Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1883, Page 5, Image 5
- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i . I7rrT'T . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - _ . . - - 4f - THE DALY BEE"OMAHA , FRIVA&qNOVEIB1R 0 , 1883 . - - - - : : E.E311 : . Estate . ' . BARGANS . . -iN- I 'SUburban ad Farni Property. . ; have a Fine. Traot near Oentcr of City Which is a i. . . . ' ' Bargain. . . , ' SPECIAL u tijm-tt Lz tonnte z , d1tton , thc Iqtn bIUP , bazu. weU. Oze.tUrd cmii , baaictBpereent. KountzetIudd1UOc. rood S cm hoe , with shed kkthn. O baaIt 'a1nc to mIt purobMer. Ut t2SOO.-LQt6thz1O , RoeN' RdgtlUOfl. Doicas St , near 10th. O oed 7 room bouee , t&be , citen1 , rrapo etc. StOO c3.Ei , bCJOJ1C to i1t pW chacr at 8 pcr cent. Z4 * 2OOO-Thruo cren on lEth , cech&tt mile south ( .1 a&a1re mom house , tabc ) , fine tree , Va" ' ghUy locatkn. One-third ca , bIaxce . ' bosuit - SOX-To ccee tactn CuuIg rd fluit , ftve . tkcka wt ci Cz1hton College. Oood 6 room . ) ueeb * abo. we1. ni1t and hxtbbcr ) , Ofl. third bai&nce to uIt. BEDFORD i OUZ ! . S.1O-Fi1Uot th5toom houcon 1th St. , 'rLwen Center and orce& Ooc4 cellar , barn , . con house , ctcrn , wa1k , rubber , eto. . ( reat tara1n. $ , rooBe1tIM : ot with 4 room houpe , good oeUar. 1rge doeet , etc. Sght1y 'ocatIon. ' 6 ,3OG-Lot 9t3 , with 7 room cottage en Sher. , rnaJ nvenuebotween sherman and CIzk treeta 000,1 proieyty. o , ZOO-Two beatttfu tote b IcCormck' addi. tion , on Farnam truet 119 83,6O-Roese Place , Parc iveme , hill kt , now to-story bouae , 7 rootns , good ceflar and oal , thds. city water , trece and ill Iniprovemonta. inrgain. 11 a1WCaahLOt 8iiS8 on 11th St. In Kountze' 4th addiUoii. Uouao 4 large rooma , tat beatiti. lally located and Ia really worth niuch more. Raaaou for selling , entist have money. 12 t1O-EaOh thrac boauUful eta tn Rocee Place , I'azk mwenua on oay terms. 3 24 SI,300-UaII lot On Saundeis etreot. Good houa 4 rooma , good do'cts , pantry , etWe , well , cta tern , purth front and rear. Lxieo ? 1SOO , to. tbrtla camh. This I. , a bargain. Moat be eotd by the Oth or viflbo wlthdriwn fromnesie. Improved Property. g-l room ) iotwe , cer. 1th and Cailcrnfa etteta , U elceete , ce4lar , clty water , othotiea , 110. 1 .7OO- room bonen on N. 13th trcet c1oeta , zallar , otatern , well , eto. ItatironD & OOG-Good atie rcom.huaeou Darcoport , bet. daod4tbtwotor cioeet , panteyceSar , iatern , well. tilt Uirubbery , stable and cyuthoaea. L $3,100-Full mdzo let on MCOand111I' pce , with two frame cottagei' . one S ioom4 Qik 3 coon' . Pot ea1o C , ? excbnge. 20 ,1OO-Oooc1 two and a haU 'rofot wth o roomoottage , brIck ceflnxieU , fruttraea , etc. One o th&b4t3t three cry briicbiian ho . n rarnaateet. rxaipnvaC 3,2OO-New7enom honac on N.11th atroet. All modern Lmrovinicnba cko1 Ioni.lon. ( Thap. C VSOO-ew two atory hozao , Qoeca Aitn etyle. . AU moderti Lmproyemnenta , dty water , lot ZW . Oo. \ . ' Two ttiul Iota St.Mary' are and 2Cth , tUi l -v bctj&ea. Will be SM ceee buthme 8 prpCrty. kS Ttrmaeas. ' (4,7O-Lot OCx96 , witi. two bowes. Cheap. C ; too-Two houee In cleon a additIon , on Can. tar etxtt , OutOowee , olsteni , fruit tree , etc. - Duijie8. hcuae and lot on Douglae etreet , bet. 4thand1th. Tennrec. c ew 8 room beuaoonChcgo. bet. 4tbammd Lth. ' All Improvocuente. U Two new bouee , one et nd orha B eoom. , F1M.clae and mctorn Iceprovementa. Terni f1 2,7OG-Lot 1OOx1 , Colle e Street , F.ediclz'e , rjbdivieion , new. Z room bouee. WcI improved. . r so-tot' ( iO1O , Convent elzeetfi reom cot. tAgo , large beeemnet Wtabo tar rooma. barn 4t ( Isp V,200-O joom honee , Thcrnefl'e a&flUoo , born , - wel , r8torn , good boprovamenta , 3OO ceab , * 'ISOOonkmg time. 4,21G-1 room home Co Davenport , bet. 10th a.xd 17th. Lot 17tnfOO On Bherman , large motieo , barn sn& other Improveceente , Lot dthout improve. f mnente ta worth the money n eel : tor ft. . C71uonrnbousee nod two tnU ec Iota on Park avenue. Hot and cold water , an4 a modem bet dae lmprm'emeata. Itoneco woeid coat what we aek for whole. P..tra good bargain. S V2MOO-Lot S'ixl&O , nor. 17th and Ocoter , home 4 roococ , barn , water , treae , ontbuiktinga. 