX 1r1QHN , Iitel , 217 and 210 Stain street. DR , J . F , WHITE OFFICE , , C + praer Stain and Fifth upstairs. ltesldanoe , t100 Willow avenue. N. SO gURZ , Ofltcsoror American Express. S WAGNER LWEILYAND . FEED , , r , wIU contract tat funeral. of teasooaMa rafts. 22 Fourth street. , M , ST. JOHN & COeeCASH BUYERS , ltryoa + / ' Dra ft by roturomatl. 14e Broadway. JACOB gOCH , Stock Complete , SuiMtsl maa 6t reaTA0 a8yle prices. No , 90i/ Siam St. G F' SMITH CONTRACTOR A14D BUILDER , , , , Corner7thandBroadway. 1'lane and epaclflcatlone hrrnlehed. -vv. SHERMAN DEALER IN FINE HARNESS. , , i Lava the variety that brings patronage. 124 Slain street. JAMES FRANEY MEitCHANT TAILOR , Adlatlo Work and'teasoeable charges. 672 Broadway , HOWE & SON 5 end noneehold Supplies. ' eW Broadway. LIND T HART . 'ATTORNEYS AT LAW , r James lllwk. Praetlca instate and federal courts. At1N77ir A Ij1 { And bath house , 421 and 4 Broadway. L. Soverolgn , I'rop. P. J. Meal 1 1111Y u 1u tomeR , aL D . Phald0n. EDWIN .J ABBOTT JUSTICEOF THE PEACE , . , Notary Public and 0onerel Conveyaoeer. 415'Braulway. REVERS HOSE SMITH k NORTON , r Broadway opposite Slew Opera ] louse. Reflttea tl , $1.50 per day li-AIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS. S old a e Lowest rice IN TIlE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED , At DIRS. D. A. BENEDICT , - 337 W. Broadway. Council Bluffs , Iowa Kimball & V1.Il.e ° aL nl. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) Lo1E ] ! TO ! I LOR ' , Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in the County. Model Steam Laundry. 1 ! 71 , . BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N , A , dHRISTIANSON , - - - . roprietor. has J'u t opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee goo d work , Please gtve me a trial. . IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON 7 Corner Main nod First Avenue , Council Blufa. } He has Them PREMIUM PORTRAITS -IN 0 olors , Solar Camera Enlar ement for the trade at reasonable rates. Order 9 Dy mail protuptly filled. C. D , LUCCOCIi , i 143 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ' PETER Ce MILLER , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL W all -a p er and WIndow Shadesand Palntln In all its Branched FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. No it outh Pearl :9t. : . tOounoil Slullett. Broadway Laundry e 7f3 3 , wxJ P Sx.9. wY. . A , 0 , LARSQN I. , Proprietor , LATEST IMPROVED MAO IiINERY + t , . ; mP e Hardware Co v a l t 1 Ss' % wale : ra ISaan Y + MR , t4Hardware - 1 100 and 111 S + Blain Street , = l COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IOWA , 11/JCetcalf f3rc . WHOLESALE DEALERS i7 HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 042 and 044 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Fruits . Parties , Soclnbles and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and'Pies. Fine Cigars. w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS iBouht and Stolc1. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished P .T. a/Io11e / + 3f30N No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. BUCKEYE PEED GRINDER ty .a I " iT ' 1 F . .lM 4 1 WILL SHELL AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME . 1 A complete Holse Power. The best Feed Mill in existence. Costs but little more than a common grinder. l rrite for circnlurs to SHUGART , WAITS & wIES , Council Bltlfs , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT f DEALER IN . Lathes' Furuis'1Ia Goods NOTIONS , JEWELItY , &C. : 37 lV. Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA S KELTON HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 1 02 MAIN' STREET COUNCIL'BLUFFS. , 1 FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES SOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE , YOUR TRADE TS SOLICITED M. CALLACHER. New Store , Fresh Ooods , Low Prise and Polite Attendant , . TR'S TJ , First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } L0 Cmwcll &T. STEINHARDT & TREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers e 317 Broadway' , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS : JTJ 'P' ® IPE1iTE D " BECIITELE'S BECIITELE'SHotel. . The only only hotel run on the European plan ; iu this city. Now building , newly funtishedatd all modern hnprovements , and is centrally located , PETER BECE TELEf PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , PAWNBROKERS SALE Off' Unrodoomod. Goods. GREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also iii ladies' and gonta' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , aqd a fun line of set and plain gold rings , :50 mea'e a nd 00 boy's overcoats , All these articles moat be said. Money last on ALL KINDS of personal ! ' ro P 'ri Y . D. GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite . , city building. Council Bluffs w. Ra VAUGHAN , Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Blults. Real estate and ooUsetlon. envy , n Old Fellows lock , ovorlariAg. ; BOak. l + allm 1 Irs , H , J. Hilton , Mt D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 972 Broadway. Council B1V. . . JACOB Sled. I : p , CAUWELL 81M8 dt CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFF'S , IOWA once , Main Street , Rooms 1 rod Shugstt It 1Ip. HabooY Wok. N111 practice W State tad odsnl Re Rice Me D . CANCERS or other tumors removed wltbouttbs 1 knits or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASESofkinil ° aspedalty. Olerthirty ) eanpractlcaletlperieore , . Othce a l'anrl.troat , Couoca tliuae , No. tsrwoeultstluu tree , , rues , orrrc.s , n. . rretlr , OFFICER & PU SE Y BANKER Coanca lilofe I. Establishety - - 1856 ) hiders ri Furelo and ; Domtatio . 5tohs. lit cur tttcnr , , go sad