4 ,6CiO-Ftse room house , 18th hat , Wcrnla & Weba-ter. Nice proparty . Torree enay. 'WflL-Lot 9 , block 8 , Ettnn' Sd udditico. One and a haltatnry home. Ternwamy. c 3,000-Good 7 roornboe onSherman. Modem / nnprovomonta , etablo , weU , clctem. A bargaIn. . t.n ( EO-FUJI lot , can S room md coo f. room . . . . hou5e , nea' , b bOCke frcm the opera house. Vary ( i ga.bQo-plendidict co Dodge , coat 10th. Chea - to $ , tOO-Lazve hoieo and email ecttgo. Ixce. . kctjGn tU ) eLce lot Iai'anport near 111th. SO 4,6OO-tot 0QCA rood C room home , modern wprnemerlt6. near buMneai , on Sherman iwo. g tl,000-1\eo Iota , 128x140 , with hmio ttablc etc. Barher'n eubdh'teion. l 1,6OG-Lot and a half , good home , Rcdlth'i cub. (11T18)Ofl , ( corner. ) Pt Lot with 7 room Ltotiec , Cblcago , bet. ltb and 14th. 01 ] , t'OO-LOt and S room home. ITombaeba add. ! . Lion , well , catern ! , etc. Everything In good ro pair. LC $ tl.G-Lct and 4 room home , hard , bar. 10th ant ! 17th Unimproved Property ' ron SALD 1ff EED1'O11D&SOUI1I1. locx.-Lot 0Oi1t7 , Indiana and DIvision. 8 7OOeach-Twolots0x12oarhon11th. Cheap , and 11 late 60x132 each on 10th. 11 e:200 : each-i lots In Yates & Ite.d'e addition. 2l V.200-12 till ! aim lots , ilanacomn Place , one block west oti'ark avenue. bt0 each-Two Iota on Park avenue. Bargains. Buelnees lots on Dodge , between 11th and 12th. Si 40O-Lot In Shian's addition , on Seward street. 3 $3,000-FtiU iot Bcodslct addition , on 2th end Chicago. 4 d 000-Six good lots'In Ilansoom Place. Ear gains. 4 p3,000-Lot f0x120 , on Farnain , near211tb. Va thoap. 9 FouracaestnWeetOmalia. 00 & 5O-LOt in Iaa.acs & Selden's addition. 00 $1,000-Fine lot Rcddicka addition. Fan : ae. 54 40O-12 feet ci Idook Id , Sbtnn'a additIon. LFIOO vievJ. Ed 2,2oo-r.et44coon 16th. Busnes ! property wortlwico the price arked. " $ swo-Fuu ! size graded lot on Chlcego , bet , Ilthandl4th. OS d0G-Good lot , high location , eouth 10th. 100 2.00O-lldxlS2 on 10th , bet. liarney and Ilow. aid. 103 Th0 c&c-Two iwira good lot 1cm jbuiaome addition. Coot kitob loe.Micn. I Bargains iii Farms & Lands No. : 10 pet acce-ItO acre tmpro' ad farm , near Cros. ann , be , 10 korea coodIontt , 5 eat's corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. 18 $40-4 ( ) acres 3-4 ol n mile weet of Ft. Omaha two boumes , two barns , graokry , corn crib , two wells , . .OO bearing fruit trece , 1300 grape 1aes. wifi sell or excltanga. 14 V,000-200 acres , half mile N. W. Elkborn , 140 aaci in oultivatlon , balance pasture. Four room boti , stable. etc. Terme cory. E1 . 116G..100 acree good tamd. 4 1.2 , mIics from ThIr. lingtcn. Coffee county , Kansas. Will eachango So : Omaha property. 01 ,4cO-240 acroeadjotnng ( city of Wither , Saline county. AB Under fence and well improved. Thin property Is cheap at 10,00O. a vo per acre-400 acres , S utica from Waterloo , Dovgla county. Part in cultivatIon. balance meadow , all good land. WIi1 sell or wtU arrange iaith catUe man for co-partnershIp , or wHi con tract to feed 300 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 acres in Merrick county. Good till able land , sod will be cold from 0 to9 per acre. 9 7 per acre-Will buy 160 acres In Cedar Co. 20 Sit. per acre-20 acree 2 mIles from hamburg Iowa. 7 1G. peracze-1iqrovod near toan Iowa. 104 Several hundred acres in Owning Co. Nab. 1011 SIx thouaand acres in Stanton Co. Nob. 107 tlO'per acre-1200 acres tImbered land in Ray Co.lo. throecmaihfarms ontnaiand ! , balance good oottonwood timber , whIch will more than pay far Investraent. For role or exchange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 10 V.200-Let 210r220 ' oor. 17th and BeUrlew St. , south Omaha , near 'Ijeecafle Pari , bsick house , four rooms , well , cistern stable , ociliw. Mi in good conoltion and nearly new. eP tS per acve-400 acres In WarhInetoam county , 6 miiceeouthct BZaizon line etC. tL P. 1I.&O. railroad. Station a.t corner of this land Good' dream rtinhing ! watee. 100 acres in ctiltivatton , to acres grass , 150 acres Umber-cole , hickory walnut end elm. Small house , good fruit ecu ! a.bundanco of grapes. Ispartly knead. One of tkie beat farina in the county. U purchaser ' $ abee. 'i1l atli homestead edjoinin good herd of cattle. L'Cali and anamIne other property not Isted. BEDFORD & SOUBE , . , h S. 141k. bet. steam ie Loegtas m . KIRK.W000I Lcii in t.hiIl addition am sdlhig rapidly , and prices will be again TKhancedth U , few days. Those arc without a doubt the most de'iirab1e Jots n Omaha , and will ceain1y doub'e ' in price before & All who Ju1Vei en them iuo weli p1eaod and pronouiice them cheap , ' . BEDFORD & SOUER , J Real Estate Agency , ' Ix1I . t " . . I4th Street bcit Farnam and Do1u , ' - - - ' , : : ' i _ _ _ - - 'SoJE1t flOYS. " How Itoernits for the Generzcl triuy 8141 Acdeptcd-The StrnggleM They I'nis Through. iluffalo Itprcss. : A very entortaluing hnlt hour wsc epont yoaterday nftoruoon in the editorial rooms of The Eaprocs wiU a represents. tivo of this paper. lie baa boon rtlport. ilIg about a month , during which ho has attended half a dozen huiduight. fires , ox iilortxl the interior of a soiver for a t'inco of half a nub , wa knocked tlown and half killed at an onthuciastic First Ward political gathoringnnd ox poricnecd coveral other little pleasures COlfllflOfl to tlio profession. Thoroughly broken up by UIIS Zotl1 tro.'lthllOllt , ho was out on onother assigiiinont. In passing by tli recruiting atMion on Frankliti street ho sa' thai advertisement , ' ' 1IICIIantctl for tlto United States army , " anti this is the Clint ho gave us "Tile goott old American flag floated over tim on which the bill was posted , " said our Isaac-that's his cianto , 'aiid as . gazed upon itstorsand stripes fluttering there in the morning breeze , a feeling of ; ) strtotisnl caulo over nto like a iloocy cloud agaiiist a sttii1it sky , don't you know , 511(1 1 resolved to live tim ro inrunder of my earthly ilays-yos , and CVCII to cUe if need be , iii the corvico of In ) ' eouiiti'y. " 1 climbed t1o stairway to the door and pulled the bell. A pkasiuit-nipoar 11mg bald1reuletl ontloh1lalt Clthlo to thu door , Woarihg ) mtlitary ClOthes slId a 1)10a&t1t smile. WIIOII 1 look htck I 115W tllihhk thu latter adoririnont was sGnovltftt sareastk. lie asked rue rhat lie otild do for Ille , and 1 begin to nay eontelhiiug ref my longing for glory nIId irnrnorttl fame. But ho cut 1110 short with 'You WIU1t to joiti the army ? au , I ace. JttSt stop t.hiis way atid put down your name os tJiu blotter-don't ' forget the ) Iiiddlo itiitiah. " When I had complied , lie-I was told to il him Sergeant Warren-took out a book and asked fllC sevoia1 questions. Ho waiited to know if I had ever boon sick. 1 tolti liiiii I was sick now-of nowspallor work-and that I had passed through a soio of whooping.cough , in addition to havIng the measles iii infancy. Their ho ashod if I hiati. ever had fit 'Not quite , but pretty near , ' I answered , ' \Vhat do you moan ? ' says ho. 'I've boon working on a newspaper , ' says.1. Thou ho laughed , sobered down , and smiled. The smile , I believe , meat 'you'll ' come pretty close to those same fits again be. fore you are much older. " The sergeant wanted to know . if I was addicted to drinking-that wa insult enough , but Ito asked me if I had ever had the "hor. rors. " Alter several more questions had been asked and answered , he took out a pack of cards with little round spots on them , and heM thenl up acroasthmo room , one at a time , to see if I could tell the ininiber of spots on each. I did tins without anytroublo , butwhen ho brought out a lot of colored worsteds , I called the brown green and made one or two other mistakes. He said I was a little color. blind , but ho guessed porimps I'd do. "r next SOnt into the basement for a bath , after which , clothed in nothing save a blush and considcrle confusion , I again returned to thu sergeant's room. A. thorough oounination ho made of me , from head to foot , to be sure that 1 was sound ; utnici then the recruiting officer Col. Bentzoni , wont over me iii like manner. 1 was then told that Dr. Trovain , the o. amining surgeon , would be in ahortJyand that I could sit bytlie stove till he arriv ed. , Whemi he showed up ho gave a mure careful going over than either of my former tormenters. Ho scrutinized my nose and ears , looked at my tooth , tapped my cheat , and then felt of my limbs as a jockey does whenizo buysa horse. Then mc , puhfled out. sri instrumnont-it wasn't a. stereoscope , although tim namt has a somewhat similar sound-at any rate ho began testing my heart and lungs. When ho finished I was weighed and measured as to height aflhl circumference of chest , and they said I was all correct , amid that if , after consideration , I still held to my former ( leternhnnation , I cotlid be sworn in. in."I "I returned to the basomertt , closed the blinds and dressed myself , whom I again went up stairs anti announced my determination to aliens- nothing to sever the bondn which joined my heart to the welfare of my native land. They IQokod as if they 'wanted to hit me , but instead they filled out a blank for me to sign , stating my name , place of birth , age amid occupation , and that 1 had voluntarily exilistod this blank , day of blank , 1883 , as a soldier in the army of the United States ofAmorica , for the period of five years , and that I accepted from the United States such money , pay , rations , and clothing as are or mny be estabhithod by law. This the colon6l read oil to me in a solemn manner , ahd Continued , still talking iii 1mm throat : 'Isaac , ' hold UI ) your right hand and swour-yon won't swoati Well , then , you aflirm as follows - lows : ' "Amid I do solemnly nirmn that I will bear tr'ie faith and allegiance to the United States of ArneLica , and that I wiil servo them honestly and faithfully againot all thoirenemies whomsoever ; and that.I will obey the orders of the President of the United States , and ordore of the oll. cent appointed over mae , according to tIne rules an'l articles of war. And thus ypu aflirmn. Do youi" . "Every time , " I answered proudly , unl. signed any name. "I had hoped that this would make me a soldier without any further quehtiomiiug , but tine sergeant tunned over the paper wo had juat. flied in and pointed out a blank form headed , "Declaration of a Recruit. ' By it , after filling it out , < is. elated that I had noithur wife nor child ; that r of legal ago to oumlist and be. hieved myself physically qualified to per. form a soldier's duties , and tiutt I had mover been discharged from the United States arnig or navy , or ammy other service onaceount of ( usability or by sentence of either civil or militan cocurt except wYJn good charnetor. ' .r WIth flOW LUkCIL to tlioolothea.roono , ItRid after trying on iny number of gar. month at last found an entire outfitted mu as snug as if muado to qrdor. The colonel told use a little airing would do them good , and 1accordingly caihied forth into time street. I felt rather quoer. I thought people looked at zue is thought they knew 1 wait fresh , but I aasumod a don't.caro.a.damn ' air , and after a little ei poriezico felt natural. " Time story of the unfortunate youth , above zmrratod , gives a very correct do. scription of what has to be gone through with by every applicant for arvice in the United States army. There arc three training.schoola for soldiers in thiBcountry , and to one of these every raw r'eeruit is bent from the rendezvous enlisting ithn. The. drineipal 8012001 18 nt David's islamid , in Now Yorhharboropposito New liocimehle , and the remaining two arc located , the one at Columbus barracke , Columbus , 0. , and- the other at Jefferson barrckr , near St. Louis , The last named is the re izlar bt4mtiou lift cavalry rocruith. At these do. I the newly.enlisted men mire drilled , disciplined , anal instructed thoroughly in till the duties requircd of thoni as soldiers. The time of remalnimig ill these proparntol7 ill5ttatiofl ! Varies aceordiumg to the mtolbgonco and application of the mon. Somno nre for. warded to rogimomith inafowwcvks , while others may romnaul under instructIon for thiro or oven four mnonthms before they are fitted for active work. From the pro. paratory stations the monaro generally assigned to seine regiment UI the west , it may be down in Texas , or perhaps as far away as California or Montana , Thou the regular army life begins. legular chills , inspections , and guard duty are gone through , Rh while at time rogilnomi. tIul depot , and in case of an lmidimtmi out. break or other uprising the men are called on for somnoUihmg besides playing soldier. Oatle Ict a Cyclone , Corral the cattle ! lung the haao Intl I'iamuk the wild atraggleri ! Storm and shoot bothlo. Ilwtc , huh Aml thargmiuas In mimic war , Atuoug the.tawny herd balloolng tub. Drive tbcmml to ehobterl Oi'dnthii nere.tramichf Thoao initbnghmt ! mnassoi rlmmgingln the : o.t Betoken thot the heavens quick will laummelu lholtq , bicute. , tbeath.dealbng onboth mann iamb boet. hark the tornado growling from tito eleud ! 'rue fiery funnel circling lest In rage ; Ihonm'ing with wind anal vator thunder houti \'hLrIwiuid and wsterpout nub biattlo \vngo- Thin warfare of the Titans , fatal fierce - 'l'ropbcsal forces wresUleg in the sky l'umiy imnpcdiuuonts to break and pbore , Uprooting giant tmiumk. while rusluuig by. 11i ! lttmrry towaril the kriuiul Crowd ebooly in Itoh Bravo VutjUero , inuMtnhig . unounteth , haste ! Vithm v1iitu mud vowel anti umntu.ual dun Urge the herdomut Thcro Is no tinioto tvcsts. A hundred hormied bond , wrecked on the plain A score of bronchos writhing on the soil , Tb Prairin furrowed by the rnthlaos trout , And half a dozen herders gone to God. 1uuiporant Catthe Show. ClucAGo , November 8.-The annual national fat stock show will bQ held hero , beginning November 14. Entries have boon received from alt pasta of the comm try and Great Brithimi. On the 15th amid ifith the national convention of cattle breodorand misers will be moM hero , at the call of Prof. Loring , president of the United States Troaamry cattle Comniis. BioS , for the purpose of oonaultimig iii regard - gard to the prevention antI sproadof comn tagionic diseases among cattle. England , Germany and France will send .ommuis siounors to this nicoting. -The 1oundall draruatic company vacd through the city yesterday en route for Fre. ' moat. Two years ago this company played a three nights' eugagomont in Omaha , but this season they are paasingtho larger cities. TUTT'S" PILLS TORPID BOWELS , DiSORDERED LVER , and MALARIA. . From these sources arise ! O tine diseases of the human taco. These gannptomsindieatotliotroxlatoniOe ILous of APPctltC , Boveig ootLve , folc Jicad- incite , tiiliteiO after catlnmgj averaloic fo oxertian at body or. miniS , ErucfaUora of food , Irritability of temper , Low ipir1ts ' A feelIng onPrnvfng neglected canto d'uty , Ihxz.iaCssrlflttcriflgatutO flciLrt. flot before I tie eyes , hlgmdy cot- orcil tirino , CONSTIPATION , anti do. nnorultlmo use eta romedythat acts ( IIroctlv on tile Liver. AsaL1vermOdotflOTVTT' J'ILLS have no equaL Their sicuonon the Kidneys and Skin In also promflt ; removing all importUne through these three "svwv- ngr. of the system , " producing atppe. tito , 8ound digestion , regular atoola , a clear shtnanatavlgorousbody. TIITT'fiPILLIJ 010110 Rb nausea or grlpingnoz Interfere .ty1th daily' work and nrc tc1urIect . ANTIDOTE TO' MALARIA. told everywbsre,2c. OttIce.d4MnrsaySt.N.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. GnAT J.IAIU Oil WIIIBEEIUt Oh5ngod in. Stantly to aGLOSSY lla.tcmtby asinglo ap. Dhicatlon of this Pit. bold Dy Druggists , or Sent by express on tecelpt of $1. Ofllcelthturrfty Street , New Yasir. WIT'S MANUAL OFUBIFULRECI1PTS FEL Lite Iliurce 1 ON A NEW BASIS. Eanlere , Capitallat , , Morehuits , and hYrotowlonnl taco of Omaha , invcrtlgate the : . _ Ew LTh'E SOOLAITION , OF one horns , IOWA. The plans and vurpee o1thls As.oclatton. will be thow'i , you by JAIl. A. SI'RIUtY , . . . Oenersi Acnt for Nab. DR. ERNEST H. HOFFMANN Physiciaii & Surgeon OPflCE-411TJ5 AND JACSON Bill. Roaidcoe , 1.5th Street , over IIhiInZOd& Dornian' . etoro near Jackson ct.rcot. lkerence.-A 20 ycors' practical ernerience. Imported Beer : N BOTTLES. Erhinger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bwcaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pilsner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohonjiaji Kaiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOMESTIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louis Anhausor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St.LOUiB. Best's . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mllwauket. Schlitz-Pflsner . . . . . . . . Milwaukee. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine Wine. ED. MAUILER , 121t Farnam. V MEBRAK1 LAND , WENCY. of F DAVIS & OO , ( SUOCE&SOI1S TO DAVIS ,1. S1DI'.1L Gorr.J Dt'&rit Ia REALESTATE ESTATE ZSOtIyAI1NALIST , . . OJfl41IL. flaeforanie2OOflr.cresc2.ne1ufly aelacted indi a Etm Nebatlni , at low price end on ra ter lunprovod finn. ( or Bale Is Doula Dodge , Collar , l'l&Ue , Dart , Cuinlag , Sarpy , ! s4hi.xgtQn , tCICk , Saunders , and lint ! . , Ciocutbe. Tszea paid in ill licat. of the Mate. Moesyloaaeal on imI.Id Ianaa. , ,2.ry IultUo Abeay fri cOlon. Cerrespenderie V _ j , L MA1thL , ' Employment Agent. . kfl kinds of help sup1'1k4 promptly. F.Allzoad , bua'tr and 0Ing hcIp SUPPLIED PIEE OF CHAWIE. 27.J0thMrea' $ , . . . - - STilE . V -S- . TilE MORAL OF IT. We nlay'ftoralizc as Inuch as we please about paIn ; but tile mct is , that we don't like it. vhmi1e it lasts , ailci that we want to get rid of' it as soon as ve call , \Vhcthcr caused by rheuniatisni , gout , disordcrcd liver , weak nerves , irrcgular kidneys , bad blood , or anythng ! else that is just the reverse ofwhat it should be , time sooiier it is Out of the systeni time happier we are. - Vhetimcr ptil1 is the result of imnlrudcncc or of nec- ! dentor is sent as a jttnisihmncnt for em' smas , may be a nice question for the philosophers to argue ; but Pe0- iie who arc sufihring want first to be rid of the after which those who arc fond ofargument may argue the uhatter to their hearts' ' content. Above all theory , argument , and 3)11h0501)hiy , conies the delightful fact timat llROvN'S IaON BITTERS drives paul away. SutThrers run no risk in hying this nmcdicine , the only coni- 1)0t11(1 ! containing won which carries 110 fltiSCihicfWjth it. Those who have tisect kwihl tell you so ; anl you can tiy for yourschl by buying a bottle : olthc nearest druggist , ' 'ttf'L4. . SEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. a Ancxc.'llenut orpetleing tonic 61 -hi'M. ; . . eaqillalte flavor , now trod over the .cibi.v . V1. ) h ctnrhl , ctr.R lyIpIs : t t1r ) ) Inrrbnen , L'ecr at.ut Ague and nil tt it . .h'dltorderpaifthno Iig.ative brgnn , , ' A few IlIoIi Impart a dchlcion b' mloaurtoagmoesotchampngnieand n lt n : ; to till summer iIr1nki. rry it , hut : r oj buwaruofeoumitorfeltr. . &ek F' : 'Y' grocr or ttrm1giPt ! for the genuine V r article , nnnnufntnr'd by Dli. J , V V h 't& IV ; . U. SllUJlUtT di SONS4 ' _ ! J. W. IUPPRMANH [ , Sole gen1 ntna Dnt Bi"eurte 3. V. HA..r'I , flrosai'1wav N. Y. Catarrh At this lwa.ion of the year eerybody has a cold and sonic vrry had ones. Dy frequent exposures the mneuibrattestii the noes heroine ttry sensitive , cud catarrh and inutucuicas are epidemIc. ItcHeS may be obtalued by tine use of hood's Sarsaparlila. For ninny year in au.'tctlon beginning so far back I ddnftronecnber when , , I ( tad the catarrh in my hand. it conthtotl of a continual 110w front my now. now.Ringing and Bursting Noises lit my liee.h. Soinetimme the hoaxing in my left car teas affected. Fit n years ago about this sosson of the leer , I bcgiuu to use iiood'5 Scresparilia. I Wit. .hompodrlihtawiy. but I continet ! to use It until I felt my 3V.j < 1 vured-Mre. Rilia hi. Caulileld , Lowell , Mae.t. Jerome Browne ! merchant an ! extenalve miller at \1otor , Ontario county , N. V. , writew : "I hive USOtI hood's for my Catarrh , and Ithat , helped mc. I conldor lloods $ ausapariila one of the beet remedies for blood disease to be obtatuotl , 100 Doses One Dollar , "l haye been troubled with that diatreselng com. plaint , cat4rrh , and have been using Ilooti's Sarsit iar11lit , and iliki it one of the best remedlee I hAVC over taken. My trouble has losted ten years , and mover could got any roUef untIl I coinmanoed to me Shield , Citlaigo , lit. Danger from Cafarrh Depends upon the amount ant etalnt of the Scrufo. loui infection. Uilquetionably nmey ileaths from conaumptlon can be traced to neglected cuutarrh. There Is a vloleut djto54 , irostrted and comughliig smells. the ey a weep , the ewe dlsclau'gee cupiourly , and the head 1.00mm to 1mit. in such cases hIoods Bar'aitarllia crrcct. , the cit. tarrhu by Its direct cotlotu In discharging the Poicoll from the blood through tistures great utitlets. so that healthy , ouxid tiood reacins Ito muounbrancs and Is .iholesomo. Hoods Sarsapw'iI/a Sold by ihregg1ts , Ii ; six for . Prepared by C. L hOOD &OQ. , Ai.othecarbeLowell.Mae. raiiiosopay OP READACIIE. . ; ! flIUSTOIACII , mu BOWL8 AND TIII1 Wv111 , ARt. RESPONSIHLE POlt EVERY PANO ThAT hACKS TI lit/iD. I1EOtVTIJ.TE. TONAND lIAmi. MONIZIi Iithi .4.CTION OF fllKSi ALLIED OR. UANS WITh TARRANT' SELTZEU PERI ENT. AI ) YOU tlfJlUi flISOo1li'LU1 .tt im souncu. SOLD hlV ALL blWOQtSil. 'I. . w'R.5 COldl'OUND PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. Get the Genulno Article-The Great popularity of " lViZbor's , COIItJOUUd of Cod Liver Oil arn. Lime , " 1159 induced utouno unprincipled persons to attempt to mtedia of ! a simple article of their own manufacture ; but any person who Is cuficring from Cou"hs , Colds , or Cmnuinp. tion , should ho care&1 where they purchase this article. It rewi'C'i nopufling. The ro iiu1t of it.n mm ore Its host reoonnnendatbons ; and the proprietor ban ? unplo evidence on file of its great N0000'u in puimnonary complalutci. The l'hcs1)bato of I4mno possesses a znmt mar. velloua healing pwar. as oonmbined by thu pure c.d.rjvar Oil by Dr. Wilbor. It is pta. acribed by the medical faculty. Sold by .A.B. Lto1c ! , Chenn1ethio.nend all druggist TirInrnlIlarhI V _ _ _ _ ST. 1OU ! FAPR ¶ llBllOUll. Graham Paper Co. , OtTs.nd 219 North ham St. , Ct. Louis. WHOLKALJI D1&L111U1 ZN noog , i WftiTlNU NEWS , I 1 WRAI'PINO NWVICLOPE $ , C1.t hiOA1ID AW PRifiTERS' STOCK gCarhu pe2 Cot Ilags &ad Papa fr.oSarap Iron acid hotel. . ' " without mod. A POSITIVE' k.Ine. I'etent.tduc. Sober iS , 'lii. One borNo. 1 wUenroasycatefo lou : 0asorloes. ? i. 2 wIll cure the moat otetliusto case ao matter of bow long atandlog. A//an's Soluble Medicat6d Rotiglea No nauseous dose. of uet.a , copahta , or oil ol eon. 4aJ wood , Pint oren..iiii to produoti Jy.prts1a by destroyIng the o.atlngaof the stomach. ? , lc. * 1.40 Hold by all dntg1sts , or nnidlod cci receipt of price ice tUtthtV pitrtk.'tii'e send ( itS clie-jiar. r.o. im _ _ VV - -V. . : _ - - , , V _ , P1Atf3 . &bciit V BOOTS&SHOEI Wimimi , every person wants is a Boot or Shoe of the very best huifltVcrial aiul workmanship. St.ylo is as necessary to the pleas- nrc of the rearer as quality. The best boots and shoes cost hitit : . little more and arc aiwsys the cheapest. A poor timing is never cheap. We carry a complete hue o time celebrated WALKER BOOTS ! The best Boot ; made in America.1l sh'.os , with higimnicdium and low inst.eras , Tba _ CHAS. HEISER OENTS' ' FINE SHOES ' Arc macic to our order-all styles , and we guarantee them to be first-class. . 'V. The Burt & Mears SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES V ' Edwin C. Burt's ' Fine ladies' ' Shos All the lath stlos. We wane our customers to bear in mind that we curry a compktc stoc.k o5 . RUBBER BOOTS & SHOES , .Al1(1 uuclersQli any REGULAR SIIOE STORE. By calling , gumd gettitig prices we will convince you that . "We Will Not be Undersold. ' liii our BOOT AND SHOE 1cpartment we have recently em- ploycci Mr. E. Orebe to take charge of our manufacturing de- partnient. We make booth and shoes to order , and giaranto t a perfect fit.or no a1e. Repairingprompt1y nttended to , V * a - , Mail orders Promptly OMAHA , NEB. ' I I . mit 0LDES Wfl0LEALEV , JEWELRY HOUSE niOMAH.A. , ; Vfniteiian heze find ahl'iho noteutios SILVERWARE , CLOCKS , hucli AND STYUSU EWPJJLY , Tine Latest , Moat. Artistic , and Choicest Selections in , roo1cu. : A4D ALL DICBh1'T1ONS of FINE WATCHES. AT All LOW I'BICES As is compatiblo1with honorable dealers. Call and a1e ur oegant now a cr0 , TowcrBuilding , , , CORNER 11TH AND FARNAJI STS V f AX MEER &BRO. , ? MANUFACItBKR8 ufl SHOW CASES ! ' Large ntoci iiwava on hand. NINE LEADERZ ! 1MP0RTA1T TO BUYERS OF Piauoz&flralis a Out of the nanny hundred manufac- turorn of this line of goods , we lay claim to representing the leading makers , and can show a more complete and iarg r line p. of Pianos and Orgiina than can be , found in nine ONE House in the west. Out V NUE LEADERS are the foUowing well- known and celebrated instrument. V STEINWAY PIA1O $ , V CHICKERINO PIANOS , KNABE PIANOS , . , PIANOS , ' _ V _ PEASE PIANOS , V AIUON PIANOS C SOHONINGER CYMBELLA ORGANS , OLOUGH &WARREN ORGANS , STERLING 1MPIUAL ORGAN We want overyhoely desIring a flano or Organ to call or write to us for infor- . tnation and GET POSTED. We can sell O4C the beat instrument inado forthe ' 10415t money , if you will give us a triai V andwanttobuy. Allwo askls toshow you , as we know we can satisfy everybody fromourNine Leaders , which are raoog- nizod by thosoposted , aatho , best made. Send or catalouo and price liati TUE OLDEST WHOLESALE & RETAIL MAJC MEYER & BRO. , \ .5 . 4 WAhtEBOOM V. Cop , 1"1Vth.&Far1an Oinahq. V V EDHOLM & ERICKSON , V. 1I sv4EsitLE , JUITAIL AND ? IYL&.NUFACTUJUNGV ' , JEISELERSVV ! , Eeiant lines of Ladies' and Gents' Gohi WatcheB and beantiul stock ( V1 t d Silver Ware , Diamonds , Jewelry and Spctae1es. We would call sji'eiai attention to the bestalid most V RELIABLE RAIlROAD WATCHV V 1'cr phixid on the Market , namely , he celebrated Quick' Train , 'Ooluin bus , Ohio , Watch. It s superior to all others. V ? Tebr V V Ve hue IL Agency for tile above renowned Piano , whidli is econ to none. Also the Lincmaii & Son's Pianos , anti have also th famous ant1nian Piano ftfl sale. We also carry full lines of best tha1rn Sheith Musit , ; warrant our goods the best in the market. An inspection - tion will corisjhhe the most skeptical. V ' ! ' OUR TWO STORES V V Are1ocat.eV'asbe1ow : , Jewelry Stdre , Corner 15th and Dodge , opposite Potoiiice. Piano Wareroom and Music r1or , Oroume's Block , 16th street , near 5Capitol Avenue. V a V , PloasecalJ atid inspect our goods at. both of Olr stores , Pia os ' an V Organs soldon , , nwnthly payments. . V V EDIIOUYI & ERICKSON , a THE JEW1ER8 , Coi , tz and fledge , and lGthnear Capitol Avenue , Omab , Neb a _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - 'a